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Trans Bridge Fabrication Inspection Manual Edition 1

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Edition 1



Technical Standards Branch

Alberta Transportation

November 2020

© Copyright, November 2020

The Crown in right of the Province of Alberta, as represented by the Minister

of Transportation

Permission is given to reproduce all or part of this document without

modification. If changes are made to any part, it should be made clear that that
part has been modified.


Fabrication inspection is a comprehensive activity requiring in-depth knowledge of contract administration, technical
engineering principles, and an aptitude to work collaboratively with various stakeholders to fabricate and deliver
safe, efficient, and durable bridge structures.
The Bridge Fabrication Inspection Manual (Manual) is a documentation of the processes and practices of fabrication
of various bridge components for Alberta Transportation and outlines the Consultant’s (and sub-consultant’s)
responsibilities throughout the fabrication process. The Manual has been aligned with the provisions contained in
the Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction Edition 17 (2020) and the Engineering Consulting Guidelines for
Highway, Bridge, and Water Projects, Volume 1 (2011) and Volume 2 (2013).
It is not the intent of this Manual to limit progress or overrule the exercise of proper engineering judgment in the
carrying out of fabrication inspections. Users should satisfy themselves that the content of this Manual in
combination with the Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction Edition 17 (2020), and the Engineering
Consulting Guidelines for Highway, Bridge, and Water Projects, Volume 1 (2011) and Volume 2 (2013) meet project
specific requirements. Users must also consider specification amendments, supplemental specifications, updates to
standard specifications and standard drawings, and other referenced published documents when using this Manual.
The Department strives to provide consistency between documents; however, occasionally changes made to one
document may not be immediately reflected in other related documents. If a discrepancy is found, clarification from
the Department should be requested.

15:58:11 -07'00'
John Alexander
Director, Bridge Engineering
Technical Services Branch
Alberta Transportation

Digitally signed by Des

Des Williamson Williamson
Date: 2020.11.19 16:02:53 -07'00'

Des Williamson
Executive Director,
Technical Services Branch
Alberta Transportation


The Bridge Fabrication Inspection Manual Edition 1, 2020 was prepared with contributions from the following

Alberta Transportation
Clayton Matwychuk
Dave Besuyen
Kawsar Ahmed

Gilbert Grondin
Peter Little
Frank Hui
Bob Ramsay

Drew Inspections Ltd.

Denis Drew

International Quality Consultants (IQC) Ltd.

Will Glen

ISL Engineering and Land Service Ltd.

Abdul Waheed
Rika van den Heever


The following page is reserved for documenting changes to this version of the Bridge Fabrication Inspection Manual.
When changes are made to the Manual, the following actions will be completed:
 The version of the Manual will be updated;
 A revision triangle will be placed next to the change in the Manual;
 A basic description and the date of the change will be summarized below.

Document Revision Date Description


PREFACE ................................................................................................................................................................ II
ACKNOWLEGEMENTS ........................................................................................................................................... III
LIST OF CHANGES .................................................................................................................................................. IV
TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................................. V
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................................................... XV
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................................................................. XVI
1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 SCOPE .....................................................................................................................................................1-2
1.3 QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE ......................................................................................1-2
1.4 RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................................................................1-3
1.4.1 Department ..............................................................................................................................1-3
1.4.2 Contractor ................................................................................................................................1-3
1.4.3 Fabricator .................................................................................................................................1-3
1.4.4 Consultant ................................................................................................................................1-3
1.5 SAFETY ....................................................................................................................................................1-4
1.5.1 Noise.........................................................................................................................................1-4
1.5.2 Welding ....................................................................................................................................1-5
1.5.3 Strand Tensioning .....................................................................................................................1-5
1.5.4 Overhead Lifting .......................................................................................................................1-5
2.0 STEEL PLATE GIRDERS .............................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 GIRDER TYPES .........................................................................................................................................2-1
2.3 STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................................2-2
2.3.1 Alberta Transportation Standards and Specifications ..............................................................2-2
2.3.2 Reference Standards and Specifications ..................................................................................2-3
2.4 QUALIFICATIONS.....................................................................................................................................2-3
2.4.1 Fabricator .................................................................................................................................2-4 Welding Engineer ....................................................................................................2-7 Welding Supervisor .................................................................................................2-7 Welding Personnel ..................................................................................................2-7
2.4.2 Qualification of Inspectors .......................................................................................................2-7 Fabricator’s Quality Control (QC) Inspectors ..........................................................2-7 Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA) Inspectors .....................................................2-8
2.5 INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN ..................................................................................................................2-8
2.6 PREFABRICATION ....................................................................................................................................2-9
2.6.1 Prefabrication Submissions ......................................................................................................2-9 Quality Control Plan ................................................................................................2-9 Qualifications ........................................................................................................2-10 Fabrication Sequence and Equipment ..................................................................2-11 Mill Test Reports ...................................................................................................2-12 Product Data Sheets ..............................................................................................2-13 Shop Drawings.......................................................................................................2-14 Design and Independent Check Notes ..................................................................2-16 Welding Procedure Specifications.........................................................................2-16 Welding Procedure Data Sheets ...........................................................................2-17

Alberta Transportation BRIDGE FABRICATION INSPECTION MANUAL Repair Procedures .................................................................................................2-18 Fabrication Schedule .............................................................................................2-19
2.6.2 Prefabrication Meeting ..........................................................................................................2-19
2.7 FABRICATION ........................................................................................................................................2-20
2.7.1 Shop Requirements ................................................................................................................2-21
2.7.2 Supply of Structural Steel .......................................................................................................2-21
2.7.3 Surface Preparation and Cleaning for the Inspection of Plate ...............................................2-22
2.7.4 Cutting of Plate .......................................................................................................................2-24 Thermal Cutting.....................................................................................................2-25 Plate Edge Roughness ...........................................................................................2-27 Hardness of Cut Surfaces ......................................................................................2-28 Lamination Defects ...............................................................................................2-29
2.7.5 Shop Splicing of Flange and Web Plates .................................................................................2-29
2.7.6 Fit-up of Flange Plates ............................................................................................................2-32
2.7.7 Welding of Flange Plates to Web Plate ..................................................................................2-34
2.7.8 Fitting of Stiffeners .................................................................................................................2-36
2.7.9 Welding of Headed Shear Studs .............................................................................................2-37
2.7.10 Verification of Girder Camber and Field Splice Setup ............................................................2-39
2.7.11 Field Splice Fabrication ...........................................................................................................2-41
2.7.12 Surface Preparation and Cleaning ..........................................................................................2-43 Surface Preparation and Cleaning before, during and after Welding ...................2-43 Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Bolted Joints/Connections .........................2-44 Surface Preparation and Coating ..........................................................................2-44
2.7.13 Coating ...................................................................................................................................2-45
2.7.14 Handling and Storage .............................................................................................................2-46
2.7.15 Final Inspection ......................................................................................................................2-47
2.7.16 Shipping ..................................................................................................................................2-47 Clearance to Ship ..................................................................................................2-48
2.7.17 Consultant QA Inspection and Testing Reporting ..................................................................2-49
2.7.18 Consultant QA Inspector Resource Allocation .......................................................................2-49
2.8 FINAL DELIVERABLES – FABRICATION REPORT .....................................................................................2-49
3.0 DECK JOINTS ............................................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 DECK JOINT ASSEMBLY TYPES .................................................................................................................3-1
3.2.1 Type 1 Strip Seal .......................................................................................................................3-2
3.2.2 Cover Plated V-seal ..................................................................................................................3-2
3.2.3 Finger Plate...............................................................................................................................3-4
3.3 STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................................3-4
3.3.1 Alberta Transportation Standards and Specifications ..............................................................3-4
3.3.2 Reference Standards and Specifications ..................................................................................3-5
3.4 QUALIFICATIONS.....................................................................................................................................3-6
3.4.1 Fabricator .................................................................................................................................3-6 Welding Engineer ....................................................................................................3-8 Welding Supervisor .................................................................................................3-8 Welding Personnel ..................................................................................................3-8
3.4.2 Qualification of Inspectors .......................................................................................................3-9 Fabricator’s Quality Control (QC) Inspectors ..........................................................3-9 Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA) Inspectors .....................................................3-9
3.5 INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN ..................................................................................................................3-9
3.6 PREFABRICATION ..................................................................................................................................3-10
3.6.1 Prefabrication Submissions ....................................................................................................3-11

Quality Control Plan ..............................................................................................3-11
Qualifications ........................................................................................................3-11
Fabrication Sequence and Equipment; .................................................................3-12 Type 1 Strip Seal ............................................................................... 3-12 Cover Plated V-seal and Finger Plate ............................................... 3-13 Mill Test Reports ...................................................................................................3-13 Shop Drawings.......................................................................................................3-14 Welding Procedure Specifications.........................................................................3-16 Welding Procedure Data Sheets ...........................................................................3-17 Repair Procedures .................................................................................................3-18 Fabrication Schedule .............................................................................................3-18
3.6.2 Prefabrication Meeting ..........................................................................................................3-19
3.7 FABRICATION ........................................................................................................................................3-19
3.7.1 Shop Requirements ................................................................................................................3-20
3.7.2 Supply of Structural Steel .......................................................................................................3-21
3.7.3 Surface Preparation and Cleaning for the Inspection of Plate ...............................................3-21
3.7.4 Cutting of Plates .....................................................................................................................3-22 Thermal Cutting.....................................................................................................3-23 Plate Edge Roughness ...........................................................................................3-23
3.7.5 Welding ..................................................................................................................................3-23
3.7.6 Galvanizing and Metallizing ....................................................................................................3-27 Type 1 Strip Seal Deck Joint Assemblies ................................................................3-27 Cover Plated V-Seal and Finger Plate Deck Joint Assemblies ................................3-27
3.7.7 Tolerances ..............................................................................................................................3-28 Out-of-Straightness ...............................................................................................3-28 Plate Gaps .............................................................................................................3-29 Heat Curving Repairs .............................................................................................3-35
3.7.8 Final Inspection ......................................................................................................................3-36
3.7.9 Shipping ..................................................................................................................................3-36 Clearance to Ship ..................................................................................................3-36
3.7.10 Consultant QA Inspection and Testing Reporting ..................................................................3-36
3.7.11 Consultant QA Inspector Resource Allocation .......................................................................3-37
3.8 FINAL DELIVERABLES – FABRICATION REPORT .....................................................................................3-37
4.0 PRECAST CONCRETE UNITS ...................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 PRECAST CONCRETE UNIT TYPES ............................................................................................................4-1
4.2.1 NU Girders ................................................................................................................................4-1
4.2.2 Standard SL, SLW and SLC Girders ............................................................................................4-2
4.2.3 Deck Panels ..............................................................................................................................4-3
4.2.4 MSE Wall Fascia Panels ............................................................................................................4-3
4.2.5 Reinforced Concrete Pipe and Precast Box Culvert Structures ................................................4-4
4.3 STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................................4-5
4.3.1 Alberta Transportation Standards and Specifications ..............................................................4-5
4.3.2 Reference Standards and Specifications ..................................................................................4-5
4.4 QUALIFICATIONS.....................................................................................................................................4-6
4.4.1 Fabricator .................................................................................................................................4-6 Shop Requirements .................................................................................................4-8
4.4.2 Qualification of Inspectors .......................................................................................................4-9 Fabricator’s Quality Control (QC) Inspector ............................................................4-9 Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA) Inspectors .....................................................4-9
4.4.3 Concrete Testing Technicians ...................................................................................................4-9


4.5 INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN ................................................................................................................4-10

4.6 PREFABRICATION ..................................................................................................................................4-10
4.6.1 Prefabrication Submissions ....................................................................................................4-11 Quality Control Plan ..............................................................................................4-11 Qualifications ........................................................................................................4-11 Fabrication Sequence and Equipment ..................................................................4-11 Mill Test Reports and Product Data Sheets ...........................................................4-12 Reinforcing Steel .............................................................................. 4-13 Prestressing Strand .......................................................................... 4-13 Handling and Lifting Devices ............................................................ 4-13 Anchor Rods for Bridgerail ............................................................... 4-14 Voids, Ducts, and Conduits............................................................... 4-14 Hardware and Miscellaneous Materials ........................................... 4-14 Shop Drawings.......................................................................................................4-14 Design Notes and Independent Check Notes ........................................................4-16 NU Girders and Standard SL, SLW and SLC Girders .......................... 4-17 MSE walls ......................................................................................... 4-17 Prestressing Strand Load/Elongation Curves ........................................................4-17 Prestressing Equipment Calibration Certificates ...................................................4-17 Prestressing Calculations and Procedures ............................................................4-18 Prestressing Process ......................................................................... 4-19 Initial Tensioning .............................................................................. 4-20 Basic Elongation ............................................................................... 4-21 Elongation and Force Corrections .................................................... 4-21 Detensioning .................................................................................... 4-24 Concrete Mix Design and Trial Batch Requirements .............................................4-24 Mix Proportioning Quantities ........................................................... 4-25 Trial Batch ........................................................................................ 4-25 Aggregates........................................................................................ 4-25 Other Concrete Materials ................................................................ 4-26 Fabrication Schedule .............................................................................................4-26
4.6.2 Prefabrication Meeting ..........................................................................................................4-26
4.7 FABRICATION PROCESS .........................................................................................................................4-27
4.7.1 Procurement of Materials ......................................................................................................4-27
4.7.2 Form Detailing and Preparation .............................................................................................4-27
4.7.3 Reinforcing Steel Fabrication, Handling and Storage .............................................................4-29
4.7.4 Prestressing Strand Fabrication, Handling and Storage .........................................................4-31
4.7.5 Installation of Reinforcing Steel and Prestressing Strand ......................................................4-33
4.7.6 Hardware Installation .............................................................................................................4-34 Camber Hubs .........................................................................................................4-38 Identification of Precast Concrete Units ...............................................................4-39
4.7.7 Stressing .................................................................................................................................4-39 Tensioning Procedure ...........................................................................................4-39 Initial Tensioning ...................................................................................................4-40 Final Tensioning ....................................................................................................4-40 Special Considerations for Deviated Strands ........................................................4-42 Tensioning Tolerances ...........................................................................................4-44 Wire Failure ...........................................................................................................4-44 Strand Debonding .................................................................................................4-44 Strand Recesses .....................................................................................................4-45
4.7.8 Concrete Batching ..................................................................................................................4-47


Concrete Placing .....................................................................................................................4-47 Placement Practices ..............................................................................................4-48 Consolidation Practices .........................................................................................4-48
4.7.10 Form Stripping ........................................................................................................................4-49
4.7.11 Repair of Concrete Defects ....................................................................................................4-49 Girders ...................................................................................................................4-51 Cracks ............................................................................................... 4-51 Honeycombs and Spalls ................................................................... 4-53 MSE Wall Fascia Panels .........................................................................................4-54 RCP and PBC Structures ........................................................................................4-54
4.7.12 Release of Prestressing Strands .............................................................................................4-54
4.7.13 Concrete Curing ......................................................................................................................4-56 Prestressed Precast Concrete Units ......................................................................4-57 Curing in the Form............................................................................ 4-57 Curing after Removal from the Form ............................................... 4-57 Non-Prestressed Precast Concrete Units ..............................................................4-58
4.7.14 Concrete Finishing ..................................................................................................................4-59
4.7.15 Concrete Sealing .....................................................................................................................4-60
4.7.16 Surface Roughening................................................................................................................4-61
4.7.17 Handling and Storage .............................................................................................................4-61
4.7.18 Shipping ..................................................................................................................................4-62 Clearance to Ship ..................................................................................................4-62
4.8 FABRICATION INSPECTION AND TESTING .............................................................................................4-62
4.8.1 Fabricator’s QC Inspection and Testing ..................................................................................4-63 Scope of Inspections .............................................................................................4-63 Prefabrication ........................................................................................................4-63 Pre-pour Inspections .............................................................................................4-63 Concrete Batching, Mixing and Handling ..............................................................4-63 Concrete Placement ..............................................................................................4-63 Concrete Testing ...................................................................................................4-64 Detensioning and Stripping ...................................................................................4-64 Curing ....................................................................................................................4-64 Post-pour Inspection .............................................................................................4-64 Handling and Storage ............................................................................................4-65
4.8.2 Consultant’s QA Inspection and Testing .................................................................................4-65 Scope of Inspections .............................................................................................4-65 Pre-pour Inspections .............................................................................................4-66 Stressing Beds and Forms ................................................................ 4-66 Reinforcing Steel .............................................................................. 4-67 Prestressing Strand .......................................................................... 4-68 Hardware and Embedded Items ...................................................... 4-68 Stressing ........................................................................................... 4-69 Concrete Testing ...................................................................................................4-70 Sampling ........................................................................................... 4-71 Concrete Test Cylinders ................................................................... 4-71 Testing Concrete Cylinders ............................................................... 4-71 Air Content ....................................................................................... 4-72 Density of Concrete .......................................................................... 4-73 Slump of Concrete ............................................................................ 4-73 Concrete Temperature ..................................................................... 4-73 Concrete Placement Inspection ............................................................................4-73

Detensioning .........................................................................................................4-73
Post-pour Inspections ...........................................................................................4-74 Visual Inspection for Defects ............................................................ 4-74 Camber and Sweep .......................................................................... 4-75 Product Dimensions ......................................................................... 4-76 Curing ............................................................................................... 4-77 Concrete Surface Finishing and Application of Concrete Sealers .... 4-77 Handling and Storage ....................................................................... 4-77
4.8.3 Final Inspection ......................................................................................................................4-78
4.8.4 Shipping ..................................................................................................................................4-79 Clearance to Ship ..................................................................................................4-81
4.8.5 Consultant QA Inspection and Testing Reporting ..................................................................4-82
4.8.6 Consultant QA Inspector Resource Allocation .......................................................................4-82
4.9 FINAL DELIVERABLES – FABRICATION REPORT .....................................................................................4-82
5.0 BEARINGS ................................................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................5-1
5.2 BRIDGE BEARING TYPES ..........................................................................................................................5-1
5.2.1 Plain and Laminated Elastomeric Bearings ..............................................................................5-1
5.2.2 Pot Bearings .............................................................................................................................5-3
5.2.3 Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings ............................................................................................5-4
5.3 STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................................5-5
5.3.1 Alberta Transportation Standards and Specifications ..............................................................5-5
5.3.2 Reference Standards and Specifications ..................................................................................5-5
5.4 QUALIFICATIONS.....................................................................................................................................5-6
5.4.1 Fabricator .................................................................................................................................5-6 Welding Engineer ....................................................................................................5-8 Welding Supervisor .................................................................................................5-8 Welding Personnel ..................................................................................................5-8
5.4.2 Testing Laboratory ...................................................................................................................5-9
5.4.3 Qualification of Inspectors .......................................................................................................5-9 Fabricator’s Quality Control (QC) Inspectors ..........................................................5-9 Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA) Inspectors .....................................................5-9
5.5 INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN ................................................................................................................5-10
5.6 PREFABRICATION ..................................................................................................................................5-10
5.6.1 Prefabrication Submissions ....................................................................................................5-11 Quality Control Plan ..............................................................................................5-11 Qualifications ........................................................................................................5-11 Fabrication Sequence and Equipment; .................................................................5-12 Plain Elastomeric Bearings ............................................................... 5-13 Laminated Elastomeric Bearings ...................................................... 5-13 Pot Bearings ..................................................................................... 5-13 Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings .................................................... 5-14 Mill Test Reports ...................................................................................................5-14 Stainless Steel................................................................................... 5-15 Brass ................................................................................................. 5-16 Anchor Rods and Connecting Bolts .................................................. 5-16 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) ........................................................ 5-16 Product Data Sheets ..............................................................................................5-17 Adhesives ......................................................................................... 5-17 Lubricant Sealant for Pot Bearings ................................................... 5-17 Design Notes, Independent Check Notes, and Shop Drawings .............................5-17

Alberta Transportation BRIDGE FABRICATION INSPECTION MANUAL Laminated Elastomeric and Pot Bearings ......................................... 5-17 Plain Elastomeric and Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings ................. 5-19 Welding Procedure Specifications.........................................................................5-20 Welding Procedure Data Sheets ...........................................................................5-21 Repair Procedures .................................................................................................5-22 Fabrication Schedule .............................................................................................5-22
5.6.2 Prefabrication Meeting ..........................................................................................................5-23
5.7 FABRICATION ........................................................................................................................................5-23
5.7.1 Shop Requirements ................................................................................................................5-24
5.7.2 Supply of Material ..................................................................................................................5-25 Plain Elastomeric Bearings ....................................................................................5-25 Laminated Elastomeric Bearings ...........................................................................5-26 Pot Bearings ..........................................................................................................5-26 Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings .........................................................................5-26
5.7.3 Surface Preparation and Cleaning for the Inspection of Plate ...............................................5-27 Laminated Elastomeric Bearings ...........................................................................5-27 Pot Bearings ..........................................................................................................5-27 Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings .........................................................................5-28
5.7.4 Cutting of Plates .....................................................................................................................5-28 Laminated Elastomeric Bearings ...........................................................................5-29 Pot Bearings ..........................................................................................................5-29 Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings .........................................................................5-29
5.7.5 Welding ..................................................................................................................................5-30 Pot Bearings ..........................................................................................................5-31
5.7.6 Machining ...............................................................................................................................5-32 Laminated Elastomeric Bearings (sole plates incorporating sliding surfaces) ......5-32 Pot Bearings ..........................................................................................................5-32 Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings .........................................................................5-32
5.7.7 Galvanizing, Metallizing and Coating .....................................................................................5-33 Laminated Elastomeric Bearings ...........................................................................5-34 Pot Bearings ..........................................................................................................5-34 Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings .........................................................................5-34
5.7.8 Inspection and Testing of Completed Bearings ......................................................................5-35 Plain Elastomeric Bearings ....................................................................................5-35 Laminated Elastomeric Bearings ...........................................................................5-36 Pot Bearings ..........................................................................................................5-37
5.7.9 Embrittlement Inspection and Testing of High Strength Anchor Rods ..................................5-42
5.7.10 Final Inspection ......................................................................................................................5-43
5.7.11 Shipping ..................................................................................................................................5-43 Clearance to Ship ..................................................................................................5-47
5.7.12 Consultant QA Inspection and Testing Reporting ..................................................................5-47
5.7.13 Consultant QA Inspector Resource Allocation .......................................................................5-47
5.8 FINAL DELIVERABLES – FABRICATION REPORT .....................................................................................5-47
6.0 BRIDGERAIL ............................................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................6-1
6.2 BRIDGERAIL TYPES ..................................................................................................................................6-1
6.2.1 TL-2 Thrie Beam Bridgerail .......................................................................................................6-1
6.2.2 TL-4 Double Tube Bridgerail .....................................................................................................6-3
6.2.3 TL-4 Combination Barrier Bridgerail .........................................................................................6-4
6.2.4 TL-4 Thrie Beam Bridgerail .......................................................................................................6-5
6.2.5 TL-5 Double Tube Type Bridgerail ............................................................................................6-6


6.2.6 Standard Pedestrian and Bicycle Barrier ..................................................................................6-7

6.3 STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................................6-8
6.3.1 Alberta Transportation Standards and Specifications ..............................................................6-8
6.3.2 Reference Standards and Specifications ..................................................................................6-8
6.4 QUALIFICATIONS.....................................................................................................................................6-9
6.4.1 Fabricator .................................................................................................................................6-9 Welding Engineer ..................................................................................................6-11 Welding Supervisor ...............................................................................................6-11 Welding Personnel ................................................................................................6-11
6.4.2 Qualification of Inspectors .....................................................................................................6-12 Fabricator’s Quality Control (QC) Inspectors ........................................................6-12 Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA) Inspectors ...................................................6-12
6.5 INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN ................................................................................................................6-12
6.6 PREFABRICATION ..................................................................................................................................6-13
6.6.1 Prefabrication Submissions ....................................................................................................6-14 Quality Control Plan ..............................................................................................6-14 Qualifications ........................................................................................................6-14 Fabrication Sequence and Equipment ..................................................................6-15 Mill Test Reports ...................................................................................................6-15 Product Data Sheets ..............................................................................................6-17 Coatings ............................................................................................ 6-17 Shop Drawings.......................................................................................................6-17 Welding Procedure Specifications.........................................................................6-18 Welding Procedure Data Sheets ...........................................................................6-19 Repair Procedures .................................................................................................6-20 Fabrication Schedule .............................................................................................6-21
6.6.2 Prefabrication Meeting ..........................................................................................................6-21
6.7 FABRICATION ........................................................................................................................................6-22
6.7.1 Shop Requirements ................................................................................................................6-23
6.7.2 Supply of Structural Steel .......................................................................................................6-23
6.7.3 Surface Preparation and Cleaning for the Inspection of Steel Surfaces .................................6-24
6.7.4 Cutting of Steel .......................................................................................................................6-25
6.7.5 Rails and Sleeves ....................................................................................................................6-27
6.7.6 Posts .......................................................................................................................................6-28
6.7.7 Galvanizing .............................................................................................................................6-32 Anchor Rods ..........................................................................................................6-32 Rails and Posts .......................................................................................................6-35
6.7.8 Coating of Baseplates .............................................................................................................6-40
6.7.9 Tolerances ..............................................................................................................................6-42
6.7.10 Final Inspection ......................................................................................................................6-44
6.7.11 Shipping ..................................................................................................................................6-44 Clearance to Ship ..................................................................................................6-46
6.7.12 Consultant QA Inspection and Testing Reporting ..................................................................6-46
6.7.13 Consultant QA Inspector Resource Allocation .......................................................................6-47
6.8 FINAL DELIVERABLES – FABRICATION REPORT .....................................................................................6-47
7.0 OVERHEAD SIGN STRUCTURES ................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................7-1
7.2 OVERHEAD SIGN STRUCTURE TYPES ......................................................................................................7-1
7.2.1 Cantilever Overhead Sign Structures .......................................................................................7-1
7.2.2 Bridge Overhead Sign Structures .............................................................................................7-3
7.3 STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................................7-3


7.3.1 Alberta Transportation Standards and Specifications ..............................................................7-3

7.3.2 Reference Standards and Specifications ..................................................................................7-3
7.4 QUALIFICATIONS.....................................................................................................................................7-4
7.4.1 Fabricator .................................................................................................................................7-4 Welding Engineer ....................................................................................................7-6 Welding Supervisor .................................................................................................7-6 Welding Personnel ..................................................................................................7-6
7.4.2 Qualification of Inspectors .......................................................................................................7-7 Fabricator’s Quality Control (QC) Inspectors ..........................................................7-7 Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA) Inspectors .....................................................7-7
7.5 INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN ..................................................................................................................7-7
7.6 PREFABRICATION ....................................................................................................................................7-8
7.6.1 Prefabrication Submissions ......................................................................................................7-9 Quality Control Plan ................................................................................................7-9 Qualifications ..........................................................................................................7-9 Fabrication Sequence and Equipment; .................................................................7-10 Mill Test Reports ...................................................................................................7-11 Product Data Sheets ..............................................................................................7-12 Coatings ............................................................................................ 7-12 Shop Drawings.......................................................................................................7-13 Design and Independent Check Notes ..................................................................7-14 Welding Procedure Specifications.........................................................................7-14 Weld Procedure Data Sheets ................................................................................7-15 Repair Procedures .................................................................................................7-16 Fabrication Schedule .............................................................................................7-17
7.6.2 Prefabrication Meeting ..........................................................................................................7-17
7.7 FABRICATION ........................................................................................................................................7-18
7.7.1 Shop Requirements ................................................................................................................7-19
7.7.2 Supply of Structural Steel .......................................................................................................7-19
7.7.3 Surface Preparation and Cleaning for the Inspection of Plate ...............................................7-21
7.7.4 Cutting, Drilling and Plate Bending.........................................................................................7-21 Thermal Cutting.....................................................................................................7-21 Drilling ...................................................................................................................7-22 Plate Bending ........................................................................................................7-22
7.7.5 Welding ..................................................................................................................................7-24
7.7.6 Labeling of Fabricated Elements ............................................................................................7-29
7.7.7 Pre-assembly of Sign Structures .............................................................................................7-31
7.7.8 Galvanizing .............................................................................................................................7-35 Anchor Rods ..........................................................................................................7-35 Structural Steel ......................................................................................................7-36
7.7.9 Coating of Baseplates .............................................................................................................7-38
7.7.10 Final Inspection ......................................................................................................................7-40
7.7.11 Shipping ..................................................................................................................................7-40 Clearance to Ship ..................................................................................................7-41
7.7.12 Consultant QA Inspection and Testing Reporting ..................................................................7-41
7.7.13 Consultant QA Inspector Resource Allocation .......................................................................7-42
7.8 FINAL DELIVERABLES – FABRICATION REPORT .....................................................................................7-42



Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing
Appendix B Review of Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports
Appendix D Review of Welder’s Certificates
Appendix E Galvanizing
Appendix F Surface Roughness of Steel
Appendix G Review of Prestressing Calculations
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas
Appendix J Fabrication Inspection and Administration Level of Effort Guidelines


Table A.1 Summary of Weld Defects ................................................................................................................ A-11
Table E.1 Minimum Coating Thickness (𝜇𝑚 ) (ASTM A123)* .............................................................................. E-4
Table F.1 Typical Surface Roughness Limitations ................................................................................................ F-6
Table H.1 MSE Precast Concrete Fascia Panel Defect Matrix ........................................................................... H-76
Table J.1 Summary of Estimated Inspection and Administration Effort ............................................................. J-2


Figure 2.1 Horizontally Curved I-girders ...............................................................................................................2-2
Figure 2.2 Shop Fitting of Bracing in Horizontally Curved Box Girders ................................................................2-2
Figure 2.3 Horizontally Curved Bridge with Kinked I-girders ................................................................................2-2
Figure 2.4 Sample CWB Certificate of Qualification .............................................................................................2-5
Figure 2.5 Sample CWB Letter of Validation ........................................................................................................2-5
Figure 2.6 Sample CISC Certificate for Bridge Fabrication ....................................................................................2-6
Figure 2.7 Web Plate Cleaning and Surface Preparation Using Shot Blaster......................................................2-23
Figure 2.8 Preheating and Oxy-Fuel Cutting of Flange Plates .............................................................................2-25
Figure 2.9 Flange Plates ......................................................................................................................................2-25
Figure 2.10 Web Plate Segment After Cutting the Camber ..................................................................................2-26
Figure 2.11 Plasma Cutting of Stiffeners On Small Plasma Table .........................................................................2-27
Figure 2.12 Plasma Cutting of Web Plate On CNC Table ......................................................................................2-27
Figure 2.13 TeleBrineller Tools to Measure Surface Hardness .............................................................................2-29
Figure 2.14 Misalignment of Welds at Web Splice ...............................................................................................2-30
Figure 2.15 Improper Run-off Tab (weld sags at the edge of the plate) ..............................................................2-31
Figure 2.16 Better Run-off Tab (requires tab re-configuration for back-side weld passes) ................................2-31
Figure 2.17 Proper Run-off Tab (replicates exactly the groove configuration as required by
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5)...............................................................................................................2-31
Figure 2.18 Examples of Proper Run-off Tab Configurations ...............................................................................2-31
Figure 2.19 Tack Welds Between Flange and Web Before Grinding to Reduce Their Size ...................................2-33
Figure 2.20 Preheat of Flange Before Welding .....................................................................................................2-34
Figure 2.21 Installation of Stiffener ......................................................................................................................2-36
Figure 2.22 Welding of Headed Shear Stud ..........................................................................................................2-38
Figure 2.23 Girder Setup for Camber Measurement ............................................................................................2-40
Figure 2.24 Fabrication of Flange Field Splice ......................................................................................................2-41
Figure 2.25 Fabrication of Field Splices ................................................................................................................2-41
Figure 2.26 Flange Splice With Pins and Bolts and all Holes Have Been Match-Drilled .......................................2-42
Figure 2.27 Support of Kinked Girder Line for Splice Fabrication .........................................................................2-43
Figure 2.28 Protection of Girder for Shipping ......................................................................................................2-48
Figure 3.1 Type 1 Strip Seal Deck Joint Assembly .................................................................................................3-2
Figure 3.2 Cover Plated V-Seal Joint .....................................................................................................................3-3
Figure 3.3 Finger Joint ..........................................................................................................................................3-4
Figure 3.4 Sample CWB Certificate .......................................................................................................................3-7
Figure 3.5 Sample CWB Letter of Validation ........................................................................................................3-8
Figure 3.6 Stop Movement Bars Welded into Position ......................................................................................3-24
Figure 3.7 Straight and Bent Studs Welded to Extrusion....................................................................................3-25


Figure 3.8 Excessive Melt During Stud Installation .............................................................................................3-25

Figure 3.9 Cover Plated V-Seal Joint Sag Measurement .....................................................................................3-28
Figure 3.10 Measuring Flatness of Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly ..................................................................3-29
Figure 3.11 Measuring Horizontal Sweep of Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly ...................................................3-29
Figure 3.12 Measurement of Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly Gap Setting prior to Measurement of
Plate Gap Tolerances .........................................................................................................................3-30
Figure 3.13 Measurement of Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly Gap Setting at Gutter Line prior to
Measurement of Plate Gap Tolerances .............................................................................................3-30
Figure 3.14 Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly in the Relaxed Condition ready for Plate Gap
Measurement ....................................................................................................................................3-31
Figure 3.15 Cover Plated V-Seal Deck Joint Assembly in the Relaxed Condition ready for Plate Gap
Measurement ....................................................................................................................................3-31
Figure 3.16 Plate Gap Measurement at Finger Tip of Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly .....................................3-31
Figure 3.17 Plate Gap Measurement at Finger Heel of Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly ...................................3-32
Figure 3.18 Plate Gap Measurement of Cover Plated V-Seal Deck Joint Assembly ..............................................3-32
Figure 3.19 Sample Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly Plate Gap Inspection Form ..............................................3-33
Figure 3.20 Finger Plate (top left), Cover Plated V-Seal (top right), and Type 1 Strip Seal Deck Joint
Assemblies with Shipping Angles Installed ........................................................................................3-34
Figure 4.1 Fabricated NU Girders in Storage ........................................................................................................4-2
Figure 4.2 SL Girders in Storage ............................................................................................................................4-3
Figure 4.3 Cruciform MSE Wall Panels for use with Reinforced Earth Company (RECo) Wall Systems ...............4-4
Figure 4.4 Precast Box Culvert Sections................................................................................................................4-5
Figure 4.5 Sample CPCQA Certificate ...................................................................................................................4-7
Figure 4.6 Acceptable Tensioning Tolerance ......................................................................................................4-20
Figure 4.7 Unacceptable Tensioning Tolerance ..................................................................................................4-20
Figure 4.8 Steel Bulkhead and Formwork for NU Girder Fabrication .................................................................4-28
Figure 4.9 Storage of Reinforcing Steel off the Ground......................................................................................4-30
Figure 4.10 Welded-Wire Reinforcement for an NU Girder Web ........................................................................4-31
Figure 4.11 Stressing Strand Coil Packs ................................................................................................................4-32
Figure 4.12 Defective Stressing Strand Coil with Pitting Corrosion ......................................................................4-32
Figure 4.13 Pre-tied Box Girder Reinforcing Cage Being Lifted into Formwork ...................................................4-34
Figure 4.14 NU Girder End Block with Post Tensioning Ducts and End Anchorages being Placed Inside
the Form ............................................................................................................................................4-35
Figure 4.15 Galvanized MSE Panel Reinforcing Strap Hardware Must be Isolated from Corrosion
Resistant (CR) Reinforcing Steel .........................................................................................................4-36
Figure 4.16 Steel Diaphragm Bolt Inserts Positioned Within a NU Girder Form ..................................................4-36
Figure 4.17 Styrofoam Void Being Installed Inside a Box Girder ..........................................................................4-37
Figure 4.18 Void Hold-downs in a Box Girder .......................................................................................................4-38
Figure 4.19 Galvanized Bolt Camber Hub at Girder End. ......................................................................................4-38
Figure 4.20 Single Strand Tensioning ....................................................................................................................4-41


Figure 4.21 Stressing Strands with Elongation Markings Applied After Tensioning .............................................4-42
Figure 4.22 Hold-Down Restraints with Rollers for Deviated Strands Within an NU Girder ................................4-43
Figure 4.23 Load Cell at Dead End of Two Deviated Strands to Verify Strand Force ............................................4-43
Figure 4.24 Plastic Sheathing used for Debonding Prestressing Strands at NU Girder End .................................4-45
Figure 4.25 Typical Styrofoam Donuts Used to Provide Recess at Ends of Prestressing Strands .........................4-46
Figure 4.26 SL Girder Ends with Strand Recesses after Strands are Cut ...............................................................4-46
Figure 4.27 Patching of Girder End Strand Recesses ............................................................................................4-47
Figure 4.28 Concrete Batched in Plants is Transferred into an Overhead Bucket that is Lifted and Moved
Around for Placing Concrete ..............................................................................................................4-48
Figure 4.29 Pencil Vibrators are Commonly Used to Consolidate Concrete ........................................................4-49
Figure 4.30 Applying Water to Achieve a Saturated Surface Dry Condition Prior to Concrete Repairs ...............4-50
Figure 4.31 Concrete Surface Finishing with an Approved Concrete Patching Products after Formwork
Removal and prior to Curing ..............................................................................................................4-51
Figure 4.32 Box Girder with Hairline Cracking at End Fascia ................................................................................4-52
Figure 4.33 Close-up View of Box Girder Hairline Cracking at End Fascia Marked for Width and Length ...........4-52
Figure 4.34 Bottom Corner Spall on an NU Girder Prepared for Repair ...............................................................4-53
Figure 4.35 Box Girder Spalled at Acute Corner ...................................................................................................4-54
Figure 4.36 Prestressing Strands Being Detensioned Using a Cutting Torch ........................................................4-56
Figure 4.37 Girders are Covered in Heating Blankets while being Moved into a Steam Curing Chamber
during Winter Conditions ..................................................................................................................4-57
Figure 4.38 Box Girder Placed in a Curing Chamber for Steam Curing .................................................................4-58
Figure 4.39 Class 2 Rubbed Surface Finish being applied to the Exterior Fascia of a NU Girder ..........................4-60
Figure 4.40 Pressure Washing/Green Cutting Setup for Completing Surface Roughening of NU Girder
End .....................................................................................................................................................4-61
Figure 4.41 Production of Concrete Cylinders for Strength Testing .....................................................................4-72
Figure 4.42 Concrete Air and Slump Testing ........................................................................................................4-72
Figure 4.43 Mobile Gantry Crane used to Load NU Girder at Fabrication Facility................................................4-78
Figure 4.44 Shipping of NU Girder with Stiffening Truss along Top Flange for Stability ......................................4-80
Figure 4.45 Shipping Restraints include Flange Protection of NU Girder .............................................................4-80
Figure 4.46 SLC Type Girder Shipping with Timber Dunnage at Support Locations .............................................4-81
Figure 4.47 Mobile Gantry Crane loading Box Girder onto Transport Truck ........................................................4-81
Figure 5.1 Possible Movement Configurations Of Elastomeric And Pot Bearings ................................................5-2
Figure 5.2 Laminated Elastomeric Bearing Assembly (from bottom to top: Base Plate, Laminated
Elastomeric Pad and Sole Plate) ..........................................................................................................5-3
Figure 5.3 Pot bearings .........................................................................................................................................5-4
Figure 5.4 Typical Steel Rocker Plate Cross Section..............................................................................................5-5
Figure 5.5 Sample CWB Certificate of Qualification .............................................................................................5-7
Figure 5.6 Sample CWB Letter of Validation ........................................................................................................5-8
Figure 5.7 Flange Plates welded to Pot Plate .....................................................................................................5-30


Figure 5.8 Guided Expansion Pot Bearing with Welded and Guide Bars (Sole Plate to Girder Flange and
Pot Plate to Base Plate) .....................................................................................................................5-31
Figure 5.9 Epoxy Barrier Coating on Galvanized Base Plate ...............................................................................5-33
Figure 5.10 Metalized Pot and Piston Plates ........................................................................................................5-33
Figure 5.11 Creep And Shear Bond Strength Test on Laminated Elastomeric Bearing ........................................5-37
Figure 5.12 Pot Bearing Proof Load Testing..........................................................................................................5-38
Figure 5.13 Sliding Pot Bearing Friction Coefficient Testing .................................................................................5-38
Figure 5.14 Friction Test Result for Sliding Pot Bearing ........................................................................................5-39
Figure 5.15 Examination of Brass Seals after Long Term Proof Load Testing .......................................................5-40
Figure 5.16 Elastomeric Pad after Long Term Proof Load Testing ........................................................................5-40
Figure 5.17 Elastomeric Pad after Long Term Proof Load Testing ........................................................................5-41
Figure 5.18 PTFE after Long Term Proof Load Testing ..........................................................................................5-41
Figure 5.19 Plain Elastomeric Bearing Shipping Configuration and Protection Measures ...................................5-43
Figure 5.20 Laminated Elastomeric and Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings Marked and Being Prepared
for Shipping ........................................................................................................................................5-44
Figure 5.21 Pot Bearings with Permanent Location and Orientation Markings Applied ......................................5-44
Figure 5.22 Pot Bearings with Shipping Restraint Brackets Installed ...................................................................5-45
Figure 5.23 Pot Bearing with Shipping Restraint Brackets Installed .....................................................................5-45
Figure 5.24 Foam rod to prevent contaminants from entering the pot ...............................................................5-46
Figure 5.25 Pot Bearings Prepared and Cleared for Shipping ...............................................................................5-46
Figure 6.1 TL-2 Thrie Beam Bridgerail ...................................................................................................................6-2
Figure 6.2 TL-2 Low Height Thrie Beam Bridgerails ..............................................................................................6-2
Figure 6.3 TL-4 Double Tube Type Bridgerail ........................................................................................................6-3
Figure 6.4 TL-4 Barrier System (Double Tube Bridgerail Mounted on Curb) ........................................................6-3
Figure 6.5 TL-4 Combination Barrier Bridgerail ....................................................................................................6-4
Figure 6.6 TL-4 Thrie Beam Bridgerail ...................................................................................................................6-5
Figure 6.7 TL-5 Double Tube Bridgerail ................................................................................................................6-6
Figure 6.8 Pedestrian and Bicycle Barriers ...........................................................................................................6-7
Figure 6.9 Sample WCB Certificate .....................................................................................................................6-10
Figure 6.10 Sample CWB Letter of Validation ......................................................................................................6-11
Figure 6.11 Tube Section Types for Double Tube Bridgerails ...............................................................................6-18
Figure 6.12 HSS Sections for bridge rails ..............................................................................................................6-24
Figure 6.13 Cutting of HSS rails .............................................................................................................................6-26
Figure 6.14 Bridgerail Splice Sleeves Stored prior to Welding Closure Plate.......................................................6-27
Figure 6.15 Tube splice sleeve completed ............................................................................................................6-27
Figure 6.16 Fabricated Bridgerail Baseplates .......................................................................................................6-29
Figure 6.17 Post and Baseplate Alignment Within Fabrication Jig with Tack Welds Shown ................................6-30
Figure 6.18 Bridgerail Posts Tack Welded to Baseplates ......................................................................................6-30
Figure 6.19 Pickling of Anchor Rods is Limited to a Maximum of 5 Minutes .......................................................6-33


Figure 6.20 Anchor Rods in Galvanizing Basket ....................................................................................................6-33

Figure 6.21 Hot Dip Galvanizing of Anchor Rods ..................................................................................................6-33
Figure 6.22 Galvanizing Basket with Anchor Rods being placed into Centrifuge .................................................6-34
Figure 6.23 Galvanized Anchor Rods after Removal from Centrifuge ..................................................................6-34
Figure 6.24 Cleaning of Anchor Rods and Inspection of Nut Fitment ..................................................................6-34
Figure 6.25 Galvanized Bridgerail .........................................................................................................................6-36
Figure 6.26 Galvanized Thrie Beam Connection Plates ........................................................................................6-36
Figure 6.27 Bridgerail Posts being Prepared and Stacked for Shipping ................................................................6-37
Figure 6.28 Drainage Hole at Baseplate (Weld must be Ground Flush with Baseplate) ......................................6-38
Figure 6.29 Preparation of Repair Area By Sand-Blasting ....................................................................................6-39
Figure 6.30 Repair of Galvanizing by Method A1 of ASTM A780/A780M ............................................................6-39
Figure 6.31 Repair of Galvanizing by Method A3 of ASTM A780/A780M ............................................................6-39
Figure 6.32 Barrier coating on the bottom surface of baseplate .........................................................................6-40
Figure 6.33 Barrier Coating Adhesion Test (ASTM D3359 Method A) ..................................................................6-41
Figure 6.34 Barrier Coating Adhesion Test (ASTM D3359 Method B) (top) and Dry Film Thickness
Measurement (bottom) .....................................................................................................................6-41
Figure 6.35 Rail Splice Sleeve Fitment ..................................................................................................................6-42
Figure 6.36 Measuring Tube Sleeve Dimensions ..................................................................................................6-43
Figure 6.37 Measuring Out-of-Straightness of Bridgerail (Full Length of Rail Segment) using String Line ...........6-43
Figure 6.38 Bridgerail being prepared for Shipping ..............................................................................................6-45
Figure 6.39 Bridgerail Posts being prepared for Shipping ....................................................................................6-45
Figure 6.40 Bridgerail Posts being prepared for Shipping ....................................................................................6-46
Figure 7.1 Single Arm Cantilever Type Overhead Sign Structure..........................................................................7-2
Figure 7.2 Double Arm Cantilever Type Overhead Sign Structure........................................................................7-2
Figure 7.3 Quad Arm Cantilever Type Overhead Sign Structure ..........................................................................7-2
Figure 7.4 Single Arm Sign Bridge Type Overhead Sign Structure ........................................................................7-3
Figure 7.5 Double Arm Sign Bridge Type Overhead Sign Structure ......................................................................7-3
Figure 7.6 Sample CWB Certificate .......................................................................................................................7-5
Figure 7.7 Sample CWB Letter of Validation ........................................................................................................7-6
Figure 7.8 Coil Prior to Straightening..................................................................................................................7-20
Figure 7.9 Coiled Plate Being Straightened in Decoiler ......................................................................................7-20
Figure 7.10 Fabricator’s QC Inspector Marking Steel Plate Material Testing Locations .......................................7-20
Figure 7.11 Steel Plate Sample for Material Testing.............................................................................................7-20
Figure 7.12 Press Brake is Used for Bending Plates ..............................................................................................7-22
Figure 7.13 Bent Plates Marked for Traceability ..................................................................................................7-23
Figure 7.14 Horizontal Arm Connection Flange Plates with Identification Markings including Heat
Numbers ............................................................................................................................................7-23
Figure 7.15 Longitudinal Seam Welding of Multi-Sided Tube Member Using SAW .............................................7-24
Figure 7.16 Weld Repair using Run-off Tab ..........................................................................................................7-25


Figure 7.17 Weld Defect from Terminating Weld without Run-off Tab ...............................................................7-25
Figure 7.18 UT Inspection of Backing Bar Splice (Inspection and Testing Hold Point) .........................................7-26
Figure 7.19 General View of SAW Equipment Setup ............................................................................................7-27
Figure 7.20 Arm Tube to Flange Plate Full Penetration Groove Weld ..................................................................7-27
Figure 7.21 Welded Backing Bar ...........................................................................................................................7-28
Figure 7.22 Component Identification Low Stress Stamp on Flange Plate ...........................................................7-30
Figure 7.23 Identification Tag secured using Tack Welds (Not Permitted) ..........................................................7-30
Figure 7.24 Shop Drawing with fabricated Component Designation ...................................................................7-31
Figure 7.25 Pre-Assembly of Single Arm Sign Bridge Overhead Sign Structure ....................................................7-32
Figure 7.26 Pre-Assembly of Double Arm Cantilever Overhead Sign Structure ...................................................7-32
Figure 7.27 Bolted Field Splice of Arm Tube .........................................................................................................7-33
Figure 7.28 Gap Measurement between Bolted Flange Plates (less than 2 mm) ................................................7-33
Figure 7.29 Bolted Splice with no Measurable Gap ..............................................................................................7-33
Figure 7.30 Column Length Dimensional Check ...................................................................................................7-33
Figure 7.31 Measurement of Arm Rise of Single Arm Sign Bridge........................................................................7-34
Figure 7.32 Measurement of Arm Rise of Double Arm Cantilever Sign Structure................................................7-34
Figure 7.33 Galvanized Components of a Double Arm Cantilever Sign Structure ................................................7-37
Figure 7.34 Galvanized Area near Bolt Hole Requiring Repair .............................................................................7-37
Figure 7.35 Areas of Galvanizing Identified for Repair .........................................................................................7-37
Figure 7.36 Baseplate Column Barrier Coating .....................................................................................................7-38
Figure 7.37 Coating Test By Method A .................................................................................................................7-39
Figure 7.38 Galvanized Components Ready For Shipping ....................................................................................7-41
Figure 7.39 Galvanized Components Being Loaded On Truck ..............................................................................7-41


Figure A.1 Preheating a Girder Flange Prior To Flange To Web Welding ............................................................ A-5
Figure A.2 Intergranular Corrosion ...................................................................................................................... A-8
Figure A.3 Weld Flaws .......................................................................................................................................... A-9
Figure A.4 Visual Inspection of Stiffener To Web Weld Assisted With a Flashlight ........................................... A-12
Figure A.5 MT of Stiffener to Flange Weld with a Yoke to Create the Magnetic Field ...................................... A-13
Figure A.6 Application of Developer on Inspected Surface at Flange Splice...................................................... A-15
Figure A.7 Reliability of NDT Techniques For Flaw Detection (Simonen, 1990) ................................................ A-18
Figure B.1 Sample CWB Weld Procedure Data Sheet Sectionalized Layout ........................................................ B-2
Figure C.1 Structural Steel Mill Test Report – Girder Steel .................................................................................. C-1
Figure C.2 Longitudinal Charpy Impact Test Specimen........................................................................................ C-4
Figure C.3 Prestressing Strand MTR ..................................................................................................................... C-7
Figure C.4 Certified Verification Testing Laboratory Letter ................................................................................. C-9
Figure C.5 Mill Test Report of Stainless Reinforcing Steel ................................................................................. C-14
Figure C.6 Discoloration of Stainless Reinforcing Steel from Inadequate Pickling Processes ............................ C-16
Figure C.7 Verification Test Report of Stainless Reinforcing Steel MTR – Page 1 .............................................. C-16
Figure C.8 Verification Test Report of Stainless Reinforcing Steel MTR – Pages 2 & 3 ...................................... C-18
Figure D.1 Sample Welder’s Certificate/Ticket .................................................................................................... D-1
Figure D.2 Fillet Weld Welding Positions ............................................................................................................. D-4
Figure D.3 Groove Weld Welding Positions ......................................................................................................... D-5
Figure F.1 Two-dimensional Surface Profile Used to Quantify Surface Roughness ............................................. F-2
Figure F.2 Standard Comparator Plates for Flame Cut Surface Roughness.......................................................... F-4
Figure F.3 Replica Tape Being Pressed on Glass Surface (left) and Micrometer (right) (source:
corrosioncoatings.com/testex.htm) .................................................................................................... F-5
Figure F.4 Typical Roughness Average for Different Surface Finishing (ASME B46.1) ......................................... F-7
Figure G.1 Prestressing Calculations for SL-510 ................................................................................................... G-2
Figure H.1 MSE Defect Matrix Reference A ....................................................................................................... H-74
Figure H.2 MSE Defect Matrix Reference B........................................................................................................ H-75
Figure H.3 MSE Defect Matrix Reference C ........................................................................................................ H-75


This Bridge Fabrication Inspection Manual (the Manual) is a documentation of the processes and practices of
fabrication of various bridge components for Alberta Transportation. It outlines Alberta Transportation’s
representatives responsibilities (the Consultant and sub-consultants) throughout the fabrication process including
the review of prefabrication submissions, review of quality control inspection and testing information, completion
of quality assurance inspection and testing, and the assembly and production of fabrication documentation for
record purposes. The responsibilities of the Consultant and their sub-consultants form the Quality Assurance (QA)
program for the fabrication of bridge components that directly contributes to the safety, reliability, durability and
long term management of bridges throughout the Province.
The primary objectives of the Manual are to:
 Highlight the fabrication related requirements contained in the Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction
(SSBC) and the Engineering Consulting Guidelines for Highway, Bridge, and Water Projects (ECG), Volume 1 and
Volume 2 and to provide commentary on these provisions;
 Provide an outline of the fabrication processes for various bridge components including steel girders, precast
concrete units, deck joints, bearings, bridgerail and overhead sign structures;
 Communicate the Department’s review, inspection, testing, and reporting standards of the Consultant’s project
engineers, inspectors, and sub-consultants during fabrication; and
 Provide an in-depth commentary and detailed background information on various fabrication processes and
materials to enhance the understanding of technical requirements, transfer knowledge, and enable consistent
administration of projects such that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities
and accountability.
This Manual is not intended to be replace specialized training and experience related to the fabrication of bridge
components. It is expected that Consultants utilizing the Manual maintain the required level of expertise and
This Manual details the inspection and testing requirements for fabricated components, however it is not intended
to be a technical procedural manual for inspectors or testers. In this regard, the intent of the Manual is to act as a
resource to inspectors so that they understand the Department’s inspection and reporting requirements.
This Manual is not a quality control plan. Fabricator’s quality control plans must be developed in accordance with
the SSBC and the requirements of qualification standards established by accredited certification agencies.
Although all attempts at aligning the content of this Manual with that of the SSBC has been made, in cases of conflict
the requirements of the SSBC shall govern.

Page 1-1

The Manual provides concise information on the following fabricated bridge components:
 Steel girders;
 Deck joints;
 Precast concrete units;
o Girders (NU, SL SLW and SLC types);
o MSE wall fascia panels;
o Deck panels for low volume local roads;
o Reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) and precast box culverts (PBC);
 Bearings;
 Bridgerails; and
 Overhead sign structures.
Each component listed has its own section within the Manual. Appendices A through J provide supplemental
information common to multiple sections of the Manual such as explanation of welding processes, review of welding
procedure data sheets, mill test reports, welders’ tickets, stressing calculations, steel galvanization and
measurement of surface roughness.
Appendix H contains checklists that can be utilized in the review of prefabrication submissions, fabrication
inspections, and the assembly and production of documentation required for final detail reporting.
Appendix I contains draft prefabrication meeting agendas. Draft meeting agendas must be modified by the
Consultant to meet project specific requirements.
To assist the Consultant in allocating sufficient time and resources to fulfil their Quality Assurance requirements for
fabrication, inspection and administration effort guidelines are presented in Appendix J of this Manual.


In order to better understand the role and responsibilities of the fabricator and the Consultant in the quality
management of fabricated components, it is important to understand the difference between Quality Control (QC)
and Quality Assurance (QA).
QC can be defined as the part of the quality management undertaken by the fabricator/Contractor and is focused
on fulfilling the quality requirements of the Contract.
QA is the part of quality management undertaken by the Department/Consultant and is focused on providing
confidence that the quality requirements will be fulfilled.
All work completed by the fabricator must be inspected, tested (if applicable), and signed off by the fabricator’s QC
personnel. The fabricator’s QC personnel document the required information during fabrication, assembly, coating
and shipment. The Consultant’s QA role, while acting as the Department’s representative, includes reviewing of all
the documentation generated by the fabricator to verify that the work complies with the Contract Drawings and
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is the responsibility of Contractor/fabricator and must be acceptably completed by
independent testing agencies. Inspection and testing responsibilities of the Consultant are typically completed by
specialty sub-consultants, referred to as the Consultant’s QA Inspector throughout this Manual.

Page 1-2

The Consultant’s QA Inspector must review visual inspection and NDT reports and/or records produced by the
fabricator’s QC while still providing visual inspections of all completed welds and spot checks of the fabrication
throughout the process. The Consultant’s QA Inspector may also elect to complete additional visual inspection and
NDT in order to verify the quality of the work. The specific inspection and testing requirements to be carried out by
the Consultant’s QA Inspector are outlined in the SSBC and this Manual for each type of bridge component being
For all fabricated components, both the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s QA are required to review and provide
written acceptance of the Work as fabrication progresses at the witness points and hold points identified in the
SSBC. The required qualifications of fabrication QC and QA personnel are outlined in the SSBC and each section of
this Manual.

1.4.1 Department
Alberta Transportation (AT) is the Owner (referred to as the Department) and is the entity paying the Contractor to
fulfill the terms of the Contract. The Department engages Consultants to design the structure, prepare the Contract
documents, and conduct quality assurance inspection during fabrication. The Department is responsible for
outlining the design criteria, standards and specifications and contributes in the preparation of Contract documents.

1.4.2 Contractor
The Contractor is responsible for the completion of all tasks required by the Contract documents including, special
provisions, project drawings, general specifications, standard specifications, and standard drawings. Although sub-
contractors may be used, the responsibility for materials, fabrication and the final product is the sole responsibility
of the Contractor. The Contractor may permit direct sub-contractor interaction with the Department and the
Consultant to improve efficiency of project communications, but sub-contractors must inform the Contractor of any
proposed modifications to Contract requirements for acceptance by the Department.

1.4.3 Fabricator
The fabricator is typically a sub-contractor to the Contractor although in some cases the fabricator may also be the
Contractor. The fabricator operates the facility or facilities performing shop activities such as cutting, welding,
drilling, punching, cleaning, and coating of fabricated structural steel or forming, placing reinforcement,
pretensioning and placing and curing concrete in the fabrication of precast concrete units. The fabricator also
includes any of the fabricator’s sub-contractors who complete fabrication activities.

1.4.4 Consultant
The Consultant is retained by the Department to design of the structure, prepare the Contract documents, provide
review engineer support and quality assurance during fabrication. Typically, the same consultant is retained for the
pre-tender and construction phases of the project and the Consultant’s review engineer is responsible for reviewing
and accepting the prefabrication submissions prior to the start of fabrication. The Consultant’s Quality Assurance
(QA) Inspector is responsible for providing independent QA inspection and NDT (as required) during the fabrication
process. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be present at the fabrication shop during all major phases of fabrication
that require timely inspection, review, or documentation as noted in this Manual.
The Consultant is responsible for the following activities during fabrication of bridge components for the
 Analyze, report, and provide recommendations on any proposed design changes to the Project Sponsor for
review and acceptance prior to implementation;
 Coordinate and attend the prefabrication meeting with the Contractor, the fabricator and the Department;
 Perform quality assurance throughout the fabrication in accordance with this Manual;

Page 1-3

 Consult with and provide recommendations to the Department for any problems that occur during fabrication;
 Complete in shop QA inspections to confirm the suitability of fabricated materials at all identified witness and
hold points before transportation to site; and
 Submit inspection reports for all material fabrication and a final deliverables fabrication report for prestressed
precast concrete girders/units and major steel components.

Fabrication facilities must have an established safety program to be certified under the CPCQA 1, CWB2 or CISC3
qualification programs. Shop safety should be covered in the prefabrication meeting as it pertains to the
Consultant’s QA Inspector’s safety while performing quality assurance inspections. The shop safety plan must always
be followed by the Consultant’s QA Inspector.
Fabrication shops typically require an onsite orientation and sign-in process for any outside visitors. The Consultant
shall adhere to the minimum safety requirements outlined by their company, the fabrication shop, and Occupational
Health and Safety (OHS) legislation.
Typical personal protective equipment required during a shop visit consists of protective glasses, hearing protection,
steel toed safety boots, high visibility vest, protective gloves, and a hard hat. Clothing should cover the full length
of the arms and legs. The fabricator should be consulted before the first visit to confirm personal protective
equipment requirements.
Safety hazards typically found in fabrication shops are discussed in the following Subsections.

1.5.1 Noise
The Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code requires that ear protection be worn in work places when
workers are exposed to sound levels exceeding 85 decibels (dBA) for extended periods of time. According to the
OHS Code Table 1 of Schedule 3, higher noise levels can be tolerated for shorter exposure periods. Common
activities in a fabrication shop that can exceed the 85 dBA sound level include forklift operation (87 dBA), setting
forms (88 dBA), grinding (92 dBA) and bolting (94 dBA) (OSHA Technical Manual, Section III, Chapter 5, 2013). When
visiting a fabrication shop, one should be aware that exposure to high noise levels can cause permanent hearing
damage. Hearing protection must be worn if reduction in sound levels or exposure times is not possible.
Hearing protectors such as disposable earplugs are usually sufficient for short shop visits and are often provided at
fabricating facilities. Although earplugs can offer protection against the harmful effects of impulse noise, such as
hammering on steel, the noise reduction rating is based on the attenuation of continuous noise and may not be an
accurate indicator of the protection attainable against impulse noise.
Earmuffs are another type of hearing protection. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials and are
relatively easy to dispense, as they are one-size devices designed to fit nearly all adult users. The earmuffs are
designed to cover the external ear and thus reduce the amount of sound reaching the inner ear. Care must be taken
to ensure that the seal of the earmuffs is not broken by safety glasses, facial hair, respirators, or other equipment,
as even a small leak in the seal can seriously compromise the effectiveness of the earmuffs.

1 Canadian Precast Concrete Quality Assurance.

Canadian Welding Bureau.
Canadian Institute for Steel Construction.

Page 1-4

1.5.2 Welding
When welding operations are being conducted, it is important not to look directly at any exposed electric welding
arc unless appropriate eye protection is used. A very limited exposure without proper protection can cause severe
and permanent eye damage. Another risk related to welding is the inhalation of metal fumes during and shortly
after welding operations. Some of the most hazardous metals are hexavalent chromium, zinc and manganese. Both
stainless steel base metal and stainless steel welding electrodes emanate hexavalent chromium during welding.
Hexavalent chromium is a known carcinogen and can cause eye damage, irritation of the respiratory tract and skin.
Welding of galvanized metal surfaces generates zinc oxide fumes. Exposure to these fumes can lead to zinc fume
fever and the corresponding flu-like symptoms.

1.5.3 Strand Tensioning

Strand tensioning operations are a high-risk activity at precast concrete fabrication facilities. Areas in line with the
strand tensioning must be avoided during the stressing operation as rupture of a stressed strand or a jack/chuck
failure during stressing could result in a stressed strand shooting out of the formwork and beyond the bulkheads.
Fabrication shops typically use warning alarms and lights to notify workers of an active stressing operation. The
areas immediately around the stressing bed are also taped off to restrict access at this time.

1.5.4 Overhead Lifting

Overhead lifting equipment is typical to fabrication shops that need to move heavy materials and equipment
throughout the facility. Both steel and concrete fabrication require the use of cranes to lift fabricated components.
The Consultant should be cognizant of lifting activities and avoid standing or walking directly below a lifted load or
under the crane bridge.

Page 1-5


Steel plate girders, steel box girders and their associated materials such as diaphragms, horizontal bracing, stiffeners
and splice plates, are one of the main fabricated components for highway bridges. Their fabrication involves many
different steps, from material sourcing to shipping of the girders to the job site. This section provides a brief
description of the main stages in the fabrication of steel plate girders, the inspection requirements at all stages of
fabrication, and background information to explain the reasons behind the various fabrication and inspection
requirements presented in Alberta Transportation (the Department) standards and various documents such as the
Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC), the Engineering Consulting Guidelines for Highway, Bridge
and Water Projects (ECG) and the Bridge Structures Design Criteria (BSDC).
Subsection 2.2 of the BSDC states that slab and girder bridge structures must have a minimum of four girder lines to
avoid constructing bridges with fracture critical members and to facilitate future deck replacement. Therefore, this
Manual only deals with non-fracture critical members. More information about special requirements for fracture
critical members can be found in Section 12 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 and Annex 10 of CSA-S6.


Steel plate girder bridges typically consist of steel girders (four or more girder lines) with a reinforced concrete deck.
The deck can be either cast-in-place or precast and composite or non-composite. Although rolled steel shapes might
have adequate strength for short span bridges, rolled shapes are often difficult to source with the toughness
requirements as specified in the BSDC. Steel girders are therefore most often fabricated from steel plates. These
fabricated girders are either I-shape steel plate girders (see Figure 2.1) or steel box girders (see Figure 2.2) and can
be straight or horizontally curved. The horizontal curvature in a curved bridge can be introduced in two ways: 1) by
introducing discrete changes in direction, or kinks, between segments of straight girders (see Figure 2.3), or; 2) by
forming the girders to the required radius either by heat-curving4 the flanges after fabricating the girders as straight
girders or by cutting the flange plates to the required horizontal curvature (Figure 2.1). When the flanges are cut to
the desired curvature, they are cut from a larger plate, which results in an increased amount of waste/scrap material.
Once the flanges are cut to the prescribed curvature, the web is bent to the flange curve and welded to the flanges.
Fabrication as a straight girder and heat curving the flanges is preferred by many fabricators because less scrap is
generated in cutting the flange plates and it does not require special jigs and fittings for assembly of the girders.
The change in direction in the flanges of kinked girders introduces significant forces in the diaphragm members at
these locations, which makes the diaphragms at the kinks act as primary load carrying members 5. For curved girders,
all the diaphragms are primary load carrying members. Although the fabrication of curved or kinked girders presents
more challenges because of the difficulty with handling these shapes and accurately measuring the angles of the
kinks and camber, their inspection is essentially the same as for straight girders. Therefore, the requirements
outlined in this section are equally applicable to curved, kinked, and straight girders.

SSBC Subsection requires approval by the Department and the Consultant prior to heat curving or
performing any correction to the girder geometry by application of heat. Although heat curving is an effective
method of horizontally curving a girder, it must be done under strict controls due to the risk of altering the steel
properties that may result from excessive heat. Heat curving can also affect the camber due to the relief of
residual stresses.
CSA-S6-19 has a minimum toughness requirement for these members when they are subjected to tension. The
AT BSDC requires fracture toughness Category 2 (27 J at -20°C) for bracing members of heavily skewed bridges,
curved girders or kinked girders.

Page 2-1

Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2

Horizontally Curved I-girders Shop Fitting of Bracing in Horizontally Curved
Box Girders

Figure 2.3
Horizontally Curved Bridge with Kinked I-girders

2.3.1 Alberta Transportation Standards and Specifications
 General Specifications and Specification Amendments for Highway and Bridge Construction Edition 16.
 Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC) Edition 17;
 Engineering Consultant Guidelines for Highway, Bridge, and Water Projects Vol.1 and Vol.2; and
 Bridge Structures Design Criteria (BSDC) Version 9.0.

Page 2-2

2.3.2 Reference Standards and Specifications

 American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)/Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC):
o AISC 420-10/SSPC-QP3, Certification Standard for Shop Application of Complex Protective Coating Systems.
 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):
o AASHTO (2017), LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4th Edition. This is an important source of
information for fabrication tolerances that are not included in the SSBC or AASTHO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5; and
o AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 (2015), Bridge Welding Code, 7th Edition, American Welding Society D1
Committee on Structural Welding/AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures.
 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):
o ASME B46.1 (2009), Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness, and Lay).
 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
o ASTM A6/A6M (2017), Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars,
Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling;
o ASTM A833 (2017), Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Comparison
Hardness Testers;
o ASTM D3276 (2015), Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors (Metal Substrates);
o ASTM D4417 (2014), Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned
o ASTM E110 (2014), Standard Test Method for Rockwell and Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials by
Portable Hardness Testers;
o ASTM E165/E165M (2018), Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing for General Industry;
o ASTM E709 (2015), Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing; and
o ASTM F3125/F3125M (2018), Standard Specification for High Strength Structural Bolts and Assemblies,
Steel and Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, Inch Dimensions 120 ksi and 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, and
Metric Dimensions 830 MPa and 1040 MPa Minimum Tensile Strength.
 Canadian Standards Association (CSA):
o CSA-G40.20-13/G40.21-13 (2018), General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel /
Structural Quality Steel;
o CSA-S6-19 (2019), Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. Section 10 – Steel Structures; and
o CSA-W47.1:19 (2019), Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel.

The qualifications of the personnel involved in the fabrication of steel plate girders, including the fabricator and the
quality control (QC) inspectors and NDT testers are outlined in Section 6 of the SSBC and Section 6 of AASHTO/AWS
This section presents a short review of the required qualifications of the Consultant’s QA Inspector, the fabricator
and their personnel including QC inspectors, tack welders, welders, welding operators and welding supervisor.

Page 2-3

2.4.1 Fabricator
In accordance with Subsection 6.2.1 of the SSBC, girder fabricators must be certified to the requirements of CSA
W47.1 by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB). Fabricators of steel girders, trusses, splice plates, stiffeners,
connector plates, abutment and pier caps, and associated materials must also be certified by the Canadian Institute
of Steel Construction (CISC) in the category of complex steel bridges. Fabricators of steel diaphragms, bracing, and
associated materials must also be certified by the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) in the category of
complex steel bridges or simple steel bridges. The sub-contractors to the fabricator must also be CWB certified to
CSA-W47.1 and be CISC certified in the applicable steel bridge category for the component(s) being fabricated, as
outlined above.
Welding must be completed in accordance with multiple codes and standards related to process, quality and safety.
The CWB provides comprehensive qualification and certification services for:
 Company certification;
 Welder, welding supervisor, welding engineer qualifications, and weld inspector certification;
 Acceptance of welding procedures;
 Certification of electrodes and filler metals;
 Qualification and certification of Canadian welding professional and welding companies to international
standards, including IIW/ISO 3834; and
 Stud base qualification6.
The fabricator and the fabricator’s sub-contractors7 are responsible for completing the work in accordance with the
contract requirements. The fabricator and their sub-contractors must have a quality control program that is
reviewed and accepted by the CWB.
CWB certification is related to the shop’s qualifications and ability to fabricate welded components in accordance
with CSA-W47.1. Certification requirements of fabricators that supply and fabricate structural steel on Department
bridge projects is as follows:
 Steel girders, trusses, diaphragms, bracing, splice plates, stiffeners, connector plates, abutment and pier caps,
and associated materials ......................................................................................................................... Division 1
 All other bridge components ............................................................................................... Division 1 or Division 2
 Field welding/repairs ........................................................................................................... Division 1 or Division 2
The differentiation between division certification is dependant on whether the fabricator employs a full-time or part-
time welding engineer. Division 1 fabricators employ a welding engineer on a full-time basis whereas Division 2
fabricators retain the services of a welding engineer on a part-time basis. A single welding engineer supporting a
fabricator with multiple shops is acceptable. The welding engineer need not be an employee of the fabricator but
can be a sub-contractor. Although not applicable to the fabrication of bridge components, a Division 3 fabricator
does not require a welding engineer. CSA W47.1 Section 5 provides the requirements for certification. It addresses
requirements for various divisions as outlined above, application process, welding personnel requirements,
reporting of personnel and documentation, quality control and various other requirements.

Fabricators performing stud welding under CSA-W59 or AWS D1.5 are required to use only qualified studs through
the CWB qualification program. Studs that are shop or field welded must be qualified by the manufacturer through
CWB to the extent of CSA-W59 or AWS D1.5. The qualification of studs confirms that the stud manufacturer has
successfully met the tests and the quality system requirements specified in CSA-W59 or AWS D1.5.
The requirements of the SSBC extend to all sub-contractors doing work for the fabricator as part of the girder
fabrication process. Since the same standard of care is expected whether the work is carried out by the fabricator
or the fabricator’s sub-contractors, the same qualifications are required for all parties involved in the fabrication

Page 2-4

Figure 2.4 shows a sample CWB certificate identifying the standard to which the certificate is issued, the address of
the fabricating shop being certified, the date at which the certificate was issued and the scope of work for which the
certificate is issued.

Figure 2.4
Sample CWB Certificate of Qualification

The letter of validation, shown in Figure 2.5 contains the above information, and the period of validation. This letter
must be renewed yearly by the expiration date of the validation letter. The CWB, by issuing the letter of validation,
confirms that the fabricator satisfies the requirements of CSA-W47.1.

Figure 2.5
Sample CWB Letter of Validation

Page 2-5

Fabricators of steel girders and girder components must also be certified by the Canadian Institute of Steel
Construction (CISC) in the category of steel bridges. In contrast to the CWB certification, which is strictly related to
welding activities, the CISC certification is a broader program that covers all aspects of steel fabrication, from
material sourcing to shipping.
The CISC offers two separate certification programs, Steel Structures certification and Steel Bridges certification. The
steel bridge certification program further recognizes two certification sub-categories: Simple Steel Bridges and
Complex Steel Bridges. Simple Steel Bridges are limited to unspliced rolled sections. This is the same certification
program for steel structures, plate work and miscellaneous metals. Built up type or welded plate girders do not fall
under the simple steel bridge sub-category.
The CISC Complex Steel Bridges certification program includes all bridges and focuses on fabrication of spliced rolled
sections and welded plate girders (includes three-plate girders, trapezoidal box girders, closed box girders,
orthotropic deck bridges, large or non-preassembled trusses, arches, cable-supported bridges, and horizontally
curved bridges with a tight curve radius). Both CISC certifications have a Fracture-Critical Endorsement for a bridge
that contains fracture-critical members. Fabricators involved in the fabrication of fracture-critical steel bridges are
required to have the Fracture-Critical Endorsement since fabrication requirements for fracture critical members are
more stringent as outlined in Section 12 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 and Annex 10 of CSA-S6. The use of fracture
critical members is not permitted in the design of Alberta Transportation bridges and therefore the Fracture-Critical
Endorsement is not a standard contract requirement of fabricator qualification.
A sample CISC certification certificate is shown in Figure 2.6. Fabricator name, scope of certification, date of
certification and date of certification expiry are all provided on the certificate.

Figure 2.6
Sample CISC Certificate for Bridge Fabrication

Page 2-6

A fabricator certified to Division 1 or 2 must retain the services of a welding engineer. As part of the certification
process, CWB will also verify the qualification of the welding engineer. The required qualifications of the welding
engineer are detailed in Subsection 6.4 of CSA W47.1. Welding procedures are considered a Professional Work
Product (PWP) by the Alberta Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) and as such
must be authenticated by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice. Welding Supervisor
The welding supervisor is the fabricator’s designate responsible for ensuring that qualified welding personnel weld
in accordance with the reviewed and accepted weld procedure data sheets both in the shop and in the field. As part
of the fabricator’s certification, the CWB will verify the qualification of the welding supervisor. The required
qualifications of the welding supervisor are detailed in Section 7 of CSA W47.1. Welding supervisors must
demonstrate their qualifications through a combination of experience and training. Welding Personnel
The fabricator must only use welding personnel (tack welders, welders and welding operators 8) qualified in the type
of work being performed under the scope of the fabricator’s certification. The qualification process for welding
personnel is outlined in Subsection 8.2 of CSA W47.1. Tack welder’s and the welding operator’s certification remains
valid indefinitely (as long as they remain employed by a certified company). The certification of welders only remains
valid for a period of two years and must be renewed through a testing process that varies depending on the
qualifications of the welder.
Verification of the qualifications of welding personnel is a critically important requirement to ensure that welding
personnel with the required skill set perform all welding in the fabrication of steel bridge components. More
information is provided in Appendix D of this Manual.

2.4.2 Qualification of Inspectors Fabricator’s Quality Control (QC) Inspectors
Fabrication inspection is carried out by the fabricator as part of their quality control (QC) program and by the
Consultant as part of quality assurance (QA). The fabricator’s QC department documents the information needed
during fabrication, assembly, testing, coating and shipment. All the work completed by the fabricator must be
inspected and signed off by the fabricator’s QC department as part of their inspection and test plan (ITP).
For the fabrication of steel girders, trusses and associated materials, the fabricator coordinates non-destructive
testing (NDT) through independent testing companies whose personnel carry out the inspection/testing
requirements specified in Subsection of the SSBC. The QC inspection and/or testing reports must be
submitted to the Consultant to verify conformance with the contract requirements.
The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-destructive testing, must meet, at a
minimum, the requirements of AASHTO/American Welding Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5 Clause
6 except that the Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector must be certified by the CWB as a Level 2 or
Level 3 inspector in accordance with CSA W178.2. Quality control non-destructive testing (NDT) technicians must
be certified to Level 2 in accordance with CAN/CGSB-48.97129 and employed by a testing agency certified to CSA
W178.1. Coating testing must be completed and by an independent National Association of Corrosion Engineers
(NACE) Level 2 certified coating inspector.

A welding operator operates mechanized or automatic welding equipment.
The CGSB NDT certification program is managed by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), which certifies individuals
who perform non-destructive testing according to standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712 2014 “Qualification and
Certification of Non-Destructive Testing Personnel.”

Page 2-7

The Consultant’s QA Inspector, while acting as the Department’s representative, reviews all documentation
generated by the fabricator to verify that the work complies with the Contract. Additionally, the Consultant’s QA
Inspector is required to witness, review and accept, by signing off on, fabrication stages and activities. QC and QA
must provide written acceptance of the fabrication work at all the witness and hold points identified in Subsection of the SSBC.
The day shift Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified by the CWB as a level 3 welding inspector in accordance
with CSA W178.2. The inspector must also be experienced in operating a portable hardness testing apparatus 10 used
to determine the hardness of the flange plate edges after they have been cut. The Level 3 welding inspector must
be familiar and knowledgeable of the contract requirements. The Level 3 inspector is responsible for the
development of the QA NDT program for the project.
The Consultant’s second shift QA Inspector must be certified by the CWB as a level 2 or 3 welding inspector in
accordance with CSA W178.2, experienced in interpreting drawings, and have bridge fabrication related experience.
Inspectors performing only NDT work do not need to be a qualified welding inspector but require certification in the
applicable testing standard. For radiographic inspection (RT), the lead technician must be certified to Level 2 of the
CGSB and the technician’s assistant must be a Qualified Operator (QO). For magnetic particle inspection (MT) and
ultrasonic inspection (UT) the technician must be certified to Level 2 of CGSB. All NDT technicians must be employed
by a testing agency certified to CSA W178.1.


The quality management process (QC and QA), risk management, and payment schedule of the contract are critically
dependent on having a reviewed and accepted ITP in place prior to the commencement of fabrication. Development
of the supply and fabrication ITP must be given careful consideration by the fabricator and comprehensively
reviewed by the Consultant to ensure all applicable QC and QA requirements are included.
The fabricator must prepare and submit a supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP) in accordance with
Subsection 6.2 of the SSBC. The ITP outlines quality requirements and responsibilities of the contract requirements
and also considers the fabrication sequence and scheduling. The ITP also identifies all the stages of fabrication where
document submission and QC and QA inspection and testing is required so that the required reviews and inspections
can be completed with minimal disruption to the work flow.
The ITP must include the work carried out by all the sub-contractors involved in the fabrication, QC and QA
inspections, and the responsibility of each party involved (Contractor/fabricator or Consultant). When multiple
fabricators or different shops of the same fabricator are involved, the tasks of each shop (i.e. cutting of plate,
assembly of the girders, fabrication of bracing, painting, etc.) must clearly identify the party and person/position
responsible for providing written acceptance of witness points, hold points, inspection requirements, testing
requirements, and reporting. At a minimum, for each task in the fabrication process, the fabricator must identify:
 The QC inspection and testing to be carried out;
 The QA inspection and testing to be carried out;
 The reference specification/standard for inspection and testing required; and
 Identification of the responsible party and the role of the fabricator and all the inspectors involved. Their roles
can vary from observer, to reviewer, to person responsible to release the task, indicating that all required
inspections for the task have been completed and the task has been reviewed and accepted by way of written
sign off.

Refer to ASTM A833, Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Comparison
Hardness Testers, for Telebrinell hardness testing, or ASTM E110, Standard Test Method for Rockwell and Brinell
Hardness of Metallic Materials by Portable Hardness Testers, for other types of testers.

Page 2-8

The elements of the ITP that must be verified by the Consultant are:
 ITP reference number;
 Prefabrication document submissions (hold points);
 Reference specification/standards for qualifications, inspection and testing;
 Element/girder segment being fabricated;
 Identification of each task to be conducted during fabrication that require either QA or QC inspection and
testing; and
 All inspection and testing witness and hold points identified in Subsection of the SSBC have been

Prior to the commencement of fabrication and scheduling of the prefabrication meeting, the Consultant must review
the prefabrication submission outlined in Subsection 6.2.2 of the SSBC. Prefabrication submissions that must be
reviewed and accepted by the Consultant prior to the commencement of fabrication include:
 Fabricator’s inspection and test plan (ITP);
 Fabricator’s quality control plan;
 Fabricator and sub-contractor qualifications;
o Certification(s);
o Certification of the fabricator’s QC and NDT inspectors;
o Welding personnel;
 Fabrication sequence and equipment;
 Mill test reports (MTRs) for all steels, fasteners and welding consumables;
 Product data sheets (for coatings);
 Shop drawings;
 Design and independent check notes, if the fabricator modifies the design drawings;
 Welding procedure specifications (WPS);
 Welding procedure data sheets (WPDS);
 Repair procedures (the fabricator has the option of submitting these before the prefabrication meeting for
expediency of schedule); and
 Fabrication schedule.
The prefabrication submissions are a critical phase of the fabrication process and demonstrate that the fabricator
and sub-contractors are prepared to start fabrication. The quality of prefabrication submissions reduces the risk of
costly fabrication errors and increases the effectiveness of quality control and quality assurance. Each prefabrication
submission is discussed in detail in the following subsections.

2.6.1 Prefabrication Submissions Quality Control Plan
The quality control plan outlines the fabrication procedures, documentation, records and resources required to
ensure that the final product will meet the contract requirements and is part of the documentation required for the
CWB and CISC certification of the fabricator. Some elements of the quality control plan include:
 Organizational chart identifying who is responsible for the various aspects of fabrication, inspection and testing;
 Outline of the responsibilities of the quality control manager;
 Description of the fabrication procedures used in the shop;
 Description of the fabrication inspection and testing program;
 Description of the quality control testing and verification completed by the fabricator;

Page 2-9

 Description of the required qualifications of the fabricator’s quality control inspectors; and
 Description of how records are managed, method of material traceability, submittals, how nonconformities are
tracked and resolved, and repairs.
The fabricator’s quality control plan is reviewed and approved by the accreditation body (CWB and CISC) responsible
for issuing certification. The Consultant must verify that the fabricator’s quality control plan has been approved by
the applicable accreditation body and provided to the Department. Qualifications
The required qualifications and certifications for the fabricators and their sub-contractors are outlined in Subsection
2.4.1. The Consultant must verify that the fabricator is certified to CSA-W47.1 in the applicable division by reviewing
the CWB certificate and the letter of validation in accordance with the following information:
 The certificate indicates that the fabricator is certified to Division 1 (this confirms that the fabricator has a full
time qualified welding engineer);
 The shop address on the certificate corresponds to the shop that carries out the work;
 When fabrication work is carried out in multiple shops from the same fabricator, each shop used for fabrication
of bridge girders and girder components, must be CWB certified to CSA W47.1 Division 1;
 The sub-contractors have the appropriate certification for the work they perform. Sub-contractors completing
steel fabrication must be certified to Division 1; and
 The letter of validation includes the date of expiration. The Consultant must ensure that the letter of validation
is current and will not expire during the course of fabrication. If the current letter of validation is anticipated to
expire prior to the completion of fabrication, a new letter of validation must be supplied prior to the expiration
of the previous letter.
Fabricators of steel girders and girder components, including any sub-contractors, must also be certified by the
Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) in the category of steel bridges. The consultant must verify the
following information on the CISC Certificate:
 The shop address on the certificate corresponds to the shop that carries out the work;
 The certification must be in the complex steel bridges category for the fabrication of all types of bridges, except
for the fabrication of unspliced rolled sections. See Subsection 2.4.1 for fabricated items that only require
simple steel bridge certification; and
 The date of expiry of the certificate. The fabricator must provide a new certificate before the expiry date of the
submitted certificate if the current certificate does not extend over the full period of fabrication.
Welding personnel consist of tack welders, welders, and welding operators. Fabricators will typically submit the
certificates of all the welding personnel in their shop as it is not always known at the time of the prefabrication
meeting as to which of the welding personnel will be utilized to work on the girders. It is therefore the role of the
Consultant’s QA Inspector to verify that any of the welding personnel working on the project have the appropriate
certification and that their certificate has been submitted for review and acceptance.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must review the welding personnel’s certificates to verify
 All welding personnel are certified;
 Welders are qualified for the welding processes identified on the shop drawings and WPDS, typically, submerged
arc welding (SAW) and metal cored arc welding (MCAW);
 Welders are qualified for the positions identified on the WPDS and shown on the shop drawings;
 Welders are qualified for welding the materials utilized during fabrication (carbon steel for girders);

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 Welder classification meet the requirement for all types of joints to be executed on the project. The Consultant
should keep in mind that welders with WT, FW, S, and T 11 classification can perform tack welds and various
other welds, depending on their classification, but welders with WT classification can only perform tack welds.
The most common classification is S, which allows the welder to perform all types of welds in various positions,
except for full penetration welds without backing bar and with access only from one side;
 The expiry date for the welder’s certificate must extend until the end of the fabrication period or it must be
renewed to ensure continuous compliance. Note that welding operators’ and tack welders’ certificates do not
expire; and
 The fabricator has welding personnel with welding operator certification to perform submerged arc welding.
Additional information regarding the review of welder qualifications can be found in Appendix D of this Manual.
To ensure properly certified personnel are performing the NDT, the Consultant must verify that the QC visual welding
inspector and NDT technicians meet the requirements of Subsection 2.4.2. Fabrication Sequence and Equipment
The fabricator is required to provide a summary of their proposed fabrication sequence and equipment used for
fabrication (including any sub-contracted activities). The fabrication of I shaped plate girders typically occurs in the
following sequence:
 Flange plate cutting:
o Carried out by oxy-fuel cutting;
 Flange plate splicing:
o Splicing of flange plates must be completed using the SAW process;
 Web plate splicing:
o Edges of web plates splices are prepared in accordance with the WPDS, tacked and then fully welded;
o Splicing must be completed using the SAW process;
 Web plate cutting:
o Completed after splicing;
o Web plate is cut to the specified dimension and camber. The fabricator may cut the camber slightly
differently than shown on the contract drawings in anticipation of a change in camber resulting from the
subsequent welding of flange plates to the web plate;
o Typically completed using oxy-fuel torches. Plasma arc cutting may be used but only in accordance with
the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC;
 Flange plate to web plate fitting and welding:
o The flange plates are fitted to the web plates and tack welded in position. Tack welding is done using the
SMAW or MCAW process;
o The flange plates are welded to the web using the SAW process;
o Shear studs are welded to the top flange after assembly of the flanges and web. Some fabricators may
prefer to weld the shear studs on the flange plates after splicing. This practice varies between fabricators
and does not affect quality;

WT: classification of welders that deposit tack welds; FW: classification of welders and welding operators that
deposit fillet welds and tack welds; S: classification of welders and welding operators that weld plates and rolled
or hollow sections with full penetration groove welds when accessing the weld from both sides; T: classification
of welders or welding operators that can weld from one side without a backing bar and achieve complete

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 Stiffener fitting and welding:

o Transverse, bearing and longitudinal stiffeners are fitted with the proper bearing requirements at both ends
and tack welded in position;
o Transverse and bearing stiffeners and gusset plates are welded using SAW or MCAW processes;
o Longitudinal stiffeners must be welded using the SAW process;
 Verification of girder camber under no load condition:
o For a single girder segment;
o For two adjoining girder segments at field splice locations;
 Fabrication of the field splices:
o Field splice plates and match drilling is completed after camber is confirmed;
 Surface preparation for coatings;
 Final abrasive blasting:
o Of exterior face of exterior girders to achieve uniform appearance and desired aesthetics;
 Application of coating; and
 Preparation for shipping.
In the fabrication of box girders, the stiffeners are welded to the web plates before the webs are welded to the
bottom flange. Therefore, the stiffeners are cut back at the bottom to allow space for the flange to web welding
equipment. Once welding of the webs to the bottom flange is completed, the diaphragm stiffeners are extended
and welded to the bottom flange.
The Consultant must review the proposed fabrication sequence and equipment submission and assess if the
specified quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing activities can be completed and that the
proposed equipment conforms to the contract requirements. Mill Test Reports
Mill test reports (MTRs) identify the producer steel mill, steel heat number, steel grade, plate thickness or shape
sizes, chemical composition, mechanical properties, and the Charpy V-notch toughness testing results, if applicable.
Detailed guidelines for the Consultant’s review of MTRs for structural steel are provided in Appendix C of this
Subsection of the SSBC outlines the requirements for the submission of MTRs. Reporting of boron content
is required for all steel that is being welded regardless of origin. The boron content of structural steel to be welded
must not exceed 0.0008%.
In some cases, Canadian and America mills will not report boron content on the MTR even though they possess this
information. In this case, and if the billet was melted in Canada or the United States, a certified letter from the
Canadian or American mill stating the measured boron content for the corresponding heat will be considered an
acceptable representation of the boron content of that heat of steel. The letter must be signed by the mill’s
Steel originating from outside of Canada or United States must undergo verification testing in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC. The verification testing includes the chemical analysis of the steel and the mechanical
properties. For steels requiring notch toughness, verification Charpy V-notch tests must be conducted at the
temperature specified in the contract documents or at the temperature corresponding to the toughness category of
the specified steel in accordance with CSA G40.21.
All material verification testing must be completed prior to the commencement of fabrication. Although this may
have an impact on the fabrication schedule, the impact is typically small compared to the consequences of dealing
with fabricated girders that do not meet the specifications.

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As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify the following when reviewing a mill test report
that does not require verification inspection and testing:
 The address of the rolling mill. Note that steel plates rolled from billets produced in a mill outside Canada or
the United States of America must be retested for chemical analysis if the rolling mill did not retest the chemistry
of the steel. There is no need to retest for mechanical properties if the rolling mill is from Canada or the United
States as the mechanical properties, including Charpy V-notch testing, are determined by the rolling mill;
 The plate thickness is correct for the component for which it is to be used;
 The MTR indicates the grade of steel complies with the contract requirements. This should be confirmed by
verifying that the tensile properties (minimum yield strength, tensile strength and strain at rupture) are in
accordance with the material standard specified on the contract documents. The chemistry of the steel should
also meet the same material standard; and
 The boron content for must be less than or equal to 0.0008%. Note that a mill test report that indicates a boron
content as <0.001% does not meet this requirement; the boron content must be reported with sufficient
Steel originating from outside of Canada or the United States of America must undergo verification inspection and
testing. For these steels the Consultant must verify the following in addition to the requirements listed above:
 The verification testing laboratory conforms to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC;
 The material tests required by the relevant material standard (CSA-G40.21 or ASTM) have all been conducted
and in the number required by the material standard;
 The verification testing results including, mechanical properties, Charpy V-notch test results, and chemistry of
the steel must meet the requirements of the specified material reference standard;
 For welded steel with boron content exceeding 0.0008% verify that the Contractor is replacing the non-
conforming steel with a compliant steel; and
 The verification letter is signed by an authorized officer of the testing laboratory indicating the material tested
conforms to the specified reference standard.
Any steel that does not meet the contract requirements must be replaced.
MTRs of welding consumables must also be submitted for the review and acceptance of the Consultant. Product Data Sheets
Coating systems (paint) are used in the fabrication of steel girders and are applied to girders and bracing members
within the vicinity of deck joints for corrosion protection. Connections of dissimilar metals (galvanized and non-
galvanized girder to bearing connections) also receive a barrier coating primer to prevent development of galvanic
The fabricator must submit the product data sheets for the coating system and barrier coating primer proposed for
use. The fabricator must also submit the slip coefficient certificate of prime coats that will be applied to faying
surfaces of connections.
The coating and coating systems proposed by the Contractor must be listed on the Department’s Products List under
the Bridge Coating Systems (Paint) category. The Bridge Coating Systems (Paint) category contains various coating
systems intended for different structure types and application conditions. Paint systems listed under the SF2, SF3,
and SF4 will be acceptable provided the shop application conditions meet the manufacturer’s published product
data sheet requirements.
The Consultant must verify that the proposed coating system is listed on the Department’s Product List and the slip
coefficient of prime coats meets the connection design requirements.

Page 2-13

The shop drawings must be submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance. The Consultant’s review is not
part of the quality control process and the fabricator is responsible for the accuracy of the shop drawings. The
Consultant review is conducted solely to ascertain general conformance with the contract and acceptance does not
relieve the Contractor of their obligation to meet all the requirements of the contract. Review comments provided
by the Consultant and/or the Department must be incorporated into the shop drawings and resubmitted to the
Consultant for review and acceptance prior to start of fabrication.
The shop drawings do not require authentication by a Professional Engineer, unless the fabricator has proposed
changes to the contract drawings. When changes to the contract drawings are proposed, the Contractor must
submit design notes and independent check notes to the Consultant for review and acceptance in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC. Any changes accepted by the Consultant must be reflected on the as constructed
As a minimum, the following information must be included on the shop drawings:
 If modified from the contract drawings, shop drawings must be authenticated in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 The Department’s shop drawing identification block has been included and sufficient blank space for the
Consultant’s review stamp;
 Dimensions of girder segments must be consistent with the contract drawings and must reflect the fabrication
temperature to be 20°C unless otherwise noted;
 Bearing stiffeners must be centered on the bearings at -5°C which correspondingly affects the girder length and
bearing stiffener locations at the girder fabricated temperature assumed to be 20°C;
 Weld symbols must clearly indicate the joint and weld type and must be in accordance with the contract
drawings. However, the fabricator may prefer joint preparations different from those indicated on the contract
drawings. Any change to the joint type must be accepted by the Consultant to verify conformance with strength
and fatigue requirements;
 The weld symbols must refer to the applicable welding procedure data sheet. During fabrication the
Consultant’s QA Inspector will verify that the appropriate WPDS, accepted by the Consultant, is used for the
 Field splice locations and identification marks for splice plates must be shown on the shop drawings. The
Consultant must closely review field splice details as issues at these locations can result in significant fabrication
or girder erection delays. The geometry of the girder end cuts at the field splices must be consistent with the
required girder camber;
 All shop splice locations must be shown on the shop drawings. The offset between the shop splices in web and
flange plates and any other weld made to the web or flange plate must meet the requirements of Subsection of
the of the SSBC. Shop splices that undergo tensile stresses must be specially marked with a wagon
wheel symbol. Since attachments such as stiffeners cause stress concentration, it is required to place shop
splices, which are also sources of stress concentration, away from any attachments;
 Shear stud connectors must be welded using an automatic process for stud welding. Shear studs must not be
welded using any other process although repair of a stud weld can be completed with a submitted and accepted
SMAW welding procedure. Shear studs must be located on the flange in order to conform to the requirements
of Subsection of the SSBC. The requirement provides for a minimum offset between the toe of any
flange shop splice and any adjacent shear stud weld. This offset is intended to avoid the introduction of
additional stress concentration in the welded flange splice;
 Shop drawings must indicate camber and offsets measured to the top of the top flange at a maximum spacing
of 4 m;
 Reference to material reference standards and product data sheet for each component. Actual mill test report
heat numbers must be included on the as-built shop drawings submitted after fabrication has been completed;
 Sizes of hardware, shear stud connectors, and any other material shown on the shop drawings must be in the
actual units (imperial or metric units) that they will be supplied in. Although the contract drawings typically

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specify the bolts as metric, imperial size bolts are typically provided due to the difficulty with sourcing metric
size bolts. It is common practice to designate rolled steel shapes in metric dimensions despite the fact that
Canada or United States mill rolled shapes are in imperial dimensions. The designation of rolled shapes should
be in accordance with section properties tables in the CISC Steel Design Handbook;
 Steel grades for plates and all hardware must be specified on the shop drawings and must be consistent with
the contract drawings and specifications, unless otherwise accepted by the Consultant and the Department;
 Surface finishes over all surfaces and particularly at the locations of field splices;
 The type, locations and extent of all of coatings and their locations and extents of the coatings must be indicated
 Locations of tension butt weld splices. These must be marked with a wagon wheel symbol;
 Locations of stiffeners and fitment requirements;
 Connection details and the gaps at bolted field splices;
 Bolt size, grade and hole information (type of hole and method of fabrication); and
 For diaphragms and cross-frames, the fit condition must be indicated. Although this is not critical for straight
unskewed bridges, it is critical for skewed and horizontal curved bridges.
Cross-frames and diaphragms in horizontally curved or skewed I-girder bridges must be detailed on the shop
drawings to provide the fit condition specified in the contract documents.
There are three fit condition requirements:
1. No load condition: This is also known as the fully cambered fit condition. The cross-frames are detailed to fit to
the girders in their fabricated, plumb, fully cambered position under no dead load. The fabricator sets the drops
(difference in elevation between the two ends of a cross-frame) using the fully cambered girder profiles. In this
case, there will be forces in the cross-frames as soon as the diaphragms and cross-frames are installed during
erection. These forces result from the difference in deflection of the girders under their self-weight and are
usually small. Once the bridge is complete and its full dead load in place, the cross-frame members will be
stressed and the girders will be slightly twisted.
2. Steel dead load condition: This is also known as the erected fit condition. The cross-frames are detailed to fit
to the girders in their ideally plumb as-deflected positions under the bridge steel dead load at completion of the
steel erection. In other words, the cross-frames and diaphragms should be technically stress-free when the
steelwork has been erected. Once the bridge is completed and its full dead load in place, the cross-frame
members will be stressed and the girders will be slightly twisted. The fabricator sets the drops using the girder
vertical elevations at steel dead load, which is taken as the fully cambered girder profiles minus the steel dead
load deflections obtained from the camber diagrams. Since the steel dead load condition corresponds to the
condition when the girders have been erected and the cross-frames are connected, little force is required to fit
the cross-frames to the girders.
3. Total dead load condition: This is also known as the final fit condition. The cross-frames are detailed to fit to
the girders in their ideally plumb as-deflected positions under the bridge full weight. The cross-frame members
should be essentially stress free when all the dead loads have been applied to the bridge. The fabricator will set
the drops from the girder vertical elevations under total dead load, which is taken as the fully cambered girder
profiles minus the total dead load deflections obtained from the camber diagrams. Since the total dead load
condition gives approximately plumb girder webs only after all dead loads have been applied, the cross-frames
do not match the geometry of the bridge when they are installed, so the cross-frames must be forced into
position, which will result in tilted girders when the steel is erected.
Any discrepancies between the shop drawings and contract drawings must be reported by the fabricator. These
discrepancies must be corrected or addressed through the non-conformance reporting (NCR) process.

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Each shop drawing must be stamped, signed and dated by the Consultant to indicate review and acceptance. The
stamp indicates that while the Consultant is satisfied that the shop drawing is in general compliance with the contract
documents, the fabricator and Contractor remain responsible for satisfying all contract requirements. The
Consultant must send a copy of the stamped drawings to the Department for comment. The Department will provide
comments at their discretion and send any comments back to the Consultant. The Consultant must then return the
shop drawings to the Contractor. The fabricator will review the Consultant’s comments and issue a final set of shop
drawings if changes are required. The final set must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant before the shop
drawings can be used for fabrication. Design and Independent Check Notes
All modifications to steel plate girders must be designed and independently checked by the Consultant. However, if
any component of the girders need to be modified by the Contractor (i.e. for transportation or erection purposes),
the Contractor must submit design notes, independent check notes and shop drawings for the modification. The
design notes, independent check notes and shop drawings will be considered Professional Work Products and must
be authenticated by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the Province of Alberta and validated by a
Responsible Member, in accordance with APEGA requirements.
When reviewing the design and independent check notes, the Consultant must verify that:
 The design and independent design check notes and associated shop drawings are authenticated in accordance
with APEGA requirements;
 The design standards are referenced and consistent with Department standards; and
 That the design is in general conformance with the referenced design standard(s). Welding Procedure Specifications
Welding must be performed with strict control of all welding parameters to minimize the risk of weld defects. The
welding procedure specifications (WPS) and the welding procedure data sheets (WPDS) form part of the welding
control process. Although these two terms are often used interchangeably, they are distinct and very different
documents. The WPS is a set of broad guidelines for the shop and field welding practice and describes the general
welding procedures to be followed in the fabrication of welded components. A WPS is required for each welding
process used in the shop (submerged arc welding, metal-cored arc welding, and shielded metal arc welding). This is
a required document for CWB certification. The specific information required in a WPS for a welding process is
outlined in Annex D of CSA W47.1. More information regarding WPS can also be found in Appendix A of this Manual.
The following are minimum WPS requirements for the submerged arc welding process:
 Outline of the process and the standards to which fabrication is conducted;
 A description of the welding procedure – e.g. submerged arc welding with semiautomatic equipment and single
 Base metal – describes the steel groups that are covered in the WPS. Steel groups are outlined in Table 11.1 or
Table 12.1 of CSA W59;
 Range of base metal thickness – the range provided is general and a WPDS must be provided for the appropriate
plate thickness;
 Filler metal and flux used – the standard to which the filler metal and flux conform must be indicated;
 Storage and handling of the filler metal and fluxes – outlines how the materials are handled to meet the
requirements of AT’s low hydrogen process. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 outlines the requirements for handling
of materials to reduce the risk of moisture or other contamination, which would compromise the low hydrogen
 Position – outlines the welding positions for which the process is used in the shop. The WPDS is specific to the
application for a specific joint;

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 Preheat – outlines preheat and interpass temperatures used during welding. Preheat and interpass
temperature must meet the requirements of the SSBC and AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. The WPS also outlines
the shop practice for continuing welding that was interrupted and the weld cooling process;
 Heat treatment and stress relieving details required under this welding procedure specification;
 Electrical characteristics of the process, namely, direct or alternating current;
 Preparation procedure for the base metal;
 Quality – describes the types of weld defects that can occur and the processes to eliminate them from the
welded component. It should also identify the standard used for quality (e.g. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5);
 Weld metal cleaning – covers the cleaning procedure between each weld pass; and
 Treatment of underside of groove welds to achieve full penetration.
The WPS must be stamped by the CWB to indicate acceptance of the WPS and be authenticated by a Professional
Engineer licensed to practice.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify:
 The WPS has sufficient details to cover the content noted above and CSA W47.1 Annex D;
 Acceptance of the WPS by the CWB;
 All welding processes submitted for use in the fabrication of girders are covered in the WPS;
 Handling and storage of the welding material satisfies the requirements of the low hydrogen process outlined
in AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Preheat and interpass temperatures are in accordance with Table 4.3 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 and
Subsection of the SSBC; and
 Quality assessment of welds is to AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5.
Although all the parameters outlined in the WPS are required for quality welds, they are insufficient for their
execution. Specific information for the execution of each type of weld during fabrication is provided in the WPDS. Welding Procedure Data Sheets
WPDSs must be developed by a professional welding engineer for the execution of every weld used in the fabrication
of all bridge components. The WPDS are specific to the joint type, plate thickness range, and steel type to be welded.
They specify all the welding parameters required for the execution of welded joints that will meet all code
requirements for strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance. Detailed information on the content of a WPDS and
its relevance is presented in Appendix B of this Manual.
The Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) certifies fabricators and accepts WPDS’s in accordance with Canadian
standards CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 which are certification (company and personnel) and construction codes
respectively. The WPDS’s of Canadian fabricator’s therefore most commonly include the reference standards CSA
W47.1 and CSA W59. Although far less common, the CWB will provide acceptance of a WPDS that includes
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 as the construction code in lieu of CSA W59.
CWB accepted WPDSs that include the reference qualification standards as CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 alone, without
reference to AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5, may be considered acceptable provided the WPDS contains AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5 compliant variables. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 variables that are either not required to be stated on
the WPDS or differ from CSA W59 standard include preheat and interpass temperatures as well as heat input. WPDSs
that include reference to CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 only and contain preheat and interpass temperatures and heat
input variables compliant with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 are acceptable.
As part of the quality assurance review process, the Consultant must verify that the following requirements have
been addressed in the WPDS:
 The WPDS must be stamped by the CWB to indicate acceptance of the WPS and be authenticated by a
Professional Engineer licensed to practice;
 WPDS number matches the number indicated on the shop drawings for specific joints;

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 The WPDS references an applicable WPS;

 The reference qualification standards listed are CSA W47.1 and either CSA W59 or AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/1.5;
 The material designation (as per the description in Tables 11.1 and 12.1 of CSA-W59) matches the base metal
type indicated on the shop drawings;
 The type of weld and joint (e.g. fillet weld on a T-joint) are consistent with the detail shown on the shop drawing;
 The detail on the shop drawing referencing the WPDS can be welded in the position(s) shown on the WPDS;
 The filler metal used is compatible with the strength, toughness and corrosion resistance of the base metal;
 If a manufacturer’s filler metal designation is used, availability of this filler metal from the indicated
manufacturer must be verified. Alternatively, the WPDS may provide the AWS or CSA electrode designation;
 The weld filler metal is qualified for the welding position (flat, horizontal, vertical or overhead);
 The filler metal is of low diffusible hydrogen with hydrogen designation H4 for the SMAW and MCAW processes
and H8 for the SAW process, and is still available from the manufacturer indicated on the WPDS. Alternatively,
the WPDS may provide the AWS or CSA electrode designation;
 The welding process is one that is accepted by the Department and listed in the SSBC (submerged arc welding
(SAW), metal cored arc welding (MCAW), or shielded metal arc welding (SMAW));
 The weld size range indicated on the WPDS covers the weld size specified on the shop drawings;
 The plate thickness to be welded is within the range specified on the WPDS;
 The minimum preheat and minimum interpass temperature are consistent with the SSBC, i.e. any weld executed
on a flange requires a minimum preheat of 100°C and other welds require minimum preheat as specified in
Table 4.3 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 The maximum interpass temperature is consistent with Table 4.3 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5; and
 The heat input for each weld size is provided in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. Repair Procedures
All repair procedures submitted by the fabricator must meet the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. All
repair procedures must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant before any repairs are carried out. To expedite
these repairs, the fabricator may choose to submit repair procedures for the most common repairs prior to the start
of fabrication. The repair procedure for the most common fabrication damages such as for arc strikes, the notching
of plates from plate cutting and heat straightening can be submitted with the prefabrication meeting
documentation, or they can be submitted as required.
The most common repair required during the fabrication of girders consists of the repair of weld defects detected
from non-destructive testing. Repair procedures must be consistent with the requirements of Subsection 3.7 of
Subsection of the SSBC outlines minimum procedure requirements for the repair of arc strikes. It consists of
grinding out the surface defect, performing magnetic particle inspection to verify that no crack was initiated by the
arc strike and hardness testing to verify that the heat affected zone of the arc strike was removed. Hardness testing
and associated requirements are outlined in Subsection of the SSBC. The repair procedure must identify
the size of gouge and associated component where replacement would be required.
Depending on the size and plate characteristics, gouges or similar surface damage must be repaired by either
grinding smooth and faring the gouge to reduce the stress concentration, or filling the gouge by welding, grinding
and inspecting.
For straightening of bent plates, the repair procedure must include evaluation and measurement of the damage, as
well as details of heat straightening.

Page 2-18

The fabricator must submit a detailed fabrication schedule outlining the various phases of the fabrication process
and associated timelines. The fabrication schedule must incorporate the time periods required for review of
prefabrication submissions, inspection and testing notifications, inspection and testing activities, review and
acceptance of the witness points and hold points listed in Subsections 6.2, 6.2.2 and of the SSBC. Submission
of this schedule is required prior to the prefabrication meeting in order to provide sufficient time to the Consultant
to mobilize and coordinate specialty sub-consultants required to fulfill the role of the Consultant’s QA Inspector and
to facilitate inspection coordination discussions during the prefabrication meeting.
The Consultant must verify that the submitted fabrication schedule addresses the following:
 The start of fabrication is identified so QA inspection can be coordinated;
 The end of fabrication is identified and the timeline for fabrication is reasonable and fits within the Contractor’s
schedule for girder erection;
 All the major phases of the fabrication process are included;
 A separate schedule is provided for each girder segment and all other components of the bridge such as bracing
 Involvement of the sub-contractors involved in the fabrication is clearly identified, along with their schedules.
This information is required to coordinate QA inspections; and
 All witness and hold points are identified at the appropriate location in the schedule.

2.6.2 Prefabrication Meeting

A prefabrication meeting must be held to discuss contract requirements and establish lines of communication
between the Contractor, fabricator and the Consultant’s QA Inspector in accordance with Subsection 6.2.3 of the
The prefabrication meeting is not to occur until the prefabrication submission hold points have been completed,
reviewed and written acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant. The meeting is to be held at
the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant.
A minimum of 2 weeks notice must be given to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and
The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must attend the prefabrication meeting including project
manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s), independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved
in supervision of the Work.
The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2
representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the prefabrication meeting(s) for structural steel
being fabricated outside the Province of Alberta.
The Consultant must prepare the prefabrication meeting agenda (a sample draft agenda is included in Appendix I of
this Manual), chair the meeting and take and distribute the minutes of the meeting to all attendees.
When a fabricator is responsible for the fabrication of multiple components of the bridge, the prefabrication meeting
can combine multiple items as long as all the prefabrication submissions have been submitted, reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant for all the components to be covered during the meeting.

Page 2-19

Once the supply and fabrication ITP and prefabrication submissions have been reviewed and accepted and the
prefabrication meeting has taken place fabrication may commence. If the fabricator commences any fabrication
task prior to acceptance of the ITP and prefabrication submissions, the Consultant must notify the Contractor and
Department of the non-conformance immediately. The Consultant and Department must then consider the issuance
of a temporary suspension of the work in accordance with the General Specifications and Specification Amendments
for Highway and Bridge Construction and/or notification of non-conformance.
This section reviews the various stages of the fabrication process and provides information on the critical aspects of
quality control as general information for the Consultant and the Consultant’s QA Inspector involved with the
fabrication process. The required inspection activities are outlined for each stage of fabrication.
This section also outlines many of the requirements typically included in the fabricator’s QC inspection and testing
activities that are to be completed by the QC inspector or their representatives. The list of QC requirements is not
exhaustive and provided only to outline typical QC requirements that the fabricator is responsible for. It is the
fabricator’s responsibility to complete all inspection and testing in accordance with the contract. The fabricator’s
QC Inspector must ensure that the requirements of Section 6 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 and the QC inspection
and testing requirements of Subsection of the SSBC are being met throughout the duration of the work. The
QC Inspector is responsible to maintain inspection and testing records and/or reports and that these are made
available to the Consultant for review to verify their compliance with the Contract.
At each witness point and hold point identified in the supply and fabrication ITP the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s
QA Inspector must complete the required inspection and testing. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also review
the fabricator’s QC inspection and testing documentation leading up to and required for each witness point and hold
point. Deficiencies identified must be corrected to the full satisfaction of the Consultant and the Contractor’s QC.
The Contractor’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector must provide written acceptance and signoff for each witness
point and hold point.
Witness points identify important aspects of fabrication that at some point must be reviewed and accepted in writing
by the Consultant’s QA Inspector. The timing of the inspection is not critical as the inspection and/or testing can be
completed at the time in which the work occurs or at a reasonable time sometime after it occurs.
Hold points identify critical aspect of fabrication that must be reviewed and accepted in writing by the Consultant’s
QA Inspector at very specific time in the fabrication process. If the fabrication were to progress past a hold point
the level of quality control and quality assurance that could be completed would not be equivalent in quality, cost,
or reliability of that in which was specified in the contract. The Consultant and the Consultant’s QA Inspector must
be intimately aware of the fabrication schedule and proactively be in regular communication with the fabricator
such that they may schedule and coordinate inspection and testing requirements. The fabricator’s QC
inspector/manager must also be intimately familiar with the fabrication schedule and proactively engage and
communicate with the Consultant and the Consultant’s QA Inspector.
Fabrication should ideally not proceed past a witness point without the written acceptance of both the Contractor
(fabricator’s QC inspector typically) and the Consultant (Consultant’s QA Inspector); however due to the typical
process of fabrication and to achieve cost effective production schedules fabrication may proceed past witness
points without adverse impacts on quality control or quality assurance. Fabrication must not proceed past a hold
point without the written acceptance of both the Contractor’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector. If fabrication
proceeds past a hold point without written acceptance, the Consultant must notify the Contractor, fabricator and
Department of the non-conformance immediately. The Consultant and Department must then consider the issuance
of a temporary suspension of the work in accordance with the General Specifications and Specification Amendments
for Highway and Bridge Construction. The Contractor must also be notified that all costs required for the Consultant
and the Department to evaluate, inspect, and test the Work for non-compliance with a hold point.

Page 2-20

Upon the completion of fabrication, a copy of the ITP containing the written acceptance of both QC and QA as well
as testing and inspection records for each girder segment fabricated must be submitted to the Department by the
Consultant as part of the fabrication final deliverables package.

2.7.1 Shop Requirements

Fabrication must always be completed in a shop environment where the temperature is maintained above +10°C.
Environmental conditions are essential for welding and the measurement of the dimensions of girder components.
To prevent compromising the specified low hydrogen welding processes, it is important that the shop environment
is dry and that the temperature of the steel and the welding electrodes are high enough to prevent condensation of
moisture on steel surfaces and welding electrodes.
Welding flux can absorb moisture from the air if left exposed in the shop. Therefore, flux storage and handling for
submerged arc welding of non fracture critical members must be in accordance with Subsection 4.8 of AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5. For welding of fracture critical members, flux storage and handling must be in accordance with
Subsection 12.6 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5.
Storage of flux and the reclamation procedure for re-use of flux are a critical aspects of low hydrogen welding
processes and must be diligently managed by the fabricator to eliminate undesirable effects of moisture. The shop
must be equipped with drying ovens for the flux and welding electrodes. Welding electrodes for submerged arc
welding is a solid wire and will remain dry as long as it is kept from direct sources of moisture and at temperatures
+10°C or above.
The coating for most shielded metal arc welding electrodes will absorb moisture if not kept in very specific
atmospheric conditions. Shielded metal arc welding electrodes must be dried in the shop oven when left exposed
in the shop. Although some electrode coatings have been developed to improve resistance to moisture absorption,
it is not good practice to leave welding consumables exposed to the shop environment when not being used.
Handling and drying of shielded metal arc welding electrodes must be in accordance with Subsection 4.5 of
A wire storage plan must be in place for the storage of the MCAW filler metal. Although MCAW wire is not as
susceptible to the absorption of moisture, the metal powder inside the cored wire presents a large surface area on
which condensation can take place. It should be noted that the cored wire is not sealed since the tube seam is only
pressed together to prevent the metal powder from spilling. Although metal cored wire is provided by electrode
manufacturers in packaging that will keep the wire dry indefinitely, metal cored wires are susceptible to absorbing
moisture when not stored in a sealed container. Commentary C-4.13 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 provides
guidelines for the proper storage of flux cored wire, which are also applicable for MCAW wires.

2.7.2 Supply of Structural Steel

The procurement and supply of structural steel and all related materials is the responsibility of the fabricator and/or
the Contractor.
Where the steel originates from outside Canada or the United States of America, or for steels being welded that
need testing for boron content, the Contractor must have the mill test reports verified in Canada in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Only materials conforming to the contract requirements are used and have been reviewed and accepted by the
 Material verification testing is completed, if required, and the sampling and testing is completed by an
independent testing laboratory;
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials being used; and
 Each plate has an associated MTR that is compliant with the material requirements.

Page 2-21

QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify:
 All steel plates received are input into the material tracking system and traceable. Each plate has a clearly
identifiable MTR that is compliant with the contract;
 All material requiring verification testing is properly sampled;
 Steel plate surfaces are of acceptable condition. A visual spot check of the plate condition may be conducted
during the first shop visit as part of the prefabrication meeting; and
 Plates are stored adequately to avoid damage prior to fabrication.

2.7.3 Surface Preparation and Cleaning for the Inspection of Plate

Surface preparation and cleaning of steel surfaces is required for various phases of fabrication to:
 Facilitate the inspection of plate surfaces prior to cutting;
 Prevent the contamination of welds;
 Achieve the design slip resistance of bolted joints/connections;
 Achieve the surface profile required for the application of coatings;
 Achieve early formation of the steel’s patina that provides corrosion protection; and
 Provide a uniform and aesthetically pleasing exterior girder fascia appearance.
Cleaning and surface preparation of the steel plate must occur before the plates are cut to facilitate visual inspection
and identification of defects by removing the mill scale and oxidation from plate surfaces. This initial surface
preparation and cleaning also reduces the amount of grinding required to remove mill scale in preparation for
Cleaning and surface preparation is commonly completed by abrasive blasting. There are two primary types of
abrasive blasting; centrifugal blasting and air-pressure blasting. Centrifugal blasting is conducted using machines,
such as shot blasters, that propel abrasives against the surface to be cleaned by imparting velocity to the particles
by means of a rapidly rotating wheel. The abrasive media, commonly grit, shot or a mixture of both, impacts the
surface, removing surface contamination and creates a pattern of indentations referred to a surface roughness
profile. Shot blasters contain and recycle abrasive blast media which is well suited within a shop environment,
reducing health and safety risks of workers and maintaining shop cleanliness. An abrasive blast cleaned web plate
by shot blasting is shown in Figure 2.7.
Surface defects such as handling damage and pitting must be assessed using the guidelines in CSA G40.20 and CSA
G40.23 for the conditioning of plates. CSA G40.23 defines the extent of the manufacturing surface imperfections
that are acceptable and defects that must be repaired. The depth of surface imperfections that is acceptable is a
function of the plate thickness. It is expected that surface imperfections will be within the limits outlined in
CSA G40.23. If surface imperfections exceed the limits specified, CSA G40.23 provides guidelines for proposed
repair. Repairs are typically completed at the fabrication shop by grinding, or a combination of grinding and welding.
Repair by welding at the steel mill is not permitted as required quality assurance processes can not be practically
implemented. If the depth of repair exceeds the limits of CSA G40.23 for repair by grinding, the Consultant must
evaluate and asses the effect of reduced plate thicknesses on their design.
Any localized reduction in plate thickness must not adversely affect the design or load carrying capacity of the bridge.
Repair by welding at the fabrication shop, using a reviewed and accepted weld procedure and qualified personnel is
acceptable. All repaired plates must be inspected, reviewed and accepted by the Consultant.

Page 2-22

Figure 2.7
Web Plate Cleaning and Surface Preparation Using Shot Blaster

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Plates are visually inspected after surface preparation and cleaning prior to cutting and any defects are reported
to the Consultant;
 If repairs are required, they are completed in accordance with a repair procedure reviewed and accepted by the
Consultant. A QC inspection report outlining the location, repair, and inspection and test results must be
submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance;
 Steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to fabrication; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provided to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify plate condition prior to cutting;
 Verify steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to fabrication;
 Verify surface defects are reported, assessed and repaired in accordance with the repair procedure that has
been reviewed and accepted prior to being incorporated in the work; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports and identification of surface defects has been
acceptably completed and are in conformance with the contract.

Page 2-23

2.7.4 Cutting of Plate

At this stage it is important that the fabricator identifies the rolling direction and keep track of the heat number of
each cut plate to maintain complete traceability of material during the fabrication process. Flange and flange field
splice plates must be cut such that the principle tensile stresses are parallel with the rolling direction of the plate.
Web and web field splice plates must be cut such that the principal tensile stress direction will be as close as possible
to the rolling direction of the plate. Since field splice plates are typically cut from smaller plate, it is of particular
importance that the rolling direction of the plates is clearly identified. For this reason, designers typically avoid
specifying square splice plates. Rolled steel plates produced from the continuous casting process can often contain
small surface cracks that result from the interaction between the casting bed and the steel plate. These small surface
cracks are most often oriented parallel to the rolling direction, which can affect the fatigue resistance when cyclic
tensile stresses are applied transversely to the rolling direction. If cyclic tensile stresses are applied in the rolling
direction of the plate, the small surface cracks created during the manufacturing process do not adversely affect
durability of the component. The size and frequency of cracks must be accordance with the standard in which the
material was produced.
Cutting of plate must conform to requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. Thermal cutting processes
commonly used in fabrication of plate girders have different effects on the roughness and hardness of the cut
surfaces and is discussed in detail in the following subsections.
Completion of plate cutting prior to any welding is an inspection and testing witness point as required by Subsection of the SSBC. Written sign off from both QC and QA is required for the plates to advance to the next stage of
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must:
 Ensure cut plate edges for surface roughness are in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC; and repairs
completed if required;
 Ensure the finish of the plate corners and edges (Subsection of the SSBC);
 Measure the surface hardness of the flange plate edges (Subsection of the SSBC) for conformance;
 Ensure repairs to flange cut plates meet the hardness requirements of Subsection of the SSBC based
on independent testing results. Repairs, if needed, are be completed using a reviewed and accepted procedure;
 Ensure flange plates (over 70 mm thick) are inspected for lamination defects in accordance with Subsection 3.2
of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Provide the Consultant with QC inspection and testing records and/or reports; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is
acceptably complete, including any repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify the cutting procedure meets the contract requirements;
 Verify material traceability and documentation is in place for all plate;
 Verify plate dimensions are in accordance with the reviewed and accepted shop drawings;
 Verify hardness testing of thermally cut flange and flange splice plates is being conducted in accordance with
the inspection schedule outlined in Subsection of the SSBC;
 Verify cut plate edge surface roughness in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Visually inspect the finish of the plate corners (Subsection of the SSBC);
 Visually inspect thick flange plates (over 70 mm thick) for lamination defects in accordance with Subsection 3.2
of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Provide the fabricator with QA inspection and testing records and/or reports;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and

Page 2-24

 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
completed including any required repairs. Thermal Cutting
Thermal cutting encompasses a wide range of electric arc and flame-initiated cutting processes.
In the flame cutting process a jet of pure oxygen is directed at a surface that has been preheated to its ignition
temperature. The material in the path of the jet is oxidised and ejected, resulting in a cut. Flange plates require a
minimum preheat of 100°C before cutting, which is carried out by using a torch for each cut line (see Figure 2.8).
The flange plates are cut using oxy-fuel torches at both flange tips simultaneously to reduce heat-induced distortions
and to keep the flange plates straight and of uniform width. Figure 2.9 shows a stack of flange plates after cutting
with the edges in the as-cut condition.

Figure 2.8
Preheating and Oxy-Fuel Cutting of Flange Plates

Cut Flanges

Figure 2.9 Flange Plates

Page 2-25

Depending on the configuration of the girder flanges, the fabricator may be able to weld the full sized uncut steel
plates together to form the flange shop splices and then cut the individual flanges from this assembly. This approach
can only be used if the flange thickness transitions are consistent between adjacent girders and if the flange widths
are constant. It is more economical than a change of flange plate width at the shop splices. Varying flange widths
or curved girders do not permit slab welding.
Shop splices (both vertical and horizontal) may be required in the web plates depending on the length and depth of
the girders. Cutting of the web plates is often carried out in two stages: cutting of the plates to prepare the web
plates for shop splicing, and cutting the camber into the web plates after shop splicing. Web plates do not require
preheat before cutting. Preheat aids in reducing hardness of the cut edge, the thickness of the heat affected zone
and reduces the risk of cracking during cooling after cutting. This is less important for the cut edges of web plate
where the stress field is at an angle to the cut edge vs flange plates that undergo high stresses throughout the cross
section including the cut edge and the cut edges are usually incorporated into a welded joint. The cutting can be
completed by CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) cutting machines, but fabricators frequently use a manual
layout and mechanically guided burning equipment. Figure 2.10 shows a girder web plate after the camber has been

Figure 2.10
Web Plate Segment After Cutting the Camber

In the plasma arc cutting process, a gas12 is transformed into plasma when it is heated by pushing it through an
electric arc, which results in extremely high temperatures of up to 27 000°C. This high temperature plasma severs
the metal with a highly constricted arc jet, which has sufficient energy and force to melt the metal and eject the
molten material. Because melting rather than oxidation produces the cut, plasma cutting can be used to cut any
metallic material. It requires no preheat and produces minimal distortion in the material being cut.

Air, nitrogen and oxygen are the most commonly used plasma gases. The use of nitrogen and air can result in
nitrogen contamination of the re-solidified region on the edge of the cut, which results in porosity. Plasma arc
cutting must meet the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC.

Page 2-26

The use of plasma arc cutting in fabrication of bridge girders has been increasing in the past decade. It is a well-
suited process for cutting small plates, such as girder stiffeners and splice plates up to about 25 mm thick (Figure
2.11). Cutting can also be carried out under water to limit the production of ozone and oxides of nitrogen and to
reduce noise and light emissions. Large web plates can also be cut using this process provided the CNC table is
sufficiently large to accommodate the plate size (Figure 2.12).
Plasma arc cutting speeds are relatively high for plate thicknesses up to about 25 mm but the cut surface tends to
be harder in comparison to the equivalent flame cut surface. Plasma arc cutting is not permitted for the cutting of
flange plates because the hardness of the cut surface is greater than specified.
All plate corners must be chamfered to remove the sharp edges, which are a potential source of stress concentration.
Plate corner chamfering must conform to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC and is typically
accomplished by grinding.

Figure 2.11 Figure 2.12

Plasma Cutting of Stiffeners On Small Plasma Table Plasma Cutting of Web Plate On CNC Table Plate Edge Roughness

Excessive surface roughness causes stress concentrations and can result in poor fatigue performance under cyclic
loading. The following parameters require control to obtain a good quality cut:
 Cutting speed;
 Distance from the cutting nozzle to the work piece;
 Cutting nozzle size and condition;
 Pressures of the heating fuel gas and oxygen (for flame cutting); and
 Power setting for plasma cutting.
The overall degree of control over the movement of the cutting head is important in improving the quality of the cut
surface. Control of the cutting head has improved greatly with CNC (computer numeric controlled) equipment,
generally leading to a more square and uniform cut than could achieved with previous technologies.
Subsection of the SSBC specifies that the surface roughness of thermally cut flange plate and flange splice
plate edges be no greater than 12.5 µm. Although not specified in the SSBC, the implied surface roughness
parameter is the arithmetic average roughness, Ra, defined in ASME B46.1 and discussed in more detail Appendix F
of this Manual. The surface roughness must also be sufficiently smooth to allow Brinell hardness testing of flange
plates and flange splice plates without grinding the surface. The SSBC doesn’t provide surface roughness
requirements for the edge of flame cut web plates or web splice plates, therefore, the requirements of Subsection
3.2 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5, which specifies a maximum surface roughness of 25 µm Ra governs. This surface
roughness provides a fatigue category A surface as defined in CSA S6-19.

Page 2-27

If grinding of the flange plate edges is required to get accurate hardness readings, the full length of the flange plate
must be ground since spot grinding for hardness measurements is not representative of the full length of the
thermally cut edge. Once the plate edge is ground, the surface roughness requirement changes to the limits defined
in Subsection of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. When grinding marks are oriented parallel to the stress field,
the maximum roughness is 6 m Ra and when the grinding marks are perpendicular to the stress field, the roughness
limit is 3 µm Ra. Note that the SSBC requires that all grinding marks be “parallel to the line of stress”. This
requirement is easily applied to flange plates where the stress field is oriented along the length of the flange. This
requirement is more challenging for web plate grinding since the line of stress for thin webs is in the direction of the
tension field, which is a function of the transverse stiffener spacing and girder depth. For web plates, grinding marks
parallel to the tension flange are acceptable.
Figure F-4 shows the average surface roughness that can be achieved by various production methods. 12.5 µm Ra
is at the smooth end of the average application for flame cutting and is similar to a surface obtained by hot rolling. Hardness of Cut Surfaces
Subsection of the SSBC specifies the hardness limitations of thermally cut flange plate edges. For carbon
steels with yield strengths exceeding 300 MPa the Brinell must be less than or equal to 220 BHN. For carbon steels
with a yield strength of 300 MPa or less the Brinell must be less than or equal to 200 BHN. The main purpose for
controlling the hardness of the flange edges is to avoid degrading the properties that control the susceptibility to
fatigue since a hard surface could crack if the plate was plastically deformed. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 places a
higher hardness limit for plate edges if welding is to be carried out on the cut surface, indicating that a lower
hardness limit may be required for plates that are cold bent.
When flame-cutting is carried out, slower cutting speeds help reduce the surface hardness and most fabricators use
cutting speeds below those recommended by equipment manufacturers for this reason. Excessively slow cutting
speeds result in a rough and irregular surface as the heating temperature gets too close to the melting point of the
steel. Oxy-fuel cutting, where the fuel is either acetylene or natural gas, is required for cutting thick flange plates.
Surface hardness is also affected by the fuel used for cutting.
Plasma arc cutting has a narrower “window” of settings that will produce straight clean dross-free cuts so there is
little that can be done to adjust the process to reduce the hardness of the cut surface. Bridge elements such as
stiffeners and cover plates up to about 25 mm thick are sometimes cut using plasma arc cutting, and hardness values
for 350 MPa nominal yield strength steels cut by this process typically lie between 380 and 530 BHN 13.
The measurement of surface hardness is carried out with a portable hardness tester. Although several types of
hardness testers are available, the TeleBrineller is frequently used. It consists of a TeleBrineller bar holder, a
calibration bar, an indenter, a hammer, a microscope and a calculator pad to convert the diameter of the indentation
into a hardness (see Figure 2.13). The calibration bar, of known hardness, and the test surface are indented
simultaneously with a spherical indenter by a single blow of the hammer. The diameter of the indentation on the
calibration bar and on the test surface is measured with a hand microscope. The hardness of the test surface is
related to the diameter of both indentations as the square of the ratio of the indentation diameter on the calibration
bar to the diameter of the indentation on the test surface, times the hardness of the calibration bar.

This hardness value can be exceeded if cutting is done with either nitrogen or air due to the nitriding effect that
occurs with these gases. These gases are not allowed on the Department’s projects.

Page 2-28

Figure 2.13
TeleBrineller Tools to Measure Surface Hardness

It is important to remember that the hardness test must be conducted on the as-cut surface. Light grinding of the
test area to provide a more accurate indentation reading is not allowed since this tends to reduce the surface
hardness. If grinding is required to make the plate edge sufficiently smooth to test, the full length of the flange plate
must be ground. The frequency of hardness testing is defined in Subsection of the SSBC. Lamination Defects
Laminations are planar discontinuities elongated in the rolling direction. They are formed when porosity, non-
metallic inclusions or ingot shrinkage cavities are rolled flat. They are most commonly found near the mid-thickness
of thick plates. Some laminations are partially roll-forge welded along their interface during the rolling process,
which can make them difficult to detect by UT inspection and are not detectable by RT.
The Contractor must report any blow backs, signs of lamination or any other discontinuity detected on plate cut
edges of tension members during the cutting of material to the Consultant. Reporting, determination of extent, and
the development of repair procedures must be in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Subsection 3.2.3
of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 outlines inspection requirements to delineate the extent of laminations and repair
methods for lamination defects.

2.7.5 Shop Splicing of Flange and Web Plates

Complete joint penetration welds are required for flange and web shop splices and must be made using a welding
process meeting the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. In order to facilitate this on the thicker flange
plates, the plate ends need to be beveled to allow welding access throughout the full thickness. For the web splice,
complete joint penetration may be achieved without having to bevel the web plates. In accordance with
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5, full penetration of welds can be achieved with a web plate thickness up to 16 mm with
submerged arc welding without bevelling the edges of the web plate at the joint, i.e. with a double square groove
weld. For plates thicker than 16 mm, qualification tests can be conducted to demonstrate that for certain welding
parameters, thicker plates can be welded, and the weld can achieve full penetration without the need for plate edge
bevels. The WPDS for the web butt splice weld must identify the maximum plate thickness for which full penetration
can be achieved. For web plates thicker than this limit, the plate edges must be beveled to reach full penetration
and an applicable WPDS submitted.
Care should be taken to align the welds on both sides of the splice joint (see Figure 2.14) to achieve full penetration.
Misalignment of the welds can lead to inadequate fusion of the joint, which can be difficult to detect during
inspection and testing.

Page 2-29

Figure 2.14
Misalignment of Welds at Web Splice

Starts and stops of the electric arc of a weld tend to have more discontinuities than elsewhere in the weld.
Subsection of the SSBC requires that welds be started and stopped on temporary extensions (run-off tabs)
that must be removed after completion of the welds. The run-off tabs must only be welded within an area
subsequently covered by the final weld. Once the run-off tabs are removed, the start and stop discontinuities are
removed. The run-off tabs also help maintain the full cross-section of the weld throughout the length of the joint.
Run-off tabs are installed in a manner that prevent cracks from forming in the area where the run-off tab is joined
to the member by replicating the joint configuration and being placed tightly against the plates being welded.
Subsection 3.12.1 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 requires that “Welds must be terminated at the end of a joint in a
manner that will ensure sound welds. Whenever possible, this must be done by the use of weld tabs (extension
bars/run-off plates) placed in a manner that will duplicate the joint detail being welded.” A flat run-off tab for a
groove weld (Figure 2.15) does not provide proper support to the weld metal, making it impossible to maintain the
sides of the welded joints at the end of the joint as welding progresses. Special attention and additional effort is
required to build the ends up. The built-up ends are often the location of weld flaws or defects.
A better run-off tab configuration is illustrated in Figure 2.16. However, since this joint is a double V-groove joint,
the run-off tabs in this configuration will have to be removed and re-configured once the weld passes are completed
on the one side of the joint in order to complete the groove weld on the opposite side of the joint. Figure 2.16 also
illustrates insufficient extension of the welds on the run-off tab (Subsection of the SSBC and AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5 require that the welds be run on the tabs for a minimum of 100 mm before stopping).
A compliant run-off tab configuration for a double V-groove joint is illustrated in Figure 2.17. In this case the run-off
tabs are an exact replication of the joint configuration. Examples of other compliant run-off tab configurations are
presented in Figure 2.18
Automatic welding equipment, which makes use of tractors to move the welding head along a joint, needs proper
run-on and run-off tables for the welding head tractor to be able to extend the weld beyond the ends of the joint by
a minimum of 100 mm. When welding butt joints for flange plates, it is common practice to complete the butt joint
on wide plates before the flange plates are cut. Locating welded butt splices at plate width transitions makes this
method impossible. The flange plates must be cut to the required width before the shop splices are executed and
run-off tabs are required for each flange plate splice.

Page 2-30

Figure 2.15 Figure 2.16

Improper Run-off Tab Better Run-off Tab
(weld sags at the edge of the plate) (requires tab re-configuration for back-side weld

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 2.17 Figure 2.18

Proper Run-off Tab (replicates exactly the groove Examples of Proper Run-off Tab Configurations
configuration as required by AASHTO/AWS

Completion of flange and web plate shop splices is an inspection and testing hold point in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance from both the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector
within the supply and fabrication ITP is required prior to advancing to the next stage of fabrication.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task that they
are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s;
 Preheat and interpass temperature requirements are being met;
 Acceptable run-off tabs are used in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Repairs of defects are completed using a reviewed and accepted repair procedure;

Page 2-31

 Each weld pass is visually inspected and repairs completed using a reviewed and accepted procedure;
 Independent radiographic inspection (RT) and review of radiographic film of the welded splices is completed in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Independent dye penetrant inspection (PT) of the ends of the flange butt splices is completed in accordance
with Subsection of the SSBC after the run-off tabs have been removed;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provided to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task that
they are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to welding;
 Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s for the applicable joint and weld type;
 Verify that preheat and interpass temperature requirements are in accordance with the reviewed and accepted
 Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds;
 Verify that run-off tabs are used and meet the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC;
 Visually inspect all completed welds. The QC Inspector, welding operator, or welding supervisor, must visually
inspect every pass. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must spot check intermediate passes for multi-pass welds
and verify that QC inspection is completed for every pass;
 Verify independent radiographic inspection (RT) of welded splices is being conducted in accordance with the
inspection schedule outlined in Subsection of the SSBC;
 Verify independent dye penetrant inspection (PT) of the ends of the flange butt splices is being conducted in
accordance with the inspection schedule outlined in Subsection of the SSBC after the run-off tabs
have been removed;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports including radiographic film for conformance with the
 Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results;
 Provide the fabricator with QA inspection and testing records and/or reports; and
 Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete including any required repairs.

2.7.6 Fit-up of Flange Plates

After the individual web and flange assemblies are welded and all NDT has been completed on the flange and web
shop splices, the plates are assembled into girders. The two most common methods to build a girder are with the
web either horizontal or vertical. In the web horizontal position, the welds are made in the flat position whereas
with the web in the vertical direction the welds are made in the horizontal position. Although less common, the web
and flange plates can be tilted so the flange to web welds can be performed in the flat position.
When fabricating a girder with the web vertical, one of the flanges is blocked to the proper camber, and the web is
brought into the flange. It is then centered on and tack welded to the flange. The other flange is set, and tack
welded to the web. When fabricating a girder with the web horizontal, which is the more common approach (Figure
2.19), the web is supported on blocks, and the flanges are brought into the web and tack welded in place after
ensuring the web is properly centered along the flange. Incorporating the tack welds completely into the final weld
without creating bumps in the finished weld may require that the tack welds be ground to reduce their size.
Requirements for tack welds are outlined in Subsection of the SSBC.

Page 2-32

There are many types of equipment used in the fit-up of flange plate process of fabrication. Multiple cranes are
required to handle and position the steel plates since the plates are heavy and flexible. It is only after the completion
of girder segment that some rigidity is attained.
Proper fit up of the flange and web is important since the strength of the fillet welds is adversely affected if the gaps
between the plates are excessive. Secondary stresses can also be introduced into the girders if the web is not
centered on the flange. The fabricator has the option of cutting the curved web camber profile using a series of
straight lines. If the curvature is large, the straight-line segments should be made shorter to avoid creating
unacceptable gaps between the web and flange resulting from the distinct kinks that this cutting practice creates.
For bridges with significant vertical curves or girders with curved haunches, the fabricator may request additional
camber diagram points. For large curvatures, the camber diagram should provide more than the minimum 20 points
required for bridges on a straight grade. In accordance with Subsection 3.3.1 of AASTHO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5,
acceptable welds can generally be completed with root gaps as large as 5 mm. However, when the gap between the
flange and web is larger than 2 mm, the fillet weld size must be adjusted to obtain the same effective weld throat as
specified on the contract drawings.

Figure 2.19
Tack Welds Between Flange and Web Before Grinding to Reduce Their Size

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must:
 Visually inspect of the alignment of the web at the flange surfaces;
 Visually inspect the flange to web gaps. For gaps larger than 2 mm, the fillet weld size needs to be increased to
compensate for the smaller throat size resulting from the joint gap and requires the review and acceptance of
the Consultant;
 Visually inspect tack welds in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Welds must be small enough to
be completely incorporated in the final weld; and
 Provide the Consultant with QC inspection and testing records and/or reports.

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QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Complete visual inspection of the alignment of the web at the flange surfaces;
 Verify the flange to web gaps are less than 2 mm. For gaps larger than 2 mm, the fillet weld size must be
increased to compensate for the smaller throat size resulting from the joint gap;
 Visually inspect tack welds for quality, size, length; defects etc.;
 Verify dimensional tolerances are in accordance with Subsection 3.5 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide the fabricator with QA inspection and testing records and/or reports.

2.7.7 Welding of Flange Plates to Web Plate

After the web and flanges have been tack welded together, the web must be continuously welded to the flanges
using the SAW process in accordance with the SSBC. Prior to welding, the flange plate must be preheated to a
minimum of 100°C as specified in Subsection of the SSBC (to remove any moisture on the plate surface), but
not less than the preheat temperature given in Table 4.3 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. Figure 2.20 illustrates the
preheating of a girder flange prior to the flange to web weld execution. The first weld pass remelts and incorporates
the tack welds into the finished weld. Single pass fillet welds are the most economical, as the equipment travels
over the length of the girder only once. Multiple pass welds (weld sizes greater than about 10 mm) should be
avoided where possible to minimize the duration and cost of fabrication. The designer should keep in mind that
unnecessarily specifying larger welds increases distortion and residual stresses in the flange and web, which can
create higher operating stresses.

Figure 2.20
Preheat of Flange Before Welding

Where the design stresses permit, fillet welds rather than complete joint penetration welds should be used to make
the web to flange connections. Additional preparation of the base metal, additional welding passes, back gouging
of the weld root, and more disruptive NDT are required to facilitate complete joint penetration groove welds, adding
time and cost to the fabrication of the girders.

Page 2-34

Three different welding processes are allowed by the Department for bridge steel fabrication, namely, shielded
metal arc welding (SMAW), metal cored arc welding (MCAW), and submerged arc welding (SAW). A description of
these welding processes is presented in Appendix A of this Manual. Of these three processes, only the submerged
arc welding process is allowed by the Department for the flange to web welds. The submerged arc welding process
is used as an automatic (the welding head is mounted on a tractor sitting on a track that is aligned along the joint)
process that allows the flange to web welds to be continuous reducing the risks of weld defects at stop-start
locations. Run-off tabs must be used to locate weld start and stop locations off the girder plates. Run-on and run-
off tables must be provided in order to support the welding tractor and track for welding on to the run-off tabs.
Completion of welding flange plates to web plate, prior to fitting of any stiffeners, is an inspection and testing witness
point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance and sign off from both the fabricator’s
QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector is required prior to advancing to the next stage of fabrication.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 The welding operator is using and adhering to the reviewed and accepted WPDS;
 Welding consumables are stored in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Preheat and interpass temperature requirements are in accordance with the reviewed and accepted WPDS and
the SSBC;
 Acceptable run-off tabs and tables are used at each end of the joint;
 Visual inspection of every weld pass and the completed weld;
 Independent magnetic particle (MT) inspection of the flange to web welds is completed in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC;
 Any required repairs are completed using a reviewed and accepted procedure;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provided to the Consultant;
 Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task that
they are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to welding;
 Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s for the applicable joint and weld type;
 Verify that preheat and interpass temperature requirements are in accordance with the reviewed and accepted
WPDS and the SSBC;
 Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds;
 Verify that acceptable run-off tabs and tables are used;
 Visually inspect all completed welds. The QC Inspector, welding operator, or welding supervisor, must visually
inspect every pass. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must spot check intermediate passes for multi-pass welds
and verify that QC inspection is completed for every pass;
 Verify independent magnetic particle (MT) inspection is being completed in accordance with the inspection
schedule outlined in Subsection of the SSBC;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

Page 2-35

2.7.8 Fitting of Stiffeners

Stiffeners are installed after the girder flanges and web have been assembled, all inspection and testing has been
completed, and written acceptance of the witness point by both the fabricator and the Consultant’s QA Inspector.
There are two types of fit conditions required for stiffeners, fit to bear and tight fit (also commonly referred to as
‘fitted’). The type of fit condition required is dependant on the location and function of the stiffener.
Bearing and jacking stiffeners intended to support concentrated loads must have a ‘fit to bear’ condition against the
flange the concentrated load passes in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Bearing and jacking
stiffeners receive and transmit substantial loads and the fitment of stiffeners is very important for them to function
efficiently and as designed. Bearing and jacking stiffeners must also be positioned normal and square with the
vertical centerline of the girder web.
Intermediate stiffeners provide support to the web to prevent web buckling at the location of the stiffener. They
also provide support to the flanges during handling and prevent web to flange rotation when the girders are handled,
transported and erected. It is not essential for intermediate stiffeners have the fit to bear condition between the
stiffener end and the flange; tight fit is required against the compression flange. In accordance with Subsection of the SSBC the tight fit, or fitted, condition permits a maximum gap of 1 mm between the end of the
stiffener and the flange. The tight fit condition is also required for diaphragm stiffeners, which must be fitted and
attached at the top and bottom flanges by welding. Acceptable attachment of the stiffener to both flanges is
essential to the design fatigue performance of the girder (differential deflection of adjacent girders causes web
distortion from diaphragm rotation).
Flange deformation and residual stresses are introduced during the completion of the flange to web weld and in
some cases it is required to push the flanges apart to fit bearing and jacking stiffeners that need to be satisfy the fit
to bear condition between the top and bottom flanges (Figure 2.21).
Due to the equipment required to complete stiffener welds in place, a minimum stiffener spacing distance of 200 mm
is preferred. Stiffeners must also be a minimum distance from flange and web plate shop splices in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC.
Once the stiffeners are adjusted and tacked in place, a visual inspection of the fit should be carried out by QC and
Fitting and welding of stiffeners prior to field splice drilling is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance
with Subsection of the SSBC. Written sign off from both QC and QA is required for the joint assemblies to
advance to the next stage of fabrication.

Figure 2.21
Installation of Stiffener

Page 2-36

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 The size, length, location and required fit of stiffeners meet the contract requirements;
 The alignment and out-of-straightness tolerances for stiffeners as outlined in Subsection 3.5 of AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5 are met;
 End bearing requirements are in accordance with the contract drawings and Subsection of the SSBC;
 Independent magnetic particle (MT) inspection of the stiffeners to web and stiffeners to flange welds is
completed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Web panning tolerances are in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC once all the stiffeners have
been welded;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Complete a visual inspection of the stiffeners;
 Verify end bearing requirements for stiffeners are in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Verify the alignment and out-of-straightness tolerances for stiffeners are in accordance with Subsection 3.5 of
 Verify offset of stiffeners from flange and web shop splices are in accordance with Subsection of the
SSBC prior to welding;
 Visually inspect all completed welds. The QC Inspector, welding operator, or welding supervisor, must visually
inspect every pass. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must spot check intermediate passes for multi-pass welds
and verify that QC inspection is completed for every pass;
 Verify independent magnetic particle (MT) inspection is being completed in accordance with the schedule
outlined in Subsection of the SSBC;
 Verify web panning measurements once all the stiffeners have been welded in Subsection of the
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract;
 Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results;
 Provide the fabricator with QA inspection and testing records and/or reports; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

2.7.9 Welding of Headed Shear Studs

Shear studs are made of cold-drawn bar stock conforming to the requirements of ASTM A108 Grades 1015, 1018 or
1020, either semi-killed or killed deoxidation. Only AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 Type B studs14 must be used.
Fabricators that perform stud welding should use only studs qualified through the CWB qualification program. Studs
that are shop or field applied must be qualified by the manufacturer through the CWB to the extent required by CSA
W59 or AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. The qualification of studs ensures that the stud manufacturer has successfully
met the test and quality system requirements of the applicable standard.

Type B studs have a minimum tensile strength of 415 MPa, strain at rupture, measured on a 50 mm gauge
length, of at least 20% and a reduction in area at the point of rupture of at least 50%. This information must be
provided on the MTR for the shear studs.

Page 2-37

Each shear stud must be supplied with an arc shield (ferrule) to protect the stud from oxidation during welding.
After welding, the ferrules must be broken free from the studs to be embedded in concrete and, where practical,
from all other studs Figure 2.22). Shear stud connectors must be welded with an automatic stud welder, although
the repair of stud welds can be performed by shielded metal arc welding using an approved WPDS. The automatic
stud welding process produces a high heat input and a limited weld and heat affected zone area, therefore
preheating of the flange plate is not required before welding of the shear stud connectors.
Shear stud welds and complete joint penetration flange shop splices must be offset from each other in accordance
with Subsection of the SSBC as welded splices are more susceptible to fatigue issues caused by potential
sources of stress concentrations.
After welding, the studs must be free of any discontinuities or substances that can interfere with their intended
function. A defect commonly encountered with shear stud weldments is a lack of fusion, which can be readily
detected visually by incomplete flash all around the stud base, stud bend testing or by a dull sound when the stud is
struck with a hammer. Testing frequency and responsibility for shear stud testing must be in accordance with
Subsections of the SSBC.

Figure 2.22
Welding of Headed Shear Stud

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 At the beginning of every shift and when conditions for welding of studs change, the installation of the first two
studs that are welded are supervised by the QC inspector and tested in accordance with Subsection 7.7 of
 Visual inspection and bend and ring testing of all the shear studs in accordance with SSBC Subsection;
 QC inspection and testing reports and/or reports are provide to the Consultant.

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QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Witness the testing of stud welding at the beginning of the shift, prior to production welding, in accordance with
Subsection 7.7 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. Testing of stud welding must be completed at the beginning of
every shift by the fabricator’s QC. QA inspections are spot checks and not required at the beginning of every
 Visually inspect completed welds;
 Witness bend and ring testing in accordance with Subsections of the SSBC;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide the fabricator with QA inspection and testing records and/or reports.

2.7.10 Verification of Girder Camber and Field Splice Setup

Before the fabrication of field splices the girder camber must be measured after all welding and heating operations
are completed and the girder segment temperature has become uniform. Small temperature gradients can cause a
significant change in camber and must be avoided.
The camber must be measured in the no-load condition with the girder web in the horizontal position for I-girders.
As part of the field splicing process specified in Subsection of the SSBC, a minimum of two continuous girder
segments must be accurately positioned such that the segments align with the theoretical camber at field splice
locations. The end of a girder segment is then trimmed to the required length and at angle for the field splice. Once
the girder segments are aligned in their final position to prepare the field splice, the fabricator must measure the
camber of both assembled segments. This is carried out by measuring offsets from a tight string to the centerline of
the top flange.
Figure 2.23 shows an assembly setup for two girder segments of a horizontally curved bridge with kinked girders.
Since the girder assembly has a kink, the reference string line used for camber measurement is also kinked by
suspending a weight on the reference line at the kink location to align the string line with the centerline of the flange.
The measurements are to be taken from the string line to the top surface of the top flange. The camber
measurements are recorded by the fabricator and submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance. The
Consultant’s QA Inspector will verify that the measurements are correct by spot checking offset distances from the
string line to the centerline of the top flange and must verify that the camber values are within the tolerances
provided in Subsection of the SSBC. The Consultant must verify that the theoretical offset values are

Page 2-39

String line used for

camber measurement

Figure 2.23
Girder Setup for Camber Measurement

Completion of field splice setup prior to match drilling splice plates is an inspection and testing witness point.
Written acceptance and sign off from both the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector is required prior to
advancing to the next stage of fabrication.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Measure and record offset measurements to the centerline of flange for the two girder segments prepared for
a field splice;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provided to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify the offset measurements to the centerline of flange for the two girder segments to be prepared for a field
 Verify that the measurements meet the tolerances outlined in Subsection of the SSBC;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably

Page 2-40

2.7.11 Field Splice Fabrication

Once the camber measurements and girder lengths have been reviewed and accepted by the QC and QA, the
fabricator can proceed with the field splice fabrication. The fabrication of bolted field splices consists of three main
1. Alignment of two girder segments to the specified camber;
2. Trimming one girder end to achieve the specified vertical alignment of the finished girders based on the camber
diagram provided on the contract drawings when the girder segments are under their “no load” positions, and
obtaining the correct distance between splices; and
3. Match drilling of the web and flange splices.
All measurements in the shop are taken at the shop temperature of approximately 20°C, and with the girders in the
“no load” horizontal position. The girder length measurements must be corrected to 20°C if the shop temperature
is significantly different from this temperature. When the steel girders are stored outdoors prior to fabricating the
field splices, the girder segments that are to be connected must be brought into the shop and allowed to reach the
shop temperature before trimming the girder segments. Before the fabricator is permitted to proceed with match
drilling of a field splice, the camber of the two segments being spliced must be checked, reviewed and accepted, and
the position of the splice location confirmed.
Figure 2.24 shows a girder flange splice being match drilled and Figure 2.25 shows a field splice.

Figure 2.24 Figure 2.25

Fabrication of Flange Field Splice Fabrication of Field Splices

Page 2-41

Match drilling consists of drilling holes in one of the splice plates to a diameter smaller than the final hole diameter
and using this plate as a template to drill the flange or web and other splice plate. The template and the matching
blank splice plate are clamped to the flange or web and holes of the final diameter are drilled through the three
plates. The splice plates and the web or flange plate must be firmly drawn together before starting to drill. As
drilling progresses, steel pins of the same diameter as the bolt holes are inserted in some holes and bolts are inserted
and partially pretensioned to keep the plate from moving during the match drilling process. Figure 2.26 shows a
completed flange splice with bolts and pins inserted in some of the bolt holes.
The bolt holes must be deburred and the faying surfaces cleaned after fabrication of the girders so that the faying
surfaces are free of oil and any other lubricant used during drilling. A small amount of lubricant on the faying surfaces
can have a significantly adverse impact on the slip resistance of slip-critical connections.

Figure 2.26
Flange Splice With Pins and Bolts and all Holes Have Been Match-Drilled

The locations of the field splices are indicated on the contract drawings. At field splices the gap between adjacent
girder ends must be 10 mm ±5 mm. Field splices are typically aligned so that the splice plates are vertical, rather
than perpendicular to the flanges, when the bridge is loaded with the full dead loads. The girder segments are
typically fabricated longer than necessary so that they can be cut accurately to obtain a small and uniform gap over
the depth of the girder.
The fabrication of field splices for horizontally curved or kinked girders represents additional challenges in the shop
to properly align the girder segments when the field splices are fabricated. Figure 2.27 shows a support arrangement
to accommodate the kink in a girder from a horizontally curved bridge with kinked girders.

Page 2-42

Figure 2.27
Support of Kinked Girder Line for Splice Fabrication

The fabrication of the subsequent field splices along the girder line must proceed in the same manner with successive
assemblies using one girder segment of the previous assembly (re-aligned with the required camber line) and at
least one more segment added at the advancing end.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Field splice plates are acceptably aligned and secured adequately for match drilling;
 All holes in the splice are acceptably aligned after drilling;
 Splice plates are marked in accordance with shop drawings; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provided to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Visually inspect the field splices;
 Verify bolt spacing, end and edge distances and bolt hole alignment;
 Verify bolts or pins have been inserted (tightened or loose) in each hole of the field splice;
 Verify splice plates are marked in accordance with shop drawings; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

2.7.12 Surface Preparation and Cleaning Surface Preparation and Cleaning before, during and after Welding
Cleaning of base metal prior to welding prevents the incorporation of impurities and hydrogen within the weld metal
and the heat affected zones. Weld areas must be clean, free of mill scale, dirt, grease, and other contaminants in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.

Page 2-43

When welds are executed in multiple passes, the weld surface must be cleaned from any slag that forms on the weld
and adjacent base metal prior to placement of a subsequent pass. Welding through slag and similar deposits often
causes defects and fusion discontinuities. Slag must also be removed from the completed weld since slag or other
residue deposits interfere with the final weld inspection and durability of applied coating systems, if required. Small
tight weld spatter may be considered acceptable, unless it interferes with weld inspection, testing or coating. Large
amounts of weld spatter usually indicate a lack of control in the welding process and such problems should be
investigated and corrected. Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Bolted Joints/Connections
The cleaning requirements for bolted joints/connections depend on the type of bolted joint/connection. Since
bearing-type connections are designed to carry loads by bolts bearing against the connected plates, the slip
resistance is not as important to its performance. The faying surfaces of bearing-type connections must be free of
any residue that could interfere with achieving solid contact between the connected plates. Solid contact around
the perimeter of the bolted joint is also necessary to prevent moisture from migrating between the plates, reduce
the potential for crevice corrosion and pack rust, and improve the durability of the connection.
Bolted joints/connections designed as slip-critical joints require special additional consideration. In particular, the
faying surfaces of slip-critical connections need, as a minimum, to be free of dirt, oil, loose mill scale and burrs, which
can prevent solid contact between the plates, especially around the perimeter of the connection. Full contact of the
entire joint/connection surfaces is not typically required to develop the design slip resistance. However, the plates
must be in full contact around all bolt holes and the edges of the joint/connection must be sealed. If plates are
undamaged, full contact will generally result as the plates in bolted joint/connections are flat. Only abrasive blast
cleaning will be permitted in the cleaning of slip-critical connections faying surfaces.
Wire brushing of the faying surfaces using hand or power tools can polish the faying surfaces and reduce the
coefficient of friction of the faying surfaces, which adversely reduces the slip resistance of slip-critical connections.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify that the specified faying surface preparation, as noted on the design
drawings, is completed. Surface Preparation and Coating
All steel components must be abrasive blast cleaned upon the completion of fabrication to a Society for Protective
Coating Standard (SSPC) SP6 surface standard. Cleaning of the steel promotes early formation of the surface patina
that provides the steel’s corrosion protection, and enhances the final appearance and aesthetics of the bridge
Additional surface preparation cleaning is required for components that will receive application of a protective
coating system or barrier coating. In accordance with Subsection 22.24.4 of the SSBC, a SSPC-SP10 prepared surface
is required for the application of coatings. The SSPC covers three different levels of abrasive blast cleaning:
Commercial blast cleaning (SSPC-SP6); Near-white blast cleaning (SSPC-SP10); and White metal blast cleaning (SSPC-
Further information on the SSPC levels of abrasive blast cleaning is contained in Appendix E of this Manual.
Abrasive blast cleaning removes contaminants such as rust and mill scale from the steel surface and provides a
surface roughness profile to anchor the coating. The coating manufacturer’s published product data sheet will
identify the surface roughness profile required. Measurement of surface roughness profile for abrasive blast cleaned
surfaces completed by the fabricator’s QC must be in accordance with ASTM D4417. The most common method of
measuring surface roughness profile is Method C – Replica Tape and is further information on this test method is
provided in Appendix F of this Manual. Replica Tape is not suitable for and should not be used for the measurement
of surface roughness profile of ground surfaces.
Completion of surface preparation and cleaning for coating application is an inspection and testing witness point.
Written acceptance and sign off from both the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector is required prior to
advancing to the next stage of fabrication.

Page 2-44

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Surfaces to be coated are free of contaminants including oil, grease, dust, etc.;
 Sharp edges have been removed as per the requirements of the SSBC;
 Surface roughness of the blast clean surface is in accordance with the contract requirements;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify that the surfaces to be coated are free of contaminants including oil, grease, dust, etc.;
 Verify sharp edges have been removed as per the requirements of the SSBC (2 mm chamfer on flange edges and
1 mm chamfer on all other plate edges);
 Verify the surface roughness meets the requirement of the coating manufacturer;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably

2.7.13 Coating
The Contractor must use a coating system from the Alberta Transportation Products List under the Bridge Coating
Systems (Paint) category obtained from the Department’s website. The Products List indicates the coating
manufacturer, the generic coating type, and a description of the different components, including the primer, mid
coat and top coat and the corresponding permissible dry film thickness (DFT) ranges in mils (10 -3 inches) for each
coat. The coating system selected must be in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
Coatings must be applied at locations specified in the contract documents and in accordance with the requirements
Subsection of the SSBC. The requirements for the use of coating systems within a shop environment must
be in accordance with Subsection 22.24 of the SSBC.
Once the surfaces to be painted are prepared, reviewed and accepted by fabricator’s QC and Consultant QA
Inspector, coatings must be applied in accordance with Subsection 22.24 of the SSBC, the manufacturer’s published
product data sheets, and the Department’s Product Lists. The dry film thickness of each coat and the total thickness
of the completed coating system must be in accordance with the Department’s Products List.
Completion of coating application is an inspection and testing witness point as required by Subsection of the
SSBC. Written acceptance and sign off from both the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector is required prior
to advancing to the next stage of fabrication.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 The environmental conditions, such as the temperature of the steel and relative humidity of the shop are within
the paint manufacturer’s specified limits and they remain within the range throughout the coating application
 The time from surface preparation, coating mixing, and application is recorded;
 The correct coating and mixing procedure are used;
 The compressed air supply is clean and dry;
 The equipment used for the coating application is in good condition;
 The areas that are not to be coated have been adequately protected;
 The time that the application of the coating started and that it was completed is recorded;

Page 2-45

 The measurement of the wet film thickness occurs during the application;
 Dry film thickness measurements are completed using the specified method and are within the range indicated
on the Department’s Product List after each coat;
 Each coat is inspected for defects and uniform appearance;
 All repairs are completed and in accordance with the reviewed and accepted repair procedure;
 Details of the applicator, coating manufacturer, batch numbers, container condition, and all the steps involved
in the coating application are recorded;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify:
 The environmental conditions, such as the temperature of the steel and relative humidity are within the paint
manufacturer’s specified limits and they remain within the range throughout the coating application operation;
 The manufacturer’s mixing procedure stated on the published product data sheet are followed;
 Compressed air supply is clean and dry;
 Areas not to be coated have been adequately protected from overspray;
 The applicator is checking the wet film thickness during the application;
 Each coat is inspected for defects and uniform appearance;
 The dry-film thickness of applied coats and the entire coating system;
 All identified repairs are completed in accordance with the reviewed and accepted procedure prior to applying
the following coat;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably

2.7.14 Handling and Storage

Handling of fabricated girders for storage must be in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Girders are handled in a way to avoid any damage to the girders;
 There is a plan in place for safely moving girders throughout the fabrication facility and when moving the girders
to storage areas;
 Lifting devices are not causing damage to the girders;
 Galvanized and metallized material is handled, stacked, bundled, transported, hauled and stored to prevent
damage or wet storage staining;
 Girders are stored in an acceptable manner on supports that are at locations where the girders are not
continuously exposed to wet conditions; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify:
 Lifting devices are not causing any damage to the girder surfaces;
 Softeners are used at all times where chains, flange hooks, restraint systems, or any other tie down devices are
or may come in direct contact with the structural steel and do not cause damage to girder surfaces;

Page 2-46

 Galvanized and metallized material is handled, stacked, bundled, transported, hauled and stored to prevent
damage or wet storage staining;
 Girders are stored in an acceptable manner on supports that are at locations where the girders are not
continuously exposed to wet conditions; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

2.7.15 Final Inspection

The fabricator’s QC Inspector, Consultant QA Inspector and Consultant are all responsible for completion of the final
inspection prior to shipping. Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of these
documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication process), the Consultant must inform the
fabricator when each girder segment is ready for shipping or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.
QC and QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the fabricator’s QC inspector, Consultant and Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Review of the QC and QA inspection and testing records and/or reports to verify compliance with the contract
 Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have been reviewed and accepted;
 Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is
acceptably complete.

2.7.16 Shipping
The Contractor must also submit transportation, handling, and storage drawings that detail shipping methods,
configuration of restraint systems and supports, and protection measures during transportation. Restraint systems
and supports must be well designed and implemented to prevent unnecessary damage during transportation. A
comprehensive transportation assessment is also required if girders are proposed to be transported in the horizontal
Shipping requirements typically have the most significant influence on determining the size of girder segments
fabricated. Girders are typically shipped using truck, rail, barge, or combination thereof. These options are limited
by the destination of the girders and the geographic location of fabrication facilities.
Shipping by truck is the most common means for transporting girder segments. Segment weight is the most
significant constraint when transporting by truck, followed by segment length and depth. If legal weight limits are
exceed, the fabricator must obtain transportation approvals and permits. Length is generally the second most
significant constraint on shipping and depending upon the site conditions and the route taken to get to the job site,
the maximum length that can be shipped may be shorter than the maximum length that can be fabricated. The
turning radius of the power unit and trailer combined with the overhang of the girders may prevent the vehicle
combination from clearing objects along the side of the route when sharp turns are made. Additionally, severe grade
changes may cause the load to bottom out or exceed underpass clearances due to the long wheel base. Height is a
concern as well. The route may need to be surveyed and adjusted accordingly to clear overpasses and power lines.
Stability during shipping is a significant consideration, particularly for large or curved girders. Stability and stress
calculations must be completed by the fabricator to ensure the shipping configuration does not damage
components. Additional supports in the shipping configuration may be required to maintain the stability of the
girders. Shipping girders on their side makes them more stable; however, girders are much more flexible about their
weak axis and the shipping stresses may be excessive, either from a strength point of view, or from a fatigue point
of view.

Page 2-47

In accordance with Subsection 6.3.1 of the SSBC, structural steel must be protected from dirt, mud, road salts, slush
or other contaminants during transportation, handling and storage. Protection of structural steel is a very important
consideration that is often not given sufficient attention and creates significant challenges at the project site.
Protection of components is of particular importance during winter months when de-icing materials are used to
maintain highway networks. The means and methods of protection are determined by the Contractor or fabricator
and must achieve the specified cleanliness and condition prior to erection.
Shrink wrapping or tarping of components during transportation is a very effective way to minimize cleaning at the
project site and streamline inspection, cleaning and repair work on site. Figure 2.28 shows girder protection by
shrink wrapping and suitable restraint system including softeners to prevent damage of a girder during

Figure 2.28
Protection of Girder for Shipping Clearance to Ship

The Consultant must provide written notification (clearance to ship) to the Contractor that components may be
shipped from the fabrication shop. Clearance to ship may only be issued once the final inspection has been
acceptably completed.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 The final inspection has been acceptably completed and written acceptance by both the fabricator’s QC
Inspector and the Consultant has been provided in the supply and fabrication ITP;
 Girders are loaded, supported, and restrained in accordance with the transportation, handling and storage
drawings; and
 Girders are protected in accordance with the transportation, handling and storage drawings and Subsection
6.3.1 of the SSBC.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify:
 The final inspection has been acceptably completed and written acceptance by both the fabricator’s QC
Inspector and the Consultant has been provided in the supply and fabrication ITP;
 The girders are loaded, supported, and restrained in accordance with the transportation, handling and storage
drawings; and
 Girders are protected in accordance with the transportation, handling and storage drawings and Subsection
6.3.1 of the SSBC.

Page 2-48

2.7.17 Consultant QA Inspection and Testing Reporting

The Consultant’s QA Inspector must prepare daily and weekly inspection reports with photos during the fabrication
of steel girders. The reports must be submitted weekly to the Department for review and organized for inclusion in
the fabrication inspection report once fabrication is complete. Notes must be made to document any delays in the
work and progress of the work throughout the fabrication schedule.
The reports and photographs should document that the production meets the requirements of the contract. The
reports must clearly document what was inspected and that the expected inspection and testing requirements
outlined in this Manual have been acceptably completed. The reports must highlight any issues that were identified
during the inspection and testing and the details of their resolution. Photographs of fabrication defects, both before
and after repair, should be included as they are particularly useful for providing a complete record of the type and
location of any defects and how they were acceptably repaired.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also review the QC inspection and testing reports and/or records and the supply
and fabrication ITP for each girder to verify all inspection and testing is completed.

2.7.18 Consultant QA Inspector Resource Allocation

The anticipated hours of inspection for the Consultant’s QA inspection is based on a percentage of the fabrication
time and is estimated to be approximately 80% for steel plate I-girders. This typically works out to be approximately
35 hours per week including, reviewing QC inspection and testing reports and/or records, completing all QA
inspection and administrative duties, and generating weekly QA inspection reports. NDT inspection and testing is
carried out by the fabricator, however the Consultant should be prepared to have independent QA NDT completed
if a dispute or any concerns with the QC NDT arises during fabrication. For more detailed information on QA
inspector resource allocation refer to Appendix J of this Manual.


The fabricator must submit all specified quality control documentation, NDT inspection and testing reports and/or
records and as-constructed shop drawings to the Consultant within 3 weeks of fabrication completion.
The Consultant must then assemble a final deliverable fabrication report and include all QC and QA inspection and
testing reports and/or records for all girder segments. The fabrication report will be filed by the Department and
used in the management of the bridge over its service life.
The final deliverable fabrication report must be submitted to the Department within:
 6 weeks from the date of acceptance of the Work for standalone bridge projects including multiple and major
bridge projects; or
 12 weeks from the date of acceptance of the Work for bridge projects that include a major grading, base course
and asphalt concrete pavement component.
The date of acceptance of the Work is the date as noted on the Construction Completion Certificate or the
Conditional Construction Completion Certificate.
The Consultant should not wait until the work is accepted and overall project complete to commence compiling of
the final deliverables fabrication report. The Consultant is strongly encouraged to plan for and commence this
activity during the course of fabrication while all parties are familiar with the fabrication that occurred as there can
be a significant time between completion of fabrication and contract completion.
A detailed list of the final deliverables fabrication report requirements for the fabrication of steel girders is provided
in Appendix H of this Manual.

Page 2-49


Deck joint assemblies are designed to accommodate the dimensional changes of a bridge’s superstructure that
develop from thermal movement, live loads, concrete creep and shrinkage, settlement and prestressing. Deck joint
assemblies must also protect the critical components below them, such as girder ends, bearings, and substructure
concrete from roadway drainage that contains corrosive de-icing chemicals. Waterproof seals and/or drain troughs
are important design features of all deck joint systems.
The durability and fatigue performance of plate deck joint assemblies is highly dependent on the size of plate gaps
that exist between sliding plates and base plates. Plate gap, distortion, and edge roughness tolerances must be
carefully controlled and managed throughout the fabrication process to achieve the design service life of the deck


Alberta Transportation (AT) currently has three standard deck joint types:
 Type 1 Strip Seal (Standard Drawings S-1810 to S-1812);
o Normal movement range up to 55 mm;
o Shear movement range up to 13 mm;
 Cover Plated V-seal (Standard Drawings S-1800 to S-1805);
o Normal movement range of 30 mm to 90 mm;
o Shear movement range of 20 mm to 30 mm;
 Finger Plate (Standard Drawings S-1860 to S-1865);
o Normal movement range up to 300 mm; and
o No shear movement capacity.
Strip seal, cover plated and finger plate deck joint assemblies have been used in the construction and rehabilitation
of Alberta bridges since the 1960s. These deck joint assemblies have been modified throughout the years to improve
constructability, durability, performance, and maintenance considerations. Design and construction sequencing
modifications completed in 2020 have also resulted in higher allowable plate gap tolerances of cover plated v-seal
and finger plate deck joint assemblies during fabrication and installation.
The three standard deck joint assembly types differ not only in the range of movements they can accommodate, but
also in the systems in which they prevent chloride contaminated water from reaching the abutment seat, bearings
and girder ends. The type 1 strip seal joint relies on a robust multi-web seal that can resist the buildup of roadway
de-icing materials and forces imparted by the traffic driving over the joint and channels water away to the gutter
Similarly, cover plated V-seal joints channel water to the gutter lines via a v shaped seal that empties into a drainage
boot and stainless steel trough. Finger plate deck joints do not utilize any water tight seals due to their increased
movement capacity. Instead water enters the joint between plate gaps and is collected in to a series of stainless
steel troughs below that channel water to drainage systems. The cover plated joint and the finger joint are designed
so that the joints are never completely open in order to prevent sand and gravel from falling through the joint. For
these joints, only fine particles that manage to squeeze in between the cover plate or finger plate and the base plate
make their way to the V-seal or drain trough.

Page 3-1

3.2.1 Type 1 Strip Seal

The type 1 strip seal deck joint assembly, shown in (Figure 3.1), consists of a steel extrusion welded to a horizontal
top finishing plate and square hollow structure section (HSS) stop movement bars. Shear stud connectors are also
welded to the finishing plate and the extrusion to provide anchorage support. Once fabrication is complete the joint
assembly is hot dip galvanized for corrosion protection.
For bridges with crowned superstructures, type 1 strip seal deck joint assemblies are supplied in two segments and
field welded together. Strip seals are then installed in one continuous piece using a chemical compound that
lubricates, seals and bonds the strip seal to the extrusions.
Strip seals deck joints are directly exposed to traffic and significant amounts of roadway de-icing materials used to
maintain the Alberta highway network during winter months. Multi-web type strip seals have important design
features to withstand such severe exposure and provide vital waterproofing performance. Multi-web type strip seals
have an sinusoidal surface profile that reduces the amount of roadway deicing materials from collecting within the
seal and also provides a level of self-cleaning while in service by pushing roadway deicing materials out of the seal
during cyclic thermal movement of the bridge. Type 1 strip deck joints used on bridges with skew angles between
20° to 45° require additional protection from snow plows by welding guards to one side of the joint.


Finishing plate

Figure 3.1
Type 1 Strip Seal Deck Joint Assembly

3.2.2 Cover Plated V-seal

Cover plated V-seal deck joint assemblies are used when the design movement range required exceeds the limits of
a multi-web strip seal but can be accommodated by a V-seal. V-seals provide greater movement capacity of multi-
web strip seals but are generally more susceptible to failure from buildup of roadway deicing materials within the
seal. Larger gaps between extrusions also result from increased movement capacity of V-seals and therefore a cover
plate is provided to maintain a safe riding surface as well as protecting the seal below.
The cover plated V-seal deck joint assembly, shown in Figure 3.2, consists of a sliding cover plate bolted to a base
plate that is anchored within concrete components with a vertical plate and welded shear stud connectors.
Extrusions for the V-seal are welded to the vertical plates. Steel clips, PVC perforated tubing and injection ports
allow for epoxy injection of any voids after concrete casting is complete.

Page 3-2

Figure 3.2
Cover Plated V-Seal Joint

It is critical that the sliding cover plate to base plate gap is fabricated and installed within specified plate gap
tolerances to prevent premature fatigue and failure of the cover plates.
All plates used in the fabrication of cover plated V-seal deck joints are weathering steel. The top surface of the base
plate is also metallized on the deck side to provide protection from potential crevice corrosion between the cover
plate and the base plate. This protection is not provided on the abutment side, as the cover plate slides on the base
plate significantly reducing the risk of crevice corrosion development.
Cover plates and base plates ends are fabricated in a sinusoidal shape that mesh together to improve rideability
while accommodating thermal movement and reduce the snagging potential of snow plow blades. The deck side
cover plate rides over the abutment side base plate to allow for future jacking of the superstructure and bearing
maintenance/replacement. Cover plates are segmental (2 m long maximum) to make them easier to remove and
facilitate inspection, cleaning, maintenance and replacement the V-seal if required. Similar to the type 1 strip seal
deck joint, stop movement bars are also included to maintain a minimum a joint gap opening to facilitate future
maintenance and seal replacement.
The front of the base plate contains a 4 mm recess filled with closed cell compressible polyurethane foam bonded
to the cover plate. The polyurethane foam is intended to reduce the magnitude of stress on the cover plate and
fastening hardware and improves fatigue performance significantly.
The assembled deck joint is supported by a system of WT stiffeners and threaded rods. This allows for alignment
adjustment of the deck joint assembly and for the joint to be released from the shipping angles before the concreting
to permit expansion or contraction during concrete placement and setting. The WT stiffeners are not intended to
provide permanent support to the joint. Therefore, they are attached to the joint using intermittent welds. This
minimizes welding distortions in the base plates.

Page 3-3

3.2.3 Finger Plate

The finger plate joint, shown in Figure 3.3, is similar to the cover plated V-seal joint in many respects. The finger
plates are modular and bolted to a base plate on the deck side of the joint which in turn is anchored to the deck and
abutment in the same manner as the cover plated V-seal deck joint.

Figure 3.3
Finger Joint

As with the cover plated V-seal deck joint, the sliding plate to base plate gap must be maintained within the specified
tight tolerances to prevent premature fatigue failure of the fingers. The finger plate deck joint is fabricated in
segments no more than 2 m long to facilitate easy replacement of the any broken or deteriorated finger plate

3.3.1 Alberta Transportation Standards and Specifications
 General specifications and Specification Amendments for Highway and Bridge Construction, Edition 16;
 Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC), Edition 17;
 Engineering Consultant Guidelines for Highway, Bridge, and Water Projects Vol.1 and Vol.2;
 Bridge Structures Design Criteria (BSDC) Version 9.0;
 Standard Drawing S-1810 Type 1 Strip Seal Deck Joint - Sheet 1;
 Standard Drawing S-1811 Type 1 Strip Seal Deck Joint - Sheet 2;
 Standard Drawing S-1812 Type 1 Strip Seal Deck Joint - Sheet 3;
 Standard Drawing S-1800 Cover Plated V-Seal Deck Joint Assembly – Sheet 1;
 Standard Drawing S-1801 Cover Plated V-Seal Deck Joint Assembly – Sheet 2;

Page 3-4

 Standard Drawing S-1802 Cover Plated V-Seal Deck Joint Assembly – Sheet 3;
 Standard Drawing S-1803 Cover Plated V-Seal Deck Joint Assembly – Sheet 4;
 Standard Drawing S-1804 Cover Plated V-Seal Deck Joint Assembly – Sheet 5;
 Standard Drawing S-1805 Cover Plated V-Seal Deck Joint Assembly – Sheet 6;
 Standard Drawing S-1860 Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly – Sheet 1;
 Standard Drawing S-1861 Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly – Sheet 2;
 Standard Drawing S-1862 Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly – Sheet 3;
 Standard Drawing S-1863 Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly – Sheet 4;
 Standard Drawing S-1864 Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly – Sheet 5; and
 Standard Drawing S-1865 Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly – Sheet 6.

3.3.2 Reference Standards and Specifications

 American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)/Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC):
o AISC 420-10/SSPC-QP3 (2010). Certification Standard for Shop Application of Complex Protective Coating
 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):
o AASHTO (2017). LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4th Edition. This is a useful source of information
for fabrication tolerances that are not outlined in the SSBC or AASTHO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5; and
o AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 (2015). Bridge Welding Code, 7th Edition, American Welding Society D1
Committee on Structural Welding/AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures.
 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):
o ASME B46.1 (2009). Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness, and Lay), ASME, American National
Standard, Three Park Ave., NY.
 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
o ASTM A6/A6M (2017), Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars,
Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling;
o ASTM D3276 (2015), Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors (Metal Substrates);
o ASTM D4417 (2014), Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned
o ASTM E709 (2015), Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing; and
o ASTM F3125/F3125M (2018), Standard Specification for High Strength Structural Bolts and Assemblies,
Steel and Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, Inch Dimensions 120 ksi and 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, and
Metric Dimensions 830 MPa and 1040 MPa Minimum Tensile Strength.
 Canadian Standards Association (CSA):
o CSA-G40.20-13/G40.21-13 (2018), General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel /
Structural Quality Steel; and
o CSA-W47.1:19 (2019), Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel.
 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE):
o SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS C2.23M/NACE No. 12. Specification for Application of Thermal Spray Coatings
(Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel.

Page 3-5

The qualifications of the personnel involved in the fabrication of deck joints, including the fabricator and the quality
control (QC) inspectors and NDT testers are outlined in Section 6 of the SSBC and Section 6 of AASHTO/AWS
This section presents a short review of the required qualifications of the fabricator and their personnel including QC
inspectors, tack welders, welders, welding operators and welding supervisor and the Consultant’s QA Inspector.

3.4.1 Fabricator
In accordance with Subsection 6.2.1 of the SSBC, fabricators must be certified to the requirements of CSA W47.1 by
the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB). The sub-contractors to the fabricator must also be CWB certified to CSA-
Welding must be completed in accordance with multiple codes and standards related to process, quality and safety.
The CWB provides comprehensive qualification and certification services for:
 Company certification;
 Welder, welding supervisor, welding engineer qualifications, and weld inspector certification;
 Acceptance of welding procedures;
 Certification of electrodes and filler metals;
 Qualification and certification of Canadian welding professionals and welding companies to international
standards, including IIW/ISO 3834; and
 CWB stud base qualification15.
The fabricator and the fabricator’s sub-contractors16 are responsible for completing the work in accordance with the
contract requirements. The fabricator and their sub-contractors must have a quality control program that is
reviewed and accepted by the CWB.
The CWB certification is related to the shop’s qualifications and ability to fabricate welded components and is in
accordance with CSA-W47.1. Certification requirements of fabricators that supply and fabricate structural steel on
Department bridge projects is as follows:
 Steel girders, trusses, diaphragms, bracing, splice plates, stiffeners, connector plates, abutment and pier caps,
and associated materials .......................................................................................................................... Division 1
 All other bridge components ............................................................................................... Division 1 or Division 2
 Field welding/repairs ........................................................................................................... Division 1 or Division 2

Fabricators performing stud welding under CSA-W59 or AWS D1.5 are required to use only qualified studs through
the CWB qualification program. Studs that are shop or field welded must be qualified by the manufacturer through
CWB to the extent of CSA-W59 or AWS D1.5. The qualification of studs confirms that the stud manufacturer has
successfully met the tests and the quality system requirements specified in CSA-W59 or AWS D1.5.
The requirements of the SSBC extend to all sub-contractors doing work for the Fabricator as part of the deck joint
fabrication process. Since the same standard of care is expected whether the work is carried out by the Fabricator
or the Fabricator’s sub-contractors, the same qualifications are required for all parties involved in the fabrication

Page 3-6

Fabricators of deck joints must be certified to Division 1 or 2. Division 1 fabricators employ a welding engineer on a
full-time basis whereas Division 2 fabricators retain the services of a welding engineer on a part-time basis. A single
welding engineer supporting a fabricator with multiple shops is acceptable. The welding engineer need not be an
employee of the fabricator but can be a sub-contractor. Although not applicable to the fabrication of bridge
components, a Division 3 fabricator does not require a welding engineer. CSA W47.1 Section 5 provides the
requirements for certification. It addresses requirements for various divisions as outlined above, application
process, welding personnel requirements, reporting of personnel and documentation, quality control and various
other requirements.
Figure 3.4 shows a sample CWB certificate identifying the standard to which the certificate is issued, the address of
the fabricating shop being certified, the date at which the certificate was issued and the scope of work for which the
certificate is issued.

Figure 3.4
Sample CWB Certificate

The letter of validation, shown in Figure 3.5 contains the above information, plus the period of validation. This letter
must be renewed yearly by the expiration date of the validation letter. The CWB, by issuing the letter of validation,
confirms that the fabricator satisfies the requirements of CSA-W47.1 in the Division specified.

Page 3-7

Figure 3.5
Sample CWB Letter of Validation Welding Engineer

A fabricator certified to Division 1 or 2 must retain the services of a welding engineer. As part of the certification
process, CWB will also verify the qualification of the welding engineer. The required qualifications of the welding
engineer are detailed in Subsection 6.4 of CSA W47.1. Welding procedures are considered a Professional Work
Product (PWP) by the Alberta Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) and as such
must be authenticated by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice. Welding Supervisor
The welding supervisor is the fabricator’s designate responsible for ensuring that qualified welding personnel weld
in accordance with the reviewed and accepted weld procedure data sheets both in the shop and in the field. As part
of the fabricator’s certification, the CWB will verify the qualification of the welding supervisor. The required
qualifications of the welding supervisor are detailed in Section 7 of CSA W47.1. Welding supervisors must
demonstrate their qualifications through a combination of experience and training. Welding Personnel
The fabricator must only use welding personnel (tack welders, welders and welding operators) qualified in the type
of work being performed under the scope of the fabricator’s certification. The qualification process for welding
personnel is outlined in Subsection 8.2 of CSA W47.1. Tack welder’s and the welding operator’s certification remains
valid indefinitely (as long as they remain employed by a certified company). The certification of welders only remains
valid for a period of two years and must be renewed through a testing process that varies depending on the
qualifications of the welder.

Page 3-8

Verification of the qualifications of welding personnel is a critically important requirement to ensure that welding
personnel with the required skill set perform all welding in the fabrication of steel bridge components. More
information is provided in Appendix D of this Manual.

3.4.2 Qualification of Inspectors Fabricator’s Quality Control (QC) Inspectors
Fabrication inspection is carried out by the fabricator as part of their quality control (QC) program and by the
Consultant as part of quality assurance (QA). The fabricator’s QC department documents the information needed
during fabrication, assembly, coating and shipment. All the work completed by the fabricator must be inspected
and signed off by the fabricator’s QC department as part of their inspection and test plan (ITP).
The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-destructive testing, must meet, at a
minimum, the requirements of AASHTO/American Welding Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5 Clause
6 except that the Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector must be certified by the CWB as a Level 2 or
Level 3 inspector in accordance with CSA W178.2. Quality control non-destructive testing (NDT) technicians must
be certified to Level 2 in accordance with CAN/CGSB-48.971217 and employed by a testing agency certified to CSA
W178.1. Coating testing must be completed by an independent National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
Level 2 certified coating inspector. Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA) Inspectors
The Consultant’s QA Inspector, while acting as the Department’s representative, reviews all documentation
generated by the fabricator to verify that the work complies with the Contract. Additionally, the Consultant’s QA
Inspector is required to witness, review and accept, by signing off on, fabrication stages and activities. QC and QA
must provide written acceptance of the fabrication work at all the witness and hold points identified in Subsection of the SSBC. For the fabrication of deck joints, the Consultant’s QA Inspector carries out surface roughness
measurements, spot check of dimensions and tolerances and visual inspection of all welds.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified by the CWB as a level 2 or 3 welding inspector in accordance with
CSA W178.2. The inspector must be experienced in interpreting Engineering Drawings, with bridge fabrication
related experience.
Although NDT is the responsibility of the Contractor during the fabrication of bridgerail, the Consultant may be
required to perform NDT to confirm QC testing if determined necessary. Inspectors performing NDT on behalf of
the Consultant require certification in the applicable testing standard. Inspectors performing only NDT work do not
need to be a qualified welding inspector. For magnetic particle inspection (MT) and ultrasonic inspection (UT) the
technician must be certified to Level 2 of CGSB. All NDT technicians must be employed by a testing agency certified
to CSA W178.1.


The quality management process (QC and QA), risk management, and payment schedule of the contract are critically
dependent on having a reviewed and accepted ITP in place prior to the commencement of fabrication. Development
of the supply and fabrication ITP must be given careful consideration by the fabricator and comprehensively
reviewed by the Consultant to ensure all applicable QC and QA requirements are included.

The CGSB NDT certification program is managed by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), which certifies individuals
who perform non-destructive testing according to standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712 2014 “Qualification and
Certification of Non-Destructive Testing Personnel.”

Page 3-9

The fabricator must prepare and submit a supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP) in accordance with
Subsection 6.2 of the SSBC for cover plated V-seal and finger plate deck joint assemblies. An ITP is not required for
the supply and fabrication of type 1 strip seal deck joint assemblies.
The ITP outlines quality requirements and responsibilities of the contract requirements and also considers the
fabrication sequence and scheduling. The ITP also identifies all the stages of fabrication where document submission
and QC and QA inspection and testing is required so that the required reviews and inspections can be completed
with minimal disruption to the work flow.
The ITP must include the work carried out by all the sub-contractors involved in the fabrication, QC and QA
inspections, and the responsibility of each party involved (Contractor/fabricator or Consultant). When multiple
fabricators or different shops of the same fabricator are involved, the tasks of each shop (i.e. cutting of plate,
fabrication of extrusions, painting, etc.) must clearly identify the party and person/position responsible for providing
written acceptance of witness points, hold points, inspection requirements, testing requirements, and reporting. At
a minimum, for each task in the fabrication process, the fabricator must identify:
 The QC inspection and testing to be carried out;
 The QA inspection and testing to be carried out;
 The reference specification/standard for inspection and testing required; and
 Identification of the responsible party and the role of the fabricator and all the inspectors involved. Their roles
can vary from observer, to reviewer, to person responsible to release the task, indicating that all required
inspections for the task have been completed and the task has been reviewed and accepted by way of written
sign off.
The elements of the ITP that must be verified by the Consultant are:
 ITP reference number;
 Prefabrication document submissions (hold points);
 Reference specification/standards for qualifications, inspection and testing;
 Deck joint assembly type being fabricated;
 Identification of each task to be conducted during fabrication that require either QA or QC inspection and
testing; and
 All inspection and testing witness and hold points identified in Subsection of the SSBC have been

Prior to the commencement of fabrication and scheduling of the prefabrication meeting, the Consultant must review
the prefabrication submission outlined in Subsection 6.2.2 of the SSBC. A prefabrication meeting is required for the
fabrication of cover plated V-seal and finger plate deck joint assemblies. A prefabrication meeting is not required
for type 1 strip seal deck joints. Prefabrication submissions that must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant
for all deck joint assembly types prior to the commencement of fabrication include:
 Fabricator’s inspection and test plan (ITP);
 Fabricator’s quality control plan;
 Fabricator and sub-contractor qualifications;
o Certification(s);
o Certification of the fabricator’s QC and NDT inspectors;
o Welding personnel;
o Metallizing personnel;
 Fabrication sequence and equipment;
 Mill test reports (MTRs) for all steels, fasteners and welding consumables;

Page 3-10

 Product data sheets (for coatings);

 Shop drawings;
 Design and independent check notes, if the fabricator modifies the design drawings;
 Welding procedure specifications (WPS);
 Welding procedure data sheets (WPDS);
 Repair procedures (the fabricator has the option of submitting these before the prefabrication meeting for
expediency of schedule); and
 Fabrication schedule.
The prefabrication submissions are a critical phase of the fabrication process and demonstrate that the fabricator
and sub-contractors are prepared to start fabrication. The quality of prefabrication submissions reduces the risk of
costly fabrication errors and increases the effectiveness of quality control and quality assurance. A checklist
summarizing the prefabrication submissions required prior to the prefabrication meeting is provided in Appendix H
of this Manual. Each prefabrication submission is discussed in detail in the following subsections.
3.6.1 Prefabrication Submissions Quality Control Plan
The quality control plan outlines the fabrication procedures, documentation, records and resources required to
ensure that the final product will meet the contract requirements and is part of the documentation required for the
CWB certification of the fabricator. Some elements of the quality control plan include:
 Organizational chart identifying who is responsible for the various aspects of fabrication, inspection and testing;
 Outline of the responsibilities of the quality control manager;
 Description of the fabrication procedures used in the shop;
 Description of the fabrication inspection and testing program;
 Description of the quality control testing and verification completed by the fabricator;
 Description of the required qualifications of the fabricator’s quality control inspectors;
 Description of how records are managed, method of material traceability, submittals, how nonconformities are
tracked and resolved, and repairs.
The fabricator’s quality control plan is reviewed and approved by the accreditation body (CWB) responsible for
issuing certification. The Consultant must verify that the fabricator’s quality control plan has been approved by the
applicable accreditation body and provided to the Department. Qualifications
The required qualifications and certifications for the fabricators and their sub-contractors are outlined in Subsection
3.4.1. The Consultant must verify that the fabricator is certified to CSA-W47.1 in the applicable division by reviewing
the CWB certificate and the letter of validation in accordance with the following information:
 The certificate indicates that the fabricator is certified to Division 1 or 2 (this confirms that the fabricator has at
a minimum a part-time qualified welding engineer);
 The shop address on the certificate corresponds to the shop that carries out the work. If fabrication takes place
in multiple shops owned by the fabricator, certification of each shop to Division 1 or 2 is required;
 The sub-contractors have the appropriate certification for the work they perform. Sub-contractors completing
steel fabrication must be certified to Division 1 or 2; and
 The letter of validation contains the shop address where the work will be carried out. If the current letter of
validation is anticipated to expire prior to the completion of fabrication, a new letter of validation must be
supplied prior to the expiration of the previous letter.

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Welding personnel consist of tack welders, welders, and welding operators. Fabricators will typically submit the
certificates of all the welding personnel in their shop as it is not always known at the time of the prefabrication
meeting as to which of the welding personnel will be utilized to work on the deck joints. It is therefore the role of
the Consultant’s QA Inspector to verify that any of the welding personnel working on the project have the
appropriate certification and that their certificate has been submitted for review and acceptance.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must review the welding personnel’s certificates to verify
 All welding personnel are certified;
 Welders are qualified for the welding processes identified on the shop drawings and WPDS, typically, submerged
arc welding (SAW) and metal cored arc welding (MCAW) are the welding processes used in the fabrication of
deck joint assemblies;
 Welders are qualified for welding the materials that will need to be welded during fabrication (carbon steel for
deck joints and stainless steel for drain troughs). Qualification requirements for carbon steels is not equivalent
for welding of stainless steels;
 Welders are qualified for the positions identified on the WPDS and shown on the shop drawings;
 Welders are qualified for welding the materials utilized during fabrication (carbon steel for girders);
 Welder classification meet the requirement for all types of joints to be executed on the project. The Consultant
should keep in mind that welders with WT, FW, S, and T 18 classification can perform tack welds and various
other welds, depending on their classification, but welders with WT classification can only perform tack welds.
The most common classification is S, which allows the welder to perform all types of welds in various positions,
except for full penetration welds without backing bar and with access only from one side;
 The expiry date for the welder’s certificate must extend until the end of the fabrication period or it must be
renewed to ensure continuous compliance. Note that welding operators’ and tack welders’ certificates do not
expire; and
 The fabricator has welding personnel with welding operator certification to perform submerged arc welding.
Additional information regarding the review of welder qualifications can be found in Appendix D of this Manual.
NDT and reporting is the responsibility of the Contractor’s QC. To ensure properly certified personnel are performing
the NDT, the Consultant must verify that the QC visual welding inspection and NDT technicians meet the
requirements of Subsection 3.4.2. Fabrication Sequence and Equipment;
The fabricator is required to provide a summary of their proposed fabrication sequence and equipment used for
fabrication (including any sub-contracted activities).
The Consultant must review the proposed fabrication sequence and equipment submission and assess if the
specified quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing activities can be completed and that the
proposed equipment conforms to the contract requirements. Type 1 Strip Seal
The fabrication sequence of strip seal deck joint assemblies typically occurs in the following sequence:
 Plate bending;
o Curb/barrier/median/sidewalk cover plates;

WT: classification of welders that deposit tack welds; FW: classification of welders and welding operators that
deposit fillet welds and tack welds; S: classification of welders and welding operators that weld plates and rolled
or hollow sections with full penetration groove welds when accessing the weld from both sides; T: classification
of welders or welding operators that can weld from one side without a backing bar and achieve complete

Page 3-12

 Welding;
o Top horizontal finishing plate and the stop movement bars to the strip seal extrusions;
o Shear stud anchors using an automatic stud welding process;
 Hot dip galvanizing;
 Straightening of the joints and securement of erection angles; and
 Preparation for shipping. Cover Plated V-seal and Finger Plate
The fabrication of cover plated V-seal and finger plate deck joint assemblies typically occurs in the following
 Plate surface preparation and cleaning. This facilitates preparation of the edges for welding and visual
inspection for surface defects;
 Plate cutting;
o Cover plate/finger plates and the matching end plates;
o Base plates and vertical plates;
o Curb/barrier/median/sidewalk cover plates;
 Match drilling;
o The base plate on the deck side is drilled to match the cover plate holes or the plates are match drilled;
o A high strength nut is welded at each hole on the bottom face of the base plate;
 Plate bending;
o Curb/barrier/median/sidewalk cover plates;
 Welding;
o Vertical plate to the base plate;
o Tee stiffeners are attached to the base plate with intermittent welds;
o Shear stud anchors using an automatic stud welding process;
 Surface preparation of the top of the base plate and the front of the vertical plate for metallization;
 Metallization as indicated in the Contract documents;
 Hot dip galvanizing of curb/barrier/median/sidewalk cover plates;
 Tolerance checks and sliding plate to base plate gap tolerance verification; and
 Preparation for shipping. Mill Test Reports
Mill test reports (MTRs) identify the producer steel mill, steel heat number, steel grade, plate thickness or shape
sizes, chemical composition, mechanical properties, and the Charpy V-notch toughness testing results, if applicable.
Detailed guidelines for the Consultant’s review of MTRs for structural steel are provided in Appendix C of this
Subsection of the SSBC outlines the requirements for the submission of MTRs. Reporting of boron content
is required for all steel that is being welded regardless of origin. The boron content of structural steel to be welded
must not exceed 0.0008%.
In some cases, North America mills will not report boron content on the MTR even though they possess this
information. In this case, and if the billet was melted in North America, a certified letter from the North American
mill stating the measured boron content for the corresponding heat will be considered an acceptable representation
of the boron content of that heat of steel. The letter must be signed by the mill’s metallurgist.

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Steel originating from outside of North America must undergo verification testing in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. The verification testing includes the chemical analysis of the steel and the mechanical properties.
For steels requiring notch toughness, verification Charpy V-notch tests must be conducted at the temperature
specified in the contract documents or at the temperature corresponding to the toughness category of the specified
steel in accordance with CSA G40.21.
All material verification testing must be completed prior to the commencement of fabrication. Although this may
have an impact on the fabrication schedule, the impact is typically small compared to the consequences of dealing
with fabricated components that do not meet the specifications.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify the following when reviewing a mill test report
that does not require verification inspection and testing:
 The address of the rolling mill. Note that steel plates rolled from billets produced in a mill outside Canada or
the United States of America must be retested for chemical analysis if the rolling mill did not retest the chemistry
of the steel. There is no need to retest for mechanical properties if the rolling mill is North American since the
mechanical properties, including Charpy V-notch testing, are determined by the rolling mill;
 The plate thickness is correct for the component for which it is to be used. For deck joints, a thicker plate is not
necessarily better and could reduce fatigue performance and service lift due to stiffness properties. If the
fabricator proposes thick plates than specified on the Standard Drawings, the proposal must be reviewed and
accepted by the Department;
 The MTR indicates the grade of steel complies with the contract requirements. This should be confirmed by
verifying that the tensile properties (minimum yield strength, tensile strength and strain at rupture) are in
accordance with the material standard specified on the contract documents. The chemistry of the steel should
also meet the same material standard;
 The boron content for steel to be welded must not exceed 0.0008%. Note that a mill test report that indicates
a boron content as <0.001% does not meet this requirement; the boron content must be reported with sufficient
precision; and
 If the steel is to be hot dip galvanized, the silicon content must be less than 0.04% or between 0.15% and 0.25%.
Steel originating from outside of Canada or the United States of America must undergo verification inspection and
testing. For these steels the Consultant must verify the following in addition to the requirements listed above:
 The verification testing laboratory conforms to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC;
 The material tests required by the relevant material standard (CSA-G40.21 or ASTM) have all been conducted
and in the number required by the material standard;
 The mechanical properties, and chemistry of the steel meet the requirements of the contract;
 For welded steel with boron content exceeding 0.0008% verify that the Contractor is replacing the non-
conforming steel with a compliant steel or proposing verification of welding in accordance with Alberta
Transportation Construction Bulletin 29; and
 The verification letter is signed by an authorized officer of the testing laboratory indicating the material tested
conforms to the contract requirements.
Any steel that does not meet the contract requirements must be replaced.
MTRs of welding consumables must also be submitted for the review and acceptance of the Consultant. Shop Drawings
The shop drawings must be submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance. The Consultant’s review is not
part of the quality control process and the fabricator is responsible for the accuracy of the shop drawings. The
Consultant’s review is conducted solely to ascertain general conformance with the contract and their acceptance
does not relieve the Contractor/fabricator of their obligation to meet all the requirements of the contract. Review
comments provided by the Consultant and/or the Department must be incorporated into the shop drawings and
resubmitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance prior to the start of fabrication.

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The shop drawings do not require authentication by a Professional Engineer, unless the fabricator has proposed
changes to the contract drawings. When changes to the contract drawings are proposed, the Contractor must
submit design notes and independent check notes to the Consultant for review and acceptance in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC. Any changes accepted by the Consultant must be reflected on the as constructed
As a minimum, the following information must be included on the shop drawings:
 If modified from the contract drawings, shop drawings must authenticated in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 The Department’s shop drawing identification block has been included and sufficient blank space for the
Consultant’s review stamp;
 Weld symbols must clearly indicate the joint and weld type and be in accordance with the contract drawings.
However, the fabricator may prefer joint preparations different from those indicated on the contract drawings.
Any change to the joint type must be accepted by the Consultant to verify conformance with strength and
fatigue requirements. Intermittent welds shown on the Standard Drawings for cover plated V-seal and finger
plate deck joint assemblies must remain intermittent welds of the same type and size as shown on the Standard
Drawings. These welds are designed to sustain the construction loads, but are intended to fracture under in-
service cyclic loading to reduce stress levels;
 The weld symbols must refer to the applicable welding procedure data sheet. During fabrication the
Consultant’s QA Inspector will verify that the appropriate WPDS, accepted by the Consultant, is used for the
 Shear stud connectors must be welded using an automatic process for stud welding. Shear studs must not be
welded using any other process although repair of a stud weld can be completed with a submitted and accepted
SMAW welding procedure;
 Reference to material reference standards and product data sheet for each component. Actual mill test report
heat numbers must be included on the as-built shop drawings submitted after fabrication has been completed;
 Sizes of hardware, shear stud connectors, and any other material shown on the shop drawings must be in the
actual units (imperial or metric units) that they will be supplied in. Although the contract drawings typically
specify the bolts as metric, imperial size bolts are typically provided due to the difficulty with sourcing metric
size bolts. It is common practice to designate rolled steel shapes in metric dimensions despite the fact that
North American steel mill rolled shapes are in imperial dimensions. The designation of rolled shapes should be
in accordance with section properties tables in the CISC Steel Design Handbook;
 Steel grades for plates and all hardware must be specified on the shop drawings and must be consistent with
the contract drawings and specifications, unless otherwise accepted by the Consultant and the Department;
 Lengths of cover plate and finger plate segments;
 Locations of the erection WT stiffeners for cover plated V-seal and finger plate deck joint assemblies;
 Surface preparation for all surfaces to be coated must be indicated;
 The type, location and extent of all coatings must be indicated clearly;
 Fabrication tolerances in accordance with the Standard Drawings for the cover plated V-seal joint and the finger
plate deck joint assemblies. For strip seal joint assemblies, the tolerances of the gap setting “X”, the maximum
out-of-straightness of the deck joint assembly between the crown and the gutter lines in the vertical plane and
the maximum horizontal sweep of the joint assembly between the crown and gutter lines must be as specified
for the cover plated V-seal deck joint assemblies; and
 Locations of the shipping angles.

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Each shop drawing must be stamped, signed and dated by the Consultant to indicate review and acceptance. The
stamp indicates that while the Consultant is satisfied that the shop drawing is in general compliance with the contract
documents, the fabricator and Contractor remain responsible for satisfying all contract requirements. The
Consultant must send a copy of the stamped drawings to the Department for comment. The Department will provide
comments at their discretion and send any comments back to the Consultant. The Consultant must then return the
shop drawings to the Contractor. The fabricator will review the Consultant’s comments and issue a final set of shop
drawings if changes are required. The final set must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant before the shop
drawings can be used for fabrication. Welding Procedure Specifications
Welding must be performed with strict control of all welding parameters to minimize the risk of weld defects. The
welding procedure specifications (WPS) and the welding procedure data sheets (WPDS) form part of the welding
control process. Although these two terms are often used interchangeably, they are distinct and very different
documents. The WPS is a set of broad guidelines for the shop and field welding practice and describes the general
welding procedures to be followed in the fabrication of welded components. A WPS is required for each welding
process used in the shop (submerged arc welding, metal-cored arc welding, and shielded metal arc welding). This is
a required document for CWB certification. The specific information required in a WPS for a welding process is
outlined in Annex D of CSA W47.1. More information regarding WPS can also be found in Appendix A of this Manual.
The following are minimum WPS requirements for metal-cored arc welding process:
 Outline of the process and the standards to which fabrication is conducted;
 A description of the welding procedure – e.g. metal cored arc welding;
 Base metal – describes the steel groups that are covered in the WPS. Steel groups are outlined in Table 11.1 or
Table 12.1 of CSA W59;
 Range of base metal thickness – the range provided is general and a WPDS must be provided for the appropriate
plate thickness;
 Filler metal and shielding gas used – the standard to which the filler metal and shielding gas conform must be
 Storage and handling of the filler metal – outlines how the materials are handled to meet the requirements of
AT’s low hydrogen process. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 outlines the requirements for handling of materials to
reduce the risk of moisture or other contamination, which would compromise the low hydrogen requirement;
 Position – outlines the welding positions for which the process is used in the shop. MCAW is generally used only
in the flat and horizontal positions. The WPDS is specific to the application for a specific joint;
 Preheat – outlines preheat and interpass temperatures used during welding. Preheat and interpass
temperature must meet the requirements of the SSBC and AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. The WPS also outlines
the shop practice for continuing welding that was interrupted and the weld cooling process;
 Heat treatment and stress relieving details required under this welding procedure specification;
 Electrical characteristics of the process, namely, direct or alternating current;
 Preparation procedure for the base metal;
 Quality – describes the types of weld defects that can occur and the processes to eliminate them from the
welded component. It should also identify the standard used for quality (e.g. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5); and
 Weld metal cleaning – covers the cleaning procedure between each weld pass.
The WPS must be stamped by the CWB to indicate acceptance of the WPS and be authenticated by a Professional
Engineer licensed to practice.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify:
 The WPS has sufficient details to cover the content noted above and CSA W47.1 Annex D;
 Acceptance of the WPS by the CWB;
 All welding processes submitted for use in the fabrication of deck joints are covered in the WPS;

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 Handling and storage of the welding material satisfies the requirements of the low hydrogen process outlined
in AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Preheat and interpass temperatures are in accordance with Table 4.3 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 and
Subsection of the SSBC; and
 Quality assessment of welds is to AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5.
Although all the parameters outlined in the WPS are required for quality welds, they are insufficient for their
execution. Specific information for the execution of each type of weld during fabrication is provided in the WPDS. Welding Procedure Data Sheets
WPDSs must be developed by a professional welding engineer for the execution of every weld used in the fabrication
of all bridge components. The WPDS are specific to the joint type, plate thickness range, and steel type to be welded.
They specify all the welding parameters required for the execution of welded joints that will meet all code
requirements for strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance. Detailed information on the content of a WPDS and
it review is provided in Appendix B of this Manual.
The Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) certifies fabricators and accepts WPDS’s in accordance with Canadian
standards CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 which are certification (company and personnel) and construction codes
respectively. The WPDS’s of Canadian fabricator’s therefore most commonly include the reference standards CSA
W47.1 and CSA W59. Although far less common, the CWB will provide acceptance of a WPDS that includes
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 as the construction code in lieu of CSA W59.
CWB accepted WPDSs that include the reference qualification standards as CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 alone, without
reference to AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5, may be considered acceptable provided the WPDS contains AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5 compliant variables. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 variables that are either not required to be stated on
the WPDS or differ from CSA W59 standard include preheat and interpass temperatures as well as heat input. WPDSs
that include reference to CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 only and contain preheat and interpass temperatures and heat
input variables compliant with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 are acceptable.
As part of the quality assurance review process, the Consultant must verify that the following requirements have
been addressed in the WPDS:
 The WPDS has been stamped by the CWB and indicates acceptance. The WPDS is considered a Professional
Work Product and must be authenticated by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice;
 WPDS number matches the number indicated on the shop drawings for specific joints;
 The WPDS references an applicable WPS;
 The reference qualification standards listed are CSA W47.1 and either CSA W59 or AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/1.5;
 The material designation (as per the description in Tables 11.1 and 12.1 of CSA-W59) matches the base metal
type indicated on the shop drawings;
 The type of weld and joint (e.g. fillet weld on a T-joint) are consistent with the detail shown on the shop drawing;
 The detail on the shop drawing referencing the WPDS and can be welded in the position(s) shown on the WPDS;
 The filler metal used is compatible with the strength, toughness and corrosion resistance of the base metal;
 If a manufacturer’s filler metal designation is used, availability of this filler metal from the indicated
manufacturer must be verified. Alternatively, the WPDS may provide the AWS or CSA electrode designation;
 The weld filler metal is qualified for the welding position (flat, horizontal, vertical or overhead);
 The filler metal is of low diffusible hydrogen with hydrogen designation H4 for the SMAW and MCAW processes
and is still available from the manufacturer indicated on the WPDS. Alternatively, the WPDS may provide the
AWS or CSA electrode designation;
 The welding process is one that is accepted by the Department and listed in the SSBC (submerged arc welding
(SAW), metal cored arc welding (MCAW), or shielded metal arc welding (SMAW));
 The weld size range indicated on the WPDS covers the weld size specified on the shop drawings;
 The plate thickness to be welded is within the range specified on the WPDS;

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 The minimum preheat and minimum interpass temperature are consistent with the SSBC and Table 4.3 of
 The maximum interpass temperature is consistent with Table 4.3 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5; and
 The heat input for each weld size is provided in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. Repair Procedures
All repair procedures must meet the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC and be reviewed and accepted
by the Consultant before any repairs are carried out. To expedite the review process for repairs, the fabricator may
choose to submit repair procedures for the most common repairs prior to the start of fabrication. The repair
procedure for the most common fabrication damages such as for arc strikes, the notching of plates from plate cutting
and heat straightening can be submitted with the prefabrication meeting documentation, or they can be submitted
as required.
The most common repair required during the fabrication of girders consists of the repair of weld defects detected
from non-destructive testing. Repair procedures must be consistent with the requirements of Subsection 3.7 of
Subsection of the SSBC outlines minimum procedure requirements for the repair of arc strikes. It consists of
grinding out the surface defect, performing magnetic particle inspection to verify that no crack was initiated by the
arc strike and hardness testing to verify that the heat affected zone of the arc strike was removed. Hardness testing
and associated requirements are outlined in Subsection of the SSBC. The repair procedure must identify
the size of gouge and associated component where replacement would be required.
Depending on the size and plate characteristics, gouges or similar surface damage must be repaired by either
grinding smooth and faring the gouge to reduce the stress concentration, or filling the gouge by welding, grinding
and inspecting.
For straightening of bent plates, the repair procedure must include evaluation and measurement of the damage, as
well as details of heat straightening.
Deck joints may require heat straightening repairs to address distortion introduced through welding. The heat
straightening procedure must be prepared by the fabricator and submitted to the Consultant for review and
acceptance. The maximum temperature reached during the heating process must be clearly specified and carefully
controlled and monitored during the execution of the repair. The maximum temperature allowed by AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5 is 650°C, to prevent material phase transformation (about 730°C) and permanent change of the
mechanical properties, but is high enough to lower the yield strength of the steel sufficiently to permit the
permanent deformations required to achieve plate gaps within tolerance. Fabrication Schedule
The fabricator must submit a detailed fabrication schedule outlining the various phases of the fabrication process
and associated timelines. The fabrication schedule must incorporate the time periods required for review of
prefabrication submissions, inspection and testing notifications, inspection and testing activities, review and
acceptance of the witness points and hold points listed in Subsections 6.2, 6.2.2 and of the SSBC. Submission
of this schedule is required prior to the prefabrication meeting in order to provide sufficient time to the Consultant
to mobilize and coordinate specialty sub-consultants required to fulfill the role of the Consultant’s QA Inspector and
to facilitate inspection coordination discussions during the prefabrication meeting.
The Consultant must verify that the submitted fabrication schedule addresses the following:
 The start of fabrication is identified so QA inspection can be coordinated;
 The end of fabrication is identified and the timeline for fabrication is reasonable and fits within the Contractor’s
schedule for deck joint installation;
 All the major phases of the fabrication process are included;
 A separate schedule is provided for each deck joint assembly;

Page 3-18

 Involvement of the sub-contractors involved in the fabrication is clearly identified, along with their schedules.
This information is required to coordinate QA inspections; and
 All witness and hold points are identified at the appropriate location in the schedule.

3.6.2 Prefabrication Meeting

A prefabrication meeting must be held to discuss contract requirements and establish lines of communication
between the Contractor, fabricator and the Consultant’s QA Inspector(s) in accordance with Subsection 6.2.3 of the
The prefabrication meeting is not to occur until the prefabrication submission hold points have been completed,
reviewed and written acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant. The meeting is to be held at
the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant.
A minimum of 2 weeks notice must be given to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and
The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must attend the prefabrication meeting including project
manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s), independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved
in supervision of the Work.
The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2
representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the prefabrication meeting(s) for deck joint
assemblies being fabricated outside the Province of Alberta.
The Consultant must prepare the prefabrication meeting agenda (a sample draft agenda is included in Appendix I of
this Manual), chair the meeting and take and distribute the minutes of the meeting to all attendees.
When a fabricator is responsible for the fabrication of multiple components of the bridge, the prefabrication meeting
can combine multiple items as long as all the prefabrication submissions have been submitted, reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant for all the components to be covered during the meeting.

Once the supply and fabrication ITP and prefabrication submissions have been reviewed and accepted and the
prefabrication meeting has taken place fabrication may commence. If the fabricator commences any fabrication
task prior to acceptance of the ITP, the Consultant must notify the Contractor and Department of the non-
conformance immediately. The Consultant and Department must then consider the issuance of a temporary
suspension of the work in accordance with the General Specifications and Specification Amendments for Highway
and Bridge Construction.
This section reviews the various stages of the fabrication process and provides information on the critical aspects of
quality control as general information for the Consultant and the Consultant’s QA Inspector involved with the
fabrication process. The required inspection activities are outlined for each stage of fabrication.
This section also outlines many of the requirements typically included in the fabricator’s QC inspection and testing
activities that are to be completed by the QC inspector or their representatives. The list of QC requirements is not
exhaustive and provided only to outline typical QC requirements that the fabricator is responsible for. It is the
fabricator’s responsibility to complete all inspection and testing in accordance with the contract. The fabricator’s
QC Inspector must ensure that the requirements of Section 6 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 are being met
throughout the duration of the work. The QC Inspector is responsible to maintain inspection and testing records
and/or reports and that these records are made available for review by the Consultant.

Page 3-19

At each witness point and hold point identified in the supply and fabrication ITP the Contractor’s QC must complete
all the required inspection and testing required while the Consultant’s QA Inspector must complete the required
inspection and any testing deemed necessary to accept the Work. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also review
the fabricator’s QC inspection and testing documentation leading up to and required for each witness point and hold
point. Deficiencies identified must be corrected to the full satisfaction of the Consultant and the Contractor’s QC.
The Contractor’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector must provide written acceptance and signoff for each witness
point and hold point.
Witness points identify important aspects of fabrication that at some point must be reviewed and accepted in writing
by the Consultant’s QA Inspector. The timing of the inspection is not critical as the Contractor is responsible for
performing all NDT with the Consultant’s QA Inspector reviewing the QC and inspection and testing records and/or
reports. Inspection and/or testing can be completed at the time in which the work occurs or at a reasonable time
sometime after it occurs.
Hold points identify critical aspect of fabrication that must be reviewed and accepted in writing by the both the
Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector at a very specific time in the fabrication process. If the fabrication
were to progress past a hold point the level of quality control and quality assurance that could be completed would
not be equivalent in quality, cost, or reliability of that in which was specified in the contract. The Consultant and the
Consultant’s QA Inspector must be intimately aware of the fabrication schedule and proactively be in regular
communication with the fabricator such that they may schedule and coordinate inspection and any testing
requirements. The fabricator’s QC inspector/manager must also be intimately familiar with the fabrication schedule
and proactively engage and communicate with the Consultant and the Consultant’s QA Inspector.
Fabrication should ideally not proceed past a witness point without the written acceptance of both the Contractor
(fabricator’s QC inspector typically) and the Consultant (Consultant’s QA Inspector); however due to the typical
process of fabrication and to achieve cost effective production schedules fabrication may proceed past witness
points without adverse impacts on quality control or quality assurance. Fabrication must not proceed past a hold
point without the written acceptance of both the Contractor’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector. If fabrication
proceeds past a hold point without written acceptance, the Consultant must notify the Contractor, fabricator and
Department of the non-conformance immediately. The Consultant and Department must then consider the issuance
of a temporary suspension of the work in accordance with the General Specifications and Specification Amendments
for Highway and Bridge Construction. The Contractor must also be notified that all costs required for the Consultant
and the Department to evaluate, inspect, and test the Work for non-compliance with a hold point.
Upon the completion of fabrication, a copy of the ITP containing the written acceptance of both QC and QA as well
as testing and inspection records for each deck joint assembly fabricated must be submitted to the Department by
the Consultant as part of the fabrication final deliverables package.

3.7.1 Shop Requirements

Fabrication must always be completed in a shop environment where the temperature is maintained above +10°C.
Environmental conditions are essential for welding and the measurement of the dimensions of girder components.
To prevent compromising the specified low hydrogen welding processes, it is important that the shop environment
is dry and that the temperature of the steel and the welding electrodes are high enough to prevent condensation of
moisture on steel surfaces and welding electrodes.
The coating for most shielded metal arc welding electrodes will absorb moisture if not kept in very specific
atmospheric conditions. Shielded metal arc welding electrodes must be dried in the shop oven when left exposed
in the shop. Although some electrode coatings have been developed to improve resistance to moisture absorption,
it is not good practice to leave welding consumables exposed to the shop environment when not being used.
Handling and drying of shielded metal arc welding electrodes must be in accordance with Subsection 4.5 of

Page 3-20

A wire storage plan must be in place for the storage of the MCAW filler metal. Although MCAW wire is not as
susceptible to the absorption of moisture, the metal powder inside the cored wire presents a large surface area on
which condensation can take place. It should be noted that the cored wire is not sealed since the tube seam is only
pressed together to prevent the metal powder from spilling. Although metal cored wire is provided by electrode
manufacturers in packaging that will keep the wire dry indefinitely, metal cored wires are susceptible to absorbing
moisture when not stored in a sealed container. Commentary C-4.13 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 provides
guidelines for the proper storage of flux cored wire, which are also applicable for MCAW wires.

3.7.2 Supply of Structural Steel

The procurement and supply of structural steel and all related materials is the responsibility of the fabricator and/or
the Contractor.
Where the steel originates from outside Canada or the United States of America or for steels being welded that need
testing for boron content, the Contractor must have the mill test reports verified in Canada in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Only materials conforming to the contract requirements are used and have been reviewed and accepted by the
 Material verification testing is completed, if required, and the sampling and testing is completed by an
independent testing laboratory;
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials being used; and
 Each plate has an associated MTR that is compliant with the material requirements.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify:
 All steel plates received are input into the material tracking system and traceable. Each plate has a clearly
identifiable MTR that is compliant with the contract;
 Verify all material requiring verification testing is properly sampled;
 Steel plate surfaces are of acceptable condition. A visual spot check of the plate condition may be conducted
during the first shop visit or as part of the prefabrication meeting; and
 Plates are stored adequately to avoid damage prior to fabrication.

3.7.3 Surface Preparation and Cleaning for the Inspection of Plate

Surface preparation and cleaning of steel plate surfaces to remove mill scale and oxidation is required for various
phases of fabrication to:
 Facilitate visual inspection and identification of defects prior to plate cutting;
 Prepare surfaces for welding and reduce the amount of grinding required;
 Prevent the contamination of welds;
 Achieve the design slip resistance of bolted joints/connections; and
 Achieve the surface profile required for the application of coatings.
For more detailed information regarding surface preparation and cleaning of steel plate prior to cutting refer to
Subsection 2.7.3.

Page 3-21

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Steel plates are visually inspected after surface preparation and cleaning prior to cutting and any defects are
reported to the Consultant;
 Steel plates are marked with the associated MTR heat number after surfaces have been acceptably prepared
and cleaned;
 If repairs are required, they are completed in accordance with a repair procedure that has been reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant. A QC inspection report outlining the location repair, inspection and test results is
submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance;
 Steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to fabrication; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify plate condition prior to cutting;
 Verify repairs, if required, have been completed with in accordance with the repair procedure that has been
reviewed and accepted by the Consultant;
 Verify steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to fabrication; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

3.7.4 Cutting of Plates

At this stage it is important that the fabricator identifies the rolling direction and keep track of the heat number of
each cut plate to maintain complete traceability of material during the fabrication process. Rolled steel plates
produced from the continuous casting process can often contain small surface cracks that result from the interaction
between the casting bed and the steel plate. These small surface cracks are most often oriented parallel to the
rolling direction, which can affect the fatigue resistance when cyclic tensile stresses are applied transversely to the
rolling direction. If cyclic tensile stresses are applied in the rolling direction of the plate and orientated parallel to
the tensile stress flow of the deck joint assembly small surface cracks created during the manufacturing process will
not adversely affect durability of the component. The size and frequency of cracks must be accordance with the
standard in which the material was produced. For this reason, V-seal cover plates, finger plates and base plates
must be cut so the rolling direction of the plates will be oriented parallel to traffic flow.
Dimensional checks and verification of specified tolerances prior to welding is an inspection and testing witness point
for cover plated V-seal and finger plate deck joint assemblies as required by Subsection of the SSBC.
Written sign off from both QC and QA is required for the joint assemblies to advance to the next stage of fabrication.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 The plates are inspected before they are cut and surface defects reported;
 Plate repairs procedures, if required, are reviewed and accepted by the Consultant prior to their use;
 The cutting procedure is in accordance with contract requirements;
 Material traceability and documentation is in place for all plate;
 Base plates, cover plates, and finger plates are cut with the rolling direction of the plate in the direction of traffic;
 Plate edge roughness, and the finish of the plate corners is in accordance with contract requirements;
 Plate dimensions are in accordance with the reviewed and accepted shop drawings;
 The Consultant is provided with QC inspection and testing records and/or reports; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any repairs.

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QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify the cutting procedure meets the contract requirements;
 Verify material traceability and documentation is in place for all plate;
 Verify base plates, V-seal cover plates, and finger plates are cut with the rolling direction of the plate in the
direction of traffic flow;
 Verify plate dimensions are in accordance with the reviewed and accepted shop drawings;
 Inspect plate edge roughness, and the finish of the plate corners;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract;
 Provide the fabricator with QA inspection and testing records and/or reports; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
completed including any required repairs. Thermal Cutting
Cutting of plate must be in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. For cutting of cover plates or finger
plates, a thermal cutting torch is typically mounted on a CNC machine to accurately cut cover plate and finger plate
profiles. Both oxygen and plasma cutting can produce cut edges that are acceptable without the need for grinding
if all the cutting parameters are appropriately adjusted. Freehand cutting is not typically used as it results in non-
uniform surfaces that require significant repair work by grinding. Freehand cutting may be necessary in unique
localized locations, but only for short distances. A cutting procedure must be included in the fabrication sequence
and equipment submission and comply with the requirements of the SSBC. More detailed information on thermal
cutting can be found in Subsection, Thermal Cutting. Plate Edge Roughness
The roughness of cut edges for base plates and cover plates in accordance with the standard drawings is 12.5 µm Ra
(refer to Appendix F of this Manual for background on surface roughness measurement). The specified level of
surface roughness achieves maximum fatigue resistance and does not introduce stress concentrations.
All plate corners must be ground to form a 1 mm chamfer. Chamfers reduce the potential introduction of stress
concentrations and renders edges less susceptible to notching during handling and storage. The finger roots are
particularly sensitive to this type of damage since the applied stresses on the fingers is largest at the finger roots.

3.7.5 Welding
Welding processes typically used in the fabrication of deck joint assemblies are metal cored and shielded metal arc
welding. However, any of the three welding processes approved for use in Subsection of the SSBC may be
utilized with an acceptable WPDS. To minimize distortions, the welds must be kept as close as possible to the size
specified on the contract drawings.
Type 1 strip seal deck joint assemblies are significantly less complex than cover plated V-seals and finger plated deck
joint assemblies and require less fabrication effort. Depending on the supplier of the extrusion, a complete joint
penetration weld between the extrusion and the horizontal stabilizing plate may be required (some manufacturer’s
extrusions incorporate these pieces into a monolithic piece). Automatic stud welding and fillet welding is also
incorporated into the fabrication of the strip seal joint assemblies for attachment of shear anchor studs and the stop
movement bars (Figure 3.6 and Figure 3.7). Preparation of the completed extrusion ends at the roadway crown is
required to facilitate field welding of the extrusions at this location.

Page 3-23

The fabrication of cover plated V-seal and finger plated deck joint assemblies involves three different types of welds:
fillet, complete joint penetration groove and automatic shear anchor stud welds. Intermittent welds are also used
in the welding of the WT stiffeners to the cover plated V-seal and the finger plate deck joint assemblies. The
intermittent welds are a fundamental design feature and key to the overall performance of the deck join assemblies.
The intermittent welds significantly reduce welding distortion, but are only designed to provide sufficient capacity
between the components until the deck joint assemblies are installed. Once the deck joint assembly is in service
these welds must fracture to achieve the stiffness parameters of the design and resulting fatigue performance.
Under no circumstance is it acceptable to replace the intermittent welds by continuous welds.

Figure 3.6
Stop Movement Bars Welded into Position

Page 3-24

Figure 3.7
Straight and Bent Studs Welded to Extrusion

The shear stud anchors must be installed and tested in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 Section 7. Shear
stud anchors on the base plate are loaded in direct tension when the joint is in service, and therefore imperative
that the studs have sound welds.

Figure 3.8
Excessive Melt During Stud Installation

Page 3-25

Figure 3.8 shows base plate studs with full fusion as indicated by the weld flash all around the studs. The excess
molten steel at the studs indicates a “hot weld” condition, which is caused by excessive heat input from excessive
power, time, or both. This is not cause for rejection. After welding, shear stud anchors must be free of any
discontinuities or substances that can interfere with their intended function. A defect commonly encountered with
shear stud weldments is a lack of fusion, which can be readily detected visually by incomplete flash all around the
stud base, or by a dull sound when the stud is struck with a hammer. Testing frequency and responsibility for shear
stud testing must be in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. More detailed information on stud welding
can be found in Subsection 2.7.9, Welding of Headed Shear Studs.
NDT of all welding prior to coating is an inspection and testing hold point for cover plated V-seal and finger plate
deck joint assemblies as required by Subsection of the SSBC. Written sign off from both QC and QA is
required for the deck joint assemblies to advance to the next stage of fabrication.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must:
 Ensure welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task
that they are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Ensure welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s;
 Ensure preheat and interpass temperature requirements are being met;
 Visually inspect all weld passes in multi-pass welds and final weld;
 Complete ultrasonic testing (UT) of 50% of the base plate CJP weld;
 Complete magnetic particle inspection (MT) of 25% of all fillet welds;
 At the beginning of every shift and when conditions for welding of studs change, the installation of the first two
studs that are welded are supervised by the QC inspector and tested in accordance with Subsection 7.7 of
 Bend testing, ring testing and inspection of all the shear studs in accordance with SSBC Subsection;
 Ensure QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant; and
 Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
completed including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task that
they are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to welding;
 Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s for the applicable joint and weld type;
 Verify that preheat and interpass temperature requirements are in accordance with the reviewed and accepted
 Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds;
 Visually inspect all completed welds;
 Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results;
 Witness stud welding testing in accordance with Subsection 7.7 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. Testing of stud
welding must be completed at the beginning of every shift by the fabricator’s QC. QA inspections are spot
checks and not required at the beginning of every shift;
 Witness hammer ring testing in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC ;
 Witnesses shear stud bend testing in accordance with Subsections of the SSBC;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract;
 Provide the fabricator with QA inspection and testing records and/or reports; and

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 Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
completed including any required repairs.

3.7.6 Galvanizing and Metallizing Type 1 Strip Seal Deck Joint Assemblies
Strip seal deck joint assemblies must be galvanized in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Preparation
of the joints for galvanizing must be completed at the galvanizer’s shop as outlined in Appendix E of this Manual.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must:
 Visually inspect the cleaning, surface preparation and galvanizing (typically completed by the galvanizer sub-
contractor and provides supporting inspection records);
 Visually inspect the completed galvanizing in accordance with ASTM A123; and
 Ensure QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Visually inspect the completed galvanizing in accordance with ASTM A123; and
 Review the QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract. Cover Plated V-Seal and Finger Plate Deck Joint Assemblies
Metallizing of cover plated V-seal and finger plate deck joint assemblies must be completed in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC. Metallizing is used in order to protect against crevice corrosion while balancing the
effects of distortion that may result from the hot dip galvanizing process.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must:
 Ensure the metallizing quality control plan includes:
o Identification, qualifications, and responsibilities of the key personnel (QC Supervisor, QC inspector, TSC
o Inspection type and frequency;
o Description of materials to be used;
o Procedures;
 Visually inspect the cleaning and surface preparation prior to metallizing;
 Visually inspect the metallizing after coating. (Typically completed by the metallizing sub-contractor who must
provide supporting inspection records. The metallizing inspection must be completed in accordance with
Section 9 of SSPC-CS 23.00 / AWS C2.23 / NACE No. 12);
 Complete adhesion testing of the coating. To avoid damaging the coating on the base plate, the tensile adhesion
test is to be conducted to confirm that the minimum specified adhesion value has been achieved. Testing to
determine the maximum adhesion value is not required;
 Ensure QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify plate cleaning and surface preparation prior to coating;
 Verify the surface roughness;
 Visually inspect completed metallizing and spot check/test coating thickness; and

Page 3-27

 Review the QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

3.7.7 Tolerances
Fabrication tolerances are provided on the Standard Drawings for each type of deck joint assembly. Throughout
fabrication and upon completion of coating application, the fabricator and Consultant’s QA Inspector must
accurately measure and record tolerances of deck joint assemblies. The tolerances must be carefully reviewed by
the Consultant. If adjustments are required they may only be carried out using repair methods reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant.
Cover plated v-seal and finger plate deck joint assembly design performance and service life are highly dependent
on the specified fabrication tolerances. Tolerances to be measured and recorded during fabrication include:
 Gap setting “X” variation between crown and gutter lines;
 Flatness of cover/finger and base plates parallel to traffic flow;
 Out-of-Straightness (Sag) of deck joint assembly in vertical plane between crown and gutters;
 Horizontal sweep of deck joint assembly between crown and gutters;
 Side gap between adjacent fingers/heels;
 Sliding plate to base plate gaps;
o Cover plated V-seal (between cover plates and base plates);
o Finger plates (between plate tips and base plates); and
o Finger plates (between plate heels and base plates). Out-of-Straightness
The out-of-straightness for the cover plated V-Seal and finger plate base plates in a vertical plane is 5 mm measured
from the crown to the gutter line using a taught string or wire with the deck joint assembly in a relaxed condition.
(Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10).

Figure 3.9
Cover Plated V-Seal Joint Sag Measurement

Page 3-28

Figure 3.10
Measuring Flatness of Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly

The horizontal sweep measured between the crown to the gutter line using a taught string or wire must be less than
or equal to 6 mm with the deck joint in a relaxed condition. (Figure 3.11).

Figure 3.11
Measuring Horizontal Sweep of Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly Plate Gaps

Compliance with flatness and sweep tolerances does not guarantee plate gaps will be within tolerance. Plate gaps
result from curvature/deformations of base plate and/or cover or finger plates. The fitment of all components of
deck joint assemblies contribute to the plate gaps between sliding/cover plates and base plates. The vertical plate
profiles must be cut accurately to achieve plate gap tolerance requirements.
The sliding plate to base plate gaps are measured at the tip and the root of every finger and along the length of cover
plates at various stages throughout fabrication. The measurement of plate gaps at the end of fabrication when the
deck joint assembly is in the relaxed condition is an inspection and testing hold point for cover plated V-seal and
finger plate deck joint assemblies as required by Subsection of the SSBC and requires written acceptance
of both the Contractor’s QC and Consultant QA Inspector prior to the deck joint being released from the hold point.

Page 3-29

The plate gap measurements must be made at both the deck joint gap “X” settings of -5°C and +15°C. Measurement
of plate gaps at these two temperature settings provides an appropriate level of assurance that the deck joint will
function acceptably in service. Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13 show measurement and verification of a finger plate joint
gap setting prior to the commencement plate gap tolerance measurements.

Figure 3.12 Figure 3.13

Measurement of Finger Plate Deck Joint Measurement of Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly Gap Setting
Assembly Gap Setting prior to Measurement of at Gutter Line prior to Measurement of Plate Gap Tolerances
Plate Gap Tolerances

If adjustments are required to achieve plate gap tolerances they are typically made by heat curving as outlined in
Subsection, Heat Curving Repairs. Once adjustments have been made, the deck joint assembly plate gap
measurements must be taken and recorded with the deck joint assembly in the relaxed condition (with support from
below only and without shipping angles installed). Support from below should closely resemble the frequency and
stiffness of support provided during field installation. Figure 3.14 and Figure 3.15 show deck joint assemblies in the
relaxed condition, ready for plate gap measurements.

Page 3-30

Figure 3.14 Figure 3.15

Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly in the Relaxed Cover Plated V-Seal Deck Joint Assembly in the Relaxed
Condition ready for Plate Gap Measurement Condition ready for Plate Gap Measurement

Figure 3.16 and Figure 3.17 show measurements being taken at the tip and heel of the fingers, respectively, of a
finger plate deck joint. Figure 3.18 shows measurements being made at a fingertip of a cover plated V-seal deck
joint. Plate gap measurements require the use of a blade type feeler gauge.

Figure 3.16
Plate Gap Measurement at Finger Tip of Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly

Page 3-31

Figure 3.17
Plate Gap Measurement at Finger Heel of Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly

Figure 3.18
Plate Gap Measurement of Cover Plated V-Seal Deck Joint Assembly

A sample inspection form for a finger plate deck joint assembly is provided in Figure 3.19. Each finger and finger
root/heel has been numbered with the finger roots having odd numbers and the fingertips even numbers. The form
shows the numbering system, a table for the root measurements at the +15°C and the -5°C measurements and the
fingertip measurements at the same temperature settings.

Page 3-32

Figure 3.19
Sample Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly Plate Gap Inspection Form

Page 3-33

Once fabrication has been reviewed by the Consultant, shipping angles are secured to deck joint assemblies for
transportation. The deck joint assembly gap “X” is set at the anticipated field installation temperature (typically
+15°C). The installation and tightening of shipping angles can cause distortion in deck joint assemblies and as such,
the fabricator may include another inspection witness point within their supply and fabrication to accurately
document plate gaps and to avoid disagreements with the Contractor. Figure 3.20 shows deck joint assemblies with
shipping angles installed in preparation for shipping.

Figure 3.20
Finger Plate (top left), Cover Plated V-Seal (top right), and Type 1 Strip Seal Deck Joint Assemblies with Shipping
Angles Installed

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must:
 Measure and record all specified fabrication tolerances:
o Gap Setting “X”;
o Flatness;
o Out-of-Straightness;

Page 3-34

o Horizontal Sweep;
o Side Gap;
o Plate Gaps (in the presence of the Consultant’s QA Inspector);
 Cover plated V-seal (between cover plates and base plates);
 Finger plates (between plate tips and base plates);
 Finger plates (between plate heels and base plates);
 Ensure heat curving repair procedures, if required; are reviewed and accepted by the Consultant prior to use;
 Ensure QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant; and
 Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
completed including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify fabrication tolerances by spot checking and reviewing QC recorded measurements for:
o Gap Setting “X”;
o Flatness;
o Out-of-Straightness;
o Horizontal Sweep;
o Side Gap;
o Plate Gaps;
 Cover plated V-seal (between cover plates and base plates);
 Finger plates (between plate tips and base plates);
 Finger plates (between plate heels and base plates);
 Verify heat curving repair procedures, if required; comply with the reviewed and accepted procedure;
 Review all other QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
completed including any required repairs. Heat Curving Repairs
Fingers and cover plates that do not meet plate gap tolerances are typically repaired by heat curving. At high
temperatures steel has a significantly lower strength and higher ductility that facilitates heat curving/bending. By
applying localized heat to very specific locations, the steel to expand locally and results in a lower yield strength and
plastic deformation within the adjacent cooler surrounding steel. When the plastically deformed steel cools it
contracts, regains strength and develops tensile residual stresses that results in deflection towards the surface that
was heated. Small adjustments of plate gaps can often be achieved by heat alone. For larger adjustments often an
additional mechanical force will be applied at the same time as localized heating to increase the amount of
adjustment that can be made.
Heat curving repair procedure must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and closely supervised.
Overheating of the steel results in phase transformation of the material microstructure and adverse effects on
mechanical properties. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 Subsection 3.4.8 specifies a limit of 650°C for heat curving and is
generally sufficient to close plate gaps while reducing risk of inadvertently exceeding the phase transformation
temperature (725°C) and adversely effecting mechanical properties. Upon the completion of heat curving repairs,
the tolerances must be re-checked for conformance with the contract requirements.

Page 3-35

3.7.8 Final Inspection

The fabricator’s QC Inspector, Consultant QA Inspector and Consultant are all responsible for completion of the final
inspection prior to shipping. Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of these
documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication process), the Consultant must inform the
fabricator when each deck joint is ready for shipping or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.
QC and QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the fabricator’s QC inspector, Consultant and Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Review of the QC and QA inspection and testing records and/or reports to verify compliance with the contract
 Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have been reviewed and accepted;
 Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably

3.7.9 Shipping
The fabricator and Contractor must transport, handle, and store deck joint assemblies in accordance with Subsection
6.3 of the SSBC. Support and restraint systems must be well designed and implemented to prevent unnecessary
damage during transportation, handling, and storage.
Shipping by truck is the most common means for transporting deck joint. In accordance with subsection 6.3.1 of the
SSBC, structural steel, including deck joint assemblies must be protected from dirt, mud, road salts, slush or other
contaminants during transportation, handling and storage. Protection of deck joint assemblies is an important
consideration that is often not given sufficient attention and creates significant challenges at the project site.
Protection of components is of particular importance during winter months when de-icing materials are used to
maintain highway networks. The means and methods of protection are determined by the Contractor or fabricator
and must achieve the specified cleanliness and condition prior to installation.
Shrink wrapping or tarping of deck joint assemblies during transportation is a very effective way to minimize cleaning
at the project site and streamline inspection, cleaning and repair work on site Clearance to Ship
The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for deck joints a minimum of 72 hours prior
to shipment from the fabrication facility.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure deck joints are loaded, supported, restrained and protected.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify deck joint assemblies are acceptably loaded, supported,
restrained and protected.

3.7.10 Consultant QA Inspection and Testing Reporting

The Consultant’s QA Inspector must prepare a fabrication inspection report including photos for each shop visit. The
Consultant’s QA fabrication inspection reports must be submitted to the Consultant and the Department such that
fabrication progress, construction schedules, and fabrication QA resource allocation can be reviewed.

Page 3-36

The reports and photographs should document that the production meets the requirements of the contract. The
reports must clearly document what was inspected and that the expected inspection and testing requirements
outlined in this Manual have been acceptably completed. The reports must highlight any issues that were identified
during the inspection and testing and the details of their resolution. Photographs of fabrication defects, both before
and after repair, should be included as they are particularly useful for providing a complete record of the type and
location of any defects and how they were acceptably repaired.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also review the QC inspection reports and the supply and fabrication ITP for
cover plated V-seals and finger plate deck joint assemblies to verify all inspection and testing is completed.

3.7.11 Consultant QA Inspector Resource Allocation

The number of shop visits will be dependent of the fabricator’s fabrication schedule and sequence of fabrication. It
is typical that the Consultant’s QA Inspector will conduct a minimum number of shop visits per week to complete
the required QA inspections. Fabricated deck joint components are commonly stacked and stored in a manner to
minimize shop floor space. It is imperative that the Consultant’s QA Inspector and the fabricator maintain adequate
coordination throughout the fabrication process to ensure the Consultant’s QA Inspector has sufficient access to
perform the necessary inspection duties while at the same time minimizing impact to the fabrication schedule. The
estimated number visits and weekly hours of inspection will be approximately as follows:
 Type 1 strip seals: Two shop visits; 12 hours of inspection and 4 hours reporting/documentation review; and
 Cover plated V-seal and finger plate deck joint assemblies: Two shop visits; 15 hours of inspection and 6 hours
for reporting/documentation review.
Refer to Appendix J of this Manual for more detailed information on Consultant QA Inspector resource allocation
hour estimates.


The fabricator must submit all specified quality control documentation, as-constructed shop drawings to the
Consultant within 3 weeks of fabrication completion.
The Consultant must then assemble a final deliverable fabrication report and include all QC and QA inspection and
testing for each deck joint assembly. The fabrication report will be filed by the Department and used in the
management of the bridge over its service life.
The final deliverable fabrication report must be submitted to the Department within:
 6 weeks from the date of acceptance of the Work for standalone bridge projects including multiple and major
bridge projects; or
 12 weeks from the date of acceptance of the Work for bridge projects that include a major grading, base course
and asphalt concrete pavement component.
The date of acceptance of the Work is the date as noted on the Construction Completion Certificate or the
Conditional Construction Completion Certificate.
The Consultant should not wait until the work is accepted and overall project complete to commence compiling of
the final deliverables fabrication report. The Consultant is strongly encouraged to plan for and commence this
activity during the course of fabrication while all parties are familiar with the fabrication that occurred as there can
be a significant time between completion of fabrication and contract completion.
A detailed list of the final deliverables fabrication report requirements for the fabrication of deck joint assemblies is
provided in Appendix H of this Manual.

Page 3-37


Precast concrete units are used in the construction of highway and pedestrian bridge structures, culverts and
retaining wall structures. The different types of precast concrete units share a similar process of fabrication with a
consistent approach taken by the Consultant to review submissions and provide quality assurance during fabrication.
This section specifically covers the fabrication of NU girders, Standard SL, SLW and SLC girders, MSE wall fascia
panels, precast concrete deck panels (for use with the Department’s Local Road Standard Bridge using the steel
girder superstructure alternative), precast concrete pipes, and precast concrete box culverts. Fabrication of
prestressed concrete girders is the most complex of the precast concrete units covered in the Manual and requires
the most comprehensive prefabrication review and fabrication inspection steps. Considerations, or steps that do
not apply to other types of precast units, covered in the Manual are identified throughout this section. Fabrication
inspection of other precast concrete elements can be performed using this section of the Manual, subject to review
and discussion between the Consultant and Department to verify that the full scope of the prefabrication and
inspection requirements are thoroughly defined. Examples of other precast concrete units are box girders, concrete
arch segments and precast concrete substructure elements for use with the Department’s standard bridges. Partial
depth and full depth precast concrete deck panels may also be accepted for use with medium and long span bridges,
subject to approval through a value engineering process.
It is important that additional fabricated elements that are associated with the aforementioned precast concrete
units are included in the material review and fabrication inspection process. For example, NU girders have steel
diaphragm bracing and MSE wall fascia panels have either steel or geosynthetic soil reinforcing. These elements are
typically delivered straight to site where it is important to inspect them and verify that they meet the requirements
of the Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC). The material review and inspection of structural steel
components must be in accordance with Section 2, Steel Girders, of this Manual.


4.2.1 NU Girders
NU girders are the Department’s preferred girder type for medium to long spans (20 m to 65 m spans) and can be
either prestressed by pretensioning only or by a combination of pretensioning and post-tensioning. NU girders are
I-shaped girders that typically range from 1200 mm to 2800 mm deep in 400 mm increments and have a 185 mm
thick web. Common features include top and bottom flange reinforcing and prestressing, web shear reinforcing
stirrups projecting through the top flange, shoe plates at the ends of the bottom flange, lifting hooks, holes through
the web for interior girder cross-bracing, inserts in the web for exterior girder cross-bracing and a girder
identification label. Dependent on the girder design, there may be debonded prestressing strands, deviated
prestressing strands with associated embedded hold-down plates at deflection locations, prestressing strands
projecting from the girder ends, shear keys, post-tensioning ducts, holes through the web for abutment and pier
cast-in-place concrete diaphragm reinforcement and girder end blocks at abutment locations for conventional
abutments or post-tensioned girders. NU girders that will have cast-in-place concrete diaphragms at their ends are
shown in Figure 4.1. The entire fabrication process, from form preparation to removal of the girders from the form,
is typically completed within a 24-hour period.
NU girders are fully designed by the Consultant for each project based on the requirements of CSA S6 - Canadian
Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC), AT’s Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction, the AT Bridge Structures
Design Criteria, AT’s NU Girder Bridge Typical Details Drawings and guidance in AT’s NU Girder Bridge Design and
Detailing Manual.

Page 4-1

Figure 4.1
Fabricated NU Girders in Storage

4.2.2 Standard SL, SLW and SLC Girders

The Department has developed standardized precast concrete girder designs for their standard SL, SLW and SLC
girder bridges. There are several site-specific variables that must be determined by the Consultant for standard
bridges. For example, bridge length, skew and abutment type are defined by the design Consultant. Site-specific P-
drawings identify and detail these variables and reference the applicable SL, SLW and SLC girder standard drawings
to be used. SL, SLW and SLC girders may also be used as part of a major bridge design package if the bridge span
and loading can be accommodated by the standard girders but the superstructure geometry or substructure design
SL and SLW girders are 510 mm deep voided box girders with lengths between 6 m and 14 m (SL girders are shown
in Figure 4.2). Standard SL and SLW girder bridges are simple span, non-composite structures that are intended for
use on low volume roads. Both of these girder types include provisions for a Test Level 2 bridgerail system. SLW
girders are intended for use on roadways that are paved or are anticipated to be paved in the future.
SLC girders are voided box girders that are either 510 mm or 700 mm deep with lengths between 8 m and 20 m.
Standard SLC girder bridges have a composite deck and multi-span arrangements and are continuous at piers. They
are intended for use on higher volume roads with an ACP wearing surface and include provisions for a Test Level 4
bridgerail system.
Standard features of the SL, SLW and SLC girders include reinforcing and prestressing details, girder connectors,
lifting hook assemblies, bridgerail anchors and baseplates, cast-in serial number/girder information, buffer angles,
voids, drains and curbs.
It is important that the entire drawing package (P-drawings and Standard Girder Drawings) is reviewed to make sure
that all fabrication inspection requirements are considered. For example, exterior girder bridgerail anchorage
locations are site specific and are not shown on the Standard Girder Drawings.

Page 4-2

SL, SLW, and SLC type precast concrete girders are fabricated based on standard drawings for which the Department
has taken engineering responsibility. If any changes are proposed to the standard drawings, prior to or during
fabrication the Consultant must take engineering responsibility for those changes by authenticating the applicable
drawings in accordance with APEGA requirements.

Figure 4.2
SL Girders in Storage

4.2.3 Deck Panels

The precast concrete deck panels referred to in this section are specifically intended for use with the Department’s
low volume local road standard bridge type that has a steel girder superstructure. Individual precast concrete deck
panels extend across the entire width of the bridge and are placed side-by-side in the longitudinal direction. The
precast concrete deck panels have a flat underside with an integrated 2% crown on the top surface and are 175 mm
thick at the outside edges. The precast concrete deck panels are 2.846 m wide and either 5.970 m or 9.470 m long
for 1-lane and 2-lane bridges respectively. Standard features include reinforcing and prestressing details, stud
pockets for projecting steel girder shear studs, holes for precast concrete backwall dowels, holes for bridgerail
anchorages that are through-bolted, buffer angles, lifting hooks and transverse deck panel grouted joints.

4.2.4 MSE Wall Fascia Panels

Mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls are used as standalone structures at the edges of highways and at bridge
abutments to retain approach fills and reduce bridge spans. For permanent applications, the Department requires
that MSE walls be faced with precast concrete fascia panels.

Page 4-3

MSE walls are proprietary designs, with each supplier having their own fascia panel standard details that meet the
Department’s requirements. Typical details include reinforcing steel details, lifting hooks, embedded anchorages
for wall reinforcing straps and voids at inspection wire access port locations. Joints between panels are required to
have a lip and recess (ship lap) configuration (Figure 4.3) or, alternatively, butt joints in combination with precast
backing blocks. Other details, depending on the wall system and requirements, include pre-formed holes or
projecting reinforcing to facilitate construction of a cast-in-place concrete wall coping, connectors for panel joint
alignment, downspout anchorages and cover plates, special corner panels at bend lines and architectural surface
finishes, reveals and attachments.

Figure 4.3
Cruciform MSE Wall Panels for use with Reinforced Earth Company (RECo) Wall Systems

4.2.5 Reinforced Concrete Pipe and Precast Box Culvert Structures

Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) and Precast Box Culvert (PBC) sections are used in the construction of culverts and
storm drainage systems that are associated with highway infrastructure. A typical PBC is shown in Figure 4.4. Sizes
vary considerably. RCP sections with an inside diameter of up to 3600 mm and PBC sections with a maximum 3600
mm span by 3600 mm rise are obtainable. The Consultant is typically responsible for sizing and providing the design
and specification requirements that are to be met. The details themselves are standardized by the supplier. Details
include joints between sections, for example spigot and bell connections for RCP sections, and holes or inserts for

Page 4-4

Figure 4.4
Precast Box Culvert Sections

In addition to the contract drawings and Specifications for a given project, the following list of standards and
specifications is pertinent to the fabrication of precast concrete units:
4.3.1 Alberta Transportation Standards and Specifications
 General Specifications and Specification Amendments for Highway and Bridge Construction Edition 16;
 Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC) Edition 17;
 Engineering Consultant Guidelines for Highway, Bridge, and Water Projects Vol.1 and Vol.2;
 Bridge Structures Design Criteria (BSDC) Version 9.0;
 Engineering Drafting Guidelines for Highway and Bridge Projects (ECG).
 Bridge Construction Inspection Manual (BCIM);
 Standard and Typical Detail Drawings as applicable;
 NU Girder Bridge Design and Detailing Manual; and
 Roadside Design Guide.

4.3.2 Reference Standards and Specifications

 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):
o AASHTO (2017). LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4th Edition; and
o AASHTO (2017). LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 8th Edition.
 Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute:
o MNL-116 (1999). Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Structural Precast Concrete
Products, 4th Edition; and
o MNL-119 (1990). PCI Drafting Handbook – Precast and Prestressed Concrete, Revised 2 nd Edition.

Page 4-5

 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):

o ASTM A416 (2018). Standard Specification for Low-Relaxation, Seven-Wire Steel Strand for Prestressed
o ASTM A1081 (2015). Standard Test Method for Evaluating Bond of Seven-Wire Steel Prestressing Strand;
o ASTM C881 (2015). Standard Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete;
o ASTM C76M (2019). Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (Metric);
o ASTM C1417M (2019). Manufacture of Reinforced Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe for Direct
Design (Metric);
o ASTM C478M (2019). Circular Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections (Metric); and
o ASTM C1433M (2019). Precast Reinforced Concrete Monolithic Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains,
and Sewers (Metric).
 American Concrete Institute (ACI):
o ACI 304R (2000). Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete.
 Canadian Standards Association (CSA):
o CSA-S6-19 (2019) – Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC). Section 8 – Concrete Structures;
o CSA A23.2 (2019). Test Methods and Standard Practices for Concrete;
o CSA A23.4 (2016). Precast Concrete Materials and Construction;
o CSA A257 (2019). Standards for concrete pipe and manhole sections; and
o CSA A283 (2019). Qualification Code for Concrete Testing Laboratories.

The qualifications of the personnel involved in the fabrication of precast concrete units, including the fabricator, the
fabricator’s quality control (QC) inspector, concrete testing technicians and the Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA)
Inspector, are outlined in this section of the Manual.

4.4.1 Fabricator
The fabricator supplying the precast concrete units must be certified by the Canadian Precast Concrete Quality
Assurance (CPCQA) Certification Program in the applicable Product Group classification.
Certification of a fabrication plant is available in the following product groups:
 Group A – Architectural Concrete Products;
 Group B – Bridge Products;
 Group C – Commercial (Structural) Products;
 Group D – Drainage Products; and
 Group S – Standard Products.
Group B - Bridge Products, is divided into four categories:
 B1 – Precast Bridge Products (no prestressed reinforcing): These are conventionally reinforced precast concrete
elements and include non-prestressed bridge beams or slabs, piling, sheet piling, pile caps, retaining wall
elements, median barriers, parapet walls, sound barriers, and engineered box culverts and three-sided
structures not referenced in other standards;
 B2 – Prestressed Miscellaneous Bridge Products: These are any precast concrete and pre-tensioned or post-
tensioned elements, excluding superstructure beams. Prequalification in this category includes Category B1
 B3 – Prestressed Straight-Strand Bridge Beams: This category includes all precast concrete superstructure
elements. Category B3 products include box girders, segmental components, I-girders, bulb tees, stemmed

Page 4-6

members, solid slabs, and full or partial depth bridge deck slabs pre-tensioned or post-tensioned with straight
strands. Prequalification in this category includes Category B1 and B2 qualification; and
 B4 – Prestressed Deflected-Strand Bridge Beams: This category includes the same products as Category B3
except they are pre-tensioned or post-tensioned with deflected strands. Prequalification in this category
includes Category B1, B2 and B3 qualification.
Group BA applies to bridge products produced with additional requirements for architectural finishes. The category
designations are BA1, BA2, BA3, and BA4. The category descriptions are identical with the category descriptions for
Group B except that the fabricator is qualified to apply architectural treatments such as finishes, texture, color and
tolerances in accordance with the CPCQA standards.
The CPCQA certification program is designed to qualify fabricators who fabricate architectural and structural precast
concrete. Fabricators are evaluated on their quality system, documentation, production and erection procedures,
management, engineering, personnel, equipment, finished products and assemblies. Following initial plant
certification, independent Professional Engineers conduct audits twice annually, with each audit being two days in
Fabricators of prestressed and precast concrete units must also meet the requirements of Canadian Standards
Association (CSA) Standard A23.4 Precast Concrete – Materials and Construction and the Precast/Prestressed
Concrete Institute (PCI) Quality Control Manual MNL-116 (Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of
Structural Precast Concrete Products), with the more stringent of the requirements governing.
Certification confirms the fabricator’s capability to produce quality products and systems. The CPCQA certification
program helps to demonstrate to the Department and the Consultant that the fabricator has a comprehensive in-
house quality control program and acceptable production methods. Refer to Figure 4.5 for a sample CPCQA
certificate. CPCQA certification requires the fabricator’s quality control team to have Precast/Prestressed Concrete
Institute (PCI) Level I or II certification as described in Subsection

Figure 4.5
Sample CPCQA Certificate

Page 4-7

The fabrication of precast concrete units must be completed in a sufficiently large and environmentally controlled
permanent building capable of supplying and manufacturing products in a well-organized and continuous operation.
In addition to the PCI requirements that are presented in MNL-116, the Department requires that the building
temperature be maintained between 15°C and 30°C and that the building prevents contamination and/or
deterioration of materials.
Production areas must have adequate room for workers, equipment, and materials. The trafficked areas must be
kept clear of materials that may be damaged by the movement of equipment or interfere with traffic flow.
Material storage areas must allow for the proper storage of all materials in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. The storage areas must be organized so that the materials do not interfere with production.
Storage areas must be located and built to avoid contamination and damage of the stored materials.

Page 4-8

4.4.2 Qualification of Inspectors Fabricator’s Quality Control (QC) Inspector
The fabricator’s quality control team requires PCI Level I or II certification training as noted below.
PCI Level I certification requires a basic level of understanding of the many quality control issues normally
encountered in a precast plant, such as:
 Quality control programs, testing, and measuring;
 Conventional reinforcement placing and associated details;
 Basic concrete concepts such as water-cementitious material ratio, types of cement and accelerated curing;
 Control of purchased materials;
 Precast production procedures;
 Welding practices including welding of reinforcing bars; and
 Interpretation of basic shop drawings.
PCI Level I certification also requires current certification to ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician – Grade 1.
PCI Level II certification requires a greater level of knowledge of most of the topics described above for Level I
certification, as well as an understanding of the following:
 Pretensioning and elongation corrections, and associated calculations, that account for temperature effects,
chuck seating, abutment movement and bed shortening;
 Effects of accelerated concrete curing and the importance of the water-cementitious material ratio;
 Corrections to concrete mix proportions to account for excess moisture in the aggregates;
 Quality control testing for concrete, including aggregate gradation calculations and analysis; and
 Detailed interpretation of shop drawings. Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA) Inspectors
The Department utilizes prequalified consultants to provide quality assurance (QA) inspection services for fabricated
bridge components. Training and certification of fabrication inspectors supports the high level of quality assurance
required for these fabricated components.
The Consultant’s QA Inspectors for precast concrete products require PCI Level II certification. The inspectors must
also be fully cognizant of all requirements of the contract Specifications and drawings that are applicable to the
precast elements.
The Consultant’s QA Inspectors are responsible for securing and maintaining their PCI certification. The certification
process includes a PCI training course and written exam to demonstrate the inspector’s understanding and
competency. Certification is contingent on the inspector being certified as an ACI Field Testing Technician – Grade
1. The PCI Level II certification lasts five years, after which individuals seeking recertification are required to write
and pass a recertification examination.

4.4.3 Concrete Testing Technicians

All concrete testing technicians must have ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade 1 certification.
Concrete testing during fabrication is performed by the fabricator’s quality control personnel, except for 28-day
strength testing that is performed by an independent CSA testing laboratory that is certified to CSA A283.

Page 4-9


The quality management process (QC and QA), risk management, and payment schedule of the contract are critically
dependent on having a reviewed and accepted ITP in place prior to the commencement of fabrication. Development
of the supply and fabrication ITP must be given careful consideration by the fabricator and comprehensively
reviewed by the Consultant to ensure all applicable QC and QA requirements are included.
The fabricator must prepare and submit a supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP) in accordance with
Subsection 7.2 of the SSBC. The ITP outlines quality requirements and responsibilities of the contract requirements
and also considers the fabrication sequence and scheduling. The ITP also identifies all the stages of fabrication where
document submission and QC and QA inspection and testing is required so that the required reviews and inspections
can be completed with minimal disruption to the work flow.
The ITP must clearly identify the party and person/position responsible (Contractor/fabricator or Consultant) for
providing written acceptance of witness points, hold points, inspection requirements, testing requirements, and
reporting. At a minimum, for each task in the fabrication process, the fabricator must identify:
 The QC inspection and testing to be carried out;
 The QA inspection and testing to be carried out;
 The reference specification/standard for inspection and testing required; and
 Identification of the responsible party and the role of the fabricator and all the inspectors involved. Their roles
can vary from observer, to reviewer, to person responsible to release the task, indicating that all required
inspections for the task have been completed and the task has been reviewed and accepted by way of written
The elements of the ITP that must be verified by the Consultant are:
 ITP reference number;
 Prefabrication document submissions (hold points);
 Reference specification/standards for qualifications, inspection and testing;
 Element/girder segment being fabricated;
 Identification of each task to be conducted during fabrication that require either QA or QC inspection and
testing; and
 All inspection and testing witness and hold points identified in Subsection of the SSBC have been

Prior to the commencement of fabrication and scheduling of the prefabrication meeting, the Consultant must review
the prefabrication submissions outlined in Subsection 7.2.2 of the SSBC. Prefabrication submissions that must be
reviewed and accepted by the Consultant prior to the commencement of fabrication include:
 Fabricator’s inspection and test plan (ITP);
 Fabricator’s quality control plan;
 Fabricator and sub-contractor qualifications;
o Certification(s); and
o Certification of the fabricator’s QC inspector(s) and concrete testers.
 Fabrication sequence and equipment, including handling procedures at different fabrication stages;
 Mill test reports (MTRs) for all reinforcing steel, structural steels, fasteners and welding consumables;
 Product data sheets;
 Shop drawings;
 Design and independent check notes, if the fabricator modifies the design drawings;

Page 4-10

 Prestressing strand load/elongation curves;

 Prestressing equipment calibration certificates;
 Prestressing calculations and procedures;
 Concrete mix design and trial batch results;
 Welders’ certifications, welding procedure specifications and welding procedure data sheets as applicable;
 Repair procedures (the fabricator has the option of submitting these before the prefabrication meeting for
expediency of schedule); and
 Fabrication schedule.
The prefabrication submissions are a critical phase of the fabrication process and demonstrate that the fabricator
and sub-contractors are prepared to start fabrication. The quality of prefabrication submissions reduces the risk of
costly fabrication errors and increases the effectiveness of quality control and quality assurance. Each prefabrication
submission is discussed in detail in the following subsections.

4.6.1 Prefabrication Submissions Quality Control Plan
A Quality Control Plan is a document that outlines the fabrication shop practices to ensure that the fabricated
product will meet all the contract requirements for the fabrication of the precast concrete units. Since the Quality
Control Plan is part of the documentation required for CPCQA certification, the main role of the Consultant is to
verify that the plan has been submitted for the Department’s records. Qualifications
The fabricator must be certified by the Canadian Precast Concrete Quality Assurance (CPCQA) certification program
in the applicable Product Group classification as described in Subsection 4.4.1 of this Manual. It is important to note
that certification applies to a specific fabrication plant only and is not transferable to other plants operated by the
same company or to sub-contractors that may be under the employ of the fabricator.
As part of the quality assurance process, when reviewing the CPCQA Certificate, the Consultant must verify:
 The name of the company on the certificate;
 The shop address to ensure the certificate is for the shop that will carry out the fabrication when the fabricator
conducts fabrication in multiple shops;
 The date of expiry of the certificate; and
 That the certification applies to the relevant Product Group classification.
The fabricator must employ a minimum of one person who is regularly present in the plant and certified to PCI Level
II. All personnel regularly engaged in the measuring, testing or evaluation of precast products or materials must be
certified to PCI Level I.
Certifications must be submitted for the Consultant’s review prior to the prefabrication meeting. The expiration
dates of the certifications must be noted and compared against the fabrication schedule. As applicable, new
certificates must be requested during the project to verify that certifications have been maintained throughout the
entire duration of fabrication. Fabrication Sequence and Equipment
The Consultant must review the fabrication sequence submitted by the Contractor that outlines the proposed
fabrication sequence that is to be repeated for each concrete unit and the equipment that the fabricator proposes
to use.

Page 4-11

The fabrication sequence must include the order of fabrication with associated timelines and the identification of
hold points for the fabricator’s quality program. It must account for all major activities such as form setup;
installation of reinforcing steel, prestressing strand, and hardware; stressing; concrete placement and any surface
finishing requirements; form stripping; detensioning; and concrete curing. The fabrication sequence also helps the
Consultant to coordinate QA inspections. The fabrication sequence will be discussed and documented as part of the
prefabrication meeting but the Consultant’s review in advance of this meeting is recommended to identify any
omissions, oversights or unacceptable processes.
The proposed product handling and concrete placing equipment must be reviewed for its suitability to adequately
support and move the precast concrete units and place the concrete at an adequate rate and to the required quality.
These aspects of the fabrication process require specialized knowledge and verification by the Consultant will likely
be required during prefabrication meeting discussions. Mill Test Reports and Product Data Sheets
Mill test reports for all reinforcing steel, prestressing strands and other metal components must be submitted to the
Consultant for review and acceptance prior to the commencement of fabrication in accordance with Subsection
7.2.2 of the SSBC. Product data sheets must be submitted for metal and non-metal components. The Consultant
must review all material submissions prior to the prefabrication meeting for conformance with the contract.
There are a number of general review requirements in addition to the key review aspects for each type of material
that are presented in the subsections below. The Consultant must check that all mill test reports for steel that is
melted outside Canada or the United States of America has undergone verification testing in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC. A verification letter must be provided by the testing laboratory that includes
accreditation documentation, applicable mill test reports, testing standards, date of verification testing, and
declaration of material compliance with Contract requirements. The verification letter must be signed by an
authorized officer of the testing laboratory. Verification testing must be carried out before the commencement of
fabrication. It is important to note that not all steel rolling mills manufacture their own melts of steel. In some
cases, rolling mills purchase steel melts from a third party and that melt is used by the rolling mill to manufacture a
final product. In some cases, the third party steel melt supplier is not Canadian or American, and this is why it is
important to determine the source of the steel melt.
It is important that the Consultant verifies that the submitted mill test reports and product data sheets cover the full
scope of materials that will be used in fabrication, including all embedded materials and ancillary materials such as
girder bracing and MSE wall reinforcing straps. Contract requirements are detailed in several different sections of
the SSBC.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify the following when reviewing mill test reports
for reinforcing steel, prestressing strand and other metal components:
 Heat number;
 Date and location of production;
 Compliance with production standards;
 Verification testing by a certified testing laboratory in Canada for steel melts originating outside Canada or the
United States of America as applicable;
 Chemical analysis;
 Mechanical properties; and
 Authentication by the Manufacturer.
Additional information related to the review of mill test reports for steel plates and steel sections can be found in
Section 2 of this Manual.

Page 4-12

Reinforcing steel must conform to Section 5 of the SSBC. Refer to Appendix C of this Manual for a sample reinforcing
steel mill test report that has been annotated to describe the key aspect that require review. The Consultant must
also verify that the boron content for any reinforcing that will be welded does not exceed 0.0008%. In some cases,
Canadian and America mills will not report boron content on the MTR even though they possess this information. In
this case, and if the billet was melted in Canada or the United States, a certified letter from the Canadian or American
mill stating the measured boron content for the corresponding heat will be considered an acceptable representation
of the boron content of that heat of steel. The letter must be signed by the mill’s metallurgist.
In accordance with the requirements of the SSBC Section 5, the Contractor must maintain a tracking system that
tracks all of the reinforcing steel that is installed into the precast units. Prestressing Strand
Prestressing strand must be uncoated Grade 1860, low relaxation 7-wire strand conforming to the requirements of
ASTM A416. The shop drawings and stressing calculations will be reviewed to make sure that they clearly show the
type of strand to be used. ASTM A416 establishes the size, breaking strength, nominal cross-section area, nominal
weight, and elongation requirements for the strands.
Mill test reports providing the actual cross-sectional area and Young’s Modulus must be provided for all strand packs.
Both of these properties are used in the prestressing calculations. Low-relaxation strands have a greater minimum
yield strength than stress-relieved strands, so the material must be identified as low relaxation on the mill test
report. Mill test reports must also indicate that the prestressing strands meet the minimum specified acceptance
criteria for strand bond strength when tested in accordance with ASTM A1081. Refer to Appendix C of this Manual
for a sample prestressing strand mill test report that has been annotated to describe the key review components.
Boron content reporting is not required for any prestressing strand that is not welded. Prestressing strand relaxation
properties must be included on the mill test report. Verification of relaxation properties from prestressing strand
manufactured outside Canada or the United States of America is not required as the testing takes over 1000 hours
to complete and cannot completed within typical project schedules.
In accordance with SSBC, the Contractor must maintain a tracking system that records all prestressing strand that is
installed into precast concrete units. For prestressing strands in particular the Consultant must review the
consistency of the tracking system, mill test reports, load/elongation curves, stressing calculations and shop
drawings to verify that the strands have been incorporated into the fabricated elements with due consideration of
their specific properties. Handling and Lifting Devices
Handling and lifting devices can take the form of prestressing strands, cables, coil threaded inserts or proprietary
devices that are partially embedded into the concrete. Reinforcing steel is not used as a lifting device as it is not
suitable for concentrated lifting forces or dynamic loading. The design and detailing of these handing and lifting
devices is often left to the fabricator although the designer may place restrictions on their locations, material
specifications and treatment after the concrete unit is in its final position. For example, lifting hooks for girders may
be required to be cut down and the concrete void patched after erection.
Prestressing strands are widely used for fabricating lifting hooks and these strands must conform to the
requirements of ASTM A416, and fabricated in a manner that distributes the load evenly to all strands within the
lifting hook. The number of strand loops required is determined by considering the total expected load from the
product weight and impact forces due to stripping and handling. When more than one loop per lift point is used, all
strands must be similarly bent and positioned to ensure that an even distribution of the load occurs between the
loops. Loops incorporating two or more strands must be encased in a conduit before bending to ensure alignment
as strands undergo physical changes when bent into loops. The shop drawings must clearly define the loop
dimensions for fabrication and placement or refer to a standard detail developed by the fabricator’s engineer.

Page 4-13

Specialized prefabricated inserts or lifting devices for use in the precast concrete industry are available from
numerous sources. Device manufacturers should provide test data and ultimate or safe-working load ratings to
guide designers in the selection of appropriate inserts. This must be reviewed by the Consultant. Anchor Rods for Bridgerail
Anchor rods must conform to the standard noted on the contract drawings. The fabricator must provide mill test
reports verifying the physical properties of the material. Anchor rods for bridgerail anchor assemblies must be hot
dip galvanized after fabrication. Special pickling and embrittlement test procedures are required for high strength
anchor rods utilized in bridgerail anchorage assemblies. Galvanization and embrittlement testing of high strength
anchor rods must be performed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. All nuts and washers must be
shop assembled on the anchor rods and tapped to remove excess galvanizing. The Consultant must review the QC
testing reports for conformance with the contract requirements. Voids, Ducts, and Conduits
The Consultant must verify that all void, duct and conduit material meets the project material specifications and
placement requirements. It is important to check that the proposed materials are being referenced on the shop
drawings and that there is sufficient information provided so that they can be positioned accurately and securely
during fabrication. The accuracy of placing the post-tensioning ducts can greatly affect the girder properties in terms
of the distribution of the transferred concrete stresses within the girder and the post-tensioning stress losses. Void,
duct and conduit materials must be sufficiency rigid to avoid deformations due to plastic concrete loads during
placement and prior to concrete strength gain. Large buoyancy forces can also develop before the concrete has
gained strength and void, duct and conduit materials must be adequately secured to avoid displacement during
concrete placement as this can affect the concrete element’s structural integrity and durability by reducing concrete
cover to reinforcing steel or prestressing strand. Hardware and Miscellaneous Materials
Various products are required for hardware and miscellaneous materials such as bracing, inserts, strand hold-down
devices, buffer angles, MSE wall fascia panel alignment pins and reinforcing strap connection inserts. Product data
sheets and mill test reports, as applicable, must be submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance. All
exposed metallic surfaces or embedded components subject to corrosive conditions while in service must be
protected or made with non-corrosive materials. Corrosion damage can cause concrete to spall and can significantly
reduce the strength of the member. Steel fabrication that has welded connections also requires the submission of
welder certifications and weld procedures as described in Section 2 of this Manual. The Consultant must verify that
the boron content for steel fabrication with welded connections does not exceed 0.0008%.
As per the AT NU Girder Bridge Design and Detailing Manual, miscellaneous steel that is attached to or embedded
into NU girders and that has exposed faces must be Grade 300W or Grade 350W steel and must be hot dip
galvanized. All steel diaphragms, including all associated plates, washers, nuts, and bolts, must also be hot dip
galvanized. Shop Drawings
The fabricator must prepare and submit shop drawings for review and acceptance in accordance with Subsections, 25.2.9 and of the SSBC for precast concrete units, MSE wall fascia panels and precast concrete box
culverts respectively. Guidance in the development of shop drawings is provided in the PCI Drafting Handbook –
Precast and Prestressed Concrete MNL-119. Shop drawings are not required for RCP products fabricated in
accordance with ASTM C76M or CSA A257.
Shop drawings are important as they show how the fabricator has interpreted the design requirements. They are a
translation of the contract drawings and specifications into a useable format for the purposes of accurately and
efficiently fabricating the precast products. Any shop drawings that show design modifications to the contract
requirements must be signed and sealed by the design engineer of record and by an independent checker.
Authenticated design and independent check notes must be submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance.

Page 4-14

The shop drawing review must include a review with respect to how the fabricator intends to handle and store
precast elements in the fabrication plant. The positions of lifting inserts and dunnage must be compared against the
design requirements and constraints as well as against the handling requirements that are detailed in the
Contractor’s erection procedure if this is available at the time of the shop drawing review. The removal of lifting
devices or their incorporation into the final erected product must also be reviewed.
For the review of shop drawings that include steel fabrications, refer to Section 2 of this Manual.
Shop drawings must include the Department’s shop drawing identification block, details of which are provided in
the AT Engineering Drafting Guidelines for Highway and Bridge Projects manual.
Shop drawings for fabricator designed units or components will be considered Professional Work Products and must
be authenticated by Professional Engineers licensed to practice in the Province of Alberta and validated by a
Responsible Member, in accordance with APEGA requirements.
Except for MSE Wall shop drawings, the following information must be included on shop drawing submissions as
applicable and reviewed and accepted by the Consultant for conformance with the contract documents:
 Properties of all materials used;
 Reference to mill test report heat number and product data sheet for each component;
 Dimensional information of all precast concrete units;
 Reinforcing steel;
 Prestressing strands;
 Steel diaphragms;
 Miscellaneous steel;
 Blockouts and voids;
 Stressing system;
 Anchorage and hold-down devices;
 Void support system;
 Screed rail details;
 Lifting hooks;
 Insert types and locations; and
 Identification marks.
MSE Wall shop drawings must include the following information and must be reviewed and accepted by the
Consultant for conformance with the contract documents:
 Wall layout plan and elevation complete with dimensions and elevations, and typical wall cross-sections;
 Precast concrete fascia panel reinforcing, connection, and hardware detailing;
 Cross references to relevant bridge design drawings;
 Design criteria and list of material properties;
 Reference to mill test report heat number and product data sheet for each component
 Backfill properties;
 All component and connection details;
 MSE wall drainage details; and
 Construction procedures and construction sequencing.
MSE Wall shop drawings will be considered Professional Work Products and must be authenticated by Professional
Engineers licensed to practice in the Province of Alberta and validated by a Responsible Member, in accordance with
APEGA requirements. This is because these shop drawings show the Contractor’s design for internal and external
stability of the wall, as well as for providing the required tensile resistance, pullout resistance and other design
elements for a complete MSE wall that are not the responsibility of the Consultant. Review of the MSE Wall shop
drawings must be undertaken in conjunction with the Contractor’s design and independent check notes to verify
that the Contractor’s design requirements are incorporated into the wall details.

Page 4-15

Each shop drawing will be stamped by the Consultant to indicate acceptance once the Consultant’s review has been
completed. The stamp indicates that while the Consultant is satisfied that the shop drawing is in general compliance
with the contract documents, the fabricator and Contractor remain responsible for satisfying all contract
requirements. The Consultant must send a copy of the stamped drawings to the Department for comment. The
Department will provide comments at its discretion and send any comments back to the Consultant. The Consultant
must then return the shop drawings to the Contractor. The fabricator must review all comments and will issue a
final set of drawings if changes are required. The final set must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant before
the shop drawings can be used for fabrication.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must review the shop drawings to verify that:
 The Department’s shop drawing identification block is shown on all drawings;
 Details conform with all of the geometric and material requirements of the contract;
 The requirements of the SSBC are met;
 Handling and storage considerations are shown and are consistent with the design requirements as applicable;
 The details and treatment of all temporary devices are shown and are consistent with the design requirements
as applicable;
 All MSE wall shop drawings and other shop drawings showing details that are designed or modified by the
fabricator, are signed and sealed by the design engineer of record and by an independent checker;
 Details are consistent with design notes and independent check notes as applicable – see Subsection;
 The Department has been provided the opportunity to review and comment on the shop drawings; and
 Comments by the Consultant and the Department on previous revisions of the shop drawings have been
adequately addressed. Design Notes and Independent Check Notes
Any design modifications to the contract requirements that are proposed by the Contractor require supporting
design notes and independent check notes. Design notes and independent check notes must also be submitted for
components that are specified to be designed by the Contractor and/or fabricator.
Design notes and independent check notes must be submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance prior to
the prefabrication meeting in accordance with Subsection 7.2.2 of the SSBC. Design notes and independent check
notes will be considered Professional Work Products and must be authenticated by a Professional Engineer licensed
to practice in the Province of Alberta and validated by a Responsible Member, in accordance with APEGA
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must review the design notes and independent check notes
to verify that:
 The design and check are independent of each other;
 The design engineer of record and the independent checker are Professional Engineers registered in the
Province of Alberta and the notes are properly authenticated in accordance with APEGA requirements;
 The content and format of the design notes and independent check notes meet the requirements of the SSBC
and address the items described in this section of the Manual; and
 Based on a technical review of the design concepts and assumptions, the design conforms to applicable
standards and codes, as well as site specific information shown on the contract drawings and in the

Page 4-16

For prestressed concrete girders, as well as other precast concrete units that incorporate prestressing using
pretensioning, it is important that the amount of pretensioning at the end of fabrication matches the design
requirements as closely as possible and within the specified tolerances. The fabricator must submit stressing
calculations that show target prestressing strand elongations and forces and how these account for chuck seating,
bed shortening, abutment rotation, thermal effects, gauge correction based on calibration data, friction and any
other compensations required for the setup. Important considerations when reviewing stressing calculations are
described in Subsection of this Manual. Additional considerations for deviated strands, including the capacity
of hold-downs, are described in Subsection of the Manual. The Contractor must submit design notes and
independent check notes for any Contractor/fabricator designed elements such as hold-downs for deviated strands. MSE walls
In accordance with Subsection 25.2 of the SSBC, the Contractor’s design notes and independent check notes must
cover MSE wall internal and external stability (sliding and overturning), reinforcing tensile resistance, reinforcing
pullout resistance and any other design elements required for a complete MSE wall system. For each of these design
considerations, the design notes and independent check notes must identity which of the following standards
governs the design and must clearly state that these standards have been met:
 Alberta Transportation Bridge Structures Design Criteria;
 CSA S6 – Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC);
 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications; and
 Alberta Transportation Roadside Design Guide.
The Contractor’s design must be compatible with the layout, geometry, global stability requirements and bearing
capacity requirements specified in the contract documents. The design must also be compatible with the additional
requirements of Subsection 25.2 of the SSBC related to drainage, geometry, vertical slip joints, obstructions, precast
concrete fascia panels, wall copings and inspection components. There may also be other elements that require the
Contractor’s design submission as outlined in the contract. Prestressing Strand Load/Elongation Curves
A copy of the load/elongation curve for each heat of prestressing strand must be submitted to the Consultant for
review and acceptance prior to fabrication in accordance with Subsection 7.2.2 of the SSBC. The Consultant must
verify that the load/elongation curve conforms to the mechanical property requirements of ASTM A416.
The fabricator will not typically know which specific prestressing strands will be used for each precast concrete unit
in advance of fabrication and therefore the reviewed stressing calculations are usually based on an assumed Young’s
Modulus and nominal strand area. It is therefore important for the Consultant to verify that the stressing
calculations are updated for the actual Young’s Modulus (stress-strain relationship) and, in cases where multiple
strand heats are being used in a component that the variability in the Young’s Moduli is within the limits allowed by
MNL-116 and CSA A23.4. The stressing calculations must also be updated based on the actual areas of the strands
that are being used in fabrication once this has been established. The strand area is typically provided on the mill
test report. If the fabricator is proposing to use an average Young’s Modulus and area for all of the heats being used
in their stressing calculation, it is important to check that this does not result in force and elongation tolerance limits
being exceeded. Prestressing Equipment Calibration Certificates
Stressing jack calibrations must be completed no more than 6 months prior to stressing and must be provided to the
Consultant for review and acceptance in conjunction with the stressing calculation design notes and independent
check notes in accordance with Subsection 7.2.2 of the SSBC.
For quality assurance, the Consultant must verify that the following information is shown on the jack calibration

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 Date of calibration;
 Agency, laboratory or registered engineer supervising the calibration. Calibrations must be completed by a
certified independent agency;
 Method of calibration (proving ring, load cell, testing machine etc.) and its calibration reference; and
 The full range of stressing jack calibration with gauge readings indicated against actual pressure or force
indicated by the calibration instrument.
When reviewing calibration certificates, it is important to verify that the calibration covers the range of force that
will be applied during stressing of the strands, whether that be initial or final stressing. Gauge/transducer readings
must not be made below 10% or above 90% of the full-scale capacity, unless the gauge/transducer is calibrated in
that range with a verified 2% accuracy. If dial gauges are being used, it is expected that separate gauges will be
required for initial and final stressing. This will require the calibration of two separate stressing systems. Prestressing Calculations and Procedures
The purpose of this section of the Manual is to provide enough background information to the Consultant to
adequately review the stressing calculation submission. It also covers typical correction factors that must be
considered in the calculations. Refer to Appendix G of this Manual for a stressing calculation example that has been
annotated to describe the key review components as described in this section. The Consultant must review the
prestressing calculations and procedures prior to the prefabrication meeting.
Prestressing is an effective method of taking advantage of concrete’s compressive strength by compressing the
concrete in specific locations to counteract the tension produced by applied loads. For girders, prestressing by
pretensioning is achieved by placing strands near the bottom of the girder and stressing them prior to casting the
concrete. Transferring this strand force into the concrete by detensioning after the concrete has gained sufficient
strength creates compression in the bottom and tension in the top of the girder causing it to camber. Applied loading
due to girder self-weight, superimposed dead load and in-service live loading creates tension in the bottom and
compression in the top of the girder. The resultant stresses are lower than those in a conventionally reinforced
girder. The final deflection is also reduced due to the camber. The magnitude of the girder stresses due to self-
weight and the applied loading reduce towards the ends of the girder and therefore it is often necessary to reduce
the countering effects of pretensioning. This can be achieved by debonding the end portions of some of the bottom
flange strands to reduce the level of pretensioning at the girder ends and/or using deviated strands to reduce the
eccentricity of the pretensioning force at the girder ends. For NU girders, a minimum of four bonded pretensioning
strands are incorporated into the top flange to help control stresses at transfer and during transportation and
The application of pretensioning is very important to the structural integrity of a concrete member. Variations in
tensioning either above or below allowable tolerances can cause undesirable camber, lateral bowing, excessive
stresses and/or cracking of the member. This may result in rejection of the concrete member. Attention to detail
for this process is critical because the amount of pretensioning in bonded strands cannot be measured or altered
once the member is cast.
The purpose of the stressing calculation review is to verify that the fabricator is targeting the correct amount of
pretensioning, with due consideration of the various losses in the prestressing force that are expected to occur
throughout fabrication. The stressing procedure outlines the steps taken by the fabricator to control, monitor and
measure the pretensioning force and is therefore an important part of the Consultant’s review.
It is worth highlighting that the CHBDC specifies a jacking limit of 0.78f pu for low-relaxation strands during
pretensioning where fpu is the specified tensile strength of the prestressing strands. It is important that the design
engineer is aware of this limit when specifying the required prestressing value at transfer and is also aware of the
magnitude of the prestressing losses that can be expected. This will help to avoid a situation where the fabricator
needs to stress beyond the allowable limit in order to achieve the design prestressing value at the time of transfer.
Failure to adhere to the jacking limit of 0.78f pu creates a safety issue due to the increased potential for strand

Page 4-18

As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must review the prestressing calculations and procedures
to verify that:
 Target prestressing strand elongation and forces are shown that are consistent with the design requirements;
 Calculations are based on the correct layout of the straight and deviated prestressing strands;
 Calculations are based on the strand lengths that are being stressed which is different to the length of the
precast concrete units;
 Calculations clearly show how all elongation and force corrections have been accounted for. Enough detail and
steps should be provided in order for the Consultant to calculate and derive all of the values provided;
 Calculations correctly take into account the properties of the prestressing strands being used and the jack
calibration data for the stressing equipment being used;
 If the average Young’s Modulus and area for all of the strand heats is being proposed, it does not result in force
and elongation tolerance limits being exceeded;
 Calculations are consistent with the Contractor’s stressing design notes and independent check notes;
 Stressing procedures show a stressing sequence that is logical and meets the specified design requirements as
 Stressing procedures show the steps that will be taken by the fabricator to control, monitor and measure the
prestressing force and elongation;
 Stressing procedures show how compliance with elongation and force tolerances will be determined; and
 Stressing procedures include a detensioning sequence and adequately address the detensioning considerations
as described in Subsection of this Manual. Prestressing Process
It is important to have a good understanding of the pretensioning process in order to be able to review the stressing
calculations and procedures. The basic process is as follows:
 Initial tensioning of the strands is carried out to eliminate slack in the strands and seat the strands in the dead
end chucks. For this step, a predetermined load is applied to the strands and a reference mark is added to the
strands to allow the amount of subsequent elongation during final stressing to be measured;
 The additional force that is required to be applied to the strand after initial tensioning in order to achieve the
required final prestress force at transfer is calculated. The corresponding elongation is also calculated;
 Elongation and force corrections are accounted for due to chuck seating, friction in the jacking system, form
shortening, abutment rotation and movement, thermal effects and gauge calibration corrections as well as for
corrections for deviated strands;
 Final tensioning of the strands is carried out by monitoring either the applied force or the elongation and
independently checking the other. The final elongation and force are required to be within 5% of the theoretical
values, as well as within 5% of each other. This requirement is illustrated in Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7 below with
the tolerances denoted on a number line; and
 Strands are de-tensioned once the concrete has been cast and reached the specified transfer strength.
Each of these basic steps are described in the following sections.

Page 4-19

Figure 4.6
Acceptable Tensioning Tolerance

Figure 4.7
Unacceptable Tensioning Tolerance Initial Tensioning

The purpose of initial tensioning is to establish a consistent and reliable starting point for measuring strand
elongation. The strands are tensioned to between 5% and 25% of the final tensioning force to remove slack and to
ensure that the majority of strand seating into the dead end chucks has taken place. The amount of tension is
specified by the fabricator based on their casting bed setup and preferences and must be provided in the stressing
calculations and procedure. Initial tensioning in the range of 5% to 10% of the final tensioning force is typical when
the final tensioning force is close to the maximum permissible force.
It is impractical to determine initial tension in terms of elongation and therefore force measurements are based on
gauge readings. At the end of initial tensioning, reference marks are established on the strands to be able to
accurately measure subsequent strand elongation. The stressing procedure must describe the way in which the
reference marks are established which will depend on whether the fabricator is performing single strand tensioning
or using a multiple strand setup with a tensioning header. The stressing procedure must also describe the strand
tensioning sequence which is usually performed symmetrically to minimize eccentric loading about the vertical

Page 4-20

The basic elongation is the theoretical increase in strand length from chuck to chuck required to increase the strand
tension from the initial tension to the final tension at transfer. This distance is calculated based on a linear stress-
strain relationship and on either, the actual area and Young’s Modulus of the strand being tensioned, or the average
of these values for all of the strands being used in the concrete element when strands from multiple heats are
employed. As previously mentioned, if the fabricator is proposing to use an average modulus and area in the
stressing calculation, it is important to check that this does not result in force and elongation tolerance limits of
individual strands being exceeded. This check is consistent with the requirements of Subsection 5.3.11 of MNL-116
and Subsection of CSA A23.4. Elongation and Force Corrections
The fabricator must make adjustments to the tension measured by the gauge and the corresponding elongation to
account for operational losses and compensations that occur during final tensioning, including during the transfer
of the jacking force into the live end chuck and detensioning.
An experienced fabricator will understand the importance of making the appropriate adjustments, the magnitudes
of these adjustments and the level of accuracy required in order to meet the tolerances required. The Consultant’s
stressing calculation review needs to consider whether all of the factors requiring force and elongation adjustments
have been taken into account and whether these adjustments have been calculated correctly. It is also important
to review the magnitudes of the adjustments based on the fabricator’s operations and setup rather than on formulas
and whether these adjustments are reasonable based on industry experience.
Typical adjustments that are made to the force and/or elongation to account for chuck seating, friction in the jacking
system, form shortening, strand relaxation, abutment rotation and movement, thermal effects and gauge calibration
corrections are described briefly below with a more detailed commentary provided in MNL-116. Special
considerations that may be applicable for deviated strands are also provided.
Chuck Seating
A stressing setup will have a dead end and a live end chuck and potentially splice chucks, although these must be
located outside the bulkheads as the SSBC does not allow strand splices to be incorporated into concrete members.
During initial tensioning, the majority of the seating into the dead end and splice chucks will occur but it is important
to take into account the remaining seating that will occur during final tensioning. This must be accounted for in
terms of an increase in the measured elongation but does not require any force adjustments.
How the strands seat into the live end chucks depends on the method of tensioning. For multi-strand tensioning,
the majority of seating into the live end chucks occurs during initial tensioning. However, it is important to take into
account the remaining seating that will occur during final tensioning. In the same manner as for dead end seating,
this must be accounted for in terms of an increase in the measured elongation but does not require any force
adjustments. For single-strand tensioning, all of the live end seating occurs as the strand force is transferred from
the jack to the live end chuck. This is accounted for in terms of an increase in the measured elongation which is
relatively large compared to multi-strand tensioning. An increase in the force applied is also required to compensate
for the loss in strand force when the live end seating occurs.
Friction in the Jacking System
Friction does not influence the required strand elongation, but does must be considered in terms of the additional
force that must be applied and measured by the gauge to overcome the following sources of friction:
 Large jacking ram and moving anchorages associated with multi-strand tensioning methods. Multi-strand
tensioning requires the use of a large jacking ram to move the heavy sliding or rolling anchorages to which
multiple strands are attached. Therefore, the magnitude of the friction can be substantial and can vary
considerably depending on the condition of the equipment and the strand arrangement. The friction must be
compensated for by the fabricator and may require the use of load cells to verify the tensioning force.

Page 4-21

 Strands passing through bulkheads and deviated strands passing through hold-down devices. Increasing the
strand force to overcome this friction should only be made if the friction is proven not to dissipate prior to
detensioning. Strand liftoff at the dead end chuck to check gauge pressure can be used to confirm if the friction
has dissipated in lieu of using a load cell.
If the gauge and elongation methods of force measurement do not agree within the allowable variation, load cells
must be used to verify the strand force and adjustments made to the strand force accordingly. Friction within the
gauges, jacks, pumps, hoses and connections is accounted for in the stressing equipment calibration.
Form Shortening
Adjustments are required for self-stressing beds as these do not have a fixed abutment at each end and the forms
will shorten under applied loading during the tensioning operation. If strand elongation is measured with reference
to the end of the form, form shortening must be accounted for in terms of an increase in the measured elongation.
When single-strand tensioning is used, an increase in the force applied will be required to compensate for the loss
in strand force as subsequent strands are tensioned. When multi-strand tensioning is used, it can be assumed that
all of the shortening occurs during jacking and therefore shortening must be accounted for in terms of an increase
in the measured elongation only.
When single-strand tensioning is used, form shortening does not occur linearly with the increase in applied force
during the stressing of subsequent strands. This is due to friction between the stressing bed and the subsurface.
Therefore, it is standard practice for force and elongation adjustments to be based on half of the total force losses
and stressing bed length changes expected during the entire stressing process.
The magnitude of the calculated adjustments might be small in relation to the allowable tolerances that must be
achieved and the fabricator may propose to ignore the effects of form shortening on the prestressing force. This
must be reviewed by the Consultant.
Strand Relaxation
Prestressing strand relaxation is a time-dependent loss of stress in strands that are held under a constant strain. The
portion of the strand relaxation that occurs prior to detensioning, referred to as Initial Relaxation (REL 1), must be
accounted for by the fabricator by making the appropriate force and corresponding elongation adjustments. This is
consistent with the fabricator’s responsibility to account for all prestress losses that occur immediately prior to
transfer. Historically, Consultants have included Initial Relaxation losses in their prestressing loss calculations so
particular attention must be taken to make sure that the fabricator has made an appropriate allowance for this. It
is also important for the Consultant to make sure that the designer has not added Initial Relaxation to their calculated
losses that occur after detensioning, simply because they have assumed that the fabricator will not account for this
in their prestress loss calculations prior to transfer.
Based on CSA S6, the loss of prestress due to Initial Relaxation, REL 1 (MPa) is calculated as follows:
REL1 = log (24t)/45 x [fsj/fpy – 0.55]fsj
t = time elapsed since jacking (days);
fsj = jacking stress in prestressing strands (MPa);
fpy = yield strength of prestressing strands (MPa) (taken as 0.90fpu for low-relaxation strands where; and
fpu is the specified tensile strength of the prestressing strands).

Page 4-22

The time elapsed since jacking is typically taken as 0.75 days for girders fabricated on a 24-hour cycle. The time
elapsed for all precast components must be limited by the requirement that strands must not be stressed more than
36 hours prior to being encased in concrete. The time selected for loss calculations and adjustments must be
reviewed based on the fabricator’s proposed schedule and adjustments might be required during fabrication based
on the actual schedule.
Abutment Rotation or Movement of Anchorages
Abutment rotation or movement of anchorages occurs during the tensioning of fixed abutment beds. Fixed
abutments will rotate slightly from plumb when loaded and the entire foundation may also move.
The approach to compensating for abutment rotations or movements of anchorages is the same as for bed
shortening. If strand elongation is measured with reference to the anchorages, abutment rotations and movements
of anchorages must be accounted for in terms of an increase in the measured elongation. When single-strand
tensioning is used, an increase in the force applied is also required to compensate for the loss in strand force when
subsequent strands are tensioned. When multi-strand tensioning is used, it can be assumed that all of the rotations
and movements occur during jacking and that there does not must be an increase in the required final tensioning
It is standard practice for the force and elongation adjustments to be based on half of the total force losses and
abutment rotations and foundation movement expected during stressing. Also, care must be taken when assessing
the effects of abutment rotations on strands that have a large vertical separation, such as top and bottom flange
strands, as the top strands might require larger adjustments.
The magnitude of the calculated adjustments might be small in relation to the allowable tolerances and the
fabricator may propose to ignore these effects. This must be reviewed by the Consultant.
Thermal Effects
Adjustments to both the measured force and strand elongation may be warranted for strands that are anchored
between fixed abutments. This is to account for differences between the strand temperature at the time of stressing
and the concrete temperature at the time of concrete placement. For example, strands tensioned on a cold morning
will expand and lose force when the placement of warmer concrete around them raises their temperature. As the
abutments are not affected by the concrete temperature the strands will lose force as they expand. The opposite
effect will occur for strands tensioned on a hot afternoon.
In accordance with the guidance in PCI Quality Control Manual MNL-116, the usual practice is to adjust the tensioning
force and elongation by 1% for each 5°C of temperature variation. The fabricator may assess that the thermal effects
are not significant enough to include in the stressing calculations because the differences between the theoretical
and actual forces and elongations will be within allowable tolerances. As per PCI Quality Control Manual MNL-116,
thermal adjustments must be made if the temperature of the steel at the time of tensioning differs by more than
15oC from the temperature at the time the concrete begins to set and if the net force differential is greater than
2.5%. The Consultant must review whether or not these criteria are likely to be exceeded based on the fabricator’s
facility, the daily timing of fabrication steps and the time of the year that the concrete units are being fabricated.
Strands that are anchored using self-stressing beds are not affected by temperature changes because the strands
and bed theoretically undergo the same length change due to temperature which results in no change to the strand
Gauge Calibration Corrections
The measured force on the gauge, whether it be a pressure gauge reading or a digital readout, must be adjusted to
account for the calibration of the tensioning systems. It is important to verify that the selected pressure/force
reading corresponds to the desired strand force. The gauge correction must be shown on the stressing calculations
as these are the forms that will be used by the fabrication personnel when stressing.

Page 4-23

Other Corrections
Another force and elongation correction is required for deviated strands that are tensioned in a straight or partially
deviated position and then subsequently strained by raising or lowering the strands at the deflection points. This
method of tensioning deviated strands helps to reduce the loss of strand force along the length of the strand by
distributing the friction at the lifting and hold-down devices symmetrically along the length of the strand.
Other force corrections include compensation for certain methods of tensioning deviated strands that are tensioned
in the deviated position. This may be appropriate where friction at the points of deflection results in the calculated
strand elongation not being achieved at the corresponding calculated jacking force. In some cases, the friction may
be excessive, such that the required tolerance between elongation and gauge pressure cannot be met. Additionally,
it may not be possible to achieve the required elongation without exceeding the stress limit of 0.78f pu. In both cases,
the friction points must be removed from the setup. Detensioning
A procedure and sequence for detensioning the prestressing strands must be included in the design notes and
independent check notes that are prepared and submitted by the fabricator to the Consultant for review and
acceptance. The majority of concrete units have a vertical axis of symmetry and the sequence used for detensioning
the strands must keep the applied concrete stresses as symmetric as possible about the vertical axis.
The detensioning procedure must describe the approach that the fabricator is taking to minimize sudden shocks or
loading into the concrete unit. For single-strand detensioning, the sudden transfer of load into the concrete due to
the cutting of the strands can cause cracking and it is advisable to instead heat the strands until the metal gradually
loses its strength. The detensioning procedure must describe the steps that will be taken to adequately reduce any
restraints to movement of the concrete unit that can occur during detensioning. The restraint is typically caused by
the forms so it may be necessary to remove or partially remove the forms prior to detensioning.
For girders with deviated strands, it is particularly important to release the hold-down devices prior to detensioning
the strands which will cause longitudinal movement of the girder. The timing of the release of the hold-down devices
must be documented in the detensioning procedure. Releasing the hold-downs prior to detensioning the deviated
strands will result in concentrated vertical loads at the hold-down points that must be resisted by the self-weight of
the girder or by applying temporary counteracting downward loads. The Consultant must carefully review the
magnitude of the vertical loads in terms of girder detailing and detensioning requirements.
The detensioning procedure must also address the timing of the detensioning in relation to the curing operation. If
concrete is allowed to cool excessively before detensioning, cracking may occur. Concrete Mix Design and Trial Batch Requirements
The Department’s requirements for the concrete mix design and trial batch are described in Sections 4 and 7 of the
SSBC, with project specific requirements provided on the contract drawings and in the specifications. It is important
that the concrete mix design and properties of the constituent materials meet these requirements so that the
intended durability and strength of the concrete will be met and that the concrete will be workable during
As part of the quality assurance process, when reviewing the concrete mix design and trial batch results, the
Consultant must verify the following:
 The concrete mix design is accompanied by a concrete mix design review letter that confirms compliance with
the contract requirements;
 The concrete mix proportions are compliant with the SSBC;
 The trial batch requirements have been met and the results are compliant with the SSBC;
 The aggregate testing requirements have been met and the results are compliant with the SSBC.

Page 4-24

The Consultant must verify that the concrete mix design review letter includes an evaluation and summary of the
mix constituents and their proportions within the mix, the material test reports and data sheets showing compliance
with the applicable standards, and the trial batch test results. This review letter must be properly authenticated in
accordance with Subsection 4.4.3 of the SSBC. In this regard, the Consultant is providing a Quality Assurance role in
verifying that the supporting documentation is submitted in conjunction with the review letter as described below.
The Consultant must review the concrete mix design and trial batch results prior to the prefabrication meeting. Note
that any changes to the accepted mix design will require a new concrete mix design review letter. The concrete
requirements described below generally apply to girders and deck panels. There are additional requirements that
apply to MSE wall fascia panels, as they are required to meet the requirements for Class HPC concrete, and for RCP
and PBC structures. Mix Proportioning Quantities
The Consultant’s review must include a check that the admixtures, quantity of silica fume and air content are
compliant with the contract. The Consultant must also verify that an upper slump limit is specified for which the mix
is stable without any segregation. There is the potential that the concrete supplier may withhold concrete mix
proportion quantities for commercial reasons. However, the mix design reviewing Professional Engineer must be
granted full disclosure in order to make their evaluation and the Consultant must verify that there is sufficient
discussion of mix proportioning in the mix design review letter. Trial Batch
Trial batches are required bi-annually for each concrete mix that is used for precast concrete. The Consultant must
verify whether the Contractor’s quality representative was in attendance and whether the mix design reviewing
engineer has reviewed and commented on the results of the trial batch. The Consultant must also verify that the
hardened concrete test results meet the contract requirements, including compressive strength and microscopic air-
void spacing. Air content and air void spacing greatly influences the resistance of concrete to freeze-thaw damage
and scaling. The Consultant must also review concrete compressive strength test results and verify them with the
specified design and fabrication compressive strengths at different times including, release, stripping, shipping and
at 28-days. Aggregates
The Consultant must verify that the various testing requirements are in accordance with the applicable standard and
were performed within the required timeframes.
 Gradation – The Consultant must verify that the gradation requirements for the fine and coarse aggregates are
met, taking into account the blending of aggregates if applicable. This is important because the gradation greatly
influences the void volume within the aggregate to be filled by water, cement and other constituents, which in
turn impacts the concrete properties. Limitations on the amount of material finer than 80 µm and the maximum
aggregate size also must be verified.
 Physical Properties, Organic Impurities and Deleterious Substances – The Consultant must verify inclusion of
certified test results that show compliance with the contract drawings and Specifications for organic impurities
in sands, clay lumps, low density granular material, flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregate, degradation
by abrasion and resistance to freezing and thawing. Acceptable results are important to the workability,
durability and strength of the concrete.
 Alkali-Reactivity – The Consultant must verify that an assessment of the potential for deleterious alkali-
aggregate reactivity has be carried out in accordance with CSA A23.2-27A, and that the results of applicable
testing have been used for the assessment. This assessment typically forms part of the concrete mix design
review letter and is required to avoid the long-term effects of volumetric expansion of aggregates and resultant
concrete cracking.
 Petrographic Analysis – This is performed to evaluate the quality and suitability of the aggregates by identifying
deleterious substances, harmful characteristics and undesirable components. A standardized measure of coarse
aggregate quality is represented by the weighted petrographic number which must not exceed 130. There are

Page 4-25

also limitations on the ironstone content of the aggregates because this can cause concrete staining.
Undertaking a petrographic analysis and interpreting the results requires experience and specialist knowledge
and the Consultant must verify that the petrographic analysis report has been signed and sealed by a
Professional Engineer, Professional Geologist or Geological Engineer who is registered in the Province of Alberta. Other Concrete Materials
The Consultant must verify that the hydraulic cement, water, silica fume, air entrainment agent, and admixtures
conform to the requirements of the SSBC and referenced material standards. Compliance with these standards
helps to achieve concrete with predictable and acceptable properties. Fabrication Schedule
The fabricator must submit a detailed fabrication schedule outlining the various phases of the fabrication process
and associated timelines. The fabrication schedule must incorporate the time periods required for review of
prefabrication submissions, inspection and testing notifications, inspection and testing activities, review and
acceptance of the witness points and hold points listed in Subsections 7.2, 7.2.2 and of the SSBC. In addition,
the Consultant must verify that the schedule takes into account the various time constraints related to fabrication.
For example, the prestressed units must not be stressed more than 36 hours prior to the strands being encased in
concrete. In addition, minimum curing times and minimum concrete strength requirements before releasing
stressed strands must be met. Also, sufficient time must be allotted after the precast concrete unit is removed from
the form to address any defects prior to the curing phase and there are curing time requirements after removal from
the forms.
Submission of this schedule is required prior to the prefabrication meeting in order to provide sufficient time to the
Consultant to mobilize and coordinate specialty sub-consultants required to fulfill the role of the Consultant’s QA
Inspector and to facilitate inspection coordination discussions during the prefabrication meeting.
The Consultant must verify that the submitted fabrication schedule addresses the following:
 The start of fabrication is identified so QA inspection can be coordinated;
 The end of fabrication is identified and the timeline for fabrication is reasonable and fits within the Contractor’s
schedule for precast concrete unit erection;
 All the major phases of the fabrication process are included;
 A separate schedule is provided for each girder segment and all other components of the bridge such as bracing
 Involvement of the sub-contractors involved in the fabrication is clearly identified, along with their schedules.
This information is required to coordinate QA inspections; and
 All witness and hold points are identified at the appropriate location in the schedule.

4.6.2 Prefabrication Meeting

A prefabrication meeting must be held to discuss contract requirements and establish lines of communication
between the Contractor, fabricator and the Consultant’s QA Inspector(s) in accordance with Subsection 7.2.3 of the
The prefabrication meeting is not to occur until the prefabrication submission hold points have been completed,
reviewed and written acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant. The meeting is to be held at
the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant.
A minimum of 2 weeks notice must be given to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and
The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must attend the prefabrication meeting including project
manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s), independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved
in supervision of the Work.

Page 4-26

The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2
representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the prefabrication meeting(s) for precast concrete
units being fabricated outside the Province of Alberta.
The Consultant must prepare the prefabrication meeting agenda (a sample draft agenda is included in Appendix I of
this Manual), chair the meeting and take and distribute the minutes of the meeting to all attendees.
When a fabricator is responsible for the fabrication of multiple bridges, the prefabrication meeting can be combined
as long as all the prefabrication submissions have been submitted, reviewed and accepted by the Consultant for all
the components to be covered during the meeting.


This section of the Manual reviews the various stages of the fabrication process, from material procurement to
shipping, and provides information on the critical aspects of QC and QA as general background to the Consultant
involved with the fabrication process and conducting shop visits. The required inspection activities are also outlined
for each stage of the fabrication. The steps of the fabrication process are as follows:
 Procurement of fabrication materials, verification testing, if applicable and the review of prefabrication
submissions (hold point);
 Form detailing and preparation (witness point);
 Handling, storage and installation of reinforcing steel and prestressing strands (hold point);
 Installation of hardware, camber hubs and identification molds (witness point);
 Stressing (hold point);
 Concrete batching and placing (witness point);
 Repair of concrete defects (witness point);
 Release of prestressing strands (witness point);
 Concrete curing (witness point);
 Concrete surface roughening and application of concrete surface finishes and concrete sealer (witness point);
 Handling and storage (witness point); and
 Final Inspection (hold point) and shipping.

4.7.1 Procurement of Materials

The procurement of all fabrication materials is the responsibility of the fabricator and/or Contractor and only the
materials that have been accepted for use may be used.
When materials originate from outside Canada or the United States of America, the fabricator must have the mill
test reports verified in Canada in accordance with Subsection of this Manual.

4.7.2 Form Detailing and Preparation

Steel forms must be used for the fabrication of all precast concrete units and the forms must be designed, sized,
fabricated, prepared and maintained in such a manner that they produce concrete units that are acceptable to the
Consultant. An example of an NU girder steel form is shown in Figure 4.8. Dimensional tolerances must not exceed
the requirements outlined in the special provisions of the contract, drawings, or the SSBC. In some cases wood
inserts are placed into the steel form to blockout the portion of the NU girder top flange that extends beyond the
width of the girder end thickening or set above the main steel form to facilitate the subsequent casting of barrier
curbs on SLW/SLC girders. The length, camber and sweep of prestressed concrete units is affected by detensioning
operations and are time-dependent. Typically a much stricter limit on form dimensional tolerances is targeted by
fabricators so the maximum dimensional deviation of precast concrete units does not exceed the contract specified

Page 4-27

Form dimensions, planar tolerances of form surfaces, form rigidity, and the fixity and alignment of form sections at
seam locations are important aspects that must be considered in order to achieve the required tolerances. For
concrete units that are pretensioned, the forms must not unduly restrain the concrete from shrinkage and other
dimensional changes. In addition, form removal must not result in damage to the concrete. These considerations
are particularly importance for slender elements such as girder flanges or the acute ends of skewed girders where
relatively small loads from form restraint and form removal operations can cause concrete cracking and spalling.
The incorporation of a chamfer at the acute corners of skewed precast concrete units must be in accordance with
standard drawings or reviewed and accepted by the Consultant. Incorporation of chamfers at acute corners of
skewed precast concrete units can help to prevent concrete spalling or damage of the acute corners. If chamfers
are used, they must be shown on the shop drawings to ensure they are compatible with the surrounding hardware,
reinforcing steel and prestressing strands and that minimum concrete clear cover is maintained. Form setup and
the details and use of equipment to remove the forms must be suitable to perform this task in a controlled and
accurate manner and must be consistent with the reviewed and accepted prefabrication submission outlining the
fabrication sequence and equipment.
The rigidity and stability of the forms must take into account handling operations and concrete pressures, including
loads on the forms due to concrete consolidation. For self-stressing beds, where the prestressing force prior to
transfer may be carried by portions of the form, the form must have sufficient strength to prevent buckling and
deformations of the steel form that could exceed allowable tolerances. Any other loads, including deviated strand
hold-downs, must also be considered in the design, detailing and preparation of forms.

Figure 4.8
Steel Bulkhead and Formwork for NU Girder Fabrication

Release agents are applied to the form surfaces to reduce the bond between the concrete and forms to help prevent
concrete damage during form stripping. Release agents must be applied to clean surfaces only and must be applied
in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements stated on the product data sheet. Release agents must
be carefully applied to avoid contamination of the prestressing strands, reinforcement, or other embedded items as
this could result in insufficient bond between the concrete and these components.

Page 4-28

Surface set retarding agents may also be applied to form surfaces in select locations to produce the specified
roughened concrete surface profile by final pressure washing of the area in lieu of creating this finish by abrasive
blasting. The red area shown in Figure 4.8 indicates the location where set retarding agents are to be applied.
Review of form setup and dimensions is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance from both fabricator’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector is required in
the supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP).
4.7.3 Reinforcing Steel Fabrication, Handling and Storage
The fabricator is responsible for reviewing the general condition of the reinforcing steel bars upon receipt and
ensuring that adequate measures are taken to protect the reinforcing steel bars from deterioration or contamination
during storage and damage during handling. The fabricator must ensure that the mill test reports are reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant and that individual bundles are identified and tracked based on their heat number when
incorporated into the concrete units.
Reinforcing bars with tight mill scale and/or minor surface rust are generally acceptable. Reinforcing bars that are
found to have pitting, loss of section due to rusting or damage or are bent at un-prescribed locations are not
acceptable and must be rejected. Further information and guidance on the condition and acceptability of reinforcing
steel is provided in Section 5 of the Alberta Transportation’s Bridge Construction Inspection Manual.
The handling and storage of specific types of reinforcing steel must meet the requirements of Section 5 of the SSBC.
Reinforcing steel of differing material types must be stored separately. All reinforcing steel must be stored on
platforms, skids, or other suitable means of support that keeps the material off the ground surface (Figure 4.9) and
protected from mechanical damage or deterioration.
The fabricator must exercise care during the handling and storage of epoxy coated reinforcing steel for use in MSE
wall fascia panels to prevent damage to the epoxy coating. The epoxy coating is relatively soft and susceptible to
damage and exposure of the metal beneath the epoxy coating at discrete locations leads to accelerated corrosion.
The surface of the epoxy coating when exposed to ultra-violet light for long periods of time will degrade which affects
its bond strength with concrete. The daylight exposure time for epoxy coated reinforcing steel must not exceed 30
days. This time limit applies to epoxy-coated bars in storage and the exposure of projecting reinforcement in stored
MSE wall fascia panels may require that the rebar be covered with opaque polythene sheeting.

Page 4-29

Figure 4.9
Storage of Reinforcing Steel off the Ground

Care must be taken to avoid contamination of the surface of stainless steel reinforcing steel with deposits of iron or
other non-stainless steels. Stainless steel reinforcing must only be handled with tools and equipment that are
dedicated solely to stainless steel bars and accepted for use.
Welded-wire reinforcement is designated by the spacing and size of the wires (Figure 4.10). The wires are welded
together at all intersections and the spacing of individual wires in the reinforcement may not vary by more than 6
mm from the specified requirements. Broken welds must not exceed 1% of the total number of joints in a sheet or
1% of the total number of joints in 14 m2 of rolled material. In addition, not more than half of the permissible
maximum number of broken welds in a sheet or roll may be located in any one wire.
Welded-wire reinforcement can be smooth or deformed and may be epoxy-coated or galvanized. The requirements
for the handling, evaluating, and repairing of the coatings are similar to those described for reinforcing steel.
All reinforcing bars requiring bends must be cold bent at the fabrication facility. The heating of bars to facilitate
bending will not be permitted. Bars with kinks or improper bends must not be used as this can lead to premature
cracking of the concrete and possible spalling of the precast concrete unit. Reinforcing steel must be fabricated
without laminations or burrs.

Page 4-30

Figure 4.10
Welded-Wire Reinforcement for an NU Girder Web

Bars must be cut by shearing or with fluid cooled saws. Torch cutting is not permitted. Bars showing evidence of
torch cutting will be rejected.
Unless otherwise specified, all hooks and bends must be fabricated using the pin diameters and dimensions
recommended in the Reinforcing Steel Institute of Canada (RSIC) Manual of Standard Practice. The bars must
conform accurately to the dimensions shown on the drawings and be within the fabrication tolerances detailed in
the RSIC Manual of Standard Practice.

4.7.4 Prestressing Strand Fabrication, Handling and Storage

The fabricator must exercise care in handling and storing the prestressing steel and ensure that individual coils
(Figure 4.11) are clearly identified by their heat number so that they can tracked for incorporation into the concrete
units. The fabricator must also make sure that the mill test reports and load/elongation curves associated with each
heat have been reviewed and accepted by the Consultant.
Careful handling of the prestressing steel is required to avoid damaging the strands in any way. Kinks, abrasion or
nicks in the prestressing strands provide an area where stress concentrations can occur, and the material can break.
The prestressing strands must be visually inspected during all stages of fabrication including storage, installation and
after tensioning.

Page 4-31

Figure 4.11
Stressing Strand Coil Packs

The fabricator must store and protect the prestressing steel in a way that prevents corrosion. Outside exposure to
the weather or storage in excessively humid conditions can lead to unacceptable corrosion damage within just a few
weeks as shown in Figure 4.12. A light coating of tight surface rusting on the prestressing strand is not detrimental
but any pitted or deeply etched strand surfaces are not acceptable. Guidance on the condition of prestressing steel
in terms of its acceptability is provided in the PCI Journal publication titled ‘Evaluation of Degree of Rusting on
Prestressed Concrete Strand’.

Figure 4.12
Defective Stressing Strand Coil with Pitting Corrosion

Page 4-32

Strand properties can be altered by concentrated heat or arcing electrical current. These alterations can result in a
lowered ultimate strength and strand failure when the strand is placed under load. Therefore, it is important that
the packaging straps on strand packs are not cut by a torch but rather cut carefully using metal shears. Welding in
the proximity of strands either during storage or in the forms prior to casting must not be permitted.

4.7.5 Installation of Reinforcing Steel and Prestressing Strand

Reinforcing steel and prestressing strands must be of the type, shape and size specified on the reviewed and
accepted shop drawings and must be secured in the correct positions taking into account the specified spacing, lap,
and concrete cover. Reinforcing steel, prestressing strands and post-tensioned ducts must be placed so as to meet
the placing tolerances of Subsection of the SSBC.
The accurate positioning of the prestressing strands is of particular importance to the performance of precast
concrete units. Strand positions must be checked at each end of the stressing bed, as well as along the length of the
stressing bed. Strand tension due to prestressing is often relied upon for strand positioning along the length of a
member but strands may still must be chaired to overcome sag for long products and at intermediate bulkheads of
long-line products.
All reinforcing steel and prestressing strands must be inspected for damage and contaminants, for example grease,
form release agent, dirt, rust, mill scale and concrete paste, prior to being placed in the forms. Contaminates can
significantly decrease the bond of the concrete to the steel and reduce the strength and durability of the member.
Contaminants may also become loose or mix with the concrete during concrete placement leading to concrete
deficiencies including at the surface of the concrete element. A possible source of release agent contamination on
prestressing strands is due to strands being pulled along form surfaces with excess or pooled form release agent
during the stringing process. Care must be taken in applying release agent and installing the prestressing strands in
a manner that does not contaminate the strands.
The sequence of placing the reinforcing steel and prestressing strands in conjunction with the addition of inserts,
block-outs, lifting hooks, hold-downs, shoe plates and other embedded items must be carefully planned to avoid
interference, congestion, difficulties in achieving concrete cover, tying, splicing, inspection and other requirements.
Tie-wire material must generally be of the same material as the reinforcing steel as dissimilar metals in contact have
a greater risk of galvanic corrosion due to the electrical potential difference between the metals. Exceptions are
that plastic coated tie wire may be used where low carbon/chromium reinforcing steel is being placed and epoxy-
coated reinforcement may be tied with either plastic or epoxy coated tie wire.
Reinforcing bars must be tied at all intersections except that alternate intersections may be tied when the bar
spacing is less than 250 mm in each direction. The welding of reinforcing steel is not permitted. Welds, including
welded wire reinforcing welds, to any web shear reinforcing steel is not permitted.
The splicing of reinforcing bars, where permitted, must be staggered unless otherwise shown on the shop drawings.
For lapped splices, the bars must be placed in contact and tied together while maintaining the minimum required
clear distance to adjacent bars and the required minimum distance to the surface of the concrete.
Supports used to maintain the specified reinforcing steel concrete cover or separation between layers of bars must
be of adequate strength, shape, and dimension and accepted for use by the Consultant. Supports must be either
plastic, precast concrete or fabricated from alternate material and reviewed and accepted by the Consultant. Any
reinforcing steel support bars that are proposed by the fabricator must be of the same material and grade as the
bars that are being supported and cover requirements must also apply to the support bars.
Reinforcing steel must be securely positioned and secured in place such that all placing requirements and tolerances
are maintained while the concrete is placed and consolidated.

Page 4-33

Figure 4.13
Pre-tied Box Girder Reinforcing Cage Being Lifted into Formwork

The prestressing strands must be unraveled from strand packs, coils or reels in accordance with the manufacturer’s
requirements to avoid entanglement of the strands. Provisions must be made to eliminate twisting of the strands
as they are pulled out. All strand locations that have been previously gripped with strand chucks or in any other way
damaged must not be incorporated into lengths of strand to be tensioned.
If strands from multiple packs are used in the same precast concrete unit, the strands must be marked and
identifiable as to which strand pack they are from. Fabricators typically use coloured marks at the end of each strand
to help identify the associated strand pack.
Strand chucks generally consist of barrel and grooved wedges that are properly aligned and held together with an
O-ring and spring-equipped cap. Strand chuck components must be compatible with each other and with the size
of strand being used. They must be capable of securely anchoring the maximum tensioning forces and must be in
good condition and cleaned and lubricated prior to use. Strand chucks must be handled by trained personnel to
avoid strand stress-risers due to uneven wedge seating.
Strand splices must not be placed within a precast concrete unit. Where strands are spliced outside of bulkheads,
the strands either side of the splice must have the same lay (twist) of wire to avoid unraveling during tensioning.
Placement of reinforcing steel and prestressing strand is an inspection and testing hold point in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance from both fabricator’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector is
required in the inspection and test plan (ITP) prior to advancing to the next stage of fabrication.
4.7.6 Hardware Installation
Precast concrete units can include a number of embedded hardware components such as voids, ducts, conduits,
camber hubs, lifting hooks, bearing shoe plates, anchorage inserts, anchor rods and strand restraining devices. These
components must be accepted for use based on the Consultant’s review and acceptance of applicable mill test
reports and product data sheets. These components must be installed in accordance with the contract and at the
locations shown on the accepted shop drawings.

Page 4-34

The fabricator must inspect all hardware for damage and contaminants. Hardware must be accurately positioned
within the specified tolerances. In particular the positioning of components such as inserts for girder bracing and
anchor rods for bridgerail must be diligently and accurately completed to prevent fitment errors and field installation

Figure 4.14
NU Girder End Block with Post Tensioning Ducts and End Anchorages being Placed Inside the Form

Galvanized hardware must be electrically isolated from reinforcing steel to reduce the potential of galvanic corrosion
(Figure 4.15). In some cases, a minimum clear spacing between reinforcing steel and embedded hardware is
specified on the contract drawings.

Page 4-35

Figure 4.15
Galvanized MSE Panel Reinforcing Strap Hardware Must be Isolated from
Corrosion Resistant (CR) Reinforcing Steel

Figure 4.16
Steel Diaphragm Bolt Inserts Positioned Within a NU Girder Form

Page 4-36

Concrete cover requirements must be met for all hardware and the placement of the hardware must be coordinated
with placement of the reinforcing steel and prestressing strands such that the concrete cover is not compromised.
Any adjustments proposed to the locations of the hardware, reinforcing steel or prestressing strands must be
reviewed and accepted by the Consultant. The hardware must be securely supported/anchored to maintain its
position while the concrete is placed and consolidated.
All voids, ducts, and conduits must remain dimensionally stable during casting and curing of the precast concrete

Figure 4.17
Styrofoam Void Being Installed Inside a Box Girder

It is very important that a sufficient number of hold-downs for voids are provided inside girders (Figure 4.18). During
concrete placement, the voids can be easily vibrated out of position and float up compromising concrete cover and
changing the member’s section properties by altering the center of mass. Voids, ducts and conduits are often added
to the forms after the reinforcing steel, prestressing strands and other items have been placed.
The fabricator must make sure that all dimensional requirements, including concrete cover requirements and the
positions of all hardware, are met after all of the work has been completed. Concrete cover checks must apply to
the faces of voids, ducts and conduits as applicable.
Placement of voids, post tensioning ducts, anchorage devices and other hardware is an inspection and testing
witness point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance from both fabricator’s QC and
the Consultant’s QA Inspector is required in the supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP).

Page 4-37

Figure 4.18
Void Hold-downs in a Box Girder Camber Hubs

Three camber hubs are required per girder and are located along the centerline of the girder at midspan and 150
mm from each end. The camber hubs consist of a 10 mm galvanized threaded rod or bolts projected 10 mm above
the girder top surface (Figure 4.19). The camber hubs are established points to use for future surveys of the girder
camber. The camber hubs must be set below the finished surface of the precast unit in accordance with the SSBC.

Figure 4.19
Galvanized Bolt Camber Hub at Girder End.

Page 4-38

Precast concrete units must be clearly marked with a unique identification. The identification allows the concrete
unit to be traced to its quality control records. The identification markings are is cast into the precast unit using a
mold secured to the formwork.
The identification for girders must conform to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. The identification
for girders must be clear of the bearing area and remain visible beyond any field cast concrete diaphragms.
The identification for RCP and PCB units must include the information specified in Subsection of the SSBC.
The identification for deck panels for use on AT’s low volume standard bridges must include the fabricator’s name,
year of fabrication and serial number in 50 mm letters approximately 2.0 m from the deck panel edge on the
underside surface. The identification for deck panels must be clear of the girders.

4.7.7 Stressing
Prestressing by pretensioning involves tensioning prestressing strands between anchors before the concrete is
placed. Prestressing by post-tensioning, which involves tensioning of strands inside embedded ducts after the
concrete has been placed and has achieved adequate strength. Post-tensioning is performed on site and is not
covered in this Manual. Further information and guidance on the condition and acceptability of reinforcing steel is
provided in Section 7 of the Alberta Transportation’s Bridge Construction Inspection Manual.
A summary of the process of prestressing by pretensioning is provided in Subsection of this Manual.
Stressing of prestressing strands is an inspection and testing hold point in accordance with Subsection of the
SSBC. Written acceptance from both fabricator’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector is required in the inspection
and test plan (ITP) prior to advancing to the next stage of fabrication. Tensioning Procedure
Fabrication plants that are certified by PCI under the CPCQA certification program in one of the Group B2, B3 or B4
categories have established and approved stressing procedures that provide detailed instructions for performing
stressing operations. Certification is also contingent on the personnel working with the prestressing systems being
certified to perform and record the tensioning process.
The fabricator’s standard stressing procedures must be tailored to a specific project’s requirements based on the
contract drawings and specifications. The stressing procedures must be accepted by the Consultant prior to
fabrication as outlined in Subsection of this Manual and must include detailed instructions for the following:
 Setup, operation and control of the jacking equipment and force gauges that are calibrated and accepted for
 Traceability of strand, including when fabrication of a component includes prestressing strand from multiple
strand packs;
 Stressing sequence;
 Initial tensioning and marking the strands so that subsequent strand elongations can be measured to the
required accuracy;
 Final tensioning by monitoring either the applied force or the elongation and independently checking the other,
including measures to prevent excessive stressing from a design and safety perspective;
 Verifying that strand forces and elongation are within allowable tolerances and procedures to follow in case of
out-of-tolerance results;
 Removing and replacing prestressing strands with broken or damaged wires;
 Detensioning and form stripping; and
 Completion of stressing data sheets.

Page 4-39

Tensioning operations may only commence after the stressing calculation sheets have been reviewed and accepted
by the Consultant and must be strictly followed by stressing personnel. If the fabricator proposes to use the actual
Young’s Modulus and area of the strands being stressed rather than average values, the stressing calculations must
be checked by the Consultant’s QA Inspector to make sure that they have been updated with the actual strand
Initial tensioning to the force shown on the stressing calculation sheets must be performed in accordance with the
reviewed and accepted stressing procedures and sequence. The strands must be checked for any conflicts or
snagging points with materials within the forms as they are being tensioned and corrective action taken as required.
The jack alignment must be checked to verify that the strand is being pulled in a straight alignment and does not
introduce any friction that has not been accounted for in the stressing loss calculations. The strand chucks must be
inspected prior to tensioning and even seating of the chuck wedges verified as the strands are tensioned.
Initial tensioning establishes a reference point for the further application of load (final tensioning force) and the
associated elongation measurements. The minimum recommended initial force is 5% of the final tensioning force.
This minimum is based on achieving the majority of the seating of the dead-end chucks and the removal of excess
slack from the strands. The maximum recommended initial force is 25% of the final force and is based on ensuring
that the remaining elongation is large enough to be accurately measured.
After initial tensioning is complete, the amount of chuck seating must be reviewed and compared with the amount
assumed in the stressing calculations. Typically, the majority of the dead-end chuck seating will have occurred for
single-strand tensioning and the majority of both the dead-end and live-end chuck seating will have occurred for
multi-strand tensioning. It is good practice to verify that the assumed amount of chuck seating between initial and
final tensioning will take place as this effects stressing calculations and tolerances.
After initial tensioning, a reference mark is placed on each prestressing strand. The mark is applied in accordance
with the stressing procedures, typically at the front of the stressing jack, and in such a manner that allows the
elongation to be accurately measured. The required accuracy of the measurement is discussed in Subsection
C5.3.10, Measurement of Elongation, of PCI Quality Control Manual MNL-116 and is 6 mm. Final Tensioning
Final tensioning to either the force or elongation shown on the stressing calculation sheets must be performed in
accordance with the reviewed and accepted stressing procedures and sequence. As per the initial tensioning
procedure, the strands must be checked for any conflicts and snagging during final tensioning. The jack alignment
and even seating of the chuck wedges must also be checked.

Page 4-40

Figure 4.20
Single Strand Tensioning

In accordance with the requirements of the SSBC and MNL-116, two options are available to the fabricator for final
 Option 1: Each prestressing strand is stressed to a calculated elongation, and a gauge pressure reading taken to
verify the calculated force. After final tensioning, a second mark is placed on the prestressing strand away from
the first mark that was applied at the end of initial tensioning. The distance between the marks (Figure 4.21)
must correspond to the calculated elongation on the stressing sheet. The calculated elongation must take into
consideration the elongation corrections described in Subsection of this Manual. Each prestressing
strand is pulled to the second reference mark and the gauge pressure reading taken for comparison to the value
on the stressing sheet. For this option, it is important to monitor the gauge pressure during tensioning to make
sure that the strand force limits are not exceeded.
 Option 2: Each prestressing strand is stressed to a calculated gauge pressure (the gauge pressure corresponds
to a strand force based on the reviewed and accepted jack calibration chart) and the elongation measured to
verify the calculated force. Many fabricators pull to a set gauge pressures using a hydraulic pressure cut off
system and then measure the elongation of the strand.

Page 4-41

Figure 4.21
Stressing Strands with Elongation Markings Applied After Tensioning

Accurate record keeping of the tensioning process must occur such that the stressing calculations are appropriate
and further adjustments are not required. A record of the temperature at the time of stressing is required to verify
the assumed magnitude of thermal adjustments. The time of stressing can also be compared to the time of
detensioning to verify initial relaxation losses. Measurements of the amount of chuck seating, abutment rotation
and movement of the anchorages for fixed abutments and the amount of bed shortening for self-stressing beds are
useful comparisons against assumed values and help to identify possible sources of out-of-tolerance readings if they
occur. Special Considerations for Deviated Strands
Hold-down devices for deviated strands must be sufficiently rigid and have adequate support so that the positions
of the strands are acceptable maintained under tensioning. The use of pin and roller assemblies (Figure 4.22) to
deflect prestressing strand results in the least amount of friction that must be accounted in the stressing calculations.
The final tensioning force in deviated strands must be measured on at least two deviated strands at the dead end
when jacking is performed from one end of the bed only. Load cells can be placed at the dead end (Figure 4.23), or
a stressing jack can be used at the dead end to pull the two strands in a controlled manner such that the strand ‘lift
off’ is limited to a maximum of 2 mm. This will allow a force reading to be taken and compared with the force at the
live end to determine the amount of friction and change in force along the length of the deviated strands. In lieu of
these methods, elongation measurements can be taken towards the dead end to determine the strand force. The
elongation is measured by placing two marks on the deviated strand towards the dead end that are at least 8 m
apart. The distance between the marks is measured at the end of initial tensioning and at final tensioning, and the
resultant elongation compared against the calculated elongation value.

Page 4-42

Figure 4.22
Hold-Down Restraints with Rollers for Deviated Strands Within an NU Girder

Figure 4.23
Load Cell at Dead End of Two Deviated Strands to Verify Strand Force

Page 4-43

At the completion of tensioning, the two control measurements, force and elongation, must meet the verification
requirements of Subsection 5.2.2 of the PCI Quality Control Manual MNL-116 as described below.
At the completion of final tensioning, both the force and elongation measurements need to agree within 5% of the
theoretical values specified on the reviewed and accepted stressing calculations. If the discrepancies are in excess
of 5%, the tensioning operation must be suspended and the stressing data, jack calibration charts, strand
load/elongation curves and other sources of information evaluated by the fabricator to determine the source of the
error. Keeping accurate fabrication records is important to allow any discrepancies to be thoroughly investigated.
The sum of the percentage values of agreement with the theoretical values for elongation and force also need to
algebraically sum to within 5%. See Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7 of this Manual for examples of this algebraic summation
If the measurements are not within 5%, the fabricator must evaluate and resolve the causes of error or use a load
cell at the dead end and compare the dead end force with the force at the live end. If these force measurements
agree within 5%, as described in Subsection of this Manual, the elongation agreement may be waived.
Meeting the above noted verification requirements is very important to achieve the structural requirements of the
prestressed concrete units. The fabricator therefore must pay special attention to this critical aspect of the work in
conjunction with the use of acceptable quality control procedures. Wire Failure
Prestressing strands with broken or damaged wires must be removed and replaced. All prestressing strand must be
checked for wire breaks and damage before the placement of concrete. Prestressing strand damage includes nicks,
gouges and indentations.
The identification and replacement of damaged prestressing strands is much easier prior to tensioning. However,
damage can occur during stressing operations and therefore the inspections must be repeated at the end of
tensioning, regardless of how thorough the inspections for damage were prior to stressing. Wires can fail due to the
non-uniform seating of the jaws within the chuck. This can be caused by mixing jaws from different manufacturers
within a chuck, using worn O-rings or tensioning without a spring cap on the chuck. Wire failures can also be caused
by misalignment of the prestressing jack during tensioning.
Strand properties can be altered by concentrated heat or arcing electrical current. This alteration can result in
lowered strand strength and strand failure and therefore welding must not be performed near prestressing strands. Strand Debonding
Precast, prestressed concrete members can require a large number of strands near the center of the span to counter
dead load effects, but the stresses induced by these strands near the ends of the member where there are no
significant countering dead loads may be too high.
The debonding of strands is typical in NU girder and box girder fabrication to control the stresses within a girder.
Debonded strands may be used in conjunction with deviated strands with the aim of improving the stress distribution
at the girder ends. This helps to reduce cracking and to manage the tensile and compressive stresses at the top and
bottom of the concrete units respectively. The methods used to debond the strands need to eliminate the bond
over the entire specified length of debonding. Substances that permanently alter the physical and/or chemical
properties of the surrounding concrete beyond the debonding interface must not be used.
The Consultant must verify that the number, location, layout and length of the debonded strands are in accordance
with the contract drawings and shop drawings.
The use of split plastic sheathing is the most common method used for debonding strand (Figure 4.24). The split
sheathing is wrapped around the strand after it is stressed. It is often necessary to seal the ends of the sheathing
from the ingress of concrete paste to ensure the specified length of debonding is achieved.

Page 4-44

Figure 4.24
Plastic Sheathing used for Debonding Prestressing Strands at NU Girder End Strand Recesses

Special attention must be given to concrete finishing at the ends of concrete units at the prestressing strand
locations. The strand ends must be protected against moisture penetration by forming 15 mm deep strand
termination recesses around the ends of the strands (Figure 4.25). The strands must be cut flush with the bottoms
of the recesses after detensioning and not as part of the procedure to detension the strands. The recesses must
then be filled flush with the ends of the concrete unit using a moisture insensitive epoxy paste adhesive meeting the
requirements of ASTM C881, Type IV, Grade 3, Class B or C. The paste must be grey in colour. For concrete unit
ends that will not be encased in field cast concrete, an approved Type 1c sealer must be applied over the patched
recessed areas. Sealer must not be applied to the patched recessed areas when precast concrete unit ends are
designed to be encased in field cast concrete as this would reduce the bond between concrete surfaces.

Page 4-45

Figure 4.25
Typical Styrofoam Donuts Used to Provide Recess at Ends of Prestressing Strands

Figure 4.26
SL Girder Ends with Strand Recesses after Strands are Cut

The ends of prestressing strands must be acceptably protected to prevent access of moisture that could initiate
corrosion of prestressing strand. This is of particular concern in environments where girder ends may be exposed
to chlorides.

Page 4-46

Figure 4.27
Patching of Girder End Strand Recesses

4.7.8 Concrete Batching

Proper batching and mixing procedures result in concrete that contains all of the constituent components in the
required proportions throughout the entire batch of concrete. This results in concrete with a uniform appearance
and texture and helps to achieve consistent strength, workability and durability throughout. The sequence of
charging the components into the mixer must be repeatable with precision and is an important aspect of the
batching process to ensure appropriate mixing, replication of the trial batch results, and maintaining consistency
between different batches.
The fabricator must be familiar with their equipment and have established and detailed procedures for mixing that
are tailored to the specific concrete mix design that is being used. This will help to avoid issues associated with
overmixing or under mixing. Under mixing can result in concrete of variable consistency and low strength.
Overmixing can result in a reduction of air in air-entrained mixtures, the grinding of aggregates, and loss of
Sampling and testing of the batched concrete is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance from both fabricator’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector is
required in the supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP).
4.7.9 Concrete Placing
The procedures outlined in either CSA A23.4 or ACI 304 for measuring, mixing, transporting and placing concrete
must be followed. The time from initial mixing of the concrete until placing the concrete in the forms must not
exceed one hour and the rate of concrete placement must be such that cold joints do not occur.

Page 4-47

Figure 4.28
Concrete Batched in Plants is Transferred into an Overhead Bucket that is Lifted and
Moved Around for Placing Concrete Placement Practices

The concrete temperature must be between 10°C and 30°C at the time of placement into the forms.
The concrete must be handled, placed and consolidated by methods that will result in a uniform and homogeneous
concrete that is free of voids and rock pockets and will not cause segregation of the mix. The methods used must
not cause displacement of the reinforcing steel, prestressing steel or any other components that are embedded in
the concrete.
As the concrete is placed in layers to produce a monolithic and visually acceptable finished product, it is important
that each layer of concrete be shallow enough so that it may be placed while the previous layer is still plastic. This
allows for consolidation between layers. The delivery rate, placing sequence, and methods must be such that plastic
concrete is always placed and consolidated against previously placed concrete before any set or unacceptable loss
of workability has occurred within the previously placed concrete.
Re-tempering concrete by adding water or remixing concrete that has started to stiffen is not permitted. Consolidation Practices
Concrete must be consolidated by mechanical vibration after placement. Vibration of the concrete must be
completed such that the concrete is thoroughly consolidated and produces a dense, uniform mass with a surface
having minimal bug holes, imperfections or blemishes. The optimum time of vibration depends on the method of
vibration, concrete characteristics and configuration of the forms and reinforcement.

Page 4-48

Internal vibrators must be allowed to penetrate into the concrete under their own weight and then slowly be
withdrawn. The distance between vibrator insertions should generally be about one to one-and-a-half times the
radius of the action, so that the areas visibly affected by the vibrator overlap by a few inches. Internal vibrators used
to consolidate concrete around epoxy-coated steel reinforcing bars must be equipped with rubber or non-metallic
vibrator heads to avoid damaging the epoxy coating.
Where required, such as for NU girders, external form vibrators may be used along both sides of the web or bottom
flange to complete concrete consolidation within the bottom flange. The external vibrators must be securely fixed
to the forms to obtain the maximum vibration effect and to avoid damage to the vibrators or forms.
Box girders with large internal styrofoam voids pose additional challenges with concrete placement and
consolidation. In these cases consideration to concrete flow and additional external vibratory measures must be
explored to ensure proper concrete consolidation throughout the bottom flange.
In all cases, care must be taken to avoid vibrating the reinforcement, displacing embedded hardware or disturbing
the face mixture.

Figure 4.29
Pencil Vibrators are Commonly Used to Consolidate Concrete

4.7.10 Form Stripping

Stripping of forms must be completed in a careful and controlled manner to minimize damage. Form stripping must
not occur until the concrete has achieved adequate compressive strength. This is of particular importance for non
prestressed precast units as these do not have the benefit of the compressive stresses imparted by prestressing and
this results in an increased risk of damage from form stripping.

4.7.11 Repair of Concrete Defects

Once the forms have been stripped a detailed inspection must be completed by the fabricator and the Consultant’s
QA Inspector and defects marked on the precast unit that require repair. Honeycombing, cavities, spalls, chips,
cracks and other defects must be immediately reported to the Consultant. The repair of concrete defects must be
carried out in accordance with the provisions of the SSBC which are described below.

Page 4-49

The proposed repair procedures must be developed by a Professional Engineer and submitted for review and
acceptance by the Department and Consultant prior to the commencement of the repair. All repairs must be
completed prior to curing of the precast concrete unit and at an ambient temperature between 15 °C and 30 °C. The
repairs may be required to be made before or after girder detensioning depending on the size and location of the
defect, as outlined in the SSBC. The precast concrete units must be protected from drying out by maintaining a
saturated surface dry condition while all repairs are being performed (Figure 4.30).

Figure 4.30
Applying Water to Achieve a Saturated Surface Dry Condition Prior to Concrete Repairs

The repair requirements for girder defects depend on their location and are defined as bearing area, anchorage area,
and other areas.
The bearing area of an NU Girder is defined as the portion of the girder bottom flange up to the underside, but not
including the radius transition between the bottom flange and the web. The bearing area extends from the end of
the NU Girder to 75 mm beyond the edge of the shoe plate. The bearing area of an SL, SLW and SLC Girder is defined
as the thickness of the bottom soffit or 145 mm, whichever is greater, and extends 500 mm from the end of the
The anchorage area of a girder is defined as the full height portion of the girder that is two times the girder depth
from the end of the girder but is not in the bearing area.
Clean-up and repair are inspection and testing witness points in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
Written acceptance from both fabricator’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector is required in the supply and
fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP).

Page 4-50

Figure 4.31
Concrete Surface Finishing with an Approved Concrete Patching Products after
Formwork Removal and prior to Curing Girders Cracks
In accordance with Subsection of the SSBC, the following cracks are unacceptable and will result in
rejection of the precast concrete unit unless otherwise reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and the
 Cracks in the bearing area of a girder;
 Cracks in the anchorage area of a girder exceeding 0.5 mm in width or longer than 300 mm; and
 Cracks outside of the girder bearing and anchorage areas exceeding 0.2 mm in width or longer than 300 mm.
All repairable cracks less than 0.2 mm in width must receive two coats of a Type 1c sealer unless the crack will be
fully encased in a cast-in-place concrete diaphragm or the precast concrete unit requires a Class 3 concrete surface
finish on the surface in which the crack is present.

Page 4-51

Figure 4.32
Box Girder with Hairline Cracking at End Fascia

Figure 4.33
Close-up View of Box Girder Hairline Cracking at End Fascia Marked for Width and Length

The fabricator must immediately notify the Department and the Consultant if a crack that has the potential to be a
shear crack exceeding 0.15 mm in width and is longer than 0.25 times the girder depth. The crack length must be
measured along the horizontal axis and a crack will be considered to be a shear crack if it is inclined at an angle of
between 30° and 60° from the horizontal.

Page 4-52

All repairable cracks 0.2 mm or greater in width must be repaired by epoxy injection in accordance with the epoxy
manufacturer’s recommendations. The epoxy resin must meet the requirements of ASTM C881 Type IV, Grade 1,
Class B or C and have a viscosity less than 500 cP. An injection procedure must be submitted by the fabricator to the
Consultant for review and acceptance prior to commencing the repairs. Honeycombs and Spalls
In accordance with Subsection of the SSBC, the following honeycombing or spalling is unacceptable and
will result in rejection of the precast concrete unit unless reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and the
 Any honeycombing or spalling in the bearing or anchorage areas of a girder; or
 Honeycombs or spalls that are more than 30 mm deep or more than 0.05 m2 in area located outside the bearing
and anchorage areas of a girder.

Figure 4.34
Bottom Corner Spall on an NU Girder Prepared for Repair

When accepted by the Consultant and the Department, the fabricator’s proposed repair procedure for honeycombs
and spalls must include, at a minimum, removing and replacing the defective concrete with the originally specified
class of concrete or if acceptable to the Department, an approved concrete patching material. The repair extents
must be saw cut 20 mm deep in neat perpendicular lines and the concrete removed to a depth of 20 mm below the
reinforcing steel and prestressing strand. The repair areas must be roughened to remove all loose material and
laitance. The exposed reinforcing steel and prestressing strand must be cleaned and repaired to its original
condition. The repair areas must be saturated with water prior to concrete placement but be free of standing water
and in a saturated surface dry condition immediately prior to concrete placement (Figure 4.34). The repairs must
be completed before girder detensioning.

Page 4-53

Figure 4.35
Box Girder Spalled at Acute Corner

Honeycombs or spalls less than or equal to 0.05 m2 in area or 30 mm in depth, must be repaired in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC and may be completed after girder detensioning.
Figure 4.35 shows a spall in the bearing area of an SL girder that would require review and acceptance for repair by
the Consultant and the Department. Plan area and depth of the spall, any associated cracking and any exposed
reinforcing or prestressing steel must form part of the assessment. The spall in Figure 4.35 was determined to be
acceptable for repair by patching, due to limited penetration into the cross section, only a small portion of bearing
area was affected, absence of cracking, and no reinforcing or prestressing steel was exposed. MSE Wall Fascia Panels
MSE wall fascia panels must be assessed for defects in accordance with Subsection 25.4 of the SSBC. Any repairable
defects as described in Subsection 25.4 of the SSBC must also be repaired in accordance with the same subsection. RCP and PBC Structures
Reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) and precast box culverts (PBC) must be assessed for defects and any repairs
completed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Repair procedures must be developed by the
fabricator and submitted the Consultant and the Department for review and acceptance. Review comments must
be incorporated into the repair procedure to the satisfaction of the Consultant prior to commencement of the Work.

4.7.12 Release of Prestressing Strands

Detensioning must be completed in accordance with the procedure and sequence reviewed and accepted by the
Prestressing forces must not be transferred to the concrete units until after the concrete compressive strength, as
confirmed by test cylinders, has achieved the specified release strength. The minimum concrete compressive
strength at release is specified on AT’s Standard Drawings for SL, SLC and SLW girders. For non-standard precast
concrete units, the release strength is determined by the Consultant and typically not greater than 45 MPa to achieve
reasonable fabrication production efficiencies.

Page 4-54

The bond between the concrete and prestressing steel depends on the compressive strength of the concrete. PCI
recommends a minimum concrete compressive strength of 21 MPa prior to detensioning. Although Consultants are
unlikely to specify such a low release strength for eccentrically prestressed members, fabricators and Consultants
must be aware of these bond limitations for other precast unit types where concrete stress limitations may not
govern the release strength.
The timing of detensioning the prestressing strands once the specified concrete release strength has been reached
is an important consideration for a number of reasons. Firstly, girder camber is significantly affected by the concrete
strength at release and therefore it is beneficial for the fabrication to match the design assumptions for release as
closely as possible. Detensioning at a similar concrete compressive strength for all girders fabricated for a particular
bridge will help to achieve a consistent camber between girders which can help with deck construction, particularly
for closely spaced girders. The fabricator must test release strength concrete cylinders in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC.
Dimensional changes in the concrete due to temperature and shrinkage will be restrained by the prestressing strands
once they are bonded to the concrete and before the strands are detensioned. This restraint will be smaller for self-
stressing forms compared with fixed abutment arrangements, but it is still an important consideration in relation to
when the curing process starts. This must be addressed in the fabricator’s procedures.
Cracking of the concrete in the end regions of precast units can result from the detensioning method and sequence
used. Single-strand detensioning creates an increased potential for cracking at the ends of a concrete unit compared
to multi-strand detensioning because stresses are applied to the concrete cross section in a less uniform manner.
The implementation of a well-designed strand detensioning procedure and sequence that has been reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant can reduce or eliminate cracking. Both ends of a given strand must be released
simultaneously to minimize concrete stresses caused by sliding of the member. Forms, ties, inserts and any other
devices that restrict the longitudinal movement of the member during detensioning must be removed or loosened
to prevent restraining forces. For the tension to be released gradually, it is good practice for the strands to be heated
as they are cut so that they gradually lose their strength. The cutting of individual wires within a strand using a torch
can significantly reduce dynamic effects compared to mechanically cutting an entire strand (Figure 4.36).
For multiple-strand detensioning, all of the strands that are held by the header are released simultaneously using
hydraulic jacks that control the transfer of the prestressing force into the concrete. An initial, additional force is
required in the jacks to loosen the anchoring devices at the header and, in accordance with PCI MNL-116, this force
must not exceed the force in the strands by more than 5%.
As described in Subsection of this Manual, it is important to release the hold-down devices for girders with
deviated strands prior to detensioning the strands as detensioning will cause longitudinal movement of the girder.
The release of hold-downs prior to detensioning the deviated strands will result in concentrated vertical loads at the
hold-down locations that must be resisted by the self-weight of the girder or by applying temporary counteracting
downward loads.
Detensioning of prestressing strands is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with Subsection
of the SSBC. Written acceptance from both fabricator’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector is required in the
supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP).

Page 4-55

Figure 4.36
Prestressing Strands Being Detensioned Using a Cutting Torch

4.7.13 Concrete Curing

Concrete curing must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the SSBC which are described below.
The mixing of cement and water together creates a chemical reaction known as hydration. The duration of this
reaction affects the durability and strength of the concrete. Freshly placed concrete must be protected from
temperature extremes and premature drying during the hydration process. The concrete must be cured with
minimum moisture loss at a relatively constant temperature for a sufficient period of time to ensure proper
hydration of the cement and hardening of the concrete. It is therefore important that the fabricator follows the
curing specifications and that this aspect of the work be closely monitored by the Consultant’s QA Inspector. Early
moisture loss can cause plastic shrinkage cracking of the concrete.
All precast concrete units must be cured at an elevated temperature. The curing of precast concrete units must be
in accordance with CSA A23.4 unless otherwise specified. The ambient curing temperature must be increased at a
rate not exceeding 20°C per hour until a maximum temperature of not more than 60°C is attained. After curing, the
temperature of the precast concrete units must be reduced at a rate not exceeding 10 °C per hour until the
temperature of the concrete has fallen to within 10°C of the ambient air temperature outside the enclosure.
The internal temperature of the concrete during curing must not exceed 70°C in accordance with CSA A23.4 Table
The Contractor must record and submit in formwork and after removal from formwork curing data to the Consultant,
including the ramp-up and ramp-down temperature changes. The bridge file number, precast concrete unit serial
number, casting date, curing start date, additional curing days due to non-compliant days, and curing completion
date must be identified on the curing data submitted. A coloured graph documenting the Time-Temperature-
Humidity data throughout the curing phase must be submitted as part of the curing data.
Two continuously recording thermometers and two continuously recording hygrometers must be provided within
each curing enclosure to monitor the concrete ambient temperature and relative humidity. All time-temperature
and time-humidity recordings must be recorded and graphically presented in QC records.

Page 4-56

The fabricator must protect precast concrete units from thermal shock at all times. This is particularly important for
precast concrete units that are moved outside in cold weather between the fabrication plant and the curing
enclosures (Figure 4.37).
Curing of precast units is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
Written acceptance from both fabricator’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector is required in the inspection and
test plan (ITP) prior to advancing to the next stage of fabrication.

Figure 4.37
Girders are Covered in Heating Blankets while being Moved into a Steam Curing Chamber during Winter Conditions Prestressed Precast Concrete Units Curing in the Form
The initial application of heat must commence only after the last batches of concrete have achieved initial set,
typically 2 to 4 hours after placement. Heat must not be applied directly to the concrete surfaces, but by a method
that will produce a consistent ambient temperature throughout the entire form and enclosure. The increase in
temperature and the holding temperature must, as a minimum, be monitored at the three-quarter points along the
form and measurements recorded on a chart. Curing after Removal from the Form
After removal from the forms, precast concrete units must be cleaned, patched, and finished within a period not
exceeding 12 hours. The precast concrete units must be placed in a manner that will facilitate any clean up or repair
work and allow for full inspection of all surfaces. Within 24 hours of removal from the form, the precast concrete
units must be placed within a suitable enclosure, for curing.
The curing enclosure must provide a minimum of 150 mm of free air space between the concrete surfaces and the
coverings. Flexible coverings must be secured to prevent moisture loss.
Differences in the ambient air temperature adjacent to the concrete at different locations within the enclosure must
not exceed 10°C at any time.

Page 4-57

Figure 4.38
Box Girder Placed in a Curing Chamber for Steam Curing

The curing process must be continued for a period of four days using either steam curing or curing with continuous
misting and heat. The requirements for each of these methods are described below.
 Steam Curing – The steam jets must be directed away from the concrete surfaces. The steam must be in a
saturated condition and maintain an atmosphere of 95% to 100% relative humidity and a uniform ambient
temperature of 40°C to 60°C. Days when the measured temperature or humidity levels do not meet the required
limits for 4 or more hours within a 24-hour period will not be counted as a full day of steam cure. An additional
day of steam cure beyond the specified 4 days will be required for each non-compliant day.
 Curing with Continuous Misting and Heat – A sufficient number of atomizing misting nozzles must be
strategically located to produce a fine mist between 95% to 100% relative humidity within the enclosure. The
water must be preheated to a temperature which will produce a misting temperature compatible with the
ambient temperature inside the enclosure. The enclosure must be heated with radiant heaters to a
temperature of 40°C to 60°C. Dry heat must not be allowed to touch the concrete surface at any time. A control
system must be installed to shut off the heat when the humidity level drops below 95% in the enclosure. The
precast concrete unit will be rejected if the temperature in the concrete rises above 40°C without misting. Non-Prestressed Precast Concrete Units
The curing of all non-prestressed precast concrete units must be in accordance with either the requirements for
prestressed concrete units as described in Subsection of this Manual or by moist curing.
For moist curing, the precast concrete units must be cleaned, patched, finished, and ready for inspection within a
period not exceeding 12 hours after removal of the concrete units from the forms. Patching must be performed
with an approved product and at an ambient temperature of 10°C to 25°C. For moist curing, after completion of the
patching and finishing, and within 24 hours of removal from the form, the precast concrete units must be placed
under two layers of lightly coloured filter fabric or burlap at an ambient temperature of not less than 15°C. The filter
fabric or burlap must be kept in a continuously wet condition throughout the curing period using a soaker hose or
by another means that has been reviewed and accepted by the Consultant. The curing with filter fabric or burlap
and water must be maintained for a minimum period of 7 days.

Page 4-58

4.7.14 Concrete Finishing

The class of concrete finish must be as specified on the shop drawings, special provisions of the contract, standard
drawings, and the SSBC.
The finishing requirements for precast concrete components must be in accordance with Section 7 of the SSBC
except that MSE wall panels are to be finished in accordance with Section 25 of the SSBC. The different classes of
concrete finish that are described in the SSBC for precast concrete units are as follows:
 Class 1 Ordinary Surface Finish;
 Class 2 Rubbed Surface Finish;
 Class 3 Bonded Concrete Surface Finish;
 Class 4 Floated Surface Finish; and
 Class 5 Floated Surface Finish, Broomed Texture.
A Class 1 Ordinary Surface Finish has different requirements for formed and unformed surfaces. For formed surfaces,
the finish is essentially that obtained when concrete has been cast and adequately compacted in a properly oiled
steel form. Cavities under 10 mm in diameter do not need to be filled but other defects must be repaired. For
unformed surfaces, the concrete must be screeded and troweled to the required surface elevation and the surface
must be free of open texturing, plucked aggregate, and local projections or depressions.
A Class 2 Rubbed Surface Finish requires that all holes, cavities and defects must be repaired so that the finished
surface presents a smooth, true, dense, uniformly coloured, and non-stained appearance. A Class 2 rubbed concrete
surface finish is the standard requirement for the exposed fascia of exterior girders.
A Class 3 Bonded Concrete Surface Finish requires a Class 2 rubbed surface finish with the exception that a uniform
colour is not required as a Type 3 pigmented concrete sealer is subsequently applied to achieve aesthetic
requirements. Highly visible precast concrete surfaces in urban requirements may require a Class 3 concrete surface
finish as specified in the special provisions of the contract.
A Class 4 Floated Surface Finish requires the surface to be floated and troweled after screeding to achieve a closed,
uniformly textured surface without brooming and is used, for example, on the top surface of SLW girders that are to
receive waterproofing and/or an asphalt wearing surface.
A Class 5 Floated Surface Finish with Broomed Texture is intended as the finished surface for vehicles and
pedestrians, such as the top surface of SL girders and the top surface of deck panels used with the Department’s
Low Volume Local Road Standard Bridges.
Concrete finishing is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
Written acceptance from both fabricator’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector is required in the supply and
fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP).

Page 4-59

Figure 4.39
Class 2 Rubbed Surface Finish being applied to the Exterior Fascia of a NU Girder

4.7.15 Concrete Sealing

Concrete sealing must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the SSBC which are described below.
The Contractor must supply and apply an approved Type 1c or Type 3 sealer to the concrete surfaces as shown on
Standard Drawings S-1851, Standard Concrete Sealer Surface Treatment for Major Bridges or S-1852, Standard
Concrete Sealer Surface Treatment for Standard Bridges. An approved Type 3 sealer is only applied to concrete
surfaces when a Class 3 surface finish is specified in the special provisions of the contract.
The exposed concrete surfaces of MSE wall panels must be sealed with either a Type 1c or Type 3 concrete sealer in
accordance with Section 4 of the SSBC and the special provisions of the contract.
Type 1c sealers are a clear chemical compound (silane) applied to the surfaces of precast concrete units that
improves durability by reducing the water absorption properties of the concrete surface. Type 1c sealers must meet
AT`s Specification for the Supply of Concrete Sealers – Specification B388.
The sealer must be applied on clean dry surfaces free of form oil, and in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations except that the application rate must be increased by 30% from that indicated on the approved
products list and the substrate temperature must be a minimum of 5 oC. Sealer must not be applied until the concrete
is a minimum of 14 days old and have a maximum moisture content of 4%. Concrete patching materials must be
cured for a minimum of 72 hours. The concrete surfaces must be pressure washed to remove all dust and accepted
by the Consultant prior to applying the sealer. In order to ensure uniform and sufficient coverage rates, the
fabricator must apply measured volumes of the sealing compound to appropriately dimensioned areas of the
concrete surface, using a minimum of 2 coats. If Type 3 sealers are applied by spraying they must be backrolled with
a roller to ensure uniformity of appearance.
The Contractor must ensure that the sealer is not applied in the grout pockets, lifting hook pockets, or areas of the
girders that will have field concrete cast against them. The Consultant reserves the right to sample and test the
sealer supplied by the Contractor.

Page 4-60

Application of concrete sealer is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with Subsection of the
SSBC. Written acceptance from both fabricator’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector is required in the supply and
fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP).

4.7.16 Surface Roughening

The roughening of the concrete surfaces of shear key, block out, diaphragm, girder top flange and girder end void
locations, and at any other locations shown on the contract drawings, is achieved by abrasive blasting or another
acceptable method proposed by the fabricator. The roughening must be sufficient to remove all laitance and achieve
the specified International Concrete Repair Institute concrete surface profile standard.
One acceptable alternative method for achieving a roughened concrete surface is green cutting whereby a surface
retarding agent is applied to the form surfaces at the locations where the roughened surface is required. The
concrete surface is subsequently pressure-washed to remove the surface layer of fines and concrete paste achieving
a roughened surface finish as shown in Figure 4.40. In order to provide sufficient composite action with the cast in
place concrete deck, the precast concrete girder top flange is typically roughened using mechanical means in order
to provide a roughness with sufficient amplitude to satisfy shear transfer between the girder and deck.
Surface roughening is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
Written acceptance from both fabricator’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector is required in the supply and
fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP).

Figure 4.40
Pressure Washing/Green Cutting Setup for Completing Surface Roughening of NU Girder End

4.7.17 Handling and Storage

Precast concrete units must be hoisted at lifting locations identified on the reviewed and accepted shop drawings
and with acceptable lifting devices.
Products must be stored in designated storage areas and arranged so that the product markings are clearly visible.
In addition, the precast concrete units must be stored in a location where they are not exposed to dirt, road salts,
slush or other contaminants.

Page 4-61

Precast concrete units must be maintained in an upright position and supported near their ends on stable
foundations. All storage racks and dunnage must be structurally sound and placed so that the precast concrete units
are supported according to the shop drawings or plant-engineered standards. Dunnage that is not well supported
or that is placed differently than specified might cause unusual or excessive stresses that can damage the products.
Dunnage must be placed between the concrete units and the ground and also between products if they are stacked.
Dunnage of stacked units must be positioned directly above each other so that the loading passes directly down
through the concrete units and dunnage.
Handling and storage is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
Written acceptance from both fabricator’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector is required in the supply and
fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP).
4.7.18 Shipping Clearance to Ship
The Consultant must provide written notification (clearance to ship) to the Contractor that components may be
shipped from the fabrication shop. Clearance to ship may only be issued once the final inspection has been
acceptably completed.


Quality inspections are an essential part of the production of precast concrete units. The fabricator is responsible
to meet all the contract requirements and the Consultant is responsible to verify that the contract requirements are
met. This includes verifying that appropriate fabrication methods are being followed, that issues are identified and
corrected and that only accepted materials are being used. The goal of the quality management system is the
creation of a final product that meets all of the specified requirements.
Quality inspections must be coordinated between the fabricator and the Consultant such that the required
inspections are performed at each specified stage of fabrication and at all defined witness and hold points in the ITP.
It is important that the inspections are coordinated in a manner that does not delay production provided that
production operations are being carried out satisfactorily.
The Consultant is responsible for providing quality assurance inspection services for the precast concrete units. The
comprehensive required training and certification of the Consultant’s QA Inspector(s) aides in providing the level of
quality assurance expected by the Department for these fabricated components.
The required scope of inspections varies depending on the type of precast concrete units and fabrication process
used. This section of the Manual describes the expectations for the inspection of the different types of precast
concrete units at various stages of production.
In accordance with the requirements of the SSBC, the fabricator is to provide full facilities and access for the
inspection of the work at all times. When required by the Consultant, the fabricator must provide the needed
manpower to assist in checking the layout and performing inspection duties.
The fabricator’s QC Inspector and the Consultant’s QA Inspector must provide written acceptance of all fabrication
testing and inspection witness and hold points in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.

Page 4-62

4.8.1 Fabricator’s QC Inspection and Testing Scope of Inspections
It is the fabricator’s responsibility to ensure that the work is completed in accordance with the contract
requirements. The fabricator’s QC Inspector must ensure that the requirements of the SSBC, CSA A23.4 and MNL-
116 are being met throughout fabrication. The fabricator’s QC Inspector is also responsible to maintain up to date
inspection records and to make sure the records are available for review by the Consultant. Some requirements for
QC inspections are provided in Subsections through These requirements are not intended to be
exhaustive. It is the fabricator’s responsibility to carry out sufficient inspection and testing to ensure that all the
contract requirements are met.
The fabricator’s QC inspection must consist of a thorough review of each step of the fabrication process and written
acceptance of the work in the reviewed and accepted supply and fabrication inspection and test plan at each of the
witness points and hold points specified in Subsection of the SSBC. Prefabrication
 Review requirements of the contract documents to become thoroughly familiar with all project requirements;
 Prepare and submit the supply and fabrication inspection and test plan for all QC inspection and testing to be
 Prepare and submit prefabrication submissions listed in Subsection 7.2.2 of SSBC for review and acceptance by
the Consultant; and
 Maintain records that verify the quality of the materials used. Pre-pour Inspections
 Ensure traceability of materials;
 Perform pre-pour inspections of all formwork, reinforcing steel, prestressing steel and embedded items;
 Monitor tensioning operations;
 Take corrective action when strands are tensioned out of tolerance;
 Maintain records of tensioning operations and note what corrective actions were taken as applicable;
 Correct any issues identified by both QC and QA during the pre-pour inspections prior to concrete placement;
 Document pre-pour inspections for each unit;
 Provide written acceptance of the form dimension and setup witness point once the work is acceptably
 Provide written acceptance of the placement of voids and other hardware witness point once the work is
acceptably complete;
 Provide written acceptance of the placement of reinforcing steel, post tensioning ducts (as applicable),
anchorage devices, bridgerail anchor rod assemblies and prestressing strand hold point once the work is
acceptably complete; and
 Provide written acceptance of the stressing hold point once the work is acceptably complete. Concrete Batching, Mixing and Handling
 Monitor the batching, mixing and handling procedures to confirm that approved procedures are being followed;
 Make adjustments as applicable to ensure that the concrete mix design requirements are being met; and
 Inspect the concrete batching, mixing, and handling equipment to ensure that it is performing properly and is
free of material that could contaminate the fresh concrete. Concrete Placement
 Monitor the time from initial mixing of the concrete until placing the concrete in the forms;
 Monitor the height from which concrete is being dropped into the forms;
 Confirm that the concrete mix properties are being preserved based on visual inspections;

Page 4-63

 Confirm that acceptable consolidation practices are being used;

 Confirm that special care and additional measures are being used, as required, in difficult and obstructed
 Monitor that reinforcing steel, prestressing strands and all other embedded items are not displaced during
concrete consolidation;
 Review the finishing and curing of the concrete; and
 Document concrete placement inspections for each unit. Concrete Testing
 Test the fresh concrete to ensure that it meets the specified requirements;
 Take slump, air content, density and concrete temperature measurements as described in Subsections
to of this Manual. Provide written acceptance of the concrete sampling and testing witness point once
the work is acceptably complete;
 Maintain records of concrete tests and note what actions were taken when test results did not meet the
 Prepare, cure and store concrete test cylinders in accordance with the required specifications; and
 Send the 28-day strength cylinders to an independent CSA testing laboratory for future testing. Detensioning and Stripping
 Confirm concrete cylinder strengths prior to stripping and detensioning to ensure compliance with required
 Inspect concrete units for defects and undertake repairs before detensioning as applicable. Report defects and
repairs to the Consultant’s QA Inspector;
 Monitor and document concrete repairs before detensioning as applicable;
 Confirm that approved procedures are used for all concrete repairs;
 Monitor and document the detensioning operations;
 Provide written acceptance of detensioning witness point once the work is acceptably complete;
 Provide written acceptance of clean-up and repair witness point once the work is acceptably complete; and
 Provide written acceptance of application of concrete surface finishes witness point once the work is acceptably
complete. Curing
 Confirm that curing is in accordance with the specified requirements;
 Monitor and record curing data including time, temperature and humidity;
 Take corrective actions if temperature or humidity is out of tolerance during curing; and
 Provide written acceptance of curing witness point once the work is acceptably complete. Post-pour Inspection
 Perform post-pour inspections including a review of dimensions, camber, finishes, sealing, abrasive blasting,
unit marking and locations of embedded items;
 Inspect concrete units for defects and undertake repairs after detensioning as applicable;
 Monitor and document concrete repairs after detensioning as applicable;
 Report defects and repairs to the Consultant’s QA Inspector;
 Confirm that approved procedures are used for all concrete repairs;
 Document post-pour inspections thoroughly for every unit produced; and
 Provide written acceptance of finishing and application of sealer witness point once the work is acceptably

Page 4-64

 Ensure that the precast concrete units are handled in a way to avoid any damage;
 Review all inspection requirements to ensure all inspections have been completed and all required repairs have
been completed and approved;
 Ensure that all QC documentation is made accessible to the Consultant for their review; and
 Provide written acceptance of the storage witness point once the work is acceptably complete.

4.8.2 Consultant’s QA Inspection and Testing Scope of Inspections
The Consultant is responsible for checking and reviewing the Contractor’s QC program including review of any QC
inspection and/or testing reports, as well as conducting independent QA checks of the work. The Consultant’s QA
Inspector must provide written acceptance of the work at each of the specified witness points and hold points in the
fabricator’s reviewed and accepted supply and fabrication inspection and test plan in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
 Prefabrication submissions (hold point);
 Prefabrication meeting;
 Form dimensions and set-up (witness point);
 Placement of reinforcing steel, post tensioning ducts, cross bracing anchorage devices, bridgerail anchor rod
assemblies and prestressing strand (hold point);
 Placement of voids and other hardware (witness point);
 Stressing as applicable (hold point);
 Concrete sampling and testing (witness point);
 Detensioning as applicable (witness point);
 Form stripping;
 Clean-up and repair (witness point);
 Application of concrete surface finishes (witness point);
 Curing (hold point);
 Finishing and application of sealer (witness point);
 Storage of precast concrete units (witness point);
 Verification inspection and testing (hold point), if applicable; and
 Final inspection (hold point).
Deficiencies that are identified at any of these stages must be corrected to the satisfaction of the Consultant.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must have the specified training and experience for the inspections and checks being
completed and they are completed independently of the fabricator. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also
observe and review the fabricator’s QC processes and QC testing and/or inspection reports. The Consultant must
not solely rely on the fabricator’s quality control inspection records and must be active and diligent in completing
QA inspections to prevent issues and not react to them.
Inspection requirements described within the following sections are for various types of precast concrete units and
are also presented as inspection checklists in Appendix H of this Manual. The checklists are intended to guide the
Consultant’s QA inspections, however they must be thoroughly reviewed to verify that they include all project
specific fabrication requirements.

Page 4-65

Pre-pour inspections are very important as they can identify issues that would otherwise be hidden once the
concrete is placed and not become apparent or present themselves until after the precast concrete unit is in service.
These issues might be related to durability, such as insufficient concrete cover to the reinforcing steel, or related to
design, for example the omission or inaccurate placement of reinforcing steel or prestressing strands. The
identification of issues prior to concrete placement can avoid the need for costly repairs or rejection of a member
once it is cast.
The fabricator’s QC inspector is responsible for performing an adequate level of inspection and to document and
report any problems found to the appropriate production personnel for correction. The fabricator’s QC inspector
must re-inspect any deficient areas prior to concrete placement and verify and document that the issues have been
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify that the fabricator’s QC inspections and/or testing records are accurate
and compliant with the contract. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also complete independent quality assurance
inspections and bring any work not conforming to the contract to the attention of the fabricator’s QC inspector.
Once the work is acceptably complete, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must then provide written acceptance of
witness points and hold points in the supply and fabrication ITP. Stressing Beds and Forms
The stressing beds and forms must be inspected for signs of damage or wear such as abutment movement or
deformation, cracked welds, bent plates, offset form joints, loose clamps and excessive rust. The forms must be
checked for debris, excessive debonding agent and other contaminants. The forms must also be checked for local
smoothness tolerances, general cleanliness, alignment, fit-up, general positioning, and dimensions. The abutments
must be checked for squareness and susceptibility to movement during concrete placement as part of the pre-pour
Special attention must be paid before the first unit from a new form or a modified form is cast. MSE wall panels,
deck panels and shorter span precast girders often use standardized forms with added bulkheads that make
adjustments for the length and/or width of specific units. It is important to check the positions of these added
bulkheads for all fabricated units.
The dimensional tolerances for the forms must be less than those specified for the finished product in Subsection of the SSBC.
For typical MSE wall panels and deck panels, multiple forms are used to cast a number of concrete units concurrently.
This is normally done for scheduling purposes and to make use of the typical volume of a concrete batch. The specific
concrete units fabricated from each form must be tracked so that any issues identified with a form can be traced to
the relevant concrete units. This tracking allows specific forms to be identified for adjustment if tolerances are found
to have been exceeded on specific concrete units.
Sufficient bracing and form clamps must be in place to prevent any formwork movement during the concrete pours.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must closely monitor the formwork for displacement during concrete placement.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the following as part of their inspection duties:
 Formwork materials, preparation and condition;
 Formwork integrity and alignment;
 Formwork dimensions and tolerances;
 Formwork bracing, supports, and clamps;
 Installation of intermediate bulkheads (if any);
 Consistency with the approved shop drawings;
 Application of release agent and retarding agent (if applicable);

Page 4-66

 QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and compliant with the contract requirements; and
 Provide written acceptance of the form dimension and set up witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
once the work is acceptably complete. Reinforcing Steel
Full requirements for the storage, handling, placing and fastening of reinforcing steel are outlined in Section 5 of the
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be familiar with the standard specifications, design drawings, and shop drawings
to accurately assess the adequacy of the placement of the reinforcement, as reinforcing bars that are not placed
according to the shop drawings may adversely affect the performance of the precast concrete unit. Reinforcing steel
with low cover is at an increased risk of corrosion, which can significantly reduce its service life. Reinforcing steel
that is placed too far away from the concrete surface can increase the potential for and size of concrete cracks and
might reduce the strength of the precast concrete unit. The clear spacing provided between reinforcing steel bars
influences the ability of the fabricator to adequately place and consolidate the concrete around the bars. The
specified clear distance between reinforcing bars must be closely controlled and inspected to help ensure that the
concrete can be readily placed and to avoid associated issues with concrete voids, honeycombing and inadequate
development of the reinforcing steel.
The adequacy of the structural performance of the reinforcing bars depends on the bond that develops with the
concrete. Reinforcing bars that have form oil, mud, or other contaminants on them will not bond adequately to the
concrete. Contaminated reinforcing bars must be thoroughly cleaned or replaced.
Reinforcement that is not properly secured can move during concrete placement, and the required concrete
coverage or bar spacing might not be maintained. The ends of the tie wire must be turned away from exterior
surfaces and the sides of the form because the tie wire will corrode if they are too close to the concrete surface,
leading to staining of the concrete units and an increased potential for concrete deterioration.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the following as part of their inspection duties:
 Reinforcing steel is traceable and has an associated mill test report that has been accepted;
 Reinforcing steel has been adequately stored and handled;
 Installation and placement of reinforcing steel is acceptable;
 Reinforcing bars of the correct size and type are used;
 Reinforcing bars are positioned within tolerance of the location shown on the shop drawings;
 Reinforcing bars are undamaged, clean and free of contaminants including release agent contamination;
 Reinforcing bars meet the specified cover and clear spacing;
 Reinforcing bars are not welded to each other or any embedded component;
 Reinforcing bars are securely tied to prevent movement during concrete placement;
 Reinforcing bars are tied at all intersections except where the bar spacing is less than 250 mm in each direction,
in which case alternate intersections must be tied;
 Installation and placement of mechanical and lapped reinforcing steel splices is acceptable;
 Appropriate tie wire material is being used and tie-wire ends are bent away from the form edges and concrete
 Supports used to maintain reinforcing steel concrete cover and separation between layers are of a suitable size
and material;
 The coating of epoxy-coated reinforcing steel is not damaged;
 QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and compliant with the contract requirements; and
 Provide written acceptance of the reinforcing steel placement hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP once
the work is acceptably complete.

Page 4-67

Prestressing strands are the primary reinforcement in a prestressed concrete member. Several factors are crucial to
the proper performance of prestressing strands.
The design and durability of concrete units can be significantly influenced by the way in which the prestressing steel
is placed in the same manner as for reinforcing steel as described in the previous section.
Fully tensioned strands can drop below their required positions in long members. If required, supports must be
provided to secure the strands within the allowable tolerances.
Contaminates on prestressing strands will hinder their ability to bond to the concrete. Strands are most often
contaminated during the stringing process and excess form release agent must be removed from the form surface
to prevent contamination. The strands must never be pulled through puddles of form oil, mud, or any other
contaminants that could coat their surfaces. Strands that become contaminated must be cleaned with an acceptable
cleaner. However, it is extremely difficult to thoroughly and acceptably clean them due to the grooves between the
individual wires.
The prestressing strand surfaces must be checked for signs of damage and corrosion that would compromise
stressing. Nicks, gouges, indentations, and pitting corrosion can create areas of stress concentration resulting in
premature wire failure during stressing.
Strand debonding sheaths must be inspected to verify that the correct strands are debonded at the correct locations
and over the lengths specified on the shop drawings. The sheaths must be secured to prevent movement and to
adequately seal their ends to prevent leakage of concrete slurry into the area that is to be debonded.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the following as part of their inspection duties:
 Prestressing strands are traceable and have an associated mill test report that is accepted;
 Prestressing strands from multiple strand packs as applicable are identifiable as to which strand pack they come
 Prestressing strands have been adequately stored and handled;
 Installation and placement of prestressing steel is acceptable;
 Prestressing strands of the correct size and type are used;
 Prestressing strands are positioned within tolerance of the location shown on the shop drawings;
 Prestressing strands are undamaged, clean and free of contaminants including release agent contamination;
 Prestressing strands meet the specified cover and clear spacing;
 The correct prestressing strands are debonded at the correct locations as applicable;
 Prestressing strands are not twisted, spliced sections have the same lay and splices are not located within a
precast concrete unit;
 Strand chucks are suitable for use and correctly prepared and aligned;
 QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and compliant with the contract requirements; and
 Provide written acceptance of the prestressing strand placement hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
once the work is acceptably complete. Hardware and Embedded Items
The Consultant’s QA inspection must verify that all embedded items, such as handling and lifting devices, anchor
rods, voids, ducts, conduits, identification labels, connection inserts and other miscellaneous materials, are placed
in the correct position and orientation. All embedded items must be properly secured to prevent any displacements
during concrete pours.

Page 4-68

Inserts must be checked for correct size and proper positioning in the product and any openings sealed to keep out
the concrete and concrete slurry. Improperly aligned inserts will affect the pullout capacity of the inserts and may
hinder their usage. All lifting devices must project or be recessed an equal distance from the surface of the product.
If the devices are higher on one side than the other, the product will tilt when it is lifted.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the following as part of their inspection duties:
 Only hardware that has been accepted for use must be used;
 The type, size and condition of all embedded items is acceptable;
 Installation requirements for camber hubs have been addressed by the fabricator as applicable;
 Identification molds for precast concrete units have been acceptably installed as applicable;
 The installation (location, alignment, profile, cover) of all embedded items is acceptable;
 Embedded items are properly secured to resist movement and will remain dimensionally stable during concrete
placement and consolidation;
 QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and compliant with the contract requirements; and
 Provide written acceptance of the hardware installation witness and hold points in the supply and fabrication
ITP once the work is acceptably complete. Stressing
The stressing procedure outlines the steps that must be taken by the fabricator to control, monitor and measure the
pretensioning process and is an important part of the Consultant’s quality assurance review during the prefabrication
submission review. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify that the reviewed and accepted stressing calculation
sheets are used by the stressing personnel and stressing calculations are updated for the actual Young’s Modulus
and area of the strands being stressed, as required.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must witness the stressing operations and note when any strands are tensioned out
of tolerance. The fabricator is responsible for monitoring the pressure gauge and elongation measurements during
stressing. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must regularly perform independent elongation measurements and
tolerance checks. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also verify that the order of strand stressing follows the
accepted stressing sequence.
When final tensioning of any deviated strands is by jacking from one end of the bed only, the fabricator must
measure the force of at least two strands at the dead end of the bed. This measurement is performed in accordance
with Subsection of this Manual. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify that the checks are being
performed and that they are in accordance with the fabricator’s stressing procedure.
After stressing is completed, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the condition of the tensioned strands and
that there are no conflicts between the strands and any other materials within the form. Any prestressing strands
with broken or damaged wires must be removed and replaced.
It is important that the Consultant’s QA Inspector follows the fabricator’s safety procedures with respect to
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the following as part of their inspection duties:
 The stressing calculations and procedures that have been reviewed and accepted are being used for all stressing
operations, including considerations for deviated strands and checking force and elongation tolerances;
 The personnel performing and supervising the stressing operations are qualified to do this work;
 The stressing equipment for which calibration certificates have been approved is being used;
 Stressing calculations are updated for the actual Young’s Modulus and area of the prestressing strands being
stressed as applicable based on the stressing procedures;
 The approved stressing sequence is being followed;

Page 4-69

 Detailed and accurate stressing records are being kept by the fabricator and all strands that are tensioned out
of tolerance are clearly identified. Verification must include independent elongation measurements and
tolerance checks by the Consultant’s QA Inspector;
 Jack alignment is acceptable and strand chucks are evenly seated;
 There are no conflicts or snagging points that could damage the prestressing strands or adversely affect the
stressing operations;
 The condition of the prestressing strands is acceptable prior to stressing and after final tensioning;
 Prestressing strands with broken or damaged wires are removed and replaced;
 The magnitude of chuck seating closely matches the stressing calculation values;
 The number, location, layout and length of any debonded strands is in accordance with the approved shop
drawings and checked after final tensioning;
 Recesses are acceptably formed at the ends of all strands;
 QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and compliant with the contract requirements; and
 Provide written acceptance of the stressing hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is
acceptably complete. Concrete Testing
The testing of materials is required throughout the production cycle to verify the quality and consistency of the
concrete. Qualified and trained individuals who are familiar with the correct testing procedures and requirements
must perform the required testing. Test records must be managed and maintained to confirm quality of the
materials is as specified.
Sampling, casting, curing, and testing of concrete specimens must be in accordance with the requirements of the
following CSA standards:
 Sampling – A23.2-1C;
 Concrete Test Cylinders – A23.2-3C;
 Testing Concrete Cylinders – A23.2-9C;
 Air Content – A23.2-4C;
 Density of Concrete – A23.2-6C;
 Slump – A23.2-5C; and
 Air Void Determination – A23.2-17C.
The fabricator must take slump, air content, density and concrete temperature measurements in accordance with
Subsections to of this Manual in addition to taking test cylinders.
In accordance with the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC, the fabricator must send concrete test
cylinders to an independent testing laboratory certified to CSA A283. Concrete testing at other stages of fabrication,
such as compressive strength testing to determine if the concrete release strength has been reached, is typically
done by the fabricator.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must witness the concrete sampling, casting and testing to verify that it is being
completed in accordance with the specified reference standard. The fabricator’s testing and/or inspection records
must be open for examination by the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the following as part of their inspection duties:
 All of the concrete testing requirements outlined in this section of the Manual are being performed by the
fabricator in accordance with referenced CSA standards;
 Concrete samples for testing are taken at an acceptable point during discharge and the concrete is
representative of the concrete used in the concrete unit;
 Test cylinders are adequately prepared and are stored such that curing requirements can be met;

Page 4-70

 Air tests are witnessed, and results meet allowable air content limits in accordance with the accepted concrete
mix design;
 Concrete density tests are witnessed to verify that they comply with the contract drawings and Specifications;
 Slump tests are witnessed, and results fall within the expected slump limits as indicated in the accepted concrete
mix design;
 Concrete temperature measurements are witnessed to verify that they comply with the specifications;
 QC inspection and/or testing records are accurate and compliant with the contract requirements; and
 Provide written acceptance of the concrete sampling and testing witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
once the work is acceptably complete. Sampling
Concrete samples must be representative of the concrete used in the product. When sampling from a truck agitator
or mixer, the sample must be taken between the 10% and 90% points of the discharge in accordance with the CSA
material reference standard A23.2-1C.
The sample used for strength test specimens and the plastic concrete properties must be a grab sample from the
designated place of sampling. Grab sampling is the operation of securing at one point of the discharge the required
volume of representative material in as short a time period as possible. Concrete Test Cylinders
Concrete for the test cylinders must be placed in the molds in three layers and consolidated by rodding. The test
cylinders must be cast near the area where they will be cured. The cylinders must not be disturbed from 30 minutes
after they are cast until they are ready to be moved to the curing chamber or tested. Moving the cylinders too soon
after casting can result in internal cracking of the concrete. This will usually result in a decreased cylinder strength
making it difficult to determine an accurate representation of the compressive strength of the concrete.
The concrete test cylinders must be cured under the same conditions as the products until the products are removed
from their forms. The cylinders must be placed on a rigid horizontal surface free from vibration and other sources
of disturbance. Moisture loss from the specimens must be prevented.
After the cylinders have been removed from their molds, they must be stored in a moist environment with free
water maintained on all surfaces of the cylinders at 23°C until the time of testing.
The fabricator must cast and transport the 28-day strength cylinders to an independent CSA testing laboratory for
testing. Testing Concrete Cylinders
The purpose of the concrete test cylinders is to provide an accurate representation of the production concrete’s
compressive strength. Release-strength cylinders must represent the least mature concrete of the precast unit(s)
being fabricated. Accordingly, test cylinders must be manufactured from concrete sampled during the late stages
of the pour. A minimum of two test cylinders must be taken.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must review the 28-day test cylinder test results to verify compliance with the
contract documents.

Page 4-71

Figure 4.41
Production of Concrete Cylinders for Strength Testing Air Content

The fabricator must test concrete batches at the beginning of production to ensure the air content is within the
specified limits. Concrete with excessive air content may not achieve the specified compressive strength and will
not be as resistant to freeze-thaw damage.

Figure 4.42
Concrete Air and Slump Testing

Page 4-72

The mass of consolidated concrete in a container of known volume is used to determine the density of the plastic
concrete. The density can be used to monitor the accuracy of batching. Variations in the density of the fresh
concrete usually indicate a change in the air content or weight of the aggregates. Slump of Concrete
Slump is a measure of the consistency of the freshly mixed concrete. The test must be performed on a flat, non-
absorbent surface. Concrete Temperature
The concrete temperature must be maintained between 10°C and 30°C with the use of ice or hot water as required
when mixing the concrete. Variations in concrete temperature can affect the workability of the concrete if the water
cement ratio remains the same, as well as the time for the concrete to setup. Concrete Placement Inspection
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must monitor the concrete batching, placement and consolidation processes
periodically to verify that they are being carried out in accordance with the accepted procedures.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the following as part of their inspection duties:
 Batches of concrete are of uniform appearance and texture, with all irregularities being documented and
brought to the attention of the fabricator;
 Batching times are monitored for long gaps that may result in the formation of cold joints;
 Acceptable placement practices and equipment are being used in accordance with the fabricator’s procedures,
ACI Standard 304 ‘Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete’ and the PCI Quality Control
Manual MNL-116;
 The time from initial mixing of the concrete until placing the concrete in the form does not exceed one hour;
 Concrete is not being dropped from a significant height into the forms;
 Visually the placement method preserves the concrete mix properties in terms of water to cement ratio, slump,
uniformity and air content;
 Acceptable consolidation practices are being used in accordance with the fabricator’s procedures, ACI Standard
304 ‘Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete’ and the PCI Quality Control manual MNL-
 Acceptable vibratory equipment is being utilized, including the use of vibrators with non-metallic surfaces for
concrete units containing epoxy coated reinforcing;
 Special care and additional measures are being used, as required, in difficult and obstructed placements;
 Concrete cover to voids and ducts must also be checked during concrete placement to ensure no flotation is
occurring; and
 Reinforcing steel, prestressing strands and all other embedded items are not displaced during consolidation. Detensioning
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be aware of the required concrete strength for strand release and form stripping
as specified in the contract drawings.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must monitor the detensioning operations to verify conformance with the reviewed
and accepted procedures.

Page 4-73

The forms are typically removed prior to detensioning and it is important that the Consultant’s QA Inspector is
available to inspect the concrete surfaces for defects prior to detensioning and in a timely manner so as not to delay
the curing time restrictions. An inspection prior to detensioning is required as some defects must be repaired prior
to the application of pretensioning stresses into the concrete.
Strand slippage must be measured at the time of detensioning. Strand slippage within the concrete unit must be
monitored and recorded as development of the proper bond between the strands and concrete is crucial to the
quality and structural capacity of the product.
When the strands are detensioned at each end of the bed, they slip into the product until the bond between the
strand and the concrete is fully developed. Reference marks must be placed between the anchor block and precast
concrete unit but a sufficiently distance away from the end of the concrete unit to allow for slippage measurement.
These reference marks must be made prior to detensioning.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the following as part of their inspection duties:
 The fabricator is detensioning the prestressing strands using the procedure and sequence that has been
reviewed and accepted by the Consultant;
 Marks are made on the prestressing strands prior to detensioning to allow for measurement of strand slippage
after detensioning;
 Detensioning is performed after the concrete has achieved the specified release strength;
 Detensioning is performed after all concrete defect repairs that are required to be undertaken before
detensioning are acceptably complete;
 Strand slippage is being measured and recorded;
 The length, width and areas of cracking, particularly within the bearing and anchorage zones of precast concrete
units, are clearly identified, recorded and assessed for compliance with the specified limits; and
 Provide written acceptance of the detensioning witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP after the work is
acceptably complete. Post-pour Inspections
The fabricator’s QC inspector is responsible for performing an adequate level of inspection and to document and
report any problems found to the appropriate production personnel for correction. The fabricator’s QC inspector
must re-inspect any deficient areas and verify and document that the issues have been corrected.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify that the fabricator’s QC inspections and/or testing records are accurate
and compliant with the contract. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also complete independent quality assurance
inspections and bring any work not conforming to the contract to the attention of the fabricator’s QC inspector.
Once the work is acceptably complete, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must then provide written acceptance of
witness points and hold points in the supply and fabrication ITP Visual Inspection for Defects
A visual post-pour inspection must be performed by the fabricator and Consultant’s QA Inspector as soon as practical
after forms are removed. Concrete defects must be identified and repaired in accordance with Subsection
of the SSBC and Subsection 4.7.11 of this Manual. The fabricator must report any required repairs to the Consultant’s
QA Inspector prior to release of the prestressing strands as applicable. If repairs cannot be completed in a timely
manner, the unit should not be delayed from being advanced to the out of form curing phase. Upon completion of
curing, any remaining repairs must be completed and the unit placed back into a second curing cycle.

Page 4-74

Cracking, honeycombing, and large spalls can affect the structural integrity of the precast concrete unit. Cracks can
be a result of design details, handling procedures, production and curing techniques, or low concrete strengths.
Honeycombing is typically caused by poor consolidation or improperly batched/mixed concrete, or disruption in
concrete production and/or placement. When any of these items are identified, they must be thoroughly
documented and reported to the design engineer for review and acceptance. The root cause of the defect must be
investigated and corrected by the fabricator for future units.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must evaluate whether the concrete defects are within acceptable limits or if further
evaluation by the design engineer and the Department is required in accordance with Subsection of the
SSBC. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also document and witness any repairs or corrective actions that are
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must review and evaluate potential causes of defects and ensure appropriate
corrective actions are taken by the fabricator to prevent reoccurrence.
The visual post-pour inspection performed by the Consultant’s QA Inspector must include a review of:
 The general appearance of the concrete unit;
 Roughened concrete surfaces;
 Surface defects, including bug holes, honeycombing, cracks or spalls;
 Misaligned embedded items;
 The removal of any concrete fins;
 Concrete paste removal from projecting reinforcing steel and other components in accordance with Section 5
of the SSBC;
 Concrete removal from within any formed voids;
 The fabricator has identified all of the areas requiring repairs based on an initial post-pour visual inspection by
the Consultant’s QA Inspector;
 Repair procedures are selected based on the type, extent and location of the defects;
 Only repair procedures that have been reviewed and accepted by the Consultant are being used;
 Concrete surfaces are in a saturated surface dry condition during repair;
 Repairs are completed either before or after detensioning, as specified;
 All requirements of the repair procedures are strictly followed;
 Approved concrete patching materials, sack rub, and concrete sealers are being used;
 Surface roughening, where specified, is in accordance with specified ICRI concrete profile standard;
 Provide written acceptance of the clean-up and repair witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the
work is acceptably complete; and
 Provide written acceptance of the application of concrete surface finishes witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably complete. Camber and Sweep
Camber and sweep are the respective upward and lateral displacement of a precast concrete unit that results from
the eccentricity between the member’s centroid and prestressing force. Initial camber and sweep occur at the time
of detensioning and can be affected by:
 Concrete strength (lower strength members will have more camber and sweep);
 Differential tension in strands (lower strand stress than design will reduce camber);
 Dunnage locations and member orientation during storage and transportation (if grade or alignment of member
supports are not adequate sweep can be increased significantly); and
 Location of the strands (strands above their design position will result in reduced camber; those below their
design position will increase camber).

Page 4-75

For precast concrete girders, both the fabricator and the Consultant’s QA Inspector must measure and record the
camber and sweep of the units after detensioning. Camber hubs are installed on the girder tops at prescribed
locations to provide for consistent points of survey measurements. Sweep must be measured using a string-line or
wire run between the ends of the member. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must measure the camber and sweep
growth of the precast girders by taking additional measurements after the curing period and prior to shipping.
As camber and sweep vary with the age of the product, it is important that the initial measurements be taken as
soon as possible once the products are removed from the forms and no later than 24 hours after girder detensioning.
This allows for a more meaningful comparison between the actual and the design values at release. The design
engineer must normally communicate the calculated initial camber via the contract drawings. Large variations in
the initial camber and/or sweep may indicate a problem in the fabrication process, in which case the fabricator and
Consultant must review their inspection records to determine the probable cause. Special attention must be given
to the tensioning process to verify that each strand was correctly located and that each strand received the correct
prestressing force. Also, the concrete batching, handling, casting, consolidation and curing procedures and records
must be reviewed to determine whether the source of the unexpected camber and/or sweep has come from the
concreting process.
The final camber of a member can be upwards of two to three times the initial camber depending on the girder and
prestressing details. This is called camber growth. Final camber and sweep can be affected by product storage,
temperature effects, and dunnage locations. Differential cambers between similar products and excessive sweep
can present problems during the erection process. Members that are exposed to sunlight will have greater final
camber than those that are not. The sun warms the top of the member, allowing the concrete to expand while the
bottom concrete remains cool, which causes the member to camber. Also, dunnage that is placed differently than
shown on the shop drawings or is placed on a surface with insufficient stiffness to prevent uneven support conditions
can cause the camber to increase or decrease and sweep to exceed allowable tolerances.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the following as part of their inspection duties:
 Camber and sweep are measured and recorded. Product Dimensions
The dimensions of every product must be checked after it is removed from the forms.
Ends that are not square can complicate the erection process and can be indicative of form headers that were not
placed squarely or that moved during the concrete placement operations.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify and measure the following as part of their inspection duties:
 Overall length, width, and depth and dimensions such as web thickness and flange thickness;
 Locations of blockouts and embedded materials such as bracing inserts, bearing shoe plates, bridgerail anchor
rods and lifting devices;
 Extents of any specified roughened concrete surfaces;
 Non-stressed deck and MSE wall panels must be checked for bowing and warpage;
 Squareness of the ends of precast units;
 Dimensional tolerances are within specified limits; and
 Provide written acceptance of the dimensional tolerance as part of the final inspection hold point in the supply
and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably complete.

Page 4-76
The monitoring of the precast concrete curing conditions is the responsibility of the fabricator. The Consultant’s QA
Inspector must be familiar with the capabilities and limitations of the fabricator’s curing facilities. The Consultant’s
QA Inspector must regularly review the curing conditions including the ambient temperature, humidity and internal
concrete temperature to verify that adequate measurements are being taken and recorded and that they are within
the specified tolerances.
If a precast concrete unit must be moved outside before entering the curing chamber, the fabricator must take
precautions to protect the unit from cold weather conditions and the risk of thermal shock.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the following as part of their inspection duties:
 The fabricator is following the curing requirements of the SSBC and CSA A23.4;
 The fabricator is collecting and recording all of the required curing data including time, temperature, humidity
and concrete unit identification;
 Sufficient measures are taken to ensure timely commencement of curing, to make sure that all concrete units
are cured for a sufficient length of time and to avoid thermal shock throughout the entire curing process;
 A thorough inspection of all prestressed concrete units by the Consultant’s QA Inspector is coordinated with the
fabricator. This inspection must be carried out in sufficient time to allow the concrete units to be placed in a
curing enclosure within 24 hours of removal from the form; and
 Provide written acceptance of the curing witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is
acceptably complete. Concrete Surface Finishing and Application of Concrete Sealers
Once curing is complete, any final concrete surface finishes and concrete sealers must be applied. Application of
concrete surface finishes and concrete sealer must conform to the requirements of Subsections and
of the SSBC, and the special provisions of the contract.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the following as part of their inspection duties:
 Concrete surface finishes are applied to the correct surfaces as identified on the approved shop drawings and
in accordance with the contract;
 Concrete, repair and/or sack rub materials have been acceptably cured prior to application of concrete sealer;
 Sealer products to be used have been reviewed and accepted;
 The sealer is applied in accordance with the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC; and
 Provide written acceptance of the finishing, surface roughening and application of sealer witness point in the
supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably complete. Handling and Storage
The handling and storage procedures must be reviewed by the Consultant’s QA Inspector. Precast concrete units
must be supported on stable ground. Flanged members, such as NU girders, stored on uneven ground are exposed
to torsional stresses that can cause cracking and a reduction in structural capacity as well as excessive sweep.

Page 4-77

Figure 4.43
Mobile Gantry Crane used to Load NU Girder at Fabrication Facility

Dunnage capable of supporting the weight of the precast concrete units must be provided. When members are
stacked, the dunnage must be aligned in a vertical plane. Shorter members must not be stacked on longer members
without being approved by a plant engineer as it could damage the longer product by applying loads for which it was
not designed. It could also inhibit the camber growth of the longer piece and complicate the erection process.
Products stored for long periods of time must be checked regularly for settlement or movement of supports.
The Consultant may require dead load to be placed on a precast concrete unit to reduce the amount of camber
growth. This dead load must be placed as specified on the drawings and never be used without Consultant’s review
and acceptance.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage, the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify the following as part of their inspection duties:
 Lifting points are in accordance with the shop drawings;
 Lifting devices do not result in damage to the precast concrete unit;
 The storage area is sufficiently level and structurally competent to support the dead weight of the unit;
 Dunnage is sufficient to support the unit and located in the prescribed locations;
 Units that are stacked must be stacked in an appropriate manner to ensure the precast units are not exposed
to unintended stresses; and
 Provide written acceptance of the handling and storage witness point once the work is acceptably complete.

4.8.3 Final Inspection

The fabricator’s QC Inspector, Consultant QA Inspector and Consultant are all responsible for completion of the final
inspection prior to shipping. Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of these
documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication process), the Consultant must inform the
fabricator when each girder segment is ready for shipping or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.

Page 4-78

QC and QA Inspection Requirements

At this stage the fabricator’s QC inspector, Consultant and Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Review of the QC and QA inspection and/or testing records to verify compliance with the contract documents;
 Ensure all dimensional tolerances meet the contract requirements;
 Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have been reviewed and accepted;
 Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably

4.8.4 Shipping
The Contractor must submit transportation, handling, and storage drawings that detail shipping methods,
configuration of restraint systems and supports, and protection measures during transportation. Restraint systems
and supports must be well designed and implemented to prevent unnecessary damage during transportation.
Shipping by truck is the most common means for transporting precast concrete units. Precast concrete unit weight
is the most significant constraint when transporting by truck, followed by segment length and depth. If legal weight
limits are exceed, the fabricator must obtain transportation approvals and permits. Length is generally the second
most significant constraint on shipping and depending upon the site conditions and the route taken to get to the job
site, the maximum length that can be shipped may be shorter than the maximum length that can be fabricated. The
turning radius of the power unit and trailer combined with the overhang of the girders may prevent the vehicle
combination from clearing objects along the side of the route when sharp turns are made. Additionally, severe grade
changes may cause the load to bottom out or exceed underpass clearances due to the long wheel base. Height is a
concern as well. The route must be surveyed and adjusted accordingly to clear overpasses and power lines.
Stability during shipping is a significant consideration, particularly for large girders. Stability and stress calculations
must be completed by the fabricator to ensure the shipping configuration does not damage components. Additional
supports in the shipping configuration may be required to maintain the stability of the girders.
The Contractor is required to protect precast concrete units from dirt, road salts, slush or other containments during
transportation.The Contractor must also submit transportation, handling, and storage drawings that detail shipping
methods, configuration of restraint systems and supports, and protection measures during transportation. Restraint
systems and supports must be well designed and implemented to prevent unnecessary damage during
In accordance with Subsection 7.3.1 of the SSBC, precast concrete units must be protected from dirt, mud, road salts,
slush or other contaminants during transportation, handling and storage. Protection of precast concrete units is a
very important consideration that is often not given sufficient attention and creates significant challenges at the
project site. Protection of components is of particular importance during winter months when de-icing materials
are used to maintain highway networks. The means and methods of protection are determined by the Contractor
or fabricator and must achieve the specified cleanliness and condition prior to erection. Shrink wrapping or tarping
of components during transportation is a very effective way to minimize cleaning at the project site and streamline
inspection, cleaning and repair work on site.

Page 4-79

Figure 4.44
Shipping of NU Girder with Stiffening Truss along Top Flange for Stability

Figure 4.45
Shipping Restraints include Flange Protection of NU Girder

Page 4-80

Figure 4.46
SLC Type Girder Shipping with Timber Dunnage at Support Locations

Figure 4.47
Mobile Gantry Crane loading Box Girder onto Transport Truck Clearance to Ship

The Consultant must provide written notification (clearance to ship) to the Contractor that components may be
shipped from the fabrication shop. Clearance to ship may only be issued once the final inspection has been
acceptably completed.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify:
 The final inspection has been acceptably completed and written acceptance by both the fabricator’s QC
Inspector and the Consultant has been provided in the supply and fabrication ITP;
 Precast concrete units are loaded, supported, and restrained in accordance with the transportation, handling
and storage drawings; and
 Precast concrete units are protected in accordance with the transportation, handling and storage drawings and
Subsection 7.3.1 of the SSBC.

Page 4-81

4.8.5 Consultant QA Inspection and Testing Reporting

The Consultant’s QA Inspector must prepare daily and weekly inspection reports with photos during the fabrication
of precast concrete units. The reports must be submitted weekly to the Department for review and organized for
inclusion in the fabrication inspection report once fabrication is complete. Notes must be made to document any
delays in the work and progress of the work throughout the fabrication schedule.
The reports and photographs should document that the production meets the requirements of the contract. The
reports must clearly document what was inspected and that the expected inspection and testing requirements
outlined in this Manual have been acceptably completed. The reports must highlight any issues that were identified
during the inspection and testing and the details of their resolution. Photographs of fabrication defects, both before
and after repair, should be included as they are particularly useful for providing a complete record of the type and
location of any defects and how they were acceptably repaired.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also review the QC inspection and/or testing reports and the supply and
fabrication ITP to verify all inspection and testing is completed.

4.8.6 Consultant QA Inspector Resource Allocation

The anticipated hours of inspection for the Consultant’s QA Inspection depends on the type of precast concrete unit
that is being fabricated. An estimate of the weekly effort that is required for the Consultant’s QA Inspector to
complete their inspection and administrative duties is as follows:
 30 hours per week for NU girders;
 24 hours per week for standard SL, SLW and SLC girders;
 24 hours per week for deck panels;
 12 hours per week for MSE wall fascia panels; and
 18 hours per week for reinforced concrete pipe and precast box culvert units.
These hours are inclusive of the time required to perform all duties such as producing weekly inspection reports, QA
inspection, review of QC inspection documents and all other responsibilities of the Consultant’s QA Inspector as
outlined in this Manual. Further information on the level of inspection effort, as well as the anticipated effort
required for project management and office administration, is provided in Appendix J of this Manual.


The fabricator must submit all specified quality control documentation and as-constructed shop drawings to the
Consultant within 3 weeks of fabrication completion.
The Consultant must then assemble a final deliverable fabrication report and include all QC and QA inspection and
testing for all girder segments. The fabrication report will be filed by the Department and used in the management
of the bridge over its service life.
The final deliverable fabrication report must be submitted to the Department within:
 6 weeks from the date of acceptance of the Work for standalone bridge projects including multiple and major
bridge projects; or
 12 weeks from the date of acceptance of the Work for bridge projects that include a major grading, base course
and asphalt concrete pavement component.
The date of acceptance of the Work is the date as noted on the Construction Completion Certificate or the
Conditional Construction Completion Certificate.

Page 4-82

The Consultant should not wait until the work is accepted and overall project complete to commence compiling of
the final deliverables fabrication report. The Consultant is strongly encouraged to plan for and commence this
activity during the course of fabrication while all parties are familiar with the fabrication that occurred as there can
be a significant time between completion of fabrication and contract completion.
A detailed list of the final deliverables fabrication report requirements for the fabrication of steel girders is provided
in Appendix H of this Manual.

Page 4-83

Bearing types used by Alberta Transportation include plain and laminated elastomeric bearings, pot bearings, and
fixed steel rocker plate bearings. Continuous plain elastomeric bearings are used for standard precast concrete SL,
SW and SLC girder bridges and as temporary bearings for integral abutment bridges with welded plate steel girder
or precast concrete NU girders. Laminated elastomeric, pots, and fixed steel rocker plate bearings are the most
common type of bearings used by Alberta Transportation for major bridge structures.
Bearing type selection criteria and associated design requirements are outlined in the Bridge Structures Design
Criteria (BSDC) and Section 8 of the Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC).
Plain elastomeric and fixed steel rocker plate bearings are designed by the Consultant.
The detailed design of laminated elastomeric and pot bearings is not completed by the Consultant but rather
delegated to the bearing fabricator within the scope of the project construction contract. The Consultant provides
only the load carrying capacity, translation/movement and rotation requirements of these bearing types on the
contract drawings. Coordination and communication of design, detailing and fabrication considerations must occur
between the Consultant and fabricator to ensure all considerations are appropriately integrated. The Department’s
typical detail drawing T-1761 outlines the required design and fabrication details for laminated elastomeric bearings.
The typical details must be included in the contract drawings by the Consultant and followed by the fabricator.


5.2.1 Plain and Laminated Elastomeric Bearings
Elastomeric bearings can accommodate translation in any direction and rotational movement by elastic deformation
(shear deformation or sliding for translation; and normal compression deformation for rotation).
Elastomeric bearings can be either circular or rectangular. Circular elastomeric bearings are well suited for curved
and heavily skewed bridges as they can accommodate translations and rotations in multiple directions while
reducing required support dimensions. Rectangular elastomeric bearings are well suited for square and low to
moderately skewed bridges.
Elastomeric bearings contain various design details to accommodate bridge translation/ movement and rotational
requirements. Figure 5.1 shows various configurations of laminated elastomeric bearings in which translation occurs
by shear deformation (for small movements) or by sliding on a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)/polished stainless
steel surface (for large movements). Rotations about any of the axes is limited by the deformation capacity of the
elastomeric bearing pad.

Page 5-1

x y x y
x y

a) Deforming in the x- and y- b) Deforming in the x- c) Sliding and deforming in the x-

directions and rotating about all direction, no deformation and y- directions and rotating
axes. Force transfer Vx, Vy, N. in the y-direction. Rotating about all axes. Force transfer N.
about all axes. Force
transfer Vx, Vy, N.

d) Sliding and deforming in the x- e) No movement in the x- and f) Sliding in the x- direction and
direction, deforming in the y- y- directions. Rotating restrained in the y-direction.
direction and rotating about all about all axes. Force Rotation about all axes. Force
axes. Force transfer N. transfer Vx, Vy, N. transfer Vy, N.

Figure 5.1
Possible Movement Configurations Of Elastomeric And Pot Bearings

The compound used in the fabrication of the elastomeric type bearings is either neoprene (crystallization resistant
polychloroprene) or natural rubber (virgin natural polyisoprene). The use of natural rubber is more common as its
cold weather performance properties are generally better.
Under compression load elastomeric pads bulge. The amount of bulging is a function of the magnitude of the load
and the thickness of the elastomer. In order to limit bulging, elastomeric pads are often reinforced with steel plates
or ‘laminates’ at very specific elevations within the pad. The addition of steel plate laminate reinforcement also
increases an elastomeric pad’s compression and rotational stiffness and reduces the vertical deflection of the
bearing. The shear deformation of an elastomeric bearing remains unaffected by the incorporation of steel plate
laminate reinforcement. Elastomeric bearings that incorporate steel laminates are referred to as laminated
elastomeric bearings while those that do not incorporate laminates are referred to as plain elastomeric bearings.

Page 5-2

The bonding of reinforcing laminate plates is carried out by a process called vulcanization, which creates a chemical
bond between the steel plates and the elastomer. In many cases the bearing fabricator who designs the bearing,
outsources the manufacturing of the laminated elastomeric pad to a sub-contractor who assembles the raw
materials into a mould based on the geometry and design requirements provided and vulcanizes the assembly. The
vulcanized assembly is then shipped to the bearing fabricator. Before vulcanization rubber is soft, sticky and
thermoplastic. In this almost liquid form, the rubber has only limited use due to its low melting point and cracking
at freezing temperatures. As a result, although natural rubber has been known for centuries, it did not find
significant applications until the vulcanization process was discovered. The cross-linking of the polymeric chains,
which is promoted by the addition of sulfur and heat, makes rubber non-sticky and dramatically increases its tensile
and compressive strengths. Modern rubbers have additives other than sulfur to accelerate the vulcanization process
and manipulate the properties of the rubber to suite specific applications.
A laminated elastomeric bearing pad sits below a steel sole plate and above a base/masonry plate as shown in Figure
5.2. The sole plate is fastened to the bottom girder flange either by bolting (steel girders) or welding (to an
embedded shoe plate within precast concrete girders). The masonry/base plate is supported by a concrete grout

Figure 5.2
Laminated Elastomeric Bearing Assembly
(from bottom to top: Base Plate, Laminated Elastomeric Pad and Sole Plate)

5.2.2 Pot Bearings

Pot bearings are typically used when the size of laminated elastomeric bearings become large enough that complex
fabrication and/or increasing the size of substructure elements is required. Pot bearings can accommodate much
higher vertical load and rotation about any axis. Although the pot bearing itself cannot accommodate horizontal
movement, it can accommodate large translations when the top bearing plate is placed under a PTFE surface and
stainless steel slider plate.
The primary components of pot bearings are shown in Figure 5.3 and include a base/masonry plate, pot (cylinder)
plate, confined elastomer, piston plate and sole plate. Expansion pot bearings also include an additional plate with
a PTFE sheet between the piston and the sole plate. A polished stainless steel plate is welded to the underside of
the sole plate to facilitate translation/thermal movement. Expansion pot bearings may be designed as guided, in
order to allow translation in only one direction.

Page 5-3

(a) Fixed Pot Bearing

(b) Expansion (Guided) Pot Bearing

Figure 5.3
Pot bearings

Pot bearings subject a confined elastomeric disk to a hydrostatic state of stress, which increases the load carrying
capacity of the elastomer as long as it remains confined in the machined cylinder pot plate. Vertical force is
transmitted to the elastomeric disc through a piston plate, which sits within the cylinder pot plate. In order to
confine the elastomer, tight fitting brass sealing rings are incorporated into the bearing assembly just below the
piston plate. These rings prevent the elastomer from being squeezed through the gap between the piston and the
pot under load. Horizontal forces transferred through the bearing are resisted by contact of the piston plate against
the cylinder pot plate wall. The vertical and horizontal loads are transmitted from the piston and pot plates to the
sole plate and masonry/base plate through bearing and mechanical connection (bolting or welding).
Pot bearings require highly specialized and precise fabrication as well as stringent quality control and quality
assurance to achieve design and durability requirements.

5.2.3 Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings

Fixed steel plate rocker bearings accommodate high loads and very large rotations about a single axis. They are
exclusive used for fixed pier bearings on moderate to long span steel girder bridges and provide longitudinal and
lateral force transfer through direct shear of high strength steel anchor rods.
Steel plate rocker bearings only allow for rotation about a single axis and are not suitable for bridges with movements
in multiple directions due to horizontal curvature, skew, or large bridge width.
Rocker bearings consist of three primary components: a base/masonry plate, a rocker plate, and anchor rods. The
base plate is the plate in contact with the rocker plate and can be either flat or concave. The rocker plate is a
rectangular plate machined with a convex bottom surface and sloped top surface to accommodate superstructure
grade. A typical rocker plate cross section of a fixed steel plate rocker bearing is shown in Figure 5.4. Anchor rods
are incorporated into the bearing assembly to provide lateral and horizontal force resistance.
Fixed steel plate rocker bearings only consist of steel plates, and must be fabricated with high precision machining
tools, contact surfaces in particular, to achieve the specified tolerances necessary for their functionality and

Page 5-4

Figure 5.4
Typical Steel Rocker Plate Cross Section

5.3.1 Alberta Transportation Standards and Specifications
 Bridge Structures Design Criteria (BSDC), Section 8;
 Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC), Section 8;
 Engineering Consultant Guidelines for Highway, Bridge, and Water Projects Vol.1 and Vol.2;
 General Specifications and Specification Amendments for Highway and Bridge Construction Edition 16; and
 Typical Details Drawing T-1761-17 – Typical Expansion Bearing Details.

5.3.2 Reference Standards and Specifications

 American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)/Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC):
o AISC 420-10/SSPC-QP3 (2010). Certification Standard for Shop Application of Complex Protective Coating
 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):
o AASHTO (2017). AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, Section 18 – Bearing Devices, 4th Edition;
o AASHTO M251-06 (2016). Standard Specification for Plain and Laminated Elastomeric Bridge Bearings,
o AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 (2015). Bridge Welding Code, 7th Edition, American Welding Society D1
Committee on Structural Welding/AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures.
 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):
o ASME B46.1 (2009). Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness, and Lay), ASME, American National
Standard, Three Park Ave., NY.
 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
o ASTM D395 (2016). Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property – Compression Set;
o ASTM D412 (2016). Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers–Tension;
o ASTM D573 (2015). Standard Test Method for Rubber – Deterioration in an Air Oven;
o ASTM D746 (2014). Standard Test Method for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers by Impact;
o ASTM D2240 (2015). Standard Test Method for Rubber Property – Durometer Hardness;
o ASTM D3183 (2015). Standard Practice for Rubber – Preparation of Pieces for Test Purposes from Products;
o ASTM D4014 (2003) Reaffirmed 2018. Standard Specification for Plain and Steel-Laminated Elastomeric
Bearings for Bridges.

Page 5-5

 Canadian Standards Association (CSA):

o CSA-G40.20-13/G40.21-13 (2018), General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel /
Structural Quality Steel; and
o CSA-W47.1:19 (2019), Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel.
 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE):
o Society of Automotive Engineers specification SAE AS8660 Silicone Compound NATO Code Number S-736.
 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE):
o SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS C2.23M/NACE No. 12. Specification for Application of Thermal Spray Coatings
(Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel.

The qualifications of the personnel involved in the fabrication of bearings, including the fabricator and the quality
control (QC) inspectors, NDT testers are outlined in Section 8 of the SSBC and Section 6 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5.
This section presents a short review of the required qualifications of the Consultant’s QA Inspector, the fabricator
and their personnel including QC inspectors, tack welders, welders, welding operators and welding supervisor.

5.4.1 Fabricator
In accordance with Subsection 8.3.1 of the SSBC, bearing fabricators must be certified to the requirements of CSA
W47.1 by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB). The sub-contractors to the fabricator must also be CWB certified to
Welding must be completed in accordance with multiple codes and standards related to process, quality and safety.
The CWB provides comprehensive qualification and certification services for:
 Company certification;
 Welder, welding supervisor, welding engineer qualifications, and weld inspector certification;
 Acceptance of welding procedures;
 Certification of electrodes and filler metals;
 Qualification and certification of Canadian welding professional and welding companies to international
standards, including IIW/ISO 3834; and
 CWB stud base qualification19.
The fabricator and the fabricator’s sub-contractors20 are responsible for completing the work in accordance with the
contract requirements. Therefore, the fabricator and their sub-contractors must have a quality control program,
that is reviewed and accepted by the CWB as part of its’ certification program.
The CWB certification is related to the shop’s ability to fabricate welded components and is in accordance with CSA-
W47.1. Certification requirements of fabricators that supply and fabricate structural steel on Department bridge
projects is as follows:

Fabricators performing stud welding under CSA-W59 or AWS D1.5 are required to use only qualified studs through
the CWB qualification program. Studs that are shop or field welded must be qualified by the manufacturer through
CWB to the extent of CSA-W59 or AWS D1.5. The qualification of studs confirms that the stud manufacturer has
successfully met the tests and the quality system requirements specified in CSA-W59 or AWS D1.5.
The requirements of the SSBC extend to all sub-contractors doing work for the Fabricator as part of the bearing
fabrication process. Since the same standard of care is expected whether the work is carried out by the Fabricator
or the Fabricator’s sub-contractors, the same qualifications are required for all parties involved in the fabrication

Page 5-6

 Steel girders, trusses, diaphragms, bracing, splice plates, stiffeners, connector plates, abutment and pier caps,
and associated materials .......................................................................................................................... Division 1
 All other bridge components ............................................................................................... Division 1 or Division 2
 Field welding/repairs ........................................................................................................... Division 1 or Division 2
Bearing assemblies fall under the other bridge components category and therefore, a fabricator carrying out the
fabrication of bearings for the Department must be certified to CSA W47.1 Division 1 or Division 2.
The differentiation between division certification is dependant on whether the fabricator employs a full-time or part-
time welding engineer. Division 1 fabricators employ a welding engineer on a full-time basis whereas Division 2
fabricators retain the services of a welding engineer on a part-time basis. A single welding engineer supporting a
fabricator with multiple shops is acceptable. The welding engineer need not be an employee of the fabricator but
can be a sub-contractor. Although not applicable to the fabrication of bridge components, a Division 3 fabricator
does not require a welding engineer. CSA W47.1 Section 5 provides the requirements for certification. It addresses
requirements for various divisions as outlined above, application process, welding personnel requirements,
reporting of personnel and documentation, quality control and various other requirements.
Figure 5.5 shows a sample CWB certificate identifying the standard to which the certificate is issued, the address of
the fabricating shop being certified, the date at which the certificate was issued and the scope of work for which the
certificate is issued.

Figure 5.5
Sample CWB Certificate of Qualification

Page 5-7

Figure 5.6
Sample CWB Letter of Validation

The letter of validation, shown in Figure 5.6, contains the above information, and the period of validation. This letter
must be renewed yearly by the expiration date of the validation letter. The CWB, by issuing the letter of validation,
confirms that the fabricator satisfies the requirements of CSA-W47.1. Welding Engineer
A fabricator certified to Division 1 or 2 must retain the services of a welding engineer. As part of the certification
process, CWB will also verify the qualification of the welding engineer. The required qualifications of the welding
engineer are detailed in Subsection 6.4 of CSA W47.1. Welding procedures are considered a Professional Work
Product (PWP) by the Alberta Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) and as such
must be authenticated by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice. Welding Supervisor
The welding supervisor is the fabricator’s designate responsible for ensuring that qualified welding personnel weld
in accordance with the reviewed and accepted weld procedure data sheets both in the shop and in the field. As part
of the fabricator’s certification, the CWB will verify the qualification of the welding supervisor. The required
qualifications of the welding supervisor are detailed in Section 7 of CSA W47.1. Welding supervisors must
demonstrate their qualifications through a combination of experience and training. Welding Personnel
The fabricator must only use welding personnel (tack welders, welders and welding operators) qualified in the type
of work being performed under the scope of the fabricator’s certification. The qualification process for welding
personnel is outlined in Subsection 8.2 of CSA W47.1. Tack welder’s and the welding operator’s certification remains
valid indefinitely (as long as they remain employed by a certified company). The certification of welders only remains
valid for a period of two years and must be renewed through a testing process that varies depending on the
qualifications of the welder.

Page 5-8

Verification of the qualifications of welding personnel is a critically important requirement to ensure that welding
personnel with the required skill set perform all welding in the fabrication of steel bridge components. More
information is presented below and in Appendix D of this Manual.

5.4.2 Testing Laboratory

Depending on the bearing type, quality control testing of bearing assemblies can include destructive testing of the
bearing assembly materials, testing of applied coatings and non-destructive load testing of full size bearings. The
fabricator’s testing requirements for each type of bearing are outlined in Subsection of the SSBC.
The fabricator must engage an AASHTO National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) Elastomeric
Bridge Bearing Pad Designated Laboratory or an equivalent independent certified testing company at his expense to
complete testing of bearing materials and the completed bearings.

5.4.3 Qualification of Inspectors Fabricator’s Quality Control (QC) Inspectors
Fabrication inspection is carried out by the fabricator as part of their quality control (QC) program and by the
Consultant as part of quality assurance (QA). The fabricator’s QC department documents the information needed
during fabrication, assembly, coating and shipment. All the work completed by the fabricator must be inspected
and signed off by the fabricator’s QC department as part of their inspection and test plan (ITP).
The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-destructive testing, must meet, at a
minimum, the requirements of AASHTO/American Welding Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5 Clause
6 except that the Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector must be certified by the CWB as a Level 2 or
Level 3 inspector in accordance with CSA W178.2. Quality control non-destructive testing (NDT) technicians must
be certified to Level 2 in accordance with CAN/CGSB-48.971221 and employed by a testing agency certified to CSA
W178.1. Coating testing must be completed and by an independent National Association of Corrosion Engineers
(NACE) Level 2 certified coating inspector. Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA) Inspectors
The Consultant’s QA Inspector, while acting as the Department’s representative, reviews all documentation
generated by the fabricator to verify that the work complies with the Contract. Additionally, the Consultant’s QA
Inspector is required to witness, review and accept, by signing off on, fabrication stages and activities. QC and QA
must provide written acceptance of the fabrication work at all the witness and hold points identified in Subsection of the SSBC.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified by the CWB as a level 2 or level 3 welding inspector in accordance
with CSA W178.2, experienced in interpreting drawings, and have bridge fabrication related experience.
Although NDT is the responsibility of the Contractor during the fabrication of bearings, the Consultant may be
required to perform NDT to confirm QC testing if determined necessary. Inspectors performing NDT on behalf of
the Consultant require certification in the applicable testing standard. Inspectors performing only NDT work do not
need to be a qualified welding inspector. For radiographic inspection (RT), the lead technician must be certified to
Level 2 of the CGSB and the technician’s assistant must be a Qualified Operator (QO). For magnetic particle
inspection (MT) and ultrasonic inspection (UT) the technician must be certified to Level 2 of CGSB. All NDT
technicians must be employed by a testing agency certified to CSA W178.1. The inspection of coatings requires a
NACE CIP Level 2 certified inspector.

The CGSB NDT certification program is managed by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), which certifies individuals
who perform non-destructive testing according to standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712 2014 “Qualification and
Certification of Non-Destructive Testing Personnel.”

Page 5-9


The quality management process (QC and QA), risk management, and payment schedule of the contract are critically
dependent on having a reviewed and accepted ITP in place prior to the commencement of fabrication. Development
of the supply and fabrication ITP must be given careful consideration by the fabricator and comprehensively
reviewed by the Consultant to ensure all applicable QC and QA requirements are included.
The fabricator must prepare and submit a supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP) in accordance with
Subsection 8.3 of the SSBC. The ITP outlines quality requirements and responsibilities of the contract requirements
and also considers the fabrication sequence and scheduling. The ITP also identifies all the stages of fabrication where
document submission and QC and QA inspection and testing is required so that the required reviews and inspections
can be completed with minimal disruption to the work flow.
The ITP must include the work carried out by all the sub-contractors involved in the fabrication, QC and QA
inspections, and the responsibility of each party involved (Contractor/fabricator or Consultant). When multiple
fabricators or different shops of the same fabricator are involved, the tasks of each shop (i.e. cutting of plate,
fabrication of elastomeric pads, painting, bearing testing, etc.) must clearly identify the party and person/position
responsible for providing written acceptance of witness points, hold points, inspection requirements, testing
requirements, and reporting. At a minimum, for each task in the fabrication process, the fabricator must identify:
 The QC inspection and testing to be carried out;
 The QA inspection and testing to be carried out;
 The reference specification/standard for inspection and testing required; and
 Identification of the responsible party and the role of the fabricator and all the inspectors involved. Their roles
can vary from observer, to reviewer, to person responsible to release the task, indicating that all required
inspections for the task have been completed and the task has been reviewed and accepted by way of written
sign off.
The elements of the ITP that must be verified by the Consultant are:
 ITP reference number;
 Prefabrication document submissions (hold points);
 Reference specification/standards for qualifications, inspection and testing;
 Bearing components and type being fabricated;
 Identification of each task to be conducted during fabrication that require either QA or QC inspection and
testing; and
 All inspection and testing witness and hold points identified in Subsection of the SSBC have been

Prior to the commencement of fabrication and scheduling of the prefabrication meeting, the Consultant must review
the prefabrication submission outlined in Subsection 8.3.2 of the SSBC. Prefabrication submissions that must be
reviewed and accepted by the Consultant prior to the commencement of fabrication include:
 Fabricator’s inspection and test plan (ITP);
 Fabricator’s quality control plan;
 Fabricator and sub-contractor qualifications;
o Certification(s);
o Certification of the fabricator’s QC and NDT inspectors;
o Bearing testing laboratory;
o Welding personnel;

Page 5-10

o Metallizing personnel;
 Fabrication sequence and equipment;
 Mill test reports (MTRs) for all steels, fasteners, welding consumables, brass, elastomer, PTFE, adhesives, anchor
rods, and lubricant;
 Product data sheets (for coatings);
 Design and independent check notes, for laminated elastomeric and pot bearings;
 Shop drawings;
 Welding procedure specifications (WPS);
 Welding procedure data sheets (WPDS);
 Repair procedures (the fabricator has the option of submitting these before the prefabrication meeting for
expediency of schedule); and
 Fabrication schedule.
The prefabrication submissions are a critical phase of the fabrication process and demonstrate that the fabricator
and sub-contractors are prepared to start fabrication. The quality of prefabrication submissions reduces the risk of
costly fabrication errors and increases the effectiveness of quality control and quality assurance. Each prefabrication
submission is discussed in detail in the following subsections.

5.6.1 Prefabrication Submissions Quality Control Plan
The quality control plan outlines the fabrication procedures, documentation, records and resources required to
ensure that the final product will meet the contract requirements and is part of the documentation required for the
CWB certification of the fabricator. Some elements of the quality control plan include:
 Organizational chart identifying who is responsible for the various aspects of fabrication, inspection and testing;
 Outline of the responsibilities of the quality control manager;
 Description of the fabrication procedures used in the shop;
 Description of the fabrication inspection and testing program;
 Description of the quality control testing and verification completed by the fabricator;
 Description of the required qualifications of the fabricator’s quality control inspectors; and
 Description of how records are managed, method of material traceability, submittals, how nonconformities are
tracked and resolved, and repairs.
The fabricator’s quality control plan is reviewed and approved by the accreditation body (CWB) responsible for
issuing certification. The Consultant must verify that the fabricator’s quality control plan has been approved by the
applicable accreditation body and provided to the Department. Qualifications
The required qualifications and certifications for the fabricators and their sub-contractors are outlined in Subsection
5.4.1. The Consultant must verify that the fabricator is certified to CSA-W47.1 in the applicable division by reviewing
the CWB certificate and the letter of validation in accordance with the following information:
 The certificate indicates that the fabricator is certified to Division 1 or 2 (this confirms that the fabricator has at
a minimum a part-time qualified welding engineer);
 The shop address on the certificate corresponds to the shop that carries out the work. If fabrication takes place
in multiple shops owned by the fabricator, certification of each shop to Division 1 or 2 is required;
 The sub-contractors have the appropriate certification for the work they perform. Sub-contractors completing
steel fabrication must be certified to Division 1 or 2. The fabricator or its metallizing sub-contractor must
provide a certificate of qualification by the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) to confirm they are certified
to SSPC-QP6 or be certified to ISO9001; and

Page 5-11

 The letter of validation includes the date of expiration. The Consultant must ensure that the letter of validation
is current and will not expire during the course of fabrication. If the current letter of validation is anticipated to
expire prior to the completion of fabrication, a new letter of validation must be supplied prior to the expiration
of the previous letter.
Welding personnel consist of tack welders, welders, and welding operators. Fabricators will typically submit the
certificates of all the welding personnel in their shop as it is not always known at the time of the prefabrication
meeting as to which of the welding personnel will be utilized to work on the bearings. It is therefore the role of the
Consultant’s QA Inspector to verify that any of the welding personnel working on the project have the appropriate
certification and that their certificate has been submitted for review and acceptance.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must review the welding personnel’s certificates to verify
 All welding personnel are certified;
 Welders are qualified for the welding processes identified on the shop drawings and WPDS, typically, metal
cored arc welding (MCAW) or shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) are the welding processes used in the
fabrication of bearing assemblies. Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)/Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding is also
used for welding of stainless steel slider plates. Refer to Appendix A of this Manual for more information;
 Welders are qualified for welding the materials that will need to be welded during fabrication (carbon steel for
most bearing components and stainless steel for sliding plates). Qualification requirements for carbon steels is
not equivalent for welding of stainless steels;
 Welders are qualified for the positions identified on the WPDS and shown on the shop drawings;
 Welders are qualified for welding the materials utilized during fabrication. Qualification in welding carbon steel
does not equate to qualification in welding of stainless steel;
 Welder classification meet the requirement for all types of joints to be executed on the project. The Consultant
should keep in mind that welders with WT, FW, S, and T22 classification can perform tack welds and various
other welds, depending on their classification, but welders with WT classification can only perform tack welds.
The most common classification is S, which allows the welder to perform all types of welds in various positions,
except for full penetration welds without backing bar and with access only from one side; and
 The expiry date for the welder’s certificate must extend until the end of the fabrication period or it must be
renewed to ensure continuous compliance. Note that welding operators’ and tack welders’ certificates do not
Additional information regarding the review of welder qualifications can be found in Appendix D of this Manual.
NDT and reporting is the responsibility of the Contractor’s QC. To ensure properly certified personnel are performing
the NDT, the Consultant must verify that the QC visual welding inspection and NDT technicians meet the
requirements of Subsection 5.4.3.
The Contractor must use an independent testing laboratory to complete testing of bearing materials and the
completed bearings. Qualifications of the independent testing laboratory must be submitted and reviewed by the
Consultant to verify they meet the requirements of Subsection 5.4.2. Fabrication Sequence and Equipment;
The fabricator is required to provide a summary of their proposed fabrication sequence and equipment used for
fabrication (including any sub-contracted activities).

WT: classification of welders that deposit tack welds; FW: classification of welders and welding operators that
deposit fillet welds and tack welds; S: classification of welders and welding operators that weld plates and rolled
or hollow sections with full penetration groove welds when accessing the weld from both sides; T: classification
of welders or welding operators that can weld from one side without a backing bar and achieve complete

Page 5-12

The Consultant must review the proposed fabrication sequence and equipment submission and assess if the
specified quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing activities can be completed and that the
proposed equipment conforms to the contract requirements. Plain Elastomeric Bearings
The fabrication sequence and equipment for plain elastomeric bearings is not complex as other bearing types.
Typically plain elastomeric bearings are fabricated by molding individually, cutting from previously molded strips or
slabs, or extruding and then cutting to length. Molding is the most common method of plain elastomeric
manufacture and can be completed by compression molding, injection molding or transfer molding. The molding
processes include placing raw rubber material in a mold and then applying heat and pressure to vulcanize the rubber
material into an elastomeric bearing pad. Laminated Elastomeric Bearings
The fabrication of laminated elastomeric bearings typically occurs in the following sequence:
 Preparation of steel laminate reinforcing plates, which consists of cutting the laminate plates to the required
size, rounding of all edges and preparing and cleaning surfaces by abrasive blasting;
 Bearings are individually cast. Steel laminate reinforcing plates are stacked at specific elevations between
vulcanized elastomer spacers within a mold. The thickness of the elastomer spacers is selected to provide the
necessary spacing between the individual steel laminates and to maintain a minimum cover of 6 mm. The
stacked assembly is then heated while under pressure to vulcanize the elastomer and bond the individual
components into a laminated pad;
 Steel base plates and sole plates are machined to the roughness limits and tolerances specified in Subsection of the SSBC. Machining must take place after welding to eliminate weld induced distortions and achieve
the specified tolerances;
 Corrosion protection of external plates by hot dip galvanizing. Galvanizing must be completed after machining.
For bearings incorporating stainless steel sliding surfaces, the stainless steel plate must be welded after the hot
dip galvanizing process. Removal and subsequent repair of the galvanized surface adjacent to welded areas is
required. Alternatively, sole plates incorporating stainless steel sliding surfaces may be metallized after welding
of the stainless steel sliding plate. Adequate protection of the stainless steel plate must be provided to prevent
contamination during the metallizing process;
 Base plates receive a concrete grey barrier coating on the surface in contact with the grout pad to eliminate
corrosion staining;
 Expansion bearings require the stainless steel sliding surface to be welded to the sole plate using a continuous
fillet weld to seal the joint and to provide resistance to frictional forces. The PTFE sliding surface is bonded to
the recessed steel laminate previously vulcanized to the top of the bearing;
 Tolerances, including bearing dimensions and out-of-flatness, of the finished bearings are measured in
accordance with Table 2 of ASSHTO M251-06 (2016); and
 Non-destructive and destructive testing is carried out by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance
with Subsection of the SSBC. Pot Bearings
The fabrication of pot bearings typically occurs in the following sequence:
 Cutting of steel plate for the individual pot bearing components;
 Fastening of the individual plates by welding or bolting or a combination of both to form bearing sub-assemblies
(pot plate, piston plate, lateral guides etc.);
 Machining of steel bearing surfaces to the tolerances specified in Subsection of the SSBC. Machining
must take place after all welding is complete to eliminate weld induced distortions;
 Pots and pistons are metallized after machining is completed. Metallizing is used rather than hot dip galvanizing
on these components as it is less likely to cause distortions. Remaining steel components are hot dip galvanized;

Page 5-13

 Base plates surfaces in contact with grout receive a concrete grey barrier coating;
 QC verification of tolerances of the individual bearing components with QA spot checks. Tolerances must meet
the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC;
 The individual elements of the pot bearing are assembled (brass sealing rings, elastomer, lubrication of the
 For sliding bearings, the PTFE is bonded to a 2.5 mm recess machined into the sliding plate. PTFE for lateral
guides can be bonded to a machined recess or be bonded and mechanically fastened; and
 Non-destructive and destructive testing is carried out by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance
with Subsection of the SSBC. Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings
The fabrication of fixed steel plate rocker bearings typically occurs in the following sequence:
 Cutting of individual plates;
 All welding is carried out;
 Plates are machined to the roughness limits and tolerances specified in Subsection of the SSBC;
 Surfaces requiring hot dip galvanizing are coated; and
 Base plate surfaces in contact with grout receive a concrete grey barrier coating. Mill Test Reports
Mill test reports (MTRs) identify the producer steel mill, steel heat number, steel grade, plate thickness or shape
sizes, chemical composition, and mechanical properties. Detailed guidelines for the Consultant’s review of MTRs for
structural steel are provided in Appendix C of this Manual.
Subsection of the SSBC outlines the requirements for the submission of MTRs. Reporting of boron content
is required for all steel that is being welded regardless of origin. The boron content of carbon steel to be welded
must not exceed 0.0008%.
In some cases, North America mills will not report boron content on the MTR even though they possess this
information. In this case, and if the billet was melted in North America, a certified letter from the North American
mill stating the measured boron content for the corresponding heat will be considered an acceptable representation
of the boron content of that heat of steel. The letter must be signed by the mill’s metallurgist.
Steel originating from outside of North America must undergo verification testing in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. The verification testing includes the chemical analysis of the steel and the mechanical properties.
All material verification testing must be completed prior to the commencement of fabrication. Although this may
have an impact on the fabrication schedule, the impact is typically small compared to the consequences of dealing
with fabricated components that do not meet the specifications.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify the following when reviewing a mill test report
that does not require verification inspection and testing:
 The address of the rolling mill. Note that steel plates rolled from billets produced in a mill outside Canada or
the United States of America must be retested for chemical analysis if the rolling mill did not retest the chemistry
of the steel. There is no need to retest for mechanical properties if the rolling mill is North American since the
mechanical properties are determined by the rolling mill;
 The heat number is provided;
 The plate thickness is correct for the component for which it is to be used;
 The MTR indicates the grade of steel complies with the contract requirements. This should be confirmed by
verifying that the tensile properties (minimum yield strength, tensile strength and strain at rupture) are in
accordance with the material standard specified on the contract documents. The chemistry of the steel should
also meet the same material standard;

Page 5-14

 The boron content for steel to be welded must not exceed 0.0008%. Note that a mill test report that indicates
a boron content as <0.001% does not meet this requirement; the boron content must be reported with sufficient
 If the steel is to be hot dip galvanized, the silicon content must be less than 0.04% or between 0.15% and 0.25%.
Silicon (Si) content limits for structural carbon steels that will not be galvanized or will be metallized do not
apply. More information about the role of Si in the galvanizing of steel is presented in Section 6 and Appendix
E of this Manual; and
 Surface finishes and/or tempering information, required for stainless steel sliding plates and brass sealing rings,
must be listed on the MTR and be in accordance with the contract requirements. See Subsections and for more information.
Steel originating from outside of Canada or the United States of America must undergo verification inspection and
testing. For these steels the Consultant must verify the following in addition to the requirements listed above:
 The verification testing laboratory conforms to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC;
 The material tests required by the relevant material standard (CSA-G40.21 or ASTM) have all been conducted
and in the number required by the material standard;
 The mechanical properties, and chemistry of the steel meet the requirements of the contract;
 For welded steel with boron content exceeding 0.0008% verify that the Contractor is replacing the non-
conforming steel with a compliant steel or proposing verification of welding in accordance with Alberta
Transportation Construction Bulletin 29; and
 The verification letter is signed by an authorized officer of the testing laboratory indicating the material tested
conforms to the contract requirements.
Any steel that does not meet the contract requirements must be replaced.
MTRs of welding consumables must also be submitted for the review and acceptance of the Consultant. Stainless Steel
Stainless steel plates are used as mating surfaces with PTFE to provide translational movement capability of bearings
in the horizontal plane. Stainless steel plates must have a minimum thickness of 3.2 mm and have a number 8 mirror
(0.2 µm) surface finish to minimize wear of the PTFE and achieve the design frictional coefficient (see Appendix F for
a brief description of surface roughness measurement methods and parameters).
Stainless steel used in the fabrication of sliding surfaces must conform to Subsection of the SSBC which
specifies AISI Type 304. This is an austenitic stainless steel with 17.5% to 19.5% chromium and 8 to 10.5% nickel23.
With only 0.07% carbon this stainless steel is a low carbon stainless steel that reduces the risk of chromium carbide
precipitation during welding, which would affect its corrosion resistance. A lower carbon content version, Type 304L,
is also acceptable since its susceptibility to chromium carbide precipitation during welding is further reduced. The
chemistry and the mechanical properties of the stainless steel (yield and tensile strengths, elongation at rupture and
hardness) must conform to ASTM A240/A240M in accordance with the reference standards. For more information
regarding welding of stainless steel refer to Appendix A.

Austenitic stainless steels have sufficient chromium to make the steel stainless (at least 12% Cr is required) and
sufficient nickel to prevent the microstructure from changing as the steel cools down to normal operating
temperatures. The austenite microstructure imparts this steel with a high ductility, which makes them desirable
for steel plates with high deformability and high corrosion resistance requirements. The high chromium content
makes it one of the most corrosion resistant stainless steel. These two factors explain why austenitic stainless
steels represent about 70% of the stainless steel produced in North America.

Page 5-15
Tight fitting brass rings are used in pot bearings to create a seal between the pot and piston plates. This seal prevents
the elastomer, located between the contact surfaces of these plates, from squeezing out of the horizontal contact
surfaces when the bearing undergoes compressive load and cyclic rotation at the serviceability limit state or under
the compressive load and static rotation at the ultimate limit state.
Brass is a copper-zinc alloy with 4% to 40% zinc, about 1% iron and about 0.5% lead. The tensile strength of H02
brass varies from 345 MPa for Alloy C21000 (4% to 6% zinc content) to 485 MPa for the C28000 alloy (about 40%
zinc content) in accordance with ASTM B36/B36M. The strength of brass can be varied through a combination of
zinc content adjustment, rolling and heat treatment (tempering). The MTR must indicate that the alloy and the
material standard ASTM B36/B36M. The chemistry of the brass must meet the requirements of the same material
standard for Cu, Zn, Fe and Pb content. The tensile strength must be between 345 MPa and 485 MPa (50 – 70 ksi).
Brass rings can be cut from a rolled plate or fabricated from bar tempered to a temper designation H02, referred to
as half-hard. Half-hard brass is required for pot bearing rings.
Brass rings must be of a rectangular cross section as it has been found that rings of round cross section tend to wear
during cyclic rotation. Anchor Rods and Connecting Bolts
The anchor rods and bolts used in bearing connections must meet the requirements listed in Table 8-2 of the SSBC.
Anchor rods fabricated from ASTM A193 Grade B7 have a minimum tensile strength of 860 MPa and are susceptible
to hydrogen embrittlement. Galvanizing and embrittlement testing of these high strength anchor rods must be
performed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
Bolts intended to be galvanized must be 22 mm (7/8 in.) diameter ASTM F3125 Grade A325/A325M Type 1 bolts.
Matching galvanized nuts and hardened washers must meet the requirements of ASTM A563/A563M and ASTM
F436/F436M respectively.
When anchor rods and bolts are galvanized, the associated galvanized nuts must be tapped oversize in accordance
with ASTM A563. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
PTFE sheets and strips can be manufactured from pure virgin unfilled PTFE resin; from PTFE resin blended with either
15% by mass of glass fibres, or 25% carbon fibres; or from fabric containing PTFE fibers. Subsection of the
SSBC specifies PTFE material requirements. PTFE used in horizontal sliding surfaces of bearings must be unfilled 100%
virgin polymer while PTFE used on guides in guided pot bearings can be either unfilled PTFE or PTFE filled with up to
15% glass fibres. The material requirements for these two types of PTFE are listed in Table of AASHTO
PTFE is a manufactured product and is not supplied with a mill test report; however, certified laboratory test results
for PTFE material must be provided to confirm compliance with SSBC requirements. The Consultant must verify that
the certified laboratory test report includes:
 The name and address of the certified laboratory;
 The PTFE sheet thickness must be at least 3.2 mm (Section 18.8.1 of AASHTO (2017);
 Whether the PTFE sheets are unfilled or filled. 100% virgin unfilled polymer is required for horizontal sliding
surfaces while the mating surfaces of guides for lateral restraints, unfilled PTFE or PTFE filled with up to 15% by
mass of glass fibres is acceptable; and
 The material properties meet the requirements of Table of AASHTO (2017).

Page 5-16
The adhesive used to bond PTFE to the recessed steel laminate plate must meet the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. The adhesive must be an epoxy resin and have a minimum peel strength of 4 N/mm when tested
in accordance with ASTM D429, Method B. In this test, the PTFE test sheet is bonded to a metal test plate using the
epoxy resin adhesive. After the cure period, the PTFE sheet is stripped by pulling on the sheet at 90 degrees to the
plate surface. The PTFE sheet used for the test must be flexible enough so that it can fold to the required 90 degrees
without introducing significant stresses in the adhesively bonded joint. This is achieved by either having the PTFE
supplier provide a thin sheet of the same batch of PTFE as that used in the fabrication of the bearings, or reducing
the thickness of the sheet at the point where the bending is to take place.
The fabricator must submit the product data sheet of the proposed epoxy resin adhesive to be used.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify that:
 The independent testing laboratory is certified to perform the test required;
 The product data sheet indicates the adhesive to be an epoxy resin satisfying the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC; and
 The test results indicate that the minimum peel strength specified was achieved. Lubricant Sealant for Pot Bearings
The pot and piston surfaces in contact with the confined elastomer must be lubricated with silicone grease to help
prevent abrasion of the elastomer during cyclic rotation of the bearing. Silicon grease has been found to be effective,
although its performance deteriorates with time. The silicon grease must not react chemically with the elastomer
and must remain effective down to a temperature of -40°C as recommended by the manufacturer. Silicone grease
must meet the requirements of Society of Automotive Engineers specification SAE AS8660.
As part of the quality assurance process the Consultant must verify:
 The product data sheet indicates compliance with Society of Automotive Engineers specification SAE AS8660;
 The silicon grease will not detrimentally effect the confined elastomer material; and
 The silicon grease remains effective down to a temperature of -40°C. Design Notes, Independent Check Notes, and Shop Drawings Laminated Elastomeric and Pot Bearings
The fabricator must submit design notes and independent check notes, and shop drawings for each bridge structure
and bearing type in the contract. The design notes, independent check notes, and shop drawings will be considered
Professional Work Products and must be authenticated by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the
Province of Alberta and validated by a Responsible Member, in accordance with APEGA requirements.
The fabricator is responsible for quality control and the accuracy of design notes, independent check notes, and shop
drawings. The Consultant’s review is conducted as part of the quality assurance process and to confirm conformance
with the contract. Review comments provided by the Consultant and/or the Department must be incorporated into
the shop drawings and resubmitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance prior to the start of fabrication.
The Consultant must verify that design notes and independent check notes:
 Are authenticated in accordance with APEGA requirements;
 Contain the specified reference design standards, including dates of publication;
 Are in general conformance with the specified reference design standards;
 Clearly identify the material properties used in the design and are in conformance;
 Clearly identify design concepts and assumptions used and are in conformance;
 Are completed using the design loads and movements indicated on the contract drawings;

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 Conclude that the average contact pressure for unfilled PTFE elements does not exceed the values provided in
Table 8-1 of the SSBC (which are lower than the values in CSA-S6-19);
 Clearly demonstrate that the bearing assembly is replaceable without damaging the structure and without the
removal of any concrete, welds or anchorages permanently attached to the structure and without lifting the
superstructure more than 5 mm;
 Indicate the bearings are not be recessed into plates that are permanently attached to the structure (as these
types of bearings are more susceptible to deterioration);
 Clearly demonstrate that the bearing assembly incorporates details that prevent moisture and dirt from getting
to the internal surfaces (ingress of foreign materials results in a significant reduction in the durability of
bearings); and
 The fabricator may prefer joint preparations different from those indicated in the contract or bolted vs. welded
connections. If a welded detail is proposed to be replaced by a bolted detail, the connection must be designed
to prevent slip under serviceability limit state loads. Any change in joint details or connection details must be
submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance.
As a minimum, the following information must be included on the shop drawings:
 Authentication compliant with APEGA requirements;
 The Department’s shop drawing identification block has been included and sufficient blank space for the
Consultant’s review stamp;
 Bearing identification;
 Loading and capacity in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Dimensions and hardware. Hardware size must be in the actual units (imperial or metric units) that they will be
supplied and fabricated;
 Connections, and fasteners;
 Reference to material reference standards and product data sheet for each component. Actual mill test report
heat numbers must be included on the as-built shop drawings submitted after fabrication has been completed;
 Weld process symbols must clearly indicate the joint and weld type. Weld process must be in accordance with
those permitted in Subsection 8.3.5 of the SSBC. The weld symbols must refer to the applicable welding
procedure data sheet;
 The weld symbols must refer to the applicable welding procedure data sheet. During fabrication the
Consultant’s QA Inspector will verify that the appropriate WPDS, accepted by the Consultant, is used for the
 Surface finishes and tolerances for fabricated components. The specified surface roughness and out of flatness
must be in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC for pot bearings and AASHTO M251-06 (2016) for
laminated elastomeric bearings;
 Horizontal PTFE sheets are bonded into the recessed steel laminate in accordance with AASHTO (2017)
(Subsection 18.8.1). Vertical PTFE sheets used in guided pot bearings are bonded to a recessed steel plate. The
minimum PTFE sheet thickness must be 3.2 mm;
 Surface preparation for all surfaces to be coated;
 The type, location and extent of all coatings;
 Fabrication tolerances;
 Indication of bearing orientation (to be marked on the bearing before shipping); and
 Details and locations of shipping restraints.

Page 5-18

Each shop drawing must be stamped, signed and dated by the Consultant to indicate review and acceptance. The
stamp indicates that while the Consultant is satisfied that the shop drawing is in general compliance with the contract
documents, the fabricator and Contractor remain responsible for satisfying all contract requirements. The
Consultant must send a copy of the stamped drawings to the Department for comment. The Department will provide
comments at their discretion and send any comments back to the Consultant. The Consultant must then return the
shop drawings to the Contractor. The fabricator will review the Consultant’s comments and issue a final set of shop
drawings if changes are required. The final set must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant before the shop
drawings can be used for fabrication. Plain Elastomeric and Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings
Design notes and independent check notes are not required for plain elastomeric and fixed steel plate rocker
bearings. The fabricator must submit shop drawings for each bridge structure and bearing type in the Contract. The
fabricator is responsible for quality control and the accuracy of the shop drawings. The Consultant’s review is
conducted as part of the quality assurance process and to confirm conformance with the contract. Review
comments provided by the Consultant and/or the Department must be incorporated into the shop drawings and
resubmitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance prior to the start of fabrication.
As a minimum, the following information must be included on the shop drawings:
 The Department’s shop drawing identification block has been included and sufficient blank space for the
Consultant’s review stamp;
 Bearing identification;
 Loading and capacity in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Dimensions and hardware. Hardware size must be in the actual units (imperial or metric units) that they will be
supplied and fabricated;
 Connections, and fasteners;
 Reference to material reference standards and product data sheet for each component. Actual mill test report
heat numbers must be included on the as-built shop drawings submitted after fabrication has been completed;
 Weld process symbols must clearly indicate the joint and weld type. Weld process must be in accordance with
those permitted in Subsection 8.3.5 of the SSBC. The weld symbols must refer to the applicable welding
procedure data sheet;
 The weld symbols must refer to the applicable welding procedure data sheet. During fabrication the
Consultant’s QA Inspector will verify that the appropriate WPDS, accepted by the Consultant, is used for the
 Surface finishes and tolerances for fabricated components. The specified surface roughness and out of flatness
must be in accordance with AASHTO M251-06 (2016) for plain elastomeric bearings and Subsection of
the SSBC for fixed steel plate rocker bearings;
 Surface preparation for all surfaces to be coated;
 The type, location and extent of all coatings;
 Fabrication tolerances; and
 Details and locations of shipping restraints.
Each shop drawing must be stamped, signed and dated by the Consultant to indicate review and acceptance. The
stamp indicates that while the Consultant is satisfied that the shop drawing is in general compliance with the contract
documents, the fabricator and Contractor remain responsible for satisfying all contract requirements. The
Consultant must send a copy of the stamped drawings to the Department for comment. The Department will provide
comments at their discretion and send any comments back to the Consultant. The Consultant must then return the
shop drawings to the Contractor. The fabricator will review the Consultant’s comments and issue a final set of shop
drawings if changes are required. The final set must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant before the shop
drawings can be used for fabrication.

Page 5-19

Welding must be performed with strict control of all welding parameters to minimize the risk of weld defects. The
welding procedure specifications (WPS) and the welding procedure data sheets (WPDS) form part of the welding
control process. Although these two terms are often used interchangeably, they are distinct and very different
documents. The WPS is a set of broad guidelines for the shop and field welding practice and describes the general
welding procedures to be followed in the fabrication of welded components. A WPS is required for each welding
process used in the shop (submerged arc welding, metal-cored arc welding, and shielded metal arc welding). This is
a required document for CWB certification. The specific information required in a WPS for a welding process is
outlined in Annex D of CSA W47.1. More information regarding WPS can also be found in Appendix A of this Manual.
The following are minimum WPS requirements for metal-cored arc welding process:
 Outline of the process and the standards to which fabrication is conducted;
 A description of the welding procedure – e.g. metal cored arc welding;
 Base metal – describes the steel groups that are covered in the WPS. Steel groups are outlined in Table 11.1 or
Table 12.1 of CSA W59;
 Range of base metal thickness – the range provided is general and a WPDS must be provided for the appropriate
plate thickness;
 Filler metal and shielding gas used – the standard to which the filler metal and shielding gas conform must be
 Storage and handling of the filler metal – outlines how the materials are handled to meet the requirements of
AT’s low hydrogen process. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 outlines the requirements for handling of materials to
reduce the risk of moisture or other contamination, which would compromise the low hydrogen requirement;
 Position – outlines the welding positions for which the process may be used. MCAW is generally used only in
the flat and horizontal positions;
 Preheat – outlines preheat and interpass temperatures used during welding. Preheat and interpass
temperature must meet the requirements of the SSBC and AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. The WPS also outlines
the shop practice for continuing welding that was interrupted and the weld cooling process;
 Heat treatment and stress relieving details required under this welding procedure specification;
 Electrical characteristics of the process, namely, direct or alternating current;
 Preparation procedure for the base metal;
 Quality – describes the types of weld defects that can occur and the processes to eliminate them from the
welded component. It should also identify the standard used for quality (e.g. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5); and
 Weld metal cleaning – covers the cleaning procedure between each weld pass.
The WPS must be stamped by the CWB to indicate acceptance of the WPS and be authenticated by a Professional
Engineer licensed to practice.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify:
 The WPS is authenticated in accordance with APEGA requirements;
 The WPS has sufficient details to cover the content noted above and CSA W47.1 Annex D;
 Acceptance of the WPS by the CWB;
 All welding processes submitted for use in the fabrication of bearings are covered in the WPS;
 Handling and storage of the welding material satisfies the requirements of the low hydrogen process outlined
in AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Preheat and interpass temperatures are in accordance with Table 4.3 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 and
Subsection of the SSBC; and
 Quality assessment of welds is to AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5.
Although all the parameters outlined in the WPS are required for quality welds, they are insufficient for their
execution. Specific information for the execution of each type of weld during fabrication is provided in the WPDS.

Page 5-20

Welding procedure data sheets (WPDSs) must be developed by a professional welding engineer for the execution of
every weld used in the fabrication of all bridge components. The WPDS are specific to the joint type, plate thickness
range, and steel type to be welded. They specify all the welding parameters required for the execution of welded
joints that will meet all code requirements for strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance. Detailed information
on the content of a WPDS and it review is provided in Appendix B of this Manual.
The Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) certifies fabricators and accepts WPDS’s in accordance with Canadian
standards CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 which are certification (company and personnel) and construction codes
respectively. The WPDS’s of Canadian fabricator’s therefore most commonly include the reference standards CSA
W47.1 and CSA W59. Although far less common, the CWB will provide acceptance of a WPDS that includes
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 as the construction code in lieu of CSA W59.
CWB accepted WPDSs that include the reference qualification standards as CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 alone, without
reference to AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5, may be considered acceptable provided the WPDS contains AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5 compliant variables. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 variables that are either not required to be stated on
the WPDS or differ from CSA W59 standard include preheat and interpass temperatures as well as heat input. WPDSs
that include reference to CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 only and contain preheat and interpass temperatures and heat
input variables compliant with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 are acceptable.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify that the following have been addressed in the
 The WPDS has been stamped by the CWB and indicates acceptance. The WPDS is considered a Professional
Work Product and must be authenticated by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice;
 WPDS number matches the number indicated on the shop drawings for specific joints;
 The WPDS references an applicable WPS;
 The reference qualification standards listed are CSA W47.1 and either CSA W59 or AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/1.5;
 The material designation (as per the description in Tables 11.1 and 12.1 of CSA-W59) matches the base metal
type indicated on the shop drawings;
 The type of weld and joint (e.g. fillet weld on a T-joint) are consistent with the detail shown on the shop drawing;
 The detail on the shop drawing referencing the WPDS and can be welded in the position(s) shown on the WPDS;
 The filler metal used is compatible with the base metal strength, toughness and corrosion resistance;
 If a manufacturer’s filler metal designation is used, availability of this filler metal from the indicated
manufacturer must be verified. Alternatively, the WPDS may provide the AWS or CSA electrode designation;
 The weld filler metal is qualified for the welding position (flat, horizontal, vertical or overhead);
 The filler metal is of low diffusible hydrogen with hydrogen designation H4 for the SMAW and MCAW processes
and is still available from the manufacturer indicated on the WPDS. Alternatively, the WPDS may provide the
AWS or CSA electrode designation;
 The welding process is one that is accepted by the Department and listed in the SSBC (submerged arc welding
(SAW), metal cored arc welding (MCAW), or shielded metal arc welding (SMAW));
 The weld size range indicated on the WPDS covers the weld size specified on the shop drawings;
 The plate thickness to be welded is within the range specified on the WPDS;
 The minimum preheat and minimum interpass temperature are consistent with the SSBC and Table 4.3 of
 The maximum interpass temperature is consistent with Table 4.3 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5; and
 The heat input for each weld size is provided in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5.

Page 5-21

All repair procedures must meet the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC and be reviewed and accepted
by the Consultant before any repairs are carried out. To expedite the review process for repairs, the fabricator may
choose to submit repair procedures for the most common repairs prior to the start of fabrication. The repair
procedure for the most common fabrication damages such as for arc strikes, the notching of plates from plate cutting
and heat straightening can be submitted with the prefabrication meeting documentation, or they can be submitted
as required
The most common repair required during fabrication consists of the repair of weld defects detected from non-
destructive testing. Repair procedures must be consistent with the requirements of Subsection 3.7 of AASHTO/AWS
Subsection of the SSBC outlines the minimum procedure for the repair of an arc strike. It consists of grinding
out the surface defect, performing magnetic particle inspection to verify that no crack was initiated by the arc strike
and hardness testing to verify that the heat affected zone of the arc strike was removed. The hardness limit is
outlined in Subsection of the SSBC. The repair procedure must define the size of gouge at which the
component would need to be replaced. Depending on the size and plate characteristics, gouges or similar surface
damage must be repaired by either grinding smooth and faring the gouge to reduce the stress concentration, or
filling the gouge by welding, grinding and inspecting.
For straightening of bent plates, the repair procedure must include evaluation and measurement of the damage, as
well as details of heat straightening.
Mislocated bolt holes are a fabrication non-conformance and must be reported to the Consultant before any repair
work is carried out.
Repair of improperly or damaged galvanized surfaces is sometimes required. Repair of galvanized surfaces will only
be permitted when the repair areas are small and infrequent as determined by the Consultant. Repair to galvanized
surfaces must be performed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Fabrication Schedule
The fabricator must submit a detailed fabrication schedule outlining the various phases of the fabrication process
and associated timelines. The fabrication schedule must incorporate the time periods required for review of
prefabrication submissions, inspection and testing notifications, inspection and testing activities, review and
acceptance of the witness points and hold points listed in Subsections 8.3, 8.3.2 and of the SSBC. Submission
of this schedule is required prior to the prefabrication meeting in order to provide sufficient time to the Consultant
to mobilize and coordinate specialty sub-consultants required to fulfill the role of the Consultant’s QA Inspector and
to facilitate inspection coordination discussions during the prefabrication meeting.
The Consultant must verify that the submitted fabrication schedule addresses the following:
 A separate schedule is provided for each bearing type;
 The start of fabrication is identified so QA inspection can be coordinated;
 The end of fabrication is identified and the timeline for fabrication is reasonable and fits within the Contractor’s
schedule for bearing installation;
 All the major phases of the fabrication process are included;
 Involvement of the sub-contractors involved in the fabrication is clearly identified, along with their schedules.
This information is required to coordinate QA inspections; and
 All witness and hold points are identified at the appropriate location in the schedule.

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5.6.2 Prefabrication Meeting

A prefabrication meeting must be held to discuss contract requirements and establish lines of communication
between the Contractor, fabricator and the Consultant’s QA Inspector(s) in accordance with Subsection 8.3.3 of the
SSBC. A prefabrication meeting is not required for the fabrication of plain elastomeric bearings or fixed steel plate
rocker bearings
The prefabrication meeting is not to occur until the prefabrication submission hold points have been completed,
reviewed and written acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant. The meeting is to be held at
the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant.
A minimum of 2 weeks notice must be given to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and
The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must attend the prefabrication meeting including project
manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s), independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved
in supervision of the Work.
The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2
representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the prefabrication meeting(s) for bearings being
fabricated outside the Province of Alberta.
The Consultant must prepare the prefabrication meeting agenda (a sample draft agenda is included in Appendix I of
this Manual), chair the meeting and take and distribute the minutes of the meeting to all attendees.
When a fabricator is responsible for the fabrication of multiple components of the bridge, the prefabrication meeting
can combine multiple items as long as all the prefabrication submissions have been submitted, reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant for all the components to be covered during the meeting.

Once the supply and fabrication ITP and prefabrication submissions have been reviewed and accepted and the
prefabrication meeting has taken place fabrication may commence. If the fabricator commences any fabrication
task prior to acceptance of the ITP, the Consultant must notify the Contractor and Department of the non-
conformance immediately. The Consultant and Department must then consider the issuance of a temporary
suspension of the work in accordance with the General Specifications and Specification Amendments for Highway
and Bridge Construction.
This section reviews the various stages of the fabrication process and provides information on the critical aspects of
quality control as general information for the Consultant and the Consultant’s QA Inspector involved with the
fabrication process. The required inspection activities are outlined for each stage of fabrication. For activities where
the QA verification only lists the review of QC inspection and testing reports, the Consultant’s QA Inspector is not
required to perform verification inspections in the shop for that activity.
This section also outlines many of the requirements typically included in the fabricator’s QC inspection and testing
activities that are to be completed by the QC inspector or their representatives. The list of QC requirements is not
exhaustive and provided only to outline typical QC requirements that the fabricator is responsible for. It is the
fabricator’s responsibility to complete all inspection and testing in accordance with the contract. The fabricator’s
QC Inspector must ensure that the requirements of Section 6 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 are being met
throughout the duration of the work. The QC Inspector is responsible to maintain inspection and testing records
and that these records are made available for review by the Consultant.

Page 5-23

At each witness point and hold point identified in the supply and fabrication ITP the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s
QA Inspector must complete the required inspection and testing. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also review
the fabricator’s QC inspection and testing documentation leading up to and required for each witness point and hold
point. Deficiencies identified must be corrected to the full satisfaction of the Consultant and the Contractor’s QC.
The Contractor’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector must provide written acceptance and signoff for each witness
point and hold point.
Witness points identify important aspects of fabrication that at some point must be reviewed and accepted in writing
by the Consultant’s QA Inspector. The timing of the inspection is not critical as the Contractor is responsible for
performing all NDT with the Consultant’s QA Inspector reviewing the QC and inspection and testing records and/or
reports. Inspection and/or testing can be completed at the time in which the work occurs or at a reasonable time
sometime after it occurs.
Hold points identify critical aspect of fabrication that must be reviewed and accepted in writing by the Consultant’s
QA Inspector at very specific time in the fabrication process. If the fabrication were to progress past a hold point
the level of quality control and quality assurance that could be completed would not be equivalent in quality, cost,
or reliability of that in which was specified in the contract. The Consultant and the Consultant’s QA Inspector must
be intimately aware of the fabrication schedule and proactively be in regular communication with the fabricator
such that they may schedule and coordinate inspection and testing requirements. The fabricator’s QC
inspector/manager must also be intimately familiar with the fabrication schedule and proactively engage and
communicate with the Consultant and the Consultant’s QA Inspector.
Fabrication should ideally not proceed past a witness point without the written acceptance of both the Contractor
(fabricator’s QC inspector typically) and the Consultant (Consultant’s QA Inspector); however due to the typical
process of fabrication and to achieve cost effective production schedules fabrication may proceed past witness
points without adverse impacts on quality control or quality assurance. Fabrication must not proceed past a hold
point without the written acceptance of both the Contractor’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector. If fabrication
proceeds past a hold point without written acceptance, the Consultant must notify the Contractor, fabricator and
Department of the non-conformance immediately. The Consultant and Department must then consider the issuance
of a temporary suspension of the work in accordance with the General Specifications and Specification Amendments
for Highway and Bridge Construction. The Contractor must also be notified that all costs required for the Consultant
and the Department to evaluate, inspect, and test the Work for non-compliance with a hold point.
Upon the completion of fabrication, a copy of the ITP containing the written acceptance of both QC and QA as well
as testing and inspection records for each bearing assembly fabricated must be submitted to the Department by the
Consultant as part of the fabrication final deliverables package.

5.7.1 Shop Requirements

Fabrication must be completed in a shop environment where the temperature is maintained above +10°C during
welding. To prevent compromising the specified low hydrogen welding processes, it is important that the shop
environment is dry and that the temperature of the steel and the welding electrodes are high enough to prevent
condensation of moisture on steel surfaces and welding electrodes and to avoid rapid cooling rates of the

Page 5-24

The coating for most shielded metal arc welding electrodes will absorb moisture if not kept in very specific
atmospheric conditions. Shielded metal arc welding electrodes must be dried in the shop oven when left exposed
in the shop. Although some electrode coatings have been developed to improve resistance to moisture absorption,
it is not good practice to leave welding consumables exposed to the shop environment when not being used.
Welding must incorporate low hydrogen practices, and as such the shop must be equipped with a rod drying oven
for the SMAW electrodes. The requirements of Subsections 4.5 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 must be followed. A
wire storage plan must be in place for the storage of the MCAW filler metal. Although MCAW wire is not as
susceptible to the absorption of moisture, the metal powder inside the cored wire presents a large surface area on
which condensation can take place. It should be noted that the cored wire is not sealed since the tube seam is only
pressed together to prevent the metal powder from spilling. Although metal cored wire is provided by electrode
manufacturers in packaging that will keep the wire dry indefinitely, metal cored wires are susceptible to absorbing
moisture when not stored in a sealed container. Commentary C-4.13 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 provides
guidelines for the proper storage of flux cored wire, which are also applicable for MCAW wires.
All welding equipment used for the fabrication of bearings must be maintained in good repair. Most welding for
bearings is carried out using a semi-automatic process such as metal cored arc welding. Shielded metal arc welding
is also an option. Welding of the stainless steel sheet on the sliding steel plate can be done using GTAW/TIG, MCAW
or the SMAW process.
5.7.2 Supply of Material
The procurement and supply of structural steel and other materials required for bearing fabrication is the
responsibility of the fabricator and/or the Contractor.
The procurement of materials must occur before the prefabrication meeting such that the fabricator can submit the
MTRs and product data sheets of the actual materials that will be incorporated into the work. Where the steel
originates from outside Canada or the United States of America, or for steels being welded that need testing for
boron content, the Contractor must have the mill test reports verified in Canada in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
Steel plate material procured for fabrication the plates must be stored on acceptable dunnage to prevent damage.
Steel plate material must also be cleaned and have their surfaces prepared by abrasive blast cleaning prior to cutting.
Steel plate material must be marked by the fabricator with the heat number for traceability.
Elastomeric compounds require independent material testing to confirm conformance to the contract requirements.
Refer to Subsection of the SSBC for testing requirements. Plain Elastomeric Bearings
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Only materials conforming to the contract requirements have been procured and reviewed and accepted by the
 QC records and/or reports of procured materials are provided to the Consultant; and
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials to be used.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Review QC records and/or reports of procured materials for conformance with the contract.

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QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Only materials conforming to the contract requirements have been procured and reviewed and accepted by the
 Material verification testing is completed, if required, and the sampling and testing is completed by an
independent testing laboratory;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provided to the Consultant; and
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials to be used.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify all the steel plates received match the heat numbers listed on the MTRs submitted to the Consultant for
review and acceptance as part of the prefabrication submittals;
 Verify all material requiring verification testing is properly sampled; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports of other procured materials such as PTFE, stainless
steel and fasteners for conformance with the contract. Pot Bearings
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Only materials conforming to the contract requirements have been procured and reviewed and accepted by the
 Material verification testing is completed, if required, and the sampling and testing is completed by an
independent testing laboratory;
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials to be used; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provided to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify all the steel plates received match the heat numbers listed on the MTRs submitted to the Consultant for
review and acceptance as part of the prefabrication submittals;
 Verify all material requiring verification testing is properly sampled; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports of other procured materials such as PTFE, stainless
steel and fasteners for conformance with the contract. Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Only materials conforming to the contract requirements are used and have been reviewed and accepted by the
 Material verification testing is completed, if required, and the sampling and testing is completed by an
independent testing laboratory;
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials to be used; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provided to the Consultant.

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QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify all the steel plates received match the heat numbers listed on the MTRs submitted to the Consultant for
review and acceptance as part of the prefabrication submittals;
 Verify all material requiring verification testing is properly sampled; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports of other procured materials such as PTFE, stainless
steel and fasteners for conformance with the contract.
5.7.3 Surface Preparation and Cleaning for the Inspection of Plate
Surface preparation and cleaning of steel plate surfaces to remove mill scale and oxidation is required for various
phases of fabrication to:
 Facilitate visual inspection and identification of defects prior to plate cutting;
 Prepare surfaces for welding and reduce the amount of grinding required;
 Prevent the contamination of welds;
 Achieve the design slip resistance of bolted joints/connections; and
 Achieve the surface profile required for the application of coatings.
For more detailed information regarding surface preparation and cleaning of steel plate prior to cutting refer to
Subsection 2.7.3. Laminated Elastomeric Bearings
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Steel plates are visually inspected after surface preparation and cleaning prior to cutting and any defects are
reported to the Consultant;
 Steel plates are marked with the associated MTR heat number after surfaces have been acceptably prepared
and cleaned;
 If repairs are required, they are completed in accordance with a repair procedure that has been reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant. A QC inspection report outlining the location repair, inspection and test results is
submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance;
 Steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to fabrication; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify repairs, if required, have been completed in accordance with the repair procedure that has been reviewed
and accepted by the Consultant; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract. Pot Bearings
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Steel plates are visually inspected after surface preparation and cleaning prior to cutting and any defects are
reported to the Consultant;
 Steel plates are marked with the associated MTR heat number after surfaces have been acceptably prepared
and cleaned;

Page 5-27

 If repairs are required, they are completed in accordance with a repair procedure reviewed and accepted by the
Consultant. A QC inspection report outlining the location repair, inspection and test results is submitted to the
Consultant for review and acceptance;
 Steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to fabrication; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify each steel plate is marked with a heat number corresponding to an accepted MTR;
 Visually inspect steel plates to assess their cleanliness or presence of damage;
 Verify repairs, if required, have been completed in accordance with the repair procedure that has been reviewed
and accepted by the Consultant;
 Verify steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to fabrication; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract. Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Steel plates are visually inspected after surface preparation and cleaning prior to cutting and any defects are
reported to the Consultant;
 Steel plates are marked with the associated MTR heat number after surfaces have been acceptably prepared
and cleaned;
 If repairs are required, they are completed in accordance with a repair procedure reviewed and accepted by the
Consultant. A QC inspection report outlining the location repair, inspection and test results is submitted to the
Consultant for review and acceptance; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify each steel plate is marked with a heat number corresponding to an accepted MTR;
 Visually inspect steel plates to assess their cleanliness or presence of damage;
 Verify repairs, if required, have been completed in accordance with the repair procedure that has been reviewed
and accepted by the Consultant;
 Verify steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to fabrication; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

5.7.4 Cutting of Plates

Thermal cutting is generally done by either oxygen cutting or by plasma arc cutting for thinner plates in accordance
with Subsection of the SSBC. Thermal cutting of plates generally produces plate edges that are acceptable
without the need for grinding if all the cutting parameters are adjusted correctly. The maximum surface roughness
of a cut edge as specified in AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 is 25 µm for plates up to 100 mm in thickness. This level of
surface roughness does not give rise to significant stress concentrations. The QC inspectors must verify and record
the surface roughness. This is typically done by using comparator plates (AWS C4.1 shown in Figure 3.4). More
information on surface roughness measurements can be found in Appendix F of this Manual.
For more detailed information regarding steel plate cutting refer to Subsection 2.7.4.

Page 5-28

The inspection of steel laminate plates after cutting and prior to the incorporation within the elastomer is a supply
and fabrication witness point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 All steel plates are visually inspected for defects;
 Steel plate laminates are free of sharp edges and burs prior to the vulcanization process and sole plate and base
plate edge roughness conforms to the requirements of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials to be used;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs. Pot Bearings
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 All steel plates are visually inspected for any defects;
 Steel plate edge roughness conforms to the requirements of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials to be used; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify cutting of plate is completed using an acceptable procedure. Plasma cutting, if used, is completed in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Verify roughness of cut plate edges meets the contract requirements; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract. Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 All steel plates are visually inspected for defects;
 Steel plate edge roughness conforms to the requirements of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials to be used; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:

Page 5-29

 Verify cutting of plate is completed using an acceptable procedure. Plasma cutting, if used, is completed in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Verify roughness of cut plate edges meets the contract requirements; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

5.7.5 Welding
Welding of bearing elements is typically done using the MCAW or SMAW processes. Detailed description of these
welding processes is provided in Appendix A of this Manual.
For thin plate such as stainless steel sliding plates, gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), also referred to as tungsten
inert gas (TIG) welding, is a superior welding process as the heat input can be reduced to minimize distortion. Cooling
rates are also faster for GTAW/TIG processes and reduces the risk of chromium carbide precipitation.
In GTAW/TIG processes an electric arc is produced between a non-consumable tungsten electrode and the part
being welded. The heat affected zone (HAZ), the molten base metal and the tungsten electrode are shielded from
atmospheric contamination using an inter gas fed through the GTAW torch. As a result, a concentrated arc is
produced that allows better concentration of heat input to the work piece creating a smaller heat affected zone. It
also produces no slag, sparks or spatter and creates very little fumes. It is widely used for welding dissimilar metals
including stainless steel to carbon steel. As the filler metal used is a solid wire added manually, the process is a low
hydrogen process provided low hydrogen practices are used (welded surfaces are clean and dry and welding is
carried out in a dry environment).
For laminated elastomeric expansion bearings welding is used to fasten the stainless steel sliding plate to the steel
sole plate.
For pot bearings, welding may be used to fasten the pot to the base plate. Alternatively, the pot is welded to flange
plates which are in turn bolted to the base plate as shown in Figure 5.7. Welding is also used to fasten the piston
to the top plate in cases where the piston and top plate are not machined from a single plate. For expansion pot
bearings welding is also used to fasten the stainless steel sliding plate and any guide bars to the top plate as shown
in Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.7
Flange Plates welded to Pot Plate

Page 5-30

Figure 5.8
Guided Expansion Pot Bearing with Welded and Guide Bars
(Sole Plate to Girder Flange and Pot Plate to Base Plate)

Testing and inspection of welds must be completed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC by the
fabricator’s QC with verification of the testing and inspection records conducted by the Consultant’s QA Inspector.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector is not expected to be present during all welding operations. However, as part of
quality assurance inspections the Consultant’s QA Inspector must complete a sufficient amount of inspection to
verify that welding is completed in accordance with the submitted and accepted WPDSs and with appropriately
certified personnel. Pot Bearings
Visual and non-destructive testing of all welds prior to coating is a supply and fabrication hold point in accordance
with Subsection of the SSBC.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must:
 Ensure welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task
that they are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Ensure welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s;
 Ensure preheat and interpass temperature requirements are being met;
 Visually inspect all weld passes in multi-pass welds and completed weld;
 Complete magnetic particle inspection (MT) of all fillet and partial penetration welds;
 Ensure QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant; and
 Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
completed including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task that
they are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to welding;
 Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s for the applicable joint and weld type;
 Verify that preheat and interpass temperature requirements are in accordance with the reviewed and accepted

Page 5-31

 Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds;
 Visual inspect all completed welds;
 Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract;
 Provide the fabricator with QA inspection and testing records and/or reports; and
 Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
completed including any required repairs.

5.7.6 Machining
Precision machining, where specified, is essential to the design performance and durability of bearings. To achieve
the tolerances specified in the SSBC, all welding must be completed before machining. Machining is required for all
steel to steel contact surfaces and for the pot and pistons of pot bearings. Bearing dimensions and out-of-flatness
are carried out by the QC inspector and verified by the Consultant’s QA Inspector based on a review of the QC
inspection reports and spot checking. Laminated Elastomeric Bearings (sole plates incorporating sliding surfaces)
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Surface roughness of machined surfaces meet contract requirements; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract. Pot Bearings
Confirmation of machined surface roughness and flatness and dimensional checks of individual bearing components
are supply and fabrication witness points in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Surface roughness of machined surfaces meet specified tolerances;
 Dimensions of individual bearing components meet specified tolerances;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness points in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is
acceptably complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify dimensions and tolerances of individual bearing components by performing spot checks;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness hold points in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is
acceptably complete, including any required repairs. Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings
Confirmation of machined surface roughness and flatness and dimensional checks of individual bearing components
are supply and fabrication witness points in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.

Page 5-32

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Surface roughness of machined surfaces meet specified tolerances;
Metallizing  Dimensions of individual bearing components meet specified tolerances;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness points in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is
acceptably complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify dimensions and tolerances of individual bearing components by performing spot checks;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness points in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

5.7.7 Galvanizing, Metallizing and Coating

The two different coatings used in the fabrication of bearings are the barrier coating (a one coat polyamide epoxy
paint) applied to the underside of base plates in contact with cementitious grout pad materials ( see Figure 5.9) and
a zinc coating applied to steel bearing components either by the hot dip or metallizing process for corrosion
protection. Although application of the protective zinc coating by the hot dip method results in a superior protective
coating compared to that achieved through metallizing, steel components that are hot dipped can undergo heat
induced distortion. For this reason, the SSBC allows pot and piston plates of pot bearings to be metallized (see Figure
5.10). Appendix E of this Manual discusses both the hot dip galvanizing and the metallizing processes in detail. Due
to the risk of welding induced distortion, welding must be completed before coating by either the hot dip method
or by metallizing. Base plates are hot dip galvanized while sole plates that incorporate a stainless steel sliding plate
can be either hot dip galvanized or metallized. With the hot dip approach, the stainless steel sliding plate is welded
to the sole plate after hot dipping. With the metallizing approach the stainless steel sliding plate is welded to the
sole plate first and then subsequently protected and then the sole plate is metallized.
The polyamide epoxy barrier coating of baseplates and must meet the requirements of Subsection of the
SSBC. Hot dip galvanizing and metallizing must be completed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.

Epoxy paint


Figure 5.9 Figure 5.10

Epoxy Barrier Coating on Galvanized Base Plate Metalized Pot and Piston Plates

Page 5-33

Quality Control personnel must complete adhesion testing and dry film (DFT) thickness measurements of the barrier
coating on base plates in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. QC inspection and test records must be
open to review by the Consultant’s QA Inspector. The fabricator’s galvanizing and metallizing QC records must also
be submitted to the Consultant’s QA Inspector for review and acceptance. For additional information regarding
barrier coating adhesion testing refer to Subsection 6.7.8. Laminated Elastomeric Bearings
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Surfaces are properly prepared and cleaned prior to coating;
 Coatings are mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and contract
 Galvanizing and metallizing is completed in accordance with the specified requirements;
 Dry film thickness measurements of base plate barrier coating are completed;
 Adhesion testing of the base plate barrier coating application using adhesion test plates is completed; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports including galvanizing report are submitted to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify surfaces are acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to coating;
 Visually inspect coating after application; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract. Pot Bearings
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Surfaces are properly prepared prior to coating;
 Proper implementation of coating methods and materials;
 Inspect the galvanizing/metallizing coating for the contract requirements;
 Dry film thickness measurements of base plate barrier coating are completed;
 Adhesion testing of the base plate barrier coating application using adhesion test plates is completed; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports including galvanizing and metallizing reports are submitted to
the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify surfaces are acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to coating;
 Visually inspect coating after application; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract. Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Surfaces are properly prepared prior to coating;
 Proper implementation of coating methods and materials;
 Inspect the galvanizing/metallizing coating for the contract requirements;

Page 5-34

 Dry film thickness measurements of base plate barrier coating are completed;
 Adhesion testing of the base plate barrier coating application using adhesion test plates is completed; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports including galvanizing report are submitted to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify:
 Verify surfaces are acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to coating;
 Visually inspect coating after application; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

5.7.8 Inspection and Testing of Completed Bearings

Testing and inspection of individual bearing components must occur throughout the fabrication process. Although
the QC and QA processes of reviewing material requirements, weld quality, dimensional tolerances are essential to
achieve the design life and durability of bearings, they are not sufficient to adequately confirm how the fabricated
bearings will function in service.
Subsection of the SSBC outlines inspection and testing requirements of cured elastomeric materials and load
testing of completed laminated elastomeric and pot bearings. Material and load testing of completed fixed steel
plate rocker bearings is not required.
Inspection and testing of completed bearing materials and assemblies is completed by the Contractor/fabricator
using an independent testing laboratory meeting the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC The
independent laboratory testing results must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant verifying conformance
with the contract. Plain Elastomeric Bearings
In accordance with Subsection of the SSBC, verification testing of cured elastomer material properties is
required for plain elastomeric bearings. Cured elastomer material property verification testing for compliance with
M251-06 (2016) Table X1.1 including:
 Hardness testing Shore A24 in accordance with ASTM D2240;
 Minimum tensile strength and minimum ultimate elongation testing in accordance with ASTM D412;
 Heat resistance testing to determine the maximum change in hardness (Shore A), the maximum change in
tensile strength and the maximum change in ultimate elongation after exposure to a set temperature for a set
time. The test is conducted in accordance with ASTM D573;
 Compression set testing in accordance with ASTM D395 Method B; and
 Low temperature brittleness testing in accordance with ASTM D746 Procedure B.
The number of tests must be in accordance with Section 8 of AASHTO M251-06 (2016).
QC Inspection Requirements
The Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:

One of the main properties of elastomers that is used for its characterization is its hardness. The hardness is
measured using a durometer, which is a gauge that measures the depth of an indentation in the material created
by a given force on a standardized indentor. The depth of penetration is dependent of the hardness of the
material, its viscoelastic properties, the shape of the indentor, and the duration of the test. The durometer
reading is inversely proportional to the depth of penetration of the indentor and varies from 0 to 100. A total of 12
Shore hardness scales are covered in ASTM D2240 for a wide range of hardnesses. Different scales use a different
shape and size pressure foot, but the range of readings remains the same. The Shore A hardness scale is used for a
wide range of elastomers from very soft and flexible to hard with almost no flexibility.

Page 5-35

 Material testing of cured elastomer is completed by an independent testing laboratory and test results comply
with the contract requirements;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant; and
 Dimensional tolerances for completed elastomeric bearings conform to Table 2 of AASHTO M251-06 (2016).
QA Inspection Requirements
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify all bearing testing has been completed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC; and
 Review QC material verification inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the
contract. Laminated Elastomeric Bearings
In accordance with Subsection of the SSBC, verification testing of cured elastomer material properties and
load testing of the completed bearing is required for laminated elastomeric bearings. The number of tests must be
in accordance with Section 8 of AASHTO M251-06 (2016) and the SSBC.
The following testing of laminated elastomeric bearings must be completed:
 Cured elastomer material property verification testing for compliance with M251-06 (2016) Table X1.1 including;
o Hardness testing Shore A in accordance with ASTM D2240;
o Minimum tensile strength and minimum ultimate elongation testing in accordance with ASTM D412;
o Heat resistance testing to determine the maximum change in hardness (Shore A), the maximum change in
tensile strength and the maximum change in ultimate elongation after exposure to a set temperature for a
set time. The test is conducted in accordance with ASTM D573;
o Compression set testing in accordance with ASTM D395 Method B;
o Low temperature brittleness testing in accordance with ASTM D746 Procedure B;
 Compression strain determination at maximum design load. (Subsection 8.8.1 of AASHTO M251-06);
 Compression load testing for cracking and bulging (Subsection 8.8.2 of AASHTO M251-06);
 Creep and shear bond strength tests in accordance with Subsection 8.8.3 of AASHTO M251-06 (see Figure 5.11
for a large-scale test). The 25 years creep (percent) is reported as the result of this test. The same test can also
be used to determine the shear modulus. The shear modulus is obtained during the last cycle of the test at 0.5
strain; and
 Shear modulus determination testing of the cured elastomer in accordance with Subsection 8.8.4 of AASHTO
M251-06. The shear modulus testing requires a minimum of 2 completed laminated bearing pads to be
destructively tested in accordance with SSBC
Dimensional checks, verification of tolerances and bearing testing are supply and fabrication witness points in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.

Page 5-36

Figure 5.11
Creep And Shear Bond Strength Test on Laminated Elastomeric Bearing

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Material testing of cured elastomer is completed by an independent testing laboratory and test result comply
with the contract requirements;
 Dimensional tolerances for completed laminated elastomeric bearings conform to Table 2 of AASHTO M251-06;
 Load testing of completed bearings is completed including destructive testing for shear modulus, by an
independent testing laboratory and test result comply with the contract requirements;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness points in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is
acceptably complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify bearing plate roughness and flatness by spot checking;
 Verify dimensions of bearings by performing spot checks;
 Verify all bearing testing has been completed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Review QC material and load inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract;
 Provide written acceptance of the witness points in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs. Pot Bearings
In accordance with Subsection of the SSBC, verification testing of cured elastomer material properties,
dimensional checks and clearance testing, coefficient of friction testing and load testing of the completed bearing is
required for pot bearings. The number of tests must be in accordance with Subsection 18.3.4 of AASHTO (2017).
The following testing of pot bearings must be completed:

Page 5-37

 Cured elastomer material property verification testing for compliance with M251-06 (2016) Table X1.1 including:
o Hardness testing Shore A in accordance with ASTM D2240;
o Minimum tensile strength and minimum ultimate elongation testing in accordance with ASTM D412;
o Heat resistance testing to determine the maximum change in hardness (Shore A), the maximum change in
tensile strength and the maximum change in ultimate elongation after exposure to a set temperature for a
set time. The test is conducted in accordance with ASTM D573;
o Compression set testing in accordance with ASTM D395 Method B;
o Low temperature brittleness testing in accordance with ASTM D746 Procedure B;
 PTFE material verification testing for compliance with Table of AASHTO (2017);
 Dimensional checks and clearance test in accordance with Subsection AASHTO (2017);
 Proof load testing in accordance with Subsection AASHTO (2017) (long-term proof load test); and
 Coefficient of friction for sliding bearings in accordance with Subsection AASHTO (2017).
Figure 5.12 and Figure 5.13 show a sliding pot bearing undergoing coefficient of friction determination and proof
load testing respectively.

Figure 5.12 Figure 5.13

Pot Bearing Proof Load Testing Sliding Pot Bearing Friction Coefficient Testing

The coefficient of friction test consists of a placing a completed bearing assembly in a large capacity testing machine
and a compressive load is applied and maintained at a constant value. An independent actuator is then used to
apply a cyclic lateral displacement to the bearing assembly in order to mobilize the sliding surfaces. A plot of the
continuously measured horizontal force vs lateral displacement can then be generated and from this plot a value for
the coefficient of friction obtained for the tested sliding surface. A sample of this type of plot is shown in Figure 5.14
depicting the first cycle required a force of 22 kN to initiate movement, but under cyclic movement the force
required to move the sliding plate decreases. The coefficient of friction is simply taken as the ratio of the horizontal
force to the vertical force. Typically, the coefficient of friction between a PTFE sheet and a polished stainless steel
plate is very small (less than 1%) for new bearings. As bearings age and wear the coefficient of friction increases
closer to the design values.

Page 5-38

Figure 5.14
Friction Test Result for Sliding Pot Bearing

Following the friction and proof load testing by the independent testing laboratory, the pot bearing assembly must
be disassembled to examine the condition of the individual components including the brass sealing rings (Figure
5.15), the elastomeric pad (Figure 5.16 and Figure 5.17), and the PTFE (Figure 5.18). Any visible signs of damage
must be treated as a non-conformance and reported to the Consultant.
The independent laboratory testing and inspection results are provided in a summary report and must be reviewed
and accepted by the Consultant.
Dimensional checks, verification of tolerances and bearing testing are supply and fabrication witness points in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.

Page 5-39

Figure 5.15
Examination of Brass Seals after Long Term Proof Load Testing

Figure 5.16
Elastomeric Pad after Long Term Proof Load Testing

Page 5-40

Figure 5.17
Elastomeric Pad after Long Term Proof Load Testing

Figure 5.18
PTFE after Long Term Proof Load Testing

Page 5-41

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Material testing of cured elastomer is completed by an independent testing laboratory and test result comply
with the contract requirements;
 Dimensional tolerances are in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Load testing of completed bearings is completed by an independent testing laboratory and test results comply
with the contract requirements;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness points in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is
acceptably complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify bearing plate roughness and flatness by spot checking;
 Verify dimensions of bearings by performing spot checks;
 Verify all bearing testing has been completed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Review QC material and load inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract;
 Provide written acceptance of the witness points in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

5.7.9 Embrittlement Inspection and Testing of High Strength Anchor Rods

Embrittlement testing of high strength anchor rods for bearing assemblies must be completed by the Contractor in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
Embrittlement inspection and testing of high strength anchor rods is a supply and fabrication witness point in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
QC Inspection Requirements
The Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Only materials conforming to the contract requirements are used and have been reviewed and accepted by the
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials being used;
 Engage an independent certified laboratory to perform bend testing on the embrittlement test rods;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Review QC material verification inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the
contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

Page 5-42

5.7.10 Final Inspection

The fabricator’s QC Inspector, Consultant QA Inspector and Consultant are all responsible for completion of the final
inspection prior to preparing bearings for shipping. Once all QC and QA documentation has been reviewed and
accepted (review of these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication process), the
Consultant must inform the fabricator when bearings are ready for shipping or whether deficiencies remain that
require repair. The final inspection of laminated elastomeric, pot and fixed steel plate rocker bearing assemblies is
a supply and fabrication hold point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
QC and QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the fabricator’s QC inspector, Consultant and Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Review of the QC and QA inspection and testing records and/or reports to verify compliance with the contract
 Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have been reviewed and accepted;
 Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably

5.7.11 Shipping
All bearings must be marked prior to shipping. Marking is critical to prevent construction installation errors,
particularly when the bearing sole plate is beveled. The direction of bearing installation orientation is not always
obvious as roadway profiles and dead load rotation both contribute to the design bevel profile. The markings must
be permanent, durable and include the bearing location on the bridge, and a direction arrow in accordance with the
shop drawings. Markings are typically applied to the top plate of the bearing assembly in a location where it will is
visible during and after installation. Markings should not adversely affect the mating surfaces of the connection to
Protection of bearing assemblies must be adequate to withstand exposure conditions anticipated during
transportation and storage at the project sites. Bearings are typically transported fully covered and often shrink
wrapped to prevent damage. (See Figure 5.19, Figure 5.20 and Figure 5.21)

Figure 5.19
Plain Elastomeric Bearing Shipping Configuration and Protection Measures

Page 5-43

Figure 5.20
Laminated Elastomeric and Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings Marked and Being Prepared for Shipping

Figure 5.21
Pot Bearings with Permanent Location and Orientation Markings Applied

Laminated elastomeric, pot, and fixed steel rocker bearings must also be secured with adequate restraint brackets
prior to shipping to prevent vibration and potential damage from abrasion during transportation. Figure 5.22 and
Figure 5.23 show pot bearings with shipping restraints installed.

Page 5-44

Figure 5.22
Pot Bearings with Shipping Restraint Brackets Installed

Figure 5.23
Pot Bearing with Shipping Restraint Brackets Installed

The gap between the pot and piston plate must be sealed with a foam rod seal, as shown in Figure 5.24, to prevent
contaminants from entering the pot during shipping, field installation and in service. Figure 5.25 shows pot bearings
shrink wrapped on pallets ready for shipping.

Page 5-45

Figure 5.24
Foam rod to prevent contaminants from entering the pot

Figure 5.25
Pot Bearings Prepared and Cleared for Shipping

Page 5-46

The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for structural steel minimum of 72 hours prior
to shipment from the fabrication facility.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure bearings are loaded, supported, restrained and protected.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify deck joint assemblies are acceptably loaded, supported,
restrained and protected.

5.7.12 Consultant QA Inspection and Testing Reporting

Inspection reports with photos during the fabrication of bridgerail. The reports must be submitted weekly to the
Department for review and organized for inclusion in the fabrication inspection report once fabrication is complete.
Notes must be made to document any delays in the work and progress of the work throughout the fabrication
The reports and photographs should document that the production meets the requirements of the contract. The
reports must clearly document what was inspected and that the expected inspection and testing requirements
outlined in this Manual have been acceptably completed. The reports must highlight any issues that were identified
during the inspection and testing and the details of their resolution. Photographs of fabrication defects, both before
and after repair, should be included as they are particularly useful for providing a complete record of the type and
location of any defects and how they were acceptably repaired.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also review the QC inspection reports and the supply and fabrication ITP to
verify all inspection and testing is completed.

5.7.13 Consultant QA Inspector Resource Allocation

The number of shop visits will be dependent of the fabricator’s fabrication schedule and sequence of fabrication. It
is typical that the Consultant’s QA Inspector will conduct a minimum number of shop visits per week to complete
the required QA inspections. Fabricated bearing components are commonly stacked and stored in a manner to
minimize shop floor space. It is imperative that the Consultant’s QA Inspector and the fabricator maintain adequate
coordination throughout the fabrication process to ensure the Consultant’s QA Inspector has sufficient access to
perform the necessary inspection duties while at the same time minimizing impact to the fabrication schedule. The
estimated number visits and weekly hours of inspection will be approximately as follows:
 Plain elastomeric bearings: No shop visits; 2 hours reporting/documentation review;
 Laminated elastomeric bearings: Two shop visits; 5 hours of inspection and 3 hours reporting/documentation
 Pot bearings: Two shop visits; 10 hours of inspection and 5 hours reporting/documentation review; and
 Fixed steel rocker plate bearings: Two shop visits; 8 hours inspection and 3 hours reporting/document review.
Refer to Appendix J of this Manual for more detailed information on Consultant QA Inspector resource allocation
hour estimates.


The fabricator must submit all specified quality control documentation, as-constructed shop drawings to the
Consultant within 3 weeks of fabrication completion.

Page 5-47

The Consultant must then assemble a final deliverable fabrication report and include all QC and QA inspection and
testing for all bearings. The fabrication report will be filed by the Department and used in the management of the
bridge over its service life.
The final deliverable fabrication report must be submitted to the Department within:
 6 weeks from the date of acceptance of the Work for standalone bridge projects including multiple and major
bridge projects; or
 12 weeks from the date of acceptance of the Work for bridge projects that include a major grading, base course
and asphalt concrete pavement component.
The date of acceptance of the Work is the date as noted on the Construction Completion Certificate or the
Conditional Construction Completion Certificate.
The Consultant should not wait until the work is accepted and overall project complete to commence compiling of
the final deliverables fabrication report. The Consultant is strongly encouraged to plan for and commence this
activity during the course of fabrication while all parties are familiar with the fabrication that occurred as there can
be a significant time between completion of fabrication and contract completion.
A detailed list of the final deliverables fabrication report requirements for the fabrication of bearings is provided in
Appendix H of this Manual.

Page 5-48

Bridgerail is an integral part of the bridge barrier system and critical to public safety. Standard Alberta
Transportation barrier and bridgerail system design and fabrication details are outlined in the Bridge Structures
Design Criteria (BSDC) and standard drawings.
Alberta Transportation standard barrier systems have been crash tested and proven to provide an appropriate level
of safety. Design, geometry and fabrication standard details must be followed to achieve these safety standards and
protect vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. Standard steel bridgerail components include steel rail with splice and
expansion sleeves, thrie beam, posts (w-sections, hollow structure section (HSS)), baseplates, anchorage assemblies,
and miscellaneous components such as connector plates, angles, and fasteners. All bridgerail components are hot-
dip galvanized to provide corrosion protection and long term durability. Once acceptably fabricated, bridgerail
components are mounted to the bridgerail anchorage assemblies cast into concrete curbs or barriers.


The Department’s Bridge Structures Design Criteria (BSDC) provides detailed information on the selection process
of barrier systems. All Department barriers systems, including bridgerails have associated standard drawings.
However, there are important detailing considerations that have an impact on how the bridgerails are fabricated.
Detailing guidelines that must be considered when preparing the contract drawings and reviewing the shop drawings
are provided in Subsection 12.6 of the Department’s BSDC and include:
 Dimensions of the bridgerail layout measured on centerline of bridgerail anchorage assemblies;
 Bridgerail incorporating steel posts require that the bottom of the bridgerail posts be beveled when gradeline
exceeds 2% so the baseplate is parallel to grade;
 Bridgerail expansion joint locations (typically at deck joints and at a maximum spacing of 45 m of bridgerail
length). The standard bridgerail expansion joint gap is 100 mm, and a large expansion joint gap is 200 mm; and
 Steel railings for bridges with a curve radius > 600 m can be chorded between field splices. Steel railings for
bridges with a curve radius ≤ 600 m must be curved during fabrication. When the railing must be curved the
Consultant must clearly indicate this requirement on the Contract Drawings.

6.2.1 TL-2 Thrie Beam Bridgerail

For low volume bridges on gravel roads, the Department typically uses one of two TL-2 bridge barrier systems.
Standard Drawing S-1652 (TL-2 Thrie Beam Bridgerail, shown in Figure 6.1) presents details for a standard thrie beam
bridge barrier.

Page 6-1

Figure 6.1
TL-2 Thrie Beam Bridgerail

On bridges where the clear roadway width is less than 9 m and wide vehicles are expected (often farm equipment),
a lower height barrier and approach guardrail transition can be used (Standard Drawing S-1653 (TL-2 Low Height
Thrie Beam Bridgerail – shown in Figure 6.2).

Figure 6.2
TL-2 Low Height Thrie Beam Bridgerails

Page 6-2

6.2.2 TL-4 Double Tube Bridgerail

The Department has five standard designs for TL-4 bridge barrier systems four of which utilize steel post with rail.
The TL-4 double tube type bridgerail barrier, Standard Drawing S-1642, is the Department’s preferred standard TL-4
bridge barrier for use on rural roadways. It provides an open barrier that will not trap snow on the bridge. TL-4
Double Tube Type Bridgerail is shown in Figure 6.3 and Figure 6.4. Standard Drawing S-1798 provides details
combining the TL-4 double tube bridgerail to a concrete moment slab for placement adjacent to MSE walls.

Figure 6.3
TL-4 Double Tube Type Bridgerail

Figure 6.4
TL-4 Barrier System (Double Tube Bridgerail Mounted on Curb)

Page 6-3

6.2.3 TL-4 Combination Barrier Bridgerail

The TL-4 combination barrier bridgerail, Standard Drawing S-1700, is a 1420 mm high combination barrier used for
bridges that accommodate cyclists using a widened lane and roadway design speed of 70 km/hr or less. This
combination barrier, shown in Figure 6.5, consists of a single slope concrete barrier and double tube rail. The posts
for this steel barrier are HSS sections.

Figure 6.5
TL-4 Combination Barrier Bridgerail

Page 6-4

6.2.4 TL-4 Thrie Beam Bridgerail

The TL-4 thrie beam bridgerail, Standard Drawing S-1648, is intended to be used on smaller bridges that are less than
30 m in length. The thrie beam bridgerail, shown in Figure 6.6, does not incorporate tube railing but instead carries
the thrie beam rail shape from the approach rail transition across the bridge.

Figure 6.6
TL-4 Thrie Beam Bridgerail

Page 6-5

6.2.5 TL-5 Double Tube Type Bridgerail

The Department has one standard TL-5 bridge barrier design, Standard Drawing S-1702, which consists of a double
tube bridgerail mounted on a high concrete curb as shown in Figure 6.7.

Figure 6.7
TL-5 Double Tube Bridgerail

Page 6-6

6.2.6 Standard Pedestrian and Bicycle Barrier

Standard pedestrian and bicycle barrier systems shown in Figure 6.8 (a) & (b) are used along the exterior edge of the
sidewalk (a single slope concrete barrier is used between the roadway and the sidewalk). The bicycle barrier is
150 mm taller than the pedestrian barrier and includes a steel rub rail at a height of 1070 mm from the top of the
sidewalk. Refer to Standard Drawing S-1845.

(a) Pedestrian Barrier

(b) Bicycle Barrier

Figure 6.8
Pedestrian and Bicycle Barriers

Page 6-7

6.3.1 Alberta Transportation Standards and Specifications
 General Specifications and Specification Amendments for Highway and Bridge Construction Edition 16;
 Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC) Edition 17;
 Engineering Consultant Guidelines for Highway, Bridge, and Water Projects Vol.1 and Vol.2;
 Bridge Structures Design Criteria (BSDC) Version 9.0;
 Typical Detail Drawing T-1680, Typical Curb Details;
 Standard Drawing S-1642, TL-4 Double Tube Type Bridgerail - Bridgerail Details;
 Standard Drawing S-1643, TL-4 Double Tube Type Bridgerail - Approach Rail Transition Details;
 Standard Drawing S-1648, TL-4 Thrie Beam on Curb Bridgerail - Bridgerail Details;
 Standard Drawing S-1649, TL-4 Thrie Beam on Curb Bridgerail - Approach Rail Transition Details;
 Standard Drawing S-1652, TL-2 Thrie Beam Bridgerail;
 Standard Drawing S-1653, TL-2 Low Height Thrie Beam Bridgerail;
 Standard Drawing S-1700, TL-4 Combination Barrier - Bridgerail Details;
 Standard Drawing S-1701, TL-4 Combination Barrier - Barrier End Details;
 Standard Drawing S-1702, TL-5 Double Tube Type Bridgerail - Bridgerail Details;
 Standard Drawing S-1703, TL-5 Double Tube Type Bridgerail - Barrier End Details;
 Standard Drawing S-1704, TL-5 Double Tube Type Bridgerail - Concrete Barrier Wall Details;
 Standard Drawing S-1705, TL-5 Double Tube Type Bridgerail - Approach Rail Transition Details;
 Standard Drawing S-1798, TL-4 Single Slope Concrete and Double Tube Type Barriers Along Top of MSE Wall;
 Standard Drawing S-1845, Standard Pedestrian and Bicycle Barrier – Sheet 1; and
 Standard Drawing S-1846, Standard Pedestrian and Bicycle Barrier – Sheet 2.

6.3.2 Reference Standards and Specifications

 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):
o AASHTO (2017). AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, Section 20 – Railings, 4th Edition,
Washington, D.C.; and
o AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 (2015). Bridge Welding Code, 7th Edition, American Welding Society D1
Committee on Structural Welding/AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures.
 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
o ASTM A123/A123M (2017). Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel
o ASTM A143/A134M-07 (2014). Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot-Dip
Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement;
o ASTM A780/A780M-09 (reapproved 2015). Standard Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas
of Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings;
o ASTM D3359-17 (2017). Standard Test Methods for Rating Adhesion by Tape Test;
o ASTM D4417 (2014), Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned
o ASTM E709 (2015), Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing; and
o ASTM F3125/F3125M (2018), Standard Specification for High Strength Structural Bolts and Assemblies,
Steel and Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, Inch Dimensions 120 ksi and 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, and
Metric Dimensions 830 MPa and 1040 MPa Minimum Tensile Strength.
 American Welding Society (AWS):
o AWS D1.1/D1.1M (2015). Structural Welding Code – Steel, 23rd Edition, American Welding Society.

Page 6-8

 Canadian Standards Association (CSA):

o CSA-G40.20-13/G40.21-13 (2018), General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel /
Structural Quality Steel;
o CSA-S6-19 (2019), Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. Section 10 – Steel Structures; and
o CSA-W47.1:19 (2019), Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel.

The qualifications of the personnel involved in the fabrication of bridgerail, including the fabricator, quality control
(QC) inspectors, and NDT testers are outlined in Section 12 of the SSBC and Section 6 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5.
This section presents a short review of the required qualifications of the Consultant’s QA Inspector, the fabricator
and their personnel including QC inspectors, tack welders, welders, welding operators and welding supervisor.

6.4.1 Fabricator
In accordance with Subsection 12.2.1 of the SSBC, bridgerail fabricators must be certified to the requirements of CSA
W47.1 by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB). The sub-contractors to the fabricator must also be CWB certified to
Welding must be completed in accordance with multiple codes and standards related to process, quality and safety.
The CWB provides comprehensive qualification and certification services for:
 Company certification;
 Welder, welding supervisor, welding engineer qualifications, and weld inspector certification;
 Acceptance of welding procedures;
 Certification of electrodes and filler metals;
 Qualification and certification of Canadian welding professional and welding companies to international
standards, including IIW/ISO 3834; and
 CWB Stud base qualification25.
The fabricator and the fabricator’s sub-contractors26 are responsible for completing the work in accordance with the
contract requirements. The fabricator and their sub-contractors must have a quality control program that is
reviewed and accepted by the CWB.
CWB certification is related to the shop’s qualifications and ability to fabricate welded components in accordance
with CSA-W47.1. Certification requirements of fabricators that supply and fabricate structural steel on Department
bridge projects is as follows:
 Steel girders, trusses, diaphragms, bracing, splice plates, stiffeners, connector plates, abutment and pier caps,
and associated materials ......................................................................................................................... Division 1
 All other bridge components ............................................................................................... Division 1 or Division 2
 Field welding/repairs ........................................................................................................... Division 1 or Division 2

Fabricators performing stud welding under CSA-W59 or AWS D1.5 are required to use only qualified studs through
the CWB qualification program. Studs that are shop or field welded must be qualified by the manufacturer through
CWB to the extent of CSA-W59 or AWS D1.5. The qualification of studs confirms that the stud manufacturer has
successfully met the tests and the quality system requirements specified in CSA-W59 or AWS D1.5.
The requirements of the SSBC extend to all sub-contractors doing work for the Fabricator as part of the bridgerail
fabrication process. Since the same standard of care is expected whether the work is carried out by the Fabricator
or the Fabricator’s sub-contractors, the same qualifications are required for all parties involved in the fabrication

Page 6-9

Fabricators of bridgerail must be certified to CSA W47.1 Division 1 or Division 2. The differentiation between
certified fabricators is based on whether the fabricator employs a full-time or part-time welding engineer. Division
1 Fabricators employ a welding engineer on a full-time basis whereas Division 2 Fabricators retain a welding engineer
on a part-time basis. A single welding engineer supporting multiple shops is acceptable for Fabricators with multiple
shops. The welding engineer need not be an employee of the fabricator but can be a sub-contractor. Although not
applicable to the fabrication of bridge components, a Division 3 fabricator does not require a welding engineer. CSA
W47.1 Section 5 provides the requirements for certification. It addresses requirements for various divisions as
outlined above, application procedure, welding personnel requirements, reporting of personnel and documentation,
quality control and various other requirements.
Figure 6.9 shows a sample CWB certificate identifying the standard to which the certificate is issued, the address of
the fabricating shop being certified, the date at which the certificate was issued, and the scope of work for which
the certificate is issued. The letter of validation, shown in Figure 6.10, contains the above information and the period
of validation. This letter must be renewed yearly by the expiration date of the validation letter. The CWB, by issuing
the letter of validation, has confirmed that the fabricator has complied with the requirements of CSA-W47.1.

Figure 6.9
Sample WCB Certificate

Page 6-10

Figure 6.10
Sample CWB Letter of Validation Welding Engineer

A fabricator certified to Division 1 or 2 must retain the services of a welding engineer. As part of the certification
process, CWB will also verify the qualification of the welding engineer. The required qualifications of the welding
engineer are detailed in Subsection 6.4 of CSA W47.1. Welding procedures are considered a Professional Work
Product (PWP) by the Alberta Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) and as such
must be authenticated by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice. Welding Supervisor
The welding supervisor is the fabricator’s designate responsible for ensuring that qualified welding personnel weld
in accordance with the reviewed and accepted weld procedure data sheets both in the shop and in the field. As part
of the fabricator’s certification, the CWB will verify the qualification of the welding supervisor. The required
qualifications of the welding supervisor are detailed in Section 7 of CSA W47.1. Welding supervisors must
demonstrate their qualifications through a combination of experience and training. Welding Personnel
The fabricator must only use welding personnel (tack welders, welders and welding operators 27) qualified in the type
of work being performed under the scope of the fabricator’s certification. The qualification process for welding
personnel is outlined in Subsection 8.2 of CSA W47.1. Tack welder’s and the welding operator’s certification remains
valid indefinitely (as long as they remain employed by a certified company). The certification of welders only remains
valid for a period of two years and must be renewed through a testing process that varies depending on the
qualifications of the welder.

A welding operator operates mechanized or automatic welding equipment.

Page 6-11

Verification of the qualifications of welding personnel is a critically important requirement to ensure that welding
personnel with the required skill set perform all welding in the fabrication of steel bridge components. More
information is provided in Appendix D of this Manual.

6.4.2 Qualification of Inspectors Fabricator’s Quality Control (QC) Inspectors
Fabrication inspection is carried out by the fabricator as part of their quality control (QC) program and by the
Consultant as part of quality assurance (QA). The fabricator’s QC department documents the information needed
during fabrication, assembly, coating and shipment. All the work completed by the fabricator must be inspected
and signed off by the fabricator’s QC department as part of their inspection and test plan (ITP).
The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-destructive testing, must meet, at a
minimum, the requirements of AASHTO/American Welding Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5 Clause
6 except that the Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector must be certified by the CWB as a Level 2 or
Level 3 inspector in accordance with CSA W178.2. Quality control non-destructive testing (NDT) technicians must
be certified to Level 2 in accordance with the Canadian General Standards Board28 CAN/CGSB-48.9712 and employed
by a testing agency certified to CSA W178.1. Coating testing must be completed and by an independent National
Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Level 2 certified coating inspector. Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA) Inspectors
The Consultant’s QA Inspector, while acting as the Department’s representative, reviews all documentation
generated by the fabricator to verify that the work complies with the Contract. Additionally, the Consultant’s QA
Inspector is required to witness, review and accept, by signing off on, fabrication stages and activities. QC and QA
must provide written acceptance of the fabrication work at all the witness and hold points identified in Subsection of the SSBC.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified by the CWB as a level 2 or 3 welding inspector in accordance with
CSA W178.2. The inspector must be experienced in interpreting Engineering Drawings, with bridgerail fabrication
related experience.
Although NDT is the responsibility of the Contractor during the fabrication of bridgerail, the Consultant may be
required to perform NDT to confirm QC testing if determined necessary. Inspectors performing NDT on behalf of
the Consultant require certification in the applicable testing standard. Inspectors performing only NDT work do not
need to be a qualified welding inspector. For radiographic inspection (RT), the lead technician must be certified to
Level 2 of the CGSB and the technician’s assistant must be a Qualified Operator (QO). For magnetic particle
inspection (MT) and ultrasonic inspection (UT) the technician must be certified to Level 2 of CGSB. All NDT
technicians must be employed by a testing agency certified to CSA W178.1. The inspection of coatings requires a
NACE CIP Level 2 certified inspector.


The quality management process (QC and QA), risk management, and payment schedule of the contract are critically
dependent on having a reviewed and accepted ITP in place prior to the commencement of fabrication. Development
of the supply and fabrication ITP must be given careful consideration by the fabricator and comprehensively
reviewed by the Consultant to ensure all applicable QC and QA requirements are included.

The CGSB NDT certification program is managed by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), which certifies individuals
who perform non-destructive testing according to standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712 2014 “Qualification and
Certification of Non-Destructive Testing Personnel.”

Page 6-12

The fabricator must prepare and submit a supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP) in accordance with
Subsection 12.2 of the SSBC. The ITP outlines quality requirements and responsibilities of the contract requirements
and also considers the fabrication sequence and scheduling. The ITP also identifies all the stages of fabrication where
document submission and QC and QA inspection and testing is required so that the required reviews and inspections
can be completed with minimal disruption to the work flow.
The ITP must include the work carried out by all the sub-contractors involved in the fabrication, QC and QA
inspections, and the responsibility of each party involved (Contractor/fabricator or Consultant). When multiple
fabricators or different shops of the same fabricator are involved, the tasks of each shop (i.e. cutting of plate,
galvanizing, painting, etc.) must clearly identify the party and person/position responsible for providing written
acceptance of witness points, hold points, inspection requirements, testing requirements, and reporting. At a
minimum, for each task in the fabrication process, the fabricator must identify:
 The QC inspection and testing to be carried out;
 The QA inspection and testing to be carried out;
 The reference specification/standard for inspection and testing required; and
 Identification of the responsible party and the role of the fabricator and all the inspectors involved. Their roles
can vary from observer, to reviewer, to person responsible to release the task, indicating that all required
inspections for the task have been completed and the task has been reviewed and accepted by way of written
sign off.
The elements of the ITP that must be verified by the Consultant are:
 ITP reference number;
 Prefabrication document submissions (hold points);
 Reference specification/standards for qualifications, inspection and testing;
 Bridgerail type being fabricated;
 Identification of each task to be conducted during fabrication that require either QA or QC inspection and
testing; and
 All inspection and testing witness and hold points identified in Subsection of the SSBC have been

Prior to the commencement of fabrication and scheduling of the prefabrication meeting, the Consultant must review
the prefabrication submission outlined in Subsection 12.2.2 of the SSBC. Prefabrication submissions that must be
reviewed and accepted by the Consultant prior to the commencement of fabrication include:
 Fabricator’s inspection and test plan (ITP);
 Fabricator’s quality control plan;
 Fabricator and sub-contractor qualifications;
o Certification(s);
o Certification of the fabricator’s QC and NDT inspectors;
o Welding personnel;
 Fabrication sequence and equipment;
 Mill test reports (MTRs) for all steels, fasteners and welding consumables;
 Shop drawings;
 Product data sheets (for coatings);
 Welding procedure specifications (WPS);
 Welding procedure data sheets (WPDS);

Page 6-13

 Repair procedures (the fabricator has the option of submitting these before the prefabrication meeting for
expediency of schedule); and
 Fabrication schedule.
The prefabrication submissions are a critical phase of the fabrication process and demonstrate that the fabricator
and sub-contractors are prepared to start fabrication. The quality of prefabrication submissions reduces the risk of
costly fabrication errors and increases the effectiveness of quality control and quality assurance. Each prefabrication
submission is discussed in detail in the following subsections.

6.6.1 Prefabrication Submissions Quality Control Plan
A Quality Control Plan is a document that outlines the fabrication shop practices to ensure that the fabricated
product will meet all the contract requirements for the fabrication of the bridgerails. The Quality Control Plan is part
of the documentation required for the CWB certification of the fabricator. Some elements of the Quality Control
Plan are:
 Organizational chart identifying who is responsible for the various aspects of fabrication, inspection and testing;
 Outline of the responsibilities of the quality control manager;
 Description of the fabrication procedures used in the shop;
 Description of the fabrication inspection and testing program;
 Description of the quality control testing and verification completed by the fabricator;
 Description of the required qualifications of quality control inspectors; and
 Description of how records are managed, method of material traceability, submittals, how nonconformities are
tracked and resolved, and repairs.
The fabricator’s quality control plan is reviewed and approved by the accreditation body (CWB) responsible for
issuing certification. The Consultant must verify that the fabricator’s quality control plan has been approved by the
applicable accreditation body and provided to the Department. Qualifications
The required qualifications and certifications for the fabricators and their sub-contractors are outlined in Subsection
6.4.1. The Consultant must verify that the fabricator is certified to CSA-W47.1 in the applicable division by reviewing
the CWB certificate and the letter of validation in accordance with the following information:
 The certificate indicates that the fabricator is certified to Division 1 or 2;
 The shop address on the certificate corresponds to the shop that carries out the work. If fabrication takes place
in multiple shops owned by the fabricator, certification of each shop to Division 1 or 2 is required;
 The sub-contractors have the appropriate certification for the work they perform. Sub-contractors completing
steel fabrication must be certified to Division 1 or 2; and
 The letter of validation contains the shop address where the work will be carried out. If the current letter of
validation is anticipated to expire prior to the completion of fabrication, a new letter of validation must be
supplied prior to the expiration of the previous letter.
Welding personnel consists of tack welders, welders, and welding operators. Welding operators are typically not
used for the fabrication of bridgerails. Fabricators will typically submit the certificates of all the welding personnel
in their shop as it is not always known at the time of the prefabrication meeting as to which of the welding personnel
will be utilized to work on the bridgerail. It is therefore the role of the Consultant’s QA Inspector to verify that any
of the welding personnel working on the project have the appropriate certification and that their certificate has been
submitted for review and acceptance.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must review the welding personnel’s certificates to verify

Page 6-14

 All welding personnel is certified;

 Welders are qualified for the welding processes identified on the shop drawings and WPDS, typically metal cored
arc welding (MCAW) or shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) are the welding processes permitted in the
fabrication of bridgerail;
 Welders are qualified for welding the materials that will need to be welded during fabrication;
 Welders are qualified for the positions identified on the WPDS and shown on the shop drawings;
 Welder’s classification meet the requirement for all types of joints to be executed on the project. The Consultant
should keep in mind that welders with WT, FW, S, and T29 classification can perform tack welds and various other
welds, depending on their classification, but welders with WT classification can only perform tack welds. The
most common classification is S, which allows the welder to perform all types of welds in various positions,
except for full penetration welds without backing bar and with access only from one side; and
 The expiry date for the welder’s certificate must extend until the end of the fabrication period or it must be
renewed to ensure continuous compliance. Note that welding operators’ and tack welders’ certificates do not
Additional information regarding the review of welder qualifications can be found in Appendix D of this Manual.
NDT and reporting is the responsibility of the Contractor’s QC. To ensure properly certified personnel are performing
the NDT, the Consultant must verify that the QC visual welding inspector and NDT technicians meet the requirements
of Subsection 6.4.2. Fabrication Sequence and Equipment
The fabricator is required to provide a summary of their proposed fabrication sequence and equipment used for
fabrication (including any sub-contracted activities).
The Consultant must review the proposed fabrication sequence and equipment submission and assess if the
specified quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing activities can be completed and that the
proposed equipment conforms to the contract requirements. For bridgerail this is of particular importance for
verification of the cutting process. If plasma arc cutting is employed the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify that
the cutting process is carried out in accordance Subsection of the SSBC.
A typical fabrication sequence for the double tube steel bridgerail consists of the following:
 Cutting of material such as HSS rails, posts, baseplates and anchor rods;
 Fabrication of rails and sleeve;
 Fabrication of posts and welding of posts to baseplates;
 Hot dip galvanizing of all the bridgerail components;
 Inspection and repair, if required, of galvanized components;
 Coating of baseplates;
 Final Inspection; and
 Preparation for shipping. Mill Test Reports
Mill test reports (MTRs) identify the producer steel mill, steel heat number, steel grade, plate thickness or shape
sizes, chemical composition, and mechanical properties. Detailed guidelines for the Consultant’s review of MTRs for
structural steel are provided in Appendix C of this Manual.

WT: classification of welders that deposit tack welds; FW: classification of welders and welding operators that
deposit fillet welds and tack welds; S: classification of welders and welding operators that weld plates and rolled
or hollow sections with full penetration groove welds when accessing the weld from both sides; T: classification
of welders or welding operators that can weld from one side without a backing bar and achieve complete

Page 6-15

Subsection of the SSBC outlines the requirements for the submission of MTRs. Reporting of boron content
is required for all steel that is being welded regardless of origin. The boron content of structural steel to be welded
must not exceed 0.0008%.
In some cases, North America mills will not report boron content on the MTR even though they possess this
information. In this case, and if the billet was melted in North America, a certified letter from the North American
mill stating the measured boron content for the corresponding heat will be considered an acceptable representation
of the boron content of that heat of steel. The letter must be signed by the mill’s metallurgist.
Subsection of the SSBC places limits on the amount of silicon (Si) for steels used for bridgerails since the
components used in these structures are galvanized. Detailed information on the effects that silicon has on
galvanizing is presented in Appendix E of this Manual.
Steel originating from outside of North America must undergo verification testing in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. The verification testing includes the chemical analysis of the steel and the mechanical
All material verification testing must be completed prior to the commencement of fabrication. Although this may
have an impact on the fabrication schedule, the impact is typically small compared to the consequences of dealing
with fabricated bridgerail that does not meet the specifications.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify the following when reviewing a mill test report
that does not require verification inspection and testing:
 The address of the rolling mill. Note that steel plates rolled from billets produced in a mill outside Canada or
the United States of America will have to be retested for chemical analysis if the rolling mill did not retest the
chemistry of the steel. There is no need to retest for mechanical properties if the rolling mill is located in Canada
or the United States of America since the mechanical properties are determined by the rolling mill;
 The heat number is provided;
 The plate thickness is correct for the component for which it is to be used;
 The MTR indicates the grade of steel complies with the contract requirements. This should be confirmed by
verifying that the tensile properties (minimum yield strength, tensile strength, and strain at rupture) are in
accordance with the material standard specified on the contract documents. The chemistry of the steel should
also meet the same material standard;
 The boron content for steel to be welded must not exceed 0.0008%. Note that a mill test report that indicates
a boron content as <0.001% does not meet this requirement; the boron content must be reported with sufficient
precision; and
 If the steel is to be hot dip galvanized, the silicon content must be less than 0.04% or between 0.15% and 0.25%.
Silicon (Si) content limits for structural carbon steels that will not be galvanized or will be metallized do not
apply. HSS members are formed from aluminium killed steel and typically have a silicon content lower than
0.04%, which can make it difficult to achieve the minimum zinc coating thickness required by ASTM A123. More
information about galvanizing and the influence of silicon on the galvanizing process is provided in Appendix E
of this Manual.
Steel originating from outside of Canada or the United States of America must undergo verification inspection and
testing. For these steels the Consultant must verify the following in addition to the requirements listed above:
 The verification testing laboratory conforms to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC;
 The material tests required by the relevant material standard (CSA-G40.21 or ASTM) have all been conducted
and in the number required by the material standard;
 The mechanical properties, and chemistry of the steel meet the requirements of the contract;
 For welded steel with boron content exceeding 0.0008% verify that the Contractor is replacing the non-
conforming steel with a compliant steel or proposing verification of welding in accordance with Alberta
Transportation Construction Bulletin 29; and

Page 6-16

 The verification letter is signed by an authorized officer of the testing laboratory indicating the material tested
conforms to the contract requirements.
Any steel that does not meet the contract requirements must be replaced.
MTRs of welding consumables must also be submitted for the review and acceptance of the Consultant. Product Data Sheets Coatings
A concrete grey barrier coating is applied on the underside of galvanized base plates that will be in contact with
cementitious materials (grout pads). The barrier coating must be a mid-coat polyamide epoxy technology coating
selected from the Alberta Transportation Product List – Approved Products “Bridge Coating Systems (Paint)” and
concrete grey in color. The Contractor must submit the product data sheet of the barrier coating proposed for use
and the Consultant must verify that the proposed coating system is listed on the Department’s Product List in the
applicable category. Shop Drawings
Shop drawings must be submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance. The Consultant’s review is not part
of the quality control process and the fabricator is responsible for the accuracy of the shop drawings. The
Consultant’s review is conducted solely to ascertain general conformance with the contract and their acceptance
does not relieve the Contractor/fabricator of their obligation to meet all the requirements of the contract. Review
comments provided by the Consultant and/or the Department must be incorporated into the shop drawings and
resubmitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance prior to the start of fabrication.
The shop drawings do not require authentication by a Professional Engineer, unless the fabricator has proposed
changes to the contract drawings.
As a minimum, the following information must be included on the shop drawings:
 The Department’s shop drawing identification block has been included and sufficient blank space for the
Consultant’s review stamp;
 Reference to material reference standards and product data sheet for each component. Actual mill test report
heat numbers must be included on the as-built shop drawings submitted after fabrication has been completed;
 Dimensions, hardware size in the actual units (imperial or metric units) that they will be supplied and fabricated;
 All dimensions are to be correct at the shop temperature, typically 20°C;
 All material splice locations;
 Identification marking to be stamped on rails and posts are in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Rail field splices and expansion joint locations and details (length, clearance between the rail tube and sleeves,
rail segments must be supported by at least two posts, etc.);
 Bridgerail post bevel. Bridgerail posts are to be erected vertical. In cases where the longitudinal roadway
gradeline exceeds 2%, the bottom of the bridgerail posts must be beveled so that the baseplates can be installed
parallel to the roadway gradeline;
 Anchorage assemblies are clearly dimensioned;
 For pedestrian railings, the vertical bars must be equally spaced and their spacing less than or equal to 100 mm;
 Weld process symbols must clearly indicate the joint and weld type. Weld process must be in accordance with
those permitted in Subsection of the SSBC. The weld symbols must refer to the applicable welding
procedure data sheet;
 The weld symbols must refer to the applicable welding procedure data sheet. During fabrication the
Consultant’s QA Inspector will verify that the appropriate WPDS, accepted by the Consultant, is used for the
 The type, location and extent of all coatings; and
 Fabrication tolerances.

Page 6-17

Figure 6.11 shows the permissible configurations of TL-4 or TL-5 double tube type bridgerail segments to provide
adequate room for expansion and contraction of the rails and taking in consideration that rail splices can be points
of weakness within the rail system. All rail segments must be supported by at least two posts and splices and
expansion joints must not be more than 600 mm away from the centerlines of the posts. The maximum rail length
is limited to the maximum length that can be hot dip galvanized by single dipping, which is about 12 m. This
maximum length allows the rail to cover four rail post spacings. A common issue identified on shop drawings from
inexperienced fabricators is a rail segment shown supported by one post. Since the splice locations can be points of
weakness, rail segments that are supported by only one post are particularly vulnerable to vehicle collision, i.e. the
integrity of the bridgerail is compromised and the bridgerail does not provide the intended level of safety.

600 600



655 600 600



Figure 6.11
Tube Section Types for Double Tube Bridgerails

The location of the expansion joints must meet the contract drawings and conform to the details on the standard
drawings. Each joint requires a fabricated tube sleeve inserted into the HSS rail, with a maximum of 1 mm clearance
all around. Too much clearance between the sleeve and the HSS rail results in increased deformation of the rail
before the capacity of the rail is developed and the rail might may not perform as designed. The thickness of hot
dip galvanizing (ASTM A123 requires 0.1 mm) and will not reduce the gap significantly to require oversizing gaps.
HSS steel members are also formed with aluminum killed steel having typically low silicon contents which results in
a thin galvanized coating. A 1 mm clearance all around the sleeve before galvanizing is sufficient if fabrication is
reasonably accurate.
Each shop drawing must be stamped, signed and dated by the Consultant to indicate review and acceptance. The
stamp indicates that while the Consultant is satisfied that the shop drawing is in general compliance with the contract
documents, the fabricator and Contractor remain responsible for satisfying all contract requirements. The
Consultant must send a copy of the stamped drawings to the Department for comment. The Department will provide
comments at their discretion and send any comments back to the Consultant. The Consultant must then return the
shop drawings to the Contractor. The fabricator will review the Consultant’s comments and issue a final set of shop
drawings if changes are required. The final set must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant before the shop
drawings can be used for fabrication. Welding Procedure Specifications
Welding must be performed with strict control of all welding parameters to minimize the risk of weld defects. The
welding procedure specifications (WPS) and the welding procedure data sheets (WPDS) form part of the welding
control process. Although these two terms are often used interchangeably, they are distinct and very different
documents. The WPS is a set of broad guidelines for the shop and field welding practice and describes the general
welding procedures to be followed in the fabrication of welded components. A WPS is required for each welding
process used in the shop and is a required document for CWB certification. The specific information required in a
WPS for a welding process is outlined in Annex D of CSA W47.1. More information regarding WPS can also be found
in Appendix A of this Manual.

Page 6-18

The following are minimum WPS requirements for metal-cored arc welding process:
 Outline of the process and the standards to which fabrication is conducted;
 A description of the welding procedure – e.g. metal cored arc welding;
 Base metal – describes the steel groups that are covered in the WPS. Steel groups are outlined in Table 11.1 or
Table 12.1 of CSA W59;
 Range of base metal thickness – the range provided is general and a WPDS must be provided for the appropriate
plate thickness;
 Filler metal and shielding gas used – the standard to which the filler metal and shielding gas conform should be
 Storage and handling of the filler metal;
 Position – outlines the welding positions for which the process may be used. MCAW is generally used only in
the flat and horizontal positions;
 Preheat – outlines preheat and interpass temperatures used during welding. It must comply with AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5 or AWS D1.1/D1.1M for welding of HSS members. For all post to baseplate groove welds,
Subsection of the SSBC requires a minimum preheat of 100°C while fillet welded post to baseplate joints
require 60°C preheat. The WPS also outlines the shop practices for continuing welding that was interrupted,
and weld cooling process;
 Heat treatment and stress relieving details required under the welding procedure specifications;
 Electrical characteristics of the process, namely, direct or alternating current;
 Preparation procedure for the base metal;
 Quality – describes the types of weld defects that can occur and the processes to eliminate them from the
welded component. It should also identify the standard used for quality (e.g. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 or AWS
D1.1/D1.1M ); and
 Weld metal cleaning – covers the cleaning procedure between each weld pass.
The WPS must be stamped by the CWB to indicate acceptance of the WPS and be authenticated by a Professional
Engineer licensed to practice.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify:
 The WPS has sufficient details to cover the content noted above and Annex D of CSA W47.1;
 Acceptance of the WPS by the CWB;
 All welding processes used for the submitted for use in the fabrication of bridgerails are covered in the WPS;
 Handling and storage of the welding materials satisfies the requirements for low hydrogen process as required
by AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 or AWS D1.1/D1.1M for welding on HSS members.
 Preheat and interpass temperatures are in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 or AWS D1.1/D1.1M for
welding on HSS members and must not be less than 100°C for post to baseplate groove welds and 60°C for post
to baseplate fillet welds (Subsection of the SSBC);
 Quality of welds are assessed using AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 or AWS D1.1; and
 The WPS is properly authenticated.
Although all the parameters outlined in the WPS are required for quality welds, they are insufficient for their
execution. Specific information for the execution of each type of weld during fabrication is provided in the WPDS. Welding Procedure Data Sheets
WPDSs must be developed by a professional welding engineer for the execution of every weld used in the fabrication
of all bridge components. The WPDS are developed specifically for the joint type, plate thickness range, and steel
type to be welded. They specify all the welding parameters required for the execution of welded joints that will
meet all code requirements for strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance. Detailed information on the content
of a WPDS and its relevance is presented in Appendix B of this Manual.

Page 6-19

The Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) certifies fabricators and accepts WPDS’s in accordance with Canadian
standards CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 which are certification (company and personnel) and construction codes
respectively. The WPDS’s of Canadian fabricator’s therefore most commonly include the reference standards CSA
W47.1 and CSA W59. Although far less common, the CWB will provide acceptance of a WPDS that includes
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 as the construction code in lieu of CSA W59.
CWB accepted WPDSs that include the reference qualification standards as CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 alone, without
reference to AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5, may be considered acceptable provided the WPDS contains AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5 compliant variables. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 variables that are either not required to be stated on
the WPDS or differ from CSA W59 standard include preheat and interpass temperatures as well as heat input. WPDSs
that include reference to CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 only and contain preheat and interpass temperatures and heat
input variables compliant with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 are acceptable.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify that the following have been addressed in the
 The WPDS has been stamped by the CWB and indicates acceptance. The WPDS is considered a Professional
Work Product and must be authenticated by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice;
 WPDS number matches the number indicated on the shop drawings for specific joints;
 The WPDS references an applicable WPS;
 The reference standards listed are CSA W47.1 and either CSA W59 or AASHTO/AWS D1.5/D1.5M or AWS D1.1
for welding of HSS;
 The material designation (as per the description in Tables 11.1 and 12.1 of CSA-W59) matches the base metal
type indicated on the shop drawings;
 The type of weld and joint (e.g. fillet weld on a T-joint) are consistent with the detail shown on the shop drawing;
 The weld is qualified for the welding position (flat, horizontal, vertical or overhead) shown on the shop drawing.
For small components such as bridgerail, the Consultant can’t assess the position in which a weld might be
executed since this is a function of shop practice. However, as part of the QA inspection, the Consultant’s QA
Inspector must confirm that the welding is conducted in accordance with the applicable WPDS;
 The filler metal used is compatible with the base metal strength, toughness and corrosion resistance;
 If a manufacturer’s filler metal designation is used, availability of this filler metal from the indicated
manufacturer must be verified. Alternatively, the WPDS may provide the AWS or CSA electrode designation;
 The weld filler metal is qualified for the welding position (flat, horizontal, vertical or overhead);
 The filler metal is of low diffusible hydrogen with hydrogen designation H4 for the SMAW and MCAW processes
and is still available from the manufacturer indicated on the WPDS. Alternatively, the WPDS may provide the
AWS or CSA electrode designation;
 The welding process is one that is accepted by the Department and listed in the SSBC (submerged arc welding
(SAW), metal cored arc welding (MCAW), or shielded metal arc welding (SMAW));
 The weld size range indicated on the WPDS covers the weld size specified on the shop drawings;
 The plate thickness to be welded is within the range specified on the WPDS;
 The minimum preheat and minimum interpass temperature is consistent with Subsection of the SSBC
and Table 4.3 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 The maximum interpass temperature is consistent with Table 3.3 of AWS D1.1 for welding on HSS members and
Table 4.3 of AWS D1.5 for welding on other components; and
 The heat input for each weld size is provided in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. Repair Procedures
Repair procedures must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant before any repairs are carried out. To expedite
the review process for repairs, the fabricator may choose to submit repair procedures for the most common repairs
prior to the start of fabrication. The repair procedure for the most common fabrication damages such as for arc
strikes, the notching of plates from plate cutting and heat straightening can be submitted with the prefabrication
meeting documentation, or they can be submitted as required.

Page 6-20

The most common repair required during the fabrication of bridgerail consists of the repair of weld defects identified
from visual inspection. Weld repair procedures must be consistent with the requirements of Subsection 3.7 of
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 except that weld repairs on structural tube must be consistent with the requirements of
AWS D1.1.
Subsection of the SSBC outlines minimum procedure requirements for the repair of arc strikes. It consists
of grinding out the surface defect, performing magnetic particle inspection to verify that no crack was initiated by
the arc strike and hardness testing to verify that the heat affected zone of the arc strike was removed. Hardness
testing and associated requirements are outlined in Subsection of the SSBC. The repair procedure must
identify the size of gouge and associated component where replacement would be required.
Depending on the size and plate characteristics, gouges or similar surface damage must be repaired by either
grinding smooth and faring the gouge to reduce the stress concentration, or filling the gouge by welding, grinding
and inspecting.
For straightening of bent plates, the repair procedure must include evaluation and measurement of the damage, as
well as details of heat straightening.
A common repair procedure for bridgerails and other hot dip galvanized components is repair of the zinc coating.
An assessment of the quality of the galvanizing must be carried out in accordance with ASTM A123 and repairs
completed in accordance with ASTM A780 using Method A1 – Repair Using Zinc-Based Alloys or Method A3 – Repair
Using Sprayed Zinc (Metallizing) depending on their size in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. ASTM
A780 also outlines the method of surface preparation, required preheat and method of applying the repair coating. Fabrication Schedule
The fabricator must submit a detailed fabrication schedule outlining the various phases of the fabrication process
and associated timelines. The fabrication schedule must incorporate the time periods required for review of
prefabrication submissions, inspection and testing notifications, inspection and testing activities and review and
acceptance of the witness points and hold points listed in Subsections 12.2, 12.2.2 and of the SSBC.
Submission of this schedule is required prior to the prefabrication meeting in order to provide sufficient time to the
Consultant to mobilize and coordinate specialty sub-consultants required to fulfill the role of the Consultant’s QA
Inspector and to facilitate inspection coordination discussions during the prefabrication meeting.
The Consultant must verify that the submitted fabrication schedule addresses the following:
 A separate schedule is provided for each bridgerail type;
 The start of fabrication is identified so QA inspection can be coordinated;
 The end of fabrication is identified and the timeline for fabrication is reasonable and fits within the Contractor’s
schedule for bridgerail installation;
 All the major phases of the fabrication process are included;
 Involvement of the sub-contractors in the fabrication is clearly identified, along with their schedules. This
information is required to coordinate QA inspections;
 The fabricator has identified all required QC inspections; and
 All witness and hold points are identified at the appropriate location in the schedule.

6.6.2 Prefabrication Meeting

A prefabrication meeting must be held to discuss contract requirements and establish lines of communication
between the Contractor, fabricator and the Consultant’s QA Inspector(s) in accordance with Subsection 12.2.3 of
the SSBC.
The prefabrication meeting is not to occur until the prefabrication submission hold points have been completed,
reviewed and written acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant. The meeting is to be held at
the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant.

Page 6-21

A minimum of 2 weeks notice must be given to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and
The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must attend the prefabrication meeting including project
manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s), independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved
in supervision of the Work.
The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2
representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the prefabrication meeting(s) for bridgerail being
fabricated outside the Province of Alberta.
The Consultant must prepare the prefabrication meeting agenda (a sample draft agenda is included in Appendix I of
this Manual), chair the meeting and take and distribute the minutes of the meeting to all attendees.
When a fabricator is responsible for the fabrication of multiple components of the bridge, the prefabrication meeting
can combine multiple items as long as all the prefabrication submissions have been submitted, reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant for all the components to be covered during the meeting.

Once the supply and fabrication ITP and prefabrication submissions have been reviewed and accepted and the
prefabrication meeting has taken place fabrication may commence. If the fabricator commences any fabrication
task prior to acceptance of the ITP, the Consultant must notify the Contractor and Department of the non-
conformance immediately. The Consultant and Department must then consider the issuance of a temporary
suspension of the work in accordance with the General Specifications and Specification Amendments for Highway
and Bridge Construction.
This section reviews the various stages of the fabrication process and provides information on the critical aspects of
quality control as general information for the Consultant and the Consultant’s QA Inspector involved with the
fabrication process. The required inspection activities are outlined for each stage of fabrication. For activities where
the QA verification only lists the review of QC inspection and testing records and/or reports, the Consultant’s QA
Inspector is not required to perform verification inspections in the shop for that activity.
This section also outlines many of the requirements typically included in the fabricator’s QC inspection and testing
activities that are to be completed by the QC inspector or their representatives. The list of QC requirements is not
exhaustive and provided only to outline typical QC requirements that the fabricator is responsible for. It is the
fabricator’s responsibility to complete all inspection and testing in accordance with the contract. The fabricator’s
QC Inspector must ensure that the requirements of Section 6 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 are being met
throughout the duration of the work. The QC Inspector is responsible to maintain inspection and testing records
and that these records are made available for review by the Consultant.
At each witness point and hold point identified in the supply and fabrication ITP the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s
QA Inspector must complete the required inspection and testing. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also review
the fabricator’s QC inspection and testing documentation leading up to and required for each witness point and hold
point. Deficiencies identified must be corrected to the full satisfaction of the Consultant and the Contractor’s QC.
The Contractor’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector must provide written acceptance and signoff for each witness
point and hold point.
Witness points identify important aspects of fabrication that at some point must be reviewed and accepted in writing
by the Consultant’s QA Inspector. The timing of the inspection is not critical as the Contractor is responsible for
performing all NDT with the Consultant’s QA Inspector reviewing the QC and inspection and testing records and/or
reports. Inspection and/or testing can be completed at the time in which the work occurs or at a reasonable time
sometime after it occurs.

Page 6-22

Hold points identify critical aspect of fabrication that must be reviewed and accepted in writing by the Contractor’s
QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector at very specific time in the fabrication process. If the fabrication were to
progress past a hold point the level of quality control and quality assurance that could be completed would not be
equivalent in quality, cost, or reliability of that in which was specified in the contract. Since the fabricator’s QC is
responsible for NDT for bridgerail, it is imperative that these inspection and testing activities are performed and
accepted in writing by the QC prior to fabrication progressing to the next stage. The Consultant and the Consultant’s
QA Inspector must be intimately aware of the fabrication schedule and proactively be in regular communication with
the fabricator such that they may schedule any visual inspections and review of QC documentation in a timely
manner. The fabricator’s QC inspector/manager must also be intimately familiar with the fabrication schedule and
proactively engage and communicate with the Consultant and the Consultant’s QA Inspector.
Fabrication should ideally not proceed past a witness point without the written acceptance of both the Contractor
(fabricator’s QC inspector typically) and the Consultant (Consultant’s QA Inspector); however due to the typical
process of fabrication and to achieve cost effective production schedules fabrication may proceed past witness
points without adverse impacts on quality control or quality assurance. Fabrication must not proceed past a hold
point without the written acceptance of the Contractor’s QC. If fabrication proceeds past a hold point without
written acceptance by the Contractor’s QC, the Consultant must notify the Contractor, fabricator and Department
of the non-conformance immediately. The Consultant and Department must then consider the issuance of a
temporary suspension of the work in accordance with the General Specifications and Specification Amendments for
Highway and Bridge Construction. The Contractor must also be notified that all costs required for the Consultant
and the Department to evaluate, inspect, test, and verify the acceptability of the Work and provide written
acceptance of the hold point not met.
Upon the completion of fabrication, a copy of the ITP containing the written acceptance of both QC and QA as well
as testing and inspection records for the bridgerail fabricated must be submitted to the Department by the
Consultant as part of the fabrication final deliverables package.

6.7.1 Shop Requirements

Fabrication must be completed in a shop environment where the temperature is maintained above +10°C during
welding. To prevent compromising the specified low hydrogen welding processes, it is important that the shop
environment is dry and that the temperature of the steel and the welding electrodes are high enough to prevent
condensation of moisture on steel surfaces and welding electrodes.
Welding must incorporate low hydrogen practices, and as such the shop must be equipped with a rod drying oven
for the SMAW electrodes and proper storage and reclamation of flux in cases where the SAW process is used. The
requirements of Subsections 4.5 and 4.8 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 must be followed. A wire storage plan must
be in place for the storage of the MCAW filler metal. Although MCAW wire is not as susceptible to the absorption of
moisture, the metal powder inside the cored wire presents a large surface area on which condensation can take
place. It should be noted that the cored wire is not sealed since the tube seam is only pressed together to prevent
the metal powder from spilling. Although metal cored wire is provided by electrode manufacturers in packaging
that will keep the wire dry indefinitely, metal cored wires are susceptible to absorbing moisture when not stored in
a sealed container. Commentary C-4.13 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 provides guidelines for the proper storage of
flux cored wire, which are also applicable for MCAW wires.

6.7.2 Supply of Structural Steel

The procurement and supply of structural steel and other materials required for bridgerail fabrication is the
responsibility of the fabricator and/or the Contractor.
The procurement of materials must occur before the prefabrication meeting such that the fabricator can submit the
MTRs and product data sheets of the actual materials that will be incorporated into the work. Where the steel
originates from outside Canada or the United States of America or for steels being welded that need testing for
boron content, the Contractor must have the mill test reports verified in Canada in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.

Page 6-23

Steel plate material procured for fabrication the plates must be stored on acceptable dunnage to prevent damage.
Steel plate material must also be cleaned and have their surfaces prepared by abrasive blast cleaning prior to cutting.
Steel plate material must be marked by the fabricator with the heat number for traceability. At this stage the steel
shapes must be stored with appropriated dunnage to prevent damage before fabrication (see Figure 6.12).

Figure 6.12
HSS Sections for bridge rails

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Only materials conforming to the contract requirements have been procured and reviewed and accepted by the
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials to be used; and
 Each steel plate has an associated MTR that is compliant with the material requirements.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify steel plates received match the heat numbers listed on the MTRs submitted to the Consultant for review
and acceptance as part of the prefabrication submittals; and
 Review QC records and/or reports of other procured materials for conformance with the contract.

6.7.3 Surface Preparation and Cleaning for the Inspection of Steel Surfaces
Surface preparation and cleaning of steel surfaces to remove mill scale and oxidation is required for various phases
of fabrication to:
 Facilitate visual inspection and identification of defects prior to plate cutting;
 Prepare surfaces for welding and reduce the amount of grinding required;
 Prevent the contamination of welds;
 Achieve the design slip resistance of bolted joints/connections; and
 Achieve the surface profile required for the application of coatings.
For more detailed information regarding surface preparation and cleaning of steel plate prior to cutting refer to
Subsection 2.7.3.

Page 6-24

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Steel plates are visually inspected after surface preparation and cleaning prior to cutting and any defects are
reported to the Consultant;
 Steel plates are marked with the associated MTR heat number after surfaces have been acceptably prepared
and cleaned;
 If repairs are required, they are completed in accordance with a repair procedure that has been reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant. A QC inspection report outlining the location repair, inspection and test results is
submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance;
 Steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to fabrication; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify repairs, if required, have been completed with in accordance with the repair procedure that has been
reviewed and accepted by the Consultant;
 Verify steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to fabrication; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

6.7.4 Cutting of Steel

Cutting of plates and sections is required to cut the rail, posts and base plates to design dimensions and install
drainage and access holes for bolted rail connections. Cutting sections to length is typically completed using flame
or saw cutting. Cutting of base plates and drainage and bolting access holes is typically completed by thermal cutting.
If plasma arc cutting is proposed, it must meet the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. Plasma arc
cutting processes using nitrogen must not be permitted due to potential for nitrogen causing contamination of the
cut surfaces resulting in subsequent weld cracking. Bolt and anchor rod holes must be accurately drilled or cut.
Figure 6.13 shows a HSS rail with bolting access holes cut. For more detailed information regarding steel plate cutting
refer to Subsection 2.7.4.
Cut edges must have a 1 mm chamfer to avoid sharp edges and development of stress concentrations. Removal of
sharp edges is not only important in removing stress concentrations but it is also important in the galvanization
process as sharp edges will have a thinner zinc coating and this can lead to the development of corrosion in these
Welding, cutting and preparation must be in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 which consists of removing
surface contaminates, beveling edges for groove welds, and preparing the root gap opening. The fabrication of
bridgerail components composed of structural tubing must be in accordance with the American Welding Society
(AWS) - Structural Welding Code D1.1.

Page 6-25

Figure 6.13
Cutting of HSS rails

Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances of cut components is an inspection and testing witness point in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance and sign off from both the fabricator’s QC and
Consultant’s QA Inspector is required.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 All structural steel is visually inspected for defects;
 Dimensional checks of all components are completed;
 Rail access holes for connections are cut such that HSS rail seams are located on the bottom face of rail square
cross section or back side or bottom for rails of rectangular cross section;
 All cut edges are visually inspected for roughness, burrs and required chamfer;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Perform spot verification of cut surfaces for roughness, chamfer and proper dimensions;
 Verify rail seam is located on the bottom for rails of square cross section and bottom or backside for rails of
rectangular cross section;
 Verify bolt hole locations and dimensions and verify holes are deburred;
 Verify tube splice sleeve dimensions;
 Verify that expansion joint dimensions are within tolerance;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

Page 6-26

6.7.5 Rails and Sleeves

In addition to cutting rail segments to length and preparing the connections for rail expansion joints and to bridgerail
posts, the Department allows up to one butt splice in the fabrication of any rail segment. Butt splices must be
completed with a complete joint penetration groove weld incorporating a backing bar. This is due to the lack of
access within the tube to facilitate any sort of back gouging and back welding within the joint. These splices must
be clearly identified on the shop drawings. Butt splices not identified on the shop drawings will not be permitted
and rail segments will be rejected.
Sleeves are inserted between adjacent rail ends to provide continuity of the rail across the joint. A tight fit is required
between the sleeve and the HSS rails (1 mm maximum clearance all around) and as such, sleeves are fabricated in a
different manner than the rails. In the first stage flat plates are cut and bent to form a U-shape section and all the
required bolt holes and slots are cut (see Figure 6.14). The fourth side of the tubular sleeve is then formed by welding
a bent plate to close the U-shape. The bent plate must provide sufficient clearance between the HSS tube weld
seam and the tube splice sleeve and avoid the need to remove the weld seam from inside the HSS rail. Figure 6.15
shows an end view of a completed tube splice sleeve. Run-off tabs must be used during welding of the bent plate
to complete the sleeve in order to ensure acceptable weld termination.

Figure 6.14 Figure 6.15

Bridgerail Splice Sleeves Stored prior to Tube splice sleeve completed
Welding Closure Plate

Bridgerail rails and sleeves are typically stacked to minimize the storage footprint in the fabrication shop. This can
result in potential accessibility challenges for the Consultant’s QA Inspector especially during visual inspection of all
completed welds. Communication between the fabricator and Consultant’s QA Inspector is critical as the timeliness
of inspection and testing within the fabrication process has significant impact on fabrication efficiencies and
processes. The fabricator and Consultant’s QA Inspector must remain in constant communication throughout
fabrication and the fabricator must provide acceptable access to the fabricated components in order for the
Consultant’s QA Inspector to complete the required inspections and provide written acceptance of the work.
Visual inspection of welding and completion of non-destructive testing, prior to galvanizing of rails and sleeves is an
inspection and testing hold point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance and sign
off from both the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector is required.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Ensure welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task
that they are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Ensure welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s;
 Ensure preheat and interpass temperature requirements are being met;

Page 6-27

 Visually inspect all weld passes in multi-pass welds and completed weld;
 RT or UT of 100% full penetration groove welded rail butt splices;
 MT inspection of 25% of partial joint penetration welds for rail sleeves is performed;
 Dimensional checks are conducted to ensure all dimensions are within tolerances and rail sleeves have the
proper fit while allowing for galvanizing;
 Identification markings are stamped on rails in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task that
they are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to welding;
 Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s for the applicable joint and weld type;
 Verify that preheat and interpass temperature requirements are in accordance with the reviewed and accepted
 Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds;
 Visually inspect all completed welds;
 Verify sharp edges have been removed;
 Conduct dimensional spot checks of the rails and sleeves to verify they were fabricated within tolerances;
 Verify rail sleeve fit;
 Verify that the rails are clearly marked so their location on the bridge will be readily identifiable. The marking
system must remain clearly legible even after hot dip galvanizing;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract;
 Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results; and
 Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

6.7.6 Posts
W posts must be perpendicular to baseplates, unless otherwise noted on the drawings in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. For bridges with constant longitudinal grades the posts and baseplates have the same
configuration and a fabrication jig is typically used to increase fabrication efficiencies. The fabricator typically aligns
the post on the baseplate and secures them with tack welds.
Standard Drawings S-1642, S-1648, S-1700 and S-1702 indicate that the bridgerail posts must be installed vertically.
In cases where the roadway grade exceeds 2%, the bottom of the posts must be beveled to match the grade to allow
the baseplates to be installed parallel to the roadway grade. For bridges with a vertical curve and on a grade greater
than 2%, this requirement requires that every post be cut at a different bevel, which makes the fabrication more
complex and slower.
Figure 6.16 shows baseplates prepared to receive the rail posts. Figure 6.17 shows a bridgerail post in a fabrication
jig to align the post on the baseplate so that it can either be tack welded and moved to another workstation for
completion of the welding, or completely welded while in the jig. Figure 6.18 shows several railing posts tack welded
to their baseplates and ready for final welding.

Page 6-28

W shape posts are fillet welded to the base plate around the perimeter of the post. A 13 x 25 mm drain hole is cut
in the post web to prevent accumulation of water on the baseplate. The fillet weld between the post and the
baseplate must not be continuous across the drain hole. Any weld across the drain hole that prevents complete
drainage of the baseplate must be acceptably removed (typically with a grinder).
HSS bridgerail posts for traffic combination barrier bridgerails require a complete joint penetration weld to the base
plate. The joint is prepared using a 45° bevel and is welded all around with a 5 mm root gap and backing bar. A
reinforcing fillet weld is subsequently added all around, as a welding code requirement, which reduces the stress
HSS posts for the Department’s standard pedestrian/cyclist barrier are fillet welded to the base plate for the full
perimeter of the post.

Figure 6.16
Fabricated Bridgerail Baseplates

Page 6-29

Figure 6.17
Post and Baseplate Alignment Within Fabrication Jig with Tack Welds Shown

Figure 6.18
Bridgerail Posts Tack Welded to Baseplates

Page 6-30

The inspection requirement for post to baseplate welds depends on the weld type. For post to baseplate
incorporating only fillet welds, 25% of the weld on each post must be inspected by the fabricator using MT. The
length of fillet weld inspected with MT must be a continuous length such that the fabricator is not solely testing the
segments of the weld that were easiest to complete (straight welds along a flange or web). For post to baseplate
full penetration groove welds, 100% of the weld must be inspected by the fabricator using UT or RT. Subsection of the SSBC gives the Contractor the option of inspecting full penetration groove welds with UT or RT since
these T shaped joints are difficult to inspect by RT. UT is a better option from a QC point of view and is also a less
disruptive inspection method since it can be conducted in the shop without affecting adjacent work areas.
Bridgerail posts are typically stacked to minimize the storage footprint in the fabrication shop. This can result in
potential accessibility challenges for the Consultant’s QA Inspector especially during visual inspection of all
completed welds. Communication between the fabricator and Consultant’s QA Inspector is critical as the timeliness
of inspection and testing within the fabrication process has significant impact on fabrication efficiencies and
processes. The fabricator and Consultant’s QA Inspector must remain in constant communication throughout
fabrication and the fabricator must provide acceptable access to the fabricated components in order for the
Consultant’s QA Inspector to complete the required inspections and provide written acceptance of the work.
Visual inspection of welding and completion of non-destructive testing, prior to galvanizing and application of barrier
coating is an inspection and testing hold point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Written
acceptance and sign off from both the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector is required.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Ensure welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task
that they are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Ensure welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s;
 Ensure preheat and interpass temperature requirements are being met;
 VT all weld passes in multi-pass welds and completed weld;
 25% of fillet welds for each W section post are inspected and tested using MT in accordance with Subsections and of the SSBC;
 25% of fillet welds for each HSS pedestrian/cyclist barrier post are inspected and tested using MT in accordance
with Subsection and of the SSBC;
 100% of HSS to baseplate CJP welds for traffic barriers are inspected and tested using UT or RT in accordance
with Subsection and of the SSBC;
 Dimensional checks are conducted to ensure all dimensions are within tolerances prior to galvanizing;
 Identification markings are stamped on rails in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials to be used;
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provided to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task that
they are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to welding;
 Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s for the applicable joint and weld type;
 Verify that preheat and interpass temperature requirements are in accordance with the reviewed and accepted

Page 6-31

 Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds;
 Visually inspect all completed welds;
 Verify NDT inspection and testing locations are in accordance with Subsection and of the
 Spot check dimensions and verify they are within tolerances;
 Spot check general assembly of the post to verify they are within tolerances;
 Verify that the posts are clearly marked so their location on the bridge will be readily identifiable. The marking
system must remain clearly legible even after hot dip galvanizing;
 Verify condition of anchor rods and high strength anchor rod traceability. Method of traceability must be
maintained through the subsequent galvanizing process;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

6.7.7 Galvanizing Anchor Rods
Anchor rods and associated hardware must be hot dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM F2329 and Subsection of the SSBC. Preparation of threaded rods is especially critical to the success of galvanizing since repair by
Method A1 or Method A3 of ASTM A780 are not nearly as effective due to the difficulty getting the zinc coating over
the full surface of the threads and the repair can easily get damaged.
High strength steels are susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement when exposed to a source of hydrogen ions, such as
acid. The embrittlement of steel is only detectable by destructive testing except in severe cases where cracking
occurs during or shortly after the galvanizing process. The presence of stress concentration at the root of the threads
makes high strength anchor rods more susceptible to hydrogen induced cracking than plain bars of the same grade
of steel. Subsection of the SSBC places limitations on the exposure time of ASTM A193 Grade B7 and other
high strength anchor rods to the acid bath used for the pickling process to a maximum of 5 minutes followed by a
quick rinse and dry before hot dip galvanizing. The galvanizing process for anchor rods is a modified version of the
process described in Appendix E of this Manual, the cleaning and pickling process for the anchor rods must be clearly
communicated to the galvanizer that the specialized process is completed and documented in the galvanizers QC
The pickling process of anchor rods is shown in Figure 6.19 through Figure 6.24. The first step in the process shown
in Figure 6.19, includes placing the rods into a large basket for submerging in the acid cleaning/pickling tank. Once
pickling and the rinsing process is complete, the rods are placed in a basket for hot dip galvanizing (Figure 6.20) and
the basket is immersed in the zinc bath (Figure 6.21). The excess zinc that fills the threads of the galvanized rods is
removed by placing the basket in a centrifuge and spinning until the zinc has solidified and the excess removed.
Figure 6.22 and Figure 6.23 show anchor rods being placed in and removed from the centrifuge respectively. Limited
cleaning is then required to ensure proper fitment of nuts (Figure 6.24).
Upon completion of the galvanizing process, the Contractor must engage an independent testing laboratory to
perform embrittlement testing of high strength anchor rods in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
The test results must be compiled into a report and submitted to the Consultant.
Embrittlement testing of high strength anchor rods is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance and sign off from both the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s QA
Inspector is required.

Page 6-32

Figure 6.19
Pickling of Anchor Rods is Limited to a Maximum of 5 Minutes

Figure 6.20
Anchor Rods in Galvanizing Basket

Figure 6.21
Hot Dip Galvanizing of Anchor Rods

Page 6-33

Figure 6.22
Galvanizing Basket with Anchor Rods being placed into Centrifuge

Figure 6.23
Galvanized Anchor Rods after Removal from Centrifuge

Figure 6.24
Cleaning of Anchor Rods and Inspection of Nut Fitment

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must:
 Visually inspect anchor rods for damage;
 Ensure and coordinate traceability of materials with galvanizer;
 Ensure anchor rod embrittlement bend testing specimens have been provided in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC for each heat of anchor rod;
 Ensure safeguarding measures to prevent embrittlement are used in the galvanizing process of high strength
anchor rods in accordance with Subsection are implemented;

Page 6-34

 Perform inspection of galvanizing to ensure conformance with ASTM standards;

 Ensure QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage of the fabrication the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Spot check anchor rod dimensions;
 Verify all anchor rods are traceable to specific heats and that each heat has embrittlement bend testing
specimens for hydrogen embrittlement tests as specified in Subsection of the SSBC;
 Verify that the fabricator has coordinated with the galvanizer to provide sufficient embrittlement bend testing
specimens for each batch and safeguarding measures against embrittlement are being implemented;
 Spot check galvanized surfaces for any defects;
 Review galvanization report and verify conformance with ASTM standards;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs. Rails and Posts
Galvanizing of tube rails and posts follows a similar galvanizing procedure as anchor rods except that a larger zinc
bath is required, special pickling procedures are not required and centrifuging is neither possible nor required to
remove excess zinc. Figure 6.25 shows various galvanized rail components stacked and separated by blocking. Figure
6.26 shows galvanized thrie beam connection plates for attaching the bridgerail to the approach rail transition.
Bridgerail posts stacked after galvanizing are shown in Figure 6.27. Note that in this picture the posts have been tied
together with a steel strap without the use of softeners. Contact areas that are not softened result in damage to
the adjacent galvanized surface and are not acceptable.
The Contractor is also responsible for galvanizing adhesion test plates that will be used in adhesion testing of
baseplate barrier coating. Refer to Subsection 6.7.8 of this Manual and Subsection of the SSBC for detailed

Page 6-35

Figure 6.25
Galvanized Bridgerail

Figure 6.26
Galvanized Thrie Beam Connection Plates

Page 6-36

Figure 6.27
Bridgerail Posts being Prepared and Stacked for Shipping

A close-up view of the drain hole at the base of a railing post is shown in Figure 6.28. It is observed that in this case
the bottom of the hole has been blocked by overrunning the weld. The weld at this location must be ground flush
with the baseplate before galvanizing to allow free drainage of the baseplate.

Page 6-37

Figure 6.28
Drainage Hole at Baseplate (Weld must be Ground Flush with Baseplate)

Any galvanized surface that does not meet the acceptance criteria of ASTM A123 must be repaired. Subsection of the SSBC specifies that repair areas must be infrequent and small as determined by the Consultant. The
subsection provides further direction of the repair method required based on size of the defect. Method A3
(metallizing) of ASTM A780 can be used for any areas that require repair. Method A1 (use of a zinc-based alloy) is
also allowed, for repair areas smaller than 100 mm2. Method A2 (zinc rich paint) must not be used for any repair.
ASTM A123 provides guidelines to determine when galvanizing damage is too extensive to repair and re-
galvanization is required. The process of re-galvanizing requires that the defective zinc coating be removed, and the
surface preparation be repeated prior to re-dipping.
Figure 6.29 shows a galvanized baseplate with a galvanizing deficiency that is being sand blasted in preparation for
repair. Figure 6.30 illustrates a small repair using Method A1 of ASTM A780. The method requires preheating the
repair area to a temperature between 315°C and 400°C and then rubbing the preheated area with a zinc stick to
evenly distribute a layer of zinc alloy over the repair area. Repair by Method A3 requires a more thorough blast
cleaning to SSPC-SP5 white metal. The surface is then sprayed with a zinc coating, which is zincaluminumy in a
powder form or wire that melts as it exits the applicator nozzle (see Figure 6.31).
Barrier coating adhesion test plates must also be galvanized with production baseplates as part of the galvanizing
process. For more information regarding barrier coating and adhesion test plates refer to Subsection 6.7.8.

Page 6-38

Figure 6.29
Preparation of Repair Area By Sand-Blasting

Figure 6.30
Repair of Galvanizing by Method A1 of ASTM A780/A780M

Figure 6.31
Repair of Galvanizing by Method A3 of ASTM A780/A780M

Page 6-39

At the completion of the galvanizing process, the galvanizer must provide the Contractor with a QC galvanizing
inspection report.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must:
 Visually inspect rails and posts for damage prior to coating;
 Ensure and coordinate traceability of materials with galvanizer;
 Ensure sufficient barrier coating adhesion test plates are included in the galvanizing process;
 Perform inspection of galvanizing to ensure conformance with ASTM standards; and
 Ensure QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provided to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage of the fabrication the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify that the fabricator has coordinated with the galvanizer to ensure material traceability;
 Verify that sufficient barrier coating adhesion test plates are included in the galvanization process;
 Spot check galvanized surfaces for any defects;
 Review galvanization report and verify conformance with ASTM standards; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

6.7.8 Coating of Baseplates

After galvanizing, the bottom surface of bridgerail post baseplates must receive a barrier coating to prevent direct
contact between the zinc coating and the levelling cementitious grout pad (see Figure 6.32). The coating must be
concrete grey so that it is not readily visible in cases were the coating extends up the baseplate edge. The barrier
coating must be a mid-coat polyamide epoxy technology coating selected from the Alberta Transportation Product
List – Approved Products “Bridge Coating Systems (Paint)”.

Figure 6.32
Barrier coating on the bottom surface of baseplate

The Contractor must complete base plate barrier coating dry film thickness measurements in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC.

Page 6-40

The Contractor must also complete barrier coating adhesion testing on adhesion test plates in accordance with ASTM
D3359 Method A or B as outlined in Subsection of the SSBC. Adhesion test plates are used because adhesion
testing of the barrier coating is destructive and if completed on production base plates they would require
subsequent repairs that would not be as durable. ASTM D3359 Method A includes scribing an X through the barrier
coating paint to the zinc substrate, applying a pressure sensitive tape over the cut and removing the tape. The
adhesion is assessed qualitatively on a scale of 0 to 5. A minimum classification of 4A must be attained. Figure 6.33
illustrates this test method. Method B consists of making a lattice of 6 or 11 incisions (depending on the coating
thickness) with a razor blade all the way to the steel substrate, cleaning the surface from any loose paint, adhering
a 25 mm wide transparent tape on the lattice and peeling the tape at 180°. Adhesion is assessed qualitatively on a
scale of 0 to 5. A minimum classification of 4B must be attained. To meet Classification 4B, less than 5% of the paint
in the grid area can be removed when the tape is peeled. Figure 6.34 shows a sample of the tape test using Method
B and measurement of the dry film thickness.
Barrier coating thickness and adhesion testing is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance and sign off from both the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s QA
Inspector is required.

Figure 6.33 Figure 6.34

Barrier Coating Adhesion Test (ASTM D3359 Method A) Barrier Coating Adhesion Test (ASTM D3359 Method B)
(top) and Dry Film Thickness Measurement (bottom)

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 That the barrier coating applied is a polyamide epoxy mid-coat selected from the Alberta Transportation Product
 Galvanized baseplate underside surfaces are prepared in accordance with the barrier coating manufacturer’s
product data sheet prior to coating application;
 The WFT of the applied barrier coating meets the barrier coating manufacturer’s range to achieve the targeted
DFT range;
 DFT measurements are within the range indicated on the manufacturers’ product data sheet;
 Adhesion testing of barrier coating is completed and the results are compliant with the material testing standard
 All QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

Page 6-41

QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify the barrier coating being used was reviewed and accepted by the Consultant;
 Verify that the galvanized surface to receive the barrier coating has been prepared in accordance with the
barrier coating manufacturer’s requirements for application on a galvanized surface;
 Verify the barrier DFT coating thickness measurements are within the range specified on the manufacturer’s
product data sheet;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
6.7.9 Tolerances
After galvanizing and base plate barrier coating application has been acceptably completed and returned to the
fabricator’s shop, dimensional tolerances and fitment of sleeves must be measured, recorded, and meet the
requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. The maximum clearance between the rail sections and sleeves is
1 mm and the dimension checking is shown in Figure 6.35 and Figure 6.36. The fabricated length of the posts must
be within ±3 mm and the out-of-straightness of the rails within L/1000, where L is the full length of the railing
segment. The out-of-straightness of rail tolerance is determined along the full length of the rail segment and is
measured by using a string line as shown in Figure 6.37.

Figure 6.35
Rail Splice Sleeve Fitment

Page 6-42

Figure 6.36
Measuring Tube Sleeve Dimensions

Figure 6.37
Measuring Out-of-Straightness of Bridgerail (Full Length of Rail Segment) using String Line

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Dimensions are within all specified tolerances;
 Fit of sleeves is smooth throughout their motion with no binding;
 Gap between outer sleeve face and inner face of rail is within tolerance;
 Out-of-Straightness of rail segments are within tolerance; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Spot check dimensions and tolerances of fabricated components including sleeve fit and out-of-straightness of
rail segments; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

Page 6-43

6.7.10 Final Inspection

The fabricator’s QC Inspector, Consultant QA Inspector and Consultant are all responsible for completion of the final
inspection prior to preparing bridgerail components for shipping. Once all QC and QA documentation has been
reviewed and accepted (review of these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication
process), the Consultant must inform the fabricator when bridgerail is ready for shipping or whether deficiencies
remain that require repair. The final inspection of bridgerail is a supply and fabrication hold point in accordance
with Subsection of the SSBC.
Bridgerail components are typically stacked to minimize the storage footprint in the fabrication shop. This can result
in potential accessibility challenges for the Consultant’s QA Inspector. Communication between the fabricator and
Consultant’s QA Inspector is critical as the timeliness of inspection and testing within the fabrication process has
significant impact on fabrication efficiencies and processes. The fabricator and Consultant’s QA Inspector must
remain in constant communication throughout fabrication and the fabricator must provide acceptable access to the
fabricated components in order for the Consultant’s QA Inspector to complete the required inspections and provide
written acceptance of the work.
QC and QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the fabricator’s QC inspector, Consultant and Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Review of the QC and QA inspection and testing records and/or reports to verify compliance with the contract
 Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have been reviewed and accepted;
 Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably

6.7.11 Shipping
The fabricator and Contractor must transport, handle, and store bridgerail in accordance with Subsection 12.3 of the
SSBC. Support, blocking, and restraint systems must be well designed and implemented to prevent unnecessary
damage during transportation, handling, and storage.
Shipping by truck is the most common means for transporting bridgerail. In accordance with subsection 12.3.1 of
the SSBC, bridgerail must be protected from dirt, mud, road salts, slush or other contaminants during transportation,
handling and storage. Protection measures during shipping are often not given sufficient attention and can create
significant challenges at the project site. Protection of components is of particular importance during winter months
when de-icing materials are used to maintain highway networks. The means and methods of protection are
determined by the Contractor or fabricator and must achieve the specified cleanliness and condition prior to
Figure 6.38 and Figure 6.39 show bridgerails and posts being prepared for shipping. The Consultant’s QA Inspector
must verify that the galvanized components are prepared for shipping and stored in an acceptable manner.

Page 6-44

Figure 6.38
Bridgerail being prepared for Shipping

Figure 6.39
Bridgerail Posts being prepared for Shipping

Shrink wrapping or tarping of bridgerail components during transportation is an effective way to minimize cleaning
at the project site and reduce cleaning and repair work required on site. The length of time and details of shrink
wrapping and tarping must be careful considered to prevent development of wet storage staining of galvanized
components. Wrapping and tarping should be removed upon arrival at site to reduce potential for wet storage
staining. Figure 6.40 shows bridgerail post on site protected with shrink wrap and detailed to allow air flow to
prevent wet storage staining.

Page 6-45

Figure 6.40
Bridgerail Posts being prepared for Shipping Clearance to Ship

The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for bridgerail a minimum of 72 hours prior to
shipment from the fabrication facility.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure bridgerail is loaded, supported, restrained and protected.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify bridgerail is acceptably loaded, supported, restrained and

6.7.12 Consultant QA Inspection and Testing Reporting

The Consultant’s QA Inspector must prepare a weekly fabrication inspection report with photos during the
fabrication of bridgerail. The reports must be submitted weekly to the Department for review and organized for
inclusion in the fabrication inspection report once fabrication is complete. Notes must be made to document any
delays in the work and progress of the work throughout the fabrication schedule.
The reports and photographs should document that the production meets the requirements of the contract. The
reports must clearly document what was inspected and that the expected inspection and testing requirements
outlined in this Manual have been acceptably completed. The reports must highlight any issues that were identified
during the inspection and testing and the details of their resolution. Photographs of fabrication defects, both before
and after repair, should be included as they are particularly useful for providing a complete record of the type and
location of any defects and how they were acceptably repaired.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also review the QC inspection reports and the supply and fabrication ITP to
verify all inspection and testing is completed.

Page 6-46

6.7.13 Consultant QA Inspector Resource Allocation

The number of shop visits will be dependent of the fabricator’s fabrication schedule and sequence of fabrication. It
is typical that the Consultant’s QA Inspector will conduct a minimum of three shop visits to complete the required
QA inspections. Fabricated bridgerail components are commonly stacked and stored in a manner to minimize shop
floor space. It is imperative that the Consultant’s QA Inspector and the fabricator maintain adequate coordination
throughout the fabrication process to ensure the Consultant’s QA Inspector has sufficient access to perform the
necessary inspection duties while at the same time minimizing impact to the fabrication schedule. The estimated
weekly hours of inspection for the Consultant’s QA inspection is approximately 15 hours for inspection activity and
3 hours for reporting/documentation review. For more detailed information on QA inspector resource allocation
refer to Appendix J of this Manual.


The fabricator must submit all specified quality control documentation, as-constructed shop drawings to the
Consultant within 3 weeks of fabrication completion.
The Consultant must then assemble a final deliverable fabrication report and include all QC and QA inspection and
testing for bridgerail. The fabrication report will be filed by the Department and used in the management of the
bridge over its service life.
The final deliverable fabrication report must be submitted to the Department within:
 6 weeks from the date of acceptance of the Work for standalone bridge projects including multiple and major
bridge projects; or
 12 weeks from the date of acceptance of the Work for bridge projects that include a major grading, base course
and asphalt concrete pavement component.
The date of acceptance of the Work is the date as noted on the Construction Completion Certificate or the
Conditional Construction Completion Certificate.
The Consultant should not wait until the work is accepted and overall project complete to commence compiling of
the final deliverables fabrication report. The Consultant is strongly encouraged to plan for and commence this
activity during the course of fabrication while all parties are familiar with the fabrication that occurred as there can
be a significant time between completion of fabrication and contract completion.
A detailed list of the final deliverables fabrication report requirements for the fabrication of bridgerail is provided in
Appendix H of this Manual.

Page 6-47


Alberta Transportation classifies overhead sign structures as bridge structures when they are fully or partially
supported over public roadways and have a sign panel area greater than 4 m2. Each overhead sign structures is
assigned a unique bridge file number for design, construction and management records.
Overhead sign structures are similar to bridge bearings and mechanically stabilized earth walls in that they are
designed by the Contractor/fabricator and not by the Consultant. Overhead sign structures and panels must be
designed in accordance with AASHTO’s Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,
Luminaires, and Traffic Signals and as modified by Section 24 of the Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction
The design and associated detailing of overhead sign structures is typically governed by the specified fatigue
requirements. Overhead sign structures must be designed and detailed to have an infinite fatigue life. The
Consultant’s review of the Contractor/fabricator design notes and independent check notes and the quality
assurance of fabrication are very important activities that must be comprehensive and accurately completed as
unacceptable design details or fabrication defects can significantly reduce fatigue resistance and associated service


Overhead sign structures include bridge type and cantilever types.

7.2.1 Cantilever Overhead Sign Structures

Cantilever type overhead sign structures incorporate a single column support in combination with various mast arm
configurations, including single arm (Figure 7.1), double arm that includes a truss with top and bottom chord
members (Figure 7.2), or a quad arm (Figure 7.3). In general, cantilever sign structures are more flexible than bridge
support type sign structures. To limit dynamic load effects of cantilever type overhead sign structures, cantilever
arms are limited to a maximum of 20 m.

Page 7-1

Figure 7.1
Single Arm Cantilever Type Overhead Sign Structure

Figure 7.2 Figure 7.3

Double Arm Cantilever Type Overhead Sign Structure Quad Arm Cantilever Type Overhead Sign Structure

Page 7-2

7.2.2 Bridge Overhead Sign Structures

Bridge type overhead sign structures are used for longer spans and can be either single arm (Figure 7.4) or double
arm (Figure 7.5).

Figure 7.4
Single Arm Sign Bridge Type Overhead Sign Structure

Figure 7.5
Double Arm Sign Bridge Type Overhead Sign Structure

7.3.1 Alberta Transportation Standards and Specifications
 General Specifications and Specification Amendments for Highway and Bridge Construction Edition 16.
 Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC) Edition 17.
 Engineering Consultant Guidelines for Highway, Bridge, and Water Projects Vol.1 and Vol.2;
 Bridge Structures Design Criteria (BSDC) Version 9.0; and
 Typical Details Drawing T-1721, Typical Overhead Sign Structure General Layout.

7.3.2 Reference Standards and Specifications

 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):
o AASHTO (2013). Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic
Signals, 6th Edition. (AASHTO’s Standard Specifications);
o AASHTO (2017). LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4th Edition; and

Page 7-3

o ASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 (2015). Bridge Welding Code, 7th Edition, American Welding Society D1
Committee on Structural Welding/AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures.
 American Welding Society (AWS):
o AWS D1.1/D1.1M (2015). Structural Welding Code – Steel.
 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
o ASTM A123/A123M (2017). Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel
o ASTM A143/A134M-07 (2014). Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot-Dip
Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement;
o ASTM A780/A780M-09 (reapproved 2015). Standard Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas
of Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings; and
o ASTM D3359-17 (2017). Standard Test Methods for Rating Adhesion by Tape Test.
 Canadian Standards Association (CSA):
o CSA W47.1:19 (2019). Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel; and
o CSA W178.2-18 (2018). Certification of Welding Inspectors.

The qualifications of the personnel involved in the fabrication of overhead sign structures, including the fabricator
and the quality control (QC) inspectors and NDT testers are outlined in Section 24 of the SSBC and Section 6 of
This section presents a short review of the required qualifications of the fabricator and their personnel including QC
inspectors, tack welders, welders, welding operators and welding supervisor and the Consultant’s QA Inspector.

7.4.1 Fabricator
In accordance with Subsection 24.3.1 of the SSBC, fabricators must be certified to the requirements of CSA W47.1
by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB). The sub-contractors to the fabricator must also be CWB certified to CSA-
Welding must be completed in accordance with multiple codes and standards related to process, quality and safety.
The CWB provides comprehensive qualification and certification services for:
 Company certification;
 Welder, welding supervisor, welding engineer qualifications, and weld inspector certification;
 Acceptance of welding procedures;
 Certification of electrodes and filler metals and;
 Qualification and certification of Canadian welding professionals and welding companies to international
standards, including IIW/ISO 3834.
The fabricator and his subcontractors30 are responsible to complete the work in accordance with the contract
requirements. Therefore, the fabricator and its sub-contractors must have a quality control plan, that is reviewed
and accepted by the CWB as part of it’s certification program.

The requirements of the SSBC extend to all sub-contractors doing work for the fabricator as part of the overhead
sign structures fabrication process. Since the same standard of care is expected whether the work is carried out
by the fabricator or his sub-contractors, the same qualifications are required for all parties involved in the
fabrication process.

Page 7-4

The CWB certification is related to the shop’s qualifications and ability to fabricate welded components and is in
accordance with CSA-W47.1. Certification requirements of fabricators that supply and fabricate structural steel on
Department bridge projects is as follows:
 Steel girders, trusses, diaphragms, bracing, splice plates, stiffeners, connector plates, abutment and pier caps,
and associated materials .......................................................................................................................... Division 1
 All other bridge components ............................................................................................................ Division 1 or 2
 Field welding/repairs ......................................................................................................................... Division 1 or 2
Fabricators of overhead sign structures must be certified to Division 1 or 2. The differentiation between certified
fabricators is based on whether the fabricator employs a full-time or part-time welding engineer. Division 1
Fabricators employ a welding engineer on a full-time basis whereas Division 2 Fabricators retain a welding engineer
on a part-time basis. A single welding engineer supporting multiple shops is acceptable for Fabricators with multiple
shops. The welding engineer need not be an employee of the fabricator but can be a sub-contractor. Although not
applicable to the fabrication of bridge components, a Division 3 fabricator does not require a welding engineer. CSA
W47.1 Section 5 provides the requirements for certification. It addresses requirements for various divisions as
outlined above, application procedure, welding personnel requirements, reporting of personnel and documentation,
quality control and various other requirements.
Figure 7.6 shows a sample CWB certificate identifying the standard to which the certificate is issued, the address of
the fabricating shop being certified, the date at which the certificate was issued, and the scope of work for which
the certificate is issued. The letter of validation, shown in Figure 7.7, contains the above information and the period
of validation. This letter must be renewed yearly by the expiration date of the validation letter. The CWB, by issuing
the letter of validation, confirms that the fabricator has complied with the requirements of CSA-W47.1.

Figure 7.6
Sample CWB Certificate

Page 7-5

Figure 7.7
Sample CWB Letter of Validation Welding Engineer

A fabricator certified to Division 1 or 2 must retain the services of a welding engineer. As part of the certification
process, CWB will also verify the qualification of the welding engineer. The required qualifications of the welding
engineer are detailed in Subsection 6.4 of CSA W47.1. Welding procedures are considered a Professional Work
Product (PWP) by the Alberta Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) and as such
must be authenticated by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice. Welding Supervisor
The welding supervisor is the fabricator’s designate responsible for ensuring that qualified welding personnel weld
in accordance with the reviewed and accepted weld procedure data sheets both in the shop and in the field. As part
of the fabricator’s certification, the CWB will verify the qualification of the welding supervisor. The required
qualifications of the welding supervisor are detailed in Section 7 of CSA W47.1. Welding supervisors must
demonstrate their qualifications through a combination of experience and training. Welding Personnel
The fabricator must only use welding personnel (tack welders, welders and welding operators 31) qualified in the type
of work being performed under the scope of the fabricator’s certification. The qualification process for welding
personnel is outlined in Subsection 8.2 of CSA W47.1. Tack welder’s and the welding operator’s certification remains
valid indefinitely (as long as they remain employed by a certified company). The certification of welders only remains
valid for a period of two years and must be renewed through a testing process that varies depending on the
qualifications of the welder.

A welding operator operates mechanized or automatic welding equipment.

Page 7-6

Verification of the qualifications of welding personnel is a critically important requirement to ensure that welding
personnel with the required skill set perform all welding in the fabrication of steel bridge components. More
information is presented below and in Appendix D of this Manual.

7.4.2 Qualification of Inspectors Fabricator’s Quality Control (QC) Inspectors
Fabrication inspection is carried out by the fabricator as part of their quality control (QC) program and by the
Consultant as part of quality assurance (QA). The fabricator’s QC department documents the information needed
during fabrication, assembly, coating and shipment. All the work completed by the fabricator must be inspected
and signed off by the fabricator’s QC department as part of their inspection and test plan (ITP).
The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-destructive testing, must meet, at a
minimum, the requirements of AASHTO/American Welding Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5 Clause
6 except that the Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector must be certified by the CWB as a Level 2 or
Level 3 inspector in accordance with CSA W178.2. Quality control non-destructive testing (NDT) technicians must
be certified to Level 2 in accordance with CAN/CGSB-48.971232 and employed by a testing agency certified to CSA
W178.1. Coating testing must be completed by an independent National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
Level 2 certified coating inspector. Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA) Inspectors
The Consultant’s QA Inspector, while acting as the Department’s representative, reviews all documentation
generated by the fabricator to verify that the work complies with the Contract. Additionally, the Consultant’s QA
Inspector is required to witness, review and accept, by signing off on, fabrication stages and activities. QC and QA
must provide written acceptance of the fabrication work at all the witness and hold points identified in Subsection of the SSBC. For the fabrication of overhead sign structures, the Consultant’s QA Inspector completes
surface roughness measurements, spot checking of dimensions and tolerances and visual inspection of all welds and
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified by the CWB as a level 1 or 2 welding inspector in accordance with
CSA W178.2. The inspector must be experienced in interpreting Engineering Drawings, with bridge fabrication
related experience.
Although NDT is the responsibility of the Contractor during the fabrication, the Consultant may be required to
perform NDT to confirm QC testing if determined necessary. Inspectors performing NDT on behalf of the Consultant
require certification in the applicable testing standard. Inspectors performing only NDT work do not need to be a
qualified welding inspector. For radiographic inspection (RT), the lead technician must be certified to Level 2 of the
CGSB and the technician’s assistant must be a Qualified Operator (QO). For magnetic particle inspection (MT) and
ultrasonic inspection (UT) the technician must be certified to Level 2 of CGSB. All NDT technicians must be employed
by a testing agency certified to CSA W178.1. The inspection of coatings requires a NACE CIP Level 2 certified


The quality management process (QC and QA), risk management, and payment schedule of the contract are critically
dependent on having a reviewed and accepted ITP in place prior to the commencement of fabrication. Development
of the supply and fabrication ITP must be given careful consideration by the fabricator and comprehensively
reviewed by the Consultant to ensure all applicable QC and QA requirements are included.

The CGSB NDT certification program is managed by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), which certifies individuals
who perform non-destructive testing according to standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712 2014 “Qualification and
Certification of Non-Destructive Testing Personnel.”

Page 7-7

The fabricator must prepare and submit a supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP) in accordance with
Subsection 24.3 of the SSBC for overhead sign structures.
The ITP outlines quality requirements and responsibilities of the contract requirements and also considers the
fabrication sequence and scheduling. The ITP also identifies all the stages of fabrication where document submission
and QC and QA inspection and testing is required so that the required reviews and inspections can be completed
with minimal disruption to the work flow.
The ITP must include the work carried out by all the sub-contractors involved in the fabrication, QC and QA
inspections, and the responsibility of each party involved (Contractor/fabricator or Consultant). When multiple
fabricators or different shops of the same fabricator are involved, the tasks of each shop (i.e. cutting of plate,
welding, pre-assembly, coating, etc.) must clearly identify the party and person/position responsible for providing
written acceptance of witness points, hold points, inspection requirements, testing requirements, and reporting. At
a minimum, for each task in the fabrication process, the fabricator must identify:
 The QC inspection and testing to be carried out;
 The QA inspection and testing to be carried out;
 The reference specification/standard for inspection and testing required; and
 Identification of the responsible party and the role of the fabricator and all the inspectors involved. Their roles
can vary from observer, to reviewer, to person responsible to release the task, indicating that all required
inspections for the task have been completed and the task has been reviewed and accepted by way of written
sign off.
The elements of the ITP that must be verified by the Consultant are:
 ITP reference number;
 Prefabrication document submissions (hold points);
 Reference specification/standards for qualifications, inspection and testing;
 Overhead sign structure being fabricated;
 Identification of each task to be conducted during fabrication that require either QA or QC inspection and
testing; and
 All inspection and testing witness and hold points identified in Subsection of the SSBC have been

Prior to the commencement of fabrication and scheduling of the prefabrication meeting, the Consultant must review
the prefabrication submission outlined in Subsection 24.3.2 of the SSBC. A prefabrication meeting is required for
the fabrication of all overhead sign structures. Prefabrication submissions that must be reviewed and accepted by
the Consultant for all overhead sign structures prior to the commencement of fabrication include:
 Fabricator’s inspection and test plan (ITP);
 Fabricator’s quality control plan;
 Fabricator and sub-contractor qualifications;
o Certification(s);
o Certification of the fabricator’s QC and NDT inspectors;
o Welding personnel;
 Fabrication sequence and equipment;
 Mill test reports (MTRs) for all steels, fasteners and welding consumables;
 Product data sheets (for coatings);
 Shop drawings;
 Design and independent check notes;

Page 7-8

 Welding procedure specifications (WPS);

 Welding procedure data sheets (WPDS);
 Repair procedures (the fabricator has the option of submitting these before the prefabrication meeting for
expediency of schedule); and
 Fabrication schedule.
The prefabrication submissions are a critical phase of the fabrication process and demonstrate that the fabricator
and sub-contractors are prepared to start fabrication. The quality of prefabrication submissions reduces the risk of
costly fabrication errors and increases the effectiveness of quality control and quality assurance. Each prefabrication
submission is discussed in detail in the following subsections.
7.6.1 Prefabrication Submissions Quality Control Plan
The quality control plan outlines the fabrication procedures, documentation, records and resources required to
ensure that the final product will meet the contract requirements and is part of the documentation required for the
CWB certification of the fabricator. Some elements of the quality control plan include:
 Organization chart identifying who is responsible for the various aspect of fabrication and inspection;
 Outlines the responsibilities of the quality control manager;
 Description of the fabrication procedures used in the shop;
 Description of the fabrication inspection and testing program;
 Description of the quality control testing and verifications conducted by the fabricator;
 Description of the required qualifications of quality control inspectors; and
 Description of how records are managed, method of material traceability, submittals, how nonconformities are
tracked and resolved, and repairs.
The fabricator’s quality control plan is reviewed and approved by the accreditation body (CWB) responsible for
issuing certification. The Consultant must verify that the fabricator’s quality control plan has been approved by the
applicable accreditation body and provided to the Department. Qualifications
The required qualifications and certification for the fabricator and their sub-contractors are outlined in Subsection
7.4.1. The Consultant must verify that the fabricator is certified to CSA-W47.1 in the applicable division by reviewing
the CWB certificate and the letter of validation in accordance with the following information:
 The certificate indicates that the fabricator is certified to Division 1 or 2 (this confirms that the fabricator has a
qualified welding engineer full time);
 The shop address on the certificate corresponds to the shop that carries out the work. If fabrication takes place
in multiple shops owned by the fabricator, certification of each shop to Division 1 or 2 is required;
 The sub-contractors have the appropriate certification for the work they perform. Sub-contractors completing
steel fabrication must be certified to Division 1 or 2; and
 The letter of validation includes the date of expiration. The Consultant must ensure that the letter of validation
is current and will not expire during the course of fabrication. If the current letter of validation is anticipated to
expire prior to the completion of fabrication, a new letter of validation must be supplied prior to the expiration
of the previous letter.
Welding personnel consist of tack welders, welders, and welding operators. Fabricators will typically submit the
certificates of all the welding personnel in their shop as it is not always known at the time of the prefabrication
meeting as to which of the welding personnel will be utilized for the work. It is therefore the role of the Consultant’s
QA Inspector to verify that any of the welding personnel working on the project have the appropriate certification
and that their certificate has been submitted for review and acceptance. As part of the quality assurance process,
the Consultant must review the welding personnel’s certificates to verify that:

Page 7-9

 All welding personnel are certified;

 Welders are qualified for the welding processes identified on the shop drawings and WPDS, typically, submerged
arc welding (SAW) and metal cored arc welding (MCAW) are the welding processes permitted in the fabrication
of overhead sign structures;
 The fabricator has welding personnel with welding operator certification to perform submerged arc welding
(SAW) if it will be used;
 Welders are qualified for welding the materials that will need to be welded during fabrication;
 Welders are qualified for the positions identified on the WPDS and shown on the shop drawings;
 Welders are qualified for welding the materials utilized during fabrication;
 Welder’s classification meet the requirement for all types of joints to be executed on the project. The Consultant
should keep in mind that welders with WT, FW, S, and T 33 classification can perform tack welds and various
other welds, depending on their classification, but welders with WT classification can only perform tack welds.
The most common classification is S, which allows the welder to perform all types of welds in various positions,
except for full penetration welds without backing bar and with access only from one side; and
 The expiry date for the welder’s certificate must extend until the end of the fabrication period or it must be
renewed to ensure continuous compliance. Note that welding operators’ and tack welders’ certificates do not
Additional information regarding the review of welder qualifications can be found in Appendix D of this Manual.
NDT and reporting is the responsibility of the Contractor’s QC. To ensure properly certified personnel are performing
the NDT, the Consultant must verify that the QC visual welding inspector and NDT technicians meet the requirements
of Subsection 7.4.2. Fabrication Sequence and Equipment;
The fabricator is required to provide a summary of their proposed fabrication sequence and equipment used for
fabrication (including any sub-contracted activities).
The Consultant must review the proposed fabrication sequence and equipment submission and assess if the
specified quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing activities can be completed and that the
proposed equipment conforms to the contract requirements. For overhead sign structures this is of particular
importance for verification of the cutting process. If plasma arc cutting is employed the Consultant’s QA Inspector
must verify that the cutting process is carried out in accordance Subsection of the SSBC.
A typical fabrication sequence of an overhead sign structure consists of the following:
 Straightening and flattening of steel plates – For plate thicknesses typically required for tubular members, plates
are often supplied in coils to improve handling and storage efficiencies. Coils are straightened and flattened by
passing the plate through a decoiler;
 Plate surface preparation and cleaning to facilitate visual inspection and identification of surface defects and for
the preparation of plate edges for welding;
 Marking each plate for traceability and selecting samples for verification testing, if required;
 Cutting of plates;
o Column and arm sections;
o Base plates and flange plates;
o Miscellaneous plates (gussets, backing bars, hand hole stiffener plates etc.);

WT: classification of welders that deposit tack welds; FW: classification of welders and welding operators that
deposit fillet welds and tack welds; S: classification of welders and welding operators that weld plates and rolled
or hollow sections with full penetration groove welds when accessing the weld from both sides; T: classification
of welders or welding operators that can weld from one side without a backing bar and achieve complete

Page 7-10

 Folding of plates in a press brake to form half or more of the cross-section;

 Welding;
o Partial penetration welds:
 Longitudinal seam of the bent plates to form tubular sections (except as noted where full penetration
welding is required in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC);
o Full penetration welds:
 Backing bar splices;
 Column to base plate;
 Horizontal arm to flange plate;
 Flange plate to gusset plate;
 Portions of longitudinal seam welds in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
o Fillet welds:
 Reinforcing around full penetration groove welds;
 NDT of all welds;
 Pre-assembly of sign support structures for dimensional checks and tolerances, including tolerances at the field
 Surface preparation for hot dip galvanizing;
 Hot dip galvanizing;
 Inspection and repair, if required, of galvanized components;
 Coating of baseplates;
 Final inspection; and
 Preparation for shipping. Mill Test Reports
Mill test reports (MTRs) identify the producer steel mill, steel heat number, steel grade, plate thickness or shape
sizes, chemical composition, mechanical properties, and the Charpy V-notch toughness testing results, if applicable.
Detailed guidelines for the Consultant’s review of MTRs for structural steel are provided in Appendix C of this
Subsection of the SSBC outlines the requirements for the submission of MTRs. Reporting of boron content
is required for all steel that is being welded regardless of origin. The boron content of structural steel to be welded
must not exceed 0.0008%.
In some cases, North America mills will not report boron content on the MTR even though they possess this
information. In this case, and if the billet was melted in North America, a certified letter from the North American
mill stating the measured boron content for the corresponding heat will be considered an acceptable representation
of the boron content of that heat of steel. The letter must be signed by the mill’s metallurgist.
Subsection of the SSBC places limits on silicon (Si) content for steels used in the fabrication of overhead sign
structures since the steel is hot dip galvanized. Detailed information on the effects that silicon has on galvanizing is
presented in Appendix E of this Manual.
Steel originating from outside of North America must undergo verification testing in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. The verification testing includes the chemical analysis of the steel and the mechanical
properties. For steels requiring notch toughness, verification Charpy V-notch tests must be conducted at the
temperature specified in the contract documents or at the temperature corresponding to the toughness category of
the specified steel in accordance with CSA G40.21.

Page 7-11

All material verification testing must be completed prior to the commencement of fabrication. Although this may
have an impact on the fabrication schedule, the impact is typically small compared to the consequences of dealing
with fabricated components that do not meet the specifications.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify the following when reviewing a mill test report
that does not require verification testing:
 The address of the rolling mill. Note that steel plates rolled from billets produced in a mill outside Canada or
the United States of America must be retested for chemical analysis if the rolling mill did not retest the chemistry
of the steel. There is no need to retest for mechanical properties if the rolling mill is North American since the
mechanical properties, including Charpy V-notch testing, are determined by the rolling mill;
 The heat number is provided;
 The plate thickness is correct for the component for which it is to be used;
 The MTR indicates the grade of steel complies with the contract requirements. This should be confirmed by
verifying that the tensile properties (minimum yield strength, tensile strength and strain at rupture) are in
accordance with the material standard specified on the contract documents. The chemistry of the steel should
also meet the same material standard;
 The boron content for steel to be welded must not exceed 0.0008%. Note that a mill test report that indicates
a boron content as <0.001% does not meet this requirement; the boron content must be reported with sufficient
precision; and
 If the steel is to be hot dip galvanized, the silicon content must be less than 0.04% or between 0.15% and 0.25%.
Steel originating from outside of Canada or the United States of America must undergo verification inspection and
testing. For these steels the Consultant must verify the following in addition to the requirements listed above:
 The verification testing laboratory conforms to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC;
 The material tests required by the relevant material standard (CSA-G40.21 or ASTM) have all been conducted
and in the number required by the material standard;
 The mechanical properties, and chemistry of the steel meet the requirements of the contract;
 For welded steel with boron content exceeding 0.0008% verify that the Contractor is replacing the non-
conforming steel with a compliant steel or proposing verification of welding in accordance with Alberta
Transportation Construction Bulletin 29; and
 The verification letter is signed by an authorized officer of the testing laboratory indicating the material tested
conforms to the contract requirements.
Any steel that does not meet the contract requirements must be replaced.
MTRs of welding consumables must also be submitted for the review and acceptance of the Consultant. Product Data Sheets Coatings
A concrete grey barrier coating is applied on the underside of galvanized base plates that will be in contact with
cementitious materials (grout pads). The barrier coating must be a mid-coat polyamide epoxy technology coating
selected from the Alberta Transportation Product List – Approved Products “Bridge Coating Systems (Paint)” and
concrete grey in color. The Contractor must submit the product data sheet of the barrier coating proposed for use
and the Consultant must verify that the proposed coating system is listed on the Department’s Product List in the
applicable category.

Page 7-12

The shop drawings must be submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance. The Consultant’s review is not
part of the quality control process and the fabricator is responsible for the accuracy of the shop drawings. The
Consultant’s review is conducted solely to ascertain general conformance with the contract and acceptance does
not relieve the Contractor of their obligation to meet all the requirements of the contract. Review comments
provided by the Consultant and/or the Department must be incorporated into the shop drawings and resubmitted
to the Consultant for review and acceptance prior to start of fabrication.
The shop drawings will be considered Professional Work Products and must be authenticated by a Professional
Engineer licensed to practice in the Province of Alberta and validated by a Responsible Member, in accordance with
APEGA requirements.
As a minimum, the following information must be included on the shop drawings:
 Authentication compliant with APEGA requirements;
 The Department’s shop drawing identification block has been included and sufficient blank space for the
Consultant’s review stamp;
 Bridge file identification;
 Loading and capacity in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Design details in accordance with Subsections 24.2 and 24.3.6 of the SSBC;
 Dimensions and hardware. Hardware size must be in the actual units (imperial or metric units) that they will be
supplied and fabricated;
 Connections, and fasteners;
 Reference to material reference standards and product data sheet for each component. Actual mill test report
heat numbers must be included on the as-built shop drawings submitted after fabrication has been completed;
 Weld process symbols must clearly indicate the joint and weld type. Weld process must be in accordance with
those permitted in Subsection 24.3.5 of the SSBC. The weld symbols must refer to the applicable welding
procedure data sheet;
 The weld symbols must refer to the applicable welding procedure data sheet. During fabrication the
Consultant’s QA Inspector will verify that the appropriate WPDS, accepted by the Consultant, is used for the
 Surface preparation for all surfaces to be coated;
 Number, spacing and locations of the aluminum T sections required for each sign panel(s);
 The type, location and extent of all coatings must be indicated clearly;
 Erection procedure including any temporary supports, tightening procedure for anchor rod nuts and grouting
of base plates;
 Assembly and mounting details of panel; and
 The locations of permanent labels and the means of labeling should be identified on the shop drawings.
Fabricated components must not be labelled at high stress locations.
Each shop drawing must be stamped, signed and dated by the Consultant to indicate review and acceptance. The
stamp indicates that while the Consultant is satisfied that the shop drawing is in general compliance with the contract
documents, the fabricator and Contractor remain responsible for satisfying all contract requirements. The
Consultant must send a copy of the stamped drawings to the Department for comment. The Department will provide
comments at their discretion and send any comments back to the Consultant. The Consultant must then return the
shop drawings to the Contractor. The fabricator will review the Consultant’s comments and issue a final set of shop
drawings if changes are required. The final set must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant before the shop
drawings can be used for fabrication.

Page 7-13

The design of overhead sign structures, including the design of the foundations, must be completed by the
Contractor in accordance with AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires
and Traffic Signals (AASHTO Standard Specifications) except as noted in Subsection 24.2 of the SSBC. The Consultant
must review the design and independent check notes for general conformance with the contract including the
 Authentication compliant with APEGA requirements;
 The Department’s shop drawing identification block has been included and sufficient blank space for the
Consultant’s review stamp;
 Bridge file identification;
 The design wind pressure is the 1 in 50 year wind pressure in accordance with Table A3.1.1 of CSA-S6;
 The design ice accretion is in accordance with Figure A3.1.4 of CSA-S6;
 Fatigue design is in accordance with the infinite life approach, i.e. The fatigue limit state 1 of AASHTO Standard
 The minimum number of sides for multi-sided tubular members is as given in Subsection 5.6.2 of AASHTO
Standard Specifications. It has been found that multi-sided tubes with fewer sides than specified in Clause 5.6.2
of AASHTO’s Standard Specifications and a bend radius less than 25 mm exhibit a lower fatigue resistance;
 The minimum wall thickness for all members is met;
 Gust induced galloping behavior check has been completed;
 The minimum vertical camber for the horizontal arm of the overhead sign structure is L/200 under loading where
L is the length of the horizontal arm;
 The maximum arm length for a cantilever is 20 m;
 Analysis and design calculations are provided for the following:
o Moment, shear and axial force envelopes for serviceability and fatigue criteria of all components;
o Columns;
o Horizontal arm or truss;
o Column or arm flange bolted connections;
o All welded connections, stiffeners, etc.;
o Anchor rods; and
o Foundations (including the geotechnical investigation report). Welding Procedure Specifications
Welding must be performed with strict control of all welding parameters to minimize the risk of weld defects. The
welding procedure specifications (WPS) and the welding procedure data sheets (WPDS) form part of the welding
control process. Although these two terms are often used interchangeably, they are distinct and very different
documents. The WPS is a set of broad guidelines for the shop and field welding practice and describes the general
welding procedures to be followed in the fabrication of welded components. A WPS is required for each welding
process used in the shop (submerged arc welding, metal-cored arc welding, and shielded metal arc welding). This is
a required document for CWB certification. The specific information required in a WPS for a welding process is
outlined in Annex D of CSA W47.1. More information regarding weld processes can also be found in Appendix A of
this Manual.
The following are minimum WPS requirements for metal-cored arc welding process:
 Outline of the process and the standards to which fabrication is conducted;
 A description of the welding procedure – e.g. metal cored arc welding;
 Base metal – describes the steel groups that are covered in the WPS. Steel groups are outlined in Table 11.1 or
Table 12.1 of CSA W59;
 Range of base metal thickness – the range provided is general and a WPDS must be provided for the appropriate
plate thickness;

Page 7-14

 Filler metal and shielding gas used – the standard to which the filler metal and shielding gas conform should be
 Storage and handling of the filler metal;
 Position – outlines the welding positions for which the process may be used. MCAW is generally used only in
the flat and horizontal positions;
 Preheat – outlines preheat and interpass temperatures used during welding. It must comply with AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5 or AWS D1.1/D1.1M for welding of HSS members and Subsection of the SSBC. The WPS
also outlines the shop practices for continuing welding that was interrupted, and weld cooling process;
 Heat treatment and stress relieving details required under the welding procedure specifications;
 Electrical characteristics of the process, namely, direct or alternating current;
 Preparation procedure for the base metal;
 Quality – describes the types of weld defects that can occur and the processes to eliminate them from the
welded component. It should also identify the standard used for quality (e.g. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 or AWS
D1.1/D1.1M ); and
 Weld metal cleaning – covers the cleaning procedure between each weld pass.
The WPS must be stamped by the CWB to indicate acceptance of the WPS and be authenticated by a Professional
Engineer licensed to practice.
As part of the quality assurance process, the Consultant must verify:
 The WPS has sufficient details to cover the content noted above and Annex D of CSA W47.1;
 Acceptance of the WPS by the CWB;
 All welding processes submitted for use in the fabrication are covered by a WPS;
 Handling and storage of the welding materials satisfies the requirements for low hydrogen process as required
by AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 or AWS D1.1/D1.1M for welding on HSS members;
 Preheat and interpass temperatures are in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 and Subsection
of the SSBC;
 Quality of welds are assessed using AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5; and
 The WPS is properly authenticated.
Although all the parameters outlined in the WPS are required for quality welds, they are insufficient for their
execution. Specific information for the execution of each type of weld during fabrication is provided in the WPDS. Weld Procedure Data Sheets
WPDSs must be developed by a professional welding engineer for the execution of every weld used in the fabrication
of all bridge components. The WPDS are specific to the joint type, plate thickness range, and steel type to be welded.
They specify all the welding parameters required for the execution of welded joints that will meet all code
requirements for strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance. Detailed information on the content of a WPDS and
its relevance is presented in Appendix B of this Manual.
The Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) certifies fabricators and accepts WPDS’s in accordance with Canadian
standards CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 which are certification (company and personnel) and construction codes
respectively. The WPDS’s of Canadian fabricator’s therefore most commonly include the reference standards CSA
W47.1 and CSA W59. Although far less common, the CWB will provide acceptance of a WPDS that includes
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 as the construction code in lieu of CSA W59.
CWB accepted WPDSs that include the reference qualification standards as CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 alone, without
reference to AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5, may be considered acceptable provided the WPDS contains AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5 compliant variables. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 variables that are either not required to be stated on
the WPDS or differ from CSA W59 standard include preheat and interpass temperatures as well as heat input. WPDSs
that include reference to CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 only and contain preheat and interpass temperatures and heat
input variables compliant with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 are acceptable.

Page 7-15

As part of the quality assurance review process, the Consultant must verify that the following requirements have
been addressed in the WPDS:
 The WPDS has been stamped by the CWB and indicates acceptance. The WPDS is considered a Professional
Work Product and must be authenticated by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice;
 WPDS number matches the number indicated on the shop drawings for specific joints;
 The WPDS references an applicable WPS;
 The reference standards listed are CSA W47.1 and either CSA W59 or AASHTO/AWS D1.5/D1.5M;
 The material designation (as per the description in Tables 11.1 and 12.1 of CSA-W59) matches the base metal
type indicated on the shop drawings;
 The type of weld and joint (e.g. fillet weld on a T-joint) are consistent with the detail shown on the shop drawing;
 The detail on the shop drawing referencing the WPDS and can be welded in the position(s) shown on the WPDS;
 The filler metal used is compatible with the base metal strength, toughness and corrosion resistance and meets
the low hydrogen requirements of the SSBC;
 If a manufacturer’s filler metal designation is used, availability of this filler metal from the indicated
manufacturer must be verified. Alternatively, the WPDS may provide the AWS or CSA electrode designation;
 The weld filler metal is qualified for the welding position (flat, horizontal, vertical or overhead);
 The filler metal is of low diffusible hydrogen with hydrogen designation H4 for the SMAW and MCAW processes
and H8 for the SAW process;
 The welding process is one that is accepted by the Department and listed in the SSBC (submerged arc welding
(SAW), metal cored arc welding (MCAW), or shielded metal arc welding (SMAW);
 The weld size range indicated on the WPDS covers the weld size specified on the shop drawings;
 The plate thickness to be welded is within the range specified on the WPDS;
 The minimum preheat and minimum interpass temperature are consistent with the SSBC and Table 12.3 of
 The maximum interpass temperature is consistent with Table 12.3 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5; and
 The heat input for each weld size is provided in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. Repair Procedures
All repair procedures submitted by the fabricator must meet the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC.
All repair procedures must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant before any repairs are carried out. To
expedite these repairs, the fabricator may choose to submit repair procedures for the most common repairs prior
to the start of fabrication. The repair procedure for the most common fabrication damages such as for arc strikes,
the notching of plates from plate cutting and heat straightening can be submitted with the pre fabrication meeting
documentation, or they can be submitted as required.
The most common repair required during the fabrication of overhead sign structures consists of the repair of weld
defects detected from non-destructive testing. Repair procedures must be consistent with the requirements of
Subsection 3.7 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5.
Subsection of the SSBC outlines minimum procedure requirements for the repair of arc strikes. It consists
of grinding out the surface defect, performing magnetic particle inspection to verify that no crack was initiated by
the arc strike and hardness testing to verify that the heat affected zone of the arc strike was removed. Hardness
testing and associated requirements are outlined in Subsection of the SSBC. The repair procedure must
identify the size of gouge and associated component where replacement would be required.
Depending on the size and plate characteristics, gouges or similar surface damage must be repaired by either
grinding smooth and faring the gouge to reduce the stress concentration, or filling the gouge by welding, grinding
and inspecting.
For straightening of bent plates, the repair procedure must include evaluation and measurement of the damage, as
well as details of heat straightening.

Page 7-16

A common repair procedure for hot dip galvanized components is repair of the zinc coating. An assessment of the
quality of the galvanizing and its acceptability must be completed by the Consultant’s QA Inspector in accordance
with ASTM A123. Repair of damaged or unsatisfactory galvanized surfaces must be completed in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC.
Repair procedures must be submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance. Review comments must be
incorporated into the repair procedure to the satisfaction of the Consultant prior to commencement of the Work.
Repairs may require complete removal of the galvanized coating and re-galvanizing. The finished appearance must
be similar to the adjacent galvanizing as determined by the Consultant. Fabrication Schedule
The fabricator must submit a detailed fabrication schedule outlining the various phases of the fabrication process
and associated timelines. The fabrication schedule must incorporate the time periods required for review of
prefabrication submissions, inspection and testing notifications, inspection and testing activities, review and
acceptance of the witness points and hold points listed in Subsections 24.3, 24.3.2 and of the SSBC.
Submission of this schedule is required prior to the prefabrication meeting in order to provide sufficient time to the
Consultant to mobilize and coordinate any specialty sub-consultants required to fulfill the role of the Consultant’s
QA Inspector and to facilitate inspection coordination discussions during the prefabrication meeting.
The Consultant must verify that the submitted fabrication schedule addresses the following:
 A separate schedule is provided for each overhead sign structure;
 The start of fabrication is identified so QA inspection can be coordinated;
 The end of fabrication is identified and the timeline for fabrication is reasonable and fits within the Contractor’s
schedule for overhead sign structure installation;
 All the major phases of the fabrication process are included;
 Involvement of the sub-contractors in the fabrication is clearly identified, along with their schedules. This
information is required to coordinate QA inspections;
 The fabricator has identified all required QC inspections; and
 All witness and hold points are identified at the appropriate location in the schedule.

7.6.2 Prefabrication Meeting

A prefabrication meeting must be held to discuss contract requirements and establish lines of communication
between the Contractor, fabricator and the Consultant’s QA Inspector(s) in accordance with Subsection 24.3.3 of
the SSBC.
The prefabrication meeting is not to occur until the prefabrication submission hold points have been completed,
reviewed and written acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant. The meeting is to be held at
the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant.
A minimum of 2 weeks notice must be given to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and
The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must attend the prefabrication meeting including project
manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s), independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved
in supervision of the Work.
The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2
representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the prefabrication meeting(s) for overhead sign
structures being fabricated outside the Province of Alberta.
The Consultant must prepare the prefabrication meeting agenda (a sample draft agenda is included in Appendix I of
this Manual), chair the meeting and take and distribute the minutes of the meeting to all attendees.

Page 7-17

When a fabricator is responsible for the fabrication of multiple components, the prefabrication meeting can combine
multiple items as long as all the prefabrication submissions have been submitted, reviewed and accepted by the
Consultant for all the components to be covered during the meeting.

Once the supply and fabrication ITP and prefabrication submissions have been reviewed and accepted and the
prefabrication meeting has taken place fabrication may commence. If the fabricator commences any fabrication
task prior to acceptance of the ITP, the Consultant must notify the Contractor and Department of the non-
conformance immediately. The Consultant and Department must then consider the issuance of a temporary
suspension of the work in accordance with the General Specifications and Specification Amendments for Highway
and Bridge Construction.
This section reviews the various stages of the fabrication process and provides information on the critical aspects of
quality control as general information for the Consultant and the Consultant’s QA Inspector involved with the
fabrication process. The required inspection activities are outlined for each stage of fabrication.
This section also outlines many of the requirements typically included in the fabricator’s QC inspection and testing
activities that are to be completed by the QC inspector or their representatives. The list of QC requirements is not
exhaustive and provided only to outline typical QC requirements that the fabricator is responsible for. It is the
fabricator’s responsibility to complete all inspection and testing in accordance with the contract. The fabricator’s
QC Inspector must ensure that the requirements of Section 6 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 are being met
throughout the duration of the work. The QC Inspector is responsible to maintain inspection and testing records
and that these records are made available for review by the Consultant.
At each witness point and hold point identified in the supply and fabrication ITP the Contractor’s QC must complete
all the required inspection and testing required while the Consultant’s QA Inspector must complete the required
inspection and any testing deemed necessary to accept the Work. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also review
the fabricator’s QC inspection and testing documentation leading up to and required for each witness point and hold
point. Deficiencies identified must be corrected to the full satisfaction of the Consultant and the Contractor’s QC.
The Contractor’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector must provide written acceptance and signoff for each witness
point and hold point.
Witness points identify important aspects of fabrication that at some point must be reviewed and accepted in writing
by the Consultant’s QA Inspector. The timing of the inspection is not critical as the Contractor is responsible for
performing all NDT with the Consultant’s QA Inspector reviewing the QC and inspection and testing records and/or
reports. Inspection and/or testing can be completed at the time in which the work occurs or at a reasonable time
sometime after it occurs.
Hold points identify critical aspect of fabrication that must be reviewed and accepted in writing by the both the
Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector at a very specific time in the fabrication process. If the fabrication
were to progress past a hold point the level of quality control and quality assurance that could be completed would
not be equivalent in quality, cost, or reliability of that in which was specified in the contract. The Consultant and the
Consultant’s QA Inspector must be intimately aware of the fabrication schedule and proactively be in regular
communication with the fabricator such that they may schedule and coordinate inspection and any testing
requirements. The fabricator’s QC inspector/manager must also be intimately familiar with the fabrication schedule
and proactively engage and communicate with the Consultant and the Consultant’s QA Inspector.

Page 7-18

Fabrication should ideally not proceed past a witness point without the written acceptance of both the Contractor
(fabricator’s QC inspector typically) and the Consultant (Consultant’s QA Inspector); however due to the typical
process of fabrication and to achieve cost effective production schedules fabrication may proceed past witness
points without adverse impacts on quality control or quality assurance. Fabrication must not proceed past a hold
point without the written acceptance of both the Contractor’s QC and the Consultant’s QA Inspector. If fabrication
proceeds past a hold point without written acceptance, the Consultant must notify the Contractor, fabricator and
Department of the non-conformance immediately. The Consultant and Department must then consider the issuance
of a temporary suspension of the work in accordance with the General Specifications and Specification Amendments
for Highway and Bridge Construction. The Contractor must also be notified that all costs required for the Consultant
and the Department to evaluate, inspect, and test the Work for non-compliance with a hold point.
Upon the completion of fabrication, a copy of the ITP containing the written acceptance of both QC and QA as well
as testing and inspection records for each overhead sign structure fabricated must be submitted to the Department
by the Consultant as part of the fabrication final deliverables package.
7.7.1 Shop Requirements
Fabrication must always be completed in a shop environment where the temperature is maintained above +10°C.
To prevent compromising the specified low hydrogen welding processes, it is important that the shop environment
is dry and that the temperature of the steel and the welding electrodes are high enough to prevent condensation of
moisture on steel surfaces and welding electrodes.
Welding must incorporate low hydrogen practices, and as such the shop must be equipped with a rod drying oven
for the SMAW electrodes and proper storage and reclamation of flux in cases where the SAW process is used. The
requirements of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 Subsection 12.6 must be followed. A wire storage plan must be in place
for the storage of the MCAW filler metal. Although MCAW wire is not as susceptible to the absorption of moisture,
the metal powder inside the cored wire presents a large surface area on which condensation can take place. It should
be noted that the cored wire is not sealed since the tube seam is only pressed together to prevent the metal powder
from spilling. Although metal cored wire is provided by electrode manufacturers in packaging that will keep the wire
dry indefinitely, metal cored wires are susceptible to absorbing moisture when not stored in a sealed container.
Commentary C-4.13 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 provides guidelines for the proper storage of flux cored wire,
which are also applicable for MCAW wires.

7.7.2 Supply of Structural Steel

The procurement and supply of structural steel and all related materials is the responsibility of the fabricator and/or
the Contractor.
The procurement of materials must occur before the prefabrication meeting such that the fabricator can submit the
MTRs and product data sheets of the actual materials that will be incorporated into the work. Where the steel
originates from outside Canada or the United States of America, the Contractor must have the mill test reports
verified in Canada in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
The steel plate for the shafts of sign structures is thin and typically sourced in coil to improve handling and storage
efficiencies (Figure 7.8). The coils must be straightened and flattened (Figure 7.9) before verification test samples,
if required, are cut (Figure 7.10 and Figure 7.11). Steel plate material must be marked by the fabricator with the
heat number and structure number for traceability. Plates marking must be reviewed by the Consultant’s QA
Inspector prior to plate cutting.

Page 7-19

Figure 7.8 Figure 7.9

Coil Prior to Straightening Coiled Plate Being Straightened in Decoiler

Figure 7.10 Figure 7.11

Fabricator’s QC Inspector Marking Steel Plate Material Steel Plate Sample for Material Testing
Testing Locations

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Only materials conforming to the contract requirements have been procured and reviewed and accepted by the
 Material verification testing is completed, if required and the sampling and testing is completed by an
independent testing laboratory;
 Material tracking systems are updated and accurate for the materials to be used; and
 Each steel plate has an associated MTR that is compliant with the material requirements.

Page 7-20

QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify steel plate received match the heat numbers listed on the MTRs submitted to the Consultant for review
and acceptance as part of the prefabrication submittals;
 Verify all material requiring verification testing is properly sampled; and
 Review QC records and/or reports of other procured materials for conformance with the contract.

7.7.3 Surface Preparation and Cleaning for the Inspection of Plate

Surface preparation and cleaning of steel plate surfaces to remove mill scale and oxidation is required for various
phases of fabrication to:
 Facilitate visual inspection and identification of defects prior to plate cutting;
 Prepare surfaces for welding and reduce the amount of grinding required;
 Prevent the contamination of welds;
 Achieve the design slip resistance of bolted joints/connections; and
 Achieve the surface profile required for the application of coatings.
For more detailed information regarding surface preparation and cleaning of steel plate prior to cutting refer to
Subsection 2.7.3.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Steel plates are visually inspected after surface preparation and cleaning prior to cutting and any defects are
reported to the Consultant;
 Steel plates are marked with the associated MTR heat number after surfaces have been acceptably prepared
and cleaned;
 Steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to fabrication;
 If repairs are required, they are completed in accordance with a repair procedure that has been reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant. A QC inspection report outlining the location repair, inspection and test results is
submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify repairs, if required, have been completed with in accordance with the repair procedure that has been
reviewed and accepted by the Consultant;
 Verify steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to fabrication; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

7.7.4 Cutting, Drilling and Plate Bending Thermal Cutting
The cutting of plates and sections must be completed using a method meeting the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. With modern tools, there are many different possibilities for cutting plates. Thin plates can
be cut either by flame cutting or plasma arc cutting. If plasma arc cutting is proposed, it must meet the requirements
of Subsection of the SSBC. Plasma arc cutting processes using nitrogen must not be permitted due to
potential for nitrogen causing contamination of the cut surfaces resulting in subsequent weld cracking. A cutting
procedure must be included in the fabrication sequence and equipment submission and comply with the
requirements of the SSBC. For more detailed information regarding steel plate cutting refer to Subsection 2.7.4

Page 7-21

As the plates are cut into the elements of an overhead sign structure, the heat number is transferred to each cut
section, and a record of all the plates and heat numbers kept for full traceability. The labels must be preserved
through the fabrication process or until a permanent label is installed on each component of the structure.
Roughness of cut edges must conform to the requirements of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 for plate and AWS D1.1
for pre-fabricated hollow structural sections.
All plate corners must be ground to a 1 mm chamfer. Chamfers reduce the potential introduction of stress
concentrations and renders edges less susceptible to notching during handling and storage.
Upon completion of the cutting processes, the dimensions of the components must be checked and recorded by the
Contractor. Drilling
All bolt holes must be drilled. Gas or plasma arc cutting of bolt holes will not be permitted.
Fatigue testing of plasma arc cut holes has shown to reduce the fatigue resistance of bolted connections depending
on the cutting procedure. When plasma cutting is initiated at the center of the hole and cutting is carried out
continuously on a spiral from the center to the edge of the hole, the fatigue resistance is not affected. However,
when cutting is initiated on the hole circle, the small notch created by this cutting practice has been found to reduce
the fatigue resistance depending on the location of the notch. Plate Bending
Once the plates are cut, they are bent to form a multi-sided tubular member. The minimum bend radius must meet
the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. Figure 7.12 shows a large press brake used for cold bending
the plates. Figure 7.13 shows labeled plates for a multi-sided tube after cutting and cold bending. Connection flange
plates must also be traced through the fabrication process. Figure 7.14 shows horizontal arm connection flange
plates after cutting and drilling.

Figure 7.12
Press Brake is Used for Bending Plates

Page 7-22

Figure 7.13
Bent Plates Marked for Traceability

Figure 7.14
Horizontal Arm Connection Flange Plates with Identification Markings including Heat Numbers

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 All structural steel is visually inspected for defects;
 Dimensional checks of all components are completed;
 All cut edges are visually inspected for roughness, burrs and required chamfer; and
 QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify that the cutting method is in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Perform VT of cut plate edges and spot check verification of plate cut edge roughness. Roughness must not
exceed maximum allowed by AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 (25 µm maximum);
 Perform spot check verification that cut plates are labelled for traceability;
 Perform spot check verification that bent plates are bent to the radius shown on the approved shop drawings;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

Page 7-23

7.7.5 Welding
Shop connections of overhead sign structures are welded while field splices incorporate shop welding with field
bolting. Once the plates for multi-sided tubular members have been cold bent, they are welded together using
partial or full penetration groove welds for longitudinal seam welds and full penetration groove welds for transverse
welds. Any of the three weld processes specified in Subsection of the SSBC may be used. To minimize
distortions, welds must be kept as close as possible to the size specified on the shop drawings.
To lower the potential for fatigue, transverse welded splices of tubes are not permitted. Transverse splices are very
difficult to execute with full penetration groove welds due to access limitations within the tube for back gouging and
back welding. Subsection of the SSBC outlines the locations where full penetration welds must be used and
include joints where the principal stresses are perpendicular to the joint, such as the column to baseplate and
horizontal arm to flange plate welds, and flange plate to gusset plate welds. Full penetration groove welds must be
completed using a temporary or permanent backing bar. When the backing bar is removed, the root of the weld
must be cleaned, and a weld bead added to complete the welded joint.
Figure 7.15 shows an automatic submerged arc welding (SAW) process for welding the longitudinal seam in a large
diameter multi-sided tube. Longitudinal seam welds require a minimum of 60% weld penetration except at certain
locations where full penetration is required as outlined in Subsection of the SSBC. Run-off tabs must be
used to start and end the welds. Figure 7.16 shows a weld repair that was started on a run-off tab. The run-off tab
must be cut, not broken off at the completion of welding. The lack of a run-off tab introduces a weld defect at the
end of the joint as shown in Figure 7.17.
The preparation of welded joints must be in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5, and includes surface
preparation, beveling the plate edge for a groove weld, preparing the root gap opening and preheating in accordance
with Table 12.3 of the AASHTO standard. The preheating of full penetration groove welded joints must be to a
minimum temperature of 100°C in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.

Figure 7.15
Longitudinal Seam Welding of Multi-Sided Tube Member Using SAW

Page 7-24

Figure 7.16
Weld Repair using Run-off Tab

Figure 7.17
Weld Defect from Terminating Weld without Run-off Tab

Page 7-25

Backing bars must be used to complete column to baseplate and horizontal arm to flange plate full penetration
groove welds. The backing bars must be fabricated to fit tightly against the multi-sided tube wall. Figure 7.18 shows
a fabricated backing bar during inspection before being inserted into the column to baseplate joint (a CJP weld is
required at the backing bar splice). The Consultant’s QA Inspector must witness the weld testing and fitting of the
backing bars since this is a hold point.

Figure 7.18
UT Inspection of Backing Bar Splice (Inspection and Testing Hold Point)

Flange plate to tube and baseplate to tube connections are typically welded using the SAW process in the horizontal
position. The SAW process can only be used in the horizontal or flat positions and therefore the tube must be rotated
during the welding process. SAW equipment is shown in Figure 7.19 and the welding of a flange plate to an arm
tube connection is shown in Figure 7.20.

Page 7-26

Figure 7.19
General View of SAW Equipment Setup

Figure 7.20
Arm Tube to Flange Plate Full Penetration Groove Weld

For the welded flange plate to arm tube connection in Figure 7.20 the inside edge of the backing bar was fillet welded
to the baseplate and then the full penetration groove weld was completed.
The backing bars required for full penetration groove welds remain in completed overhead sign structure and receive
a seal weld to the tube wall to prevent corrosion and/or deterioration. Seal welds also reduce stress concentrations
created by the crack like behavior of an unwelded flange/baseplate to backing bar interface. A completed full
penetration weld between a column section and base plate is shown in Figure 7.21.

Page 7-27

Column to backing
bar fillet weld Column

Backing bar
Backing bar to
baseplate weld


Figure 7.21
Welded Backing Bar

NDT of the backing bar full penetration groove weld splice, subsequent fitting of the backing bar and NDT of tube to
flange plate and/or baseplate full penetration welds prior to pre-assembly are inspection and testing hold points in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance and sign off from both the fabricator’s QC and
Consultant’s QA Inspector is required.
The visual inspection and NDT testing (except where NDT testing of certain welds is identified as a hold point above)
of all completed welds prior to pre-assembly is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance from both the fabricator’s QC Inspector and Consultant’s QA Inspector is
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must:
 Ensure welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task
that they are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Ensure welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s;
 Ensure preheat and interpass temperature requirements are being met;
 Visually inspect all weld passes in multi-pass welds and completed weld;
 Complete radiographic testing (RT) or ultrasonic testing (UT) of all full penetration groove welds including
backing bar splices;
 Complete UT of partial joint penetration (PJP) seam welds at three locations selected at random for each weld.
Each location tested must be a minimum 200 mm in length;
 Complete magnetic particle testing (MT) of 25% of all fillet welds;
 Dimensional checks are conducted to ensure all dimensions are within tolerances;
 Ensure QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are provide to the Consultant; and
 Provide written acceptance of the hold points and witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work
is acceptably complete, including any required repairs.

Page 7-28

QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are qualified to perform the task that
they are assigned to and that their certification is current;
 Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5;
 Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to welding;
 Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s for the applicable joint and weld type;
 Verify that preheat and interpass temperature requirements are in accordance with the reviewed and accepted
 Verify the complete joint penetration weld in backing bar has undergone UT inspection and the backing bar has
been properly fitted into the joint;
 Verify proper run-off tabs are used where specified and required;
 Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds;
 Visually inspect all completed welds;
 Conduct dimensional spot checks to verify fabrication tolerances;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract;
 Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results; and
 Provide written acceptance of the hold points and the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the
work is acceptably complete, including any required repairs.

7.7.6 Labeling of Fabricated Elements

The labeling of fabricated elements is essential to maintain traceability of the steel materials and to facilitate the
assembly, erection and installation of overhead sign structure components. All components during fabrication must
be labeled with temporary markings containing the heat number.
Once the components of each overhead sign structure are acceptably fabricated, the assembly must be stamped
with permanent low stress identification markings such that it can be traced to the QC and QA records where the
heat number for each component has been recorded.
Figure 7.22 shows a component identification stamp on the flange plate of a tube arm after fabrication and prior to
galvanizing. Component identification stamps must be low stress to minimize the potential development of stress
concentrations. The component identification stamps must also be deep enough to be legible after hot dip
galvanizing and placed in an acceptable location of low design stress.
For arm and column assemblies, the component identification stamps must not be placed on the tube walls and are
typically located on the flange plate.

Page 7-29

Figure 7.22
Component Identification Low Stress Stamp on Flange Plate

Subsection of the SSBC requires that an overhead sign structure identification tag be placed on the face
of one column of each overhead sign structure for in service management and inspections. The identification tag
must be secured using two 10 mm diameter bolts in holes tapped in the wall of the column at 2.4 m above the
baseplate. Tack welding of these identification plates (see Figure 7.23) is not permitted.

Figure 7.23
Identification Tag secured using Tack Welds (Not Permitted)

Page 7-30

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 All fabricated components are labelled with low stress identification stamps;
 Identification tag is acceptably attached to one sign structure column of each overhead sign structure; and
 QC testing and inspection records and/or reports are provided to the Consultant.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify fabricated sub-assemblies are properly labeled with a low stress stamp in areas of low stress;
 Verify identification tag is acceptably attached to one of the overhead sign structure columns. Attachment by
tack welds must not be permitted; and
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract.

7.7.7 Pre-assembly of Sign Structures

After welding and fabrication, but prior to galvanizing, the Contractor must pre-assemble the overhead sign
structure, including welded sign clamps, to check fit and overall dimensions. The components identified on the shop
drawings (Figure 7.24) must be bolted together and the bolts sufficiently tensioned in order to bring the faying
surfaces of the connection into solid contact as shown in Figure 7.25 and Figure 7.26.

Figure 7.24
Shop Drawing with fabricated Component Designation

Page 7-31

Figure 7.25
Pre-Assembly of Single Arm Sign Bridge Overhead Sign Structure

Figure 7.26
Pre-Assembly of Double Arm Cantilever Overhead Sign Structure

Page 7-32

After the bolted splices have been sufficiently tensioned, the fabricator’s QC inspector must inspect and record the
 Joint gaps at all bolted splice locations;
o Figure 7.27 shows a single arm bolted field splice, the gap measurement shown in Figure 7.28 indicates that
the gap is slightly smaller than the limit of 2 mm specified in Subsection of the SSBC;
o Figure 7.29 shows an arm splice with no gap; and
 Dimensional tolerances of individual and assembled elements. Figure 7.30 shows a column length check by the
QC inspector. The tolerances listed in Subsection of the SSBC include out-of-straightness, twisting,
overall length; tube dimensions across the flats, flatness tolerances of column baseplates and flange plates and
minimum arm rise.

Figure 7.27 Figure 7.28

Bolted Field Splice of Arm Tube Gap Measurement between Bolted Flange Plates (less
than 2 mm)

Figure 7.29 Figure 7.30

Bolted Splice with no Measurable Gap Column Length Dimensional Check

Page 7-33

The arm rise of a single arm sign bridge is measured from a reference string line as shown in Figure 7.31. The arm
rise measurement for a double arm cantilever sign structure is shown in Figure 7.32.

Figure 7.31
Measurement of Arm Rise of Single Arm Sign Bridge

Figure 7.32
Measurement of Arm Rise of Double Arm Cantilever Sign Structure

Pre-assembly and dimensional tolerance checks of overhead sign structures prior to galvanizing is an inspection and
testing witness point as outlined in Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance from both the fabricator’s
QC Inspector and Consultant’s QA Inspector is required.

Page 7-34

QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 Dimensional tolerances are in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC;
 Overall geometry is correct;
 QC testing and inspection records and/or reports are provided to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify dimensions and joint gaps in bolted splices by spot checking;
 Verify overall geometry;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

7.7.8 Galvanizing Anchor Rods
Anchor rods and associated hardware must be hot dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM F2329 and Subsection of the SSBC. Preparation of threaded rods is especially critical to the success of galvanizing since repair by
Method A1 or Method A3 of ASTM A780 are not nearly as effective due to the difficulty getting the zinc coating over
the full surface of the threads and the repair can easily get damaged.
High strength steels are susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement when exposed to a source of hydrogen ions, such as
acid. The embrittlement of steel is only detectable by destructive testing except in severe cases where cracking
occurs during or shortly after the galvanizing process. The presence of stress concentration at the root of the threads
makes high strength anchor rods more susceptible to hydrogen induced cracking than plain bars of the same grade
of steel. Subsection of the SSBC requires overhead sign structure anchor rod steel materials to be in
accordance with ASTM F1554 Grade 55. ASTM F1554 Grade 55 steel has a yield strength of 380 MPa and inherent
notch toughness that substantially reduces its susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement that can occur during
galvanizing and therefore the specialized galvanization process required for high strength Grade B7 rods is not
required for overhead sign structure anchor rods.
Galvanizing is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Written
acceptance from both the fabricator’s QC Inspector and Consultant’s QA Inspector is required.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must:
 Visually inspect anchor rods for damage;
 Ensure and coordinate traceability of materials with galvanizer;
 Perform inspection of galvanizing to ensure conformance with ASTM standards;
 Ensure QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

Page 7-35

QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage of the fabrication the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Spot check anchor rod dimensions;
 Verify all anchor rods are traceable to specific heats;
 Spot check galvanized surfaces for any defects;
 Review galvanization report and verify conformance with ASTM standards;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs. Structural Steel
Galvanizing of the overhead sign structure structural steel must be completed in accordance with ASTM A123 and
Subsection of the SSBC. The first stage of the galvanization includes cleaning the structural steel to remove
all surface contaminants such as mill scale, oil and grease, or dirt from the surface. The second stage consists of
rinsing, dipping into a flux to remove any surface oxides that may have formed after the pickling process followed
by dipping the sections into the molten zinc kettle. The immersion time in the kettle must be sufficient for the
galvanized component to reach the temperature of the molten zinc and developing a metallurgical bond between
the structural steel and the molten zinc. The third stage consists of visual inspection of the galvanized components
in accordance with ASTM A123. More detailed information on the galvanization process is provided in Appendix E
of this Manual.
The AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals
Subsection 5.15.5 requires full penetration groove welds of tube to transverse plate connections having a constant
amplitude fatigue threshold (CAFT) of 69 MPa or less, be ultrasonically inspected for toe cracks after galvanizing.
Cracking after galvanizing at the toe of full penetration welds in this area has been observed and must be closely
inspected by the Consultant’s QA Inspector. These initial cracks have significant adverse effects on fatigue
performance of the welded connection. Ultrasonic testing with a small angle beam transducer is required to
determine the presence of cracks that may have formed during galvanizing. Cracks identified must be repaired in
the shop using a procedure that has been reviewed and accepted by the Consultant.
The overhead sign structure components shown in Figure 7.33 have been galvanized and are ready for inspection.
Both the coating thickness and surface condition must be verified by the fabricator’s QC Inspector and Consultant’s
QA Inspector. At the completion of the galvanizing process, the galvanizer must provide the Contractor with a QC
galvanizing inspection report that is forwarded to the Consultant’s QA Inspector.

Page 7-36

Figure 7.33
Galvanized Components of a Double Arm Cantilever Sign Structure

Galvanized surfaces that do not meet the acceptance criteria of ASTM A123 (see Figure 7.34 and Figure 7.35) must
be repaired. Subsection of the SSBC requires that repair areas are infrequent and small, as determined by
the Consultant. ASTM A780 Method A3 (metallizing) can be used for any areas that need to be repaired. ASTM
A780 Method A1 (use of a zinc-based alloy) is permitted for repair areas smaller than 100 mm2. Method A2 (zinc
rich paint) will not be permitted. ASTM A123 outlines the criteria to determine when galvanizing damage is too
extensive to repair and re-galvanization would be required. The process of re-galvanizing includes removing the
defective zinc coating and repeating surface preparation prior to re-galvanizing.

Figure 7.34 Figure 7.35

Galvanized Area near Bolt Hole Requiring Repair Areas of Galvanizing Identified for Repair

Page 7-37

Inspection of galvanized surfaces is an inspection and testing witness point in accordance with Subsection
of the SSBC. Written acceptance and sign off from both the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector is
Ultrasonic non-destructive testing of full penetration tube to transverse plate weld toes after galvanizing is an
inspection and testing witness point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance and
sign off from both the fabricator’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector is required.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must:
 Visually inspect structural steel for damage;
 Ensure and coordinate traceability of materials with galvanizer;
 Perform inspection of galvanizing to ensure conformance with ASTM standards;
 Perform ultrasonic testing of full penetration tube to transverse plate weld toes after galvanizing;
 Ensure QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness points in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage of the fabrication the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Spot check structural steel dimensions;
 Verify structural steel is traceable to specific heats;
 Spot check galvanized surfaces for any defects;
 Review galvanization report and verify conformance with ASTM standards;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness points in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

7.7.9 Coating of Baseplates

Following the acceptable completion of the galvanizing, the bottom face of the column baseplates must receive a
barrier coating to prevent direct contact between the zinc coating and the levelling grout pad. The barrier coating
must be concrete grey so that the coating is not visible if it is inadvertently applied on the edges of the plates (see
Figure 7.36). The barrier coating must be a mid-coat polyamide epoxy technology coating selected from the Alberta
Transportation Product List – Approved Products “Bridge Coating Systems (Paint)”.

Figure 7.36
Baseplate Column Barrier Coating

Page 7-38

The Contractor must complete base plate barrier coating dry film thickness measurements in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC.
The Contractor must also complete barrier coating adhesion testing on adhesion test plates in accordance with ASTM
D3359 Method A or B as outlined in Subsection of the SSBC. Adhesion test plates are used because adhesion
testing of the barrier coating is destructive and if completed on production base plates they would require
subsequent repairs that would not be as durable. ASTM D3359 Method A includes scribing an X through the barrier
coating paint to the zinc substrate, applying a pressure sensitive tape over the cut and removing the tape. The
adhesion is assessed qualitatively on a scale of 0 to 5. Figure 7.37 illustrates this test method and shows none of the
coating was removed with the tape indicating acceptable adhesion of the barrier coating to the galvanized surface
below. A minimum classification of 4A must be attained. Method B consists of making a lattice of 6 or 11 incisions
(depending on the coating thickness) with a razor blade all the way to the steel substrate, cleaning the surface from
any loose paint, adhering a 25 mm wide transparent tape on the lattice and peeling the tape at 180°. Adhesion is
assessed qualitatively on a scale of 0 to 5. A minimum classification of 4B must be attained. To meet Classification
4B, less than 5% of the paint in the grid area can be removed when the tape is peeled. Figure 6.34 shows a sample
of the tape test using Method B and measurement of the dry film thickness.

Figure 7.37
Coating Test By Method A

Dry film thickness and adhesion testing of baseplate barrier coating is an inspection and testing witness point in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Written acceptance and sign off from both the fabricator’s QC and
Consultant’s QA Inspector is required.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure:
 That the barrier coating applied is a polyamide epoxy mid-coat selected from the Alberta Transportation Product
 Galvanized baseplate underside surfaces are prepared in accordance with the barrier coating manufacturer’s
product data sheet prior to coating application;
 The WFT of the applied barrier coating meets the barrier coating manufacturer’s range to achieve the targeted
DFT range;
 DFT measurements are within the range indicated on the manufacturers’ product data sheet;
 Adhesion testing of barrier coating is completed and the results are compliant with the material testing standard
 All QC inspection and testing records and/or reports are submitted to the Consultant; and
 Written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.

Page 7-39

QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Verify the barrier coating being used was reviewed and accepted by the Consultant;
 Verify that the galvanized surface to receive the barrier coating has been prepared in accordance with the
barrier coating manufacturer’s requirements for application on a galvanized surface;
 Verify the barrier DFT coating thickness measurements are within the range specified on the manufacturer’s
product data sheet;
 Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with the contract; and
 Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP once the work is acceptably
complete, including any required repairs.
7.7.10 Final Inspection
The fabricator’s QC Inspector, Consultant QA Inspector and Consultant are all responsible for completion of the final
inspection prior to preparing overhead sign structure components for shipping. Once all QC and QA documentation
has been reviewed and accepted (review of these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the
fabrication process), the Consultant must inform the fabricator when the overhead sign structure is ready for
shipping or whether deficiencies remain that require repair. The final inspection of overhead sign structures is a
supply and fabrication hold point in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC
QC And QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the fabricator’s QC inspector, Consultant and Consultant’s QA Inspector must:
 Review of the QC and QA inspection and testing records and/or reports to verify compliance with the contract
 Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have been reviewed and accepted;
 Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided once the work is acceptably

7.7.11 Shipping
The fabricator and Contractor must transport, handle, and store overhead sign structures in accordance with
Subsection 24.4 of the SSBC. Support and restraint systems must be well designed and implemented to prevent
unnecessary damage during transportation.
Overhead sign structure components are typically loaded into shipping containers or bundled for shipping by truck.
Figure 6.38 and Figure 6.39 show galvanized overhead sign structure components loaded in a shipping container and
in the process of being loaded on to a transport truck for shipping. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify that
the galvanized components are being handled, stored, and transported in a manner that prevents wet storage
staining and damage to components.

Page 7-40

Figure 7.38 Figure 7.39

Galvanized Components Ready For Shipping Galvanized Components Being Loaded On Truck

In accordance with Subsection 24.4.2 of the SSBC, overhead sign structures must be protected from dirt, mud, road
salts, slush or other contaminants during transportation, handling and storage. Protection of overhead sign
structures is an important consideration that is often not given sufficient attention and can create significant
challenges at the project site. Protection of components is of particular importance during winter months when de-
icing materials are used to maintain highway networks. The means and methods of protection are determined by
the Contractor or fabricator and must achieve the specified cleanliness and condition prior to installation. Clearance to Ship
The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for overhead sign structures a minimum of 1
week prior to shipment from the fabrication facility.
QC Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Contractor’s QC Inspector must ensure overhead sign structures are loaded, supported, restrained
and protected.
QA Inspection Requirements
At this stage the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify overhead sign structures are acceptably loaded, supported,
restrained and protected.

7.7.12 Consultant QA Inspection and Testing Reporting

The Consultant’s QA Inspector must prepare a weekly fabrication inspection report including photos for each shop
visit. The Consultant’s QA fabrication inspection reports must be submitted to the Consultant and the Department
such that fabrication progress, construction schedules, and fabrication QA resource allocation can be reviewed.
The reports and photographs should document that the production meets the requirements of the contract. The
reports must clearly document what was inspected and that the expected inspection and testing requirements
outlined in this Manual have been acceptably completed. The reports must highlight any issues that were identified
during the inspection and testing and the details of their resolution. Photographs of fabrication defects, both before
and after repair, should be included as they are particularly useful for providing a complete record of the type and
location of any defects and how they were acceptably repaired.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also review the QC inspection reports and the supply and fabrication ITP for
each overhead sign structure to verify all inspection and testing is completed.

Page 7-41

7.7.13 Consultant QA Inspector Resource Allocation

The Consultant’s QA Inspector must conduct daily shop visits to complete QA inspections. The anticipated weekly
hours of inspection for the Consultant’s QA inspection is 25 hours for inspection activity and 5 hours for
reporting/documentation review. For more detailed information on QA inspector resource allocation refer to
Appendix J of this Manual.


The fabricator must submit all specified quality control documentation and as-constructed shop drawings to the
Consultant within 3 weeks of fabrication completion.
The Consultant must then assemble a final deliverable fabrication report and include all QC and QA inspection and
testing for each overhead sign structure. The fabrication report will be filed by the Department and used in the
management of the bridge over its service life.
The final deliverable fabrication report must be submitted to the Department within:
 6 weeks from the date of acceptance of the Work for standalone bridge projects including multiple and major
bridge projects; or
 12 weeks from the date of acceptance of the Work for bridge projects that include a major grading, base course
and asphalt concrete pavement component.
The date of acceptance of the Work is the date as noted on the Construction Completion Certificate or the
Conditional Construction Completion Certificate.
The Consultant should not wait until the work is accepted and overall project complete to commence compiling of
the final deliverables fabrication report. The Consultant is strongly encouraged to plan for and commence this
activity during the course of fabrication while all parties are familiar with the fabrication that occurred as there can
be a significant time between completion of fabrication and contract completion.
A detailed list of the final fabrication deliverables for overhead sign structures is provided in Appendix H of this

Page 7-42

AADT Average annual daily traffic (the total volume of traffic during a year divided by the number of days in
the year)
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ACI American Concrete Institute
ACP Asphalt Concrete Pavement
AT Alberta Transportation
AWS American Welding Society
BSDC Bridge Structures Design Criteria
CGSB Canadian General Standards Board (accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a national
standards-development organization)
CIP Coating Inspector Program
CJP Complete joint penetration
CNC Computer numerically controlled
CPCQA Canadian Precast Concrete Quality Assurance
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CWB Canadian Welding Bureau
Department Alberta Transportation
DFT Dry film thickness
FCAW Flux cored arc welding
GTAW Gas tungsten arc welding
HAZ Heat affected zone
ITP Inspection and test plan
MCAW Metal cored arc welding
MSE Wall Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall
MT Magnetic particle testing
MT Magnetic particle testing (inspection)
MTR Mill test report
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NCR Non-conformance Report
PAUT Phased array UT
PBC Precast Box Culvert
PCI Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute
PJP Partial joint penetration

PT Dye penetrant testing

PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon)
QA Quality assurance
QC Quality control
RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe
RFI Request for information
RSIC Reinforcing Steel Institute of Canada
RT Radiographic testing
SAW Submerged arc welding
SCC Self-consolidating Concrete
SMAW Shielded metal weld welding (stick welding)
SSBC Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction
TIG Tungsten inert gas welding process
TOFD Time of flight diffraction
TSC Thermal spray coating
UT Ultrasonic testing
UT Ultrasonic testing (inspection)
VT Visual testing (inspection)

AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 (2015). “Bridge Welding Code,” 7th Edition, American Welding Society D1 Committee on
Structural Welding / AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures.
AASHTO (2017). “LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications,” 4th Edition.
ASME B46.1 (2009). “Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness, and Lay),” American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, American National Standard, Three Park Ave., NY.
ASTM A6\A6M – 17a (2017). “Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars,
Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling,” American Society for Testing and Materials, Barr Harbor Drive, West
Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM E29-13 (2013). “Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with
Specifications,” American Society for Testing and Materials, Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM E165/E165M-18 (2018). “Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing for General Industry,” American
Society for Testing and Materials, Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM E709-15 (2015). “Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing,” American Society for Testing and Materials,
Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM E1417/E1417M-16 (2016). “Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing,” American Society for Testing and
Materials, Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA.
Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (2018). “CISC Steel Bridge Certification Standard,” Third edition, Complex
Steel Bridges and Simple Steel Bridges, CISC.
Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (2016). “CISC Quality Guideline for Steel Bridges,” second edition.
Cicero, S., T. García, J.A. Álvarez, A. Bannister, A. Klimpel, A. Martín-Meizoso, and J. Aldazabal (2016). “Fatigue
Behaviour of Structural Steels with Oxy-fuel, Plasma, and Laser Cut Straight Edges. Definition of Eurocode 3 FAT
Classes.” Engineering Structures, Vol. 111, pp. 152-161.
CSA-G40.20-13/G40.21-13 (2018). “General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel / Structural
Quality Steel,” Canadian Standards Association, reaffirmed 2018.
CSA-S6-14 (2014). “Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code,” Canadian Standards Association, updated July 2017.
CSA-W47.1-09 (2014). “Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel,” Canadian Standards Association,
reaffirmed 2014.
CAN/CGSB-48.9712-2014 (2014). “Non-destructive testing – Qualification and certification of NDT Personnel,” ISO /
Standards Council of Canada.
Harris, I.D. (1997). “Plasma Arc Cutting of Bridge Steels,” NCHRP Report 384, National Cooperative Highway Research
Polyzois, D. and J.A. Yura (1985). "Effect of Burrs on Bolted Friction Connections," Engineering Journal, American
Institute of Steel Construction, Vol. 22, pp. 139-142.
Research Council on Structural Connections (2014). “Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts,”
RCSC/AISC, Chicago, Ill.
Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC). SSPC SP5 – White Metal Blast Cleaning; SSPC SP6 – Commercial Blast Cleaning;
SSPC SP1 – Near-White Blast Cleaning.

Zwerneman, F.J. and Y. Saleh (1991). “The Effect of Burrs on Shear Capacity of Bolted Connections,” Research report
prepared by the School of Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State University, June.
Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

This Appendix provides supplementary information on the accepted welding processes used on Alberta
Transportation bridge projects, welding of stainless steel, effect of boron on the weldability of steel, common weld
defects and an explanation of non-destructive testing methodologies, their application and limitations.


A.1.1 Introduction
Although various welding processes can be used for the welding of structural steel, electric arc welding is most
commonly used in the fabrication of steel bridges. In the electric arc welding process an electric arc is formed
between two electrodes. One electrode is the base metal and the other is either a consumable or a non-consumable
electrode. Consumable type electrodes are required for the fabrication of most bridge components. In addition to
acting as an electrode, consumable electrodes also supply weld filler metal to fuse the prepared joint between two
members together. The electric arc created during the welding process generates the heat necessary to melt the
consumable welding electrode and the base metal. Through the pressure of the electric arc, the two molten steels
mix together to form what we commonly refer to as the “weld metal”, although this is strictly a mixture of the filler
metal and the base metal. This basic principle of electric arc welding is common to all arc welding processes, but
each arc welding process have their own features that makes them more suitable for certain applications. The
Department permits the use of three arc welding processes in the fabrication of steel bridge components: shielded
metal arc welding (SMAW) submerged arc welding (SAW), and metal cored arc welding (MCAW).
A.1.2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding
The shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process, commonly referred to as ‘manual’, ‘hand’, or ‘stick’ welding, makes
use of a short consumable electrode coated with a flux. The heat from the arc melts the base metal, the electrode
core and the flux coating. The electron stream from the electric arc carries the molten metal from the electrode in
the form of fine globules across the gap between the tip of the electrode and the base metal and deposits and mixes
it into the molten pool on the surface of the base metal. The electron stream that carries the molten electrode
material makes the deposition of the filler metal independent of gravity, which makes arc welding feasible in various
positions, including overhead. As the flux burns, it provides a shielding gas to protect the molten steel from oxidation
and a slag covers the surface of the filler metal, providing further protection. The flux also serves to add alloying
elements to the molten steel to instill desirable properties that can be used to customize the procedure for use in
special applications (e.g. faster solidification of the weld metal required for vertical and overhead welding). Welding
is performed with the heat of an electric arc that is maintained between the end of the coated electrode and the
base metal.
SMAW may use either alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) to generate the electric arc, but in either case,
the power source provides a constant current regardless of the variation of the arc length between the tip of the
electrode and the surface of the base metal produced by the operator, which results in a variation in voltage, but
not in current.

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

The selection of a DC or AC power supply depends on several factors, but, in general, DC power allows a greater
range of electrode types34 and offers the possibility of a lower current, which is beneficial for overhead and vertical
welding where it is advantageous to have a weld metal that will solidify quickly. When welding with a DC power
supply, electrodes with either a positive or negative polarity (reverse or straight polarity, respectively) can be used.
In general, electrode negative, or straight polarity, produces welds with shallow penetration and high melting rates.
Conversely, positive polarity produces narrower and deeper weld beads.
SMAW is the lowest initial cost arc welding process since it does not require a wire feeder, gas flow meter, shielding
gas cylinder or hose. Since the equipment is highly portable, it is often the method of choice for field welding.
However, stick electrodes must be replaced when used up, which occurs frequently and on average only 25% of the
operator’s time is spent welding. This reduces productivity and introduces start-stop sites, which are potential
locations of defects. Also, slag is formed when the flux is melted and must be manually removed/chipped off when
the weld pool cools down, which further reduces productivity. Any slag left on the weld surface between weld passes
could be trapped in the final weld, possibly resulting in weld defects. For these reasons, the SMAW process is better
suited for small repairs in the field rather than production welding in the shop.
A.1.3 Submerged Arc Welding
Submerged arc welding (SAW) process is similar in nature to SMAW, with the important exception being that the
electrode consists of a solid wire with no flux coating and is automatically fed from a spool. This allows the execution
of very long welds without the need to make frequent stops to replace expended electrodes, which improves
productivity and greatly reduces the potential for weld defects at stop-start locations. Another difference between
SMAW and SAW is that for SAW shielding of the molten metal is provided by a loose granular flux which is
automatically dispensed as the weld is made and the arc is completely submerged in the flux. This provides for safer
working environment free of weld flash (intense ultraviolet radiation emitted by the welding arc). Although having
the arc completely submerged has its advantages, one disadvantage is that the joint and the molten steel are also
submerged by the flux, making it invisible. This makes the SAW process impractical for manual and/or field welding;
the electrode must be guided with a track and tractor to maintain proper alignment of the welding electrode with
the joint and a constant welding rate.
The loose granular flux deposited on the surface provides protection to the molten metal, helps form the molten
puddle, slows the cooling rate and helps prevent spatter, which results when the weld is in a molten state and
agitated by the pressure of the electric arc. This process results in a smoother weld surface finish when compared
to other electric arc welding processes. The SAW heat transfer efficiency between the arc and the base metal is
higher than the SMAW process as the arc is submerged in the flux (around 95% efficiency for SAW compared to 70%
to 85% for SMAW).
This results in better weld penetration for the same amount of heat input. Because the electrode stick-out distance
(the distance from the tip of the electrode to the electrode holder) is much shorter for SAW than for SMAW, the
current for a given cross-sectional area of electrode can be as much as 10 times higher for SAW than for SMAW 35.

DC welding is more versatile than AC welding, which has led to the development of a wider variety of electrodes
for DC power. Although most electrodes can be used with either AC or DC power, some electrodes have been
developed strictly for DC power.
As the current flows through the electrode stick-out (the distance from welding arc and the welding tip where
there is electrical contact between the welding electrode and the welding machine), the electrode is preheated
from the current flowing through it. Excessive stick-out can lead to overheating of the flux in contact with the
heating electrode before it reaches the welding arc. Therefore, the current must be reduced when using a long
stick-out compared to a short stick-out.

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

This results in a higher heat input, faster deposition rate and higher welding speed than can be achieved with SMAW
and makes SAW much more attractive for production welding. The main drawback of SAW is that it uses loose flux,
which makes the process only suitable for horizontal and flat welding positions. The equipment required to deposit
flux and feed the welding wire is large and makes the process less practical and difficult to use for field welding. SAW
is much better suited for shop welding as a mechanized or automatic process where the electrode is easy to guide
along the weld joint.
As the welding electrode is fed through a feeder, the SAW process is ideally suited for semi-automatic, mechanized
or automatic welding of long joints that can be welded in the horizontal or flat position (girder web to flange joints,
web and flange shop splices, finger plate to vertical plate joints, etc.). The electrode holder is held by a mechanical
device that guides the electrode along the welded joint and feeds it into the weld. The electrode holder travels along
the length of the joint with minimal operator intervention, other than to set the welding parameters before welding
commences. This includes checking alignment of the electrode holder so it follows the joint accurately.
A.1.4 Metal Cored Arc Welding
This section provides information specific to the metal cored arc welding (MCAW) and flux cored arc welding (FCAW)
processes. Discussion, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages are provided for background information as it
is important to be able to distinguish between these two processes; however, at this time FCAW is not an Alberta
Transportation accepted welding process.
Until recently, MCAW was considered a type of FCAW due to the similarities between the processes. Both use an
automated wire feed system that is paired to the welding torch. This is why MCAW and FCAW are classified as semi-
automatic welding processes. Both the MCAW and FCAW processes incorporate short stick out lengths that can
facilitate much higher current demand compared to SMAW and both processes can be used in some of the same
welding positions. To confuse matters, older Weld Procedure Data Sheets (WPDS) did not provide a MCAW process
designation but instead referred to a FCAW process. The only way to distinguish whether a MCAW process was being
used in this case, was to examine the wire designation which would incorporate a “C” coding in the case of MCAW.
To reduce confusion, current WPDS specifically note a MCAW process designation. More information regarding the
review of WPDS can be found in Appendix B of this Manual.
The FCAW and MCAW processes differ in their weld pool shielding methodologies. Similar to the SMAW process,
the FCAW relies on a flux to provide protection of the molten weld pool. While the SMAW electrode is a solid wire
covered with an external flux, the wire electrode used for FCAW is hollow and filled with flux. In some cases FCAW
adds an additional level of shielding through an inert externally applied shielding gas. When shielding gas is used in
combination with flux, it is referred to as double shielding. Each shielding method has its advantages: gas shielding
results in reduced emissions while flux shielding is less susceptible to environmental disturbance during welding.
In contrast to the flux filled core of a FCAW electrode, the core of MCAW wire contains only metal powder, which
makes the rate of deposition of filler metal higher compared to FCAW. However, due to the metal core, flux shielding
is not possible and therefore MCAW relies only on an outside source of gas for shielding the molten weld pool. The
susceptibility of this shielding gas to adjacent air disturbances restricts the use of MCAW to environmentally
controlled shop conditions. Using MCAW in temporary enclosures carries increased risk of defects as any breach of
a temporary enclose can cause sufficient air flow to displace the shielding gas away from the weld pool
compromising weld quality.
MCAW can be used for vertical stiffeners, horizontal gusset plates attached to girders, and miscellaneous
components such as deck drains, bridge bearings, deck joint assemblies, pier nose plates, handrails, bridge rails and
buffer angles.

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

MCAW is difficult to adapt for vertical and overhead welding because of the absence of a flux. Since there is no flux
to provide the fast freezing properties essential for vertical and overhead welding, other techniques, such as pulse
transfer or short arc have been developed for usage with MCAW in these positions. However, these techniques
result in a reduced deposition rate and therefore a loss of productivity as well as the requirement for special
equipment. For these reasons the use of MCAW in fabricating shops is generally limited to welding in the flat or
horizontal position.
Initial quality control problems with the integrity of the internal flux infill of hollow FCAW welding electrodes led the
Department to exclude the FCAW process from use on bridge projects. These quality control problems led to the
flux infill to crack and fall out of the electrode which resulted in unshielded welds. This quality control issue has been
resolved with additional quality control measures in the electrode wire manufacturing process. Recently, at the
request of the fabrication industry, the Department initiated an evaluation into the FCAW process to assess it for
potential approval. The evaluation consisted of comparison testing and visual inspection of samples welded with
both the MCAW and FCAW processes. Although the results from the FCAW were favorable in many regards,
inconsistencies and variability in weld quality and notch toughness were identified in test specimens. The
inconsistencies and reduction in quality could not be adequately identified or explained by industry and as a result
the risks associated with FCAW weld quality were determined to be too high for it’s use in fabrication of bridge
A.1.5 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)
In gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), also known as tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, a non-consumable tungsten
electrode is used to create the arc between the base metal and the non-consumable electrode. The electric arc melts
the base metal and the welder hand feeds a filler rod into the molten base metal, which melts the filler metal in the
welded joint. Protection from oxidation of the tungsten electrode and the molten steel is provided by an inert
shielding gas.
This process provides a relatively low heat input, which makes it desirable for welding thin stainless steel plates on
bearing plates since the low heat input reduces distortion of stainless steel 36 and also reduces the risks of
sensitization of the stainless steel, which leads to a loss of corrosion resistance in the heat affected zone. GTAW is
only acceptable for the welding of thin stainless steel plates.


One of the most significant challenges of welding is the entrapment of hydrogen in the weld metal or heat affected
zones (HAZ) during the welding process. Entrapped hydrogen in the weld metal or HAZ can result in cracking when
the temperature drops below 100°C. Cracking due to the presence of hydrogen can also occur later in the service
life of the component, although the most critical time is during the first few days after welding as hydrogen ions
tend to diffuse in the steel over time reducing their concentration and potential for crack initiation. Two primary
factors used to control and reduce the amount of hydrogen within the weld metal or HAZ are to limit the initial
source of hydrogen and cooling rate of the weld.

Since stainless steel has a coefficient of thermal expansion significantly higher than that of carbon steel (17.8x10 -
mm/mm/°C for stainless steel compared to 11.7x10-6 mm/mm/°C for carbon steel), stainless steel tends to
distort more than carbon steel during welding.

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

There are multiple sources of hydrogen that require strict control, including the presence of moisture or organic
debris (oil, paint, surface condensation) on the base metal surface, moisture absorbed by the electrode flux prior to
welding, or from the organic compounds in some of the fluxes used for welding. Some of these sources are
eliminated by good welding practices (ensure the surfaces are clean and dry) and the selection of a low hydrogen
welding process. A low hydrogen welding process involves the selection of electrodes/flux with a low hydrogen
content designation of H4 to H16. The number designation indicates the amount of hydrogen produced during
welding, measured in milliliters (ml), produced in 100 g of deposited weld metal (a H4 electrode generates a
maximum of 4 ml of hydrogen per 100 g of weld metal). The Department limits the diffusible hydrogen in all weld
processes approved for use on its projects. For MCAW and SMAW the Department specifies a hydrogen designation
of H4 while for SAW the maximum specified hydrogen designation is H8.
Preheating of the steel around the welded joint substantially reduces the cooling rate of the weld metal and the
HAZ, thus allowing more time for any absorbed hydrogen to escape from the steel before it cools down. Figure A.1
shows the preheating of a girder flange prior to welding of the flange to the web. The minimum preheat as specified
in the SSBC for this application is 100°C (for any weld made to the girder flange). This temperature is higher than
the requirement in AWS D1.5 for most flange thicknesses. This higher temperature is good practice as it ensures that
moisture is not present on the base metal prior to welding. In cases where the SSBC does not specify a specific
preheat temperature, the minimum preheat used must satisfy values specified in AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5.
Control of the temperature of the steel for every pass in a multipass welds (interpass temperature) is a critical
component of the welding process. The minimum preheat temperature must be achieved to promote a slower
cooling rate and prevent hydrogen absorption. However, it is also important that the interpass temperature be
maintained below a maximum value since excessive temperature can promote grain growth (i.e. increase in size of
the crystals) in the steel, which results in a reduction in toughness. The minimum and maximum interpass
temperatures will be specified on the WPDS.

Figure A.1
Preheating a Girder Flange Prior To Flange To Web Welding

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing


In 2016 the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) identified that some steels originating from overseas
contained the element boron. Boron, even in very small amounts, significantly increases hardenability of steel.
Hardenability can be defined as the ease with which the high temperature microstructure called austenite
transforms into martensite as the steel cools down. Although the transformation into martensite is a way to increase
the strength of steel, martensite is brittle and needs to be tempered (re-heated) to improve the toughness of the
steel. Plain steel (non-alloyed steel) does not transform into martensite during the heat cycle caused by welding.
To promote the formation of martensite, alloying elements are added to the steel. One of the most potent elements
in this regard is boron. Even a very small amount of boron can cause steel to transform into martensite when
subjected to a welding heat cycle. The presence of boron (or any other alloying element that promotes the formation
of martensite) in steel being welded is potentially detrimental when it exists in sufficient concentrations.
Welding of steel containing boron in sufficient quantities requires elevated quality control and development of
specialized welding procedure (typically an increase in preheat temperature) to prevent the formation of a brittle
microstructure. For this reason it is more practical to avoid the use of these steels altogether in welded applications.
The maximum amount of boron allowed in steel to avoid weldability issues is 0.0008%. Steel with a higher boron
content utilized in a primary member are not permitted. Alberta Transportation Construction Bulletin 29 provides
alternate methods of dealing with steel that is to be welded and has boron in excess of the limit.
Reporting of boron content is required for all steel that is being welded regardless of origin. In some cases, North
America mills will not report boron content on the MTR even though they possess this information. In this case, and
if the billet was melted in North America, a certified letter from the North American mill stating the measured boron
content for the corresponding heat will be considered an acceptable representation of the boron content of that
heat of steel. The letter must be signed by the mill’s metallurgist.


Stainless steel is an alloy of primarily iron and chromium. The corrosion resistance of steel increases as the amount
of chromium (Cr) is increased until the chromium reaches 11.5% at which point it is considered a stainless steel.
Stainless steels often contain other alloying elements such as Ni and Mo, which are essential to control the type of
microstructure, which also affects its corrosion resistance and other properties of stainless steels. When the level of
Cr reaches 11.5%, a continuous microscopic layer of chromium oxide forms on the steel surface, providing corrosion
protection to the substrate. As the chromium content of the steel increases, the durability of this film increases,
imparting greater corrosion resistance.
The alloying elements in stainless steels are classified as austenite stabilizers (C, Ni, Mn and N) or ferrite stabilizers
(Cr, Mo, Si, and many others). The balance between these competing austenite and ferrite stabilizing elements
determines the microstructure of a given stainless steel, which dictates its grade. There are four primary grades of
stainless steel: martensitic, austenitic, ferritic, and duplex. These names are metallurgical terms derived from the
microstructure of the steel at room temperature.
Martensitic stainless steels contain between 11.5 and 18% Cr and from 0.12 to 1.2% C. As the name implies, they
are heat treated so their microstructure consists of hard martensite and are usually in the hardened and tempered
condition. Martensitic grade stainless steels have the lowest corrosion resistance of the stainless steels and have
tensile strengths in the order of 500 MPa to 1800 MPa, depending on the tempering temperature. They are not used
for bridge projects because of their lower corrosion resistance.

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

Ferritic stainless steels differ from martensitic stainless steels mainly in having a lower C content, and a higher Cr
content (up to nearly 30% in some cases). Enough Cr is added to prevent the austenite phase from forming at a high
temperature. Since there is no phase transformation during the cooling process, grain refinement, which improves
the toughness properties, cannot be improved by heat treatments and they are susceptible to grain growth during
welding, which leads to a loss of toughness. The general corrosion resistance of ferritic stainless steel is better than
for martensitic stainless steels due to their higher Cr content. Also, they are virtually immune to the chloride-induced
stress cracking, which affects austenitic stainless steels.
The addition of Ni (at least 8%) in stainless steel prevents the transformation of the austenite phase even at low
temperatures, which leads to the austenitic stainless steels. Austenitic stainless steels contain 15 to 25% Cr and 7 to
20% Ni. Type 30437 stainless steel is a common grade with 19% Cr, 9% Ni and 0.08% C. For welded applications, it is
preferable to keep the carbon content to a minimum and Type 304L, with 0.03% C is used. Types 316, 317 and 318
contain Mo to provide pitting corrosion resistance and the stabilized types (321 (stabilized with Ti) and 347 (stabilized
with Cb)) provide more resistance to formation of chromium carbides, which are detrimental to the corrosion
resistance of stainless steels since chromium carbides deplete the grains from Cr.
Duplex stainless steels were developed to replace Type 316 austenitic stainless steel and are stainless steels with a
mixture of austenite and ferrite, usually about 50% each. This is achieved by increasing the Cr content and lowering
the Ni content, resulting in a typical composition of 25% Cr and 5% Ni. The addition of Mo is also common to provide
pitting corrosion resistance, which can occur when stainless steel is exposed to chlorides.
The welding of stainless steel presents multiple challenges to avoid compromising the corrosion resistance of the
steel. When stainless steel is heated to a temperature between 400°C and 850°C, chromium carbides (mixture of
carbon and chromium) precipitate at the grain boundaries, depleting the surrounding surfaces of chromium, as
illustrated in Figure A.2a. These zones of non-protected steel become anodic to the chromium rich chromium
carbides, which act as the cathode and will corrode rapidly through galvanic action when exposed to a corrosive
environment. This transformation of stainless steel is called sensitization of stainless steel and leads to a corrosion
process called intergranular corrosion. A typical example of intergranular corrosion is shown in Figure A.2.
The following are techniques to avoid intergranular corrosion of stainless steels as a result of welding:
 Post-weld heat treatments allow the diffusion of chromium from the grain mass to the grain boundary to
replenish the surface of the grains in chromium;
 Use of stabilizers such as niobium (Nb) and titanium (Ti) in the chemistry of stainless steels;
 Reduce the carbon content below 0.03% so insufficient carbon is provided to form carbides;
 Increase the cooling rate through the sensitization temperature range to decrease the risk of sensitization. This
can be achieved by reducing the welding heat input, which can be done by decreasing the plate thickness.
In reality, a combination of the above techniques is used to lower the risks of sensitization during welding.

The types of stainless steel follow the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) designation.

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

Figure A.2
Intergranular Corrosion

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing


Welding often gives rise to imperfections, which can be either geometrical or metallurgical. Geometrical
imperfections consist of irregularities in the surface of the joint or misalignment of the elements being welded.
Figure A.3 shows some examples of geometrical imperfections that can be characterized as weld defects depending
on the characteristics of the imperfections. As can be seen from the sketches, some of the defects are visible from
the surface, whereas some other defects are below the surface and are not visible. Therefore, different NDT methods
are required for the detection of different defects. Although Figure A.3 is not exhaustive, it includes the most
common types of imperfections and serves to define some of the nomenclature used in the following discussions
and used in AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5.

Figure A.3
Weld Flaws

Some of the most common weld defects are:

Arc strike is a discontinuity resulting from a stray arc, consisting of any localized molten steel, heat-affected steel,
or change in the surface profile.
Concavity or underfill is a fillet weld with a concave profile and the magnitude is the maximum distance from the
face of the concave fillet weld perpendicular to a line joining the toes.
Cracks are fracture-like discontinuities characterized by a sharp tip and a high length to width ratio. Cracks in welds
can occur for multiple reasons, but one of the most common is contamination of the weld by hydrogen, which
renders the weld or heat affected zone brittle and susceptible to cracking when the steel cools and high tensile
residual stresses develop.
Excess root gap is the creation of a large gap between the two elements welded together. This leads to a reduction
in the effective weld size for fillet welds. Welding standards requires that the weld size be adjusted to compensate
for the loss when the root gap exceeds 2 mm.

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

Excessive reinforcement or excessive overfill is when the face of the weld is excessively convex, which typically
results if the welding speed is too slow or the weld metal wire is fed too quickly, or a combination of both. This
causes additional stress concentration at the toes of the welds, which is undesirable for members loaded cyclically.
Incomplete penetration occurs at the root of a partial or full penetration groove weld when the weld does not
penetrate as deep as the depth of preparation of the plates. This results in a reduction of capacity of the joints.
Lack of fusion, also called incomplete fusion, is a weld discontinuity in which fusion did not occur at the interface of
the weld metal and the base metal or, in a multi-pass weld, with a previous weld pass. This is characterized as a 2-
dimensional discontinuity.
Lack of root penetration is a joint condition in a groove weld in which weld metal from the first weld pass does not
extend through the joint thickness.
Lamellar tear is a subsurface step-like crack in the base metal with a general orientation parallel to the free surface
and created by tensile stresses in the through-thickness direction of a base metal weakened by the presence of
small, pancake shape, non-metallic inclusions (manganese sulphide inclusions that get flattened during the rolling
process are the most common) parallel to the steel surface. The through-thickness stresses are the normal results
of weld and base metal shrinkage, especially in restrained joints.
Misalignment of two plates on either side of a butt joint create additional stresses in the joint due to force
eccentricity when the joined plates are loaded.
Overlap is the protrusion of the weld metal beyond the weld toe or the weld root.
Porosity are cavity-type discontinuities formed by gas entrapment in the molten steel during solidification.
Slag inclusions or slag line is a non-metallic solid material entrapped in the weld metal or along the interface
between weld passes or between a weld pass and the base metal.
Solidification crack, also called hot crack, is a crack that forms upon solidification of the steel and is generally
confined to an individual weld pass. Solidification cracks are generally a longitudinal crack located in the center of
the weld pass in which they form.
Weld spatter consists of steel particles expelled during fusion welding that do not form part of the weld.
Undercut is a groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the weld toe or weld root and left unfilled by weld
A summary of these common weld defects and a classification between 2-dimensional (planar) and 3-dimensional
(volumetric) is presented in Table A.1. The first column indicates the type of inspection usually suitable for their
detection. The non-destructive method that is most appropriate depends on whether the cracks are breaking
through the surface or not. Surface breaking defects such as weld cracks can often be detected visually, but are more
likely to need the assistance of other NDT methods such as magnetic particle or dye penetrant to detect. For sub-
surface defects, either RT or UT methods are used although each method has its own advantages as discussed below.

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

Table A.1
Summary of Weld Defects
2-dimensional 3-dimensional
Visual Surface Cracks Spatter
Lamellar tears exposed to Arc strikes
surface Porosity
Other NDT Lack of fusion Slag inclusions
Incomplete penetration Porosity
Subsurface Laminations
Excess root gap
Subsurface Lamellar tears
Subsurface Cracks


The durability and performance of a steel bridge is dependant on the design and quality of fabrication. It is important
to keep in mind that the structure must meet present and future needs with a balance of quality, cost, and reliability.
At all stages of fabrication steel structures require detailed inspection to ensure quality requirements are achieved.
Non-destructive testing and inspection methods form a vital component of the quality management processes. The
most common type of inspection is visual inspection (VT). It is effective, relatively inexpensive, and provides
important information about the general conformity of the welds to the specifications. For several types of defects
visual inspection or surface examination alone is not sufficient to ensure quality. Several other NDT inspection
methods have been developed to supplement visual inspection and allow complete examination of the weld below
the weld surface. The following methods are commonly used for inspections of steel components:
 Visual inspection (VT);
 Magnetic particle inspection (MT);
 Liquid Dye penetrant inspection (LT);
 Radiographic inspection (RT); and
 Ultrasonic inspection (UT).
No method is perfect and it is important to remember that inspection does not improve the quality of the welds.
Good weld quality can only be achieved through an entire quality control program that controls the quality of the
materials, processes, personnel carrying out welding, and conditions during welding. Quality is achieved by
improving the production process, not by increasing the amount of inspection. In other words, inspection should
never be used to make up for deficiencies in the production process.
A.6.1 Visual Inspection
Visual inspection (VT) starts before any physical welding starts and it continues throughout the fabrication process
as welding takes place and until the fabrication process is complete and the girders are ready for shipping. It is the
primary method to confirm that the materials, procedures and workmanship are in conformance with the contract
requirements. Visual inspection must be completed in accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5. The acceptance
criteria for groove weld and fillet weld surface defects are outlined in Section 3 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5.

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

Visual inspection is relatively fast and does not require specialized equipment. Basic tools such as a flashlight, mirror,
magnifying glass, weld size gauge, undercut gauge, straight edge, and measuring tape are required for visual
inspection (Figure A.4).

Figure A.4
Visual Inspection of Stiffener To Web Weld Assisted With a Flashlight

When a joint design places a plate in tension in the direction transverse to the rolling direction, the fabricator QC
inspector and Consultant’s QA Inspector must pay close attention to the presence of surface cracks in the plates in
the joint area. Steel plates made from the continuous casting process can develop small surface cracks that are not
detected in the mill. These cracks form as the result of a complex interaction between the steel chemistry, the
cooling rate, amount of rolling and interaction between the rolling bed and the steel plate. It is also known that the
chemistry of the steel can influence the susceptibility of the steel to this type of cracking. Although such defects do
not cause problems when the applied stresses are in the rolling direction, caution should be exercised when loading
plates perpendicular to the rolling direction. When plates are subjected to cyclic tensile stresses perpendicular to
the rolling direction, the loaded area must be inspected closely using VT and magnetic particle (MT) and any detected
surface cracks must be acceptable repaired (typically by grinding) or material removed and replaced.
Weld acceptance criteria for visual inspection must be in accordance with Subsection 6.26.1 of AASHTO/AWS
Advantages of VT are that it:
 Can be used before, during and after welding, allowing for adjustments of processes at any point during
 Is the most valuable and cost-effective method of NDT;
 Is part of the quality management process control; and
 Is the only inspection method that can improve quality since problems can be detected even before welding has
Limitations of VT are:
 It is easy to overlook many features that can turn out to be important;
 Adequate lighting is required;
 Good eyesight is required; and
 VT can only identify surface defects.

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

Application on Department projects:

 All completed welds must be visually inspected by the Consultant’s QA Inspector for quality, size, and profile in
accordance with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 acceptance criteria. In addition to this level of VT inspection, the
fabricator’s QC Inspector must also visually inspect every weld pass in multi-pass welds and every completed
A.6.2 Magnetic Particle Testing
Magnetic particle testing/inspection (MT) is a method of inspection that supplements visual inspection of welds and
base metal surfaces. MT can detect discontinuities at the surface or very near the surface in ferromagnetic materials.
When a ferromagnetic material is magnetized, surface or near-surface flaws cause a distortion in the magnetic flux
in the test material, which attracts fine magnetic particles that are distributed over the surface during testing. This
accumulation of magnetic particles on the surface highlights any discontinuities, indicating their location, size and
shape at the surface.
The equipment required for MT is an electromagnet, which can take different shapes depending on the application,
for magnetizing the area to be inspected and the magnetic particles (Figure A.5). A black light is required for
examination if the magnetic particles are coated with a fluorescent coating. To improve the accuracy of the method,
iron particles can be coated with dyes of various colours to increase the contrast between the particles and the
background. Black or reddish brown are the most widely used colours.

Figure A.5
MT of Stiffener to Flange Weld with a Yoke to Create the Magnetic Field
The two basic methods of magnetic particle inspection are dry and wet particles. Two other, less well-known
methods, are the magnetic slurry/paint and polymer-based methods (ASTM E709). The methods differ in the vehicle
used to carry the magnetic particles to the surface of the steel to be inspected. Dry particles, as the name implies,
are used in a dry powder form and are typically finer particles than those used for wet particle testing. The powder
is dispersed on the magnetized steel surface and the iron dust particles accumulate at the locations of magnetic flux
disruption. Dry particles are most suitable for use on rough surfaces and for detecting flaws at or just beneath the
The wet particle method uses magnetic particles suspended in oil or water and thereby provides a higher sensitivity.
The particles can either be seen against contrasting colour coatings (black particles on a white background coating,
for example) or fluorescent particles can be viewed with ultraviolet light.
Magnetic slurry/paint systems are another type of vehicle that can be used for the dispersion of the particles. It
consists of a heavy oil in which flake-like particles are suspended. The wet slurry is typically applied with a brush
before the area to be inspected is magnetized. It is most suitable for examination on vertical and overhead surfaces.
Polymer based systems use a liquid polymer to disperse the magnetic particles. The polymer cures to an elastic solid,
forming a fixed indication. This technique is recommended for examination of areas with limited access, such as bolt

Page A-13
Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

As for all inspection methods, the success of the MT method depends on the surface preparation. The surface should
be clean, dry, and free of contaminants such as oil, grease, loose rust, loose sand, loose scale, thick paint, welding
flux and weld spatter. Subsection of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 indicates that nonconductive coatings up to
0.05 mm (2 mils) can remain on the surface. This thickness is the limit of the capability of MT methods for crack
detection under a coating. Since all AT approved coatings have a minimum primer thickness of 2 mils to 4 mils,
inspection for cracks must be carried out before the coating is applied. This is obviously not possible for inspection
of structures in service. In this case the coating must be removed before inspection by MT. The minimum required
zinc coating thickness is typically 0.1 mm (4 mils) for hot dip galvanized steel (ASTM A123), which makes crack
detection after galvanizing difficult, except in cases where the cracks are large enough to break through the zinc
coating. Since cracking can occur during galvanizing, carrying out the inspection before galvanizing does not provide
assurance that there are no cracks under the zinc coating.
Advantages of MT are:
 It is fast and relatively simple to use;
 It provides an immediate indication of defects;
 It shows surface and near surface defects, which are often the most serious ones as this is typically the location
of maximum stresses;
 It is relatively inexpensive;
 Large and small objects can be inspected;
 Elaborate pre-cleaning is generally not needed; and
 Many certified welding inspectors are also certified to perform magnetic particle inspection.
Some limitations of MT are:
 Only surface or very near surface defects can be detected;
 Thin coatings and other nonmagnetic coverings, such as paint and zinc coatings, adversely affect the sensitivity
of magnetic particle inspection;
 For most accurate results, the magnetic field must be in a direction that will intercept the principal plane of the
crack surface; this sometimes requires two or more sequential inspections with different magnetization
 Post-cleaning to remove remnants of the magnetic particles clinging to the surface may sometimes be required
after testing and demagnetization; and
 Exceedingly large currents are sometimes needed for very large parts.
Although magnetic particle indications are easily seen, experience and skill are needed to judge their significance.
One common false indication is a small undercut at the toe of a weld. Although a small weld toe undercut may be
acceptable, it might be difficult to differentiate the weld toe undercut from a heat affected zone crack. In case of
doubt, light grinding to remove the weld toe undercut should be completed followed by MT re-inspection.
Weld acceptance criteria for MT inspection are included in Subsection 6.26.2 of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5.
A.6.3 Dye Penetrant Inspection
Dye penetrant inspection or penetrant testing (PT) is a method of inspection that enhances visual inspection and is
capable of detecting discontinuities such as lack of fusion, cracks, laps and areas of porosity that are open or
connected to the surface of the component under examination (ASTM E165, ASTM E1417). The method is based on
the capillary action of a surface discontinuity that draws enough dye penetrant into its crevice to produce a "bleed
out" upon application of a contrasting colour developer. For the fabrication of girders, it is typically used for the
inspection of flange and web plate edges at full penetration groove welds once the run-off tabs are removed.

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

The procedure is straight forward and consists of cleaning and degreasing the surface to be inspected, applying the
penetrant to the surface, allowing it to seep into the discontinuities, wiping the excess in a manner that ensures
retention of the penetrant in any discontinuities, applying the developer and examining the surface for signs of
defects. A final surface cleanup is then performed. The developer is a fine powder that acts as a blotter to draw the
penetrant out of the discontinuity. The penetrant shows up against the developer, indicating a discontinuity on the
surface (Figure A.6).
The main advantages of PT are:
 It greatly enhances visual inspection;
 It is an easy and low cost method to use;
 It is very effective for detection of surface cracks;
 It does not require power, except, perhaps, for surface cleaning; and
 It can be used on non-magnetic materials.
Some limitations of PT are:
 Interpretation might be difficult on rough surfaces and at weld toes;
 It is limited to cracks that emerge to the surface; and
 It is potentially messy.
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 does not provide acceptance criteria for indications detected using PT. The size of PT
indications is not always reliably related to the size or the nature of the discontinuity. Therefore, when
discontinuities are detected using PT, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned and an evaluation conducted

Figure A.6
Application of Developer on Inspected Surface at Flange Splice

A.6.4 Radiographic Testing

Radiographic testing (RT) is a non-destructive inspection method that can detect flaws that lie completely below the
surface. Radiography is used to detect the features of a component or assembly that exhibit a difference in thickness
or physical density as compared to the surrounding material. RT can detect embedded flaws and is used for butt
splices in webs and flanges. Currently, AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 only allows the inspection of complete joint
penetration butt splices made in members under tension or stress reversal to be made with RT.

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

When there is a change in thickness in the examined component in the direction of the radiation (e.g. a sudden
change in thickness at a joint between two plates of different thickness, change in steel thickness in a lap joint, or a
change in thickness when RT is conducted at a corner joint), interpretation of RT results is difficult and sometimes
not possible. The change in thickness from the geometry of the component through which the radiation travels
overshadows the change in thickness from a subsurface defect. Therefore, RT is not effective for corner and T joints
with complete joint penetration welds. This is also the case for butt joints with plates of different thickness where
there is an abrupt change of thickness at the welded joint.
Radiography can only detect features that have an appreciable thickness in a direction parallel to the radiation beam,
which means that the ability of the process to detect planar discontinuities such as cracks depends on proper
orientation of the test piece during inspection. Discontinuities such as voids and inclusions, which have measurable
thickness in all directions, can be detected if they are not too small in relation to the section thickness. In general,
features that exhibit a 1% or more difference in absorption compared to the surrounding material can be detected.
Although RT is not limited for use in detecting certain types of flaws, it is more suited for non-planar flaws such as
inclusions and voids. A planar flaw such as a lamination, can only be detected by RT if the radiation is directed parallel
to the planar flaw. It is for this reason that certain flaws such as a tight crack, cold lap, incomplete fusion, etc, can
be very difficult to detect unless the beam of radiation is directed into the plane of the flaw and is the primary
limitation of RT.
The main advantages of RT are:
 It is good at finding 3-dimensional discontinuities such as slag and porosity;
 The film provides a permanent record of the inspected weld and can be re-examined in the future if needed;
 It provides a picture of the discontinuity location and defines the size and shape of the flaws that are detectable;
 It is intuitive; and
 It works well on butt joints with CJP welds.
Some limitations of RT are:
 It is not suitable for tee, corner and lap joints;
 It may miss cracks if they are tight, even if the beam of radiation is oriented parallel to the flaw;
 It cannot detect laminations;
 The radiation emitted poses significant safety risk requiring closure of the work area near the RT inspection
location and can slow fabrication productivity; and
 It cannot be used for fillet welds and partial joint penetration groove welds.
A.6.5 Ultrasonic Testing
Ultrasonic testing (UT) is a method in which beams of high-frequency sound waves are introduced into materials for
the detection of subsurface flaws. Ultrasonic inspection methods have evolved rapidly over the past decade and
several techniques have been developed. Such techniques include manual ultrasonic testing (UT), which consists of
several methods in itself, phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) and time of flight diffraction (TOFD). The UT
provisions of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 are presented in Subsections 6.13 to 6.25 and Annex F for longitudinal wave
and shear wave methods. Annex K, new to the 2015 edition of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5, covers the PAUT

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

UT inspection is based on the generation of an electric impulse to piezoelectric crystals, causing the crystals to
vibrate, thus transforming the electrical energy into mechanical energy, which effectively turns the crystal into a
hammer. This creates elastic waves in the material being inspected in the form of pressure waves (longitudinal
waves) and shear waves (transverse waves). The velocity of the ultrasonic waves is constant for a specific material
and for a wave mode (e.g. longitudinal waves travel at 5.85 mm/µs in carbon steel whereas a shear wave travels at
3.23 mm/µs). The velocity of the wave changes and a so-called acoustic mismatch occurs when a change occurs in
the material (inclusion or porosity, for example). When this occurs, a sound beam is reflected back to the crystal and
transformed into electrical energy and projected onto an oscilloscope after being amplified through an amplifier.
The reflection of the wave before reaching the back side of the plate indicates the potential for a flaw or defect
between the transducer and the back face of the plate.
Although the principles of UT inspection are relatively simple, the interpretation of the results and the application
of the technique requires very precise procedures both for the calibration of the equipment and the interpretation
of the results. Furthermore, a defect is interpreted in terms of the intensity of the soundwave that is reflected,
measured in decibels (dB). This is far from a clear indication of a flaw with a size and shape and a highly skilled
technician is required to conduct ultrasonic testing and interpret the results.
UT examination can be used for testing welds of almost any plate thickness, except for material thinner than about
3 mm, which requires special techniques. The ultrasonic beam should hit the major surface of the flaw at 90° to
provide a maximum indication on an oscilloscope, which is why the evaluation of a weld defect is usually completed
using more than one angle for the transducer (typically 45° and 60°). Planar flaws that are parallel to the sound path
may be missed.
In order to make the method more accurate and fully automated, electronically controlled systems that are
comprised of a series of probes mounted on a motorized fixture have been developed for UT inspection. These
systems, called phased array UT (PAUT), have been available for a few decades. The sequence of firing of the
different transducers varies the angle at which the ultrasonic waves are produced, thus allowing a broad coverage
for inspection. With the assistance of specialized software and a skilled operator, the data collected during a PAUT
scan can be transformed into a 3-dimensional image of the flaws or defects being detected, thus allowing the flaws
to be located and sized more accurately than with conventional UT equipment. Although the hardware and software
remove some of the variability from the process, the interpretation of the results still requires the assistance of a
skilled technician. Annex K of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 has introduced detailed operation and acceptance criteria
for PAUT in the 2015 edition of the Code, but it only allows it as a substitute to conventional UT.
Most of the UT systems used in shops do not provide for a permanent record of the test results. While the results of
the inspection are reported by the technician, nobody else can go back to the results to verify whether something
was misinterpreted or missed. This is not the case with PAUT. With this fully automated system, the data collected
during a scan can be stored for long term usage and the data can be re-examined by someone else, if they have the
software required to interpret the raw data.
The main advantages of UT are:
 It can be used to perform a volumetric assessment of the flaws (can find the depth and size of flaws);
 It is good at finding planar discontinuities; and
 It is good for inspecting butt, tee and corner joints.
Some limitations of UT are:
 It is operator sensitive;
 It generates signals that must be interpreted;
 It may produce false indications;
 It is not accurate for fillet welds and partial penetration groove welds as there is too much interference with the
root of the weld and the joint interface; and
 Most UT inspection methods have difficulty detecting weld porosity.

Page A-17
Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

A.6.6 Reliability of Non-Destructive Inspection Techniques

Non-destructive testing and inspection is imperfect and its use does not guarantee the identification of all defects.
For QC/QA processes it is valuable to understand the reliability of NDT methods and their ability to detect flaws large
enough to be considered defects. For other applications, such as a fracture mechanics assessment of the impact of
flaws, being able to quantify the flaw size significantly enhances the engineering analysis. One of the assumptions
frequently used in the application of fracture mechanics to predict the fatigue life of components is to set the size
of the initial imperfection equal to the largest crack size that can escape detection for the particular NDT technique
used. Unfortunately, the size of the undetectable crack can be relatively large and depends not only on the flaw
detection procedure but also on many other factors that are often difficult to control. These factors generally fall
into two general categories: (1) factors associated with the particular inspection method, and (2) factors associated
with the particular component and types of flaws that are to be detected.
Under the first category of factors that affect the reliability of NDT techniques are the qualifications of the personnel
carrying out the inspection. Since most NDT techniques require highly skilled and experienced personnel to achieve
reliable measurements, this factor is very important to optimize the reliability of the inspection process.
The factors that are associated with the component and type of flaws include flaw depth, flaw length, flaw type
(planar flaws such as cracks or non-planar flaws such as porosity), flaw location (surface versus sub-surface flaws),
flaw orientation, access to inspection location, and surface conditions (surface roughness can decrease the
probability of detecting cracks).
Figure A.7 shows a plot of reliability index versus crack length for various NDT techniques. A reliability index of 1.0
would indicate that the flaw size is sufficiently large for the probability of detection with the given technique to be
100%. It should be noted that technologies, especially UT techniques have evolved substantially since the results of
this work were published. However, it serves to demonstrate that the correlation between flaw size and probability
of detection is not a smooth curve because of the multiple factors involved in the reliability of crack detection with
NDT methods.

Figure A.7
Reliability of NDT Techniques For Flaw Detection (Simonen, 1990)

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Appendix A Welding and Non-Destructive Testing

The ability of ultrasonic testing techniques to detect cracks and weld defects in full penetration groove welds with
backing bars at corner and T- joints was investigated by Paret (2000). Out of 37 beam-to-column tee joints with
backing bars, only 12 where found to have defects using UT inspection whereas destructive testing identified defects
in 34 specimens. In all cases where UT inspection identified defects, the identified size of the defects was much
smaller than that revealed by destructive inspection. Furthermore, the inspection results were found to vary widely
between UT technicians. In this case, the complexity of the geometry of the inspected detail played an important
role in the reliability (or lack thereof) of one of the most widely accepted NDT techniques.
Shaw (2000) presented the results of round-robin testing of ultrasonic testing technicians. A total of 15 technicians
from 10 testing agencies originating from five cities participated in the study. The technicians were above average
skill level. Each technician had 12 specimens to inspect. The specimens had known defects that were implanted in
them for the tests. It was found that, when detected, the measurement of the discontinuities was fairly consistent.
The technicians were generally able to indicate the relative position of the discontinuity in relation to the weld throat
dimension of the weld. However, the scatter in identifying defects was found to be broad, 16% of the rejectable
indications were for locations where there were no discontinuities implanted and 25% of the known discontinuities
were missed.
Despite the widespread acceptance of UT techniques by the engineering profession, the above examples illustrate
the need for caution when planning and conducting NDT programs. It is good practice to use more than one
inspection technique and to validate the techniques through prior experimentation on similar details that can be
tested using destructive techniques so that the results of the NDT can be correlated with the actual flaws.
Non-destructive inspection is never 100% accurate and should not be relied upon to compensate for a lack of quality
control. It is only one of the steps in the QC/QA process. Therefore, it is critical that all processes (qualifications of
fabricator and personnel involved in the fabrication, adequate welding procedures, quality control on all materials
involved, and proper access for welding and inspection) be set in place to help achieve the best possible quality
before inspection is relied upon as the last line of defense against defects in fabricated steel.


ASTM E709-15 (2015). Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
CSA-W59-18 (2018). Welded Steel Construction. CSA Group, Toronto, Ontario.
Gooderham Centre for Industrial Learning (2005). Welding for Design Engineers. The Canadian Welding Bureau,
Mississauga, Ontario.
Paret, T.F. (2000). The W1 Issue. II: UT Reliability for Inspection of T-Joints with Backing. Journal of Structural
Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 126, No. 1, pp. 19-23.
Patchett, B.M. and Bringas, J.E. (2005). Metals Blue Book, Welding Filler Metals. Fourth Edition, CASTI Publishing.
Shaw, R.E. (2000). “Round Robin Testing of Ultrasonic Testing Technicians, SAC/BD-00/06, August 22.
Simonen, F.A. (1995). “Nondestructive Examination Reliability.” Chapter 11 of "Probabilistic Structural Mechanics
Handbook: Theory and Industrial Applications," C. Sundararajan, editor, Chapman & Hall, New York, 1995.

Page A-19
Appendix B – Review of Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets

Appendix B Review of Welding Procedure

Specifications and Data Sheets

The two documents that define the welding approach used by the fabricator are welding procedure specifications
(WPS) and the welding procedure data sheets (WPDS). The WPS sets the guidelines for the welding practice of the
fabricator for each anticipated combination of essential variables for a given welding process. The WPDS references
the applicable WPS and provides specific information regarding welding parameters and their ranges for welding a
specific joint. The WPS and the WPDS are used together to provide all requirements for a weld.
To become CWB certified, fabricators must submit their welding procedures to the CWB for review and acceptance
and be compliant with CSA reference standards W47.1, W47.2, W186 and W55.3. Welding procedure specifications
and data sheets are a prefabrication submission requirement and must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant
prior to commencement of fabrication. The Consultant reviews the WPS and WPDSs submitted by the fabricator for
compliance with the SSBC and has been accepted by the CWB. Each welded joint shown on the shop drawings must
reference a reviewed and accepted WPDS.


Currently there is no format standardization of WPDS’s and as a result the formats vary from fabricator to fabricator.
However, WPDSs are typically arranged in sections containing the required information. A typical WPDS from the
CWB Welding Procedure Guide is shown in Figure B.1 on the following page has 10 sections. Background information
and general requirements for reviewing each WPDS section is provided in the following subsections. It is not
expected that the Consultant be familiar with the significance of all the information shown on the WPDS; however,
they must have a basic understanding of the content to provide an appropriate assessment and determine
compliance with the requirements of SSBC.

Page B-1
Appendix B – Review of Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets

Figure B.1
Sample CWB Weld Procedure Data Sheet Sectionalized Layout

Page B-2
Appendix B – Review of Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets

B.2.1 Section 1 – General Information

Section 1 of Figure B.1 contains the fabricator’s name, address, WPDS reference number, dates of its creation and
any revisions, and qualification (CSA W47.1) and fabrication (CSA W59 or AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5) reference
WPDS that include the reference qualification and fabrication reference standards CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 alone,
without reference to AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5, may be considered acceptable provided the WPDS contains
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 compliant variables. AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 variables that are either not required to
be stated on the WPDS or differ from the CSA W59 reference standard include preheat and interpass temperatures
as well as heat input. WPDSs that include reference to CSA W47.1 and CSA W59 only and contain preheat and
interpass temperatures and heat input variables compliant with AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 are acceptable.
The Consultant may come across other standards for specialized welding such as CSA-W186 which pertains to
welding of reinforcing bars in reinforced concrete construction and must assess the applicability to the intended use.
In reviewing Section 1 of a WPDS the Consultant must verify that:
 The fabricator/company name listed is correct;
 The welding procedure data sheet reference number is indicated on the shop drawings for each applicable
welded joint;
 A reference WPS is listed and the WPS has been reviewed and accepted by the CWB; and
 Certification and construction standards are listed.
B.2.2 Section 2 – Welding Process Information
Section 2 of the WPDS shown in Figure B.1 contains information relating to the welding process. The four accepted
welding processes are submerged arc welding (SAW), metal cored arc welding (MCAW) and shielded metal arc
welding (SMAW) and automatic welding of shear studs. Detailed discussion relating to these welding processes can
be found in various sources38,39 and in Appendix A of this Manual.
When reviewing WPDS weld process information, it is important to ensure that any prescribed usage of a particular
welding process in the welding of identified bridge components, is compliant with process related requirements as
outlined in the SSBC. For example, for steel plate girders, Subsection of the SSBC, requires that SAW must
be used in the shop splicing of web and flange plate full penetration welds.
It is also important to verify that the process indicated on the WPDS is one permitted by the Department. This is
usually a straight forward task however until recently, the MCAW welding process had been incorporated under the
flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) process designation. On older WPDS the FCAW process designation may be indicated
even though MCAW is being employed. This can cause inappropriate rejection of the WPDS based on the FCAW
designation since the FCAW process is not permitted for use on Department bridge projects. When faced with a
FCAW designated process, the Consultant can easily determine whether the WPDS is applicable to MCAW or FCAW
by reviewing the wire designation and the shielding method. Consumable wires manufactured for FCAW include
the letter “T” in the designation while wires manufactured for MCAW include a “C” in the designation. MCAW also
incorporates a shielding gas and not flux. Therefore a WPDS with the FCAW process designation but indicating the
use of a shielding gas and a MCAW “C” wire would not be cause for rejection. The shielding gas used for MCAW in
lieu of flux to protect the weld pool from contamination must be also be provided.
Some WPDS incorporate two processes into a welded joint which is the reason for the two process blocks shown in
Figure B.1. An example of a welded joint that may incorporate two weld processes is a SAW complete joint
penetration weld reinforced with a MCAW reinforcing fillet.

Gooderham Centre for Industrial Learning, “Welding for Design Engineers,” Canadian Welding Bureau.
D. K. Miller (2006). Welded Connections – A Primer for Engineers, Steel Design Guide 21, AISC, Chicago.

Page B-3
Appendix B – Review of Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets

The reference to pulsed in Section 2 of Figure B.1 refers to gas metal arc welding (GMAW) processes and is not
applicable to welding by using any of the processes permitted on Department projects.
In reviewing Section 2 of a WPDS the Consultant must verify that:
 The welding process listed on the WPDS is one accepted by the Department;
 MCAW welding is only completed in the fabrication facility. Field welding using the MCAW process is not
permitted; and
 The process indicated for the component is acceptable. Subsection of the SSBC specifies the acceptable
processes for various types of welded joints.
B.2.3 Section 3 – Joint Information
Section 3 of the WPDS shown in of Figure B.1 contains information on the welding position, welding process mode,
joint type, penetration and additional requirements for the execution of complete joint penetration welds.
B.2.3.1 Welding Position
The WPDS must include the position in which the weld is to be completed. Welding position can be flat (F), horizontal
(H), vertical up (V-U, vertical down (V-D) or overhead. The easiest and highest quality welds are typically achieved
using F or H positions. It is important to verify that the welders used for the fabrication are certified to weld in the
position indicated on the WPDS and that the position is achievable in the fabrication shop. More detailed
information on welder certifications is provided in Appendix D of this Manual.
B.2.3.2 Welding Process Mode
Section of the SSBC requires that certain welded joints be completed using a specific process mode.
The process mode indicated on the WPDS is a description of the level of manual input required from the welder
during the welding process. A manual process mode does not involve any automation and the welder maintains full
control during the welding process. SMAW is an example of a manual process.
A semi-automatic process mode incorporates an automatic electrode feed mechanism that feeds wire into the weld
pool as long as an arc is present. Semi-automatic processes do not require the welder to make frequent electrode
changes resulting in higher degree of quality control. However, manual input is still required from the welder to
guide the torch along the joint and maintain welding speed within acceptable parameters. MCAW is an example of
a semi-automatic process.
The automatic process mode, referred to as ‘Auto’ in Figure B.1, requires less input than a semi-automatic process
and can be performed by a welding operator in lieu of a welder. In the automatic process a track mounted tractor
is used to control weld trajectory and speed as well to automatically feed wire into the weld pool. Manual input is
limited to the welding operator adjusting the weld parameters on the tractor and aligning the track with the joint
prior to initiating the welding sequence. The welding operator provides constant supervision during the welding
process to ensure tractor alignment is maintained throughout the length of the weld and to stop the tractor once
the end of the weld has been reached. The advantage of automatic welds is the uniform speed at which the weld is
executed, resulting in uniform weld sizes. This process mode is ideally suited for long straight joints, such as flange
to web joints. SAW is an example of an automatic welding process.
B.2.3.3 Joint Type
The joint type is a description of the joint geometry to be welded. Joint types include butt, tee, corner, lap and edge.
The joint type indicated on the WPDS must match the joint indicated on the shop drawing.

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Appendix B – Review of Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets

B.2.3.4 Weld Penetration

The WPDS weld penetration designation will be either ‘fillet’ in the case of a fillet weld, ‘complete’ or ‘partial’ in the
case of a groove weld. For groove welds, weld penetration describes the amount of weld penetration relative to the
thickness of the joint. A complete joint penetration designation results in weld penetration equal to the full thickness
of the joint whereas a partial penetration designation results in only partial penetration of the joint thickness equal
to the specified effective throat thickness (ETT). ETT must be specified for all partial penetration weld.
For a weld to be considered a complete joint penetration weld AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 requires that the weld
either be completed with a backing bar to confine the root pass, or that backgouging to sound metal on the second
side of the joint to be welded be completed prior to back welding. If back gouging is specified, the method used must
be indicated on the WPDS.
In reviewing Section 3 of a WPDS the Consultant must verify that:
 The weld shown on the shop drawing can be welded in the positions indicated on the referenced WPDS and the
submitted welders tickets include welders certified to weld in these positions;
 The process mode is in accordance with requirements outlined in the SSBC Subsection for the type of
joint being welded;
 The joint configuration on the WPDS matches the joint type required on the shop drawing;
 For fillet welds the penetration designation indicates ‘fillet’; and
 For groove welds the level of penetration shown on the WPDS matches the requirement of the shop drawing
(full or partial).
B.2.4 Section 4 – Technical Data
Section 4 of the WPDS shown in Figure B.1 contains information that is important in the setup of welding equipment
and the cleaning requirements between passes.
The review of this information is outside the expected level of expertise of the Consultant reviewing the WPDS. This
section of the WPDS must be reviewed by the Consultant’s QA Inspector who has specialized knowledge and the
required experience. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must also verify adherence to the requirements specified in this
section during quality assurance inspections.
In reviewing Section 4 of a WPDS the Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify that:
 The Flux classification specified on the WPDS is appropriate for the base metal to generate the required physical
requirements of the weldment including corrosion resistance and notch toughness as applicable;
 The flux being used in the welding operations matches the classification indicated on the WPDS;
 The weld cleaning procedures, as specified on the WPDS, are being completed by the welder; and
 The electrode extension being used conforms to the requirements of the WPDS.
B.2.5 Section 5 – Joint Configuration
Section 5 of the WPDS shown in Figure B.1 contains information on the joint configuration and includes a figure
describing the joint, definition of the preparation geometry as well as the sequence and number of weld passes in
multi pass welds. The information in this section supplements the information provided in Section 3 of the WPDS
shown in Figure B.1
The figure provided in this section is particularly helpful to describe the requirements of groove welds as there are
several different geometric configurations including bevel, V, J, U or square. Each of these configurations can be
single sided (preparation is made on one side of the joint) or double sided (preparation is made from both sides of
the joint). The figure also outlines joint preparation requirements such as the root opening, roof face, backgouging
and backing bar requirements. This information assists in verifying that the joint geometry matches the shop
drawing. It is also helpful in determining if a full penetration weld can be achieved given the joint for access. For
example, a groove weld incorporating back gouging to sound metal followed by back welding to form a complete
joint penetration weld cannot be used in a joint where access to the back side of the joint cannot be provided.

Page B-5
Appendix B – Review of Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets

In reviewing Section 5 of a WPDS the Consultant must verify that:

 The information matches the required joint configuration for the weld detail under consideration (i.e. a full
penetration groove weld for a flange butt joint or a fillet weld for the flange to web welds); and
 Access to facilitate back gouging to sound metal followed by back welding or removal of backing bar for full
penetration groove welds can be achieved.
B.2.6 Section 6 – Base Material Identification
Section 6 of the WPDS shown in Figure B.1 contains information on the material reference standard(s) that the base
metal must meet for the weld procedure to be qualified (i.e. the WPDS includes the specified notch tough
atmospheric steel material reference standards for plate girders).
In reviewing Section 6 of a WPDS the Consultant must verify that:
 The base metal identified on the WPDS matches the material and thickness specified on the shop drawings and
contract drawings.
B.2.7 Section 7 – Identification of Filler Metal
Section 7 of the WPDS shown in Figure B.1 contains information on chemical and mechanical properties of the
welding consumables which include the wire and flux.
The filler metal must be compatible with the base metal. The Consultant may rely on the authenticated CWB
reviewed and accepted WPDS to verify that the filler metal is compatible with the base metal listed in Section 6 of
the WPDS. However, the filler metal/flux combination designation must be verified and that the filler metal has
acceptable strength, corrosion resistance and toughness. Several guides are available to evaluate electrode
designations and material datasheets describing the characteristics of the weld metal/flux and are usually accessible
for free download from the welding consumable manufacturer’s website. Information can also be requested from
the fabricator.
CSA W48 and AWS documents can be referred to in determining the standard AWS weld wire/flux designations:
 AWS A5.1/A5.1M for carbon steel electrodes for shielded metal arc welding;
 AWS A5.17/AWS A5.17M for carbon steel electrodes and fluxes for submerged arc welding;
 AWS A5.23/A5.23M for low-alloy steel electrodes and fluxes for submerged arc welding;
 AWS A5.28/A5.28M for low-alloy steel electrodes and rods for gas shielded arc welding; and
 AWS A5.36/A5.36M for carbon and low-alloy steel flux cored electrodes for flux cored arc welding and metal
cored electrodes for gas metal arc welding.
The AWS User’s Guide to Filler Metals is also a good source of information.
In some cases, filler metal designations may incorporate a manufacturer’s designation instead of a standard
designation. In this case the Consultant may want to verify the availability of the specified filler metal, if the WPDS
was developed and stamped several years in the past.
The following are examples of wire/flux combinations commonly used on Department projects:
B.2.7.1 SMAW
E4918-H4 is a carbon steel electrode designation used in welding carbon steels without atmospheric or notch
toughness requirements:
 E - designates this as an electrode;
 49 - is the minimum tensile strength of the resulting weld metal in tenths of an MPa (in this example 49
represents 490MPa). The minimum tensile strength of the weld wire must be equal to or greater than that of
the base metal;
 1 - is the position designation. A 1 indicates the electrode facilitates welding in any position;

Page B-6
Appendix B – Review of Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets

 8 - is the flux type and welding current/polarity to be used; and

 H4 - is the AWS diffusible hydrogen content of the deposited weld metal. The number 4 designates 4 ml of
hydrogen per 100 g of deposited weld metal. H4 conforms to the SSBC requirements for maximum diffusible
hydrogen allowed in the SMAW process.
B.2.7.2 MCAW
E55C-Ni1-H4 is a low alloy steel welding electrode used in welding steels with atmospheric and notch toughness
 E - designates this as an electrode;
 55 - is the minimum tensile strength of the weld metal in tenths of an MPa (in this example 55 represents
550MPa). The minimum tensile strength of the weld wire must be equal to or greater than that of the base
 C - indicates this as a metal cored wire for use in the metal cored welding process;
 Ni1 - is a chemical composition designation that indicates atmospheric corrosion resistance for use on
atmospheric steel. This particular designation also indicates the weld metal possesses notch toughness
 H4 - is the AWS diffusible hydrogen content of the deposited weld metal. The number 4 designates 4 ml of
hydrogen per 100 g of deposited weld metal. H4 conforms to the SSBC requirements for maximum diffusible
hydrogen allowed in the MCAW process.
B.2.7.3 SAW
F49A4-EM12K-Ni1-H8 is a low allow steel welding electrode and flux designation with atmospheric and notch
toughness requirements:
 F - designates flux;
 49 - is the minimum tensile strength of the weld metal produced in tenths of an MPa (in this example 49
represents 490MPa). The minimum tensile strength of the weld wire must be equal to or greater than that of
the base metal;
 A - designates that only heating treatment of the parent metal (preheat) is required and no post weld heat
treatment is necessary. A P designation would require post weld heat treatment;
 4 - is the notch toughness designation temperature for an absorbed energy of 27J. 4 is representative of the
testing temperature in tenths of a degree. In this case 4 represents -40 Celsius;
 EM12K - is the AWS standard electrode designation. Properties are listed in the applicable AWS standard. In
this case AWS A5.23;
 Ni1 - is the resulting weld metal based on the melted combination of flux and electrode. Ni1 indicates
atmospheric corrosion resistance; Properties are listed in the applicable AWS standard. In this case AWS 5.23;
 H8 - is the AWS diffusible hydrogen content of the deposited weld metal. The number 8 designates 8 ml of
hydrogen per 100 g of deposited weld metal. H8 conforms to the SSBC requirements for maximum diffusible
hydrogen allowed in the SAW process.
In reviewing Section 7 of a WPDS the Consultant must verify that:
 Filler metal is compatible with the base metal;
 Filler metal has acceptable strength, corrosion resistance and toughness;
 The electrode weld position designation matches the positions noted in Section 3 of the WPDS;
 The hydrogen designator is in accordance with requirements of SSBC. For SAW H8 and for SMAW and MCAW
H4; and
 Where a wire/electrode manufacturer’s designation is provided, verify the availability and check the product
data sheet for the information listed in the bullets above.

Page B-7
Appendix B – Review of Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets

B.2.8 Section 8 – Welding Details

Section 8 of the WPDS shown in Figure B.1 contains information on the welding details that the welder or welding
operator requires to execute the weld. This includes weld size and thickness of material in the joint as well as the
number of layers and passes required to complete the weld for the associated weld size. Other parameters included
in this section are related to the heat input (equal to voltage times the current divided by the welding speed) and
size of weld that will be deposited for the given parameters and the amount of shielding gas that will be provided
during welding. This information is developed by the welding engineer and reviewed and accepted by the CWB.
In reviewing Section 8 of a WPDS the Consultant must verify that:
 The base metal thickness and weld size shown on the shop drawings are within the range indicated on the
B.2.9 Section 9 – Heat Treatment and Additional Remarks
Section 9 of the WPDS shown in Figure B.1 contains information on required minimum preheat temperature and
minimum and maximum interpass temperature. These must meet the requirements of AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5,
except where the SSBC requires a higher temperature. For example, the SSBC requires a minimum preheat of 100
degrees Celsius when any weld is applied to a steel bridge girder flange. This preheat requirement exceeds that
required by AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 Table 4.3 for steel plate up to and including 65mm in thickness.
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 requires a minimum preheat of 110 degrees Celsius for any plate thicker than 65mm.
Any additional information that might be required to complete the welds is also included in this section.
In reviewing Section 9 of a WPDS the Consultant must verify that:
 Preheat and interpass temperatures are in accordance with the SSBC and AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5; and
 Remarks included on the WPDS comply with the requirements of SSBC.
B.2.10 Section 10 – Required Stamps
Section 10 of the WPDS shown in Figure B.1 contains the CWB acceptance stamp and the professional welding
engineer’s authentication stamp.
Acceptance of a welding procedure by the CWB is usually carried out based on a comparison of the proposed WPDS
with a database of WPDSs that have been tested and approved in the past. In the event that no applicable previously
tested welding procedure (including joint configuration) exists, the procedure submitted must undergo qualification
by testing of samples welded by the proposed procedure. The qualification testing and review process is significant
and typically takes several weeks to complete. Qualification of new weld procedures typically does not occur for
Department projects, although with recent introduction of boron to some foreign steels, qualification of procedures
may occur to utilize cost effective supply sources. Fabrication and testing of the welded samples must be completed
under the supervision of the CWB.
In reviewing Section 10 of a WPDS the Consultant must verify that:
 The WPDS includes the CWB acceptance stamp and welding engineer’s authenticated stamp and signature.

Page B-8
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports


Mill test reports (MTR) must be comprehensively reviewed to ensure that the material used in the fabrication of
bridge components meets the design and durability requirements. A sample mill test report for welded plate girder
steel is shown in Figure C.1 and review considerations are discussed in detail in the following sections.

Figure C.1
Structural Steel Mill Test Report – Girder Steel

C.1.1 Origin of Steel

The structural steel MTR shown in Figure C.1 indicates it was sourced from the USA. Structural steel sourced from
outside Canada or the United States must have the MTR verified by a Canadian testing laboratory in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC. The verification testing is required to confirm that the steel meets the strength,
toughness and chemistry requirements of the applicable standard specified in the contract documents.
In addition, the boron content of all steel being welded or may be welded in the future, regardless of origin, must
be verified. For more information regarding the effect of boron in steel during welding refer to Appendix A of this

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Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

The Consultant must verify:

 That verification testing has been acceptably performed in accordance with the requirements of the SSBC for all
steels not melted within Canada or the United States of America;
 The certification of the Canadian testing laboratory; and
 A letter signed from an authorized officer of the verification testing laboratory stating the steel meets the
requirements of the applicable standard has been submitted.
C.1.2 Steel Grade
The structural steel MTR shown in Figure C.1 indicates steel grade as 50AT/350AT meeting the requirements of CSA
G40.21. Steels can have one or multiple designations depending on whether the steel was produced for a specific
project or for general use. Steels produced to meet a specific standard or order will only report conformance to the
standard applicable to the order. When a steel plate is produced for general use it may have one or more
certifications. Steels that are certified to both Canadian and American steel grade designations are referred to as
having dual certification. For steel with toughness requirement, the toughness category (Category 1, 2, or 3) is shown
with the grade designation.
The Consultant must verify:
 The grade of steel noted on the MTR or in the verification testing results, is the same as indicated in the contract
C.1.3 Plate or Section Size
The structural steel MTR shown in Figure C.1 indicates the plate size as 0.512 x 120 x 480.3 (inches). For rolled
shapes this consists of the section designation and length. For plates the plate thickness, width and length are
The Consultant must:
 For rolled sections: verify the section designation matches that required in the contract documents;
 For plate: verify the plate thickness matches that required in the Contract documents; and
 Verify that the length of the section or plate is consistent with the unspliced length of the member in the
Contract documents.
C.1.4 Heat Number
The structural steel MTR shown in Figure C.1 indicates the head number as A7E114. All plates or shapes
manufactured from the same heat will have the same chemistry. However, the same cannot be said about
mechanical properties as this can vary based on the level of processing required in the mill to manufacture the final
product. Processing can include heat treatment processing and rolling. Plates that undergo more rolling typically
end up with higher strengths. The heat number provides a way to trace the steel plates back to their production
units and process conditions.
The Consultant must:
 Verify that the heat number has been provided on the mill test report for future traceability of the steel. The
Consultants QA Inspector must verify in the fabrication shop, that the heat numbers of the steel being used in
the fabrication match those submitted for review and acceptance as part of the prefabrication submission
C.1.5 Mechanical Properties
Mechanical properties that must be reported include yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation at rupture
measured over a specified gauge length (the gauge length is either 50 mm or 200 mm). These values should be
checked against the values listed in CSA-G40.21 for the grade of steel reported on the MTR.

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Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

The strength properties reported on a mill test report are obtained from tension coupon testing conducted in
accordance with ASTM A370 and ASTM E8. Typically, the steel mill will test at the highest strain rate allowed by the
testing standard, which has the effect of increasing the measured yield strength and tensile strength. Since design
standards were calibrated for a certain safety index that accounts for steel strength variability and based on static
strength values, the mill test strength values must never be used for design.
An important related issue that the Consultant must be aware of is the practice of re-classifying a steel after it has
been produced and sold. It is common mill practice in Canada and the United States to adjust the chemistry of the
steel being produced in order to obtain a higher targeted yield strength than the minimum specified for the grade
of steel being produced. This is done to ensure that the targeted steel grade will be achieved with a high level of
confidence as re-processing a batch of steel that fails to meet the targeted mechanical properties is expensive. The
resistance factors in CSA-S6 and other CSA standards were derived while taking this additional yield strength into
account. Therefore, it is not acceptable for the fabricator to ask a steel mill to reclassify a steel to a higher grade
than the one indicated on the original mill test report. If this were to become common practice, the steel measured
strength to design strength ratios would decrease, which would require an adjustment to the resistance factors in
the design standards. Therefore, re-classification of a steel to a higher grade after it has been sold is not allowed by
The Consultant must verify:
 The mechanical properties meet the requirements of the applicable material standard specified in the Contract
C.1.6 Charpy V-notch
The structural steel MTR shown in Figure C.1 indicates Charpy V-notch toughness. The Charpy V-notch test results
are reported with the steel grade and include the test temperature, size of the Charpy specimen and the notch
toughness Category. The absorbed energy requirement, in Joules, for various steel grades requiring a notch
toughness requirement is defined in Table 9(b) of CSA-G40.21. The categorization of steel requiring notch toughness
is correlated to the notch toughness testing temperature. The testing temperature for structural steel plate utilized
in the fabrication of Alberta Transportation steel plate girders is -30°C which corresponds to a Category 3 designation
in accordance with Table 9(a) of CSA-G40.21.
The standard full-size Charpy impact test specimen is 10 mm x 10 mm x 50 mm. However, ASTM A370 allows sub-
size specimens where the dimension of the test specimen parallel with the V-notch can be less than 10 mm. If a sub-
size test specimen is used, the mill test result must be adjusted to a full size result before comparing the test result
to the required Charpy values in CSA-G40.21. The conversion factor is the ratio of the full-size specimen dimension
(10 mm) to the test specimen size.
Typical Charpy test specimen orientation is for the long dimension of the specimen to taken so that this dimension
is parallel to the rolling direction. This is referred to as a test with the grain (i.e. the rolling direction) in the
longitudinal direction. The V-notch is oriented perpendicular to the rolling direction, into the thickness so any crack
propagating from the notch will propagate in the transverse direction. This is illustrated in Figure C.2. When the
direction of the impact force is transverse to the rolling direction it is harder to fracture the specimen than if the
impact force is oriented in the rolling direction. Since cracks usually form transverse to the applied tensile stresses,
steel plates are oriented so that the rolling direction is parallel to the applied tensile stresses. This makes the
longitudinal impact Charpy tests more relevant. Transverse test specimens are taken such that the long dimension
of the specimen is perpendicular to the rolling direction. Regardless of the orientation of the long dimension of the
test specimen, the V-notch is oriented in the thickness direction. Some mills test in the transverse direction, which
provides a conservative Charpy value for steel plates that are loaded with the tensile stress field oriented parallel to
the rolling direction, which is an SSBC requirement for plate girder flanges and splice plates.

Page C-3
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

Figure C.2
Longitudinal Charpy Impact Test Specimen

The Consultant must verify:

 The amount of energy absorbed at the required testing temperature meets or exceeds the amount required by
the applicable material standard or as specified in the Contract documents.
C.1.7 Chemical Analysis
The structural steel MTR shown in Figure C.1 indicates the steel’s chemistry. Steel chemistry is determined by
analyzing a sample taken from the molten steel during the steel manufacturing process. Steel chemistry
requirements are listed in the applicable material specifications.
The Consultant must verify:
 The reported constituent elements of the steel fall within the limits prescribed in the applicable material
 Boron content for steel being welded or to be welded in the future, must be less than 0,0008% (see Alberta
Transportation Construction Bulletin 29);
 Carbon equivalent is not excessive; and
 Silicon content for steel being hot dip galvanized is within the limits specified in the SSBC.
C.1.7.1 Silicon Content
The structural steel MTR shown in Figure C.1 indicates the silicon content of the steel. The main role of silicon in
steel is to act as a deoxidizer during the steel making process, i.e. it chemically bonds with oxygen. For steels that
need to be cold formed to a tight radius, such as HSS sections, aluminum rather than silicon is used as a de-oxidizer.
The SSBC provides limits on silicon for steels that need to be galvanized. It should be noted that steels that have a
very low silicon content (significantly lower than 0.04%) can be difficult to hot dip galvanize and achieve the proper
zinc coating thickness. Although the galvanizer may be able to improve the zinc coating thickness by leaving the parts
longer in the galvanizing kettle, for silicon content much lower than 0.04% the required thickness may not be
achievable. The low silicon content should be flagged during the review of the MTRs. Steels with a silicon content
higher than 0.25% should not be used for galvanizing since the zinc thickness might be excessive and cause defects
such as scaling and cracking of the zinc layer.

Page C-4
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

C.1.7.2 Boron Content

The structural steel MTR shown in Figure C.3 indicates the boron level of the steel. Boron, in elevated levels, can
significantly contribute to the hardenability of the steel during the welding process. It is for this reason that boron
content of steel that is being welded or could be welded in the future be less than or equal to 0.0008%. Mill test
reports must report boron content with sufficient accuracy in order to verify the boron content is below the
prescribed limit. Any welded primary steel member or member welded to a primary member with a boron content
greater than 0.0008% must be rejected. Refer to Alberta Transportation Construction Bulletin 29 for more
information regarding primary and secondary welded members and options available for any welded non primary
steel member with boron content greater than 0.0008%. Boron content is not a concern for components that are
not welded. It should be noted that the carbon equivalent levels indicated on this MTR do not account for the
presence of boron in steel. It has been suggested in some sources that the effect of boron in the CE is five times that
of carbon.
The Consultant must verify:
 The boron content of any steel being welded or could be welded is equal to or less than 0.0008%.
C.1.7.3 Carbon equivalent (CE)
The structural steel MTR shown in Figure C.1 indicates the carbon equivalent of the steel. The carbon equivalent is
an important parameter for steels that will be welded, since it dictates the susceptibility of structural steels to cold
cracking, which typically occurs within 48 hours of welding. Cold cracking is caused primarily by the presence of
hydrogen in the weld and in the heat affected zone, which is the reason why it is also known as hydrogen assisted
cracking (HAC). HAC can be prevented by reducing the amount of hydrogen trapped in the weld metal and heat
affected zone (HAZ) by using low hydrogen weld electrodes and preheat and by making the weld metal and HAZ
more resistant to cracking in case hydrogen gets trapped in the steel. More information on the impact of hydrogen
on steel can be found in Appendix A of this Manual. Typically, steels with a carbon content higher than 0.1% require
some preheat. Steels with a carbon equivalent greater than about 0.5% may also requires post-weld heat treatment.
Note that there are different ways to calculate the carbon equivalent since it is a parameter that has been derived
experimentally on different types of steel. The definition proposed by the International Institute of Welding is the
most widely used for structural grade steels and it defines the carbon equivalent as CE = C + Mn/6 + (Cr + Mo + V)/5
+ (Ni + Cu)/15 where the elements that have the largest impact on hardenability of steel are divided by the smallest
number. In this case carbon would be the most potent element of those included in the equation. For steels with
no alloying elements, carbon and manganese are the main elements for hardenability. However, structural steels
have alloying elements must be accounted for in the calculation of CE. The MTRs usually define the equation used
to calculate the carbon equivalent. The Consultant must consider all the elements present in the steel when deciding
on the heat treatment required when welding a particular grade of steel.
CSA G40.21 does not limit the carbon equivalent although steels with high CE values should be flagged. High CE may
be grounds for rejection when it exceeds any purchaser specified limits, or the limits specified for Grade 345 WM or
345 WMT steels. These two steel grades in the 345 MPa strength category, were introduced in the latest edition of
CSA G40.21 to align with ASTM A992 steel and have an upper limit on CE of 0.45% for plates. They also have other
limitations on chemistry and strength.

Page C-5
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

C.1.8 Plate Reconditioning

The structural steel MTR shown in Figure C.1 indicates that the plate has not be reconditioned. It is common practice
for steel mills to recondition steel products that are rolled and found to have defects. Both CSA G40.20 and ASTM
A6 provide some guidance for determination of whether surface flaws are acceptable or require repair. Unless
specified otherwise by the purchaser, steel mill products are inspected only visually as the plates or shapes are rolled.
Any defects must be repaired in a process called reconditioning. The reconditioning process can involve grinding of
the surface defect, or, if the defect is deeper than 7% of the plate thickness, the defect is removed by grinding and
the surface filled by welding. However, the Department does not permit steel from mills that have incorporated
welded repairs to plate. This requirement is in place due to the absence of independent quality control or quality
assurance inspection during weld repairs. The MTR of the steel supplied must specify that it has not be repaired in
the rolling mill by welding. Plate that has undergone welded repairs at the mill must be rejected or have the weld(s)
acceptable removed and the material re-qualified to the material reference standard by the mill.
The Consultant must verify:
 The supplied steel has not undergone welded repairs at the rolling mill.

Page C-6
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports


Mill test reports (MTR) must be comprehensively reviewed to ensure that the material used in the fabrication of
bridge components meets the design and durability requirements.
A sample prestressing strand MTR for a 7-wire 9.53mm diameter low relaxation strand commonly used in the
fabrication of precast concrete units is shown in Figure C.3 and review considerations of the MTR are discussed in
detail in the following sections.

Figure C.3
Prestressing Strand MTR

Page C-7
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

C.2.1 Origin of Prestressing Steel

The prestressing strand MTR shown in Figure C.3 indicates that the prestressing strand originates from a mill outside
of Canada or the United States. The mill test report must therefore undergo verification testing by a certified
laboratory in Canada in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Discussion on the review of verification
testing is provided in Subsection C.2.3.
C.2.2 Physical and Mechanical Properties
The prestressing strand MTR shown in Figure C.3 contains the mechanical properties of the material. Prestressing
strands must be uncoated Grade 270 (1860 MPa), low relaxation 7-wire strand conforming to the requirements of
ASTM A416. ASTM A416 specifies the size, nominal cross-sectional area, nominal weight, breaking force (max force),
and elongation requirements for the strands.
The mill test reports (MTRs) must provide the actual cross-sectional area and modulus of elasticity of the strands.
These properties are necessary for the stressing calculations as detailed in Appendix G of this Manual.
C.2.3 Review of Prestressing Steel Mill Test Report Verification Testing
Figure C.4 is a verification testing laboratory letter and summary of test results which includes the signature of an
authorized officer of the independent Canadian testing laboratory. Background information and general
requirements for reviewing the verification testing report is provided in the following subsections and are cross
referenced to the verification testing figure.

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Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

Figure C.4
Certified Verification Testing Laboratory Letter

Page C-9
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

C.2.3.1 Material Reference Standard

The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains reference to the material
reference standard. The results from the verification testing must demonstrate that the prestressing strand meets
the requirements of ASTM A416. The certified testing laboratory letter must be signed by an authorized officer of
the certified laboratory state conformance of the tested sample(s) to the applicable material standard.
The reference material specification used in the verification testing must be listed and be applicable to the material
being tested. ASTM A416 is the appropriate specification for low-relaxation, seven-wire steel strand for prestressed
concrete. The SSBC does not indicate the version of ASTM A416 as the intent is for the latest version to be applied.
In this example the 2006 version of ASTM A416 was utilized. Considering the latest version is 2018 the fabricator
must provide supporting information that the prestressing strand meets the requirements of the latest version of
the specification at the time the contract was signed. This supporting information must be submitted to the
Consultant for review and acceptance.
C.2.3.2 Wire Construction
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on wire’s
construction. Construction describes the number of wires and layout of the wires making up the prestressing strand.
ASTM A416 1+6 designation indicates there are six outer wires wrapped around one center wire. This is consistent
with standard 7 wire prestressing strand construction. Visual examination of strand confirms construction.
C.2.3.3 Nominal Strand Diameter
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on the
strand’s diameter. The nominal strand diameter must match that which is being used in fabrication. In this example
it is 9.53 mm. The prestressing strand must have a diameter equal to the defined nominal diameter within the
allowable tolerance specified in ASTM A416.
C.2.3.4 Nominal Cross-Sectional Area
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on the
strand’s cross-sectional area. The steel area indicates the nominal cross-sectional area of the prestressing strand
associated with the nominal strand diameter identified in ASTM A416. The actual cross sectional area of the
prestressing strand must agree with the nominal area defined in ASTM within the specified tolerances.
C.2.3.5 Stranding Pitch
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on the
stranding pitch. The stranding pitch is equivalent to the lay length which is the axial distance required to make one
complete revolution of any outer wire of a strand. Prestressing strands must have a lay length within 12 to 16 times
the nominal strand diameter.
C.2.3.6 Weight per 1000ft
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on the
strand’s weight. The weight is a measure of the mass of the prestressing strand in kg/1000ft length. The supplied
strand must closely match the values listed in ASTM A416 Table 1 for the applicable diameter of prestressing strand.
C.2.3.7 Difference in Wire Size
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on wire size
difference. The difference in wire size is the minimum difference between the center wire diameter and the
diameter of any outer wire. The center wire is required to be larger than the outer wires. The difference in wire size
must meet the requirements listed in ASTM A416 Table 3 for the applicable prestressing strand diameter.

Page C-10
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

C.2.3.8 Breaking Strength

The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on the
breaking strength and is measured in kilonewtons. In this example the ASTM A416 defined minimum breaking
strength for 9.53 mm diameter prestressing strand is 102.3 kN. The breaking strength of the prestressing strand
must meet or exceed the minimum breaking strength specified for the applicable strand diameter listed in ASTM
A416 Table 1.
C.2.3.9 Yield Strength
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on yield
strength must be measured at 1% extension under load. The reported yield strength must meet the minimum yield
strength requirements listed in ASTM A416 Table 2 for the applicable prestressing strand diameter and be 90% of
the breaking strength listed in ASTM A416 Table 1.
C.2.3.10 Elongation
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on elongation
using a gauge length of a minimum of 600 mm. The elongation of the prestressing strand must not be less than 3.5%
in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A416.
C.2.3.11 Relaxation
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on strand
relaxation. The relaxation of strand after 1000 hours of testing must meet the following two requirements:
1. Relaxation losses of not more than 2.5% when initially loaded to 70% of the specified minimum breaking strength.
2. Relaxation losses of not more than 3.5% when initially loaded to 80% of the specified minimum breaking strength.
Due to the extreme length of time required to conduct the relaxation test, verification testing of relaxation
properties is not required for prestressing strand originating from outside Canada or the United States of America.
However, the relaxation test results must be reported on the original MTR and conform to the requirements of ASTM
C.2.3.12 Pack #
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains the strand pack #. The
pack # for the prestressing strand used in fabrication will provide the dimensions and properties for the prestressing
calculations. Several pack numbers can be manufactured from a single heat of prestressing strand steel. The strand
pack number must match that referenced in the stressing calculations and the MTR submitted for review and
acceptance and must be recorded on the as built shop drawings.
C.2.3.13 Heat Number
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on the strand
steel heat number (Heat No.) The heat number is reported to cross-reference the heat associated with the strand
pack. Note that multiple strand packs can be manufactured from a single heat of steel. Heat numbers must be
recorded with the strand pack number on the as constructed shop drawings for traceability.
C.2.3.14 Breaking Load
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on breaking
load and must meet the required minimum breaking strength (also refer to Subsection C.2.3.8).
C.2.3.15 Yield Strength
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on the yield
strength at 1% extension under load and must meet the minimum yield strength of ASTM A416 Table 2 (also refer
to Subsection C.2.3.9).

Page C-11
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

C.2.3.16 Elongation
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on elongation
and must be a minimum of 3.5% (also refer to Subsection C.2.3.10).
C.2.3.17 Modulus of Elasticity
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on the
modulus of elasticity value for the strand pack to be used in stressing calculations.
C.2.3.18 Length of Prestressing Strand Pack
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on the length
of prestressing strand in the referenced strand pack.
C.2.3.19 Chemical Composition
The prestressing strand verification testing letter and results shown in Figure C.4 contains information on chemical
composition of the strand pack. There are no chemistry limitations on prestressing steel. However, the
manufacturer must select a base metal of sufficient quality and perform cold drawing and heat treatment to achieve
the required mechanical properties in the completed product.

Page C-12
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports


Mill test reports (MTR) must be comprehensively reviewed to ensure that the material used in the fabrication of
bridge components meets the design and durability requirements.
In accordance with the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC, reinforcing steel mill test reports at a
minimum must include the heat number, date, and location of production, compliance with production standards,
chemical analysis, mechanical properties, and pickling process details for stainless reinforcing steel. A sample
stainless reinforcing steel mill test report is presented in Figure C.5 through Figure C.8 and review considerations of
a stainless reinforcing steel MTR are discussed in detail in the following sections. The same level of review and
verification must be carefully completed for each type of reinforcing steel as the material reference standards vary
between them.

Page C-13
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

Figure C.5
Mill Test Report of Stainless Reinforcing Steel

Page C-14
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

C.3.1 Origin of Steel

The MTR shown in Figure C.5 indicates that it was produced by Acciaierie Valbruna in Vicenza, Italy on 16 July 2018.
Since the reinforcing steel was manufactured outside of Canada or the United States of America verification testing
of the MTR must be completed by a certified laboratory in Canada in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
Discussion on the review of verification testing is provided in Subsection C.3.6.
C.3.2 Steel Grade
The MTR shown in Figure C.5 indicates the stainless reinforcing steel is S32304 stainless steel which is one of the
following three Unified Numbering System (UNS) designations that is accepted by Alberta Transportation:
 S31653
 S31803
 S32304
C.3.3 Heat Number
The MTR shown in Figure C.5 indicates it is applicable to 15M (16 mm diameter) reinforcing steel with a heat number
of 430436.
In accordance with the requirements of the SSBC, the Contractor must maintain a tracking system and records for
all reinforcing steel fabricated and installed. The heat number must be referenced in the contractor’s tracking
system for traceability. It is recommended that the Consultant reviews this information periodically for consistency
against the mill test reports that are submitted to the Consultant for review. It is also recommended for the
Consultant to keep track of the different types and sizes of reinforcing steel for which mill test reports have been
submitted and check that this corresponds to the types and sizes of reinforcing steel in the precast concrete units
that are being fabricated.
C.3.4 Chemical Composition
The stainless reinforcing steel MTR shown in Figure C.5 indicates the steel’s chemistry. Steel chemistry is determined
by analyzing a sample taken from the molten steel during the steel manufacturing process. Steel chemistry
requirements are listed in the applicable material specifications and the Consultant must verify the chemical
composition meets the requirements of the applicable material standard.
C.3.5 Surface Preparation and Pickling
Corrosion resistance of stainless reinforcing steel is primarily reliant on the chemical composition of the steel;
however the surface preparation and pickling process also contributes to the passivation of the stainless steel and
its ultimate corrosion resistance. The stainless reinforcing steel MTR shown in Figure C.5 indicates the surface
preparation of the stainless reinforcing steel was shotblasted and pickled after fabrication to remove all mill scale
and surface oxidation. The adequacy the manufacturer’s pickling process is a function of several variables including
the composition, quality and time within the pickling solution. The mill’s typically have several quality control
measures in place to ensure that the pickling process has been completed such that the corrosion performance
specified is achieved for each heat, bar size and batch processed. There are standard test methods available to verify
the adequacy of pickling but the current ASTM A955 standard does not include these and the primary method of
assessing pickling adequacy is by visual inspection. Visual indicators of an inadequate pickling processing include
discoloration/staining of the stainless reinforcing steel bar as shown in Figure C.6.

Page C-15
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

Figure C.6
Discoloration of Stainless Reinforcing Steel from Inadequate Pickling Processes

C.3.6 Verification Testing

A sample stainless steel reinforcing verification testing report is presented in Figure C.7 and Figure C.8 and review
considerations are discussed in detail in the following sections. Verification of the original mill test report must be
completed by a laboratory in Canada. The Consultant must check that the laboratory’s accreditation meets the
requirements of Subsection of the SSBC and it is signed by an authorized officer of the laboratory. Proper
certification demonstrates the laboratory’s competence to manage and perform activities defined by its specific
program of accreditation.

Figure C.7
Verification Test Report of Stainless Reinforcing Steel MTR – Page 1

Page C-16
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

C.3.6.1 Material Reference Standards

The verification test report shown in Figure C.7 indicates the material reference standards. The verification letter
must be reviewed by the Consultant to make sure that it clearly states that all of the material compliance
requirements of the SSBC have been met, including:
 ASTM A276 requirements are met with regards to the chemical composition and various mechanical properties
of the reinforcing steel;
 ASTM A955 requirements are met with regards to the chemical composition, tensile properties, bend testing,
and an evaluation of corrosion resistance; and
 ASTM A1084 Test Method C requirements are met by checking the steel’s resistance to chlorides. Note that
compliance with ASTM A1084 is only applicable for Austenitic-Ferritic (Duplex) grades of stainless steel and
therefore does not apply to Type S31653 stainless steel which is an Austenitic grade of stainless steel. Type
S31653 stainless steel must meet the requirements of ASTM A262, Practice E for susceptibility to corrosion.
C.3.6.2 Heat Number
The verification test report shown in Figure C.7 indicates the heat number of the MTR being verified. There must be
a clear cross-reference between the original mill test report and the verification documentation. In this sample, the
original mill test report certification number and date is also provided.

Page C-17
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

Figure C.8
Verification Test Report of Stainless Reinforcing Steel MTR – Pages 2 & 3

Page C-18
Appendix C Review of Mill Test Reports

C.3.6.3 Mechanical Properties

The verification test report shown in Figure C.8 indicates the mechanical property test results and must be reviewed
for compliance with the specified material reference standard ASTM A955. The yield strength is determined using
the offset method (0.2%) and is greater than the required minimum 520 MPa, the tensile strength is greater than
the required minimum 690 MPa, the elongation of a 200 mm long sample is greater than 20% and the bend test
results are acceptable.
C.3.6.4 Chemical Analysis
The verification test report shown in Figure C.8 indicates the steel’s chemical analysis test results. The chemical
analysis verification test results must conform to the requirements of ASTM A955, and/or A276. Although the testing
laboratory is responsible to confirm that the reinforcing steel meets the specification requirements, the Consultant
must confirm it as well by reviewing the testing results. Note that the boron content is not reported. For reinforcing
steel that has no potential to be welded, boron content does not need to be reported.
C.3.6.5 Metallurgical Analysis
The verification test report shown in Figure C.8 indicates the steel’s metallurgical analysis to verify it has been
acceptably manufactured. Austenitic grades of stainless steel must demonstrate that they meet the requirements
of ASTM A262 Practice E and Duplex grades must demonstrate that they meet the requirements of ASTM A1084
Method C by demonstrating no presence of detrimental phases in accordance with SSBC Subsection UNS
S32304 stainless is a cost effective lean duplex grade and the test results indicate compliance with ASTM A1084
Method C. In this verification test report additional metallurgical analysis testing in accordance with ASTM A923
Method A has been performed by the testing laboratory, however, this testing is not required under the provisions
of the SSBC.
C.3.6.6 Corrosion Testing
Subsection of the SSBC requires compliance with ASTM A955 Annex 1.2 or Annex 1.3. This specific testing is
required, but not typically reported on the MTR as these tests take 15 weeks and minimum of 24 weeks to complete
respectively. To comply with ASTM A955 the mill must have demonstrated compliance with either Annex 1.2 or
Annex 1.3 which confirms both the design chemistry and mills pickling passivation processes are adequate to provide
the intended corrosion protection. In general, the stainless steel reinforcing grades specified in SSBC have
demonstrated this corrosion performance, but each mill should be able to demonstrate it has been acceptably
completed as their pickling processes can vary significantly.

Page C-19
Appendix D – Review of Welder’s Certificates

Appendix D Review of Welder’s Certificates

Welder’s certificates (also known as welder’s tickets) must be reviewed by the Consultant as part of the QA process
prior to the start of fabrication. In many cases, fabricators will submit the certificates of most, if not all, of their
welders as part of the prefabrication submissions as it is not always known which of the welders will be available at
the commencement of fabrication. The Consultant’s QA Inspector must ensure that welders welding in the
fabrication shop have had their welding certificate/ticket reviewed and accepted by the Consultant.
The Consultant’s review of welding certificates/tickets is intended to verify that the welder who will be carrying out
the welding is qualified to execute the type of weld using the process outlined on the shop drawing. A sample
welder’s certificate/ticket is illustrated in Figure D.1. (also refer to Clause 8.6 of CSA W47.1).

Figure D.1
Sample Welder’s Certificate/Ticket

The following welder’s certificate/ticket information must be reviewed by the Consultant/Consultant’s QA Inspector:
 Name of tack welder, welder or welding operator: As part of the quality assurance during fabrication, the
Consultant’s QA Inspector must verify that the welding is being carried out by qualified welders once the
welder’s certificates/tickets have been reviewed and accepted by the Consultant as part of the prefabrication
 Expiry date: Welders are provided a grace period of up to 30 days after the expiry date to renew their welder’s
certificate/ticket. Welder’s with expired certificates/tickets are not permitted to complete weldments on any
Department project. The Consultant must verify that the submitted welders’ tickets remain valid throughout
the duration of the anticipated fabrication and new/renewed certificates are submitted within the allowable
time period as required.
 Standard: In Canada, welder qualification for fusion welding of steels (including stainless steel) is carried out to
CSA W47.1 and CSA W186 for reinforcing steels. The Consultant must verify that the qualification code specified
is applicable to the type of steel being welded during fabrication.
 Material: The material specification indicates the steel type(s) the welder is qualified to weld. Carbon steel is
the most common material. A welder qualified for carbon steel can weld structural steel, but is not necessarily
qualified for stainless steel. Therefore, a welder who welds a stainless steel component such as a stainless steel
sliding plate on a bridge bearing, must have a stainless steel designation on their ticket. The Consultant must
ensure that welders are qualified to weld the materials specified on the shop drawings.
 Process: The four welding processes are submerged arc welding (SAW), shielded metal arc welding (SMAW),
metal cored arc welding (MCAW) and flux cored arc welding (FCAW).
o Only SMAW, SAW and MCAW are acceptable for use on Department projects.

Page D-1
Appendix D – Review of Welder’s Certificates

o The SSBC also requires specific welding processes for certain joint types. The Consultant must verify welders
are certified for the process required for the applicable joint type in the prefabrication submission. The
Consultant’s QA Inspector must also verify that only welder’s with the applicable certificate/ticket are
executing welds for the joint type during fabrication.
 Mode: The four welding modes for arc welding are manual, semi-automatic, mechanized or automatic
o Manual welding – the entire welding operation is performed and controlled by hand (SMAW is considered
a manual process). This is best used for tack welds, short weld segments or weld repairs. SMAW is the only
welding processes accepted for field welding.
o Semi-automatic welding – welding with equipment that controls only the filler metal feed. The advance of
welding is manually controlled. MCAW or SAW can be used as semi-automatic processes.
o Mechanized welding – welding is performed with equipment that requires manual adjustment of the
equipment controls in response to visual observation of the operation, with the electrode holder held by a
mechanical device. This is most commonly used for SAW and can be used for MCAW.
o Automatic welding – welding performed with equipment that performs the welding operation without
adjustment of the controls by a welding operator. The equipment may or may not perform the loading and
unloading of the welded component. SAW or MCAW can be carried out with all welding parameters
controlled automatically, with or without a robot.
The standard specifications for bridge construction (SSBC) specifies that certain welding modes be used in
welding specific joints. For example, the web to flange weld on steel plate girders must be completed using the
submerged arc welding process in an automatic mode. As part of the QA review of the submitted welders’
certificates/tickets, the Consultant must verify that at least one welder is certified in the welding mode required
for the joint type as required in the SSBC and indicated on the shop drawings. The Consultant’s QA Inspector
must verify that only welder’s with the applicable certificate/ticket are executing welds for the joint type during

 Class / position: The four classes are flat, horizontal, vertical or overhead.
o Flat position welding is performed from the upper side of the joint and the face of the weld is approximately
horizontal and shown in Figure D.2 (a) and Figure D.3 (a) for a fillet weld and a groove weld, respectively.
Both welds are executed with the axis of the weld throat within ± 30° of the vertical axis. The vertical axis
and the throat axis are at 180° when the face of the weld is pointing upward and horizontal.
o The horizontal position of a fillet weld is shown in Figure D.2 (b) and is on the upper side of a surface that
is within ± 25° of horizontal and against a surface that is approximately vertical. The horizontal position of
a groove weld is shown in Figure D.3 (b) and is defined as the position in which the weld axis is
approximately in a horizontal plane and the throat axis of the weld lies between 10° below the horizontal
plane and 60° above the horizontal plane, i.e. the face of the weld is approximately vertical.
o Vertical position welding is performed with the axis of the weld approximately vertical as shown in Figure
D.2 (c) and Figure D.3 (c) for a fillet weld and a groove weld, respectively. Vertical welds can be executed
either in the vertical-up position or in the vertical-down position. Vertical down welding results in less
penetration and faster travel speed as there is no support for the molten weld metal and the electrode
must follow the molten steel. This makes vertical down welding more suitable for welding of thin plates
since the lower penetration results in lower risk of burn-through. Most vertical welds on plates thicker than
sheet metal are performed using the vertical-up position. In the vertical-up position, the molten weld metal
is supported by the solidified steel from the previously deposited weld metal, but the welder must be highly
skilled to deposit weld metal in the direction opposite to gravity. Vertical welding requires a higher degree
of skill than flat or horizontal welding and therefore, a welder qualified for vertical welding is also capable
of welding in the flat and horizontal positions.
o Overhead position welding, shown in Figure D.2 (d) and Figure D.3 (d), is performed from the underside of
the joint. Overhead position is the most difficult position of all welding positions due to the tendency for
the molten weld metal to migrate out of the joint due to gravity. Since this is the most difficult welding

Page D-2
Appendix D – Review of Welder’s Certificates

position, a welder qualified for overhead welding is also capable of welding in the flat, horizontal and
vertical positions.
o The welder’s ticket may list all the positions that the welder is capable of, or it may list only the most
advanced position. The Consultant must review the type of joints to be welded during fabrication, the
positions in which they are expected to be executed, and verify the fabricator’s welders are qualified to
weld in the required positions.
o MCAW is typically carried out only in the horizontal or flat position and SAW can only be completed in the
flat or horizontal position.
o Girder stiffener to web welds are often performed with the web in the vertical position and therefore
require the stiffener to flange weld to be completed by a welder certified in the vertical or overhead
positions using the SMAW process. A welder certified for the flat and horizontal positions only would not
be qualified to weld a stiffener to a plate girder web unless the web was oriented horizontally during

Page D-3
Appendix D – Review of Welder’s Certificates

Travel Travel
direction direction

vertical axis
Welding electrode
Welding electrode

ld ax
xi s
ld a

vertic al

(a) Flat position (b) Horizontal position

w eld axis

xi s
eld a

Welding electrode
(c) Vertical position (d) Overhead position

Figure D.2
Fillet Weld Welding Positions

Page D-4
Appendix D – Review of Welder’s Certificates

we is
l d ax

(a) Flat position (b) Horizontal position


(c) Vertical up (left) & vertical down (right) (d) Overhead position

Figure D.3
Groove Weld Welding Positions

Page D-5
Appendix D – Review of Welder’s Certificates

 Classification (Welder classification): The Consultant must ensure that the fabricator employs a welder(s) with
a certificate/ticket indicating a classification to cover all the types of the welds shown on the accepted shop
drawings. The welder classifications include:
o T: The welder or operator can weld from one side without backing and achieve complete penetration in the
root pass, e.g., hollow section, pipe and plate;
o S: The welder can weld plates and rolled or hollow sections for the full thickness of material when welding
from both sides with back gouging, or when welding from one side with backing, or for welding square
groove welds from both sides, without back gouging, within the thickness limitations of the accepted
welding procedure data sheets for the process used;
o FW: the welder or welding operator can deposit fillet welds and tack welds;
o ASW: the welder can deposit spot welds; and
o WT: the welder can deposit tack welds.
 Qualification in a T classification also qualifies for the S, FW and WT classifications in the same process,
class and mode;
 Qualification for the S classification also qualifies for the FW and WT classifications in the same process,
class and mode;
 Qualification for the FW classification also qualifies for WT classification;
 Qualification for the ASW classification limit the welder to the ASW classification only;
 Qualification in S classification is not required before qualification for T classification; and
 Qualification in FW classification is not required before qualification in the S or T classification.
 Electrode: For shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), the electrode group designation (F1 to F4) for which the
welder is qualified is included on the welder’s certificate/ticket. The SMAW weld procedure data sheet (WPDS)
also specifies the electrode required to execute a particular weld (refer to Appendix B of this Manual for more
detailed information). The Consultant must verify that the welder’s certificate/ticket includes the electrodes
required by the WPDS. F1 to F4 electrode group designations are as follows:
o F1: electrode classifications EXX22, EXX24, EXX27 and EXX28;
o F2: electrode classifications EXX12, EXX13 and EXX14. The welder in this classification category is also
qualified for the F1 electrode group designation;
o F3: electrode classification EXX10 and EXX11. The welder in this classification category is also qualified for
the F1 and F2 electrode group designations; and
o F4: electrode classification EXX15, EXX16 and EXX18. The welder in this classification category is also
qualified for the F1, F2, and F3 electrode group designations.
 Thickness range: This indicates the thickness of material that the welder or welding operator is qualified to
weld. The Consultant must verify that a welder’s certificate/ticket is acceptable for the material thicknesses
being welded.

Page D-6
Appendix E – Galvanizing

Appendix E Galvanizing

Zinc coatings are one of the most effective means of providing corrosion resistance to carbon steels. When in contact
with steel, zinc acts as a sacrificial anode protecting the steel corroding preferentially. The zinc coating also provides
a protective barrier between the steel and the environment. Zinc can be applied by hot-dip galvanizing, metallizing,
or painting. Hot-dip galvanizing is by far the most common method of zinc coating used to protect steel bridge
components including bearings, bridgerail, culverts, and mechanically stabilized earth wall steel reinforcing straps
among others. This Appendix discusses the hot-dip galvanizing method of zinc coating in-depth and the associated
methods of repair that are used when defects in zinc coating occur.


The three main steps in the hot-dip galvanizing process consist of surface preparation, galvanizing, and post-
Surface preparation consists of cleaning, pickling, and fluxing. Cleaning consists of removing organic contaminants
such dirt, oil and grease from the surface of the steel by an acid or caustic solution. The pickling process removes
oxides and mill scale form the surface of the steel by immersing the part into a bath of diluted hydrochloric or sulfuric
acid. Once the oxide layer has been removed, the part to be galvanized is rinsed with water. The final phase of the
cleaning process is carried out just before the hot-dip process. It consists of dipping the part into a flux, which
contains zinc chloride and ammonium chloride, to remove oxides that may have formed after the pickling process
and provides a protective coating to prevent oxidation before the part is dipped into the galvanizing kettle. At the
end of the surface preparation stage, the steel surface is in a near white metal state and is free of any surface
contaminant that might interfere with the reaction of iron with molten zinc.
After surface preparation, steel components are immersed into a bath of molten zinc to produce a multi-layer
coating of zinc-iron alloy and zinc metal. The zinc bath contains at least 98% pure molten zinc at a temperature
ranging from 440°C to 460°C. In some cases other alloys are added to the zinc bath to impart certain desirable
properties in to the zinc coating. The galvanized component is dipped into the kettle of molten zinc until the
temperature of the steel component has reached the temperature of the molten zinc. This provides sufficient time
for the diffusion reaction to take place, which takes less than 10 minutes. While the steel is immersed in molten
zinc, a metallurgical reaction takes place between the iron in the steel and the molten zinc, forming four intermetallic
layers of zinc and iron with the fourth/outer layer being pure zinc. The first layer, referred to as the Gamma layer,
forms against the base metal and consists of approximately 75% zinc and 25% iron. The second layer, referred to as
the Delta layer, consists of approximately 90% zinc and 10% iron. The third layer, referred to as the Zeta layer,
consists of approximately 94% zinc and 6% iron. The fourth and final layer is the top layer and is referred to as the
Eta layer. The Eta layer consists of 100% zinc. This multi-layered coating provides a protective barrier between the
steel and the environment. It also provides corrosion protection by galvanic action if the zinc coating undergoes
localized damage.

Page E-1
Appendix E – Galvanizing

The final phase of the hot dip galvanizing process is the post-treatment process. Post-treatment processes are
employed to reduce the reactivity of the galvanized surface and/or to achieve a surface condition requirement for
in service conditions. A common post-treatment process for galvanized components that will be nested or tightly
stacked during storage is quenching. Quenching consists of submerging the galvanized article in water and other
chemicals to passivate the zinc surface for additional protection during storage and transportation and to help
minimize storage staining. Certain galvanized components require post-treatment processes in order to achieve an
aesthetic or useable surface consistent with the in service use of the galvanized component. For example a common
post-treatment treatment for galvanized bridgerails is removal of zinc drips and spikes by grinding. For pedestrian
railings, a finish, often referred to as “playground” finish is provided to ensure no spikes or sharp edges are present.
Since this type of finish is more labour intensive, it should only be specified where justified (rails rather than posts).
The thickness of zinc achieved from hot-dip galvanizing is primarily affected by the silicon (Si) content of the steel.
As a rule, the higher the Si content, the thicker the coating: Si in steel increases solubility of iron in zinc. In terms of
the influence of silicon content on the creation of the zinc coating, the amount of silicon can be divided into four
1. Steels with a low silicon content (Si < 0.04%), i.e. steels killed with aluminum (Al) rather than with Si;
2. Steels with Si content between 0.04% and 0.14%;
3. Steels with Si content between 0.15% and 0.25%, and;
4. Steels with high silicon content (Si > 0.25%).
Although a thicker zinc coating provides better corrosion protection, other important factors must be considered in
the selection of the silicon content. Low silicon steels (Si < 0.04%) are the least reactive steels and result in the
thinnest, but best quality (uniform coating and bright and shiny finish in the early life of the coating), zinc coating.
Structural tubes are usually made of aluminum-killed steel, which results in a Si content less than 0.04%. The
minimum coating thickness recommended in ASTM A123 is therefore difficult to achieve for aluminum-killed steels.
The coating thickness can be increased by dipping the part in the zinc bath longer (although a longer residency time
in the zinc bath may not increase the zinc thickness significantly) or by other means such as roughening the steel
surface by sand blasting. The galvanizer must be aware of the Si content of the steel so adjustments can be made to
optimize the coating thickness if necessary.
Steel with Si within the 0.04% to 0.14% range, also known as the Sandelin range, is much more reactive to zinc and
the thickness of the coating is very difficult to control, with the resulting coating being very fragile and susceptible
to mechanical damage. Steels within this silicon content range are not permitted to be used for galvanizing
Steels with silicon content in the 0.15% to 0.25% range provide a thicker coating, but the coatings are more brittle
than those obtained from aluminum-killed steels. The resulting coating will have a dark grey and dull appearance.
The required minimum thickness of zinc is generally not difficult to achieve in this range.
Steels with a Si content greater than 0.25% form a thick zinc coating that is fragile and debonds easily from the steel.
Steels within this silicon content range are not permitted to be used for galvanizing components.
The SSBC limits the Si content for steel being galvanized to a maximum of 0.04% or between 0.15% and 0.25%.
The phosphorus content also influences the reaction between molten zinc and steel. Steels with a phosphorus
content of 0.04% or greater results in thicker, non-uniform coatings, and a rough surface finish. Therefore steels
with a phosphorus content less than 0.04% are preferred for galvanizing.


There are several ASTM standards that apply to galvanizing of steel components and it can be challenging to
determine what standard should be followed. The following is a list of the ASTM standards most commonly used on
Department bridge projects and their applicability to help the Consultant decide which standard to follow.

Page E-2
Appendix E – Galvanizing

ASTM A123, Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products is the main
standard for the hot-dip galvanizing of large steel components and the one most referenced on Department projects.
This standard applies to both non-fabricated and fabricated products, such as bridgerails and bearing plates. It also
applies to steel forgings and iron castings incorporated into pieces fabricated before galvanizing of components that
are too large to be centrifuged to remove excess galvanizing. The standard specifies the required minimum coating
thickness, required surface finish/appearance and bonding requirements. It also provides acceptance/rejection
criteria and a sampling method for testing.
ASTM A143, Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot-Dip Galvanized Structural Steel
Products and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement standard provides guidance on preventing embrittlement of
hot-dip galvanized components. This is particularly important for the galvanization of high strength steels and steels
of reduced ductility due to cold working, such as cold bent plates and high strength anchor rods. It provides guidance
for the testing of galvanized components to detect possible embrittlement during galvanizing (the pickling process
is particularly susceptible to causing the embrittlement of steels of reduced ductility).
ASTM A153, Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware is applicable to hardware
items such as castings, fasteners and other miscellaneous objects that are sufficiently small to be centrifuged to
remove excess zinc. It covers fasteners that are not specifically covered by ASTM F2329. The requirements of ASTM
A153 are similar to those stated in ASTM A123, except for the addition of threaded products and embrittlement
ASTM A780, Standard Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings is
applicable to the various types of repair to damaged hot-dip galvanized coatings. Repairs are often required on areas
that were not coated properly during hot-dip galvanizing, after welding, or damaged during transportation or
ASTM F2329, Standard Specification for Zinc Coating, Hot-Dip, Requirements for Application to Carbon and Alloy
Steel Bolts, Screws, Washers, Nuts, and Special Threaded Fasteners applies to hot dip galvanizing of ASTM F3125
Grade A325 bolts.


The galvanizing of high strength steels should be approached carefully since high strength steels (ASTM A193 Grade
B7 or ASTM F1554 Grade 105, anchor rods) can be susceptible to a phenomenon called hydrogen embrittlement
(HE). ASTM A193 Grade B7 and ASTM F1554 Grade 105 anchor rods have tensile strengths that can approach 1100
MPa, which makes them susceptible to HE. HE results in a loss of ductility and toughness of the steel when it is
exposed to an environment with hydrogen ions such as acids. The atomic hydrogen (as opposed to hydrogen gas)
present in acids can penetrate the steel and make it brittle. If the pickling process of high strength steels is not
carefully controlled and monitored, it can lead to a loss of toughness and potentially cracking. Anchor rod threads
are also stress raisers and increase stress concentrations at the root of loaded threads increase potential for
development of HE in these areas. When the threads are rolled rather than cut, localized plastic deformations and
strain aging of the rods further reduces ductility of steel40.
The pickling process required for surface preparation prior to galvanizing results in potential for hydrogen to be
absorbed. Subsection of the SSBC specifies additional requirements to minimize the risk of HE development
during the galvanization of ASTM A193 Grade B7 anchor rods including, abrasive blast cleaning, a maximum of 5
minutes exposure time to the pickling bath and rapid drying prior to hot-dip galvanizing.

Note that thread rolling is well known to improve the fatigue resistance of threaded fasteners since thread
rolling, as opposed to thread cutting, introduces high compressive residual stress, which improves fatigue
resistance. Therefore, thread rolling is still considered a better thread making process than thread cutting.

Page E-3
Appendix E – Galvanizing

Although ASTM F1554 Grade 105 steel is also used for anchor rods and has a tensile strength similar to that of ASTM
A193 Grade B7, the risk of HE in ASTM F1554 Grade 105 steel is lower because ASTM F1554 places an upper limit on
the tensile strength of 1034 MPa, which is usually not reached. ASTM A193 does not place a limit on the tensile
strength of anchor rods and the tensile strength of Grade B7 rods can exceed 1100 MPa resulting higher degree of
risk of HE development.
ASTM A143/A143M indicates that the selection of the proper steel to withstand normal galvanizing operations
without embrittlement is the responsibility of the designer. Therefore, when selecting high strength steels, the
designer should consider the risk of hydrogen embrittlement when galvanizing steels with a tensile strength in excess
of 830 MPa.


For each lot of high strength rods being galvanized, the Contractor must provide four unthreaded embrittlement
test rods for embrittlement testing and engage an independent certified laboratory to perform bend testing on the
embrittlement test rods in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. The Contractor must submit the test
results to the Consultant for review and acceptance.
One of the primary quality checks of galvanizing that must be completed is thickness measurements of the final zinc
coating. The dry coating thickness can be measured using either a magnetic, electromagnetic, or eddy-current gauge.
For parts galvanized using the hot-dip galvanized process, the coating fabricator provides an inspection report that
summarizes the measured thicknesses. The required thickness is outlined in ASTM A123 and is summarized in Table

Table E.1
Minimum Coating Thickness (𝜇𝑚 ) (ASTM A123)*
Steel thickness, t, range (mm)
Material Category t  1.6 1.6  t  3.2 3.2  t  4.8 4.8  t  6.4 6.4  t  16.0 t  16
Structural Shapes 45 65 75 75 100 100
Strips and bars 45 65 75 75 75 100
Plate 45 65 75 75 75 100
Pipe & Tubing 45 45 75 75 75 75
* Conversion factors: mils =  m x 0.03937; g/m =  m x 7.067

Several galvanizing defects can be identified through visual inspection after galvanizing. These defects are discussed
in detail and illustrated examples provided in the American Galvanizers Association publication, Inspection of Hot-
Dip Galvanized Steel Products (AGA, 2016).
When conducting inspection of galvanized coatings, it should be kept in mind that the appearance of the galvanized
surface varies depending on the chemistry of the steel (silicon and phosphorous content). Both silicon and
phosphorous affect the final coating thickness and surface appearance. The galvanized zinc surface oxidizes over
time and the surface appearance will become more uniform and matte grey in colour. The cooling rate that occurs
during the post-treatment step of the galvanizing process can also affect the surface appearance, resulting in shiny
and dull patches depending on the proximity to a free edge. Variation in surface appearance does not affect the
corrosion protection provided and over time the surface will become more uniform. The Consultant’s QA Inspector
must be qualified and experienced to accurately assess and evaluate if the variation in surface appearance is
acceptable or requires further testing/investigation.
Common surface defects are described in the following subsections. Several other galvanizing defects are identified
in the AGA (2016) inspection guideline. In addition, the American Galvanizers Association offers free online training
to familiarize inspectors and designers with galvanizing design and inspection.

Page E-4
Appendix E – Galvanizing

E.5.1 Bare Spots

Uncoated bare spots/areas generally result from inadequate surface preparation. ASTM A123 may require either
local repairs or complete stripping of the galvanizing and re-galvanizing depending on the size of these bare spots.
E.5.2 Delamination and Peeling
Delamination and peeling creates a rough coating on the steel where the zinc has come off. There are multiple causes
for this defect. If the part being galvanized is thick, the reaction between the steel and the zinc will continue for
some time even after the part has been removed from the zinc bath, which can lead to the formation of a void
between the top two layers of the galvanizing coating. Since it is the zinc-iron intermetallic layer that provides
corrosion protection, if the thickness of this layer satisfies the ASTM A123 minimum requirements, the coating would
be acceptable as it would still provide the specified level of protection after the surface layer has peeled off (AGA,
E.5.3 Distortion and Warpage
Distortion and warpage can take place as a result of residual stresses being relieved when the steel is exposed to the
high temperature of the zinc bath. This can also happen when thin parts and thick parts are welded together into a
component that needs to be galvanized. As the temperature of the thin part rises faster than the thick part, it gives
rise to differential strains that can cause plastic deformations in the thin part as it tries to expand against a lower
temperature thick part and should be taken into consideration in the design of components to be galvanized.
E.5.4 Drainage Spikes
Drainage spikes form when the zinc drains off the edge of a component as it is removed from the galvanizing zinc
bath. They are typically removed by grinding and do not result in a reduction of corrosion performance.
E.5.5 Dross Inclusions
Dross inclusions are a byproduct of the galvanizing process that are formed by reactions between the molten zinc
and loose particles of iron in the galvanizing zinc bath. The free iron particles in the zinc bath are created from the
reaction between the steel and acid salts in the pickling tank and from the pre-flux or wet flux layer remaining in the
solid state in the zinc bath. The available free iron metallurgically react with the molten zinc to create dross. Dross
particles will not affect the corrosion performance if they are small and completely covered with zinc. If there are
large dross inclusions that prevent the galvanized coating from forming properly on the steel, they must be removed,
and the affected area repaired.
E.5.6 Flaking
Flaking results when excessively thick coatings form during the galvanizing process. Excessively thick coatings can
result from the chemistry of the steel, which may be over reactive. Steel to be galvanized must within the silicon
ranges specified in the SSBC.
E.5.7 Marking of Components in Contact
Marking of components can result when multiple components are galvanized at the same time in one batch and are
in contact with each other during the galvanizing process. This is particularly common with small elements, such as
MSE wall soil reinforcing that are hot dip galvanized in bundles hung from the same fixture. If these marks are within
the limits for repair outlined in ASTM A123, the parts can be repaired, otherwise they must be rejected.
E.5.8 Rough Surface Condition
Rough surface condition does not adversely affect corrosion performance but significantly reduces aesthetics of a
galvanized component. Rough surface condition typically occurs as a result of the abrasive blast cleaning prior to
galvanizing. Abrasive blast cleaning significantly roughens the surface resulting in a larger area of exposed steel and
can result in a thicker coating. This type of surface preparation can be used to increase the coating thickness when
galvanizing HSS sections with very low Si content.

Page E-5
Appendix E – Galvanizing

E.5.9 Welding Spatter

Welding spatter that is left on the surface before galvanizing can affect the ability of the zinc to adhere to the surface.
Although zinc will cover the spatter, it can peel off easily, leaving a bare spot in the area affected by weld spatter.
Therefore, weld spatter must be removed prior to galvanizing.


Section 6 of ASTM A123 identifies the maximum allowable area that can be repaired. It also includes sketches to
illustrate acceptable and not acceptable repair areas. The maximum allowable size of repair at the galvanizing facility,
prior to completing the surface preparation of the repair are outlined in ASTM A123 as follows:
 The length and width of the uncoated area must be allowed to exceed 25 mm in only one of the two dimensions;
 The total of the uncoated areas subject to renovation by one of the methods in A780 on each steel article must
not exceed 0.5% of the accessible surface area to be hot-dip galvanized on that steel article. The total of the
uncoated areas subject to renovation by one of the methods of A780 must also not exceed 256 cm2 per metric
ton of piece weight.
Subsection of the SSBC only permits repair of galvanizing when the repair areas are small and infrequent
as determined by the Consultant.
Once the above information (surface areas of bare spots, lengths and widths of areas to be repaired, the total surface
area of the part, and the total weight of the part) is available, it can quickly be determined whether a bare area is
acceptable for repair at the galvanizing plant under ASTM A780, or if the component must have the coating removed
and completely re-galvanized.
There are three methods of repair presented in ASTM A780: repair using zinc-based alloys, repair using paints
containing zinc dust and repair by metallizing and are described in the following subsections.
E.6.1 ASTM A780 Method A1 - Repair using Zinc-Based Alloys
Repair using zinc-based alloys includes applying a zinc-based alloy solder with a low melting point to cover the
surface requiring repair with zinc. The solder can be applied in either rod or powder form. The application of the
solder requires preheating of the surface to be coated to between 315°C and 400°C to allow the solder to melt when
coming in contact with the preheated surface. The surface preparation and application procedures are described in
ASTM A780. Of the three repair methods outlined in ASTM A780, the use of zinc-based alloys is the most difficult
one to use since the heat required to apply the solder can damage the adjacent coating or oxidize the bare steel
surface to be repaired, which will affect the quality of the repair.
Repairable areas less than 100 mm2 in area may be completed in accordance with ASTM A780/A780M Method A1.
E.6.2 ASTM A780 Method A2 - Repair using Paints Containing Zinc Dust
The application of a zinc-rich paint is the simplest and typically the most economical method of repair of hot-dip
galvanized surfaces. Zinc-rich paint is applied to a prepared, clean, dry steel surface by either brush or spray. The
zinc rich paint generally contains 65 to 69% zinc or above 92% zinc in the dried film. Either amount of zinc has been
found to be effective for repair in areas that are not severe.
The Department does not permit the use of zinc-rich paint for repairs.

Page E-6
Appendix E – Galvanizing

E.6.3 ASTM A780 Method A3 - Repair using Sprayed Zinc (metallizing)

Repair using sprayed zinc, or more commonly referred to as metallizing, is the application of a thermal spray zinc
coating on the surfaces of non-metallic or metallic objects. This is completed by feeding either a zinc wire or zinc
powder into a heat gun where it is melted and sprayed on the surface to be coated. Contrary to hot dip galvanizing,
metallizing does not create a metallurgical bond between the zinc coating and the steel substrate. It is often used as
a primary coating for surfaces that cannot be hot-dip galvanized due to their large size and components that are
sensitive to thermal distortions that may occur during the hot dip process such as pot bearing pot and piston plates.
It is important to note that ASTM A780 Method A3 is a repair method only and does not apply when metallizing is
the specified protective coating for the entire component (deck joint cover plates or some bearing plates). The
required minimum preheat temperature of the surface to be metallized is 120°C. Since the molten zinc cools rapidly
upon contact with the steel surface, the metallized component temperature does not rise much more than the
preheat temperature, which results in a negligible loss of residual stresses. Metallizing therefore has the benefit of
causing negligible distortions.
Metallizing requires careful surface preparation, including blast cleaning to provide an adequate roughness to
anchor the zinc coating. A detailed guideline for the application of metallizing using as a primary coating on steel
products is presented in the joint standard SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS C2.23M/NACE No. 12.
Repairable areas 100 mm2 in area or more must be completed in accordance with ASTM A780/A780M Method A3.



Surface preparation for coatings such as paint or metallizing, or just for providing slip resistance, is often done
according to a standard to ensure control of the surface roughness for the application of a coating that will bond
properly. This section presents a brief overview of different surface preparations according to The Society for
Protective Coatings, SSPC. The most common methods of surface preparations are described in the following
E.7.1 Solvent Cleaning SSPC-SP1
Solvent cleaning SSPC-SP1 includes cleaning with organic solvents such as mineral spirits, xylol or toluol to remove
solvent-soluble foreign matter from the surfaces of ferrous metals. Rags and solvents must be replenished frequently
to avoid spreading the contaminants rather than removing them. Organic solvents may not remove water soluble
contaminants such as acid and alkali salts. These contaminants should be removed using water. Low-pressure (1000
- 2800 kPa) high volume (12 - 19 l/min) water washing with appropriate cleaning chemicals is a recognized "solvent
cleaning" method. All surfaces should be cleaned per this specification prior to using hand tools or blasting
E.7.2 Hand Tool Cleaning SSPC-SP1
Hand tool cleaning SSPC-SP2 includes mechanical methods of surface preparation involving manual (non-power)
wire brushing, scraping, chipping and sanding. It is not the most desirable method of surface preparation, but can
be used for mild exposure conditions. Mill scale, rust and paint are considered to be adherent if they cannot be
removed by lifting with a dull putty knife. Therefore, this surface finish may contain adherent mill scale, rust spots,
and paint. Optimum performances of protective coatings should not be expected when hand tool cleaning is
E.7.3 Power Tool Cleaning SSPC-SP3
Power tool cleaning SSPC-SP3 includes a mechanical method of surface preparation widely used in industry and
involving the use of power sanders or wire brushes, power chipping hammers, abrasive grinding wheels, needle guns
etc. Although usually more effective than hand tool cleaning, it is not considered to provide adequate surface
preparation for the long-term exterior exposure of most high-performance coating systems.

Page E-7
Appendix E – Galvanizing

E.7.4 White Metal Wet Blast Cleaning SSPC-SP5, or NACE #1

White metal wet blast cleaning SSPC-SP5, or NACE #1 includes the removal of all visible rust, mill scale, paint and
contaminants, that leaves the metal uniformly white or gray in appearance. This is the ultimate in abrasive blast
cleaning. This preparation level should be used where maximum performance of protective coatings is necessary
due to exceptionally severe conditions such as constant immersion in water or liquid chemicals.
E.7.5 Commercial Blast Cleaning SSPC-SP6, or NACE #3
Commercial blast cleaning SSPC-SP6, or NACE #3 includes the removal of all oil, grease, dirt, rust scale and foreign
matter from the surface and all rust, mill scale and old paint are completely removed by abrasive blasting except for
slight shadows, streaks or discolorations caused by rust stain, mill scale oxides or slight, tight residues of paint or
coating that remain. If the surface is pitted, a slight residue of rust or paint may be found in the bottom of the pits.
At least two-thirds of each square inch of surface area must be free of all visible residues and the remainder must
be limited to the light residues mentioned above.
E.7.6 Brush off Blast Cleaning SSPC-SP7, or NACE #4
Brush off blast cleaning SSPC-SP7, or NACE #4 includes the complete removal of all oil, grease, dirt, rust scale, loose
mill scale, loose rust and loose paint or coatings. Tight mill scale and tightly-adhered rust, paint and coatings are
permitted to remain. However all mill scale and rust must have been exposed to the abrasive blast pattern
sufficiently to expose numerous flecks of the underlying metal fairly uniformly distributed over the entire surface.
E.7.7 Near-White Blast Cleaning SSPC-SP10, or NACE #2
Near-white blast cleaning SSPC-SP10, or NACE #2 includes the complete removal of all oil, grease, dirt, mill scale,
rust, corrosion products, oxides, paint or other foreign matter from the surface by abrasive blasting, except for very
light shadows, very slight streaks or slight discolorations caused by rust stain, mill scale oxides or slight, tight residues
of paint or coating. At least 95% of each square inch of surface area must be free of all visible residues, and the
remainder must be limited to the light discolorations mentioned above. From a practical standpoint, this is probably
the best quality surface preparation that can be expected today for existing plant facility maintenance work.
E.7.8 Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal SSPC-SP11
Power tool cleaning to bare metal SSPC-SP11 includes the use of the same equipment as for power tool cleaning
SSPC-SP3. However, the surface condition of SSPC-SP11 must result in the removal of all visible coatings and
contaminants down to bare metal.


AGA (2016). Inspection of Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Products, American Galvanizing Association,
ASTM A123/A123M, Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products, ASTM
International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, 2017.
ASTM A143/A143M, Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot-Dip Galvanized Structural
Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement, ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700,
West Conshohocken, PA, Reapproved 2015.
ASTM A153/A153M, Standard Practice for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware, ASTM International,
100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, 2016.
ASTM A384/A384M, Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Warpage and Distortion During Hot-Dip Galvanizing
of Steel Assemblies, ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, Reapproved

Page E-8
Appendix E – Galvanizing

ASTM A780/A780M, Standard Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings,
ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, Reapproved 2015.
ASTM F2329/ F2329M, Standard Practice for Zinc Coating, Hot-Dip, Requirements for Application to Carbon and
Alloy Steel Bolts, Screws, Washers, Nuts, and Special Threaded Fasteners, ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive,
PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, Reapproved 2015.
SSPC-CS 23.00 / AWS C2.23M / NACE No. 12, Specification for Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of
Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel, SSPC – The Society for
Protective Coatings, SSPC Publication 03-15.

Page E-9
Appendix F – Surface Roughness of Steel

Appendix F Surface Roughness of Steel


One of the main characteristics of a cut, rolled or machined surface is its surface roughness. Excessive roughness of
a flange plate or web plate edge can lead to early fatigue crack initiation due to stress concentrations that are created
by excessive roughness of the plate edge. To avoid excessive stress concentrations, Subsection 3.2 of AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5 sets a maximum allowable surface roughness for flame cut plates of 25 µm for plates up to 100 mm
thick and 50 µm for thicker plates. However, Alberta Transportation’s Standard Specification for Bridge Construction
(SSBC), Subsection specifies a maximum surface roughness of 12.5 µm for thermally cut edges of girder flange
plate and girder flange splice plates. It should be noted that when plates are finished with a grinder, AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5 requires a maximum surface roughness of 6 µm when the grinding marks are parallel to the applied
stress field and 3 µm when the grinding marks are perpendicular to the applied stress field. The larger surface
roughness tolerated for flame cut surfaces compared to ground surfaces reflects the fact that the grooves created
by a grinding wheel have a much smaller radius than the grooves created by a flame cutting tool. Therefore, the
grinding marks create higher stress concentrations and require shallower surface grooves translating to a required
smoother surface roughness profile.
Control of surface roughness is also important in the preparation of surfaces for the application of coatings. For
coated surfaces, it is important that the surface roughness be sufficient to provide adequate surface contact
between the coating and the steel to be protected, without being excessive to the point where parts of the surface
poke through the coating.
The surface roughness of machined bearing surfaces is critical to achieve contact design stresses, sliding resistance,
and abrasion performance.
Whether the purpose is to prepare a surface for the application of a coating or to reduce the risk of fatigue crack
initiation at a plate edge, surface roughness must be controlled. The surface features of a cut plate edge are made
up of a series of striations or drag lines perpendicular to the plate’s surface, and small random surface dimples or
indentations that are a result of abrasive blasting imparted during surface preparation of the plate prior to cutting.
As plate surface roughness created from the surface preparation and cutting processes are different in geometry,
profile, and orientation, the inspection and test methods for measuring surface roughness must unique to the
roughness being measured. Similarly surface roughness caused by grinding, which produces small linear grooves,
cannot be measured with the same technique.
The method used to evaluate and measure surface roughness is dependent on the type of roughness. Although
expressed in the same units, roughness measurements obtained from different methods are not interchangeable.
The Consultant must understand the differences between the methods used to evaluate and measure roughness.
This Appendix provides detailed information on the various methods used to measure surface roughness based on
the type of surface roughness encountered during the fabrication of steel bridge components.


The reference standards applicable to surface roughness characterization are CSA B95, ANSI/ASME B46.1, and ISO
4287. ANSI/ASME B46.1 is the document most commonly referred to in North America. The CSA B95 reference
standard is no longer active, but remains a valuable source of information related to surface roughness. These
standards are relatively similar and consistent but were developed for different applications. The following terms
are common within all roughness standards and are important in the application of steel bridge components:
 Surface texture – the combined effect of (waviness and roughness) that are typical of the surface. Waviness
does not impact the long-term performance of a tension flange edge, whereas excessive roughness can have
significant adverse effects.

Page F-1
Appendix F – Surface Roughness of Steel

 Waviness – the more widely spaced component of the surface texture. Waviness may be caused by such factors
as machine or work piece deflections or vibration and chatter during the fabrication process. Although waviness
is critical for the proper fitting of machined parts, such as pot bearings, it generally does not create significant
stress concentrations and therefore not a serious concern in the surface finish of girder components.
 Roughness – the fine spaced irregularities of the surface texture that are inherent in the production or material
conditioning processes. Excessive roughness can create stress concentrations or reduce coating thickness on
top of the roughness peaks.
 Sampling length – length over which the surface profile is measured to characterize the roughness or waviness.
The sampling length for evaluating surface roughness is typically shorter than the sampling length for evaluating
waviness. The sampling length must be selected so that the feature that is measured (roughness or waviness)
can be captured accurately and should be a multiple of the wavelength of the surface irregularity that is being
measured. Guidance for the selection of sampling length is provided in ASME B46.1.
There are several methods used to characterize surface roughness. The Consultant must be aware of which method
is being used to define the surface roughness as well as the measurement of surface roughness. The following
subsections outline three parameters; the two most frequently used in North America and the one most frequently
used in Europe to quantify roughness. The tool used to measure surface roughness can also control which parameter
is used since some tools are not amenable to the measurement of some parameters.
F.2.1 Average Roughness
The most commonly used surface roughness parameter in North America is the average roughness, Ra. It represents
the arithmetic mean of the absolute values of the profile deviation from the mean line. Referring to Figure F.1, it is
calculated as the absolute area under the profile curve, measured about the mean line over the sampling length (the
hatched area in Figure F.1) divided by the sampling length. The mean line is defined as the line where the area above
the line is equal to the area below the line.
Mathematically, it is expressed as:
Ra  1 L   Z( x ) dx
where Z(x) is the height of the profile with respect to the mean line at a distance x along the sampling length, L.
The profile in Figure F.1 shows the peak heights as Zpi and the depths of the valleys from the mean height as Zvi. This
approach tends to “flatten” high peaks or low valleys and if these extremes are far apart, their impact on the
roughness parameter are greatly reduced.

Z t1 Zt2 Zp2
Z p3


Z v3 Zt3

l = sampling length

Figure F.1
Two-dimensional Surface Profile Used to Quantify Surface Roughness

Page F-2
Appendix F – Surface Roughness of Steel

The SSBC roughness limit for thermally cut plate edges is the arithmetic average roughness, Ra.
F.2.2 Root Mean Square Roughness
The root-mean square roughness, Rq, is used for bearing surfaces in AASHTO’s Bridge Construction Specification
(2017). It is defined as the square root of the average of the square of the profile height deviations about the mean
Mathematically, it is expressed as:
Rq  1 L   Z( x )2 dx

A comparison of the two mathematical expressions for Ra and Rq indicates that a single large peak or flaw within
the measured area will affect the value of Rq more than the Ra value. The ratio of Ra to Rq is generally less than 1.0.
Therefore, a conversion from one parameter to the other is generally not possible. However, as an approximation,
Rq is sometimes taken as 1.1 Ra for machined surfaces. This ratio would be different for a surface finished by a
process other than machining.
F.2.3 Maximum Height of Profile Roughness Parameter
Another method, which is commonly used in Europe, is the maximum height of the profile, Rz, designated as Ry in
older standards, which represents the difference between the highest peak and the deepest valley within the
sampling length, as illustrated in Figure F.1. When this parameter is used, it is common practice to use the average
Rz value obtained over five sampling lengths, hence the designation Ry5i encountered in older standards (replaced
by Rz in ISO standards) indicating that Ry was obtained from an average of five values obtained over five sampling
lengths. This method puts more emphasis on the highest peak and the deepest valley as opposed to the arithmetic
averaging method that tends to flatten the tallest peaks and deepest valleys. Therefore, for a given surface profile,
Rz will be greater than Ra. The ratio of Rz to Ra can vary significantly depending on the material, surface finishing
process, machining speed and several other parameters of surface finishing process. Values for Rz/Ra ranging from
1.5 to 9.0 have been reported (Palásti-Kovács et al., 2012).
Although some manufacturing standards provide a conversion from one parameter to another, because of the
sensitivity of the conversion factor to the finishing method and the variability of parameters within the same
method, it is best to request that the roughness measurement be provided with the same parameter as used in the
specification. If it is not clear which parameter is being used to define surface roughness, it should be clarified since
the differences between the different parameters can be quite large (as much as an order of magnitude or more).
The SSBC roughness limit for abrasive blasted surfaces is the maximum height of the profile, Rz.


Several types of instruments have been developed to measure surface roughness using optical, acoustical,
mechanical and pneumatic principles. Most instruments in use today depend on the electrical amplification of the
motion of a fine stylus perpendicular to the surface over which the stylus is traversing.
Stylus profilometers are most suitable for a two-dimensional characterization of the surface profiles containing linear
features such as grinding marks, saw cutting marks, and thermal cutting marks, that leave drag lines on the plate
edge. Most stylus tools are designed to trace the profile and can integrate the profile over the sampling length
automatically, which makes these tools relatively easy to use.

Page F-3
Appendix F – Surface Roughness of Steel

An alternative approach to measuring surface roughness is the use of comparator plates. Comparator plates are
prepared using specific finish processes, such as flame cutting, grinding, abrasive blasting and other finishing
methods and are intended to assist workshop personnel and inspectors in evaluating the surface roughness of work
pieces by visually and physically (by touch) comparing them with the control comparator plates. The America
Welding Society (AWS) C4.1 oxygen cutting surface roughness comparator plates shown in Figure F.2 are often used
to evaluate surface roughness of flame cut edges since the roughness of the standard plates has been produced and
measured accurately. However, it must be recognized that surface roughness measurements by comparison with
standard plates is somewhat subjective. When this method is used, it is preferable that comparator plates of the
same roughness as the roughness limit specified for the project be available for a comparison. When a comparator
plate of the specified roughness limit is not available, the assessment becomes more subjective since the required
roughness lies between two comparator plates. Comparator plates must be based on the same surface finish method
as the inspected surface. For example, when determining the roughness of a flame cut edge, a comparator plate
prepared using a flame cut surface finish must be used. If the maximum roughness for a flame cut edge as specified
in the SSBC is exceeded, the cut surface would have to be repaired by grinding. Once grinding is completed, a
comparator plate prepared with a ground surface finish must be used to evaluate the roughness.

Figure F.2
Standard Comparator Plates for Flame Cut Surface Roughness

F.3.1 Flame Cut Steel Plate and Surface Finish of Stainless Steel Surfaces
The arithmetic average measurement is the most appropriate for determining the roughness of a flame cut and
stainless steel surfaces. To measure the arithmetic average roughness, the tool used must be able to trace the
surface profile and therefore typically completed with a stylus profilometer.
F.3.2 Abrasive Blasted Surfaces
The maximum height of profile measurement is the most appropriate for determining the surface roughness of blast
cleaned surfaces.

Page F-4
Appendix F – Surface Roughness of Steel

The evaluation of surface roughness of abrasive blast cleaned surfaces is included in ASTM D4417. Method A of
ASTM D4417 uses comparator plates of known roughness that are compared with the surface to be measured. The
comparison is both visual and physical (by touch). Method B of ASTM D4417 requires the use of a depth micrometer
fitted with a pointed probe. The gauge is zeroed on a smooth glass plate before it is used to measure the depth of
the surface profile at multiple locations. Method C of ASTM D4417 uses replica tape and is the most commonly used
method for surface roughness measurement of blast cleaned surfaces. It consists of a compressible foam attached
to a uniform thickness film of Mylar® (non-compressible polyester film). In simple terms, the method consists of
pressing the foam tape firmly against the blasted cleaned surface with a burnishing tool as illustrated in the left
photo of Figure F.3. Since the Mylar is not compressible, the peaks will be pressed against the Mylar without altering
the thickness of the Mylar and the foam will be pushed inside the valleys. The replica produced in this fashion is used
to measure the difference in height between the deepest valley and the highest peak within the test area by
measuring the overall thickness of the replica tape with a light spring-loaded micrometer (see Figure F.3) and
subtracting the thickness of the Mylar backing (50 µm). This method therefore measures the maximum height of the
profile, Rz, rather than the average roughness, Ra.
The replica tape method should not be used to measure the surface roughness of a cut plate edge where the surface
features are mainly linear such as drag lines from flame cutting or grinding marks.

Figure F.3
Replica Tape Being Pressed on Glass Surface (left) and Micrometer (right)
(source: corrosioncoatings.com/testex.htm)


Subsection of the SSBC specifies the maximum surface roughness for flange plate cut edges as 12.5 µm, which
represents an arithmetic average roughness, Ra. As discussed above, this roughness is typically measured using a
stylus type surface roughness gauge, or in some cases comparator plate samples. Other surface roughness
requirements can be found in AWS D1.5 or AASHTO’s Bridge Construction Specifications. Surface roughness
requirements are shown in Table F.1, Typical Surface Roughness Limitations.

Page F-5
Appendix F – Surface Roughness of Steel

Table F.1
Typical Surface Roughness Limitations
Application Roughness Source
Thermal cut surfaces
Plate thickness ≤ 100 mm 25* Ra Subsection 3.2.2 of AWS D1.5
Plate thickness > 100 mm 50 Ra
Plate edges ground smooth with grinding marks
3 Ra Subsection of AWS D1.5
perpendicular to applied stress field
Plate edges ground smooth with grinding marks
6 Ra Subsection of AWS D1.5
parallel to applied stress field
Surface roughness at sites where tack welds and
3 Ra Subsection 12.13.3 of AWS D1.5
base metal have been removed
Milled or ground ends of stiffeners and fillers 12.5 Rq Clause 11.4.6 of AASHTO (2017)
Surface of pins and pin holes 3.1 Rq Clause 11.4.6 of AASHTO (2017)
Steel rocker surface 125 Rq Subsection of AASHTO (2017)
Pot wall of pot bearings 32 Rq Subsection of AASHTO (2017)
Piston top and bottom surfaces of pot bearings 63 Rq Subsection of AASHTO (2017)
* Clause 3.2.2 of AWS D1.5 provides an exception to plate edge roughness requirements, which includes the
unloaded edges of plates (i.e. ends of members not subjected to calculated stress), for which the edge roughness
limit is 50 µm).
Figure F.4 shows typical ranges of surface roughness average values that can be produced with common surface
finishing methods. The ability of a method to produce a specific surface roughness depends on many factors. For
example, in surface grinding the final surface roughness depends on the speed of the grinding wheel, the speed of
traverse, the grit size, the condition of the grinding wheel, the presence/absence of lubrication, and the mechanical
properties of the piece being ground. The area shown in black represents the range of roughness obtainable for the
average application whereas the greyed areas represent the less frequent results that can be achieved.

Page F-6
Appendix F – Surface Roughness of Steel

Roughness Average, Ra (m)

50 25 12.5 6.3 3.2 1.6 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.025 0.012
Flame cutting
Planing, shaping
Electrical discharge machining
Hot Rolling
Cold rolling, drawing

Used on shafts and bearings with

Refined finish. Costly to produce.

light loads and moderate speed.
used. Reasonable appearance.

Used on precision gauge and

Coarse finish. Equivalent to
Equivalent to sand casting.

Medium finish. Commonly

Used on high speed shafts

instrument work. Costly.

Super-finishing. Costly.
Typical Applications
Very rough surface.

Good for close fits.

Rough surfaces.

rolled surfaces.

Seldom used.
and bearing.
Rarely used.

The ranges shown above are typical of the processes listed. Average application

Higher or lower values may be obtained under special conditions. Less frequent application

Figure F.4
Typical Roughness Average for Different Surface Finishing (ASME B46.1)

Although the roughness of the surface is important to provide good bonding of zinc to steel when applied by the
metallizing process, the surface roughness of the steel is not provided in the metallizing standard SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS
C2.23/NACE No. 12. Instead of specifying the roughness, nature of the blasting media and the grit size used for blast
cleaning is specified. This is another way of achieving a minimum surface roughness.


The polishing of stainless steel improves corrosion resistance and reduces friction, which are two important factors
that contribute to the durability of sliding bearings. The types of finishes available for stainless sheet products are
defined in ASTM A480/A480M. Some of the most common finishes are:
 No. 1 Finish – Hot-rolled, annealed, and descaled. This is a dull, non-reflective finish;
 No. 2D Finish – Cold-rolled, dull finish. Provides a smooth, non-reflective cold-rolled annealed and pickled or
descaled finish;
 No. 2B Finish – Cold-rolled, bright finish. Provides a smooth, moderately reflective cold-rolled annealed and
pickled or descaled finish obtained by providing a final light cold-rolled pass through polished rolls;
 No. 4 Finish – General purpose polished finish on one or both sides. This provides a linearly textured finish that
can be produced by either mechanical polishing or rolling. The average surface roughness (Ra) is generally up
to 1 m; and
 No. 8 Finish – mirror finish. This is a highly reflective finish produced by polishing with successively finer grit
abrasives, then buffing. The average surface roughness (Ra) is generally up to 0.2 m.
The no. 8 finish for stainless steel plates reduces friction, and thus wear, on the PTFE sheet and stainless steel plate.
It is specified in Subsection of the SSBC for the stainless steel plate of sliding bearings. This level of surface
finish also reduces the exposed surface of the stainless steel, thus increasing its corrosion resistance.

Page F-7
Appendix F – Surface Roughness of Steel


AASHTO (2017). LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4 th Edition, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
ASME B46.1-2009. Surface Texture (Surface roughness, waviness and lay). The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, Fairfield, NJ.
ASTM A480/A480M-18a (2018). Standard Specification for General Requirements for Fla-Rolled Stainless and Heat-
Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Stip. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM D4417-19 (2019). Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel.
ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
AWS C4.1 (1977). Criteria for Describing Oxygen-Cut Surfaces. American Welding Society, reaffirmed 2010.
AWS D1.5M/D1.5 (2015). Bridge Welding Code. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
/ American Welding Society.
CSA B95-1962 (R-2002). Surface Texture – Roughness, Waviness and Lay. Canadian Standards Association, Rexdale,
ISO 4287:1997. Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Surface Texture: Profile method – Terms, definitions and
surface texture parameters. International Organization for Standardization, Switzerland.
Palásti-Kovács, B., Sipos, S. and Czifra, Á. (2012) Interpretation of “Rz = 4×Ra” and other roughness parameters in
the evaluation of machined surfaces. 13th International Conference on Tools, Hungary, March 27-28.
SSPC-CS 23.0/AWS C2.23/NACE No. 12 (2016). Specification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings
(Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel. Joint
Standard/Standard Practice, SSPC, AWS, NACE.

Page F-8
Appendix G – Review of Prestressing Calculations

Appendix G Review of Prestressing Calculations


For any prestressed concrete unit, the fabricator is required to submit several prefabrication submission documents
including prestressing steel mill test reports, prestressing strand load/ elongation curves, jack calibration certificates,
and prestressing procedures and calculations. These documents must be reviewed together to verify that the
prestressing procedure will result in an acceptable prestressing strand stressing force being developed and that it
can be verified during fabrication through jack pressures and elongation measurements. The Consultant must verify
that the information on the mill test reports, strand load / elongation curves, and jack calibration certificates has
been acceptably included in the fabricator’s prestressing calculations. The Consultant must also review and verify
that all losses/corrections have been included and acceptably accounted for in the prestressing calculations.
If the fabricator has not indicated which specific prestressing strands will be used for the precast element prior to
fabrication, the submitted stressing calculations may use an assumed or average Young’s Modulus and nominal
strand area. However, the Consultant must verify prior to fabrication, that the stressing calculations have been
revised and updated for the actual Young’s Modulus and strand area being used. If the fabricator proposes to use
an average Young’s modulus and strand area for all of the heats being used in their stressing calculations, the
Consultant must also verify that the resultant force and elongation are within the specified tolerances.
Sample prestressing calculations for a standard SL-510 precast concrete girder with a total of 20 straight prestressing
strands with 6 debonded at each end are presented in Figure G.1, Prestressing Calculations for SL-510. The red
reference numbers in Figure G.1, Prestressing Calculations for SL-510 correspond to the following subsections in
which review considerations are provided and must form part of the Consultant’s QA review.
The stressing calculations must be authenticated by a Professional Engineer in accordance with Subsection
of the SSBC.

Page G-1
Appendix G – Review of Prestressing Calculations

Figure G.1
Prestressing Calculations for SL-510

Page G-2
Appendix G – Review of Prestressing Calculations


G.2.1 Initial Force

The initial force in Figure G.1 is typically between 5% and 25% of the target final force. The lower bound eliminates
slack in the strands and makes sure that the majority of the strand seating into the dead-end chuck occurs. The
upper bound is set such that the additional force and elongation that needs to be applied to the strands to reach the
target final force is large enough to be measured accurately.
G.2.2 Target Final Force
The target final force in Figure G.1 is the strand force to be transferred into the concrete after all losses are accounted
for up to the time of detensioning.
G.2.3 Additional Force after Initial Tensioning
The additional force after initial tensioning in Figure G.1 is the difference between the target final force and the
initial force and is used to calculate the basic elongation length.
The length of the strands that are in tension and that are therefore subject to elongation during the stressing process
is made up of the strand length within the stressing bed (Subsection G.2.13), the chuck length (Subsection G.2.5)
and either the bottom stress head length (Subsection G.2.6) or the top stress head length (Subsection G.2.7).
G.2.4 Unstressed Bed Length
The length of the stressing bed for straight strands.
G.2.5 Chuck Length
It is important that the chuck length in Figure G.1 be representative of the length of the strand within the chuck that
is being tensioned (i.e. from the jaws to the end of the chuck) and that the length is the combined length of the
dead-end and live-end chucks.
G.2.6 Bottom Stress Head Length
The bottom stress head length in Figure G.1 is the total length between the end of the stressing bed and the chuck
at both ends of the stressing bed for the bottom strands.
G.2.7 Top Stress Head Length
The top stress head length in Figure G.1 is the total length between the end of the stressing bed and the chuck at
both ends of the stressing bed for the top strands. For deviated strands, this distance is measured along the length
of the deviated strands.
G.2.8 Dead-End Seating
The dead-end seating occurs when the jaws in the dead-end chuck grip into the strand and move forward slightly as
the jaws seat in the tapered chuck barrel. The value provided in Figure G.1 for elongation calculations is the
additional movement expected to occur during final tensioning and after initial tensioning and is to be included in
elongation calculations.
G.2.9 Live-End Seating
Live-end seating occurs during single-strand tensioning when the final force is transferred from the jack to the chuck
and the jaws move into the tapered chuck barrel. The length of movement noted in Figure G.1 results in a loss of
elongation and force in the strand which needs to be accounted for in the stressing calculations.

Page G-3
Appendix G – Review of Prestressing Calculations

The sample stressing calculation in Figure G.1 does not include splice chuck seating corrections. Alberta
Transportation does not permit the use of strand splices inside concrete members, but some fabricators may choose
to use splice chucks beyond the concrete element bulkheads. Splice chuck seating is similar to dead-end chuck
seating, but the movement is larger as it takes place at each end of the splice chuck assembly. This seating movement
will add to the elongation measurement at the live end.
G.2.10 Total Bed Shortening
Total bed shortening in Figure G.1 includes the movement in the forms of self-stressing beds as opposed to stressing
beds with fixed abutments at each end. During single-strand tensioning, each stressed strand will cause a small,
incremental increase in the bed shortening. Theoretically, each strand needs to be tensioned to a different value to
compensate for the incremental shortening of the bed due to that strand being tensioned and each strand tensioned
thereafter. However, a simplified method is often used where the shortening for each strand is assumed to be one-
half of the total bed shortening. After tensioning, the first half of the strands that were tensioned will be at a force
slightly below design requirements and the other half of the strands will be at a force slightly above design
requirements. The average force of all the strands will be approximately equal to the required value. If this simplified
approach is used, the Consultant must review the stressing sequence and whether the variation in strand stresses is
likely to result in a significant variation in concrete stresses compared to the assumed design values.
The sample stressing calculation in Figure G.1 does not include abutment movement and rotation corrections for
fixed abutment beds. Fixed abutment corrections are accounted for in a similar manner as bed shortening. The
correction value for each strand is assumed to be one-half of the total abutment movement from both ends, with
care required to also account for abutment rotation.
G.2.11 Average Bed Shortening
Average bed shortening in Figure G.1 is the assumed bed shortening experienced by each strand. In this sample
stressing calculation, the simplified method is used whereby half of the total bed shortening is assumed to occur in
each strand for calculation purposes.
G.2.12 Strand Data
The strand data must match the information on the reviewed mill test reports. If the fabricator has not selected a
specific strand pack for use in fabrication, they may opt to use assumed or average data values. The Consultant must
verify that the assumed or average data values do not result in exceedance of the specified force and elongation
tolerances. In Figure G.1, actual strand data is used.
G.2.13 Strand Length within the Stressing Bed
The strand length within the stressing bed in Figure G.1 is equivalent to the unstressed bed length (Subsection G.2.4)
for straight strands. Adjustments need to be made for deviated strands based on the location of the deflection
points and the angle of the deviated portions of the strands.
G.2.14 Basic Elongation
Basic elongation in Figure G.1 is the theoretical strand elongation required to achieve the target final force
(Subsection G.2.2) without accounting for any losses.
G.2.15 Strand Jacking Stress
The strand jacking stress in Figure G.1 represents the stress in the strand corresponding to the target final force
(Subsection G.2.2) and does not include for losses. The strand jacking stress is added to the strand stress
corresponding to the loss overpull (Subsection G.2.22) to arrive at the final strand force (Subsection G.2.23).

Page G-4
Appendix G – Review of Prestressing Calculations

G.2.16 Strand Yield Stress

The strand yield stress in Figure G.1 is measured at 1.0 % extension under load. In accordance with ASTM A416 the
yield stress must be at least 90% of the ultimate tensile strength of the strand. The yield stress is used in calculating
the strand stress from the strand force and calculating the initial relaxation (Subsection G.2.18).
G.2.17 Elapsed Time from Jacking
The elapsed time from jacking in Figure G.1 is the time between initial tensioning and detensioning which is typically
0.75 days for girders fabricated on a 24 hour cycle.
G.2.18 Initial Relaxation
The loss of prestress due to initial relaxation, REL1 in Figure G.1 is the time-dependent loss of stress in a prestressing
strand that is held under a certain strain between the time of initial tensioning and detensioning. The magnitude of
the loss of stress depends on the time elapsed since jacking (Subsection G.2.17) which is typically taken as 0.75 days
for girders fabricated on a 24-hour cycle. The loss of stress also depends on the strand yield stress (Subsection
G.2.16) and the strand jacking stress (Subsection G.2.15).
G.2.19 Elongation Correction for Initial Relaxation
Elongation correction for initial relaxation in Figure G.1 is the additional elongation that needs to be applied to the
strands to compensate for initial relaxation, REL1 (Subsection G.2.18) and is dependent on the time between jacking
and release, the length of strand being stressed, and the Young’s Modulus of the strand.
G.2.20 Target Elongation
Target elongation in Figure G.1 is the anticipated strand elongation accounting for the remaining dead-end chuck
seating after initial tensioning (Subsection G.2.8), bed shortening (Subsection G.2.11) and initial relaxation
(Subsection G.2.19). Although the strand elongation also needs to compensate for live-end chuck seating
(Subsection G.2.9), this is not included in the target elongation value because it is measured for this particular
procedure after the strand force is transferred from the jack to the chucks. This stressing procedure is based on
stressing to a pre-determined jacking force, transferring the force from the jack to the chuck and then checking that
the actual elongation is within tolerance.
G.2.21 Force per Unit Elongation
Force per unit elongation in Figure G.1 is a measurement of the amount of force required per length of strand
elongated. This value is used to calculate loss overpull (Subsection G.2.22).
G.2.22 Loss Overpull
Loss overpull in Figure G.1 is the additional force beyond the target final force (Subsection G.2.2) that is required to
account for the live-end chuck seating (Subsection G.2.9), stressing bed shortening (Subsection G.2.11) and
elongation correction due to initial relaxation (Subsection G.2.19).
G.2.23 Final Strand Force
Final strand force in Figure G.1 is the calculated force that is required in the strands prior to transferring the force
from the jack to the chucks. This is the force that is measured by the jack gauge. Checks must be performed to
verify that this force does not result in the stress limit of 0.78fpu being exceeded.
G.2.24 Jack Gauge Reading
Jack gauge reading in Figure G.1 is the gauge reading that the stressing personnel are targeting in order to achieve
the Final Strand Force. This reading is based on the jack calibration data that has been certified and reviewed and
accepted for use by the Consultant.

Page G-5
Appendix G – Review of Prestressing Calculations

The sample stressing calculation in Figure G.1 does not account for friction and thermal effects due to the lack of
deviated strand hold downs or other friction generating hardware and continually controlled environment within
the fabrication shop at all times.
Friction does not influence the required strand elongation but does need to be considered in terms of the additional
force (overpull) required to overcome the friction sources. Friction buildup during single-strand tensioning of straight
strands is usually negligible. If excessive friction exists in deviated strand tensioning, the gauge readings may be out
of tolerance or prove not reliable. Confirmation of deviated strand force at the dead must be verified in accordance
with PCI MNL 116.
Thermal effects need to be accounted for if there is a considerable difference between the temperature of the
strands during stressing and the temperature of the concrete. Typically, fabrication is carried out inside a controlled
environment where the temperature does not change significantly. Adjustments are not typically required for
temperature differentials of less than 15oC.

Page G-6
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

This Appendix includes (QA) checklists and inspection forms to support the Consultants review of prefabrication
submissions and completion of the required fabrication quality assurance inspections for steel girders, deck joints,
precast concrete units, bearings, bridgerail, and overhead sign structures. Checklists are also provided to assist in
preparing the final deliverable fabrication reports. The checklists and quality assurance inspection forms provided
in this Appendix include standard requirements and must be carefully reviewed and modified by the Consultant for
project specific requirements where necessary. The checklists and inspection forms provided in this Appendix are
also provided in electronic format on the Department’s website


H.1.1 Steel Girder Prefabrication Submission Checklist



Supply and fabrication inspection and test plan

Fabricator's quality control program

Certification documents for the fabricator and its sub-contractors

Certification document for the QC inspectors and NDT inspectors

Qualifications of welding personnel

Fabrication sequence and equipment

Mill test reports and product data sheets

Shop drawings

Design and independent check notes (if applicable)

Welding procedure specifications

Welding procedure data sheets

Repair procedures (optional)

Fabrication schedule

Page H-1
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.1.2 Steel Girder Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist

Girder Segment No.:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Supply of Structural Verify all plate heats being used in fabrication have a MTR that has been
Steel reviewed and accepted
Verify verification testing samples have been acceptably taken (if required)
Verify traceability of each plate
Verify proper storage of plate subsequent to start of fabrication
Surface Preparation
Verify plate condition prior to cutting
and Cleaning
Verify steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to
Verify surface defects are reported, assessed and repaired in accordance with
the repair procedure that has been reviewed and accepted prior to being
incorporated in the work
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports and identification of
surface defects has been acceptably completed and are in conformance with the
Cutting of Plate Verify plate condition after plate cleaning before cutting
Verify the cutting procedure meets the contract requirements
Verify material traceability and documentation is in place for all plate during
Verify plate dimensions are in accordance with reviewed and accepted shop
Verify hardness testing of thermally cut flange and flange splice plates is being
Verify cut plate edge surface roughness
Verify finish of the plate corners
Visually inspect thick flange plates (over 70 mm thick) for lamination defects
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are
Shop Splicing of Flange
qualified to perform the task that they are assigned to and that their
and Web Plates
certification is current
Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with
Shop Splicing of Flange Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to
and Web Plates welding
Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s
Verify preheat and interpass temperature
Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds
Verify that properly prepared run-off tabs are used

Page H-2
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Segment No.:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Spot inspect root and intermediate weld passes for multi pass welds
Visually inspect all completed welds
Verify independent radiographic inspection (RT) of welded splices is conducted
Verify independent dye penetrant inspection (PT) of the ends of the flange butt
splices is being conducted
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports including radiographic
Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Flange/Web Plate Fit
Complete visual inspection of the alignment of the web at the flange surfaces
Verify the flange to web gaps are less than 2 mm
Visually inspect tack welds for quality, size, length; defects etc.
Verify dimensional tolerances
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports
Welding of Flange Plate Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are
to Web Plate qualified
Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with
Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to
Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s
Verify preheat and interpass temperature
Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds
Verify that acceptable run-off tabs and tables are used
Welding of Flange Plate
Spot inspect root and intermediate weld passes for multi pass welds
to Web Plate
Visually inspect all completed welds
Verify independent magnetic particle (MT) inspection is being completed
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Fitting of Stiffeners Complete a visual inspection of the stiffeners
Verify the alignment and out-of-straightness tolerances for stiffeners
Verify offset of stiffeners from flange and web shop slices
Spot inspect root and intermediate weld passes for multi pass welds
Visually inspect all completed welds

Page H-3
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Segment No.:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify independent magnetic particle (MT) inspection is being completed
Verify web panning measurements once all the stiffeners
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Welding of Shear Studs Witness the testing of stud welding at the beginning of the shift
Visually inspect completed welds
Witness stud bend and ring testing
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Verification of Girder
Verify the offset measurements to the centerline of flange for the two girder
Camber and Field
segments to be prepared for a field splice
Verify that the measurements meet the tolerances
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Verification of Girder
Camber and Field Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Field Splice Fabrication Visually inspect the field splices
Verify bolt spacing, end and edge distances and bolt hole alignment
Verify bolts or pins have been inserted (tightened or loose) in each hole of the
field splice
Verify splice plates are marked in accordance with shop drawings
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Surface Prep and
Verify that the surfaces are free of contaminants
Verify sharp edges have been removed
Verify the surface roughness meets the requirement of the coating
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
The environmental conditions, such as the temperature of the steel and relative
humidity are within the paint manufacturer’s specified limits
Verify manufacturer’s mixing procedure on approved product data sheet is
Verify compressed air supply is clean and dry
Page H-4
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Segment No.:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify areas not to be coated have been adequately protected from overspray
Verify applicator is checking the wet film thickness during the application
Verify each coat is inspected for defects and uniform appearance
Verify the dry-film thickness of applied coats and the entire coating system
Verify all identified repairs are completed in accordance with a reviewed and
accepted procedure
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Handling and Storage Verify lifting devices are not causing any damage to the girder surfaces
Verify softeners are used at all times with chains, flange hooks, restraint
systems, or any other tie down devices to prevent damage to girder surfaces
Verify galvanized and metallized material is handled, stacked, bundled,
transported, hauled and stored to prevent damage or wet storage staining
Verify girders are stored in an acceptable manner on supports and protected
from wet conditions
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Review of the QC and QA inspection and testing records and/or reports to verify
Final Inspection
compliance with the contract documents
Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have
been reviewed and accepted
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify the final inspection has been acceptably completed and written
Shipping acceptance by both the fabricator’s QC Inspector and the Consultant has been
provided in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify girders are loaded, supported, and restrained in accordance with the
transportation, handling and storage drawings
Verify girders are protected in accordance with the transportation, handling and
storage drawings

Page H-5
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.1.3 Steel Girder Plate Assembly Inspection Form

Page H-6
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.1.4 Steel Girder Assembly Inspection Form

Page H-7
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-8
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.1.5 Steel Girder Non-Destructive Testing Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-9
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.1.6 Steel Girder Visual Inspection Form

Page H-10
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.1.7 Steel Girder Final Fabrication Report Checklist

Summary of Fabrication
Summary Letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Contractor, Fabricator, Design Consultant, Inspector and Department personnel
Prefabrication Meeting Minutes
Summary of Consultant Inspection Hours in the Fabrication Shop
Fabrication Schedule Showing Timeline of Production for Each Unit
Fabrication shop and subcontractor certification
Certification for welders, tack welders and welding operators
Certification of QC inspectors and independent NDT technicians
Material and Testing Submittals
Mill test reports
Welding procedure specifications and weld procedure data sheets
Product data sheets
Material testing results
Additional testing for boron on all steel used on plate girders
Fabrication Inspection
Daily and Weekly Inspection Reports from Consultant’s QA Inspector
QC inspection and testing records and/or reports
Photo Records from Consultant’s QA Inspector
Flange plate hardness tests
Flange plate shop splice radiography tests and film
Web plate shop splice radiography tests and film
Magnetic particle inspection records of flange to web welds and stiffener welds
Ultrasonic test records if any
Records of camber measurements reported with required cambers
Inspection reports web out-of-flatness, stiffeners out-of-straightness, sweep tolerance
Non-compliance and repair reports if any with supporting photographs
Completed ITP with QA and QC signatures at all Witness and Hold Points
Final Inspection Records for Each Unit
Drawings and Design Notes
Issued-for-construction drawings related to girders
Referenced Alberta Transportation Standard Drawings
Any Design or Independent Check Notes
Shop drawings as reviewed
As fabricated shop drawings
* Items unique for each girder segment must be compiled and included in the final fabrication report
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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


H.2.1 Deck Joint Assembly Prefabrication Submission Checklist



Supply and fabrication inspection and test plan

Fabricator's quality control program

Certification documents for the fabricator and its sub-contractors

Certification document for the QC inspectors and NDT inspectors

Qualifications of welding personnel

Fabrication sequence and equipment

Mill test reports and product data sheets

Shop drawings

Design and independent check notes (if applicable)

Welding procedure specifications

Welding procedure data sheets

Repair procedures (optional)

Fabrication schedule

Page H-12
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.2.2 Deck Joint Assembly Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist

Deck Joint Type and Location:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Supply of Structural Verify all steel plates are traceable and each plate has a clearly identifiable MTR
Steel that is compliant with the contract
Verify all material requiring verification testing is properly sampled
Steel plate surfaces are of acceptable condition. A visual spot check of the plate
condition may be conducted during the first shop visit or as part of the
prefabrication meeting
Plates are stored adequately to avoid damage prior to fabrication
Surface Preparation
Verify plate condition prior to cutting
and Cleaning
Verify steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to
Verify surface defects are reported, assessed and repaired in accordance with
the repair procedure that has been reviewed and accepted prior to being
incorporated in the work
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports and identification of
surface defects has been acceptably completed and are in conformance with the
Cutting of Plates Verify the cutting procedure meets the contract requirements
Verify material traceability and documentation is in place for all plate
Verify base plates, V-seal cover plates, and finger plates are cut with the rolling
direction of the plate in the direction of traffic flow
Verify plate dimensions are in accordance with the reviewed and accepted shop
Inspect plate edge roughness, and the finish of the plate corners
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are
Welding qualified to perform the task that they are assigned to and that their
certification is current
Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with
Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to
Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s
Verify that preheat and interpass temperature
Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds;
Visually inspect all completed welds;
Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results
Page H-13
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Deck Joint Type and Location:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Periodically witness stud welding testing in accordance at the beginning of every
Witness shear stud bend and hammer ring testing
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Galvanizing and
Verify plate cleaning and surface preparation prior to coating
Verify the surface roughness
Visually inspect the completed galvanized/metallized surface
Review the QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance
with the contract
Verify fabrication tolerances by spot checking and reviewing QC recorded
Verify heat curving repair procedures, if required; comply with the reviewed and
accepted procedure
Review all other QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for
conformance with the contract
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Review of the QC and QA inspection and testing records and/or reports to verify
Final Inspection
compliance with the contract documents
Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have
been reviewed and accepted
Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP

Page H-14
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.2.3 Cover Plated V-Seal Deck Joint Assembly Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-15
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.2.4 Finger Plate Deck Joint Assembly Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-16
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.2.5 Type 1 Strip Seal Deck Joint Assembly Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-17
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.2.6 Deck Joint Assembly Final Fabrication Report Checklist

Summary of Fabrication
Summary letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Contractor, fabricator, design consultant, Consultant QA Inspector and Department personnel
Prefabrication meeting minutes
Summary of consultant inspection hours in the fabrication shop
Fabrication schedule showing timeline of production for each unit
Fabrication shop and subcontractor certification
Certification for welders, tack welders and welding operators
Certification of QC inspectors and independent NDT technicians
Material and Testing Submittals
Mill test reports
Welding procedure specifications and weld procedure data sheets
Product data sheets
Material testing results
Additional testing for boron on all steel used on plate girders
Fabrication Inspection
Inspection reports from Consultant’s QA Inspector
Photo records from Consultant’s QA Inspector
Weld inspection reports
Joint gap measurement report for different joint gap settings.
Coating (galvanizing or metallizing) QC inspection reports
Non-compliance and repair reports if any
Completed ITP with QA and QC signatures at all witness and hold points
Final Inspection for each deck joint
Issued-for-construction drawings
Referenced Alberta Transportation Standard Drawings
Shop drawings as reviewed
As fabricated shop drawings
* Items unique for each deck joint must be compiled and included in the final fabrication report

Page H-18
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


H.3.1 NU Girder Prefabrication Submission Checklist

Supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP)
Fabricator's quality control program
Fabrication facility certification (CPCQA)
Fabricator personnel certification (PCI Level I/II)
Concrete testing technician certification
Fabrication sequence and equipment
Mill test reports and product data sheets
Reinforcing steel
Prestressing strand load/elongation curve
Handling and lifting devices
Voids, ducts and conduits
Hardware and miscellaneous materials
Shop drawings
Design notes and independent check notes *
Prestressing strand load/elongation curve
Prestressing equipment calibration certificate
Prestressing calculations and procedures
Concrete mix design review letter
Aggregate test results
Trial batch test results
Welder certification (if applicable)
Welding procedure specifications (if applicable)
Welding procedure data sheets (if applicable)
Fabrication schedule
* Design notes and independent check notes are required for stressing calculations, fabricator designed
elements such as hold down devices, MSE walls and design modifications

Page H-19
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.2 NU Girder Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist

Girder Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Stressing Beds and
Verify formwork materials, preparation and condition
Verify formwork integrity and alignment
Verify formwork dimensions and tolerances
Verify formwork bracing, supports, and clamps
Verify Installation of intermediate bulkheads (if any)
Verify consistency with the approved shop drawings
Verify application of release agent and retarding agent (if applicable)
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication
Verify reinforcing steel is traceable and has an associated mill test report that
Reinforcing Steel
has been accepted
Verify reinforcing steel has been adequately stored and handled
Verify installation and placement of reinforcing steel is acceptable
Verify reinforcing bars of the correct size and type are used
Verify reinforcing bars are positioned within tolerance of the location shown on
the shop drawings
Verify reinforcing bars are undamaged, clean and free of contaminants
including release agent contamination
Verify reinforcing bars meet the specified cover and clear spacing
Verify reinforcing bars are not welded to each other or any embedded
Verify reinforcing bars are securely tied to prevent movement during concrete
Verify reinforcing bars are tied at all intersections except where the bar spacing
is less than 250 mm in each direction, in which case alternate intersections
must be tied
Verify installation and placement of mechanical and lapped reinforcing steel
splices is acceptable
Verify appropriate tie wire material is being used and tie-wire ends are bent
away from the form edges and concrete surfaces
Verify supports used to maintain reinforcing steel concrete cover and
separation between layers are of a suitable size and material
Verify the coating of epoxy-coated reinforcing steel is not damaged
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify prestressing strands are traceable and have an associated mill test report
Prestressing Strand
that is accepted
Verify prestressing strands from multiple strand packs as applicable are
identifiable as to which strand pack they come from
Verify prestressing strands have been adequately stored and handled
Verify installation and placement of prestressing steel is acceptable
Verify prestressing strands of the correct size and type are used
Verify prestressing strands are positioned within tolerance of the location
shown on the shop drawings
Verify prestressing strands are undamaged, clean and free of contaminants
including release agent contamination
Verify prestressing strands meet the specified cover and clear spacing
Verify prestressing strands are debonded at the correct locations as applicable
Verify prestressing strands are not twisted, spliced sections have the same lay
and splices are not located within a precast concrete unit
Verify strand chucks are suitable for use and correctly prepared and aligned
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify only hardware that has been accepted for use must be used
Verify type, size and condition of all embedded items is acceptable
Verify installation requirements for camber hubs have been addressed by the
fabricator as applicable
Verify identification molds for precast concrete units have been acceptably
installed as applicable
Verify installation (location, alignment, profile, cover) of all embedded items is
Verify embedded items are properly secured to resist movement and will
remain dimensionally stable during concrete placement and consolidation
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the witness and hold points in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify reviewed and accepted stressing calculations and procedures are being
Stressing used for all stressing operations, including considerations for deviated strands
and checking force and elongation tolerances
Verify personnel performing and supervising the stressing operations are
qualified to do this work

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify stressing equipment with approved valid calibration certificates is being
Verify stressing calculations are updated for the actual Young’s Modulus and
area of the prestressing strands being stressed as applicable based on the
stressing procedures
Verify approved stressing sequence is being followed
Verify detailed and accurate stressing records are being kept by the fabricator
and all strands that are tensioned out of tolerance are clearly identified.
Verification must include independent elongation measurements and tolerance
checks by the Consultant’s QA Inspector
Verify jack alignment is acceptable and strand chucks are evenly seated
Verify there are no conflicts or snagging points that could damage the
prestressing strands or adversely affect the stressing operations
Verify the condition of the prestressing strands is acceptable prior to stressing
and after final tensioning
Verify prestressing strands with broken or damaged wires are removed and
Verify the magnitude of chuck seating closely matches that assumed in
stressing calculations
Verify number, location, layout and length of any debonded strands is in
accordance with the approved shop drawings and checked after final tensioning
Verify recesses are acceptably formed at the ends of all strands
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the stressing hold point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify all required concrete testing requirements outlined in this Manual are
Concrete Testing
being performed by the fabricator in accordance with referenced CSA standards
Verify concrete samples for testing are taken at an acceptable point during
discharge and the concrete is representative of the concrete used in the
concrete unit
Verify test cylinders are adequately prepared and are stored such that curing
requirements can be met
Verify air tests are witnessed, and results are in compliance with the accepted
concrete mix design
Witness concrete density tests to verify compliance with the contract drawings
and Specifications
Witness slump tests to verify results are in compliance with the accepted
concrete mix design
Witness concrete temperature measurements to verify compliance with the

Page H-22
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify QC inspection and/or testing records are accurate and compliant with
the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication
Verify concrete batches are of uniform appearance and texture. All
Concrete Placement irregularities must be documented and brought to the attention of the
Monitor batching times for long gaps that may result in the formation of cold
Verify acceptable placement practices and equipment are being used
Verify time from initial mixing of the concrete until placing the concrete in the
form does not exceed one hour
Verify concrete is not being dropped from a significant height into the forms
Verify the placement method preserves the concrete mix properties in terms of
water to cement ratio, slump, uniformity and air content
Verify acceptable consolidation practices are being used
Verify acceptable vibratory equipment is being utilized, including the use of
vibrators with non-metallic surfaces for concrete units containing epoxy coated
Verify additional measures are being used, as required, in difficult and
obstructed placements
Verify concrete cover to voids and ducts to ensure no flotation is occurring
Verify reinforcing steel, prestressing strands and all other embedded items are
not displaced during consolidation
Verify repair of all repairable defects has been acceptably completed prior to
Verify detensioning sequence is in accordance with submitted and Consultant
accepted procedure
Verify strand slippage marks are provided for measurement of strand slippage
prior to detensioning
Verify concrete has reached minimum specified release strength prior to
Verify strand slippage is measured and recorded after detensioning complete
Length, width and areas of cracking, particularly within the bearing and
anchorage zones of precast concrete units, are clearly identified, recorded and
assessed for compliance with the specified limits
Provide written acceptance of the detensioning witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Visual Inspection for
Verify the general appearance of the concrete unit
Verify roughened concrete surfaces are adequate and in the locations specified
Page H-23
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify and mark out surface defects, including bug holes, honeycombing, cracks
or spalls with the fabricator's QC inspector. Evaluate noted defects for
Identify misaligned embedded items
Verify removal of any concrete fins
Verify concrete paste removal from projecting reinforcing steel and other
Verify concrete removal from within any formed voids
Verify repair procedures are selected based on the type, extent and location of
the defects
Verify repairs are completed in accordance with the Consultant reviewed and
accepted repair procedures
Verify repairs are completed either before or after detensioning, as specified
Verify approved concrete patching materials, sack rub, and concrete sealers are
being used
Verify surface roughening, where specified, is in accordance with specified ICRI
concrete profile standard
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication
Product Dimensions
Verify camber measurements are taken and recorded at camber hub locations
and Camber
Verify overall length, width, depth and other dimensions such as web thickness
and flange thickness
Verify locations and condition of blockouts and embedded materials such as
bracing inserts, bearing shoe plates, bridgerail anchor rods and lifting devices
Verify extents of any specified roughened concrete surfaces
Verify non-stressed deck panels and MSE wall panels for any bowing or
Verify squareness or skew (if ends of units are to be skewed) of the ends of
precast units
Verify dimensional tolerances are within specified limits
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Perform a joint thorough inspection of all prestressed concrete units
Curing coordinated with the fabricator prior to entering the curing phase to verify unit
condition and that all defects have been acceptably repaired
Verify sufficient measures are taken to ensure timely commencement of curing
and to avoid thermal shock throughout the entire curing process
Verify the fabricator is following the curing requirements of the SSBC and CSA

Page H-24
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify the fabricator is collecting and recording all of the required curing data
including time, temperature, humidity and concrete unit identification
Provide written acceptance of the curing witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Concrete Surface
Verify concrete surface finishes are applied to the correct surfaces as identified
Finish and Application
on the approved shop drawings and in accordance with the contract
of Sealer
Verify concrete, repair and/or sack rub materials have been acceptably cured
prior to application of concrete sealer
Verify sealer products to be used have been reviewed and accepted by the
Verify the sealer is applied in accordance with the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication
Handling and Storage Verify lifting points are in accordance with the shop drawings
Verify lifting devices do not result in damage to the precast concrete unit
Verify the storage area is sufficiently level and structurally competent to
support the dead weight of the unit
Verify dunnage is sufficient to support the unit and located in the prescribed
Verify stacked units are stacked in an appropriate manner to ensure the precast
units are not exposed to unintended stresses
Provide written acceptance of the witness point once the work is acceptably
Verify compliance of QC and QA inspection and/or testing records with the
Final Inspection
contract documents
Verify all dimensional tolerances meet the contract requirements
Verify all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have
been reviewed and accepted
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify the final inspection has been acceptably completed and written
Clearance to Ship acceptance by both the fabricator’s QC Inspector and the Consultant has been
provided in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify precast concrete units are loaded, supported, and restrained in
accordance with the transportation, handling and storage drawings
Verify precast concrete units are protected in accordance with the
transportation, handling and storage drawings and Subsection 7.3.1 of the SSBC

Page H-25
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.3 NU Girder Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Report

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-28
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-29
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-30
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.4 Sample NU Girder Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Report

Page H-31
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-34
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-35
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.5 NU Girder Final Fabrication Report Checklist

Summary of Fabrication
Summary Letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Key Contacts including Contractor, Fabricator, Design Consultant, Inspector and Department
Prefabrication Meeting Minutes
Summary of Consultant Inspection Hours in the Fabrication Shop
Fabrication Schedule Showing Timeline of Production for Each Unit
Fabrication Facility Certification (CPCQA)
Fabricator Personnel Certification (PCI Level I/II)
Concrete Testing Technician Certification
Inspector Certification (PCI Level II)
Stressing Equipment Calibration Certification
Welder Certificates (CWB)
Material and Testing Submittals
Complete Concrete Mix Design and Trial Batch Results
Prestressing Calculations and Procedures
Prestressing Strand Load/Elongation Curve
Daily Stressing Records as recorded
Product Data Sheets
Mill Test Reports
Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets
Concrete Test Results from 3rd Party and any QA Checks
Curing Records as recorded
Fabrication Inspection
Daily and Weekly Inspection Report from Consultant’s Inspector
Photo Records from Consultant’s Inspector
All inspection and testing reports and/or records from Consultant’s QA Inspector and fabricator’s
Repair Procedures
NCRs including Repair Reports and Review/Acceptance of Repairs
Strand Slippage
Camber and Dimensional Tolerance Records
Completed ITP with QA and QC signatures at all Witness and Hold Points
Final Inspection Records for Each Unit

Page H-36
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Drawings and Design Notes

Design Drawings Related to the Precast Concrete Units
Referenced Alberta Transportation Standard Drawings
Design and Independent Check Notes
Shop Drawings as reviewed
As fabricated Shop Drawings

Page H-37
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.6 SL and SLW Girder Prefabrication Submission Checklist

Supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP)
Fabricator's quality control program
Fabrication facility certification (CPCQA)
Fabricator personnel certification (PCI Level I/II)
Concrete testing technician certification
Fabrication sequence and equipment
Mill test reports and product data sheets
Reinforcing steel
Prestressing strand load/elongation curve
Handling and lifting devices
Voids, ducts and conduits
Hardware and miscellaneous materials
Shop drawings
Design notes and independent check notes *
Prestressing strand load/elongation curve
Prestressing equipment calibration certificate
Prestressing calculations and procedures
Concrete mix design review letter
Aggregate test results
Trial batch test results
Welder certification (if applicable)
Welding procedure specifications (if applicable)
Welding procedure data sheets (if applicable)
Fabrication schedule
* Design notes and independent check notes are required for stressing calculations, fabricator designed
elements such as hold down devices, MSE walls and design modifications

Page H-38
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.7 SL and SLW Girder Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist

Girder Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Stressing Beds and
Verify formwork materials, preparation and condition
Verify formwork integrity and alignment
Verify formwork dimensions and tolerances
Verify formwork bracing, supports, and clamps
Verify Installation of intermediate bulkheads (if any)
Verify consistency with the approved shop drawings
Verify application of release agent and retarding agent (if applicable)
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication
Verify reinforcing steel is traceable and has an associated mill test report that
Reinforcing Steel
has been accepted
Verify reinforcing steel has been adequately stored and handled
Verify installation and placement of reinforcing steel is acceptable
Verify reinforcing bars of the correct size and type are used
Verify reinforcing bars are positioned within tolerance of the location shown on
the shop drawings
Verify reinforcing bars are undamaged, clean and free of contaminants
including release agent contamination
Verify reinforcing bars meet the specified cover and clear spacing
Verify reinforcing bars are not welded to each other or any embedded
Verify reinforcing bars are securely tied to prevent movement during concrete
Verify reinforcing bars are tied at all intersections except where the bar spacing
is less than 250 mm in each direction, in which case alternate intersections
must be tied
Verify installation and placement of mechanical and lapped reinforcing steel
splices is acceptable
Verify appropriate tie wire material is being used and tie-wire ends are bent
away from the form edges and concrete surfaces
Verify supports used to maintain reinforcing steel concrete cover and
separation between layers are of a suitable size and material
Verify the coating of epoxy-coated reinforcing steel is not damaged
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements

Page H-39
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify prestressing strands are traceable and have an associated mill test report
Prestressing Strand
that is accepted
Verify prestressing strands from multiple strand packs as applicable are
identifiable as to which strand pack they come from
Verify prestressing strands have been adequately stored and handled
Verify installation and placement of prestressing steel is acceptable
Verify prestressing strands of the correct size and type are used
Verify prestressing strands are positioned within tolerance of the location
shown on the shop drawings
Verify prestressing strands are undamaged, clean and free of contaminants
including release agent contamination
Verify prestressing strands meet the specified cover and clear spacing
Verify prestressing strands are debonded at the correct locations as applicable
Verify prestressing strands are not twisted, spliced sections have the same lay
and splices are not located within a precast concrete unit
Verify strand chucks are suitable for use and correctly prepared and aligned
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify only hardware that has been accepted for use must be used
Verify type, size and condition of all embedded items is acceptable
Verify installation requirements for camber hubs have been addressed by the
fabricator as applicable
Verify identification molds for precast concrete units have been acceptably
installed as applicable
Verify installation (location, alignment, profile, cover) of all embedded items is
Verify embedded items are properly secured to resist movement and will
remain dimensionally stable during concrete placement and consolidation
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the witness and hold points in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify reviewed and accepted stressing calculations and procedures are being
Stressing used for all stressing operations, including considerations for deviated strands
and checking force and elongation tolerances
Verify personnel performing and supervising the stressing operations are
qualified to do this work

Page H-40
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify stressing equipment with approved valid calibration certificates is being
Verify stressing calculations are updated for the actual Young’s Modulus and
area of the prestressing strands being stressed as applicable based on the
stressing procedures
Verify approved stressing sequence is being followed
Verify detailed and accurate stressing records are being kept by the fabricator
and all strands that are tensioned out of tolerance are clearly identified.
Verification must include independent elongation measurements and tolerance
checks by the Consultant’s QA Inspector
Verify jack alignment is acceptable and strand chucks are evenly seated
Verify there are no conflicts or snagging points that could damage the
prestressing strands or adversely affect the stressing operations
Verify the condition of the prestressing strands is acceptable prior to stressing
and after final tensioning
Verify prestressing strands with broken or damaged wires are removed and
Verify the magnitude of chuck seating closely matches that assumed in
stressing calculations
Verify number, location, layout and length of any debonded strands is in
accordance with the approved shop drawings and checked after final tensioning
Verify recesses are acceptably formed at the ends of all strands
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the stressing hold point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify all required concrete testing requirements outlined in this Manual are
Concrete Testing
being performed by the fabricator in accordance with referenced CSA standards
Verify concrete samples for testing are taken at an acceptable point during
discharge and the concrete is representative of the concrete used in the
concrete unit
Verify test cylinders are adequately prepared and are stored such that curing
requirements can be met
Verify air tests are witnessed, and results are in compliance with the accepted
concrete mix design
Witness concrete density tests to verify compliance with the contract drawings
and Specifications
Witness slump tests to verify results are in compliance with the accepted
concrete mix design
Witness concrete temperature measurements to verify compliance with the

Page H-41
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify QC inspection and/or testing records are accurate and compliant with
the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication
Verify concrete batches are of uniform appearance and texture. All
Concrete Placement irregularities must be documented and brought to the attention of the
Monitor batching times for long gaps that may result in the formation of cold
Verify acceptable placement practices and equipment are being used
Verify time from initial mixing of the concrete until placing the concrete in the
form does not exceed one hour
Verify concrete is not being dropped from a significant height into the forms
Verify the placement method preserves the concrete mix properties in terms of
water to cement ratio, slump, uniformity and air content
Verify acceptable consolidation practices are being used
Verify acceptable vibratory equipment is being utilized, including the use of
vibrators with non-metallic surfaces for concrete units containing epoxy coated
Verify additional measures are being used, as required, in difficult and
obstructed placements
Verify concrete cover to voids and ducts to ensure no flotation is occurring
Verify reinforcing steel, prestressing strands and all other embedded items are
not displaced during consolidation
Verify repair of all repairable defects has been acceptably completed prior to
Verify detensioning sequence is in accordance with submitted and Consultant
accepted procedure
Verify strand slippage marks are provided for measurement of strand slippage
prior to detensioning
Verify concrete has reached minimum specified release strength prior to
Verify strand slippage is measured and recorded after detensioning complete
Length, width and areas of cracking, particularly within the bearing and
anchorage zones of precast concrete units, are clearly identified, recorded and
assessed for compliance with the specified limits
Provide written acceptance of the detensioning witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Visual Inspection for
Verify the general appearance of the concrete unit
Verify roughened concrete surfaces are adequate and in the locations specified
Page H-42
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify and mark out surface defects, including bug holes, honeycombing, cracks
or spalls with the fabricator's QC inspector. Evaluate noted defects for
Identify misaligned embedded items
Verify removal of any concrete fins
Verify concrete paste removal from projecting reinforcing steel and other
Verify concrete removal from within any formed voids
Verify repair procedures are selected based on the type, extent and location of
the defects
Verify repairs are completed in accordance with the Consultant reviewed and
accepted repair procedures
Verify repairs are completed either before or after detensioning, as specified
Verify approved concrete patching materials, sack rub, and concrete sealers are
being used
Verify surface roughening, where specified, is in accordance with specified ICRI
concrete profile standard
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication
Product Dimensions
Verify camber measurements are taken and recorded at camber hub locations
and Camber
Verify overall length, width, depth and other dimensions such as web thickness
and flange thickness
Verify locations and condition of blockouts and embedded materials such as
bracing inserts, bearing shoe plates, bridgerail anchor rods and lifting devices
Verify extents of any specified roughened concrete surfaces
Verify non-stressed deck panels and MSE wall panels for any bowing or
Verify squareness or skew (if ends of units are to be skewed) of the ends of
precast units
Verify dimensional tolerances are within specified limits
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Perform a joint thorough inspection of all prestressed concrete units
Curing coordinated with the fabricator prior to entering the curing phase to verify unit
condition and that all defects have been acceptably repaired
Verify sufficient measures are taken to ensure timely commencement of curing
and to avoid thermal shock throughout the entire curing process
Verify the fabricator is following the curing requirements of the SSBC and CSA

Page H-43
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify the fabricator is collecting and recording all of the required curing data
including time, temperature, humidity and concrete unit identification
Provide written acceptance of the curing witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Concrete Surface
Verify concrete surface finishes are applied to the correct surfaces as identified
Finish and Application
on the approved shop drawings and in accordance with the contract
of Sealer
Verify concrete, repair and/or sack rub materials have been acceptably cured
prior to application of concrete sealer
Verify sealer products to be used have been reviewed and accepted by the
Verify the sealer is applied in accordance with the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication
Handling and Storage Verify lifting points are in accordance with the shop drawings
Verify lifting devices do not result in damage to the precast concrete unit
Verify the storage area is sufficiently level and structurally competent to
support the dead weight of the unit
Verify dunnage is sufficient to support the unit and located in the prescribed
Verify stacked units are stacked in an appropriate manner to ensure the precast
units are not exposed to unintended stresses
Provide written acceptance of the witness point once the work is acceptably
Verify compliance of QC and QA inspection and/or testing records with the
Final Inspection
contract documents
Verify all dimensional tolerances meet the contract requirements
Verify all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have
been reviewed and accepted
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify the final inspection has been acceptably completed and written
Clearance to Ship acceptance by both the fabricator’s QC Inspector and the Consultant has been
provided in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify precast concrete units are loaded, supported, and restrained in
accordance with the transportation, handling and storage drawings
Verify precast concrete units are protected in accordance with the
transportation, handling and storage drawings and Subsection 7.3.1 of the SSBC

Page H-44
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.8 SL and SLW Girder Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Report

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-49
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.9 SL and SLW Girder Final Fabrication Report Checklist

Summary of Fabrication
Summary Letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Key Contacts including Contractor, Fabricator, Design Consultant, Inspector and Department
Prefabrication Meeting Minutes
Summary of Consultant Inspection Hours in the Fabrication Shop
Fabrication Schedule Showing Timeline of Production for Each Unit
Fabrication Facility Certification (CPCQA)
Fabricator Personnel Certification (PCI Level I/II)
Concrete Testing Technician Certification
Inspector Certification (PCI Level II)
Stressing Equipment Calibration Certification
Welder Certificates (CWB)
Material and Testing Submittals
Complete Concrete Mix Design and Trial Batch Results
Prestressing Calculations and Procedures
Prestressing Strand Load/Elongation Curve
Daily Stressing Records as recorded
Product Data Sheets
Mill Test Reports
Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets
Concrete Test Results from 3rd Party and any QA Checks
Curing Records as recorded
Fabrication Inspection
Daily and Weekly Inspection Report from Consultant’s Inspector
Photo Records from Consultant’s Inspector
All inspection and testing reports and/or records from Consultant’s QA Inspector and fabricator’s
Repair Procedures
NCRs including Repair Reports and Review/Acceptance of Repairs
Strand Slippage
Camber and Dimensional Tolerance Records
Completed ITP with QA and QC signatures at all Witness and Hold Points
Final Inspection Records for Each Unit
Drawings and Design Notes
Page H-50
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Design Drawings Related to the Precast Concrete Units

Referenced Alberta Transportation Standard Drawings
Design and Independent Check Notes
Shop Drawings as reviewed
As fabricated Shop Drawings

Page H-51
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.10 SLC Girder Prefabrication Submission Checklist

Supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP)
Fabricator's quality control program
Fabrication facility certification (CPCQA)
Fabricator personnel certification (PCI Level I/II)
Concrete testing technician certification
Fabrication sequence and equipment
Mill test reports and product data sheets
Reinforcing steel
Prestressing strand load/elongation curve
Handling and lifting devices
Voids, ducts and conduits
Hardware and miscellaneous materials
Shop drawings
Design notes and independent check notes *
Prestressing strand load/elongation curve
Prestressing equipment calibration certificate
Prestressing calculations and procedures
Concrete mix design review letter
Aggregate test results
Trial batch test results
Welder certification (if applicable)
Welding procedure specifications (if applicable)
Welding procedure data sheets (if applicable)
Fabrication schedule
* Design notes and independent check notes are required for stressing calculations, fabricator designed
elements such as hold down devices, MSE walls and design modifications

Page H-52
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.11 SLC Girder Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist


Girder Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Stressing Beds and
Verify formwork materials, preparation and condition
Verify formwork integrity and alignment

Verify formwork dimensions and tolerances

Verify formwork bracing, supports, and clamps

Verify Installation of intermediate bulkheads (if any)

Verify consistency with the approved shop drawings

Verify application of release agent and retarding agent (if applicable)

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify reinforcing steel is traceable and has an associated mill test report
Reinforcing Steel
that has been accepted
Verify reinforcing steel has been adequately stored and handled

Verify installation and placement of reinforcing steel is acceptable

Verify reinforcing bars of the correct size and type are used
Verify reinforcing bars are positioned within tolerance of the location
shown on the shop drawings
Verify reinforcing bars are undamaged, clean and free of contaminants
including release agent contamination

Verify reinforcing bars meet the specified cover and clear spacing
Verify reinforcing bars are not welded to each other or any embedded
Verify reinforcing bars are securely tied to prevent movement during
concrete placement
Verify reinforcing bars are tied at all intersections except where the bar
spacing is less than 250 mm in each direction, in which case alternate
intersections must be tied
Verify installation and placement of mechanical and lapped reinforcing steel
splices is acceptable

Page H-53
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify appropriate tie wire material is being used and tie-wire ends are bent
away from the form edges and concrete surfaces

Verify supports used to maintain reinforcing steel concrete cover and

separation between layers are of a suitable size and material

Verify the coating of epoxy-coated reinforcing steel is not damaged

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication
Verify prestressing strands are traceable and have an associated mill test
Prestressing Strand
report that is accepted
Verify prestressing strands from multiple strand packs as applicable are
identifiable as to which strand pack they come from

Verify prestressing strands have been adequately stored and handled

Verify installation and placement of prestressing steel is acceptable

Verify prestressing strands of the correct size and type are used

Verify prestressing strands are positioned within tolerance of the location

shown on the shop drawings

Verify prestressing strands are undamaged, clean and free of contaminants

including release agent contamination

Verify prestressing strands meet the specified cover and clear spacing
Verify prestressing strands are debonded at the correct locations as
Verify prestressing strands are not twisted, spliced sections have the same
lay and splices are not located within a precast concrete unit

Verify strand chucks are suitable for use and correctly prepared and aligned

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication
Verify only hardware that has been accepted for use must be used
Verify type, size and condition of all embedded items is acceptable

Page H-54
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify installation requirements for camber hubs have been addressed by

the fabricator as applicable
Verify identification molds for precast concrete units have been acceptably
installed as applicable
Verify installation (location, alignment, profile, cover) of all embedded items
is acceptable
Verify embedded items are properly secured to resist movement and will
remain dimensionally stable during concrete placement and consolidation

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the witness and hold points in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify reviewed and accepted stressing calculations and procedures are
Stressing being used for all stressing operations, including considerations for deviated
strands and checking force and elongation tolerances
Verify personnel performing and supervising the stressing operations are
qualified to do this work
Verify stressing equipment with approved valid calibration certificates is
being used
Verify stressing calculations are updated for the actual Young’s Modulus
and area of the prestressing strands being stressed as applicable based on
the stressing procedures
Verify approved stressing sequence is being followed
Verify detailed and accurate stressing records are being kept by the
fabricator and all strands that are tensioned out of tolerance are clearly
identified. Verification must include independent elongation
measurements and tolerance checks by the Consultant’s QA Inspector
Verify jack alignment is acceptable and strand chucks are evenly seated

Verify there are no conflicts or snagging points that could damage the
prestressing strands or adversely affect the stressing operations

Verify the condition of the prestressing strands is acceptable prior to

stressing and after final tensioning
Verify prestressing strands with broken or damaged wires are removed and
Verify the magnitude of chuck seating closely matches that assumed in
stressing calculations

Page H-55
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify number, location, layout and length of any debonded strands is in
accordance with the approved shop drawings and checked after final
Verify recesses are acceptably formed at the ends of all strands

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the stressing hold point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify all required concrete testing requirements outlined in this Manual
Concrete Testing are being performed by the fabricator in accordance with referenced CSA
Verify concrete samples for testing are taken at an acceptable point during
discharge and the concrete is representative of the concrete used in the
concrete unit
Verify test cylinders are adequately prepared and are stored such that
curing requirements can be met

Verify air tests are witnessed, and results are in compliance with the
accepted concrete mix design
Witness concrete density tests to verify compliance with the contract
drawings and Specifications
Witness slump tests to verify results are in compliance with the accepted
concrete mix design
Witness concrete temperature measurements to verify compliance with the
Verify QC inspection and/or testing records are accurate and compliant with
the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify concrete batches are of uniform appearance and texture. All
Concrete Placement irregularities must be documented and brought to the attention of the
Monitor batching times for long gaps that may result in the formation of
cold joints
Verify acceptable placement practices and equipment are being used
Verify time from initial mixing of the concrete until placing the concrete in
the form does not exceed one hour
Verify concrete is not being dropped from a significant height into the forms

Page H-56
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify the placement method preserves the concrete mix properties in

terms of water to cement ratio, slump, uniformity and air content
Verify acceptable consolidation practices are being used
Verify acceptable vibratory equipment is being utilized, including the use of
vibrators with non-metallic surfaces for concrete units containing epoxy
coated reinforcing
Verify additional measures are being used, as required, in difficult and
obstructed placements
Verify concrete cover to voids and ducts to ensure no flotation is occurring
Verify reinforcing steel, prestressing strands and all other embedded items
are not displaced during consolidation
Verify repair of all repairable defects has been acceptably completed prior
to detensioning
Verify detensioning sequence is in accordance with submitted and
Consultant accepted procedure
Verify strand slippage marks are provided for measurement of strand
slippage prior to detensioning
Verify concrete has reached minimum specified release strength prior to
Verify strand slippage is measured and recorded after detensioning
Length, width and areas of cracking, particularly within the bearing and
anchorage zones of precast concrete units, are clearly identified, recorded
and assessed for compliance with the specified limits
Provide written acceptance of the detensioning witness point in the supply
and fabrication ITP
Visual Inspection for
Verify the general appearance of the concrete unit
Verify roughened concrete surfaces are adequate and in the locations
Verify and mark out surface defects, including bug holes, honeycombing,
cracks or spalls with the fabricator's QC inspector. Evaluate noted defects
for repairability
Identify misaligned embedded items
Verify removal of any concrete fins
Verify concrete paste removal from projecting reinforcing steel and other

Page H-57
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify concrete removal from within any formed voids

Verify repair procedures are selected based on the type, extent and location
of the defects
Verify repairs are completed in accordance with the Consultant reviewed
and accepted repair procedures
Verify repairs are completed either before or after detensioning, as
Verify approved concrete patching materials, sack rub, and concrete sealers
are being used
Verify surface roughening, where specified, is in accordance with specified
ICRI concrete profile standard
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Product Dimensions and Verify camber measurements are taken and recorded at camber hub
Camber locations
Verify overall length, width, depth and other dimensions such as web
thickness and flange thickness
Verify locations and condition of blockouts and embedded materials such as
bracing inserts, bearing shoe plates, bridgerail anchor rods and lifting
Verify extents of any specified roughened concrete surfaces
Verify non-stressed deck panels and MSE wall panels for any bowing or
Verify squareness or skew (if ends of units are to be skewed) of the ends of
precast units
Verify dimensional tolerances are within specified limits
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication

Perform a joint thorough inspection of all prestressed concrete units

Curing coordinated with the fabricator prior to entering the curing phase to verify
unit condition and that all defects have been acceptably repaired

Verify sufficient measures are taken to ensure timely commencement of

curing and to avoid thermal shock throughout the entire curing process
Verify the fabricator is following the curing requirements of the SSBC and
CSA A23.4
Verify the fabricator is collecting and recording all of the required curing
data including time, temperature, humidity and concrete unit identification

Page H-58
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Provide written acceptance of the curing witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify concrete surface finishes are applied to the correct surfaces as
Concrete Surface Finish
identified on the approved shop drawings and in accordance with the
and Application of Sealer
Verify concrete, repair and/or sack rub materials have been acceptably
cured prior to application of concrete sealer
Verify sealer products to be used have been reviewed and accepted by the
Verify the sealer is applied in accordance with the requirements of
Subsection of the SSBC
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Handling and Storage Verify lifting points are in accordance with the shop drawings
Verify lifting devices do not result in damage to the precast concrete unit
Verify the storage area is sufficiently level and structurally competent to
support the dead weight of the unit
Verify dunnage is sufficient to support the unit and located in the
prescribed locations
Verify stacked units are stacked in an appropriate manner to ensure the
precast units are not exposed to unintended stresses
Provide written acceptance of the witness point once the work is acceptably
Verify compliance of QC and QA inspection and/or testing records with the
Final Inspection
contract documents
Verify all dimensional tolerances meet the contract requirements
Verify all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports
have been reviewed and accepted
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication
Verify the final inspection has been acceptably completed and written
Clearance to Ship acceptance by both the fabricator’s QC Inspector and the Consultant has
been provided in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify precast concrete units are loaded, supported, and restrained in
accordance with the transportation, handling and storage drawings

Page H-59
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Girder Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify precast concrete units are protected in accordance with the
transportation, handling and storage drawings and Subsection 7.3.1 of the

Page H-60
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.12 SLC Girder Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Report

Page H-61
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

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Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-65
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.13 SLC Girder Final Fabrication Report Checklist



Summary of Fabrication
Summary Letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Key Contacts including Contractor, Fabricator, Design Consultant, Inspector and Department
Prefabrication Meeting Minutes
Summary of Consultant Inspection Hours in the Fabrication Shop
Fabrication Schedule Showing Timeline of Production for Each Unit
Fabrication Facility Certification (CPCQA)
Fabricator Personnel Certification (PCI Level I/II)
Concrete Testing Technician Certification
Inspector Certification (PCI Level II)
Stressing Equipment Calibration Certification
Welder Certificates (CWB)
Material and Testing Submittals
Complete Concrete Mix Design and Trial Batch Results
Prestressing Calculations and Procedures
Prestressing Strand Load/Elongation Curve
Daily Stressing Records as recorded
Product Data Sheets
Mill Test Reports
Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets
Concrete Test Results from 3rd Party and any QA Checks
Curing Records as recorded
Fabrication Inspection
Daily and Weekly Inspection Report from Consultant’s Inspector
Photo Records from Consultant’s Inspector
All inspection and testing reports and/or records from Consultant’s QA Inspector and Fabricator’s
Repair Procedures
Page H-66
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

NCRs including Repair Reports and Review/Acceptance of Repairs

Strand Slippage
Camber and Dimensional Tolerance Records
Completed ITP with QA and QC signatures at all Witness and Hold Points
Final Inspection Records for Each Unit
Drawings and Design Notes
Design Drawings Related to the Precast Concrete Units
Referenced Alberta Transportation Standard Drawings
Design and Independent Check Notes
Shop Drawings as reviewed
As fabricated Shop Drawings

Page H-67
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.14 MSE Precast Concrete Fascia Panel Prefabrication Submission Checklist



Supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP)

Fabricator's quality control program

Fabrication facility certification (CPCQA)

Fabricator personnel certification (PCI Level I/II)

Concrete testing technician certification

Fabrication sequence and equipment

Mill test reports and product data sheets

Reinforcing steel

Handling and lifting devices

Hardware and miscellaneous materials

Shop drawings

Design notes and independent check notes *


Concrete mix design review letter

Aggregate test results

Trial batch test results

Welder certification (if applicable)

Welding procedure specifications (if applicable)

Welding procedure data sheets (if applicable)

Fabrication schedule

* Design notes and independent check notes are required for stressing calculations, fabricator designed
elements such as hold down devices, MSE walls and design modifications

Page H-68
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.15 MSE Precast Concrete Fascia Panel Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist


MSE Panel Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Stressing Beds and
Verify formwork materials, preparation and condition
Verify formwork integrity and alignment

Verify formwork dimensions and tolerances

Verify formwork bracing, supports, and clamps

Verify Installation of intermediate bulkheads (if any)

Verify consistency with the approved shop drawings

Verify application of release agent and retarding agent (if applicable)

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements

Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify reinforcing steel is traceable and has an associated mill test report that
Reinforcing Steel
has been accepted
Verify reinforcing steel has been adequately stored and handled

Verify installation and placement of reinforcing steel is acceptable

Verify reinforcing bars of the correct size and type are used
Verify reinforcing bars are positioned within tolerance of the location shown on
the shop drawings
Verify reinforcing bars are undamaged, clean and free of contaminants including
release agent contamination

Verify reinforcing bars meet the specified cover and clear spacing
Verify reinforcing bars are not welded to each other or any embedded
Verify reinforcing bars are securely tied to prevent movement during concrete
Verify reinforcing bars are tied at all intersections except where the bar spacing
is less than 250 mm in each direction, in which case alternate intersections must
be tied
Verify installation and placement of mechanical and lapped reinforcing steel
splices is acceptable
Verify appropriate tie wire material is being used and tie-wire ends are bent
away from the form edges and concrete surfaces
Page H-69
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


MSE Panel Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify supports used to maintain reinforcing steel concrete cover and separation
between layers are of a suitable size and material

Verify the reinforcing steel is not damaged and surface condition is acceptable

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements

Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify only hardware that has been accepted for use must be used
Verify type, size and condition of all embedded items is acceptable

Verify installation requirements for camber hubs have been addressed by the
fabricator as applicable
Verify identification molds for precast concrete units have been acceptably
installed as applicable
Verify installation (location, alignment, profile, cover) of all embedded items is
Verify embedded items are properly secured to resist movement and will remain
dimensionally stable during concrete placement and consolidation

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the witness and hold points in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify all required concrete testing requirements outlined in this Manual are
Concrete Testing
being performed by the fabricator in accordance with referenced CSA standards
Verify concrete samples for testing are taken at an acceptable point during
discharge and the concrete is representative of the concrete used in the
concrete unit
Verify test cylinders are adequately prepared and are stored such that curing
requirements can be met

Verify air tests are witnessed, and results are in compliance with the accepted
concrete mix design
Witness concrete density tests to verify compliance with the contract drawings
and Specifications
Witness slump tests to verify results are in compliance with the accepted
concrete mix design
Witness concrete temperature measurements to verify compliance with the
Page H-70
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


MSE Panel Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify QC inspection and/or testing records are accurate and compliant with the
contract requirements

Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP

Verify concrete batches are of uniform appearance and texture. All irregularities
Concrete Placement
must be documented and brought to the attention of the fabricator
Monitor batching times for long gaps that may result in the formation of cold
Verify acceptable placement practices and equipment are being used
Verify time from initial mixing of the concrete until placing the concrete in the
form does not exceed one hour
Verify concrete is not being dropped from a significant height into the forms
Verify the placement method preserves the concrete mix properties in terms of
water to cement ratio, slump, uniformity and air content
Verify acceptable consolidation practices are being used
Verify acceptable vibratory equipment is being utilized, including the use of
vibrators with non-metallic surfaces for concrete units containing epoxy coated
Verify additional measures are being used, as required, in difficult and
obstructed placements
Verify concrete cover to voids and ducts to ensure no flotation is occurring
Verify reinforcing steel, prestressing strands and all other embedded items are
not displaced during consolidation
Visual Inspection for
Verify the general appearance of the concrete unit
Verify roughened concrete surfaces are adequate and in the locations specified
Verify and mark out surface defects, including bug holes, honeycombing, cracks
or spalls with the fabricator's QC inspector. Evaluate noted defects for
Identify misaligned embedded items
Verify removal of any concrete fins
Verify concrete paste removal from projecting reinforcing steel and other
Verify concrete removal from within any formed voids
Verify repair procedures are selected based on the type, extent and location of
the defects

Page H-71
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


MSE Panel Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify repairs are completed in accordance with the Consultant reviewed and
accepted repair procedures
Verify approved concrete patching materials and concrete sealers are being used
Verify surface roughening, where specified, is in accordance with specified ICRI
concrete profile standard
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Product Dimensions Verify overall length, width, depth and other dimensions
Verify locations and condition of blockouts and embedded materials

Verify extents of any specified roughened concrete surfaces

Verify presence of any bowing or warpage

Verify squareness or skew (if ends of units are to be skewed) of the ends of
precast units
Verify dimensional tolerances are within specified limits

Perform a joint thorough inspection of all prestressed concrete units

Curing coordinated with the fabricator prior to entering the curing phase to verify unit
condition and that all defects have been acceptably repaired

Verify sufficient measures are taken to ensure timely commencement of curing

and to avoid thermal shock throughout the entire curing process
Verify the fabricator is following the curing requirements of the SSBC and CSA
Verify the fabricator is collecting and recording all of the required curing data
including time, temperature, humidity and concrete unit identification
Provide written acceptance of the curing witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Concrete Surface Finish
Verify concrete surface finishes are applied to the correct surfaces as identified
and Application of
on the approved shop drawings and in accordance with the contract
Verify concrete repair materials have been acceptably cured prior to application
of concrete sealer
Verify sealer products to be used have been reviewed and accepted by the
Verify the sealer is applied in accordance with the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP

Page H-72
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


MSE Panel Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Handling and Storage Verify lifting points are in accordance with the shop drawings
Verify lifting devices do not result in damage to the precast concrete unit
Verify the storage area is sufficiently level and structurally competent to support
the dead weight of the unit
Verify dunnage is sufficient to support the unit and located in the prescribed
Verify stacked units are stacked in an appropriate manner to ensure the precast
units are not exposed to unintended stresses
Provide written acceptance of the witness point once the work is acceptably
Verify compliance of QC and QA inspection and/or testing records with the
Final Inspection
contract documents
Verify all dimensional tolerances meet the contract requirements
Verify all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have
been reviewed and accepted
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify the final inspection has been acceptably completed and written
Clearance to Ship acceptance by both the fabricator’s QC Inspector and the Consultant has been
provided in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify precast concrete units are loaded, supported, and restrained in
accordance with the transportation, handling and storage drawings

Verify precast concrete units are protected in accordance with the

transportation, handling and storage drawings and Subsection 7.3.1 of the SSBC

Page H-73
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.16 MSE Precast Concrete Fascia Panel Defects

Fabrication requirements for MSE precast concrete fascia panels are outlined in Subsection 25.4, Supply and
Fabrication of Precast Concrete Fascia Panels of the Standard Specification for Bridge Construction. MSE precast
concrete fascia panel details vary from supplier to supplier and can be produced by various fabricators. To produce
durable and aesthetically pleasing precast fascia panels, only certain types of defects are permitted during
fabrication and must also be achieved during installation. Some defects with no considerable impact on aesthetics
or durability may in some cases be characterized as types not permitted by the SSBC (i.e., spalls or broken corners).
Table H.1, MSE precast concrete fascia panel defect matrix identifies several very specific types of defects that may
be considered:
1. Acceptable with no further action,
2. Require repair using a repair procedure that has been reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and the
Department; or
3. Will not permitted.
Limits are also placed on the size and frequency of these deficiencies and are that Figure H.1, Figure H.2, and Figure

Figure H.1
MSE Defect Matrix Reference A

Page H-74
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Figure H.2
MSE Defect Matrix Reference B

Figure H.3
MSE Defect Matrix Reference C

Page H-75
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Table H.1
MSE Precast Concrete Fascia Panel Defect Matrix
MSE Precast Concrete Fascia Panel Defect Matrix *
Limit of 5% of panels per
Up to 20mm along any side No Repair Required wall. No more than 1 defect
per panel
Broken Corner Repair in accordance Limit of 2% of panels per
on Front Face with reviewed and wall may have a repaired or
Up to 50mm along any side
(Type 1) accepted repair replaced corner. No more
procedure than 1 defect per panel.
Greater than 50mm along any
No Repair Permitted Panel not accepted.
Up to 5mm in Depth and 25 cm²
No Repair Required
in Area
Limit of 5% of panels per
Broken Corner Repair in accordance wall. No more than 1 defect
With Front Face Up to 38mm in Depth and with reviewed and per panel.
Intact 120 cm² in Area accepted repair
(Type 2) procedure
Greater than 38mm in Depth
No Repair Permitted Panel not accepted.
and 120 cm² in Area
Air Pockets on Repair in accordance
Up to 50mm diameter and/or
Side and with reviewed and Limit of 5 defects per side
38mm in Depth From Any
Shiplap Faces accepted repair face on any panel.
(Type 3) procedure
Up to 5mm in Depth and 25 cm²
No Repair Required
in Area
Limit of 5% of panels per
Edge Defect to Repair in accordance wall. No more than 1 defect
Both Side and Up to 38mm in Depth and with reviewed and per panel.
Back Face 120 cm² in Area accepted repair
(Type 4) procedure
Greater than 38mm in Depth
No Repair Permitted Panel not accepted.
and 120 cm² in Area
Limit of 5% of panels per
Up to 3mm in Depth and 6 cm²
No Repair Required wall. No more than 2 defect
in Area
per panel
Edge Defect to Repair in accordance
Both Side and Limit of 2% of panels per
Up to 10mm in Depth and with reviewed and
Front Face wall. No more than 1 defect
60 cm² in Area accepted repair
(Type 5) per panel
Greater than 10mm in Depth
No Repair Permitted Panel not accepted.
and 60 cm² in Area
Up to 3mm in Depth and/or Limit of 2% of panels per
10mm in Width or 300mm in No Repair Required wall. No more than 1 defect
Scrape to Front Length per panel
Face (Type 6) Greater than 3mm in Depth or
10mm in Width or 300mm in No Repair Permitted Panel not accepted.

Page H-76
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

MSE Precast Concrete Fascia Panel Defect Matrix *

Limit of 2% of panels per
Localized Up to 5mm in Depth and/or
No Repair Required wall. No more than 1 defect
Impact Defect 19mm in Diameter
per panel
to Front Face
Greater than 5mm in Depth or
(Type 7) No Repair Permitted Panel not accepted.
19mm in Diameter
Limit of 5% of panels per
Depressions on Up to 10mm in Depth from Face No Repair Required wall. No more than 1 defect
Back Face per panel
(Type 8) Greater than 10mm in Depth
No Repair Permitted Panel not accepted.
from Face
Any Cracks No Repair Permitted Panel not accepted.
(Type 9)
 Subsection 25.4, Supply and Fabrication of Precast Concrete Fascia Panels of the Standard Specification for
Bridge Construction for surface cavities and honeycomb refers to the Front Face Only. “Surface Cavities” means
air pockets or bugholes, and does not refer to any other type of defect;
 Repair procedures must be reviewed and accepted by the Department prior to commencement of the work;
 Concrete repair materials must be selected from the Department Product List.

Page H-77
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.17 MSE Precast Concrete Fascia Panel Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-78
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-79
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-80
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.18 MSE Precast Concrete Fascia Panel Final Fabrication Report Checklist
Summary of Fabrication
Summary Letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Key Contacts including Contractor, Fabricator, Design Consultant, Inspector and Department
Prefabrication Meeting Minutes
Summary of Consultant Inspection Hours in the Fabrication Shop
Fabrication Schedule Showing Timeline of Production for Each Unit
Fabrication Facility Certification (CPCQA)
Fabricator Personnel Certification (PCI Level I/II)
Concrete Testing Technician Certification
Inspector Certification (PCI Level II)
Welder Certificates (CWB)
Material and Testing Submittals
Complete Concrete Mix Design and Trial Batch Results
Product Data Sheets
Mill Test Reports
Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets
Concrete Test Results from 3rd Party and any QA Checks
Curing Records as recorded
Fabrication Inspection
Daily and Weekly Inspection Report from Consultant’s Inspector
Photo Records from Consultant’s Inspector
All inspection and testing reports and/or records from Consultant’s QA Inspector and fabricator’s
Repair Procedures
NCRs including Repair Reports and Review/Acceptance of Repairs
Dimensional Tolerance Records
Completed ITP with QA and QC signatures at all Witness and Hold Points
Final Inspection Records for Each Unit
Drawings and Design Notes
Design Drawings Related to the Precast Concrete Units
Referenced Alberta Transportation Standard Drawings
Design and Independent Check Notes
Shop Drawings as reviewed
As fabricated Shop Drawings
Page H-81
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.19 RCP and PBC Prefabrication Submission Checklist



Fabricator's quality control program

Fabrication facility certification (CPCQA)

Fabricator personnel certification (PCI Level I/II)

Concrete testing technician certification

Fabrication sequence and equipment

Mill test reports and product data sheets

Reinforcing steel

Handling and lifting devices

Hardware and miscellaneous materials

Shop drawings

Design notes and independent check notes *


Concrete mix design review letter

Aggregate test results

Trial batch test results

Welder certification (if applicable)

Welding procedure specifications (if applicable)

Welding procedure data sheets (if applicable)

Fabrication schedule

* Design notes and independent check notes are required for stressing calculations, fabricator designed
elements such as hold down devices, MSE walls and design modifications

Page H-82
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.20 RCP and PBC Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist

Segment Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Forms (if applicable) Verify formwork materials, preparation and condition
Verify formwork integrity and alignment
Verify formwork dimensions and tolerances
Verify formwork bracing, supports, and clamps
Verify installation of intermediate bulkheads (if any)
Verify consistency with the approved shop drawings
Verify application of release agent (if applicable)
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements
Verify reinforcing steel is traceable and has an associated mill test report that
Reinforcing Steel
has been accepted
Verify reinforcing steel has been adequately stored and handled
Verify installation and placement of reinforcing steel is acceptable
Verify reinforcing bars of the correct size and type are used
Verify reinforcing bars are positioned within tolerance of the location shown on
the shop drawings
Verify reinforcing bars are undamaged, clean and free of contaminants including
release agent contamination
Verify reinforcing bars meet the specified cover and clear spacing
Verify reinforcing bars are not welded to each other or any embedded
Verify reinforcing bars are securely tied to prevent movement during concrete
Verify reinforcing bars are tied at all intersections except where the bar spacing
is less than 250 mm in each direction, in which case alternate intersections must
be tied
Verify installation and placement of mechanical and lapped reinforcing steel
splices is acceptable
Verify appropriate tie wire material is being used and tie-wire ends are bent
away from the form edges and concrete surfaces
Verify supports used to maintain reinforcing steel concrete cover and separation
between layers are of a suitable size and material
Verify the reinforcing steel is not damaged and surface condition is acceptable
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements
Verify only hardware that has been accepted for use must be used
Verify type, size and condition of all embedded items is acceptable

Page H-83
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Segment Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify installation requirements for camber hubs have been addressed by the
fabricator as applicable
Verify identification molds for precast concrete units have been acceptably
installed as applicable
Verify installation (location, alignment, profile, cover) of all embedded items is
Verify embedded items are properly secured to resist movement and will remain
dimensionally stable during concrete placement and consolidation
Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and
compliant with the contract requirements
Verify all required concrete testing requirements outlined in this Manual are
Concrete Testing
being performed by the fabricator in accordance with referenced CSA standards
Verify concrete samples for testing are taken at an acceptable point during
discharge and the concrete is representative of the concrete used in the
concrete unit
Verify test cylinders are adequately prepared and are stored such that curing
requirements can be met
Verify air tests are witnessed, and results are in compliance with the accepted
concrete mix design
Witness concrete density tests to verify compliance with the contract drawings
and Specifications
Witness slump tests to verify results are in compliance with the accepted
concrete mix design
Witness concrete temperature measurements to verify compliance with the
Verify QC inspection and/or testing records are accurate and compliant with the
contract requirements
Verify concrete batches are of uniform appearance and texture. All irregularities
Concrete Placement
must be documented and brought to the attention of the fabricator
Monitor batching times for long gaps that may result in the formation of cold
Verify acceptable placement practices and equipment are being used
Verify time from initial mixing of the concrete until placing the concrete in the
form does not exceed one hour
Verify concrete is not being dropped from a significant height into the forms
Verify the placement method preserves the concrete mix properties in terms of
water to cement ratio, slump, uniformity and air content
Verify acceptable consolidation practices are being used
Verify acceptable vibratory equipment is being utilized, including the use of
vibrators with non-metallic surfaces for concrete units containing epoxy coated

Page H-84
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Segment Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify additional measures are being used, as required, in difficult and
obstructed placements
Verify concrete cover to voids and ducts to ensure no flotation is occurring
Verify reinforcing steel, prestressing strands and all other embedded items are
not displaced during consolidation
Visual Inspection for
Verify the general appearance of the concrete unit
Verify and mark out surface defects, including bug holes, honeycombing, cracks
or spalls with the fabricator's QC inspector. Evaluate noted defects for
Identify misaligned embedded items
Verify removal of any concrete fins
Verify concrete paste removal from projecting reinforcing steel and other
Verify repair procedures are selected based on the type, extent and location of
the defects
Verify repairs are completed in accordance with the Consultant reviewed and
accepted repair procedures
Verify approved concrete patching materials are used
Product Dimensions
Verify overall length, width, depth
and Camber
Verify squareness or skew (if ends of units are to be skewed) of the ends of
precast units
Verify dimensional tolerances are within specified limits
Perform a joint thorough inspection of all prestressed concrete units
Curing coordinated with the fabricator prior to entering the curing phase to verify unit
condition and that all defects have been acceptably repaired
Verify sufficient measures are taken to ensure timely commencement of curing
and to avoid thermal shock throughout the entire curing process
Verify the fabricator is following the curing requirements of the SSBC and
specified reference standards
Verify the fabricator is collecting and recording all of the required curing data
including time, temperature, humidity and concrete unit identification
Handling and Storage Verify lifting points are in accordance with the shop drawings
Verify lifting devices do not result in damage to the precast concrete unit
Verify the storage area is sufficiently level and structurally competent to support
the dead weight of the unit
Verify dunnage is sufficient to support the unit and located in the prescribed

Page H-85
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Segment Serial Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify stacked units are stacked in an appropriate manner to ensure the precast
units are not exposed to unintended stresses
Verify compliance of QC and QA inspection and/or testing records with the
Final Inspection
contract documents
Verify all dimensional tolerances meet the contract requirements
Verify all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have
been reviewed and accepted
Verify the final inspection has been acceptably completed and written
Clearance to Ship
acceptance by both the fabricator’s QC Inspector and the Consultant
Verify precast concrete units are loaded, supported, and adequately secured

Page H-86
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.21 RCP and PBC Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-87
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-88
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-89
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.22 RCP and PBC Final Fabrication Report Checklist

Summary of Fabrication
Summary Letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Key Contacts including Contractor, Fabricator, Design Consultant, Inspector and Department
Prefabrication Meeting Minutes
Summary of Consultant Inspection Hours in the Fabrication Shop
Fabrication Schedule Showing Timeline of Production for Each Unit
Fabrication Facility Certification (CPCQA)
Fabricator Personnel Certification (PCI Level I/II)
Concrete Testing Technician Certification
Inspector Certification (PCI Level II)
Welder Certificates (CWB)
Material and Testing Submittals
Complete Concrete Mix Design and Trial Batch Results
Product Data Sheets
Mill Test Reports
Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets
Concrete Test Results from 3rd Party and any QA Checks
Curing Records as recorded
Fabrication Inspection
Daily and Weekly Inspection Report from Consultant’s Inspector
Photo Records from Consultant’s Inspector
All inspection and testing reports and/or records from Consultant’s QA Inspector and fabricator’s QC
Repair Procedures
NCRs including Repair Reports and Review/Acceptance of Repairs
Final Inspection Records for Each Unit
Drawings and Design Notes
Design Drawings Related to the Precast Concrete Units
Referenced Alberta Transportation Standard Drawings
Design and Independent Check Notes
Shop Drawings as reviewed
As fabricated Shop Drawings

Page H-90
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.23 Deck Panel Prefabrication Submission Checklist

Supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP)
Fabricator's quality control program
Fabrication facility certification (CPCQA)
Fabricator personnel certification (PCI Level I/II)
Concrete testing technician certification
Fabrication sequence and equipment
Mill test reports and product data sheets
Reinforcing steel
Prestressing strand load/elongation curve
Handling and lifting devices
Voids, ducts and conduits
Hardware and miscellaneous materials
Shop drawings
Design notes and independent check notes *
Prestressing strand load/elongation curve
Prestressing equipment calibration certificate
Prestressing calculations and procedures
Concrete mix design review letter
Aggregate test results
Trial batch test results
Welder certification (if applicable)
Welding procedure specifications (if applicable)
Welding procedure data sheets (if applicable)
Fabrication schedule
* Design notes and independent check notes are required for stressing calculations, fabricator designed
elements such as hold down devices, MSE walls and design modifications

Page H-91
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.24 Deck Panel Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist


Deck Panel Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Stressing Beds and
Verify formwork materials, preparation and condition
Verify formwork integrity and alignment

Verify formwork dimensions and tolerances

Verify formwork bracing, supports, and clamps

Verify Installation of intermediate bulkheads (if any)

Verify consistency with the approved shop drawings

Verify application of release agent

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements

Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify reinforcing steel is traceable and has an associated mill test report that
Reinforcing Steel
has been accepted
Verify reinforcing steel has been adequately stored and handled

Verify installation and placement of reinforcing steel is acceptable

Verify reinforcing bars of the correct size and type are used
Verify reinforcing bars are positioned within tolerance of the location shown on
the shop drawings
Verify reinforcing bars are undamaged, clean and free of contaminants including
release agent contamination

Verify reinforcing bars meet the specified cover and clear spacing
Verify reinforcing bars are not welded to each other or any embedded
Verify reinforcing bars are securely tied to prevent movement during concrete
Verify reinforcing bars are tied at all intersections except where the bar spacing
is less than 250 mm in each direction, in which case alternate intersections must
be tied
Verify installation and placement of mechanical and lapped reinforcing steel
splices is acceptable
Verify appropriate tie wire material is being used and tie-wire ends are bent
away from the form edges and concrete surfaces
Page H-92
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Deck Panel Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify supports used to maintain reinforcing steel concrete cover and separation
between layers are of a suitable size and material

Verify the reinforcing steel is not damaged and surface condition is acceptable

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements

Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify prestressing strands are traceable and have an associated mill test report
Prestressing Strand
that is accepted
Verify prestressing strands from multiple strand packs as applicable are
identifiable as to which strand pack they come from

Verify prestressing strands have been adequately stored and handled

Verify installation and placement of prestressing steel is acceptable

Verify prestressing strands of the correct size and type are used

Verify prestressing strands are positioned within tolerance of the location shown
on the shop drawings

Verify prestressing strands are undamaged, clean and free of contaminants

including release agent contamination

Verify prestressing strands meet the specified cover and clear spacing

Verify prestressing strands are not twisted, spliced sections have the same lay
and splices are not located within a precast concrete unit

Verify strand chucks are suitable for use and correctly prepared and aligned

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements

Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify only hardware that has been accepted for use must be used
Verify type, size and condition of all embedded items is acceptable

Verify installation requirements for camber hubs have been addressed by the
fabricator as applicable
Verify installation (location, alignment, profile, cover) of all embedded items is

Page H-93
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Deck Panel Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify embedded items are properly secured to resist movement and will remain
dimensionally stable during concrete placement and consolidation

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements
Provide written acceptance of the witness and hold points in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify reviewed and accepted stressing calculations and procedures are being
Stressing used for all stressing operations, including considerations for deviated strands
and checking force and elongation tolerances
Verify personnel performing and supervising the stressing operations are
qualified to do this work
Verify stressing equipment with approved valid calibration certificates is being
Verify stressing calculations are updated for the actual Young’s Modulus and
area of the prestressing strands being stressed as applicable based on the
stressing procedures
Verify approved stressing sequence is being followed
Verify detailed and accurate stressing records are being kept by the fabricator
and all strands that are tensioned out of tolerance are clearly identified.
Verification must include independent elongation measurements and tolerance
checks by the Consultant’s QA Inspector
Verify jack alignment is acceptable and strand chucks are evenly seated

Verify there are no conflicts or snagging points that could damage the
prestressing strands or adversely affect the stressing operations

Verify the condition of the prestressing strands is acceptable prior to stressing

and after final tensioning
Verify prestressing strands with broken or damaged wires are removed and
Verify the magnitude of chuck seating closely matches that assumed in stressing
Verify number, location, layout and length of strands is in accordance with the
approved shop drawings and checked after final tensioning

Verify recesses are acceptably formed at the ends of all strands

Verify QC inspection and material traceability records are accurate and

compliant with the contract requirements

Page H-94
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Deck Panel Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Provide written acceptance of the stressing hold point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify all required concrete testing requirements outlined in this Manual are
Concrete Testing
being performed by the fabricator in accordance with referenced CSA standards
Verify concrete samples for testing are taken at an acceptable point during
discharge and the concrete is representative of the concrete used in the
concrete unit
Verify test cylinders are adequately prepared and are stored such that curing
requirements can be met

Verify air tests are witnessed, and results are in compliance with the accepted
concrete mix design
Witness concrete density tests to verify compliance with the contract drawings
and Specifications
Witness slump tests to verify results are in compliance with the accepted
concrete mix design
Witness concrete temperature measurements to verify compliance with the
Verify QC inspection and/or testing records are accurate and compliant with the
contract requirements

Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP

Verify concrete batches are of uniform appearance and texture. All irregularities
Concrete Placement
must be documented and brought to the attention of the fabricator
Monitor batching times for long gaps that may result in the formation of cold
Verify acceptable placement practices and equipment are being used
Verify time from initial mixing of the concrete until placing the concrete in the
form does not exceed one hour
Verify concrete is not being dropped from a significant height into the forms
Verify the placement method preserves the concrete mix properties in terms of
water to cement ratio, slump, uniformity and air content
Verify acceptable consolidation practices are being used
Verify acceptable vibratory equipment is being utilized, including the use of
vibrators with non-metallic surfaces for concrete units
Verify additional measures are being used, as required, in difficult and
obstructed placements
Verify concrete cover to voids and ducts to ensure no flotation is occurring
Page H-95
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Deck Panel Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify reinforcing steel, prestressing strands and all other embedded items are
not displaced during consolidation
Verify repair of all repairable defects has been acceptably completed prior to
Verify detensioning sequence is in accordance with submitted and Consultant
accepted procedure
Verify strand slippage marks are provided for measurement of strand slippage
prior to detensioning
Verify concrete has reached minimum specified release strength prior to
Verify strand slippage is measured and recorded after detensioning complete
Length, width and areas of cracking, particularly within the bearing and
anchorage zones of precast concrete units, are clearly identified, recorded and
assessed for compliance with the specified limits
Provide written acceptance of the detensioning witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Visual Inspection for
Verify the general appearance of the concrete unit
Verify roughened concrete surfaces are adequate and in the locations specified
Verify and mark out surface defects, including bug holes, honeycombing, cracks
or spalls with the fabricator's QC inspector. Evaluate noted defects for
Identify misaligned embedded items
Verify removal of any concrete fins
Verify concrete paste removal from projecting reinforcing steel and other
Verify concrete removal from within any formed voids
Verify repair procedures are selected based on the type, extent and location of
the defects
Verify repairs are completed in accordance with the Consultant reviewed and
accepted repair procedures
Verify repairs are completed either before or after detensioning, as specified
Verify approved concrete patching materials are being used in accordance with
reviewed and accepted repair procedure
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify locations and condition of blockouts and embedded materials such as
Product Dimensions
lifting devices
Page H-96
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Deck Panel Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify squareness or skew (if ends of units are to be skewed) of the ends of
precast units
Verify dimensional tolerances are within specified limits
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP

Perform a joint thorough inspection of all prestressed concrete units

Curing coordinated with the fabricator prior to entering the curing phase to verify unit
condition and that all defects have been acceptably repaired

Verify sufficient measures are taken to ensure timely commencement of curing

and to avoid thermal shock throughout the entire curing process
Verify the fabricator is following the curing requirements of the SSBC and CSA
Verify the fabricator is collecting and recording all of the required curing data
including time, temperature, humidity and concrete unit identification
Provide written acceptance of the curing witness point in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Verify concrete surface finishes are applied to the correct surfaces as identified
Concrete Surface Finish
on the approved shop drawings and in accordance with the contract

Verify concrete repair materials have been applied in accordance with a

reviewed and accepted repair procedure
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Handling and Storage Verify lifting points are in accordance with the shop drawings
Verify lifting devices do not result in damage to the precast concrete unit
Verify the storage area is sufficiently level and structurally competent to support
the dead weight of the unit
Verify dunnage is sufficient to support the unit and located in the prescribed
Verify stacked units are stacked in an appropriate manner to ensure the precast
units are not exposed to unintended stresses
Provide written acceptance of the witness point once the work is acceptably
Verify compliance of QC and QA inspection and/or testing records with the
Final Inspection
contract documents
Verify all dimensional tolerances meet the contract requirements
Verify all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have
been reviewed and accepted

Page H-97
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Deck Panel Serial Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify the final inspection has been acceptably completed and written
Clearance to Ship acceptance by both the fabricator’s QC Inspector and the Consultant has been
provided in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify precast concrete units are loaded, supported, and restrained in
accordance with the transportation, handling and storage drawings

Verify precast concrete units are protected in accordance with the

transportation, handling and storage drawings and Subsection 7.3.1 of the SSBC

Page H-98
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.25 Deck Panel Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-99
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-100
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Page H-101
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.3.26 Deck Panel Final Fabrication Report Checklist

Summary of Fabrication
Summary Letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Key Contacts including Contractor, Fabricator, Design Consultant, Inspector and Department
Prefabrication Meeting Minutes
Summary of Consultant Inspection Hours in the Fabrication Shop
Fabrication Schedule Showing Timeline of Production for Each Unit
Fabrication Facility Certification (CPCQA)
Fabricator Personnel Certification (PCI Level I/II)
Concrete Testing Technician Certification
Inspector Certification (PCI Level II)
Stressing Equipment Calibration Certification
Welder Certificates (CWB)
Material and Testing Submittals
Complete Concrete Mix Design and Trial Batch Results
Prestressing Calculations and Procedures
Prestressing Strand Load/Elongation Curve
Daily Stressing Records as recorded
Product Data Sheets
Mill Test Reports
Welding Procedure Specifications and Data Sheets
Concrete Test Results from 3rd Party and any QA Checks
Curing Records as recorded
Fabrication Inspection
Daily and Weekly Inspection Report from Consultant’s Inspector
Photo Records from Consultant’s Inspector
All inspection and testing reports and/or records from Consultant’s QA Inspector and fabricator’s
Repair Procedures
NCRs including Repair Reports and Review/Acceptance of Repairs
Strand Slippage
Camber and Dimensional Tolerance Records
Completed ITP with QA and QC signatures at all Witness and Hold Points
Final Inspection Records for Each Unit

Page H-102
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Drawings and Design Notes

Design Drawings Related to the Precast Concrete Units
Referenced Alberta Transportation Standard Drawings
Design and Independent Check Notes
Shop Drawings as reviewed
As fabricated Shop Drawings

Page H-103
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


H.4.1 Laminated Elastomeric Bearing Prefabrication Submission Checklist



Supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP)

Fabricator's quality control program

Certification documents for the fabricator and any sub-contractors

Bearing testing laboratory certification

Certification document for the QC inspectors and NDT inspectors

Qualifications of welding personnel

Fabrication sequence and equipment

Mill test reports and product data sheets

Shop drawings

Design and independent check notes

Welding procedure specifications

Welding procedure data sheets

Repair procedures (optional)

Fabrication schedule

Page H-104
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.4.2 Laminated Elastomeric Bearing Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist


Bearing Location and Identification Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Verify all the steel plates received match the heat numbers listed on the MTRs
Supply of Material submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance as part of the
prefabrication submittals
Verify all material requiring verification testing is properly sampled
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports of other procured
materials such as PTFE, stainless steel and fasteners for conformance with the
Plate Cleaning and Verify repairs, if required, have been completed in accordance with the repair
Inspection procedure that has been reviewed and accepted by the Consultant
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
Cutting of Plate
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Machining (expansion Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
bearings) the contract
Galvanizing, Metallizing
Verify surfaces are acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to coating
and Coating
Visually inspect coating after application
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Inspection and Testing
Verify bearing plate roughness and flatness by spot checking
of Completed Bearings

Verify dimensions of bearings by spot checking

Verify all bearing testing has been completed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC
Review QC material and load inspection and testing records and/or reports for
conformance with the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness and hold points in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Inspection and Testing Review QC material verification inspection and testing records and/or reports
of High Strength for conformance with the contract
Anchor Rods
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP

Page H-105
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Bearing Location and Identification Number:

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 

Review of the QC and QA inspection and testing records and/or reports to verify
Final Inspection
compliance with the contract documents

Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have
been reviewed and accepted
Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP is
Verify bearing assemblies are acceptably loaded, supported, restrained and
Clearance to Ship

Page H-106
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.4.3 Laminated Elastomeric Bearing Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-107
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.4.4 Laminated Elastomeric Bearing Final Fabrication Report Checklist

Summary of Fabrication
Summary letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Contractor, fabricator, design consultant, Consultant QA Inspector and Department personnel
Prefabrication meeting minutes
Summary of consultant inspection hours in the fabrication shop
Fabrication schedule showing timeline of production for each unit
Fabrication shop and subcontractor certification
Metallizing shop certification (if sliding plate is metallized)
Certification for welders, tack welders and welding operators
Certification of QC inspectors and independent NDT technicians
Material and Testing Submittals
Mill test reports
Welding procedure specifications and weld procedure data sheets
Product data sheets
Material testing results
Additional testing (material from outside of Canada or USA)
Fabrication Inspection
Inspection Reports from Consultant’s Inspector
Photo Records from Consultant’s Inspector
Weld inspection report
Metallizing/galvanizing reports
Non-compliance and repair reports if any
Completed ITP with QA and QC signatures at all Witness and Hold Points
Final inspection records for each bearing
Drawings and Design Notes
Issued-for-construction drawings related to bearings
Referenced AT Standard Drawings
Design and Independent Check Notes
Shop drawings as reviewed
As fabricated shop drawings

Page H-108
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.4.5 Fixed Steel Rocker Bearing Prefabrication Submission Checklist


Supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP)
Fabricator's quality control program
Certification documents for the fabricator and any sub-contractors
Certification document for the QC inspectors and NDT inspectors
Fabrication sequence and equipment
Mill test reports and product data sheets
Shop drawings
Repair procedures (optional)
Fabrication schedule

Page H-109
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.4.6 Fixed Steel Rocker Bearing Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist

Bearing Location and Identification Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify all the steel plates received match the heat numbers listed on the MTRs
Supply of Material submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance as part of the
prefabrication submittals
Verify all material requiring verification testing is properly sampled
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports of other procured
materials such as PTFE, stainless steel and fasteners for conformance with the
Plate Cleaning and Verify each steel plate is marked with a heat number corresponding to an
Inspection accepted MTR
Visually inspect steel plates to assess their cleanliness or presence of damage
Verify repairs, if required, have been completed in accordance with the repair
procedure that has been reviewed and accepted by the Consultant
Verify steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Cutting of Plate Verify cutting of plate is completed using an acceptable procedure
Verify roughness of cut plate edges meets the contract requirements
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Verify dimensions and tolerances of individual bearing components by performing
spot checks
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness hold points in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Galvanizing, Metallizing
Verify surfaces are acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to coating
and Coating
Visually inspect coating after application
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Inspection and Testing
Verify bearing plate roughness and flatness by spot checking
of Completed Bearings
Verify dimensions of bearings by performing spot checks
Review QC inspection records and/or reports for conformance with the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Embrittlement Review QC material verification inspection and testing records and/or reports for
Inspection and Testing conformance with the contract

Page H-110
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Bearing Location and Identification Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
of High Strength Anchor
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Review of the QC and QA inspection and testing records and/or reports to verify
Final Inspection
compliance with the contract documents
Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have
been reviewed and accepted
Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP is provided
Verify deck joint assemblies are acceptably loaded, supported, restrained and
Clearance to Ship

Page H-111
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.4.7 Fixed Steel Rocker Bearing Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-112
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.4.8 Fixed Steel Rocker Bearing Final Fabrication Report Checklist


Summary of Fabrication
Summary letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Contractor, fabricator, design consultant, Consultant QA Inspector and Department personnel
Prefabrication meeting minutes
Summary of consultant inspection hours in the fabrication shop
Fabrication schedule showing timeline of production for each unit
Fabrication shop and subcontractor certification
Metallizing shop certification (if sliding plate is metallized)
Material and Testing Submittals
Mill test reports
Product data sheets
Material testing results
Additional testing (material from outside of Canada or USA)
Fabrication Inspection
Inspection Reports from Consultant’s Inspector
Photo Records from Consultant’s Inspector
Galvanizing reports
Non-compliance and repair reports if any
Completed ITP with QA and QC signatures at all Witness and Hold Points
Final inspection records for each bearing
Drawings and Design Notes
Issued-for-construction drawings related to bearings
Referenced AT Standard Drawings
Shop drawings as reviewed
As fabricated shop drawings

Page H-113
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.4.9 Pot Bearing Prefabrication Submission Checklist



Supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP)

Fabricator's quality control program

Certification documents for the fabricator and any sub-contractors

Bearing testing laboratory certification

Certification document for the QC inspectors and NDT inspectors

Qualifications of welding personnel

Fabrication sequence and equipment

Mill test reports and product data sheets

Shop drawings

Design and independent check notes

Welding procedure specifications

Welding procedure data sheets

Repair procedures (optional)

Fabrication schedule

Page H-114
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.4.10 Pot Bearing Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist

Bearing Location and Identification Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify all the steel plates received match the heat numbers listed on the MTRs
Supply of Material submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance as part of the
prefabrication submittals
Verify all material requiring verification testing is properly sampled
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports of other procured
materials such as PTFE, stainless steel and fasteners for conformance with the
Plate Cleaning and Verify each steel plate is marked with a heat number corresponding to an
Inspection accepted MTR
Visually inspect steel plates to assess their cleanliness or presence of damage
Verify repairs, if required, have been completed in accordance with the repair
procedure that has been reviewed and accepted by the Consultant
Verify steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Cutting of Plate Verify cutting of plate is completed using an acceptable procedure
Verify roughness of cut plate edges meets the contract requirements
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are
qualified to perform the task assigned and that their certification is current
Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with
Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to
Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s for the
applicable joint and weld type
Verify that preheat and interpass temperature requirements are in accordance
with the reviewed and accepted WPDS and SSBC
Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds
Visually inspect all completed welds
Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide the fabricator with QA inspection and testing records and/or reports
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify dimensions and tolerances of individual bearing components by
performing spot checks
Page H-115
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Bearing Location and Identification Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness hold points in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Galvanizing, Metallizing
Verify surfaces are acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to coating
and Coating
Visually inspect coating after application
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Inspection and Testing
Verify bearing plate roughness and flatness by spot checking
of Completed Bearings
Verify dimensions of bearings by performing spot checks
Verify all bearing testing has been completed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC
Review QC material and load inspection and testing records and/or reports for
conformance with the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness and hold points in the supply and
fabrication ITP
Inspection and Testing Review QC material verification inspection and testing records and/or reports
of High Strength for conformance with the contract
Anchor Rods
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Review of the QC and QA inspection and testing records and/or reports to verify
Final Inspection
compliance with the contract documents
Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have
been reviewed and accepted
Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP is
Verify bearings are acceptably loaded, supported, restrained and protected for
Clearance to Ship

Page H-116
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.4.11 Pot Bearing Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-117
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.4.12 Pot Bearing Final Fabrication Report Checklist

Summary of Fabrication
Summary letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Contractor, fabricator, design consultant, Consultant QA Inspector and Department personnel
Prefabrication meeting minutes
Summary of consultant inspection hours in the fabrication shop
Fabrication schedule showing timeline of production for each unit
Fabrication shop and subcontractor certification
Metallizing shop certification (if sliding plate is metallized)
Certification for welders, tack welders and welding operators
Certification of QC inspectors and independent NDT technicians
Material and Testing Submittals
Mill test reports
Welding procedure specifications and weld procedure data sheets
Product data sheets
Material testing results
Non-destructive load testing results and report for pot bearings
Additional testing (material from outside of Canada or USA)
Fabrication Inspection
Inspection Reports from Consultant’s Inspector
Photo Records from Consultant’s Inspector
Weld inspection report
Metallizing/galvanizing reports
Non-compliance and repair reports if any
Completed ITP with QA and QC signatures at all Witness and Hold Points
Final inspection records for each bearing
Drawings and Design Notes
Issued-for-construction drawings related to bearings
Referenced AT Standard Drawings
Design and Independent Check Notes
Shop drawings as reviewed
As fabricated shop drawings

Page H-118
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


H.5.1 Bridgerail Prefabrication Submission Checklist



Supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP)

Fabricator's quality control program

Certification documents for the fabricator and any sub-contractors

Certification document for the QC inspectors and NDT inspectors

Qualifications of welding personnel

Fabrication sequence and equipment

Mill test reports and product data sheets

Shop drawings

Design and independent check notes, if applicable

Welding procedure specifications

Welding procedure data sheets

Repair procedures (optional)

Fabrication schedule

Page H-119
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.5.2 Bridgerail Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist

Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify all the steel plates received match the heat numbers listed on the MTRs
Supply of Structural
submitted to the Consultant for review and acceptance as part of the
prefabrication submittals
Verify all material requiring verification testing is properly sampled
Review QC records and/or reports of other procured materials for conformance
with the contract
Surface Preparation Verify repairs, if required, have been completed with in accordance with the
and Cleaning repair procedure that has been reviewed and accepted by the Consultant
Verify steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Cutting of Steel Verify cut surfaces for roughness, chamfer and proper dimensions
Verify rail seam is located on the bottom for rails of square cross section and
bottom or backside for rails of rectangular cross section
Verify bolt hole locations and dimensions and verify holes are deburred
Verify tube splice sleeve dimensions
Verify that expansion joint dimensions are within tolerance
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are
Rails and Sleeves qualified to perform the task that they are assigned to and that their certification
is current
Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with
Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to
Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s
Verify that preheat and interpass temperature requirements are in accordance
with the reviewed and accepted WPDS
Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds
Visually inspect all completed welds
Verify sharp edges have been removed
Conduct dimensional spot checks of the rails and sleeves to verify they comply
with fabrication tolerances
Verify rail sleeve fit
Verify that the rails are clearly marked so their location on the bridge will be
readily identifiable. The marking system must remain clearly legible even after
hot dip galvanizing
Page H-120
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify RT or UT of 100% full penetration groove welded rail butt splices is
acceptably completed
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are
Posts qualified to perform the task that they are assigned to and that their certification
is current
Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with
Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to
Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s
Verify that preheat and interpass temperature requirements are in accordance
with the reviewed and accepted WPDS
Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds
Visually inspect all completed welds
Verify NDT inspection and testing locations are in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC
Verify dimensions are within tolerances
Verify general assembly of post is within tolerances
Verify that the posts are clearly marked and marking system remains clearly
legible even after hot dip galvanizing
Verify condition of anchor rods and high strength anchor rod traceability.
Method of traceability must be maintained through the subsequent galvanizing
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Galvanizing of Anchor
Verify anchor rod dimensions
Verify all anchor rods are traceable to specific heats, sufficient embrittlement
bend testing specimens are provided and hydrogen embrittlement tests are
conducted specified in Subsection of the SSBC
Verify galvanized surfaces are free of defects
Review galvanization report and verify conformance with ASTM standards
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP

Page H-121
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Verify that the fabricator has coordinated with the galvanizer to ensure material
Rails and Posts
Verify that sufficient barrier coating adhesion test plates are included in the
galvanization process
Verify galvanized surfaces are free of defects
Review galvanization report and verify conformance with ASTM standards
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Verify the barrier coating being used was reviewed and accepted by the
Coating of Baseplates
Verify galvanized surfaces to receive barrier coating have been prepared in
accordance with the barrier coating manufacturer’s requirements
Verify the barrier DFT coating thickness measurements are within the range
specified on the manufacturer’s product data sheet
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify dimensions and tolerances of fabricated components including sleeve fit
and out-of-straightness of rail segments
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract.
Review of the QC and QA inspection and testing records and/or reports to verify
Final Inspection
compliance with the contract documents
Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have
been reviewed and accepted
Written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify bridgerail is acceptably loaded, supported, restrained and protected for
Clearance to Ship
transportation and to protect against wet storage staining

Page H-122
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.5.3 Bridgerail Rail Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-123
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.5.4 Bridgerail Post Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-124
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.5.5 Bridgerail Bearing Final Fabrication Report Checklist

Summary of Fabrication
Summary letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Contractor, fabricator, design consultant, Consultant QA Inspector and Department personnel
Prefabrication meeting minutes
Summary of consultant inspection hours in the fabrication shop
Fabrication schedule showing timeline of production for each unit
Fabrication shop and subcontractor certification
Metallizing shop certification (if sliding plate is metallized)
Certification for welders, tack welders and welding operators
Certification of QC inspectors and independent NDT technicians
Material and Testing Submittals
Mill test reports
Welding procedure specifications and weld procedure data sheets
Product data sheets
Material testing results
Non-destructive load testing results and report for pot bearings
Additional testing (material from outside of Canada or USA)
Fabrication Inspection
Inspection Reports from Consultant’s QA Inspector
QC inspection and testing records and/or reports
Photo Records from Consultant’s QA Inspector
Bridge rail shop welded splice radiography or ultrasonic test results (If RT include film)
HSS post to baseplate full penetration groove weld radiographic or ultrasonic test results (If RT
include film)
W-section post to baseplate weld magnetic particle inspection results
HSS pedestrian/cyclist post to base plate weld magnetic particle test results
Adhesion testing results for baseplate coating
Galvanizing report(s)
Completed ITP with QA and QC signatures at all Witness and Hold Points
Final inspection records for each bearing
Drawings and Design Notes
Issued-for-construction drawings related to bearings
Referenced AT Standard Drawings
Design and Independent Check Notes, if applicable
Shop drawings as reviewed
As fabricated shop drawings
Page H-125
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Fabricators of corrugated steel pipe (CSP) and their facilities must be certified to CSA G401, Corrugated Steel Pipe
Products, by an independent agency accredited by the Standards Council of Canada. The Consultant must verify that
the qualifications of the fabricator are current prior to the commencement of fabrication. As part of certification,
fabricators of CSP structures are required to maintain a quality management system that verifies compliance with
the comprehensive fabrication standard, CSA G401, Corrugated Steel Pipe Products.
The intent of this Appendix is to provide guidance to the Consultant’s Quality Assurance Inspector providing
fabrication inspection services for the fabrication of CSP bridge size culverts. It is not a replacement for the quality
management systems required to be maintained by the fabricator as part of the CSA G401, Corrugated Steel Pipe
Products certification standard and only represents the minimum requirements of Consultant QA Inspector
requirements on Department projects. It is also not a replacement for engineering judgement. If conditions are
found during fabrication inspections that warrant additional inspection and/or investigation they must be diligently
and thoroughly completed in consultation with the Department.
H.6.1 Fabrication Inspection
CSP bridge size structures must be inspected at the fabrication facility prior to being shipped to the project site. The
final inspection at the fabrication facility must document and confirm compliance with the Standard Specification
for Bridge Construction (SSBC) and material reference standard CSA G401, Corrugated Steel Pipe Products. The
fabricator’s QC reports must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant’s QA Inspector prior to scheduling the
final inspection. The Contractor and/or his fabricator must notify the Consultant’s QA Inspector a minimum of 72
hours prior to scheduling a final inspection.
The final fabrication inspection of CSP must be completed by the Consultant’s Quality Assurance (QA) Inspector. The
fabricator’s QC reports and final inspection must be acceptable prior to issuing clearance to ship to the project site.
All deficiencies must be corrected at the fabrication facility prior to shipping. The Consultant’s QA final inspection
report should be provided to the fabricator and Contractor within 48 hours of inspection.
The final inspection must consist of three components:
 Visual Inspection;
 Measurements; and
 Report.
H.6.1.1 Visual Inspection
The visual inspection must include a condition evaluation of the following:
 Coating. Any coating deficiencies must be being marked for evaluation and either repaired or replaced
in accordance with SSBC and CSA G401, Corrugated Steel Pipe Products;
 Profile or lock-seam defects throughout the length of the CSP;
 Seam termination 75 mm long fillet weld along both sides of the lockseam and staggered 300 mm;
o All welds are inspected for visible defects, and confirmed to be re-coated with an acceptable
 Cut ends must be square with mismatches not exceeding 10 mm. Cut ends must be finished without
burrs or sharp edges and re-coated with an acceptable coating;
 Recorrugated ends have full and smooth corrugations. The base metal must not have any cracking or
 Lock-seams must be in tight contact while retaining the offset and lap. The lock-seam can be inspected
at any bevelled end, or from a sample taken by the supplier during fabrication.

Page H-126
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.6.1.2 Measurements
During the final inspection fabrication measurements must be taken and recorded on the final inspection form for:
 Diameter;
o The diameter of the CSP must be measured at 3 locations per section. The location of these
measurements must be at either end of the CSP and in the center. At each location, the rise and
span measurement must be recorded. For beveled sections, the rise and span measurements must
be taken at 1M in from the top of the bevel end and taken with a telescopic measuring pole.
 Lengths of bevelled end and CSP sections; and
 Lock-seam lap.
Measurements must meet the fabrication tolerances specified in the SSBC and CSA G401, Corrugated Steel Pipe
Products. The accuracy of measuring devices must be acceptable to the Consultant.
H.6.2 Final Inspection Report
Visual inspection and measurements must be recorded on the Fabrication Inspection Report including:
1. Job details: Project name, Contract Number, Bridge File number, Date, Inspector name, Supplier name
2. Culvert Details: Diameter, Length, Wall thickness, Coating, Bevel Requirements, Corrugation Profile
3. Rise and Span measurement at 3 locations per pipe section
4. Average diameter at each measured location
5. Difference between Rise and Span at each measured location
6. Length of each pipe section
7. Length of the bevelled section
8. Visual inspection approvals
9. Pictures taken throughout the inspection
10. Mill test reports for the coils used, provided by the supplier.
11. Date and Signature

Page H-127
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.6.3 Final Inspection Report Form

Page H-128
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.6.4 Final Inspection Report Form Sample

Page H-129
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


H.7.1 Overhead Sign Structures Prefabrication Submission Checklist



Supply and fabrication inspection and test plan (ITP)

Fabricator's quality control program

Certification documents for the fabricator and any sub-contractors

Certification document for the QC inspectors and NDT inspectors

Qualifications of welding personnel

Fabrication sequence and equipment

Mill test reports and product data sheets

Shop drawings

Design and independent check notes

Welding procedure specifications

Welding procedure data sheets

Repair procedures (optional)

Fabrication schedule

Page H-130
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.7.2 Overhead Sign Structures Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist

Overhead Sign Structure A-Identification Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Supply of Structural Verify all plate heats being used in fabrication have an MTR submitted and
Steel accepted by the Consultant
Verify all material requiring verification testing is properly sampled
Review QC records and/or reports of other procured materials for conformance
with the contract
Surface Preparation Verify repairs, if required, have been completed with in accordance with the
and Cleaning repair procedure that has been reviewed and accepted by the Consultant
Verify steel is stored in a dry place to minimize corrosion damage prior to
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Cutting, Drilling and Verify that the cutting method is in accordance with Subsection of the
Plate Bending SSBC
Verify roughness of cut plate edges
Verify cut plates are labelled for traceability
Verify bent plates are bent to the radius shown on the approved shop drawings
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Verify welders, welding operators and tack welders working on the project are
Welding qualified to perform the task that they are assigned to and that their certification
is current
Verify that the welding consumables are stored in accordance with AASHTO/AWS
Verify the steel surfaces have been acceptably prepared and cleaned prior to
Verify welders are correctly using the reviewed and accepted WPDS’s for the
applicable joint and weld type
Verify that preheat and interpass temperature requirements are in accordance
with the reviewed and accepted WPDS and the SSBC
Verify the complete joint penetration weld in backing bar has undergone UT
inspection and the backing bar has been properly fitted into the joint
Verify proper run-off tabs are used where specified and required
Verify cleaning is taking place between weld passes in multi pass welds
Visually inspect all completed welds
Conduct dimensional spot checks to verify fabrication tolerances
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract;
Complete QA NDT if QC reports are not consistent with visual inspection results;
Page H-131
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Overhead Sign Structure A-Identification Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Provide written acceptance of the hold points in the supply and fabrication ITP
Labeling of Fabricated Verify fabricated sub-assemblies are properly labeled with a low stress stamp in
Components areas of low stress
Verify identification tag is acceptably attached to one of the overhead sign
structure columns
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Preassembly of Sign
Verify dimensions and joint gaps in bolted splices by spot checking
Verify overall geometry
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Galvanizing of Anchor
Verify anchor rod dimensions
Verify all anchor rods are traceable to specific heats
Verify galvanized surfaces are free of defects
Review galvanization report and verify conformance with ASTM standards
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Galvanizing of
Verify structural steel dimensions
Structural Steel
Verify structural steel is traceable to specific heats
Verify galvanized surfaces are free of defects
Review galvanization report and verify conformance with ASTM standards
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness points in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify barrier coating used matches that reviewed and accepted by the
Coating of Baseplates
Verify galvanized surfaces to receive barrier coating have been prepared in
accordance with the barrier coating manufacturer’s requirements
Verify the barrier DFT coating thickness measurements are within the range
specified on the manufacturer’s product data sheet
Review QC inspection and testing records and/or reports for conformance with
the contract
Provide written acceptance of the witness point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Review of the QC and QA inspection and testing records and/or reports to verify
Final Inspection
compliance with the contract documents
Page H-132
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms


Overhead Sign Structure A-Identification Number:
Phase of Fabrication Quality Assurance Inspection Requirement 
Ensure all repairs have been completed, and all non-conformance reports have
been reviewed and accepted
Provide written acceptance of the hold point in the supply and fabrication ITP
Verify overhead sign structures are acceptably loaded, supported, restrained and
Clearance to Ship

Page H-133
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.7.3 Overhead Sign Structure Quality Assurance Fabrication Inspection Form

Page H-134
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

H.7.4 Overhead Sign Structure Final Fabrication Report Checklist

Summary of Fabrication
Summary letter (fabrication and overall project summary/key information)
Contractor, fabricator, design consultant, Consultant QA Inspector and Department personnel
Prefabrication meeting minutes
Summary of consultant inspection hours in the fabrication shop
Fabrication schedule showing timeline of production for each unit
Fabrication shop and subcontractor certification
Certification for welders, tack welders and welding operators
Certification of QC inspectors and independent NDT technicians
Material and Testing Submittals
Mill test reports
Welding procedure specifications and weld procedure data sheets
Product data sheets
Material testing results
Non-destructive load testing results and report for pot bearings
Additional testing (material from outside of Canada or USA)
Fabrication Inspection
Daily and weekly inspection reports from Consultant’s QA Inspector
QC inspection and testing records and/or reports
Photo records from Consultant’s QA Inspector
Weld inspection reports
Ultrasonic/Radiographic testing records and/or reports (including RT film) for all complete joint
penetration welds
Ultrasonic testing records and/or reports of partial penetration seam welds
Magnetic particle testing records and/or reports of fillet welds
Galvanizing report
Base plate barrier coating adhesion testing records and/or reports
Base plate barrier coating dry film thickness measurement records and/or reports
Inspection reports for dimensional tolerance measurements
Non-compliance and repair reports if any with supporting photographs
Completed ITP with QA and QC signatures at all Witness and Hold Points
Final inspection records for each overhead sign structure

Page H-135
Appendix H Checklists and Inspection Forms

Drawings and Design Notes

Issued-for-construction drawings related to bearings
Referenced AT Standard Drawings
Design and Independent Check Notes
Shop drawings as reviewed
As fabricated shop drawings

Page H-136
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

This Appendix includes (QA) prefabrication meeting agenda templates to support the Consultants development of prefabrication meeting agendas and execution of prefabrication
meetings for steel girders, deck joints, precast concrete units, bearings, bridgerail, and overhead sign structures. The prefabrication meeting agenda templates provided in this
Appendix include standard requirements and must be carefully reviewed and modified by the Consultant for project specific requirements where necessary. The prefabrication
meeting agenda templates are also provided in electronic format on the Department’s website.

Page I-1
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas



Prepared by:
Distribution to:

Page I-2
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

General Commentary:
 The purpose of the prefabrication meeting is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities during fabrication processes are discussed, understood by all parties and documented.
The prefabrication meeting also serves as a roadmap to how the fabrication will be completed including quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing.
 The prefabrication meeting must not occur until the inspection and test plan (ITP) and prefabrication submissions (hold points) have been submitted, reviewed and written
acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant.
 The prefabrication meeting must be held at the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. A minimum of 2 weeks notice
must be provided to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and time.
 The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2 representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend
the prefabrication meeting(s) for fabrication occurring outside the Province of Alberta.
 The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must be in attendance at the prefabrication meeting including project manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s),
independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the work.
Required Quorum:
 The following representation is required for this meeting.
o Alberta Transportation: Project Sponsor/Administrator/Fabrication Specialist;
o Consultant: Project Manager, Inspector;
o Contractor: Project Manager and all personnel involved in supervision of the work;
Contractor’s Specialty Staff or Subcontractor: Fabrication superintendent(s and quality control personnel), independent testing agency representatives, and all personnel
involved in supervision of the work.

Page I-3
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Fields 1 & 2 Appear on Distributed Agenda. Fields 3 & 4 are for Consultant Guidance (either PM or Inspector will chair the meeting)
Items Reviewed and Additions Made from
Content in Special Provisions
1 2 3 4
Agenda Item Project Specific Commentary for Meeting Chair, with Discussions to be Included in Meeting Meeting Actions or Decisions, with
Agenda Sub-Item Minutes Identification by Responsible Person
1. Standards  Fabrication must be in accordance with the following documents:
o Alberta Transportation Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC)
Section 6, Edition 17, 2020;
o AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4th Edition 2017;
o AASHTO/AWS Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5;
o Alberta Transportation Standard and Typical Detail Drawings as applicable.
2. Qualifications  The fabrication facility fabricating steel girders, splice plates, stiffeners, connector
plates, and associated materials must be certified by the Canadian Welding
Bureau (CWB) to Division I and by the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction
(CISC) in the category of complex steel bridges. This certification requirement
extends to all subcontractors engaged in the fabrication of structural steel
 The fabrication facility fabricating steel diaphragms, bracing, and associated
materials must be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) to Division I
and by the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) in the category of
complex or simple steel bridges. This certification requirement extends to all
subcontractors engaged in the fabrication of structural steel components.
 Welders, welding operators and tackers must be CWB certified in the applicable
category. A copy of the welder’s current qualification documents must be
provided to the Consultant for record purposes. Only qualified welders will be
allowed to work on this project.
 The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-
destructive testing, must meet, at a minimum, the requirements of
AASHTO/American Welding Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5
Clause 6 except that the Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector
must be certified by the CWB as a Level 2 or Level 3 inspector in accordance with
CSA W178.2.
 Contractor QC testing technicians: Third party NDT technicians must be certified
to Level 2 in accordance with CAN/CGSB-48.9712 and employed by a testing
agency certified to CSA W178.1. Coating testing must be completed and by an

Page I-4
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

independent National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Level 2 certified

coating inspector.
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified as a Level 3 welding inspector in
accordance with CSA 178.2 and possess bridge related fabrication experience.
3. Prefabrication  The following items must be submitted, reviewed and accepted prior to the
Submissions commencement of fabrication:
o Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP);
o List of all fabricators and fabrication shop and all subcontractor certification
o Fabrication sequence and equipment;
o Design and independent check notes (if applicable);
o Review documentation of any contract modifications (if applicable);
o Shop drawings;
o CWB approved weld procedure data sheets (WPDS) and processes (WPS);
o Valid CWB Welder’s tickets for all welders and the operations they will
o Mill test reports for all material. Boron content must not exceed 0.0008% for
steel being welded ;
o Verification testing results for all steel melted outside of Canada or the United
States of America;
o Product data sheets for all other materials;
o Proposed fabrication sequence for a girder section; and
o Fabrication schedule, including the expected completion date of each girder
section. Note: the fabrication schedule is required so the Consultant’s QA
Inspectors can perform their duties during fabrication.
 Hold point – Completion of ITP and Prefabrication Submissions.
4. Materials  Material requirements:
o Steel Girders and steel components welded to girders: CSA G40.21M Grade
350AT Cat 3;
o Steel components bolted to girders: CSA G40.21M Grade 350A;
o Bolts, nuts, washers must be ASTM F3125 Grade A325 type 3 heavy hex,
ASTM A563 heavy hex, ASTM F436, respectively;
o Shear Stud Connectors: ASTM A108 Grades 1015, 1018 or 1020, inclusive,
either semi-killed or killed deoxidation. Only AWS D1.5 Type B studs must be

Page I-5
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o Testing of boron content must be reported to sufficient accuracy to

determine clearly whether the limit of 0.0008% is exceeded or not(for steel
being welded); and
o All steel from sources outside of Canada or the United States of America
must be retested by an independent certified laboratory in Canada. The
Canadian laboratory report must clearly state whether the retest values
meet the requirements of the specified material standard.
5. Fabrication  The Inspection witness and hold points specified in Subsection of the
Witness and SSBC require sign off from the Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector for
Hold Points each girder section. If fabrication continues past a hold point without the written
acceptance of the work by both the Contractor and the Consultant, the
Consultant may suspend the work. The Contractor will also be solely responsible
for all costs required to repair or replace the work, as determined by and to the
satisfaction of the Consultant and the Department.
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector does not provide quality control for the fabricator.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector will inspect work that has been reviewed and
accepted by the fabricator’s quality control (QC).
6. Shop  The fabrication is to be completed in metric. Any substitution by imperial
Requirements material must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and the shop
drawings must show use of reviewed and accepted imperial material.
 All fabrication is to be carried out in an adequately enclosed area, free of drafts,
well lit, and maintained at a minimum temperature of 10°C.
 All welds must have an approved procedure. The approval must be obtained
from CWB and reviewed and accepted by the Consultant. Any substitution to
welding procedures will require the review and acceptance of the Consultant
prior to welding. Welders must follow the procedure parameters to within the
allowable tolerances.
 No tack welds will be permitted unless they are completely re-melted and
incorporated into the final weld. Tacks, where acceptable, must have a minimum
length of four times the weld size. Should any tack welds crack prior to being
welded over, they must be completely removed prior to welding over.
 Run-off tabs must be used on all welds that terminate at the edge of a member.
The thickness and shape of the tabs must replicate the joint detail being welded
and must be a minimum of 100 mm long. These are to be removed by flame
cutting. Flange splice edges will be inspected using dye penetrant.
 All welding equipment must be maintained in good repair (gauges, clamps,
connections, etc.).

Page I-6
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 No splices are allowed unless they are shown on consultant reviewed and
accepted shop drawings. The location of any additional splice must be reviewed
and accepted by the Consultant prior to splicing.
 Arc strikes are not permitted. In the event of an isolated accidental arc strike, a
repair procedure must be submitted in accordance with the SSBC Subsection At a minimum, the repair procedure must include the complete grinding
out of the crater produced by the arc strike. The repair procedure must also
include MPI and hardness testing of the affected area. Hardness of the repaired
area must conform to the requirements of the SSBC Subsection
These areas will be examined by the Consultant’s QA Inspector to ensure
complete removal of the metal in the affected area.
 Mill test reports must be provided for all material used in the structure. Copies of
MTRs are to be given to the Consultant’s QA Inspector.
 All steel components are to be clearly marked using the mark numbers from
drawings. For reporting purposes, additional mark numbers must be used to
separately identify individual pieces, which have identical mark numbers on the
original shop drawings.
 Handling devices must not mark the plates. This must be observed starting at the
receiving area and throughout the course of fabrication.
 Methods and medium of marking and the location of marks must be accepted by
the Consultant. Steel stamps must not be used. The only exception is the match
marking of splice plates, which may be steel, stamped using low stress stamps.
The stamps and specific locations of such stamps must be shown on the shop
drawings and accepted by the Consultant.
 Repair procedures must be submitted to the Consultant and the Department for
review and acceptance for damaged base metal, defective weldments, and any
other defect identified by the Consultant, prior to commencement of the repair
work. Any repairs to cut plate edges must use AWS D1.5 criteria in determining
whether a flaw can be ground out or if it requires a welded repair. Welded
repairs must be preheated. Any repairs accepted for implementation must be
authenticated in accordance with APEGA requirements.
7. Plate Cutting  All plate material for main members, splice plates and any material welded to
Prior to Welding main members must be thermally cut using an automatic cutting machine
conforming to SSBC Subsection
 Heat numbers are to be transferred to all flange and web plates at the time of
cutting. Identification marks to be placed on one end at all times in accordance
with fabricator layout and orientation.

Page I-7
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 If any laminations are found or indicated by torch blow back etc., they must be
reported to the Consultant’s QA Inspector.
 Witness Point - Completion of plate cutting prior to any welding.
8. Sub Assembly of  Individual flange plate identification must be completed prior to hardness testing.
Flange Plates Spacers must be placed between plates in a stack to facilitate testing.
 Edge hardness must be checked by the Contractor’s independent testing agency,
on all flange plates at three random locations along each edge (6 per plate).
 If the surface roughness is such that the hardness cannot be checked, the entire
length must be ground to an acceptable smoothness by grinding or other means
and hardness checks then reselected at random. Spot grinding for hardness
checks is not allowed.
 For straight girders, flange plates must be straight and free of sweep prior to
splicing into larger lengths. Maximum out-of-straightness of the flanges on the
finished girders must be in accordance with Subsection 3.5 of AWS D1.5.
 Flange corners are to be ground to a 2 mm chamfer and any other corners must
have a 1 mm chamfer.
 All grinding marks must run parallel to the direction of principal stress, generally
along the length of the girder.
 Minimum preheat of 100°C is required for any weld placed on a flange. The
preheat is to be measured on the opposite side of the plate to that on which the
heat is applied and 75 mm in advance of the welded point.
 All flange groove welds must be made by a semi or fully automatic submerged arc
 All flange butt welds must be ground flush. Reduction of the section must be
kept to a minimum. Transitions in thickness must be carefully ground to assure
that the section is not reduced and that the slope is not increased.
 The Contractor’s independent testing agency must perform radiographic
inspection of all flange shop splice complete joint penetration welds.
 Hold point – Completion of flange plate shop splices.
9. Sub Assembly of  Web butt welds and plates must not be damaged during turning of the plates
Web Plates after welding the first side.
 No splices are allowed unless they are shown on consultant reviewed and
accepted shop drawings.
 All web groove welds must be made by a semi or fully automatic submerged arc

Page I-8
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Web butt welds need not be ground if they meet the weld profile requirements
of Subsection 3.6 of AWS D1.5 as determined by the Consultant. Should a repair
be required, it must be acceptably blended and the entire weld is to be ground
flush on both sides. Grinding one side flush and leaving reinforcement on the
other side will not be permitted.
 Camber cut in webs must be re-adjusted if weld shrinkage causes change in
 Edges of web plates must be smooth and free of nicks or steps to assure a tight fit
up to the flange plate.
 The fabricator must place the material in a safe accessible location to
accommodate radiographic NDT.
 The Contractor’s independent testing agency must perform radiographic
inspection of all web shop splice complete joint penetration welds. Radiography
will be completed after camber is cut so the edge of the web plate can be
identified. If the radiography is done prior to cutting the camber of the web
plate, the camber must be laid out on the web so the “0” point on the clock tape
lies on the final edge of the web plate.
 Hold point – Completion of web plate shop splices.
10. Assembly of  Flanges must be fit tightly to the web and held with acceptable and sufficiently
Girders sized and spaced tack welds on both sides.
 Flanges must be preheated to a minimum of 100°C prior to welding, the
temperature must be measured on the side opposite to the heat source.
 All web to flange fillet welds must be made by a fully automatic submerged arc
 The Contractor’s independent testing agency must perform NDT magnetic
particle testing on completed web to flange welds.
 SSBC tolerance for flange tilt at mechanical splices is half of the value specified in
AWS D1.5.
 Witness point – Inspection of web to flange weld for review and
acceptance prior to fitting stiffeners.
11. Fitting and  Fitted stiffeners must be fit within 1 mm of the flange.
Welding of  Fit to bear stiffeners must have 75% of the area in contact and the remaining area
Stiffeners and should not have a clearance in excess of 0.05 mm.
Shear studs  Stiffener fillet welds must terminate 10 mm short of both ends. Tack welds must
not be located in these end regions.
 Bearings must be located and centred under the bearing stiffeners on an
acceptable and flat bearing area of the flange.

Page I-9
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Note that requirements for flatness of web plates are more stringent than those
specified in AWS. Unacceptable panning and warpage is typically caused by over
 Stud welding procedures must be submitted to the Consultant for review and
acceptance. The stud welding procedure must be demonstrated on scrap
material prior to each use. Sufficient testing for procedure acceptance must be
performed on material, other than the girder, in the position intended for
 Studs must be welded prior to setting the girder segments up for field splicing.
 Repair procedures and any repairs to studs must be reviewed and accepted by
the Consultant. Stud repair must be executed with preheating.
 Camber of individual sections must be checked along the top flange at a
minimum of the specified locations along the length of the girder section. This
must be completed prior to splicing. Measurement of girder sweep must also be
completed prior to splicing. If girder sweep does not meet the specified
tolerances, fabrication must be paused until the cause has been determined and
addressed by the fabricator to the satisfaction of the Consultant.
 Witness point – Fitting and welding of stiffeners prior to field splice
12. Field Splice  Assembly for field splice fabrication must be completed in accordance with the
Setup reviewed and accepted camber assembly drawing.
 Assembly must be in a no load condition.
 Only one end of a girder will be permitted to be trimmed prior to set up for
 After setting two girders in acceptable position for camber and offset, the end of
one girder segment must be trimmed to match the other. The trimmed amount
allows for a highly accurate splice gap and distance between bearings. Running
dimension must be maintained from section to section along the entire length of
each girder line.
 Witness point – Inspection of splice set-up prior to match drilling field
13. Splice Drilling  Shop fit up must be verified by the Consultant’s QA Inspector prior to the
commencement of any drilling. One splice plate must be sub-drilled for each
joint. This will be used as a template to drill through the solid material in the
flange or web and the splice plate on the far side. Plates must be temporarily
bolted in their final position in the structure.

Page I-10
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Sufficient pins and bolts must be placed in the splice as the first holes are drilled
to preclude any movement or separation of the plates relative to the girder.
 All holes must be round, to specified diameter, and perpendicular to the plates.
 Punching of full size holes is not allowed on any portion of the girder or in any
item welded to a girder.
 No plug welds will be permitted.
 Splice plates must be match marked with low stress stamps, removed, deburred
and blast cleaned. A match-marking diagram that details a method and location
of marking that will only allow the plates to be installed in one position, must be
submitted for review and acceptance. Reviewed and accepted copies must be
sent to erector and the Consultant’s field personnel.
 Oil or grease must be solvent wiped prior to blast cleaning.
 All girders must be blast cleaned after fabrication, paying attention to remove any
flux residue from weld areas. The blast cleaning must be as per Steel Structures
Steel Painting Council Standard (SSPC) No. SP6, which is the removal of all scale
and rust. It must be maintained in this condition until splices have been made.
 Rubber drip stopper 19x19 (American Biltrite Compound # Ab-263) must be
fastened on a cleaned blasted steel surface with SC 200 epoxy. It must be
checked for adhesion.
 Witness points – Inspection for surface preparation prior to coating and
inspection of coating after coating application.
14. Cleaning and  At all bearing locations, an organic zinc epoxy primer must be applied to the
Coating underside of the bottom flange in contact with the bearing sole plate. The primer
must extend the full width of the flange and 15 mm beyond the projected contact
surface of the bearing sole plate in the longitudinal direction.
 At all deck joint locations a complete SF2, SF3 or SF4 approved bridge coating
system from the Department’s Products List must be applied to the bottom
flange surfaces (underside, top and edges), with the exception that the faying
surface of the underside of bottom flange in contact with the bearing sole plate
must only receive the organic zinc epoxy primer. The coating system must extend
longitudinally from the girder end to a distance 100 mm beyond the bearing sole
plate or 100 mm beyond the jacking stiffener, whichever distance is greater. The
selected SF2, SF3 or SF4 coating system must be applied to the full height of the
bridge webs (both sides of web and including any applicable bearing/jacking
stiffeners and diaphragm bracing members) and to the underside of the top
flanges. The longitudinal extent of this coating must be the same as described in

Page I-11
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

this paragraph above. Faying surfaces of bolted connections must only receive
the organic zinc epoxy primer.
 Any of the portions of the girder noted above that will be encased in cast in place
concrete must be left in the bare steel condition with no coating applied.
 The approved organic zinc epoxy primer must meet the requirements of a Class B
coating. A certificate of the slip coefficient compliance must be provided to the
Department for review and acceptance prior to application. The top coat colour
must conform to US Federal Standard 595C colour FS30045.
15. Final Inspection  Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of
these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication
process), the Consultant will inform the fabricator when each girder segment is
ready for shipping or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.
 Review and acceptance at the fabrication facility by the Consultant will not relieve
the Contractor of their sole responsibility to meet the requirements of the
 Hold point – Final Inspection prior to shipping.
16. Clearance to  Shipping must be in accordance with the reviewed and accepted Transportation
Ship and Drawings.
Shipping  Shipping bolts must be wrench tightened to prevent loss of material during
 Handling and lifting devices must not mark, damage, or distort members.
 Timber blocking must be used and located at positions that prevent damage
and/or distortion from deflection.
 Softeners must be used where chains or other tie down devices are used in direct
contact with the steel members.
 No field welding, additional drilling or any other modifications must be made for
shipping or erection purposes.
 The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for
structural steel a minimum of 72 hours prior to shipment from the fabrication
facility. Written acceptance in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC
must be provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant prior to the
commencement of shipping.
17. Fabrication  The Consultant must compile the QC records received during fabrication. This
Records and must include but is not limited to fabricator and 3rd party inspection and testing
Submittals records, mill test reports, non-conformance reports and repair records,
fabrication schedules and as-built shop drawings. The Consultant QA Inspector
must prepare daily and weekly inspection reports with photos during the

Page I-12
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

fabrication of steel girders and these must also be included in the fabrication
records along with any additional QA NDT inspection and testing records.
18. Safety  Plant PPE, training, and orientation requirements.
 Plant and project specific hazard identification.

Page I-13
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas


Page I-14
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

I.2.1 Cover Plated V-Seal Deck Joint Assemblies

Prepared by:
Distribution to:

Page I-15
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

General Commentary:
 The purpose of the prefabrication meeting is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities during fabrication processes are discussed, understood by all parties and documented.
The prefabrication meeting also serves as a roadmap to how the fabrication will be completed including quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing.
 The prefabrication meeting must not occur until the inspection and test plan (ITP) and prefabrication submissions (hold points) have been submitted, reviewed and written
acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant.
 The prefabrication meeting must be held at the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. A minimum of 2 weeks notice
must be provided to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and time.
 The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2 representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the
prefabrication meeting(s) for fabrication occurring outside the Province of Alberta.
 The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must be in attendance at the prefabrication meeting including project manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s),
independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the work.
Required Quorum:
 The following representation is required for this meeting.
o Alberta Transportation: Project Sponsor/Administrator, Fabrication Specialist.
o Consultant: Project Manager, Inspector.
o Contractor: Project Manager, and all personnel involved in supervision of the work.
o Contractor’s Specialty Staff or Subcontractor: Fabrication Superintendent(s), Independent testing Agency Representatives, and all personnel involved in supervision of the

Page I-16
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Fields 1 & 2 Appear on Distributed Agenda. Fields 3 & 4 are for Consultant Guidance (either PM or Inspector will chair the meeting)
Items Reviewed and Additions Made from
Content in Special Provisions
1 2 3 4
Agenda Item Project Specific Commentary for Meeting Chair, with Discussions to be Included in Meeting Meeting Actions or Decisions, with
Agenda Sub-Item Minutes Identification by Responsible Person
1. Standards  Fabrication must be in accordance with:
o Alberta Transportation Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC)
Section 6, Edition 17, 2020;
o AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4th Edition 2017;
o AASHTO/AWS Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5; and
o Alberta Transportation Typical and Standard drawings: S-1800, S-1801, S-1802,
S-1803, S-1804 and S-1805.
2. Qualifications  The fabrication facility must be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB)
to Division I or Division II. This certification requirement extends to all
subcontractors engaged in the fabrication of structural steel components.
 Welders, welding operators and tackers must be CWB certified in the applicable
category. A copy of the welder’s current qualification documents must be
provided to the Consultant for record purposes.
 The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-
destructive testing, must meet, at a minimum, the requirements of
AASHTO/American Welding Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5
Clause 6 except that the Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector
must be certified by the CWB as a Level 2 or Level 3 inspector in accordance with
CSA W178.2.
 Contractor QC testing technicians: Third party NDT technicians must be certified
to Level 2 in accordance with CAN/CGSB-48.9712 and employed by a testing
agency certified to CSA W178.1. Coating testing must be completed and by an
independent National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Level 2 certified
coating inspector.
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified as a Level 3 welding inspector in
accordance with CSA 178.2 and possess bridge related fabrication experience.
3. Prefabrication  The following items must be submitted, reviewed and accepted prior to the
Submissions commencement of fabrication:
o Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP);

Page I-17
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o List of all fabricators and fabrication shop and all subcontractor certification
o Fabrication sequence and equipment;
o Review documentation of any contract modifications (if applicable);
o Shop drawings;
o CWB approved weld procedure data sheets (WPDS) and processes (WPS);
o Valid CWB Welder’s tickets for all welders and the operations they will
o Mill test reports for all material. Boron content must not exceed 0.0008% for
steel being welded;
o Verification testing results for all steel melted outside of Canada or the United
States of America;
o Product data sheets for all other materials including epoxy, drip sheets and
coatings; and
o Fabrication schedule, including the expected completion date of each deck
joint. Note: the production schedule is required so the Consultant’s QA
Inspectors can perform their duties during fabrication.
 Hold point – Reviewed and Accepted ITP and Prefabrication Submissions
4. Materials  Material requirements:
o Deck joint plates: CSA G40.21 350A and metallized plates in accordance with
the Standard Drawings;
o Curb, median and barrier cover plate steel: CSA G40.21 300W (hot dip
o Cover plate and shipping angle bolts: ASTM F3125 Grade A325 heavy hex
o Stainless steel troughs and associated bolts: AISI Type 316;
o V-seals must be neoprene, supplied in one continuous piece and selected from
this list provided on standard drawing S-1800.
o Fibre reinforced neoprene American Biltrite AB 3210;
o Stud shear connectors: ASTM A108 Grades 1015, 1018 or 1020 either semi-
killed or killed deoxidation. Only AWS D1.5 Type B studs must be used;
o Testing of boron content must be reported to sufficient accuracy to determine
clearly whether the limit of 0.0008% is exceeded or not (for steel being
welded); and
o All steel from sources outside of Canada or the United States of America must
be retested by an independent certified laboratory in Canada. The Canadian

Page I-18
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

laboratory report must clearly state whether the retest values meet the
requirements of the specified material standard.
5. Fabrication  The Inspection witness and hold points specified in Subsection of the
Witness and SSBC require sign off from the Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector for
Hold Points each deck joint. If fabrication continues past a hold point without the written
acceptance of the work by both the Contractor and the Consultant, the
Consultant may suspend the work. The Contractor will also be solely responsible
for all costs required to repair or replace the work, as determined by and to the
satisfaction of the Consultant and the Department.
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector does not provide quality control for the fabricator.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector will inspect the completed work that has passed
the fabricator’s quality control.
6. Shop  The fabrication is to be completed in metric. Any substitution of imperial material
Requirements must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and shop drawings must show
use of the reviewed and accepted imperial material.
 All fabrication is to take place in an adequately enclosed area, free of drafts, well
lit, and maintained at a minimum temperature of 10˚C.
 Storage of low hydrogen electrodes and flux and welding practices for low
hydrogen welding must be in accordance with AWS D1.5.
 All welding equipment must be maintained in good repair (gauges, clamps,
connections, etc.).
 The T-stiffeners under the base plates must be tack welded only. Continuous
welds will not be accepted as they will adversely impact the deck joint design and
 Handling devices must not mark the plate. This must be observed starting at the
receiving area and throughout the course of fabrication.
 Repair procedures must be submitted to the Consultant and the Department for
review and acceptance for damaged base metal, defective weldments, and any
other defect identified by the Consultant, prior to commencement of the repair
work. Any repairs to cut plate edges must use AWS D1.5 criteria in determining
whether a flaw can be ground out or if it requires a welded repair. Welded
repairs must be preheated. Any repairs accepted for implementation must be
authenticated in accordance with APEGA requirements.
 Neoprene drip boots must be shop fabricated to the correct dimensions with bolt
holes shop punched.

Page I-19
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Epoxy injection fittings are to be provided on both sides of the joint (deck and
abutment sides) at a spacing not exceeding 2 m as shown on the standard
 Alignment marks are to be scribed across the top surface of the joint at each end
(two per joint section) parallel to roadway centreline after the Consultant has
reviewed and accepted the shop assembly.
7. Cutting of Plates  All plate material for main members and any material welded to main members
must be thermally cut in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
 Plate edge roughness must meet contract requirements.
 Witness point – Dimensional checks of cut plate and verification of
specified tolerances prior to welding.
8. Welding  All welding must conform to AWS D1.5 and the WPSs and WPDSs reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant.
 Only welders certified to weld the joint type using the process specified in the
position required will be accepted.
 All welds must have an approved procedure. The approval must be obtained
from CWB and reviewed and accepted by the Consultant. Any substitution to
welding procedures will require the review and acceptance by the Consultant
prior to welding. Welders must follow the procedure parameters to within the
allowable tolerances.
 Run-off tabs must be used at the ends of all welds that terminate at the edge of a
member. The thickness and shape of the tabs must replicate the joint detail being
welded and must be a minimum of 100 mm long unless greater length is required
to acceptably complete the work.
 Weld areas must be clean, free of mill scale, dirt, grease, and other contaminants
prior to welding. For multi-pass welds, previously deposited weld metal must also
be thoroughly cleaned prior to depositing subsequent passes.
 Tack welds are not permitted unless they will be included in the final weld. Tacks,
where acceptable, must be a minimum length of four times the weld size.
 Preheat and interpass temperatures must be in accordance with the SSBC unless
AWS D1.5 requires a higher temperature for the thickness of material being
 Arc strikes are not permitted. In the event of an accidental isolated arc strike, a
repair procedure must be submitted in accordance with Subsection of the
SSBC. At a minimum, the repair procedure must include the complete grinding

Page I-20
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

out of the crater produced by the arc strike. The repair procedure must also
include MPI and hardness testing of the affected area. Hardness of the repaired
area must conform to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC.
These areas will be examined by the Consultant’s QA Inspector to ensure
complete removal of the metal in the affected area.
 Hold point – Visual inspection and NDT of all welding prior to coating.
9. Surface  All components (except stainless steel, galvanized or metallized surfaces) must be
Preparation & blast cleaned after fabrication, to remove any flux residue from weld areas. The
Coating blast cleaning must be as per Steel Structures Steel Painting Council Standard
(SSPC) No. SP6, which is the removal of all scale and rust.
 Exposed faces of 16 mm vertical plates, stop movement bars and top surface of
the deck side base plate must be metallized after blast cleaning in accordance
with SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS C.2.23/NACE No. 12 and as shown on Standard
Drawing S-1801.
 Hot dip galvanizing must be in accordance with ASTM A123 & F2329.
10. Fabrication  Shop assemble deck joint for inspection in a relaxed condition with shipping and
Tolerances erection angles removed:
o Variation in gap setting “X” must be within +/- 3 mm between crown and
gutter lines;
o Plate gap measurements between the cover plate and base plate must be
taken at both the -5°C and at +15°C gap settings. Maximum allowable gap
along the entire length must be less than or equal to 0.4 mm;
o Out of straightness of the deck joint assembly measured between the crown
and gutter line in the vertical plane must not exceed 5 mm;
o Maximum allowable variation for flatness in the transverse direction (parallel
to traffic) must not exceed 0.5 mm/m;
o Horizontal sweep of the expansion joint assembly between the crown and
gutter lines must not exceed 6 mm; and
o In the fully closed position the cover plate must have a uniform side gap to
the adjacent finger of 3 mm ± 1.5mm.
 Hold point– Inspection for tolerance checks of deck joint assembly.
11. Final Inspection  Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of
these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication
process), the Consultant will inform the fabricator when each deck joint is ready
for shipping or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.

Page I-21
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Review and acceptance at the fabrication facility by the Consultant will not relieve
the Contractor of their sole responsibility to meet the requirements of the
 Hold point – Final Inspection prior to shipping.
12. Clearance to  After an acceptable final inspection, the deck joint assembly must be set at 15°C
Ship and (or a gap setting corresponding to the installation temperature determined by
Shipping the Consultant) and shipping bolts fully torque for shipping. Gap tolerances
between the finger plate and base plate should be checked after installation and
tightening of shipping angle bolts. Depending on the flatness of the fabricated
joint and the shipping angles, steel shims may be required at the shipping angle
locations to compensate for any gaps between the angle and the deck joint due
to plate unevenness.
 Stainless steel surfaces must be shipped with a protective film to prevent
damage during transport and handling.
 To avoid damage during shipping, softeners must be used where chains or other
tie down devices are used in direct contact with the steel components
 The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for
structural steel a minimum of 72 hours prior to shipment from the fabrication
facility. Written acceptance in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC
must be provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant prior to the
commencement of shipping.
13. Fabrication  The Consultant must compile the QC records received during fabrication. This
Records and must include but is not limited to fabricator and 3rd party inspection and testing
Submittals records, mill test reports, non-conformance reports and repair records,
fabrication schedules, as-built shop drawings. Consultant QA Inspector must
prepare inspection reports with photos during fabrication and these must also be
included in the fabrication records along with additional QA NDT inspection and
testing records.
14. Safety  Plant PPE, training, and orientation requirements.
 Plant and project specific hazard identification.

Page I-22
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

I.2.2 Finger Plated Deck Joint Assemblies

Prepared by:
Distribution to:

Page I-23
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

General Commentary:
 The purpose of the prefabrication meeting is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities during fabrication processes are discussed, understood by all parties and documented.
The prefabrication meeting also serves as a roadmap to how the fabrication will be completed including quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing.
 The prefabrication meeting must not occur until the inspection and test plan (ITP) and prefabrication submissions (hold points) have been submitted, reviewed and written
acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant.
 The prefabrication meeting must be held at the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. A minimum of 2 weeks notice
must be provided to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and time.
 The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2 representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the
prefabrication meeting(s) for fabrication occurring outside the Province of Alberta.
 The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must be in attendance at the prefabrication meeting including project manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s),
independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the work.
Required Quorum:
 The following representation is required for this meeting.
o Alberta Transportation: Project Sponsor/Administrator, Fabrication Specialist;
o Consultant: Project Manager, Inspector;
o Contractor: Project Manager, and all personnel involved in supervision of the work; and
o Contractor’s Specialty Staff or Subcontractor: Fabrication Superintendent(s), Independent testing Agency Representatives, and all personnel involved in supervision of the

Page I-24
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Fields 1 & 2 Appear on Distributed Agenda. Fields 3 & 4 are for Consultant Guidance (either PM or Inspector will chair the meeting)
Items Reviewed and Additions Made from
Content in Special Provisions
1 2 3 4
Agenda Item Project Specific Commentary for Meeting Chair, with Discussions to be Included in Meeting Minutes Meeting Actions or Decisions, with
Agenda Sub-Item Identification by Responsible Person
1. Standards  Fabrication must be in accordance with:
o Alberta Transportation Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC)
Section 6, Edition 17, 2020;
o AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4th Edition 2017;
o AASHTO/AWS Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5; and
o Alberta Transportation Typical and Standard drawings: S-1860, S-1861, S-1862,
S-1863, S-1864 and S-1865.
2. Qualifications  The fabrication facility must be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB)
to Division I or Division II. This certification requirement extends to all
subcontractors engaged in the fabrication of structural steel components.
 Welders, welding operators and tackers must be CWB certified in the applicable
category. A copy of the welder’s current qualification documents must be
provided to the Consultant for record purposes.
 The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-
destructive testing, must meet, at a minimum, the requirements of
AASHTO/American Welding Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5
Clause 6 except that the Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector
must be certified by the CWB as a Level 2 or Level 3 inspector in accordance with
CSA W178.2.
 Contractor QC testing technicians: Third party NDT technicians must be certified
to Level 2 in accordance with CAN/CGSB-48.9712 and employed by a testing
agency certified to CSA W178.1. Coating testing must be completed and by an
independent National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Level 2 certified
coating inspector.
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified as a Level 3 welding inspector in
accordance with CSA 178.2 and possess bridge related fabrication experience.
3. Prefabrication  The following items must be submitted, reviewed and accepted prior to the
Submissions commencement of fabrication:
o Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP);

Page I-25
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o List of all fabricators and fabrication shop and all subcontractor certification
o Fabrication sequence and equipment;
o Review documentation of any contract modifications (if applicable);
o Shop drawings;
o CWB approved weld procedure data sheets (WPDS) and processes (WPS);
o Valid CWB Welder’s tickets for all welders and the operations they will
o Mill test reports for all material. Boron content must not exceed 0.0008% for
steel being welded;
o Verification testing results for all steel melted outside of Canada or the United
States of America;
o Product data sheets for all other materials including epoxy, drip sheets and
coatings; and
o Fabrication schedule, including the expected completion date of each deck
joint. Note: the production schedule is required so the Consultant’s QA
Inspectors can perform their duties during fabrication.
 Hold point – Completion of ITP and Prefabrication Submissions.
4. Materials  Material requirements:
o Finger joint plates: CSA G40.21 350A and metallized in accordance with the
Standard Drawings;
o Curb, median, barrier cover plates: CSA G40.21 300W (hot dip galvanized);
o Cover plate and shipping angle bolts: ASTM F3125 Grade A325 Type 1 heavy
hex, galvanized;
o Stainless steel troughs and associated bolts: AISI Type 316 stainless steel;
o Fibre reinforced neoprene: American Biltrite AB 3210;
o Stud shear connectors: ASTM A108 Grades 1015, 1018 or 1020 either semi-
killed or killed deoxidation. Only AWS D1.5 Type B studs must be used;
o Testing for boron content must be reported to sufficient accuracy to
determine clearly whether the limit of 0.0008% is exceeded or not (for steel
being welded); and
o All steel from sources outside of Canada or the United States of America must
be retested by an independent certified laboratory in Canada. The Canadian
laboratory report must clearly state whether the retest values meet the
requirements of the specified material standard.

Page I-26
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

5. Fabrication  The Inspection witness and hold points specified in Subsection of the
Witness and SSBC require sign off from the Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector for
Hold Points each deck joint. If fabrication continues past a hold point without the written
acceptance of the work by both the Contractor and the Consultant, the
Consultant may suspend the work. The Contractor will also be solely responsible
for all costs required to repair or replace the work, as determined by and to the
satisfaction of the Consultant and the Department.
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector does not provide quality control for the fabricator.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector will inspect the completed work that has passed
the fabricator’s quality control.
6. Shop  The fabrication is to be completed in metric. Any substitution of imperial material
Requirements must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and shop drawings must show
use of the reviewed and accepted imperial material.
 All fabrication is to take place in an adequately enclosed area, free of drafts, well
lit, and maintained at a minimum temperature of 10˚C.
 Storage of low hydrogen electrodes and flux and welding practices for low
hydrogen welding must be in accordance with AWS D1.5.
 All welding equipment must be maintained in good repair (gauges, clamps,
connections, etc.).
 The T-stiffeners under the base plates are to be tack welded only. Continuous
welds will not be accepted as they will adversely impact the deck joint design and
 Handling devices must not mark the plate. This must be observed starting at the
receiving area and throughout the course of fabrication.
 Repair procedures must be submitted to the Consultant and the Department for
review and acceptance for damaged base metal, defective weldments, and any
other defect identified by the Consultant, prior to commencement of the repair
work. Any repairs to cut plate edges must use AWS D1.5 criteria in determining
whether a flaw can be ground out or if it requires a welded repair. Welded
repairs must be preheated. Any repairs accepted for implementation must be
authenticated in accordance with APEGA requirements.
 Neoprene drip sheets must be shop fabricated to the correct dimensions with
bolt holes shop punched.
 Epoxy injection fittings are to be provided on both sides of the joint (deck and
abutment sides) at a spacing not exceeding 2 m as shown on the standard

Page I-27
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Alignment marks are to be scribed across the top surface of the joint at each end
(two per joint section) parallel to roadway centreline after the Consultant has
reviewed and accepted the shop assembly.
7. Cutting of Plates  All plate material for main members and any material welded to main members
must be thermally cut in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
 Plate edge roughness must meet contract requirements.
Witness point – Dimensional checks of cut plate and verification of
specified tolerances prior to welding.
8. Welding  All welding must conform to AWS D1.5 and the WPSs and WPDSs reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant.
 Only welders certified to weld the joint type using the process specified in the
position required will be accepted.
 All welds must have an approved procedure. The approval must be obtained
from CWB and reviewed and accepted by the Consultant. Any substitution to
welding procedures will require the review and acceptance by the Consultant
prior to welding. Welders must follow the procedure parameters to within the
allowable tolerances.
 Run-off tabs must be used at the ends of all welds that terminate at the edge of a
member. The thickness and shape of the tabs must replicate the joint detail being
welded and must be a minimum of 100 mm long unless greater length is required
to acceptably complete the work.
 Weld areas must be clean, free of mill scale, dirt, grease, and other contaminants
prior to welding. For multi-pass welds, previously deposited weld metal must also
be thoroughly cleaned prior to depositing subsequent passes.
 Tack welds are not permitted unless they will be included in the final weld. Tacks,
where acceptable, must be a minimum length of four times the weld size.
 Preheat and interpass temperatures must be in accordance with the SSBC unless
AWS D1.5 requires a higher temperature for the thickness of material being
 Arc strikes are not permitted. In the event of an accidental isolated arc strike, a
repair procedure must be submitted in accordance with Subsection of the
SSBC. At a minimum, the repair procedure must include the complete grinding
out of the crater produced by the arc strike. The repair procedure must also
include MPI and hardness testing of the affected area. Hardness of the repaired
area must conform to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC.

Page I-28
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

These areas will be examined by the Consultant’s QA Inspector to ensure

complete removal of the metal in the affected area.
 Hold point – Visual inspection and NDT of all welding prior to coating.
9. Surface  All components (except stainless steel, galvanized or metallized surfaces) must be
Preparation & blast cleaned after fabrication, to remove any flux residue from weld areas. The
Coating blast cleaning must be as per Steel Structures Steel Painting Council Standard
(SSPC) No. SP6, which is the removal of all scale and rust.
 Exposed faces of 16 mm vertical plates and top surface of the deck side base plate
must be metallized after blast cleaning in accordance with SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS
C.2.23/NACE No. 12 and as shown on S-1862.
 Hot dip galvanizing must be in accordance with ASTM A123 & F2329.
10. Fabrication  Shop assemble deck joint for inspection in a relaxed condition with shipping and
Tolerances erection angles removed:
o Variation in gap setting “X” must be within +/- 3 mm between crown and
gutter lines.
o Out of straightness of the deck joint assembly measured between the crown
and gutter line in the vertical plane must not exceed 5 mm.
o Maximum allowable variation for flatness in the transverse direction (parallel
to traffic) must not exceed 0.5 mm/m.
o Horizontal sweep of the expansion joint assembly between the crown and
gutter lines must not exceed 6 mm.
o In a fully closed position the fingers must have a uniform side gap to the
adjacent finger of 3 mm +/- 1.5mm.
o Tip and heel of each finger must be checked at two gap settings i.e. at -5°C
and at +15°C and must meet the following tolerances:
o Plate gaps between finger plate tips and base plate ≤ 0.4 mm.
o Plate gaps between finger heel and base plate ≤ 1.0 mm.
 Hold point – Inspection for tolerance checks.
11. Final Inspection  Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of
these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication
process), the Consultant will inform the fabricator when each deck joint is ready
for shipping or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.

Page I-29
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Review and acceptance at the fabrication facility by the Consultant will not relieve
the Contractor of their sole responsibility to meet the requirements of the
 Hold point – Final Inspection prior to shipping.

12. Clearance to  After an acceptable final inspection, the deck joint assembly must be set to
Ship and a 15°C gap setting (or a gap setting corresponding to the installation
Shipping temperature determined by the Consultant) and shipping bolts fully torque
for shipping. Gap tolerances between the finger plate and base plate
should be checked after installation and tightening of shipping angle bolts.
Depending on the flatness of the fabricated joint and the shipping angles,
steel shims may be required at the shipping angle locations to compensate
for any gaps between the angle and the deck joint due to plate unevenness.
 Stainless steel surfaces must be shipped with a protective film to prevent
damage during transport and handling.
 To avoid damage during shipping, softeners must be used where chains or
other tie down devices are used in direct contact with the steel components
 The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for
structural steel a minimum of 72 hours prior to shipment from the
fabrication facility. Written acceptance in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC must be provided by both the Contractor and the
Consultant prior to the commencement of shipping.
13. Fabrication  The Consultant must compile the QC records received during fabrication. This
Records and must include but is not limited to fabricator and 3rd party inspection and testing
Submittals records, mill test reports, non-conformance reports and repair records,
fabrication schedules, as-built shop drawings. Consultant QA Inspector must
prepare inspection reports with photos during fabrication and these must also be
included in the fabrication records along with additional QA NDT inspection and
testing records.
14. Safety  Plant PPE, training, and orientation requirements.
 Plant and project specific hazard identification.

Page I-30
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas


Page I-31
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

I.3.1 Precast Concrete Girders

Prepared by:
Distribution to:

Page I-32
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

General Commentary:
 The purpose of the prefabrication meeting is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities during fabrication processes are discussed, understood by all parties and documented.
The prefabrication meeting also serves as a roadmap to how the fabrication will be completed including Quality Control and Quality assurance inspection and testing.
 The prefabrication meeting must not occur until the inspection and test plan (ITP) and prefabrication submissions (hold points) have been submitted, reviewed and written
acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant.
 The prefabrication meeting must be held at the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. A minimum of 2 weeks notice
must be provided to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and time.
 The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2 representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the
prefabrication meeting(s) for fabrication occurring outside the Province of Alberta.
 The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must be in attendance at the prefabrication meeting including project manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s),
independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the work.
Required Quorum:
 The following representation is required for this meeting.
o Alberta Transportation: Project Sponsor/Administrator/Fabrication Specialist;
o Consultant: Project Manager, Inspector;
o Contractor: Project Manager, and all personnel involved in supervision of the work;
o Contractor’s Specialty Staff or Subcontractor: Fabrication Superintendent(s), Independent Testing Agency Representatives, and all personnel involved in supervision of the

Page I-33
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Fields 1 & 2 Appear on Distributed Agenda. Fields 3 & 4 are for Consultant Guidance (either PM or Inspector will chair the meeting)
Items Reviewed and Additions Made from
Content in Special Provisions
1 2 3 4
Agenda Item Project Specific Commentary for Meeting Chair, with Discussions to be Included in Meeting Minutes Meeting Actions or Decisions, with
Agenda Sub-Item Identification by Responsible Person
1. Standards  Fabrication must be in accordance with the following documents:
o Alberta Transportation Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC)
Section 7, Edition 17, 2020;
o Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Standards A23.4;
o Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Quality Control Manual MNL-
116; and
o Alberta Transportation Standard and Typical Detail Drawings as applicable.
2. Qualifications  The fabrication facility must be certified by the Canadian Precast Quality
Assurance (CPCQA) certification program in the applicable Product Group
 The fabricator’s quality control team must be certified as a Level I/II
Technician/Inspector in the PCI Quality Control Personnel Certification program.
 The 3rd party independent concrete testing lab must be certified to CSA
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified as a Level II Technician/Inspector
in the PCI Quality Control Personnel Certification program.
3. Prefabrication  The following items must be submitted, reviewed and accepted prior to the
Submissions commencement of fabrication:
o Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP);
o Fabricator’s Quality Control Plan;
o Fabrication facility CPCQA certification and fabricator personnel certification;
o Fabrication sequence and equipment;
o Mill test reports of stressing steel, reinforcing steel, and miscellaneous steel.
Boron content of steel being welded must not exceed 0.0008%;
o Verification testing results for all welded steel melted outside of Canada or
the United States of America;
o Product data sheets;
o Shop drawings;
o Design notes and independent check notes (if applicable);
o Review documentation of any contract modifications (if applicable);
o Prestressing strand load/elongation curve and jack calibration certificate;

Page I-34
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o Stressing calculations, procedures, and strand release sequence;

o Concrete mix design review letter and trial batch results; and
o Fabrication schedule including the expected completion date of each girder
unit. Note: the fabrication schedule is required so the QA inspectors can
perform their duties during fabrication.
 Hold point – Completion of ITP and Prefabrication Submissions.
4. Fabrication  The Inspection witness and hold points specified in the SSBC require sign off from
Witness and Hold the Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector for each girder section. If
Points fabrication continues past a hold point without the written acceptance of the
work by both the Contractor and the Consultant, the Consultant may suspend the
work. The Contractor will also be solely responsible for all costs required to
repair or replace the work, as determined by and to the satisfaction of the
Consultant and the Department.
 Witness and hold points for precast concrete girder fabrication include:
o Form dimensions and set-up (witness point);
o Placement of reinforcing steel, post tensioning ducts, cross bracing
anchorage devices, bridgerail anchor rod assemblies and prestressing strand
(hold point);
o Placement of voids and other hardware (witness point);
o Stressing (hold point);
o Concrete sampling and testing (witness point);
o Detensioning (witness point);
o Clean-up and repair (witness point);
o Curing (witness point);
o Concrete surface roughening and application of concrete surface finishes and
concrete sealer (witness point);
o Storage of precast concrete units (witness point);
o Verification testing and inspection of precast concrete units if fabricated
outside of Canada and the United States (hold points); and
o Final inspection including dimensional tolerances (hold point).
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector does not provide quality control for the fabricator.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector will inspect the completed work that has been
reviewed and accepted by the fabricator’s quality control.
5. Shop  The fabrication is to be completed in metric. Any substitution by imperial material
Requirements must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and the shop drawings must
show use of reviewed and accepted imperial material.

Page I-35
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 The fabrication of precast concrete units must be done in a sufficiently large

environmentally controlled permanent building. The building temperature must
be maintained between 15°C and 30°C and prevent contamination and/or
deterioration of materials.
 Stainless steel must be stored and handled to avoid contamination with deposits
of iron or other non-stainless steels.
 Prestressing steel must be stored in individual coils with their heat numbers
identified so that they can be tracked for incorporation into the concrete units.
6. Form Dimensions  Steel formwork must be coated with release agents.
and Set-up  Fabricator’s name, year of manufacture, serial number of units, and CL-800 to be
cast into bottom of girder in 50 mm letters at 1000 mm (verify this is far enough
for bridges with integral abutments) from the girder ends.
 Formwork must be checked for integrity, dimensions, alignment, and cleanliness.
 Witness point – Inspection of formwork set up and dimensions. Formwork
to be continuously checked until concrete pour.
7. Reinforcing Steel  Plain reinforcing steel must meet CSA Specification G30.18M Grade 400W.
Installation and  Welded Wire Reinforcement must meet ASTM A1064/A1064M Grade 480W with
Fabrication a minimum yield strength of 480 MPa based on the 0.2% offset method.
 Low carbon/chromium reinforcing steel must meet requirements of ASTM A1035
(fy =500MPa).
 All bars requiring bending must be cold bent at the fabrication facility. Bars must
be bent only once.
 Bars must be cut by shearing or with fluid cooled saws. Torch cutting will not be
 Reinforcing steel spacing and cover to be accurately maintained as per design
drawings. Discuss cover requirements to all surfaces of precast unit here.
 Hold point - Inspection reinforcing steel installation. Reinforcing steel
installation to be continuously checked until concrete pour.
8. Prestressing Steel  Prestressing steel must be uncoated Grade 1860, low relaxation 7-wire strand
Installation and 15.2 mm diameter.
Fabrication  Prestressing strands must be free of dirt and oil or other contaminants.
 Prestressing strand ends must have 15 mm deep termination recesses formed
around strands.
 Prestressing strands with any broken wire, nicks, or gouges must be removed and

Page I-36
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Confirm number and locations of debonded strands and projected strands per
design drawings.
 Prestressing strands from different strand packs used in the same unit must be
clearly identified.
 Hold point - Inspection of prestressing steel. Prestressing steel installation
to be continuously checked before stressing and before concrete pour.
9. Installation of Post  Post tensioning ducts, anchor rod assemblies and cross bracing anchorage devices
Tensioning Ducts, must meet the requirements of the contract documents.
Anchor Rod  Post tensioning ducts, anchor rod assemblies and cross bracing anchorage devices
Assemblies and must be free of dirt, oil and any other contaminants prior to installation into the
Cross Bracing form.
Anchorage Devices  Post tensioning ducts, anchor rod assemblies and cross bracing anchorage devices
must be installed into the forms within the tolerances specified in the SSBC and
must be held securely in position to prevent displacement during concrete
 Hold point - Inspection of post tensioning ducts, anchor rod assemblies
and cross bracing anchorage devices and must be continuously checked
until and during concrete placement.
10. Installation of  Three galvanized camber hubs required in each unit, at midpoint and 150 mm
Voids and from each end.
Remaining  All exposed embedded hardware is to be hot dip galvanized. Dywidag threadbars
Hardware are not galvanized and are for lifting only and are sacrificial.
 Shoe plates must be hot dipped galvanized after fabrication.
 Shoe plates must conform to the requirements of CSA G40.21M Grade 300W or
 Steel for diaphragms must conform to the requirements of CSA G40.21M Grade
300W or 350W. Bolts must conform to ASTM F3125 Grade A325 type 1 heavy hex
style. These items must be hot dip galvanized.
 Witness point - Inspection of voids and hardware installation. Void and
hardware installation to be continuously checked until concrete pour.
11. Stressing  Pull strands to measured elongation and monitor gauge pressure; or vice versa.
(Pretensioning)  Strands of different moduli of elasticity (E values) will be stressed accordingly to
get same required force; this must be identified and recorded in stressing records.
 Requirements for both stressing verification checks, as outlined in PCI MNL 116,
must be completed. The final elongation and force are required to be within 5%

Page I-37
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

of the theoretical values, as well as within 5% of each other. Strands to be

marked after initial tension (pre-pull) and at final elongation to obtain actual
elongation length.
 Dead end verification of force to be checked in draped strands.
 Hold point – Inspection of stressing operations.
12. Concrete Sampling  Concrete strength requirements are specified on the design drawings.
and Testing  Air content must be in accordance with CSA A23.1 Table 4, based on the
maximum aggregate size used. Indicate required air content here.
 The fabricator is responsible for quality control of unit weight, air content,
temperature, slump, and casting of release cylinders. The samples for concrete
test and release cylinders will be taken at the Consultant’s QA Inspector’s
 Concrete testing must be in accordance with SSBC Subsection
 Strength cylinders will be made and sent to an independent CSA certified lab for
testing, with test results to be sent to the Consultant. 28-day test cylinders will
be sent to ___________________.
 Indicate required concrete release strength and 28-day compressive strength.
 Witness point – Concrete sampling and testing.
13. Clean up and  Precast concrete girder surfaces must be sufficiently cleaned in order to allow for
Repair inspection of defects.
 Honeycombs, cracks, spalls, cavities and chips or any other casting defect must be
immediately reported to the Consultant.
 Defects including honeycombs, cavities, spalls, chips and cracks must be assessed
for reparability by the Consultant and the Department in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC.
 A repair procedure must be submitted to the consultant for review and
acceptance prior to commencement of any repair work. Any approved patching
and repair work must be completed within 24 hours of removal from the forms
and prior to placement into curing.
 Repairs must be completed before girder destressing as per SSBC Subsection – Repairing Concrete Defects.
 Witness point - Inspection of concrete defects and repairs.
14. Detensioning of  Prestressing strands must be simultaneously released from both ends.
Prestressing  Torch cutting of strands must follow the strand detensioning procedure
Strands submitted and reviewed and accepted by the Consultant.

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Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Camber survey and sweep measurements must be conducted.

 Witness point - Inspection of strand detensioning.
15. Concrete Finishing  Cleaning and patching to be done on a daily basis before steam curing.
and Curing  Strand recesses must be filled with a moisture insensitive epoxy paste adhesive
meeting the requirements of ASTM C811, Type IV, Grade 3, Class B or C. The
paste must be grey in color.
 Surface finishing must be in accordance with the design drawings. Indicate
required finishing here.
 All units to be steam cured for a period of 4 days. Girders must not be thermally
shocked at any time. The difference between ambient air temperatures within
the enclosure must not be greater than 10°C at any time. Steam must be in a fully
saturated condition at 95-100% R.H. and an ambient temperature of between
40°C and 60°C. See SSBC Subsection
 Witness point - Inspection of concrete finishing and verification of curing.
16. Concrete Sealing  Approved Type 1c concrete sealer to meet requirements of AT standard drawings
if required.
 Witness point – Inspection of sealer.
17. Sandblasting  Sandblasting or pressure washing of concrete surfaces in shear key, block out,
diaphragm, and girder end void locations if required.
18. Handling and  Girders are to be properly stored so that no sweep is induced. Girders must be
Storage supported near their ends on stable foundations.
 Camber survey conducted as required to monitor camber growth.
 Witness point – Inspection of precast concrete girder storage.
19. Final Inspection  Camber survey must be completed at the time of final inspection and prior to
 Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of
these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication
process), the Consultant will inform the fabricator when each girder is ready for
shipping or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.
 Review and acceptance at the fabrication facility by the Consultant will not relieve
the Contractor of their sole responsibility to meet the requirements of the
 Hold point – Final Inspection prior to shipping.

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Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

20. Clearance to Ship  Shipping must be in accordance with the reviewed and accepted Transportation
and Shipping Drawings.
 Shipping details must not damage material during transportation.
 Handling and lifting devices must not mark, damage, or distort members.
 Blocking must be used to protect girder bearing areas and flanges.
 Softeners must be used where chains or other tie down devices are used in direct
contact with the precast concrete units.
 The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for precast
concrete units a minimum of 72 hours prior to shipment from the fabrication
facility. Written acceptance in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC
must be provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant prior to the
commencement of shipping.
21. Fabrication  The Consultant must compile the QC records received during fabrication. This
Records and must include but is not limited to fabricator and 3rd party inspection and testing
Submittals records, mill test reports, product data sheets, non-conformance reports and
repair records, fabrication schedules, as-built shop drawings. Consultant QA
Inspector must prepare daily and weekly inspection reports with photos during
the fabrication of precast concrete girders and these must also be included in the
fabrication records along with additional QA inspection and testing records.
22. Safety  Plant PPE, training, and orientation requirements
 Plant and project specific hazard identification.

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Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

I.3.2 Precast Concrete MSE Wall Fascia Panels

Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall Fascia Panels
Prepared by:
Distribution to:

Page I-41
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

General Commentary:
 The purpose of the prefabrication meeting is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities during fabrication processes are discussed, understood by all parties and documented.
The prefabrication meeting also serves as a roadmap to how the fabrication will be completed including quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing.
 The prefabrication meeting must not occur until the inspection and test plan (ITP) and prefabrication submissions (hold points) have been submitted, reviewed and written
acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant.
 The prefabrication meeting must be held at the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. A minimum of 2 weeks notice
must be provided to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and time.
 The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2 representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the
prefabrication meeting(s) for fabrication occurring outside the Province of Alberta.
 The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must be in attendance at the prefabrication meeting including project manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s),
independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the work.
Required Quorum:
 The following representation is required for this meeting.
o Alberta Transportation: Project Sponsor/Administrator;
o Consultant: Project Manager, Inspector;
o Contractor: Project Manager, qualified personnel experienced in constructing MSE walls to supervise and perform the work;
o Contractor’s Specialty Staff or Subcontractor: Fabrication superintendent(s), independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the

Page I-42
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Fields 1 & 2 Appear on Distributed Agenda. Fields 3 & 4 are for Consultant Guidance (either PM or Inspector will chair the meeting)
Items Reviewed and Additions Made from
Content in Special Provisions
1 2 3 4
Agenda Item Project Specific Commentary for Meeting Chair, with Discussions to be Included in Meeting Meeting Actions or Decisions, with
Agenda Sub-Item Minutes Identification by Responsible Person
1. Standards  Fabrication must be in accordance with the following documents:
o Alberta Transportation Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC)
Section 4, Section 7 and Section 25, Edition 17, 2020;
o Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Standards A23.4; and
o Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Quality Control Manual MNL-116.
2. Qualifications  The fabrication facility must be certified by the Canadian Precast Quality
Assurance (CPCQA) certification program in the applicable Product Group
 The fabricator’s quality control team must be certified as a Level I/II
Technician/Inspector in the PCI Quality Control Personnel Certification program.
 The 3rd party independent concrete testing lab must be certified to CSA
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified as a Level II Technician /Inspector
in the PCI Quality Control Personnel Certification program.
3. Prefabrication  The following items must be submitted, reviewed and accepted prior to the
Submissions commencement of fabrication:
o Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP);
o Fabricator’s Quality Control Plan;
o Fabrication facility CPCQA certification and fabricator personnel certification;
o Fabrication sequence and equipment;
o Mill test reports of reinforcing steel, anchors, straps and miscellaneous steel.
Boron content of steel being welded must not exceed 0.0008%;
o Verification testing results for all welded steel melted outside of Canada or
the United States of America;
o Product data sheets;
o Shop drawings;
o Design notes and independent check notes;
o Review documentation of any contract modifications (if applicable);
o Concrete mix design review letter and trial batch results; and
o Fabrication schedule. Note: the fabrication schedule is required so the QA
inspectors can perform their duties during fabrication.

Page I-43
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Hold point – Completion of ITP and Prefabrication Submissions.

4. Fabrication  The Inspection witness and hold points specified in the SSBC require sign off from
Witness and Hold the Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector for precast concrete MSE wall
Points fascia panels. If fabrication continues past a hold point without the written
acceptance of the work by both the Contractor and the Consultant, the
Consultant may suspend the work. The Contractor will also be solely responsible
for all costs required to repair or replace the work, as determined by and to the
satisfaction of the Consultant and the Department.
 Witness and hold points for precast concrete MSE wall fascia panel fabrication
o Form dimensions and set-up (witness point);
o Placement of reinforcing steel, steel connection hardware and geosynthetic
reinforcing (hold point);
o Concrete sampling and testing (witness point);
o Clean-up and repair (witness point);
o Concrete surface finishes (witness point);
o Curing (witness point);
o Storage (witness point);
o Verification testing and inspection of precast concrete MSE wall fascia panels
if fabricated outside of Canada and the United States (hold points); and
o Final inspection including dimensional tolerances (hold point).
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector does not provide quality control for the fabricator.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector will inspect the completed work that has been
reviewed and accepted by the fabricator’s quality control.
5. Shop  The fabrication is to be completed in metric. Any substitution by imperial
Requirements material must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and the shop
drawings must show use of reviewed and accepted imperial material.
 The fabrication of precast concrete MSE wall fascia panels must be done in a
sufficiently large environmentally controlled permanent building. The building
temperature must be maintained between 15°C and 30°C and prevent
contamination and/or deterioration of materials.
6. Form Dimensions  Steel formwork to be coated with release agents.
and Set-up  Minimum panel thickness must be 140 mm, excluding any additional thickness for
aesthetic surface treatment.
 All edges of precast concrete fascia panels must be chamfered.

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Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Product identification must be marked on each panel.

 Formwork must be checked for integrity, dimensions, alignment, and cleanliness.
 Witness point – Inspection of formwork set up and dimensions. Formwork
to be continuously checked until concrete pour.
7. Reinforcing Steel  Plain reinforcing steel must meet CSA Specification G30.18M Grade 400W.
Installation and  Welded Wire Reinforcement must meet ASTM A1064/A1064M Grade 480W with
Fabrication a minimum yield strength of 480 MPa based on the 0.2% offset method.
 Low carbon/chromium reinforcing steel must meet requirements of ASTM A1035
(fy =500MPa).
 All bars requiring bending must be cold bent at the fabrication facility. Bars must
be bent only once.
 Bars must be cut by shearing or with fluid cooled saws. Torch cutting will not be
 Minimum cover to reinforcing steel must be 50 mm from all faces.
 Rebar spacing and cover to be accurately maintained as per design drawings.
Discuss cover requirements to all surfaces of precast unit here.
 Reinforcing steel must be electrically isolated from steel connection hardware
and/or steel soil reinforcement straps.
 Hold point - Inspection reinforcing steel installation. Reinforcing steel
installation to be continuously checked until concrete pour.
8. Installation of  Steel connection hardware must be placed accurately in the locations indicated
Geosynthetic on the design drawings, isolated from reinforcing steel and held securely in
Reinforcing and position. All exposed embedded hardware must be hot dip galvanized.
Other Hardware  Structural steel jigs must be used to maintain alignment and projection lengths of
geosynthetic reinforcing.
 Geosynthetic reinforcing embedded in panels must exit perpendicular to the
precast concrete fascia panel.
 Hold point – Installation inspection of geosynthetic reinforcing and other
hardware. Installation to be continuously checked until concrete pour.
9. Concrete Sampling  Concrete must be Class HPC with 5% minimum air entrainment, up to 8%
and Testing maximum air entrainment.
 Concrete strength requirements are specified on the design drawings. Indicate
required concrete 28-day compressive strength.
 Concrete must have a minimum strength of 18 MPa prior to formwork removal.

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Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 The fabricator is responsible for quality control of unit weight, air content,
temperature, slump, and casting of release cylinders. The samples for concrete
test and release cylinders will be taken at the Consultant’s QA Inspector’s
 Concrete testing must be in accordance with SSBC Subsection
 Strength cylinders will be made and sent to an independent CSA certified lab for
testing, with test results to be sent to the Consultant. 28-day test cylinders will
be sent to ___________________.
 Witness point – Concrete sampling and testing.
10. Clean up and  Precast concrete fascia panels with the following defects must be rejected:
Repair o Units with variation in precast concrete fascia panel face trueness for any line
across a precast concrete fascia panel face from a straight edge more than 2
mm over 1 m;
o Units with honeycombing, cracks, spalls, or broken corners;
o Units with more than 10 surface cavities per m2 with cavity diameters from 2
mm up to 5 mm;
o Units with more than three surface cavities per m2 with cavity diameter from 5
mm up to 10 mm; and
o Units with any surface cavities greater than 10 mm in diameter.
 During repair of surface cavities up to the start of elevated temperature curing or
moist curing, panel faces must be kept in a continuously saturated surface dry
 Repair of surface cavities to be completed in a sheltered environment with a
minimum ambient temperature of 10°C using a Department approved concrete
patching material.
 Witness point – Inspection of concrete defects and repairs.
11. Concrete Finishing  Exposed precast concrete fascia panels must be finished in accordance with SSBC
and Curing Section 4 with the exception that all required surface cavities must be filled with
an approved patching material.
 The entire exposed panel fascia finish texture must be a form finish and not a
washed or rubbed surface.
 Precast concrete MSE wall fascia panels must be undergo elevated temperature
curing or be moist cured in accordance with SSBC Section 7.
o Elevated temperature curing for 4 days between 40°C to 60°C
ambient temperature and 95% to 100% relative humidity; or

Page I-46
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o Moist curing under two layers of light colored filter fabric/burlap

and kept at an ambient temperature of 15°C for 7 days.
 Witness point - Inspection of concrete finishing and verification of curing.
12. Handling and  Precast MSE fascia panels should be uniformly supported on timber bearing
Storage blocks with plastic separators.
 The uniform color of the panels must be maintained and protected from staining
or discoloration.
 Witness point – Inspection of precast MSE fascia panel storage.
13. Final Inspection  Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of
these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication
process), the Consultant will inform the fabricator when units are ready for
shipping or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.
 Review and acceptance at the fabrication facility by the Consultant will not relieve
the Contractor of their sole responsibility to meet the requirements of the
 Hold point – Final Inspection prior to shipping.
14. Clearance to Ship  Shipping details must not damage material during transportation.
and Shipping  Handling and lifting devices must not mark, damage, or distort members.
 Softeners must be used where chains or other tie down devices are used in direct
contact with the precast concrete units.
 The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for precast
concrete units a minimum of 72 hours prior to shipment from the fabrication
facility. Written acceptance in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC
must be provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant prior to the
commencement of shipping.
15. Fabrication  The Consultant must compile the QC records received during fabrication. This
Records and must include but is not limited to fabricator and 3rd party inspection and testing
Submittals records, mill test reports, product data sheets, non-conformance reports and
repair records, fabrication schedules, as-built shop drawings. Consultant QA
Inspector must prepare inspection reports with photos during the fabrication of
precast concrete units and these must also be included in the fabrication records
along with additional QA inspection and testing records.
16. Safety  Plant PPE, training, and orientation requirements.
 Plant and project specific hazard identification.

Page I-47
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

I.3.3 Precast Concrete RCP and PBC Structures

Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) and Precast Box Culvert (PBC) Structures
Prepared by:
Distribution to:

Page I-48
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

General Commentary:
 The purpose of the prefabrication meeting is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities during fabrication processes are discussed, understood by all parties and documented.
The prefabrication meeting also serves as a roadmap to how the fabrication will be completed including quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing.
 The prefabrication meeting must not occur until the inspection and test plan (ITP) and prefabrication submissions (hold points) have been submitted, reviewed and written
acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant.
 The prefabrication meeting must be held at the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. A minimum of 2 weeks notice
must be provided to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and time.
 The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2 representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the
prefabrication meeting(s) for fabrication occurring outside the Province of Alberta.
 The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must be in attendance at the prefabrication meeting including project manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s),
independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the work.
Required Quorum:
 The following representation is required for this meeting.
o Alberta Transportation: Project Sponsor/Administrator;
o Consultant: Project Manager, Inspector;
o Contractor: Project Manager, and all personnel involved in supervision of the work;
o Contractor’s Specialty Staff or Subcontractor: Fabrication superintendent(s), independent testing agency representatives, and all personnel involved in supervision of the

Page I-49
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Fields 1 & 2 Appear on Distributed Agenda. Fields 3 & 4 are for Consultant Guidance (either PM or Inspector will chair the meeting)
Items Reviewed and Additions Made from
Content in Special Provisions
1 2 3 4
Agenda Item Project Specific Commentary for Meeting Chair, with Discussions to be Included in Meeting Meeting Actions or Decisions, with
Agenda Sub-Item Minutes Identification by Responsible Person
1. Standards  Fabrication must be in accordance with the following documents:
o Alberta Transportation Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC)
Section 26, Edition 17, 2020;
o Indirect designed RCP – CSA A257 or ASTM C76M;
o Direct designed RCP – ASTM C1417M;
o Maintenance access holes – ASTM C478M
o PBC structures – ASTM C1433M
2. Qualifications  The fabrication facility must be certified by the Canadian Precast Quality
Assurance (CPCQA) certification program in the applicable Product Group
 The 3rd party independent concrete testing lab must be certified to CSA
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified as a Level II Technician/Inspector
in the PCI Quality Control Personnel Certification program.
3. Prefabrication  The following items must be submitted, reviewed and accepted prior to the
Submissions commencement of fabrication:
o Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP);
o Fabricator’s Quality Control Plan;
o Fabrication facility CPCQA certification and fabricator personnel certification;
o Fabrication sequence and equipment;
o Mill test reports of reinforcing steel, and miscellaneous steel. Boron content
of steel being welded must not exceed 0.0008%;
o Verification testing results for all welded steel melted outside of Canada or
the United States of America;
o Product data sheets;
o Shop drawings;
o Design notes and independent check notes (if applicable);
o Review documentation of any contract modifications (if applicable);
o Concrete mix design review letter and trial batch results; and

Page I-50
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o Fabrication schedule including the expected completion date of each precast

unit. Note: the fabrication schedule is required so the QA inspectors can
perform their duties during fabrication.
 Hold point – Completion of ITP and Prefabrication Submissions
4. Fabrication  The Inspection witness and hold points specified in the SSBC require sign off from
Witness and Hold the Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector for RCP and PBC structures. If
Points fabrication continues past a hold point without the written acceptance of the
work by both the Contractor and the Consultant, the Consultant may suspend the
work. The Contractor will also be solely responsible for all costs required to
repair or replace the work, as determined by and to the satisfaction of the
Consultant and the Department.
 Witness and hold points for precast concrete deck panel fabrication include:
o Form dimensions and set-up (witness point);
o Placement of reinforcement (witness point);
o Concrete mixture and placement (witness point);
o Clean-up and repair (hold point);
o Storage of RCP and PBC structures (witness point);
o Verification testing and inspection of RCP and PBC structures if fabricated
outside of Canada and the United States (hold points); and
o Final inspection (hold point).
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector does not provide quality control for the fabricator.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector will inspect the completed work that has been
reviewed and accepted by the fabricator’s quality control.
5. Shop  The fabrication is to be completed in metric. Any substitution by imperial
Requirements material must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and the shop
drawings must show use of reviewed and accepted imperial material.
 The fabrication of precast concrete units must be done in a sufficiently large
environmentally controlled permanent building. The building temperature must
be maintained between 15°C and 30°C and prevent contamination and/or
deterioration of materials.
6. Form Dimensions  Steel formwork to be coated with release agents.
and Set-up  Formwork must be checked for integrity, dimensions, alignment, and cleanliness.
 Product identification markings must be waterproof paint or cast into structure.
Cast in markings must not compromise minimum specified cover.
 Classed and indirect designed RCP structures must be marked as follows:
o Pipe classification and manufacturing standard;

Page I-51
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o Nominal inside diameter;

o Date of manufacture;
o Name or logo of fabricator;
o Plant identification; and
o Installation orientation markings, if required.
 Direct designed RCP structures must be marked as follows:
o Pipe designation diameter, installation type, and fill height;
o Manufacturing standard;
o Date of fabrication;
o Name or logo of fabricator;
o Plant identification;
o Pipe identification number; and
o Installation orientation markings, if required.
 PBC structure sections must be marked as follows:
o Box designation span, rise, and fill height;
o Manufacturing standard;
o Date of fabrication;
o Name or logo of fabricator;
o Plant identification;
o Box identification number; and
o Installation orientation markings showing top of culvert wall up on both inside
and outside faces.
 Standard identification plaques must be suppled and installed in accordance with
SSBC Section 13 and standard drawing S-1847.
 Witness point – Inspection of formwork set up and dimensions. Formwork
to be continuously checked until concrete pour.
7. Reinforcing Steel  Reinforcing steel for RCP structures must meet ASTM C76M or ASTM C1417M.
Installation and  Reinforcing steel for PBC structures must meet ASTM C1433 and SSBC Section 5.
Fabrication  Boron content of reinforcing steel being welded must not exceed 0.0008%
 Rebar spacing and cover to be accurately maintained as per design drawings.
Discuss cover requirements to all surfaces of precast unit here.
 Hold point - Inspection reinforcing steel installation. Reinforcing steel installation
to be continuously checked until concrete placement.
8. Installation of  Rubber gaskets for RCP structures must meet CSA A257.3.
Rubber Gaskets,  Rubber gaskets for PBC structures must meet ASTM C1619.
Flexible Joint  Flexible joint sealants for PBC structures must meet ASTM C990.

Page I-52
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Sealant and other  Hold point inspection of hardware installation. Hardware installation to
Hardware be continuously checked until concrete pour.
9. Concrete Sampling  Concrete must be standard weight silica fume concrete with 5% minimum air
and Testing entrainment, up to 8% maximum air entrainment.
 Concrete strength requirements must meet those specified on the design
 The fabricator is responsible for quality control of unit weight, air content,
temperature, slump, and casting of release cylinders. The samples for concrete
test and release cylinders will be taken at the Consultant’s QA Inspector’s
 Indicate required concrete release strength and 28-day compressive strength.
 Witness point – Concrete sampling and testing.
10. Clean up and  Damage, cavities, spalls, chips, cracking, and other defects must be immediately
Repair reported to the Consultant. Repair procedures must be submitted for review and
acceptance by the Department and Consultant prior to the commencement of the
 Repair procedures may vary for RCP and PBC structures and the fabricator must
consider the physical dimensions and properties of the element being repaired.
 Repair procedure must be in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
 In cold weather conditions, repairs must be carried out in accordance with
Subsection 4.21 of the SSBC.
 Sections with cracks 0.3 mm in width or greater must be replaced with new
 Witness point - Inspection of concrete defects and repairs.
11. Concrete Finishing  Finishing must be in accordance with design drawings.
and Curing  Curing must be in accordance with SSBC.
 Witness point - Inspection of concrete finishing and verification of curing.
12. Handling and  All materials must be stored in a neat and orderly manner to facilitate testing and
Storage inspection.
 Rubber gaskets and sealants must be stored in accordance with manufacturer’s
 All RCP and PBC structure sections must be handled carefully to prevent cracking,
gouging, chipping, or any other damage to the concrete surfaces.

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Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 RCP and PBC structure sections must be stored at ground height with supports
acceptable to the Consultant and must not be stacked vertically.
 Witness point – Inspection of RCP and PBC structure storage.
13. Final Inspection  Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of
these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication
process), the Consultant will inform the fabricator when units are ready for
shipping or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.
 Review and acceptance at the fabrication facility by the Consultant will not relieve
the Contractor of their sole responsibility to meet the requirements of the
 Hold point – Final Inspection prior to shipping.
14. Clearance to Ship  The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for RCP
and Shipping and PBC structures a minimum of 1 week prior to shipment from the fabrication
facility. Written acceptance in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC
must be provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant prior to the
commencement of shipping
15. Fabrication  The Consultant must compile the QC records received during fabrication. This
Records and must include but is not limited to fabricator and 3rd party inspection and testing
Submittals records, mill test reports, product data sheets, non-conformance reports and
repair records, fabrication schedules, as-built shop drawings. Consultant QA
Inspector must prepare inspection reports with photos during the fabrication and
these must also be included in the fabrication records along with additional QA
inspection and testing records.
16. Safety  Plant PPE, training, and orientation requirements.
 Plant and project specific hazard identification.

Page I-54
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

I.3.4 Precast Concrete Deck Panels

Prepared by:
Distribution to:

Page I-55
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

General Commentary:
 The purpose of the prefabrication meeting is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities during fabrication processes are discussed, understood by all parties and documented.
The prefabrication meeting also serves as a roadmap to how the fabrication will be completed including quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing.
 The prefabrication meeting must not occur until the inspection and test plan (ITP) and prefabrication submissions (hold points) have been submitted, reviewed and written
acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant.
 The prefabrication meeting must be held at the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. A minimum of 2 weeks notice
must be provided to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and time.
 The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2 representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the
prefabrication meeting(s) for fabrication occurring outside the Province of Alberta.
 The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must be in attendance at the prefabrication meeting including project manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s),
independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the work.
Required Quorum:
 The following representation is required for this meeting.
o Alberta Transportation: Project Sponsor/Administrator;
o Consultant: Project Manager, Inspector;
o Contractor: Project Manager, and all employees involved in supervision of the work;
o Contractor’s Specialty Staff or Subcontractor: Fabrication superintendent(s), independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the

Page I-56
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Fields 1 & 2 Appear on Distributed Agenda. Fields 3 & 4 are for Consultant Guidance (either PM or Inspector will chair the meeting)
Items Reviewed and Additions Made from
Content in Special Provisions
1 2 3 4
Agenda Item Project Specific Commentary for Meeting Chair, with Discussions to be Included in Meeting Meeting Actions or Decisions, with
Agenda Sub-Item Minutes Identification by Responsible Person
1. Standards  Fabrication must be in accordance with the following documents:
o Alberta Transportation Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC)
Section 7, Edition 17, 2020;
o Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Standards A23.4;
o Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Quality Control Manual MNL-116;
o Low Volume Standard Bridge Precast Concrete Panels on Steel Girders
Standard Drawings LRS-1001 to 1014.
2. Qualifications  The fabrication facility must be certified by the Canadian Precast Quality
Assurance (CPCQA) certification program in the applicable Product Group
 The fabricator’s quality control team must be certified as a Level I/II
Technician/Inspector in the PCI Quality Control Personnel Certification program.
 The 3rd party independent concrete testing lab must be certified to CSA
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified as a Level II Technician /Inspector
in the PCI Quality Control Personnel Certification program.
3. Prefabrication  The following items must be submitted, reviewed and accepted prior to the
Submissions commencement of fabrication:
o Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP);
o Fabricator’s Quality Control Plan;
o Fabrication facility CPCQA certification and fabricator personnel certification;
o Fabrication sequence and equipment;
o Mill test reports of reinforcing steel, dowels and miscellaneous steel. Boron
content of steel being welded must not exceed 0.0008%;
o Verification testing results for all welded steel melted outside of Canada or
the United States of America;
o Product data sheets;
o Shop drawings;
o Design notes and independent check notes (if applicable);
o Review documentation of any contract modifications (if applicable);

Page I-57
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o Concrete mix design review letter and trial batch results; and
o Fabrication schedule. Note: the fabrication schedule is required so the QA
inspectors can perform their duties during fabrication.
 Hold point – Completion of ITP and Prefabrication Submissions
4. Fabrication  The Inspection witness and hold points specified in the SSBC require sign off from
Witness and Hold the Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector for precast concrete deck
Points panels. If fabrication continues past a hold point without the written acceptance
of the work by both the Contractor and the Consultant, the Consultant may
suspend the work. The Contractor will also be solely responsible for all costs
required to repair or replace the work, as determined by and to the satisfaction of
the Consultant and the Department.
 Witness and hold points for precast concrete deck panel fabrication include:
o Form dimensions and set-up (witness point);
o Placement of reinforcing steel and bridgerail anchor rods (hold point);
o Concrete sampling and testing (witness point);
o Clean-up and repair (witness point);
o Concrete surface finishes (witness point);
o Curing (witness point);
o Storage (witness point);
o Verification testing and inspection of precast concrete deck panels if
fabricated outside of Canada and the United States (hold points); and
o Final inspection including dimensional tolerances (hold point).
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector does not provide quality control for the fabricator.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector will inspect the completed work that has been
reviewed and accepted by the fabricator’s quality control.
5. Shop  The fabrication is to be completed in metric. Any substitution by imperial
Requirements material must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and the shop
drawings must show use of reviewed and accepted imperial material.
 The fabrication of precast concrete units must be done in a sufficiently large
environmentally controlled permanent building. The building temperature must
be maintained between 15°C and 30°C and prevent contamination and/or
deterioration of materials.
6. Form Dimensions  Steel formwork to be coated with release agents.
and Set-up

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Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Fabricator’s name, year of manufacture, serial number of units, and CL-800 to be

cast into bottom of each slab in 50 mm letters approximately 2000 mm from the
deck panel edge.
 All exposed concrete corners excluding the stud pockets and transverse joints
must have a 20 mm chamfer or fillet unless otherwise noted in the design
 Formwork must be checked for integrity, dimensions, alignment, and cleanliness.
 Witness point – Inspection of formwork set up and dimensions. Formwork
to be continuously checked until concrete pour.
7. Reinforcing Steel  Plain reinforcing steel must meet CSA Specification G30.18M Grade 400W.
Installation and  Welded Wire Reinforcement must meet ASTM A1064/A1064M Grade 480W with
Fabrication a minimum yield strength of 480 MPa based on the 0.2% offset method.
 Low carbon/chromium reinforcing steel must meet requirements of ASTM A1035
(fy =500MPa).
 Headed reinforcement must meet the requirements of ASTM A970/970M with
class HA heads except the bars must be manufactured from CAN/CSA-G30.18
Grade 400W deformed bars.
 All bars requiring bend must be cold bent at the fabrication facility. Bars must be
bent only once.
 Bars must be cut by shearing or with fluid cooled saws. Torch cutting will not be
 Rebar spacing and cover to be accurately maintained as per design drawings.
Discuss cover requirements to all surfaces of precast unit here. Typical clear
cover must be 50 mm unless noted otherwise.
 Adjust reinforcement where required to clear girder stud pockets, bridgerail post
anchor rods, and lifting hook assemblies.
 Hold point - Inspection reinforcing steel installation. Reinforcing stell
installation to be continuously checked until concrete pour.
8. Installation of  All exposed embedded hardware is to be hot dip galvanized. Dywidag threadbars
Anchor Assemblies are not galvanized and are for lifting only and are sacrificial.
and Other  Reinforcing dowels must conform to the requirements of CSA G40.21 grade 300W
Hardware and must be hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication.
 All plate steel and structural shapes must conform to CSA G40.21 Grade 350W
unless otherwise specified.

Page I-59
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Bridgerail post anchor rods must be ASTM A193 Grade B7 and be hot-dipped
galvanized. Galvanizing of high strength anchor rod must follow the procedures
outlined in Subsection of the SSBC.
 The Contractor must fabricate embrittlement test rods for bend testing in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
 Hold point – Inspection of anchor rod installation. Anchor rod installation
to be continuously checked until concrete pour.
9. Concrete Sampling  Concrete must consist of hydraulic cement, condensed silica fume, coarse and
and Testing fine aggregates, water and admixtures.
 Concrete strength requirements are specified on the design drawings.
 Air content must be in accordance with CSA A23.1 Table 4, based on the
maximum aggregate size used. Indicate required air content here.
 The fabricator is responsible for quality control of unit weight, air content,
temperature, slump, and casting of release cylinders. The samples for concrete
test and release cylinders will be taken at the Consultant’s QA Inspector’s
 Concrete testing must be in accordance with SSBC Subsection
 Strength cylinders will be made and sent to an independent CSA certified lab for
testing, with test results to be sent to the Consultant. 28-day test cylinders will be
sent to ___________________.
 Indicate required concrete release strength and 28-day compressive strength.
 Witness point – Concrete sampling and testing.
10. Clean up and  Precast concrete girder surfaces must be sufficiently cleaned in order to allow for
Repair inspection of defects.
 Honeycombs, cracks, spalls, cavities and chips or any other casting defect must be
immediately reported to the Consultant.
 Defects including honeycombs, cavities, spalls, chips and cracks must be assessed
for reparability by the Consultant and the Department in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC.
 A repair procedure must be submitted to the consultant for review and
acceptance prior to commencement of any repair work. Any approved patching
and repair work must be completed within 24 hours of removal from the forms
and prior to placement into curing.
 Witness point - Inspection of concrete defects and repairs.

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Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

11. Concrete Finishing  Surface finishing must be in accordance with the design drawings. Indicate
and Curing required finishing here.
 All units to be cured in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Panels
must not be exposed to thermal shock.
 Witness point - Inspection of concrete finishing and verification of curing.
12. Abrasive blasting  All surfaces that will be in contact with magnesium phosphate based grout or
flowable non-shrink grout must be intentionally roughened by heavy abrasive
blasting. This includes the transverse deck panel joints, the stud pockets, and the
horizontal joint between the end deck panels and the backwall panels.
 Witness point - Inspection of roughened surfaces.
13. Handling and  It is the contractor’s responsibility to determine the lifting hook locations.
Storage  Deck panels must be maintained level during handling and lifting forces must be
vertical at all time.
 Witness point – Inspection of precast deck panel storage.
14. Final Inspection  Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of
and Shipping these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication
process), the Consultant will inform the fabricator when units are ready for
shipping or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.
 Review and acceptance at the fabrication facility by the Consultant will not relieve
the Contractor of their sole responsibility to meet the requirements of the
 Hold point – Final Inspection prior to shipping.
15. Clearance to Ship  Shipping details must not damage material during transportation.
and Shipping  Handling and lifting devices must not mark, damage, or distort members.
 Blocking must be used to protect bearing areas.
 Softeners must be used where chains or other tie down devices are used in direct
contact with the precast concrete units.
 The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for precast
concrete units a minimum of 72 hours prior to shipment from the fabrication
facility. Written acceptance in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC
must be provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant prior to the
commencement of shipping.
16. Fabrication  The Consultant must compile the QC records received during fabrication. This
Records and must include but is not limited to fabricator and 3rd party inspection and testing

Page I-61
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

records, mill test reports, product data sheets, non-conformance reports and
repair records, fabrication schedules, as-built shop drawings. Consultant QA
Inspector must prepare inspection reports with photos during the fabrication and
these must also be included in the fabrication records along with additional QA
inspection and testing records.
17. Safety  Plant PPE, training, and orientation requirements.
 Plant and project specific hazard identification.

Page I-62
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas


Page I-63
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

I.4.1 Laminated Elastomeric Bearings

Prepared by:
Distribution to:

Page I-64
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

General Commentary:
 The purpose of the prefabrication meeting is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities during fabrication processes are discussed, understood by all parties and documented.
The prefabrication meeting also serves as a roadmap to how the fabrication will be completed including quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing.
 The prefabrication meeting must not occur until the inspection and test plan (ITP) and prefabrication submissions (hold points) have been submitted, reviewed and written
acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant.
 The prefabrication meeting must be held at the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. A minimum of 2 weeks notice
must be provided to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and time.
 The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2 representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the
prefabrication meeting(s) for fabrication occurring outside the Province of Alberta.
 The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must be in attendance at the prefabrication meeting including project manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s),
independent testing agency and laboratory representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the work.
Required Quorum:
 The following representation is required for this meeting.
o Alberta Transportation: Project Sponsor/Administrator;
o Consultant: Project Manager, Inspector;
o Contractor: Project Manager, and all employees involved in supervision of the work;
o Contractor’s Specialty Staff or Subcontractor: Fabrication superintendent(s); independent testing agency representatives and all employees involved in supervision of the

Page I-65
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Fields 1 & 2 Appear on Distributed Agenda. Fields 3 & 4 are for Consultant Guidance (either PM or Inspector will chair the meeting)
Items Reviewed and Additions Made from
Content in Special Provisions
1 2 3 4
Agenda Item Project Specific Commentary for Meeting Chair, with Discussions to be Included in Meeting Minutes Meeting Actions or Decisions, with
Agenda Sub-Item Identification by Responsible Person
1. Standards  Fabrication must be in accordance with:
o Alberta Transportation Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC)
Section 8, Edition 17, 2020.
o AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4th Edition 2017.
o AASHTO/AWS Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5.
o AASHTO Standard Specification for Transportation Materials and Methods of
Sampling and Testing.
o AASHTO Standard Specification for Plain and Laminated Elastomeric Bridge
Bearings. AASHTO Designation M251-06.
o Alberta Transportation Typical Detail Drawing T-1761 “Typical Expansion Bearing
2. Qualifications  The fabrication facility must be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) in
accordance with CSA-W47.1 to Division I or II. This certification requirement
extends to all subcontractors engaged in the fabrication of bearings or bearing
 Welders, welding operators and tackers must be CWB certified in the applicable
category. A copy of the welder’s current qualification documents must be provided
to the Consultant for record purposes.
 The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-destructive
testing, must meet, at a minimum, the requirements of AASHTO/American Welding
Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5 Clause 6 except that the
Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector must be certified by the CWB
as a Level 2 or Level 3 inspector in accordance with CSA W178.2.
 Contractor QC testing technicians: Third party NDT technicians must be certified to
Level 2 in accordance with CAN/CGSB-48.9712 and employed by a testing agency
certified to CSA W178.1. Coating testing must be completed and by an independent
National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Level 2 certified coating
 The fabricator must engage an AASHTO National Transportation Product Evaluation
Program (NTPEP) Elastomeric Bridge Bearing Pad Designated Laboratory or an
equivalent independent certified testing company.

Page I-66
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 The fabricator and/or their sub-contractor completing metalizing must be certified

by the SSPC to QP-6, Thermal Spray (Metalizing) Contractor Certification Program or
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified by the CWB as a level 2 or level 3
welding inspector in accordance with CSA 178.2 and possess bridge related
fabrication experience.
3. Design  The design requirements for laminated elastomeric bearings must be in accordance
Requirements with SSBC Subsection 8.2 - Design Requirements and Typical Detail Drawing T-1761.
 The design and the independent check notes must be completed and submitted by
the bearing supplier to accommodate the loadings, translations and rotations
specified on the design drawings, in accordance with the requirements of CSA S6,
and the exceptions noted in the SSBC.
4. Prefabrication  The following items must be submitted, reviewed and accepted prior to the
Submissions commencement of fabrication:
o Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP);
o List of all fabricators and fabrication shop and all subcontractor certification
o Independent Inspection and Testing Laboratory Qualifications;
o Fabrication sequence and equipment;
o Mill Test Reports and product data sheets;
o Design and independent check notes;
o Review documentation of any contract modifications (if applicable);
o Shop drawings;
o CWB approved welding procedure data sheets (WPDS) and processes (WPS);
o Valid CWB welder’s tickets for all welders and the operations they will perform;
o Mill Test Reports for all materials. Boron content must not exceed 0.0008% for
steel being welded;
o Verification testing results for all steel melted outside of Canada or the United
States of America; and
o Fabrication schedule, including the expected completion date. Note: the
fabrication schedule is required so the QA inspectors can perform their duties
during fabrication.
 Hold point – Completion of ITP and Prefabrication Submissions
5. Materials  Material requirements:
o All materials must be new with no reclaimed material incorporated in the
finished bearing;

Page I-67
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o The steel laminates within laminated elastomeric bearings must be rolled mild
steel with minimum yield strength of 230 MPa.
o The steel for base plate, keeper bars, pintels, and shims must conform to the
requirements of CSA G40.21 Grade 300W or 350W or ASTM A572/A572M Grade
50. The steel for sole plates must be in accordance with the Drawings;
o Stainless steel sheets must conform to the requirements of AISI Type 304, no. 8
mirror finish (0.2 µm maximum surface roughness);
o Cured elastomeric compounds must be low temperature Grade 5 and meet the
minimum requirements listed in Table X1.1 of AASHTO M251-06. Cured
elastomeric compounds must have 60 durometer hardness shore A;
o Cured elastomeric compounds must also meet the requirements of ASTM D2240
for low temperature crystallinity increase in hardness at an exposure of -25°C for
168 hours;
o PTFE must be unfilled, 100% virgin polymer conforming to Subsection,
Unfilled PTFE Sheet of the 2017 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications
including all interim revisions;
o Adhesive for bonding PTFE to metal must be an epoxy resin satisfying the
requirements of AASHTO M 235M/M 235 (ASTM C881/C881M) FEP film or equal
producing a bond with a minimum peel strength of 4 N/mm, when tested
according to ASTM D429 Method B. Adhesives must not degrade in the service
environment; and
o Anchor rods and connecting bolts must meet the requirements of Table 8-2 of
the SSBC.
6. Fabrication  The Inspection witness and hold points specified in the SSBC require sign off from the
Witness and Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector. If fabrication continues past a hold
Hold Points point without the written acceptance of the work by both the Contractor and the
Consultant, the Consultant may suspend the work. The Contractor will also be solely
responsible for all costs required to repair or replace the work, as determined by and
to the satisfaction of the Consultant and the Department.
 Witness and hold points for laminated elastomeric bearings include:
o Inspection of steel laminates prior to incorporation within the elastomer
(witness point);
o Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances (witness point);
o Bearing testing (witness point);
o Verification testing and inspection of bearings if fabricated outside of Canada
and the United States (hold point); and
o Final inspection (hold point).

Page I-68
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 The Consultant’s QA Inspector does not provide quality control for the fabricator.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector will inspect the completed work that has been
reviewed and accepted by the fabricator’s quality control.
7. Shop  The fabrication is to be completed in metric. Any substitution of imperial material
Requirements must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and shop drawings must show
use of the reviewed and accepted imperial material.
 All fabrication is to take place in an adequately enclosed area, free of drafts, well lit,
and maintained at a minimum temperature of 10˚C.
 Storage of low hydrogen electrodes and flux and welding practices for low hydrogen
welding must be in accordance with AWS D1.5.
 All welding equipment must be maintained in good repair (gauges, clamps,
connections, etc.).
 Handling devices must not mark plates or components. This must be observed
starting at the receiving area and throughout the course of fabrication.
 Repair procedures must be submitted to the Consultant and the Department for
review and acceptance for damaged base metal, defective weldments, and any
other defect identified by the Consultant, prior to commencement of the repair
work. Any repairs to cut plate edges must use AWS D1.5 criteria in determining
whether a flaw can be ground out or if it requires a welded repair. Welded repairs
must be preheated. Any repairs accepted for implementation must be
authenticated in accordance with APEGA requirements.
8. Welding  All welding must conform to AWS D1.5 and the WPSs and WPDSs reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant.
 Only welders certified to weld the joint type using the process specified in the
position required will be accepted.
 All welds must have an approved procedure. The approval must be obtained from
CWB and reviewed and accepted the Consultant. Any substitution to welding
procedures will require the review and acceptance by the Consultant prior to
welding. Welders must follow the procedure parameters to within the allowable
 Weld areas must be clean, free of mill scale, dirt, grease, and other contaminants
prior to welding. For multi-pass welds, previously deposited weld metal must also
be thoroughly cleaned prior to depositing subsequent passes.
 Tack welds are not permitted unless they will be included in the final weld. Tacks,
where acceptable, must be a minimum length of four times the weld size.
 Preheat and interpass temperatures must be in accordance with the SSBC unless
AWS D1.5 requires a higher temperature for the thickness of material being welded.

Page I-69
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

The preheat temperature must be measured 75 mm from the point of welding on

the opposite where the weld is being applied.
 Arc strikes are not permitted. In the event of an accidental isolated arc strike, a
repair procedure must be submitted in accordance with Subsection of the
SSBC. At a minimum, the repair procedure must include the complete grinding out
of the crater produced by the arc strike. The repair procedure must also include
MPI and hardness testing of the affected area. Hardness of the repaired area must
conform to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. These areas will
be examined by the Consultant’s QA Inspector to ensure complete removal of the
metal in the affected area.
9. Fabrication  The steel laminates must be of uniform 3 mm nominal thickness without any sharp
edges. The bond between the elastomer and the steel laminates must be such that
when a sample is tested for separation, failure must occur within the elastomer and
not between the elastomer and steel laminate. The top 9.5 mm galvanized
laminate for sliding bearings must have a 2.5 mm recess.
 Witness point – Inspection of steel laminates prior to incorporation into the
 Laminated elastomeric bearings must be moulded under pressure as a single unit
and heated in moulds that have a smooth surface finish.
 Steel plates must be machined in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC
 The fabricator must provide a smooth finish on all edges and surfaces, and remove
all weld spatters, and all welding flux residue from the steel components prior to
 Each bearing must be clearly identified as described in Subsection of the
 Stainless steel sheets in contact with PTFE must be continuously welded around the
perimeter to its backing plate to prevent ingress of moisture. The weld must be
clean, uniform, and without overlaps and located outside the area in contact with
 Galvanizing must be by the hot dip method or by metallizing where specified in the
SSBC. Hot dip galvanizing must be in accordance with the current edition of ASTM
A123/A123M Standard. Metallizing must be in accordance with SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS
C2.23/NACE No. 12 Standard Practice. Bolts, nuts and special threaded fasteners
must be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM F2329 and as modified in the
following item:
 The cleaning and pickling procedure of high strength ASTM A193 Grade B7
anchor rods must be modified as follows prior to hot-dip galvanizing:

Page I-70
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o Brush blast to remove mill scale and oil after threading ends;
o Pickle up to 5 minutes; and
o Quick dry prior to hot-dip galvanizing (not stored in flux or acid rinse).
 The Contractor must fabricate embrittlement test rods for embrittlement testing in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
 Galvanized sole plates and slider plates bolted to the bottom flanges of weathering
steel girders must use galvanized ASTM F3125 Grade A325/A325M Type 1 heavy
hex style bolts. The bolt layout, size and configuration must be as detailed on the
 Repair of galvanizing must be completed in accordance ASTM A780, Method A3
“Metallizing”. The need for repair must be based on ASTM A123 and determined by
the Consultant. Areas less than 100 mm2 can be repaired in accordance with ASTM
A780 Method A1.
 The bottom surface of each base plate must be protected by a medium grey
concrete colour barrier coating accepted by the Consultant. Preparation of the
surface before applying the coating must be in accordance with the SSBC.
 Completed bearings must undergo dimensional checks and verification of
tolerances upon completion of fabrication.
 Witness point – Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances of
completed bearings.
10. Testing and  The Contractor must meet the testing and inspection requirements set out in
Inspection Subsection of the SSBC.
 The Contractor’s quality control testing and inspection records and/or reports must
be submitted on a weekly basis to the Consultant for review and acceptance. All
quality control testing and inspection records and/or reports must contain the
written acceptance of the fabricator’s QC manager.
 The Contractor must engage an independent CSA certified testing company at his
expense to perform testing of bearing materials and the completed bearings In
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC. Testing of elastomeric
compounds must be in accordance with AASHTO M251-06. The number of tests
must be in accordance with Section 8 of AASHTO M251-06 (2016) and the SSBC.
 Testing, inspection and related costs incurred by the Consultant as a result of
defective work must be paid for by the Contractor.
 Witness point – Testing of bearing materials and completed bearings.
11. Final Inspection  Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of
these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication process),

Page I-71
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

the Consultant will inform the fabricator when the bearings are ready for shipping
or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.
 Review and acceptance at the fabrication facility by the Consultant will not relieve
the Contractor of their sole responsibility to meet the requirements of the Contract.
 Hold point – Final Inspection prior to shipping.

12. Clearance to  Stainless steel surfaces must be shipped with a protective film to prevent damage
Ship and during transport and handling.
Shipping  Bearings must be fully protected during shipping.
 To avoid damage during shipping, softeners must be used where chains or other
time down devices are used in direct contact with components.
 The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for bearings
a minimum of 72 hours prior to shipment from the fabrication facility. Written
acceptance in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC must be provided by
both the Contractor and the Consultant prior to the commencement of shipping.
13. Fabrication  The Consultant must compile the QC records received during fabrication. This must
Records and include but is not limited to fabricator and 3rd party inspection and testing records,
Submittals mill test reports, product data sheets, non-conformance reports and repair records,
fabrication schedules, as-built shop drawings. Consultant QA Inspector must
prepare inspection reports with photos during fabrication and these must also be
included in the fabrication records along with additional QA NDT inspection and
testing records.
14. Safety  Plant PPE, training, and orientation requirements.
 Plant and project specific hazard identification.

Page I-72
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

I.4.2 Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings

Prepared by:
Distribution to:

Page I-73
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

General Commentary:
 The purpose of the prefabrication meeting is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities during fabrication processes are discussed, understood by all parties and documented.
The prefabrication meeting also serves as a roadmap to how the fabrication will be completed including quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing.
 The prefabrication meeting must not occur until the inspection and test plan (ITP) and prefabrication submissions (hold points) have been submitted, reviewed and written
acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant.
 The prefabrication meeting must be held at the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. A minimum of 2 weeks notice
must be provided to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and time.
 The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2 representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the
prefabrication meeting(s) for fabrication occurring outside the Province of Alberta.
 The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must be in attendance at the prefabrication meeting including project manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s),
independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the work.
Required Quorum:
 The following representation is required for this meeting.
o Alberta Transportation: Project Sponsor/Administrator;
o Consultant: Project Manager, Inspector;
o Contractor: Project Manager, and all personnel involved in supervision of the work;
o Contractor’s Specialty Staff or Subcontractor: Fabrication Superintendent(s); Independent Testing Agency Representatives, and all personnel involved in supervision of the

Page I-74
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Fields 1 & 2 Appear on Distributed Fields 3 & 4 are for Consultant Guidance (either PM or Inspector will chair the meeting)
Agenda. Items Reviewed and Additions
Made from Content in Special Provisions
1 2 3 4
Agenda Item Project Specific Commentary for Meeting Chair, with Discussions to be Included in Meeting Minutes Meeting Actions or Decisions, with
Agenda Sub-Item Identification by Responsible Person
1. Standards  Fabrication must be in accordance with:
o Alberta Transportation Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC)
Section 8, Edition 17, 2020.
o AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4th Edition 2017.
o AASHTO AWS Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5.
o AASHTO Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of
Sampling and Testing.
2. Qualifications  The fabrication shop must be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) in
accordance with CSA-W47.1 to Division I or II. This certification requirement
extends to all subcontractors engaged in the fabrication of structural steel
 Welders, welding operators and tackers must be CWB certified in the applicable
category. A copy of the welder’s current qualification documents must be provided
to the Consultant for record purposes.
 The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-destructive
testing, must meet, at a minimum, the requirements of AASHTO/American Welding
Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5 Clause 6 except that the
Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector must be certified by the CWB
as a Level 2 or Level 3 inspector in accordance with CSA W178.2.
 Contractor QC testing technicians: Third party NDT technicians must be certified to
Level 2 in accordance with CAN/CGSB-48.9712 and employed by a testing agency
certified to CSA W178.1. Coating testing must be completed and by an independent
National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Level 2 certified coating
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified by the CWB as a level 2 or level 3
welding inspector in accordance with CSA 178.2 and possess bridge related
fabrication experience.

Page I-75
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

3. Prefabrication  The following items must be submitted, reviewed and accepted prior to the
Submissions commencement of fabrication:
o Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP);
o List of all fabricators and fabrication shop and all subcontractor certification
o Independent Inspection qualifications;
o Fabrication sequence and equipment;
o Mill Test Reports and product data sheets;
o Design and independent check notes (if applicable);
o Review documentation of any contract modifications (if applicable);
o Shop drawings;
o Mill Test Reports for all materials;
o Verification testing results for all steel melted outside of Canada or the United
States of America; and
o Fabrication schedule, including the expected completion date. Note: the
fabrication schedule is required so the QA inspectors can perform their duties
during fabrication.
 Hold point – Completion of ITP and Prefabrication Submissions
4. Materials  Material requirements:
o All materials must be new with no reclaimed material incorporated in the
finished bearing;
o The steel for the sole plates and fixed rockers must be in accordance with the
design drawings;
o Anchor rods and connecting bolts must be the requirements of SSBC Table 8-2.
5. Fabrication  The Inspection witness and hold points specified in the SSBC require sign off from
Witness and the Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector. If fabrication continues past a
Hold Points hold point without the written acceptance of the work by both the Contractor and
the Consultant, the Consultant may suspend the work. The Contractor will also be
solely responsible for all costs required to repair or replace the work, as determined
by and to the satisfaction of the Consultant and the Department.
 Witness and hold points for fixed steel plate rocker bearings include:

Page I-76
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o After completion of machining prior to bearing assembly (witness point);

o Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances of components (witness
o Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances of completed bearings
(witness points);
o Embrittlement testing of high strength anchor rods (witness point);
o Verification testing and inspection of bearings if fabricated outside of Canada
and the United States (hold point); and
o Final inspection (hold point).
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector does not provide quality control for the fabricator.
The Consultant’s QA Inspector will inspect the completed work that has been
reviewed and accepted by the fabricator’s quality control.
6. Shop  The fabrication is to be completed in metric. Any substitution of imperial material
Requirements must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and shop drawings must show
use of the reviewed and accepted imperial material.
 Fabrication must be performed in a permanent fully enclosed structure that is
maintained at a temperature of at least 10°C.
 Handling devices must not mark the plate. This must be observed starting at the
receiving area and throughout the course of fabrication.
 Repair procedures must be submitted to the Consultant and the Department for
review and acceptance for damaged base metal, defective weldments, and any
other defect identified by the Consultant, prior to commencement of the repair
work. Any repairs to cut plate edges must use AWS D1.5 criteria in determining
whether a flaw can be ground out or if it requires a welded repair. Welded repairs
must be preheated. Any repairs accepted for implementation must be
authenticated in accordance with APEGA requirements.
7. Fabrication  Steel plates must be machined in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
 Witness point – Inspection of machined surfaces prior to bearing assembly.
 Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances of individual bearing components.
 Witness point – Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances of
individual bearing components.
 Each bearing must be clearly identified as described in SSBC Subsection
 For parts that are to be galvanized, the fabricator must provide a smooth finish on
all edges and surfaces, and remove all weld spatters, and all welding flux residue
from the steel components prior to galvanizing.

Page I-77
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Galvanizing must be by the hot dip method in accordance with the current edition
of ASTM A123/A123M Standard. Bolts, nuts and special threaded fasteners must be
hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM F2329 and as modified in the following
 The cleaning and pickling procedure of high strength ASTM A193 Grade B7 anchor
rods must be modified as follows prior to hot-dip galvanizing:
o Brush blast to remove mill scale and oil after threading ends;
o Flash pickle up to 5 minutes; and
o Quick dry prior to hot-dip galvanizing (not stored in flux or acid rinse).
 The Contractor must fabricate embrittlement test rods for embrittlement testing in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
 Galvanized sole plates bolted to the bottom flanges of weathering steel girders
must use galvanized ASTM F3125 Grade A325/A325M Type 1 heavy hex style bolts.
The bolt layout, size and configuration must be as detailed on the Drawings.
 Repair of galvanizing must be completed in accordance ASTM A780, Method A3
“Metallizing”. The need for repair must be based on ASTM A123 and determined by
the Consultant. Areas less than 100 mm2 can be repaired using ASTM A780 Method
 The bottom surface of each base plate must be protected by a medium grey
concrete colour barrier coating accepted by the Consultant. Preparation of the
surface before applying the coating must be in accordance with the SSBC.
8. Testing and  The Contractor must meet the testing and inspection requirements set out in
Inspection Subsection of the SSBC.
 The Contractor’s quality control testing and inspection records and/or reports must
be submitted on a weekly basis to the Consultant for review and acceptance. All
quality control testing and inspection records and/or reports must contain the
written acceptance of the fabricator’s QC manager.
 Testing, inspection and related costs incurred by the Consultant as a result of
defective work must be paid for by the Contractor.
 Testing of embrittlement test rods must be in accordance with Subsection of
the SSBC.
 Witness point – Embrittlement testing of high strength embrittlement test
9. Final Inspection  Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of
these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication process),

Page I-78
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

the Consultant will inform the fabricator when the bearings are ready for shipping
or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.
 Review and acceptance at the fabrication facility by the Consultant will not relieve
the Contractor of their sole responsibility to meet the requirements of the Contract.
 Hold point – Final Inspection prior to shipping.
10. Clearance to  Bearings must be fully protected during shipping.
Ship and  To avoid damage during shipping, softeners must be used where chains or other
Shipping time down devices are used in direct contact with components.
 The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for bearings
a minimum of 72 hours prior to shipment from the fabrication facility. Written
acceptance in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC must be provided by
both the Contractor and the Consultant prior to the commencement of shipping.
11. Fabrication  The Consultant must compile the QC records received during fabrication. This must
Records and include but is not limited to fabricator and 3rd party inspection and testing records,
Submittals mill test reports, product data sheets, non-conformance reports and repair records,
fabrication schedules, as-built shop drawings. Consultant QA Inspector must
prepare inspection reports with photos during fabrication and these must also be
included in the fabrication records along with additional QA NDT inspection and
testing records.
12. Safety  Plant PPE, training, and orientation requirements.
 Plant and project specific hazard identification.

Page I-79
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

I.4.3 Pot Bearings


Prepared by:
Distribution to:

Page I-80
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

General Commentary:
 The purpose of the prefabrication meeting is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities during fabrication processes are discussed, understood by all parties and documented.
The prefabrication meeting also serves as a roadmap to how the fabrication will be completed including quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing.
 The prefabrication meeting must not occur until the inspection and test plan (ITP) and prefabrication submissions (hold points) have been submitted, reviewed and written
acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant.
 The prefabrication meeting must be held at the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. A minimum of 2 weeks notice
must be provided to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and time.
 The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2 representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the
prefabrication meeting(s) for fabrication occurring outside the Province of Alberta.
 The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must be in attendance at the prefabrication meeting including project manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s),
independent testing agency and laboratory representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the work.
Required Quorum:
 The following representation is required for this meeting.
o Alberta Transportation: Project Sponsor/Administrator/Fabrication Specialist;
o Consultant: Project Manager, Inspector;
o Contractor: Project Manager, and all personnel involved in supervision of the work;
o Contractor’s Specialty Staff or Subcontractor: Fabrication superintendent(s); independent testing agency representatives, and all personnel involved in supervision of the

Page I-81
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Fields 1 & 2 Appear on Distributed Fields 3 & 4 are for Consultant Guidance (either PM or Inspector will chair the meeting)
Agenda. Items Reviewed and Additions
Made from Content in Special Provisions
1 2 3 4
Agenda Item Project Specific Commentary for Meeting Chair, with Discussions to be Included in Meeting Minutes Meeting Actions or Decisions, with
Agenda Sub-Item Identification by Responsible Person
1. Standards  Fabrication must be in accordance with:
o Alberta Transportation Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC)
Section 8, Edition 17, 2020.
o AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4th Edition 2017.
o AASHTO/AWS Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5.
o AASHTO Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of
Sampling and Testing.
2. Qualifications  The fabrication shop must be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) in
accordance with CSA-W47.1 to Division I or II. This certification requirement
extends to all subcontractors engaged in the fabrication of bearings or bearing
 Welders, welding operators and tackers must be CWB certified in the applicable
category. A copy of the welder’s current qualification documents must be provided
to the Consultant for record purposes.
 The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-destructive
testing, must meet, at a minimum, the requirements of AASHTO/American Welding
Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5 Clause 6 except that the
Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector must be certified by the CWB
as a Level 2 or Level 3 inspector in accordance with CSA W178.2.
 Contractor QC testing technicians: Third party NDT technicians must be certified to
Level 2 in accordance with CAN/CGSB-48.9712 and employed by a testing agency
certified to CSA W178.1. Coating testing must be completed and by an independent
National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Level 2 certified coating
 The fabricator must engage an AASHTO National Transportation Product Evaluation
Program (NTPEP) Elastomeric Bridge Bearing Pad Designated Laboratory or an
equivalent independent certified testing company.
 The fabricator and/or their sub-contractor completing metalizing must be certified
by the SSPC to QP-6, Thermal Spray (Metalizing) Contractor Certification Program or

Page I-82
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified by the CWB as a level 2 or level 3

welding inspector in accordance with CSA 178.2 and possess bridge related
fabrication experience.
3. Design  The design requirements for pot bearings must be in accordance with Subsection
Requirements 8.2 of the SSBC.
 The design and the independent design check must be completed by the bearing
supplier to accommodate the loadings, translations and rotations specified on the
Drawings, in accordance with the requirements of CSA S6, and the exceptions noted
in the SSBC.
4. Prefabrication  The following items must be submitted, reviewed and accepted prior to the
Submissions commencement of fabrication:
o Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP);
o List of all fabricators and fabrication shop and all subcontractor certification
o Independent Inspection and Testing Laboratory Qualifications;
o Fabrication sequence and equipment;
o Mill Test Reports and product data sheets;
o Design and independent check notes;
o Review documentation of any contract modifications (if applicable);
o Shop drawings;
o CWB approved welding procedure data sheets (WPDS) and processes (WPS);
o Valid CWB welder’s tickets for all welders and the operations they will perform;
o Mill Test Reports for all materials. Boron content must not exceed 0.0008% for
steel being welded;
o Verification testing results for all steel melted outside of Canada or the United
States of America; and
o Fabrication schedule, including the expected completion date. Note: the
fabrication schedule is required so the QA inspectors can perform their duties
during fabrication.
 Hold point – Completion of ITP and Prefabrication Submissions
5. Materials  Material requirements:
o All materials must be new with no reclaimed material incorporated in the
finished bearing;
o The steel for base plate, pot plates, piston plates, and shims must conform to
the requirements of CSA G40.21 Grade 300W or 350W or ASTM A572/A572M
Grade 50. The steel for sole plates must be in accordance with the Drawings;

Page I-83
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o Stainless steel sheets must conform to the requirements of AISI Type 304, no. 8
mirror finish (0.2 µm Re maximum surface roughness). Boron content must not
exceed 0.0008%;
o Brass sealing rings must be in accordance with ASTM B36M, half-hard;
o Cured elastomeric compounds must be low temperature Grade 5 and meet the
minimum requirements listed in Table X1.1 of AASHTO M251-06. Cured
elastomeric compounds must have 50 durometer hardness shore A;
o Cured elastomeric compounds must also meet the requirements of ASTM D2240
for low temperature crystallinity increase in hardness at an exposure of -25°C for
168 hours;
o PTFE must be unfilled, 100% virgin polymer conforming to Subsection,
Unfilled PTFE Sheet of the 2017 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications
including all interim revisions. Material used as the mating surface for guides for
lateral restraint may be one of the following:
 Unfilled PTFE.
 PTFE filled with up to 15% by mass of glass fibres.
o Lubricant must be silicone crease, effective to -40°C, and comply with the
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) specification SAE AS8660;
o Adhesive for bonding PTFE to metal must be an epoxy resin satisfying the
requirements of AASHTO M 235M/M 235 (ASTM C881/C881M) FEP film or equal
producing a bond with a minimum peel strength of 4 N/mm, when tested
according to ASTM D429 Method B. Adhesives must not degrade in the service
environment; and
o Anchor rods and connecting bolts must be the requirements of Table 8-2 of the
6. Fabrication  The Inspection witness and hold points specified in the SSBC require sign off from the
Witness and Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector. If fabrication continues past a hold
Hold Points point without the written acceptance of the work by both the Contractor and the
Consultant, the Consultant may suspend the work. The Contractor will also be solely
responsible for all costs required to repair or replace the work, as determined by and
to the satisfaction of the Consultant and the Department.
 Witness and hold points for pot bearings include:
o After completion of machining prior to bearing assembly (witness point);
o Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances of components (witness
o Visual inspection of welding and completion of non destructive testing, prior to
galvanizing and/or metallization (hold point);

Page I-84
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances of completed bearings

(witness points);
o Bearing testing (witness point);
o Embrittlement testing of high strength anchor rods (witness point);
o Verification testing and inspection of bearings if fabricated outside of Canada
and the United States (hold point); and
o Final inspection (hold point).
7. Shop  The fabrication is to be completed in metric. Any substitution of imperial material
Requirements must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and shop drawings must show
use of the reviewed and accepted imperial material.
 Fabrication must be performed in a permanent fully enclosed structure that is
maintained at a temperature of at least 10°C.
 Storage of low hydrogen electrodes and flux and welding practices for low hydrogen
welding must be in accordance with AWS D1.5.
 All welding equipment must be maintained in good repair (gauges, clamps,
connections, etc.).
 Handling devices must not mark the plate. This must be observed starting at the
receiving area and throughout the course of fabrication.
 Repair procedures must be submitted to the Consultant and the Department for
review and acceptance for damaged base metal, defective weldments, and any
other defect identified by the Consultant, prior to commencement of the repair
work. Any repairs to cut plate edges must use AWS D1.5 criteria in determining
whether a flaw can be ground out or if it requires a welded repair. Welded repairs
must be preheated. Any repairs accepted for implementation must be
authenticated in accordance with APEGA requirements.
8. Welding  All welding must conform to AWS D1.5 and the WPSs and WPDSs reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant.
 Only welders certified to weld the joint type using the process specified in the
position required will be accepted.
 All welds must have an approved procedure. The approval must be obtained from
CWB and reviewed and accepted by the Consultant. Any substitution to welding
procedures will require the review and acceptance by the Consultant prior to
welding. Welders must follow the procedure parameters to within the allowable
 Run-off tabs must be used at the ends of all welds that terminate at the edge of a
member. The thickness and shape of the tabs must replicate the joint detail being

Page I-85
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

welded and must be a minimum of 100 mm long unless greater length is required to
acceptably complete the work.
 Weld areas must be clean, free of mill scale, dirt, grease, and other contaminants
prior to welding. For multi-pass welds, previously deposited weld metal must also
be thoroughly cleaned prior to depositing subsequent passes.
 Tack welds are not permitted unless they will be included in the final weld. Tacks,
where acceptable, must be a minimum length of four times the weld size.
 Preheat and interpass temperatures must be in accordance with the SSBC unless
AWS D1.5 requires a higher temperature for the thickness of material being welded.
The preheat temperature must be measured 75 mm from the point of welding on
the opposite where the weld is being applied.
 Arc strikes are not permitted. In the event of an accidental isolated arc strike, a
repair procedure must be submitted in accordance with Subsection of the
SSBC. At a minimum, the repair procedure must include the complete grinding out
of the crater produced by the arc strike. The repair procedure must also include
MPI and hardness testing of the affected area. Hardness of the repaired area must
conform to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. These areas will
be examined by the Consultant’s QA Inspector to ensure complete removal of the
metal in the affected area.
9. Fabrication  Steel plates must be machined in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
 Witness point – Inspection of machined surfaces prior to bearing assembly.
 Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances of individual bearing components.
 Witness point – Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances of
individual bearing components.
 Stainless steel sheets in contact with PTFE must be continuously welded around the
perimeter to its backing plate to prevent ingress of moisture. The weld must be
clean, uniform, and without overlaps and located outside the area in contact with
 Each bearing must be clearly identified as described in Subsection of the
 The threaded portion of the bolts must be coated with silicone grease prior to
 Virgin or glass filled PTFE elements must be recessed in a rigid backing material and
must be bonded over the entire area with an adhesive. The rigid backing material
must be grit blasted and cleaned with oil free compressed air prior to applying the

Page I-86
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 The PTFE elements used as mating surfaces for guides for lateral restraint must
extend to within 10 mm from the ends of the backing plates.
 The fabricator must provide a smooth finish on all edges and surfaces, and
remove all weld spatters, and all welding flux residue from the steel components
prior to galvanizing/metallizing/coating.
 Welding must be inspected throughout the process. All finial welds must be visually
inspected and tested by the Contractor through an independent certified testing
agency using non destructive means in accordance with Subsection of the
 Hold point – Visual inspection and non destructive testing of welding prior
to galvanizing and/or metallizing.
 Galvanizing must be by the hot dip method or by metallizing where specified in the
SSBC. Hot dip galvanizing must be in accordance with the current edition of ASTM
A123/A123M Standard. Metallizing must be in accordance with SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS
C2.23/NACE No. 12 Standard Practice. Bolts, nuts and special threaded fasteners
must be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM F2329 and as modified in the
following item:
 The cleaning and pickling procedure of high strength ASTM A193 Grade B7
anchor rods must be modified as follows prior to hot-dip galvanizing:
o Brush blast to remove mill scale and oil after threading ends;
o Pickle up to 5 minutes; and
o Quick dry prior to hot-dip galvanizing (not stored in flux or acid rinse).
 The Contractor must fabricate embrittlement test rods for embrittlement testing in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
 Galvanized sole plates and slider plates bolted to the bottom flanges of weathering
steel girders must use galvanized ASTM F3125 Grade A325/A325M Type 1 heavy
hex style bolts. The bolt layout, size and configuration must be as detailed on the
 Repair of galvanizing must be completed in accordance ASTM A780, Method A3
“Metallizing”. The need for repair must be based on ASTM A123 and determined by
the Consultant. Areas less than 100 mm2 can be repaired in accordance with ASTM
A780 Method A1.
 The bottom surface of each base plate must be protected by a medium grey
concrete colour barrier coating accepted by the Consultant. Preparation of the
surface before applying the coating must be in accordance with the SSBC.

Page I-87
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances must be completed assembled

bearings at the completion of fabrication. Tolerances must be in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC.
 Witness point – Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances of
completed bearings.
10. Testing and  The Contractor must meet the testing and inspection requirements set out in
Inspection Subsection of the SSBC.
 The Contractor’s quality control testing and inspection records and/or reports must
be submitted on a weekly basis to the Consultant for review and acceptance. All
quality control testing and inspection records and/or reports must contain the
written acceptance of the fabricator’s QC manager.
 Testing, inspection and related costs incurred by the Consultant as a result of
defective work must be paid for by the Contractor.
 The Contractor must engage an independent certified testing agency to perform
magnetic particle inspection of at least 25% of all fillet and partial penetration
welds. Non-destructive examination by MPI must be in accordance with ASTM
Standard E-709.
 Testing of embrittlement test rods must be in accordance with Subsection of
the SSBC.
 Witness point – Embrittlement testing of high strength embrittlement test
 The Contractor must engage an independent CSA certified testing company at his
expense to perform testing of bearing materials and the completed bearings.
Testing of elastomeric compounds must be in accordance with AASHTO M251-06.
Testing of the completed bearings must in accordance with the requirements of
Subsection 18.3.4 of the 2017 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications
including all interim revisions. The long-term deterioration test described in
Subsection is not required. The proof load test described in Subsection must be completed in accordance with the long-term proof load test
 Witness point – Testing of bearing materials and completed bearings.
11. Final Inspection  Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of
these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication process),
the Consultant will inform the fabricator when the bearings are ready for shipping
or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.

Page I-88
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Review and acceptance at the fabrication facility by the Consultant will not relieve
the Contractor of their sole responsibility to meet the requirements of the Contract.
 Hold point – Final Inspection prior to shipping.
12. Clearance to  Stainless steel surfaces must be shipped with a protective film to prevent
Ship and damage during transport and handling.
Shipping  Bearings must be fully protected during shipping.
 To avoid damage during shipping, softeners must be used where chains or
other time down devices are used in direct contact with components.
 The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for
bearings a minimum of 72 hours prior to shipment from the fabrication facility.
Written acceptance in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC must be
provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant prior to the
commencement of shipping.
13. Fabrication  The Consultant must compile the QC records received during fabrication. This must
Records and include but is not limited to fabricator and 3rd party inspection and testing records,
Submittals mill test reports, product data sheets, non-conformance reports and repair records,
fabrication schedules, as-built shop drawings. Consultant QA Inspector must
prepare inspection reports with photos during fabrication and these must also be
included in the fabrication records along with additional QA NDT inspection and
testing records.
14. Safety  Plant PPE, training, and orientation requirements.
 Plant and project specific hazard identification.

Page I-89
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas



Prepared by:
Distribution to:

Page I-90
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

General Commentary:
 The purpose of the prefabrication meeting is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities during fabrication processes are discussed, understood by all parties and documented.
The prefabrication meeting also serves as a roadmap to how the fabrication will be completed including quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing.
 The prefabrication meeting must not occur until the inspection and test plan (ITP) and prefabrication submissions (hold points) have been submitted, reviewed and written
acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant.
 The prefabrication meeting must be held at the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. A minimum of 2 weeks notice
must be provided to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and time.
 The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2 representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend
the prefabrication meeting(s) for fabrication occurring outside the Province of Alberta.
 The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must be in attendance at the prefabrication meeting including project manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s),
independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the work.
Required Quorum:
 The following representation is required for this meeting.
o Alberta Transportation: Project Sponsor/Administrator;
o Consultant: Project Manager, Inspector;
o Contractor: Project Manager, and all personnel involved in supervision of the work;
o Contractor’s Specialty Staff or Subcontractor: Fabrication superintendent(s); independent testing agency representatives and all personnel involved in supervision of the

Page I-91
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Fields 1 & 2 Appear on Distributed Fields 3 & 4 are for Consultant Guidance (either PM or Inspector will chair the meeting)
Agenda. Items Reviewed and Additions
Made from Content in Special Provisions
1 2 3 4
Agenda Item Project Specific Commentary for Meeting Chair, with Discussions to be Included in Meeting Minutes Meeting Actions or Decisions, with
Agenda Sub-Item Identification by Responsible Person
1. Standards  Fabrication must be in accordance with the following documents:
o Alberta Transportation Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC)
Section 12, Edition 17, 2020.
o AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4th Edition 2017.
o AASHTO/AWS Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5 for all steel components except
those composed of structural tubing.
o AWS Structural Welding Code D1.1/D1.1M for fabrication of components
composed of structural tubing.
2. Qualifications  The fabrication shop must be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) in
accordance with CSA-W47.1 to Division I or II. This certification requirement
extends to all subcontractors engaged in the fabrication of structural steel
 Welders, welding operators and tackers must be CWB certified in the applicable
category. A copy of the welder’s current qualification documents must be provided
to the Consultant for record purposes.
 The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-destructive
testing, must meet, at a minimum, the requirements of AASHTO/American Welding
Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5 Clause 6 except that the
Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector must be certified by the CWB
as a Level 2 or Level 3 inspector in accordance with CSA W178.2.
 Contractor QC testing technicians: Third party NDT technicians must be certified to
Level 2 in accordance with CAN/CGSB-48.9712 and employed by a testing agency
certified to CSA W178.1. Coating testing must be completed and by an
independent National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Level 2 certified
coating inspector.
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified by the CWB as a level 2 or level 3
welding inspector in accordance with CSA 178.2 and possess bridge related
fabrication experience.
3. Prefabrication  The following items must be submitted, reviewed and accepted prior to the
Submissions commencement of fabrication:
o Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP);

Page I-92
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o List of all fabricators and fabrication shop and all subcontractor certification
o Fabrication sequence and equipment;
o Mill Test Reports and product data sheets;
o Review documentation of any contract modifications (if applicable);
o Shop drawings;
o CWB approved welding procedure data sheets (WPDS) and processes (WPS);
o Valid CWB welder’s tickets for all welders and the operations they will perform;
o Mill Test Reports for all materials. Boron content must not exceed 0.0008% for
steel being welded;
o Verification testing results for all steel melted outside of Canada or the United
States of America; and
o Fabrication schedule, including the expected completion date. Note: the
fabrication schedule is required so the QA inspectors can perform their duties
during fabrication.
 Hold point – Completion of ITP and Prefabrication Submissions
4. Materials  Material requirements:
o Structural tubing must be as indicated on the design drawings with silicon
content less than 0.04% or between 0.15% and 0.25%.
o Steel plate and structural shapes must conform to the standard noted on the
drawings. Silicon content must be less than 0.04% or between 0.15% and 0.25%
for steel being galvanized.
o Anchor rods must conform to the requirements noted on the drawings.
o Boron content for steel being welded must not exceed 0.0008%. Testing of
boron content must be reported to sufficient accuracy to determine compliance.
5. Fabrication  The Inspection witness and hold points specified in the SSBC require sign off from the
Witness and Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector. If fabrication continues past a hold
Hold Points point without the written acceptance of the work by both the Contractor and the
Consultant, the Consultant may suspend the work. The Contractor will also be solely
responsible for all costs required to repair or replace the work, as determined by and
to the satisfaction of the Consultant and the Department.
 Witness and hold points for bridgerail include:
o Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances (witness point).
o Visual inspection of welding and completion of non destructive testing, prior to
galvanizing and application of barrier coating (hold point).
o Barrier coating thickness and adhesion testing (witness point).

Page I-93
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o Embrittlement testing of high strength anchor rods (witness point).

o Verification testing and inspection of bridgerail if fabricated outside of Canada
and the United States (hold point).
o Final inspection (hold point).
o The Consultant’s QA Inspector does not provide quality control for a plant. The
Consultant’s QA Inspector will inspect the completed work that has been
reviewed and accepted by the fabricator’s quality control.
6. Shop  The fabrication is to be completed in metric. Any substitution of imperial material
Requirements must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and shop drawings must show
use of the reviewed and accepted imperial material.
 Fabrication must be performed in a permanent fully enclosed structure that is
maintained at a temperature of at least 10°C.
 Storage of low hydrogen electrodes and flux and welding practices for low
hydrogen welding must be in accordance with AWS D1.5.
 All welding equipment must be maintained in good repair (gauges, clamps,
connections, etc.).
 Handling devices must not mark the steel. This must be observed starting at the
receiving area and throughout the course of fabrication.
 All galvanized material must be handled using proper lifting slings so as not to
damage the galvanized finish.
 Repair procedures must be submitted to the Consultant and the Department for
review and acceptance for damaged base metal, defective weldments, and any
other defect identified by the Consultant, prior to commencement of the repair
work. Any repairs to cut plate edges must use AWS D1.5 criteria in determining
whether a flaw can be ground out or if it requires a welded repair. Welded repairs
must be preheated. Any repairs accepted for implementation must be
authenticated in accordance with APEGA requirements.
7. Welding  All welding must conform to AWS D1.5 and the WPSs and WPDSs reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant.
 Only welders certified to weld the joint type using the process specified in the
position required will be accepted.
 All welds must have an approved procedure. The approval must be obtained from
CWB and reviewed and accepted by the Consultant. Any substitution to welding
procedures will require the review and acceptance by the Consultant prior to
welding. Welders must follow the procedure parameters to within the allowable

Page I-94
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Run-off tabs must be used at the ends of all welds that terminate at the edge of a
member. The thickness and shape of the tabs must replicate the joint detail being
welded and must be a minimum of 100 mm long unless greater length is required
to acceptably complete the work.
 Weld areas must be clean, free of mill scale, dirt, grease, and other contaminants
prior to welding. For multi-pass welds, previously deposited weld metal must also
be thoroughly cleaned prior to depositing subsequent passes.
 Tack welds are not permitted unless they will be included in the final weld. Tacks,
where acceptable, must be a minimum length of four times the weld size.
 Preheat and interpass temperatures must be in accordance with the SSBC unless
AWS D1.5 requires a higher temperature for the thickness of material being
welded. The preheat temperature must be measured 75 mm from the point of
welding on the opposite where the weld is being applied.
 Arc strikes are not permitted. In the event of an accidental isolated arc strike, a
repair procedure must be submitted in accordance with Subsection of the
SSBC. At a minimum, the repair procedure must include the complete grinding out
of the crater produced by the arc strike. The repair procedure must also include
MPI and hardness testing of the affected area. Hardness of the repaired area must
conform to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. These areas
will be examined by the Consultant’s QA Inspector to ensure complete removal of
the metal in the affected area.
 Hold point – Visual inspection and NDT of welding prior to
galvanization/application of barrier coating
8. Anchor Rod  Threaded length of anchor rods must not be less than specified nor more than 15
Fabrication mm greater than the specified value.
 Witness point - Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances
 Anchor rods must be assembled in cages after galvanizing with rods aligned square
and plumb.
 High strength anchor rods must be galvanized with the following procedure :
o Brush blast anchor bolts to remove mill scale and oil after threading ends;
o Flash pickling not to exceed 5 minutes; and
o Quick dry prior to hot-dip galvanizing (do not store in flux or acid rinse).
 The Contractor must fabricate embrittlement test rods for embrittlement testing in
accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
 Threaded ends of anchor rods must be chamfered.

Page I-95
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

9. Post  Bridgerail post baseplates must be flat, have square cut edges and corners with no
Fabrication lips or gouges. The holes in the plates are to be accurately drilled (no punching or
burning of holes).
 Posts must be perpendicular to the baseplates unless noted otherwise on the
 Tubular posts must be fabricated so that the tube weld seam is on the back side of
the post.
 Post to base plate welds must be completed with an approved procedure. W beam
and tubular shaped pedestrian/cyclist standard barrier posts must be filet welded
to the base plate in accordance with the drawings. Tubular posts, other than for
the standard pedestrian/cyclist barrier, must be butt welded to the base plate using
properly fitted backing bars.
 Post to baseplate groove welds and post to baseplate fillet welds must be
preheated to a minimum temperature of 100°C and 60°C respectively unless a
higher temperature is required by AASHTO/AWS Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5
 Post assembly length must be within 3 mm of the specified length.
 Witness point - Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances.
 Mark numbers on posts to be located on the underside of base plates.
 The bottom of the galvanized base plates must be protected by a medium grey
concrete colour barrier coating to prevent contact between zinc and concrete. The
Contractor must also complete barrier coating adhesion testing on adhesion test
plates in accordance with ASTM D3359 Method A or B as outlined in Subsection of the SSBC.
10. Rail Fabrication  Tubular rails must be fabricated in the configurations shown on the drawings.
 All rail splices are to be shown on the shop drawings.
 Welded rail splices must be completed joint penetration groove welds completed
with properly fitted backing bars. Only one welded rail splice will be permitted per
each rail section. Welded splices must be ground smooth after fabrication.
 Rail of square cross section is to be fabricated so that the inside weld seam is
always located at the bottom. Rail of rectangular cross section is to be fabricated
so that the inside weld seam is always oriented towards the bottom or outside of
the bridge.
 Two test sleeve samples are required and both are to be galvanized. One sample is
to be left at galvanizer’s plant and the other to be kept at the fabrication shop.
These are to be used to check the sleeve fit.

Page I-96
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Clearance between the rail sections and tube sleeves is to be adequate to ensure an
easy sliding fit after galvanizing. The maximum radial clearance allowed around the
sleeve when fitted into the rail must be 1 mm (2 mm total) after galvanizing with
the tube seam removed.
 Rail sections must be straight with no evidence of kinks. Maximum variation of
straightness must not exceed 3 mm over a 3 m length.
 Witness point - Dimensional checks and verification of tolerances.
 Rail mark numbers are to be stamped on the underside of the rail near the ends.
 The galvanized finish must be free of lumps, globules, sharp edges or heavy
deposits of zinc. Handrail rail must be free of any sharp protrusions or edges.
11. Testing and  Contractor quality control inspection must be in accordance with Subsection
Inspection of the SSBC.
 Any repair of galvanized surfaces must be completed in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC.
 The Contractor’s quality control testing and inspection records and/or reports must
be submitted on a weekly basis to the Consultant for review and acceptance, with
the exception that radiographic and ultrasonic NDT records and/or reports must be
submitted within 24 hours of completion of the testing. All quality control testing
and inspection records and/or reports must contain the written acceptance of the
fabricator’s QC manager.
 Witness points – Embrittlement testing of high strength embrittlement test
rods and barrier coating thickness and adhesion testing.
12. Final  Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of
Inspection these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication process),
the Consultant will inform the fabricator when bridgerail is ready for shipping or
whether deficiencies remain that require repair.
 Review and acceptance at the fabrication facility by the Consultant will not relieve
the Contractor of their sole responsibility to meet the requirements of the Contract.
 Hold point – Final Inspection prior to shipping.
13. Clearance to  Bridgerail must be acceptably protected during shipping.
Ship and  To avoid damage during shipping, softeners must be used where chains or other
Shipping time down devices are used in direct contact with components.
 The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for bridgerail
a minimum of 72 hours prior to shipment from the fabrication facility. Written

Page I-97
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

acceptance in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC must be provided by

both the Contractor and the Consultant prior to the commencement of shipping.
14. Fabrication  The Consultant must compile the QC records received during fabrication. This must
Records and include but is not limited to fabricator and 3rd party inspection and testing records,
Submittals mill test reports, product data sheets, non-conformance reports and repair records,
fabrication schedules, as-built shop drawings. Consultant QA Inspector must
prepare inspection reports with photos during fabrication and these must also be
included in the fabrication records along with additional QA NDT inspection and
testing records.
15. Safety  Plant PPE, training, and orientation requirements.
 Plant and project specific hazard identification.

Page I-98
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas


Prepared by:
Distribution to:

Page I-99
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

General Commentary:
 The purpose of the prefabrication meeting is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities during fabrication processes are discussed, understood by all parties and documented.
The prefabrication meeting also serves as a roadmap to how the fabrication will be completed including quality control and quality assurance inspection and testing.
 The prefabrication meeting must not occur until the inspection and test plan (ITP) and prefabrication submissions (hold points) have been submitted, reviewed and written
acceptance provided by both the Contractor and the Consultant.
 The prefabrication meeting must be held at the fabricator’s facility and at a date and time acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. A minimum of 2 weeks notice
must be provided to the Consultant and the Department prior to the proposed date and time.
 The Contractor is responsible for all travel, boarding and lodging costs incurred by the Consultant (up to 2 representatives) and the Department (1 representative) to attend the
prefabrication meeting(s) for fabrication occurring outside the Province of Alberta.
 The Contractor, fabricator and their sub-contractors must be in attendance at the prefabrication meeting including project manager(s), fabrication superintendent(s),
independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the work.
Required Quorum:
 The following representation is required for this meeting.
o Alberta Transportation: Project Sponsor/Administrator/Fabrication Specialist;
o Consultant: Project Manager, Inspector;
o Contractor: Project Manager, and all employees involved in supervision of the work;
o Contractor’s Specialty Staff or Subcontractor: Fabrication superintendent(s); independent testing agency representatives, and all employees involved in supervision of the

Page I-100
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

Fields 1 & 2 Appear on Distributed Fields 3 & 4 are for Consultant Guidance (either PM or Inspector will chair the meeting)
Agenda. Items Reviewed and Additions
Made from Content in Special Provisions
1 2 3 4
Agenda Item Project Specific Commentary for Meeting Chair, with Discussions to be Included in Meeting Minutes Meeting Actions or Decisions, with
Agenda Sub-Item Identification by Responsible Person
1. Standards  Fabrication must be in accordance with the following documents:
o Alberta Transportation Standard Specifications for Bridge Construction (SSBC)
Section 24, Edition 17, 2020.
o AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 4th Edition 2017.
o AASHTO/AWS Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5 for all steel components except
those composed of structural tubing.
o AWS Structural Welding Code D1.1/D1.1M for fabrication of components
composed of structural tubing.
2. Qualifications  The fabrication shop must be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) in
accordance with CSA-W47.1 to Division I or II. This certification requirement
extends to all subcontractors engaged in the fabrication of bearings or bearing
 Welders, welding operators and tackers must be CWB certified in the applicable
category. A copy of the welder’s current qualification documents must be provided
to the Consultant for record purposes.
 The fabricator’s quality control plan, including visual inspection and non-destructive
testing, must meet, at a minimum, the requirements of AASHTO/American Welding
Society (AWS) Bridge Welding Code D1.5M/D1.5 Clause 6 except that the
Contractor’s visual quality control welding inspector must be certified by the CWB
as a Level 2 or Level 3 inspector in accordance with CSA W178.2.
 Contractor QC testing technicians: Third party NDT technicians must be certified to
Level 2 in accordance with CAN/CGSB-48.9712 and employed by a testing agency
certified to CSA W178.1. Coating testing must be completed and by an independent
National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Level 2 certified coating
 The Consultant’s QA Inspector must be certified by the CWB as a level 2 or level 3
welding inspector in accordance with CSA 178.2 and possess bridge related
fabrication experience.
3. Design  The design requirements for overhead sign structures must be in accordance with
Requirements Subsection 24.2 of the SSBC.

Page I-101
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 The Fatigue Design must be in accordance with AASHTO, Chapter 11 based on

Fatigue Category 1.
 Design sign panel area must be the largest of:
o Actual sign panels;
o Ultimate stage sign panels; or
o Area of 3.5 m x 60% of horizontal span length, placed in any position along the
4. Prefabrication  The following items must be submitted, reviewed and accepted prior to the
Submissions commencement of fabrication:
o Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP);
o List of all fabricators and fabrication shop and all subcontractor certification
o Fabrication sequence and equipment;
o Mill Test Reports and product data sheets;
o Design and independent check notes.
o Review documentation of any contract modifications (if applicable);
o Shop drawings;
o CWB approved welding procedure data sheets (WPDS) and processes (WPS);
o Valid CWB welder’s tickets for all welders and the operations they will perform;
o Mill Test Reports for all materials. Boron content must not exceed 0.0008% for
steel being welded;
o Verification testing results for all steel melted outside of Canada or the United
States of America; and
o Fabrication schedule, including the expected completion date. Note: the
fabrication schedule is required so the QA inspectors can perform their duties
during fabrication.
 Hold point – Completion of ITP and Prefabrication Submissions

Page I-102
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

5. Materials  Material requirements:

o All materials must be new;
o The use of aluminum and aluminum alloy will not be permitted;
o Steel materials including hardware and anchor rod assemblies must be hot dip
o Structural steel plate material must conform to either CSA G40.21 Grade 300W
or 350W or ASTM A572/A572M Grade 50;
o All other structural shapes except hollow structure steel (HSS) must be in
accordance with CSA G40.21 Grade 300W or 350W or ASTM A572/A572M Grade
o HSS members must conform to CSA G40.21 Grade 300W or 350W Class H;
o Steel shafts, structural flange plates, baseplates, HSS and any steel material to be
welded must have a Charpy V-Notch minimum average absorbed energy of 20
Joules (J) at -20°C. Bolted HSS members that are not main load carrying tension
members will not require a Charpy V-Notch minimum average value;
o Silicon content for all structural steel must be less than 0.04% or within the
range of 0.15% to 0.25%;
o All bolts must conform to ASTM Standard F3125 Grade A325/A325M Type 1
heavy hex style. Nuts must be heavy hex style and must conform to ASTM
A563/A563M. Hardened washers must conform to ASTM F436/F436M;
o Anchor rods must be manufactured from smooth rods conforming to ASTM
F1554 Grade 55 (Fy = 380 MPa) including supplementary requirement S4;
o Extruded aluminum panels must be manufactured in accordance with
Subsection 5.18, Supply of Permanent Highway Signs, Posts and Bases, Standard
Specifications for Highway Construction, except as noted otherwise; and
o Reflective sheeting materials used on all overhead sign structure panels must be
in accordance with Subsection, Supply of Permanent Highway Signs,
Posts and Bases, Standard Specifications for Highway Construction.
6. Fabrication  The Inspection witness and hold points specified in the SSBC require sign off from the
Witness and Contractor’s QC and Consultant’s QA Inspector. If fabrication continues past a hold
Hold Points point without the written acceptance of the work by both the Contractor and the
Consultant, the Consultant may suspend the work. The Contractor will also be solely
responsible for all costs required to repair or replace the work, as determined by and
to the satisfaction of the Consultant and the Department.
 Witness and hold points for overhead sign structures include:
o Backing bar complete joint penetration weld testing (hold point);
o Fitting of backing bar (hold point);

Page I-103
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

o Tube to flange plate and/or baseplate complete joint penetration weld testing
(hold point);
o Visual welding inspection and non-destructive testing prior to shop pre-assembly
(witness point);
o Pre-assembly and dimensional tolerance checks (witness point);
o Galvanizing (witness point);
o Ultrasonic non-destructive testing of complete joint penetration tube to flange
plate and/or baseplate weld toes after galvanizing (witness point);
o Base plate barrier coating application and testing (witness point);
o Verification testing and inspection of overhead sign structures if fabricated
outside of Canada and the United States (hold point); and
o Final inspection (hold point).
7. Shop  The fabrication is to be completed in metric. Any substitution of imperial material
Requirements must be reviewed and accepted by the Consultant and shop drawings must show
use of the reviewed and accepted imperial material.
 Fabrication must be performed in a permanent fully enclosed structure that is
maintained at a temperature of at least 10°C.
 Storage of low hydrogen electrodes and flux and welding practices for low hydrogen
welding must be in accordance with AWS D1.5.
 All welding equipment must be maintained in good repair (gauges, clamps,
connections, etc.).
 Handling devices must not mark the plate. This must be observed starting at the
receiving area and throughout the course of fabrication.
 No splices are allowed unless they are shown on reviewed and accepted shop
drawings. The location of any additional splice must be reviewed and accepted by
the Consultant prior to splicing.
 Repair procedures must be submitted to the Consultant and the Department for
review and acceptance for damaged base metal, defective weldments, and any
other defect identified by the Consultant, prior to commencement of the repair
work. Any repairs to cut plate edges must use AWS D1.5 criteria in determining
whether a flaw can be ground out or if it requires a welded repair. Welded repairs
must be preheated. Any repairs accepted for implementation must be
authenticated in accordance with APEGA requirements.
8. Welding  All welding must conform to AWS D1.5 and the WPSs and WPDSs reviewed and
accepted by the Consultant.
 Only welders certified to weld the joint type using the process specified in the
position required will be accepted.

Page I-104
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 All welds must have an approved procedure. The approval must be obtained from
CWB and reviewed and accepted by the Consultant. Any substitution to welding
procedures will require the review and acceptance by the Consultant prior to
welding. Welders must follow the procedure parameters to within the allowable
 Weld sequence should be predetermined by the fabricator in order to minimize
shrinkage and twisting.
 Run-off tabs must be used at the ends of all welds that terminate at the edge of a
member. The thickness and shape of the tabs must replicate the joint detail being
welded and must be a minimum of 100 mm long unless greater length is required to
acceptably complete the work.
 Weld areas must be clean, free of mill scale, dirt, grease, and other contaminants
prior to welding. For multi-pass welds, previously deposited weld metal must also
be thoroughly cleaned prior to depositing subsequent passes.
 Tack welds are not permitted unless they will be included in the final weld. Tacks,
where acceptable, must be a minimum length of four times the weld size.
 Preheat and interpass temperatures must be in accordance with the SSBC unless
AWS D1.5 requires a higher temperature for the thickness of material being welded.
The preheat temperature must be measured 75 mm from the point of welding on
the opposite where the weld is being applied.
 Arc strikes are not permitted. In the event of an accidental isolated arc strike, a
repair procedure must be submitted in accordance with Subsection of the
SSBC. At a minimum, the repair procedure must include the complete grinding out
of the crater produced by the arc strike. The repair procedure must also include
MPI and hardness testing of the affected area. Hardness of the repaired area must
conform to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC. These areas will
be examined by the Consultant’s QA Inspector to ensure complete removal of the
metal in the affected area.
9. Fabrication  Columns, arms, extensions and clamps must be brake press formed or roll formed.
The brake press knife must have a radius suitable for the thickness of the material
and nature of the bend. The minimum bend radius for all cold formed sections must
be 100 mm.
 All plate material for main members and any plate material welded to the main
member must be flame cut using an automatic cutting machine. Shearing will not be
permitted. Any laminations or any suspect areas of lamellar tearing must be
reported must be reported to the Consultant.
 All plates and structural sections must be free of notches and gouges.

Page I-105
Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Corners of plates and structural sections must be ground to a 1 mm chamfer.

 The diameter of bolt holes in baseplates must be sized in accordance with CSA S6
Clause (a). The nominal diameter of all other bolt holes must be 2 mm
greater than the nominal bolt size.
 Punching of full size holes will not be permitted. The holes must be circular and
perpendicular to the member and must be deburred to ensure a proper faying
 Hand holes, when specified, must be stiffened by providing a reinforcing rim with
semi-circular ends.
 Once the components of each overhead sign structure are acceptably fabricated,
the assembly flange plates and/or baseplates must be stamped with permanent
identification marks acceptable to the Department and the Consultant. Only low
stress stamps must be used for identification marks.
 The following welds must have 100% penetration:
o Column to baseplate;
o Horizontal arm to flange plate;
o Longitudinal seam welds within 150 mm of circumferential welds and 150 mm
beyond hand holes (when provided) must be full penetration groove welds;
o Hand hole reinforcing rim
o Backing bar splices; and
o Flange plate to gusset plate.
 The column to baseplate and flange to horizontal arm full penetration welds must
be completed using acceptably fitted backing bars. The backing bar splice weld must
have 100% penetration.
 Hold points – Inspection and NDT of complete joint penetration weld in
backing bar, acceptable fitting of backing bar into the welded joint and
visual inspection and NDT of the completed column to baseplate/flange to
horizontal arm full penetration weld.
 Transition between full and partial penetration welds must be ground smooth.
 All longitudinal seams must be made by an approved semi or fully automatic sub arc
or metal core welding process. The longitudinal seam must have a minimum of 60%
 No plug welds are allowed anywhere in the structure.
 Witness point - Visual inspection of and NDT of welding prior to shop pre-

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Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Dimensional tolerances must be conform to the requirements of Subsection of the SSBC.
 After welding and fabrication, but prior to galvanizing, the overhead sign structure
must be pre-assembled to check the fit and geometry. The pre-assembled overhead
sign structures must be inspected, reviewed and accepted by the Consultant.
 Witness point – Pre-assembly of and dimensional tolerance checks prior to
 All material must be hot dip galvanized after fabrication in accordance with
Subsection of the SSBC.
 Repair of galvanized material must be completed in accordance Subsection
 Witness point – Inspection of galvanized surfaces and any galvanized
surface repairs.
 Full penetration groove welds at tube to transverse plate connection details having
a constant amplitude fatigue threshold (CAFT) of 69 MPa or less, must be
ultrasonically inspected for toe cracks after galvanizing as required by Subsection
5.15.5 AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs,
Luminaires and Traffic Signals.
 Witness point - Ultrasonic non-destructive testing of complete joint
penetration tube to flange plate and/or baseplate weld toes after
 The bottom surface of each base plate must be protected by a medium grey
concrete colour barrier coating accepted by the Consultant. Preparation of the
surface before applying the coating must be in accordance with the SSBC. The
Contractor must also complete barrier coating adhesion testing on adhesion test
plates in accordance with ASTM D3359 Method A or B as outlined in Subsection of the SSBC.
 Witness point - Base plate barrier coating application and testing.
10. Testing and  The Contractor must meet the testing and inspection requirements set out in
Inspection Subsection of the SSBC.
 The Contractor’s quality control testing and inspection records and/or reports must
be submitted on a weekly basis to the Consultant for review and acceptance. All
quality control testing and inspection records and/or reports must contain the
written acceptance of the fabricator’s QC manager.

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Appendix I Prefabrication Meeting Agendas

 Testing, inspection and related costs incurred by the Consultant as a result of

defective work must be paid for by the Contractor.
 The fabricator’s testing and inspection records must be open for examination by the
11. Final Inspection  Once all the final QC and QA documentation is reviewed and accepted (review of
these documents should be occurring regularly throughout the fabrication process),
the Consultant will inform the fabricator when each overhead sign structure is
ready for shipping or whether deficiencies remain that require repair.
 Review and acceptance at the fabrication facility by the Consultant will not relieve
the Contractor of their sole responsibility to meet the requirements of the Contract.
Hold point – Final Inspection prior to shipping.
12. Clearance to  Handling and lifting devices must not mark, damage, or distort members.
Ship and  Timber blocking must be used and located at positions that prevent damage and/or
Shipping distortion from deflection.
 Softeners must be used where chains or other tie down devices are used in direct
contact with the steel members.
 The Contractor must provide the Consultant a transportation schedule for bearings
a minimum of 72 hours prior to shipment from the fabrication facility. Written
acceptance in accordance with Subsection of the SSBC must be provided by
both the Contractor and the Consultant prior to the commencement of shipping.
13. Fabrication  The Consultant must compile the QC records received during fabrication. This must
Records and include but is not limited to fabricator and 3rd party inspection and testing records,
Submittals mill test reports, product data sheets, non-conformance reports and repair records,
fabrication schedules, as-built shop drawings. Consultant QA Inspector must
prepare daily inspection reports with photos during fabrication and these must also
be included in the fabrication records along with additional QA NDT inspection and
testing records.
14. Safety  Plant PPE, training, and orientation requirements.
 Plant and project specific hazard identification.

Page I-108
Appendix J Fabrication Inspection and Administration Level of Effort Guidelines

Appendix J Fabrication Inspection and Administration

Level of Effort Guidelines

This Appendix presents the anticipated minimum number of inspection and administration hours per week (five-day
week for fabrication) that the Consultant will likely require to administer the fabrication portion of bridge projects.
Travel time to the plant and hours required to manage and administer significant repair work are not included. Costs
associated with repair work should be recovered in accordance with provisions of the Contract.
The estimated hours per week for the Consultant’s QA Inspector and office support from the Project Manager and/or
project administrator are provided in Table J.1 for each type of fabricated component. These hours are indicative
only and will depend on a number of factors that include:
 The fabricator’s schedule and the proportion of their operations that are dedicated to the project for which
inspection is being performed;
 The experience of the fabricator’s workers and the fabricator’s QC inspector;
 The experience of the Consultant’s QA Inspector; and
 The allocation of responsibilities between the Consultant’s QA Inspector and the Project Manager/office
administrator in terms of reviewing submissions, coordinating the inspections, preparing final details etc.
The weekly effort required by the Project Manager/ office administrator should start a few weeks before the start
of fabrication in order to perform inspection and test plan (ITP), prefabrication submission reviews and organize the
scope of work of the Consultant’s QA Inspector.
Fabrication which is limited in scope, or which is completed within a compressed schedule, will likely take a greater
weekly effort. This is because the scope of the prefabrication reviews is largely independent of the amount of
fabrication. Also, there are minimum final reporting requirements regardless of the amount of fabrication.
It is important that the Consultant’s Engineer of Record (EOR) for the fabricated components is aware of the details
of the submittal reviews and inspection findings. It is particularly important that the EOR is aware of any issues and
non-conformances that arise during fabrication and how they are resolved, as well as details of any reviewed and
accepted changes and design requirements that are the responsibility of the Contractor. If the person responsible
for project management and office administration is not the EOR, additional hours will be required for the EOR to
fulfil their role on the project such that they can appropriately take responsibility for and authenticate the final
as- constructed project Drawings.

Page J-1
Appendix J Fabrication Inspection and Administration Level of Effort Guidelines

Table J.1
Summary of Estimated Inspection and Administration Effort
Fabricated Component Approximate Hourly Effort Per Week*

Consultant’s QA Inspector
Reporting/ Manager/ Office
Inspection Documentation Administrator
Steel Girders 25 10 6
Finger and Cover Plated
Deck 15 6 5
V-seal Deck Joint Assemblies
Strip Seal Joints 12 4 3
NU Girders 25 5 5
SL, SLW and SLC Girders 20 4 5
Concrete Precast Concrete Deck Panels 20 4 5
MSE Wall Fascia Panels 10 2 3
RCP and PBC Structures 15 3 3
Laminated Elastomeric Bearings 5 3 2
Bearings Pot Bearings 10 5 2
Fixed Steel Plate Rocker Bearings 8 3 2
Bridgerail 15 3 4
Overhead Sign Structures 25 5 5
* Hourly effort per week is based on a 5-day work week for fabrication


The estimated hours per week shown in Table J.1 are inclusive of the time to complete the following:
 Manage and review deliverables prior to the prefabrication meeting. Ensure all deliverables have been
submitted and reviewed before scheduling the prefabrication meeting (as applicable depending on the element
 Follow up with the Contractor on any outstanding deliverables as the proposed prefabrication meeting date
approaches and review the impact to schedule if any items remain outstanding;
 Customize the prefabrication meeting agenda template to job specific requirements;
 Coordinate and chair the prefabrication meeting and take minutes.
 Circulate the prefabrication meeting minutes;
 Use the fabricator supplied schedule and on-going correspondence/dialogue with the Contractor to coordinate
consultant inspections;
 Review weekly inspection reports from Consultant’s QA Inspector;
 Review any non conformances and repair procedures; and
 Assemble the final details package.

Page J-2

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