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Schedule A - Pkg-2

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Four laning of Badvel to Nellore section of NH-67 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode -

Package-II -Starting near Chittaluru Village (Design Ch.699.300) and ending near Guruvindapudi Village
(Design Ch.739.094) with design length of 39.794 kms under NH(O)


(See Clauses 10.1)


1.1 The site of project highway shall include land, buildings, structures and road works
as described in Annex-I of this Schedule-A.
1.2 An inventory of the Site including the land, buildings, structures, road works, trees
and any other immovable property on, or attached to, the Site shall be prepared
jointly by the Authority Representative and the Concessionaire, and such inventory
shall form part of the memorandum referred to in Clause 10.3.1 of this Agreement.
1.3 The alignment plans of the Project Highway are specified in Annex-III of Schedule-
A. The proposed levels (FRL) as indicated in the alignment plan shall be minimum
requirement and treated as an approximate assessment. The Concessionaire shall
design the Road Profile as per the finalized Detailed Project Report (DPR) including
plan & profile of the project highway based on site/design requirement, prepared
by the Concessionaire.
1.4 The status of the environment clearances obtained or awaited is given in Annex IV.

National Highways Authority of India Page-1

Four laning of Badvel to Nellore section of NH-67 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode -
Package-II -Starting near Chittaluru Village (Design Ch.699.300) and ending near Guruvindapudi Village
(Design Ch.739.094) with design length of 39.794 kms under NH(O)




1.Site of Project Highway:

The project highway “Badvel to Nellore (Package-2)” originating near Chittaluru village
at design chainage Km 699.300 and terminating at Guruvindapudi village (near NH 16) at
design chainage km 739.094 having design length of 39.794 km in Nellore District in the
state of Andhra Pradesh. The alignment predominantly follow green field.
The total length of project road Badvel to Nellore is 108.131 km. It is the part of the
inter corridor route 15 which connect from Kadapa to Nellore. It provides connectivity
to Krishnapatnam Port from Kadapa and reduced the travel distance up to 50km. The
proposed road is to be developed with 4 Lane configurations with paved shoulder
considering proposed right of way (PROW) of 45m except in forest area where 30m ROW
is considered. Minimum PROW is considered in forest area to bare minimum of forest
The alignment predominantly follow green field.

Design Chainage (Km) District/ UT/ Remarks

Start End Length (Km) State

Nellore district Green filed

Km 699.300 Km 739.094 39.794 in Andhra section
Pradesh state

2. Alignment:

The project highway starts at Ch km 699.300 near Chittaluru village and terminates at
Guruvindapudi village (near NH-16) and passes through Chittaluru, Eturu, Revella
Yeragunta Palem, Mogallu, Kanaparthi, Guruvayapalem, Podalakur, Parlapalle,
Biradavolu, Vadlapudi, Kuricherlapadu, Cherukumudikomarapudi and Sarvepalle villages
and terminates at Ch. 739.094 near Guruvindapudi. The project stretch passes through
plain terrain.
Sr. No. Existing Chainage (Km) Design Chainage (Km)
Green Field

The Proposed Right of Way coordinates are given in Annex II and the alignment plan and
profile is given Annex III of this schedule.
3. Land: The site of the project comprises of the land described below.
Existing Chainage (km)
Sr. No. Existing ROW (in m)
From To

4 Carriageway:

National Highways Authority of India Page-2

Four laning of Badvel to Nellore section of NH-67 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode -
Package-II -Starting near Chittaluru Village (Design Ch.699.300) and ending near Guruvindapudi Village
(Design Ch.739.094) with design length of 39.794 kms under NH(O)

The project road stretch follows Greenfield Alignment. The details of the existing road
is as provided below.

Existing Chainage Design Chainage

Sr. No. Lane Configuration
From (Km) To (Km) From (Km) To (Km)


5. Bridges: The site includes the following Major Bridges:

Existing Type of Structure
No of Spans
Sr. Chainage Width
Sub Super with span
No. (Km) Foundation (m)
Structure Structure length (m)


6. Road Over Bridges/ Road under Bridges (RUB): The site includes the following ROB
(Road over Railway line)/ RUB (Road under Railway line):
Existing Type of Structure No of Spans
Sr.No. Chainage Super with span Width (m)
(Km) Structure length (m)

7. Railway level crossings: The site includes the following railway level crossings:
Sr. No. Location Remarks
1 Nil

8. Grade Separators: The site includes the following Grade Separators:

Existing Type of Structure No of Spans
Chainage Super with span Width (m)
No. Foundation
(Km) Structure length (m)

9. Minor Bridges: The site includes the following Minor Bridges:

Type of Structure No of
Existing Design
Sr. Spans Width
Chainage Chainage Super
No. Sub Structure with span (m)
(Km) (Km) Structure
length (m)
1 - 702.605 RCC RCC Slab 3 x 9.8 12.0
10. Culverts:
Existing Span /Opening
Design Chainage Type of
Sr. No. Chainage with span length Remarks
(km) Culvert
(km) (m)
1. - 699.307 RCC BOX 2 x 1.4 Nala
2. 709.340 HPC 1 X 0.6 Nala

National Highways Authority of India Page-3

Four laning of Badvel to Nellore section of NH-67 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode -
Package-II -Starting near Chittaluru Village (Design Ch.699.300) and ending near Guruvindapudi Village
(Design Ch.739.094) with design length of 39.794 kms under NH(O)

11. Bus bays and Truck lay byes: The total number of bus bays and truck lay byes on
the Project is noted below:
(a) No. of bus bays on LHS NIL
(b) No of bus bays on RHS NIL
(c) No of truck lay-byes on LHS NIL
(d) No of truck lay-byes on RHS NIL
12 Junctions

12.1 Major Junction

The details of major junctions are as follows:

Location Category of Cross Road

Sr. Type of
No. Existing Chainage At grade Junction NH SH MDR Others

12.2 Minor Junction

Existing Chainage Type of Junction Leading to
Sr. No.
(km) To km

National Highways Authority of India Page-4

Four laning of Badvel to Nellore section of NH-67 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode -Package-II -Starting near Chittaluru Village (Design
Ch.699.300) and ending near Guruvindapudi Village (Design Ch.739.094) with design length of 39.794 kms under NH(O)

13 . Details of existing utilities:

The site has the following utilities:

(i) Electrical Utilities
The site includes the following electrical utilities:
(a) Extra High Tension lines (EHT Lines)

Road Ground Height of Clearance
Section Final GPS Coordinate Tower-1 GPS Coordina
Chainage Level EHT Line from
Sl.No Name of Line (km) Crossing Road Top
from GL to EHT
Tower Tower At (m) Line (m)
(m) Latitude Longitude Latitude
1 2 Crossing
1 84 87 711/195 72.878 81.502 14.231 5.607 14.396638° 79.694061° 14.399361°
400KV VJA-
2 878 881 726/230 22.921 31.050 19.240 11.111 14.305784° 79.791353° 14.304256°
NLR 3 & 4
3 35 40 727/230 21.165 25.275 13.284 10.121 14.302325° 79.804583° 14.303923°
400KV VJA-
4 865 868 727/930 22.010 27.442 14.535 9.103 14.305602° 79.805524° 14.300788°
NLR 1 & 2

5 25 31 730/800 22.490 26.617 29.939 25.812 14.299974° 79.837005° 14.299838°

National Highways Authority of India Page-5

Four laning of Badvel to Nellore section of NH-67 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode -Package-II -Starting near Chittaluru Village (Design
Ch.699.300) and ending near Guruvindapudi Village (Design Ch.739.094) with design length of 39.794 kms under NH(O)


Road Ground Height of Clearance
Section Final GPS Coordinate Tower-1 GPS Coord
Chainage Level EHT Line from
Sl.No Name of Line (km) Crossing Road Top
from GL to EHT
Tower Tower At (m) Line (m)
(m) Latitude Longitude Latitude
1 2 Crossing

132KV Nellore
1 Adrupalli DC/SC 156 158 700/470 91.520 94.466 13.081 9.690 14.445002° 79.606643° 14.445380°

220KV Nellore
2 49 53 731/900 21.419 25.600 10.550 6.369 14.296309° 79.844445° 14.293763°
Manubolu DC Line
220KV Manubolu
3 Sullurupet SC 43 46 732/020 22.831 26.800 11.231 7.262 14.294381° 79.844763° 14.291961°
220KV Nellore
4 43/5 43/10 733/120 17.633 20.585 14.560 11.608 14.291139° 79.852872° 14.288847°
Sullurupet DC
132KV Nellore
5 48 51 735/990 11.005 14.956 7.692 3.741 14.286846° 79.880104° 14.283306°
Manubolu SC Line

(b) High Tension/Low tension (HT/LT) lines

National Highways Authority of India Page-6

Four laning of Badvel to Nellore section of NH-67 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode -Package-II -Starting near Chittaluru Village (Design
Ch.699.300) and ending near Guruvindapudi Village (Design Ch.739.094) with design length of 39.794 kms under NH(O)

Chainage No of Poles No of Crossings Transformers

Sl. No.
From To 33KV 11KV LT 33KV 11KV LT No Capacity
1 699.000 700.000 9 27 3 3
2 700.000 701.000 4 8 4
3 701.000 702.000 1 6 1 2
4 702.000 703.000 3 9 2
5 703.000 704.000 4 9 1 1 2 1
6 704.000 705.000 3 3 3 2
7 705.000 706.000 3 2 1
8 706.000 707.000 5 3 2 1 2
9 707.000 708.000 7 3
10 708.000 709.000 1 1 1
11 709.000 710.000 1 1 1 1
12 710.000 711.000 4 3 1
13 711.000 712.000 3 2
14 712.000 713.000 1
15 713.000 714.000 1 1
16 714.000 715.000 11 4 2
17 715.000 716.000 15 7 1
18 716.000 717.000
19 717.000 718.000
20 718.000 719.000 1 1
21 719.000 720.000 2 1
22 720.000 721.000 1 1
23 721.000 722.000 1 1
24 722.000 723.000 1 1
25 723.000 724.000 1
26 724.000 725.000 1 11 1 3
29 725.000 726.000 2 3 2 1
30 726.000 727.000 3 1
31 727.000 728.000 1 2 1 1

National Highways Authority of India Page-7

Four laning of Badvel to Nellore section of NH-67 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode -Package-II -Starting near Chittaluru Village (Design
Ch.699.300) and ending near Guruvindapudi Village (Design Ch.739.094) with design length of 39.794 kms under NH(O)

Chainage No of Poles No of Crossings Transformers

Sl. No.
From To 33KV 11KV LT 33KV 11KV LT No Capacity
32 728.000 729.000
33 729.000 730.000 1
34 730.000 731.000 1
35 731.000 732.000 9 3 1
36 732.000 733.000 7 1 2 1
37 733.000 734.000 4 1
38 734.000 735.000
39 735.000 736.000 3 1 1 2
40 736.000 737.000 3 2
41 737.000 738.000 1 1
42 738.000 739.091 4 1
43 Total 26 159 42 7 56 17 15 0

(ii) Public health Utilities (Water pipe lines)

Length in Km Crossings
Water Supply Line Seawage Line Water Supply Line Seawage Line
With With With With
With With With With
From To Gravity Gravity Gravity Gravity
pumping pumping pumping pumping
Flow Flow Flow Flow

1 704/100 704/700 1No.

250mm Dia DI Class K9

2 715/470 245m 1No.
3 719.800 81m 1No. 110mm Dia AC Pipeline

National Highways Authority of India Page-8

Four laning of Badvel to Nellore section of NH-67 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode -Package-II -Starting near Chittaluru Village (Design
Ch.699.300) and ending near Guruvindapudi Village (Design Ch.739.094) with design length of 39.794 kms under NH(O)

110mm Dia HDPE 6kg/cm2

4 731/150 100m 1No.
90mm Dia pipeline with Air
5 732/640 1No.

Note: - Length/location/specification mentioned above is tentative and liable to change. The bidders are advised to assess the existing utilities
at site. Variation in length/location and specifications shall not constitute Change of Scope.

National Highways Authority of India Page-9

Four laning of Badvel to Nellore section of NH-67 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode -
Package-II -Starting near Chittaluru Village (Design Ch.699.300) and ending near Guruvindapudi Village
(Design Ch.739.094) with design length of 39.794 kms under NH(O)


Providing Right of Way of Construction Zone

The Right of Way is being acquired and shall be provided to the Concessionaire on different
stretches presented below:

Sr. Design Chainage (Km)

Length (km) Width (m)
No From (km) To (km)
1 699.300 702.242 2.942 45
2 702.242 702.895 0.653 30
3 702.895 739.094 36.199 45
Total 39.794

Note: The Authority shall provide the Right of Way not less than 80% (Eighty percent) of the
total length of Project Highway on Appointed date for construction of approved design cross
section in compliance to clause 10.3 of Agreement.

National Highways Authority of India Page-10

Four laning of Badvel to Nellore section of NH-67 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode -
Package-II -Starting near Chittaluru Village (Design Ch.699.300) and ending near Guruvindapudi Village
(Design Ch.739.094) with design length of 39.794 kms under NH(O)



Alignment Plans

1. The alignment of the Project Highway is enclosed in alignment plan. Finished road level
indicated in the alignment plan shall be minimum requirement and treated as an
approximate assessment.

2. Traffic Signage plan of the Project Highway showing numbers & location of traffic signs is
enclosed, which is minimum requirement. The Concessionaire shall, however,
improve/upgrade upon the traffic signage plan based on site/design requirement as per
IRC: SP: 84-2019 & IRC: 67.

3. Utility relocation plan: The details of existing utilities to be shift indicated in utility
relocation plan enclosed.

National Highways Authority of India Page-11

Four laning of Badvel to Nellore section of NH-67 in the state of Andhra Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode -
Package-II -Starting near Chittaluru Village (Design Ch.699.300) and ending near Guruvindapudi Village
(Design Ch.739.094) with design length of 39.794 kms under NH(O)




The environmental clearance Wildlife Clearance and Forest Clearance is under progress
are under progress.

National Highways Authority of India Page-12

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