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Design and Manufacturing Engineering
Thermo-Fluid Engineering
System Dynamics and Control

Faculty Abdul Ahad, PhD Scholar, MS GIK Institute

Mykola Bannikov, PhD, USSR Muhammad Shakeel, PhD Scholar, MS GIK
Wasim A. Khan, PhD, University of Sheffield, UK Institute
Ghulam Hussain, PhD, Nanjing University of Zahra Andleeb, PhD Scholar, MS NUST
Aeronautics & Astronautics, China M. Sohail Gohar, PhD Scholar, MS GIK Institute
Khalid Rehman, PhD, JEJU National University, Atif Muzaffar, BS, University of Lahore
South Korea Abdul Latif, BS Engg., GIK Institute
Taqi Ahmad Cheema, PhD, Kyungpook National Muhammad Tayyab, BS, University of Lahore
University, South Korea Ammara Tofique, BSc. MUST, Mirpur
Sohail Malik, PhD, University, Politecnica' Delle Muhammad Usama Faiz, BSc, UET Lahore
Marchi, Italy Malik Hassan, BSc, UET, Peshawar
Muhammad Asif, PhD, Hanyang University, South Rizwan Ullah, BSc, UET Peshawar
Korea Abdul Samad Khan, BSc, Sarhad University, Dean
Muhammad Ilyas, PhD, ISAE-SUPAERO, University Peshawar
of Toulouse, France Abdul Samad Saleem, BSc, UET Lahore S. M. Ahmad
Adnan Hassan, PhD, Koc University, Turkey Tauseef Ismail, BSc, UET, Peshawar PhD, University of Sheffield,
Ahmad Abbas, PhD, GIK Institute, Pakistan Sarmad Ishfaq, BS, GIK Institute
UK, Chartered Engineer,
Massab Junaid, PhD, GIK Institute, Pakistan Syed Baseer Shah, BSc, UET Peshawar
Shahbaz Mahmood Khan, MS, GIK Institute Faraz Ahmad, BSc, UET Peshawar MIMechE
Mohib Ur Rehman, MS, Xian Jiaotong University, Abdul Qadeer, BS, GIK Institute
China Muhammad Nafees, BSc, CECOS University,
Aaqib Ali, MS, Politecnico Di Milano, Italy Peshawar
Yasir Mahmood Khan, MS, GIK Institute Muhammad Suleman, BSc, UET Peshawar
Mohsin Amin, BSc, International Islamic
Faculty on leave University, Islamabad
Javed A. Chattha, PhD, University of Birmingham, Ihtisham Ul Haq, BS, GIK Institute
UK Ahmad Naseem, BSc, Air University
Safeer Khan, BSc, CECOS University, Peshawar
Faculty on study leave for PhD/Postdoc
Arshad Khan Personal Secretary to Dean
Shakeel Afzal
Nizakat Ali Khan, MA, Peshawar University, MBA,
Shoukat Alim
Virtual University.
Laboratory Engineers
Iftikhar Ahmad, BSc, UET Peshawar
Masroor Khan, BS, GIK Institute
Samar Abbas, BS, University of Wah
Kazi Sher Ahmad, BS, GIK Institute
Mohsin Ali, BS, NUST
Ramsha Ali, MS, UET Taxila
Saqib Nasim, BSc, UET Peshawar
Bilal Haider, BSc, Air University
Ijaz Ul Haq, BSc, UET Peshawar

Graduate Assistant


Introduction Thereby students will be adequately trained to step with confidence

Mechanical engineers confront diverse and challenging engineering into industry, research organizations or domain of higher education.
problems which require an integration of science, engineering, and
socio-economic knowledge. They develop solutions to real-world Undergraduate Program
problems, including but not limited to, energy production using FME offers a well-structured 4-years BS degree program in
renewable and conventional resources, air conditioning, design of mechanical engineering. As a cross-disciplinary program, it gives its
machinery, and material processing. Mechanical engineer, now more students a sound foundation of engineering principles and
than ever, is someone who can translate scientific theories into real promotes communication and practical skills that is the need of the
products and processes to improve the quality of life. The technical present and future industry. Class room theory is reinforced through
domain of mechanical engineering profession encompasses areas extensive laboratory work, problem based learning, and complex
including mechanical vibrations, combustion, thermodynamics, heat engineering problems. Recently, FME has extended its focus on
transfer, mechanics of solids and fluids, system dynamics and thrust areas such as design and manufacturing, thermo-fluids as well
control, robotics, finite element methods, computational fluid as system dynamics and control, thus, enabling students to pursue
dynamics, manufacturing processes, CAD/CAM, and environmental the final year projects as per their future career aspirations.
sciences. In the present time of scarce resources and depleting
natural reserves, off shoots of mechanical engineering such as Faculty Mission
energy management and engineering have gained paramount The faculty is aimed at producing professionals with sound
importance. knowledge base, leadership quality and social rectitude. They are
capable to intelligently respond and adapt to technological
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME) at GIK Institute has a advancements in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
well-balanced and modern curriculum designed both for the
professionals and the R&D engineers. Drawing on all classical Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
disciplines such as mechanics and materials, drawing/drafting, PEO_1. Graduates practicing in a variety of Mechanical
thermal and fluid sciences, and design and control, the curriculum engineering and allied disciplines.
also reflects the latest advances in Finite Element Methods, PEO_2. Graduates performing in a responsible, professional and
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computer Aided Design and ethical manner as an individual and as part of a team.
Drafting (CADD), Numerical Control Machines, and Energy PEO_3. Graduates advancing their knowledge and exceling in
Management. Modern labs, workshops, and demonstration facilities their chosen domain.
complement the modern curriculum. Research at FME is currently
being supported by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs):
Science Foundation, and Directorate of Science and Technology, KP,
Program Learning Objectives are given below:
with several faculty members winning various research grants. In
addition to its present state-of-the-art laboratories, FME is currently
undertaking development of new laboratories with focus on
electrical machines and composite materials. Natural Fluids
Refrigeration Center (NFRC) at FME is facilitating applied research
activities and provides a strong research base and is recognized by
ASHRAE Inc. US to conduct industrial refrigeration research.
Anticipating the technological scenario of the 21st century, FME
provides a productive and exciting academic experience.

Outcome Based Education (OBE)

FME has adopted OBE that will lead to improved learning outcomes
for students. Moreover, curriculum is continuously revised keeping
in view the industrial needs as well as best international practices.


i. Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions.

knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
v. Modern Tool Usage: An ability to create, select and
fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the
apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
solution of complex engineering problems.
engineering and IT tools, including prediction and
ii. Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, modeling, to complex engineering activities, with an
research literature, and analyze complex engineering understanding of the limitations.
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using
vi. The Engineer and Society: An ability to apply
first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and
reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess
engineering sciences.
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
iii. Design/Development of Solutions: An ability to consequent responsibilities relevant to professional
design solutions for complex engineering problems engineering practice and solution to complex
and design systems, components or processes that engineering problems.
meet specified needs with appropriate consideration
vii. Environment and Sustainability: An ability to
for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and
understand the impact of professional engineering
environmental considerations.
solutions in societal and environmental contexts and
iv. Investigation: An ability to investigate complex demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable
engineering problems in a methodical way including development.
literature survey, design and conduct of experiments,
viii. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to
analysis and interpretation of experimental data, and


professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) under level II, i.e. OBE.
engineering practice.

ix. Individual and Team Work: An ability to work Laboratories

effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted In order to reinforce the class room learning environment, FME
and /or multidisciplinary settings.
arranges laboratory sessions for its students with in various courses.
x. Communication: An ability to communicate The purpose of these laboratories is to make sure that the theory and
effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex
principles learnt during the lecture hours are practically verified. Each
engineering activities with the engineering community
and with society at large, such as being able to lab session is comprised of 3 hours. The labs are supervised by the
comprehend and write effective reports and design course instructor and conducted by well-trained lab engineers. The
documentation, make effective presentations, and give
various labs at FME are:
and receive clear instructions.
1. Computational Mechanics Lab
xi. Project Management: An ability to demonstrate
2. Fluid Mechanics Lab
management skills and apply engineering principles to
one's own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, 3. Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab
to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment. 4. Heat Engine Lab

xii. Lifelong Learning: An ability to recognize importance 5. Automobile Lab

of, and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context 6. Solid Mechanics Lab
of innovation and technological developments. 7. Wind Tunnel Lab
8. CNC Training Lab
Careers in Mechanical Engineering 9. CNC Industrial Lab
Mechanical Engineering involves application of mechanics and 10. Workshop
thermal-fluid sciences to design, manufacturing, operation and 11. Mechanical Vibration and Control Systems Lab
maintenance of discrete and continuous processes and plants. There 12. Measurement and Instrumentation Lab
is perhaps no industry that can run successfully without a mechanical 13. Innovation Lab
engineer. One can have a career in a wide spectrum of fields 14.. Mechatronics Lab
including shipbuilding, aerospace engineering, railroad works, 15. Composite Structures Lab
automotive engineering, pharmaceutical industry, petroleum and
chemical industry and power generation, just to name a few.
A degree from FME has dual attraction. First, it enables a student to
get professional exposure while being at the Institute through well-
organized summer internship. Second, it offers the prospects of
some of the best engineering jobs available in the country upon

The BS degree program in Mechanical Engineering is re-accredited


Course Work Requirements

A student majoring in Mechanical Engineering must complete the following courses:
(a) General Education Requirements (55 Credit Hours)

Course Titles Course Code CH

Computer Science & CS101, CS101L,CS102L, CS342 7
Humanities HM101, HM102,HM211, HM321, HM322 15
Basic Engineering CH101, MM141, MM102, ME101, 13
ME102, MS291
'Elated' is an underrated word to Mathematics MT101, MT102, MT201, ES202 12
describe how I feel being a part of Sciences PH101, PH101L, PH102, PH102L 8
such a marvelous institute. My (b) Core Requirements (69 Credit Hours)
journey at GIK, so far, has been a Course Titles Course Code CH
wonderful adventure. It's an Electronic Courses EE211/221, EE231/222 , 8
amazing place that never fails to EE211L/221L, EE231L/222L
Mechanics (Statics, Dynamics) ME211, ME212 6
provide one with a plethora of
Mechanics of Solids, Stress Analysis ME213, ME416 6
opportunities to groom themselves Thermodynamics ME231, ME332 6
both personally and socially. This Fluid Mechanics ME321, ME422 6
institute has the unique ability to Theory of Machines ME313 3
inculcate in us a keen desire to Heat Transfer ME333 3
Engineering Design, Machine Design ME361, ME362 6
meet any challenge in life head-on.
Manufacturing Technology ME351, ME352 6
What I truly like about GIK is its Mechanical Vibrations ME417 3
challenging atmosphere that Design Project ME481, ME482 6
pushes us to our limits, showing us System Dynamics & Control ME464 3
Mechanical Engg. Lab. Courses ME241, ME242, ME343, 7
what we are capable of achieving.
ME344, ME445, ME 446
© Technical Electives (6 Credit Hours)
Muhammad Shoaib Ijaz
Design and Manufacturing
Third year student
Course Titles Course Code CH
Introduction to Automobile Engineering ME465 3
Introduction to Finite Element Methods ME466 3
Fundamentals of Composite Materials ME419 3



Course Titles Course Code CH

Introduction to Computational ME423 3
Fluid Dynamics
Gas Dynamics ME424 3
Combustion ME434 3
Refrigeration & Air-conditioning ME439 3
Power Plants ME471 3 GIK Institute compels students to
Gas Turbine ME473 3 come out of their comfort zones.
Internal Combustion Engines ME474 3 Being (literally) present in the
Energy Management & Conservation ME475 3 middle of nowhere, campus life over
the four years at the university molds
System Dynamics and Control
students into independent, mature,
Course Titles Course Code CH and responsible individuals. Student
societies are quite active in GIK.
Robotics ME452 3
There are a lot of opportunities to
Electrical Machines and Drives ME403 3
learn and grow in all student-run
(d) Management Electives (At Least 6 Credit Hours) societies on campus.
Every day at GIK is different. One day,
Course Titles Course Code CH students will be at a society event;
Operation Management MS492 3 the next, cheering on a sports team;
Industrial Safety MS493 3 and on another day, relaxing with
Total Quality Management MS494 3 friends in the common room. Life at
Maintenance Management MS495 3 GIK is a brilliant and challenging mix
Project Management MS496 3 of learning opportunities inside and
outside of the classroom. Students
(e) Summer Internship (Pass/Fail grade; NIL Credit ). not only get a unique experience, but
Every student is required to participate in a compulsory training programme they also get the access to an
during the summer of Junior Year and submit a formal written report.
amazing community on campus.

(f) Total Credit Requirements Rabbia Bibi

For the B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering, a student has to complete 136 Third year student
credit hours


Course Codes Course Titles Lec. Hrs Lab. Hrs Cr. Hrs
MT101 Calculus I 3 0 3
1st Semester
PH101 Mechanics 3 0 3
CS101 Introduction to Computing 2 0 2
HM101 English and Study Skills 3 0 3
CH101 Industrial Chemistry 3 0 3
PH101L Mechanics Lab 0 3 1
CS101L Computing Lab 0 3 1
ME101 Workshop Practice 0 3 1

Course Codes Course Titles Lec. Hrs Lab. Hrs Cr. Hrs
MT102 Calculus II 3 0 3
2nd Semester

CS102L Intensive Programming Lab 0 3 1

PH102 Electricity & Magnetism 3 0 3
HM102 Technical Report Writing 3 0 3
MM102 Introduction to Engg Materials 3 0 3
ME102 Engineering Graphics 1 3 2
PH102L Electricity & Magnetism Lab 0 3 1
MM141 Materials Lab I 0 3 1

Course Codes Course Titles Lec. Hrs Lab. Hrs Cr. Hrs
MT201 Differential Equations 3 0 3
3rd Semester

HM211 Pak. & Islamic Studies 3 0 3

EE211/ 221 Circuit Analysis I/ Logic Design 3 0 3
EE211L/ 221L Circuit Analysis I Lab/ Logic Design Lab 0 3 1
ME211 Statics 3 0 3
ME231 Thermodynamics I 3 0 3
ME241 Statics, Measurement and Instrumentation Lab (MEL I) 1 3 2

Course Codes Course Titles Lec. Hrs Lab. Hrs Cr. Hrs
ES202 Engineering Statistics 3 0 3
4th Semester

EE231/222 Electronics/Computer Architecture 3 0 3

EE231L/222L Electronics Lab /Computer Archit. Lab 0 3 1
ME212 Dynamics 3 0 3
ME213 Mechanics of Solids 3 0 3
MS291 Engineering Economy 3 0 3
ME242 Mechanics of Solids and Dynamics Lab. (MEL II) 0 3 1


Course Codes Course Titles Lec. Hrs Lab .Hrs Cr. Hrs
ME351 Manufacturing Tech I 3 0 3
5th Semester

HM321 Sociology and Human Behavior 3 0 3

ME321 Fluid Mechanics I 3 0 3
ME332 Thermodynamics II 3 0 3
ME361 Design of Machine Elements 3 0 3
ES341/CS342 Numerical Analysis I 3 0 3
ME343 Fluid Mechanics-I Lab (MEL III) 0 3 1

Course Codes Course Titles Lec. Hrs Lab. Hrs Cr. Hrs
HM322 Ethical and Legal Dimensions of Engineering 3 0 3
6th Semester

ME333 Heat Transfer 3 0 3

ME313 Theory of Machines 3 0 3
ME352 Manufacturing Technology II 3 0 3
ME362 Mechanical Eng. Design 3 0 3
ME344 Heat Transfer and Manufacturing Processes Lab. (MEL IV) 0 3 1

Course Codes Course Titles Lec. Hrs Lab. Hrs Cr. Hrs
MS49x Management Elective I 3 0 3
7th Semester

ME4xx Technical Elective I 3 0 3

ME416 Stress Analysis 3 0 3
ME422 Fluid Mechanics II 3 0 3
ME481 Senior Design Project-I 0 9 3
ME445 Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics-II Lab (MEL V) 0 3 1

Course Codes Course Titles Lec. Hrs Lab. Hrs Cr. Hrs
MS49x Management Elective II 3 0 3
8th Semester

ME417 Mechanical Vibration 3 0 3

ME4xx Technical Elective II 3 0 3
ME464 System Dynamics & Control 3 0 3
ME482 Senior Design Project-II 0 9 3
ME 446 Mechanical Vibration and System Dynamics and 0 3 1
Control Lab (MEL VI)


Course Description
machine tools of the mechanical engineering metal shop, 3-2): Review of instrument types, static characteristics of
measurements, filing and fitting; drilling; welding; bench work, instruments, introduction to errors, reduction of systematic errors,
grinding and sheet metal operations, conventional turning and sensor technology, temperature measurement, pressure
milling operations. measurement, flow measurement, level measurement, mass, force
and torque measurement, translational motion transducers,
ME102 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS (1-3-2): Role of graphics in rotational motion transducers, microcontroller programming and
engineering, drawing instruments and equipment, engineering interfacing, actuators, dc motors, data acquisition, mechatronic
geometry, 2D and 3D space relationships, multi-view and systems-control architectures, case studies.
orthographic representation, pictorial drawings and free-hand Pre-requisite(s): ME102, Co-requisite(s): ME211.
sketching, sectional views, auxiliary views and developments,
engineering curves, dimensioning and tolerancing, fasteners and ME313 THEORY OF MACHINES (3-0-3): Linkages fundamentals,
connectors, production drawings, computer-aided drawing and synthesis & analysis; position, velocity and acceleration analysis,
drafting. cams, gear trains, machine dynamics introduction, gyroscopic
couple, dynamic analysis, balancing, engine balancing, flywheel.
ME211 STATICS (3-0-3): General principles of mechanics, force Pre-requisite(s): ME212
vectors, equilibrium of a particle, force system resultants,
equilibrium of a rigid body, structural analysis, internal forces, ME321 FLUID MECHANICS I (3-0-3): Basic concepts and
friction, centre of gravity and centroid, moment of inertia, virtual definition, fluid statics; elementary fluid dynamics, Bernoulli
work. equation; fluid kinematics; conservation of mass and energy and
Pre-requisite(s): PH101. Newton's second law of motion applied to finite control volume;
dimensional analysis, similitude and modeling; viscous flow in pipes,
ME212 DYNAMICS (3-0-3): Fundamentals of dynamics, kinematics general characteristics, fully developed laminar and turbulent flows,
of particles and rigid bodies, Newton's second law of motion, losses, Moody chart.
dynamics of particles, system of particles and rigid bodies, methods Pre-requisite(s): MT 101, ME 212
of energy and momentum, vibrations.
Pre-requisite(s): ME211. ME332 THERMODYNAMICS II (3-0-3): Vapor power and
refrigeration cycles, air standard power and refrigeration cycles,
ME213 MECHANICS OF SOLIDS (3-0-3): Normal and shear stress,
strain, material, factor of safety, stress concentration, pressurized
thin-walled cylinder, simple loading tension, torsion and bending,
deflection with simple loading, superposition techniques, statically
indeterminate member, thermal stresses, combined stresses, Mohr's
circle, combined loading, failure criterion.
Pre-requisite(s): ME211

ME231 THERMODYNAMICS-I (3-0-3): Basic concepts and

definitions, work and heat, first law of thermodynamics, internal
energy and enthalpy, properties of a pure substance, equation of
state, Second law of thermodynamics, reversibility and irreversibility,
Carnot cycle, entropy, entropy change and entropy generation.
Pre-requisite(s): MT101.


thermodynamic relations, ideal gas mixtures, gas and vapor

mixtures, air-conditioning and psychrometry charts. ME362 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN (3-0-3): Philosophy
Pre-requisite(s): ME231. and concept of engineering design, engineering creativity, phases
and procedures in design, management of engineering projects,
ME333 HEAT TRANSFER (3-0-3): Thermodynamics and heat computer aided design (CAD), case studies in design with emphasis
transfer, modes of heat transfer, steady heat conduction, effect of on system modeling, optimization and reliability, application of
heat generation, transient conduction, convection heat transfer, industrial design codes.
external and internal flow convection, heat exchangers, radiation Pre-requisite(s): ME361.
heat transfer, introduction to mass transfer
Pre-requisite(s): ME231, ME321. ME416 STRESS ANALYSIS (3-0-3): Analysis of stress and strain in
two and three dimensions, equilibrium, compatibility and strain
ME351 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY-I (3-0-3): Introduction relations, analysis of torsion, Saint-Venant's theory, thick walled
to manufacturing processes; plastic deformation; metal forming cylinders, thin shells, rotating disks and flat plates, symmetrical and
processes: forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing, sheet metal forming; asymmetrical loading, secondary stresses, energy theorems,
temperature and strain-rate effect, friction and lubrication effect; statically indeterminate problems, stress concentration, fatigue and
approximate methods of analysis; tooling; heat treatment; quality fracture mechanics.
inspection and measurement; computer numerical control of Pre-requisite(s): ME212, ME213.
machine tools, flexible manufacturing system.
Pre-requisite(s): ME102, ME213 ME417 MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS (3-0-3): Introduction to
vibration and free response; viscously damped free vibration;
ME 3 5 2 MA N U F A C TU RIN G TE C H N O L O G Y - II ( 3 - 0 - 3 ) : response to harmonic excitation; rotating unbalance, vibration
Introduction; metal cutting processes; mechanics, cutting forces, measuring elements; general forced response; multi-degree of
heat generation, turning, drilling, boring, milling, shaping, planning, freedom systems; design for vibration suppression, vibration
sawing & broaching, tool designing; metal joining methods: absorbers, vibration isolation.
metallurgical and mechanical quality inspection and measurement, Pre-requisite(s): MT201, ME212.
clean production.
Pre-requisite(s): ME351. ME418 CAD/CAM (2-3-3): Introduction to CAD/CAM; Input-
Process-Output, engineering design, synthesis and analysis, system
ME361 DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENT (3-0-3): Design principles approach to engineering design and manufacturing. Geometric
and methodology, standardisation. Design of shafts and joints; modelling; 2D and 3D graphics and transformations; Assembly
fasteners and connectors; springs; bearings; gears; clutches and modelling; DFM; DFA; material and geometry database; element
brakes; power transmission components. database; neutral data exchange standards; process planning;
Pre-requisite (s): ME101, ME213 manufacturing planning & control; feature-based design; group
technology; cellular manufacturing system; JIT and computer-
integrated manufacturing; CNC; machine tool configuration (ISO-
841), machine tool design and manufacturing, ISO 6983-1:2009
standard, STEP-NC, CNC programming, robotics, special purpose
Pre-requisite(s): ME101, CS101, CS102L

ME422 FLUID MECHANICS II (3-0-3): Fluid element kinematics,

differential forms of continuity equation and equations of motion,
Euler and Navier-stokes equations and their methods of solution;
flow over immersed bodies, boundary layer, drag and lift;
introduction to gas dynamics, one-dimensional isentropic flow of


ideal gas; introduction to turbo machines, basic energy and angular ME423 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID
momentum considerations, centrifugal pumps, system DYNAMICS (2-3-3): Governing Equations, Finite Difference
characteristics and pump selection, impulse and reaction turbines, Method, Truncation Error, Finite Volume Method, Conversion of
affinity laws of pumps and turbines. Governing Equations to Algebraic Equations, Numerical Solutions to
Pre-requisite(s): ME 321 Algebraic Equations, Solution Analysis, Consistency, Stability,
Convergence, Residuals and Convergence Tolerance, Accuracy,
ME464 SYSTEM DYNAMICS AND CONTROL (3-0-3): Introduction Sources of Errors, Controlling the Solution Errors, Efficiency, Case
to control systems; mathematical models of systems; Laplace Studies from internal and external flow, heat transfer and turbulence
transformation, transfer function, block diagrams; feedback control modeling
system characteristics; performance of feedback control system; test Pre-requisite(s): ME333, ME422.
input signals; the stability of linear feedback systems; Routh-Hurwitz
stability criterion; the root locus method, frequency response ME424 GAS DYNAMICS (3-0-3): Flow of compressible fluids; one
method; classical control design. dimensional flows including basic concepts; isentropic flow; normal
Pre-requisite(s): MT201. and oblique shock waves; Rayleigh line; Famno flow and simple
waves; multidimensional flows; small perturbation theory for
Elective Courses: linearized flow; method of characteristics for nonlinear flows.
Pre-requisite(s): ME422, ME321
Introduction to Electrical Machines and Drives, Maxwell's Equations ME434 COMBUSTION (3-0-3): Combustion thermodynamics;
and Magnetic Circuits, Introduction to Magnetization chemical kinetics; reaction rate; explosion in gases; detonation;
Characteristics, Magnetic Materials, Introduction to Magnetic Fields, laminar and turbulent flames in pre-mixed gases; diffusion flames;
Flux, and Force, Faraday's Law of Induction, Ferromagnetic Materials, liquid droplet combustion; theory of thermal ignition; combustion of
Torque/Thrust force Calculation Methods, Permanent Magnets, particles; propellant and rocket propulsion.
Electromechanical Energy Conversion, Transformers and Solenoids, Pre-requisite(s): ME332, ME333
Introduction to Rotary Machines, DC Motors and Drives, Design and
Loading Characteristics, Stepper Motors: Classifications, Selection ME439 REFRIGERATION & AIR-CONDITIONING (3-0-3):
and Drives, BLDC Motors and Drives, Induction Motors: Psychrometric principles and design of air-conditioning equipment
Classifications, Selection and Drives, Linear Motors, Generators. and ducts; consideration of human comfort in heating and cooling;
heating and cooling calculations and design; principles of
refrigeration; cycles; refrigerants; absorption refrigeration; piping
systems, solar radiation, fans and building air distribution.
Pre-requisite(s): ME332, ME333.


History and introduction, nomenclature and classification,
fundamental equations, symmetric, asymmetric and other
characteristic layering setups, classical lamination theory, failure
criteria, laminated structures.

ME452 ROBOTICS (3-0-3): An overview of robotics; forward

kinematics; inverse kinematics; Denavit-Hartenberg coordinate
transformations; motion kinetics; force/torque relations; trajectory
planning, Lagrange equations; position control; PID control; inverse
dynamics feed forward control; nonlinear control.
Pre-requisite(s): ME212, ME313


3): Introduction, layout and components; power generation (engine, Fundamentals of internal combustion engines; study of fluid flow,
engine systems and testing), transmission, wheel and tire, chassis thermodynamics, combustion, heat transfer, friction phenomenon,
frame and body, suspension system, control systems (steering, and fuel properties relevant to engine power, efficiency and
brake); vehicle design (performance, axle loading, chassis design, emissions; examination of design features and testing characteristics
vehicle mechanics); ergonomics, legislation, automobile industry in of different types of engines.
Pakistan. Pre-requisite(s): ME321, ME332
Pre-requisite(s): ME212, ME213
ME466 INTRODUCTION TO FINITE ELEMENT METHODS (2-3-3): Energy and environment, fuels and materials, energy auditing and
Introduction; stress analysis by FEM; direct stiffness method, energy, surveying, energy consumption in manufacturing, heat transfer,
variational principles and Ritz method; co-ordinate transformation; heat balance and energy flow charts, heat recovery,energy
isoparametric formulation; integration schemes, applied examples technologies, instrumentation and measurements, sustained
from selected physics. reductions in energy use, economics, waste heat recovery.
Pre-requisite(s): ME211.
Lab Courses
ME471 POWER PLANTS (3-0-3): Review of themodynamics energy
and environment, gas power plants, hydroelectric power plants,
vapor power plants, nuclear reactors, fuels, combustion, turbines,
LAB-MEL I (1-3-2): Experiments related to statics, measurement and
compressors, pumps, boilers, exhaust analysis, renewable energy
resources (geothermal, wind, biomass, solar, etc.), waste water
Pre-requisite(s): ME102, Co-requisite(s): ME211.
treatment, environmental impacts, feasibility, cost analysis.
Pre-requisites: ME321, ME332, ME333
ME473 GAS TURBINES (3-0-3): Thermodynamic analysis and
(0-3-1): Experiments related to Mechanics of Solids and Dynamics.
analytical design of gas turbine engines; topics in combustion,
internal compressible flow, boundary layer, thrust determination for Co-requisite(s): ME 212, ME 213.
ramjets and turbojets, axial and centrifugal compressor, axial and
centripetal turbines. ME343 FLUID MECHANICS-I LAB-MEL III (0-3-1): Laboratory
Pre-requisite(s): ME321, ME332
experiments related to Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics.
Co-requisite(s): ME331, ME332.


LAB-MEL IV (0-3-1): Laboratory experiments related to Heat
Transfer and CNC processes.
Pre-requisite(s): ME351, Co-requisite(s): ME333
MEL V (0-3-1): Laboratory experiments related to Thermodynamics
and Fluid Mechanics II.
Pre-requisite(s): ME332
Co-requisite(s): ME422



AND CONTROL LAB-MEL VI (0-3-1): Laboratory experiments Pre-requisite(s): ME212, MT201
related to Mechanical Vibrations and System Dynamics and Co-requisite(s): ME417, ME464


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