Warhammer 40k Escalation League
Warhammer 40k Escalation League
Warhammer 40k Escalation League
Each Round will be two weeks in length. During the round you are required to
contact your opponent at the earliest opportunity. Game Reports are Due by closing
time Sunday two weeks after postings have gone up. New assignments will be
posted the following Monday, once all reports have been tabulated. Each round will
escalate as detailed in this document. Keep this in mind.
This will be a living document, any major updates will be highlighted in Magenta
text and subject to change throughout the league. Always make sure to re-read it
when a new round begins.
You are given two weeks including two weekends to get your games in. That IS
plenty of time. It is YOUR responsibility to contact your opponent and try to work
something out. If they cannot be reached, report to me asap.
Be warned, Cheating of any kind, browbeating of your opponent, Violent behavior,
as well as any attempting to game the system by intentionally delaying your
contact with the intention of ensuring your opponent is not available to play, you
shall be ejected from league with complete forfeiture of all prizes and results as well
as barred entry to further events at the store.
These games can be tense. I understand that. Take a deep breath, step away from
the table if you have to. But, violent behavior of ANY kind will not be tolerated.
Yelling, screaming, name-calling, badgering, and laying hands on another player will
result in a penalty of AT LEAST a point reduction in the league standings up to a
Disqualification and ejection from the league and forfeiture of any and all entry
fee's and prizes accrued as well as barred entry to further events.
If a Rules dispute comes up, simply stop the game find sources to support your
argument and show them to your opponents in a timely manner. If this cannot be
done swiftly or at all, then you can appeal to a judge for a ruling. I will be on call to
handle any such dispute on most nights and reaching out is encouraged. Once a
ruling has been made by the Tournament Organizer however, it will stand for the
entirety of the League. Appealing to the rulebooks or a judge is not an
unsportsmanlike offense, it is a right of all players. DO NOT ABUSE IT.
Keep it Civil guys, I mean we're already killing little plastic men, let's leave it to
Winning a round is worth 5 pts - Tieing a round is worth 2pt -Losing a
round is worth 1pts
All tiebreakers for the league will be determined by first Strength of Schedule (how
well your opponents finished), then total sportsmanship score, and lastly victory
points accrued.
Rounds 1-2 will be Incursions and played on a 4x4
Rounds 3-5 will be Strike Forces and played on a 6x4
● Round 1 1000pts Sep 15 - Sep 29
● Round 2 1250pts Sep 30 - Oct 13
● Round 3 1500pts Oct 14 - Oct 27
● Round 4 1750pts Oct 28 - Nov 10
● Round 5 2000pts Nov 11 - Dec 1
Reference for play - These rules supercede the rules for the written mission or
rulebook unless otherwise stated
From Round 1 on the Rules from Pariah Nexus Chapter approved will be in
effect, as listed below. The Rules for Pariah nexus were intended to be
used for this event from the get go but do to low production I was unsure
about launching it with such rules in place, but with them back in stock
places/including the store, We will be moving forward with it. However i
do understand that this may put an undue burden on some of our players,
if so, reach out to me and we can arrange a solution. I will not stop players
from jointly deciding to play with leviathan rules for the first round but
Pariah will be the intended default.
Round 1
“Rule Number 5: Leave No Witnesses. If you want to ensure the total secrecy of your operation; You
must endeavour to leave no witnesses. It’s quite simple; Kill them all. With no loose ends the noose
cannot be frayed or untied”
-Imperial Inquisitor, Mattius Decius Grimme,Ordo Hereticus
Round 2
"Forget all your preconceptions of war, of battle-lines clashing in the churned ground. Your mission is
to attack before the foe even realises that the war has begun, to strike hard at those vital weaknesses
that all armies possess, but that no commander will admit to. Under my tutelage you will learn how to
seek out such fragilities and smite them with every weapon at your disposal. Master these duties and I
will have nothing more to teach, and you will truly be a Space Marine."
-Torias Telion, Master Sergeant Ultramarines 10th Company
Round 3
“Space in which to maneuver in atmosphere, unlike fighting on land or sea, is practically unlimited,
and . . . any number of planes operating defensively would seldom stop a determined enemy from
getting through. Therefore the plane has always been, essentially an instrument of attack, not
defence.” Lord Governor-Militant Glorianus Stalt
Round 5
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war
forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be
armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so
that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my
Space Marines and they shall know no fear."- The God-Emperor of Mankind