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TCW GT 2023 Pack v2

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Changes from the previous pack are marked in red. As always, some comps may have been removed altogether.

1) Introduction

2) Building your Army

3) The Comp

4) The Scenarios

5) Winning the Tournament

6) The Awards

7) The Big Warhammer Quiz

8) Scheduling

9) Scoring

10) The Venue

11) The FAQ’s

12) Any other business

1) Introduction
Welcome to the Triple Crown Wargaming 2023 tournament pack. We are returning for our 9th and best year
yet! As ever there will be some small changes based on the previous events, games we have played and
community feedback.

Let us introduce the Triple Crown Wargaming team, we are James Lammin, Scott McHugh, and Max Hurley;
and we will be running the event. If you have any questions that are not covered in the following pages then
feel free to get in touch at:


To start with we will briefly run through some general principles about the event and how it will run.

• This is a two day, five game Warhammer Fantasy Battles 8th edition event using 2,500 point armies
• It will be held on the 13th/14th May and 10th/11th June at St Giles Banqueting & Conference Centre in
Colchester, Essex; a very fitting 1,000-year-old church!
• We aim to have as much of an ‘out of the box’ experience as possible; although we have made one or
two changes to certain rules as well as some clarifications to attempt to make this event as enjoyable
as possible for everyone
• The event will be using a roll call comp system, all of which is included in this pack
• There are two types of tickets for this event:
o Standard Tickets – Priced at £35, these include an event exclusive T-shirt


o ‘Crown’ Tickets – Priced at £45, these include an event exclusive T-shirt, dinner on Saturday
evening at the venue, access to the on-site private bar until 11.30pm Saturday night and entry
to The Big Warhammer Quiz (you can ‘crown’ your ticket by selecting this option from the
Ticket Type dropdown when purchasing your ticket)
• Tickets are available from triplecrownwargaming.com
• Lunch is not included in your ticket price, however there will be food available to purchase from the
on-site bar
• Unpainted armies are allowed, however be aware that points are awarded for fully painted and based
armies. There will also be an award for Best Painted.

What can I use?

The following factions and army lists will be allowed at this event:

• All the latest Warhammer 8th edition Army books (Beastmen [7th edition], Bretonnia [6th edition],
Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, High Elves, Lizardmen, Ogre Kingdoms, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven
[7th edition], The Empire, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, and Wood Elves)
• The Legion of Azgorh (Chaos Dwarf) list from Tamurkhan
o The Great Host of Chaos list from Tamurkhan is NOT allowed

• The following End Times lists will NOT be allowed: Undead Legions, Legions of Chaos, The Host of the
Phoenix King, The Host of the Eternity King, The Host of Aestyrion, The Grand Legion of the
• The Warhammer Formations presented in End Times: Thanquol and End Times: Archaon are not
• Battle Scrolls, Scrolls of Binding and Monstrous Arcanum are allowed IF indicated in your relevant
army comp section or in the Triple Crown Wargaming 2023: Monsters Compendium
• The Magic Items found in the Monstrous Arcanum and Storm of Magic supplements may not be

Third party and ‘proxy’ models are allowed as long as it is clear to your opponents what the model(s) is/are
now representing. In short, if you have made an effort to do something cool it will likely be fine. If you are planning
on using any proxy or third party models please send some photos to thetriplecrownguys@gmail.com ahead of
submitting your list so that we can confirm we are happy for the models to be used.

We understand certain models are hard to come by now and that may mean you need to use others; we
don’t have an issue with this. Sending us pictures ahead of time simply ensures we are completely clear on what
you want to use as what, and this helps to ensure the event runs smoothly. If you arrive with proxy/third party
models which you have not sent us pictures of prior to your list being submitted, we may ask you to remove these
and play your games without them. This NOT something we want to do, or think we will need to do, but it is
something which we think will help ensure the event is enjoyable for everyone.

What should I bring?

• Your army (we hope this one would be obvious!)

• Any gaming aids you need (dice, tape measure, templates)
• Movement trays for any unit of 3 or more models
• Warhammer 8th Edition rulebook
• The latest edition of your army book, and any supplements you are using
• 2 printed copies of your army list
• Any FAQ’s you will be relying on – if you do not have a copy and one cannot be found, expect to be
ruled against!

2) Building Your Army
So now the fun starts, getting your army together! This is a 2,500 point, closed list event. Please be aware
that your army lists will need to have the following:

• Your Name
• The name of your faction
• Your comp score, and how that’s calculated
• Your units/characters along with their points, any upgrades they have and the points for those, which
lore of magic any wizards are using, who is your army general, and who your messenger is (see game 3)
• Your armies total points cost

Your list needs to be submitted to thetriplecrownguys@gmail.com by the end of 29th April 2023. Late
submission will result in a 5 Tournament Point deduction from your final score.

This event will be using the 25% Lords and Heroes allowance as per the original Warhammer Fantasy 8th
Edition rulebook (please ignore the change to this in the latest FAQ). The army selection rules in End Times:
Archaon will not be used.

All Special Characters will be allowed, this includes any End Times characters (obviously, only the ones
which fit within the 25% allowances!)

There are additional monsters/units available to your army in the Triple Crown Wargaming 2023: Monsters
Compendium. Any additional comp on these units is included in that document.

3) The Comp

As we said right at the start this event will be using a roll call comp system; however even if you are already
familiar with this system make sure you pay special attention below as we have made some changes to it.

We are aiming for that unrestricted, out of the box feeling but we want to ensure everyone has a good time
as well, so the system reflects that. It is as follows:

• You start at 0
• For every choice in your army consult the comp across the following pages (and the Monsters
Compendium if applicable)
• Add or subtract as instructed to get your final score, with the following restrictions:
o You can finish with a minus score
o You can never gain the positive score for duplicates of the same thing more than twice (e.g.
if you have 3 Lion Chariots you only get +2, not +3)
o Your score has a maximum upper limit of +10 but no lower limit, you can be a -50 if you can
fit it in.

Your comp score will be used in two ways:

1. Your first round opponent will not be random, but will be matched to you based on your comp
scores. Swiss pairing will match opponents after round 1.
2. At the end of the tournament your comp score will be added or subtracted as appropriate from
your gaming score to give you your final tournament score and ranking

Generic Comp (for all armies)
If your army includes no duplicate choices of any kind, you receive a bonus to your comp score. The bonus is
different for each faction and is known as the Highlander comp. Please note that the same unit entry with different
equipment DOES count as a duplicate choice for the purposes of Highlander.

The following Common Magic Items incur the following comp points:

• -1 for the Crown of Command

• -1 for the Standard of Discipline
• -1 for Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress
• +1 for the Arabyan Carpet
• +2 for the Wizarding Hat

The following criteria incur the following comp points if they are met:

• +2 if your army does not include an item which automatically dispels a spell (such as the Dispel
Scroll, Rune of Spellbreaking or the Cube of Darkness. This does not apply to Daemons of Chaos)
• +1 if your army does not contain a level 3+ wizard, but DOES contain other spell casters, spells or
bound items (this does not apply to Dwarfs)
• +3 if your army includes no magic users, spells or bound items (this does not apply to Dwarfs)
• +2 if your army does not contain a Battle Standard Bearer (this does not apply to Tomb Kings or
Vampire Counts)

Units (not characters or single models) that cost over a certain points value will incur comp points as per the list

• -1 per unit between 450 and 599 points inclusive

• -3 per unit between 600 and 749 points inclusive
• -5 per unit that costs 750 points or more

In addition, certain choices available to many armies incur the following comp points.

• +1 per non-spellcaster mounted on a Monster

• +1 per character mounted on a Chariot
• -1 per model who knows 3 or more spells from the Lore of Death or the Lore of Life (*Note* Special
Characters are exempt from this comp as this would have been included in their comp score).
• -1 per spellcaster who knows spells from the Lore of Light after the second

On the following pages you will find the individual army comp. Each page will cover a different army and
will have all the army-specific comp which applies in addition to the comp above.


Beastmen armies may select Marks of Chaos for their units as described in End Times: Archaon; however Beastmen
do not pay the additional points cost for these Marks, they are free.

Beastmen armies use the Beastmen Ambush rule from End Times: Glotkin

Where a Common Magic Item is presented in the Rulebook and Warhammer Armies: Beastmen players should
use the points value in the Rulebook and the rules in Warhammer Armies: Beastmen.

• -1 per spellcaster after the second if the Shard of the Herdstone is included in your list
• -1 per Tuskgor Chariot after the 3rd (including mounts)
• -1 for Slugtongue
• -1 per Doombull with the Arabyan Carpet; this is increased to -2 if the Doombull also has a 3+ ward
save (*Note* You do not receive the +1 for the Arabyan Carpet if it is on a Doombull)

• +4 if your army is Highlander

• +1 per unit of 20+ Unger Herds
• +1 per unit of 5+ Minotaurs
• +1 per unit of Centigors
• +1 for the first Giant, +2 per Giant after the first
• +1 per Jabberslythe
• +1 per Cygor
• +1 per Ghorgon
• +1 for Khazrak The One Eye
• +2 for Gorthor, The Beastlord
• +2 for Moonclaw, Son of Morrslieb
• +2 for Ungrol Four-horn
• +1 for Ghorros Warhoof


Bretonnian armies start with a comp score of +1, instead of the usual 0.

The following Bretonnian units gain the Devastating Charge special rule: Bretonnian Lord, Paladin, Knights of the
Realm, Knights Errant, Questing Knights, Pegasus Knights, Grail Knights, and The Green Knight

Remove the 0-1 selection limit from the following units: Grail Reliquae, Pegasus Knights, and Grail Knights

Bretonnian Lords may take a single Virtue, with no points limit, in addition to their 100 point magic item allowance.
You still pay the points for the Virtue and follow all of the rules around duplicating Virtues but it is treated as a
separate allowance to your magic items.

Bretonnian Paladins may take a single Virtue, with a 50 point limit, in addition to their 50 point magic item
allowance. You still pay the points for the Virtue and follow all of the rules around duplicating Virtues but it is
treated as a separate allowance to your magic items.

Where a Common Magic Item is presented in the Rulebook and Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia players should
use the points value in the Rulebook and the rules in Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia.

• -1 if you have both the Silver Mirror and a Dispel Scroll

• -1 per Trebuchet after the 1st
• -1 for The Green Knight

• +4 if your army is Highlander

• +1 per Hippogryph
• +1 per Lord/Paladin on foot, an additional +1 if they are also your general
• +1 for the first unit of 30+ Men-at-Arms
• +1 for the first unit of Peasant Bowmen
• +1 per unit of Mounted Yeomen
• +1 per unit of 6+ Questing Knights
• +2 per Grail Reliquae
• +3 if you have only one of the following Knight units in your army (Realm, Errant, Questing, Grail).
This is reduced to +1 if you also have Pegasus Knights

Chaos Dwarfs/Legions of Azgorh

• -1 for the first K’daai Destroyer, -2 for each K’daai Destroyer after the first
• -1 for the Chalice of Blood and Darkness
• -2 if 2 Death Shrieker Rockets are included
• -2 if 2 Magma Cannons are included
• -1 per Hellcannon
• -1 per Infernal Castellan after the 1st
• -1 if your army contains more than 4 War Machines (both the Hellcannon and Iron Daemon count
as War Machines for this purpose)

• +3 if your army is Highlander

• +1 for the first unit of Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard armed with Fireglaives
• +1 per unit of Chaos Dwarf Infernal Ironsworn
• +1 per unit of K’daai Fireborn
• +4 if your army includes no War Machines (both the Hellcannon and Iron Daemon count as War
Machines for this purpose)
• +1 for the first unit of 40+ Hobgoblin Cutthroats

Daemons of Chaos
Daemons of Chaos armies may take Morbidex Twiceborn (End Times: Glotkin). He is treated as a Daemon of Nurgle
for the purposes of Daemonic Alignment and for calculating the below Mono God bonus. He does not contribute
too, or benefit from, Epidemius’ Tally.

Plague Toads of Nurgle may be taken as specified in the Tamurkhan book, they are treated as a Daemon of Nurgle
for the purposes of Epidemius’ Tally, Daemonic Alignment and for calculating the below Mono God bonus. Plague
Toad units change Unbreakable and Unstable to Daemonic Instability.

Pox Riders of Nurgle may be taken as specified in the Tamurkhan book, they are treated as a Daemon of Nurgle for
the purposes of Epidemius’ Tally, Daemonic Alignment and for calculating the below Mono God bonus. Pox Rider
units change Unbreakable and Unstable to Daemonic Instability.

Isabella The Accursed is treated as a Daemon of Nurgle when calculating the below Mono God bonus.

Mono God Armies - If your army consists solely of Daemons of a single Chaos God you incur the following comp

• +1 if your army consists solely of Daemons of Tzeentch – in addition you may ignore the comp for
multiple Lore of Tzeentch casters
• +1 if your army consists solely of Daemons of Slaanesh
• +2 if your army consists solely of Daemons of Khorne – in addition the comp for having 2 Skull
Cannon is reduced to -2

• -4 for Epidemius
• -4 for Kairos Fateweaver
• -1 per Herald of Nurgle in the army more than units of 20+ Plaguebearers
• -1 per caster using the Lore of Tzeentch after the 2nd
• -1 per unit of Beasts of Nurgle
• -1 per unit of Beasts of Nurgle with 6+ models, this is in addition to the above comp
• -1 per Plague Drone unit after the 1st
• -1 for the first Skull Cannon, -2 for the second Skull Cannon
• -3 per Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster (End Times: Archaon)
• -3 for Morbidex Twiceborn (End Times: Glotkin)

• +2 if your army is Highlander

• +1 per Daemon Prince
• +1 per Keeper of Secrets
• +1 per Great Unclean One
• +1 per Blood Throne of Khorne
• +1 for the first unit of 15+ Daemonettes
• +1 for the first unit of 15+ Bloodletters
• +1 per Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh or Hellflayer of Slaanesh after the 1st
• +1 per Burning Chariot of Tzeentch
• +1 per unit of 4+ Bloodcrushers
• +1 per unit of 3+ Nurglings
• +1 per Exalted Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh
• +1 for Skarbrand
• +1 for Ku’Gath Plaguefather

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Dark Elves

• -3 for Morathi
• -1 per character mounted on a Dark Steed or Pegasus who also has a Sea Dragon Cloak after the 2nd
• -1 for the Cloak of Twilight
• -1 per Cauldron of Blood (*Note* Despite this being a chariot mount, a model mounted on the
Cauldron does not get the +1 for a character mounted on a chariot)
• -1 per Reaper Bolt Thrower after the 2nd
• -1 per unit of 30+ Witch Elves
• -1 per unit of 26+ Har Ganeth Executioners
• -1 per unit of Doomfire Warlocks
• -1 if your army includes more than 10 Doomfire Warlocks, this is in addition to the above comp
• -1 per unit of Dark Riders after the 3rd

• +2 if your army is Highlander

• +2 per Supreme Sorceress on Black Dragon
• +1 per High Beastmaster
• +1 per Fleetmaster
• +1 per Manticore mount (excluding High Beastmaster mounts)
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Dreadspears
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Bleakswords
• +1 for the first unit of Cold One Knights
• +1 for the first War Hydra
• +1 for the first Kharibdyss
• +1 per Sourgerunner Chariot (excluding mounts)
• +1 per Bloodwrack Medusa
• +1 per Bloodwrack Shrine
• +1 per unit of Sisters of Slaughter
• +1 for the first Khainite Assassin
• +1 for Lokhir Fellheart
• +1 for Kouran Darkhand
• +1 for Tullaris Dreadbringer

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• -1 if 2+ Cannons are included; this is increased to -2 if any have runes

• -1 if 2+ Organ Guns are included; this is increased to -2 if any have runes
• -1 if 2+ Grudge Throwers are included; this is increased to -2 if any have runes
• -1 if 2+ Flame Cannons are included
• -1 if your army contains more than 4 War Machines (the Anvil of Doom does not count for this)
• -1 per Rune of Spellbreaking after the 2nd
• -1 per Gyrocopter after the 2nd
• -1 for Grimm Burlocksson
• -1 for Ungrim, Incarnate of Fire (End Times: Thanquol)
• -1 per Rune of Stoicism
• -1 per Master Rune of Groth One-Eye when taken on a unit of Hammerers

• +3 if your army is Highlander

• +1 per unit of Slayers over 100 points, this does not apply if there are more than 1 Giant Slayer per
5 Slayers
• +1 if your army DOES NOT include the Master Rune of Valaya
• +1 per unit of Miners
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Dwarf Warriors
• +1 per Runelord, this is increased to +2 if mounted on an Anvil of Doom
• +1 per Daemon Slayer
• +1 per Dragon Slayer
• +1 for Ungrim Ironfist
• +1 for Belegar Ironhammer
• +2 for Thorek Ironbrow
• +3 if the army DOES NOT include any items which automatically dispel a spell (this replaces the
generic comp point for auto-dispel items)
• +4 if the army includes no War Machines (the Anvil of Doom does not count for this)

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High Elves

High Elf armies may take the following Special Characters: Alarielle, Avatar of Isha (End Times: Khaine); Alarielle,
Incarnate of Life (End Times: Khaine); Tyrion, Incarnate of Light (End Times: Archaon); Caradryan, Incarnate of Fire
(End Times: Archaon)

• -1 for the Banner of the World Dragon if it is on the Battle Standard Bearer
• -3 for the Banner of the World Dragon if it is on a unit Standard Bearer
• -1 for the first Frostheart Phoenix, -2 per Frostheart Phoenix after the 1st (this EXCLUDES Frostheart
Phoenixes taken as mounts, however you can never gain the +1 for a character mounted on a
Monster when taking a Frostheart Phoenix as a mount)
• -1 for Caradryan if mounted on Ashtari
• -1 per character mounted on an Elven Steed who also has Dragon Armour after the 2nd
• -1 for the Book of Hoeth
• -1 per unit of Ellyrian Reavers after the 3rd
• -1 per Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower after the 2nd
• -1 per unit of 26+ White Lions of Chrace
• -1 per unit of 11+ Dragon Princes
• -3 for Teclis
• -3 for Alarielle the Radiant
• -4 for Alarielle, Avatar of Isha (End Times: Khaine)
• -7 for Alarielle, Incarnate of Life (End Times: Khaine)
• -2 for Tyrion, Incarnate of Light (End Times: Archaon)
• -4 for Caradryan, Incarnate of Fire (End Times: Archaon)

• +2 if your army is Highlander

• +2 per Archmage on Dragon
• +2 per Dragon Mage
• +1 per Lothern Sea Helm
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Spearmen
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Archers
• +1 per Lion Chariot (excludes mounts)
• +1 for the first unit of Shadow Warriors
• +1 per unit of Tiranoc Chariots
• +1 per Skycutter Chariot (excludes mounts)
• +1 for the first Flamespyre Phoenix
• +1 per unit of 3+ Great Eagles
• +1 for Tyrion
• +1 for Korhil

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• -1 for a Slann Mage-Priest with both Harmonic Convergence and the Channelling Staff
• -1 per Saurus character on Cold One after the 1st
• -1 if you have both the Cube of Darkness and a Dispel Scroll
• -1 per unit of Skink Skirmishers after the 3rd
• -1 per unit of Chameleon Skinks after the 1st
• -1 per unit of Skink Cohorts costing under 100 points, after the 2nd
• -2 for Tetto’eko

• +4 if your army is Highlander

• +1 for a Saurus Scar-Veteran Battle Standard Bearer
• +1 per Slann Mage-Priest with Higher State of Consciousness
• +1 for the first Skink Cohort containing at least 2 Kroxigor
• +1 for the first unit of Ripperdactyl Riders
• +1 per Bastiladon with the Ark of Sotek
• +1 per unit of 4+ Kroxigor
• +1 per unit of Jungle Swarms
• +1 per Stegadon (*Note* this does NOT include Ancient Stegadons)
• +2 per Trogladon
• +1 per unit of 2+ Razordon
• +1 for Lord Kroak
• +1 for Chakax
• +1 for Gor-Rok
• +1 for Tiktaq’to
• +1 for Oxyotl
• +2 for Tehenhauin. If Tehenhauin is your army General and your army does not include any Saurus
characters, the negative comp for Skink units do not apply)

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Ogre Kingdoms

• -1 for the Hellheart

• -1 for the Runemaw
• -1 for the Dragonhide Banner
• -1 per unit of Mournfang Cavalry after the 1st
• -2 if 2 Ironblasters are included in your army
• -1 per unit of 1 Sabretusk after the 2nd

• +3 if your army is Highlander

• +2 if no Monstrous Infantry unit is larger than 6 models
• +1 per Big Name
• +1 per Hunter
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Gnoblars
• +1 per unit of 5+ Sabretusks
• +1 per unit of Yhetees
• +1 per Gnoblar Scraplauncher
• +1 for the first Giant, +2 per Giant after the first
• +1 per Thundertusk
• +1 if your army does not include any Ironblasters
• +1 for Skrag the Slaughterer
• +1 for Golgfag Maneater
• +2 for Bragg the Gutsman
• +2 for Greasus Goldtooth

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Orcs & Goblins

Night Goblin Squig Gobba’s may be taken as a Rare choice in an Orcs & Goblins army.

• +3 if your army contains only Goblins

• +5 if your army contains only Orcs

For the purposes of the above comp points Trolls, Giants and Rogue Idols can count as either Orcs or Goblins as you
want. War Machines without Orc Bully’s count as Goblins, War Machines with Orc Bully’s count as Orcs. Arachnarok
Spiders, Squig Herds, Squig Hoppers and Mangler Squigs count as Goblins.

• -1 if you have more than 6 Fanatics

• -1 for the Lucky Shrunken Head, this is increased to -2 if a unit of 30+ Savage Orc Big’uns are also
• -2 if 2 Doom Diver Catapults are included
• -2 if 2 Rock Lobbers are included
• -2 if 2 Night Goblin Squig Gobbas are included
• -1 per Mangler Squig
• -2 for Grimgor, Incarnate of Beasts (End Times: Archaon)

• +3 if your army is Highlander

• +3 if your army contains no War Machines (Night Goblin Squig Gobbas count as War Machines for
the purposes of this)
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Orc Arrer Boyz
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Orc Boyz
• +1 for the first unit of Forest Goblin Spider Riders
• +1 for the first Nasty Skulker
• +1 per unit of Snotlings
• +1 per unit of Orc Boar Boyz
• +1 per unit of Savage Orc Boar Boyz
• +1 per Arachnarok, this is increased to +2 if it also has the Catchweb Spidershrine upgrade
• +1 for the first Giant, +2 per Giant after the first
• +1 for the first character mounted on Giant Cave Squig
• +1 for Azhag the Slaughterer
• +1 for Grom the Paunch
• +1 for Gitilla da Hunter
• +1 for Snagla Grobspit

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Where a Common Magic Item is presented in the Rulebook and Warhammer Armies: Skaven players should use
the points value in the Rulebook and the rules in Warhammer Armies: Skaven.

You do NOT receive the +1 for a character mounted on a chariot for models mounted on a Screaming Bell or Plague

• -1 if you take 2 of the following, -2 of you take 3 of the following, and -3 if you take all 4:
o Brass Orb
o Power Scroll
o Storm Banner
o Doom Rocket
• -1 for the first Unbreakable unit, -2 per Unbreakable unit after the first (excluding Rat Swarms)
• -1 per Warlock Engineer after the 3rd
• -1 per unit of Giant Rats with less than 10 models after the 2nd
• -1 per unit of Rat Swarms with less than 3 models after the 1st
• -1 per unit of 40+ Skavenslaves
• -1 per unit of Gutter Runners after the 2nd
• -2 if 2 Doomwheels are included
• -2 if 2 Warp Lightning Cannons are included
• -1 per Hell Pit Abomination
• -1 per unit of Stormfiends, this is increased to -3 if the unit includes one or more models with
Grinderfists (End Times: Thanquol)

• +3 if your army is Highlander

• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Night Runners
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Giant Rats
• +1 per Warp Grinder
• +1 per Doom Flayer
• +1 per unit of Rat Ogres
• +1 per unit of 5+ Warplock Jezzails
• +1 per unit of Plague Censer Bearers
• +1 per unit of Poisoned Wind Globadiers
• +1 per Great Pox Rat
• +2 per Vermin Lord (*Note* this only applies to the Vermin Lord from Warhammer Armies: Skaven)
• +1 for Thanquol (*Note* this only applies to Thanquol from Warhammer Armies: Skaven)
• +1 for Ikit Claw
• +1 for Throt the Unclean
• +1 for Tretch Craventail
• +1 for Lord Skrolk

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The Empire

The Empire may take the following units from the Tamurkhan book, they are taken exactly as indicated in the
Empire Bestiary section of the Tamurkhan book: Theodore Bruckner, Lietpold the Black, Captain Edvard Van Der
Kraal & Manann's Blade, Magisterix Elspeth von Draken, Castellan-Engineer Juda Falk & the Nuln Ironsides, The
‘Marienburg’ Class Land Battle Ship.

You do NOT receive the +1 for a character mounted on a chariot for models mounted on a War Altar of Sigmar.

• -1 if you have no Core Infantry

• -2 if 2 Great Cannons are included
• -2 if 2 Helblaster Volley Guns are included
• -1 per unit of Demigryph Knights after the 1st
• -1 per ‘Marienburg’ Class Land Battle Ship
• -1 for the first Steam Tank, -2 per Steam Tank after the first
• -1 if your army includes both 1+ Steam Tanks/’Marienburg’ Class Land Battle Ships and a Lore of Life
wizard, this is in addition to any other comp on Steam Tanks/’Marienburg’ Class Land Battle Ships
and the Lore of Life
• -1 if your army contains more than 4 War Machines (Steam Tanks count as War Machines for the
purpose of this)
• -1 for Theodore Bruckner (Tamurkhan)
• -1 for Magisterix Elspeth von Draken (Tamurkhan)
• -3 for Balthasar Gelt, Incarnate of Metal (End Times: Archaon)

• +2 if your army is Highlander (*Note* for the purposes of Highlander detachments are treated as
different to a parent unit of the same type; e.g. you can include one unit of Halberdiers and one
detachment of Halberdiers and still claim the Highlander comp point)
• +2 per Wizard Lord on Griffon
• +1 per Wizard Lord on a Luminark of Hysh
• +1 per Wizard Lord on a Celestial Hurricanum
• +1 for Markus Wulfhart
• +1 for Marius Leitdorf
• +1 for Valten if none of his upgrades are purchased (End Times: Nagash)
• +1 per Mechanical Steed
• +1 per Witch Hunter
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Handgunners
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Crossbowmen
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Free Company
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Spearmen
• +1 per unit of 20+ Greatswords
• +1 per unit of Outriders
• +1 per unit of Pistoliers
• +1 per unit of Flagellants
• +1 per Mortar
• +1 per Helstorm Rocket Battery

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Tomb Kings

Tomb King armies start with an initial comp score of +1, instead of the usual 0.

Tomb King armies may march when within 12” of the army General. Change the last sentence of The Restless Dead
(Lore of Nehekhara Lore Attribute) to ‘Units with the Animated Constructs special rule can only ever recover a
single lost wound in this way per spell cast’.

Tomb King armies may use Morghast Harbringers and Morghast Archai from End Times: Nagash

• -1 per unit of Morghast Archai (End Times: Nagash)

• -1 per unit of Morghast Harbringers (End Times: Nagash)
• -1 per Heirotitan
• -1 per 10 (or part of 10) Skeleton Archers in the army after 50
• -1 per unit of Necropolis Knights after the 1st
• -1 per Casket of Souls
• -1 for Screaming Skull Catapults after the 1st
• -1 for Ramhotep the Visionary if the army only contains one unit of animated constructs
• -1 for High Queen Khalida
• -1 for Arkhan the Black

• +4 if your army is Highlander

• +1 for the first Tomb King
• +1 for a Tomb Herald Battle Standard Bearer
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Skeleton Warriors (not Archers)
• +1 for the first unit of Skeleton Horsemen (not Horse Archers)
• +1 per unit of Tomb Swarms
• +1 per unit of Ushabti
• +1 per unit of Sepulchral Stalkers
• +1 per Necrosphinx
• +1 per unit of 20+ Tomb Guard
• +1 per Necrolith Colossus
• +1 for Settra the Imperishable
• +1 for Prince Apophas
• +1 for The Herald Nekaph

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Vampire Counts

Vampire Counts armies may take the following Special Characters: Vlad, Mortarch of Shadow (End Times: Nagash;
Krell, Mortarch of Despair (End Times: Nagash)

• -1 per Vampire Lord with Red Fury

• -1 per Quickblood
• -1 per Ethereal character after the 1st
• -1 per unit of Dire Wolves after the 3rd
• -1 per unit of 8+ Crypt Horrors
• -1 per character mounted on a Nightmare, Barded Nightmare or Hellsteed after the 2nd
• -1 for the second unit of Hexwraiths, -2 for the third unit of Hexwraiths
• -1 per unit of 1 Spirit Host after the 1st
• -1 for the first Terrorgheist, -2 for each Terrorgheist after the first (excluding mounts)
• -1 if your army includes more than 2 Deathshrieks
• -1 per unit of Morghast Archai (End Times: Nagash)
• -1 per unit of Morghast Harbringers (End Times: Nagash)
• -1 for Count Mannfred

• +2 if your army is Highlander

• +2 per Zombie Dragon
• +2 per Abyssal Terror
• +1 per Coven Throne
• +1 for the first unit of 40+ Skeleton Warriors
• +1 for the first unit of 40+ Zombies
• +1 for the first unit of Bat Swarms
• +1 per Corpse Cart
• +1 per unit of 20+ Grave Guard
• +1 per unit of 5+ Vargheists
• +2 per Black Coach
• +1 per unit of Blood Knights
• +1 for Vlad von Carstein
• +1 for Isabella von Carstein
• +1 for Krell, Lord of Undeath, this is increased to +2 if the army also includes Heinrich Kemmler
• +1 for Krell, Mortarch of Despair (End Times: Nagash)

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Warriors of Chaos
Warriors of Chaos may take the following units from the Tamurkhan book, they are taken exactly as indicated in the
Warriors of Chaos section of the Tamurkhan book: Sayl the Faithless and Nightmaw, Kayzk the Befouled, Bile Trolls
of Chaos, Plague Toads of Nurgle. *Please use the rules for the Mark of Nurgle from Warhammer Armies: Warriors
of Chaos for Bile Trolls, not the rules presented in Tamurkhan*

Mono God Armies - If your army consists solely of units/characters with the same Mark of Chaos you may apply the
below comp. Note that anything that does not have a Mark of Chaos, or an option for one, can all be included in
such an army without costing it this comp.

• +1 for the Mark of Slaanesh

• +1 for the Mark of Tzeentch
• +2 for the Mark of Khorne

• -1 per character with a 3+ ward save, an additional -1 should that character also have the Third Eye
of Tzeentch or a 2+ armour save or better (this excludes special characters)
• -1 per Daemonic Mount
• -1 per Disc of Tzeentch
• -1 per Core Chaos Chariot after the 2nd
• -1 if 2 Chimera’s are included, - 3 if 3 Chimera’s are included. There is an additional -1 if any have
the Regenerating Flesh upgrade
• -1 per unit of Skullcrushers of Khorne after the 1st
• -1 per Hellcannon
• -1 for Throgg the Troll King
• -1 per unit of Chaos Trolls taken as a Core choice
• -1 for Galrauch
• -1 per Daemon Prince, an additional -1 if he has Daemonic Flight and -1 if he has a 2+ armour save
or better
• -2 for Orghotts Daemonspew (End Times: Glotkin)
• -4 for Bloab Rotspawned (End Times: Glotkin)
• -3 for Morbidex Twiceborn (End Times: Glotkin)
• -1 for Sayl the Faithless and Nightmaw (Tamurkhan)

• +2 if your army is Highlander

• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Chaos Marauders
• +1 per unit of Dragon Ogres
• +1 per unit of 6+ Chaos Ogres
• +1 for the first unit of Forsaken
• +1 per Warshrine (excluding Warshrines with the Mark of Tzeentch)
• +1 per unit of 15+ Chosen
• +1 for the first Giant, +2 per Giant after the first
• +1 per Shaggoth
• +2 per Slaughterbrute
• +2 per Mutilath Vortex Beast
• +1 per unit of Hellstriders of Slaanesh
• +1 per unit of 5+ Putrid Blight Kings (End Times: Glotkin)
• +1 for Kholek Suneater
• +1 for Valkia the Bloody
• +1 for Gutrot Spume (End Times: Glotkin)
• +1 for Skarr Bloodwrath (End Times: Archaon)
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Wood Elves

Wood Elf armies may take Alarielle, Incarnate of Life (End Time: Khaine)

• -1 per 10 (or part of 10) models with Trueflight and/or Hagbane Tip arrows in the army after 40
• -1 per Spellweaver on the Lore of Shadow
• -1 per character mounted on an Elven Steed after the 2nd
• -1 per unit of Sisters of the Thorn
• -1 per unit of Wild Riders after the 1st
• -1 per unit of Waywatchers after the 1st
• -1 per unit of Deepwood Scouts after the 2nd
• -7 for Alarielle, Incarnate of Life (End Times: Khaine)

• +4 if your army is Highlander

• +1 per Unicorn (taken as mounts)
• +1 per Great Stag (taken as mounts)
• +1 for the first unit of 20+ Eternal Guard
• +1 for the first unit of 15+ Dryads
• +1 per unit of Warhawk Riders
• +1 per unit of 20+ Wildwood Rangers
• +1 per unit of Wardancers
• +1 per Treeman Ancient
• +1 per unit of 3+ Great Eagles
• +1 for the first Shadowdancer
• +1 for the first Branchwraith
• +1 for Araloth
• +1 for Drycha
• +2 for Orion
• +1 for the Sisters of Twilight if mounted on Gwindalor
• +3 if your army contains no Elves (Orion is NOT treated as an Elf for the purposes of this)

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4) The Scenarios
The Triple Crown GT does not use all the standard 8th Edition missions from the Rulebook. Each round will
be a specific mission as detailed below, with any unique rules and victory conditions set out on the following pages.

Round 1: Battleline

Round 2: Watchhill

Round 3: Hunt the Messenger

Round 4: Blood and Glory

Round 5: Battleline

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5) Winning the Tournament
Three factors will be used to find the winner of the Triple Crown Wargaming Grand Tournament 2023.

• Firstly, we will take all of your tournament points from your gaming (Max 100).
• Then we will add or subtract your comp score from this number.
• Next we will add any points that you have gained for your armies painting.
• Finally, we will add any points that you have gained from sportsmanship across the event.

The person who has the highest score once all of these numbers have been crunched is the overall winner of
the Grand Tournament!

Sportsmanship Points

I think we speak for most Warhammer players when we say we all want to enjoy our games at any event.
The 'Triple' in Triple Crown Wargaming represents the fact that as mentioned before we include scores for being a
good Sport and having a Painted army as well as your gaming TP's to work out the overall winner.

So, at the end of each of your games you will each fill in a results sheet, telling us your name, what the
game's final score was etc. There will also be a second sheet with 3 short questions on it. These extra 3 questions
are to help us work out a sportsmanship score for each of you. Please remember if you are at all uncomfortable
about filling this in in front of your opponent, you can always come to us to change what you wrote or simply take
the sheet away from the table with you and fill it in elsewhere. We do not want anyone to find this element of the
event tough, and don’t forget we are always here to help!

Fortunately, Sportsmanship is usually in plentiful supply at the Grand Tournament, so we are confident you
won't have any issues! At the end of the tournament we will add a score of between 0 and 15 additional TP's to
every players score for sportsmanship. The questions that you spend a couple of minutes answering at the end of
each game will help us to establish this score for each of you, so please be honest, it could help someone win the
whole event!

The three questions we will ask you are:

• Did your opponent try to make the game enjoyable for you both?
• Was your opponent honest and fair throughout the game?
• Did your opponent conduct themselves in a good manner?

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Most Sporting Player

In addition to the Sportsmanship questions above you will be asked to answer after each round, at the end
of round 5 on Sunday you will also be asked who your favourite opponent was. It’s very important that we get a
vote from everyone at the event as the person who receives the most votes will win the Most Sporting Player

In the event of a tie the person who finished highest will win the award (It’s much more difficult to win and
be remembered for being the nice guy/girl!).

Painting Points

Whilst you may attend the Triple Crown Wargaming Grand Tournament with a completely unpainted or
based army it might be worth cracking out your brushes all the same! There are an additional 10 TP's available for
painting at this event and like the Sportsmanship points above, it could be the difference between winning and
losing the event.

During the event we will move around the venue and check out the painting on every attendee’s army. We
will look at:

• Is it fully painted and based (including painted movement trays)?

• Does the army have a consistent theme (i.e. painted in the same livery, based the same
• Does the army have an awesome centrepiece?

The answers to those questions will be used to score every armies painting out of a possible 10 (3 marks for
each question with an additional 1 if you get YES for all three). This score will then be added to your TP’s.

Best Painted

On Sunday lunchtime players who have fully painted their own armies may display them for Best Painted
judging. The winner of the Best Painted award will be the army that the three of us collectively judge to be our
favourite on the weekend. The winner will be announced during the awards ceremony at the end of the event and
will receive a prize!

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6) The Awards
The following awards will be up for grabs:

• Winners of the Triple Crown Grand Tournament 2023 (1st, 2nd and 3rd Place)
• The True Highlander (The highest placing army with no duplicate choices)
• Best Painted Army
• Most Sporting Player

First Place will receive a trophy and 20 exclusive Gold Triple Crown Wargaming dice

Second Place will receive a trophy and 20 exclusive Silver Triple Crown Wargaming dice

Third Place will receive a trophy and 20 exclusive Bronze Triple Crown Wargaming dice

The True Highlander will receive a trophy and a skull tankard

Best Painted Army will receive a trophy and a framed piece of Warhammer art

Most Sporting Player will receive a trophy and a Dwarfen tankard

Don’t forget every attendee will also receive an exclusive T-shirt!

7) The Big Warhammer Quiz!

If you 'Crown' your event ticket then you receive a handful of awesome event additions. You get dinner on
Saturday night at the venue (we all have to eat!), you also get access to the venue bar until 11.30pm on Saturday
evening (that's a private bar!). However, by far the best part of Crowning your ticket (in our humble opinions!) is
that you can take part in The Big Warhammer Quiz!

Attendees group up into teams of up to 6 players, to take on quiz questions in the historic surroundings of
St Giles banqueting hall, a 1000-year-old church! Questions will cover every element of Warhammer Fantasy and
the winning team will get a free round of drinks by way of a prize!

Make sure you brush up on your Warhammer knowledge to come out on top!

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8) Scheduling
The schedule for the event will be as follows:


• 09:30 Venue open & Registration

• 09:45 – 12:15 Round 1
• 12:15 – 12:45 Lunch
• 12:45 – 15:15 Round 2
• 15:15 – 15:30 Break
• 15:30 – 18:00 Round 3
• For those who have ‘Crowned’ their tickets dinner will be around 19:00 with The Big Warhammer
Quiz! following on after that


• 10:00 Venue open

• 10:30 – 13:00 Round 4
• 13:00 – 13:30 Lunch
• 13:30 – 16:00 Round 5
• 16:30 Awards

9) Scoring
Scoring will follow the 20-0 scoring system, with additional TP’s at the end of the event for painting and
sportsmanship. Victory Points will be calculated as per page 143 of the Warhammer 8th Edition rulebook.

Difference in Victory Points Winner’s Tournament Points Loser’s Tournament Points

0-200 10 10
201-400 11 9
401-600 12 8
601-800 13 7
801-1000 14 6
1001-1200 15 5
1201-1400 16 4
1401-1600 17 3
1601-1800 18 2
1801-2000 19 1
2001+ 20 0

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10) The Venue
The Triple Crown Wargaming Grand Tournament will be held at the St Giles Banqueting & Conference
Centre in Colchester on 13th/14th May and 10th/11th June 2023.

This incredible venue is a 1000 year old church and is a real step into the Old World!

St Giles Banqueting & Conference Centre

St John’s Green




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11) The FAQ’s
All current WFB FAQ's originally available from Games Workshop/Forgeworld will be used at this event
alongside this document. If this FAQ or comp pack contradicts any rules found in one of those FAQ's this document
takes precedence.

• Khaine Magic will NOT be used

• True line of sight will be used
• Open ground does count as terrain for the purposes of the Curse of Anraheir spell
• Birona's Timewarp cannot increase a unit’s movement value above 10, so max march would be 20
• The wizard who miscast cannot take a Look Out Sir! against damage from a miscast template
• Units cannot swift reform and garrison a building in the same turn
• All buildings (Including Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress, Rock of inevitability etc) may be garrisoned by a
MAXIMUM OF 20 WOUNDS worth of models and are always counted as having two floors
• Cannon balls MUST be able to see the spot where they are being placed when firing
• Cannons cannot be fired at a target that cannot be seen (if you can't see it, then you don't know its
hiding there!)
• Cannon balls cannot bounce through impassable terrain or buildings. The cannon ball will however
inflict hits on any unit garrisoning a building as normal
• Cannons mounted on chariots, such as the Ironblaster, Skullcannon and steam tank may not pivot
in the shooting phase and like all other cannons must shoot in a straight line forward from the
• A model in a challenge cannot be affected by any enemy breath weapons or impact hits done by
models from outside the challenge
• A Character model may make way at the start of any round of close combat
• Ironcurse Icon works against all Weapons that fire like a War Machine
• Immunity to Killing Blow also gives immunity to Heroic Killing Blow
• A model with Always Strike First and with equal or higher initiative than an enemy model with
Always Strike First and Always Strike Last will get to re-roll to hit rolls in close combat against that
• If the general character model is killed but his mount survives you still receive the +100vp for killing
the general, and the fortitude points for slaying the general, although you do not receive the victory
points for the cost of that model
• If 2 characters have incompatible base sizes to the unit they are joining then they are placed on
either side of the unit. A 3rd character with an incompatible base size may not join the unit
• If an attack that inflicts multiple wounds hits a unit with multiple wounds, you roll to determine the
number of multiple wounds inflicted one dice at a time. Wounds do not spill over. If a model in the
unit has already lost wounds; wounds caused must be allocated on to that model first. For example:
A unit of ogres takes 3 successful wound rolls from a multiple wound (D3) attack. They fail all of
their armour saves. So you then roll the first multiple wounds dice, inflicting 2 wounds onto the first
Ogre, leaving him on 1 remaining wound. The second multiple wound dice is then rolled, inflicting 3
wounds. The Ogre on 1 remaining wound is removed from play by this attack and the 2 excess
wounds are lost. You then roll the final multiple wound dice, scoring a 1, wounding a second ogre
• The item The Chalice of Blood and Darkness cannot be used between casting and dispelling a spell
• All mounts, except ridden monsters, are ignored for leadership purposes for the Spell Treason of
Tzeentch. In the case of chariots the creatures pulling the chariot and the chariot’s leadership are
• The Tally of Pestilence has no affect while Epidemius is held in reserve
• Hits from the Reign of Chaos are always treated as having hit the front arc of the targeted unit

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• Only 1 character may charge out of a unit per phase
• Virtual Pivoting is NOT allowed
• The Battle Standard Bearer may take mundane items available to normal heroes of their type
• Hits from magic missiles are treated as a shooting attack for the purposes of calculating if a lone
character may make a 'Look Out Sir!' roll
• When casting a Magical Vortex the caster must nominate a direction in which the template moves.
When doing this the direction in which the template travels must remain inside the casters' front
• The Spell Penumbral Pendulum (Lore of Shadow) may target units that are engaged in close combat
• The spell Drain Magic (Lore of High Magic) ends the cumulative effects of the following spells:
Wither (Skaven Spells of Plague) and Plague of Rust (Lore of Metal)
• The -1S from the Blizzard Aura special rule for Frostheart Phoenixes does not stack
• The High Magic Lore Attribute increases all Ward Saves as well as all conditional Ward Saves a
model may have. If a model only has conditional Ward Saves then it also receives a 6+ Ward Save
• The Banner of the World Dragons 2+ ward save may not be taken against Arnzipal’s Black Horror as
this spell does not cause wounds, it removes the model from play
• The army list does not need to state any Lores for Alarielle. She chooses her Lore(s) at the start of
each game as per her special rules
• The army list must state if Teclis is using High Magic or Battle Magic. If you are choosing Battle
Magic then Teclis may pick his spells at the start of every game
• Models with the Predatory Fighter rule may benefit from it when fighting from the second or
subsequent ranks
• Piranha Blade only gives Multiple Wounds (D3) Special Rule while being used in close combat
• Burning Alignment and Deliverance of Itza may target units engaged in combat and outside of the
casters front arc, despite being Direct Damage spells
• Tiktaq'to may join units of Terradon Riders
• Daemonic characters with more than 1 magic weapon can only benefit from the effects of 1
weapon at a time. They must declare at the start of the player turn which weapon the character is
using; any other magic weapons have no effect whatsoever for the duration of that turn
• The Cauldron of Blood does not allow re-rolls on ranged attacks or spells
• Ward saves from Magic Resistance may not be taken against Arnzipal’s Black Horror as this spell
does not cause wounds, it removes the model from play
• The army list does not need to state any Lores for Morathi. She chooses her Lore(s) at the start of
each game as per her special rules
• A model with Hatred (High Elves) has Hatred against all models taken from the High Elf Army book
• A shot from a doom diver war machine may never hit more than a single unit; if two units are struck
by a doom diver marker the controlling player decides which one they hit. (This is to avoid issues
with the size of the marker etc)
• If a War Machine is hit as a result of a unit of Squigs 'exploding', hits are distributed against the
toughness of the War Machine not the crew
• The Skaven Spell Cracks Call may be cast into combat and through friendly units as it does not have
a target
• Other Skaven Spells may not be cast into combat unless they specifically say so or mention it in
their description
• A charging Skaven unit that has moved forward d6 inches as a result of a Screaming Bell allows no
charge reactions
• The army list does not need to state any Lores for a Skaven Grey Seer or Vermin Lord as they can
freely mix Spells of Plague and Ruin as per their special rules
• A Hell Pit Abomination that has had its strength reduced or increased will use the new strength
when working out any of its special attacks

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• Doom Rockets are treated as a shooting weapon for the purposes of firing them
• Ignore Boneripper when determining who your army General is, Boneripper can NEVER be your
army General
• When making their special movement attack, Hexwraith models measure distance moved from
starting point, to enemy unit they are attacking and back to a legal position. The distance moved
cannot exceed their movement value or double this if they marched. They may reform inside an
enemy unit
• Death Shriek and Ghostly Howl are not considered shooting attacks
• Any wizard may take the Lore of Undeath as presented in End Times: Nagash
• Characters Summoned using the spell Kandorak the Harbinger from the Lore of Undeath may not
select magic items OR vampiric powers; other upgrades can be selected normally
• Units Summoned using the Lore of Undeath may not select magic items, i.e. a magic sword on a
champion or a magic flag; other upgrades can be selected normally
• You must show your opponent your 'pool' of summonable models at the start of each game; you
may not share models or borrow from a friend during the game
• Summoned units are NEVER scoring units
• Wood Elves armies may duplicate their enchanted across more than one unit
• If you chose to mount the Sisters of Twilight on Gwindalor, then treat them as a ridden monster for
the purposes of attacking them or allocating/ randomising hits on them. For any other purpose
treat them as monstrous cavalry as per their army book entry
• Soul Feeder may NOT be used to gain wounds back from both Stomps and Breath weapon attacks
• The Toad Dragons 'Tongue lash attack' must roll to hit (and if applicable) wound as normal and the
enemy model must be successfully hit by the attack for it to suffer the -1 to hit rolls penalty
• In combat the Khemric Titan must roll for and resolve its special attacks before resolving it’s
• Units may always be attacked through a champion
• One character per unit may take a Look Out Sir! roll from the following spells: The Dwellers Below,
Final Transmutation, Curse of the Horned Rat

12) A Final Note from the Team

We would like to hope that as a team we have covered every eventuality and question above, however if
you are unsure of anything please just drop us an email on thetriplecrownguys@gmail.com and we will get back
to you as soon as we can.

We also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the community for their support at our events
over the last 9 years, as well as thanking everyone who has sent us their thoughts and feedback on the pack
itself to help create what we hope is a dynamic and exciting event pack for 2023.

We look forward to seeing you all at the event!

The Triple Crown Wargaming Team

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