Hakim 2020
Hakim 2020
Hakim 2020
Abstract- The world is going to launch a very fast 5G wireless researchers are working to create an antenna of small size
communication system, its main purpose is to achieve a high- and wider bandwidth for both these frequencies. The best
speed data rate that is possible through millimeter-wave way to design a dual-band antenna instead of integrating two
communication with wide bandwidth antenna. The microstrip different frequency band antennas to increase bandwidth,
patch antenna may be an elementary component of a radio which allows two frequency bands to be covered through
channel that's specified among the most effective receiver one antenna, and using one antenna instead of two will
transmitting structures, due to its low cost of assembly. This reduce the space and cost required for the system, in this
paper proposed a dual-band microstrip patch antenna with a case, dual-band microstrip patch antenna (MPA) is a popular
wide bandwidth that works for 28 GHz and 38 GHz frequency structure for high-speed data communication because of their
bands. Defected Ground Structure (DGS) and stub slot simple structure, compact size and low profile with easiness
configuration have been used to achieve wide bandwidth and of integration with different system elements [9].
dual-band, the overall size of the antenna is 8.25 x 9.69x0.45
mm3. The proposed antenna exhibits a -10-dB impedance
Currently, the use of the MIMO antenna in the wireless
bandwidth of 5.13 GHz and 11.63 GHz, gain of 8.31 dB and
communication system is becoming popular because of its
6.38 dB and 98% efficiency for both 28 and 38.5 GHz resonant
increased reliability and efficiency. But mutual coupling is a
frequency respectively. A 2x2 MIMO antenna also designed
big problem because of the slight separation among the
where isolation is less than -20 dB between different ports.
elements. This interaction effect among the elements of the
MIMO antenna increases the correlation coefficient,
decreasing gain, and distorting the radioactivity diagram
Keyword—Dual-band, Stub-slot, Wide bandwidth, DGS, High
which reduces system performance [17].
gain, MIMO, 5G.
In the paper [8], a dual-band PIFA antenna of 28 GHz and
38 GHz has been designed which has very low bandwidth
I. INTRODUCTION and gains of 3.34 GHz and 1.395 GHz and 3.75dBi and
5.06dBi respectively. In the work [9], an elliptical slot
In the light of recent works on wireless communication, microstrip patch antenna designed with Rogers RT5880
there are still many important points to consider for the next substrate where the proposed antenna has 7.6 dB and 7.21
5th generation 5G wireless communication [1]. The main dB gain with 1.3 GHz and 1 GHz bandwidth at 28 GHz and
aspect of this is that higher frequency will be used in the 5G 45 GHz frequency respectively. A triangular-shaped MPA
wireless communication system compared to the 4G system has been designed in the reference [10] although its size is
which is above 24 GHz [2][3]. Because the millimeter very large its gains and bandwidth at 28 GHz and 38 GHz is
frequency band provides wider bandwidth compared to 3G 5.75dBi and 7.23dBi with 4.86 GHz and 3.60 GHz
and 4G frequency band through which multi-gigabit data per respectively. A SIW antenna is designed by the author of
second can be transferred [4][5]. The international paper [11] where size is not specified properly, and its
telecommunications union discharges the potential bandwidth and gain at 28 GHz and 38 GHz frequency are
millimeter-wave frequency band between 24 to 84 GHz 0.45 GHz and 2.2 GHz and 5.2dBi and 5.9dBi, respectively.
frequency at a global radio communication conference held In the paper [12], an AiP structure antenna is designed for
in 2015 which is 27.5–29.5 GHz, 33.4–36 GHz, 37– both 28 and 38 GHz frequencies where gain and bandwidth
40.5GHz, 42–45 GHz, 47-50.2GHz, 50.4–52.6 GHz and are 4dBi and 6dBi with 1.02 GHz and 3.49 GHz
59.3–71 [6]. The USA-based Federal Communication respectively. In the work [13], present a small antenna,
Commission has proposed 28, 38, 39 and 64-71 GHz excited with coplanar waveguide (CPW) feed, attaining the
frequency for the 5G wireless communication system, where highest gain of 6.6 dB at 28GHz, whereas a Roger RT5880
28 GHz and 38 GHz are robust frequency bands because at substrate is employed with the dimensions of 5 × 5 mm 2 and
this frequency the attenuation of the air is low and higher height of 0.254mm. A dual-band spiral planar monopole
data rates and lower latency can be achieved. The antenna of 28 GHz and 38 GHz has been designed in the
reference [14] where the poor gain has been achieved. The
978-1-7281-7366-5/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
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author of paper [15], has been designed a tri-band MPA
antenna where gains for 28 and 38 GHz frequency are
7.02dBi and 5.05dBi respectively while bandwidth is 0.9
GHz and 0.48 GHz which is extremely low. All the study
shows that a dual-band antenna is highly recommended
instead of two single-band antennas for increasing total
bandwidth and cost reduction [8-15][16].
In this work, a DGS stub-slot antenna has been proposed
which is operating at 28 GHz and 38 GHz frequency band Fig.2: Effect of stub-slot configuration on frequency
where dual band attained by stub-slot configuration and wide
bandwidth attained by DGS also high realize the gain and
high efficiency achieved.
Fig. 1: Methodology for the proposed antenna design Parameters Value (mm) Parameters Value (mm)
W 8.27 L2 1.37
An ordinary microstrip patch antenna was planned for the
lower 28 GHz frequency band by using basic equation where Wg 9.68 G1 1.35
only a -10-dB frequency band has been achieved. The open- W1 0.17 G2 3.10
circuit stub which is not equal to the quarter wavelength is
W2 1.31 G3 2.76
positioned on the radiating edge then two frequency bands
are available lower frequency band at 28 GHz due to W3 0.5 Fi 0.35
capacitive impedance and upper-frequency band due to L 4.47 Gap 0.5
inductive impedance. Due to the situation of the stub at the
radiating edge, the impedance is changed to matching, so Lg 8.25 Wf 0.96
that the feed location is placed on the reverse edge. By L1 0.91
installing an open-circuit stub on the radiating edge in the
proposed design one -10 dB frequency bands and another >-
10dB band has been found. After this, the expected –10 dB III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
resonance frequency for both upper and lower frequency was (A) Return-loss plot:
found by placing two additional stubs but coupling Antenna returns loss or S11 parameter is the ratio of
capacitance between the three stubs creates an additional received and rejected radio waves coming to the input of the
frequency band which is will be unnecessary frequency band antenna. It is expressed through dB and for an antenna to
although which resonance is very less, slots between the stub work well it has to be less than -10 dB Fig.5 demonstrated
groups eliminate this frequency band by rising the the return-loss Vs frequency graph of the recommended
detachment among the stub. In the planned design, four antenna, the S11 parameters values for 28 GHz and 38.5
DGSs have been created which improve the bandwidth and GHz frequency are – 54 dB and - 51 dB respectively which
this DGS group also acts as a resonator that’s why upper means that very small input radio waves at that frequency
frequency band positioned at 38 GHz frequency band. The being rejected.
length and width of the DGS has a great effect on antenna
resonance [16]. As substrate material, air substrate used with
dielectric constant 1.0 and height 0.5 mm where the depth of
patch and ground is 0.035 mm. The methodology of the
proposed antenna is displayed in Fig.1 and the return-loss vs
frequency graph for different designs is demonstrated in
Fig.2. The steps of designed antenna and front and backside
view of proposed antenna shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4
respectively where the planned antenna parameters are Fig.5: Frequency Vs S parameters in (dB).
recorded in Table 1.
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(C) Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) Plot: (F) Efficiency plot:
VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) is an alternative The plot of total efficiency and radiation efficiency Vs
representation of s11 parameters. If the forward and the frequency is shown in Fig.8 where the efficiency of both
reflected radio wave propagate simultaneously in the same resonant frequencies is 98% so very small power and signal
way in the transmission line system, then the actual voltage loss at peak 28 GHz and 38 GHz frequency or maximum
generated in the transmission line is referred by VSWR and power radiated by the antenna.
its value must be between 1 to 2 and the ideal value is 1, the
VSWR of proposed antenna is 1 at 28 GHz and 38.5 GHz
resonant frequency which is an ideal value.
(D) Directivity and Gain:
The antenna directivity is that the ratio of the maximum
density of power to its average value over a sphere as
detected within the far-field of an antenna. The antenna gain
is the antenna's main performance point which combines the
antenna electrical efficiency and gain directivity. By the
Fig. 8: Efficiency Vs. Frequency.
gain of the transmitting antenna, it is understood how well
the antenna converts its input power to the radio wave in a IV. 2X2 MIMO ANTENNA DESIGN
particular direction. And explain how well the receiver
antenna converts the incoming radio wave into electrical MIMIMO (Multiple input multiple output) antenna consists
power. The proposed antenna has 8.31 dB, 6.38 dB gain and of a single layer multiple antenna which is designed for the
8.35dBi ,6.48dBi directivity at 28 GHz and 38.5 GHz 5th generation warless network. Multiple antennas are used
frequency respectively shown in Fig.6. which increases the data rate and coverage area and multiple
antennas shines the radio transmit power of a single antenna.
Link reliability is improved through the MIMO antenna, thus
reducing fading compared to a single antenna. The proposed
design has multiple antenna placement at λ/4 spacing. The
design of multiple antennas is displayed in Fig.9. The
dimensions of the proposed MIMO antenna are 21.96 x
16.71 mm2. Then four-element MIMO antenna is presented,
each port having its own parameter which can be expressed
separately by Sij for port 1, 2, 3 and 4. The simulated
reflection coefficient or return-loss (S11, S22, S33, and S44)
Fig. 6: Gain and Directivity Vs. Frequency. of the projected MIMO antenna is revealed in Fig. 10 this
figure displays that the reflection coefficient of the MIMO
(E) Radiation pattern: antenna for 28 GHz and 38 GHz frequency bands is less than
The projected antenna radiation pattern shown in -10 dB which was initially displayed on the single antenna.
Fig.7.The main lobe magnitude at 28 GHz frequency is Electromagnetic coupling among different elements is a
6.94dBi and 8.35dBi, angular width (3dB) is 53.3 degree and complex problem during the MIMO antenna design. At the
58.1-degree, side lob level is -4.9 dB and -5.2 dB proposed design separation of 28 GHz and 38 GHz
respectively at phi=0o and 900shown in Fig.7(a). Fig.7(b)
frequency is achieved less than -20 dB. In Fig. 11 isolation
shows at 38.5 GHz frequency the main lobe magnitude is
3.65dBi and 3.61dBi, angular width (3dB) is 134.5 degree between different antennas has been demonstrated. Each
and 33.2-degree, side lob level is -2.8 dB and -2.9 dB curve displayed isolation between the two ports.
respectively at Phi=0o and Phi=90o.
The proposed antenna results are in a good performance for
MIMO applications for 28 GHz to 38 GHz with isolation
less than -20 dB this incoherence among the two-radio links
rises the MIMO antenna transmission rate [17].
(a) (b)
Fig.7 : Radiation pattern of designed antenna (a) At 28 GHz frequenct (b)
Fig. 9: Front and back side view of 2x2 MIMO Antenna
At 38.5 GHz frequency.
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The proposed dual-band microstrip patch antenna
operating at 28 GHz and 38 GHz frequency band where
return-loss is -54 and 51 dB respectively also achieves high
efficiency, high realize the gain, and wider bandwidth has
been shown in Table 2, which is an important requirement
for 5G warless communication for high-speed data rate and
good performance and its 2x2 MIMO design achieved higher
isolation, which increase the transmission rate of the MIMO
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