Tendernotice 4
Tendernotice 4
Tendernotice 4
(See Clause 10.1)
1 The Site
1.1 Site of the proposed four lane Assonora bypass Project shall include the land, buildings,
Structures and road works as described in Annex-I of this Schedule-A.
1.2 The dates of handing over the Right of Way to the Contractor are specified in Annex-II of
this Schedule-A.
1.3 An inventory of the Site including the land, buildings, Structures, road works, trees and any
other immovable property on, or attached to the Site shall be prepared jointly by the
Authority Representative and the Contractor, and such inventory shall form part of the
memorandum referred to in Clause 8.2.1 of this Agreement.
1.4 The alignment plans of the Project Highway are specified in Annex-III. The levels shown in
the drawing and schedules or elsewhere are for guidance only, they are not absolute. The
Contractor shall prepare design and drawing as per IRC : SP : 84 : 2019. The contractor
may, improve / upgrade the Road profile as indicated in Annexure – III based on site /
design requirement.
1.5 The status of the Environmental Clearances obtained or awaited is given in
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Annex - I
Site for Four Laning
1. Site
The Site of proposed four lane Assonora bypass Project along state Highway on SH-I starts
at Design Ch. 0+000 and ends at Design Ch. 2+920 in the state of Goa. The land,
carriageway and structures comprising the site are described below.
2. Land
The Site of the Project Highway comprises the land (existing right of way) as described
Sr. Design Chainage ROW
No. From To (In Meter)
1 0+000 2+920 38 to 40 M
2 Junction at Ch. 0+00 15.00 M
3 Junction at Ch. 2+950 15.00 M
3. Carriageway
4. Major Bridges
The Site includes the following Major Bridges:
6. Grade Separators
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
7. Minor Bridges
The site includes the following Minor Bridges
Type of structure No. of Spans Width of
Sr. Existing
Type of Sub Super with span Bridge
No. Chainage
Foundation Structure Structure length (m) (m)
Existing Chainage Remarks
10. Culverts
The site includes the following Culverts
Spans/Opening with
Sr. No. Existing Chainage Type of Culvert Width (m)
span length (m)
Existing Chainage Length (m) Village / Town Side
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Width of
Existing Category of
Sr. No. Side Type Connecting
Chainage Connecting Road
16. Bypasses
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Existing Chainage
Sr. No.
From To
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Annex - II
Dates for Providing Right of Way
The dates on which the Authority shall provide the Right of Way to the Contractor on different
stretches of the site are as stated below:
(i) Full right of way full width stretch
Design Chainage
Sl. Length Date of Providing Right
From To Width (m)
No (Km) of Way
(km) (Km)
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Annex - III
Alignment Plan
The indicative alignment plan and profile drawings of the project highway are enclosed in digital
form. However, the geometrical design and finished road levels shall be strictly as per the manual
of specifications and standards as given in Schedule "D".
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Annex - IV
Environmental Clearance
The MoEF clearance is not required for this project highway.
Forest Clearance - Not Required.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
(See Clause 2.1)
Development of the Project Highway shall include Design and Construction of the
Project Highway as described in Schedule-B and in Schedule-C..
Rehabilitation, upgradation and augmentation shall include four laning with paved
shoulder and widening / reconstruction / new construction of the Project Highway as
described in Annexure – I of this Schedule – B and Schedule – C.
The Project Highway shall be designed and constructed in conformity with the
Specifications and Standards specified in Annex-I of Schedule-D.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Annex – I
(Schedule – B)
1.1 The Project Highway shall follow the existing alignment unless otherwise specified by
the Authority and shown in the alignment plans specified in Annexure III of Schedule-A.
Geometric deficiencies, if any, in the existing horizontal and vertical profiles shall be
corrected as per the prescribed standards for plain /rolling terrain to the extent land is
1.2.1 The construction of new four lane bypass road along with approach road and service lane/slip
roads from km 0+00 to 2+920 shall be undertaken. The width of carriageway in open
country, built up areas and approaches of grade separated structures shall be as per the
Manual referred to in the Schedule-D (herein after called the ‘Manual’) unless otherwise
specified in this Schedule-B and Schedule-D.
1.2.2 Locations of built-up areas are specified as under. The cross section of carriageway to
be adopted in the built-up areas shall be as indicated in the table below:
1.2.3 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement the width of the paved carriageway and
cross sectional features shall conform to Paragraph 1.2.1 above.
2.1 General
Geometric design and general features of the Project Highway shall be in accordance
with section 2 of the Manual.
The design speed as per IRC:SP:84-2019 for plain/rolling terrain shall be adopted.
In the following sections, where improvement of the existing road geometrics to the
prescribed standards is not possible, the existing road geometrics shall be improved to
the extent possible within the given right of way and proper road signs and safety
measures shall be provided.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Following are the locations where radii of horizontal curves are less than desirable
minimum radius due to ROW constraints.
The above list is indicative only and any increase in number of realignments and length
of the realignment shall not be considered as change of scope of work.
Take off Chainage Merging Chainage
Sr. Name of location Length
No. Bypass w.r.t. project (m)
Existing Design Existing Design
1 Varies from 38 to
0+000 2+920
2 Junction at Ch. 0+00 15.00 M
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
The Typical cross sections for the Project Highway are given in Appendix B-1.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
All intersections and grade separators shall be as per Section 3 of the Manual. Existing
intersections which are deficient shall be improved to the prescribed standards.
Properly designed intersections shall be provided at the locations and of the types and
features given in the tables below:
Major Intersections
Minor Intersections
The list of above minor junctions is indicative only and any additional minor junctions
required in the Project Highway are to be constructed by the contractor in consultation
with the Authority's Engineer. No change of scope on account of change in number of
minor junctions will be accepted.
Minimum Proposed
Sr. Design Span arrangement Vertical width
No Chainage (m) Clearance (m)
0+360 to
1 1 No. x30.00m 5.50 24.00 Flyover
2 2+050 to 2 No. x25.00m 5.50 24.00 Flyover
Note: The Entry/Exit arrangement at Grade Separated Structures with Slip Roads shall
be provided as per Fig.2.1 C of Manual. The development of road below viaduct
/ obligatory span of the Grade separated structure is included in the scope of
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
4.1 Widening and improvement of the existing road embankment/cuttings and construction
of new road embankment/ cuttings shall conform to the Specifications and Standards
given in relevant sections of the Manuals and the specified cross sectional details.
Deficiencies in the plan and profile of the existing road shall be corrected.
The existing road shall be raised in the following sections as minimum, however,
contractor shall ascertain other locations and shall carry out the design in accordance
with the requirements of IRC: SP-84-2019. The locations and the length given below are
indicative only and raising required at any other location and for any length as per
IRC:SP:84-2019 shall be carried out by the contractor and same shall not be considered
under the change of scope.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
5.1 Pavement design shall be carried out in accordance with Section 5 of the Manual.
The Rigid pavement shall be designed for a design period of 30 years excluding
construction period. Stage construction shall not be permitted. Flexible pavement shall
be designed for a minimum period of 15 years excluding construction period. Minimum
CBR of sub-grade shall be 8%.
Main Carrigeway
DLC- 150mm
Service Road
BC - 40 mm
DBM - 120 mm
WMM - 250 mm
GSB - 130 mm
Drainage system including surface and subsurface drains for the Project Highway shall
be provided as per Section 6 of the Manual. The drains shall be designed for required
capacities considering runoff from road and all adjoining catchments.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
CH. 0+370 – CH. 1+680- open pitch drain both sides of carriageway.
CH. 1+680- CH.2+665 – Closed Cement Drain along service road both sides.
CH. 2+780- CH.2+900 - Closed Cement Drain along service road both sides.
7 Design of Structures
7.1 General
Project to be executed as per the approved GAD and structural details prepared by the
7.1.1 All bridges, culverts and structures shall be designed and constructed in accordance
with Section 7 of the Manual.
The following structures shall be designed to carry Utility service specified in the table
7.2 Culverts
7.2.1 Overall width of all culverts shall be equal to the roadway width of the approaches.
Locations and spans of the structures given in above table are indicative. The same
shall be finalized in consultation with Authority's Engineer. Any changes in span
arrangement and construction of any additional box / pipe / slab culverts as per factual
requirements shall not be treated as change of scope.
All existing culverts which are not to be reconstructed shall be widened to the roadway
width of the Project Highway as per the typical cross section given in Section 7 of the
Manual. Repairs and strengthening of existing structures where required shall be carried
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
7.2.4 Additional New Culverts shall be constructed as per the details given in the table
Span / opening Proposed
(Minimum) width (m)
Sr. No. Design Chainage Type of Culvert
(No. x dia. of pipe /
2 0+110 box 1x2.00m
3 0+382 box 1x6.00m
4 0+755 box 1x2.00m
5 0+880 box 1x2.00m
6 1+390 box 1x3.00m
7 1+605 box 1x3.00m
8 2+480 box 1x3.00m
In addition to above culverts, culverts on cross road shall be provided at the location of
Major / Minor junctions. The tentative list of the junctions for these proposed culverts is
as given below.
Span / opening
Sr. Design No. Of Culverts (Minimum)
No. Chainage Proposed (No. x dia. of pipe /
Locations and spans of the structures given in above table are indicative. The same
shall be finalized in consultation with Authority's Engineer. Any changes in span
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
arrangement and construction of any additional box / pipe / slab culverts as per factual
requirements shall not be treated as change of scope.
7.2.5 Repairs/replacements of railing/parapets, flooring and protection works of the existing
culverts shall be undertaken as follows:
7.2.6 Floor protection works shall be as specified in the relevant IRC Codes and
7.3 Bridges
(i) The existing bridges at the following locations shall be re-constructed as new Structures:
Span Minimum Length
Sr. Design Arrangement between inner faces Proposed width of
No Chainage of Proposed of Dirt Wall of Bridge (m)
Bridge Proposed Bridge (m)
Cross-section at
Name Existing Span Details of
Sr. Design deck level -
of Width arrangement widening
No. chainage Proposed Total
Bridge (m) (in m)
deck Width (m)
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
B. Minor Bridges
Minimum Proposed
Length width of
Design between bridge (m)
Sr. t of Remarks
Chainage inner faces
No Proposed
of Dirt Wall
3 Nos X As per approved
1 1+080 18.00m 24.40
6.00m each GAD.
Note: Locations and spans of new bridges/bridges to be widened or reconstructed are
indicative. The same shall be finalized in consultation with Authority's Engineer (AE).
Any changes in span arrangement / width of any minor / major bridges as per factual
requirements shall not be treated as change of scope. The minimum length between
inner faces of dirt wall of proposed structure shall not be less than specified abo
7.3.3 The railings of existing bridges shall be replaced by crash barriers at the
following locations:
Details of
Details of
7.4.1 Design, construction and detailing of ROB/RUB shall be as specified in the Manual.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Note:- Span arrangement and overall width may change as per railway approval. The
scope of work for ROB will be as per approved GAD.
7.5 Grade separated structures
The grade separated structures shall be provided at the locations and of the type and
length specified in paragraph 3 of this Annex-I.
The existing bridges and structures to be repaired / strengthened, and the nature and
extent of repairs /strengthening required are given below:
A Bridges
8.1 Traffic control devices and road safety works shall be provided in accordance with
Section 9 of the Manual.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
a) Traffic signs
Traffic signs includes roadside signs , and curb mounted signs along the entire
project Highway .
b) Pavement Marking:
Pavement markings shall cover road marking for the entire Project Highway.
c) Safety Barrier:
Provide W-metal beam crash barrier along the project highway at the locations
as suggested in Manual.
Retro reflective sheeting should be of high intensity grade with encapsulated lens or
with micro prismatic retro reflective element in accordance with ASTM Standard D-4956
- 09.
Roadside furniture shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 9 of
the Manual.
e) Overhead traffic signs : Overhead gantry signs shall be provided as given below
f) Delineators : Delineators for the entire Project Highway length shall be provided along
the median and also at the location suggested.
g) Reflective Pavement Markers ( Road Studs) Road studs for the entire project Highway
length shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of section 9 of the Manual.
a) The number of trees which are required to be planted by the Contractor as
compensatory afforestation should be two times the total no. of trees to be cut. The
no. of trees to be cut are 400 nos. Exact no. of trees to be planted as compensatory
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
b) Flowering plants and shrubs are planted along Median, Junction and Road side of
the project highway length.
(i) The safety barriers / W-beam crash barriers shall be provided in the approaches of
Bridges / ROB's / Underpasses, high bank locations and curves as per the provisions
of the manual.
(ii) Side slope shall be protected by using suitable slope protection measures like pitching
works as per IRC:SP:84-2019.
(iii) Retaining wall :-
Retaining walls shall be provided as per site requirement and applicability at the
locations where the ROW is insufficient and at the locations of high embankments as
per site requirement and as decided by Authority's engineer, IRC guidelines and
standard specifications and as per schedule "D".
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
both Side of
3 1+680 1+690 10 main carriage
both Side of
4 2+800 2+820 20 main carriage
both Side of
5 1+680 2+665 985
service road
both Side of
6 2+780 2+900 120.00
service road
Design Chainage
S No. Side Location
From To
Note: MCW – Main Carriageway
SR – Service Road
The locations given above are indicative only and the guard rails shall be provided at
hazardous locations, junctions, schools, bus stops, medians etc. as per the provisions
given in the manual. No change of scope on account of change in above specified
locations / length will be accepted.
The length of Structures and bridges specified here in above shall be treated as an
approximate assessment. The actual lengths as required on the basis of detailed
investigations shall be determined by the Contractor in accordance with the
Specifications and Standards. Any variations in the lengths specified in this Schedule-B
shall not constitute a Change of Scope, save and except any variations in the length
arising out of a Change of Scope expressly undertaken in accordance with the
provisions of Article 13.
14 Miscellaneous Works
a) Slope and shoulder Protection: The side slope and earthen shoulder to be protected
against erosion by suitable protection measures.
b) Embankment protection / drainage to be provided in accordance to provisions
specified in manual.
c) Utility ducts: Utility crossing with 600mm dia NP-4 pipe with inspection box/ chamber
shall be provided at 300m c/.c in open areas as well as in built up areas as directed by
authority for crossing of underground utilities and also utilities of 3 nos. UPVC along
entire project Highway length .
a) the structural concrete shall be high performance concrete . For Plain and reinforced
cement concrete (PCC & RCC) or pre-stressed concrete works; the reinforcement /
untensioned steel may be shall be TMT, CRS steel only.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
b) All the structural concrete shall be provided with corrosion inhibiting admixture/
confirming to relevant ASTM standards.
c) the portion of structure below G.L. shall be provided with and blend anticorrosive
bitumastic paint of approved brand and manufactures.
d) All R.C.C. exposed superstructure and substructure shall be provided and with an
elastic elastomeric membrane forming system with anticarbonation and berathing
properties.. and should be ultra violet resistant, crack bridging type, water-proofing
e) the piles shall be have permanent 10mm thick M.s. liners . Integrity , dynamic &
conventional load test to be conducted on the piles as per codal requirement.
f) wearing coat shall be 40mm thick Bituminous concrete for all viaduct portions.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Appendix B – I
Typical Cross-Sections proposed on the Project Highway
Design Chainage Design Length
Type of Cross section
From To (m)
0 0+310 310 TCS-01
0+310 0+730 420 Flyover-01
0+730 1+080 350 TCS-01
1+080 1+102 22 TCS-01(minor bridge)
1+102 1+680 578 TCS-01
1+680 2+660 980 Flyover-02
2+660 2+785 125 Major bridge
2+785 2+950 165 TCS-02
Note :-
1) Cross-section at Major / Minor Bridge approaches are to be followed matching to
adjoining cross-sections with suitable transition.
2) Where Bus Bays & Truck Lay Byes constructed as per Schedule C, a transition shall be
provided as per the Manual (IRC: SP 84-2019)
Typical cross section schedule given above is indicative; it shall be consulted before
finalization. Any change in TCS length / type shall not be taken as change of scope of works.
Provision of toe wall/Retaining Wall to limit the PROW shall not be considered in variation.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Schedule - C
(See Clause 2.1)
Project Facilities
1. Project Facilities
The Contractor shall construct the Project Facilities in accordance with the provisions of
this Agreement. Such Project Facilities shall include:
The Roadside Furniture/ Traffic control devices shall include the following:-
i. Pavement Markings
Pavement markings should be provided along the entire Project Highway as per
the specifications of manual recommended in Schedule "D".
The Metal beam (W-Beam/ Thrie - Beam) crash barriers should be provided as
per the specifications of manual recommended in Schedule "D".
The Road Studs should be provided along the entire project highway (at curves,
approaches to bridge/structure, junctions etc.) as per the specifications of manual
recommended in Schedule "D".
The Hectometer and Kilometer and road boundary stone shall be provided along
the entire project stretch as per the specifications of manual recommended in
Schedule "D".
v). Raod delineators are provided along the entire project Highway length .
vi). LED traffic Blinkers are provided along the entire project Highway length .
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
i. Footpath(Sidewalk)
The footpaths / raised kerb shall be provided as per the Typical Cross Sections
given in Schedule "B".
The pedestrian guard rails should be provided as per the specification of manual
as recommended in Schedule "D".
c) Construction of gutter
Drains with concrete grade of M20 are provided for RHS ramp/service lane
between CH Km 150/420 to CH Km 150/740 for a length of 320 mts covered with
RCC slab.
d) Land Scaping and tree Plantation
In addition to compensatory afforetstation specified in clause 10 of Schedule B ,
tree plantation and landscaping shall be done as per IRC: SP:21:2009 and
section11 of the manual . Landscaping and tree plantation of the Highway , but not
limited to the following:
a) Flowering plants and shrubs Median
b) Junction
c) Road side
d) Illumination
Work consist of street lighting on bridge and approach road.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Schedule – D
1. Construction
The Contractor shall comply with the Specifications and Standards set forth in Annex- I
of this Schedule-D for construction of the Project Highway.
2. Design Standards
The Project Highway including Project Facilities shall conform to design requirements
set out in the following documents:
Manual of Specifications and Standards for Four and Six Laning of Highways (IRC:
SP:84-2019), referred to herein as the Manual.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Annex – I
All Materials, works and construction operations shall conform to the Manual of Specifications and
Standards for [Two-Laning of Highways (IRC:SP:73 - 2018)], referred to as the Manual, and MORTH
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works. Where the specification for a work is not given, Good Industry
Practice shall be adopted to the satisfaction of the Authority’s Engineer.
(i) The terms “Concessionaire”, “Independent Engineer” and “Concession Agreement” used in the
Manual shall be deemed to be substituted by the terms “Contractor”, “Authority’s Engineer”
and “Agreement” respectively.
(ii) [Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Paragraph 1 above, the following
Specifications and Standards shall apply to the Project Highway, and for purposes of this
Agreement, the aforesaid Specifications and Standards shall be deemed to be amended to the
extent set forth below:]
(iii) [Note 1: Deviations from the aforesaid Specifications and Standards shall be listed out here.
Such deviations shall be specified only if they are considered essential in view of project-
specific requirements.]
The condition of Road shall be recorded by Network survey Vehicle (NSV) before the start
of work, during the execution, upon completion of construction and upon completion of the
defects liability period before any related payments for such stages are released. These surveys
shall be incidental to the work and shall not be paid for extra.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Schedule - E
Maintenance Requirements
1. Maintenance Requirements
(i) The Contractor shall, at all times maintain the Project Highway in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement, Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.
(ii) The Contractor shall repair or rectify any Defect or deficiency set forth in Paragraph 2 of
this Schedule-E within the time limit specified therein and any failure in this behalf shall
constitute non-fulfillment of the Maintenance obligations by the Contractor. Upon
occurrence of any breach hereunder, the Authority shall be entitled to effect reduction in
monthly lump sum payment as set forth in Clause 14.6 of this Agreement, without
prejudice to the rights of the Authority under this Agreement, including Termination
(iii) All Materials, works and construction operations shall conform to the MORTH
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works, and the relevant IRC publications. Where the
specifications for a work are not given, Good Industry Practice shall be adopted.
In respect of any Defect or deficiency not specified in Annex - I of this Schedule-E, the
Authority’s Engineer may, in conformity with Good Industry Practice, specify the
permissible limit of deviation or deterioration with reference to the Specifications and
Standards, and any deviation or deterioration beyond the permissible limit shall be
repaired or rectified by the Contractor within the time limit specified by the Authority’s
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary specified in this Schedule-E, if the nature and
extent of any Defect or deficiency justifies more time for its repair or rectification than the
time specified herein, the Contractor shall be entitled to additional time in conformity with
Good Industry Practice. Such additional time shall be determined by the Authority’s
Engineer and conveyed to the Contractor and the Authority with reasons thereof.
Construction of four lane Assonora bypass road along S.H.1 in the state of Goa. (Length 2.92
Kms) on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
5. Emergency repairs/restoration
The Contractor shall, through its engineer, undertake a daily visual inspection of the
Project Highway and maintain a record thereof in a register to be kept in such form
and manner as the Authority’s Engineer may specify. Such record shall be kept in
safe custody of the Contractor and shall be open to inspection by the Authority and
the Authority’s Engineer at any time during office hours.
The Contractor shall carry out a detailed pre-monsoon inspection of all bridges,
culverts and drainage system before [1st June] every year in accordance with the
guidelines contained in IRC: SP: 35. Report of this inspection together with details of
proposed maintenance works as required on the basis of this inspection shall be
sent to the Authority’s Engineer before the [10th June] every year. The Contractor
shall complete the required repairs before the onset of the monsoon and send to the
Authority’s Engineer a compliance report. Post monsoon inspection shall be done by
the [30th September] and the inspection report together with details of any damages
observed and proposed action to remedy the same shall be sent to the Authority’s
All damages occurring to the Project Highway on account of a Force Majeure Event
or willful default or neglect of the Authority shall be undertaken by the Authority at its
own cost. The Authority may instruct the Contractor to undertake the repairs at the
rates agreed between the Parties.
Construction of four lane Assonora bypass road along S.H.1 in the state of Goa. (Length 2.92
Kms) on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Annex – I
The Contractor shall repair and rectify the Defects and deficiencies specified in this Annex-I of Schedule-E within the time limit set forth in the table
Pavement Length
< 0.1 % IRC 82: 2015 and Distress Identification
Measurement MORT&H
of area and Manual for Long Term Pavement
(Pavement Unit like Scale,
Potholes Nil subject to limit Daily Performance Program, FHWA 2003 24-48 hours Specification
of MCW, Tape,
of 10 mm in (http://www.tfhrc.com/pavement/lttp/ 3004.2
Service odometer etc.
depth reports/03031/)
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
s of Grade
subject to
s of MORT&H
connecting Cracking Specification
Nil 0.5 sqm for Daily 7-15 days
roads, slip 3004.3
any 50 m
roads, lay
byes etc.
Rutting Nil < 5 mm Daily Straight Edge 15 -30 days Specification
Corrugati Length
< 0.1%
ons and Nil Daily Measurement 2-7 days IRC:82-2015
Shoving Unit like
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Bleeding Nil < 1 % of Daily 3-7 days Specification
area 3004.4
IRC: 82-
Raveling < 1 % of
7-15 days 2015 read with
/ Stripping Nil area Daily
IRC: SP: 81
Scale, Tape,
< 1 m for
any100 m
Edge section and
Deformati width <
Nil 0.1 m at any Daily 7- 15 days IRC: 82- 2015
Breaking location,
restricted to
30 cm from
the edge
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Pavement Bi- Annually 2-7 days
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Rigid Roughness 2200m 2400mm Bi- Annually Class I ASTM E950 (98) :2004 and ASTM 180 days IRC:SP:83-
Pavement BI m/km /km Profilometer E1656 - 94: 2000 2018
t of MCW,
Service Skid Skid Resistance no. at Bi- Annually SCRIM IRC:SP:83- 180 days IRC:SP:83-
Road, different speed of vehicles 2008 2018
Grade (Sideway-
structure, force
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Level of
Perform Service (LOS) Frequency Time limit for
Tools/ Standards and References Maintenance
AssetType ance of Rectification/
for Inspection and Data Specifications
Paramet Inspection Equipment Repair
Desirable Acceptable
approach es of Coefficient
connectingroads, Minimum Traffic Routine
slip roads, lay SN Speed Investigation
byesetc. as (Km/h) Machine or
36 50
33 65
32 80
31 95
31 110
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Level of
Perform Service (LOS) Frequency Time limit for
Tools/ Standards and References Maintenance
AssetType ance of Rectification/
for Inspection and Data Specifications
Paramet Inspection Equipment Repair
Desirable Acceptable
Embankm Edge drop Nil 40m m Daily Length 7-15 days MORT&H
ent/ Slope at shoulders Measuremen Specification
t Unit like 408.4
Scale, Tape,
<2% etc.
Slope of Nil variation in Daily 7-15 days MORT&H
camber/cro prescribed Specification
ss fall slope of 408.4
/cross fall IRC
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Level of
Service (LOS) Frequency Time limit for
ance Tools/ Standards and References Maintenance
of Rectification/
Paramet for Inspection and Data Specifications
Inspection Equipment Repair
er Analysis
Asset Type
Desirable Acceptable
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
In addition to the above performance criterion, the contractor shall strictly maintain the rigid pavements as per requirements in the following table
Repair Action
Measured Degree of
S.No. Type of Distress Parameter Severity Assessment Rating
For the case d < D/2 For the case d > D/2
Single Discrete w = width of crack L 0 Nil, not discernible No Action Not applicable
1 Cracks Not = length of crack d =
intersecting with any depth of crack D =
1 w < 0.2 mm. hair cracks
joint depth of slab
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Repair Action
Measured Degree of
S.No. Type of Distress Parameter Severity Assessment Rating
For the case d < D/2 For the case d > D/2
w < 0.2 mm, hair cracks Route and seal with Staple or Dowel Bar
Single Transverse (orw = width of crack L 1
epoxy. Retrofit.
Diagonal) Crack = length of crack d =
intersecting with one depth of crack D = w = 0.2 - 0.5 mm, discernible from slow Within 7 days Within 15days
or more joints depth of slab 2 vehicle
Route, seal and stitch, if L
> 1m.
w = 0.5 - 3.0 mm, discernible from fast
3 vehicle Within 7 days
Dowel Bar Retrofit. Full Depth Repair
w = 3.0 - 6.0 mm
Dismantle and
4 Within 15 days reconstruct affected.
w > 6 mm, usually associated with Not Applicable, as it may Portion with norms
spalling, and/or slab rocking under befull and specifications -
5 traffic See Para 5.5 & 9.2
Within 15days
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Repair Action
Measured Degree of
S.No. Type of Distress Parameter Severity Assessment Rating
For the case d < D/2 For the case d > D/2
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Repair Action
Measured Degree of
S.No. Type of Distress Parameter Severity Assessment Rating
For the case d < D/2 For the case d > D/2
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Repair Action
Measured Degree of
S.No. Type of Distress Parameter Severity Assessment Rating
For the case d < D/2 For the case d > D/2
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Repair Action
Measured Degree of
S.No. Type of Distress Parameter Severity Assessment Rating
For the case d < D/2 For the case d > D/2
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Repair Action
Measured Degree of
S.No. Type of Distress Parameter Severity Assessment Rating
For the case d < D/2 For the case d > D/2
Surface Defects
4 r = 25 - 50 % Within 30 days
Reconstruct slabs, 4 or
r > 50% and h > 25 mm more slabs ifaffecting.
Within 30 days
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Repair Action
Measured Degree of
S.No. Type of Distress Parameter Severity Assessment Rating
For the case d < D/2 For the case d > D/2
r = damaged No action.
surface/total surface
8 Scaling of slab (%) h =
maximum depth of 1 r <2 % Local repair of areas
damage damaged and liable to be Not Applicable
2 r = 2 - 10 % Within 7days
4 r = 20 - 30 %
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Repair Action
Measured Degree of
S.No. Type of Distress Parameter Severity Assessment Rating
For the case d < D/2 For the case d > D/2
No action.
1 t > 1 mm
Monitor rate of
3 t = 0.6 - 0.3 mm deterioration
4 t = 0.3 - 0.1 mm
Within 30 days
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Repair Action
Measured Degree
S.No. Type of Distress Parameter of Assessment Rating
Severity For the case d < D/2 For the case d >
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Joint Defects
No action.
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
and trapping
incompressible material.
30 - 50 mm deep, h = w + 20%
4 w = 40 - 80 mm, L >
25% of w, within 30 days
50 - 100 mm deep
Within 30 days
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
1 f < 3 mm
Within 30days
3 f = 6 - 12 mm Diamond Grinding
h = vertical
14 Blowup or Buckling displacement from No Action
normal profile
1 h < 6 mm
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
within 7 days
3 h = 12 - 25 mm
Full Depth
4 h > 25 mm
Repair. Within
30 days
1 h = 5 - 15 mm
h = negative vertical
15 Depression displacement from 2 h = 15-30 mm, Not Applicable
normal profile L Nos<20% Install Signs to Warn
=length joints
Traffic within 7 days
3 h = 30 - 50 mm
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
1 h = 5 - 15 mm Follow up.
h = positive vertical
displacement from
16 Heave normal profile. 2 h = 15 - 30 mm, Nos Install Signs to
<20% joints Warn Traffic
L = length
within 7 days
3 h = 30 - 50 mm
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
displacement from
normalprofile Grind, in case of new Construction Limit
1 h = 4 - 7 mm forNew
construction within 7 days Construction.
days 30days
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
3 f = 25 - 50 mm Fill up shoulder
within 7 dayss
4 f = 50 - 75 mm For any 100 m
ct shoulder,if
affecting 25% or
more ofstretch.
5 f > 75 mm
Within 30days
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Within 30 days
20 Ponding on slabs
Ponding due to blockage of Blockages observed Clean drains etc within 7 days,
drains 3 to 4 in drains, but water Follow up Action
flowing requiredtostop water
foundation within 30
5 Ponding, -do- days.
accumulation of water
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Table -3: Maintenance Criteria for Safety Related Items and Other Furniture Items:
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
During expected life Service Time As per Re - painting Cat-1 Defect IRC:35-
Day time Cement Road -130mcd/m2/lux Annexure-D of – within 24 2015
Visibility Bituminous Road - 100mcd/m2/lux Monthly IRC:35-2015 hours Cat-2
Defect –
within 2
Initial and Minimum As Re - painting Cat-1 Defect IRC:35-2015
Performance for Dry Retro pe – within 24
reflectivity during r hours Cat-2
night time: Annexure-E Defect –
Desig o within 2
n f IRC:35-2015 months
Spee (RL) Retro
d Reflectivity(mcd/m2/lux)
Initial Minimum
(7 days) Threshold level
(TL) & warranty
Night period required
Tim up to 2 years
e Visibility
Up to 200 80
65 - 250 120
Above 350 150
Initial and Minimum Performance
Night Visibility under wet
condition(Retro reflectivity):
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
15 Days in
case of
er Sign boards
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Damaged of 30
rough stone
apron or bank 2 times in a
Protection revetment not after defect IRC: SP: 40-
year (before
works in good more than 3 and after Condition survey as Repairs to 2019 and
condition sqm, damage per IRC: SP:35- damaged or 2 weeks IRC:SP:13-
to solid 1990 aprons and pitching before
season) 2004.
apron(concret onset of
e apron) not rainy
more than 1
sqm season
is earlier.
Bridges Riding
No pothole in Visual inspection as Repairs to BC or wearing MORT&H
including ROBs quality or
wearing coat Daily per IRC: SP:35- coat 15 days Specificatio
Flyover etc. as user comfort
on bridge deck 1990 n 2811
Repairs to BC on either
side of expansion joints, MORT&H
Visual inspection
No bump at profile correction course Specificatio
Bumps Daily as per IRC SP:35- 15 days
expansion joint on approach slab in case n 3004.2 &
of settlement to 2811.
Bridge-Super approach embankment
User safety
(condition of No damaged or Visual inspection IRC:5- 2015,
crash missing stretch and detailed Repairs and IRC SP: 84-
of crash barrier Daily condition survey as replacement of safety 3days 2019 and
barrier and
guard or pedestrian per IRC SP: 35- barriers as the case may IRC: SP: 40-
rail) hand railing 1990. be 2019
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Detailed condition
Rainwater survey as per IRC Grouting of deck slab at MORTH
seepage Leakage - nil Quarterly SP: 35-1990 using leakage areas, 1 months specification
through Mobile Bridge Waterproofing, repairs to s 2600 &
deck slab Inspection Unit drainage spouts 2700.
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Once in
every 5
Vibrations in years for
bridge deck Frequency of Laser displacement AASHT
due to vibrations shall sensors or laser Strengthenin of super 4 months O LRFD
more than
moving not be more vibro-meters g structure specifications
30m and
trucks than 5 Hz
every 10
years for
between 15
to 30 m
No damage to
Detailed condition
compound in
Leakage in survey as per IRC: MORTH
strip seal Bi-Annually SP:35-1990 using Replace of
Expansion sea in 15 days specifications
expansion joint, expansion joint l
joints Mobile Bridge 2600 and IRC
no leakage of
Inspection Unit SP: 40-2019.
rain water
expansion joint
in case of
buried and
asphalt plug
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
defect noticed
of bearing In case of failure of even
reinforcement one bearing on any pier/
Detailed condition abutment, all the bearings MORTH
not morethan
survey as per IRC on that pier/abutment specification
5%, cracking Bi-Annually 3 months
Bearings SP: 35-1990 using 2810and
or tearing of shall be replaced, in order
Mobile Bridge to get uniform load IRC: SP: 40-
rubber not
Inspection Unit transfer on to bearings. 2019
more than 2
locations per
side, no
or rubber
Condition survey
and visual
inspection as per
IRC: SP:35- IRC: SP: 40-
Scouring Scouring shall 2019, IRC:
Bridge around not be lower Suitable protection 78-2014,
Bi-Annually Bridge Inspection 1 month
Foundation foundation- than works around MORTH
s ns maximum pier/abutment specification
In case of doubt,
scour level for 2500
use Underwater
the bridge
camera for
inspection of deep
wells inmajor
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Note: Any Structure during the entire contract period which is found that does not complies with all requirements of this Table will be prepared,
rehabilitated or even reconstructed under the scope of the contractor.
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
In addition to above, for hill roads the following provisions for maintenance is also to done.
Hill Roads
Note: For all tables 1 to 5 above, latest BIS & IRC standards (even those not indicated
herewith) along with MoRTH specifications shall be binding for all maintenance
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in
the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
A. Flexible Pavement
(iii) Variation by more than 15% in the prescribed side 30 (thirty) days
(embankment) slopes
(c) Road side furniture including road sign and pavement marking
(i) Damage to shape or position, poor visibility or loss 48 (forty eight) hours
of retro- reflectivity
(ii) Painting of km stone, railing, parapets, crash As and when required/ Once
barriers every year
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in
the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
(iii) Deterioration in health of trees and bushes Timely watering and treatment
(v) Removal of vegetation affecting sight line and road 15 (fifteen) days
(f) Rest Area
(a) Superstructure
(b) Foundations
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in
the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
[Note: Where necessary, the Authority may modify the time limit for repair/rectification, or add
to the nature of Defect or deficiency before issuing the bidding document, with the
approval of the competent authority.]
Construction of six lane link road (NH-166S) with paved shoulder configuration to Mopa Airport in
the state of Goa on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Schedule - F
Applicable Permits
1. Applicable Permits
(i) The Contractor shall obtain, as required under the Applicable Laws, the following
Applicable Permits:
(a) Permission of the State Government for extraction of boulders from quarry.
(b) Permission of Village Panchayats and Pollution Control Board for installation of
(d) Permission of the State Government for drawing water from river/reservoir.
(e) License from inspector of factories or other competent Authority for setting up
batching plant.
(g) Clearance of Village Panchayats and Pollution Control Board for setting up
asphalt plant.
(h) Permission of Village Panchayats and State Government for borrow earth.
Construction of four lane Assonora bypass road along S.H.1 in the state of Goa. (Length 2.92
Kms) on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Schedule – G
(See Clauses 7.1 and 19.2)
(See Clause 7.1)
Form of Bank Guarantee
[Performance Security/Additional Performance Security]
Chief Engineer,
Public Works Department, Thane
(A) ____________________[name and address of contractor] (hereinafter called the
“Contractor") and ____________________ [name and address of the
authority], (hereinafter called the “Authority”) have entered into an agreement
(hereinafter called the “Agreement”) for the construction of " Construction of four lane
Assonora bypass road along SH.1 in state of Goa (Length 2.92 Km) on EPC Mode."
on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (the “EPC”) basis, subject to and in
accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.
(B) The Agreement requires the Contractor to furnish a Performance Security for due and
faithful performance of its obligations, under and in accordance with the Agreement,
during the {Construction Period/ Defects Liability Period and Maintenance Period} (as
defined in the Agreement) in a sum of
Rs….......................................cr.(Rupees………..….................crore) (the “Guarantee
(C) We, ………………….. through our branch at..............................(the “Bank”) have agreed
to furnish this bank guarantee (hereinafter called the “Guarantee”) by way of
Performance Security.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Bank hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably, guarantees and
affirms as follows:
1. The Bank hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees the due and faithful
performance of the Contractor’s obligations during the {Construction Period/ Defects
Liability Period and Maintenance Period} under and in accordance with the Agreement,
and agrees and undertakes to pay to the Authority, upon its mere first written demand,
and without any demur, reservation, recourse, contest or protest, and without any
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
reference to the Contractor, such sum or sums up to an aggregate sum of the Guarantee
Amount as the Authority shall claim, without the Authority being required to prove or to
show grounds or reasons for its demand and/or for the sum specified therein.
2. A letter from the Authority, under the hand of an officer not below the rank of
Superintending Engineer,Circle IX (NH) PWD, Panjim, that the Contractor has committed
default in the due and faithful performance of all or any of its obligations under and in
accordance with the Agreement shall be conclusive, final and binding on the Bank. The
Bank further agrees that the Authority shall be the sole judge as to whether the
Contractor is in default in due and faithful performance of its obligations during and under
the Agreement and its decision that the Contractor is in default shall be final and binding
on the Bank, notwithstanding any differences between the Authority and the Contractor,
or any dispute between them pending before any court, tribunal, arbitrators or any other
authority or body, or by the discharge of the Contractor for any reason whatsoever.
3. In order to give effect to this Guarantee, the Authority shall be entitled to act as if the
Bank were the principal debtor and any change in the constitution of the Contractor
and/or the Bank, whether by their absorption with any other body or corporation or
otherwise, shall not in any way or manner affect the liability or obligation of the Bank
under this Guarantee.
4. It shall not be necessary, and the Bank hereby waives any necessity, for the Authority to
proceed against the Contractor before presenting to the Bank its demand under this
5. The Authority shall have the liberty, without affecting in any manner the liability of the
Bank under this Guarantee, to vary at any time, the terms and conditions of the
Agreement or to extend the time or period for the compliance with, fulfillment and/ or
performance of all or any of the obligations of the Contractor contained in the Agreement
or to postpone for any time, and from time to time, any of the rights and powers
exercisable by the Authority against the Contractor, and either to enforce or forbear from
enforcing any of the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement and/or the
securities available to the Authority, and the Bank shall not be released from its liability
and obligation under these presents by any exercise by the Authority of the liberty with
reference to the matters aforesaid or by reason of time being given to the Contractor or
any other forbearance, indulgence, act or omission on the part of the Authority or of any
other matter or thing whatsoever which under any law relating to sureties and guarantors
would but for this provision have the effect of releasing the Bank from its liability and
obligation under this Guarantee and the Bank hereby waives all of its rights under any
such law.
6. This Guarantee is in addition to and not in substitution of any other guarantee or security
now or which may hereafter be held by the Authority in respect of or relating to the
Agreement or for the fulfillment, compliance and/or performance of all or any of the
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
(i) The bank guarantee should contain the name, designation and code number of the
officer(s) signing the guarantee.
(ii) The address, telephone number and other details of the head office of the Bankas well
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
$ Insert date being 2 (two) years from the date of issuance of this Guarantee (in accordance with Clause 7.2 of the
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Annex – II
(Schedule - G)
(See Clause19.2)
Form for Guarantee for Advance Payment
Chief Engineer,
Public Works Department, Thane
(A) ____________________________ [name and address of contractor] (hereinafter called
the “Contractor") has executed an agreement (hereinafter called the “Agreement”) with
the ____________________________[name and address of the authority], (hereinafter
called the “Authority”) for the construction of the " Construction of four lane Assonora
bypass road along SH.1 in state of Goa (Length 2.92 Km) on EPC Mode." on
Engineering, Procurement and Construction (the “EPC”) basis, subject to and in
accordance with the provisions of the Agreement
(B) In accordance with Clause 19.2 of the Agreement, the Authority shall make to the
Contractor an interest bearing @Bank Rate + 3% advance payment (herein after called“
Advance Payment”) equal to 10% (ten per cent)of the Contract Price; and that the
Advance Payment shall be made in two installments subject to the Contractor furnishing
an irrevocable and unconditional guarantee by a scheduled bank for an amount
equivalent to 110% (one hundred and ten percent) of such installment to remain effective
till the complete and full repayment of the installment of the Advance Payment as
security for compliance with its obligations in accordance with the Agreement. The
amount of {first/second} installment of the Advance Payment is Rs.
____________________________ cr. (Rupees ________________ crore) and the
amount of this Guarantee is Rs. ______________ cr. (Rupees ________ crore) (the
“Guarantee Amount”)$.
(C) We, ………………….. through our branch at .................. (the “Bank”) have agreed to
furnish this bank guarantee (hereinafter called the “Guarantee”) for the Guarantee
$ The Guarantee Amount should be equivalent to 110% of the value of the applicable installment.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Bank hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably, guarantees and
affirms as follows:
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
1. The Bank hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees the due and faithful
repayment on time of the aforesaid installment of the Advance Payment under and in
accordance with the Agreement, and agrees and undertakes to pay to the Authority,
upon its mere first written demand, and without any demur, reservation, recourse,
contest or protest, and without any reference to the Contractor, such sum or sums up to
an aggregate sum of the Guarantee Amount as the Authority shall claim, without the
Authority being required to prove or to show grounds or reasons for its demand and/or
for the sum specified therein.
2. A letter from the Authority, under the hand of an officer not below the rank of
Superintending Engineer, PWD Panjim, that the Contractor has committed default in the
due and faithful performance of all or any of its obligations for the repayment of the
installment of the Advance Payment under and in accordance with the Agreement shall
be conclusive, final and binding on the Bank. The Bank further agrees that the Authority
shall be the sole judge as to whether the Contractor is in default in due and faithful
performance of its obligations during and under the Agreement and its decision that the
Contractor is in default shall be final and binding on the Bank, not withstanding any
differences between the Authority and the Contractor, or any dispute between them
pending before any court, tribunal, arbitrators or any other authority or body, or by the
discharge of the Contractor for any reason whatsoever.
3. In order to give effect to this Guarantee, the Authority shall be entitled to act as if the
Bank were the principal debtor and any change in the constitution of the Contractor
and/or the Bank, whether by their absorption with any other body or corporation or
otherwise, shall not in any way or manner affect the liability or obligation of the Bank
under this Guarantee.
4. It shall not be necessary, and the Bank hereby waives any necessity, for the Authority to
proceed against the Contractor before presenting to the Bank its demand under this
5. The Authority shall have the liberty, without affecting in any manner the liability of the
Bank under this Guarantee, to vary at any time, the terms and conditions of the Advance
Payment or to extend the time or period of its repayment or to postpone for any time, and
from time to time, any of the rights and powers exercisable by the Authority against the
Contractor, and either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of the terms and
conditions contained in the Agreement and/or the securities available to the Authority,
and the Bank shall not be released from its liability and obligation under these presents
by any exercise by the Authority of the liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or
by reason of time being given to the Contractor or any other forbearance, indulgence, act
or omission on the part of the Authority or of any other matter or thing whatsoever which
under any law relating to sureties and guarantors would but for this provision have the
effect of releasing the Bank from its liability and obligation under this Guarantee and the
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Bank hereby waives all of its rights under any such law.
6. This Guarantee is in addition to and not in substitution of any other guarantee or security
now or which may hereafter be held by the Authority in respect of or relating to the
Advance Payment.
7. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinbefore, the liability of the Bank under this
Guarantee is restricted to the Guarantee Amount and this Guarantee will remain in force
for the period specified in paragraph 8 below and unless a demand or claim in writing is
made by the Authority on the Bank under this Guarantee all rights of the Authority under
this Guarantee shall be forfeited and the Bank shall be relieved from its liabilities
8. The Guarantee shall cease to be in force and effect on ****.$ Unless a demand or claim
under this Guarantee is made in writing on or before the aforesaid date, the Bank shall
be discharged from its liabilities hereunder.
9. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency, except with the
previous express consent of the Authority in writing, and declares and warrants that it
has the power to issue this Guarantee and the undersigned has full powers to do so on
behalf of the Bank.
10. Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder may be sent by post
addressed to the Bank at its above referred branch, which shall be deemed to have been
duly authorized to receive such notice and to effect payment thereof forthwith, and if sent
by post it shall be deemed to have been given at the time when it ought to have been
delivered in due course of post and in proving such notice, when given by post, it shall be
sufficient to prove that the envelope containing the notice was posted and a certificate
signed by an officer of the Authority that the envelope was so posted shall be conclusive.
11. This Guarantee shall come into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force and
effect up to the date specified in paragraph 8 above or until it is released earlier by the
Authority pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement.
$ Insert a date being 90 (ninety) days after the end of one year from the date of payment of the Advance payment to
the Contractor (in accordance with Clause 19.2 of the Agreement).
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
(See Clauses10.1.4 and 19.3)
Contract Price Weightages
1.2 Proportions of the Contract Price for different stages of Construction of the Project
Highway shall be as specified below:
Weightage in
percentage to Percentage
Item Stage for Payment
the Contract weightage
1 2 3 4
Road works A-1 Widening and strengthening of
including existing road
culverts, (1) Earthwork up to top of the sub-grade 0.00
widening and
repair of (2) Sub - Base course 0.00
culverts (3) Non Bituminous Base course 0.00
(4) Bituminous Base course 0.00
(5) Wearing Coat 0.00
(6) Widening and repair of culverts 0.00
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
(2) Super-structure :
On completion of the superstructure in all
respects including wearing coat, bearings,
expansion joints, hand rails, crash barriers, 6.175
road signs and markings, tests on
completion etc. Complete in all respect.
(3) Approaches:
On completion of approaches including
Retaining walls, stone pitching, protection 4.704
works complete in all respect and fit for use.
(2) Super-structure :
On completion of the superstructure in all
respects including wearing coat, bearings,
expansion joints, hand rails, crash barriers, 0.00
road signs and markings, tests on
completion etc. Complete in all respect.
Wearing coat
(a) in case of overpass - Wearing coat
including expansion joints complete in all
respects as specified and
(b) in case of underpass - rigid pavement
including drainage facility complete in all
respects as specified.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
(3) Approaches:
On completion of approaches including
retaining walls/reinforced earth walls, stone
pitching, protection works complete in all 0.00
respect and fit for use.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Total 100.00
Rounding 100.00
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Procedure for estimating the value of road work done shall be as follows:
Table 1.3.1
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
@. For example, if the total length of bituminous work to be done is 100 km, the cost per km of
bituminous work shall be determined as follows:
Cost per km = P x weightage for road work x weightage for bituminous work x (1/L)
Note: The length affected due to law and order problems or litigation during execution due to
which the contractor is unable to execute the work, may be deducted from the total project
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
length for payment purposes. The total length calculated here is only for payment purposes
and will not affect and referred in other clauses of the contract agreement.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Procedure for estimating the value of Minor Bridges and Underpasses/overpasses shall be as stated
in table 1.3.2:
Table 1.3.2
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
(iv) Guide bunds and River training 0.00 (iv) Guide bunds and River training
works: works:
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Procedure for estimating the value of Major Bridge works, ROB/RUB and structures shall be
as stated in table 1.3.3:
Table 1.3.3
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
(vii) Guide bunds, river training works 0.00 (vii) Guide bunds, river training works:
Payment shall be made on completion of all
Guide bunds/river training works etc.
complete in all respects as specified.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
(vii) Guide bunds, river training works 0.00 (vii) Guide bunds, river training works:
Payment shall be made on completion of all
Guide bunds/river training works etc.
complete in all respects as specified.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
(a) ROB
(i) Foundation 0.00 (i) Foundation:
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Note: (1) In case of innovate Major bridge projects like cable suspension/cable stayed/Extra
Dozed and exceptionally long span bridges, the schedule may be modified as per site
requirements before with due approval of DG(RD)&SS, MoRT&H.
(2) The schedule for exclusive tunnel projects may be prepared as per site requirements
before bidding with due approval of DG(RD)&SS, MoRT&H.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Procedure for estimating the value of other works done shall be as stated in table 1.3.4.
Table 1.3.4
(vii) Retaining Wall/Toe Walls 14.20 Unit of measurement is linear length in km.
Payment shall be made on pro rata basis on
completion of a stage in a length of not less
than 10 % (ten per cent) of the total length.
viii) Utility Shifting 0.00
x) Drainage 13.29
xi)Junction 6.76
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Goa Schedules
Landscaping 2.61
Survey 0.03
2.2 Payment for Maintenance shall be made in quarterly installments in accordance with the
provisions of Clause 19.7.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Schedule - I
1. Drawings
In compliance of the obligations set forth in Clause 10.2 of this Agreement, the
Contractor shall furnish to the Authority’s Engineer, free of cost, all Drawings listed in
Annex-I of this Schedule-I.
2. AdditionalDrawings
If the Authority’s Engineer determines that for discharging its duties and functions under
this Agreement, it requires any drawings other than those listed in Annex-I, it may by
notice require the Contractor to prepare and furnish such drawings forthwith. Upon
receiving a requisition to this effect, the Contractor shall promptly prepare and furnish
such drawings to the Authority’s Engineer, as if such drawings formed part of Annex-I of
this Schedule-I.
Construction of four lane Assonora bypass road along S.H.1 in the state of Goa. (Length 2.92
Kms) on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Annex – I
(Schedule - I)
List of Drawings
A broad list of the drawings of the various components/elements of the Project Highway
and project facilities required to be submitted by the Contractor is given below:
[Note: The Authority shall describe in this Annex-I, all the Drawings that the Contractor is
required to furnish under Clause 10.2.]
Construction of four lane Assonora bypass road along S.H.1 in the state of Goa. (Length 2.92
Kms) on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Schedule - J
During Construction period, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements set forth in
this Schedule-J for each of the Project Milestones and the Scheduled Completion Date.
Within 15 (fifteen) days of the date of each Project Milestone, the Contractor shall notify
the Authority of such compliance along with necessary particulars thereof.
2. Project Milestone-I
(i) Project Milestone-I shall occur on the date falling on the 540t h [Five Hundred and
Forty] day from the Appointed Date (the “Project Milestone-I”).
(ii) Prior to the occurrence of Project Milestone-I, the Contractor shall have
commenced construction of the Project Highway and submitted to the Authority
duly and validly prepared Stage Payment Statements for an amount not less than
40% (forty percent) of the Contract Price.
3. Project Milestone-II
4. Project Milestone-III
(i) The Scheduled Completion Date shall occur on the 540t h [Five Hundred and
Forty] day from the Appointed Date.
(ii) On or before the Scheduled Completion Date, the Contractor shall have
completed construction in accordance with this Agreement.
6. Extension of time
Upon extension of any or all of the aforesaid Project Milestones or the Scheduled
Completion Date, as the case may be, under and in accordance with the provisions of
this Agreement, the Project Completion Schedule shall be deemed to have been
amended accordingly.
Construction of four lane Assonora bypass road along S.H.1 in the state of Goa. (Length 2.92
Kms) on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Schedule - K
Tests on Completion
(i) The Contractor shall, no later than 30 (thirty) days prior to the likely completion of
construction, notify the Authority’s Engineer and the Authority of its intent to subject the
Project Highway to Tests, and no later than 10(ten) days prior to the actual date of
Tests, furnish to the Authority’s Engineer and the Authority detailed inventory and
particulars of all works and equipment forming part of Works.
(ii) The Contractor shall notify the Authority’s Engineer of its readiness to subject the
Project Highway to Tests at any time after 10 (ten) days from the date of such notice,
and upon receipt of such notice, the Authority’s Engineer shall, in consultation with the
Contractor, determine the date and time for each Test and notify the same to the
Authority who may designate its representative to witness the Tests. The Authority’s
Engineer shall thereupon conduct the Tests itself or cause any of the Tests to be
conducted in accordance with Article 12 and this Schedule-K.
2. Tests
(i) Visual and physical test: The Authority’s Engineer shall conduct a visual and physical
check of construction to determine that all works and equipment forming part thereof
conform to the provisions of this Agreement. The physical tests shall include[***].
(ii) Riding quality test: Riding quality of each lane of the carriageway shall be checked with
the help of a Network Survey Vehicle (NSV) fitted with latest equipment’s and the
maximum permissible roughness for purposes of this Test shall be 2,000 (two thousand)
mm for each kilometer.
(iii) Tests for bridges: All major and minor bridges shall be subjected to the rebound hammer
and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests, to be conducted in accordance with the procedure
described in Special Report No. 17: 1996 of the IRC Highway Research Board on
Nondestructive Testing Techniques, at two spots in every span, to be chosen at random
by the Authority’s Engineer. Bridges with a span of 15 (fifteen) meters or more shall also
be subjected to load testing.
(iv) Other tests: The Authority’s Engineer may require the Contractor to carry out or cause to
be carried additional tests, in accordance with Good Industry Practice, for determining
the compliance of the Project Highway with Specifications and Standards, except tests
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
as specified in clause 5,but shall include measuring the reflectivity of road markings and
road signs; and measuring the illumination level (lux) of lighting using requisite testing
(v) Environmental audit: The Authority’s Engineer shall carry out a check to determine
conformity of the Project Highway with the environmental requirements set forth in
Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.
(vi) Safety Audit: The Authority’s Engineer shall carry out, or cause to be carried out, a safety
audit to determine conformity of the Project Highway with the safety requirements and
Good Industry Practice.
All Tests set forth in this Schedule-K shall be conducted by the Authority’s Engineer or
such other agency or person as it may specify in consultation with the Authority.
4. Completion Certificate
Upon successful completion of Tests, the Authority’s Engineer shall issue the Completion
Certificate in accordance with the provisions of Article 12.
The Authority Engineer will carry out tests with following equipment at his own cost in the
presence of contractor’s representative.
The first testing with the help of NSV shall be conducted at the time of issue of
Completion Certificate.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Schedule - L
Completion Certificate
2 It is certified that, in terms of the aforesaid Agreement, all works forming part of Project
Highway have been completed, and the Project Highway is hereby declared fit for entry
into operation on this the ……… day of ……… 20… , Scheduled Completed
Date for which was the ……… day of ………20…..
(Designation) (Address)
Construction of four lane Assonora bypass road along S.H.1 in the state of Goa. (Length 2.92
Kms) on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Schedule - M
(i) Monthly lump sum payments for maintenance shall be reduced in the case of non-
compliance with the Maintenance Requirements set forth in Schedule-E.
(iii) The Authority’s Engineer shall calculate the amount of payment reduction on the basis
of weightage in percentage assigned to non-conforming items as given in Paragraph 2.
Construction of four lane Assonora bypass road along S.H.1 in the state of Goa. (Length 2.92
Kms) on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Item / Defect / Deficiency Percentage
(ii) Any other Defects in accordance with paragraph 1. 5%
(g) Defects in Other Project Facilities 5%
(ii) The amount to be deducted from monthly lump-sum payment for non- compliance of
particular item shall be calculated as under:
P= Percentage of particular item / Defect / deficiency for deduction
M1= Monthly lump-sum payment in accordance para 1.2 above of this Schedule
M2= Monthly lump-sum payment in accordance para 1.2 above of this Schedule
The total amount of reduction shall be arrived at by summation of reductions for such
items/Defects/deficiency or non-compliance.
For any Defect in a part of one kilometer, the non-conforming length shall be taken as
one kilometer.
Construction of four lane Assonora bypass road along S.H.1 in the state of Goa. (Length 2.92
Kms) on EPC mode.
Schedule - N
Schedule - O
(a) the estimated amount for the Works executed in accordance with Clause 19.3
(i) subsequent to the last claim;
(c) the estimated amount of each Change of Scope Order executed subsequent to
the last claim;
(d) amounts reflecting adjustment in price, if any, for (c) above in accordance with
the provisions of Clause 13.2 (iii) (a);
(f) Deductions:
(h) The amounts received by the Contractor upto the last claim:
(a) the monthly payment admissible in accordance with the provisions of the
Construction of four lane Assonora bypass road along S.H.1 in the state of Goa. (Length 2.92
Kms) on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Note: The Contractor shall submit its claims in a form acceptable to the Authority.
Construction of four lane Assonora bypass road along S.H.1 in the state of Goa. (Length 2.92
Kms) on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
Schedule - P
(i) The Contractor shall effect and maintain at its own cost, from the Appointed Date till the
date of issue of the Completion Certificate, the following insurances for any loss or
damage occurring on account of Non Political Event of Force Majeure, malicious act,
accidental damage, explosion, fire and terrorism:
(a) insurance of Works, Plant and Materials and an additional sum of [15 (fifteen)]
per cent of such replacement cost to cover any additional costs of and incidental
to the rectification of loss or damage including professional fees and the cost of
demolishing and removing any part of the Works and of removing debris of
whatsoever nature; and
(b) insurance for the Contractor's equipment and Documents brought onto the Site
by the Contractor, for a sum sufficient to provide for their replacement at the Site.
(ii) The insurance under sub para (a) and (b) of paragraph 1(i) above shall cover the
Authority and the Contractor against all loss or damage from any cause arising under
paragraph 1.1 other than risks which are not insurable at commercial terms.
The Contractor shall effect and maintain insurance cover of not less than 15% of the
Contract Price for the Works from the date of issue of the Completion Certificate until
the end of the Defects Liability Period for any loss or damage for which the Contractor is
liable and which arises from a cause occurring prior to the issue of the Completion
Certificate. The Contractor shall also maintain other insurances for maximum sums as
may be required under the Applicable Laws and in accordance with Good Industry
(i) The Contractor shall insure against its liability for any loss, damage, death or bodily
injury, or damage to any property (except things insured under Paragraphs 1 and 2 of
this Schedule or to any person (except persons insured under Clause 20.9), which may
arise out of the Contractor's performance of this Agreement. This insurance shall be for
a limit per occurrence of not less than the amount stated below with no limit on the
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
number of occurrences.
(ii) The insurance shall be extended to cover liability for all loss and damage to the
Authority's property arising out of the Contractor’s performance of this Agreement
(a) the Authority's right to have the construction works executed on, over, under, in
or through any land, and to occupy this land for the Works; and
The insurance under paragraphs 1 to 3 above shall be in the joint names of the
Contractor and the Authority.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
(See Clause 14.10)
Riding quality test: Riding quality of each lane of the carriageway shall be checked with
the help of a calibrated bump integrator and the maximum permissible roughness for
purposes of this Test shall be 2,200 (two thousand and two hundred only) mm for each
Construction of four lane Assonora bypass road along S.H.1 in the state of Goa. (Length 2.92
Kms) on EPC mode.
Works Division VII (NH), PWD Contract Agreement
accordance with the Agreement dated ………… (the “Agreement”), for Construction of four lane
Assonora bypass road along SH.1 in state of Goa (Length 2.92 Km) on EPC Mode." (the “Project
Contractor), hereby certify that the Tests on completion of Maintenance Period in accordance with
Article 14 of the Agreement have been successfully undertaken to determine compliance of the
Project Highway with the provisions of the Agreement and I hereby certify that the Authority has
taken over the Project highway from the Contractor on this day.........
(Name and designation of Authority’s Representative)