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Lustria Croakers Profile

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Team Colours: Blue
Symbol: A Slann head
Owner: Mage-Priest Mazdamiata
Head Coach: Tactiql
Home Stadium: Kroak Field, Cotec
(capacity 76,651, surface swamp)
Players: Slann
Sponsor: Croak-a Cooler
Cheerleaders: The Leapers

The Lustria Croakers are a team of Slann, an ancient 2477 The players strike leaves the team’s treasury
race who once roamed the stuff of chaos in their running low, the Croakers become the first
marvellous silver spaceships. But no longer- the Blood Bowl team to use sponsorship as a
Slann have long since degenerated. So low have way of generating extra revenue. Their first
they sunk into barbarity that they even (shudder) deal is with a carriage recovery company
play Blood Bowl. How uncivilised can you get! whose catch phrase is, “we found a wreck
and toad it away’).
2441 The Great Council of Tlax takes place; all of
the ancient Slann Mage Priests commune to 2479 The Lustrians make their one and only
try and divine further what the ‘Great Plan’ of appearance in the Blood Bowl final, they are
the ancients holds. The Lustria Croakers are comprehensively beaten Blood Bowl XIX by
officially formed, but for what purpose the Reikland Reavers, who begin their rise to
remains a mystery. power. Twice halted at the one pace line,
their aerial game finally comes to grief with
2450 Lord Kroak delegates management of the the loss of one catcher after the other. Or, as
team to the Mage-Priest Mazdamiata, one of they put it at the time: “We croaked!”
his most powerful living followers and a
closet football nut! Having surreptitiously 2485 Dark Renengades sticky-armed mutant,
tuned into NAF Cabalvision broadcasts for Pinespite Venge, derails the Croakers
years, he divines the Croakers true purpose: promising late season form when a number
To play in the biggest league in the world of the Slann tacklers become hopelessly
and return glory to the Slann race. stuck. Venge dies in the game taking many
Conveniently, the NAF expands to 40 teams of the team with him and ruining their
that year, and the Slann jump at the chance playoff chances.
of purchasing a new franchise!
2487 The Lustria Croakers are, once again, this
2460 The Slann prove to be reasonably good season’s most sponsored team. Quite apart
players, their only weakness being their poor from their multi-million deal with Croak-a-
throwing and kicking ability. This is Cooler, they have contracts with several
somewhat compensated by the difficulty running shoe manufacturers, as well as their
many teams have adapting to the sweltering existing deal with a major carriage recovery
conditions in their home stadium, for company, and the publishers of the banned
example, the Asgard Ravens refused to play book ‘Fly Catcher’ which is making best
when some of their gear melted. seller lists everywhere.

2475 The Croakers experience their best form 2489 There is little to marvel at in the Croakers’
ever, backed by the discovery of two of the game beyond the ability to outjump Storm
all-time great Slann players: Lottabottol sets Giants. Their arrogance makes them pick the
a record for the number of interceptions in a hardest games, nearly always including the
season, which soon leads to him being Cowboys, the Reavers, the Raiders and the
nicknamed ‘The Leaper’. The other, the Chaos All-Stars in their itinerary. This, and
astonishing Catcher, Quetzal Leap, seems to their position in one of the toughest divisions
be able to take the ball wherever it is thrown! in the NAF- NFC West- makes their chances
With the Severed Heads experiencing a dip of success slight.
in form through the mid 70s the Croakers
take the NFC West 3 times in 4 years.

2489-90 First Team Roster

No. Name Position Experience

1 Quetzal Leap Catcher Star Player

2 Lottabotol Blitzer Star Player
3 Zqidadl Catcher Veteran
4 Triqidiqi Catcher Veteran
5 Zlapantcl Blitzer Veteran
6 Yezyucan Catcher Veteran
7 ‘Flash’ Intapan Lineman Rookie NAF Records
8 Botolnec Lineman Veteran Most Team Sponsorships:
9 Hipitihopiti Lineman Veteran 7 (2488-89)
10 Hoqi-Poqi Lineman Veteran Most Lucrative Sponsorship (in Gold Crowns):
11 Axalotl Croak Lineman Veteran 2,000,000 gold crowns for a 6 season deal with
12 Huchi-Quchi Lineman Veteran Croak-a-Cooler, (2487-88)
13 Teetotl Lineman Rookie Highest Unaided Leap to Make an Interception:
14 Turtlnec the Jumper Lineman Rookie 14 feet, Lottabottol vs Elfheim Eagles, (2482-83)
15 Tapayaxi Toad Lineman Veteran Highest Unaided Leap:
16 Chuqasiki Lineman Rookie 16 feet, Quetzal Leap vs Oldheim Ogres, (2475-76)

Fame: 2 Team Rerolls: 0

The Fans: Chant 2; Hooligans 1; Loyalty 2

Cheerleaders: The Leapers Cheering Ability: 7

Spike! Magazine Team Rating: 228

Team Honours
NFC championship winners 2479
Orcidas Team of the Year 2479
Zlatan Cup winners 2477
Gumpta Cup winners, 2462-2488

Hall of Fame:
Lep Inluni

Lustria Croakers’ Team Chant

" You think you're smart,

You think you're a wizz,
Well just remember
Whose planet this is!"

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