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Design of Compact Millimeter Wave Massive Mimo Dual-Band (28/38 GHZ) Antenna Array For Future 5G Communication Systems

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Design of Compact Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO

Dual- band (28/38 GHz) Antenna Array for Future 5G

Communication Systems
Mohamed Mamdouh M. Ali, and Abdel-Razik Sebak
ECE Department, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada
mo_al@encs.concordia.ca and abdo@ece.concordia.ca

Abstract— In this article, a compact millimeter wave massive

MIMO dual- band (28/38 GHz) antenna array for future 5G II. ARRAY ANTENNA GEOMETRY AND DESIGN
communication systems is proposed. A compact high gain dual- A. 1ൈ Ͷ Dual-band Antenna array
band (28/38) series fed antenna array with size of (13ൈ ૛૙࢓࢓૛ ሻ
is nominated to design the massive MIMO antenna system. The
simulated results shows that the impedance bandwidth (S11< -10
Fig. 1(a) shows the geometry of basic design of 28/38 GHz
dB) is achieved around 28 GHz and 38 GHz with a high gain of dual-band microstrip printed slot 5G directive antenna array.
12.07 and 13.46 dB, respectively. The proposed six-sector base The dual elliptical patches with radius of ܴ௣௫ଵ ൌ ͳǤͲͶǡ ܴ௣௫ଶ ൌ
station will have 6 sub-sectors (array antennas) each covering a ʹǤͳͳǡ ܴ௣௬ଵ ൌ ͳǤʹͷǡ ܴ௣௬ଶ ൌ ͳǤ͸Ͷ are printed on a low
range of 40° and 30° at 28 and 38 GHz, respectively, in azimuth permittivity “İr2=2.2” grounded substrates with a 0.254-mm-
plane (ș). thick where it is fed by a 50ȍ microstrip line on the backside of
a second thin dielectric layer with a higher permittivity
Keywords—5G; massive MIMO; high gain;dual band
“İr1=10.2” and 0.254-mm-thick through an elliptical apertures
etched in the ground plane. The spacing among the patches in
y-direction (dy=0.466 mm) is adjusted to obtain impedance
bandwidth (S11< -10 dB) with a maximum gain in the scanning
The last ten years have seen a massive growth in the number plane (azimuth plane߮ ൌ Ͳ) at 28 GHz and 38 GHz.
of connected wireless devices. Billions of devices are connected
and managed by wireless networks. At the same time, each B. 2ൈ Ͷ Dual-band antenna array
device needs a high throughput to support applications such as
voice, real-time video, movies, and games. Demands for Fig. 1(b) presents the geometrical configuration of the
wireless throughput and the number of wireless devices will proposed eight-element antenna array. The array is built using
always increase. In addition, there is a growing concern about a designed modified 1-to-2 Wilkinson power divider and two
energy consumption of wireless communication systems. Thus, identical array such as shown in Fig.1 (a). The array achieves
future 5G wireless systems have to satisfy three main good matching at both frequency of operation with high gain of
requirements: i) having a high throughput; ii) simultaneously 12, 12.8 dB and SLL<-12 dB in the scanning plane (azimuth
serving many users; and iii) having less energy consumption plane) at 28 and 38 GHz, respectively. This antenna array shows
[1]. Massive multiple-input multiple- output (MIMO) proposes an alternative best method to construct antenna array. This type
utilizing a very high number of antennas to multiplex messages antenna array does not affect the bandwidth, on the contrary to
for several devices on each time-frequency resource, focusing the traditional antenna array. Furthermore, it has compact size
the radiated energy toward the intended directions while compare to traditional one, because of the avoidance of feed
minimizing intra and intercell interference can meet the above network.
requirements, and hence, it is a promising candidate technology
for future fifth generation wireless communication systems [2]. C. 㻹㼕㼘㼘㼕㼙㼑㼠㼑㼞㻌㼃㼍㼢㼑㻌㻹㼍㼟㼟㼕㼢㼑㻌㻹㻵㻹㻻㻌㻿㼑㼠㼡㼜㻌㼒㼛㼞㻌㻮㼍㼟㼑㻌㻿㼠㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚
Some work done by the authors on designing 5G high gain
antennas/arrays/reflectarrays have been recently released [3]- The setup for massive MIMO is shown in Fig. 2. Total 12
[8]. array antennas are vertically aligned in a cylindrical shape with
Future fifth generation wireless communication networks a radius (R) of 25 mm so that each sub-sector antenna array can
(5G) will most likely use millimeter-wave frequencies. In this have a beam scanning of around 40°, 30° in azimuth plane for
paper, compact millimeter wave massive MIMO dual- band 28 and 38 GHz, respectively.
(28/38 GHz) antenna array for future 5G communication
systems is proposed.

978-1-4673-8478-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Normalized Realized gain switched beam scanning patterns of
three array antennas. (a) F=28 GHz, (b) F=38 GHz.
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Geometry of the proposed dual band antenna arrays
A compact millimeter wave massive MIMO dual- band
(28/38 GHz) antenna array for future 5G communication
systems is presented. The fundamental element array antenna
has dual resonance at 28/38 GHz with gain value more than 12
dB at each band. These elements are distributed in space for
massive MIMO base station architecture with a radius of 25
mm. Total beams scanning of 360° is achieved by 12 switched
[1] H. Q. Ngo, " Massive MIMO: Fundamentals and System Designs,"
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology Dissertations, No.
(a) (b) 1642.
Fig. 2. Massive MIMO array arrangement (a) 3-D view, (b) top view [2] F. Boccardi, R. W. Heath, A.Lozano, T. L. Marzetta, et.all, " Five
Disruptive Technology Directions for 5G," IEEE Communications
Magazine , February 2014.
III. RESULTS [3] Haraz, O.M.; Elboushi, A; Alshebeili, S.A; Sebak, A, "Dense
The array has been designed, optimized and simulated using Dielectric Patch Array Antenna with Improved Radiation
Characteristics Using EBG Ground Structure and Dielectric
CST program. The simulated results of the S-parameters for the Superstrate for Future 5G Cellular Networks," Access, IEEE, vol.2,
proposed massive MIMO arrangement is illustrated in Fig. 3. It no., pp.909, 913, 2014.
is apparent that the proposed antenna array has a good [4] O. M. Haraz, A. Elboushi, A.-R. Sebak, "New Dense Dielectric
impedance matching at the desired frequency bands of 28 and Patch Array Antenna for Future 5G Short-Range Communications,"
the 16th international symposium on antenna technology and
38 GHz for |S11| less than -10 dB with high isolation between applied electromagnetics (ANTEM 2014), Victoria, BC, Canada,
the array elements. The massive MIMO setup are simulated and July 13–17, 2014.
their normalized realized gain switched beams patterns are [5] M. M. M. Ali, O. M. Haraz, S. Alshebeili, A.-R. Sebak, "Design of
shown in Fig. 4. Broadband and Dual-Band Printed Slot Antennas for the Fifth
Generation (5G) Mobile and Wireless Communications", 32nd
National Radio Science Conference NRSC 2015, 6th of October
city, Egypt.
[6] O. M. Haraz, M. M. M. Ali, A. Elboushi, A.-R. Sebak, “Four-
Element Dual-Band Printed Slot Antenna Array for the Future 5G
Mobile Communication Networks,” The 2015 IEEE International
Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI
National Radio Science Meeting (AP-S/USNCURSI), July 19-25,
2015, British Columbia, Canada.
[7] M. M. M. Ali, O. M. Haraz, S. Alshebeili and A-R Sebak,
“Broadband Millimeter-Wave Rectangular Reflectarray Antenna
Utilizing Novel Polarization Insensitive Multi-Resonant Unit
Cells,” Accepted in 32nd National Radio Science Conference NRSC
2015, 6th of October city, Egypt.
[8] O. M. Haraz, M. M. M. Ali, “A Millimeter-Wave Circular
Reflectarray Antenna for Future 5G Cellular Networks,” Accepted
Fig. 3. Simulated S-Parameters versus frequency of proposed massive in The 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and
MIMO. Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting
(AP-S/USNC-URSI), July 19-25, 2015, British Columbia, Canada.

978-1-4673-8478-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

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