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Ch02 Workover Oprnt and Equipments

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Workover, need for workover operations, workover procedure,

well killing methods, Work string, casing scraper, Junk and
boot basket, cement retainer, casing roller, bridge plug
 Work over operations are basically remedial measures that are carried out
in a well to add/ restore the production from the well.

 The work over performance is gauged through Work Over Index which is
defined as average number of wells worked over per rig per year.

 A well needs servicing when it starts producing lower than optimal

production or any hardware down the well needs repair or replacement.

 Some times mode of lift may be installed in well for the first time or
repair/replaced. In some cases production of excessive water and/or gas
may lead to servicing.

 Many servicing operations can be conducted by deploying workover rig,

however, live well intervention is preferred as killing a well risks fluid
invasion of the formation thereby causing potential formation damage.
The primary objective of well intervention operations is the management
of wells to provide optimum well production. This is achieved by conducting
live well remedial operations, obtaining downhole reservoir data or
preparation of the well for a dead well workover (if a problem cannot be
solved by live well servicing).

Occasionally, gathering of downhole reservoir data is a secondary

objective only opportunistically taken when an intervention is planned for
other reasons. This data are usually to provide well information on lateral
and vertical movement, current location of oil, water and gas and identifying
the producing zones.
Workovers are most profitable business if optimum creative skill and
imaginations are exercised in arena of fact-finding, problem analysis,
experimentation, Job execution and job evaluation.
Work over is any operation performed on a well to restore or increase its
production . Although the abandonment procedures carried out on a well
after it has ceased producing are also considered a work over.
Several problems contribute to a decrease in productivity of a well such
1. Well bore and reservoir problems:
a. Reservoir problems – Low permeability, low reservoir pressure &
small productive pay zone thickness
b. Fluid related problems – water & gas conning, formation of
precipitates & scale, flow of heavy viscous oil
c. Around well bore problems – accumulation of formation fines in
well bore & plugging of perforations
2. Casing damage/ leak or wellhead component/ seal failures
3. Production of sand, paraffin and scale deposition in flow conduit
4. Failure of completion or A/L equipment.
5. Bad cementation and channeling behind casing resulting in
production of undesired water and gas from other layers
6. Loss of hydrocarbon of present layer to other layer.
All the above problems cause a loss in production. In addition, the casing
damage and well head or completion equipment failures lead to unsafe
well conditions that need earliest possible mitigation. Work over jobs are
necessary to restore/ increase production in a safe manner.


Reservoir problem of well sickness are categorized as follows

(a) Reservoir problems:
• Low permeability
• Low reservoir pressure
• Small productive pay zone thickness
(b) Fluid problems:
• Improper and no compatible injection fluids
• Water conning / preferential mobility / thief
• Gas conning
• Formation of precipitate / scale
• Heavy viscous formation fluid.
Wellbore and reservoir problems:

(c) Around well bore problems:

• Accumulation of formation fines

• Emulsion blocks

• Water blocks

• Poor perforation

• Loose formations and Sand production

Mechanical problems:
Mechanical problem of well sickness are categorized as follows
(a) Casing or well head failures:
• Failure of sealing elements of wellhead
• Casing leakage / Damage
• Bad casing Profile
(b) Perforation problems:
• In sufficient perforation
• Plugging of perforation
• No communication from well to reservoir
• Production of sand, paraffin and scale deposition in flow
and / or well bore
• Failure of completion or A/L equipment
(c) Bad Cementation and Channelling behind casing
 Production of water, gas or undesirable materials from
other Zones
 Loss of hydrocarbon of present layer to other layer
 Loss of injection fluid

 Various types of workover jobs based on identified problems are

designed, planned and executed. Based on various facts, a optimal workover
procedure & equipment are selected that can result in a techno-economic
success. Some of the important workover jobs are discussed below:

 Above mentioned sickness or problems needs certain operations at well

site. These operations can be broadly classified as follows:

Periodic maintenance operations

(conventional rig not required)

Operations that requires a rig (conventional)

In periodical or maintenance kind of workover jobs, conventional rig is not
 Well scrapping

 Steaming

 Sand or bottom washing with or without CTU

 Oil circulation (Hot or normal)

 Paraffin or scale inhibitor treatment

 Well stimulation treatment

• Surfactant,
• Acid wash,
• Matrix acidisation

 Water unloading
Some times a wireline/CTU is required in addition to a conventional workover
rig. These jobs includes:
A. Routine jobs:
 Removal, replacement of downhole defective
 Pumps (SRP, ESP, GLV)
 Retrievable of tubing (leaking and damaged)
 Repair of casing damage
• Removal of well bore leakage/damage
B. Major or capital repair jobs:
 Detection of channeling behind casing & recompletion
 Detection of repair of casing damage and
 Fishing and removal of stuck tubing packers, and
other hole tools and objects.
 Testing of different object and recompletion
 Drilling and milling of packer and bridge plug etc.
 Deepening
 Sidetracking
 Plugging and abandonment
WELLHEAD Well head operations
No removal of x-mas tree Removal of x-mas tree

• Recompletion
• GP
• Perforation
• Capital repair of well
• Setting GLV, SSV, Choke
• Oil circulation • Packers set • HOC
• Acid jobs • Fishing: • Sand washing
• Zylene jobs • Retrieving stuck tools • Chemical spotting
• Surfactant jobs • Impression Block • Acid jobs
• Well logging • Cement squeeze:
• Perforation • Water control
• Paraffin cutting • Gas control
• Sand bailing • Layer
• To open & close: transfer
• Sliding sleeve or • Scale removal
Circulation port • Fishing
• To prove hole • Drilling

Job preparation:
• Well site preparations:
– Rig standard
– Approach road
– Site surfacing.
• Closing and disconnection of Christmas tree from flow arm
• Killing and conditioning of well fluid to subdue the well.
• Erecting of workover rigs
• Removable of Christmas tree.
• Installation of BOP.
Repair of Mechanical Failure
 Workover operations to repair mechanical completion failures are still
relatively common in old wells, however in new wells less servicing is
required due to the increasing reliability of modern completion equipment.
 In the past, one of the most common reasons for working over a well was to
replace/repair downhole safety valves, which had failed. For this reason,
engineers were inclined to install wireline retrievable valves as they could
easily be replaced using live well interventions by wireline methods, hence
avoiding the need to pull tubing. Nowadays, this is no longer the case as the
reliability of tubing retrievable valves has increased substantially where it
is now the most commonly used valve.
 Probably the most common reason for remedial mechanical operations
today is tubing failure due to erosion or corrosion. Some completion
failures can be repaired by wireline or C/T methods but in some
circumstances, a full workover programme to pull the tubing is necessary.
Repair of Mechanical Failure

 Mechanical problems of sickness of well include:

 1. Bad cementation and channeling behind casing which may lead to
 Production of water, gas and undesirable materials from other
layers into the producing layer.
 Loss of hydrocarbon of present layer to other layer
 Loss of injection fluid.
 2. Casing and well head failure
 3. Failure of sealing element of well head
 4. Tubing leakage and damage
 5. Casing leakage and damage
 6. Bad casing profile
Repair of Mechanical Failure

 7. Perforation problems
 Insufficient perforation
 Plugging and perforation
 No communication from well to reservoir
 Production of sand, scale, paraffin and deposition of undesirable
material in flow string/wellbore
 Failure of completion and artificial lift (SRP, GLV, ESP etc.)
 A full workover programme usually entails the placement of an
overbalance kill fluid against the formation unless it can be isolated using a
plug, e.g. a W/L plug in a permanent packer tailpipe or setting of a through
tubing plug in the casing above the producing zone(s).
Repair of Mechanical Failure`

A. Reasons for performing a cement squeeze job:

 Repair a faulty primary cement job
 Repair a weak casing shoe
 Stop gas cutting and influx into cemented annulus
 Complete annular fill in casing and annular tops
 Seal high side and low side channels caused by improper drilling
fluid displacement or poor casing centralization
 Seal micro annuli between the casing/cement or formation/ cement
Repair of Mechanical Failure

B. Isolate formation intervals:

 Temporarily abandon production zone to test other intervals.
 Permanently abandon nonproductive zone.
 Stop lost circulation in open hole during drilling.
 Seal off lost circulation zone opened during cementing or
 Seal off depleted zone from production intervals in multiple
C. Alter formation characteristics:
 Reduce water oil ratio.
 Change oil gas ratio.
Repair of Mechanical Failure

D. Repair casing problems:

 Repair parted or split casing, or leaking joints.
 Patch hole worn in casing from running operations.
 Seal eroded or corroded casing encountered during workover.
Stimulating a completion in a producing reservoir:

 Enhancement of well productivity: It is desired to

 Increase production rate from the well.
 Remove well bore damage and restore production from the well.
 Improve injection rate into the well.
 Enhance recovery factor.
 Improve economics of exploitation.
 The well productivity could be enhanced by:
 Improving / restoration of the bottom hole flowing pressure of the
 Increasing the wellbore conductivity for the fluids.
Stimulating a completion in a producing reservoir:
 The available techniques are:
 Better well completion practices to minimize pressure loss in the flow
conduits from well bore to surface or vice versa.
 Chemical treatments by the use of acids, solvents and surfactant, scale
inhibitors, mutual solvent etc.
 Hydraulic and acid fracturing.
 Other treatment techniques.
 Hydro-perforation and re-perforation/additional perforations
 Horizontal hole completion
 The success and failure of every treatment is largely dependent on:
 Identification of proper treatment and the well
 Optimized job design
 Proper job execution

 After placing all equipments such as mud pumps,

mud tanks, BOP accumulator, store and bunk houses
etc. as per standard layout plan and completing the rig
building at well site, the next operation in order to
service the well, is killing or subduing of well.

 Killing or subduing is nothing but counter balancing

of formation pressure by hydrostatic head of killing
 The prime function of workover fluid is to control the formation pressure.
 Before opening a well by removing x-mas tree, the formation pressure is
required to be balanced by hydrostatic pressure of workover fluid.

 Balancing of formation pressure by this hydrostatic pressure is called

subduing or killing of well. In fact some time workover is performed on a live
well under pressure. Majority of the workover operation however, require the
well to be subdued i.e. formation pressure is balanced by a column of workover

 Therefore, the workover fluid must have certain density (ppg or sp gravity)
to balance the formation.
 At the same time, the density of this fluid should not be much so that it can
leak to the casing shoe or perforation. Thus the working fluid of desired
density is pumped into the formation by forward (tubing to casing) or reverse
circulation (casing to tubing).

 Consequently based on well type, well completion configuration, formation

pressure, formation fluid etc, the killing fluid and killing procedure is designed.

 When hydrostatic head of workover fluid just balances the

formation pressure the situation is called balanced one., while in
case hydrostatic pressure of workover fluid is even slightly more,
a downward force is exerted on formation, this situation is called

 When the hydrostatic pressure of workover fluid is less than

the formation pressure, the situation is called underbalance. In
most of the times workover operation is done in overbalance
situation (in excess of 5-10%)
 It is very important to inspect/observe the well before going for
killing operation.

The first action is to record shut-in pressure in annulus &

tubing of the well.

 1. If no pressure is observed in both tubing & annulus of the

well, flow test is done.

 Flow test: Connect the well to pit by Chicksan line/ HP

hydraulic hoses allow the well to flow in pit and
observed for flow for 30 minutes to 1 hr.
 If no flow is observed, the flow test is negative.
 If flow is observed, the test is positive.

 2. If the flow test is negative, the well is circulated with kill

fluid and again flow test is done. If again, the flow test is negative
further operation such as removal of X-mass tree, tubing hanger
etc. is done.

 3. If the wells show pressure in tubing & annulus, the well is

allowed to bleed off the gas in tubing and when fluid flow is
observed the well is closed. After this one circulation of kill fluid
is given in the well and finally the flow test is again performed.

 If the flow test is negative further operation such as removal of

X-mass tree, tubing hanger etc. is done. In case the flow test is
positive and well is showing some pressure, it means that some
trapped pressure is still in the well, which may require another
one or two cycles of circulation of kill fluid.

 4. It might be possible that an inside bop /float valve (NRV)

is already in the tubing string, so the well will not show
tubing pressure.
In this case a low discharge high-pressure pump is lined
up with tubing and tubing is pressurized slowly.
The float of the NRV is opened when the pumping
pressure just exceeds the well pressure, and in this
condition the gauge in tubing reflects the actual tubing
pressure. In this type of well killing is done by reverse
circulation methods.

Killing of well:
Circulation :
• Start pump after hooking up brine tank
• Observe for return in pit , if return comes, give two cycles of circulations
• Stop pump, Observe for ½ hrs :
• Open annulus and wing valves , also open valve leading to pit.
- If pump close and flow continue – well needs more heavy fluid
- Pump running flow increasing - needs more heavy fluid
- Pressure shoots up very fast - tubing may choke or stuck up
- No return from tubing – loss circulation – reduce density of fluid/
place pill Viscous or particulate pill/ LCM
• When no activity in the well, remove x- mas tree

 At first the packer is released and the wells are killed by reverse
circulation of kill fluid. The next step is to perform flow test:

1. If this test is negative, further operations are started.

2. In case the flow test is positive then further circulation is
given till the well be killed.

Killing fluid

 The usual workover fluids are various brines & muds. Sometimes oil
based mud, synthetic oil, oil based emulsions are also used for subduing the

 These fluids used for killing the well should be non-corrosive, non-
damaging, and solid free and density of the fluid is sufficient enough to
balance the formation pressure without fracturing the formation.

 This entails killing the well by displacement of the well fluids from the
completion tubing and annulus to workover fluid.

 There are a number of kill procedures that are available depending on the
circumstances that prevails such as tubing and casing integrity, ability to
circulate the fluid in the annulus, formation pressure and characteristics of
the completion methods and formation parameters.

 Individual wells must be evaluated to determine the most effective


 The most common well killing methods are:

• Reverse circulation
• Bullheading
• Deploying Coiled Tubing and displacing tubing.
• Lubricate and bleed

 Reverse circulation means to pump kill fluid through annulus and gets returns
from tubing. In this case the return line is connected to the Gas Gathering
Station (GGS)/oil pit at well site.
 The killing of well to GGS is only to avoid oil accumulation in the oil pit at well
site. Usually the distance between the GGS and the well to be killed is some
times 2 to 3 kms. or even more, a significant amount of pressure drop is
experienced in flow lines of the well leading to GGS that may cause additional
back pressure to the well and may create a fluid loss situation.
 It is best practice to kill the well at well site in oil pit and then pumping of
produced oil/fluid in the well flow line that is connected to the GGS. This will
avoid any contamination of kill fluid with the formation fluid also.
 Additionally, the volume of kill fluid and the pressure in the flow line are to be
monitored very carefully to avoid any oil spill in between the well and GGS.

 During reverse circulation the communication is usually created by

opening a sliding sleeve (if completed with packer) with wire line tools or
perforating the tubing string with a tubing perforator run on wireline.
 It has been observed that the sliding sleeve is the potential weakest leaking
point in the tubing string. Hence precaution must be taken to avoid leaks
that allow gas to enter tubing-casing annulus.
 Moreover, if the surface pressure is very high., it is often difficult to insert
the wire tools into the well for opening the sliding sleeve.
 In such case alternative is to run coiled tubing into the well and to circulate
the tubing volume with kill fluid. During circulation if it is observed that
the pressure loss is too high to withstand by coiled tubing, then it is
impossible to kill the well with coiled tubing.

 In such case the next alternative for killing operation would be a snubbing
unit. The snubbing unit allows the tubing to pulled when the well is under
pressure. This system requires the highest degree of precision and
sophistication of well control equipment.
 The advantages of reverse circulation are:
 1. The reduction of velocity in the annulus reduces the possibility of
wall erosion.
 2. The increase in velocity up the tubing string provides fewer time lags
to the surface and less mixing of cuttings/sand ( if any).
 3. Because water or very thin light mud is used, there is less possibility
for formation damage by mud invasion.

 This is often the tidiest way of making a planned well kill.

 It involves pumping kill fluid down the annulus of the well, through a
point of communication between it and the production tubing just above
the production packer and up the tubing, displacing the lighter well bore
fluids, which are allowed to flow to production.

 The point of communication was traditionally a device called a sliding

sleeve, or sliding side door, which is a hydraulically operated device, built
into the production tubing. During normal operation, it would remain
closed sealing off the tubing and the annulus, but for events such as this, it
would be opened to allow the free flow of fluids between the two regions.

 These components have fallen out of favour as they were prone to

leaking. Instead, it is now more common to punch a hole in the tubing for
circulation kills. Although this permanently damages the tubing, given
that most planned well kills are for workovers, this is not an issue, since
the tubing is being pulled for replacement anyway.

 As the completion tubing is normally full of well fluids and the

tubing/casing annulus full of completion or packer fluid, then it is easier to
conduct a reverse circulation kill procedure as the gravities of the fluids will
tend to keep them segregated as they are pumped up the tubing.

 The preferred method is to install a wireline set plug as low as possible in

the well below the packer (e.g. packer tailpipe), if possible, to isolate the
formation from the kill fluid, and then reverse circulates to kill the well.
 Reverse circulation means to pump kill fluid through annulus
and gets returns from tubing.
 In this case the return line is connected to the Gas Gathering
Station (GGS)/oil pit at well site.
 The killing of well to GGS is only to avoid oil accumulation in
the oil pit at well site. Usually the distance between the GGS and
the well to be killed is some times 2 to 3 kms. or even more, a
significant amount of pressure drop is experienced in flow lines
of the well leading to GGS that may cause additional back
pressure to the well and may create a fluid loss situation.
 It is best practice to kill the well at well site in oil pit and then
pumping of produced oil/fluid in the well flow line that is
connected to the GGS.
 This will avoid any contamination of kill fluid with the
formation fluid also. Additionally, the volume of kill fluid and the
pressure in the flow line are to be monitored very carefully to
avoid any oil spill in between the well and GGS.
 During reverse circulation the communication is usually created by
opening a sliding sleeve (if completed with packer) with wire line tools or
perforating the tubing string with a tubing perforator run on wireline.

 It has been observed that the sliding sleeve is the potential weakest leaking
point in the tubing string. Hence precaution must be taken to avoid leaks
that allow gas to enter tubing-casing annulus.

 Moreover, if the surface pressure is very high., it is often difficult to insert

the wire tools into the well for opening the sliding sleeve.
 In such case alternative is to run coiled tubing into the well and to
circulate the tubing volume with kill fluid. During circulation if it is
observed that the pressure loss is too high to withstand by coiled tubing,
then it is impossible to kill the well with coiled tubing.
 In such case the next alternative for killing operation would be a
snubbing unit. The snubbing unit allows the tubing to pulled when the well
is under pressure. This system requires the highest degree of precision and
sophistication of well control equipment.

 Snubbing is a type of heavy well intervention performed on oil

and gas wells.

 It involves running the BHA on a pipe string using a hydraulic

workover rig.

 Unlike wireline or coiled tubing, the pipe is not spooled off a

drum but made up and broken up while running in and pulling
out, much like conventional drill pipe.

The advantages of reverse circulation are:

1. The reduction of velocity in the annulus reduces the
possibility of wall erosion.

2. The increase in velocity up the tubing string provides

fewer time lags to the surface and less mixing of
cuttings/sand ( if any).

3. Because water or very thin light mud is used, there is

less possibility for formation damage by mud invasion.
 This is similar to reverse circulation, except the kill fluid is pumped into
the production tubing and circulated out through the annulus. Though
effective, it is not as desirable since it is preferred that the well bore fluids be
displaced out to production, rather than the annulus.

 In direct circulation, the kill fluid is pumped through tubing and gets out
from the well through annulus. In workover operations direct circulation is
done rarely except washing of sand, drilling of cement and in certain cases
of well control operations.

 Prior to initiating well killing operations, several safety precautions must

be exercised. The well must be shut-in in advance of operations to stabilize
bottomhole pressure and allow time to inspect and service the Xmas tree.

 The tree valves and sub-surface safety valves, if present, should be tested
to ensure they comply with API criteria.

 Each annulus should be checked for H2S


 As the completion tubing is normally full of well fluids and the

tubing/casing annulus full of completion or packer fluid, then it is easier to
conduct a reverse circulation kill procedure as the gravities of the fluids will
tend to keep them segregated as they are pumped up the tubing.

 The preferred method is to install a wireline set plug as low as possible in

the well below the packer (e.g. packer tailpipe), if possible, to isolate the
formation from the kill fluid, and then reverse circulates to kill the well.


 Bullheading is only recommended where it causes no damage to the

formation and some Operators have strict policies stating if, and under what
conditions, this method may be used.
 Bullheading is one of the well control methods which may be utilized in
some occasions in order to control the well. Concept of bullheading is to
pump kicks back into formations by using kill weight fluid. People usually
use this method when normal circulation is impossible and volumetric
method is not feasible to perform
 When May You Consider Using the Bullheading Well Control Method?
 When the kick size is very big it may not be able to control the excessive
volume coming to the surface. In this situation, there is need to reduce
surface pressure in order to start further well control operations.
 When there is no pipe in the hole while taking influx. The influx contains
high level of H2S which can cause safety of personnel on the rig.
 When there is no feasible way to strip back to the bottom in order to kill
in the flux below.

This is the most common method of a contingency well kill. If there is a sudden need
to kill a well quickly, without the time for rigging up for circulation, the more blunt
instrument of bullheading may be used. This involves simply pumping the kill fluid
directly down the well bore, forcing the well bore fluids back into the RESERVOIR.
This can be effective at achieving the central aim of a well kill; building up a
sufficient hydrostatic head in the well bore. However, it can be limited by the burst-
pressure capabilities of the tubing or casing, and can risk damaging the reservoir by
forcing undesired materials into it. The principal advantage is that it can be done
with little advanced planning.

 This method consists of pumping kill fluid to the well and forcing the well
fluids back into the formation without pumping at a rate which will fracture
the formation, the latter being somewhat difficult when trying to kill a well
with fracture production.

 This method is the only method possible when a well has been completed
without tubing.

 It can also be used when the tubing has been landed in a packer and the
circulation devices, such as a sliding sleeve, is jammed.

This would mean that it is not possible to establish circulation around the
tubing shoe or near the tubing shoe (other than by perforating the tubing).

The bullheading techniques consists of following basic steps:

1. Open the well for flow, if possible, to reduce the pressure on the

2. When ready to pump, shut-in well.

3. Start pumping immediately down the pipe/ tubing.

4. Keep pumping until all the reservoir fluid pushed back into the

5. Reduce pump rate and stop the pumping to achieve static kill.

6. Conduct a flow test


 It is of crucial importance to start pump immediately after shut-in to

minimize the time the wellhead is exposed to high pressure, but also to
utilize the initial period before the well can build pressure.

 It is also important to keep a higher pumping rate well above the

turbulent flow to reduce the mixing between the two fluids.

 In effect, a piston effect is required so that the kill fluid is going down the
tubing as a piston sweeping all the well fluids before it.

 To ensure that the fluid has been bullheaded into the

formation requires calculation of the tubing volume and the
exact time at which the pumping of kill fluid has been started.
This will give the exact amount of kill fluid required to displace
the formation fluid in the well back into the formation.

 Care should be taken in pumping kill fluid so that it cannot

invade into the formation, which may lead to the formation

 It should be noted that the clear fluids might fall faster than
they are pumped and also the gas migrates faster than it is

 An increase in pump pressure is a indication that the kill fluid

has reached the bottom of the well.
 Coil tubing is utilized for killing the well when circulation cannot be
established due to various reasons such as heavy sanding, paraffin blockage
etc. in production tubing.
 The coiled tubing is also utilized when the circulating devices get jammed
due to scale and corrosion.
 Lubricate and bleed is the least preferred method and is only used when
there is some obstacle to conducting the other methods.
 For instance, it may be a combination of an obstruction in the tubing,
which prevents the running of wireline to open a circulating path (e.g. a
partially closed valve) and a blockage or tight formation preventing
This is the most time consuming form of well kill. It involves repeatedly
pumping in small quantities of kill mud into the well bore and then bleeding off
excess pressure. It works on the principle that the heavier kill mud will sink
below the lighter well bore fluids and so bleeding off the pressure will remove
the latter leaving an increasing quantity of kill mud in the well bore with
successive steps.
Observation after killing

 Successful killing of the well will be reflected by zero static tubing / casing
 After killing operation is completed, to ensure that the well is completely
dead, it is required opening the well for 30 minutes to 1 hour to check the
activity of the well.
 If there is no activity observed during this span of time then further
operation for removing the X-mass tree and other preparation to entry the
well may be initiated.
X-mass Tree and Tubing Hanger Removal

 Removing a Christmas tree requires careful planning. All procedures

should be defined, reviewed, and understood by company, rig, and service
personnel involved in the job. When planning the removal of a tree, some
questions that should be considered include: -
 1. Is the tree to be removed before or after the rig is moved in?
 2. If service on the tree is required, will it be sent to a shop, or will it
be serviced at the location?
 3. Is the tree manufacturer's service representative present, and are
replacement parts available.
 4. Is the rig's BOP equipment ready for immediate installation?
 5. Is the well to be killed or is to be worked on under pressure?
X-mass Tree and Tubing Hanger Removal

 Other points to consider are: -

 a. All exposed tree flanges should be
protected and all BOP flanges should
be inspected and cleaned.
 b. New seal rings should be available,
for once a metal seal ring has been
used, it is permanently distorted and
must be replaced.
 c. Tubing and casing pressures should
be checked with gauges known to be
working properly.
X-mass Tree and Tubing Hanger Removal

 Once the job has been planned and preliminary steps taken, work can
begin. Assuming that the well is to be killed prior to the tree's removal.
 1. Hold x-mas tree by tieing it with ceiling (proper capacity)
 2. Unscrew the nut-bolts of lower master valve of Christmas tree
 3. lift the X-mas tree and place it on proper safe distance from the
well head
 4. Inspect the nut-bolts, rings and ring groove. Lubricate and
service them if required and keep them at a place (store) from
where these can be available readily while installing the x-mas tree.
 Tubing Hanger Removal:
 Pick up to pull out of seals (or release packer) and remove tubing
hanger. Stack tubing hanger at proper place.
BOP Installation:

 1. After removing the christmas tree, inspect and lubricate tubing

hanger lift threads. These may be corroded and not able to support
the string weight.
 2. Inspect the well head spool and groove of the ring and ring itself.
Clean the groove and lubricate and replace the ring if required. Put
the lubricated /new ring (proper rating and size) properly in the ring
 3. Lift a serviced and pressure tested BOP stack and center it on
wellhead spool.
 4. Install and tighten all BOP studs/bolts by manually and preferably by
using a torque wrench.
Packer Release (If well is completed with packers):

 After installation of BOP the next step is to pulling out the tubing string
along with allied downhole tools from the well. Before pulling out the
string, it requires to study the completion report to ensure the depth of
packer and other bottomhole equipment configuration and their types. If
the well is completed with retrievable packer, it requires the knowledge of
the tubing strength, tensional safety factor of tubing and the packer
releasing value for retrieval.
 Typical hydraulic packer can be released either by rotation or
straight pull. If possible stabilize the circulation by opening the
sliding sleeve to cleanout any debris settled above the packer.
 After releasing the packer a full cycle circulation should be given
to avoid any kick due to pocket gas from below the packer.
Packer Release (If well is completed with packers):

 The packer should be pulled out very slowly and cautiously to

avoid swabbing.
 If the well is completed with permanent packer, the first step is to
stab out the locator seal from the extension seal bore assembly.
Other steps are same as above.
 Tripping operations
 Tripping operation is running in or pulling out of tubing or both in
or out of the well.
 Pulling out of all tubing along with BHA from the well and
running back in the well with old serviced or new BHA completely
is termed as a “Making a complete trip”.
Tripping – Out Of Hole ( Pulling Out , POOH)
 Tripping out tubing from the well is removing/retrieving the tubing string
fully or partially along with BHA. The tripping out procedure of tubing is
given below:
 Before starting pulling out string from the wellbore, Kelly, kelly cock,
swivel & rotary bushing are stored on a accessible space (rat hole)
between the rig floor & the well.
Tripping – Out Of Hole ( Pulling Out , POOH)
 Tripping out tubing from the
well is removing/retrieving
the tubing string fully or
partially along with BHA.
The tripping out procedure
of tubing is given below:
 Before starting pulling
out string from the
wellbore, Kelly, kelly
cock, swivel & rotary
bushing are stored on a
accessible space (rat
hole) between the rig
floor & the well.
Tripping – Out Of Hole ( Pulling Out , POOH)
 Tripping out tubing from the
well is removing/retrieving
the tubing string fully or
partially along with BHA.
The tripping out procedure
of tubing is given below:
 Before starting pulling
out string from the
wellbore, Kelly, kelly
cock, swivel & rotary
bushing are stored on a
accessible space (rat
hole) between the rig
floor & the well.
Tripping – Out Of Hole ( Pulling Out , POOH)
 Once the Kelly is out of
the way, an elevator is
hung from the hook of
the traveling block
assembly and is latched
to the pipe just below
the tool joint box
Tripping – Out Of Hole ( Pulling Out , POOH)
 Then tubing is lifted so
that tools joint of next
tubing to be pulled out,
is on derrick floor
(above the rotary table)
at a workable height.
 The slips are set
between remaining pipe
and the bowl of rotary
to provide support for
the pipe until
reconnections are made.
Tripping – Out Of Hole ( Pulling Out , POOH)
 The pipe connection is
loosen with breakout tongs.
Then disconnection is
completed by the spinning
the rotary table or spinner
until the pipe separates.
Tripping – Out Of Hole ( Pulling Out , POOH)
 The pipe connection is
loosen with breakout tongs.
Then disconnection is
completed by the spinning
the rotary table or spinner
until the pipe separates.
Tripping – Out Of Hole ( Pulling Out , POOH)
 The tubing string is then
pulled out with the help of
traveling block passed the
derrick man standing on the
stabbing board (monkey
Tripping – Out Of Hole ( Pulling Out , POOH)
 The derrick man helps to
store the pipe in the
finger of the stabbing
board just after it is
disconnected below.
 The breaking out pipe is
then kept in stand in the
racking area/wooden
 Like wise all tubing
along with tubing shoe/
BHA is pulled out of the
Tripping –In Hole ( Running–In, RIH)
 Tripping in is just the reverse the tripping out operation. Tripping in is
required during various workover operations in order to get a means of
circulation, treatment, attaching a specialized BHA, completing the well
itself etc. The running in procedure of tubing are given below:
 Tubing/ tubing stand is picked off from storage (stabbing board/Pipe
racks) by elevator of the traveling block.
 The tubing is swung into the place over the waiting portion of tubing
wedged in the rotary table.
 The joint is spun closed by means of a spinning chain thrown about the
tubing and pulled to start the pipe rotation.
 The joint is then finally tighten with tongs, the slips or wedged are
removed from the rotary table and the pipe is lowered into the well.
Tripping –In Hole ( Running–In, RIH)
 After run in or required
length tubing in the well,
the slips are again set
between pipe and bowl of
the rotary table so that the
tubing rest on slips.
 Unlatch elevator from the
tubing for picking and
lowering of next tubing.
 Above procedure repeated
for the remaining tubing to
be lowered in the well.
Improper Hole Fill-up on trips
 During workover and completion
operations, improperly filling the
hole during tripping out is
predominant cause of kick. As the
working string is pulled out of the
hole, the working fluid level in well
falls. The fluid level fall depends on
the volume of pipe metal pulled out
from the well and the casing
capacity. With the pipe no longer in
the hole, the overall working fluid
level decreases and so is hydrostatic
pressure. To prevent hydrostatic
pressure from dropping as the string
is pulled, the volume of metal and
fluid removed from the well must be
refilled with fluid of correct weight.
Improper Hole Fill-up on trips
 Therefore, it is necessary to fill the
hole with fluid periodically to avoid
reducing the hydrostatic pressure. If
the well takes less amount of fluid
than calculated to fill the hole, an
influx from formation into well bore
has taken place. Several methods can
be used to fill the hole, but all must
be able to measure accurately the
amount of required fluid. Two
methods most commonly used to
monitor hole fill up are trip tank and
pump stroke measurement.
Improper Hole Fill-up on trips
 A trip tank has a calibration device
to monitor the volume of fluid
entering the hole. The tank can be
placed above the preventor to allow
gravity feed into the annulus, or a
centrifugal pump may pump fluid
into the annulus with the overflow
returning to the trip tank. The
advantages of a trip tank include the
hole remains full at all times, and an
accurate measurement of the
working fluid entering the hole is
Improper Hole Fill-up on trips

 Another method of keeping

a hole full is to fill the hole
periodically with a positive
displacement pump. A flow
line device can be installed
to measure pump strokes
required to fill the hole and
will automatically shut off
the pump when the hole is
full. Amount of fluid to fill
the hole is calculated as
Improper Hole Fill-up on trips

 (I) When tripping out dry pipe:

 Barrels to Fill= Metal displacement (bbls/ft) x Length pulled out
 (ii) When tripping out wet pipe out:
 Barrels to Fill = (Metal displacement (bbls/ft) + Pipe
Capacity(bbl/ft) x Length Pulled (ft)
• How many barrels will it take to fill the annulus if 20 joints (each joint =
31′) of 4 ½ ″ tubing, with 0.00693 bbls/ft displacement, were pulled dry
from 9 5/8″ casing having an ID of 8.755″.
Improper Hole Fill-up on trips

• Barrels of fill = Metal displacement ( bbls/ft ) x Length (ft)
= 0.00639 x (20 x 31) = 3.9618 bbls
Guidelines for hole filling

 International regulation requires that well should be filled: “After five

stands (of drill string) have been pulled out or when hydrostatic pressure is
reduced by 75 psi, which ever come first”.
 Following are formulae to calculate
1. Tripping out wet pipe:
 Pressure Drop Per Foot Tripping Dry Pipe (psi/Ft)

𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒊𝒅Τ𝒎𝒖𝒅 𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒑𝒑𝒈 𝒙 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓𝟐𝒙 𝑴𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 (𝒃𝒃𝒍Τ𝒇𝒕)

𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒓Τ𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 (𝒃𝒃𝒍Τ𝒇𝒕) − 𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 (𝒃𝒃𝒍Τ𝒇𝒕)
Guidelines for hole filling

 Following are formulae to calculate

2. Tripping out dry pipe:

𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒊𝒅Τ𝒎𝒖𝒅 𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒑𝒑𝒈 𝒙 𝟎.𝟎𝟓𝟐𝒙 𝑪𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 (𝒃𝒃𝒍Τ𝒇𝒕)

 = 𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒓Τ𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 (𝒃𝒃𝒍Τ𝒇𝒕) −𝑪𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 (𝒃𝒃𝒍Τ𝒇𝒕)

Fluid gradient – 0.624 psi/ft,
Capacity of work string – 0.01393 bbl/ft
Displacement of work string – 0.00648 bbl/ft.
Casing Capacity – 0.07019 bbl/ft
Find the number of tubing pulled out in working over a well when hole filling
is to be required?
Work over job plan
Problem :sand production
7" casing and 2 7/8" tubing ( Perf.Int.12312- 12316m)
Solution : sand control by gravel packing

Work over plan

• Move suitable rig and rig up the equipment
• Kill the well with suitable work over fluid (say 9.5 ppg brine
• Remove X-mas tree and fit BOP
• Unseating of packer
• Pull tubing
• R/I wash pipe and clean sand choke
• P/O string

• Set bridge plug at 2 to 3 m below perforation (say 2319m)

• Test casing at 1000 psi, if the casing leak then plan for the
cement squeeze job.
• Perforate the interval (additional 8spf)
• R/I Perforation wash tool and wash, p/o tool
• R/I GP Screen and assembly and complete gravel packing
• R/I tubing and complete the well
• Remove BOP and Install X-mass tree
• Rig down the work over rig
Common Workover Operations
Perforation/reperforation/Zone transfer
• Perforating is putting hole in the casing and
cement into the formation.
• Perforations provide a way for fluids to flow from
the formation to well bore.
• Sometimes, after a well is initially perforated,
additional perforation are made to increase the
flow area.
• Perforating guns may be run on wire line, jointed
tubing, or coiled tubing .
Common Workover Operations
• In highly deviated directional or horizontal wells,
perforating guns run on tubing.
• The perforation can be performed either in the
underbalanced or over-balanced conditions in the
well depending upon the suitability. A pressure
gradient of 200-500 psi is normally sufficient
• Perforating in oil, water, or acid below a mud
column not recommended
• Well control – R/I tubing as soon as possible
Common Work over Operations

Steps of perforation :
- kill the well, R/x- mass tree, I/ BOP, prove hole
- Clean well bore debris by open end of tbg , if not do jet
- P/O tbg /jet, Do Scraper trip
- while P/O scraper put a cushion of solid free fluid
- R/I perforating gun in the well and detonate, P/O gun
- R/I Tubing as soon as possible in the hole
- R/ BOP , I/x- mass Tree
- Put well in activation, displace well fluid by water, apply
Common Workover Operations

• Technology upgradation
• Economy/oil price
• offset drainage in nearby well
• the producing perforations are squeezed off with
Common Workover Operations

• The well is deepened, logged and tested.

• When the new depth is reached, a liner is usually
run from a point above the bottom of the casing to
total depth.
• The liner is cemented in the new interval.
• The new formation is then perforated & put on
production after running a packer and tubing.
Common Workover Operations

Side tracking
• Side tracking is a way to abandon or bypass the
lower part of an existing well.
Reasons of side tracking
• damage or collapsed casing
• irretrievable junk in the hole
• damage production zone in the old well.
• less depleted drainage area.
Common Workover Operations
Steps to side track an old well
• cut a window in the old well’ casing backed up
with a good sheath of cement. If no cement
• cement is squeezed and circulated into place.
• A window is cut in the casing after a kickoff tool
or a whipstock packer is set at the proper depth.
• Drilling is then directed out of the hole and to the
desired location by setting the tapered whipstock
at different point to change the route of the new
hole to a desired depth.
Common Workover Operations

• the new hole is logged

• a liner is run and cemented in place.
• Completion is then carried out in the normal
manner with a packer and tubing.
Common Workover Operations
Plugging and Abandonment
• There are many reasons however, why simply closing valve to
abandon a well is not good practice:
• If the well is left as it is, the casing eventually deteriorates and
fluid migrates from one zone to another.
• Pressured formation eventually contaminates fresh water zones.
• Blow out could occur, creating pollution and endangering lives.
• Abandoned wells located offshore could become navigation
Common Workover Operations
• the producing perforations are squeeze-cemented.
• required cement plugs are placed in the casing as
the tubing or work string, is pulled out of the hole.
• Often, the upper uncemented portion of the
casing is cut off and removed
• cement plugs are set in the upper area of the hole.
• wellhead is removed, as required by most
Safety at workover rig
• Operational safety is the foremost concern while working
on workover rig.
• During workover operations following jobs may be
required to be performed :
1. Rig building /dismantling onshore mobile rigs
2. Well subduing
3. Perforation and logging
4. Running in /Pulling out of tubular
5. Cementing
6. Well stimulation
7. Well activation/ Well Testing
Safety at workover rig
• Pre-operation meetings & Monthly Safety meetings
• Rigging UP/Down
• Derricks
• Hoisting Lines (Casing Lines)
• Travelling block, elevators, elevator links or similar
• Weight Indicators
• Draw-works
• Pumping Units and pressure lines
• Hand tools
• Anchoring and Wind Guy lines
Well Control system
BOP systems for well work over operations
• One set of pipe ram, sized to the pipe being used.
• One set of blind/ Shear blind ram
• A hydraulic-actuating system (Accumulator)
• Minimum two starting system of accumulator engine
(manual, battery)
• Accumulator should be placed at a safe distance
• BOP function test should be performed on each round trip
or once a week whichever is earlier. (API RP 53)
• BOP pressure tests should be conducted
- Immediately upon installation
- Not exceeding 21 days
Well Control system
• BOP Drills at unschedule times to familiarize all personnel
engaged in well completion /workover operations
- Drills must be conducted weekly (subject to BOP is
installed on wellhead)
- All Crew members shall be instructed in the operation of
BOP system and their responsibility in the event of Blow out
- Total time taken to complete the drill should not be more
than 2 minutes.
- The deficiencies/ delay in response be discussed for further
- The drills should be documented in DPR.
 Most of the work over jobs involve operations like perforating,
cement squeeze jobs, cement clearing, scraping of casing/ liner,
milling etc.
 Work string
The string of pipe used during workover is called the
work string.
In offshore drill pipes of sizes 2 3/8" to 5" are used as
work string.
 Casing Scraper
A casing scraper is used to remove foreign substances
such as scale, perforating burs and cement from inside
the casing wall.
The scraper is usually run above a bit and is
reciprocated to scrape the walls of the casing. Spring-
tensioned blades provide the scraping action against the
casing wall.


 Junk and Boot baskets

 Junk and boot baskets remove milled (grind/cut/by

rotating tool) or drilled material from a well.

 A junk basket is run at the bottom of the work string

along with TCR bit below junk basket.

 Through application of reverse/ direct circulation, the

junk is swept into an inner chamber of basket and
recovered once the basket is pulled to surface.
 Cement retainer
A cement retainer is similar to permanent packer.
A tool set temporarily in the casing or well to prevent
the passage of cement thereby forcing it to follow
another designated path.

 Casing roller
A casing roller consists of several rugged, heavy-duty
rollers mounted on different centerline on a mandrel so
that as the tool rotates only one roller at a time contacts
the wall of the casing.
This eccentric motion restores collapsed, dented or
buckled casing to its normal diameter and roundness.
 Bridge plug

 A bridge plug is used to

isolate layer.

 The bridge plugs are run on

wire line.

 Both casing and through

tubing bridge plugs are used.



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