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Annals of Tropical Research 33[2]:130-142(2011)

© VSU, Leyte, Philippines

Growth and Yield Performance of Selected

Lowland Rice Varieties under Alternate Wet and
Dry Water Management

Melanie D. Ratilla and Ulysses A. Cagasan

Department of Agronomy and Soil Science, Visayas State University, Baybay City,
Leyte 6521-A, Philippines

Severe water shortage in many parts of the world has caused enormous yield
losses in rice. To continue feeding the increasing number of people who are dependent
on rice as staple food, there is a need to address the problem on water shortage.
One possible solution may be the application of alternate wet and dry (AWD) water
management in rice production.
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth and yield performance,
as well as the profitability of selected lowland rice varieties under AWD water
management. An experimental area of 450m2 with Umingan clay loam soil was
laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Each
replication was subdivided into six treatment plots with an area of 20m2 (5m x 4m)
each. The treatments were: T1 - Masipag 45 (M45), T2 - Matatag 6 (M6), T3 - Masipag
129-2 (M129-2), T4 - Pinili-1, T5 -SL-8H and T6 - PSBRc-18 (check variety). Results
showed that number of days from planting to heading and maturity, fresh straw yield
(t ha-1), number of productive tillers per hill, number of filled grains per panicle and
grain yield (t ha-1) differed significantly among treatments (p<0.05). Pinili-1 headed
and matured the earliest and produced the highest fresh straw yield (t ha-1). However,
M-129-2 and Matatag 6 had the highest number of productive tillers per hill, number
of filled grains per panicle and total grain yield (t ha-1) which surpassed that of PSB-
Rc18 (check variety). Masipag129-2 and Matatag 6 also gave the highest net profit of
Php 23,805.00 per hectare.

Keywords: lowland rice production, genetic variability, water management practices,

cost and return analysis

Correspondence: Ulysses A. Cagasan Address: Department of Agronomy and Soil Science,

Visayas State University, Baybay City, Leyte, 6521-A Philippines. Tel: +63-053-335-2627.
Email: uly_cagasan@yahoo.com
Growth and Yield Performance of Selected Lowland Rice Varieties 131

In the Philippines and in many other parts of the world, rice (Oryza
sativa L.) is one of the most important crops cultivated by farmers. In
most parts of Asia, according to Facon (2000), rice is not only a staple
food; it also serves as the major source of livelihood and income of the
rural people.
Although rice is grown in different ecosystems, 78% of the world’s
rice is grown under irrigated or rainfed lowland conditions (IRRI, 1997).
As pointed out by Virk et al. (2004), irrigated transplanted rice on
puddled soil is still the traditional system practiced over several centuries
in Asia. This traditional rice production system, according to Lampayan
et al. (2004), requires much water. In fact, it consumes more than 50%
of all irrigation water used in the region. However, they pointed out that
water resources are now increasingly becoming scarce and expensive.
Facon (2000) noted that reduced investments in irrigation infrastructure
as well as increased competition for water and large withdrawals from
underground water could lower the sustainability of rice production.
Thus, to be able to continue producing rice that can feed the increasing
world population, there is a need to develop alternative rice production
systems that require less water and increase water productivity.
In the 1990s, researchers from the International Rice Research
Institute (IRRI) and some national researchers successfully tested several
water-saving technologies such as saturated soil culture, saturated soil
and soil drying, and alternate wetting and drying (AWD) in farmers’
fields (Virk et al., 2004). Facon (2000) reported that intermittent
flooding, maintaining the soil in sub-saturated condition, and alternate
drying and wetting can reduce water applied to the field by more than
40 percent compared with continuous submergence methods without
affecting the grain yields. He said that increases in grain yields by up to
20 percent were actually reported. Vial (2007) also reported that aerobic
and AWD systems have significantly increased water use efficiency of
rice in more permeable soils such as in northern China.
Belder et al. (2004), however, reported that when tested in tropical
areas like India and the Philippines, AWD was found to cause reduction in
rice yield. One factor that may have contributed to yield loss under AWD
132 Ratilla and Cagasan

method is the use of inappropriate variety. Virk et al. (2004) evaluated

several elite inbred lines, varieties, and hybrids to be able to identify
genotypes that would give high yields even under AWD system. They
found that genetic variability for tolerance to relatively mild water stress
conditions existed in both inbred and hybrid rice varieties. Specifically,
they observed that yield losses due to AWD vary from 3-23% for
hybrids, and from 6-26% for inbreds. This yield variation needs to be
further evaluated. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate the growth
and yield performance of lowland rice varieties under alternate wet and
dry (AWD) water management; determine which lowland rice varieties
would give the optimum grain yield under AWD water management;
and evaluate the profitability of growing lowland rice varieties under
AWD water management.

Materials and Methods

This study was conducted in the experimental field of the Department
of Agronomy and Soil Science in the Visayas State University (VSU),
Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines. An area of 450.5 m2 with an Umingan
clay loam soil was selected. The field was flooded for seven days at a
depth of 5-6 cm and was plowed and harrowed two times at weekly
interval to allow the weeds and rice stubbles to decompose. The
paddies were puddled and then leveled using leveling boards. After
the last harrowing, levees were constructed to avoid fertilizer loss and
contamination of treatments. All treatments were subjected to AWD, so
no plot was prepared for rice cultivated under normal culture.
Before transplanting the rice seedlings, 10 soil samples were
collected at random from the experimental area at a depth of 0-20 cm.
After harvest, five soil samples were also collected from each treatment
plot. The same procedures were used in the initial and final soil analyses.
The soil samples were composited, air-dried, pulverized and sieved
using a 2-mm wire mesh. Soil pH was measured potentiometrically
in soil/solution suspensions of 1:2.5 H2O. The organic carbon content
was determined using Walkley-Black method, while the available P
was determined using Bray No. 2 method. Exchangeable K, particle
Growth and Yield Performance of Selected Lowland Rice Varieties 133

size distribution (analyzed using the hydrometer method), and water

holding capacity were all determined following the methods described
in a handbook on ‘Standard Methods of Analysis for Soil, Plant Tissue,
Water and Fertilizer’ prepared by PCARRD (1980).
The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block
Design with three replications. Each replication was divided into six
treatment plots, each plot measuring 4 m × 5 m (20 m2). Each plot had
20 rows. Alleyways of 1 m between replications and 0.5 m between
plots were provided to facilitate farm operations and data gathering.
The treatments were designated as follows: T1 – Masipag 45 (M45);
T2 - Matatag 6 (M6); T3 – Masipag 129-2 (M129-2); T4 - Pinili-1 (P1);
T5 - SL-8H (hybrid); and T6 – PSB-Rc18 (check variety). These test
varieties are known to the Visayan farmers because of their acceptable
characteristics such as resistance to insect pest and diseases, good eating
quality and moderately high yielding ability, and ability to adapt to wide
range of agro-climatic conditions, including lack of water. The PSB-Rc18
was used as checked variety since it is recommended by the Philippine
Seed Board, is adapted to a wide range of agro-climatic conditions, and
is already popularly used by farmers in the Visayas region. Seeds of the
selected rice varieties were secured from the Department of Agronomy
and Soil Science (DASS) in VSU, Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines. A
total of 250 grams dried seeds of each rice variety was weighed, placed
in bags, labeled, and were stored in a cool dry place before soaking.
Wet seedbed was constructed at 4 cm high, 1 m wide and 2.5 m
long for each rice variety. Before soaking, rice seeds were re-dried for
2 hours to break the dormancy. The seeds were soaked in water for 24
hours, and then incubated for 36 hours to allow the seeds to germinate
before sowing in the seedbed. The seedbed for each variety had an area
of 1 m × 2.5 m (2.5 m2), considering a seeding rate of 100 g m-2. Water
level was maintained at 5 cm depth for 5 days after sowing the seeds
to minimize drying of the field so that pulling of the seedlings during
transplanting would not be difficult.
Each treatment plot was applied with fertilizer at the rate of 90-
30-30 kg N, P2O5 and K2O per hectare. Basal fertilizer application of
one half of N and all of P2O5 and K2O was done using 0.43 kg/plot of
134 Ratilla and Cagasan

complete fertilizer. The remaining N was applied using urea (45-0-0) at

0.13 kg/plot by top dressing at panicle initiation stage. Fifteen day-old
seedlings of the rice varieties used for this study were transplanted in the
designated plots at the rate of 2-3 seedlings/hill at a distance of 25 cm
between hills. Missing hills were replaced one week after transplanting
to maintain the recommended plant population of 16 hills/m2.
Weeding operation using rotary hand-weeder was done in the entire
experimental area 10 days after transplanting to control weeds. Spot
weeding and cleaning of the dikes were also done whenever necessary
to keep the experimental plots clean.
Alternate wet and dry (AWD) water management system was
started one week after transplanting by flooding the plots for 1 day, then
draining for 5 days. The experimental area was flooded again and the
cycle was repeated until reproductive stage. At reproductive stage the
plots were kept flooded (5cm depth) until two weeks before harvest. The
whole area was drained 2 weeks before harvest to facilitate harvesting
operation. The dates and frequency of applying irrigation water were
recorded during the whole duration of the experiment.
Golden snails (Pomacea canaliculata L.) were controlled by
handpicking the adults, young and egg clusters. This was done in the area
before and after transplanting of the seedlings. During seedling stage,
Furadan 3G was applied at a rate of 16 kg/ha to control leafhoppers.
During heading and soft dough stages, smell traps using fish entrails
or crushed golden snails were placed inside a fine screened mesh and
hanged at strategic places around the experimental area to attract bugs.
The trapped bugs were burned early in the morning and late afternoon
using a torch made of dried coconut leaves. To minimize grain loss
due to birds like ‘gorion’ (Passer montanus) and ‘maya’ (Lonchura
malacca), a person was assigned to guard the plants during heading up
to harvesting stage.
Harvesting was done when approximately 90% of the grains in
each plot had ripened as indicated by the amber color and firmness of
the grains. The panicles from the harvestable area were cut at the base
of the panicle (approximately 30 cm) with a sharp sickle.
Growth and Yield Performance of Selected Lowland Rice Varieties 135

Data Gathered

The following agronomic characteristics were evaluated: number

of days from transplanting to heading and maturity; plant height (cm)
at harvest; fresh straw yield (t ha-1) and leaf area index (LAI). For the
yield and yield components, the following parameters were measured:
number of productive tillers per hill, number of filled grains per panicle,
number of unfilled grains per panicle, weight of 1,000 grains (grams)
and total grain yield (t ha-1). Harvest index was calculated as the ratio
of the economic yield and biological yield. Initial and final soil analyses
and production cost and return analysis were also done.

Results and discussion

Soil Chemical Analysis

Initial soil analysis showed that the experimental area had a soil
pH of 4.95, 4.62% organic matter, 20 mg/kg available P, 126 mg/kg
exchangeable K, and 72% water holding capacity (Table 1). Results of
the particle size distribution analysis showed that the soil contained 39%
sand, 30% silt, and 31% clay. These indicate that although the soil in the
experimental field had high organic matter content, high amounts of
available P and high exchangeable K, and high water holding capacity,
it was very acidic, This high level of soil acidity resulted to poor growth
performance of the rice plants as manifested by the yellowing of leaves
during the early stages of growth. The application of inorganic fertilizer
to the experimental field improved the condition of the soil which
favored the development of more number of tillers per hill and more
number of filled grains per panicle, which eventually resulted to high
grain yields of some test varieties.
In the final soil analysis, results revealed that the pH of the soil in the
experimental area slightly increased, while the organic matter content,
available P, and exchangeable K slightly decreased. This means that soil
acidity level slightly decreased. The slight increase in soil pH could be
136 Ratilla and Cagasan

attributed to the high amount of organic matter and reducible iron in the
soil and the suspension effect of flooded soils. On the other hand, the
slight decrease in organic matter content could be due to the organic
matter decomposition and the decrease in available P and exchangeable
K brought about by the absorption of P and K ions by the plants.
Table 1. Initial and final soil analyses of the experimental area planted to lowland rice
varieties under AWD water management.
Available Exchangeable
Soil pH OM Phosphorus Potassium
( %) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)

Initial Soil Analysis 4.95 4.62 19.64 125.85

Final Soil Analysis

V1 = Masipag 45 (M 45) 5.31 3.91 9.92 119.25
V2 = Matatag 6 (M6) 5.15 4.03 9.84 110.67
V3 = Masipag 129-2 (M-129-2) 5.05 3.82 11.55 105.53
V4 = Pinili-1 (P1) 5.13 4.41 9.77 107.23
V5 = SL-8H 5.14 4.09 9.94 104.73
V6 = PSBRc18 5.08 3.52 8.37 146.80

Agronomic Characteristics

Plant height and LAI of the rice varieties grown under AWD
water management did not differ significantly (Table 2). However,
significant differences (p<0.05) were observed on the number of days
from transplanting to heading and maturity, and on fresh straw yield (t
ha-1). All varieties headed and matured earlier than the check variety
(73 DAT), but Pinili-1 headed the earliest at 52 days after transplanting
(DAT) and matured the earliest at 85 DAT. Two varieties, M129-2 and
PSB Rc18 (check variety), matured beyond 100 DAT with PSB-Rc18
having headed (73 DAT) and matured (103 DAT) the latest. This marked
variation in maturity period could be attributed to the test varieties’ genetic
differences and their different responses to the AWD water management.
Normally, PSB-Rc18 matures in 120 days (4 months). However, in this
study, the variety matured earlier (103 DAT). This result supports the
Growth and Yield Performance of Selected Lowland Rice Varieties 137

findings of Virk et al. (2000) which showed that genetic variability for
tolerance to relatively mild water stress conditions exists in both inbred
and hybrid rice varieties. This also conforms with the findings of Tripoli
(2006) which showed that AWD water management resulted in early
maturity of lowland rice. This further supports the findings of Caintic
(2004) that Masipag rice varieties significantly headed and matured
earlier than the other test varieties, while SL-8H and PSBRc 18 headed
and matured later.
Fresh straw yield also differed significantly (p<0.05) among
varieties (Table 2). PSB-Rc18 produced the heaviest straw yield (22.84
t ha-1), followed by M-129-2 (20.56 t ha-1) and Pinili-1 (20.67 t ha-1). The
significantly higher fresh straw yields of these varieties could probably
be due to the higher number of tillers with broader leaves that they
were able to produce during the vegetative stage compared to the other
varieties (Table 2). This result conforms with findings of Akita (1987)
which showed that Rc18 and Masipag rice varieties have high tillering
capacity, and are more responsive to nitrogen application thereby giving
higher fresh straw yield than the other varieties.
Table 2. Agronomic characteristics of lowland rice varieties under AWD water
Days from transplanting Plant Leaf Fresh
Treatments to Height Area Straw
Heading Maturity (cm) Index Yield
(t ha-1)

T1 = Masipag 45 (M45) 68.33 c 98.33 c 127.10 4.30 18.35 b

T2 = Matatag 6 (M6) 61.00 e 91.00 e 113.95 4.07 17.61 b

T3 = Masipag 129-2 (M129- 71.33 b 101.33 b 119.44 4.03 20.56 ab


T4 = Pinili 1 (P1) 51.67 f 81.67 f 123.12 3.96 20.67 ab

T5 =SL-8H (hybrid) 66.33 d 96.33 d 116.19 4.24 18.26 b

T6= PSB-Rc 18 73.00 a 103.00 a 121.34 4.20 22.84 a


C.V. (%) 0.54 0.37 4.20 2.97 9.63

138 Ratilla and Cagasan

Yield, Yield Components, and Harvest Index

Of the six yield-related parameters studied, only the number of

productive tillers per hill, number of filled grains per panicle and grain
yield in tons per hectare differed significantly among treatments (p<0.05)
(Table 3). The variations observed in the yield components could be
attributed to inherent varietal differences. PSB Rc-18 (check variety)
produced the highest number of productive tillers per hill, but it was
comparable to varieties M-129-2, Matatag 6, Pinili 1, and M-45. SL-8H
had the least number of productive tillers/hill. On the other hand, M-
129-2 produced the highest number of filled grains per panicle, although
it did not differ significantly to the number of filled grains per panicle of
PSB-Rc18. The lowest number of filled grains per panicle was obtained
from Pinili-1 variety. A high coefficient of variation (CV) was observed
in this parameter (33.31%) probably due to the effect of tungro infection
experienced by some of the test varieties (Pinili-1, Matatag 45 and SL-

Table 3. Yield and yield components of lowland rice varieties under AWD water
number of Weight Grain Harvest
Produc- Filled Unfilled of Yield Index
Treatments tive grains/ grains/ 1,000 (t ha-1)
tillers/hill panicle panicle grains (g)

T1 = Masipag 45 9.27 abc 38.40 bc 43.53 22.27 0.88 b 0.16


T2 = Matatag 6 (M6) 9.80 abc 55.47 bc 25.40 26.20 2.84 a 0.22

T3 = Masipag 192-2 16.00 ab 123.60 a 36.27 27.43 3.29 a 0.30


T4 = Pinili-1 (P1) 8.67 abc 23.90 bc 47.07 20.67 0.93 b 0.19

T5= SL-8H (hybrid) 7.13 c 63.60 b 55.33 23.37 1.05 b 0.15

T6= PSB-Rc18 16.53 a 111.40 ab 46.53 27.00 2.21 ab 0.21


C.V. (%) 23.81 33.31 44.63 15.00 27.21 31.45

Growth and Yield Performance of Selected Lowland Rice Varieties 139

In terms of grain yield, SL-8H, Pinili-1, and M-45 obtained the

lowest grain yields due to tungro that affected the overall performance of
these varieties. However, M-129-2 obtained the highest grain yield, but
it was not significantly different from those of Matatag 6 and PSB-Rc18.
These results suggest that M-129-2, Matatag 6, and PSB-Rc18 varieties
were adaptable to the growing condition brought about by AWD water
management system. As found out by Escasinas (2009), these varieties
have better root system than the other varieties. These roots may have
been able to grow vigorously and were able to absorb greater amount of
water and nutrient elements in the soil. This resulted in the continuous
supply of essential elements needed during the plants’ reproductive
stage and eventually led to more number of filled grains produced per
panicle hence, higher grain yields than the other test varieties.

Cost and Return Analysis

Results of the economic analysis revealed that M-129-2 and Matag

6 have no significant differences on grain yield, so their mean was used
to determine the income. Highest net return of Php23,805.00 per hectare
was obtained from these two test varieties (Table 4). These varieties
were observed to be more adaptable to AWD water management system
and were resistant to common insect pests (like army worms, green
leafhoppers and stemborers) and diseases (like bacterial leaf blight,
brown spot and tungro) which consequently resulted in higher grain
yield. The other varieties, specifically SL-8H (hybrid), Pinili-1, and
Masipag-45 were susceptible to insect pests and diseases, particularly to
bacterial leaf blight and tungro virus, respectively, resulting in negative
net returns. Masipag 45, Pinili-1, and SL-8H had the highest net loss of
Php14,355.00. This suggests that these three varieties were not adaptable
to AWD water management system.
140 Ratilla and Cagasan

Table 4. Production cost and returns analysis of lowland rice varieties per hectare
under AWD water management.
Treatment Actual Grain Mean Grain Gross Gross net Income
Yield (t ha-1) Yield (t ha-1) Income Expenses (Php)
(Php)1 (Php)

T1 =Masipag 45 ( M45) 0.88 b 0.95 17,100.00 31,455.00 -14,355.00

T 2 = Matatag 6 (M6) 2.84 a 3.07 55,260.00 31,455.00 23,805.00
T3 = Masipag 129-2 3.29 a 3.07 55,260.00 31,455.00 23,805.00
T4= Pinili-1 0.93 b 0.95 17,100.00 31,455.00 -14,355.00
T5= SL-8H (hybrid) 1.05 b 0.95 17,100.00 31,455.00 -14,355.00
T6= PSB-Rc 18 (check) 2.21 ab 2.21 39,780.00 31,455.00 8,325.00

1 Computed based on the mean grain yield

Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that among
the rice varieties tested, M-129-2 and Matatag 6 had the highest number
of productive tillers per hill and number of filled grains per panicle
thus, the highest grain yield (t ha-1) which were comparable to the
check variety (PSB Rc 18). This resulted in the highest net return of
Php 23,805.00. Thus, it can be concluded further that among the rice
varieties tested, M-129-2 and Matatag 6 are the ones that are best suited
for AWD system of rice production.


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142 Ratilla and Cagasan


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