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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Grade 8 Science Quarter 4

Summative Test #1 (Module 1) Week 1

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Biodiversity is the volume of life on Earth, as well as how different species

interact with each other and the physical world around them. Why is biodiversity
important to ecosystems?
a. It boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small,
has an important role to play.
b. It allows the animal to feed permanently from one type of plant.
c. It reduces the number of insects in a given ecosystem.
d. It increases at each level of the food chain

2. Greater biodiversity in ecosystems, species, and individuals leads to greater

stability. For example, species with high genetic diversity and many populations
that are adapted to a wide variety of conditions are more likely to be able to
adapt to weather disturbances, disease, and climate change. Analyze whether
the given statements are true or false.
I. High biodiversity means it is more sustainable, while low biodiversity
means it is less sustainable.
II. In low biodiversity, that means that the rate of extinction of species is high
because there are few species
a. Both statements are TRUE.
b. Both statements are FALSE.
c. Statement I is TRUE, while statement II is FALSE.
d. Statement I is FALSE, while statement II is TRUE.

3. Species diversity is defined as the number of different species present in an

ecosystem and relative abundance of each of those species. Which of the
following represents an ecosystem with high species abundance but low species
a. An old-growth forest
b. An open field of grasses and wildflowers
c. A farm growing thousands of sunflowers
d. An island with many rare birds and insects

4. The figure below shows an energy pyramid for an ecosystem. What happens to
the amount of energy in the pyramid as it moves up through the different levels?

a. It increases.
b. It decreases.
c. It increases and then decreases.
d. It decreases and then increases.

5. Study the food web below. The organism in the 4th trophic level has the least
energy. Which is the organism at the 4th trophic level?

a. frog c. hawk
b. grasshopper d. owl

6. A food web is shown below. Which of the following scenarios will most likely
happen if the frog population decreases?

a. Owls will have no source of food.

b. The snake population will increase.
c. Birds will have less competition for food.
d. The grasshopper population will go extinct.

7. What is formed when there are overlapping food chains in the ecosystem?
a. food web
b. food pyramid
c. energy pyramid
d. food chain

8. Which can help to preserve biodiversity?

a. Conserve your water use.
b. Buy local foods when you can.
c. Reduce, reuse, and recycle
d. All of the above

9. The table below contains information about diets.

Animals Diet
Snakes Squirrels, chipmunks, gophers, and
Hawks and owls Rodents and reptiles
Rodents Seeds, nuts, roots, grass, leaves, and
Which energy pyramid best describes the data in the table?

A. B. C. D.

10. Image "B" shows more biodiversity than image "A." Why?

Image A Image B
a. Because "B" shows more different species than image "A."
b. "A" has a more significant number of the same species of plants, so this
statement is wrong.
c. Because image "B" has fewer different species than "A."
d. Both images show the same biodiversity
11. What can you do to fight deforestation?
a. Leave forests standing and plant more trees
b. Reduce your use of products made from wood fiber, including paper and
c. Demand forest products from sustainable sources and deforestation-free
supply chains
d. All of the above

12. Which organisms are fed on plants?

a. 1st order heterotrophs
b. 2nd order heterotrophs
c. 3rd order heterotrophs
d. All of these

13. Bacteria, fungi, and worms are classified as _____________.

a. Consumers
b. Decomposers
c. Predators
d. Producers

14. Which of these is an example of a threat to biodiversity?

a. Planting local flowers, fruits, and vegetable
b. Overharvesting
c. Tree planting
d. None of these

15. Which refers to the total weight of living matter in each trophic level?
a. biogas
b. biomass
c. mass
d. biology

16. Which food chain correctly describes the flow of energy in an ecosystem?
a. Grass-->cow-->human
b. Caterpillar-->leaf-->human
c. Cow-->grass-->human
d. Leaf-->bird-->caterpillar

17. Use the diagram below to answer the question.

In this energy pyramid, which organism would most likely be in level 2?
a. Lion
b. Fox
c. Caterpillar
d. Tree

18. Biodiversity refers to _____________________________________.

a. the variety of extinct species
b. the variety of species used for food sources
c. the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.
d. the rate of species declines

19. Which of the following is considered as a threat to biodiversity?

a. Habitat destruction
b. Introduction of invasive species
c. Overexploitation
d. All of these

20. Which environment would you expect to have the least biodiversity?
a. Tropical rainforest
b. Desert
c. Ocean
d. Coral reefs

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