Grating Welding Standards
Grating Welding Standards
Grating Welding Standards
Load Bar to Binding Bar Welding
Both sides on corners to be weld then outside corner joint weld Full depth weld on outside corner joint and No Weld on
to be flush grinded Inside Joint
Load Bar to Toeplate Welding
Both side weld on corner Toe Plate to Load bar Joint Full d depth on outside corner joint.
Crossbar Projection
2 2
1 1
1. Corner weld to be flush Grind at Topside 1. Corner weld to be flush Grind at Topside
2. Bottomside seal weld on Corner joint 2. Bottomside seal weld on Corner joint
Stairtread Nosing to Loadbar/Crossbar Welding
1 2
1. Endplate to Pyramid Nosing joints to weld all around and top surface to be Flush Grind.
2. Chain intermittent fillet weld for 50mm Length at an interval of 180mm to be done for all
Nosing to Load bar joints and all-around weld on cross bar to Nosing Plate Joint.
Toeplate to Crossbar Welding Detail