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3.5 Material declarations

The supplier shall take responsibility to ensure compliance to all communicated relevant legislation, both applicable
to the regions where goods parts are produced and/or sold, as well as any additional specific requirements from
When necessary, verifications within the supply chain shall be done to assure all requirements are communicated
effectively and complied with.

3.5.1 IMDS - International Material Data System http://www.mdsystem.com

SYMBIO´s IMDS Company ID#: 212009.
To collect the necessary material data information, SYMBIO requires that all suppliers report it through the IMDS -
International Material Data System directly.
SYMBIO’s acceptance criteria are based on IMDS recommendations
SYMBIO can request clarifications and corrections to previously submitted and accepted IMDS data.

All products and materials (including packaging thereof) delivered to SYMBIO shall be conform with below regulatory
requirements (if applicable):
• GADSL (Global Automotive Declarable Substance List)
• REACH, Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006
• RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances), Directive 2011/65/EU
• Conflict Minerals Regulation (EU) 2017/821
• MSDS (Safety Data Sheet)
• Packaging and Packaging Waste, Directive 94/62/EC
• ELV (End of Life Vehicles), Directive 2000/53/EC
All applicable revisions and amendments to the legislation that affect products in the supply chain and other local
applicable legislations must be followed. GADSL (https://www.gadsl.org/)
Suppliers must be aware of GASDL updates and ensure that information submitted is correct and comply with the
recommendations of the IMDS system. REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 https://echa.europa.eu/fr/regulations/reach/understanding-reach

The Supplier must fulfil all obligations due to REACH- Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of
Chemicals. This includes obligations of Substances of Very High Concern-SVHC in articles (see below), even for spare
parts and packaging.
REACH requires that all suppliers located outside the European Union must name an Only Representative (OR) if they
deliver products defined as substances into the area of validity of the regulation.
This OR ensures that the REACH obligations are met. The OR’s name must be notified to SYMBIO.

REACH SVHC - Substances of Very High Concern

All substances added to the Candidate List and present in products above 0.1% w/w (weight by weight) must be
notified to SYMBIO.
When the Candidate List is updated, and new SVHC are added then the obligation for suppliers to inform their
customers becomes immediately effective.
The supplier is requested not to use SVHC in components and products delivered to SYMBIO.

REACH Annex XIV (Authorization List)

Supplier shall not use any substance included in this list.
REACH Annex XVII (Restriction List)
Supplier shall only use substances from the list if it complies with the restrictions. Restriction of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) https://eur-
Electrical and electronic equipment suppliers must follow the Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, regarding the
limitation of the use of certain dangerous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. Conflict Minerals Regulation https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32017R0821 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) https://www.msds-europe.com/

For chemical products and raw materials, suppliers are required to send an updated MSDS to SYMBIO in English
The MSDS must be in accordance with REACH requirements. Packaging and Packaging Waste, Directive 94/62/EC https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/FR/TXT/?
uri=celex%3A31994L0062 End of Live Vehicle https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/FR/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32000L0053

3.2.2 PPAP Submission (Obs: Il faudrait aussi prévoir la MAJ des tech spec)

Suggestion : Sur les Tech Spec, mettre qu’une norme/spécification par ligne

3.4 Special characteristics

Maj du tableau (manque Configuration, ex : problème avec Celoroton)

Procédure QI-077
Page 11, Annexe 1 – Enlever colonne « FORD »

SQAM ancienne version

Knowledge of burr and edge terminology and instructions is crucial to understanding these directions and maintain
consistency in production and inspection efforts. The seven levels of edge finishing are:

1. Deburring is not required. All edges may be left as produced by the sequence of production processes used.
Burrs or similar projections produced at edges may cause some dimensions to fall outside their normal
limits. Whenever a drawing, purchase order, or specification fails to indicate specific edge finishing
requirements, this level of edge finishing is implied. This level of edge quality allows producers to remove
burrs and finish edges if they desire to do so.
2. Remove sharp edges. Edges defined by this level of finishing will be smooth to the extent that hands will
not be cut, nor will electrical wires or mating parts. Burrs still remain on the products; they may be beaten
over, flattened, completely removed, or rounded.
3. Remove all visible burrs. No projections visible to the unaided eye are permitted beyond the normal plane of
adjacent surfaces. Small projections that are too small to be detected by normal unaided vision may remain.
Any remaining material should not cause dimensions to fall out of drawing specifications. This specification
level also requires that edges should not be sharp to the extent that they could cut hands, wiring cables, or
mating parts.
4. Remove all burrs visible at __ X magnification. No projections visible at __ X magnification are permitted
beyond the normal plane of adjacent surfaces. Small projections that are too small to be detected by the
indicated power of magnification may remain. This specification level also requires that edges should not be
sharp to the extent that they could cut hands, wiring cables, or mating parts. This level of edge quality allows
inspection by any quality of optics and any form of lighting. Tactile or other nonoptical inspection
approaches are not allowed in this level of deburring.
5. Break edges __ X __ mm minimum. Edges should be chamfered, blunted, or smoothed such that no material
falls above a chamfer of the indicated minimum dimensions.
6. Round edges __ to __ mm radius. Edges should have a curvature falling within the indicated limits. Chamfers
are not acceptable.
7. Do not deburr. Edges should be left as produced by the sequence that produced them. This statement
explicitly prohibits deburring.

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