Randeberg 2007
Randeberg 2007
Randeberg 2007
by the observation that neutrophils and macrophages are Biopsies were important to be able to identify possible
recruited from the vascular system as a part of the connections between the spatial distribution of the hemor-
inflammatory reaction initiated by the trauma [9,10]. rhage and the impact.
Macrophages and neutrophils engulf both erythrocytes
and free hemoglobin molecules and initiate the heme MATERIALS AND METHODS
oxygenase system to break down the hemoglobin and
produce bilirubin and hemosiderin [11]. Presence of Animal Model
bilirubin will cause bruises to appear yellow [1]. The The experiments were carried out at the animal research
temporal development of a bruise is thus dependent on facilities at Trondheim University Hospital. Four female
the presence of macrophages and neutrophils in the injured Norwegian domestic pigs (25–40 kg) were intubated and
zone. anesthetized. Premedication: Stresnil (15 mg/kg), Stesolid
As sited above, several authors have described biochem- (0.375 mg/kg); induction of general anesthesia: Ketalar
ical changes in the skin following minor trauma. However, (12.5 mg/kg), Thiopenthon (5 mg/kg). The anesthesia was
the findings have not been related to the macroscopic skin maintained by administering Fentanyl (7.5 mg/kg/h), Mid-
and tissue changes that can be observed following mechan- azolam (0.5 mg/kg/h), and Isoflurane (gas 0.51%). Follow-
ical irritation or trauma. The visual appearance of a bruise ing the experiments the animals were sacrificed by giving
will be dependent on the time after impact, and optical an overdose pentobarbital. No anticoagulants were admi-
methods can be used to monitor and characterize the nistered. A constant skin temperature (328C) was
observed changes. Reflection spectroscopy has been applied achieved using heating blankets to avoid temperature loss.
to characterize bruises with good results [12–15]. Bohnert Three of the pigs had no visible skin pigmentation, while
et al. [12] published a relation between reflectance spectra, one pig was lightly pigmented. The injury sites were
observed bruise color and depth of injury in post mortem carefully shaved using a haircutter prior to measurements.
cases. They found that superficial hemorrhages cause No skin erythema was observed following shaving. The
bright red bruises, while deep subcutaneous bruises appear animal heart rate and blood pressure was monitored
blue or purple. Hughes et al. [13] used reflectance spectro- throughout the experiments. The protocol was approved
scopy to quantify bilirubin in bruises of various age, and by the national animal research authority.
Randeberg et al. [14] identified hemoglobin content in the
skin, hemoglobin oxygenation, and bilirubin content as Trauma Induction
potential indicators of bruise age. Randeberg et al. [15] Trauma was introduced at the shoulder and hip regions
later published a mathematical model to predict the age of a at both sides of the animals. A high speed camera (Phantom
bruise from a reflectance measurement. This method is v.5, Vision Research Inc, Wayne, New Jersey), was used to
based on the hypothesis that most bruises occur in the monitor the impacts and measure the speed of the objects.
junction between dermis and the subcutaneous fat layer. Trauma was introduced using two basic methods:
The model predicts the time from trauma to visible bruise, The first method was intended to give an injury
depending on the skin thickness and the hemoglobin comparable with a punch from a boxer, but less violent.
diffusion speed within dermis. The model allows individual The aim in this study was to create hemorrhage in the skin,
correction for skin properties like pigmentation and and underlying tissue, not to hurt the animals severely.
hemoglobin absorption in normal skin. This model has so Professional boxers have been found to hit their target with
far only been tested on limited, homogenous patient groups a fist speed of about 10 m/second, and an effective arm mass
[15]. To improve this model further it is important to study of about 2–3 kg. The average duration of a typical punch
how hemorrhages develop in an early phase, and to identify has been found to be approximately 10–15 milliseconds,
relations between the extent of trauma and how the trauma and the force onto the tissue was about 2500–3500 N [18].
is inflicted. The relation between the extent of trauma and A rig with a pendulum was constructed to create such a
the resulting injury have been thoroughly described for blunt force injury from a slowly moving object. The design of
major and often fatal trauma like head injuries or trauma to the pendulum device allowed variation of speed, weight,
inner organs caused by, for example, car crashes. Non- and shape of the object. The pendulum was released from
penetrating minor trauma are only described by a few different angles with respect to the skin surface to allow
authors, see for example [7,8,16,17]. Roberts et al. [16] different velocities. Positions where the arm (and attached
presented a finite element model to evaluate the effect of weight) had angles of 45, 60, and 90 degrees with respect to
non-penetrating ballistic impacts. However, this model the skin surface were tested. The length of the arm was
only considers the effects on inner organs and not skin approximately 0.9 m. Six different blunt objects were used
bruises. to induce injuries. The presented results were achieved
The current study was initiated to investigate immediate using a 2.5 kg weight attached to the pendulum. Two
skin reactions following minor trauma and provides differently shaped weights were used; a rounded tip and a
spectroscopic data from fresh injuries. It was important to square shape. The pendulum weight is shown in Figure 1.
identify parameters that could be used to describe the The acceleration and retardation of the hitting object was
relation between the impact and the degree of damage in monitored by accelerometers (B12/500, HBM, Darmstadt,
later studies, and to correlate reflectance measurements Germany) mounted on the weight. A typical maximal
with mechanical parameters such as velocity and mass. retardation was measured to be 80–100 m/second2, and the
energy per area was also comparable for the two methods,
with Ek/A ¼ 4.5104 J/m2 for the pendulum and Ek/
A ¼ 6.1104 J/m2 for the paintballs.
The blunt trauma sites on the two first pigs were scanned
with an ultrasound probe (12 MHz) prior to and after
induction of the trauma. (GE Vingmed Vivid VII scanner,
GE Vingmed, Horten, Norway).
in any of the spectra. These chromophores were thus not injuries created with a rounded tip. Oxygenation, dermal
considered as problems in the spectral data analysis. blood volume fraction, and erythema index showed only
Hemoglobin oxygenation was calculated from the reflec- small changes with time after injury, see Fig. 2, panels (a, c,
tance spectra using Eq. 1 [15,25,26]. e), Inj1–Inj4. No differences could be observed between the
Rðl2 Þ
spectra measured in the central region of the injury and
mHb ðl1 Þ mHbO2 ðl2 Þ Rðl1Þ the measurements collected on the edge of the injury.
OS ¼ ð1Þ
mHb ðl1 Þ mHbO2 ðl1 Þ Therefore only data from the central region of the injury is
presented for Inj1–Inj4. A time series of reflection spectra
where OS is the oxygen saturation, R is the measured in the wavelength range 400–850 nm from Inj4 is shown in
absorption coefficient, and mHb and mHbO2 are the specific Figure 3a. The spectra show decreased reflectance, espe-
absorption coefficients of deoxygenated and oxygenated cially for wavelengths shorter than 600 nm, indicating an
blood, respectively [27,28]. The wavelengths l1 and l2 are increased blood volume fraction in the most superficial skin
a non-isosbestic and an isosbestic point, respectively. In layers. The oxygenation was increased with respect to the
this case l1 ¼ 660 nm and l2 ¼ 805 nm was used. The spectra collected prior to the trauma. This can be seen from
calculated oxygenation will depend on the local penetra- the increased oxyhemoglobin absorption at 542 nm and
tion depth in the skin. The wavelengths used here were 576 nm. The skin reaction seemed to be fully developed
chosen to allow as deep probing into the tissue as possible. within 4 minutes after injury, see Figure 4. The skin
The penetration depth in human skin will be approxi- biopsies revealed only minor injuries in the subcutaneous
mately 0.5–1 mm for the current wavelengths (using layer. An example of such an injury from pig 3 is shown in
absorption- and reduced scattering coefficients from Figure 5a. However, deep hemorrhages were found in
Tuchin [29]). It is thus important to realize that the muscle tissue underlying the impact site. The typical depth
calculated oxygenation value will only reflect an ‘‘average’’ of these injuries were 1.5–3 cm, see Figure 6. All blunt force
hemoglobin oxygenation in the skin down to approxi- injuries in all animals showed similar trends. The shape
mately two penetration depths. The contribution from and weight of the object did have impact on the observed
each depth will be proportional to the amount of reflected injury. Three different velocities were tested, using
light from each depth that reaches the detector. It is different pendulum elevations. However, no quantitative
possible to use several sets of wavelengths with different measurements were done to record the amount of muscular
penetration depths [26], to gather further information hemorrhage. Based on visual inspection square shapes
about the spatial distribution of the hemoglobin oxygena- (even with rounded edges) seemed to create more damage
tion. However, such calculations were not included in this than hemispherical shapes. The speed of the object was the
work. most important factor to predict if muscular bleeding would
The dermal blood volume fraction was determined from occur. Increased speed gave a higher risk of hemorrhage,
the reflectance spectra as previously described [15]. The even with the same weight and shape of the object. Sites
photon transport model used to derive the dermal blood with a thin muscular layer (3 cm or less) on top of
volume fraction was modified to fit the skin of a young pig underlying bone seemed more vulnerable than sites with a
(3–4 months) by adjusting the scattering coefficient thick muscular layer.
(ms ¼ 1.089104 @ 600 nm). Erythema and melanin indices The high speed injuries could be clearly separated from
were determined from the spectra as described in [30]. the blunt force injuries. These injuries developed fully
within 15 minutes after impact. The reaction to the trauma
RESULTS caused a central whitening of the skin with a surrounding
Data from pig 4 was chosen for presentation, except from erythema, see Figure 7a. A hemorrhage in the upper skin
the blunt trauma biopsy results which were taken from layers became visible within 1–2 minutes after injury.
pig 3. Four blunt trauma injuries were induced on the These reactions were followed by red, blue and purple rings
left side of pig 4 using a 2.5 kg weight, square tip with forming simultaneously with different radii around the
rounded edges (Inj2, Inj4) and hemispherical tip (Inj1, central zone (where the projectile hit the skin), see Figure
Inj3). Five high speed injuries were inflicted at the right 7b,c. These injuries caused only superficial damage. No
side of the animal (Inj5–Inj9). All presented results refer subcutaneous or deep muscle injuries could be found.
to the injury numbers. One of the data series (Inj8) from Microscopically, biopsies from injuried sites (at the red
the high speed injuries contained only two measure- edge) showed extensive subepidermal vascular congestion
ments, and was therefore omitted from the analysis. All and extravasation of red blood cells, see Figure 5b. The
presented injuries were induced using an angle of deepest focus showing hemorrhage was close to 2 mm. Inj5
90 degrees between the skin surface and the pendulum, was the first high speed injury inflicted and the biopsies
unless explicitly stated. were collected approximately 4.5 hours after impact. In the
Blunt force injuries did not create any visible damage to subcutis of this injury the vessels showed large numbers of
the skin, except from an immediate wheal and flare white blood cells (neutrophilic granulocytes), many of
reaction. This reaction was established within 20– which also were found around capillaries and in the fatty
30 seconds after injury, and disappeared within minutes. tissue. Similar changes were absent from the central
However, the skin reaction lasted a minute or two longer for region, and far less striking in Inj7 which was inflicted
the injuries inflicted with the square edges, than for the 2 hours prior to collecting the biopsies. The epidermis also
a b
0.88 0.88 Inj6
0.86 0.86 Inj9
0.84 0.84
0.82 0.82
0.8 0.8
0.78 0.78
0.76 0.76
0.74 Inj5 0.74
0.72 Inj7 0.72
0.7 0.7
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (minutes) Time (minutes)
c d
0.045 0.045
Inj1 Inj5
Inj2 Inj6
0.04 Inj3 0.04 Inj7
Inj4 Inj9
0.035 Inj5
0.03 Inj9 0.03
0.025 0.025
0.02 0.02
0.015 0.015
0.01 0.01
0.005 0.005
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (minutes) Time (minutes)
e f
120 120
Inj1 Inj5
Inj2 Inj6
110 Inj3 110 Inj7
Inj4 Inj9
100 Inj6 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (minutes) Time (minutes)
Fig. 2. Temporal development of skin parameters derived from reflectance spectra. Inj8 was
omitted due to the low number of data points. The time zero is the time of injury. The value in
this point was calculated from spectra measured at the same site prior to injury. Panels (a–b):
Oxygenation derived from the reflectance values at 660 nm and 805 nm; Panels (c–d): Dermal
blood volume fraction, Bd. Panels (e–f): Erythemaindex, Ec. Data in panel (a,c,e) were
measured at the center of the low speed injury, while the data plotted in panels (b,d,f) were
measured at the center of the red edge of the high speed injury. [Figure can be viewed in color
online via www.interscience.wiley.com.]
a b
60 60
50 50
Reflectance (%)
Reflectance (%)
30 1 min
20 2 min
0 min 17 min
20 4 min
10 65 min
10 0
400 500 600 700 800 400 500 600 700 800
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 3. Reflectance spectra as a function of time after injury. Panel (a): Spectra measured on a
blunt trauma site. The data corresponds to Inj4 in Figure 2; Panel (b): Spectra measured
centrally in an injury caused by a high speed projectile. The spectra correspond to Inj5 in
Figure 2.
showed focal abrasion and partly detachment from the showed different trends for the two regions. In the central
basal membrane. No muscular hemorrhages were found region the oxygenation showed a fast drop after injury,
when the skin was opened after sacrificing the animal, see followed by a slow recovery toward normal values after 5–
Figure 8. 12 minutes. The oxygenation at the edge dropped to lower
All measured skin parameters reflected the visually values, and started to recover against normal values after
observed reactions, see Figure 2, Inj5–Inj7 and Inj9. approximately 15–20 minutes. The dermal blood volume
Hemoglobin oxygenation, erythema index, and dermal fraction showed similar behavior in the two regions.
blood volume fraction show fast changes after the impact, Normal values prior to injury ranged from 0.5% to 1.0%.
followed by a slow recovery toward normal values. After injury the blood value fraction increased up to about
Differences could be observed between the center and the 4%. The increase occurred within the 20 first minutes after
red edge in the high speed injuries. Fig. 2, panels (a,c,e) injury in both cases. However, the recovery toward normal
show data from the center of the injury while panel (b,d,f) values was faster at the red edge. The erythema index
show data from the red edge. Especially the oxygenation showed a rapid increase in the center of the injury, and a
somewhat slower increase at the red edge. A maximum
value could be observed after approximately 10 minutes at
the edge, and after 20 minutes in the central zone. Series 9
was measured on the abdomen of the pig. The measurement
site had underlying soft tissue, while all other measure-
ments were performed on sites with a muscular layer on top
of bone. Series 9 compare with the low speed injuries with
respect to oxygenation both in the center and on the edge of
the injury, and blood volume fraction and erythema index
measured on the red edge. In all other cases the behavior
was similar to the high speed injuries.
Reflection spectra from injury 5 were chosen to visualize
how the skin changes can be seen directly from spectra
(Fig. 3b). The measured reflectance first shows an increase
with respect to normal skin due to the whitening reaction,
this is followed by a decrease in reflectance within 2
minutes after injury. The first spectra indicate an increase
Fig. 4. Blunt force injury site after trauma. Injury 3 (S3) was in deoxyhemoglobin, which can be seen from the prominent
induced 1 hour and 19 minutes before the photo was taken. deoxyhemoglobin absorption at 760 nm. The dermal blood
Injury 4 (S4) was induced 9 minutes before the photo was volume fraction is increased at all measurements after the
taken. The injury was induced by the object shown in Figure 1. first minute after injury. The oxygenation increases with
[Figure can be viewed in color online via www.interscience. time after injury, and the measurement performed 1 hour
wiley.com.] post injury shows the highest oxygenation in this series.
Due to the nature of the experiments it was difficult to
get data from human subjects even for minor injuries. It is a
problem to get controlled data from human volunteers
who have been bruised accidentally, and it would be
unethical to create controlled bruises in non-anestethized
humans. Fortunately, the skin of young pigs is quite similar
to human skin with respect to pigmentation, hair growth,
and thickness, and is a frequently used animal model in
dermatology. A porcine model was chosen in this study
Fig. 5. Histology of biopsies. Panel (a) Sample from a blunt to allow controlled experiments and to gain knowledge
trauma injury created using a pendulum with a square front about the trauma mechanisms. Further work will include
end. A hardly visible extravascular red blood corpuscle can be studies on bruising in paintball players who have been
seen in the subcutis at a depth of approximately 0.4 mm; Panel accidentally hit.
(b) Sample from a high speed injury showing dilated capillaries The trauma induction techniques used in this study were
with red blood cells and interstitial bleeding. The sample was chosen to be comparable to, but less violent than injuries
taken from Injury 5, at the red edge, see Figure 7c. The from a knock using the fist, a blow from an athlete doing
included scale is 1 mm. [Figure can be viewed in color online via martial arts or a blow from a cane or whip. Kicks in martial
www.interscience.wiley.com.] arts are designed to break bone, and in this study it was
desirable to create only minor injuries. The strokes in for
example karate can be characterized by a fast forward
The trends described here could be seen in all high speed movement of the arm followed by a rapid pullback from the
injuries. target, while a punch from a boxer is characterized by low
The high speed camera shoved massive wave motions in speed and a prolonged impact where the fist of the boxer
the skin following the impact for both high- and low speed keeps in contact with the target for a longer time [18–23]. In
injuries. However, the pendulum was in contact with the this study the impact was kept clearly below values given in
skin for a longer period of time, and thereby preventing the the literature to avoid unnecessary injury to the animals.
tissue oscillations to develop freely. In the high speed The images from the high speed camera verified that the
injuries the paintballs were crushed against the skin, and pendulum stayed attached to the skin for a longer period of
the impact created intense oscillations in the skin time like the fist of a boxer, while the paintball hit a small
surrounding the impact site. area and was crushed against the skin. The crushing of the
Ultrasound images revealed little information on mus- paintball allowed massive oscillations to occur in the tissue.
cular hemorrhages. Doppler ultrasound showed somewhat Oscillations in the target has been suggested as the damage
increased blood flow after impact, but no reservoirs of blood mechanism in karate blows, where the impact zone is small
could be observed in the muscular tissue. and the time of impact is short [21–23].
Fig. 7. Temporal development of a representative high speed injury (Inj5). The photos were
taken after: (a): 30–60 seconds after inflicting the injury; (b): 5 minutes after injury; (c): 2
hours and 5 minutes after injury. Reflectance data, oxygenation, dermal blood volume, and
erythema index is given in Figures 2 and 3b. [Figure can be viewed in color online via
These findings are supported by Szczesny et al. [8]. They possible. Thanks to Tore Wisth, Olav Haldorsen, and Johan
showed that mechanical trauma to the hind leg of J. Sandnes for helping out with the rig construction and the
mice caused extravasation, leakage of macromolecules, acceleration measurements. Thanks to Andreas Gurk for
increased percentage of leucocytes and increased lymph help with the high speed camera measurements. Thanks to
flow. These results are important to determine the onset of Hans Torp for lending us the ultra sound scanner and to
neutrophil and macrophage activity in the injury zone. Bjarne Bergheim and Lasse Løvstakken for helping us with
Such immune cells are responsible for local hemoglobin the ultrasound measurements. Thanks to Magnus B.
breakdown, and thereby bilirubin formation in the trau- Lilledahl for his assistance in the lab. Thanks to Rolf Tore
matized area. To be able to model and date bruises Randeberg for proofreading the manuscript.
correctly, it is important to know when the bilirubin
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