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Report of

Statistical Analysis & Data Representation,

1st Term, Jan 2023

Hesham Saad, student

Tabbin Institute for Metallurgical Studies ,
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry


Date : 22- January -2023

To : kind attention, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry
From : Hesham Saad,
Subject : Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Title : OEE & SPC, Statistical Process Control

Report Content

- preface page 02
- Introduction page 03
- Methodology page 05
- Parameters page 06
- Objectives page 07
- Moving Average Control Chart page 08
- Pareto Chart page 09
- Report Case study page 10
- Conclusion page 12
- Definitions page 13
- Abbreviation page 13

Postgraduate student 1
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry



Statistical analysis is the process of collecting and analyzing data in

order to discern patterns and trends. It is a method for removing bias from
evaluating data by employing numerical analysis.
This technique is useful for collecting the interpretations of research,
developing statistical models, and planning surveys and studies.
Statistical analysis is a scientific tool that helps collect and analyze
large amounts of data to identify common patterns and trends to convert
them into meaningful information.
In simple words, statistical analysis is a data analysis tool that helps draw
meaningful conclusions from raw and unstructured data.
The conclusions are drawn using statistical analysis facilitating
decision-making and decision-taking helping businesses make future
predictions on the basis of past trends.
It can be defined as the science of collecting and analyzing data to
identify trends and patterns and presenting them. Statistical analysis
involves working with numbers and is used by businesses and other
institutions to make use of data to derive meaningful information.

Postgraduate student 2
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry


Open system vs Closed system

The main difference between an open-loop system and a closed-loop

system is that the closed-loop system has the ability to self-correct while
the open-loop system doesn't. Consequently, closed-loop systems are
often called feedback control systems while open-loop systems are also
known as non-feedback controls
Statistical process control (SPC), and making a difference
Is the application of statistical methods to monitor and control the
performance of the Time, Material, and Quality of a process. and consider
the most effective tool that makes a difference when holding a comparison
between the open system and the closed system.
This helps to ensure that the process outcome operates efficiently
and effectively. SPC can be applied to any closed system where the output
can be measured.
Key tools used in SPC include a control chart, histogram, and Pareto
chart focus on continuous improvement, and consider a very important tool
of the decision-making team.
SPC must be practiced in two phases:
The first phase is to define the input of the system concerning time,
material, quality, and cost, and the
The second phase is the regular measurement of feedback on the
process. In the second phase, a decision on the period to be examined
must be made, depending upon the change in 5M&E conditions (Man,
Machine, Material, Method, Maintenance, Environment).
An advantage of SPC over other methods of feedback of activity
control, such as “inspection" is that it emphasizes early detection and
prevention of problems, rather than the correction of problems after they
have occurred.

Postgraduate student 3
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry


In addition to reducing waste, SPC can reduce the time and material
waste required to produce high-quality products and very competitive
prices and improve profitability and productivity.

Postgraduate student 4
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry


OEE Methodology

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the standard for measuring

manufacturing productivity. Simply it identifies the percentage of
manufacturing time that is truly productive.
An OEE score of 100% means you are manufacturing
1- only Good Parts, as fast as possible,
2- with no Stop Time.
In the terms of OEE, that means
1- 100% Quality (only Good Parts),
2- 100% Performance (as fast as possible), and
3- 100% Availability (no Stop Time).
Measuring OEE is a manufacturing best practice and By measuring OEE
and the underlying losses you will gain important insights on how to
systematically improve your manufacturing process, OEE is the single best
metric for identifying
1- losses,
2- benchmarking progress, and
3- improving the productivity of manufacturing equipment (i.e.,
eliminating waste).

Postgraduate student 5
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry


OEE parameters
A_ Availability
The Availability takes into account Unplanned and Planned Stops. An
Availability score of 100% means the process is always running during
Planned Production Time.

P_ Performance
The performance takes into account Slow Cycles and Small Stops. A
Performance score of 100% means when the process is running it is
running as fast as possible.
Q_ Quality
Quality takes into account Defects (including parts that need
Rework). A Quality score of 100% means there are no Defects (only Good
Parts are being produced).
Overall Equipment Effectiveness
OEE takes into account all losses. An OEE score of 100% means you
are manufacturing only Good Parts, as fast as possible, with no Stop Time.

Postgraduate student 6
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry



Applying the OEE methodology with the support of SOP, and

considering SOP an effective tool for decision taker concerning the next: -

Quality Control, concerning the product

Time Control, concerning the process, Availability
Material Control, concerning, the waste management
Cost Control, concerning the profitability
Performance Control, concerning productivity, Productivity

report methodology will be

Overall Equipment Effectiveness

The case study will concern 2 of 3, of OEE parameters

Time Control, Availability
Process Control, Productivity

statistical charts will be used

control chart, moving average
Pareto chart

Postgraduate student 7
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry


Moving Average Control Chart

It is often true that making subgroups from a process is impractical. In

some situations, the time required to measure a single observation is so
great that repeat observations cannot be considered. These are occasions
when moving averages and moving ranges are more in accord with
manufacturing practice than ordinary averages and ranges. The method of
moving averages and ranges is particularly suitable for lines of production
that require some time to produce a single part.

Postgraduate student 8
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry


Pareto Chart

A Pareto chart is a type of chart that contains both bars and a line
graph, where individual values are represented in descending order by
bars, and the cumulative total is represented by the line. The chart is
named for the Pareto principle, which, in turn, derives its name
from Vilfredo Pareto, a noted Italian economist.

Postgraduate student 9
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry


Report Case study

1- OEE, A … Availability
Improving “UTF”, by availability by using, a moving average
control chart and Pareto control chart Approved the “RnD”, budget
for improving “UTF” considering the minimization of the downtime, as per
technological supplier technical proposal

Postgraduate student 10
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry


2- OEE, P… Productivity

Improving process productivity Ton/hr. by using, a moving

average control chart

Postgraduate student 11
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry


Project continuous improvement policy and consider the learning curve of
the Company project as per, the “SPC” approach, reports, considering the
next parameters: -

- Material control, MC…

- Time control, TC… (availability)
- Cost control, CC…
- Quality control, QC… and finally
- Performance control PC… (productivity)

which are showing that: -

- Complying with the Learning curve plan, goals, and time plan
o Concerning Project production design capacity

- Achieving 90% of the company project Business Model

o Concerning ERP implementation
o Concerning “OKRs”, and
o Concerning “KPIs”,

Postgraduate student 12
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control
Statistical Analysis & Data Representation
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sabry


Learning Curve Plan,

is the representation in graph form of the rate of learning something

over time or repeated experiences.

5 M rule,
“Man, Machine, Material, Maintenance and Measurement”,

ERP, Enterprise resource planning,
KPIs, Key Performance Indicators,
OEE, Overall Equipment Effectiveness %,
OKRs, Objective & Key Results,
SPC, Statistical Process Control,
UTF, Utilized Time Factor %,

Postgraduate student 13
Eng. Dr. Hesham Saad
Closed system, Statistical Process Control

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