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Minimally Coupled Two-Element MIMO Antenna With Du (2)

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Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2022) 43:335-348


Minimally Coupled Two‑Element MIMO Antenna with Dual

Band (28/38 GHz) for 5G Wireless Communications

Ayman R. Sabek1 · Wael A. E. Ali1 · Ahmed A. Ibrahim2

Received: 10 December 2021 / Accepted: 4 May 2022 /Published online: 19 May 2022
© The Author(s) 2022

This paper presents a dual-band 28/38 GHz two elements multiple-input multiple-
output (MIMO) antenna with high isolation for 5G applications. The suggested
antenna is a monopole with rectangular and triangle stubs added to the patch and
a partial ground plane to achieve the dual band’s behavior. Two elements of the
suggested antenna are combined and placed orthogonally to achieve the high isola-
tion features of the MIMO configuration at 28/38 GHz. The MIMO configuration
has a size of 27.65 × 12 × 0.273 ­mm3. The suggested MIMO prototype is fabri-
cated and tested. The tested results achieved dual frequency bands with S ­ 11 lower
than − 10 dB within two frequency bands (26–30 GHz and 36–41.5 GHz) and S ­ 21
lower than − 20 dB through the two operated bands. The suggested antenna has
semi-omnidirectional radiation patterns in both planes. As well, its measured peak
gain is 5.2 dBi and 5.3 dBi at the two operated frequency bands, respectively. Also,
the MIMO parameters are extracted to validate the simulated results. The simulated
and tested results have a good matching within the two operating bands which sug-
gests the proposed structure be utilized in 5G communications.

Keywords Dual-band antenna · MIMO antenna · 28/38 GHz applications · MIMO

performance · 5G communications

* Ahmed A. Ibrahim
Ayman R. Sabek
Wael A. E. Ali
Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering, College of Engineering
and Technology, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT),
Alexandria 1029, Egypt
Communications and Electronics Department, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Minia,


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336 Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2022) 43:335-348

1 Introduction

The rapid development of the fifth generation (5G) enhances the performance of
the wireless communication systems such as increasing data rate, connectivity,
and spectral efficiency and reducing the latency of these systems [1–3]. The data
rate of the 5G systems is 10 times more than the 4G systems and has high con-
nectivity between devices which achieves the Internet of Things (IoT) technology
with high reliability [4]. The FCC assigned frequency bands from 25 GHz up
to 70 GHz to be utilized for the 5G applications [2, 5]. These bands suffer from
attenuation because of the path loss and atmospheric absorption which makes
the antenna researchers design antenna with high gain and wideband features to
tackle these problems [6–10]. Also, an increasing number of antenna elements
(MIMO technology) enhances the transmission quality and increases the capac-
ity of the system and reduces the multipath problems [11–13]. So, by introducing
a MIMO system with high isolation between antenna elements, the overall per-
formance of the system as high data rate, high capacity, lower multipath effect,
and reliability can be improved [14–16]. Recently, a dual-band 28/38 GHz MIMO
antenna is developed by researchers [7, 12, 17–27]. In [7], dual bands 27/39 GHz
MIMO antenna with two elements, isolation higher than 25 dB, and peak gain
around 5 dBi is introduced. A dual-band circular polarized 4 ports antenna oper-
ated at 28/38 GHz with isolation around 36 dB and peak gain higher than 7
dBi is discussed in [12]. In [17], a dual-band 28/38 GHz two elements MIMO
antenna with 30 dB isolation and simulated peak gain of 7 dBi is achieved. A
dual-band 28/38 circular polarized two ports MIMO antenna using an artificial
neural network (ANN) is proposed in [18]. In [19], dual bands 28/38 GHz MIMO
antenna with two ports, isolation higher than 25 dB, and peak gain around 1.7
dBi is introduced. A four-port MIMO antenna operated at 28/37 GHz is inves-
tigated in [20]. A dual-band 28/38 GHz slot MIMO antenna with two elements
and isolation higher than 20 dB is introduced [21]. In [22], four ports dual-band
28/38 GHz antenna with more than 20 dB isolation and peak gain more than 7
dBi is accomplished. A dual-band four ports antenna worked at 28/38 GHz with
isolation around 25 dB and peak gain higher than 5 dBi is discussed in [23]. In
[24], a dual-band 28/38 GHz four elements MIMO antenna with 30 dB isolation
and simulated peak gain of 9 dBi is achieved. A dual-band 28/38 2-port MIMO
SIW antenna with peak gain higher than 5 dBi is proposed in [25]. A dual-band
28/38 GHz four elements MIMO/array antenna with a simulated peak gain of 9
dBi is investigated in [26]. In [27], six ports dual-band 28/38 GHz loop antenna
with more than 25 dB isolation and simulated peak gain of more than 4.5 dBi is
In this paper, a dual-band 28/38 GHz two elements MIMO antenna with high
isolation for 5G applications is suggested. The triangle and rectangular stubs are
merged with the patch to achieve the proposed 5G frequency bands. The two ele-
ments of the suggested antenna with a size of 27.65 × 12 × 0.203 ­mm3 are com-
bined and placed orthogonally to achieve the high isolation features of the MIMO
configuration. The HFSS commercial software is used in the antenna design. This

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Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2022) 43:335-348 337

Fig. 1  The development of the suggested single element dual-band antenna

Fig. 2  The simulated ­S11 results

of the different antennas

paper has arranged with the following sections: first, Section II, the design of
the single element antenna to achieve the desired 28/38 GHz frequency bands
is discussed. Second, in Section III, the MIMO antenna design procedures are
presented. Third, in Section IV, the MIMO tested results (impedance and radia-
tion characteristics), and its diversity parameters such as envelop correlation
coefficient (ECC), the diversity gain (DG), and channel capacity loss (CCL) are
extracted and presented. Finally, the conclusion of the paper is introduced to sum-
marize the antenna performance and presented in Section V.

2 Design Procedures for Single Antenna

The development of the suggested antenna is illustrated in Fig. 1. The antenna is

designed using Rogers RO4003 substrate with thickness and dielectric constant of
0.203 mm and 3.55, respectively. As the initial start, the conventional patch antenna
with a rectangular patch of W1 = 5 mm and L1 = 4 mm (antenna 1) with the full
ground plane of 12 mm length, and microstrip line with Wf = 0.4 mm and Lf = 7 mm

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338 Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2022) 43:335-348

as shown in Fig. 1a, is designed to operate at fundamental mode around 30.5 GHz
as shown in Fig. 2 (green dotted line). Second, a partial ground plane (Lg) with a
length of 6 mm is utilized instead of the full ground plane (antenna 2) to enhance the
antenna bandwidth. By adding rectangular stub (L2) of 2.1 mm and triangular stub
(W2) of 2.05 mm on the same side of the rectangular patch, a resonance response
extended with ­S11 lower than − 10 dB from 25.9 and 30.4 GHz as illustrated in Fig. 2
(antenna 3). Finally, to achieve the second resonance, another two rectangular stubs
(L3) of 1 mm are added to achieve a response from 36.4 to 40.2 GHz as shown in
Fig. 2 (antenna 4). The HFSS simulator is used to achieve the results of the sug-
gested antenna.
Based on the previous design procedures, antenna 4 is considered the suggested
antenna to produce the proposed 28/38 GHz frequency bands. So, the suggested
antenna layout as shown in Fig. 3a is fabricated, and its prototype photograph with a
launcher connector is illustrated in Fig. 3b.
The simulated as well as the tested S ­ 11 results with a frequency of the suggested
single element dual-band antenna are displayed in Fig. 4. The simulated results are
tested using the vector network analyzer (VNA) (Rohde & Schwarz ZVA 67), and
achieved frequency bands are from 26 to 30 GHz in the first band, while the second
frequency band is from 36.5 up to 40 GHz. However, the tested results are achieved
frequency ranges from 28 to 29 GHz for the first band and from 37.5 up to 39 GHz
for the second band. There is a small discrepancy between the two results due to the
fabrication and measurements tolerance which cannot be tackled.

3 The Suggested MIMO Antenna and Parametric Analysis

The design of the two elements MIMO antenna and the technique used to eliminate
the mutual coupling to enhance the antenna operation are investigated in this sec-
tion. There are two configurations which are studied as shown in Fig. 5. The first one

Fig. 3  The configuration of the

suggested single element dual-
band antenna. a Simulated 2-D
layout. b Fabricated prototype
with connector

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Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2022) 43:335-348 339

Fig. 4  The simulated and tested ­S11 results with a frequency of the suggested single element dual-band

Fig. 5  The 2-D configuration of

the suggested 2 elements MIMO
antenna. a Side-by-side orienta-
tion. b Orthogonal orientation

is the side-by-side orientation as shown in Fig. 5a, and the other is the orthogonal
orientation as shown in Fig. 5b. The separation (d) between the 2 elements is the
same in the two configurations. The simulation results of the two configurations are
shown in Fig. 6 to show the effect of the antenna orientation on the matching and the

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340 Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2022) 43:335-348

Fig. 6  The simulated ­S11/S21

results with a frequency for the
two orientations

isolation between the antenna elements. As shown in Fig. 6, the reflection coefficient
of the two configurations is almost the same, while the isolation between antenna
elements is enhanced in the case of the orthogonal orientation than the side-by-side
orientation, especially at the lower frequency bands. So, orthogonal orientation is
suggested in the MIMO antenna design.
The effect of the separation (d) between antenna elements on the antenna per-
formance is illustrated in Fig. 7. When the separation (d) is changed from 3.55 to
4.3 mm, the isolation between elements is enhanced. So, the optimized distance
(d) equals 4.3 mm to achieve the desired performance. The simulated surface cur-
rent distributions for the suggested MIMO antenna at f = 28 GHz and f = 38 GHz
are shown in Fig. 8. The results are extracted when port 1 is radiated and port 2 is
matched to 50 Ω and verse versa. It is seen that, first, the current is collected around
the rectangular stub and triangular stub at 28 GHz which means the two stubs
are responsible for radiation at this frequency band, while the current is collected

Fig. 7  The simulated ­S11/S21

results with a frequency for the
suggested orthogonal orienta-
tion at different values of the
space between elements (d)

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Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2022) 43:335-348 341

Fig. 8  The simulated surface current distribution of the suggested orthogonal orientation

around the other two stubs (on the right of the patch) at 38 GHz. Second, the current
is collected around the operated port with a small amount of current passed to other
ports which validate the high isolation between ports.

4 The Tested Results and Investigation

The suggested MIMO antenna is fabricated on the same previous substrate, and the
total size of the antenna equals W = 27.65 mm, L = 12 mm, and d = 4.3 mm. The
fabricated prototypes with and without connectors are shown in Fig. 9. The two
elements are added in orthogonal orientation as discussed in the previous section.
Figure 10 illustrates the simulated and tested results of the suggested antenna.
The antenna operated (from simulated results) at a frequency band from 25.9 to
30.6 GHz and from 36.1 to 40.3 GHz with isolation lower than 30 dB and 22.2 dB
for the first and second bands, respectively. However, the antenna operated (from
tested results) at frequency band from 27.5 to 29.4 GHz and from 36.4 to 41.9 GHz
with isolation lower than 34 dB and 22.2 dB for the first and second bands, respec-
tively. The differences between the two results are because of the fabrication and
measurements tolerance which cannot be overcome.
The simulated and tested radiation pattern results (E-plane and H-plane) at
28 GHz and 38 GHz when antenna is excited at port 1, and terminated with 50
Ω load at port 2, are shown in Fig. 11. The antenna has a semi-omnidirectional
pattern at the two frequency bands, and there is a consistent trend between the
simulated and tested results with small differences between them because of the

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342 Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2022) 43:335-348

Fig. 9  The configuration of the suggested 2 ports dual-band MIMO antenna. a Simulated 2-D layout. b
Fabricated prototype without connector. c Fabricated prototype with connector

Fig. 10  The simulated and

tested ­S11 results with a fre-
quency of the suggested 2 ports
dual-band MIMO antenna at
port 1

measurements setup. The technique used to measure the antenna gain is discussed
in [24, 26]. Figure 12 shows the simulated and tested peak gain results of the sug-
gested antenna when it is also excited at port 1. The measured peak gain is 5.2
dBi and 5.3 dBi at the operated frequency bands, respectively. Furthermore, the
measured gains mimic the simulated one with a small discrepancy due to the tol-
erance of the measurement setup.

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Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2022) 43:335-348 343

Fig. 11  The simulated and tested radiation patterns of the suggested 2 ports dual-band MIMO antenna at
port 1 a at 28 GHz and b at 38 GHz

Fig. 12  The simulated and tested peak gain results with a frequency of the suggested 2 ports dual-band
MIMO antenna at port 1

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344 Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2022) 43:335-348

The quality of the suggested MIMO antenna is measured by extracting the ECC,
DG, and CCL parameters. One of the important parameters is the ECC because it eval-
uates the correlation between ports. The lower values reflect the higher performance
of the MIMO system. By suggesting uniform multipath, the ECC can be extracted and
calculated from S-parameters as [28].
| ∗ |2
|Sii Sij + Sji ∗ Sjj |
| | | |
ECC = 𝜌e = |𝜌ij | = ( ( ))( ( )) (1)
| | 2 | |2 | |2 | |2
1 − ||Sii || + |Sji | 1 − |Sjj | + |Sij |
| | | | | |

Figure 13 shows the simulated and tested ECC results with a frequency of the sug-
gested 2 ports dual-band MIMO antenna. The value of the ECC is lower than 0.0001 in
the first band and lower than 0.0002 in the second band (lower than the acceptable level
of 0.5 [29]) with the good matching between the simulated and measured results.
The ECC can be connected with DG through Eq. (2) to judge the MIMO perfor-
mance [30].

DG = 10 × 1 − �ECC� (2)

Figure 14 illustrates the simulated and tested DG results with a frequency of the sug-
gested 2 ports dual-band MIMO antenna. The value of the DG equals around 9.99 in
both bands with a good tendency between the two results.
The data rate transmitted in the communication channel can be evaluated by CCL
(Bit/S/Hz) [29]. The CCL can be calculated using Eqs. (3) and (4) [30]

C(Loss) = −𝑙𝑜𝑔 2 𝑑𝑒𝑡(𝜓 R ) (3)

Fig. 13  The simulated and

tested ECC results with a fre-
quency of the suggested 2 ports
dual-band MIMO antenna

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Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2022) 43:335-348 345

Fig. 14  The simulated and

tested DG results with a fre-
quency of the suggested 2 ports
dual-band MIMO antenna

[ ] ( )
𝜌11 𝜌12 | | 2 | |2
𝜓R = , 𝜌ii = 1 − |Sii | + |Sij |
𝜌21 𝜌22 | |
and ) (4)
𝜌ij = − Sii ∗ Sij + Sji ∗ Sij , fori, j = 1or2

Figure 15 shows the simulated and tested CCL results with a frequency of the
suggested 2 ports dual-band MIMO antenna. The CCL equals a value lower than
0.4 bit/s/Hz within the operated frequency bands.
Finally, Table 1 shows the comparison between the suggested antennas with
other designs to judge the antenna performance. From Table 1, it is obvious that
the suggested antenna can be recommended for the dual bands 28/38 5G systems.

Fig. 15  The simulated and

tested CCL results with a
frequency of the suggested two
ports dual-band MIMO antenna

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346 Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2022) 43:335-348

Table 1  Comparison between the suggested antennas with other designs

Ref Size ­(mm2) No of Frequency Isolation ECC Peak gain Material/
ele- [GHz] (dB) (dB) thickness
ments (mm)

[7] 26 × 11 2 27/39 > 30/25 > ­10−4/10−4 5/5.7 3.55/0.203

[12] 75 × 100 4 28/38 − 36 > ­10−3 7.6 2.2/0.508
− 36 > ­10−3 8.12
[17] 55 × 110 2 28/38 − 29.4 1.36 × ­10−5 7.88 2.2/0.508
[18] 20 × 15 2 28/38 > 34/30 > ­10−3 6.8/6.8 2.2/0.25
[19] 26 × 14 2 28/38 > 25/20 > ­10−3 1.27/1.8 2.2/0.38
[20] 20 × 20 4 28/37 > 16/12 NA 7/9 3.48/0.76
[21] 27.5 × 13.5 2 28/38 > 20/20 > 5 × ­10−2 NA 10.7/0.635
> 2 × ­10−3
[22] 43.6 × 43.6 4 28/38 > 20/30 > 2.5 × ­10−4 7.8/13.7 2.2/0.4
[23] 41.5 × 8 4 28/38 > 25 > 0.004 5.5 2.2/0.787
[24] 150 × 75 4 28/38 > 35 0.2 × ­10−3 9 3/0.25
[25] 25 × 15 2 28/38 NA NA 9/5 2.2/0.25
[26] 79.4 × 8 4 28/38 > 35 NA 9 3/0.25
[27] 110 × 55 6 28/38 > 30 5 × ­10−5 5/4 4.4/1.6
This work 27.65 × 12 2 28/38 > 30/22 < ­10−5 5.2/5.3 3.55/0.203

5 Conclusion

Two elements with dual bands MIMO antenna have been suggested for 5G com-
munications. The suggested antenna has been designed to operate at frequency
bands from 26 GHz up to 30 GHz, from 36 GHz up to 41.5 GHz, and S ­ 21 lower
than − 20 dB through the two operated bands. MIMO parameters as ECC, DG,
and CCL have been extracted from simulated and measured results to validate
the antenna design and show the high quality of the suggested two elements
MIMO antenna. The simulated and tested results have a good trend within the
two operating bands which suggests the proposed structure to be utilized in 5G

Funding Open access funding provided by The Science, Technology & Innovation Funding Authority
(STDF) in cooperation with The Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB).

Data Availability There are no supplementary materials, and the data is available upon reasonable

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Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing interests.

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