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Industrial Controls Monitoring and Control Devices SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 Monitoring Relay

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Introduction 1

Safety information 2

System overview 3
Industrial Controls
3RR2 current monitoring
relays 4
Monitoring and control devices
SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring 3UG4501 filling level
monitoring relay 5
3UG4.1 line monitoring
Equipment Manual
relay 6
3UG4621/3UG4622 current
monitoring relays 7
3UG4625 residual current
monitoring relay with 8
3UL23 transformer

3UG458. insulation
monitoring relay. 9
3UG463. voltage
monitoring relay 10
3UG4641 cos phi and active
current monitoring relay 11
3UG4651 speed monitoring
relay 12

Accessories 13

References A

Parameters B

Dimension Drawings C
Menu-based operation D
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage
to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices
referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to
the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance
are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient
conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may
be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this
publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

Siemens AG NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 Copyright © Siemens AG 2011.

Smart Infrastructure Ⓟ 07/2022 Subject to change All rights reserved
Electrical Products
Postfach 10 09 53
93009 Regensburg
Table of contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Siemens Industry Online Support ......................................................................................... 9
1.2 DataMatrix code ................................................................................................................ 11
1.3 Siemens Industry Online Support app................................................................................. 12
1.4 Support Request ................................................................................................................ 12
2 Safety information............................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Standards .......................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Requirements for switching high-efficiency motors ............................................................. 14
2.3 Voltages ............................................................................................................................ 14
2.4 Notes on the protection of device connections ................................................................... 14
2.5 Product-specific safety information..................................................................................... 15
2.5.1 Current information about operational safety ..................................................................... 15
2.6 Recycling and disposal ....................................................................................................... 16
2.7 Security information .......................................................................................................... 16
2.8 Approvals, test certificates, characteristics .......................................................................... 16
3 System overview.................................................................................................................................. 17
3.1 Product description ............................................................................................................ 17
3.2 Application planning.......................................................................................................... 18
3.3 Connection methods.......................................................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Screw-type connection....................................................................................................... 18
3.3.2 Spring-loaded connection .................................................................................................. 21
3.3.3 Device replacement by means of removable terminals ........................................................ 26
3.4 Mounting / removal ........................................................................................................... 27
3.4.1 Mounting 3RR2 current monitoring relay ............................................................................ 27
3.4.2 Mounting the 3UG4 monitoring relay ................................................................................. 32
3.4.3 Installing the 3UG458. monitoring relay. ............................................................................ 33
3.5 Overview of the functions .................................................................................................. 35
3.5.1 3RR2 current monitoring relays .......................................................................................... 35
3.5.2 3UG45 / 3UG46 monitoring relays ...................................................................................... 36
3.6 Menu-based operation....................................................................................................... 37
4 3RR2 current monitoring relays ........................................................................................................... 43
4.1 Product description ............................................................................................................ 43
4.2 Application areas ............................................................................................................... 44
4.3 Performance features of current monitoring relays ............................................................. 46

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Table of contents

4.3.1 General data ...................................................................................................................... 46

4.3.2 Properties .......................................................................................................................... 47
4.3.3 Configuration of load feeders ............................................................................................. 48
4.3.4 Combinations with 3RT20 contactor................................................................................... 48
4.4 3RR21 current monitoring relays ........................................................................................ 49
4.4.1 Operator controls and connection terminals ....................................................................... 49
4.4.2 Function ............................................................................................................................ 50
4.4.3 Operation .......................................................................................................................... 53
4.4.4 Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................ 54
4.4.5 Circuit diagrams................................................................................................................. 54
4.4.6 Technical data.................................................................................................................... 55
4.5 3RR22 current monitoring relays ........................................................................................ 56
4.5.1 Operator controls and connection terminals ....................................................................... 56
4.5.2 Function ............................................................................................................................ 57
4.5.3 Operation .......................................................................................................................... 60
4.5.4 Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................ 62
4.5.5 Circuit diagrams................................................................................................................. 63
4.5.6 Technical data.................................................................................................................... 64
5 3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay................................................................................................ 65
5.1 Application areas ............................................................................................................... 65
5.2 Operator controls and connection terminals ....................................................................... 66
5.3 Functions........................................................................................................................... 66
5.4 Operation .......................................................................................................................... 70
5.5 Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................ 70
5.5.1 Diagnostics with LED.......................................................................................................... 70
5.6 Circuit diagrams................................................................................................................. 71
5.7 Technical data.................................................................................................................... 72
6 3UG4.1 line monitoring relay .............................................................................................................. 73
6.1 Application areas ............................................................................................................... 74
6.2 3UG4511 line monitoring relay .......................................................................................... 75
6.2.1 Operator controls and connection terminals ....................................................................... 75
6.2.2 Function ............................................................................................................................ 75
6.2.3 Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................ 77 Diagnostics with LED.......................................................................................................... 77
6.2.4 Circuit diagrams................................................................................................................. 77
6.2.5 Technical data.................................................................................................................... 78
6.3 3UG4512 line monitoring relay .......................................................................................... 79
6.3.1 Operator controls and connection terminals ....................................................................... 79
6.3.2 Function ............................................................................................................................ 79
6.3.3 Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................ 81 Diagnostics with LED.......................................................................................................... 81
6.3.4 Circuit diagrams................................................................................................................. 82
6.3.5 Technical data.................................................................................................................... 83
6.4 3UG4513 line monitoring relay .......................................................................................... 84
6.4.1 Operator controls and connection terminals ....................................................................... 84

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Table of contents

6.4.2 Function ............................................................................................................................ 84

6.4.3 Operation .......................................................................................................................... 86
6.4.4 Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................ 87 Diagnostics with LED.......................................................................................................... 87
6.4.5 Circuit diagrams................................................................................................................. 88
6.4.6 Technical data.................................................................................................................... 88
6.5 3UG4614 line monitoring relay .......................................................................................... 89
6.5.1 Operator controls and connection terminals ....................................................................... 89
6.5.2 Functions........................................................................................................................... 89
6.5.3 Operation .......................................................................................................................... 92
6.5.4 Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................ 93 Indications on the display................................................................................................... 93 Reset ................................................................................................................................. 94
6.5.5 Circuit diagrams................................................................................................................. 94
6.5.6 Technical data.................................................................................................................... 95
6.6 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays ....................................................................... 96
6.6.1 Operator controls and connection terminals ....................................................................... 96
6.6.2 Functions........................................................................................................................... 97
6.6.3 Operation .......................................................................................................................... 99
6.6.4 Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................... 100 Indications on the display................................................................................................. 100 Reset ............................................................................................................................... 101
6.6.5 Circuit diagrams............................................................................................................... 102
6.6.6 Technical data.................................................................................................................. 103
6.7 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays ..................................................................... 104
6.7.1 Operator controls and connection terminals ..................................................................... 104
6.7.2 Functions......................................................................................................................... 105
6.7.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................ 108
6.7.4 Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................... 109 Indications on the display................................................................................................. 109 Reset ............................................................................................................................... 110
6.7.5 Circuit diagrams............................................................................................................... 111 Internal circuit diagrams................................................................................................... 111 Wiring examples .............................................................................................................. 112
6.7.6 Technical data.................................................................................................................. 112
7 3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays .................................................................................. 113
7.1 Application areas ............................................................................................................. 113
7.2 Operator controls and connection terminals ..................................................................... 114
7.3 Functions......................................................................................................................... 114
7.4 Operation ........................................................................................................................ 119
7.5 Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................... 120
7.5.1 Indications on the display................................................................................................. 120
7.5.2 Reset ............................................................................................................................... 121
7.6 Circuit diagrams............................................................................................................... 121
7.6.1 Internal circuit diagrams................................................................................................... 121
7.6.2 Wiring examples (3UG46..-.AW30) ................................................................................... 122
7.6.3 Wiring examples (3UG462.-.AA30)................................................................................... 122

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Table of contents

7.7 Technical data.................................................................................................................. 123

8 3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer............................................... 125
8.1 Application areas ............................................................................................................ 125
8.2 Operator controls and connection terminals ..................................................................... 126
8.3 Functions......................................................................................................................... 126
8.4 Operation ........................................................................................................................ 134
8.5 Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................... 135
8.5.1 Indications on the display................................................................................................. 135
8.5.2 Reset ............................................................................................................................... 136
8.6 Circuit diagrams............................................................................................................... 137
8.6.1 Internal circuit diagrams................................................................................................... 137
8.6.2 Wiring examples .............................................................................................................. 138
8.7 Technical data.................................................................................................................. 139
9 3UG458. insulation monitoring relay................................................................................................. 141
9.1 Application areas ............................................................................................................. 142
9.2 Performance features of the insulation monitoring relays ................................................. 143
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay............................................................................... 145
9.3.1 Operator controls and connection terminals ..................................................................... 145
9.3.2 Functions......................................................................................................................... 148
9.3.3 Operator control .............................................................................................................. 152
9.3.4 Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................... 153 Diagnostics with LEDs ...................................................................................................... 153
9.3.5 Circuit diagrams............................................................................................................... 154 Internal circuit diagrams................................................................................................... 154
9.3.6 Characteristics ................................................................................................................. 156
9.3.7 Technical data.................................................................................................................. 158
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays.............................................................. 159
9.4.1 Operator controls and connection terminals ..................................................................... 159
9.4.2 Functions......................................................................................................................... 167 Function diagrams ........................................................................................................... 171
9.4.3 Operator control .............................................................................................................. 177
9.4.4 Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................... 180 Diagnostics with LEDs ...................................................................................................... 180
9.4.5 Circuit diagrams............................................................................................................... 181 Internal circuit diagrams................................................................................................... 181 Wiring examples .............................................................................................................. 182
9.4.6 Characteristics ................................................................................................................. 186
9.4.7 Technical data.................................................................................................................. 190
10 3UG463. voltage monitoring relay .................................................................................................... 191
10.1 Application areas ............................................................................................................. 191
10.2 3UG4631 / 3UG4632 voltage monitoring relay ................................................................. 192
10.2.1 Operator controls and connection terminals ..................................................................... 192
10.2.2 Functions......................................................................................................................... 192

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Table of contents

10.3 3UG4633 voltage monitoring relay................................................................................... 195

10.3.1 Operator controls and connection terminals ..................................................................... 195
10.3.2 Functions......................................................................................................................... 195
10.4 Operation ........................................................................................................................ 198
10.5 Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................... 199
10.5.1 Indications on the display................................................................................................. 199
10.5.2 Reset ............................................................................................................................... 200
10.6 Circuit diagrams............................................................................................................... 201
10.6.1 Internal circuit diagrams................................................................................................... 201
10.6.2 Wiring examples .............................................................................................................. 202
10.7 Technical data.................................................................................................................. 203
11 3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay ...................................................................... 205
11.1 Application areas ............................................................................................................. 205
11.2 Operator controls and connection terminals ..................................................................... 206
11.3 Functions......................................................................................................................... 206
11.4 Operation ........................................................................................................................ 211
11.5 Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................... 212
11.5.1 Indications on the display................................................................................................. 212
11.5.2 Reset ............................................................................................................................... 213
11.6 Circuit diagrams............................................................................................................... 213
11.6.1 Internal circuit diagrams................................................................................................... 213
11.6.2 Wiring examples .............................................................................................................. 214
11.7 Technical data.................................................................................................................. 215
12 3UG4651 speed monitoring relay ...................................................................................................... 217
12.1 Application areas ............................................................................................................. 217
12.2 Operator controls and connection terminals ..................................................................... 218
12.3 Functions......................................................................................................................... 218
12.4 Operation ........................................................................................................................ 222
12.5 Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................... 223
12.5.1 Indications on the display................................................................................................. 223
12.5.2 Reset ............................................................................................................................... 224
12.6 Circuit diagrams............................................................................................................... 224
12.6.1 Internal circuit diagrams................................................................................................... 224
12.6.2 Wiring examples .............................................................................................................. 225
12.7 Technical data.................................................................................................................. 226
13 Accessories ........................................................................................................................................ 227
13.1 Accessories for 3RR2 current monitoring relays................................................................. 227
13.1.1 Sealable cover.................................................................................................................. 227
13.1.2 Terminal support for stand-alone assembly....................................................................... 228
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays............................................................................ 231

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Table of contents

13.2.1 Sealable cover.................................................................................................................. 231

13.2.2 Push-in lugs ..................................................................................................................... 232
13.2.3 Probes for the 3UG4501 monitoring relay......................................................................... 233
13.2.4 Summation current transformer for the 3UG4624 monitoring relay .................................. 234
13.2.5 3UL23 residual current transformers for 3UG4625 monitoring relays ................................ 235 General information......................................................................................................... 235 Installation specifications ................................................................................................. 237 Potential for optimization................................................................................................. 240 Installation faults ............................................................................................................. 242 Internal circuit diagram .................................................................................................... 245 Installing ......................................................................................................................... 246 Dimension drawings ........................................................................................................ 248
13.3 Accessories for 3UG458.-1AW30 / 3UG4583-1CW30 insulation monitoring relays ............. 251
13.3.1 Sealable cover.................................................................................................................. 251
13.3.2 3UG4983 voltage reducer module for the 3UG4583-1CW30 monitoring relay ................... 252 Internal circuit diagrams................................................................................................... 254 Technical data.................................................................................................................. 256
13.4 Accessories for 3UG4583-1CW31 insulation monitoring relays.......................................... 257
13.4.1 3UG4983-.AA01 voltage reducer module for the 3UG4583-1CW31 monitoring relay......... 257 Internal circuit diagrams................................................................................................... 260 Typical circuit diagrams (3UG4983-.AA01)........................................................................ 260 Technical specifications .................................................................................................... 262
A References ......................................................................................................................................... 263
B Parameters......................................................................................................................................... 265
C Dimension Drawings.......................................................................................................................... 275
C.1 Dimension drawings 3RR2 monitoring relay...................................................................... 275
C.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays ................................................................... 282
C.2.1 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays. (2 connecting terminals) ............................ 282
C.2.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays. (3 connecting terminals) ............................ 283
C.2.3 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays. (4 connecting terminals) ............................ 284
C.2.4 Dimension drawings for 3UG458.-1.W30 insulation monitoring relay/3UG4983 voltage
reducer module) .............................................................................................................. 285
C.2.5 Dimension drawings for 3UG458.-..W31 insulation monitoring relay/3UG4983-.AA01
voltage reducer module) .................................................................................................. 286
D Menu-based operation ...................................................................................................................... 291
Index .................................................................................................................................................. 309

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Introduction 1
Purpose of the manual
This manual describes the 3UG4 monitoring relays for stand-alone assembly and the 3RR2
current monitoring relays for mounting on 3RT2 contactors
The manual provides overview information for integrating the monitoring relays into the system
environment, and it describes the hardware and software components of the devices.
The information in this manual enables you to commission the monitoring relays.

Required basic knowledge

To understand these operating instructions you should have a general knowledge of automation
engineering and low-voltage switchgear.

Scope of the manual

The manual is valid for these monitoring relays. It contains a description of the devices that is
valid at the time of publication.

1.1 Siemens Industry Online Support

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At Siemens Industry Online Support you can obtain up-to-date information from our global
support database:
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Link: Siemens Industry Online Support (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/de/en)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 9
1.1 Siemens Industry Online Support

Product support
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• Technical data
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Link: Product support (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps)

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SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

10 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
1.2 DataMatrix code

• CAx data
Easy access to CAx data, e.g. 3D models, 2D dimension drawings, EPLAN macros, device
circuit diagrams
• My IBase registrations
Register your Siemens products, systems and software.

Further documentation
To install and connect the monitoring relays, you require the operating instructions of the
monitoring relays used.
The Appendix "References (Page 263)" has a list of the operating instructions.

1.2 DataMatrix code

DataMatrix code
A DataMatrix code is lasered onto all 3UG4/3RR2 monitoring relay devices underneath the label.
The DataMatrix codes are standardized in ISO/IEC 16022. The DataMatrix codes on Siemens
devices use ECC200 coding for powerful error correction.
The following device information is encoded in the DataMatrix codes as a bit stream:
• Article number
• Serial number
• Where applicable, MAC address
This information is stored in the following format in the DataMatrix code:

1P Article number + S Loca‐ / Date Serial number

Data iden‐ User content Separa‐ User content Separa‐ User content User content
tifier tor tor

The information content is displayed without spaces.

This machine-readable information simplifies and accelerates handling of the respective devices.
As well as fast access to the serial numbers of the respective devices for unique identification, the
DataMatrix codes simplify communication with Siemens Technical Support.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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1.4 Support Request

1.3 Siemens Industry Online Support app

Siemens Industry Online Support app

The Siemens Industry Online Support app provides you access to all the device-specific
information available on the Siemens Industry Online Support portal for a particular article
number, such as operating instructions, manuals, data sheets, FAQs etc.
The Siemens Industry Online Support app is available for Android and iOS:

Android iOS

1.4 Support Request

After you have registered, you can use the Support Request form in the online support to send
your question directly to Technical Support:

Support Request: Internet (https://support.industry.siemens.com/My/ww/en/requests)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

12 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
Safety information 2
2.1 Standards

Applicable standards
The monitoring relays comply with the following standards:

Table 2-1 Standards - monitoring relays

Device standards • IEC / EN 60947‑1 "Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear: General rules"
• IEC / EN 60947‑4‑1 "Contactors and motor-starters: Electromechanical con‐
tactors and motor-starters"
• IEC / EN 60947‑5‑1 "Control circuit devices and switching elements: Electro‐
mechanical control circuit devices";
VDE 0660 "Low-voltage switchgear"
• IEC / EN 61557‑8 "Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protec‐
tive measures - Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to
1000 V AC and 1500 V DC, Part 8: Insulation monitoring devices for IT sys‐
• DIN EN 50042 "Terminal marking"
• DIN EN 61869-2 "Instrument transformers - Part 2: Additional requirements
for current transformers"
EMC standard1) • IEC / EN 61000‑6‑2 "Generic standards - Immunity for industrial environments"
• IEC / EN 61000‑6‑4 "Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial en‐
Resistance to ex‐ • IEC 60721‑3‑3 "Classification of environmental conditions"
treme climates The monitoring relays are climate-proof according to IEC 60721‑3.
Touch protection • IEC / EN 60529 "Degrees of protection provided by enclosures"
Monitoring relays are safe to touch in accordance with IEC / EN 60529.
This is a device of Class A. When used in domestic areas, the device can cause radio interference. Users
may have to take suitable measures.

SIRIUS components have been approved by a whole range of bodies for various sectors
(shipbuilding, etc.). An up-to-date list of approvals appears in Chapter 10 of the Catalog IC 10 -
SIRIUS "Industrial Controls" (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/de/de/view/109747945/
en), and more information, as well as an option to download certificates, can be obtained on the
Internet (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/16364/cert).

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Safety information
2.4 Notes on the protection of device connections

2.2 Requirements for switching high-efficiency motors

The increased requirements for protection devices and switchgear when switching high-
efficiency motors are covered by the new utilization category AC‑3e introduced in
the IEC 60947‑4‑1 product standard.
The utilization category AC‑3e takes into account the higher switch-on characteristic of
efficiency-enhanced motors. This is reflected, for example, in a higher starting current when
starting squirrel-cage motors.
All SIRIUS protection devices and switchgear that are subject to the IEC 60947‑4‑1 product
standard meet the increased requirements in accordance with utilization category AC‑3e and
are suitable for use with high-efficiency motors.

2.3 Voltages
The specifications for 3-phase line supply according to IEC 60947‑4‑1 are valid for the following
line system configurations:

Voltage specification Ue in the Line system configurations

Equipment Manual
Three-phase four-wire systems Three-phase three-wire systems

[V] [V] [V]

230 -- 230
400 230 / 400 400
440 260 / 440 440
500 -- 500
690 400 / 690 --

-- not specified

2.4 Notes on the protection of device connections

The specifications for short-circuit protection (fuses, circuit breakers, or miniature circuit
breakers) are available for the device connections of the main circuit and the auxiliary circuit.
In order to ensure a holistic view for the protection of the device connections, the manufacturer
is obliged to provide all relevant information for short-circuit protection and overcurrent
If, for example, device connections for the control supply voltage, the supply voltage, or digital
inputs/digital outputs are not connected to self-limiting current sources or energy sources, you
can find the relevant information in the Equipment Manual or the technical data sheet.

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Safety information
2.5 Product-specific safety information

2.5 Product-specific safety information

Improper use of the monitoring relay

Incorrect use of the monitoring relay and its accessories can lead to a risk of death, serious injury
or property damage.
This equipment is only allowed to be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the
technical description, and only in conjunction with non-Siemens equipment and components
recommended by Siemens.
Correct transport, storage, installation and assembly, as well as careful operation and
maintenance, are required to ensure that the product operates safely and without faults.
Before you run any sample programs or programs that you have written yourself, make sure that
running the plant cannot cause injury to anyone else or damage to the machine itself.

Hazardous Voltage

Hazardous Voltage.
Will cause death or serious injury.
Turn off and lock out all power supplying this device before working on this device.

Radio interference

The devices have been built as Class A devices.
Use of these devices in domestic areas can result in radio interference!

2.5.1 Current information about operational safety

Important note for maintaining the operational safety of your system

Please take note of our latest information. Systems with safety-oriented characteristics are
subject to special operational safety requirements on the part of the operator. The supplier is
also obliged to comply with certain actions when monitoring the product. By subscribing to the
appropriate newsletter, you will ensure that you are always up-to-date and able to make changes
to your system, when necessary:
For this purpose, go to the page: SIEMENS newsletter (http://www.siemens.com/sirius/
Click "Subscribe to newsletter".

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Safety information
2.8 Approvals, test certificates, characteristics

2.6 Recycling and disposal

For environmentally-friendly recycling and disposal of your old device, contact a company
certified for the disposal of used electrical and electronic equipment, and dispose of the device
as specified in the regulations for your particular country.

2.7 Security information

Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary
to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security
concept. Siemens’ products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,
machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected to
an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and only
when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network segmentation) are in place.
For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.
Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are available
and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no longer
supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS Feed

2.8 Approvals, test certificates, characteristics

Approvals, test certificates, characteristics

You can find an overview of the certifications available for low-voltage controls and distribution
products and other technical documentation, updated daily, on the Internet (https://
You will find further information in the Catalog IC 10 - SIRIUS "Industrial Controls," Chapter 10

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

16 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview 3
3.1 Product description

Product description
The tried and tested SIRIUS monitoring relays for electrical and mechanical quantities enable
constant monitoring of all important characteristic quantities that provide information about
the reliability performance of the plant. Sudden disturbances and gradual changes, which may
reveal a maintenance requirement, for example, are both indicated. By means of relay outputs,
the monitoring relays enable direct shutdown of the affected sections of the plant as well as
issuing an alarm (e.g. by switching on a warning lamp). To respond flexibly to short-term
disturbances such as voltage dips or load variation, the monitoring relays have settable delay
times. This avoids unnecessary alarming and shutdowns while enhancing plant availability.
The individual 3UG4 monitoring relays offer the following functions in various combinations:
• Undershoot and/or overshoot of liquid levels
• Phase sequence
• Phase failure, neutral failure
• Phase asymmetry
• Undershoot and/or overshoot of voltage thresholds
• Undershoot and/or overshoot of current thresholds
• Undershoot and/or overshoot of power factor thresholds
• Monitoring of the active current or apparent current
• Monitoring of the fault current
• Monitoring the insulation resistance
• Undershoot and/or overshoot of speed thresholds

The 3RT2 contactors for mounting on 3RR2 current monitoring relays offer:
• Phase sequence
• Phase failure
• Undershoot and/or overshoot of current thresholds
• Monitoring of the active current or apparent current
• Monitoring of the fault current

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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System overview
3.3 Connection methods

3.2 Application planning

The following information must be taken into account when planning applications involving the
SIRIUS monitoring relays.

Installation altitude
The monitoring relays are approved for installation altitudes up to 2,000 m. The reduced air
density at altitudes higher than 2,000 meters affects the electrical characteristics of the
monitoring relays. The reduction factors which have to be taken into account when using
monitoring relays at altitudes higher than 2,000 m can be obtained on request on the Internet

Operating conditions and resistance to extreme climates

The monitoring relays are climate-proof. They are intended for use in enclosed spaces in which
no severe operating conditions prevail (e.g. dust, caustic vapors, hazardous gases). Appropriate
measures must be taken when installing in areas subject to dust and humidity. Condensation on
the devices is not permissible.

Special application environments

The SIRIUS devices have been approved by a whole range of bodies for various sectors
(shipbuilding, etc.). An up-to-date list of approvals is provided in Chapter 10 of the Catalog IC 10
- SIRIUS "Industrial Controls." You will find more information and an option to download
certificates on the Internet (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/16364/cert).

3.3 Connection methods

3.3.1 Screw-type connection

Screw-type connection
Use the following tool to establish the connection: All SIRIUS monitoring relays feature size PZ 2
screws for Pozidriv screwdrivers.
The devices have screw terminals with captive screws and washers. The screw terminals also
allow for the connection of 2 conductors with different cross-sections.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

18 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview
3.3 Connection methods

Connection cross-sections of the removable terminal blocks with screw-type connections

Table 3-1 Removable terminal block with screw-type connections - monitoring relays

Removable terminal
Tool Pozidriv size PZ 2, Ø 5 to 6 mm

Tightening torque 0.8 to 1.2 Nm

Solid and stranded  1 x (0.5 to 4) mm²
2 x (0.5 to 2.5) mm²

Finely stranded with‐  ---

out end sleeve

Finely stranded with  1 x (0.5 to 2.5) mm²

end sleeve 2 x (0.5 to 1.5) mm²

AWG 2 x (20 to 14)

Connection cross-sections of the removable terminal blocks with screw-type connections

Table 3-2 Removable terminal block with screw-type connection technology- insulation monitoring relay 3UG458.-1AW31 /
3UG4583-1CW31 / voltage reducer module 3UG4983-1AA01

Removable terminal
Tool Pozidriv size PZ 1, diam. 4.5 mm

Tightening torque 0.6 to 0.8 Nm

Solid and stranded  1 x (0.5 to 4.0) mm²
2 x (0.5 to 2.5) mm²
AWG 1 x (20 to 12)
2 x (20 to 14)
Finely stranded  1 x (0.5 to 2.5) mm²
without end sleeve 2 x (0.5 to 1.5) mm²
AWG 1 x (18 to 14)
2 x (18 to 16)
Finely stranded  1 x (0.5 to 2.5) mm²
with end sleeve 2 x (0.5 to 1.5) mm²
AWG 1 x (18 to 14)
2 x (18 to 16)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 19
System overview
3.3 Connection methods

Connection cross-sections of the permanently connected terminal blocks with screw-type

The following table lists the permissible conductor cross-sections for the main conductor
connections of 3RR2 current monitoring relays with analog and digital setting (size S00, S0 and
S2) with screw-type connections.

Table 3-3 Permanently connected terminal block with screw-type connection - Main conductor terminals of the 3RR2 current
monitoring relays

Permanently connected terminal

Size S00 Size S0 Size S2
Tool Pozidriv size PZ 2, Ø Pozidriv size PZ 2, Ø Pozidriv size PZ 2
5 to 6 mm 5 to 6 mm Ø 5 to 6 mm
Tightening tor‐ 0.8 to 1.2 Nm 2 - 2.5 Nm 3 to 4.5 Nm (27 to 40
que lb.in)
Solid and stran‐  2 x (0.5 to 1.5) mm² 2 x (1 to 2.5) mm² 2 x (1.0 to 35 mm²)
ded 2 x (0.75 to 2.5) mm² 2 x (2.5 to 10) mm² 1 x (1.0 to 50 mm²)
max. 2 x (1 ... 4) mm²
Finely stranded  --- --- ---
without end
Finely stranded  2 x (0.5 to 1.5) mm² 2 x (1 to 2.5) mm² 2 x (1.0 to 25 mm²)
with end sleeve 2 x (0.75 to 2.5) mm² 2 x (2.5 to 6) mm² 1 x (1.0 to 35 mm²)
max. 1 x 10 mm²
AWG 2 x (20 to 14) 2 x (16 to 12) 2 x (18 to 2)
1 x 12 2 x (14 to 8) 1 x (18 to 1)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

20 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview
3.3 Connection methods

3.3.2 Spring-loaded connection

Spring-loaded connection
All SIRIUS monitoring relays have spring-loaded connections. They make wiring quick and
maintenance-free, while also meeting high demands in terms of vibration and shock resistance.
If the cross-section of a connectable wire is greater than 6 mm², the forces required for operation
of the tension spring are so high that the spring-loaded connection can no longer be used in a
problem-free manner. For this reason, size S2 current monitoring relays are only offered with
screw-type or spring-loaded terminals in the control circuit. The terminals of the main current
paths are always screw-type terminals.



① Solid
② Finely stranded
③ Stranded
④ Finely stranded with end sleeve
a Spring-loaded terminal
b Busbar
Figure 3-1 Spring-loaded terminal

The conductors can be clamped directly or you can pre-treat them to add a form of splice
protection. This could involve attaching end sleeves or pin cable lugs to the ends of the
conductors; the tidiest solution is to use conductors whose ends have been sealed by means of
The devices are equipped with a two-wire terminal, i.e. two independent connections for each
current path (exception: in the case of 3RR2, terminals of the main current paths have one
clamping point). Just one conductor is connected to each clamping point. The spring-loaded
terminal presses the conductor against the busbar, which curves around inside the terminal. The
high contact pressure per unit area achieved in this way is gas-tight. The spring-loaded terminal
presses flat against the conductor, but does not damage it. The spring force of the spring-loaded
terminal has been dimensioned such that the clamping force adjusts to the conductor diameter
automatically. This ensures that any conductor deformation caused by settling, creepage, or
yielding is compensated for. The clamping point cannot become loose of its own accord. This
connection is vibration- and shock-proof. Vibrations or shocks will not damage the conductor,
nor will they cause contact separation. These terminals are particularly well suited for use with
machines and systems which are subject to stresses such as these, e.g. vibrators, rail vehicles,
and elevators.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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System overview
3.3 Connection methods

The contact pressure between the conductor and the busbar is set to an optimum level, so this
clamp connection is appropriate for high-voltage applications, as well as for transferring
voltages and currents in the mV or mA range within instrumentation and electronic
A standardized screwdriver (3 mm slot; 3RA2908-1A) is offered in the Catalog IC10 "Industrial
Controls" (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/de/de/view/109747945/en) as an
actuation tool for opening the spring-loaded terminals.

Spring-loaded terminal for mountable 3RR2 current monitoring relays

The table below describes the procedure for creating a spring-loaded connection:

Hazardous Voltage.
Will cause death or serious injury.
Turn off and lock out all power supplying this device before working on this device.

Connecting the 3RR2 current monitoring relay spring-loaded terminal



① Insert the screwdriver into the respective operating slot.



② Press the screwdriver down, then push it into the operating slot as far as it will go.
The screwdriver blade keeps the spring-loaded terminal open automatically.
③ Insert the conductor into the oval connection slot.
④ Remove the screwdriver. The terminal closes and the conductor is now securely clamped.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

22 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview
3.3 Connection methods

Damage to spring-loaded terminal on the 3RR2 current monitoring relay!
If you insert the screwdriver into the central opening (main circuit S00 and S0 only) on the
spring-loaded terminal, this could damage the terminal.
Do not insert the screwdriver into the central opening on the spring-loaded terminal.

Spring-loaded terminal for 3UG4 monitoring relay

Connecting the monitoring relay spring-loaded terminal





① Insert the screwdriver into the topmost (A) or bottommost (B) operating slot on the right-hand
② Press the screwdriver up (A) or down (B), then push it into the operating slot as far as it will go.
The screwdriver blade keeps the spring-loaded terminal open automatically.

③ Insert the conductor into the oval connection slot.

④ Remove the screwdriver. The terminal closes and the conductor is now securely clamped.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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System overview
3.3 Connection methods

Spring-loaded terminal for 3UG458.-2AW31 / 3UG4583-2CW31 / 3UG4983-2AA01 insulation

monitoring relays

Connecting the spring-loaded terminal (solid and stranded/finely stranded with end

① Insert the conductor into the connection opening.

Connecting the spring-loaded terminal (finely stranded without end sleeve)

① Insert the screwdriver into the operating slot.

② Insert the conductor into the connection opening.

Remove the conductor from the spring-loaded terminal

① Insert the screwdriver into the operating slot.

② Pull the conductor out of the connection opening.

Connection cross-sections of the removable terminal blocks with a spring-loaded connection (3RR
and 3UG)

Table 3-4 Removable terminal block with spring-loaded connections - monitoring relays

Removable terminal
Tool Ø 3.0 x 0.5 (3RA2908-1A)

Solid and stranded  2 x (0.25 to 1.5) mm²

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

24 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview
3.3 Connection methods

Removable terminal
Finely stranded without end  2 x (0.25 to 1.5) mm²

Finely stranded with end  2 x (0.25 to 1.5) mm²


AWG 2 x (24 to 16)

Conductor cross-sections of the removable terminal blocks with spring-loaded connection


Table 3-5 Removable terminal block with spring-loaded connection technology - insulation monitoring
relay 3UG458.-2AW31 / 3UG4583-2CW31 / voltage reducer module 3UG4983-2AA01

Removable terminal
Tool Ø 3.0 x 0.5 (3RA2908-1A)

Solid and stranded  2 x (0.5 to 1.5) mm²

AWG 2 x (20 to 16)

Finely stranded without  2 x (0.5 to 1.5) mm²

end sleeve
AWG 2 x (18 to 16)
Finely stranded with end  2 x (0.5 to 1.5) mm²
AWG 2 x (18 to 16)

Connection cross-sections of the permanently connected terminal blocks with a spring-loaded

The following table lists the permissible conductor cross-sections for the main conductor
terminals of the 3RR2 current monitoring relays for analog and digital setting (size S00 and S0)
with a spring-loaded connection.

Table 3-6 Permanently connected terminal block with spring-loaded connection - main conductor terminals of 3RR2 current
monitoring relays

Permanently connected terminal

Size S00 Size S0
Tool Ø3.0 x 0.5 (3RA2908-1A) Ø3.0 x 0.5 (3RA2908-1A)

Solid  1 x (0.5 to 4) mm² 1 x (1 to 10) mm²

Finely stranded with‐  1 x (0.5 to 2.5) mm² 1 x (1 to 6) mm²

out end sleeve

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 25
System overview
3.3 Connection methods

Permanently connected terminal

Size S00 Size S0
Finely stranded with  1 x (0.5 to 2.5) mm² 1 x (1 to 6) mm²
end sleeve

AWG 1 x (20 to 12) 1 x (18 to 8)

3.3.3 Device replacement by means of removable terminals

Hazardous Voltage
Will cause death or serious injury.
Turn off and lock out power before working on this equipment.

The removable terminals of 3UG4 monitoring relays facilitate device replacement when
necessary. The mechanical coding on the terminals prevents mix-ups.

The terminals can only be dismantled in the following order due to their arrangement on the
monitoring relay:
1. Lower, front terminal (A)
2. Lower, rear terminal (B)
3. Upper, front terminal (C)
4. Upper, rear terminal (D)




① Press the interlock in the direction of the removable terminal.

② Remove the terminal to the front.
③/ Attach the new terminal and press the terminal into the device until the interlock audibly engages.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

26 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview
3.4 Mounting / removal

The procedure is similar on devices with fewer connection terminals.

3.4 Mounting / removal

3.4.1 Mounting 3RR2 current monitoring relay

Mounting options
3RR2 current monitoring relays are matched to 3RT2 contactors and 3RF34 (size S0) solid-state
contactors in terms of their electrical and mechanical features. As a result, direct mounting can
be achieved easily.
Alternatively, the devices can also be installed individually in the case of stand-alone assembly
or if a 3RU2 / 3RB3 overload relay is being used at the same time. The accessories required for
separate mounting are described in Chapter "Terminal support for stand-alone assembly
(Page 228)."

Minimum clearance
The following minimum clearances from grounded and live parts must be complied with when
installing the 3RR2 monitoring relay:
• At the side: 6 mm
• Forward (on front): 6 mm

Mounting position
It can be mounted in any position.

Direct mounting on 3RT2 contactor / 3RF34 (size S0) solid-state contactor

The diagram below shows an example mounting scenario based on mounting the 3RR21 analog
setting current monitoring relay, size S0, on the 3RT2 contactor.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 27
System overview
3.4 Mounting / removal

Mounting of 3RR2 current monitoring relay, screw-type connection system (size S0)

① Push the current monitoring relay into the contactor from below. Attach the two hooks on the
current monitoring relay to the two openings on the rear of the contactor. This pushes the main
current contacts into the corresponding terminals on the contactor.
② Tighten the screws on the contactor with a Pozidriv size 2 (S00) or Pozidriv size 3 (S0) screwdriver
(tightening torque 0.8 ... 1.2 Nm).
Check that the cable is clamped tight.

The connection cross-sections of the removable and permanently connected terminal blocks
with screw-type connections are described in the Chapter "Screw-type connection (Page 18)".

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

28 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview
3.4 Mounting / removal

Mounting of 3RR2 current monitoring relay, spring-loaded connection technology (size S0)

① Insert the contacts (a) into the central opening of the spring-loaded terminals on the contactor
(see below, a), with the contacts flush to the right. Make sure that the guide tabs (zoom view) are
inserted into the designated slots on the contactor.
The current monitoring relay will sit correctly flush with the contactor on the left- and right-hand

The figures below show the openings of the main conductor terminals on the contactor (S00 and
S0) into which the contacts on the current monitoring relay have to be inserted.

Main conductor terminal on the contactor (a) Main conductor terminal on the contactor (a)
(S00): (S0):

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 29
System overview
3.4 Mounting / removal

Adapter for direct mounting on 3RF34 solid-state contactor
For direct mounting on a 3RF34 solid-state contactor, an additional 3RF3900-0QA88 adapter is
required, which is attached to the solid-state contactor. Information is provided in the "SIRIUS
solid state contactors / solid state reversing contactors" (http://
support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/44362244) operating instructions.

To disassemble the S00/S0/S2 assemblies from the DIN rail, press the contactor down and pull
it toward you.

Removing the 3RR2 current monitoring relay, screw-type connection system (size S0)

① Undo the screws on the main conductor terminals.

② Pull the current monitoring relay down and away from the contactor.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

30 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview
3.4 Mounting / removal

Removing the 3RR2 current monitoring relay, spring-loaded connection technology (size

① Position the screwdriver on the current monitoring relay as shown in the figure. Carefully dislodge
the current monitoring relay from the contactor.
② Pull the current monitoring relay toward you and away from the contactor.

Removing the 3RR2 current monitoring relay (size S2)

① Undo the screws on the main conductor terminals.

② Pull the current monitoring relay down and away from the contactor

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 31
System overview
3.4 Mounting / removal

③ Push the release slide down with a screwdriver

⑤ Swing the contactor upwards to remove it

Separately mounted

The accessories required for separate mounting are described in the Chapter "Terminal support
for stand-alone assembly (Page 228)".

3.4.2 Mounting the 3UG4 monitoring relay

Mounting position
It can be mounted in any position.

Screw mounting
The illustration below shows how to screw-mount the 3UG4 monitoring relay.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

32 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview
3.4 Mounting / removal

Mounting the monitoring relay (screw mounting)


① Slide the push-in lugs into the openings on the monitoring relay at the top and bottom, and use
the screwdriver to secure the device by screwing suitable screws through the holes in the push-in

Mounting onto standard rail

The illustration below shows how to mount the 3UG4 monitoring relay onto a standard rail.

Mounting the monitoring relay (mounting on and removing from standard rail)

① Position the device on the top edge of the DIN rail and press it down until it snaps onto the bottom
edge of the DIN rail.
To remove the device, press it down, pushing against the mounting springs, and swivel the device
to remove it.

3.4.3 Installing the 3UG458. monitoring relay.

Mounting onto standard rail

The figure below shows how to install the 3UG458. insulation monitoring relay on a standard

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 33
System overview
3.4 Mounting / removal

Installing the 3UG458. insulation monitoring relay (mounting onto standard rail)


①/ Position the device on the top edge of the DIN rail and press down until it snaps onto the bottom
② edge of the DIN rail.

Removing the 3UG458. insulation monitoring relay. (Removing from standard rail)

①/ To remove, apply the screwdriver to the device and push it up with a twisting motion against the
② tension of the fixing spring.
③ Swing the device upwards to remove it.

Mounting onto standard rail

The figure below shows how to install the 3UG458.-.AW31 / 3UG4583-.CW31 insulation
monitoring relay on a standard rail


① Position the device on the top edge of the DIN rail and press it down until it snaps onto the bottom
② edge of the DIN rail.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

34 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview
3.5 Overview of the functions

① For disassembly, press the device down and remove the device with a swiveling motion to the
② front.

3.5 Overview of the functions

3.5.1 3RR2 current monitoring relays

Table 3-7 Functions of the 3RR21 / 3RR22 current monitoring relays for analog and digital setting

Function Current monitoring relay

3RR21 3RR22
Current monitoring
Monitoring for undercurrent 2p 3p
Monitoring for overcurrent 2p 3p
Apparent current monitoring ✓ ✓
Active current monitoring — ✓
Range monitoring 2p 3p
Monitoring for phase failure, wire break 2p 3p
Monitoring for phase sequence — ✓
Internal ground-fault detection (fault current — ✓
Blocking current monitoring — ✓
Supply voltage
Self-powered, without auxiliary voltage — —
Externally powered, with auxiliary voltage ✓ ✓

✓: Function available
2p: Monitoring is 2-phase
3p: Monitoring is 3-phase
— : Function not available

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 35
System overview
3.5 Overview of the functions

3.5.2 3UG45 / 3UG46 monitoring relays

Table 3-8 Functions of the 3UG45/3UG46 monitoring relays for analog and digital setting

Function Monitoring relays

3UG45 3UG46
01 11 12 13 8 14 15 16 17 18 31 32 33 21 22 41 25 51
Line monitoring and voltage monitoring
Monitoring for phase sequence — ✓ ✓ ✓ — ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ — — — — — — — —
Monitoring for phase failure — ○ ✓ ✓ — ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ — — — — — — — —

Monitoring for asymmetry — — 10 20 — ✓ ○2) ○2) ✓ ✓ — — — — — — — —

% %
Monitoring for undervoltage — — — 3p — 3p 3p 3p 3p 3p 1p 1p 1p — — — — —
Monitoring for overvoltage — — — — — — 3p 3p 3p 3p 1p 1p 1p — — — — —
Monitoring for N conductor — — — — — — — ✓ — ✓ — — — — — — — —
Automatic direction of rotation — — — — — — — — ✓ ✓ — — — — — — — —
correction in the case of incorrect
phase sequence
Power factor monitoring and current monitoring
Monitoring for undercurrent — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1p 1p 1p — —
Monitoring for overcurrent — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1p 1p 1p — —
Active current monitoring — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ✓ — —
Apparent current monitoring — — — — — — — — — — — — — ✓ ✓ — — —
Power factor monitoring — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ✓ — —
Fault current monitoring/insulation monitoring
Monitoring for fault current/ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ✓ —
ground fault
Insulation monitoring — — — — ✓ — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Filling level monitoring
Monitoring for filling level over‐ ✓ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
shoot / resistance overshoot
Monitoring for filling level under‐ ✓ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
shoot / resistance undershoot
Speed monitoring
Monitoring for speed overshoot — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ✓
Monitoring for speed undershoot — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ✓
Rated control supply voltage
Self-powered, without auxiliary — ✓ ✓ ✓ — ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ — — ✓ — — ✓ — —
Externally powered, with auxili‐ ✓ — — — ✓ — — — — — ✓ ✓ — ✓ ✓ — ✓ ✓
ary voltage

✓: Function available
1p: Monitoring is 1-phase
3p: Monitoring is 3-phase

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

36 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview
3.6 Menu-based operation

— : Function not available

○: Function available with limitations
Detection causes problems with regenerative power recovery.
By monitoring the voltage thresholds.

True root mean square measurement (tRMS) / use with frequency converters:
The monitoring relays work with an electronic measuring method which calculates the actual
(effective) value of a measured value (tRMS), regardless of whether the measured variable's
waveform is purely sinusoidal or distorted.
The measured signal must only meet the following requirements:
• Periodic waveform (sinusoidal) within the specified frequency range
• Continuous zero crossings
As long as the line on the primary or the secondary side in the environment of a frequency
converter fulfills these requirements, the monitoring relays can also be operated upstream or
downstream of frequency converters. The required line quality can be ensured by using line
filters/sine-wave filters where applicable. Of course, the suitability of the relevant monitoring
relay for the monitored line frequencies must also be considered.

3.6 Menu-based operation

Operator controls
The digitally adjustable monitoring relays have three keys for navigating on the menu levels:
• SET key for navigating to the menu levels and for switching between the menu levels
• 2 arrow keys for setting parameters
Navigation through the menu system of the monitoring relays is explained below in a schematic
Depending on the device version and as long as no faults have occurred, one or more different
measuring values ① can be displayed with the help of the arrow keys. In the event of a fault, the
display indicates the type of fault ③ by means of flashing symbols. By repeatedly pressing the
SET key briefly, it is possible to set the desired type of monitoring (overshoot, undershoot, or
range monitoring) and parameterize the lower and/or upper threshold ② in accordance with
the device-specific setting ranges. After pressing the SET key for at least 2.5 s, in a further step,
the basic device parameters ④, such as the switching behavior of the output relays, the reset
response in the event of a fault, and/or the tripping delay times can be set.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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System overview
3.6 Menu-based operation

Menu-based operation




(5525 12(5525 12(5525

!   V Threshold3

(UURU ...

Parameter1 Parameter2 Parameter3 ...

!   V  V

① RUN - OK Status display in the correct range, see below

• Measured value1 / Meas‐
ured value2 / ...
② RUN - VALUE Settings of the monitored thresholds, see below
③ RUN - ERROR Status display in the event of a fault
If a threshold is overshot or undershot, the outputs of the monitor‐
ing relays switch over after the set delay time. The display indicates
the type of error.
• Error1 / Error2 / ... Error detected
④ SET Settings for basic device parameters, see below

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

38 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview
3.6 Menu-based operation

Menu levels "RUN" and "SET"

3 2

The RUN menu shows the up-to-date current measured value ①. You can use the arrow keys
to change between the individual measuring values on devices with multiple outputs. In this
case, the display automatically switches between the name of the measured value and the
actual measured value.
② represents the selected type of monitoring (overshoot, undershoot, or range monitoring). An
arrow symbol indicates whether the measuring value is within, above or below the set
Next to this, one or two symbols ③ represent the type (changeover contact or semiconductor
output) and the switching status of the outputs.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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System overview
3.6 Menu-based operation

Navigation in the menu

There are basically two ways of navigating on both menu levels:
• Brief pressing the SET key (≤ 0.5 s)
You can jump from one parameter to the next within one menu level by briefly pressing the
SET key . The order is not variable.

Entry Display at the RUN menu level Display at the SET menu level
1. Current measuring value (MeasValue1 / Parameter1
MeasValue2 / ...) or error symbol (Error1 /
Error2 / Error3 / ...), switching contact sym‐
bols and monitoring methods for diagnostics
2. Threshold1 Parameter2
3. Threshold2 Parameter3
4. Threshold3 ...
5. ...

The setting options a device actually offers depends on the type and can be looked up in the
relevant chapters on operation in this manual.
You can find full details of menu-based operation for the individual devices in Appendix D
"Menu-based operation" (Page 291).

• Pressing and holding the SET key (> 2.5 s)

By pressing and holding the SET key , the menu changes from RUN to SET and vice versa.
Menu level change can be started from any display. While the SET key is pressed,
appears on the display.
After a successful change, you always arrive at the first menu item (parameter1) of the
"SET" menu level.
In the event of an error, changing to the "SET" menu level is only possible from "RUN-
VALUE" ②. If an error is indicated, the SET key must be pressed first briefly (< 0.5 s).
You can switch menus from any of the menu commands. While the SET key is
pressed, appears on the display.
After a successful change, you arrive at current measuring value (measuringvalue1) or
the current error of the RUN menu level.

Aborting the menu switchover
The switchover process will be interrupted if the SET key is released while or is
displayed. The menu will revert to the menu command you were working with when the switch
was initiated.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

40 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
System overview
3.6 Menu-based operation

Reset in the event of an error
To reset the device, it is necessary to press both arrow keys simultaneously for more than 2.5 s
after removal of the cause of error and with Hand‑RESET active. While the keys are pressed,
appears on the display.
The possible settings for resetting the devices via the "Reset response" parameter can be found
in the "Operation" chapters of the relevant monitoring relays.

3UG4625 residual current monitoring relays automatically return to showing the actual
measured value 30 seconds after the last limit value change.

Quitting the SET menu level will trigger an internal reset in 3UG4621/3UG4622/3UG4625 and
3UG4641 device variants and restart the startup delay.

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System overview
3.6 Menu-based operation

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

42 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3RR2 current monitoring relays 4
4.1 Product description

SIRIUS 3RR2 current monitoring relays are suitable for current monitoring of motors or other
loads. They are capable of two-phase or three-phase monitoring of the rms value of AC currents,
checking that the values do not overshoot or undershoot set thresholds.
SIRIUS 3RR2 current monitoring relays are available in the following variants:
• Basic version (3RR21): with analog setting using rotary buttons, two-phase monitoring and
CO contact.
• Basic version (3RR22): digital setting via a display, 3-phase monitoring, CO contact, and
semiconductor output; also monitors phase sequence, phase failure, ground fault and
blocking current
• Version for IO-Link (3RR24): same as standard version, but additionally with IO-Link interface
for direct interfacing to a PLC for remote parameterization, remote diagnostics, cyclic transfer
of measured values, support of the parameter server functionality of IO-Link (with master as
from specification V1.1), with integrated runtime and switching cycle counter
You can find further information in the Manual "3UG48/3RR24 Monitoring Relays for IO-Link".
Whereas apparent current monitoring is primarily used in the rated torque range or for overload,
active current monitoring can be used to observe and evaluate the degree of loading across a
motor's entire torque range.
Apparent current monitoring and active current monitoring are described in more detail in the
Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".

System integration
3RR2 current monitoring relays are available in three sizes, S00, S0 and S2. 3RR2 current
monitoring relays are matched to 3RT2 contactors and 3RF34 (size S0) solid-state contactors in
terms of their electrical and mechanical features. They can be integrated in the feeder by means
of direct mounting. This eliminates the need for the main circuit to be wired separately and no
additional transformers are required.
For a stand-alone assembly or if an overload relay is being used at the same time, terminal
supports for stand-alone assembly are available for separate DIN rail mounting.
3RR2 current monitoring relays were conceived for monitoring 3-phase systems.
Depending on the device version used, monitoring of 1- or 2-phase AC systems is possible with
the following wiring variants:

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.2 Application areas



/ / / / / / 1 /

55 55 55 55


1 1 1 2
① Complete device functionality possible
② Device functionality only possible with limitations:
• Residual current monitoring not possible (→ switch off)
• Phase sequence monitoring not possible (→ switch off)
• Active current monitoring not possible (→ switch off)

The monitoring functions of the 2 phases (3RR21) or the 3 phases (3RR22) are ORed to the
output relay(s), i.e. a fault in one monitored phase (e.g. current violation L1) already affects the
output relay(s).

The accessories have been tailored to the current monitoring relays; they can be mounted easily
and without the need for tools. The accessories are described in the Chapter "Accessories for
3RR2 current monitoring relays (Page 227)".

4.2 Application areas

The 3RR2 current monitoring relays are used, for example, in the following applications:
• Monitoring for current overshoot and current undershoot
• Monitoring for cable breaks

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

44 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.2 Application areas

• Monitoring for no-load operation and load shedding (as might be the case, for example, in
the event of a torn V belt)
• Underload monitoring in the lower performance range (if a pump was running in no-load
operation, for example)
• Monitoring for overload (as might affect pumps with a soiled filter system, for example)
• Monitoring the performance of electrical loads such as heaters
• Monitoring for incorrect phase sequences on mobile equipment such as compressors or
• Monitoring for high-impedance faults to ground (caused by damaged insulation or moisture,
for example)

Table 4-1 Application areas of the 3RR2 current monitoring relays

Function Application
• Undercurrent • Emergency lighting
• Overcurrent • Heating systems (electroplating plants, plastic injec‐
• Apparent current tion machines, paintshops)

• Active current (3RR22 only) • Lamps (tunnels, OR lighting, traffic lights, signal sys‐
tems, UV lamps, infrared radiators, laser lamps)
• Phase failure / wire break
• Fan
• Phase sequence (3RR22 only)
• Pumps
• Internal ground fault detection (fault cur‐
rent) (3RR22 only) • Sawing system

• Block current (3RR22 only) • Conveyor belt

• Surface grinding machine
• Breaking mill
• Milling machine
• Car wash
• Lifting platform
• Screw conveyor
• Crane
• Turning machine
• Woodworking
• Grain mills
• Steel industry

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.3 Performance features of current monitoring relays

4.3 Performance features of current monitoring relays

Table 4-2 Performance features of 3RR2 current monitoring relays with analog setting

Functions/Parameters Current monitoring relays with analog setting

3RR2141-.A.30 3RR2142-.A.30 3RR2143-.A.30
Rated current 1.6 to 16 A 4 to 40 A 8 to 80 A
Frequency range 50/60 Hz AC 50/60 Hz AC 50/60 Hz AC
Supply voltage Us • -.AA30: 24 V AC/DC
• -.AW30: 24 to 240 V AC/DC
Monitoring for current over‐ 2-phase 2-phase 2-phase
shoots and/or undershoots
Contacts 1 CO contact 1 CO contact 1 CO contact

Table 4-3 Performance features of 3RR2 current monitoring relays with digital setting

Functions/Parameters Current monitoring relays with digital setting

3RR2241-.F.30 3RR2242-.F.30 3RR2243-.F.30
Rated current 1.6 to 16 A 4 to 40 A 8 to 80 A
Frequency range 20 to 400 Hz AC 20 to 400 Hz AC 20 to 400 Hz AC
Supply voltage Us • -.FA30: 24 V AC/DC
• -.FW30: 24 to 240 V AC/DC
Monitoring for current over‐ 3-phase 3-phase 3-phase
shoots and/or undershoots
Contacts 1 CO contact/1 semiconduc‐ 1 CO contact/1 semiconduc‐ 1 CO contact/1 semiconduc‐
tor output tor output tor output

4.3.1 General data

Table 4-4 General data for 3RR2 current monitoring relays

Feature Benefit 3RR21 Basic, 3RR22 Standard,

analog setting digital setting
Sizes • The devices are matched to the dimensions, connections and S00, S0, S2 S00, S0, S2
technical features of the other devices in the SIRIUS modular
• The devices permit mounting of slim-line and compact load
feeders in widths of 45 mm (S00 and S0) or 55 mm (S2).
• The devices make configuration easier.
Current range • The devices are matched to the other devices in the SIRIUS S00: 1.6 to 16 A S00: 1.6 to 16 A
modular system S0: 4.0 to 40 A S0: 4.0 to 40 A
• Just 1 option per size with a wide setting range makes con‐ S2: 8.0 to 80 A S2: 8.0 to 80 A
figuration easy.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

46 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.3 Performance features of current monitoring relays

You can find further technical information on 3RR24 in the Manual "3UG48/3RR24 monitoring
relays for IO-Link (http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/54375430)" on the

4.3.2 Properties

Table 4-5 Equipment of 3RR2 current monitoring relays

Feature Benefit 3RR21 Basic, 3RR22 Standard,

analog setting digital setting
Reset function • Enables manual or automatic resetting of the mon‐ ✓ ✓
itoring relay
• Resetting directly on the device or by disconnecting
and reconnecting the supply voltage (remote reset)
ON-delay time • Enables motor starting without evaluation of the 0 s to 60 s 0 to 99 s
starting current
• Can be used to monitor motors with lengthy startup
Tripping delay time • Prevents frequent warnings and disconnection in 0 s to 30 s 0 s to 30 s
response to currents in the vicinity of the thresholds
• Permits brief violations of thresholds during opera‐
Operating and • For setting thresholds and delay times LEDs and rotary but‐ Display and buttons
indicating elements tons
• For selectable functions
• For fast and selective diagnostics
• Display for permanent indication of measured val‐
Integrated contacts • Allow the system or process to be shut down in the 1 CO contact 1 CO contact
event of an irregularity 1 semiconductor out‐
• Can be used to output signals put

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.3 Performance features of current monitoring relays

4.3.3 Configuration of load feeders

Table 4-6 Load feeders with 3RR2 current monitoring relays

Feature Benefit 3RR21 Basic, 3RR22 Standard,

analog setting digital setting
Short-circuit-proof up to 100 kA at 690 V • Provides optimum protection of ✓ ✓
(in conjunction with the appropriate fuses the loads and operating person‐
or the appropriate motor starter protector) nel in the event of short circuits
due to insulation faults or faulty
switching operations
Electrical and mechanical matching to • Simplifies configuration ✓ ✓
3RT2 contactors • Reduces connection outlay and
• Enables stand-alone assembly
as well as space-saving direct
Spring-loaded connection system for • Enables fast connections ✓ ✓
main circuit (option) and auxiliary circuit • Ensures that connections are vi‐
• Enables maintenance-free con‐

4.3.4 Combinations with 3RT20 contactor

Monitoring re‐ Current 3RT20 1 S00 contactors 3RT20 2 S0 contactors 3RT20 3 S2 contactors
lay type range 3/4/5.5/7.5 kW 5.5/7.5/11/15/18.5 kW 18.5/22/30/37 kW
3RR2141 1.6 to 16 A ✓ X X
3RR2241 1.6 to 16 A ✓ X X
3RR2142 4.0 to 40 A X ✓ X
3RR2242 4.0 to 40 A X ✓ X
3RR2143 8.0 to 80 A X X ✓
3RR2243 8.0 to 80 A X X ✓

X = with stand-alone assembly support

You can find further technical information on 3RR24 in the Manual "3UG48/3RR24 monitoring
relays for IO-Link (http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/54375430)" on the

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

48 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.4 3RR21 current monitoring relays

4.4 3RR21 current monitoring relays

4.4.1 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling (basic version)

Front view Description

Position digits

① Connection for contactor mounting or for stand-
alone assembly

  ② Rotary button for setting the threshold for overshoot

 ③ Rotary button for setting the threshold for under‐
   shoot "I▼"
④ Sliding switch "Memory" for selecting the reset re‐
sponse parameter (manual/autoreset):
2 , ⑤ Control circuit terminal (removable):
The control circuit can be connected using either the
screw-type or the spring-loaded connection system.
   ⑥ Main circuit terminal (permanently connected) :
The main circuit can be connected using either the
screw-type or the spring-loaded connection system.
7 7 7  $ 
⑦ Label (below which there is a DATAMatrix code)
⑧ Device article number
⑨ Rotary button for startup delay time "onDel (s)"
⑩ Rotary button for tripping delay time "Del (s)"
⑪ Status display via "Ready" LEDs (green) for auxiliary
voltage and "Fault" (red) for switching state

You can find more information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor cross-
sections in Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 54)".

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.4 3RR21 current monitoring relays

Terminal labels and notes on the protection of device connections

B1 Supply voltage ∼ / + Observe the relevant standards and regulations for the configuration of control panels and the
B2 Supply voltage ∼ / - parts and components contained therein, e.g. when dimensioning the cables.
Select a current-limiting power supply, for example, to protect these circuits.
When selecting the source and the connecting cable, observe the load characteristics of the
current monitoring relay. The same applies to the selection of suitable protection devices.
You can find all the technical data of the product in the Siemens Industry Online Support
Further recommendations, e.g. the use of miniature circuit breakers or equipment circuit
breakers in control circuits, can be found under the following link:
Practical tip for control panels: Selecting and dimensioning suitable power supplies quickly and
reliably. (https://new.siemens.com/global/en/markets/panel-building/tipps/design-and-
32 Output relay K1 You can find technical data of the product in the Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
changeover con‐ support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/16205/td).
tact NC contact
31 Output relay K1
changeover con‐
tact root
34 Output relay K1
changeover con‐
tact NO contact
2/T1 Main circuit termi‐ For information on the protection of the main circuit of the 3RT2. contactors used, refer to the
4/T2 nals Equipment Manual - SIRIUS Contactors / Contactor Combinations 3RT (https://
support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/60306557) and the technical data sheet
6/T3 (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/16132/td).
14 / 22 Feed-through con‐ For information on the protection of the auxiliary contacts of the 3RT2. contactors used, refer
tactor auxiliary to the Equipment Manual - SIRIUS Contactors / Contactor Combinations 3RT (https://
switch (S00) support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/60306557) and the technical data sheet
A2 Feed-through con‐ For information on the protection of 3RT2. contactor coils, refer to the Equipment Manual -
tactor coil terminal SIRIUS Contactors / Contactor Combinations 3RT (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/
(S00) en/view/60306557) and the technical data sheet (https://

4.4.2 Function

General functionality
Depending on the setting, the current monitoring relays monitor an AC load current that flows
through terminals 1/L1 - 2/T1 and 3/L2 - 4/T2 of the device for overshoot (I▲) or undershoot (I▼)
or in range monitoring (I▲ and I▼ ≠ OFF).
Depending on their design, the current monitoring relays are powered with a 24 V AC/DC or
24 to 240 V AC/DC supply voltage through terminals B1/B2.
With two-phase apparent current monitoring, one changeover output, and analog adjustment,
the 3RR214.‑.A.30 (basic‑version) current monitoring relays provide a high level of monitoring
reliability particularly in the rated and overload ranges.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

50 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.4 3RR21 current monitoring relays

The switching states of the output relay are given below in the section entitled "Function

Cable break detected




1 2 W>V@

① Cable break detected

② No cable break
③ Hysteresis cable break:
- S00: 1.2 A to 1.6 A
- S0: 3.0 A to 4.0 A
- S2: 6.0 A to 8.0 A
Figure 4-1 Diagram of cable break

If a cable break (zero current in branch circuit 1/L1 - 2/T1 or 3/L2 - 4/T2) is detected (time ①), all
running delay times are aborted, the red FAULT LED flashes rapidly and the CO contact
immediately changes its switching state.
When a defined current flow returns to both branch circuits (1/L1 - 2/T1, 3/L2 - 4/T2) (time ②),
the CO contact responds according to the defined settings.
If Memory = I, the tripping state is saved.
If the unmonitored phase 5/L3 - 6/T3 fails, this can be detected if a motor is connected by an
increase in current in both phases 1/L1 - 2/T1 and 3/L2 - 4/T2.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.4 3RR21 current monitoring relays

Function diagrams

Memory = O: 2 I Memory = I: 2 I

I▲ %%
I▼ = Off !, a,  !, 2 2.

, ,
+ \VW + \VW


)$8/7 )$8/7
/(' /('
slow slow slow fast
slow slow slow
onD el onD el I D el
onD el
onD el I D el

I▲ = Off %% %%

2 I
I▼ , a,  , 2 2. I

+ \VW
+ \VW
, ,

a,  a, 

)$8/7 )$8/7
slow slow slow fast slow slow slow
onD el
onD el onD el I D el onD el I D el

I▲ %% %% 1.
2 I
I▼ !, , a,  !, , 2 2. I

, + \VW , + \VW

+ \VW + \VW
, ,

a,  a, 


)$8/7 )$8/7
/(' /('
slow slow slow slow fast slow slow slow
onD el
onD el onD el I D el I D el onD el I D el

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

52 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.4 3RR21 current monitoring relays

4.4.3 Operation

The following parameters can be set on the relevant rotary button using a screwdriver:

Table 4-7 Parameter information, 3RR21 current monitoring relays with analog setting

Parameters Control Setting range Increment Factory set‐

element 5) Minimum value Maximum value ting

ON-delay time (onDel) 9 0s 60 s Continuous 0s

Tripping delay time (Del) 10 0s 30 s Continuous 0s
Threshold for current overshoot (I▲) 2 1.6 A or OFF 1)
16 A 1)
Continuous 8 A1)
4 A or OFF2) 40 A2) 20 A2)
8 A or OFF3) 80 A3) 40 A3)
Threshold for current undershoot(I▼) 3 1.6 A or OFF1) 16 A1) Continuous Disabled
4 A or OFF2) 40 A2)
8 A or OFF3) 80 A3)
Reset response (Memory) 4 0 = automatic rest 1 = manual reset 4) -- Automatic re‐
current monitoring relay 3RR2141‑.A.30
current monitoring relay 3RR2142‑.A.30
current monitoring relay 3RR2143‑.A.30
a stored fault condition can be reset by briefly switching to Memory = 0 or by switching off the
supply voltage.
The position digits refer to the front view in the Chapter "Operator controls and connection
terminals (Page 49)."

The hysteresis is set to a fixed value of 6.25% of the set threshold.

Changes to settings of threshold for current overshoot (I▲) and threshold for current undershoot

Deactivating monitoring
If both threshold values are deactivated (OFF), the following will no longer be monitored:
• Current overshoot
• Current undershoot
The following parameters continue to be monitored:
• Phase failure

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.4 3RR21 current monitoring relays

The parameters are described in the Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".

Required tools
The same screwdriver can be used to set the parameters as for mounting the current monitoring

4.4.4 Diagnostics

Status display
On the current monitoring relay with analog setting, two status LEDs indicate the operating
• FAULT (red)
• READY (green)

Display Meaning
FAULT off Measured value is within range limits
FAULT steady on Device has tripped
FAULT flashes at 1 Hz Delay time is running
FAULT flashes at 4 Hz Cable break/phase failure detected
READY off Voltage is not applied at B1 - B2
READY on Voltage is applied at B1 - B2

You can find more information about the LED display response in the Chapter "Function
(Page 50)."

4.4.5 Circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3RR21

3RR2141-1A.30 current monitoring relay

/ / / %$&'& 

7 7 7 %    $

Figure 4-2 1 CO contact, 2-phase

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

54 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.4 3RR21 current monitoring relays

3RR2141-2A.30, 3RR2142-.A.30, 3RR2143-.A.30 current monitoring relays

/ / / %$&'& 

7 7 7 %  

Figure 4-3 1 CO contact, 2-phase

4.4.6 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.5 3RR22 current monitoring relays

4.5 3RR22 current monitoring relays

4.5.1 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling (standard version)

Front view Description

Position digits

① Connection for contactor mounting or for stand-
alone assembly
② Arrow keys for menu navigation
 ③ SET key for menu navigation

 ④ Legend for menu
 ⑤ Control circuit terminal (removable):
3RR2241-1FA30 The control circuit can be connected using either the
  screw-type or the spring-loaded connection system.
⑥ Main circuit terminal (permanently connected):
The main circuit can be connected using either the
 screw-type or the spring-loaded connection system.
⑦ Label
⑧ Device article number

⑨ Display for parameterization, actual-value indication,
and diagnostics

You can find more information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor cross-
sections in Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 63)".

Terminal labels and notes on the protection of device connections

B1 Supply voltage ∼ / + Observe the relevant standards and regulations for the configuration of control panels and the
B2 Supply voltage ∼ / - parts and components contained therein, e.g. when dimensioning the cables.
Select a current-limiting power supply, for example, to protect these circuits.
When selecting the source and the connecting cable, observe the load characteristics of the
current monitoring relay. The same applies to the selection of suitable protection devices.
You can find all the technical data of the product in the Siemens Industry Online Support
Further recommendations, e.g. the use of miniature circuit breakers or equipment circuit
breakers in control circuits, can be found under the following link:
Practical tip for control panels: Selecting and dimensioning suitable power supplies quickly and
reliably. (https://new.siemens.com/global/en/markets/panel-building/tipps/design-and-
Q Semiconductor You can find technical data of the product in the Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
output, e.g. for pre- support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/16205/td).
warning threshold

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

56 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.5 3RR22 current monitoring relays

32 Output relay K1 CO You can find technical data of the product in the Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
contact NC con‐ support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/16205/td).
tact, e.g. for alarm
31 Output relay K1 CO
contact root, e.g.
for alarm threshold
34 Output relay K1 CO
contact NO con‐
tact, e.g. for alarm
2/T1 Main circuit termi‐ For information on the protection of the main circuit of the 3RT2. contactors used, refer to the
4/T2 nals Equipment Manual - SIRIUS Contactors / Contactor Combinations 3RT (https://
support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/60306557) and the technical data sheet
6/T3 (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/16132/td).
14 / 22 Feed-through con‐ For information on the protection of the auxiliary contacts of the 3RT2. contactors used, refer
tactor auxiliary to the Equipment Manual - SIRIUS Contactors / Contactor Combinations 3RT (https://
switch (S00) support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/60306557) and the technical data sheet
A2 Feed-through con‐ For information on the protection of 3RT2. contactor coils, refer to the Equipment Manual -
tactor coil terminal SIRIUS Contactors / Contactor Combinations 3RT (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/
(S00) en/view/60306557) and the technical data sheet (https://

4.5.2 Function

General functionality
Depending on its setting, the plant is monitored for overshoot (I▲ CO contact, I!
▲ semiconductor output) or undershoot (I▼ CO contact, I!▼ semiconductor output) or for
a range (I▲ , I!▲ and I▼ , I!▼ ≠ OFF).
Depending on their design, the current monitoring relays are powered with a 24 V AC/DC or
24 to 240 V AC/DC supply voltage through terminals B1/B2.
If the power supply is switched on, the CO contact and the semiconductor output responds after
expiry of the set ON-delay time (onDel) on the set circuit principle (closed-circuit principle NC or
open-circuit principle NO).
The 3RR224.‑.F.30 current monitoring relays with digital setting (standard variations) monitor
the AC load current (apparent current Is or active current Ip) that flows through the 1/L1 - 2/T1,
3/L2 - 4/T2 and 5/L3 - 6/T3 device terminals. The monitoring relay has two separate outputs,
which respond to separately settable thresholds.
The devices support further diagnostic options such as residual current monitoring and phase
sequence monitoring, and are also be used to monitor motors even below the rated torque. The
monitoring relays have an additional separate semiconductor output, an actual-value display,
and support digital adjustment.
The 3RR22 current monitoring relays have a display and are parameterized with three keys.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.5 3RR22 current monitoring relays

You will find the adjustment ranges and factory settings of the available parameters in Chapter
"Operation (Page 60)".
You can find a description of the individual parameters in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".
You will find the switching states of the output relay below in the Section "Function diagrams"
and in the Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 62)."

Reset response
If the device is set to automatic reset, the CO contact and the semiconductor output will respond
once a previously occurring error has been dealt with and the reclosing delay time has elapsed.
A previously occurring error is, therefore, not saved.
If manual RESET is selected, the CO contact remains in the current switching state even if a
previously occurring error has been dealt with.
This saved fault condition can be reset by pressing both arrow keys at the same time for longer
than 2.5 s or by disconnecting and reconnecting the auxiliary voltage.

Semiconductor output
The semiconductor output always responds in automatic reset.

Cable break detected




1 2 W>V@

① Cable break detected

② No cable break
③ Hysteresis cable break:
- S00: 1.2 A to 1.6 A
- S0: 3.0 A to 4.0 A
- S2: 6.0 A to 8.0 A
Figure 4-4 Cable break

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.5 3RR22 current monitoring relays

If a cable break is detected in a branch circuit (time ①), all delay times which are running (onDel,
RsDel, Del) are aborted and both the CO contact and the semiconductor output change their
switching state immediately (≤ 200 ms).
When a defined current flow returns to all branch circuits (1/L1 - 2/T1, 3/L2 - 4/T2 und 5/L3 - 6/T3)
(time ②), the CO contact and the semiconductor output respond again according to the
defined settings.
If manual RESET (Mem = yes) is selected, the tripping state is saved.

Function diagrams

Display Memory = no Memory = no

Relay switching behavior = NC (closed-circuit prin‐ Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit prin‐
ciple) ciple)
I▲ / I!▲ %% %%

I▼ / I!▼ = Off !, !Q[, !, !Q[,

n x I▲
Q[,Ⴃ Q[,Ⴃ

,Ⴃ,Ⴃ ,Ⴃ,Ⴃ
+ \VW + \VW

a,  a, 



onD el onD el D el R sD el R sD el
onD el onD el D el R sD el R sD el

I▲ / I!▲ = Off %% %%

I▼ / I!▼ !, ,,,ุ, !, ,,,ุ,

I >> = yes
+ \VW + \VW
,  ,
,  ,

a,  a, 



onD el onD el D el R sD el
onD el onD el D el R sD el

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.5 3RR22 current monitoring relays

Display Memory = no Memory = no

Relay switching behavior = NC (closed-circuit prin‐ Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit prin‐
ciple) ciple)
I▲ / I!▲ = Off %% %%

I▼ / I!▼ !, , a  !, , a 

,  , , , 
+ \VW + \VW

+ \VW , , + \VW

, , 

a,  a, 



onD el onD el D el R sD el D el R sD el
onD el onD el D el R sD el D el R sD el

= yes %% %%

/ // /  / /





4.5.3 Operation

Parameterization of the devices is possible locally using the display and the three keys.

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.5 3RR22 current monitoring relays

Parameter information
The table below shows the settable parameter information of the 3RR22 current monitoring
relay with digital setting:

Table 4-8 Parmeter information, 3RR22 current monitoring relays with digital setting

Menu Parameters Setting range Increment Factory setting

level Minimum value Maximum value
"RUN" Threshold for current 1.6 A or OFF1) 16 A1) 0.1 A1) 1.6 A1)
undershoot(I▼) 4 A or OFF2) 40 A2) 0.1 A2) 4 A2)
8 A or OFF3) 80 A3) 0.2 A3) 8 A3)
"RUN" Threshold for current 1.6 A 1)
16 A or OFF 1)
0.1 A1)
3 A1)
overshoot (I▲) 4 A2) 40 A or OFF2) 0.1 A2) 8 A2)
8 A3) 80 A or OFF3) 0.2 A3) 16 A3)
"RUN" Warning threshold for 1.6 A or OFF 1)
16 A 1)
0.1 A1)
1.6 A1)
current undershoot (I! 4 A or OFF2) 40 A2) 0.1 A2) 4 A2)
▼) 8 A or OFF3) 80 A3) 0.2 A3) 8 A3)
"RUN" Warning threshold for 1.6 A1) 16 A or OFF1) 0.1 A1) 3 A1)
current overshoot (I!▲) 4 A2) 40 A or OFF2) 0.1 A2) 8 A2)
8 A3) 80 A or OFF3) 0.2 A3) 16 A3)
"SET" Hysteresis (Hyst) 0.1 A1) 3.0 A1) 0.1 A 0.5 A1)
0.1 A2) 8.0 A2) 0.1 A2) 0.8 A2)
0.2 A3) 16.0 A3) 0.2 A3) 1.6 A3)
"SET" ON-delay time (onDel) 0s 99 s 1s 0s
"SET" Tripping delay time 0s 30 s 1s 0s
"SET" Reclosing delay time 0 min. 300 min. 1 min. 0 min.
"SET" Blocking current moni‐ no x I▲ 5 x I▲ 1 x I▲ no x I▲
toring (n x I▲)
"SET" Residual current moni‐ no or yes -- no
(I >> )
"SET" Reset response (Mem) no = Autoreset yes = HandRESET -- no = Autoreset
"SET" Phase sequence moni‐ no or yes -- no
toring ( )
"SET" Load current monitor‐ Is or Ip -- Is
ing (apparent cur‐
rent Is/active current Ip)
"SET" Relay switching behav‐ NC or NO -- NC
ior (closed-circuit prin‐
ciple NC / open-circuit
principle NO)
3RR2241 current monitoring relay
3RR2242 current monitoring relay
3RR2243 current monitoring relay

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.5 3RR22 current monitoring relays

The "current overshoot" or "current undershoot" monitoring mode is defined with the setting
OFF for the upper and lower threshold.

Deactivating monitoring
If the upper and lower threshold values are deactivated (OFF), monitoring will cease for:
• Current overshoot
• Current undershoot
• Blocking current
The following parameters continue to be monitored:
• Fault current (if activated)
• Incorrect phase sequence (if activated)
• Phase failure
The up-to-date measured value is displayed permanently.

The parameters are described in the Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".

Menu-based operation is described in the Chapter "Menu-based operation (Page 37)".

4.5.4 Diagnostics

Display information
The display is divided into three different areas.

3 2

① Current measured value or fault symbol

② Type of monitoring
③ Symbols for the semiconductor contact (left) and the CO contact (right)

Meaning of the information on the display

Indications in the event of a fault
The symbols on the display flash to indicate an error.

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.5 3RR22 current monitoring relays

The following statuses and faults are indicated on the display as a diagnostics message with
flashing symbols:

Display Symbol Meaning

① 12.5A Displays the measured current
① n x I▲ Flashing: Current is above the set blocking current
① I>> Flashing: Fault current detected
① L Flashing: Cable break/phase failure detected
① Flashing: Incorrect phase sequence detected
② Monitoring for current overshoot

② Monitoring for current undershoot

② Range monitoring (monitoring for current overshoot and current undershoot)

② Current is in correct range

② A current overshoot has occurred
② A current undershoot has occurred
③ • Not flashing: Relay contact 31/32 open, relay contact 31/34 closed
• Flashing: Delay time (ON-delay or tripping delay) running
• Masked out: Relay contact 31/32 closed, relay contact 31/34 open
③ Q • Not flashing: Semiconductor output closed, supply voltage connected
• Flashing: Delay time (ON-delay or tripping delay) running
• Masked out: Semiconductor output open, supply voltage not switched through

You will find more information about the switching behavior of the output relays in Chapter
"Function (Page 57)".

4.5.5 Circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3RR22

3RR2241-1F.30 current monitoring relay

/ / / %$&'& 

7 7 7 4 %    $

Figure 4-5 1 CO contact, 3-phase

3RR2241-2F.30, 3RR2242-.F.30, 3RR2243-.F.30 current monitoring relays

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3RR2 current monitoring relays
4.5 3RR22 current monitoring relays

/ / / %$&'& 

7 7 7 4 %  

Figure 4-6 1 CO contact, 3-phase

4.5.6 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay 5
5.1 Application areas

Application areas
The 3UG4501 filling level monitoring relays are used, for example, in the following

Table 5-1 Application areas of the 3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay

Function Application
• One-point filling level • Open-loop control of a bilge pump, e.g. on ships or construction sites
monitoring and two- • Filling level monitoring of lubricants
point filling level mon‐
• Filling level monitoring of dosing containers
• Filling level monitoring of oil sumps
• Overflow protection
• Filling level monitoring of rainwater catchment basins
• Dry-run protection
• Water supply
• Leakage monitoring
• Waste water treatment plant

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3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay
5.3 Functions

5.2 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling

Front view Description

 Position digits
A1+ 24V M
① Terminal block (removable):
Connection is possible using screw terminals or spring-loaded terminals.
② Rotary button for setting the monitoring mode.

SIRIUS ③ Display field: drainage control (OV) or inflow control (UN)

UN ④ Rotary button for setting the sensor sensitivity (R sens)

 ⑤ Rotary button for setting the tripping delay (Delay)

100 ⑥ Device article number
R sens ⑦ Label
5 ⑧ Status display: LED contact symbol (yellow)

Status display: LED coil symbol (green)

0,5 10s
Terminal labels
 A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
M Reference point
Min Max A2-
 Min Minimum level
12 11 14 Max Maximum level
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 71)".

5.3 Functions

General functionality
The 3UG4501 filling level monitoring relays and the connectable 2‑pole or 3‑pole 3UG3207-..
probes are used to monitor the filling levels of electrically conductive liquids.

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3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay
5.3 Functions

The working principle of the 3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay is based on measurement of
the electrical resistance of the liquid between the probes (minimum and maximum level) or the
reference potential (conductive measurement principle). The output relay changes its switching
state if the measured value is below the sensitivity set on the front. The probes (e.g. 3UG3207‑..)
are powered with alternating current (AC measured current) to exclude electrolysis phenomena
in the liquid.

The filling level monitoring relays do not have active monitoring of probe defects or probe
conductor defects. Therefore when selecting the probes and routing the cable, make sure that
this source of error is precluded. For example, use stable bow probes if wire electrodes are in
danger of being broken.

Depending on their design, the 3UG4501 filling level monitoring relays are powered with a
24 V AC/DC or 24 to 240 V AC/DC rated control supply voltage through terminals A1+ / A2-. When
the rated control supply voltage is applied, the green LED next to the coil symbol on the device
cover lights up.

On the 3UG4501‑.AA30 devices with 24 V AC / DC versions, as a common reference for the AC
probe voltage at terminals Min and Max, terminal M must not be connected to terminals A1 / A2
of the device or grounded!
On the 3UG4501‑.AW30 24 to 240 V AC / DC versions, terminals M, Min, and Max are electrically
isolated from terminals A1 and A2 of the rated control supply voltage!

The specified voltages represent the absolute thresholds.

Tripping delay
Tripping can be delayed by 0.5 to 10 s to avoid tripping the switching function too early when
the level has not quite been reached (e.g. wave motion or foaming of the liquid).
The switching states of the output relay are given below in the section entitled "Function

Probes for filling level monitoring

To monitor filling levels of electrically conductive liquids, the following probes can be mounted
on the 3UG4501 filling level relays.
• Three-pole wire electrode
• Two-pole wire electrode
• Two-pole bow electrode
• Single-pole bow electrode for side mounting
• Single-pole rod electrode for side mounting

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3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay
5.3 Functions

These necessary accessories are described in Chapter "Probes for the 3UG4501 monitoring relay
(Page 233)."

At the terminals, other resistance sensors in the range 2 to 200 kΩ (e.g. photoresistor,
temperature sensors, resistor-based position encoders, etc.) can also be connected. The
monitoring relays are therefore also suitable as resistance triggers.

Two-point monitoring
If the liquid level reaches the maximum probe while the minimum probe and reference probe are
immersed, the output relay changes its switching state. The output relay reverts to its original
switching state as soon as the minimum probe is no longer in contact with the liquid.

One-point monitoring
For closed loop control of only one level, the terminals for Min and Max are bridged on the
filling level monitoring relay. The output relay changes its switching state as soon as the liquid
level has been reached. The output relay reverts to its original switching state as soon as the
probe is no longer in contact with the liquid.

Reset response
For reliable resetting, the rated control supply voltage must be interrupted at least for the set
delay time of +0.5 s.
When the rated control supply voltage is interrupted, the output relay returns to the quiescent
state when the power failure backup time has expired (contact 11‑12 is closed, contact 11‑14
is open). If the rated control supply voltage is switched on again after > 0.5 s + Delay ( t ) (device
reset), the output relay switches depending on the set relay switching behavior.

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3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay
5.3 Functions

Function diagrams 3UG4501

Drainage control (OV 1)), two-point closed-loop Inflow control (UN 2)), two-point closed-loop con‐
control trol
Reset Reset
A1/A2 A1/A2

> 0,5 s + t > 0,5 s + t

Max Max

Min Min
t t t t t t t t

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

t = Delay 0.5 - 10 s t = Delay 0.5 - 10 s

OV = overshoot
UN = undershoot

Drainage control (OV 1)), one-point closed-loop Inflow control (UN 2)), one-point closed-loop con‐
control trol
Reset Reset
A1/A2 A1/A2
> 0,5 s + t > 0,5 s + t

Max Min Max Min

t t t t t t t t

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

t = Delay 0.5 - 10 s t = Delay 0.5 - 10 s

OV = overshoot
UN = undershoot

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3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay
5.5 Diagnostics

5.4 Operation

The following parameters can be set on the relevant rotary button using a screwdriver:

Table 5-2 Parameter information, 3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay

Parameters Operating ele‐ Setting range Increment

ments 2) Minimum value Maximum value
Monitoring mode1): 3 -- -- --
drainage control (OV) or inflow con‐
trol (UN)
Sensor sensitivity (R sens) 4 2 kΩ 200 kΩ Continuous
Tripping delay time (Delay) 5 0.5 s 10 s Continuous
By operating the rotary button, it is possible to choose between drainage control (OV) and
inflow control (UN) depending on the application (one-point control or two-point control).
The position digits refer to the front view in Chapter "Operator controls and connection
terminals (Page 66)."
Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 71)" shows the wiring examples for the different monitoring
The parameters are defined in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)."

Required tools
The same screwdriver can be used to set the parameters as for mounting the filling level
monitoring relays.

5.5 Diagnostics

5.5.1 Diagnostics with LED

Depending on the liquid level, the output relay switches in accordance with its set relay
switching behavior (drainage control OV, inflow control UN). If the output relay responds
(contact 11‑12 open, contact 11-14 closed), the yellow LED next to the contact symbol on the
device cover lights up.

The switching behavior of the output relay is shown in Chapter "Functions (Page 66)."

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3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay
5.6 Circuit diagrams

5.6 Circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagram

3UG4501-.A.30 level monitoring relays

$  0D[ 0LQ 0 


$ ದ  

Wiring examples
Drainage control


11 11
K1 K1
12 14 A1 (+) Max Min M 12 14
A1 (+) Max Min M
3UG45 01 3UG45 01
K1 K1

29 29

A2 (–) A2 (–)


Two-step control One-point closed-loop control

Inflow control


11 11
K1 K1
A1 (+) Max Min M 12 14 A1 (+) Max Min M 12 14
3UG45 01 3UG45 01
K1 K1

81 81

A2 (–) A2 (–)


Two-step control One-point closed-loop control

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3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay
5.7 Technical data

5.7 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

72 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG4.1 line monitoring relay 6
The electronic line monitoring relays permit maximum protection for mobile machines and
plants or in unstable power systems. Using the monitoring relays, line and voltage errors can be
detected early and minimized.
Depending on the version, the electronic line monitoring relays monitor the following:
• Phase sequence
• Phase failure with and without neutral conductor monitoring
• Phase asymmetry
• Undervoltage and/or overvoltage

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.1 Application areas

6.1 Application areas

Application areas
The various line monitoring relays are used, for example, in non-stationary systems such as
refrigeration containers, construction site compressors, and cranes. The devices are used in the
following application areas:

Table 6-1 Application areas of the line monitoring relays

Function Application
Phase sequence • Direction of rotation of the drive
• Refrigeration trucks
• Refrigerators
• Saws
• Pumps
• Rollers
• Transport of persons (elevators, moving staircases and walkways)
Phase failure • A fuse has tripped
• Control supply voltage failure
• Cable break
• Crane systems
• Electrical welding
• Emergency generating sets (banks, hospitals, alarm systems, power
• Transport of persons (elevators, moving staircases and walkways)
Phase asymmetry • Motor protection (overheating of the motor through asymmetric volt‐
• Detection of asymmetric systems
Undervoltage • Increased current on a motor with corresponding overheating
• Unintended device reset
• Mains failure – particularly with battery supply
• Heating systems
• Cranes
• Elevators
• Protection on unstable systems (switchover to emergency current, mon‐
itoring of the generator)
Overvoltage • System protection against destruction caused by supply overvoltages
• Energy supply to the line
• Lamps (UV lamps, laser lamps, OP lighting, tunnels, traffic lights)

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.2 3UG4511 line monitoring relay

6.2 3UG4511 line monitoring relay

6.2.1 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling 3UG4511

Front view Description

 Position digits
L1 L2 L3
① Terminal block (removable)
Connection is possible using screw-type terminals or spring-loaded terminals.
② Circuit diagram
SIRIUS 3 160-260V ③ Device article number
④ Label

⑤ Status display: LED contact symbol (green)
Terminal labels
L1, L2, L3 Rated control supply voltage
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
L1 L2 L3 11

11 Output relay K1 CO contact root

12 14
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
 22 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact (on the 3UG4511‑.B only)
21 Output relay K2 CO contact root (on the 3UG4511‑.B only)
24 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact (on the 3UG4511‑.B only)
12 11 14

22 21 24

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 77)".

6.2.2 Function

General functionality
The 3UG4511 line monitoring relays monitor the phase sequence in a three-phase system.
The devices are self-powered (measuring voltage = rated control supply voltage) and work on
the closed-circuit principle. Depending on the version, the line monitoring relays are powered
with a rated control supply voltage of 160 V to 260 V (3UG4511‑..N20), 320 to 500 V
(3UG4511‑..P20) and 420 to 690 V (3UG4511‑..Q20) through terminals L1 / L2 / L3.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.2 3UG4511 line monitoring relay

All 3UG4511 line monitoring relays feature at least one output relay (output relay K1 CO
contact). The 3UG4511-.B line monitoring relays have an additional relay (output relay K2 CO
contact). Output relay K2 switches synchronously with output relay K1.
No settings are required for operation.

The specified voltages represent the absolute thresholds.

If the correct phase sequences are applied to terminals L1‑L2‑L3, the output relay picks up after
the response time and the "contact symbol" LED lights up green. If the phase sequence is
incorrect, the output relay remains in its quiescent position. After the power system has been
disconnected, the output relays drop out after the response time has expired.

After failure of one phase, motors generate a reverse voltage at the terminal of the failed phase
due to the regenerative power recovery. This can be up to 90 % of the line voltage in magnitude.
Because the 3UG4511 line monitoring relays are not protected against reverse voltage, such a
phase failure is not reliabily detected.
If this type of monitoring is required, the 3UG4512 line monitoring relay should be used, for

You will find the switching states of the output relays below in section "Function diagrams" and
in Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 77)."

Reset response
The device features an autoreset that resets the output relay to its original state after an error
message and rectification of the fault that has occurred.

Function diagrams 3UG4511

Correct phase sequence Incorrect phase sequence

L1-L2-L3 L3-L2-L1

11/14 11/14
ON 11/12
OFF 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.2 3UG4511 line monitoring relay

6.2.3 Diagnostics Diagnostics with LED

Status display
The following information about the operating state is displayed on the 3UG4511 line
monitoring relay:

Operating status LED contact symbol (green) State of the output relay
12/ 11/ 14
22/ 21/ 24
Correct phase sequence On

Incorrect phase sequence Off

You will find more information about the switching behavior of the output relays in Chapter
"Function (Page 75)."

6.2.4 Circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3UG4511

3UG4511‑.A.. line monitoring relays

/ / / 



3UG4511‑.B.. line monitoring relays

/ / /  



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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.2 3UG4511 line monitoring relay

It is not necessary to fuse the measuring circuit to protect the device. Fusing for line protection
depends on the cross-section used.

The 3UG4511 line monitoring relays are only suitable for line frequencies of 50 / 60 Hz!

6.2.5 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

78 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.3 3UG4512 line monitoring relay

6.3 3UG4512 line monitoring relay

6.3.1 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling 3UG4512

Front view Description

 Position digits
L1 L2 L3
① Terminal block (removable)
Connection is possible using screw-type terminals or spring-loaded terminals.
② Circuit diagram
3 160-690V
③ Device article number
④ Label
 ⑤ Status display: LED phase failure / phase sequence (red)
 Phase loss
Phase sequence
⑥ Status display: LED coil symbol (green)
Terminal labels
L1, L2, L3 Rated control supply voltage
L1 L2 L3 11 21 
L 12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact

12 14 22 24 11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
 14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
3UG4512-..... 22 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact (on the 3UG4512‑.B only)
21 Output relay K2 CO contact root (on the 3UG4512‑.B only)
12 11 14
24 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact (on the 3UG4512‑.B only)

22 21 24

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 82)".

6.3.2 Function

General functionality
The 3UG4512 line monitoring relays monitor the phase sequence and the phase failure of one
of the three phases in a three-phase system. The asymmetry threshold is 10 %.
The devices are self-powered (measuring voltage = rated control supply voltage) and work on
the closed-circuit principle. The 3UG4512 line monitoring relays monitor all phases of three-
phase AC networks from 160 to 690 V through terminals L1 / L2 / L3 and also draw power from
all three phases simultaneously.

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.3 3UG4512 line monitoring relay

All 3UG4512 line monitoring relays feature at least one output relay (output relay K1 CO
contact). The 3UG4512-.B line monitoring relays have an additional relay (output relay K2 CO
contact). Output relay K2 switches synchronously with output relay K1.
No settings are required for operation.

The specified voltages represent the absolute thresholds.

Thanks to a special measuring method, a phase failure is detected with certainty despite wide-
range voltage from 160 to 690 V AC and reverse power of up to 90 % from the load in the case
of regenerative power recovery.
If the line voltage is switched on, the LED "coil symbol" will light up green. If the correct phase
sequence is applied to terminals L1‑L2‑L3, the output relays pick up. If the phase sequence is
incorrect, the "phase failure / phase sequence" LED flashes red and the output relays remain in
their quiescent position. On a phase failure, the "phase failure / phase sequence" LED lights up
red continuously and the output relays drop out to protect the application from any damage that
may result.
You will find the switching states of the output relays below in section "Function diagrams" and
in Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 81)."

Reset response
The device features an autoreset function. The autoreset function resets the output relay to its
original state after an error message and rectification of the fault that has occurred.

The red "phase failure / phase sequence" LED is a fault diagnostics display and does not indicate
the current state of the relay!

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.3 3UG4512 line monitoring relay

Function diagrams 3UG4512

Phase failure Incorrect phase sequence

L1-L2-L3 L2-L3 L1-L2-L3 L3-L2-L1


① Red ① Red
② Phase failure ② Phase sequence

6.3.3 Diagnostics Diagnostics with LED

Status display
The following information about the operating state is displayed on the 3UG4512 line
monitoring relay:

Operating state LED State of the output relays

Coil symbol (green) Phase failure / phase se‐ 12/ 11/ 14
quence (red) 22/ 21/ 24
• Supply voltage not present Off Off

• Supply voltage present On Off

• Correct phase sequence
• All phases available
• Supply voltage present On flashing
• Incorrect phase sequence

• Supply voltage present On On

• Phase failure

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.3 3UG4512 line monitoring relay

You will find more information about the switching behavior of the output relays in Chapter
"Function (Page 79)".

6.3.4 Circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3UG4512

3UG4512‑.A.. line monitoring relays

/ / / 



3UG4512‑.B.. line monitoring relays

/ / /  



It is not necessary to fuse the measuring circuit to protect the device. Fusing for line protection
depends on the cross-section used.

The 3UG4512 line monitoring relays are only suitable for line frequencies of 50 / 60 Hz!

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

82 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.3 3UG4512 line monitoring relay

6.3.5 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.4 3UG4513 line monitoring relay

6.4 3UG4513 line monitoring relay

6.4.1 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling 3UG4513

Front view Description

 Position digits
L1 L2 L3
① Terminal block (removable)
Connection is possible using screw-type terminals or spring-loaded terminals.
② Rotary button for setting the nominal line voltage (3~Un)
3 160-690V ③ Rotary button for setting the tripping delay (Delay)
3 Un ④ Device article number
 400 500
 ⑤ Label

Function symbol
200 690V
Phase loss
Phase sequence ⑦ Status display: LED phase failure / phase sequence (red)

8 12 Status display: LED coil symbol (green)
 L1 L2 L3

L 4 16
Terminal labels
L1, L2, L3 Rated control supply voltage
< Un

0,1 20 s

 12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact

11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
12 11 14 22 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact

21 Output relay K2 CO contact root
22 21 24 24 Output relay K2 CO contact NO contact

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 88)".

6.4.2 Function

General functionality
The 3UG4513 line monitoring relays monitor for phase sequence, phase failure of one of the
three phases, and undershoot of at least one line-to-line voltage of the set nominal line voltage
by 20 % in a three-phase system.
The devices are self-powered (measuring voltage = rated control supply voltage) and work on
the closed-circuit principle. The 3UG4513 line monitoring relays monitor all phases of three-
phase AC networks from 160 to 690 V through terminals L1 / L2 / L3 and also draw power from
all three phases simultaneously.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.4 3UG4513 line monitoring relay

The 3UG4513 line monitoring relay features two rotary buttons for setting the trip delay (Delay)
and the nominal line voltage (Un 3AC).
The hysteresis is 5 % of the set value of the nominal line voltage.
The 3UG4513 line monitoring relays feature 2 output relays (output relay K1 and output relay
K2). The relays work synchronously.

The specified voltages represent the absolute thresholds.

If the line voltage is switched on, the LED "coil symbol" will light up green. If the correct phase
sequence is applied to terminals L1‑L2‑L3 and if the monitored line-to-line voltage is in the
permissible range of the set nominal line voltage (Un 3AC), the output relays pick up.
If the phase sequence is incorrect, the "phase failure / phase sequence" LED flashes red and the
output relays remain in their quiescent position.
If the monitored line-to-line voltage falls symmetrically (all three phase voltages at the same
time) or asymmetrically (only one phase voltage) to more than 20 % below the value for the
nominal line voltage set on the front of the device, after the time set on the front has elapsed
(Delay), the output relays will drop out and the "phase failure / phase sequence" LED will light up
red continuously. On a phase failure, the "phase failure / phase sequence" LED lights up red
continuously and the output relays drop out to protect the application from any damage that
may result. The set delay time has no effect on the phase failure monitoring.
Thanks to a special measuring method, a phase failure is detected with certainty despite wide-
range voltage from 160 to 690 V AC and reverse power of up to 80 % from the load in the case
of regenerative power recovery.
You will find the switching states of the output relays below in section "Function diagrams" and
in Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 87)."

Reset response
The device features an autoreset that resets the output relays to their original state after an error
message and rectification of the fault that has occurred.

The red LED is a fault diagnostics display and does not indicate the current state of the relay!

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.4 3UG4513 line monitoring relay

Function diagrams 3UG4513

Phase failure and undervoltage Incorrect phase sequence

L1-L2-L3 L2-L3 L1-L2-L3 L3-L2-L1
-20 %
3~ n 11/14
LED 1 2

2 3

① LED phase failure / phase sequence: Red ① LED phase failure / phase sequence: Red
② Phase failure ② Phase sequence
③ Tripping delay time
④ Hysteresis

6.4.3 Operation

The following parameters can be set on the relevant rotary button using a screwdriver:

Table 6-2 Parameter information, 3UG4513 line monitoring relay

Parameters Control ele‐ Setting range Increment

ment 1) Minimum value Maximum value
Tripping delay time (Delay) 3 0.1 s 20 s Continuous
Nominal line voltage (3~Un) 2 200 V 690 V 2) Continuous
The position digits refer to the front view in Chapter "Operator controls and connection
terminals (Page 84)."
absolute threshold
The parameters are described in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)."

Required tools
The same screwdriver can be used to set the parameters as for mounting the line monitoring

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.4 3UG4513 line monitoring relay

6.4.4 Diagnostics Diagnostics with LED

Status display
The following information about the operating state is displayed on the 3UG4513 line
monitoring relays:

Operating status LED State of the output

Coil symbol (green) Phase fail‐ 12/ 11/ 14
ure / phase se‐ 22/ 21/ 24
quence (red)
• Supply voltage not present Off Off

• Supply voltage present On Off

• Correct phase sequence
• All phases available
• Line-to-line voltage OK
• Supply voltage present On flashing
• Incorrect phase sequence

• Supply voltage present On On

• Phase failure

• Supply voltage present On On

• Line-to-line voltage under‐

You will find more information about the switching behavior of the output relays in Chapter
"Function (Page 84)."

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.4 3UG4513 line monitoring relay

6.4.5 Circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3UG4513 line monitoring relay

/ / /  



It is not necessary to fuse the measuring circuit to protect the device. Fusing for line protection
depends on the cross-section used.

The 3UG4513 line monitoring relays are only suitable for line frequencies of 50 / 60 Hz!

6.4.6 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.5 3UG4614 line monitoring relay

6.5 3UG4614 line monitoring relay

6.5.1 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling 3UG4614

Front view Description

 Position digits
L1 L2 L3
① Terminal block (removable):
Connection is possible using screw terminals or spring-loaded terminals.
② Arrow keys for menu navigation
SIRIUS 3 160-690V ③ SET key for menu navigation
 ④ Device article number
⑤ Label

onDel -> Power on delay
Del -> Umin/Asym delay
⑥ Legend for menu
Mem ? -> Memory?
? -> Phase sequence?
NC -> Circuit principle 
⑦ Display for parameterization, actual-value indication, and diagnostics
Terminal labels

L1, L2, L3 Rated control supply voltage
 12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
 11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
3UG4614-..... 14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
22 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact
12 11 14
21 Output relay K2 CO contact root

24 Output relay K2 CO contact NO contact
22 21 24

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 94)".

6.5.2 Functions

General functionality
The 3UG4614 line monitoring relays monitor a three-phase system for phase
asymmetry, undervoltage, phase failure, and phase sequence.
The devices feature a wide-range voltage input and are self-powered (measuring voltage
= rated control supply voltage). The 3UG4614 line monitoring relays monitor all phases of three-
phase AC networks from 160 to 690 V through terminals L1 / L2 / L3 and also draw power from
all three phases simultaneously.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.5 3UG4614 line monitoring relay

The 3UG4614 line monitoring relays feature 2 output relays (output relay K1 and output relay
K2). The relays work synchronously.
You will find the setting ranges and factory settings of the available parameters in Chapter
"Operation (Page 92)."
You will find a description of the individual parameters in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)."

The specified voltages represent the absolute thresholds.

The output relays respond in accordance with the set relay switching behavior (closed-circuit
principle NC or open-circuit principle NO) if the following conditions are met:
• The correct phase sequence is present at terminals L1‑L2‑L3
• The monitored voltage (Ux-y) is larger than the set value
• The voltage asymmetry (Asy) is smaller than the set value
If a fault occurs (phase failure, incorrect phase sequence, or phase asymmetry), the output
relays switch in accordance with the relay switching behavior.

The line-to-line voltages are measured as a reference for voltage asymmetry and phase failure

In the case of incorrect direction of rotation, the 3UG4614 line monitoring relays immediately
shut down. Thanks to a special measuring method, a phase failure is reliably detected despite a
wide voltage range of 160 to 690 V AC and feedback of up to 80% by the load, even in case of
regenerative feedback.
If one of the phases fails, the output relays are switched off immediately to protect the
application from consequential damage. Set delay times have no effect on the phase failure

The 3UG4614 line monitoring relays are only suitable for line frequencies of 50 / 60 Hz.

Startup delay
After applying the supply voltage or resetting the monitoring relays, the set ON-delay begins
(onDel). During this time, undershooting or overshooting of the set threshold values will not
cause the CO contact to respond but instead will result in a restart of the ON-delay.
Tripping delay
If the measured value overshoots or undershoots the set threshold after expiry of the ON-delay
time (onDel), the set tripping delay time (Del) and the relay symbol will flash. After expiry of this

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.5 3UG4614 line monitoring relay

time, the output relays change the switching state. On the display, the current measuring value
and the symbol for undershoot or overshoot flash.
You will find the switching states of the output relays below in section "Function diagrams" and
in Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 93)".

Function diagrams 3UG4614

Display Memory = no Memory = no

Relay switching behavior = NC Relay switching behavior = NO
(closed-circuit principle) (open-circuit principle)

L3-L2-L1 L3-L2-L1
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

L1-L2-L3 L2-L3 L1-L2-L3 L1-L2-L3 L2-L3 L1-L2-L3
L1-L2-L3-N L1-L2-L3 L1-L2-L3-N L1-L2-L3-N L1-L2-L3 L1-L2-L3-N

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

Ux-y >
U Hyst U Hyst
Ux-y Ux-y

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

onDel Del onDel Del

> ! Asy ! Asy
Hyst, 2% Hyst, 2%
0% 0%

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

onDel Del onDel Del

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.5 3UG4614 line monitoring relay

6.5.3 Operation

Parameterization of the devices is possible locally using the display and the three keys.

Parameter information
The table below shows the settable parameter information of the 3UG4614 line monitoring

Table 6-3 Parmeter information, 3UG4614 line monitoring relays with digital setting

Menu Parameters Setting range Increment Factory setting

level Minimum value Maximum val‐
"RUN" Threshold for undershoot (U▼) 160 V 690 V 1V 375 V
"RUN" Threshold for voltage asymme‐ 5 % or OFF 20 % 1% 5%
try (Asy)
"SET" Hysteresis (Hyst) 1V 20 V 1V 5V
"SET" Stabilization delay (onDel) 0.1 s 20 s 0.1 s 0.1 s
"SET" Tripping delay time (Del) (on un‐ 0.1 s 20 s 0.1 s 0.1 s
dervoltage or overshoot of the
asymmetry value)
"SET" Reset response (Mem) no = Autoreset yes = HandRESET -- no = Autoreset
"SET" Phase sequence monitoring no yes -- yes
( )
"SET" Relay switching behavior NC NO -- NC
(closed-circuit principle NC /
open-circuit principle NO)

The parameters are described in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)."

Menu-based operation is described in Chapter "Menu-based operation (Page 37)."

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.5 3UG4614 line monitoring relay

6.5.4 Diagnostics Indications on the display

Display information
The display is divided into three different areas.

3 2

① Voltage measured value or fault symbol

② Type of monitoring
③ Symbols of the changeover contacts

Meaning of the information on the display

Indications in the event of a fault
The symbols on the display flash to indicate an error.

The following statuses and line faults are indicated as a diagnostics message with flashing

Dis‐ Symbol Meaning

① 200V Measured line-to-line voltage (L1 - L2) is displayed
① L Flashing: Phase failure detected
① Flashing: Incorrect phase sequence detected
① Asym Flashing: Voltage asymmetry detected
② Monitoring for overshoot of the voltage asymmetry

② Monitoring for voltage undershoot

② Voltage is in correct range
② A voltage overshoot has occurred
② A voltage undershoot has occurred
③ • Not flashing: Relay contact 11/12 open, relay contact 11/14 closed
• Flashing: Delay time (ON-delay or tripping delay) running
• Masked out: Relay contact 11/12 closed, relay contact 11/14 open
③ • Not flashing: Relay contact 21/22 open, relay contact 21/24 closed
• Flashing: Delay time (ON-delay or tripping delay) running
• Masked out: Relay contact 21/22 closed, relay contact 21/24 open

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6.5 3UG4614 line monitoring relay

You will find more information about the switching behavior of the output relays in Chapter
"Functions (Page 89)". Reset

How the outputs are reset depends on the "Reset response" parameter (see Chapter "Reset
response (Page 265)").
The following settings can be selected:
• Automatic reset (Memory = O / Mem = no)
The device is reset automatically as soon as a previously occurring error has been dealt with.
• Manual RESET (Memory = I / Mem = yes)
To reset the devices with digital setting, it is necessary to press both arrow keys
simultaneously for more than 2.5 s after removal of the cause of error. If the cause of the error
has not been removed, a new error message appears immediately. Alternatively, the devices
can be reset by switching the rated control supply voltage on and off.

6.5.5 Circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3UG4614 line monitoring relay

/ / /  



Figure 6-1 3UG4614

It is not necessary to fuse the measuring circuit to protect the device. Fusing for line protection
depends on the cross-section used.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.5 3UG4614 line monitoring relay

6.5.6 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.6 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays

6.6 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays

6.6.1 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling 3UG4615/ 3UG4616

Front view Description

3/N 90-400VN Position digits
① Terminal block (removable)

L1 L2 L3 Connection is possible using screw-type terminals or spring-loaded terminals.
② Arrow keys for menu navigation
③ SET key for menu navigation

④ Device article number
3 160-690V
⑤ Label

⑥ Legend for menu
⑦ Display for parameterization, actual-value indication, and diagnostics

U Del -> Umin delay
U Del -> Umax delay
Mem ? -> Memory? Terminal labels

? -> Phase sequence?
NC -> Circuit principle L1, L2, L3 Rated control supply voltage
 N Neutral conductor (only on 3UG4616)
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact

11 Output relay K1 CO contact root

3UG4616-..... 14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
22 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact
21 Output relay K2 CO contact root
12 11 14
 24 Output relay K2 CO contact NO contact

22 21 24

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 102)".

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

96 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.6 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays

6.6.2 Functions

General functionality
The 3UG4615 line monitoring relays monitor a three-phase system for phase
failure, undervoltage, overvoltage, and phase sequence.

The 3UG4616 line monitoring relays have the same functions as the 3UG4615 monitoring relays
and also monitor the neutral conductor for failure.

The devices feature a wide-range voltage input and are self-powered (measuring voltage
= rated control supply voltage). Depending on the version, the line monitoring relays are
powered with a line-to-line voltage of 160 to 690 V (3UG4615) or with a line-to-neutral voltage
of 90 to 400 V (3UG4616) through terminals L1 / L2 / L3.
The 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays feature 2 output relays (output relay K1 and
output relay K2).
The 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays have a display and are parameterized with three
You will find the setting ranges and factory settings of the available parameters in Chapter
"Operation (Page 99)."
You will find a description of the individual parameters in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)."

The specified voltages represent the absolute thresholds.

The 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays have two output relays. With output relay K1,
a three-phase system is monitored for undervoltage. With output relay K2, a three-phase system
is monitored for overvoltage.
The output relays respond in accordance with the set relay switching behavior (closed-circuit
principle NC or open-circuit principle NO).
If a fault occurs (phase failure, incorrect phase sequence, voltage undershoot or voltage
overshoot), the output relays switch in accordance with the relay switching behavior. In the case
of voltage undershoot or voltage overshoot, the output relays do not respond until expiry of the
set tripping delay time (U▼Del and U▲Del).
In the case of incorrect direction of rotation, the devices immediately shut down.
The display indicates the following voltages in the case of the line monitoring relays:
• 3UG4615: Line-to-line voltage between L1 and L2, L1 and L3, L2 and L3
• 3UG4616: Line-to-neutral voltage between L1 and N, L2 and N, L3 and N

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.6 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays

Thanks to a special measuring method, a phase failure is detected with certainty despite wide-
range voltage from 160 to 690 V AC and reverse power of up to 80 % from the load in the case
of regenerative power recovery.
On failure of one of the phases (or neutral conductor failure for the 3UG4616 line monitoring
relays), the output relays drop out immediately to protect the application from any damage that
may result. Set delay times have no effect on the phase failure monitoring.

The 3UG4615 and 3UG4616 line monitoring relays are only suitable for line frequencies of 50 /
60 Hz!

You will find the switching states of the output relays below in section "Function diagrams" and
in Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 100)."

Function diagrams 3UG4615 / 3UG4616

Display Memory = no Memory = no

Relay switching behavior = NC Relay switching behavior = NO
(closed-circuit principle) (open-circuit principle)

L3-L2-L1 L3-L2-L1
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

LN L1-L2-L3 L2-L3 L1-L2-L3 L1-L2-L3 L2-L3 L1-L2-L3
L1-L2-L3-N L1-L2-L3 L1-L2-L3-N L1-L2-L3-N L1-L2-L3 L1-L2-L3-N

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.6 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays

Display Memory = no Memory = no

Relay switching behavior = NC Relay switching behavior = NO
(closed-circuit principle) (open-circuit principle)
U Hyst U Hyst
Ux-y Ux-y

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

U Del U Del

> !U !U
Hyst Hyst
Ux-y Ux-y

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

U Del U Del

6.6.3 Operation

Parameterization of the devices is possible locally using the display and the three keys.

Parameter information
The table below shows the settable parameter information of the 3UG4615 and 3UG4616 line
monitoring relays:

Table 6-4 Parmeter information, 3UG4615 and 3UG4616 line monitoring relays with digital setting

Menu Parameters Setting range Increment Factory setting

level Minimum value Maximum val‐
"RUN" Threshold for undershoot (U▼) 160 V1) 690 V1) 1V 375 V1)
90 V2) 400 V2) 215 V2)
"RUN" Threshold for overshoot (U▲) 160 V1) 690 V1) 1V 425 V1)
90 V2) 400 V2) 245 V2)
"SET" Hysteresis (Hyst) 1.0 V 20.0 V 1V 5.0 V
"SET" Tripping delay time (U▼Del) 0.1 s 20.0 s 0.1 s 0.1 s

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.6 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays

Menu Parameters Setting range Increment Factory setting

level Minimum value Maximum val‐
"SET" Tripping delay time (U▲Del) 0.1 s 20.0 s 0.1 s 0.1 s
"SET" Reset response (Mem) no = Autoreset yes = Hand‑RE‐ -- no = Autoreset
"SET" Phase sequence monitoring no yes -- no
( )
"SET" Relay switching behavior NC NO -- NC
(closed-circuit principle NC /
open-circuit principle NO)
3UG4615 line monitoring relay
3UG4616 line monitoring relay
The parameters are described in the Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".
Menu-based operation is described in the Chapter "Menu-based operation (Page 37)".

6.6.4 Diagnostics Indications on the display

Display information
The display is divided into three different areas.

3 2

① Voltage measured value or fault symbol

② Type of monitoring
③ Symbols of the changeover contacts

Meaning of the information on the display

Indications in the event of a fault
The symbols on the display flash to indicate an error.

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6.6 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays

The following statuses and line faults are indicated as a diagnostics message with flashing

Display Symbol Meaning

① 200V Measured voltage is displayed
① Lx Flashing: Phase failure detected
① Flashing: Incorrect phase sequence detected
② Monitoring for voltage overshoot

② Monitoring for voltage undershoot

② Range monitoring (monitoring for voltage overshoot and undershoot)

② Voltage is in correct range

② A voltage overshoot has occurred
② A voltage undershoot has occurred
③ U▼ • Not flashing: Relay contact 11/12 open, relay contact 11/14 closed
• Flashing: Delay time (tripping delay) is running
• Masked out: Relay contact 11/12 closed, relay contact 11/14 open
③ U▲ • Not flashing: Relay contact 21/22 open, relay contact 21/24 closed
• Flashing: Delay time (tripping delay) is running
• Masked out: Relay contact 21/22 closed, relay contact 21/24 open

On phase failure or phase sequence error, both CO contacts respond.

If the monitoring relays are used downstream of a frequency converter, it is necessary to obtain
a waveform without additional zero crossings of the voltage. This can be achieved with the help
of a sine-wave filter.

You will find more information about the switching behavior of the output relays in Chapter
"Functions (Page 97)". Reset

How the outputs are reset depends on the "Reset response" parameter (see Chapter "Reset
response (Page 265)").

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.6 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays

The following settings can be selected:

• Automatic reset (Memory = O / Mem = no)
The device is reset automatically as soon as a previously occurring error has been dealt with.
• Manual RESET (Memory = I / Mem = yes)
To reset the devices with digital setting, it is necessary to press both arrow keys
simultaneously for more than 2.5 s after removal of the cause of error. If the cause of the error
has not been removed, a new error message appears immediately. Alternatively, the devices
can be reset by switching the rated control supply voltage on and off.

6.6.5 Circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3UG4615 / 3UG4616

3UG4615 line monitoring relay

/ / /  



3UG4616 line monitoring relay

1 / / /  



It is not necessary to fuse the measuring circuit to protect the device. Fusing for line protection
depends on the cross-section used.

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.6 3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays

6.6.6 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.7 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays

6.7 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays

6.7.1 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling 3UG4617 / 3UG4618

Front view Description

3/N 90-400VN Position digits
① Terminal block (removable):
 Connection is possible using screw terminals or spring-loaded terminals.
L1 L2 L3
② Arrow keys for menu navigation
③ SET key for menu navigation

④ Device article number
3 160-690V
⑤ Label

⑥ Legend for menu
⑦ Display for parameterization, actual-value indication, and diagnostics
 Del -> Umin/Umax/
Asym delay
Mem ? -> Memory?
Terminal labels
 L1, L2, L3 Rated control supply voltage
 N Neutral conductor (on 3UG4618 only)
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact

11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
 14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
22 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact
21 Output relay K2 CO contact root
12 11 14
 24 Output relay K2 CO contact NO contact

22 21 24

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 111)".

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.7 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays

6.7.2 Functions

General functionality
The 3UG4617 line monitoring relays monitor a three-phase system for phase sequence, phase
failure, phase asymmetry, undervoltage, and overvoltage.

The 3UG4618 line monitoring relays have the same functions as the 3UG4617 monitoring relays
and also monitor the neutral conductor for failure.

The devices feature a wide-range voltage input and are self-powered (measuring voltage
= rated control supply voltage) and work on the closed-circuit principle. Depending on the
version, the line monitoring relays are powered with a line-to-line voltage of 160 to 690 V
(3UG4617) and with a line-to-neutral voltage of 90 to 400 V (3UG4618) through terminals
L1 / L2 / L3.
The 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays have a display and are parameterized with three
You will find the setting ranges and factory settings of the available parameters in Chapter
"Operation (Page 108)."
You will find a description of the individual parameters in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)."

The specified voltages represent the absolute thresholds.

Output relay K1 is for warning or shutdown on faults in the power system (voltage, asymmetry).
Output relay K2 responds differently depending on the phase sequence.
Phase sequence
If the correct phase sequence is applied to terminals L1‑L2‑L3, output relay K2 (relay contact
21-22-24) picks up. This is represented by a relay symbol on the display. If the phase sequence
is incorrect, output relay K2 will not pick up. An error is not indicated on the display; only the relay
symbol remains in the disconnected state.
Undervoltage or overvoltage
If the monitored voltages (Ux-y) are larger than the set lower voltage value (U▼) and smaller
than the set upper voltage value (U▲), i.e. they are within the voltage limits and the line voltage
asymmetry (Asy) is less than the set value, the output relay K1 (relay contact 11‑12‑14) picks up
approx. 50 ms after the response of output relay K2 (relay contact 21‑22‑24).

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.7 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays

The display indicates the following voltages in the case of the line monitoring relays:
• 3UG4617: Line-to-line voltage between L1 and L2, L1 and L3, L2 and L3
• 3UG4618: Line-to-neutral voltage between L1 and N, L2 and N, L3 and N
Phase failure
In the case of a phase failure (or neutral conductor failure for the 3UG4618 line monitoring
relays), output relay K1 (relay contact 11‑12‑14) drops out without delay to protect the
application from any damage that may result. Set delay times have no effect on phase failure
In the case of voltage undershoot, voltage overshoot, or asymmetry overshoot faults, output
relay K1 drops out after the set tripping delay time (Del).
Thanks to a special measuring method, a phase failure is detected with certainty despite wide-
range voltage from 160 to 690 V AC and reverse power of up to 80 % from the load in the case
of regenerative power recovery.
Incorrect direction of rotation
With the CO contact 21‑22‑24 of the output relay K2, for example, an incorrectly fed phase
sequence for a load connected downstream can be automatically corrected using an external
reversing combination. The Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 111)" provides an example of wiring
for automatic phase correction.

The 3UG4617 and 3UG4618 line monitoring relays only evaluate the phase sequence while all
3 phases are present. For safety reasons, the phase sequence is not reevaluated after 2-phase
operation or a phase failure after which the third phase has appeared. In this case, the output
relay for the phase rotation remains in its last switching state. The phase sequence is not
reevaluated until after the device has been reset or all 3 phases have been simultaneously
switched off and on again.

The 3UG4617 and 3UG4618 line monitoring relays are only suitable for line frequencies of 50 /
60 Hz!

You will find the switching states of the output relays below in the Section "Function diagrams"
and in the Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 109)."

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.7 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays

Function diagrams 3UG4617 / 3UG4618

Display Correct phase sequence L1‑L2‑L3 Incorrect phase sequence L3‑L2‑L1

Memory = no Memory = no
LN L1-L2-L3 L2-L3 L1-L2-L3 L1-L2-L3 L2-L3 L1-L2-L3
L1-L2-L3-N L1-L2-L3 L1-L2-L3-N L1-L2-L3-N L1-L2-L3 L1-L2-L3-N

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

50 ms 50 ms

Ux-y >
U Hyst U Hyst
Ux-y Ux-y

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

50 ms Del 50 ms Del

> !U !U
Hyst Hyst
Ux-y Ux-y

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

50 ms Del 50 ms Del

> ! Asy ! Asy
Hyst, 2% Hyst, 2%
0% 0%

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

50 ms Del 50 ms Del

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.7 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays

6.7.3 Operation

Parameterization of the devices is possible locally using the display and the three keys.

3 2

Parameter information
The table below shows the settable parameter information of the 3UG4617 and 3UG4618 line
monitoring relays:

Table 6-5 Parmeter information, 3UG4617 and 3UG4618 line monitoring relays with digital setting

Menu Parameters Setting range Increment Factory setting

level Minimum value Maximum val‐
"RUN" Threshold for voltage under‐ 160 V1) 690 V1) 1V 375 V1)
shoot (U▼) 90 V2) 400 V2) 215 V2)
"RUN" Threshold for voltage overshoot 160 V1) 690 V1) 1V 425 V1)
(U▲) 90 V2) 400 V2) 245 V2)
"RUN" Voltage asymmetry (Asy) 5 % or OFF 20 % 1% OFF
"SET" Hysteresis (Hyst) 1V 20.0 V 1V 5V
"SET" Tripping delay time (Del) 0.1 s 20.0 s 0.1 s 0.1 s
"SET" Reset response (Mem) no = Autoreset yes = Hand‑RE‐ -- no = Autoreset
3UG4617 line monitoring relay
3UG4618 line monitoring relay
The parameters are described in the Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".
Menu-based operation is described in the Chapter "Menu-based operation (Page 37)".

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.7 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays

6.7.4 Diagnostics Indications on the display

Display information
The display is divided into three different areas.

3 2

① Voltage measured value or fault symbol

② Type of monitoring
③ Symbols of the changeover contacts

Meaning of the information on the display

Indications in the event of a fault
The symbols on the display flash to indicate an error.

The following statuses and line faults are indicated as a diagnostics message with flashing

Display Symbol Meaning

① 200V Measured voltage is displayed
① L Flashing: Phase failure detected
① Asym Flashing: Line voltage asymmetry detected
② Monitoring for voltage overshoot

② Monitoring for voltage undershoot

② Range monitoring (monitoring for voltage overshoot and under‐
② Voltage is in correct range
② A voltage overshoot has occurred
② A voltage undershoot has occurred
③ Error • Not flashing: Relay contact 11/12 open, relay contact 11/14
• Flashing: Delay time (tripping delay) is running
• Masked out: Relay contact 11/12 closed, relay contact 11/14

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6.7 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays

Display Symbol Meaning

③ • Not flashing: Relay contact 21/22 open, relay contact 21/24
• Masked out: Relay contact 21/22 closed, relay contact 21/24

CO contact 1 switches on all types of error.
CO contact 2 is for operating a reversing combination.

You will find more information about the switching behavior of the output relays in Chapter
"Functions (Page 105)". Reset

How the outputs are reset depends on the "Reset response" parameter (see Chapter "Reset
response (Page 265)").
The following settings can be selected:
• Automatic reset (Memory = O / Mem = no)
The device is reset automatically as soon as a previously occurring error has been dealt with.
• Manual RESET (Memory = I / Mem = yes)
To reset the devices with digital setting, it is necessary to press both arrow keys
simultaneously for more than 2.5 s after removal of the cause of error. If the cause of the error
has not been removed, a new error message appears immediately. Alternatively, the devices
can be reset by switching the rated control supply voltage on and off.

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.7 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays

6.7.5 Circuit diagrams Internal circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagram 3UG4617 / 3UG4618

3UG4617 line monitoring relay

/ / /  



3UG4618 line monitoring relay

1 / / /  



It is not necessary to fuse the measuring circuit to protect the device. Fusing for line protection
depends on the cross-section used.

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3UG4.1 line monitoring relay
6.7 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays Wiring examples

Automatic phase correction


3UG4617 H1
K1 ⊗
14 K4 K3
K2 21
N K3 K4
N 3~

Figure 6-2 3UG4617 / 3UG4618 automatic phase correction

6.7.6 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

112 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays 7
7.1 Application areas

Application areas
The current monitoring relays are used, for example, in the following applications:

Table 7-1 Application areas of the current monitoring relays

Function Application
• Undercurrent monitoring and overcurrent mon‐ • Threshold switch for analog signals from 4 to 20
itoring mA
• Monitoring the functionality of electrical loads • Emergency lighting (failure of a lamp → drop in
• Wire-break monitoring current strength in the system)
• Heating systems (electroplating plants, plastic
injection machines, paintshops)
• Lamps (tunnels, OP lighting, traffic lights, sig‐
nal systems, UV lamps, infrared radiators, laser

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3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays
7.3 Functions

7.2 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling 3UG4621 / 3UG4622

Front view Description

 Position digits
A1+ 24V IN M
① Terminal block (removable):
Connection is possible using screw terminals or spring-loaded terminals
② Arrow keys for menu navigation
SIRIUS 1 3-500mA ③ SET key for menu navigation
 ④ Device article number
⑤ Label
 onDel -> Current on delay
Del -> Imin/Imax delay
⑥ Legend for menu
Mem ? -> Memory?
NC -> Circuit principle

⑦ Display for parameterization, actual-value indication, and diagnostics
Terminal labels

A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
 A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
 M (GND) Measuring signal input -
IN Measuring signal input +
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
A2- 11 Output relay K1 CO contact root

14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
12 11 14

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 121)".

7.3 Functions

General functionality
Depending on the set threshold, the 3UG4621 / 3UG4622 current monitoring relays monitor a
single-phase AC load current (RMS value) or DC load current flowing over terminals IN and M of
the device for overshoot (I▲) or undershoot (I▼) or in range monitoring (I▲ and I▼). The
devices differ by their measuring ranges and versions with different rated control supply
voltages. The true root mean square value (tRMS) of the current is measured. Depending on
their design, the current monitoring relays are powered with a rated control supply voltage of
24 V AC/DC or 24 to 240 V AC/DC supply voltage through terminals A1/A2.
The 3UG4621 / 3UG4622 current monitoring relays have a display and are parameterized with
three keys.
You will find the setting ranges and factory settings of the available parameters in Chapter
"Operation (Page 119)."

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3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays
7.3 Functions

You will find a description of the individual parameters in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)."

If the rated control supply voltage is switched on and no load current is as yet flowing, the display
indicates 0.0 mA (on the 3UG4621) or 0.00 A (on the 3UG4622) and shows a symbol for current
overshoot monitoring, current undershoot monitoring, or range monitoring.
ON-delay time
If the load current overshoots the lower measuring range limit 3 mA (3UG4621) or 50 mA
(3UG4622), the set ON-delay time begins (onDel). During this time, undershooting or
overshooting of the set threshold values will not result in a relay response of the CO contact.
Tripping delay
If a threshold is reached, the output relay K1 responds after expiry of the tripping delay time
(I ▼ D el) depending on the set relay switching behavior. An output change-over contact is

available as a signaling contact.

For AC currents I > 10 A, commercially available current transformers, e.g. 4NC, can be used as
accessories. You will find more information in Catalog LV10 (https://

Relay switching behavior

The relay switching behavior can be defined in order to adapt the current monitoring relay to
different external circuit connections and applications.
If the closed-circuit principle (NC) is set, active switching of the relay when no fault is pending
also ensures that a power failure is detected as a fault. If the open-circuit principle (NO) is set,
active switching of the relay only when a fault occurs means that a power failure is not detected
as a fault.
With the setting US = on, the relay switches to the correct state when the supply voltage is applied
but waits to detect the current flow before actually monitoring. The monitoring relay is thus
switched on without generating an error message because, for example. the motor is not yet
running and no current is flowing.
With parameterization NC / US = on, a motor can also be switched directly by closing the
monitoring relay if the output relay K1 switches the contactor coil voltage. However, a defect
that prevents current from flowing is not signaled with this setting. In this case, setting the relay
switching behavior to NC / I > 3 mA (3UG4621) or NC / I > 50 mA (3UG4622) is appropriate. When
the supply voltage is applied, the output relay K1 is switched to the operate condition and the
ON-delay time (onDel) is started. If current is not yet flowing normally after this time has
elapsed, the output relay will switch back to the fault condition.
If a motor is not to be started directly using the monitoring relay, but in parallel using a
pushbutton, with the monitoring relay ensuring the contactor holding, the switching behavior
can be set accordingly.
With the setting I > 3 mA (3UG4621) or I > 50 mA (3UG4622) in combination with a set ON-delay
time onDel = 0, output relay K1 will only switch to the OK condition if a current is actually

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3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays
7.3 Functions

measured. In this case, the monitoring relay will hold the contactor until a fault occurs or the
current flow is interrupted by a further button or switch. If an ON-delay time is necessary, initial
switching of the output relay on application of the supply voltage or on starting the ON-delay
time must be suppressed by means of external logic.

The name of the parameter values is based on the assumption that the ON-delay time onDel = 0
is set. The output relay K1 then responds either immediately when the supply voltage US is
applied or after measurement of a current flow on the set NC or NO working principle.

You will find the switching states of the output relay below in the section entitled "Function
diagrams" and in Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 120)."

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3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays
7.3 Functions

Function diagrams (from application of the rated control supply voltage US = on)

Display Memory = no Memory = no

Relay switching behavior = NC (closed-circuit prin‐ Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit princi‐
ciple) ple)
US = on US = on

A1-A2 A1-A2
-!, -!, 
I > = off
I I
Hyst Hyst
J=0 J=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

onDel IDel onDel IDel

I > = off A1-A2 A1-A2

I >
J< I J< I
Hyst Hyst
I I
J=0 J=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

onDel IDel onDel IDel

I> A1-A2 A1-A2

I >
J>I J< I J>I J< I
I Hyst
I Hyst

Hyst Hyst
J=0 J=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

onDel I Del I Del onDel I Del I Del

I Del I Del I Del I Del

J = Currently measured current value

I = set threshold value for the current

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3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays
7.3 Functions

Function diagrams (on reaching the lower measuring range limit of the measuring current
I > 3 mA / 50 mA)

Display Memory = no Memory = no

Relay switching behavior = NC (closed-circuit prin‐ Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit princi‐
ciple) ple)
I > 3 mA / 50 mA I > 3 mA / 50 mA
A1-A2 A1-A2

J> I J> I
I > = off
Hyst Hyst Hyst Hyst
J=0 J=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

onDel onDel I Del onDel onDel I Del

I > = off A1-A2 A1-A2

I >
J<I Hyst J <I Hyst
J=0 J=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

onDel I Del onDel I Del

onDel onDel

I> A1-A2 A1-A2

I >
J >I J <I J >I J<I
I Hyst
I Hyst

Hyst Hyst
J=0 J=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

onDel I Del I Del onDel I Del I Del

onDel onDel
I Del I Del I Del I Del

J = Currently measured current value

I = set threshold value for the current

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3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays
7.4 Operation

7.4 Operation

Parameterization of the devices is possible locally using the display and the three keys.

Parameter information
The table below shows the settable parameter information of the 3UG4621 and 3UG4622
current monitoring relays:

Table 7-2 Parmeter information, 3UG4621 and 3UG4622 current monitoring relays with digital setting

Menu Parameters Setting range Increment Factory setting

level Minimum value Maximum value
"RUN" Threshold for undershoot (I▼) 3.0 mA or OFF1) 500 mA1) 0.1 mA1) 50 mA1)
0.05 A or OFF2) 10.0 A2) 0.01 A2) 1.5 A2)
"RUN" Threshold for overshoot (I▲) 3.0 mA1) 500 mA or OFF1) 0.1 mA1) 150 mA1)
0.05 A2) 10.0 A or OFF2) 0.01 A2) 2.5 A2)
"SET" Hysteresis (Hyst) 0.1 mA1) 250.0 mA1) 0.1 mA1) 10.0 mA1)
0.01 A2) 5.0 A2) 0.01 A2) 0.5 A2)
"SET" ON-delay time (onDel) 0.1 s 20 s 0.1 s 0.1 s
"SET" Tripping delay time (I ▼ D el) 0.1 s 20 s 0.1 s 0.1 s

"SET" Reset response (Mem) no = Autoreset yes = Hand‑RESET -- no = Autoreset

"SET" Relay switching behavior NC / Us = on or NO / I > 3 mA1) -- NC / Us = on
(closed-circuit principle NC / NC / Us = on or NO / I > 50 mA2)
open-circuit principle NO)
3UG4621 current monitoring relay
3UG4622 current monitoring relay

"Overshoot" monitoring mode is activated when the undershoot threshold is set to OFF.
"Undershoot" monitoring mode is activated when the overshoot threshold is set to OFF.

Deactivating monitoring
If the upper and lower threshold values are deactivated (OFF), monitoring will cease for:
• Current overshoot
• Current undershoot
The up-to-date measured value is displayed permanently.

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3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays
7.5 Diagnostics

The parameters are described in the Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".

Menu-based operation is described in the Chapter "Menu-based operation (Page 37)".

7.5 Diagnostics

7.5.1 Indications on the display

Display information
The display is divided into three different areas.

3 2

① Current measured value or fault symbol

② Type of monitoring
③ Symbol of the changeover contact

Meaning of the information on the display

Indications in the event of a fault
The symbols on the display flash to indicate an error.

The following statuses and faults are indicated on the display as a diagnostics message with
flashing symbols:

Display Symbol Meaning

① 5.0A Displays the measured current
② Monitoring for current overshoot

② Monitoring for current undershoot

② Range monitoring (monitoring for current overshoot and current undershoot)

② Current is in correct range

② A current overshoot has occurred
② A current undershoot has occurred
③ • Not flashing: Relay contact 11/12 open, relay contact 11/14 closed
• Flashing: Delay time (ON-delay or tripping delay) running
• Masked out: Relay contact 11/12 closed, relay contact 11/14 open

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3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays
7.6 Circuit diagrams

You will find more information about the switching behavior of the output relay in Chapter
"Functions (Page 114)."

7.5.2 Reset

How the outputs are reset depends on the "Reset response" parameter (see Chapter "Reset
response (Page 265)").
The following settings can be selected:
• Automatic reset (Memory = O / Mem = no)
The device is reset automatically as soon as a previously occurring error has been dealt with.
• Manual RESET (Memory = I / Mem = yes)
To reset the devices with digital setting, it is necessary to press both arrow keys
simultaneously for more than 2.5 s after removal of the cause of error. If the cause of the error
has not been removed, a new error message appears immediately. Alternatively, the devices
can be reset by switching the rated control supply voltage on and off.

7.6 Circuit diagrams

7.6.1 Internal circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3UG4621 / 3UG4622 current monitoring relays

,1 $ $ 



On the 24 V AC / DC version of the 3UG4621/22‑.AA30, terminals A2 and M (GND) are electrically
connected in the device! The load current must flow through terminal M (GND).
On the 24 to 240 V AC/DC versions of the 3UG4621/22‑.AW30, terminals A2 and M (GND) are
electrically separated!

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3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays
7.6 Circuit diagrams

7.6.2 Wiring examples (3UG46..-.AW30)

Single-phase operation Three-phase operation

AC/DC Uload
AC/DC L1 L2 L3
A1 IN 11 A1 IN 11

< >
12 14 < > 12 14
A2 M A2 M
3UG462.-.AW30 single-phase operation

3UG462.-.AW30 three-phase operation

7.6.3 Wiring examples (3UG462.-.AA30)

If this arrangement is not complied with, the monitoring relay may be destroyed and the short-
circuit current may damage the plant!

Operation with a separate control circuit and load current circuit

• single-phase
24 V AC/DC
A1 IN 11

< >

12 14
A2 M

• three-phase
o.k. o.k.
24 V AC/DC L1 L2 L3 24 V AC/DC L1 L2 L3


< > < >

A2 M
A2 M

Operation with a common control circuit and load current circuit

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3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays
7.7 Technical data

• single-phase
o.k. o.k.
24 V AC/DC 24 V AC/DC

A1 IN 11 A1 IN

< > < >

12 14
optional A2 M A2 M

In the case of 3UG462.-.AA30, A2 and M (GND) are internally electrically connected!
If the load to be monitored and the current monitoring relay are powered from the same system,
terminal A2 is not required!
The load current must always flow away through M (GND), otherwise the current monitoring
relay may be destroyed!

7.7 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

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3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring relays
7.7 Technical data

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with
3UL23 transformer 8
8.1 Application areas

Application areas
Residual current monitoring relays are used in industry to:
• Protect systems from damage caused by fault currents
• Prevent production losses caused by unplanned downtime
• Perform maintenance to meet all demands

3UG4625 residual current monitoring relays are used in conjunction with 3UL23 residual
current transformers to monitor systems where environmental conditions increase the chance
of higher fault currents. The devices are used for applications including in the following areas:

Table 8-1 Application areas of 3UG4625 residual current monitoring relays

Cause of fault Application

• Dust deposits on terminals • Woodworking, grain mills
• Increased levels of humidity • Mining, power supply containers
• Capacitive fault currents as "basic fault load" • For large systems (line length)
• Porous cables and lines • Motor winding insulation
• Diminishing insulation caused by material wear • Furnaces

3UG4625 residual current monitoring relays monitor devices and systems for their correct
They are not suitable for personal protection or protection from fires.

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.3 Functions

8.2 Operator controls and connection terminals

3UG4625 front view/terminal labeling

Front view Description

C1 C2 Position digits
① Terminal block (removable):
 Connection is possible using screw terminals or spring-loaded terminals.
A1+ 24-240V

② Arrow keys for menu navigation

③ SET key for menu navigation

④ Device article number
⑤ Label

⑥ Legend for menu
⑦ Display for parameterization, actual-value indication, and diagnostics
 Terminal labels
 A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
 A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
C1 Connection for 3UL23 residual current transformer

 12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact (alarm output)
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
12 11 14
 22 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact (warning output)
21 Output relay K2 CO contact root
22 21 24
24 Output relay K2 CO contact NO contact

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 137)".

8.3 Functions

General functionality
3UG4625 residual current monitoring relays are supplied with a rated control supply voltage of
24 to 240 V AC/DC (rms value), 50/60 Hz via terminals A1+ and A2-.
3UG4625 residual current monitoring relays are equipped with a display and are parameterized
with three keys.
You will find the setting ranges and factory settings of the available parameters in Chapter
"Operation (Page 134)".
You will find a description of the individual parameters in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.3 Functions

The main conductors and, if present, the neutral conductor to which the load is connected, are
routed through the opening of the ring core of a 3UL23 residual current transformer. There is a
secondary winding around this ring core to which the 3UG4625 residual current monitoring
relay is connected.
In fault-free operation of a system, the sum of inflowing and outflowing currents equals zero. No
current is then induced in the secondary winding of the residual current transformer.
When an insulation error occurs, for example, the sum of the inflowing currents is greater than
the sum of the outflowing currents.
The residual current induces a secondary current in the secondary winding of the transformer.
This current is evaluated in the monitoring relay and used to display the current residual current
and to switch the output relays when the set warning threshold or the tripping threshold is

To ensure a maximum plant availability 3UG4625 residual current monitoring relays focus on
the following features:
• High degree of measuring accuracy
3UG4625 residual current monitoring relays in combination with 3UL23 residual current
transformers operate with a measuring accuracy of -7.5 %/+7.5 %. This enables set limit
values to be monitored very precisely. False tripping caused by measuring errors is
• Adjustable delay times
The ON-delay time of 3UG4625 residual current monitoring relays can be configured freely,
enabling fading out of fault currents due to high input currents that are measured during
motor start-up only. Short-term fault currents or emitted interference can be easily faded out
using the adjustable tripping delay time. For more information please see the Chapter
"Measuring accuracy (Page 126)".
• Wide-range supply voltage
3UG4625 residual current monitoring relays can be operated at an input voltage of between
24 and 240 V AC/DC. This not only ensures that devices can be used worldwide, but that
temporary supply voltage dips do not cause a failure of the monitoring function, that is, plant
The switching response of the relay outputs can be set to open-circuit principle (NO) if you
intend to continue plant operation even if the monitoring function fails. This means only
actively determined fault currents are reported via the relay outputs.
• Permanent self-monitoring
The permanent self-monitoring feature of 3UG4625 ensures reliable system monitoring.
The connected 3UL23 residual current transformer is also permanently monitored for open-
circuit or short-circuit. As a result, cyclic manual tests to ensure its function are obsolete.
Regardless of this, it is possible at any time to test the output relays for switching capability.
Pressing the Set button for longer than 2.5 s will call up parameter assignment mode. This
will cause the output relays to switch to the fault state as a safety precaution. Proceed as
described above to quit parameter assignment mode. The output relay will once again switch
back to its normal operating state.

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.3 Functions

Measuring accuracy
The combination of 3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay and 3UL23 residual current
transformer is designed so that a warning or alarm is triggered at the latest upon exceeding the
set limit values. To safeguard this function, slightly higher fault currents than those actually
measured are displayed and compared with the set limit values.
The measuring accuracy is -7.5 %/+7.5 % of the value displayed. This takes into account the
measuring accuracy of monitoring relay and residual current transformer.

Limits of fault current measurement

In the event of increasing primary currents, transformer production tolerances, imbalances in
the cable routing and current loads in individual cables increasingly cause what appear to be
fault currents that are detected by the evaluation units.
An increased false tripping may occur if excessively low monitoring limit values have been set at
high primary currents. Such tolerances also mean that the measuring accuracy no longer
corresponds to the range of between -7.5 %/+7.5 %.
To avoid these types of measuring errors and false tripping, we recommend to set the limit
values to the minimum values listed in the following graphic, depending on the applicable
primary current.





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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.3 Functions

If monitoring is required within limit values that are lower than those recommended, we
recommend the use of delay times, particularly if false tripping occurs exclusively during motor
If delay times do not lead to the desired result, the use of shield sleeves may considerably lower
the minimum possible monitoring limit.
For more information see Chapters "Installation specifications (Page 237)" and "Potential for
optimization (Page 240)".
The monitored current waveforms also have a strong influence on the measuring accuracy. In
the case of loads with generalized phase control, deviations from the measuring accuracy can
occur when monitoring for high residual current limits. The cause of this is the extreme
difference between the monitored rms values and the peak values of the residual current. The
more extreme the generalized phase control, the shorter the time during which current flows,
and the lower the resulting rms value. To achieve and monitor a high rms value in such a case,
an extremely high peak value of the residual current is necessary. In the case of high currents,
current transformers tend towards saturation in which a further increase in current on the
primary side does not result in an equivalent increase on the secondary side. In the case of
extreme peak values of the residual current, the measuring accuracy suffers as a result of this
principle. Due to the great difference between the peak value and the rms value, monitoring for
lower limits is useful.


When the monitoring relay is connected to the supply voltage, the initialization phase starts and
internal functional tests are performed. During the initialization phase that lasts approximately
1.6 s, the connection to the 3UL23 residual-current transformer is one of the things that is
checked. During this time, no measurement or monitoring of the fault current takes place. - - A
is shown on the display. The relay switching behavior during the initialization phase can be
determined with the help of the "Init" parameter. In the factory setting ("Init" parameter = ERR),
the output relays switch to the fault state until completion of the initialization phase because
there is no valid measuring result of the fault current.
If the parameter is set to "OK", it is assumed that there is no internal fault and the fault current
will be within the set limits. For this reason, the output relays are switched to the work position
when the supply voltage is present.
This parameter setting is useful if the residual current monitoring relays are not permanently
connected to the supply voltage and instead are to be started immediately when the monitored
application is started, and output relays in the alarm position result in immediate shutdown of
the application again, e.g. when connecting a contactor with interruption of the self-locking by
the output relay contacts.
After completion of the initialization phase, a permanent self-test takes place without
interrupting the monitoring function.

Normal operation
If the measured fault current exceeds the set warning threshold (I!), the associated CO contact
21-22-24 changes the switching state without delay. On the display, the arrows for "threshold
overshot" and "measured value within the set limits" ( ) flash alternately as an indication.

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.3 Functions

On the display, the currently displayed measuring value and the symbol for overshoot flash.

Currents with line frequencies of between 16 and 400 Hz can be monitored by 3UG4625
residual current monitoring relays in conjunction with 3UL23 residual current transformers!

Startup delay
The set ON-delay time is triggered if the fault current overshoots the lower measuring range limit
of 20 mA (onDel). During this time, exceeding the set limit values will not trigger a relay response
of the CO contacts.
To start a drive, the output relay switches to the correct state during the ON-delay time (onDel),
depending on the selected open-circuit principle or closed-circuit principle, even if the measured
value remains above the set value.

Tripping delay
If the measured value exceeds the set threshold (I▲) after expiry of the ON-delay time (onDel),
the set tripping delay time (I▲Del) starts and the relay symbol flashes. After expiry of this time,
the output relay K1 changes the switching state. Exceeding the set warning threshold will cause
output relay K2 to switch immediately without taking into account the tripping delay time. On
the display, the actual measured value and the symbol for overshoot flash.
You will find the switching states of the output relays below in section "Function diagrams" and
in Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 135)".

Tripping conditions
The combination of 3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay and 3UL23 residual current
transformer responds according to the following tripping conditions:

Residual current monitoring re‐ Fault current

No tripping 0 to 85 % of the set threshold
Tripping not defined 85 to 100 % of the set threshold
Tripping >= 100 % of the set threshold

3UL23 residual current transformer

3UL23 residual current transformers can be used in conjunction with 3UG4625 residual current
monitoring relays to detect fault currents in machines and systems.
3UL23 residual current transformers are suitable for detecting pure AC fault currents and AC
fault currents with a pulsating direct-current component.

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.3 Functions

These necessary accessories are described in Chapter "3UL23 residual current transformers for
3UG4625 monitoring relays (Page 235)."

Do not ground the neutral conductor downstream of the residual current transformer as
otherwise fault current monitoring functions can no longer be ensured.

Function diagrams for 3UG4625

Difference between Hyst and Hysteresis
In the following diagrams, the term "Hyst" refers to the "Hysteresis" parameter. The "Hysteresis"
parameter refers to the monitored limit values (I▲) and can be set in the SET menu.
However, "Hyst = 5 %" refers to the warning thresholds (I!) and is permanently set to 5 %.

Display Memory = no; Init = ERR

Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit principle)
I▲ / I! A1-A2

Mem = no
I >I
Init = ERR I >I !

I! Hyst = 5 %

I = 0.02A
Init I Del onDel

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.3 Functions

Display Memory = no; Init = ERR

Relay switching behavior = NC (closed-circuit principle)
I▲ / I! A1-A2

Mem = no
I >I
Init = ERR I >I !

Hyst = 5 %

I = 0.02A
Init I Del onDel

Display Memory = yes; Init = ERR

Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit principle)
I▲ / I! A1-A2
Reset t > 2,5s
Mem = yes
Init = ERR I >I ! I >I

Hyst = 5 %

I = 0.02A
Init I Del onDel

Display Memory = yes; Init = ERR

Relay switching behavior = NC (closed-circuit principle)
I▲ / I! A1-A2
Reset t > 2,5s
Mem = yes
Init = ERR I >I ! I >I

Hyst = 5 %

I = 0.02A
I Del onDel onDel

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.3 Functions

Display Memory = no; Init = OK

Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit principle)
I▲ / I! A1 - A2

Mem = no
I >I
Init = OK I >I !

I! Hyst = 5 %

I = 0.02A
Init I Del onDel

Display Memory = no; Init = OK

Relay switching behavior = NC (closed-circuit principle)
I▲ / I! A1-A2

Mem = no
I >I
Init = OK I >I !

Hyst = 5 %

I = 0.02A
Init I Del onDel

Display Memory = yes; Init = OK

Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit principle)
I▲ / I! A1-A2
Reset t > 2,5s
Mem = yes
Init = OK I >I ! I >I

Hyst = 5 %

I = 0.02A
Init I Del onDel

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.4 Operation

Display Memory = yes; Init = OK

Relay switching behavior = NC (closed-circuit principle)
I▲ / I! A1 - A2
Reset t > 2,5s
Mem = yes
Init = OK I >I ! I >I

Hyst = 5 %

I = 0.02A
I Del onDel onDel

The system is immediately switched off in the event of an open-circuit or short-circuit in the
transformer connection cables.

8.4 Operation

Parameterization of the devices is possible locally using the display and the three keys.

Parameter information
The following table lists the adjustable parameter information for the 3UG4625 residual current
monitoring relay:

Table 8-2 Parameter information, 3UG4625 residual current monitoring relays with digital setting

Menu Parameters Setting range Increment Factory set‐

level Minimum value Maximum value ting

"RUN" Threshold for overshoot (I▲) 0.03 A 40.0 A Depending on 1.0 A

the value, 0.01 A
or 0.1 A
"RUN" Warning threshold for overshoot 0.03 A or OFF 40.0 A Depending on 0.5 A
(I!) the value, 0.01 A
or 0.1 A

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.5 Diagnostics

Menu Parameters Setting range Increment Factory set‐

level Minimum value Maximum value ting

"SET" Hysteresis (Hyst) OFF (0 %) 50 % 5% 5%

"SET" Initialization (Init) ERR OK -- ERR
"SET" ON-delay time (onDel) 0.1 s or OFF 20.0 s 0.1 s OFF
"SET" Tripping delay time (I▲Del) 0.1 s or OFF 20.0 s 0.1 s 0.1 s
"SET" Reset response (Mem) no = Autoreset yes = Hand‑RESET -- no = Autore‐
"SET" Relay switching behavior NC or NO -- NC
(closed-circuit principle NC /
open-circuit principle NO)

Various parameters are deactivated by setting OFF.

The parameters are described in the Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".

Menu-based operation is described in the Chapter "Menu-based operation (Page 37)".
The 3UL23 residual current transformers used cover the entire fault current range from
0.03 to 40 A in all sizes.
For more information on the technical data of 3UL23 residual current transformers see Chapter
"Installing (Page 246)".

8.5 Diagnostics

8.5.1 Indications on the display

Display information
The display is divided into three different areas.

3 2

① Current measured value or fault symbol

② Type of monitoring
③ Symbols of the changeover contacts

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.5 Diagnostics

Meaning of the information on the display

Indications in the event of a fault
The symbols on the display flash to indicate an error.

The following statuses and faults are indicated on the display as a diagnostics message with the
following symbols:

Display Symbol Meaning

① 5.00A • Not flashing: the currently measured current is displayed
• Flashing: A current overshoot has occurred (the currently measured
current flashes on the display)
② Monitoring for current overshoot

② Current is in correct range

② Flashing alternately. The warning threshold has been exceeded

② Flashing: A current overshoot has occurred

③ I▲
• Not flashing: Relay contact 11/12 open, relay contact 11/14 closed
• Flashing: Delay time (ON-delay or tripping delay) running
• Masked out: Relay contact 11/12 closed, relay contact 11/14 open
③ I! • Not flashing: Relay contact 21/22 open, relay contact 21/24 closed
• Flashing: Delay time (ON-delay) running
• Masked out: Relay contact 21/22 closed, relay contact 21/24 open
① ---A Self-test active, no measurements
① , Measurement range exceeded (> 40 A)

① 0.00A Fallen below measurement range

① Open circuit (flashing)
① Short-circuit (flashing)

You will find more information about the switching behavior of the output relay in Chapter
"Functions (Page 126)."

8.5.2 Reset

How the outputs are reset depends on the "Reset response" parameter (see Chapter "Reset
response (Page 265)").

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.6 Circuit diagrams

The following settings can be selected:

• Automatic reset (Memory = O / Mem = no)
The device is reset automatically as soon as a previously occurring error has been dealt with.
• Manual RESET (Memory = I / Mem = yes)
To reset the devices with digital setting, it is necessary to press both arrow keys
simultaneously for more than 2.5 s after removal of the cause of error. If the cause of the error
has not been removed, a new error message appears immediately. Alternatively, the devices
can be reset by switching the rated control supply voltage on and off.

The warning threshold is always reset by autoreset.

8.6 Circuit diagrams

8.6.1 Internal circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3UG4625

3UG4625-.CW30 residual current monitoring relay, 24 to 240 V

$ & &  


3UG4625 residual current monitoring relays are suitable for operation with 3UL23 residual
current transformers for external ground-fault monitoring. The output signal of the
3UL23 residual current transformer is connected to terminals C1 and C2 of the monitoring relay.
To avoid interference injection, which could result in incorrect measurements, these connecting
lines must be routed as parallel as possible and twisted, or shielded cables must be used.

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.6 Circuit diagrams

8.6.2 Wiring examples

L1 L2 L3 N


/ / / 1

$ & &  



① Cable shielding recommended

Figure 8-1 Wiring diagram of 3UG4625 with 3UL23

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.7 Technical data

8.7 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay with 3UL23 transformer
8.7 Technical data

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

140 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG458. insulation monitoring relay. 9
The 3UG458. insulation monitoring relays are used for monitoring the insulation resistance (in
accordance with IEC 61557‑8) between ungrounded single-phase or three-phase AC systems
and a protective conductor.
The family comprises the following devices:
• Insulation monitoring relays for ungrounded AC systems with a rated system voltage of up to
Un = 400 V AC.
• Insulation monitoring relays for ungrounded AC systems, DC systems, and mixed AC/DC
systems with a rated system voltage of up to Un = 250 V AC and Un = 300 V DC.
• Insulation monitoring relays for ungrounded AC systems, DC systems, and mixed AC/DC
systems with a rated system voltage of up to Un = 400 V AC and Un = 600 V DC.
The measuring range can be extended up to Un = 690 V AC and Un = 1000 V DC by using an
upstream module.

Ungrounded, insulated systems (IT networks) are always used when high requirements are
placed on the reliability of the power supply, e.g. emergency lighting. IT systems are supplied via
an isolation transformer or voltage sources such as batteries or a generator. An insulation fault
that occurs between an external conductor and ground represents a grounding of this
conductor. This does not result in the closing of a circuit and operation can continue without
hazard (single fault security). Before a second insulation fault occurs, the first fault must be
corrected (e.g. in accordance with DIN VDE 0100‑410). Insulation monitoring relays are used to
implement this requirement. The insulation monitoring relays measure the resistance of the
external conductor and the neutral conductor against ground, and immediately report a fault if
the set insulation resistance is undershot. This procedure enables controlled shutdown, or
correction of the fault without interrupting the power supply.
The insulation monitoring relays monitor the following fault types, depending on the version:
• Open circuit
• Incorrect settings
• Ungrounded, strictly AC systems for insulation faults
• Ungrounded, strictly DC systems for insulation faults
• Ungrounded, mixed DC systems and AC systems for insulation faults (e.g. AC systems with
rectifiers or switched-mode power supplies)

The use of two 3UG458 devices in a galvanically connected area (monitored area) is not

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.1 Application areas

3UG458. 3UG458.

① Monitored area

9.1 Application areas

Application areas
The 3UG458. insulation monitoring relays are used in the following applications, for example:

Table 9-1 Application areas of the insulation monitoring relays

Function Application
• Insulation monitor for • Emergency power supplies
ungrounded systems • Safety lighting
• Industrial production plants with high availability requirements (chemi‐
cal industry, automobile manufacture, printing)
• Shipbuilding and railways
• Mobile power generators (aircraft)
• Renewable energies (wind energy and photovoltaic plants)
• Mining industry

The 3UG4582 and 3UG4583 insulation monitors are only suitable for use in systems with
frequency converters (primary or secondary side) if operation with generated frequencies <
15Hz and > 400Hz is ruled out.
The 3UG4581 version is not suitable for operation with a frequency converter.

Table 9-2 Functions of the 3UG4581/3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Function Insulation monitoring relays

3UG4581 3UG4582 3UG4583
Insulation monitoring
Monitoring for open circuit — ✓ ✓1)
Monitoring for incorrect settings — — ✓

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.2 Performance features of the insulation monitoring relays

Function Insulation monitoring relays

3UG4581 3UG4582 3UG4583
Control circuit monitoring 1p 1p 1p
Main circuit monitoring 1p, 3p, 3p + N 1p, 2p, 2p + N, 3p, 1p, 2p, 2p + N, 3p,
3p + N 3p + N

✓: Function available
1p: Monitoring is 1-phase
2p: Monitoring is 2-phase
2p + N: Monitoring is 2-phase + N conductor
3p: Monitoring is 3-phase
3p + N: Monitoring is 3-phase + N conductor
— : Function not available

9.2 Performance features of the insulation monitoring relays

General data

Table 9-3 General data of the 3UG4581/3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

General data Insulation monitoring relays

3UG4581 3UG4582 3UG4583
Setting range of the target pick-up values
• 1 to 100 kΩ ✓ ✓ ✓
• 2 to 200 kΩ — — ✓
Rated voltage of the system to be monitored
• 0 ... 250 V AC — ✓ —
• 0 ... 400 V AC ✓ — ✓
• 0 ... 600 V AC — — ✓1)
• 0 to 300 V DC — ✓ —
• 0 to 600 V DC — — ✓
• 0 to 1000 V DC — — ✓1)
Maximum discharge capacity of the system
• 10 μF ✓ ✓ —
• 20 μF — — ✓
Output contacts
• 1 changeover contact ✓ ✓ —
• 2 changeover contacts or — — ✓
1 changeover contact
+ 1 changeover contact,
Number of thresholds

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.2 Performance features of the insulation monitoring relays

General data Insulation monitoring relays

3UG4581 3UG4582 3UG4583
• 1 ✓ ✓ —
• 1 or 2, adjustable — — ✓
Functional principle Closed-circuit principle Closed-circuit principle Open-circuit principle or
closed-circuit principle, con‐
Rated control and supply voltage
• 24 ... 240 V AC / DC ✓ ✓ ✓
Rated frequency
• 15 ... 400 Hz — ✓ ✓
• 50 ... 60 Hz ✓ — —
Autoreset or manual RESET ✓2) ✓2) ✓2)
Remote RESET ✓ ✓ ✓
via control input via control input via control input
Retentive fault memory — — ✓2)
Open-circuit detection — — ✓2)

✓: Function available
— : Function not available
With 3UG4983‑.A voltage reducer module

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

9.3.1 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view/terminal labeling 3UG4581-1AW30

Front view Description

$  Position digits

① Terminal block:
< < <
Screw-type connections are possible.
② Test/RESET button1)

 ③ Status display: LED for device status (green)

④ Status display: LED for monitoring status F (red)

⑤ Status display: LED output contact status (yellow)

5YDOXH N ⑥ Label

5 55 ⑦ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R.2 for the units position of

5YDOXH N ⑧ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R.1 for the tens position of
Setting value "0" is colored yellow.2)
⑨ Device article number
 Terminal labels
A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
Y1 Control inputs; isolation control
Y2 Y1-Y3: Remote test
Y3 Y2-Y3: Remote reset/autoreset
L Measuring signal input, connection to phase or N conductor
Measured signal input, grounding connection
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
A test is only possible if there is no fault. A reset is only possible if the measured value is greater
than the set threshold including the hysteresis.
Information on setting accuracy
• at setting value "0", a setting accuracy of >15 % applies for R
• at setting value ">1", a setting accuracy of 6 % applies for R

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Technical data (Page 158)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 154)".

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

Front view/terminal labeling 3UG4581-1AW31

Front view Description

Position digits
A1+ 11

① Terminal block:
Screw-type connections are possible.
Y1 Y2 Y3
② Test/RESET button1)
③ Status display: LED for device status (green)
2 ④ Status display: LED for monitoring status F (red)
⑤ Status display: LED output contact status (yellow)
⑥ Label

⑦ Device article number

⑧ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R.2 for the units position of
⑨ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R.1 for the tens position of
6 R)Setting value "0" is colored yellow.2)
Terminal labels
1 A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
Y1 Control inputs; isolation control
14 12 A2-
Y2 Y1-Y3: Remote test
Y3 Y2-Y3: Remote reset/autoreset
L Measuring signal input, connection to phase or N conductor
Measured signal input, grounding connection
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
A test is only possible if there is no fault. A reset is only possible if the measured value is greater
than the set threshold including the hysteresis.
Information on setting accuracy
• at setting value "0", a setting accuracy of >15 % applies for R
• at setting value ">1", a setting accuracy of 6 % applies for R

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Technical data (Page 158)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 154)".

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

Front view/terminal labeling 3UG4581-2AW31

Front view Description

Position digits
A1+ 11

① Terminal block:
Supports spring-loaded connection technology.
Y1 Y2 Y3
② Test/RESET button1)
③ Status display: LED for device status (green)
2 ④ Status display: LED for monitoring status F (red)
⑤ Status display: LED output contact status (yellow)
⑥ Label

⑦ Device article number

⑧ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R.2 for the units position of
⑨ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R.1 for the tens position of
6 R)Setting value "0" is colored yellow.2)
Terminal labels
1 A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
Y1 Control inputs; isolation control
14 12 A2-
Y2 Y1-Y3: Remote test
Y3 Y2-Y3: Remote reset/autoreset
L Measuring signal input, connection to phase or N conductor
Measured signal input, grounding connection
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
A test is only possible if there is no fault. A reset is only possible if the measured value is greater
than the set threshold including the hysteresis.
Information on setting accuracy
• at setting value "0", a setting accuracy of >15 % applies for R
• at setting value ">1", a setting accuracy of 6 % applies for R

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Technical data (Page 158)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 154)".

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

9.3.2 Functions

General functionality
The 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relays are supplied with a rated control and supply voltage
of 24 V to 240 V AC/DC, and they monitor the insulation resistance in ungrounded AC systems
in accordance with IEC 61557‑8.
The devices can monitor control circuits (1-phase) and main circuits (3-phase). For this purpose,
the insulation resistance between the system cables (terminal L) and system ground (terminal
) is measured. Systems with rated system voltages Un = 0 to 400 V AC (50 to 60 Hz) can be
connected directly to the measuring inputs, and their insulation resistance can be monitored.
The 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relays have two rotary buttons for adjusting the insulation
resistance R and a test/RESET button for performing an internal test on the device, or for
resetting the device.
If the measured value drops below the set threshold, the output relays are set to fault status.
For systems with voltages over 400 V AC, the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays with
3UG4983 voltage reducer module can be used for system voltages to 690 V AC.
You will find the adjustment ranges and factory settings of the available parameters in Chapter
"Operator control (Page 152)".
You will find a description of the individual parameters in the Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".

Measuring procedure of the 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

An overlaid DC measuring signal is used on the 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay for
measuring. The insulation resistance of the system is calculated with the help of the overlaid DC
measuring voltage and the resulting current.
The 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relays can be configured to the relevant application
conditions and are therefore versatile in use.

The system to be monitored is connected to terminal L (connection to phase or N conductor).
The ground potential is connected to terminal .
The devices work according to the closed-circuit principle NC.
After applying the rated control and supply voltage, the insulation monitoring relay goes
through an internal test that checks the proper functioning of the operational device. The test
encompasses an internal test of the device at hardware and firmware level, as well as system
diagnostics with calculation of the first measured value of the insulation resistance. If there are
no internal device faults or external faults on completion of this test, output relay K1 picks up.
This test can take several seconds depending on individual system properties.

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

If the measured value undershoots the set threshold, output relay K1 drops out. If the measured
value overshoots the threshold including hysteresis, output relay K1 picks up (if autoreset is
active). All operating statuses of the insulation monitoring relay are displayed via three LEDs.

If the continuously present rated system voltage is greater than 240 V, a minimum gap of 10 mm
must be maintained to the next device.

You will find the switching states of the output relay below in the section "Functions (Page 148)"
and in Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 153)".

Reset behavior and memory function

The device features an autoreset that resets output relay K1 to its original state after an fault
message and rectification of the fault that has occurred. As well as autoreset, the devices can
also be set to manual RESET by means of external switching.
If the insulation resistance is greater than the set limit value including hysteresis, the output
relay remains de-energized when manual RESET is set and is not energized again until the
combined Test/Reset button is pressed or the remote reset (terminals Y2‑Y3) is activated.
Another method of resetting the device is by switching the supply voltage off and on again,
provided the fault is not stored in retentive (non-volatile) memory.

Connection Y2‑Y3 Reset options

1) On the front (Test/Reset button)
< < <
2) Remote reset (remote button with NC function)
3) A1+ / A2- (switching the supply voltage off/on)
1) On the front (Test/Reset button)
< < <
2) A1+ / A2- (switching the supply voltage off/on)
< < < 1) Autoreset (factory setting)

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

Function diagrams 3UG4581

Relay switching behavior = NC

(closed-circuit principle)
Without fault storage, autoreset



 /(' )


① Test (Y1-Y3)
② Reset (Y2-Y3)
③ Measured value
④ Hysteresis
⑤ Threshold
⑥ Green
⑦ Red
⑧ Yellow
tS = Time for internal device test after applying the supply voltage

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

Relay switching behavior = NC

(closed-circuit principle)
With fault storage, manual RESET



 /(' )


① Test (Y1-Y3)
② Reset (Y2-Y3)
③ Measured value
④ Hysteresis
⑤ Threshold
⑥ Green
⑦ Red
⑧ Yellow
tS = Time for internal device test after applying the supply voltage

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

9.3.3 Operator control

The following parameters can be set on the two ten-level rotary buttons (absolute scale) with the
help of a screwdriver:

Table 9-4 Parameter information, 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

Parameters Control ele‐ Setting range Increment

ments 1) Minimum value Maximum value
Threshold for undershoot (tens posi‐ 8 0 kΩ 90 kΩ 10 kΩ incre‐
tion of R) (R.1-value)2) ments
Threshold for undershoot (R.2-val‐ 7 1 kΩ 10 kΩ 1 kΩ increments
Reset response 2 Deactivated Activated --
The position digits refer to the front view in Chapter "Operator controls and connection
terminals (Page 145)".
By operating the rotary button, the tens position of the threshold for undershoot can be
By operating the rotary button, the units position of the threshold for undershoot can be
The threshold is derived from the sum of the two set values. If, for example, threshold R.1-value
is set to 70 and threshold R.2-value is set to 8, threshold R1 corresponds to 78 kΩ.
Chapter "Internal circuit diagrams (Page 154)" shows examples for the different monitoring
The parameters are defined in the Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".

Tools required
The same screwdriver can be used to set the parameters as for wiring the insulation monitoring

Carrying out the self-test

The test function is only possible if there is no fault.
By operating the combined test/reset button, the insulation monitoring relay goes through an
internal test that checks the proper functioning of the operational device.
The output relays do not pick up or they switch to the fault status while the Test/Reset button is
pressed, while control contact Y1-Y3 is closed, or while the test functions execute after
application of the supply voltage. The test function can be started again at any time via the Test/
Reset button on the front or via a remote test button. The graphic below shows the connection
of the button for the remote test.

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

< < <

Figure 9-1 Remote test button

9.3.4 Diagnostics Diagnostics with LEDs

Status display
The following information indicates the operating state on the 3UG4581 insulation monitoring

Operating state LED (green) LED F (red) LED (yellow)

Self-test (after US = on) Off Off
No fault Off
Insulation fault (thresh‐ Off
old undershot)
System leakage capaci‐ Off
tance too high at device
Measuring result invalid Off

Internal fault Off Off

Test function active Off Off

Manual RESET possible1) 2)

The device has tripped following an insulation fault. The fault has been stored and the insulation
resistance has reverted to a value above the set threshold including hysteresis.
Dependent on the fault.

The switching behavior of the output relay is shown in Chapter "Functions (Page 148)".

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

9.3.5 Circuit diagrams Internal circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagram 3UG4581-.AW3. insulation monitoring relay

. / < < < 




Wiring examples 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relays

Measuring input L can be connected to any conductor (phase or N conductor). The rated system
voltage must be Un ≤ 400 V AC (50 to 60 Hz).
2-wire AC system

$  $ 
< < < < < <

/ /
  $   $

/ /

1 1
3( 3(

3-wire AC system

$  $ 
< < < < < <

/ /
  $   $

/ /
/ /
/ /
3( 3(

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

4-wire AC system

$  $ 
< < < < < <

/ /
  $   $

/ /
/ /
/ /
1 1
3( 3(

Application examples
The figure below shows monitoring for ground fault/insulation fault in the case of an
ungrounded 2‑wire IT AC system. The voltage source is the secondary side of an isolating
transformer that galvanically isolates the system and the downstream circuit.



< < <


① Loads
Figure 9-2 Monitoring for ground fault/insulation fault in the case of an ungrounded 2-wire IT AC system

The maximum cable length of the control cables is 50 m or 100 pF/m.

The figure below shows monitoring for ground fault/insulation fault in the case of an
ungrounded 4‑wire IT AC system. The voltage source is the secondary side of an isolating
transformer that galvanically isolates the system and the downstream circuit.

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay


< < <


Figure 9-3 Monitoring for ground fault/insulation fault in the case of an ungrounded 4-wire IT AC system

The maximum cable length of the control cables is 50 m or 100 pF/m.

9.3.6 Characteristics

Characteristic curves of the 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relays

The characteristics below show the load limit curves of the 3UG4581 insulation monitoring



, $

Figure 9-4 AC load (resistive)

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay



, $

Figure 9-5 DC load (resistive)


Figure 9-6 Reduction factor F in the case of inductive AC load


① Operating cycles
② 250 V, resistive load
③ Switching current
Figure 9-7 Contact service life

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.3 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay

9.3.7 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

9.4.1 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view/terminal labeling 3UG4582-1AW30

Front view Description

$  .( Position digits

① Terminal block:
< < <
Screw-type connections are possible.
② Test/RESET button

 s ③ Status display: LED for device status (green)

5HVHW ④ Status display: LED for monitoring status F (red)

⑤ Status display: LED output contact status (yellow)

5YDOXH N ⑥ Label

5 55 ⑦ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R.2 for the units position of
5YDOXH N ⑧ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R.1 for the tens position of
Setting value "0" is colored yellow.1)
⑨ Device article number
/ /
 Terminal labels
A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
Y1 Control inputs; isolation control
Y2 Y1-Y3: Remote test
Y3 Y2-Y3: Remote reset/autoreset
L+ Measuring signal input, connection to phase or L+
L- Measuring signal input, connection to phase, N conductor or L-
KE Measuring signal input, control ground connection for open-circuit monitoring
Measured signal input, grounding connection
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
Information on setting accuracy
• at setting value "0", a setting accuracy of >15 % applies for R
• at setting value ">1", a setting accuracy of 8 % applies for R

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Technical data (Page 190)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 181)".

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Front view/terminal labeling 3UG4582-1AW31

Front view Description

Position digits
A1+ 11 KE

① Terminal block:
Screw-type connections are possible.
Y1 Y2 Y3
② Test/RESET button
③ Status display: LED for device status (green)
2 ④ Status display: LED for monitoring status F (red)

Status display: LED output contact status (yellow)
⑥ Label

⑦ Device article number

⑧ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R.2 for the units position of
⑨ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R.1 for the tens position of
6 R)Setting value "0" is colored yellow.1)
Terminal labels
1 A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
L+ L-
A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
Y1 Control inputs; isolation control
14 12 A2-
Y2 Y1-Y3: Remote test
Y3 Y2-Y3: Remote reset/autoreset
L+ Measuring signal input, connection to phase or L+
L- Measuring signal input, connection to phase, N conductor or L-
KE Measuring signal input, control ground connection for open-circuit monitoring
Measured signal input, grounding connection
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
Information on setting accuracy
• at setting value "0", a setting accuracy of >15 % applies for R
• at setting value ">1", a setting accuracy of 8 % applies for R

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Technical data (Page 190)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 181)".

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Front view/terminal labeling 3UG4582-2AW31

Front view Description

Position digits
A1+ 11 KE

① Terminal block:
Supports spring-loaded connection technology.
Y1 Y2 Y3
② Test/RESET button
③ Status display: LED for device status (green)
2 ④ Status display: LED for monitoring status F (red)
⑤ Status display: LED output contact status (yellow)
⑥ Label

⑦ Device article number

⑧ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R.2 for the units position of
⑨ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R.1 for the tens position of
6 R)Setting value "0" is colored yellow.1)
Terminal labels
1 A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
L+ L-
A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
Y1 Control inputs; isolation control
14 12 A2-
Y2 Y1-Y3: Remote test
Y3 Y2-Y3: Remote reset/autoreset
L+ Measuring signal input, connection to phase or L+
L- Measuring signal input, connection to phase, N conductor or L-
KE Measuring signal input, control ground connection for open-circuit monitoring
Measured signal input, grounding connection
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
Information on setting accuracy
• at setting value "0", a setting accuracy of >15 % applies for R
• at setting value ">1", a setting accuracy of 8 % applies for R

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Technical data (Page 190)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 181)".

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Front view/terminal labeling 3UG4583-1CW30

Front view Description

$   < < < Position digits

① Terminal block:
Screw-type connections are possible.
② Device order number
s ③ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R2.1 for

8*&: the tens position of R2)
  Setting value "0" is colored yellow.1)

④ Status display: LED for device status (green)
5[ 5[5[
⑤ Status display: LED for monitoring status F (red)

⑥ Status display: LED output contact status (yellow)
5YDOXH N 5YDOXH N ⑦ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R2.2 for
 the units position of R2)
    ⑧ Label
⑨ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R1.2 for
  / 96 9  9 
 the units position of R1)
⑩ Test/RESET button
  / .( $
⑪ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R1.1 for
the tens position of R1)
Setting value "0" is colored yellow.1)
Terminal labels
A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
Y1 Control inputs; isolation control
Y2 Y1-Y3: Remote test
Y3 Y2-Y3: Remote reset/autoreset
VS Connection terminals for the voltage reducer module
L+ Measuring signal input, connection to phase or L+
L- Measuring signal input, connection to phase, N conductor or
KE Measuring signal input, control ground connection for open-
circuit monitoring
Measured signal input, grounding connection
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
22 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact
21 Output relay K2 CO contact root
24 Output relay K2 CO contact NO contact

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Information on setting accuracy
• at setting value "0", a setting accuracy of >15 % applies for R
• at setting value ">1", a setting accuracy of 6 % applies for R

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Technical data (Page 190)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 181)".

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Front view/terminal labeling 3UG4583-1CW31

Front view Description

Position digits
A1+ 11 21 Y1 Y2 Y3

① Terminal block:
Screw-type connections are possible.
② Test/RESET button
③ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R2.1 for
the tens position of R2)
RESET Setting value "0" is colored yellow.1)

11 3 Status display: LED for device status (green)
4 ⑤ Status display: LED for monitoring status F (red)

⑥ Status display: LED output contact status (yellow)
10 6
⑦ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R2.2 for
7 the units position of R2)
ON 8 ⑧ Label
4 3 2 1
⑨ Device order number
⑩ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R1.2 for
12 14 L+ VS V1+ V1-
1 the units position of R1)
⑪ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R1.1 for
22 24 L- KE A2- the tens position of R1)
Setting value "0" is colored yellow.1)
Terminal labels
A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
Y1 Control inputs; isolation control
Y2 Y1-Y3: Remote test
Y3 Y2-Y3: Remote reset/autoreset
VS Connection terminals for the voltage reducer module
L+ Measuring signal input, connection to phase or L+
L- Measuring signal input, connection to phase, N conductor or
KE Measuring signal input, control ground connection for open-
circuit monitoring
Measured signal input, grounding connection
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
22 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact
21 Output relay K2 CO contact root
24 Output relay K2 CO contact NO contact

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Information on setting accuracy
• at setting value "0", a setting accuracy of >15 % applies for R
• at setting value ">1", a setting accuracy of 6 % applies for R

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Technical data (Page 190)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 181)".

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Front view/terminal labeling 3UG4583-2CW31

Front view Description

Position digits
A1+ 11 21 Y1 Y2 Y3

① Terminal block:
Supports spring-loaded connection technology.
② Test/RESET button
③ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R2.1 for
the tens position of R2)
RESET Setting value "0" is colored yellow.1)
3 ④ Status display: LED for device status (green)
4 ⑤ Status display: LED for monitoring status F (red)

Status display: LED output contact status (yellow)
10 6
⑦ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R2.2 for
7 the units position of R2)
ON 8 ⑧ Label
4 3 2 1
⑨ Device order number
⑩ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R1.2 for
12 14 L+ VS V1+ V1-
1 the units position of R1)
⑪ Rotary knob for adjusting the insulation resistance (R1.1 for
22 24 L- KE A2- the tens position of R1)
Setting value "0" is colored yellow.1)
Terminal labels
A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
Y1 Control inputs; isolation control
Y2 Y1-Y3: Remote test
Y3 Y2-Y3: Remote reset/autoreset
VS Connection terminals for the voltage reducer module
L+ Measuring signal input, connection to phase or L+
L- Measuring signal input, connection to phase, N conductor or
KE Measuring signal input, control ground connection for open-
circuit monitoring
Measured signal input, grounding connection
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
22 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact
21 Output relay K2 CO contact root
24 Output relay K2 CO contact NO contact

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Information on setting accuracy
• at setting value "0", a setting accuracy of >15 % applies for R
• at setting value ">1", a setting accuracy of 6 % applies for R

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Technical data (Page 190)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 181)".

9.4.2 Functions

General functionality
The 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays are supplied with a rated control and
supply voltage of 24 V to 240 V AC/DC, and they monitor the insulation resistance in accordance
with IEC 61557‑8 in ungrounded IT-AC systems, IT‑AC systems with galvanically connected DC
circuits, or IT‑DC systems.
The devices can monitor control circuits (1-phase) and main circuits (3-phase). For this purpose,
the insulation resistance between power supply cords (terminal: L+ and L-) and the ground of the
system (terminal and KE) is measured. Systems with rated system voltages Un = 0 to
250 V AC (15 to 400 Hz) / Un = 0 to 300 V DC (3UG4582) or Un = 0 to 400 V AC (15 to 400 Hz) /
Un = 0 to 600 V DC (3UG4583) can be connected direct to the measuring inputs, and their
insulation resistance can be monitored.
The insulation monitoring relays have two rotary buttons (3UG4582)/four rotary buttons
(3UG4583) for adjusting the insulation resistance R and a Test/RESET button, to perform an
internal test on the device or to reset the device.
If the measured value drops below the set threshold, the output relays are set to fault status.
For systems with voltages over 400 V AC and 600 V DC, the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring
relays with 3UG4983 voltage reducer module can be used for extending the voltage range.
You will find the adjustment ranges and factory settings of the available parameters in Chapter
"Operator control (Page 177)".
You will find a description of the individual parameters in the Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".

Measuring method
The 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays use a new predictive measuring method
for high-speed measurements and fast pick-up times. The devices can be configured to the
relevant application conditions and are therefore versatile in use.
A pulsing measuring signal is fed into the system to be monitored and the insulation resistance
is calculated from this.
The received signal is different in form to the injected measuring signal. This change depends on
the insulation resistance and the system discharge capacity. The change to the insulation
resistance is predicted from this deviating form. If the predicted insulation resistance

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

corresponds to the insulation resistance calculated in the next measuring cycle and is lower than
the set threshold, output relay K1 responds depending on the device configuration.
This adaptive measuring principle is suitable for detecting symmetrical insulation faults.

The system to be monitored is connected to the measuring signal inputs L+, L-. The terminals can
be connected to any conductor (phase, +/- potential, or N conductor). The measuring signal
inputs must be connected to different conductors.
The ground potential is connected to the terminals and KE.
KE stands for control ground and is used for monitoring the fault-free ground connection of the
insulation monitoring relay.
The 3UG4582 insulation monitoring relays work according to the closed-circuit principle NC. The
3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays work in accordance with the set relay switching behavior
(closed-circuit principle NC or open-circuit principle NO).
After applying the rated control supply voltage, the insulation monitoring relay goes through an
internal test that checks the proper functioning of the operational device. The test encompasses
an internal test of the device at hardware and firmware level (on the 3UG4583, a settings check
is also carried out) , as well as system diagnostics with calculation of the system discharge
capacity of the first measured value of the insulation resistance. If there are no internal device
faults or external faults on completion of this test, the output relays change their switching state
(if closed-circuit principle is set). The time for this test can be 10 s - 15 s with purely AC systems.
The circuit is opened instantaneously after detection of a fault. In AC systems with DC
components, as is the case when rectifiers are used, up to 15 s can be needed.

If the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring relay is used for monitoring the winding insulation of a
motor, the function test first results in a fault message if the closed-circuit principle is selected,
since the device is not applied to the supply voltage until a measurement is possible on the
switched-off motor. Either this fault must be hidden by downstream logic, or the open-circuit
principle must be set. The output relays would only pick up if an insulation fault or internal device
faults are detected. However, the fault "Missing supply voltage" can then no longer be detected.

If the measured value undershoots the set threshold in the case of the 3UG4582 insulation
monitoring relays, output relay K1 drops out. If the measured value overshoots the threshold
including hysteresis, output relay K1 picks up.
The principle of operation of the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays can be configured via
DIP switch 4:
In the functional principle 1 x 2 changeover contacts, both output relays K1 and K2 respond to
threshold R1 (warning). The settings of threshold R2 have no influence on the principle of
operation. If the measured value undershoots the set threshold, the output relays switch to the
fault status. If the measured value overshoots the set threshold including hysteresis, the output
relays revert to the original state.
In the functional principle 2 x 1 changeover contacts, output relay K1 responds to threshold R1
(shutdown) and output relay K2 responds to threshold R2 (warning). If the measured value
undershoots the set threshold R2 (warning), output relay K2 switches. If the measured value

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9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

undershoots the set threshold R1 (shutdown), output relay K1 switches. If the measured value
overshoots the set threshold R1 (shutdown) including hysteresis, output relay K1 reverts to the
original state. If the measured value overshoots the set threshold R2 (warning) including
hysteresis, output relay K2 reverts to the original state.
All operating states of the 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays are displayed via
three LEDs.

Additional monitoring functions

The 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays also have two further functions.
The devices monitor the terminals and KE cyclically for open circuit. If an open circuit is
detected on one of the connected conductors, output relay K1 switches to the fault state (on the
3UG4583, both output relays K1 and K2). The 3UG4583 also has an open-circuit detection
function that can be shut down and automatically tests the measuring signal inputs L+ and L- at
system start. This open-circuit test can be repeated at any time during operation by activating
the test function (Test/RESET button). On the 3UG4583, open-circuit detection can be switched
on (ON) and off (OFF) using DIP switch 3.
The 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays monitor the ungrounded AC system, DC
system, or AC/DC system for impermissibly high system discharge capacity. If the system
discharge capacity is too high, output relay K1 switches to the fault state (on the 3UG4583, both
output relays K1 and K2 switch to the fault state). If incorrect settings that could result in a
malfunction are made on the 3UG4583, the output relays switch to the fault state. If, for
example, an insulation warning value is set that is lower than the selected shutdown threshold,
this results in a parameterization error.
You will find the switching states of the output relays below in the Section "Function diagrams
(Page 171)" and in the Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 180)".
You will find the adjustment ranges and factory settings of the available parameters and the
definitions of the DIP switch positions in Chapter "Operator control (Page 177)".

Reset response and memory function

The device features an autoreset that resets output relay K1 to its original state after an fault
message and rectification of the fault that has occurred. As well as autoreset, the devices can
also be set to manual RESET by means of external switching.
The output relay (on 3UG4583: both output relays) remains dropped out if manual RESET is
active, and it only picks up again after actuation of the combined test/reset button, or following
activation of remote reset (terminals Y2‑Y3) if the insulation resistance is greater than the set
threshold including hysteresis. Another method of resetting the device is by switching the

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

supply voltage off and on again, provided the fault is not stored in retentive (non-volatile)

Connection Y2‑Y3 Reset options

1) On the front (Test/Reset button)
< < <
2) Remote reset (remote button with NC function)
3) A1+ / A2- (switching the supply voltage off/on)
1) On the front (Test/Reset button)
< < <
2) A1+ / A2- (switching the supply voltage off/on)
< < < 1) Autoreset (factory setting)

Non-volatile memory function on the 3UG4583

The 3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays also have a configurable non-volatile (retentive) fault
storage function. After shutting down and restoring the rated control and supply voltage, the
device is in the state it was in prior to shutdown, until it is reset.
If fault storage is activated using DIP switch 2 (ON), output relays K1 and K2 remain in the fault
state and do not switch back to their original position until actuation of the combined Test/Reset
button, or until activation of the remote reset (jumpering of terminals Y2/Y3) if the measured
insulation resistance is greater than the set threshold(s) including hysteresis. Fault storage is
The table below shows the different options for resetting the device depending on the setting
of DIP switch 2.

DIP switch 2 OFF ON

1) On the front (Test/Reset button) 1) On the front (Test/Reset but‐
2) Remote reset (remote button with NC func‐ ton)
< < <

tion) 2) Remote reset (remote button

3) A1+ / A2- (switching the supply voltage off/ with NC function)
1) On the front (Test/Reset button) 1) On the front (Test/Reset but‐
2) A1+ / A2- (switching the supply voltage off/ ton)
< < <

< < < 1) Autoreset (factory setting) — 1)
If there is no external connection between terminals Y2 and Y3 while retentive fault storage is set,
internal device monitoring detects a parameterization error.

You will find the adjustment ranges and factory settings of the available parameters and the
definitions of the DIP switch positions in Chapter "Operator control (Page 177)".

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

3UG4983-.A voltage reducer module for extending the voltage range

The 3UG4983-.A voltage reducer module can be used to extend the measuring range of the
rated line voltage Un to be monitored. The voltage reducer module is used to connect the
3UG4583 insulation monitoring relay to systems with up to 690 V AC and 1000 V DC. The voltage
reducer module is connected to terminals VS, V1+ and V1- of the insulation monitoring relay.
These accessories are described in Chapter "3UG4983 voltage reducer module for the
3UG4583-1CW30 monitoring relay (Page 252)". Function diagrams

3UG4582 function diagrams

Relay switching behavior = NC

(closed-circuit principle)
Without fault storage, autoreset



 /(' )


① Test (Y1-Y3)
② Reset (Y2-Y3)
③ Measured value
④ Hysteresis
⑤ Threshold
⑥ Green
⑦ Red
⑧ Yellow
tS = Time for internal device test after applying the supply voltage

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9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Relay switching behavior = NC

(closed-circuit principle)
With fault storage, manual RESET



 /(' )


① Test (Y1-Y3)
② Reset (Y2-Y3)
③ Measured value
④ Hysteresis
⑤ Threshold
⑥ Green
⑦ Red
⑧ Yellow
tS = Time for internal device test after applying the supply voltage

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

3UG4583 function diagrams

Relay switching behavior = NC(closed-circuit With fault storage, manual RESET, 1 x 2 changeover contacts, shut‐
principle) down



 /(' )

① Test (Y1-Y3)
② Reset (Y2-Y3)
③ Measured value
④ Hysteresis
⑤ Threshold
⑥ Green
⑦ Red
⑧ Yellow
tS = Time for internal device test after applying the supply voltage

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit With fault storage, manual RESET, 1 x 2 changeover contacts, shut‐
principle) down


 /(' )

① Test (Y1-Y3)
② Reset (Y2-Y3)
③ Measured value
④ Hysteresis
⑤ Threshold
⑥ Green
⑦ Red
⑧ Yellow
tS = Time for internal device test after applying the supply voltage

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9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Relay switching behavior = NC(closed-circuit With fault storage, manual RESET, 2 x 1 changeover contacts, warning
principle) and shutdown


 /(' )

① Test (Y1-Y3)
② Reset (Y2-Y3)
③ Measured value
④ Hysteresis
⑤ Warning
⑥ Shutdown
⑦ Green
⑧ Red
⑨ Yellow
tS = Time for internal device test after applying the supply voltage

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit With fault storage, manual RESET, 2 x 1 changeover contacts, warning
principle) and shutdown


 /(' )

① Test (Y1-Y3)
② Reset (Y2-Y3)
③ Measured value
④ Hysteresis
⑤ Warning
⑥ Shutdown
⑦ Green
⑧ Red
⑨ Yellow
tS = Time for internal device test after applying the supply voltage

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

9.4.3 Operator control

The following parameters can be set on the two (3UG4582) or four (3UG4583) ten-level rotary
buttons (absolute scale) with the help of a screwdriver:

Table 9-5 Parameter information, 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Parameters Control ele‐ Setting range Increment

ments 1) Minimum value Maximum value
Threshold for undershoot 8 0 kΩ 90 kΩ 10 kΩ incre‐
(R.1-value)2) ments
Threshold for undershoot 7 1 kΩ 10 kΩ 1 kΩ increments
Threshold for undershoot 11 0 kΩ 90 kΩ 10 kΩ incre‐
(R1.1-value)4) ments
Threshold for undershoot 9 1 kΩ 10 kΩ 1 kΩ increments
Threshold for undershoot 3 0 kΩ 90 kΩ 10 kΩ incre‐
(R2.1-value)6) ments
Threshold for undershoot 7 1 kΩ 10 kΩ 1 kΩ increments
Test / Reset 2 (3UG4582) Deactivated Activated --
10 (3UG4583)

The position digits refer to the front view of the respective 3UG4582 / 3UG4583 devices in

Chapter "Operator controls and connection terminals (Page 159)".

3UG4582: By operating the rotary button, the tens position of the threshold for undershoot
(R.1) can be selected.
3UG4582: By operating the rotary button, the units position of the threshold for undershoot
(R.2) can be selected
3UG4583: By operating the rotary button, the tens position of the threshold for undershoot
(R1.1) can be selected.
3UG4583: By operating the rotary button, the units position of the threshold for undershoot
(R1.2) can be selected
3UG4583: By operating the rotary button, the tens position of the threshold for undershoot
(R2.1) can be selected.
3UG4583: By operating the rotary button, the units position of the threshold for the insulation
resistance R2.2 can be selected
The threshold is derived from the sum of the two set values. If, for example, threshold R.1-value
is set to 70 and threshold R.2-value is set to 8 on the 3UG4582, threshold R corresponds to
78 kΩ.

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

DIP switch
The DIP switches are located behind the label on the front of the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring
relays. Four settings can be parameterized with the DIP switch.
The tables below contain the setting options on the device and the explanations for the relevant
switch positions. When the device is delivered, the switch is in the position OFF.

Table 9-6 DIP switch - 3UG4583

Position 4 3 2 1
Functional principle Open-circuit detection Non-volatile (retentive) Functional principle of
fault storage output relays K1 and K2
ON ↑ 2 x 1 changeover con‐ Activated Activated Closed-circuit principle
tacts NC
OFF 1 x 2 changeover contacts Deactivated Deactivated Open-circuit principle NO

Table 9-7 Definitions of the DIP switch positions - 3UG4583

DIP switch ON OFF

Position 4 2 x 1 changeover contacts 1 x 2 changeover contacts
Functional principle 2 x 1 change‐ If functional principle 2 x 1 changeover con‐ If functional principle 1 x 2 changeover
over contacts / 1 x 2 changeover tacts is set, output relay K1 responds to contacts is set, both output relays K1 and
contacts threshold R1 (shutdown) and output relay K2 respond to threshold R1 (warning).
K2 responds to threshold R2 (warning). The settings of threshold R2 have no in‐
fluence on the principle of operation.
Position 3 Open-circuit detection activated Open-circuit detection deactivated
Open-circuit detection If open-circuit monitoring is activated, the This setting deactivates open-circuit de‐
insulation monitoring relay monitors cables tection.
connected to terminals L+, L-, and KE for

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9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

DIP switch ON OFF

Position 2 Non-volatile fault storage activated Non-volatile fault storage deactivated
Non-volatile (retentive) fault stor‐ If retentive fault storage is activated, output If the function is deactivated, output re‐
age relays K1 and K2 remain in the fault state lays K1 and K2 switch back to the good
even after a failure or active shutdown of state following failure or active shut‐
the supply voltage, until the device is reset down of the supply voltage if there is no
using the Test/Reset button or a remote re‐ longer an insulation fault after the sup‐
set is carried out (jumpering of terminals ply voltage has been restored. A remote
Y2 / Y3). reset can also be carried out by switching
the supply voltage. However, a voltage
failure results in the loss of a saved warn‐
ing message or alarm message.
Position 1 Closed-circuit principle NC Open-circuit principle NO
Functional principle of output re‐ Output relays K1 and K2 pick up after appli‐ If a fault occurs, output relays K1 and K2
lays K1 and K2 cation of the supply voltage and successful pick up. As long as there is no fault, the
self-test and system diagnostics. If a fault output relays remain in the dropped-out
occurs, the output relays drop out. As long state.
as there is no fault, the output relays remain
in the active state.

Chapter "Wiring examples (Page 182)" shows the examples for the different monitoring modes.
The parameters are defined in the Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".

Tools required
The same screwdriver can be used to set the parameters as for wiring the insulation monitoring

Carrying out the self-test

The test function is only possible if there is no fault.
By operating the combined test/reset button, the insulation monitoring relay goes through an
internal test that checks the proper functioning of the operational device.
The output relays do not pick up or they switch to the fault status while the Test/Reset button is
pressed, while control contact Y1-Y3 is closed, or while the test functions execute after
application of the supply voltage. The test function can be started again at any time via the Test/
Reset button on the front or via a remote test button. The graphic below shows the connection
of the button for the remote test.

< < <

Figure 9-8 Remote test button

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

9.4.4 Diagnostics Diagnostics with LEDs

Status display
The following information indicates the operating state on the 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation
monitoring relays:

Operating state LED (green) LED F (red) LED (yellow)

Startup Off Off
No fault Off • On the 3UG4582:
• On the 3UG4583: Dependent
on the configuration
Insulation fault (thresh‐ • On the 3UG4582: Off
old undershot) • On the 3UG4583: Dependent
on the configuration
PE/KE open circuit • On the 3UG4582: Off
• On the 3UG4583: Dependent
on the configuration
L+/L- open circuit at sys‐ Dependent on the configuration
tem start1)
Test function1)

System discharge ca‐ • On the 3UG4582: Off

pacity too high/meas‐ • On the 3UG4583: Dependent
ured result invalid
on the configuration
Internal fault • On the 3UG4582: • On the 3UG4582: Off
Off • On the 3UG4583: Dependent
• On the 3UG4583: on the configuration
Dependent on the
Setting error1), 2)
Test function Off • On the 3UG4582: Off
• On the 3UG4583: Dependent
on the configuration
Manual RESET possible3) 4)

Only on the 3UG4583-1CW30.
Possible setting error: The threshold for shutdown is set to a higher value than the warning threshold,
and non-volatile (retentive) fault storage is set simultaneously with autoreset.
The device has tripped following an insulation fault. The fault has been stored and the insulation
resistance has reverted to a value above the set threshold including hysteresis.
Dependent on the fault.

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9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

The switching behavior of the output relay is shown in Chapter "Functions (Page 167)".

9.4.5 Circuit diagrams Internal circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3UG4582-.AW3. / 3UG4583-.CW3.

3UG4582-.AW3. insulation monitoring relay

. / / .( < < < 




3UG4583-.CW3. insulation monitoring relay

. / / .( < < <  



9 9 96    

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays Wiring examples

Wiring examples 3UG4582 insulation monitoring relays

Measuring inputs L+ and L- can be connected to any conductor (phase or N conductor).
Measuring inputs L+ and L- must always be connected to different conductors.
The rated system voltage is Un ≤ 250 V AC (15 to 400 Hz) or Un ≤ 300 V DC.
2-wire AC system / 2-wire DC system

2-wire AC system 2-wire DC system

$  .( $  .(
< < < < < <

/ / / /
  $   $

/ 3:0 /

1 '& /
3( 3(

3-wire AC system/3-wire DC system

3-wire AC system 3-wire DC system

$  .( $  .(
< < < < < <

/ / 3:0 / / /
  $   $
'& /

/ 3:0 / /
/ 0
/ '& / /
3( 3(

4-wire AC system

4-wire AC system
$  .( $  .(
< < < < < <

/ / / /
  $   $

/ /
/ /
/ /
1 1
3( 3(

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

182 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Application examples
The figure below shows monitoring for ground fault/insulation fault in the different load circuits.

$  .( $  .(
< < < < < <

8* 8*
$: $:
/ / / /
  $   $



① The voltage source is the secondary side of an isolating transformer that galvanically isolates the system and the
downstream circuit.
② The insulation resistance of this motor feeder is always monitored when the motor is switched off. If the motor
contactor drops out, the two NC contacts connect the measuring circuit with the motor cables.
③ The 3UG4582-.AW3. insulation monitoring relay permanently monitors the insulation resistance of the remaining
system with all connected loads.
④ Loads
Figure 9-9 Monitoring for ground fault/insulation fault with different load circuits

The maximum cable length of the control cables is 50 m or 100 pF/m.

Wiring examples 3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Measuring inputs L+ and L- can be connected to any conductor (phase or N conductor).
Measuring inputs L+ and L- must always be connected to different conductors.
The rated line voltage is Un ≤ 400 V AC (15 to 400 Hz) or Un ≤ 600 V DC. The 3UG4983-.A voltage
reducer module must be used to monitor systems with higher voltages.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

2-wire AC system / 2-wire DC system

2-wire AC system 2-wire DC system

$   < < < $   < < <

  / 96 9 9   / 96 9 9

  / .( $   / .( $

/ 3:0 /

1 '& /
3( 3(

3-wire AC system/3-wire DC system

3-wire AC system 3-wire DC system

$   < < < $   < < <

  / 96 9 9 3:0 /   / 96 9 9

  / .( $   / .( $
'& /

/ 3:0 / /
/ 0
/ '& / /
3( 3(

4-wire AC system

4-wire AC system
$   < < < $   < < <

  / 96 9 9   / 96 9 9

  / .( $   / .( $

/ /
/ /
/ /
1 1
3( 3(

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

184 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

Application examples
The figure below shows monitoring for ground fault/insulation fault in the case of an
ungrounded 4‑wire AC system.


$   < < <


  / 9 9 9
  / .( $


① Loads
Figure 9-10 Monitoring for ground fault/insulation fault in the case of an ungrounded 4-wire AC system

The maximum cable length of the control cables is 50 m or 100 pF/m.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays


$   < < < $   < < <

8* 8*
&: &:
  / 96 9 9   / 9 9 9
  / .( $   / . $



① The voltage source is the secondary side of an isolating transformer that galvanically isolates the system and the
downstream circuit.
② The insulation resistance of this motor feeder is always monitored when the motor is switched off. If the motor
contactor drops out, the two NC contacts connect the measuring circuit with the motor cables.
③ The 3UG4583-.CW3. insulation monitoring relay permanently monitors the insulation resistance of the remaining
system with all connected loads.
④ Loads
Figure 9-11 Monitoring for ground fault/insulation fault with different load circuits

The maximum cable length of the control cables is 50 m or 100 pF/m.

9.4.6 Characteristics

Characteristics of the 3UG4582 insulation monitoring relays

The characteristics below show the load limit curves of the 3UG4582 insulation monitoring

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

186 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays



, $

Figure 9-12 AC load (resistive)



, $

Figure 9-13 DC load (resistive)


Figure 9-14 Reduction factor F in the case of inductive AC load

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays


① Operating cycles
② 250 V, resistive load
③ Switching current
Figure 9-15 Contact service life

Characteristics of the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

The characteristics below show the load limit curves of the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring



, $

Figure 9-16 AC load (resistive)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

188 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays



, $

Figure 9-17 DC load (resistive)


Figure 9-18 Reduction factor F in the case of inductive AC load


① Operating cycles
② 250 V, resistive load
③ Switching current
Figure 9-19 Contact service life

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 189
3UG458. insulation monitoring relay.
9.4 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays

9.4.7 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

190 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay 10
10.1 Application areas

Application areas
The voltage monitoring relays are used, for example, in the following applications:

Table 10-1 Application areas of the voltage monitoring relays

Function Application
• Undervoltage • Increased current on a motor with corresponding overheating
• Overvoltage • Unintended device reset
• Power system collapse on overloaded supply voltages
• Fork-lift trucks
• Heating systems
• Cranes
• Elevators
• Protection from undervoltage (especially with battery power; result: e.g.
exhaustive discharge)
• System protection against destruction caused by supply overvoltages
• Energy supply to the line
• Machine switch-on when a defined voltage is reached
• Threshold switch for analog signals from 0.1 to 10 V

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 191
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.2 3UG4631 / 3UG4632 voltage monitoring relay

10.2 3UG4631 / 3UG4632 voltage monitoring relay

10.2.1 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling 3UG4631 / 3UG4632

Front view Description

 Position digits
A1+ 24-240V IN M
① Terminal block (removable):
Connection is possible using screw terminals or spring-loaded terminals.
② Arrow keys for menu navigation
SIRIUS 1 10-600V ③ SET key for menu navigation
 ④ Device article number
⑤ Label

Del -> Umin/Umax delay
Mem ? -> Memory?
⑥ Legend for menu
NC -> Circuit principle

⑦ Display for parameterization, actual-value indication, and diagnostics
Terminal labels

A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
 A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
 M (GND) Measuring signal input -
IN Measuring signal input +
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
A2- 11 Output relay K1 CO contact root

14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact
12 11 14

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 201)".

10.2.2 Functions

General functionality
Depending on the setting, the 3UG4631 / 3UG4632 voltage monitoring relays are powered with
a rated control supply voltage of 24 V AC/DC or 24 to 240 AC/DC and monitor an AC voltage or
DC voltage at terminals IN and M of the device for overshoot (U▲) or undershoot (U▼) or
in range monitoring (U▲ and U▼).
The 3UG4631 / 32 voltage monitoring relays have a display and are parameterized with three

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

192 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.2 3UG4631 / 3UG4632 voltage monitoring relay

You will find the adjustment ranges and factory settings of the available parameters in Chapter
"Operation (Page 198)".
You can find a description of the individual parameters in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".

The output relay K1 responds in accordance with the set relay switching behavior (closed-circuit
principle NC or open-circuit principle NO). The set tripping delay time starts if the monitored
voltage overshoots or undershoots the corresponding set threshold value. After expiry of the
tripping delay time, the output relay K1 changes the switching state. On the display, the
currently displayed measuring value and the symbol for undershoot or overshoot flash.
An output change-over contact is available as a signaling contact.
If the rated control supply voltage is switched on and no monitoring voltage is yet present, the
display indicates 0.0 V and shows a symbol for voltage overshoot monitoring, voltage
undershoot monitoring, or range monitoring.
You will find the switching states of the output relay below in the section entitled "Function
diagrams" and in Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 199)."

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 193
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.2 3UG4631 / 3UG4632 voltage monitoring relay

Function diagrams 3UG4631 / 3UG4632

Display Memory = no Memory = no

Relay switching behavior = NC Relay switching behavior = NO
(closed-circuit principle) (open-circuit principle)
A1-A2 A1-A2

> ! U ! U
U = off
Hyst Hyst
U=0 U=0

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

U Del U Del

A1-A2 A1-A2

U> = off
> U U
Hyst Hyst
U=0 U=0

11/14 11/14

11/12 11/12

U Del U Del

U> A1-A2 A1-A2

U >

! U U ! U U

U U Hyst

U Hyst U
U=0 U=0
11/14 11/14

11/12 11/12
U Del U Del
U Del U Del

U Del = U Del U Del = U Del

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

194 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.3 3UG4633 voltage monitoring relay

10.3 3UG4633 voltage monitoring relay

10.3.1 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal assignment 3UG4633

Front view Description

 Position digits
A1+ 12-275V
① Terminal block (removable):
Connection is possible using screw terminals or spring-loaded terminals.
② Arrow keys for menu navigation
SIRIUS 1 17-275V ③ SET key for menu navigation
 ④ Device article number
⑤ Label

onDel -> Power on delay
Del -> Umin/Umax delay
⑥ Legend for menu
Mem ? -> Memory?
NC -> Circuit principle

⑦ Display for parameterization, actual-value indication, and diagnostics
Terminal labels

A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
 A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
 12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact

12 11 14

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 201)".

10.3.2 Functions

General functionality
Depending on the setting, the 3UG4633 voltage monitoring relays are self-powered
(measuring voltage = rated control supply voltage) and monitor an AC voltage or DC voltage at
terminals A1 and A2 of the device for overshoot (U▲) or undershoot (U▼) or in range
monitoring (U▲ and U▼).
The voltage monitoring relays are powered with a rated control supply voltage of 17 to 275 V AC/
DC through terminals A1/A2.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 195
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.3 3UG4633 voltage monitoring relay

The 3UG4633 voltage monitoring relays have a display and are parameterized with three keys.
You will find the setting ranges and factory settings of the available parameters in Chapter
"Operation (Page 198)."
You will find a description of the individual parameters in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)."

Output relay K1 responds in accordance with the set relay switching behavior (closed-circuit
principle NC or open-circuit principle NO).
An output change-over contact is available as a signaling contact.
If the voltage is switched on, the display will show the current measured value and a symbol for
monitoring for voltage overshoot, voltage undershoot, or range monitoring.
Startup delay
To be able to start a drive, the output relay switches to the correct state during the ON-delay time
(onDel) depending on the selected open-circuit principle or closed-circuit principle, even if the
measured value is still under the set value.
Tripping delay
If the measured value overshoots or undershoots the set threshold after expiry of the ON-delay
time (onDel), the set tripping delay time (Del) and the relay symbol will flash. After expiry of this
time, the output relays change the switching state. On the display, the current measuring value
and the symbol for undershoot or overshoot flash.
You will find the switching states of the output relay below in the section entitled "Function
diagrams" and in Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 199)."

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

196 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.3 3UG4633 voltage monitoring relay

Function diagrams 3UG4633

Display Memory = no Memory = no

Relay switching behavior = NC Relay switching behavior = NO
(closed-circuit principle) (open-circuit principle)

A1 - A2 =U A1 - A2 =U
> ! U ! U
U = off

U Hyst U Hyst
U=0 U=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12
U Del U Del

A1 - A2 =U A1 - A2 =U
U> = off
U >
Hyst Hyst
U=0 U=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12
onDel onDel

U Del U Del

U> A1 - A2 =U A1 - A2 =U
U >
! U U ! U U

U Hyst U Hyst

Hyst Hyst
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12
onDel onDel
U Del U Del
U Del U Del
U Del = U Del U Del = U Del

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 197
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.4 Operation

10.4 Operation

Parameterization of the devices is possible locally using the display and the three keys.

Parameter information
The table below shows the settable parameter information of the 3UG463. voltage monitoring

Table 10-2 Parmeter information, 3UG463. voltage monitoring relays with digital setting

Menu Parameters Setting range Increment Factory setting

level Minimum value Maximum value
"RUN" Threshold for undershoot (U▼) 0.1 V or OFF1) 60 V1) 0.1 V 20 V1)
10 V or OFF2) 600 V2) 170 V2), 3)
17 V or OFF3) 275 V3)
"RUN" Threshold for overshoot (U▲) 0.1 V or OFF1) 60 V1) 0.1 V 30 V1)
10 V or OFF2) 600 V2) 260 V2),3)
17 V or OFF3) 275 V3)
"SET" Hysteresis (Hyst) 0.1 V 30 V1) 0.1 V 2 V1)
300 V2) 5 V2), 3)
150 V3)
"SET" ON-delay time (onDel) 0.1 s3) 20 s3) 0.1 s3) 0.1 s3)
"SET" Tripping delay time (U ▼ D el) 0.1 s 20 s 0.1 s 0.1 s

"SET" Reset response (Mem) no = Autoreset yes = Hand‑RESET -- no = Autoreset

"SET" Relay switching behavior NC NO -- NC
(closed-circuit principle NC /
open-circuit principle NO)
3UG4631 voltage monitoring relay
3UG4632 voltage monitoring relay
3UG4633 voltage monitoring relay

The monitoring mode "Overshoot" or "Undershoot" is defined with the setting OFF at the
threshold for undershoot or overshoot.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

198 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.5 Diagnostics

Deactivating monitoring
If the upper and lower threshold values are deactivated (OFF), monitoring will cease for:
• Voltage overshoot
• Voltage undershoot
The up-to-date measured value is displayed permanently.

The parameters are described in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)."

Menu-based operation is described in Chapter "Menu-based operation (Page 37)."

10.5 Diagnostics

10.5.1 Indications on the display

Display information
The display is divided into three different areas.

3 2

① Voltage measured value or fault symbol

② Type of monitoring
③ Symbol of the changeover contact

Meaning of the information on the display

Indications in the event of a fault
The symbols on the display flash to indicate an error.

The following statuses and faults are indicated on the display as a diagnostics message with
flashing symbols:

Display Symbol Meaning

① 20.0V Measured voltage is displayed
② Monitoring for voltage overshoot

② Monitoring for voltage undershoot

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 199
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.5 Diagnostics

Display Symbol Meaning

② Range monitoring (monitoring for voltage overshoot and undershoot)

② Voltage is in correct range

② A voltage overshoot has occurred
② A voltage undershoot has occurred
③ • Not flashing: Relay contact 11/12 open, relay contact 11/14 closed
• Flashing: Delay time (ON-delay or tripping delay) running
• Masked out: Relay contact 11/12 closed, relay contact 11/14 open

You will find more information about the switching behavior of the output relay in Chapter
"Functions (Page 192)" (3UG4631 / 3UG4632) and "Functions (Page 195)" (3UG4633).

10.5.2 Reset

How the outputs are reset depends on the "Reset response" parameter (see Chapter "Reset
response (Page 265)").
The following settings can be selected:
• Automatic reset (Memory = O / Mem = no)
The device is reset automatically as soon as a previously occurring error has been dealt with.
• Manual RESET (Memory = I / Mem = yes)
To reset the devices with digital setting, it is necessary to press both arrow keys
simultaneously for more than 2.5 s after removal of the cause of error. If the cause of the error
has not been removed, a new error message appears immediately. Alternatively, the devices
can be reset by switching the rated control supply voltage on and off.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

200 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.6 Circuit diagrams

10.6 Circuit diagrams

10.6.1 Internal circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3UG4631 / 3UG4632 and 3UG4633

3UG4631 / 3UG4632 voltage monitoring relays

,1  $ $ 



3UG4633 voltage monitoring relay

$ $ 



On the 24 V AC/DC versions of the 3UG4631‑.AA30 and 3UG4632‑.AA30, terminals A2 and M
(GND) are electrically connected in the device!
On the 24 to 240 V AC/DC versions of the 3UG4631‑.AW30 and 3UG4632‑.AW30, terminals A2
and M (GND) are electrically separated!

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 201
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.6 Circuit diagrams

10.6.2 Wiring examples

3UG4631‑.AA30 / 3UG4632‑.AA30
AC/DC U Last

A1(+) IN(+) 11

12 14
A2(–) M(–)

Figure 10-1 3UG4631‑.AA30 / 3UG4632‑.AA30

3UG4631‑.AW30 / 3UG4632‑.AW30
AC/DC U Last

A1(+) IN(+) 11

<U> 12 14
A2(–) M(–)

Figure 10-2 3UG4631‑.AW30 / 3UG4632‑.AW30


$ $ 



Figure 10-3 3UG4633

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

202 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.7 Technical data

10.7 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 203
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay
10.7 Technical data

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

204 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay 11
11.1 Application areas

Application areas
The cos phi and active current monitoring relays are used, for example, in the following
application areas:

Table 11-1 Application areas of the cos phi and active current monitoring relays

Function Application
• No-load monitoring and load shedding • Fans (in the case of a broken fan belt, for exam‐
• Underload monitoring in the low-end perform‐ ple)
ance range • Pumps (in the case of an idling pump, for ex‐
• Monitoring for overload ample)

• Simple cos phi monitoring in power systems for • Filter system (a contaminated filter system, for
controlling compensation systems example)

• Cable break between the control cabinet and • Reactive power compensation
the motor • Sawing system
• Conveyor belt
• Surface grinding machine
• Breaking mill
• Milling machine
• Car wash
• Lifting platform
• Screw conveyor
• Crane
• Turning machine
• Infrared heating system

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 205
3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay
11.3 Functions

11.2 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling 3UG4641

Front view Description

 Position digits
Lx 90--690V Ly/N IN
① Terminal block (removable):
Connection is possible using screw terminals or spring-loaded terminals.
② Arrow keys for menu navigation
SIRIUS ③ SET key for menu navigation
 ④ Device article number
⑤ Label

-> cos = PF
Ires -> Active current
⑥ Legend for menu
onDel -> Current on delay
Mem ? -> Memory?
NC -> Circuit principle 
⑦ Display for parameterization, actual-value indication, and diagnostics
Terminal labels

Lx Power supply (measuring signal) ∼ / +
 Ly/N Power supply (measuring signal) ∼ / +
 IN Measuring signal input (current)
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
12 11 14 14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact

22 Output relay K2 CO contact NC contact
22 21 24 21 Output relay K2 CO contact root
24 Output relay K2 CO contact NO contact

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 213)".

11.3 Functions

General functionality
The 3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relays are self-powered (measuring
voltage = rated control supply voltage) and monitor the cos phi value (PF: power factor) and the
resulting active current Ires (I resistive), depending on the setting, for overshoot (φ▲ / Ires▲),
undershoot (φ▼ / Ires▼) or in range monitoring (φ▲ and φ▼ / Ires▲ and Ires▼). The load to be
monitored is connected upstream of the terminal IN. The load current flows through
terminals IN and Ly / N. The devices are powered with a voltage of 90 to 690 V through the
terminals Lx and Ly / N .
The 3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relays have a display and are parameterized
with three keys.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

206 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay
11.3 Functions

You will find the adjustment ranges and factory settings of the available parameters in Chapter
"Operation (Page 211)".
You can find a description of the individual parameters in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".

The specified voltages represent the absolute thresholds.

If the motor is switched on and the current value overshoots the measuring range limit 0.2 A, the
set ON-delay time begins (onDel). During this time, undershooting or overshooting of the set
threshold values will not result in a relay response of the CO contact.
If monitoring for active current undershoot is switched off (Ires▼ = off), and if the load current
undershoots the lower measuring range threshold (0.2 A), the change-over contacts remain
unchanged. If a threshold is set for monitoring for active current undershoot, undershoot of the
measuring range threshold (0.2 A) will result in a relay response of the change-over contacts.

In the case of active currents Ires > 10 A, commercially available current transformers, e.g. 4NC,
can be used as accessories. You will find more information in Catalog LV10 (https://

Startup delay
To be able to start a drive, the output relay switches to the correct state during the ON-delay time
(onDel) depending on the selected open-circuit principle or closed-circuit principle, even if the
measured value is still under the set value.
Tripping delay
If the measured value overshoots or undershoots the set threshold after expiry of the ON-delay
time (onDel), the set tripping delay time (Del) and the relay symbol will flash. After expiry of this
time, the output relays change the switching state. On the display, the current measuring value
and the symbol for undershoot or overshoot flash.
You will find the switching states of the output relays below in section "Function diagrams" and
in Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 212)."

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 207
3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay
11.3 Functions

Function diagrams 3UG4641 (lower current measuring threshold 0.2 A)

Display Memory = no Memory = no

Relay switching behavior = NC (closed-circuit prin‐ Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit prin‐
ciple) ciple)
Ir >
Lx-Ly/N Lx-Ly/N

J < 0,2 A J < 0.2 A

I = 0.2 A I = 0.2 A
J=0 J=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

onDel onDel onDel onDel

Ir > = off
Lx-Ly/N Lx-Ly/N

J < 0,2 A J < 0,2 A

I = 0.2 A I = 0.2 A
J=0 J=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12
21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22
onDel onDel onDel onDel

J = currently set current value

I = set threshold value for the current

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

208 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay
11.3 Functions

Function diagrams 3UG4641 (active current monitoring Ires)

Display Memory = no Memory = no

Relay switching behavior = NC (closed-circuit prin‐ Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit prin‐
ciple) ciple)

Ir > J>I U J>IU

Ir > = off ,U ,U
Hyst Hyst
J=0 J=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

onDel Del onDel Del

Ir > = off
Ir >
J< I U J < IU
,U Hyst
,U Hyst

J=0 J=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

onDel Del onDel Del

Ir >
,U Hyst
,U Hyst

Hyst Hyst
,U ,U
J=0 J=0
11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

onDel Del Del onDel Del Del

J = currently set current value

I = set threshold value for the current

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3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay
11.3 Functions

Function diagrams 3UG4641 (cos phi monitoring)

Display Memory = no Memory = no

Relay switching behavior = NC (closed-circuit prin‐ Relay switching behavior = NO (open-circuit prin‐
ciple) ciple)

φ> PF > ϕ PF > ϕ

φ > = off ϕ ϕ
Hyst, 0.10 Hyst, 0.10
PF = 0 cos ϕ = 0 PF = 0 cos ϕ = 0

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

onDel Del onDel Del

φ > = off
φ >
PF < ϕ PF < ϕ
Hyst, 0.10 ϕ Hyst, 0.10
PF = 0 cos ϕ = 0 PF = 0 cos ϕ = 0

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12

21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

onDel Del onDel Del

φ >
PF > ϕ PF < ϕ PF > ϕ PF < ϕ
ϕ ϕ
Hyst, 0.10 Hyst, 0.10

ϕ Hyst, 0.10 ϕ Hyst, 0.10

PF = 0 cos ϕ = 0 PF = 0 cos ϕ = 0

11/14 11/14
11/12 11/12
21/24 21/24
21/22 21/22

onDel Del Del onDel Del Del

cos φ = currently set value for cos φ

PF = power factor = set threshold for cos φ

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3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay
11.4 Operation

11.4 Operation

Parameterization of the devices is possible locally using the display and the three keys.

Parameter information
The table below shows the settable parameter information of the 3UG4641 cos phi and active
current monitoring relays:

Table 11-2 Parameter information, 3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay with digital setting

Menu Parameters Setting range Increment Factory setting

level Minimum value Maximum value
"RUN" Threshold for undershoot (Ires▼) 0.2 A or OFF 10 A 0.1 A 1A
"RUN" Threshold for overshoot (Ires▲) 0.2 A 10 A or OFF 0.1 A 3A
"RUN" Threshold for undershoot (φ▼) 0.1 or OFF 0,99 0,01 0,2
"RUN" Threshold for overshoot (φ▲) 0,1 0.99 or OFF 0,01 0,5
"SET" Hysteresis (Hyst) 0.1 A 2A 0.1 mA 0.5 A
"SET" ON-delay time (onDel) 0s 99 s 1s Deactivated
(0 s)
"SET" Tripping delay time (Del) 0.1 s 20 s 0.1 s 0.1 s
"SET" Reset response (Mem) no = Autoreset yes = Hand‑RESET -- no = Autoreset
"SET" Relay switching behavior NC or NO -- NC
(closed-circuit principle NC /
open-circuit principle NO)

The monitoring mode "Overshoot" or "Undershoot" is defined with the setting OFF at the
threshold for undershoot or overshoot.

The parameters are described in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)."

Menu-based operation is described in Chapter "Menu-based operation (Page 37)."

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3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay
11.5 Diagnostics

11.5 Diagnostics

11.5.1 Indications on the display

Display information
The display is divided into three different areas.

3 2

① Current measuring value / cos phi measuring value or error symbol

② Type of monitoring
③ Symbols of the changeover contacts

Meaning of the information on the display

Indications in the event of a fault
The symbols on the display flash to indicate an error.

The following statuses and faults are indicated on the display as a diagnostics message with
flashing symbols:

Display Symbol Meaning

① 5.0A Displays the measured current
② Monitoring for overshoot (φ▲ / Ires▲) (output relay K2)

② Monitoring for undershoot (φ▼ / Ires▼) (output relay K1)

② Window monitoring (φ▲ and φ▼ / Ires▲ and Ires▼)

② Measuring values are in the correct range

② A measuring value overshoot has occurred
② A measuring value undershoot has occurred
③ • Not flashing: Relay contact 11/12 open, relay contact 11/14 closed
• Flashing: Delay time (ON-delay or tripping delay) running
• Masked out: Relay contact 11/12 closed, relay contact 11/14 open
③ • Not flashing: Relay contact 21/22 open, relay contact 21/24 closed
• Flashing: Delay time (ON-delay or tripping delay) running
• Masked out: Relay contact 21/22 closed, relay contact 21/24 open

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3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay
11.6 Circuit diagrams

You will find more information about the switching behavior of the output relay in Chapter
"Functions (Page 206)."

11.5.2 Reset

How the outputs are reset depends on the "Reset response" parameter (see Chapter "Reset
response (Page 265)").
The following settings can be selected:
• Automatic reset (Memory = O / Mem = no)
The device is reset automatically as soon as a previously occurring error has been dealt with.
• Manual RESET (Memory = I / Mem = yes)
To reset the devices with digital setting, it is necessary to press both arrow keys
simultaneously for more than 2.5 s after removal of the cause of error. If the cause of the error
has not been removed, a new error message appears immediately. Alternatively, the devices
can be reset by switching the rated control supply voltage on and off.

11.6 Circuit diagrams

11.6.1 Internal circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3UG4641

3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay

/[ /\1 ,1


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3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay
11.6 Circuit diagrams

11.6.2 Wiring examples

Cos phi and active current monitoring for single-phase motors

L or N


3UG4641 12
11 ϕ |/ Ir |

| |
21 ϕ / Ir


N or L

Figure 11-1 Cos phi and active current monitoring for single-phase motors

Cos phi and active current monitoring for three-phase motors

n = 1, 2, 3 3~,I ≤10 A n = 1,2,3 3/N~,I ≤ 10 A
Ln Ln
Ln M Ln M
Ln 3~ Ln 3~
3UG4641 12 3UG4641 12
11 ϕ |/ Ir | 11 ϕ |/ Ir |
14 14

22 | | 22
ϕ / Ir | |
21 21 ϕ / Ir
24 24

Ly/N Ly/N

Cos phi and active current monitoring for three- Cos phi and active current monitoring for three-
phase motors phase motors (with neutral conductor)

Cos phi and active current monitoring for three-phase motors with transformers for currents
n = 1, 2, 3 3~,I > 10 A n = 1,2,3 3~,I > 10 A
Ln Ln
Ln M Ln M
Ln 3~ Ln 3~
3UG4641 12 12
11 ϕ |/ Ir | 11 ϕ |/ Ir |
14 14

22 | | 22
ϕ / Ir | |
21 21 ϕ / Ir
24 24

Ly/N Ly/N

Cos phi and active current monitoring for three- Cos phi and active current monitoring for three-
phase motors with transformers for currents phase motors with transformer for currents (with
neutral conductor)

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3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay
11.7 Technical data

11.7 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay
11.7 Technical data

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3UG4651 speed monitoring relay 12
12.1 Application areas

Application areas
The speed monitoring relays are used, for example, in the following applications:

Table 12-1 Application areas of the speed monitoring relays

Function Application
• Monitoring for overload/underload • Conveyor belt (monitoring transported goods
for completeness, for example)
• Milling machine
• Turning machine
• Slippage or tear of a drive belt

The speed monitoring relays can also be used for all functions where a continuous pulse signal
is to be monitored (e.g. belt travel monitoring, completeness check, pass monitoring, or cycle
time monitoring).

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3UG4651 speed monitoring relay
12.3 Functions

12.2 Operator controls and connection terminals

Front view / terminal labeling 3UG4651

Front view Description

24V IN1 0V Position digits
① Terminal block (removable):

A1+ 24V EN RES Connection is possible using screw terminals or spring-loaded terminals.
② Arrow keys for menu navigation
③ SET key for menu navigation

④ Device article number
⑤ Label

⑥ Legend for menu
⑦ Display for parameterization, actual-value indication, and diagnostics
rpm -> Revolutions/min
 Scale -> Pulses/revolution
Terminal labels
onDel -> Power on delay
Mem ? -> Memory?
NC -> Circuit principle  A1+ Rated control supply voltage ∼ / +
 A2- Rated control supply voltage ∼ / -
24V Supply voltage for pulse input IN1 (24 V / max. 50 mA)

IN1 Pulse input for pnp‑switching three-wire sensor (for 0 V DC/ +24 V pulses)
 0V Supply voltage for pulse input IN1 (0 V / max. 50 mA)
EN Enable
RES Reset
8V2 IN2 A2-
 IN2 Pulse input for two-wire NAMUR sensor or mechanical contact
8V2 Supply voltage for pulse input IN2
12 11 14
12 Output relay K1 CO contact NC contact
11 Output relay K1 CO contact root
14 Output relay K1 CO contact NO contact

You can find additional information on the connection terminals and the permissible conductor
cross-sections in the Chapter "Connection methods (Page 18)".
You can find information on connecting in the Chapter "Circuit diagrams (Page 224)".

12.3 Functions

General functionality
Depending on the setting, the speed monitoring relays monitor a speed in revolutions per
minute (rpm) for overshoot (rpm▲), undershoot (rpm▼) or in range monitoring (rpm▲ and
rpm▼). Depending on their design, the devices are powered with a rated control supply voltage
of 24 V AC/DC or 24 to 240 V AC/DC supply voltage through terminals A1/A2.
The 3UG4651 speed monitoring relays have a display and are parameterized with three keys.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4651 speed monitoring relay
12.3 Functions

You will find the adjustment ranges and factory settings of the available parameters in Chapter
"Operation (Page 222)".
You can find a description of the individual parameters in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)".
Speed monitoring functions according to the principle of period duration measurement.
In the speed monitoring relay, the time interval between two consecutive rising edges of the
pulse encoder is measured and compared with the minimum and/or maximum permissible
period duration calculated from the set threshold values for the speed. Period duration
measurement detects a speed deviation after only two pulses.
By using up to ten pulse encoders distributed simultaneously across the range, the period
duration, and thus the response time, can be reduced. By taking account of the number of
sensors in the speed monitoring relay, the speed continues to be displayed in revolutions per
The number of pulses supplied by the pulse encoder can be defined with the help of entering a
scaling value (Scale). This allows the revolutions per minute to be read direct on the display.
The speed monitoring relays have two different pulse inputs. Only one of these may be used! A
pnp‑switching three-wire sensor for 0 V / +24 V DC pulses can be connected at terminal IN1. It
is supplied from the output relay via terminals 0V and 24V / with up to 50 mA. Use of a
mechanical pulse contact with an external DC supply of 4.5 to 30 V is also permissible at terminal

To detect the edges reliably, the pulses and pauses between pulses of the pulse encoders used
must be applied for at least 5 ms. A pause is detected at voltage level < 1 V. A pulse requires a
minimum value of 4.5 V.

Alternatively, a two-wire NAMUR sensor supplied from terminal 8V2, or a mechanical contact,
can be connected at terminal IN2.

Startup delay
To be able to start a drive, the output relay switches to the correct state during the ON-delay time
(onDel) depending on the selected open-circuit principle or closed-circuit principle, even if the
measured value is still under the set value.
The ON-delay time is started either by switching on the rated control supply voltage or, if the
rated control supply voltage is present, by actuating the relevant contact (e.g. auxiliary contact
of a contactor).
Tripping delay
If the measured value overshoots or undershoots the set threshold after expiry of the ON-delay
time (onDel), the set tripping delay time (Del) and the relay symbol will flash. After expiry of this
time, the output relays change the switching state. On the display, the current measuring value
and the symbol for undershoot or overshoot flash.
Operating mode with/without enable contact

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3UG4651 speed monitoring relay
12.3 Functions

In the operating mode without enable contact (terminal EN = Enable not connected), the output
relay responds when the rated control supply voltage is switched in accordance with the set
closed-circuit principle NC or open-circuit principle NO (relay control is inverted to the closed-
circuit principle NC), and the ON-delay time (onDel) is started, provided the lower threshold is
not at OFF. If the speed reaches the lower threshold value plus the set hysteresis during this time,
the ON-delay time is stopped and normal monitoring begins. If this value has not yet been
reached after expiry of the ON-delay time, the output relay switches to the fault state depending
on the selected relay switching behavior.
For the functioning of the operating mode with enable contact (terminal EN = Enable is
connected to terminal 24V with an isolated NC contact), a rated control supply voltage must be
present at terminals A1 and A2 on the monitoring relay. Only when this NC contact is actuated
will the ON-delay time (onDel) and the drive (with a second contact, for example) be started.
You will find the switching states of the output relay below in the section entitled "Function
diagrams" and in Chapter "Diagnostics (Page 223)."

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4651 speed monitoring relay
12.3 Functions

Function diagrams 3UG4651

Display Memory = no
Relay switching behavior = NC (closed-circuit principle)
Without Enable input With Enable input
rpm > A1-A2 A1-A2
rpm > = off
! EN
Hyst Hyst !
Hyst Hyst
Del Del

Del Del

rpm > = off A1-A2 A1-A2

rpm >
RPM=0 !
Hyst Hyst
11/14 rpm
11/12 RPM=0

OnDel Del OnDel


OnDel Del OnDel

rpm >
A1-A2 A1-A2
rpm >
! !

rpm ! !

rpm Hyst

RPM=0 Hyst
11/14 RPM=0

OnDel Del Del 11/12

OnDel Del Del

RPM = currently measured speed

rpm = set threshold for the speed

The relay control for the open-circuit principle NO is inverted to the represented function
diagrams in the closed-circuit principle NC after application of the rated control supply
voltage US.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4651 speed monitoring relay
12.4 Operation

12.4 Operation

Parameterization of the devices is possible locally using the display and the three keys.

Parameter information
The table below shows the settable parameter information of the 3UG4651 speed monitoring

Table 12-2 Parmeter information, 3UG4651 speed monitoring relays with digital setting

Menu Parameters Setting range Increment Factory setting

level Minimum value Maximum value
"RUN" Threshold for undershoot 0.10 or OFF 2200 or OFF 0,1 800
"RUN" Threshold for overshoot (rpm▲) 0.10 or OFF 2200 or OFF 0,1 1400
"SET" Scaling factor (Scale) 1 10 1 1
"SET" Hysteresis (Hyst) 0.1 or OFF 99,9 0,1 Disabled (OFF)
"SET" ON-delay time (onDel) 0s 900.0 s 0.1 s Deactivated (0 s)
"SET" Tripping delay time (Del) 0.1 s 99.9 s 0.1 s 0.1 s
"SET" Reset response (Mem) no = Autoreset yes = Hand‑RESET -- no = Autoreset
"SET" Relay switching behavior NC or NO -- NC
(closed-circuit principle NC /
open-circuit principle NO)

The monitoring mode "Overshoot" or "Undershoot" is defined with the setting OFF at the
threshold for undershoot or overshoot.

The parameters are described in Chapter "Parameters (Page 265)."

Menu-based operation is described in Chapter "Menu-based operation (Page 37)."

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4651 speed monitoring relay
12.5 Diagnostics

12.5 Diagnostics

12.5.1 Indications on the display

Display information
The display is divided into three different areas.

3 2

① Speed measured value or fault symbol

② Type of monitoring
③ Symbol of the changeover contact

Meaning of the information on the display

Indications in the event of a fault
The symbols on the display flash to indicate an error.

The following statuses and faults are indicated on the display as a diagnostics message with
flashing symbols:

Display Symbol Meaning

① 1100 Measured speed is displayed
② Monitoring for speed overshoot (rpm▲)

② Monitoring for speed undershoot (rpm▼)

② Range monitoring (rpm▲ and rpm▼)

② Speed is in the correct range

② A speed overshoot has occurred
② A speed undershoot has occurred
③ • Not flashing: Relay contact 11/12 open, relay contact 11/14 closed
• Flashing: Delay time (ON-delay or tripping delay) running
• Masked out: Relay contact 11/12 closed, relay contact 11/14 open

You will find more information about the switching behavior of the output relay in Chapter
"Functions (Page 218)."

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4651 speed monitoring relay
12.6 Circuit diagrams

12.5.2 Reset

How the outputs are reset depends on the "Reset response" parameter (see Chapter "Reset
response (Page 265)").
The following settings can be selected:
• Automatic reset (Memory = O / Mem = no)
The device is reset automatically as soon as a previously occurring error has been dealt with.
• Manual RESET (Memory = I / Mem = yes)
To reset the devices with digital setting, it is necessary to press both arrow keys
simultaneously for more than 2.5 s after removal of the cause of error. If the cause of the error
has not been removed, a new error message appears immediately. Alternatively, the devices
can be reset by switching the rated control supply voltage on and off.

12.6 Circuit diagrams

12.6.1 Internal circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagrams 3UG4651 speed monitoring relay

+ –

A1 (+) EN RES 24V IN1 0V

3UG46 51

12 14

A2 (–) IN2 8V2

– +

3UG4651‑.AA30 24 V AC/DC
3UG4651‑.AW30 24 to 240 V AC/DC

On the 24 V AC/DC versions of the 3UG4651‑.AA30, terminals A1 / A2 and 0V / 24V are
electrically connected in the device!
On the 24 to 240 V AC / DC versions of the 3UG4651‑.AW30, terminals A1 / A2 and 0V / 24V are
electrically separated!

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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3UG4651 speed monitoring relay
12.6 Circuit diagrams

12.6.2 Wiring examples

Speed monitoring relays without Enable input

K1 11
A1 (+) EN RES
3UG46 51 24V BN 12 14
A2 (–) IN2 8V2


Speed monitoring relays with Enable input

S1 Enable
A1 (+) EN RES
3UG46 51 24V 1
IN1 4 11
USP! K1 K1
0V 3 12 14
DC 24V/ K2
A2 (–) IN2 8V2 max. 50 mA


SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 225
3UG4651 speed monitoring relay
12.7 Technical data

12.7 Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

226 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
Accessories 13
13.1 Accessories for 3RR2 current monitoring relays

13.1.1 Sealable cover

A sealable cover for use with all sizes (3RR2940) is available for the 3RR2 current monitoring
relays with digital and analog setting.
The sealable cover is used to protect the rotary buttons and the slide switch on the current
monitoring relay with analog setting or the buttons on the current monitoring relay with digital
setting against unauthorized or unintentional tampering.
Siemens also offers a sealable membrane (3TK2820-0AA00) for securing the current monitoring
relays with analog setting. The sealable membrane is fixed to the front of the device and secures
the rotary buttons and sliding switches against unintentional tampering.

The diagram below shows an example mounting scenario based on mounting the sealable cover
on the 3RR21 current monitoring relay with analog setting, size S0. The mounting sequence for
the sealable cover for size S00 is exactly the same as that for size S0.


① Remove the key from the cover.

② Insert the key into the designated opening.
③ Attach the hooks on the cover to the openings on the current monitoring relay.
④ Tilt the cover down.
⑤ Lock the cover with the key connector to secure it against unauthorized removal.
Figure 13-1 Mounting the sealable cover on the 3RR2 current monitoring relay

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 227
13.1 Accessories for 3RR2 current monitoring relays

13.1.2 Terminal support for stand-alone assembly

For a stand-alone assembly or if an overload relay is being used at the same time, adapters for
stand-alone installation are available for separate DIN rail mounting or screw mounting.
The accessories are exactly the same as the accessories for the 3RU21 thermal overload relay and
the 3RB3 solid-state overload relay.

Table 13-1 Stand-alone assembly of the 3RR2 current monitoring relay

Size Connection system Terminal support for stand-

alone assembly
S00 Screw-type 3RU2916‑3AA01
Spring-loaded 3RU2916‑3AC01
S0 Screw-type 3RU2926‑3AA01
Spring-loaded 3RU2926‑3AC01
S2 Screw-type 3RU2936-3AA01

The terminal supports can be snapped onto 35 mm DIN rails according to DIN EN 50022. They
can also be screw-mounted.
The figure below shows how the terminal support for stand-alone assembly is mounted and
disassembled, based on the example of an analog setting current monitoring relay.

① Guide the current monitoring relay into the terminal support from below.
② Tighten the screws on the terminal support with a
Pozidriv size 2 (S00) or Pozidriv size 3 (S0)
screwdriver (tightening torque 0.8 to 1.2 Nm).
Check that the cable is clamped tight.
Figure 13-2 Mounting the terminal support (screw-type connection technology in the main circuit)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

228 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.1 Accessories for 3RR2 current monitoring relays


① Insert the contacts (a) into the central opening of the main terminals on the terminal support,
with the contacts flush to the right. Make sure that the guide tabs are inserted into the designated
slots on the terminal support.
Figure 13-3 Mounting the terminal support (spring-loaded connection technology in the main circuit)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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13.1 Accessories for 3RR2 current monitoring relays


① Undo the screws on the main conductor terminals.

② Release the current monitoring relay by pushing down the clip on the underside of the terminal
③ Use a screwdriver to dislodge the terminal support from the current monitoring relay.
④ Pull the current monitoring relay down and away from the contactor.
Figure 13-4 Removing the terminal support (screw-type connection technology in the main circuit)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

230 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

① Release the current monitoring relay by pushing down the clip on the underside of the terminal
② Position the screwdriver on the terminal support as shown in the figure. Carefully dislodge the
current monitoring relay from the contactor.
③ Pull the current monitoring relay toward you and away from the terminal support.
Figure 13-5 Removing the terminal support (spring-loaded connection technology in the main circuit)

13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

13.2.1 Sealable cover

There is a uniform sealable cover for the monitoring relays with an overall width of 22.5 mm.
The sealable cover can be used to secure the actuators (rotary buttons, sliding switches, and
keys) of the monitoring relays against unauthorized or unintentional manipulation.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 231
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

Siemens also offers a sealable membrane (3TK2820-0AA00) for securing the monitoring relays
with analog setting. The sealable membrane is affixed to the front of the device and secures
rotary buttons and sliding switches against unintentional manipulation.

The sealable membrane does not protect keys against unauthorized or unintentional

The figure below shows how to attach the 3RP1902 sealable cover to the monitoring relay.




① Break off the clip on the sealable cover.

② Insert the sealable cover into the openings on the monitoring relay.
③ Fold up the sealable cover.
④ Insert the clip into the opening until it engages.
⑤ Seal the clip to secure it against unauthorized removal.
Figure 13-6 Mounting the sealable cover on the monitoring relay

13.2.2 Push-in lugs

The 3RP1903 push-in lugs are available for the monitoring relays.
With the help of the push-in lugs, the monitoring relays can be secured with screws on a level
surface (e.g. a wall). Two push-in lugs are required per device.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

232 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

The figure below shows how to attach the 3RP1903 push-in lugs to the monitoring relay.


① Insert the push-in lugs at the top and bottom on the monitoring relay and tighten the push-in lugs
with a screwdriver.
Figure 13-7 Attaching the push-in lugs on the monitoring relay

13.2.3 Probes for the 3UG4501 monitoring relay

Probes for level monitoring
Probes for level monitoring are available from various suppliers.
We recommend probes from Jacob GmbH (https://www.jacob-gmbh.de/en/).
There you can also obtain the previous 3UG3 wire electrodes and bow electrodes.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

13.2.4 Summation current transformer for the 3UG4624 monitoring relay

The 3UL22 summation current transformers acquire residual current in machines and plants.
Together with the 3UG4624 residual current monitoring relay or the motor management and
control unit SIMOCODE 3UF, residual current monitoring and ground-fault monitoring are
possible. The 3UL22 summation current transformer is available in three sizes with a bushing
opening of ∅ 40 mm, ∅ 65 mm and ∅ 120 mm.

a2 a3





A2 Z3


Z1 Z2


Figure 13-8 3UL22 summation current transformers

Type a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 c1 c2 c3
3UL2201 100 75 10 15 for 80 85 72,5 42,5 7,5 40 65 50 40
3UL2202 125 95 10 15 for 100 110 97,5 55 7,5 65 70 60 45
3UL2203 200 165 20 20 for 170 200 100 100 10 120 85 70 55

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

234 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

13.2.5 3UL23 residual current transformers for 3UG4625 monitoring relays

3UL23 residual current transformers detect fault currents in machines and systems. Together
with the residual current monitoring relay or the 3UF7510 SIMOCODE motor management and
control device ground-fault module, residual current monitoring and ground-fault monitoring
are possible. The 3UL23 residual current transformer is available in six sizes with bushing
opening diameters of ∅ 35 mm, ∅ 55 mm, ∅ 80 mm, ∅ 110 mm, ∅ 140 mm, and ∅ 210 mm. General information

Various circuit types with resulting fault currents

The following table shows various circuit types and the resulting fault currents in the event of a
ground fault. Circuits 1 to 6 create pure AC fault currents or AC fault currents with a pulsating
direct fault current component. This type of fault current can be detected by type A transformers
in accordance with DIN VDE 0100‑530, such as 3UL23 residual current transformers.

3UG4.25 residual current monitoring relays are only suitable for use with 3UL23 residual current

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 235
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays


① Suitable FI type
② Circuit
③ Load current
④ Fault current
Figure 13-9 Possible fault current forms and suitable residual current devices

More information is available on the Internet (https://www.siemens.com/industrial-controls/


SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

236 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays Installation specifications

Please ensure strict adherence to the installation specifications for live cables.

Open-circuit voltage may result in death, serious injury or material damage
The current transformer output is a constant current power supply. In accordance with U = R * I,
the output voltage increases with an increasing resistance. If the connecting terminals of the
current transformer are open, the output voltage may become high enough for you to put your
life at risk or permanently damage the current transformer.
Avoid operating the unit when open. Operating a network for monitoring safely and without
faults requires that the monitoring relay and the 3UL23 residual current transformer have been
installed completely. It is absolutely necessary to short-circuit previously installed
3UL23 residual current transformers when the units are not connected to a monitoring relay.

3UL23 residual current transformer conductor cross-sections

In accordance with DIN EN 60204‑1 "Safety of machinery", the current carrying capacity of
conductors is limited depending on their cross-section. This results in the ideally suitable
residual current transformer to be used as per the following table. Please observe potentially
deviating, local installation specifications.

Order number Bushing opening Max. conductor cross- AWG [kcmil] Rated current per
Diameter [mm] section phase [A]
3P copper cable + N
3UL2302-1A 35 25 4 85
3UL2303-1A 55 50 1/0 150
3UL2304-1A 80 150 300 225
3UL2305-1A 110 240 500 400
3UL2306-1A 140 2 x 185 2 x 350/400 500
3UL2307-1A 210 2 x 240 2 x 500 630

3UL23 residual current transformers for external fault current monitoring

All live cables must be routed as close to the center of the transformer as possible.
Any neutral conductor must be routed through the transformer. Grounded protective

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 237
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

conductors must not be routed through the transformer or need to be routed through the
transformer in both directions.

/ /
3( / / 3( / /
1 1

/ /

Route power cables around the residual current transformer in a straight line and ensure the area
corresponds at minimum to the internal transformer diameter.

X > ∅ residual current transformer

The internal transformer diameter must be at minimum twice the size of the power cable bundle

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

238 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays


1 1
/ / / /
/ /



Transformer connection

Transformer connecting cables must be twisted and not routed in parallel to live cables to protect
from emitted interference. Keep the length of the connecting cables to a minimum. The
resistance at the transformer connecting cable must not exceed 5 Ω to ensure correct fault
current monitoring. This is ensured by the following limits given here as examples.

Conductor cross-section [mm²] AWG/[kcmil] Max. cable length [m]

0.5 20 70
1.0 18 140
1.5 16 210
2.5 14 / 12 300
4.0 1)
10 550
only possible in the case of transformers with a 210 mm diameter

We recommend using twisted cables.

Figure 13-10 ① Maximum cable lengths (see table above)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 239
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

Figure 13-11 ① Length ≥ 10 m (shielded, twisted, grounded cables)

Use shielded, twisted, and grounded cables for transformer connecting cables with a length of
more than 10 m. Potential for optimization

Potential for optimization in the event of extremely high currents, false tripping due to high
starting currents or in environments with high EMC interference
1. Extend the ON-delay time to fade out fault currents measured during motor startup.
2. Extend the tripping delay time to prevent false tripping due to EMC interference.
3. Select a residual current transformer with a larger internal diameter. The reduced magnetic
field strength that passes through the transformer due to the extended distance between
power cables and transformer reduces the measuring accuracy but also the susceptibility to

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

240 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

4. Route the transformer connecting cables at a greater distance to live cables

5. a) Using solid shield sleeves or wound shield sleeves made of soft iron sheet metal may be
advisable to be able to monitor for small fault currents at extremely high rated currents.
We recommend using a soft iron sheet metal shield with a thickness of 0.1 mm at minimum
and fold it around the cable bundle several times so that the overall shield is 1 mm at
minimum. The shielding sleeve length (L) must correspond to the internal diameter of the
transformer used.

① Phase (and neutral conductor)

② Shield sleeve
③ Residual current transformer

b) A solid shield sleeve, e.g. turned from a normal, low-carbon tool steel must be precisely in
contact with the internal ring of the residual current transformer. The wall thickness of the
sleeve must be 1 mm at minimum, the length of the sleeve (L) must correspond to the
internal diameter of the transformer used.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 241
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

① Phase (and neutral conductor)

② Shield sleeve
③ Residual current transformer Installation faults

For reasons of clarity, the representations show only the residual current transformer with the
currents passing through it rather than the complete residual current monitoring unit and
residual current transformer. If the vectorial sum of the currents passing through the residual
current transformer does not equal zero, part of the current is bypassing the transformer to
ground and the residual current monitoring relay triggers a warning or an alarm if the current is
correspondingly high.
In some instances, false alarms may occur for no apparent reason. However, these represent
installation faults.
The following examples demonstrate the most common installation faults.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

242 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

Parallel connections of conductors

If several residual current monitoring relays are installed in one network, a conductor routed
through several residual current transformers must not be connected to itself downstream of
the transformer, as this would effectively represent a parallel connection of the conductor. This
fault occurs particularly often with neutral conductors. This fault causes the currents to be
distributed across the conductor. This means that the current flowing through the load to be
monitored is no longer 100 % of the total current and all integrated monitoring relays measure
fault currents.

; ;

: ,* :
, ,


; ;


SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 243
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

Mixing up conductors
In a network with several loads there is the risk that active conductors of loads that are to be
separately monitored for fault currents can get mixed up. This fault leads to false tripping as the
inflowing and outflowing currents are not always exactly the same strength, even if the loads are


: ,* :



SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

244 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

Routing contrary to the current flow

To be able to form the vectorial sum of currents to and from a load correctly, all active conductors
must be routed through the residual current transformer from the same direction. Due to the
restricted space in a control cabinet it may be easier to route the neutral conductor through the
transformer in the opposite direction to the phase conductor. This means the vectorial sum of
currents does not equal zero, even without a ground fault, and the residual current monitoring
relay trips.





,* ,* Internal circuit diagram

3UL23 internal circuit diagram

1 / / /



Figure 13-12 3UL23 residual current transformer

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 245
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays Installing

Wall mounting procedure

①/ Insert the fixing lugs into the designated openings in the unit until they reach the stop.

③ Place the device against the wall surface prepared for establishing a screw connection.
④ Insert the head screws through the
corresponding elongated holes in the fixing lugs.
⑤ Screw the device onto the level surface so that it is secure.

Mounting onto standard rail

Requirement: At the installation location, a horizontal 35-mm wide mounting rail in accordance
with DIN EN 60715 has been properly secured.
Mounting onto standard rail is possible with residual-current transformers with bushing
opening diameters of up to ∅ 55 mm only (3UL2302-1A, 3UL2303-1A).

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

246 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays

① Mount the holder (3UL2900) to the device.

② Mount the device on the rail.

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 247
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays Dimension drawings

3UL23 residual current transformer




Figure 13-13 3UL2302-1A

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

248 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays






Figure 13-14 3UL2303-1A




Figure 13-15 3UL2304-1A

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 249
13.2 Accessories for 3UG4 monitoring relays





Figure 13-16 3UL2305-1A


4 0


Figure 13-17 3UL2306-1A

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

250 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.3 Accessories for 3UG458.-1AW30 / 3UG4583-1CW30 insulation monitoring relays

1 0



Figure 13-18 3UL2307-1A

13.3 Accessories for 3UG458.-1AW30 / 3UG4583-1CW30 insulation

monitoring relays

13.3.1 Sealable cover

A sealable cover compatible is available for the 3UG458. insulation monitoring relays.

Table 13-2 Versions of the sealable cover

Sealable cover Usability

3UG4981-0C 3UG4581-1AW30/3UG4582-1AW30
3UG4983‑0C 3UG4583-1CW30

The sealable cover can be used to secure the actuators (rotary buttons and sliding switches) of
the monitoring relays against unauthorized or unintentional manipulation.
Siemens also offers a sealable membrane (3TK2820-0AA00) with a width of 22.5 mm for
securing the monitoring relays. The sealable membrane is affixed to the front of the device and
secures rotary buttons and sliding switches against unintentional operation.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 251
13.3 Accessories for 3UG458.-1AW30 / 3UG4583-1CW30 insulation monitoring relays

The figure below shows how to attach the 3UG4983‑0C sealable cover to the
3UG4583 insulation monitoring relay.

① Remove the label from the monitoring relay

② Insert the clip into the opening on the device until it engages.
③ Slide the sealable cover onto the monitoring relay.
④ Secure the sealable cover against unauthorized removal with a seal on the clip.
Figure 13-19 Mounting the sealable cover on the monitoring relay

13.3.2 3UG4983 voltage reducer module for the 3UG4583-1CW30 monitoring relay

The 3UG4983‑1A passive voltage reducer module is used for extending the measuring range of
the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays. The voltage reducer module enables monitoring of
the insulation resistance in systems with rated line voltages of up to 690 V AC (15 to 400 Hz) and
1000 V DC in accordance with IEC 61557‑8. The device does not require any rated control supply
voltage for operation, and it is connected between the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring relay
and the system to be monitored.

If the continuously present voltage is greater than 600 V, a minimum gap of 10 mm must be
maintained between the neighboring devices.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

252 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.3 Accessories for 3UG458.-1AW30 / 3UG4583-1CW30 insulation monitoring relays

Front view/terminal labeling 3UG4983

Front view Description

9/ 9 /  Position digits
① Terminal block:
Screw-type connections are possible.
② Device article number
③ Circuit diagram

9 9(
④ Label
96 96 Terminal labels

9/ / /
 VL+ Measuring signal input, connection to the system
9 9
9/ / / VL- Measuring signal input, connection to the system
9 9
VS Connection to 3UG4583 terminal VS
8* 8*
VE Connection to 3UG4583 terminal

V Measuring signal input, ground connection
L+ Connection to 3UG4583 terminal L+
/ 9 / 9 
 L- Connection to 3UG4583 terminal L-
V1+ Connection to 3UG4583 terminal V1+
96 9( 9 V1- Connection to 3UG4583 terminal V1-

Mounting onto standard rail

The figure below shows how to install the 3UG4983 voltage reducer module on a standard rail.


①/ Position the device on the top edge of the DIN rail and press it down until it snaps onto the bottom
② edge of the DIN rail.
Figure 13-20 Installing the 3UG4983 voltage reducer module (mounting onto standard rail)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 253
13.3 Accessories for 3UG458.-1AW30 / 3UG4583-1CW30 insulation monitoring relays

①/ To remove, apply the screwdriver to the device and push it up with a twisting motion against the
② tension of the fixing spring.
③ Swing the device upwards to remove it.
Figure 13-21 Removing the 3UG4983 voltage reducer module (mounting onto DIN rail) Internal circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagram 3UG4983-1A / 3UG4983-.AA01

. / / 96 9(

9/ 9/ 9 9 9

Figure 13-22 3UG4983-1A / 3UG4983-.AA01 insulation monitoring relay

Wiring examples for the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring relay with connected 3UG4983 upstream
Measuring inputs L+ and L- can be connected to any conductor. Measuring inputs L+ and L- must
always be connected to different conductors.
The rated system voltage is Un ≤ 690 V AC (15 to 400 Hz) or Un ≤ 1000 V DC.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

254 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.3 Accessories for 3UG458.-1AW30 / 3UG4583-1CW30 insulation monitoring relays

2-wire AC system / 2-wire DC system

2-wire AC system 2-wire DC system

9/ 9/ $   < < < 9/ 9/ $   < < <

/ 9 / 9   / 96 9 9 / 9 / 9   / 96 9 9

96 9( 9   / .( $ 96 9( 9   / .( $

/ 3:0 /

1 '& /
3( 3(

3-wire AC system / 3-wire DC system

3-wire AC system 3-wire DC system

9/ 9/ $   < < < 9/ 9/ $   < < <

/ 9 / 9   / 96 9 9 3:0 / / 9 / 9   / 96 9 9

96 9( 9   / .( $ 96 9( 9   / .( $
'& /

/ 3:0 / /
/ 0
/ '& / /
3( 3(

4-wire AC system

4-wire AC system
9/ 9/ $   < < <

/ 9 / 9   / 96 9 9

96 9( 9   / .( $


SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 255
13.3 Accessories for 3UG458.-1AW30 / 3UG4583-1CW30 insulation monitoring relays

Application example
The figure below shows how to connect the 3UG4983 upstream module to the 3UG4583
insulation monitoring relay.


9/ 9/ $   < < <

8*$ 8*&:

/ 9 / 9   / 96 9 9

96 9( 9   / .( $

Figure 13-23 Connection example: Upstream module - insulation monitoring relay

The maximum cable length between the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring relay and the
3UG4983 upstream module is 0.4 m.

The maximum cable length of the measuring circuit connections is 50 m or 100 pF/m. Technical data

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

256 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.4 Accessories for 3UG4583-1CW31 insulation monitoring relays

13.4 Accessories for 3UG4583-1CW31 insulation monitoring relays

13.4.1 3UG4983-.AA01 voltage reducer module for the 3UG4583-1CW31 monitoring


The 3UG4983‑1AA01 passive voltage reducer module is used for extending the measuring
range of the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays. The voltage reducer module enables
monitoring of the insulation resistance in systems with rated line voltages of up to 690 V
AC (15 to 400 Hz) and 1000 V DC in accordance with IEC 61557‑8. The device does not require
any rated control supply voltage for operation, and it is connected between the 3UG4583
insulation monitoring relay and the system to be monitored.

If the continuously present voltage is greater than 600 V, a minimum gap of 10 mm must be
maintained between the neighboring devices.

Front view/terminal labeling 3UG4983-1AA01

Front view Description

Position digits
① Terminal block:
Screw-type connections are possible.
1 ② Circuit diagram
③ Device article number
④ Label
Terminal labels
VL+ Measuring signal input, connection to the system

2 VL- Measuring signal input, connection to the system

VS Connection to 3UG4583 terminal VS
VE Connection to 3UG4583 terminal
V Measuring signal input, ground connection
3 L+ Connection to 3UG4583 terminal L+
L- Connection to 3UG4583 terminal L-
V1+ Connection to 3UG4583 terminal V1+
V1- Connection to 3UG4583 terminal V1-
L+ V1+ L- V1-


SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 257
13.4 Accessories for 3UG4583-1CW31 insulation monitoring relays

The 3UG4983‑2AA01 passive voltage reducer module is used for extending the measuring
range of the 3UG4583 insulation monitoring relays. The voltage reducer module enables
monitoring of the insulation resistance in systems with rated line voltages of up to 690 V
AC (15 to 400 Hz) and 1000 V DC in accordance with IEC 61557‑8. The device does not require
any rated control supply voltage for operation, and it is connected between the 3UG4583
insulation monitoring relay and the system to be monitored.

If the continuously present voltage is greater than 600 V, a minimum gap of 10 mm must be
maintained between the neighboring devices.

Front view/terminal labeling 3UG4983-2AA01

Front view Description

Position digits

① Terminal block:
Supports spring-loaded connection technology.
② Circuit diagram
③ Device article number
④ Label
Terminal labels

2 VL+ Measuring signal input, connection to the system

VL- Measuring signal input, connection to the system
VS Connection to 3UG4583 terminal VS
VE Connection to 3UG4583 terminal
V Measuring signal input, ground connection
L+ Connection to 3UG4583 terminal L+
L- Connection to 3UG4583 terminal L-

L+ V1+ L- V1-
V1+ Connection to 3UG4583 terminal V1+
V1- Connection to 3UG4583 terminal V1-

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

258 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.4 Accessories for 3UG4583-1CW31 insulation monitoring relays

Mounting onto standard rail

The figure below shows how to install the 3UG4983-.AA01 voltage reducer module on a
standard rail


① Position the device on the top edge of the DIN rail and press it down until it snaps onto the bottom
② edge of the DIN rail.

① For disassembly, press the device down and remove the device with a swiveling motion to the
② front.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 259
13.4 Accessories for 3UG4583-1CW31 insulation monitoring relays Internal circuit diagrams

Internal circuit diagram 3UG4983-1A / 3UG4983-.AA01

. / / 96 9(

9/ 9/ 9 9 9

Figure 13-24 3UG4983-1A / 3UG4983-.AA01 insulation monitoring relay Typical circuit diagrams (3UG4983-.AA01)

Typical circuit diagrams 3UG4583-.CW31 insulation monitoring relay with

connected 3UG4983-.AA01 voltage reducer module
Measuring inputs L+ and L- can be connected to any conductor. Measuring inputs L+ and L- must
always be connected to different conductors.
The rated system voltage is Un ≤ 690 V AC (15 to 400 Hz) or Un ≤ 1000 V DC.

2-wire AC system / 2-wire DC system

2-wire AC system 2-wire DC system

9/ 9/ $   < < < 9/ 9/ $   < < <

/ 9 / 9   / 96 9 9 / 9 / 9   / 96 9 9

96 9( 9   / .( $ 96 9( 9   / .( $

/ 3:0 /

1 '& /
3( 3(

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

260 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
13.4 Accessories for 3UG4583-1CW31 insulation monitoring relays

3-wire AC system/3-wire DC system

3-wire AC system 3-wire DC system

9/ 9/ $   < < < 9/ 9/ $   < < <

/ 9 / 9   / 96 9 9 3:0 / / 9 / 9   / 96 9 9

96 9( 9   / .( $ 96 9( 9   / .( $
'& /

/ 3:0 / /
/ 0
/ '& / /
3( 3(

4-wire AC system

4-wire AC system
9/ 9/ $   < < <

/ 9 / 9   / 96 9 9

96 9( 9   / .( $


Application example
The figure below shows the connection of the 3UG4983-.AA01 voltage reducer module to
the 3UG4583-.CW31 insulation monitoring relay


9/ 9/ $   < < <

8*$$ 8*&:

/ 9 / 9   / 96 9 9

96 9( 9   / .( $

Figure 13-25 Connection example: Voltage reducer module - insulation monitoring relay

The maximum cable length between the 3UG4583-.CW31 insulation monitoring relay and
the 3UG4983-.AA01 voltage reducer module is 0.4 m.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 261
13.4 Accessories for 3UG4583-1CW31 insulation monitoring relays

The maximum cable length of the measuring circuit connections is 50 m or 100 pF/m. Technical specifications

Technical data sheet

You can also find the technical data of the product at Siemens Industry Online Support (https://
1. Enter the full article number of the desired device in the "Product" field, and confirm with the
Enter key.
2. Click the "Technical data" link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

262 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
References A
Further references
You will find further information on the 3RR2 and 3UG4 monitoring relays on the Internet (http://
In addition to this manual, please refer to the operating instructions and manuals for any
accessories. You can download the relevant documentation from the Internet (http://
www.siemens.com/sirius/manuals). Simply enter the article number of the relevant item into
the search field.

Operating instructions

Title Article number

SIRIUS monitoring relay for polyphase current monitoring S00 / S0 3ZX1012-0RR21-1AA1
SIRIUS monitoring relay for polyphase current monitoring S2 (3RR2143) 3ZX1012-0RR21-4AA1
SIRIUS monitoring relay for polyphase current monitoring S00 / S0 3ZX1012-0RR22-1AA1
SIRIUS monitoring relay for polyphase current monitoring S2 (3RR2243) 3ZX1012-0RR22-4AA1
SIRIUS monitoring relay for level monitoring of conductive liquids 3ZX1012-0UG45-0BA1
SIRIUS monitoring relay for phase sequence monitoring (3UG4511) 3ZX1012-0UG45-3AA1
SIRIUS monitoring relay for phase sequence and phase failure monitoring 3ZX1012-0UG45-2AA1
SIRIUS monitoring relay for phase sequence and undervoltage monitor‐ 3ZX1012-0UG45-1AA1
ing (3UG4513)
SIRIUS monitoring relay for phase sequence, asymmetry, and undervolt‐ 3ZX1012-0UG46-6AA1
age monitoring (3UG4614)
SIRIUS monitoring relay for three-phase line monitoring (3UG4615 and 3ZX1012-0UG46-1AA1
SIRIUS monitoring relay for three-phase line monitoring with phase cor‐ 3ZX1012-0UG46-3AA1
rection (3UG4617 and 3UG4618)
SIRIUS monitoring relay for single-phase current monitoring (3UG4621 3ZX1012-0UG46-2AA1
and 3UG4622)
SIRIUS monitoring relay for residual current monitoring, with transform‐ 3ZX1012-0UG46-2BA1
er 3UL22 (3UG4624)
SIRIUS monitoring relay for residual current monitoring, with 3UL23 3ZX1012-0UG40-0AA0
(3UG4625) transformer
SIRIUS monitoring relay for single-phase voltage monitoring (3UG4631 3ZX1012-0UG46-5AA1
and 3UG4632)
SIRIUS monitoring relay for single-phase voltage monitoring, self-pow‐ 3ZX1012-0UG46-4AA1
ered (3UG4633)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 263

Title Article number

SIRIUS monitoring relay for power factor and active current monitoring 3ZX1012-0UG46-4BA1
SIRIUS monitoring relay for speed monitoring (3UG4651) 3ZX1012-0UG46-5BA1


Title Reference
Functional safety - Use of SIRIUS 3UG4 and 3RR2 monitoring relays with Internet (http://
integrated sensors support.automation.siemens

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

264 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
Parameters B
Nominal line voltage
The nominal voltage is the value of the electrical voltage during normal operation specified by
the manufacturer. The nominal voltage is usually stated with a maximum permissible tolerance
range. In Europe, the nominal value of the line voltage, the nominal line voltage, is 230 V (line /
neutral) or 400 V (line / line).

(Warning) threshold for voltage asymmetry

Voltage asymmetry is the difference between the highest and the lowest phase voltage in
relation to the highest phase voltage (Ux-y max - Ux-y min) / Ux-y max.

Deviation from the definition according to IEC/NEMA
The definition given above for voltage asymmetry deviates from the definition according to IEC/
NEMA. It usually results in a greater value for voltage asymmetry than that arrived at from the
definition according to IEC/NEMA, so that a higher level of measuring accuracy is achieved.

Voltage asymmetry can be parameterized as "Threshold for voltage asymmetry" or as "Warning

threshold for voltage asymmetry" (only on devices for IO-Link).
If the warning threshold is reached on device variants for IO-Link, this is transmitted cyclicly via
IO-Link and the relevant bits are set in the diagnostics data set or the semiconductor output
(terminal C/Q) is switched in SIO mode.
If the threshold has been reached, the output relays are switched accordingly and an IO-Link
message may be sent.
Possible indications on the display: Asy (threshold), possibly Asy! (warning threshold)

Tripping delay time

If the measured value overshoots or undershoots the set limit value, the delay time that can be
set using the "Tripping delay time" parameter starts. On expiry of this time, the switching contact
changes state and a message may be sent via IO-Link.
Possible indications on the display:
• Tripping delay time in the case of voltage undershoot: U▼Del
• Tripping delay time in the case of voltage overshoot: U▲Del
• Tripping delay time in the case of (active) current undershoot: I▼Del
• Tripping delay time in the case of (active) current overshoot: I▲Del
• Tripping delay time in the case of speed undershoot: ▼Del

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• Tripping delay time in the case of speed overshoot: ▲Del

• Tripping delay time on undervoltage or overshoot of the asymmetry value: Del
• Tripping delay time for asymmetry: AsyDel
• Tripping delay time in the case of undershoot of the cos phi value: φ▼Del
• Tripping delay time in the case of overshoot of the cos phi value: φ▲Del

ON-delay time
The setting of the "ON-delay time" parameter prevents limit violations such as undershoots
(typical of inductive loads) while the system engages from generating a switching response.
The ON-delay time starts in the following cases, depending on the parameter settings:
• At restart
If a measurable signal is again detected after the lower measuring range limit has been
• At Power‑ON
Re-connection of the supply voltage (Power‑ON) of the device after switching off the current
flow (zero current).
• At manual reset
A fault is acknowledged by a manual reset. Following this, the device behaves in the same
way as when the supply voltage is switched on again.

Starting the ON-delay time via IO‑Link

The ON-delay time can also be started through the process image of the outputs (PIQ) by setting
the control command "Start ON delay time." This is a simple method of permitting brief load
steps during operation if these are predictable.
The ON-delay time can be set either locally via the three keys on the device, or via IO‑Link. The
requirements governing the starting of the ON-delay time (Power‑ON, manual reset and/or
restart) can only be modified via IO‑Link.

After exiting the menu level SET, the ON-delay time starts again.

Start of the ON-delay

The following table shows the behavior of the ON-delay time (onDel) with the device variants
3UG4 monitoring relay and 3RR2 current monitoring relay.

Device variants Start of the ON-delay possible for:

"Power‑ON" Automatic reset Manual reset
3RR21 Yes Yes Yes
3RR22 Yes Yes Yes
3UG4614 Yes No No
3UG4621 / 3UG4622 Yes Yes Yes
3UG4624 Yes No No

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Device variants Start of the ON-delay possible for:

"Power‑ON" Automatic reset Manual reset
3UG4625 Yes No Yes
3UG4633 Yes No No
3UG4641 Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1)
3UG4651 Yes No No
Setting: Ires▼ = OFF
You will find further information on the ON-delay time in the "Functionality" chapter for each
monitoring relay.
Possible indications on the display:onDel

(Warning) threshold for undershoot

The device monitors a measured value for undershoot.
The measured value can be parameterized as a threshold or as a warning threshold (on the
3RR22 and 3UG4583 devices only) for undershoot.
The warning threshold defines the switching threshold of the relevant output relay prior to
tripping by measured value undershoot.
If the set threshold is undershot, the output relay changes its switching state after expiry of the
set delay time, and an IO-Link message may be sent. If the measured value has reached the
relevant set hysteresis value, the output relay (reset response is set to autoreset) will
immediately revert to its original state and a new IO-Link message may be sent.
Further response depends on the set reset response (see "Reset response" parameter).
You can find information on the switching behavior of the output relays in the "Functionality"
chapters of the relevant monitoring relays.
Possible indications on the display:
• Current undershoot: I▼ (threshold), I!▼(warning threshold)
• Voltage undershoot: U▼ (threshold), possibly U!▼ (warning threshold)
• Speed undershoot: rpm▼ (threshold), possibly rpm!▼ (warning threshold)
• Power factor undershoot: φ▼ (threshold), possibly φ!▼ (warning threshold)
• Active current undershoot: Ir▼ (threshold), possibly Ir!▼ (warning threshold)
Possible LED indications:
• Level undershoot: Yellow LED lights up as soon as the output relay picks up, depending on the
functional principle selected
• Insulation resistance undershoot: Red LED lights up continuously
• Voltage undershoot: Red LED lights up continuously

(Warning) threshold for overshoot

The device monitors a measured value for overshoot.

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The measured value can be parameterized as "Threshold for overshoot" or as "Warning threshold
for overshoot" (only on devices for IO-Link).
The setting for the "Warning threshold for overshoot" parameter defines the switching threshold
of the relevant output relay prior to tripping due to a measured value overshoot.
If the set "Threshold for overshoot" parameter is overshot, the output relay will change its
switching state after expiry of the set delay time and an IO-Link message may be sent. If the
measured value has reached the relevant set hysteresis value, the output relay ("Reset response"
parameter set to autoreset) will immediately revert to its original state and a new IO-Link
message may be sent.
Further response depends on the set reset response (see "Reset response" parameter).
You can find information on the switching behavior of the output relays in the "Functionality"
chapters of the relevant monitoring relays.
Possible indications on the display:
• Current overshoot: I▲ (threshold), I!▲ (warning threshold)
• Voltage overshoot: U▲ (threshold), possibly U!▲ (warning threshold)
• Speed overshoot: rpm▲ (threshold), possibly rpm!▲ (warning threshold)
• Power factor overshoot: φ▲ (threshold), possibly φ!▲ (warning threshold)
• Active current overshoot: Ir▲ (threshold), possibly Ir!▲ (warning threshold)
• Fault current overshoot: I▲(threshold), possibly I! (warning threshold)

Reset response
The setting of the "Reset response" parameter controls how the device behaves after tripping in
the event of an error, and the subsequent reversion of the measured values to the normal range
once the cause of the error has been dealt with.
The outputs are reset dependent on the setting of the "Reset response" parameter.
The following settings can be selected:
• Automatic reset
If the device is set to automatic reset, the switching contact will respond once the normal
range plus the hysteresis threshold have been reached. The device is reset automatically as
soon as a previously occurring error has been dealt with. The overshoot or undershoot which
triggered the response is not saved.
• Manual RESET
If manual RESET is selected, the switching contact remains in the current switching state
even if the measured value returns to a permissible value.

Possible indications on the display: Mem

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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Hysteresis is the continuation of an effect within the hysteresis range after its cause has been
removed; its purpose is to prevent repeated response in the threshold value range.



Figure B-1 Explanation of hysteresis

If, after the upper threshold value has been overshot to such an extent that switching was
necessary, the measured value returns to the normal range, and switching over to the correct
range will not take place until a measured value which undershoots the hysteresis threshold has
been reached. The same applies if the lower threshold value is undershot.
The hysteresis is only active if the "Reset response" parameter is set to autoreset.

Possible indications on the display: Hyst

When the monitoring relay is connected to the supply voltage, the initialization phase starts and
internal functional tests are performed. During the initialization phase that lasts approximately
1.6 s, the connection to the 3UL23 residual-current transformer is one of the things that is
checked. During this time, no measurement or monitoring of the fault current takes place. - - A
is shown on the display. The relay switching behavior during the initialization phase can be
determined with the help of the "Init" parameter. In the factory setting ("Init" parameter = ERR),
the output relays switch to the fault state until completion of the initialization phase because
there is no valid measuring result of the fault current.
If the parameter is set to "OK", it is assumed that there is no internal fault and the fault current
will be within the set limits. For this reason, the output relays are switched to the work position
when the supply voltage is present.
After completion of the initialization phase, a permanent self-test takes place without
interrupting the monitoring function.

Restart delay time

If autoreset is activated on the monitoring relay, the restart delay will start as soon as the
measured value to be monitored reenters to the correct range after an overshoot or undershoot.
The associated hysteresis threshold is taken into consideration here. At the end of this time the
contacts switch back to normal operation.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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The restart delay time allows the motor to cool down if the device has tripped due to
Possible indications on the display: RsDel

Blocking current monitoring

If the load current overshoots the value of the set threshold for overshoot (I▲) by a multiple of
n during operation, a blocking current error has occurred. The tripping delay time that is running
due to the current threshold overshoot is stopped and the outputs are switched.
Indication on the display: n x I▲

Residual current monitoring

If residual current monitoring has been activated (I >> = yes) and the total current of the load
currents at terminals 1/L1 - 2/T1, 3/L2 - 4/T2 und 5/L3 - 6/T3 rises above the permissible threshold
(S00: 1.5 A / S0: 4 A), the ON-delay time onDel, the tripping delay time Del, and the restart delay
time RsDel are stopped and both the changeover contact and the semiconductor output change
their switching state immediately (≤ 200 ms).

Indication on the display: I >> = yes

Nominal fault current of the summation current transformer

The 3UL22 summation current transformers differ in size (size of the let-through opening) and
within each size by different nominal currents for which the summation current transformers are
For the 3UG4624 fault current monitoring relay to be able to indicate the real fault current, the
nominal fault current IΔn of the connected summation current transformer must be set.

Possible indications on the display: IΔn

Phase sequence monitoring

If phase sequence monitoring has been activated and the load currents exhibit the wrong phase
sequence, the CO contact and the semiconductor output will change their switching status
immediately (≤ 200 ms).
Possible indications on the display:

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Current monitoring principle

The monitoring relays monitor an AC load current which flows through the device terminals
depending on whether monitoring has been set to check for overshoot or undershoot, or
window monitoring.
There are two current monitoring principles:
• Apparent current Is
• Active currentIp
Whereas apparent current monitoring is primarily used in the rated torque range or for overload,
active current monitoring can be used to observe and evaluate the degree of loading across a
motor's entire torque range.

FRV˳ ,>$@



,V ,S ,V[FRV˳


① Strong change in cos φ

② Strong change in apparent current
cos φ Power factor
I [A] Current
M [%] Torque as a % of the rated torque
Ip Active current
Is Apparent current
Figure B-2 Load current monitoring diagram (shown using the example of a real motor)

The diagram shows that it only makes sense to use the power factor cos φ to monitor the rated
current up to approx. 70%. At a higher rated current the change in the power factor is too slight
to produce measured values of any significance. In contrast, the monitoring quality of the
apparent current Is increases along with the torque, in other words as the rated current rises. It
is for this reason that monitoring of the apparent current is primarily used if a load needs to be
protected against overload. Integrated monitoring from no-load operation up to overload is only
possible by monitoring the active current Ip, the product of power factor and apparent current.

Determining the thresholds in practice
You can determine the thresholds by operating the motor at the load limits, for example. You can
then read the thresholds as the up-to-date measured values off the display of the monitoring

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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Relay switching behavior

An output relay responds in accordance with the set switching behavior. Several variations can
be distinguished here:
• Closed-circuit principle (NC)
If the closed-circuit principle is selected, the output relay picks up when the voltage is applied
(contact .1/.4 closed). The output relay drops out in the event of a fault (contact .1/.2 closed).
If the supply voltage fails, the output relay also returns to this position so that a supply voltage
failure is detected and reported.
The semiconductor output responds as an NC contact, in other words, if a fault is detected,
the output Q has a high resistance.
• Open-circuit principle (NO)
If the open-circuit principle is selected, the output relay only picks up in the event of a fault
(contact .1/.4 closed). Interruptions to the supply voltage or the rated control supply voltage
are not displayed.
The semiconductor output responds as an NO contact, in other words, if a fault is detected,
the supply voltage is present at output Q.
• Drainage control (OV ≙ NO) (on 3UG4501 only)
If the rotary button is in the OV (Overshoot) position, monitoring mode drainage control is
selected. On the drainage control, contacts 11/14 are closed when the upper threshold is
overshot after the tripping delay time has expired. Contacts 11/12 are only closed when the
lower threshold is undershot.
• Inflow control (UN ≙ NC) (on 3UG4501 only)
When the rotary button is in the UN (Undershoot) position, the monitoring mode inflow
control is selected and the output relay picks up when the supply voltage is applied
(contact .1 / .4 closed). When the upper threshold is overshot, the output relay drops out
(contact .1/.2 closed). When the lower threshold is undershot, the output relay picks up again
(contact .1/.4 closed).
Unlike with pure reconnection at the CO contact output, with use of the relay switching behavior
parameter, it is possible to prevent unwanted pumping in the absence of a supply voltage.
Possible indications on the display:
• Closed-circuit principle: NC
• Open-circuit principle: NO

Sensor sensitivity
The sensor sensitivity is the sensitivity R sens, with which the filling level monitoring relay must
The working principle of the filling level monitoring relays is based on resistance measurement
of conductive liquids (conductive measurement method). This method can be used with all
liquids and substances that have a resistivity < 200 kΩ.

Table B-1 Resistivity of liquids

Product kΩ Product kΩ
Buttermilk 1 Natural water 5
Fruit juice 1 Waste water treatment 5

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Product kΩ Product kΩ
Vegetable juice 1 Starch solution 5
Milk 1 Oil 10
Soup 2,2 Condensation 18
Beer 2,2 Soap foam 18
Coffee 2,2 Jellies 45
Ink 2,2 Gelatin 45
Salt water 2,2 Sugar solution 90
Wine 2,2 Whisky 220
Distilled water 450

Scaling factor
The "scaling factor" parameter allows the user to set the number of pulses per revolution
provided by the pulse encoder. This allows the revolutions per minute to be read direct on the
Possible indications on the display: Scale

Stabilization delay
An output is only switched to the "correct position" after switching on the supply voltage if all
monitored measured values are stable for the duration of the stabilization delay. The monitoring
functions are active within the stabilization delay. A threshold overshoot or undershoot in this
time does not result in a fault, but instead in restarting of the stabilization delay.
The stabilization delay starts in the following cases:
• At Power‑ON
Reapplication of the supply voltage (Power‑ON) of the device after
disconnection of the current flow (zero current).
• At manual reset
A fault is acknowledged by a manual reset. After this, the device responds in the same way
when the supply voltage is connected.

Starting the stabilization delay via IO‑Link

The stabilization time can also be started through the process image of the outputs (PIQ) by
setting the control command "Start stabilization time."
The "Stabilization time" parameter is set either locally using the three keys on the device, or via
IO‑Link. The requirements governing the starting of the stabilization delay (Power‑ON and/or
manual reset) can only be modified via IO‑Link.

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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The stabilization of line voltage is useful, for example, in the case of generator operation.

Whenever the menu level is exited SET, the stabilization time starts again.

Indication on the display: stDel

Phase failure monitoring

If the "phase failure monitoring" parameter is activated, an immediate shutdown is carried out
in the event of a failure of one of the phases (or of the N conductor) to protect the application
from follow-on damage.
Set delay times have no effect on phase failure monitoring.
The "phase failure monitoring" parameter on the 3UG48 monitoring relays is set either locally via
the three keys on the device, or via IO‑Link.
Possible indications on the display:

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Dimension Drawings C
C.1 Dimension drawings 3RR2 monitoring relay

3RR2.41-1A.30 (screw connection, S00)


Figure C-1 3RR2.41-1A.30 with contactor


Figure C-2 3RR2.41-1A.30 with terminal support for stand-alone assembly

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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Dimension Drawings
C.1 Dimension drawings 3RR2 monitoring relay

3RR2.41-2A.30 (spring-loaded connection, S00)


Figure C-3 3RR2.41-2A.30 with contactor


Figure C-4 3RR2.41-2A.30 with terminal support for stand-alone assembly

3RR2.42-1A.30 (screw connection, S0)


Figure C-5 3RR2.42-1A.30 with contactor

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Dimension Drawings
C.1 Dimension drawings 3RR2 monitoring relay


Figure C-6 3RR2.42-1A.30 with terminal support for stand-alone assembly

3RR2.42-2A.30 (spring-loaded connection, S0)


Figure C-7 3RR2.42-2A.30 with contactor


Figure C-8 3RR2.42-2A.30 with terminal support for stand-alone assembly

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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Dimension Drawings
C.1 Dimension drawings 3RR2 monitoring relay

3RR2143-1A.30 (S2)


Figure C-9 3RR2143-1A.30 with contactor


Figure C-10 3RR2143-1A.30 with terminal support for stand-alone assembly

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Dimension Drawings
C.1 Dimension drawings 3RR2 monitoring relay

3RR2143-3A.30 (S2)


Figure C-11 3RR2143-3A.30 with contactor


Figure C-12 3RR2143-3A.30 with terminal support for stand-alone assembly

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Dimension Drawings
C.1 Dimension drawings 3RR2 monitoring relay

3RR2243-1F.30 (S2)


Figure C-13 3RR2243-1F.30 with contactor


Figure C-14 3RR2243-1F.30 with terminal support for stand-alone assembly

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Dimension Drawings
C.1 Dimension drawings 3RR2 monitoring relay

3RR2243-3F.30 (S2)


Figure C-15 3RR2243-3F.30 with contactor


Figure C-16 3RR2243-3F.30 with terminal support for stand-alone assembly

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Dimension Drawings
C.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays

C.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays

C.2.1 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays. (2 connecting terminals)

3UG4. monitoring relays with 2 connecting terminals (screw-type connection)



Figure C-17 3UG4. monitoring relays with 2 connecting terminals with screw-type connections

3UG4. monitoring relays with 2 connecting terminals (spring-loaded connections)



Figure C-18 3UG4. monitoring relays with 2 connecting terminals with spring-loaded connections

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Dimension Drawings
C.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays

C.2.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays. (3 connecting terminals)

3UG4. monitoring relays with 3 connecting terminals (screw-type connection)



Figure C-19 3UG4. monitoring relays with 3 connecting terminals with screw-type connections

3UG4. monitoring relays with 3 connecting terminals (spring-loaded connections)



Figure C-20 3UG4. monitoring relays with 3 connecting terminals with spring-loaded connections

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Dimension Drawings
C.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays

C.2.3 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays. (4 connecting terminals)

3UG4. monitoring relays with 4 connecting terminals (screw-type connection)



Figure C-21 3UG4. monitoring relays with 4 connecting terminals with screw-type connections

3UG4. monitoring relays with 4 connecting terminals (spring-loaded connections)



Figure C-22 3UG4. monitoring relays with 4 connecting terminals with spring-loaded connections

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Dimension Drawings
C.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays

C.2.4 Dimension drawings for 3UG458.-1.W30 insulation monitoring relay/

3UG4983 voltage reducer module)

3UG4581-1AW30/3UG4582-1AW30 monitoring relays


Figure C-23 3UG4581-1AW30/3UG4582-1AW30 insulation monitoring relays

3UG4583-1CW30 monitoring relay


Figure C-24 3UG4583-1CW30 insulation monitoring relay

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Dimension Drawings
C.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays

3UG4983-1A upstream module


Figure C-25 3UG4983-1A upstream module

C.2.5 Dimension drawings for 3UG458.-..W31 insulation monitoring relay/

3UG4983-.AA01 voltage reducer module)

3UG4581-1AW31 monitoring relay


A1+ 11

Y1 Y2 Y3



14 12 A2-


Figure C-26 3UG4581-1AW31 insulation monitoring relay

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Dimension Drawings
C.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays

3UG4581-2AW31 monitoring relay


A1+ 11

Y1 Y2 Y3



14 12 A2-


Figure C-27 3UG4581-2AW31 insulation monitoring relay

3UG4582-1AW31 monitoring relay


A1+ 11 KE

Y1 Y2 Y3



L+ L-

14 12 A2-


Figure C-28 3UG4582-1AW31 insulation monitoring relay

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Dimension Drawings
C.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays

3UG4582-2AW31 monitoring relay


A1+ 11 KE

Y1 Y2 Y3



L+ L-

14 12 A2-


Figure C-29 3UG4582-2AW31 insulation monitoring relay

3UG4583-1CW31 monitoring relay


A1+ 11 21 Y1 Y2 Y3

Rx=Rx.1+Rx.2 RESET



4 3 2 1

12 14 L+ VS V1+ V1-

22 24 L- KE A2-


Figure C-30 3UG4583-1CW31 insulation monitoring relay

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Dimension Drawings
C.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays

3UG4583-2CW31 monitoring relay


A1+ 11 21 Y1 Y2 Y3





4 3 2 1

12 14 L+ VS V1+ V1-

22 24 L- KE A2-


Figure C-31 3UG4583-2CW31 insulation monitoring relay

3UG4983-1AA01 voltage reducer module



Figure C-32 3UG4983-1AA01 voltage reducer module

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Dimension Drawings
C.2 Dimension drawings 3UG4 monitoring relays

3UG4983-2AA01 voltage reducer module



L+ V1+ L- V1-



Figure C-33 3UG4983-2AA01 voltage reducer module

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Menu-based operation D
3RR2241 current monitoring relay

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Menu-based operation


1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2)
1) 2)



1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s

Set >2s
Error + >2s

+ >500ms
Memory ?
1) 2) 1) 2)

1) 2) 1) 2)

1) 2)

1) B1 11 On


Q 12 14
I! , I! Ir , Ir

2) Value"
According to the setting in the"menu

Display Upper threshold value


Not exceeded

Display Lower threshold value

Not fallen below

Fallen below

Display Threshold

Not above- Fallen below

Fallen below

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

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Menu-based operation

3RR2242 current monitoring relay


1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2)
1) 2)



1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s

Set >2s
Error + >2s

+ >500ms
Memory ?
1) 2) 1) 2)

1) 2) 1) 2)

1) 2)

1) B1 11 On


Q 12 14
I! , I! Ir , Ir

2) According to the setting in the"menu


Display Upper threshold value


Not exceeded

Display Lower threshold value

Not fallen below

Fallen below

Display Threshold

Not above- Fallen below

Fallen below

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Menu-based operation

3RR2243 current monitoring relay


1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2)
1) 2)



1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s

Set >2s
Error + >2s

+ >500ms
Memory ?
1) 2) 1) 2)

1) 2) 1) 2)

1) 2)

1) B1 11 On


Q 12 14
I! , I! Ir , Ir

2) According to the setting in the"menu


Display Upper threshold value


Not exceeded

Display Lower threshold value

Not fallen below

Fallen below

Display Threshold

Not above- Fallen below

Fallen below

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

294 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
Menu-based operation

3UG4614 line monitoring relay

1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2)
1) 2)

>500m s

V a lu e
1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1)

>500m s

>2s >2s
>2s >2s
Set E rro r +

>500m s >500m s
ye s
M e m o ry ?

1) 1)

1) On
D el
O ff
11 21

12 14 22 24

2) Upper limit value

... overshot
... not overshot

Lower limit value

... not undershot
... undershot

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 295
Menu-based operation

3UG4615 line monitoring relay





!V !V
Set Error  !V



1) 2Q


SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

296 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
Menu-based operation

3UG4616 line monitoring relay

1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2)
1) 2)

1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s
Set Error + >2s

+ >500ms
no yes
Memory ?

1) 1)

1) Del
11 21

12 14 22 24
2) Upper limit value
... overshot
... not overshot
Lower limit value
... not undershot
... undershot

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 297
Menu-based operation

3UG4617 line monitoring relay

1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2)
1) 2)

1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s
Set Error + >2s

>500ms +
>500ms no yes
Memory ?

1) 1)

1) Del
11 21

1214 22 24
2) Upper limit value
... overshot
... not overshot
Lower limit value
... not undershot
... undershot

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

298 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
Menu-based operation

3UG4618 line monitoring relay

1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2)
1) 2)

1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s
Set Error + >2s

>500ms +
>500ms no yes
Memory ?

1) 1)

1) On
11 21

12 14 22 24

2) Upper limit value

... exceeded
... not exceeded
Lower limit value
... not undershot
... undershot

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 299
Menu-based operation

3UG4621 current monitoring relays

Run Example

1) 2)



1) 1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s

Set >2s
Error + >2s

>500ms +
>500ms no
1) 1)
2) 2)

1) 11

12 14 Off
2) 2)

2) Depending on the setting in menu " Value"

Display Upper limit value

not overshot

Display Lower limit value

Fallen below
Fallen below

Display Limit
not overshot/undershot
Fallen below

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

300 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
Menu-based operation

3UG4622 current monitoring relays

Run Example

1) 2)



1) 1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s

Set >2s
Error + >2s

>500ms +
1) 1)
2) 2)

1) 11 On


2) 2) 12 14 Off

Depending on the setting in menu " Value"

Display Upper limit value
Display Lower limit value
Fallen below
Fallen below

Display Limit
not overshot/undershot
Fallen below

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 301
Menu-based operation

3UG4624 residual current monitoring relay


1) 2)


1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s

Set >2s
+ >2s

+ >500ms
Memory ?
3) 3) 1)


1) 11 On

12 14 Off

21 On

22 24

upper limit value and
warning threshold not overshot


Only warning threshold overshot

Upper limit overshot

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

302 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
Menu-based operation

3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay

1) 11 On
Run Del/OnDel
12 14 Off

1) 2) 21 On
22 24 Off

2) Limit value and warning threshold
1) 1) 1)
... not overshot

Only warning threshold overshot

1) 1) 1) 1)



Set >2s Error

+ >2s

+ >500ms
>500ms yes
Memory ?

1) 2)

1) 2)

1) 2)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 303
Menu-based operation

3UG4631 voltage monitoring relay


1) 2)



1) 1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s

Set >2s
Error + >2s

>500ms +

no yes
Memory ?
1) 1)

2) 2)

2) 2)

1) 11

12 14 Off

2) Depending on the setting in menu " Value"

Display Upper limit value

not overshot

Display Lower limit value

Fallen below
Fallen below

Display Limit
not overshot/undershot
Fallen below

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

304 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
Menu-based operation

3UG4632 voltage monitoring relay


1) 2)



1) 1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s

Set >2s
Error + >2s

>500ms no Memory?
1) 1)

2) 2)

2) 2) 1) 11

12 14 Off

2) Depending on the setting in menu " Value"

Display Upper limit value

not overshot

Display Lower limit value

Fallen below
Fallen below

Display Limit
not overshot/undershot
Fallen below

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 305
Menu-based operation

3UG4633 voltage monitoring relay


1) 2)



1) 1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s

Set Error + >2s


no yes
Memory ?
1) 1)

2) 2)

1) 11

12 14 Off

2) 2)
2) Depending on the setting in menu " Value"
Display Upper limit value

not overshot

Display Lower limit value

Fallen below
Fallen below

Display Limit
not overshot/undershot
Fallen below

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

306 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
Menu-based operation

3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring relay

1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2)
1) 2)


1) 1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)


>2s >2s

Set Error + >2s

>500ms >500ms
yes +
no Memory ?
1) 2)

1) 2) 1) 2)

1) 11 21

12 14 22 24 Off

2) Depending on the setting in menu " Value"

Display upper limit value (21-22-24)


not overshot

Display lower limit value (11-12-14)

not undershot

Fallen below

Display Limit
overshot (21-22-24)
not overshot/undershot

undershot (11-12-14)

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 307
Menu-based operation

3UG4651 speed monitoring relay

1) 2)

1) 2)
> 500ms

1) 1) 1) 1)

1) 1) 1) 1)

> 500ms

>2s >2s
Error + >2s
Set >2s

yes + >500ms
> 500ms > 500ms





1) 11 On
12 14 Off

2)Depending on the setting in menu " Value"

Display Upper limit value
not overshot
Display Lower limit value
not undershot
Fallen below

Display Limit
not overshot/undershot
Fallen below

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

308 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006
Accessories - 3UG4 monitoring relays
Push-in lugs, 232, 233
2 Sealable cover, 231, 232, 251, 252
Accessories - Current monitoring relays 3RR2
2-wire AC system
Sealable cover, 227
3UG4581-.AW3., 154
Active current, 271
3UG4582-.AW3., 182
Apparent current, 271
3UG4583-.CW3., 184
Application areas
3UG4583-.CW31 and 3UG4983-.AA01, 260
3RR2 current monitoring relays, 44
3UG4583-1CW30 and 3UG4983-1A, 255
3UG4.1 line monitoring relay, 74
2-wire DC system
3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay, 65
3UG4582-.AW3., 182
3UG4581/3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation
3UG4583-.CW3., 184
monitoring relays, 142
3UG4583-.CW31 and 3UG4983-.AA01, 260
3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring
3UG4583-1CW30 and 3UG4983-1A, 255
relays, 113
3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay, 125
3UG4631/3UG4632/3UG4633 voltage monitoring
3 relay, 191
3UG4983 voltage reducer module, 171 3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring
3-wire AC system relay, 205
3UG4581-.AW3., 154 3UG4651 speed monitoring relay, 217
3UG4582-.AW3., 182 Application environment, 18
3UG4583-.CW3., 184 Approvals, 16
3UG4583-.CW31 and 3UG4983-.AA01, 261 Automatic reset, 268
3UG4583-1CW30 and 3UG4983-1A, 255
3-wire DC system
3UG4582-.AW3., 182 B
3UG4583-.CW3., 184
Basic knowledge, 9
3UG4583-.CW31 and 3UG4983-.AA01, 261
Blocking current monitoring, 270
3UG4583-1CW30 and 3UG4983-1A, 255

Cable break
4-wire AC system
3RR21 current monitoring relays, 51
3UG4581-.AW3., 155
3RR22 current monitoring relays, 58
3UG4582-.AW3., 182
Certifications, 16
3UG4583-.CW3., 184
Characteristics, 16
3UG4583-.CW31 and 3UG4983-.AA01, 261
Load limit curves 3UG4581, 156
3UG4583-1CW30 and 3UG4983-1A, 255
Load limit curves 3UG4582, 186
Load limit curves 3UG4583, 188
Closed-circuit principle, 272
A Cos phi monitoring
Accessories - 3RR2 current monitoring relays 3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring
Sealable cover, 227 relay, 205
Terminal support for stand-alone assembly, 228, Current monitoring principle, 271

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 309

3UG4513 line monitoring relay, 84

3UG4581-1AW30 insulation monitoring
D relay, 145
3UG4581-1AW31 insulation monitoring
DataMatrix code, 11
relay, 146
Device replacement, 26
3UG4581-2AW31 insulation monitoring
relay, 147
3RR21 current monitoring relays, 54, 77
3UG4582-1AW30 insulation monitoring
3RR22 current monitoring relays, 62
relay, 159
3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay, 70
3UG4582-1AW31 insulation monitoring
3UG4512 line monitoring relay, 81
relay, 160
3UG4513 line monitoring relay, 87
3UG4582-2AW31 insulation monitoring
3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay, 153
relay, 161
3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring
3UG4583-1CW30 insulation monitoring
relays, 181
relay, 162
3UG4614 line monitoring relay, 93
3UG4583-1CW31 insulation monitoring
3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays, 100
relay, 164
3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays, 109
3UG4583-2CW31 insulation monitoring
3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring
relay, 166
relays, 120
3UG4614 line monitoring relay, 89
3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay, 135
3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays, 96
3UG4631/3UG4632/3UG4633 voltage monitoring
3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays, 104
relay, 199
3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring
3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring
relays, 114
relay, 212
3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay, 126
3UG4651 speed monitoring relay, 223
3UG4631 / 3UG4632 voltage monitoring
relay, 192
3RR22 current monitoring relays, 60, 62
3UG4633 voltage monitoring relay, 195
3UG4614 line monitoring relay, 92, 93
3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring
3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays, 99,
relay, 206
3UG4651 speed monitoring relay, 218
3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays, 108,
3UG4983 voltage reducer module, 253
3UG4983-1AA01 voltage reducer module, 257
3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring
3UG4983-2AA01 voltage reducer module, 258
relays, 119, 120
3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay, 134,
3UG4631/3UG4632/3UG4633 voltage monitoring
relay, 198, 199 Front view
3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring 3RR21 current monitoring relays, 49
relay, 211, 212 3RR22 current monitoring relays, 56
3UG4651 speed monitoring relay, 222, 223 3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay, 66
Drainage control, 71, 272 3UG4511 line monitoring relay, 75
3UG4512 line monitoring relay, 79
3UG4513 line monitoring relay, 84
E 3UG4581-1AW30 insulation monitoring
relay, 145
Equipment features
3UG4581-1AW31 insulation monitoring
3RR21 current monitoring relays, 49
relay, 146
3RR22 current monitoring relays, 56
3UG4581-2AW31 insulation monitoring
3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay, 66
relay, 147
3UG4511 line monitoring relay, 75
3UG4582-1AW30 insulation monitoring
3UG4512 line monitoring relay, 79
relay, 159

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

310 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006

3UG4582-1AW31 insulation monitoring Mounting

relay, 160 DIN rail, 3UG458.-.AW31 / 3UG4583-.CW31
3UG4582-2AW31 insulation monitoring monitoring relay, 34
relay, 161 DIN rail, 3UG4983 voltage reducer module, 253
3UG4583-1CW30 insulation monitoring DIN rail, 3UG4983-.AA01 voltage reducer
relay, 162 module, 259
3UG4583-1CW31 insulation monitoring Screw mounting, 3RR2 current monitoring
relay, 164 relay, 28
3UG4583-2CW31 insulation monitoring Screw mounting, 3UG4 monitoring relay, 32
relay, 166 Standard rail, 3UG4 monitoring relay, 33
3UG4614 line monitoring relay, 89 Standard rail, 3UG458. monitoring relay., 33
3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays, 96 Mounting position, 32
3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays, 104 3RR2 current monitoring relays, 27
3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring
relays, 114
3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay, 126 N
3UG4631 / 3UG4632 voltage monitoring
Nominal fault current of the summation current
relay, 192
transformer, 270
3UG4633 voltage monitoring relay, 195
Nominal line voltage, 265
3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring
relay, 206
3UG4651 speed monitoring relay, 218
3UG4983 voltage reducer module, 253
3UG4983-1AA01 voltage reducer module, 257 ON-delay time, 266
3UG4983-2AA01 voltage reducer module, 258 One-point monitoring
3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay, 68
Open circuit
H 3UG458. insulation monitoring relay., 141
Open-circuit principle, 272
Hysteresis, 269
Operating conditions, 18
Operating instructions, 263
Operator controls, 37
I Overcurrent
Incorrect settings 3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring
3UG458. insulation monitoring relay., 141 relays, 113
Inflow control, 71, 272 3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring
Installation altitude, 18 relay, 205
Insulation monitoring Overvoltage
3UG4581/3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation 3UG4.1 line monitoring relay, 73, 74
monitoring relays, 142 3UG4631/3UG4632/3UG4633 voltage monitoring
relay, 191

Manual RESET, 268
Manuals, 264 Parameters for
Memory function, 149, 169 3RR21 current monitoring relay, analog, 53
Menu navigation, 38, 40 3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay, 70
Menu-based operation, 37 3UG4513 line monitoring relay, 86
Minimum clearance 3UG4581 insulation monitoring relay, 152
3RR2 current monitoring relays, 27 3UG4582/3UG4583 insulation monitoring
relays, 177
3UG4614 line monitoring relay, 92

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 311

3UG4615 / 3UG4616 line monitoring relays, 99 Snap-on mounting

3UG4617 / 3UG4618 line monitoring relays, 108 3UG4 monitoring relay, 33
3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring 3UG458. monitoring relay., 33
relays, 119 3UG458.-.AW31 / 3UG4583-.CW31 monitoring
3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay, 134 relay, 34
3UG463. voltage monitoring relay, 198 3UG4983 voltage reducer module, 253
3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring 3UG4983-.AA01 voltage reducer module, 259
relay, 211 Speed overshoot
3UG4651 speed monitoring relay, 222 3UG4651 speed monitoring relay, 217
Current monitoring relay 3RR22, digital, 61 Speed undershoot
Phase asymmetry 3UG4651 speed monitoring relay, 217
3UG4.1 line monitoring relay, 73, 74 Spring-loaded connection
Phase failure 3RR2 current monitoring relays, 22
3UG4.1 line monitoring relay, 73, 74 Spring-loaded connection system, 21, 25
Phase failure monitoring, 274 Connection cross-sections, 24
Phase sequence Spring-loaded connection technology
3UG4.1 line monitoring relay, 73, 74 Connection cross-sections, 25
Phase sequence monitoring, 270 Stabilization delay, 273
Probes Standards, 13
3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay, 67 Summation current transformers
Push-in lugs, 232, 233 3UG4624 residual current monitoring relay, 234

Reference, 263 Terminal support for stand-alone assembly
Relay switching behavior, 272 3RR2 current monitoring relays, 228, 230
Removable terminals, 26 Test certificates, 16
Reset response, 268 Threshold for overshoot, 267
Residual current monitoring, 270 Threshold for undershoot, 267
Residual current transformer Tripping delay time, 265
3UG4625 residual current monitoring relay, 130, tRMS, 37
235 True root mean square measurement, 37
Resistance to extreme climates, 18 Two-point monitoring
Restart delay time, 269 3UG4501 filling level monitoring relay, 68
rms value, 37

S Undercurrent
Scaling factor, 273 3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring
Scope of validity relays, 113
Manual, 9 3UG4641 cos phi and active current monitoring
Screw mounting relay, 205
3UG4 monitoring relay, 32 Undervoltage
Screw-type connection, 20 3UG4.1 line monitoring relay, 73, 74
Screw-type connection system 3UG4631/3UG4632/3UG4633 voltage monitoring
Connection cross-sections, 19 relay, 191
Screw-type connections, 18
Sealable cover, 231, 232, 251, 252
3RR2 current monitoring relays, 227 V
Sensor sensitivity, 272
Voltage asymmetry, 265
Setting, 37
Voltage reducer module, 252, 257, 258

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

312 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006

Warning threshold for overshoot, 267
Warning threshold for undershoot, 267
Wire-break monitoring
3UG4621/3UG4622 current monitoring
relays, 113

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006 313

SIRIUS 3UG4 / 3RR2 monitoring relay

314 Equipment Manual, 07/2022, NEB927043002000/RS-AE/006

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