Lesson 35
Lesson 35
Lesson 35
Antonio Cammi
A scattering collision can change the neutron energy and hence either remove
it from the group g, or if it is initially in another group g', scatter it to an energy
in the group g.
We will characterize the probability for scattering a neutron from a group g' to
the group g:
The multigroup "constants" as we have defined them still depend on space and time. They
will be rigorously constant only in the case in which the neutron flux is of the separable form:
in which case they reduce to group averages over the neutron flux energy spectrum (E).
Unfortunately the flux in a nuclear reactor is usually not separable in energy, and in general
we will find that the group constants do indeed depend on space and time (although in a
manner somewhat more subtle than the above discussion might indicate).
However we will attempt to guess or approximate the intragroup fluxes:
Multigroup Diffusion Theory (11) 14
Multigroup Diffusion Theory (12) 15
If the incident neutron energy E was substantially greater than the thermal energy of the
target nuclei (typically less than 0.1 eV), the neutron could never gain energy in a
scattering collision. Such "fast" neutrons will only slow down in a scattering collision.
Hence in these fast groups, we can set:
Since most few-group diffusion calculations utilize only one thermal group to describe
the neutrons with E < 1eV (assuming that neutrons cannot scatter up out of the
thermal group), we can generally simplify the scattering term to write:
Multigroup Diffusion Theory (13) 16
In case of CRITICALITY condition, without external source, the multigroup equations can
be written as:
Multigroup Diffusion Theory (16) 19
If we neglect the up-scattering there is a Iower triangular form for the "diffusion" matrix
M. The fission matrix F is full, however, since fission neutrons induced by a neutron
absorption in a Iower group will appear distributed among the higher energy groups.
In the case of directly coupled groups, M becomes a simple bidiagonal matrix of the
Multigroup Diffusion Theory (17) 20
E0 = ∞ and E1 = 0
Two-Group Diffusion Theory (1) 22