We proudly present this handbook and expect that it can be beneficial for all school
participants so that the school process can work orderly and under authorities. For all our
dearest students... learn well and apply the noble characters to understand the knowledge.
School Principals
Table of Content
The Mission
2. A good school provides an orderly, safe and civilized environment for all the people
who are a part of the community. Fundamental to this is an attitude of respect to self
and others. This attitude will be shown in courteous, tolerant, respectful behavior
and care of the physical environment.
3. Students learn acceptable social behavior in the classroom under teachers' authority
in order to learn general courtesy, submission to leadership of the employer, team
work, and cooperation with others to prepare for their future.
5. Students realize that their actions have consequences and that unacceptable
behavior will be dealt accordingly
General expectation
Students or parents must call school office in the morning of absence due to illness.
Please speak to administrator or secretary. Any absence due to iiiness, which is
three (3) or more days in duration, will require a memo from doctor to be deemed
as an excused absence. Failing to submit the required letter of excuseidoctoris
memo after three days, the student will be considered absent without notice and
will receive a penalty accordingly.
Address your excuse letter to the respective form teacher.
Excuse letter must be turned within a week after the studentsi absence. Otherwise
the student will be considered absent without notice and a penalty will be applied.
We realize that there are some instances where a student will need to miss a day of
school due to reasons other than those listed above. In all instance, prior approval must be
obtained from the teacher for an absence to be considered excused
The day before, bring a note from parents explaining when and why you need to
leave and get the approval from the principal as to whether or not such an absences
is considered excused. (Leave is not automatically given, especially for not urgent
Inform your teacher who will assign the homework for the particular day.
All required course work must be completed for the awarding ofa level
Students should complete all tasks by the due date.
Parents should notify the school if the student is absent for a test.
In the case of illness, a medical certificate is required for the day of the test.
In the case of legitimate absence for other extenuating circumstances, a letter from
parents is required to be handed in to your subject teacher.
The task must be completed after the due date, usually the first day after absence.
Plaglarism is academic theft, using the work of another person and presenting it as
one's own work. Material, which has been copied, must be acknowledged or the
student's work will be considered to be plagiarized. Plaglarism will incur penalties.
Examination Conditions
No verbal and non verbal communication of any kind should occur between
Borrowing gadgets or any kinds of equipment is NOT permitted.
Violation of examination condition will be treated as cheating.
Cheating means copying someone eise's home work or assignment, answer on quiz,
test and exam.
Cheating is considered as a serious offence. The student who gives the answer
deliberately will be dealt seriously as the person who cheats.
Stealing is taking someone elseis property (goods) without the permission of the
owner with the intention of keeping it.
Stealing is also dishonestly daiming another personis ideas as his or her own.
Stealing is considered as a serious offense. Any student who steals will be dealt
seriously and administrative penalty such as expulsion from the school could be
Report Card is issued at the end of each semester, after the rnid-term and final
Grading is based upon 70% academic and 30% character for every subject. Academic score
includes daily home work, special assignment, projects, quizzes, tests and exams. Character
is graded on self-control, attentiveness, love of learning, orderliness and manners.
A+ 98 – 100
A 95 – 97
A- 90 – 94
B+ 87 – 89
B 83 - 86
B- 80 - 82
C+ 77 – 79
C 73 – 76
C- 70 – 72
D+ 67 – 69
D 63 – 66
D- 60 - 62
F 0 - 59