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Circular Motion (S.C.Q.) E

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Q.1 A particle is moving along a circular path with a 1

hole and connects of mass m2 = kg at the other
constant speed. The acceleration of the particle is 2
constant in - end as shown. m2 also moves in a horizontal circle

(A) magnitude of same radius of 1 m with a speed of 10 m/s. If

g = 10 m/s2 then the speed of m1 is-
(B) direction A B
(C) both magnitude and direction m1
(D) neither magnitude nor direction [A] D C
Sol. Only magnitude remain constant and direction
changes m2

(A) 10 m/s (B) 10 m/s

Q. 2 A particle of mass m is released from point A on 1
(C) m/s (D) None of these
smooth fixed circular track as shown. If the particle 10
is released from rest at t = 0, then variation of [B]

normal reaction N with () angular displacement Q.4 A particle is given an initial speed u inside a
smooth spherical shell of radius R = 1 m that it is
from initial position is –
just able to complete the circle. Acceleration of the
particle when its velocity is vertical is -


(A) g 10 (B) g
N N (C) g 2 (D) 3g [A]
Sol. [A] u = 5gR
(A) 3mg (B) 3mg  v2 = u2 – 2gR
= 5gR – 2gR = 3gR
 


(C) 3mg (D) 3mg
  Tangential acceleration at B is
at = g (downwards)
Centripetal acceleration at B is
`Q.3 ABCD is a smooth horizontal fixed plane on which aC = = 3g
mass m1 = 0.1 kg is moving in a circular path of  Total acceleration will be
radius r = 1 m. It is connected by an ideal string
a= a C2 + a 2t = g 10
which is passing through a smooth

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 1
Q. 5 A particle moves in x-y plane. The position vector  
  32 − 18 
of particle at any time t is r = {(2t )î + (2t 2 ) ĵ} m. = cos−  
The rate of change of  at time t = 2s. (where  is  (16 + 9) (64 + 36) 
the angle which its velocity vector makes with  14 
positive x-axis ) is = cos–1  
 50 
2 1
(A) rad/s (B) rad/s  = 73.73°
17 14 Since 0° < 90°, the motion is an acceleration one.
4 6
(C) rad/s (D) rad/s Q.7 A stone hanging from a massless string of length
7 5
15 m is projected horizontally with speed 147 m/s.
Sol. [A] Then the speed of the particle at the point where
dx tension in string equals the weight of particle is –
x = 2t  Vx = =2 (A) 10 m/s (B) 7 m/s
(C) 12 m/s (D) None of these
y = 2t2  vy = = 4t Sol. [B]
m v2
vy 4t T – mg cos  = and v2 – u2 = – 2g (l – cos
 tan  = = = 2t 
vx 2 )
Differentiating with respect to time we get, also T = mg
(sec2) =2 Q. 8 A point on the periphery of rotating disc has its
acceleration vector making on angle 30º with
or (1 + tan2) =2 velocity vector then the ration of magnitude of
d centripetal acceleration to tangential acceleration
or (1 + 4t2) =2
dt is -
d 2 (A) sin30º (B) cos 30º
or =
dt 1 + 4t 2
(C) tan 30º (D) None of these
d d 2 2
at t = 2 s is = = rad/s Sol. [C]
dt dt 1 + 4(2) 2 17
tan =
Q. 6 A particle is moving in a circular path. The at
acceleration and momentum of the particle at a  
 a at
certain moment are a = (4î + 3 ĵ) m/s2 and 
 
p = (8î − 6 ĵ) kg-m/s. The motion of the particle is aN
(A) Uniform circular motion
(B) accelerated circular motion
(C) decelerated circular motion Q.9 Check up the only correct statement in the
  following-
(D) We cannot say anything with a and p only
(A) A body has a constant velocity and still it can
Sol. [B] have a varying speed
 
Angle between a and p is : (B) A body has a constant speed but it can have a

p  =  varying velocity
(C) A body having constant speed cannot have any
 (D) A body in motion under a force acting upon it
must always have work done upon it
a.p [B]
 = cos–1  
| a || p |

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Q.10 Shown here are the velocity and acceleration In figure, the distance from the base of the pylon to
vectors for an object in several different types of the point where the fragment strikes the ground is
motion. In which case is the object slowing down closest to -
and turning to the right ? (A) 120 m (B) 130 m
v a (C) 140 m (D) 160 m [D]
(A) a (B) v0

h = 32 m
a x = v0 t
(C) (D) [B] 1
h = gt2
v 2
Sol. From observer point of view at decreases v and an 2h 2 32 8
t= = =
makes the path of object curved turning to the g 10 10
right. 2 2
v0 = r = × 12 =  12 = 20
T 1.2
8 160  3.14
x = 20 × =
10 3.162
at x = 160 m
Q.12 A circular disc of radius r = 5 m is rotating in
an horizontal plane about y-axis. y-axis a vertical axis
passing through the centre of disc and x-z is the
v horizontal plane at ground. The height of disc
above ground is h = 5 m. Small particles are
ejecting from disc in horizontal direction with
speed 12 m/s from the circumference of disc then
`Q.11 A wind farm generator uses a two-bladed propeller the distance of these particles from origin when
they hits x – z plane is -
mounted on a pylon at a height of 20 m. The length (A) 5 m (B) 12 m
of each propeller blade is 12 m. A tip of the (C) 13 m (D) None of these [C]
propeller breaks off when the propeller is vertical. 2h 25
Sol. R= u = 12 = 12 m
g 10
At that instant, the period of the motion of the
propeller is 1.2 second. The fragment files off  Distance from origin = 5 2 + (12) 2 = 13 m
horizontally, falls and strikes the ground at point
Q.13 A horizontal disk is rotating with angular velocity
'' about a vertical axis passing through its centre.
A ball is placed at the centre of groove and pushed
v0 slightly. The velocity of ball when it comes out of
the groove –
12 m

20 m R


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3 ωR at
(A) R (B) 
2 2 a 

ωR ac
(C) R (D) [A]
Sol. Let us consider motion of ball with respect to disk
tan  =
v disk,ground at
ac 1
  = tan 30° =
at 3
v ball, disk
Q. 15 ABCD is a smooth horizontal fixed plane on which
mass m1 = 0.1 kg is moving in a circular path of
radius 1 m. It is connected by an ideal string which
is passing through a smooth hole and connects
x dx m2r mass m2 = kg at the other end as shown. m2
also moves in a horizontal circle of same radius of
1 m with a speed of 10 m/s. If g = 10 m/s2, then
3R the speed of m1 is –
2  A B
Net force along groove = m2r sin  D C
= m2r
= m2x
 ma = mx m2
dv (A) 10 m/s (B) 10 m/s
v = 2x
dx 1
R (C) m/s (D) None of these [B]
 v= 10
   2
v Ball,Ground = v Ball,Disk + v Ball,Ground  v2  m v2
 Sol. T = m2 g +  2  = 1 1
 v Ball,Ground  r  r
 
1 Q.16 A body is moving is x-y plane as shown in a
  R 
 R   2 circular path of radius 2 m. At a certain instant
= (R ) 2 +   + 2(R )  cos 120
  2   2   when the body is crossing the positive y-axis its
acceleration is (6î − 8 ĵ) m/s2. Then its angular
= R acceleration and angular velocity at this instant
2 will be -

Q.14 A particle is moving in a circular path and its 

acceleration vector is making an angle of 30° with
O x
the velocity vector, then the ratio of centripetal
acceleration to its tangential acceleration is –
1 3
(A) (B)
2 2 (A) – 3k̂ rad/s2 and − 2k̂ rad/s respectively

(D) 3 [C] (B) + 3k̂ rad/s2 and + 2k̂ rad/s respectively
3 (C) – 4k̂ rad/s2 and − 3k̂ rad/s respectively
(D) + 4k̂ rad/s2 and + 3k̂ rad/s respectively

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Sol. a = 6î − 8 ĵ

 ar = 8 and at = 6 
l L
r =  and r = 

Q.17 Position vector of a particle moving in x-y plane at

time t is r = a (1 – cos t) î + a sin t ĵ . The path  L cos  + l 
(A) cos–1  
of the particle is :  L+l 

(A) a circle of radius a and centre at (a, 0)  L cos  + l 

(B) cos–1  
(B) a circle of radius a and centre at (0, 0)  L−l 

(C) an ellipse  L cos  − l 

(C) cos–1  
(D) neither a circle nor an ellipse [A]  L−l 

Sol. Particle is moving in a circle of radius a and centre  L cos  − l 

(D) cos–1   [C]
(a, 0) with constant angular velocity . At time t =  L+l 
Sol. At the bottom most point, square of speed of bob,
0 particle is at origin and it starts rotating
v2 = 2 gL(1 – cos )
clockwise. At time t it has rotated an angle  given
It will rise further to a height,
by :
h= = L(1 – cos )
or (L – l) (1 – cos ) = L(1 – cos )
 L cos  − l 
  = cos–1  
a  L−l 
 x Q.19 A stone tied to a string of length L is whirled in a
t=0 x
vertical circle with the other end of the string at the
centre. At a certain instant of time, the stone is at its
lowest position, and has a speed u. The magnitude of
 = t the change in its velocity as it reaches a position where
y = a sin  = a sin t the string is horizontal is –

and x = a – a cos  = a (1 – cos t) (A) u 2 − 2gL (B) 2gL

 r = a (1 – cos t) î + a sin t ĵ (C) u 2 − gL (D) 2(u 2 − gL)
Q.18 A simple pendulum consisting of a mass M Sol. From energy conservation
v2 = u2 – 2gL … (1)
attached in a string of length L is released from rest
Now since the two velocity vectors shown in figure
at an angle . A pin is located at a distance l below are mutually perpendicular, hence the magnitude
the pivot point. When the pendulum swings down, of change of velocity will be given by
the string hits the pin as shown in the figure. The →
|v |= u 2 + v2
maximum angle  which string makes with the
vertical after hitting the pin is –

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v Sol. Let l be the length of the rod and  the angle of rod
with x-axis (horizontal) at some instant of time.
Co-ordinates of the centre of rod at this instant of
time are
Substituting value of v2 from Eq. (1)
→  B x
|v |= u 2 + u 2 − 2gL
→ l
|v |= 2(u 2 − gL) x= cos 

Q.20 The magnitude of displacement of a particle l

and y= sin 
moving in a circle of radius a with constant angular 2
speed  varies with time t as –
Squaring and adding Eqs. (1) and (2), we get:
(A) 2a sin t (B) 2a sin
2 l2
x2 + y2 =
t 4
(C) 2a cos t (D) 2a cos [B]
Sol. In time t particle has rotated an angle  = t. Which is an equation of a circle of radius and
Displacement 2
Q t=t centre at origin.
 Q.22 A solid body rotates about a stationary axis so that
O R P its angular velocity depends on the rotation angle
 as  = 0 – k , where 0 and k are positive

s = PQ = QR 2 + PR 2 constants. At the moment t = 0, the angle  = 0.

Find the time dependence of rotation angle-
= (a sin t ) 2 + (a − a cos t ) 2
0 –kt
t (A) K. oe –kt (B) [e ]
s = 2a sin K
0 K
Q.21 A rigid rod leans against a vertical wall (y-axis) as (C) [1–e–kt] (D) [ e–kt – 1]
shown in figure. The other end of the rod is on the K 0
horizontal floor. Point A is pushed downwards [C]
with constant velocity. Path of the centre of the rod
is –
y Q.23 A point moves along a circle with velocity
A v = at where a = 0.5 m/sec2. Then the total
acceleration of the point at the moment when it
covered (1/10)th of the circle after beginning of
x motion-
(A) a straight line passing through origin (A) 0.5 m/sec2 (B) 0.6 m/sec2
(B) a straight line not passing through origin
(C) 0.7 m/sec2 (D) 0.8 m/sec2 [D]
(C) a circle of radius l/2 and centre at origin
(D) a circle of radius l/2 but centre not at origin
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Q.24 Two cars having masses m1 and m2 move in circles Q.30 A 30 cm diameter turn table starts from rest and
of radius r1 and r2. If they complete the circle in takes 2 s to reach its final rotation rate of
equal time. The ratio of their angular speeds 1/2 33.5 rpm; the angular acceleration is-
is- (A) 1.75 rad/s2 (B) 1.25 rad/s2
m1 r1 (C) 2 rad/s2 (D) 1 rad/s2 [A]
(A) (B)
m2 r2
Q.31 A stone is moved round a horizontal circle with a
mr 20 cm long string tied to it. If centripetal
(C) 1 1 (D) 1 [D]
m 2 r2 acceleration is 9.8 m/s2, then its angular velocity
will be-
Q.25 When a particle moves in a circle with a uniform (A) 7 rad/s (B) 22/7 rad/s
speed -
(C) 49 rad/s (D) 14 rad/s [A]
(A) its velocity and acceleration are both constants
(B) its velocity is constant but the acceleration Q.32 A car is moving in a circular path of radius 500m
changes with a speed of 30m/sec. If its speed is increasing
(C) its acceleration is constant but the velocity at the rate of 2m/sec2, the resultant acceleration
changes will be -
(D) its velocity and acceleration both change (A) 2 m/sec2 (B) 2.5 m/sec2
(C) 2.7 m/sec2 (D) 4 m/sec2 [C]
Q.26 A stone of mass m tied to a string of length is
rotated in a circle with the other end of the string Q.33 An electric fan has blades of length 30 cm as
as the centre. The speed of stone is v. If the string measured from the axis of rotation. If the fan is
breaks, the stone will move - rotating at 1200 r.p.m. The acceleration of a point
(A) towards centre (B) away from centre
on the tip of the blade is about-
(C) along tangent (D) will stop [C]
(A) 1600 m/sec2 (B)4740 m/sec2
(C) 2370 m/sec2 (D) 5055 m/sec2 [B]
Q.27 Angular position of a line of a disc of radius
r = 6 cm is given by  = 10 – 5t + 4t2 rad. the Q.34 A racing car is travelling along a track at a constant
average angular speed between 1 and speed of 40 m/s. A T.V. camera men is recording
3 s is- the event from a distance of 30m directly away
(A)  rad/s (B) 11 rad/s from the track as shown in figure. In order to keep
(C) 22 rad/s (D) 5.5 rad/s [B] the car under view in the position shown, the
angular speed with which the camera should be
Q.28 In the above question linear speed of a point on the rotated, is-
rim at 2s is- Track
(A) 0.33 m/s (B) 0.66 m/s
40 m/s
(C) 1 m/s (D) 1.32 m/s [B]

Q.29 At t = 0 a fly wheel is rotating at 50 rpm. A motor 30 m

gives it a constant angular acceleration of 0.5
rad/s2 until it reaches 100 rpm. the motor is then 30º
disconnected. How many revolutions are
T.V Camera
completed at t = 20 s ?
(A) 4/3 rad/sec (B) 3/4 rad/sec
(A) 25 rev (B) 29 rev
(C) 20 rev (D) 15 rev [B] (C) 8/3 3 rad/sec (D) 1 rad/sec [B]

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 7
`Q.35 Two moving particles P and Q are 10 m apart at a Q.40 A particle of mass m is fixed to one end of a light
certain instant. The velocity of P is 8m/s making spring of force constant k and unstretched length
an angle 30º with the line joining P and Q and that . The system is rotated about the other end of the
of Q is 6m/s making an angle 30º with PQ as shown spring with an angular velocity , in gravity free
in the figure. Then angular velocity of P with
space. The increase in length of the spring will be-
respect to Q is-
6 m/s 
k m
10 m 30º
P 30º Q

8 m/s m 2  m2 
(A) (B)
(A) Zero (B) 0.1 rad/sec k k − m2
(C) 0.4 rad/sec (D) 0.7 rad/sec [D]
m2 
Q.36 A body moves along an uneven horizontal road (C) (D) None of these [B]
k + m2
surface with constant speed at all points. The
normal reaction of the road on the body is-
Q.41 A railway track is banked for a speed v, by making
the height of the outer rail (h) higher than that of
the inner rail. The distance between the rails is d.
C The radius of curvature of the track is r-
(A) Maximum at A h v2  h  v2
(B) Maximum at B (A) = (B) tan  sin −1  =
d rg  d  rg
(C) Minimum at C
(D) The same at A,B and C [A] h v
h v2
(C) tan–1   = (D) = [A]
Q.37 A particle of mass m rotates in a circle of radius a  d  rg r dg
with a uniform angular speed . It is viewed from
a frame rotating about the Z-axis with a uniform Q.42 The tube AC forms a quarter circle in a vertical
angular speed  The centrifugal force on the plane. The ball B has an area of cross-section
particle is- slightly smaller than that of the tube, and can move
(A) m 2a (B) m 02 a without friction through it. B is placed at A and
2 displaced slightly. It will-
  + 0 
(C) m   a (D) m o a [B]
 2 
Q.38 A uniform circular ring of mass per unit length 
and radius R is rotating with angular velocity  B
about its own axis in a gravity free space. Tension
in the ring is-
(A) Zero (B)  R2 2
2 C
(C)  R 2 2 (D)  R 2 [C]
Q.39 A uniform rod of mass m and length rotates in a (A) always be in contact with the inner wall of the
horizontal plane with an angular velocity  about a tube
vertical axis passing through one end. The tension in (B) always be in contact with the outer wall of the
the rod at distance x from the axis is- tube
1 1 x2 (C) initially be in contact with the inner wall and
(A) m2x (B) m2 later with the outer wall
2 2 
(D) initially be in contact with the outer wall and
1  x2  1 m2
(C) m2 1 −  (D) . [ 2 – x2] later with the inner wall [C]
2    2 


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Q.43 A particle is acted upon by a constant force always horizontal plane. Let T1 and T2 be the tension at
normal to the direction of motion of the particle. It the points L/4 and 3L/4 away from the pivoted
is therefore inferred that- ends, then-
(i) Its velocity is constant (A) T1 > T2
(ii) It moves in a straight line (B) T2 > T1
(iii) Its speed is constant (C) T1 = T2
(iv) It moves in circular path (D) inadequate information [A]
(A) i , iv (B) iii, iv Q.48 Let  denote the angular displacement of a simple
(C) i, ii (D) i, ii, iii [B] pendulum oscillating in a vertical plane. If the
mass of the bob is m. The tension in the string is
mg cos  -
Q.44 A particle of mass m is observed from an inertial
(A) always (B) never
frame of reference and is found to move in a circle
(C) at extreme position (D) at mean position
of radius r with a uniform speed v. The centrifugal [C]
force on it is-
Q.49 Water in a bucket is whirled in a vertical circle with
mv 2 a string attached to it. The water does not fall down
(A) towards centre
R even when the bucket is inverted at the top of its
path. We conclude that-
mv 2
(B) away from centre mv 2 mv 2
R (A) mg = (B) mg >
mv 2
(C) along tangent mv 2
R (C) mg < (D) none of these [C]
(D) zero [D]
Q.50 Three identical cars A, B and C are moving at the
same speed on three bridges. The car A goes on
Q.45 A car moves at a constant speed on a road as shown plane bridge. B on a bridge convex upwards and
in figure. The normal force by the road on the car car C on a bridge concave upwards. Let FA, FB and
FC be the normal forces exerted by the cars on the
is NA and NB when it is at the points A and B -
bridges when they are at the middle of bridge -
A B (A) FA is maximum (B) FB is maximum
(C) FC is maximum (D) FA = FB = FC [C]

(A) NA = NB Q.51 A simple pendulum is made of bob of mass m and

(B) NA > NB using string of length L fixed at upper end. The
bob oscillates in vertical circle. It is found that
(C) NA < NB speed of the bob is v when the string makes an
(D) insufficient information [C] angle  with the vertical. The tension T at this
instant is-
(A) T = mg cos 
Q.46 A motorcycle is going on an over bridge of radius mv 2
(B) T = mg cos  –
R. The driver maintain a constant speed. As the L

motorcycle is ascending on the over bridge, the mv 2

(C) T =
normal force on it -
mv 2
(A) increases (B) decreases (D) T = mg cos  + [D]
(C) remains same (D) fluctuates [A] Q.52 A cylindrical bucket filled with water is whirled
Q.47 A rod of length L is pivoted at one end and is around in a vertical circle of radius r. What can be
rotated with a uniform angular velocity in a the minimum speed at the top of the path if water
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does not fall out from the bucket. If it continues (D) He wants to obey Newton’s laws of motion
with this speed. What normal force the bucket [C]
exerts on water at the lowest point of path ?
(A) Rg , 2mg (B) 2Rg , 2mg Q.58 A smooth hollow cone whose vertical angle is 2,
with it axis vertical and vertex downwards,
(C) 3Rg , 3mg (D) Rg , 3mg [A]
revolves about its axis n times per second. Find
distances from axis of rotation where a particle
Q.53 A circular track of radius R is to be designed for may be placed on the inner surface of cone so that
cars of speed v m/s. What should be the angle of it rotates with same speed -
banking of the track ?
gcot 2  g sin
v 2
v 2 (A) (B)
(A) tan  = (B) sin  = 4 n2 2
4 2 n 2
2Rg Rg
4 2 n 2 gsin
v 2
v 2 (C) (D) [A]
(C) cos  = (D) tan  = [D] g 4 2 n 2
Rg Rg
Q.59 A particle tied to one end of a string is being rotated
Q.54 A car has to move on a level turn of radius in a vertical circle with constant frequency. The
(R = 45 m). If the coefficient of static friction tension in the string at points A, B, C and D are T 1
between tyre and road is µ = 0.2, Find the , T2 , T3 and T4 respectively. Then-
maximum speed the car can take without skidding C
is given by -
(A) 20 m/s (B) 10 m/s
(C) 9.39 m/s (D) 25 m/s [C]

Q.55 A bucket tied at the end of a 1.6 m long string is

whirled in a vertical circle with constant speed. A
What should be the minimum speed so that the (A) T1 = T2 = T3 = T4
water from the bucket does not spill, When the
(B) T1 > T2 > T3 , T2 = T4
bucket is at the highest position -
(C) T1 > T3 > T2 , T2 = T4
(Take g = 10 m/sec2)
(D) T1 < T2 < T3 , T2 = T4 [B]
(A) 4 m/sec (B) 6.25 m/sec
(C) 16 m/sec (D) None of the above
Q.60 A 2 kg stone at the end of a string 1m long is
whirled in a vertical circle at a constant speed. The
Q.56 A stone is rotated steadily in a horizontal circle speed of the stone is 4 m/sec. The tension in the
string will be 52N. when the stone is-
with a time period T by means of a string of length
(A) At the top of the circle
If the tension in the string is kept constant and
(B) At the bottom of the circle
length increases by
(C) Half way down
1 %, then percentage change in time period T is-
(D) None of the above [B]
(A) 1 % (B) 0.5 %
(C) 2 % (D) 0.25 % [B] Q.61 A car sometimes overturns while taking a turn.
Q.57 While turning a corner a cyclist bends inwards When it overturns, it is -
because - (A) The inner wheel which leaves the ground first
(A) It is a fashion to do
(B) He feels comfort in it (B) The outer wheel which leaves the ground first

(C) He wants to get suitable centripetal force

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 10
(C) Both the wheels leave the ground (iii) Vertically downwards
simultaneously (A) 0º, cos–1(1/ 3 ), 90º
(D) Either wheel leaves the ground first [A] (B) 90º, cos–1(1/ 3 ), 0º
Q.62 The vertical section of a road over a canal bridge (C) cos–1(1/ 3 ), 0º, 90º
in the direction of its length is in the form of circle
of radius 8.9 metre, Then the greatest speed at (D) cos–1(1/ 3 ), 90º, 0º [A]
which the car can cross this bridge without losing
contact with the road at its highest point, the centre Q.66 A heavy particle hanging from a fixed point by a
of gravity of the car being at a height h = 1.1 metre light inextensible string of length is projected
from the ground is- (Take g = 10 m/sec2 ) horizontally with speed (g ) . Then the speed of
(A) 5 m/sec (B) 10 m/sec the particle and the inclination of the string to the
vertical at the instant of the motion when the
(C) 15 m/sec (D) 20 m/sec [B]
tension in the string equal the weight of the
Q.63 A car moves round a turn of constant curvature 3 g
between A and B (curve AB = 100m) with a steady (A) , cos–1 (3/2) (B) , cos–1(2/3)
g 3
speed 72 km/hr. If angle between tangent at point
A and B is 45º then magnitude of acceleration of 3g g
(C) , cos–1 (2/3) (D) ,sin–1 (2/3)
car between A and B is -  3
A 100 m B
Q.67 An open merry-go-round rotates at an angular
velocity . A person stands in it at a distance r
45º from the rotational axis. It is raining and raindrops
fall vertically with a velocity v0. The person should
hold an umbrella to protect himself with axis of
umbrella tilted with vertical at angle–

(A) Zero (B) 3.14 m/s2 (A) tan–1(v0/r) in the plane perpendicular to r
(C) 31.4 m/s2 (D) 6.28 m/s2 [B] →
(B) tan–1(r/v0) in the plane perpendicular to r
Q.64 A solid body rotates with deceleration about a →
(C) tan–1 (r/v0) in the plane through r
stationary axis with an angular deceleration
(D) Varying with time [B]
|  | = k  ; where k is a constant and  is the
angular velocity of the body. If the initial angular Q.68 A coin placed on a rotating turntable just slips if it
velocity is 0, then mean angular velocity of the is placed at a distance of 4 cm from the centre. If
body averaged over the whole time of rotation is - the angular velocity of the turntable is doubled, it
 will just slip at a distance of -
(A) 0 (B) 0
2 (A) 1 cm (B) 2 cm
0 0 (C) 4 cm (D) 8 cm
(C) (D) [C]
3 4 Sol. [A]
f = m2r = constant or 2r = constant
Q.65 A simple pendulum is vibrating with an angular 1 1
r  2 so distance will decreased by times
amplitude of 90º as shown in the following figure  4
. For what value of  is the acceleration directed -
B O B Q.69 A simple pendulum having a bob of mass m is
suspended from the ceiling of a car used in a stunt

film shooting. The car moves up along an inclined
cliff at a speed v and makes a jump to leave the
C cliff and lands at some distance. Let R be the
A maximum height of the car from the top of cliff.
(i) Vertically upwards (ii) Horizontally The tension in the string when the car is in air is -
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 11
mv 2 Q.74 If a particle of mass m is moving in a horizontal
(A) mg (B) mg –  1
R circle of radius r with centripetal force  − 2  ,
mv 2  r 
(C) mg + (D) zero [D] then the total energy is-
1 1 2 1
(A) − (B) − (C) (D) + [A]
Q.70 The kinetic energy of a particle moving along a 2r r r 2r
circle of radius r depends on distance covered s as Q.75 A stone of mass 1kg tied to a light inextensible
K.E. = As2, where A is constant. The force acting string of length 10/3 metre is whirling in a vertical
on the particle as the function of A is- circle. If the ratio of maximum tension to minimum
(A) F = 2As 1+ (r / s) 2 tension in the string is 4, then speed of stone at
highest point of the circle is- [g = 10
(B) F = 2As 1+ (s / r ) 2 m/s2]
(A) 20 m/s (B) 103 m/s
(C) F = As 1+ (r / s) 2
(C) 52 m/s (D) 10 m/s [D]
(D) F = As 1+ (s / r ) 2 [B] Q.76 A particle of mass m is fixed to one end of a light
rigid rod of length .If the particle is released
Q.71 Two particles A and B are situated at a distance d from rest at its highest position then the tension in
= 2m apart. Particle A has a velocity of the rod.
u = 10m/s at an angle of 60º and particle B has (A) is zero when it is vertical
velocity v at an angle 30º as shown in the figure. (B) is zero when it is horizontal
The distance d between them is constant. The (C) is zero when it is making an angle of cos -1 (2/3)
angular velocity of B with respect to A is – with the vertical
(D) cannot be zero in any position [C]
u = 10 m/s v
Q.77 Two blocks each of mass M are connected to the
60º 30º ends of a light frame as shown in figure. The frame
is rotated about the vertical line of symmetry. The
A d=2m B
rod breaks if the tension in it exceeds T 0. Then –
m L L m
(A) 53 rad/s (B) 5/3 rad/s
(C) 103 rad/s (D) 10/3 rad/s [B]

Q.72 A rod of length slides down along the inclined

wall as shown in figure. At the instant when the
speed of end A is v, speed of B is-

y (A) T0 = 2m 2L

(B) T0 = 0
x A
(C) T0 = m2L
v cos  v sin 
(A) (B)
cos  sin  (D) T0 = (mg) 2 + (m2 L) 2 [C]
v sin  v cos 
(C) (D) [D] Q.78 Assume that the earth goes round the sun in a
cos  cos 
circular orbit with a constant speed of 30km/s.
Q.73 Water of density  flows with a linear speed v Then -
through a horizontal rubber tube having the form (A) the average velocity of the earth from 1 June
of a ring of radius R. If the cross-section diameter 90, to 30 June 90, is zero
of tube is d << R. The tension in the tube is - (B) the average acceleration during the above
  period is 60 km/s2
(A) T = v2d2 (B) T = v2d2
2 4 (C) the average speed during the above time is zero
  (D) the instantaneous acceleration of the earth
(C) T = v2d2 (D) T = vd2 [B] points towards the sun [B]
8 2
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 12
Q.83 A tube of length L is filled completely with an
Q.79 A particle is going in a spiral path as shown in incompressible liquid of mass M and closed at both
figure with constant speed. Then -
ends. The tube is then rotated in a horizontal plane
about one of its ends with a uniform angular
velocity .The force exerted by the liquid at the
other end is – [IIT - 1992]
(A) ML 2 /2 (B) ML 2
(A) the velocity of the particle is constant
(C) ML 2 /4 (D) ML22 /2 [A]
(B) the acceleration of the particle is constant
(C) the magnitude of acceleration is constant
(D) the magnitude of acceleration is decreasing Q.84 A particle of mass m is moving in a circular path of
continuously [C] constant radius r such that its centripetal acceleration
Q.80 A spot light S rotates in a horizontal plane with a
constant angular velocity of 0.1 rad/s. The spot of ac is varying with time t as ac = k2 rt2 , where k is a
light P moves along the wall at a distance of 3 m. constant. The power delivered to the particle by the
The velocity of spot P when  = 45º is - forces acting on it is -
[IIT - 1987]
(A) 2mk2 r2t (B) mk2 r2t
(C) (mk4 r2 t5) /3 (D) zero [B]

h=3m Q.85 A long horizontal rod has a bead which can slide
its length and initially placed at a distance L from
one end A of the rod. The rod is set in angular
P 
motion about A with constant angular acceleration
. If the coefficient of friction between the rod and
(A) 0.2 m/s (B) 0.4 m/s the bead is µ, and gravity is neglected, then the
(C) 0.6 m/s (D) 0.8 m/s [A]
time after which the bead starts slipping is -
[IIT- 2000]
Q.81 A rod of length L is hinged from one end. It is

brought to a horizontal position and released. The
angular velocity of the rod when it is in vertical
position is - [IIT- 1990]
(A) / (B) µ / 
(A) 2g / L (B) 3g / L
(C) (D) infinitesimal [A]
(C) g / 2L (D) g/L [B] 

Q.82 A car is moving in a circular horizontal track of Q.86 A small block is shot into each of the four tracks as
shown below. Each of the tracks rises to the same
radius 10 m with a constant speed of 10 m/s. A height. The speed with which the block enters the
plumb bob is suspended from the roof of the car by track is the same in all cases. At the highest point
of the track, the normal reaction is maximum in -
a light rigid rod of length 1.0 m. The angle made
[IIT -2001]
by the rod with the track is - [IIT-19 92]
(A) Zero (B) 30º v
(C) 45º (D) 60º [C] (A)

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 13
v (D) [C]

v a

v Q.89 A horizontal turntable is rotating with angular

(D) [A]
velocity '' about a vertical axis passing through
Q.87 An insect crawls up a hemispherical surface very its center. A boy is sitting at the centre of the table.
slowly (see the figure). The coefficient of friction The moment of inertia of the system is I and the
between the insect and the surface is 1/3. If the line
joining the centre of the hemispherical surface to kinetic energy is K. The boy spreads his hand, the
the insect makes an angle  with the vertical, the moment of inertia of the system becomes 2I. Then
maximum possible value of  is given by - kinetic energy of system becomes-
[IIT -2001] [IIT-2004]
 (A) K (B) 2K
(C) K/2 (D) K/4 [C]

Q.90 A particle is confined to move on a circular path

(A) cot  = 3 (B) tan  = 3
(C) sec  = 3 (D) cosec  = 3 [A] with decreasing velocity. Choose the correct
option - [IIT-2005]
(A) Angular momentum is constant
Q.88 A simple pendulum is oscillating without damping. (B) Only direction of angular momentum vector is
When the displacement of the bob is less then
 constant
maximum, its acceleration vector a is correctly
shown in - [IIT- 2002] (C) Acceleration is directed toward the centre

(D) Particle spirals towards centre

→ [B]
(A) a

Q.91 A stone of mass 1 kg tied to a light inextensible

string of length L = m, whirling in a circular
path in a vertical plane. The ratio of maximum
(B) tension in the string to the minimum tension in the
string is 4. If g is taken to be 10 m/s2, the speed of

a the stone at the highest point of the circle is-
(A) 10 m/s (B) 5 2 m/s
(C) 2 m/s (D) 20 m/s [A]

→ Q. 92 A particle is moving is circle of radius 'R' in such

a a way that at any instant the normal and horizontal
component of its acceleration are equal. If its speed
at t = 0 is v0, the time taken to complete the first
revolution is –

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1 − e −2 ) mass with respect to the point at which the nail
locates is conserved during the collision. Then the
velocity of the mass is still v at the instant after the
R −2  2R
(C) e (D) [B] collision and the motion thereafter is such that the
v0 v0 mass is constrained to rotate around the nail.
Q. 93 A train is moving speed 'v' on a curved railway Under the critical condition that the mass can just
track of radius 'r'. A spring balance loaded with swing completely round in a circle, the
block of mass m is suspended from the roof of gravitational force when the mass is at the top of
train. The reading of the spring balance is – the circle. Let the velocity of the mass at this
mv 2 instant be v1, and we have
(A) m (B)
rg mv12
= mg,
2 −d
mv 2  mv 2  v12 = ( – d)g
(C) m + (D) m 2 +   or
rg  rg 
  The energy equation
[D] mv 2 mv12
= + 2mg( − d) ,
2 2
Q. 94 Two sphere of equal mass are attached to a string or 2g = ( – d)g + 4( – d)g
of length 2m as shown in fig. The string and the then gives the minimum distance as
spheres are then rotated in horizontal circle about
'O' at constant rate. The value of ratio of tension in 3
spring PQ & PO – 5

Q.96 A pendulum string of length is moves up to a
horizontal position (fig.) and released.
 m

1 2
(A) (B)
2 3
(C) (D) 2 [B]
What should the minimum strength of the string be
Q.95 A pendulum of mass m and length is released to withstand the tension as the pendulum passes
from rest in a horizontal position. A nail at a through the position of equilibrium? The mass of
distance d below the pivot causes the mass to move the pendulum is m.
along the path indicated by the doted line. Find the
(A) 3 mg (B) 4 mg
minimum distance d in terms of such that the
(C) 5 mg (D) 6 mg [A]
mass will swing completely round in the circle
shown in figure - Sol. The pendulum passes through the equilibrium
position moving along the arc of a circle of radius
with a velocity v. At this moment the bob of the
d pendulum will possess a centripetal acceleration a
= directed upwards. This acceleration is

(A) /5 (B) 3 /5 provided by the joint action of the force of gravity
and the tension in the thread (fig.).
(C) 2 /5 (D) / 2
By Newton's second law,

Sol. Take the mass m as a point mass. At the instant

when the pendulum collides with the nail, m has a
velocity v = 2g . The angular momentum of the

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 15
Q.98 A plumb-line is set up on a rotating disk and makes

 an angle of  with the vertical, as in Fig. The

distance r from the point of suspension to the axis
F a of rotation is known, and so is the length of the
thread. Find the angular velocity of rotation.
mg r

v2 
F – mg = m
 
 v 2 
and hence F = m  g +
  

The velocity v is determined from the law of

conservation of energy and is

v= 2g

mv 2 g tan  g sin 
and therefore F = mg + = 3 mg = 3P (A)  = (B)  =
 r +  sin  r +  tan 

where P is the weight of the bob. The thread must

be able to support a load equal to three times the g g cos 
(C)  = (D)  =
weight of the bob. r +  sin  r +  sin 
Q.97 A circular tube of radius ‘R’ and cross-sectional Sol. The plumb-line is so set up that the resultant of its
radius ‘r’ (r << R) is filled completely with iron
weight mg and the tension in the thread T produces
balls of radius ‘’. Iron balls are just fitting into the
a centripetal force F = m2R (fig.). Clearly R = r +
tubes. The tension in the tube when it is rotated
sin . Therefore,
about its axis perpendicular to its plane with
angular velocity ‘’ - g tan  g tan 
2 = ,= .
r +  sin  r +  sin 
4 4
(A) 2r3R (B) 2 r 2 R 2
3 3 
2 2
(C) 2 r 3 R (D) 2 r 2 R 2 [D] r
3 3
Sol. r < < R, mass/length can be given by 
4 3 T
r 
m 2
= = 3 . r 2  R
2r 2r 3 F
Now, 
Tension in tube is given by mg
2 2
T = ( . 2R)R = r  . 2.R.R
2 Q.99 A ball is held at rest at position A by two light
= 2 r 2 R 2 strings. The horizontal string is cut and the ball
starts swinging as a pendulum point B is the
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 16
farthest to the right the ball goes as it swings back T = mg cos 
and forth. What is the ratio of the tension in the
T mg cos 
supporting string in position B to its value at A =
T mg / cos 
before the horizontal string was cut.
Tension at B T
= = cos 2β
Tension at A T

Q.100 Which of the following correctly describes the

A B centripetal acceleration vector for a particle
moving in a circular path ?
(A) Constant and always perpendicular to the
(A) sin2 (B) cos2
velocity vector for the particle
(C) tan2 (D) cos  [B]
Sol. (B) Constant and always parallel to the velocity
vector for the particle
 (C) Of constant magnitude and always
perpendicular to the velocity for the particle
(D) Of constant magnitude and always parallel to
the velocity vector for the particle [C]
Sol. We cannot choose (A) or (B) because the
centripetal acceleration vector is not constant it
At : A continuously changes in direction. Of the
remaining choices, only (C) gives the correct
perpendicular relationship between ac and v.

T Tsin Q.101 A particle moves in a circular path of radius r with
speed v. It then increases its speed to 2v while

Mg traveling along the same circular path. The

centripetal acceleration of the particle has changed
Tcos = mg
by a factor of –
T =
cos  (A) 0.25 (B) 0.5
At : B (C) 2 (D) 4 [D]
T Sol. Because the centripetal acceleration is proportional
to the square of the speed, doubling the speed
increases the acceleration by a factor of 4.
Q.102 A particle is tied to a light inextensible string of
mgsin mgcos
mg length L and whirled in a vertical circle with other
end of string as centre. At a certain instant when
mv 2 the string makes angle  = 53ۜ° with lower vertical
T – mg cos  =
its speed is found to be v = 5gL , then its
at B ; v=0
acceleration at that instant of time is –
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 17
(A) 5 g (B) 0.8 g T = 3 mg
(C) 5.06 g (D) g [C]
Sol. Q.105 A block on a stationary horizontal table with
increasing speed in a circle as seen from an inertial
V = 5gL frame. The angle between net force between block
 and velocity vector is -
 (A) greater than 90º
mg sin  mg
(B) less than 90º
(C) equal to 90º
at = g sin  = 0.8 g (D) data is insufficient [B]
v2 Q.106 Choose the wrong statement-
ar = = 5g
L (A) Zero velocity of a particle does not necessarily
 a= a 2r + a 2t = 5.06 g mean that its acceleration is zero
(B) Zero acceleration of a particle does not
necessarily mean that its velocity is zero
Q.103 Keeping the angle of banking of the road constant, the (C) If speed of a particle is constant, its
maximum speed of the vehicles is to be increased by 10%. acceleration must be zero
(D) None of the above [C]
The radius of curvature of the road will have to be
changed from 20 m to- Q.107 A wheel is subjected to uniform angular
(A) 22 m (B) 40 m acceleration about its axis. Initially its angular
(C) 24.2 m (D) 14.4 m [C] velocity is zero. In the first 2 sec, it rotates through
an angle  ; in the next 2 sec, it rotates through
Sol. tan =  r  v2 an additional angle 2. The ratio of 2 / 1 is-
(A) 1 (B) 2
r2 v  (C) 3 (D) 5 [C]
=  2 
r1  v1  Q.108 In applying the equation for motion with uniform
2 angular acceleration  = 0 +  t, the radian
r2  1.1 v 
or =    r2 = 24.2 m measure -
20  v 
(A) must be used for both  and 
(B) may be used for both  and 
Q.104 A small body of mass 'm' is attached to one end of
(C) may be used for  but not 
a light inelastic string of length . The other end
(D) cannot be used for both  and  [B]
of the string is fixed. The string is held initially
taut and horizontal and then body is released. The Q.109 The linear and angular acceleration of a particle are
centripetal acceleration of the body and the tension 10 m/sec2 and 5 red/sec2 respectively it will be at a
in the string when the string reaches vertical distance from the axis of rotation -
position will be - (A) 50 m (B) 1/2 m
(A) g, mg (B) 2g, 3 mg (C) 1 m (D) 2 m [D]
(C) 3g, 2mg (D) 3g, 3 mg [B] Q.110 A grinding wheel attained a velocity of 20
red/sec in 5 sec starting from rest. Find the number
of revolutions made by the wheel.
Sol. Loss in P.E. = gain in K.E.

1 (A) revolution per sec
mg r = mv2  v2 = 2g r 25
v2 (B) revolution per sec
ac = = 2g 
m v2 25
T – mg cos  = (C) revolution
r 
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 18
(D) None [C] Q.118 A bottle of soda water is grasped by the neck and
swing briskly in a vertical circle. Near which
Q.111 A wheel having a diameter of 3 m starts from rest portion of the bottle do the bubbles collect?
and accelerates uniformly to an angular (A) near the near bottom
velocity of 210 r.p.m in 5 seconds. Angular
(B) in the middle of the bottle
acceleration of the wheel is -
(C) near the neck
rad rad
(A) 1.4 (B) 3.3 (D) uniformly distributed in the bottle [C]
s s2
rad rad Q.119 In circular motion, the centripetal acceleration is
(C) 2.2 2
(D) 1.1 [A]
s s2 given by-
(A) a × r (B)  × v
Q.112 A wheel starts rotating at 10 rad/sec and attains the
angular velocity of 100 rad/sec in (C) a × v (D)  × r [B]
15 seconds. What is the angular acceleration in
rad/sec2? Q.120 The ratio of angular speeds of minutes hand and
(A) 10 (B) 110/15 hour hand of a watch is -
(C) 100/15 (D) 6 [D] (A) 1 : 12 (B) 6 : 1
(C) 12 : 1 (D) 1 : 6 [C]
Q.113 A tachometer is a device to measure -
Q.121 A particle moves in a circle of radius 25 cm at two
(A) gravitational pull
revolutions per second. The acceleration of particle
(B) speed of rotation
in m/s2 is -
(C) surface tension
(D) tension in a spring [B] (A) 2 (B) 82
(C) 42 (D) 22 [C]
Q.114 The ratio of angular speed of hours hand and Q.122 A particle moves in circular path with uniform
seconds hand of a clock is- speed v. The change in its velocity on rotating
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 1 : 60 through 60º is -
(C) 1 : 720 (D) 3600 : 1 [C]
(A) v 2 (B)
Q.115 The ratio of angular speeds of minutes hand and 2
hour hand of a watch is - (C) v (D) Zero [C]
(A) 1 : 12 (B) 6 : 1
(C) 12 : 1 (D) 1: 6 [C] Q.123 Two bodies of masses 10 kg and 5 kg moving on
concentric orbits of radii R and r such that their
Q.116 Two cars of masses m1 and m2 are moving along
period of revolution are same. The ratio of their
the circular path of radius r1 and r2. They take one
centripetal acceleration is -
round in the same time. The ratio of angular
velocities of the two cars will be- R r
(A) (B)
(A) m1 : m2 (B) r1 : r2 r R
(C) 1 : 1 (D) m1 r1 : m2 r2 [C] R2 r2
(C) (D) [A]
r2 R2
Q.117 The angular velocity of earth about its axis of
rotation is- Q.124 A particle is moving in a horizontal circle with
(A) 2 / ( 60 × 60 × 24 ) rad/sec constant speed. State whether, the-
(B) 2 / ( 60 × 60 ) rad/sec (A) K.E. is constant
(C) 2 / 60 rad/sec (B) P.E. is constant
(D) 2 / ( 365 × 24 × 60 × 60 ) rad/sec [A] (C) Both K.E. and P.E. are constant
(D) Neither K.E. nor P.E. are constant [C]

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 19
Q.125 A stone of mass m is tied to a string of length l and Q.131 Centrifugal force is considerd as pseudo force
rotated in a circle with a constant speed v. If the when
(A) An observer at the centre of circular motion
string is released, the stone flies-
(B) An outside observe
(A) radially outward
(C) An observer who is moving with the particle
(B) radially inward which is experiencing the force
(C) tangentially outward (D) None of the above [C]
(D) with an acceleration mv2/l [C]
Q.132 A stone of mass 0.5 kg tied with a string of length
Q.126 If a particle moves in a circle describing equal 1 metre is moving in a circular path with a speed
angles in equal interval of times, its velocity vector of 4 m s–1.The tension acting on the string in
– newton is -
(A) remains constant (A) 2 (B) 8
(B) changes in magnitude (C) 0.2 (D) 0.8
(C) changes in direction Sol. [B]
(D) changes both in magnitude and direction [C] mv 2
Q.127 In uniform circular motion- r
Q.133 The breaking tension of a string is 10 N. A particle
(A) both velocity and acceleration are constant
of mass 0.1 kg tied to it is rotated along a
(B) acceleration and speed are constant but
horizontal circle of radius 0.5 metre. The
velocity changes maximum speed with which the particle can be
(C) both acceleration and velocity change rotated without breaking the string is-
(D) both acceleration and speed are constant
(A) 5 m/sec (B) (50) m/sec
(C) (500) m/sec (D) (1000) m/sec
Q.128 When a body moves with a constant speed along a [B]
(A) no work is done on it Q.134 A car of mass m is taking a circular turn of radius
(B) no acceleration is produced in the body 'r' on a frictional level road with a
(C) no force acts on the body speed v. In order that the car does not skid-
(D) its velocity remains constant [A] mv 2 mv 2
(A)  mg (B)  mg
r r
Q.129 What happens to the centripetal acceleration of a
mv 2 v
revolving body if you double the orbital speed v (C) = mg (D) = mg
r r
and halve the angular velocity  ?
Where '' is coefficient of friction [B]
(A) the centripetal acceleration remains
unchanged Q.135 What happens to centripital force of a revolving
(B) the centripetal acceleration is halved body if you double the orbital speed v and halve
(C) the centripetal acceleration is doubled the angular velocity -
(D) the centripetal acceleration is quadrupled (A) Centripetal force remains unchanged
[A] (B) Centripital force is halved
(C) Centripital force is doubled
Q.130 A body of mass m is moving in a circle of radius r (D) Centripital force is quadrupled [A]
with a constant speed v. The force on the body is
mv2/r and u is directed towards the centre. What is
the work done by this force in moving the body Q.136 A body is moving with a constant speed v in a
over half the circumference of the circle? circle of radius r. Its angular acceleration is-
(A) mv2/r × r (B) zero (A) Zero (B)
(C) mv2/r (D) r2/mv2 [B] r

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 20
v2 v2 rotating at 3000
. Find the centripetal force on
(C) (D) [A]
r 2
r min
each link -
Q.137 A body of mass 10 kg is rotated in vertical circle (A) 3.14 N (B) 314 N
of radius 4 cm at constant angular velocity of 5 rad/
sec. The maximum tension in the string is- 1 1
(C) N (D) N [B]
3.14 314
(A) 100 N (B) 600 N
(C) 110 N (D) 1100 N [C]
Q.143 When the road is dry and the coefficient of friction
Q.138 If both the speed and radius of circular path of a is , the maximum speed of a car in a circular path
revolving body are doubled, the magnitude of is 10 m/s, if the road becomes wet and ' = /2.
centripetal force will be- What is the maximum speed permitted ?
(A) equal to the former (A) 5 m/s (B) 10 m/s
(B) twice the former
(C) 10 2 m/s (D) 5 2 m/s [D]
(C) 4 times the former
(D) 8 times the former [B]
Q.144 A person with a mass of M kg stands in contact
Q.139 A particle is acted upon by a force of constant against the wall of the cylindrical drum of radius r
magnitude which is always perpendicular to the rotating with an angular velocity . The coefficient
velocity of the particle. The motion of the particle of friction between the wall and the clothing is .
takes place in a plane. it follows that– The minimum rotational speed of the cylinder
(A) its velocity is constant which enables the person to remain stuck to the
(B) its acceleration is constant wall when the floor is suddenly removed is -
(C) its kinetic energy is constant
g r
(D) it moves in circular path [C] (A) min = (B) min =
r g
Q.140 A particle is moving along a circular path of radius
2g gr
6 m with uniform speed of 8 ms–1. The average (C) min = (D) min = [A]
acceleration when the particle completes one half r 
of the revolution is -
16 32 Q.145 A body is revolving with a uniform speed V in a
(A) m/s2 (B) m/s2
3 3 circle of radius r. The angular acceleration of the
64 body is -
(C) m/s2 (D) None of these
3 V
[C] r
(B) Zero
Q.141 A string of length 1 m is fixed at one end and
carries a mass of 100 gm at the other end. The V2
(C) along the radius and towards the centre
string makes (2/) revolutions per second around r
vertical axis through the fixed end. Calculate the
tension in the string- V2
(D) along the radius and away from the centre
(A) 1.0 N (B) 1.6 N r
(C) 2 N (D) 4 N [B]

Q.142 A chain of 125 links is 1.25 m long and has a mass Q.146 A particle completes 3 revolutions per second on a
of 2 kg with the ends fastened together it is set circular path of radius 8 cm. Find the values of
angular velocity and centripetal acceleration of the
particle -

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 21
rad cm
(A) 6 ; 2882 2 Q.152 A particle is acted upon by a constant force always
s s
normal to the direction of motion of the particle. It
rad cm is therefore inferred that-
(B)  ; 2752 2
s s (a) Its velocity is constant
(b) It moves in a straight line
rad cm
(C) 6 ; 288 2 (c) Its speed is constant
s s
(d) It moves in circular path
(D) None [A] (A) a, d (B) c, d
Q.147 A car of mass 1000 kg moves on a circular track of (C) a, b (D) a, b, c [B]
radius 20 m. if the coefficient of friction is 0.64,
Q.153 A particle is projected so as to just move along a
what is the maximum velocity with which the car
vertical circle of radius r. The ratio of the tension
can be moved?
in the string when the particle is at the lowest and
(A) 1.12 m/s (B) 11.2 m/s highest point on the circle is -
0.64  20 1000 (A) 1 (B) finite but large
(C) m/s (D) m/s (C) zero (D) Infinite [D]
1000 0.64  20
[B] Q.154 A block of mass m slides down along the surface
of the bowl from the rim to the bottom as shown in
Q.148 The earth, radius 6400 km, makes one revolution fig. The velocity of the block at the bottom will be-
about its own axis in 24 hours. The centripetal O
acceleration of a point on its equator is nearly - R R
cm cm
(A) 340 2
(B) 3.4 v
sec sec 2
cm cm (A) Rg (B) 2 Rg
(C) 34 (D) 0.34 [B]
sec 2 sec 2 (C) 2Rg (D) gR [C]

Q.149 A stone of mass 0.1 kg tied to one end of a string Q.155 A sphere is suspended by a thread of length l. What
1.0 m long is revolved in a horizontal circle at the minimum horizontal velocity is to be imparted to
rate of 10/ revolution per second. Calculate the the sphere for it to reach the height of suspension?
tension of the string ? (A) gl (B) g l
(A) 30 N (B) 40 N
(C) 50 N (D) 60 N [B] (C) 2gl (D) l /g [C]

Q.156 A body of mass 2 kg is moving in a vertical of

Q.150 A coin placed on a rotating turn table just slips if it radius 2 m. The work done when it moves from the
is at a distance of 40 cm from the centre if the lowest point to the highest point is-
angular velocity of the turntable is doubled, it will (A) 80 J (B) 40 J
just slip at a distance of - (C) 20 J (D) 0 [A]
(A) 10 cm (B) 20 cm
(C) 40 cm (D) 80 cm [A] Q.157 A particle rests on the top of the hemisphere of
radius R. The small horizontal velocity that must
be imparted to the particle if it is to leave the
Q.151 A stone of mass 0.5 kg tied with a string of length hemisphere without sliding down. is-
1 m is moving in a circular path with a speed of 4 (A) v = (2gR)1/2 (B) v = (gR/2)1/2
m/sec. The tension acting on the string in Newton (C) v = (gR)1/2 (D) v = (2g/R)1/2 [C]
Q.158 A mass m is revolving in a vertical circle at the end
(A) 2 (B) 8 of a string of length 20 cm. By how much does the
(C) 0.2 (D) 0.8 [B]
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 22
tension of the string at the lowest point exceed the (C) 450 kg wt (D) 100 kg wt [A]
tension at the top most point?
(A) 2 m g (B) 4 m g
Q.165 In the question 58, the force exerted when the
(C) 6 m g (D) 8 m g [C]
pilot is at the lowest point is -
Q.159 A car is travelling with linear velocity v on a (A) 450 kg wt (B) 250 kg wt
circular road of radius r. If it is increasing it speed (C) 300 kg wt (D) 100 kg wt [A]
at the rate of 'a' metre/sec2, then the resultant
acceleration will be- Q.166 A string can bear a maximum tension of 100
 v2   v4  Newton without breaking. A body of mass 1 kg is
(A)  −a2  (B)  + a2 
 r2   r2  attached to one end of 1 m length of thin string and
   
it is revolved in a horizontal plane. The maximum
 v4   v2  linear velocity which can be imparted to the body
(C)  − a2  (D)  + a2 
 r2   r2  without breaking the string, will be -
   
(A) 10 m/s (B) 1 m/s
[B] (C) 100 m/s (D) 1000 m/s [A]

Q.160 On an unbanked road, a cyclist negotiating a bend

Q.167 A cane filled with water is revolved in a vertical
of radius r at velocity v must lean inwards by an
circle of radius 4 metre and the water just does not
angle  equal to -
(A) tan–1 (v2/g) (B) tan–1 (g/v) fall down. The time period of revolution will be -
–1 2
(C) tan (v / gr) (D) tan–1 (rg/v2) [C] (A) 1 sec (B) 10 sec
(C) 8 sec (D) 4 sec [D]
Q.161 A particle of mass m is rotating by means of a
string in a vertical circle. The difference in the Q.168 A 2 kg stone at the end of a string 1m long is
tension at the bottom and top would be- whirled in a vertical circle at a constant speed. The
(A) 6 mg (B) 4 mg speed of the stone is 4 m /sec. The tension in the
(C) 3 mg (D) 2 mg [A] string will be 52 N when the stone is-
(A) at the top of the circle
Q.162 A body of mass m crosses the top most point of a
(B) at the bottom of the circle
vertical circle with critical speed. What will be
(C) half way down
tension in string when it is horizontal-
(D) none of the above [B]
(A) mg (B) 2 mg
(C) 3 mg (D) 6 mg [C]
Q.169 The roadway of a bridge over a canal is in the form
Q.163 A motor - cycle is moving in a vertical circular of a circular arc of radius 18 m. What is the greatest
path. At what stage will the speed of the motor speed with which a motor cycle can cross the
cycle be maximum ? bridge without leaving ground.
(A) At the highest point of the path (A) 98 m/s (B) 18 9.8 m / s
(B) At the lowest point of the path
(C) 18 × 9.8 m/s (D) 18 / 9.8 m/s [B]
(C) At the mid height of the path
(D) At all the points in the path [B] Q.170 The maximum speed with which a car can cross a
convex bridge over a river with radius of curvature
Q.164 An aeroplane flying at 100 m/sec dives in a vertical 9 m is : (given that the centre of gravity of car is
plane along the circle of radius 200 m. The mass of 1m above the road)-
the pilot is 75 kg. What will be the force exerted (A) 50 m/s (B) 30 m/s
by the pilot on his seat when the aeroplane is at the
(C) 20 m/s (D) 10 m/s [D]
maximum height-
(A) 300 kg wt (B) 200 kg wt

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 23
Q.171 A car is moving with speed 30 m/s on a circular Q.177 A cyclist taking turn bends inwards while a car
path of radius 500 m. Its speed is increasing at the passenger taking the same turn is thrown outwards.
rate of 2 m/s2. The net acceleration of the car is- The reason is -
(A) 3.7 m/s2 (B) 2.7 m/s2
(A) that car is heavier than cycle
(C) 1.8 m/s (D) 2 m/s [B]
(B) that car has four wheels, while cycle has only
Q.172 A cyclist taking turn bends inwards while a car (C) that cyclist has to counteract the centrifugal
passenger take the same turn is thrown outwards. force, while the passenger is only thrown by it
The reason is-
(D) the difference in the speed of the two [C]
(A) car is heavier then cycle
(B) car has four wheels while cycle has only two Q.178 A rubber band of length l has a stone of mass m
(C) difference in the speed of the two
tied to its one end. It is whirled with speed v so
(D) cyclist has to counteract the centrifugal force
that the stone describes a horizontal circular path.
while in the case of car only the passenger is
The tension T in the rubber band is -
thrown by this force [D]
(A) zero (B) mv2 /l
Q.173 A cyclist turns around a curve at 15 miles/hour. If (C) > (mv )/l (D) < mv2 /l [D]
he turns at double the speed, the tendency to
`Q.179 A smooth wire is bent into a vertical circle of
overturn is -
radius a . A bead P can slide smoothly on the wire.
(A) doubled (B) quadrupled
(C) halved (D) unchanged [B] The circle is rotated about diameter AB as axis
with a speed  as shown in figure. The bead P is at
Q.174 A cyclist is moving on a circular track of radius 80 rest with respect to the circular ring in the position
m with a velocity of 72 km/hr. He has to lean from shown. Then 2 is equal to-
the vertical approximately through an angle- A

(A) tan–1 (1/4) (B) tan–1 (1)
(C) tan–1 (1/2) (D) tan–1 (2) [C]
Q.175 Keeping the banking angle same to increase the
a/2 P
maximum speed with which a vehicle can travel on
a curved road by 10%, the radius of curvature of
road has to be changed from 20 m to-
(A) 16 m (B) 18 m (A) 2g /a (B) 2g / (a 3)

(C) 24.25 m (D) 30.5 m [C] (C) g 3g/a (D) 2a / (g 3 ) [B]

Q.176 A motor cyclist moving with a velocity of Q.180 A heavy small sized sphere is suspended by a
72 km per hour on a flat road takes a turn on the string of length . The sphere rotates uniformly in
a horizontal circle with the string making an angle
road at a point where the radius of curvature of the
 with the vertical. Then the time period of this
road is 20 metres. The acceleration due to gravity conical pendulum is-
is 10 m/s2. In order to avoid skidding, he must not
 l sin  
bend with respect to the vertical plane by an angle (A) T = 2 (B)T=2  
 g 
greater than-
(A)  = tan–1 6 (B)  = tan–1 2  l cos    l 
(C) T = 2   (D)T=2  
(C)  = tan 25.92
(D)  = tan 4–1
[B]  g   g cos  

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 24
Q.181 A simple pendulum of length L and mass M is constants. At the moment t = 0, the angle  = 0.
oscillating in a plane about a vertical line between Find the time dependence of rotation angle -
angular limits –  and + . For an angular 
(A) K. 0e–kt (B) 0 [e–kt]
displacement  [   | < ], the tension in the string K
and the velocity of the bob are 0 K
T and v respectively. The following relation holds (C) [1–e–k.t] (D) [ e–kt – 1]
K 0
good under the above conditions-
(A) T = Mg cos 
(B) T cos  = Mg
Q.187 A heavy particle hanging from a fixed point by a
(C) T – Mg cos  = Mv2/L
light inextensible string of length l is projected
(D) T + Mg cos  = Mv2/L [C]
horizontally with speed (gl) . Then the speed of
Q.182 A car is moving with a speed of 30 m/sec on a the particle and the inclination of the string to the
circular path of radius 500 m. Its is increasing
vertical at the instant of the motion when the
at the rate of 2 m/sec . What is the acceleration of tension in the string equal the weight of the
the car ? particle-
(A) 9.8 m/sec2 (B) 2.7 m/sec2
(D) 1.8 m/sec2 [B] 3l
(C) 2.4 m/sec (A) , cos–1 (3/2)
Q.183 The equation of motion of a particle moving on
circular path (radius 200 m) is given by lg
(B) , cos–1 (2/3)
s = 18 t + 3t2 – 2t3 where s is the total distance 3
covered from straight point in metres at the end of
t seconds. The maximum speed of the particle will (C) , cos–1 (2/3)
(A) 15 m/sec (B) 23 m/sec gl
(D) , sin–1 (2/3) [B]
(C) 19.5 m/sec (D) 25 m/sec [C] 3

Q.184 The kinetic energy of a particle moving along a

Q.188 A small body of mass m slides without friction
circle of radius R depends on the distance covered
from the top of a hemispherical cup of radius r as
s as T = KS2 where K is a constant.
shown in the following figure. If it leaves the
Find the force acting on the particle as a function
surface of the cup at a vertical distance 'h' below
of S -
the highest point, then-
2 2
2K S R h
(A) 1+   (B) 2KS 1 +   Q
S R S
2 2
S 2S R
(C) 2KS 1 +   (D) 1+  
R K S r
[C] (A) h = r (B) h = r/3
(C) h = r /2 (D) h = 2r /3 [B]
Q.185 A point moves along a circle with velocity Q.189 A body is allowed to slide on a frictionless track
v = at where a 0.5 m/sec2. Then the total from rest position under gravity. The track ends
acceleration of the point at the moment when it into a circular loop of diameter D. What should be
covered (1/10) th of the circle after beginning of the minimum height of the body in terms
motion - of D so that it may complete successfully the loop?
(A) 0.5 m/sec2 (B) 0.6 m/sec2 4 5
(C) 0.7 m/sec 2
(D) 0.8 m/sec2 [D] (A) D (B) D
5 4
(C) 1 D (D) 2 D [B]
Q.186 A solid body rotates about a stationary axis so that
its angular velocity depends on the rotation angle
 as  = 0 – k , where 0 and k are positive Q.190 A body is rotated in the vertical plane by means of
a thread of length l with minimum possible

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 25
velocity. When the body up and reaches at the the centre of the record. The static coefficient of
highest point b of hits path, the thread breaks and friction is . The coin will revolve with the record
the body moves on a parabolic path under the if-
influence the gravitational field as shown in the (A) r > g 2 (B) r = g /2 only
diagram. The horizontal range AC in the plane of (C) r < g /2 only (D) r  g /2 [D]
A would be- Q.194 A car is moving with a speed V on a road inclined
B v B
at an angle  in a circular arc of radius r, the
minimum coefficient of friction so that the car
does not slip away-
(A) =  tan 
vA A rg
(A) x = l (B) x = 2 l (B) = V2 /rg

(C) x = 2 l (D) x = 2 2 l [B] V 2 cos  − rg sin 

rg cos  + V 2 sin 
Q.191 A circular turn table of radius 0.5 m has a smooth V 2 cos  − rg sin 
(D) [C]
groove as shown in fig. A ball of mass 90 g is rg cos  − V 2 sin 
placed inside the groove along with a spring of
spring constant 102 N/cm. The ball is at a distance Q.195 A mass of 2.9 kg, is suspended from a string of
of 0.1 m from the centre when the turn table is at length 50 cm, and is at rest. Another body of mass
rest. On rotating the turn table with a constant 100 gm moving horizontally with a velocity of 150
angular velocity of 102 rad-sec–1 the ball moves m/sec, strikes and sticks to it. What is the tension
in the string when it makes an angle of 60º with the
away from the initial position by a distance nearly
equal to-
(A) 153.3 N (B) 135.3 N
(C) 513.3 N (D) 351.3 N [B]

Q.196 The vertical section of a road over a canal bridge

in the direction of its length is in the form of circle
O of radius 8.9 metre. Then the greatest speed at
which the car can cross this bridge without losing
contact with the road at its highest point, the centre
0.1 m of gravity of the car being at a height h = 1.1 metre
from the ground. Take g = 10 m/sec2-
(A) 5 m/sec (B) 10 m/sec
(A) 10–1 m (B) 10–2 m
(C) 15 m/sec (D) 20 m/sec [B]
(C) 10–3 m (D) 2 × 10–1 m [B]
Q.197 A smooth table is placed horizontally and an ideal
Q.192 A particle of mass m is attached to one end of a spring of spring constant k = 1000 N/m and
string of length l while the other end is fixed to a unextended length of 0.5 m has one end fixed to
point h above the horizontal table, the particle is its centre. The other end is attached to a mass of 5
made to revolve in a circle on the table so as to kg which is moving in a circle with constant speed
make p revolutions per second. The maximum 20 m/s. Then the tension in the spring and the
value of p if the particle is to be in contact with the extension of this spring beyond its normal length
table will be- are-
(A) 500 N, 0.5 m (B) 600 N, 0.6 m
(A) 2 p gh (B) (g / h )
(C) 700 N, 0.7 m (D) 800 N, 0.8 m [A]
(C) 2p (h / g) (D) (g / h ) [D]
2 Q.198 A body of mass 2 kg is tied at one end of a string 1
Q.193 A gramophone record is revolving with an angular m long. The other end is fixed and the body
revolves in a horizontal circle. The maximum
velocity  . A coin is placed at a distance r from
tension which the string can withstand is 2000 N.
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 26
Calculate the maximum number of revolutions per
minute the body will make and its linear velocity
when the string just breaks-
(A) 203 rpm, 13.6 m/sec
(B) 32 rpm, 16.3 m/sec
(C) 302 rpm, 61.3 m/sec
(D) 302 rpm, 31.6 m/sec [D] 80 cm

Q.199 A car of mass 1000 kg moves on a circular path

with constant speed of 16 m/s. It is turned by 90º (A) 2.82 (B) 2.8
after travelling 628 m on the road. The centripetal (C) 1.42 (D) 1.4 [B]
force acting on the car is- Q.204 A particle P is moving in a circle of radius 'a' with
(A) 160 N (B) 320 N a uniform speed v. C is the centre of the circle and
(C) 640 N (D) 1280 N [C] AP is diameter. The angular velocity of P about A
and C are in the ratio-
Q.200 A car while travelling at a speed of 72 km/hr. (A) 1 :1 (B) 1 : 2
Passes through a curved portion of road in the form (C) 2 : 1 (D) 4 : 1 [B]
of an arc of a radius 10 m. If the mass of the car is Q.205 A coin placed on a rotating turn table just slips if
500 kg the reaction on the car at the lowest point P it is placed at a distance of 4 cm from the centre. If
is- the angular velocity of the turn table is doubled, it
72 km/hr will just slip at a distance of-
(A) 1 cm (B) 2 cm
(C) 4 cm (D) 8 cm [A]
Q.206 In an atom two electrons move round the nucleus
(A) 25 KN (B) 50 KN in circular orbits of radii r and 4r. The ratio of the
(C) 75 KN (D) None of these[A] time taken by them to complete one revolution is-
(A) 4 :1 (B) 1: 4
Q.201 A stone is rotated steadily in a horizontal circle (C) 1 : 8 (D) 8 : 1 [C]
with a time period T by means of a string of length
l. If the tension in the string is kept constant and Q.207 A boy revolves two balls each of mass 100 gm and
length l increase by 1%, then percentage tied with strings of 1 metre length in horizontal
change in time period T is- circle as shown in figure. If the speed of outermost
(A) 1 % (B) 0.5 % ball is 6 m/s , then tension in string-1 is-
(C) 2 % (D) 0.25 % [B]

Q.202 If mass ,speed and radius of rotation of a body

moving in a circular path are all increased by 50%,
the necessary force required to maintain the body (A) 2.4 N (B) 2.7 N
moving in the circular path will have to be (C) 2 N (D) 1.2 N [B]
increased by-
(A) 225% (B) 125% Q.208 Three small balls each of mass 100 gm are attached
(C)150% (D)100 % [B] at distance of 1 m, 2 m and 3 m from end D of a 3
Q.203 A particle describing circular motion as shown in m length of string. The string is rotated with
figure. The velocity of particle in m/s is- uniform angular velocity in a horizontal plane
about D. If the outside ball is moving at a speed of
6 m/s, the ratio of tension in the three parts of the
string from inside-
(A) 6 : 5 : 4 (B) 3 : 2 :1
(C) 3 : 5 : 6 (D) 6 : 5 : 3\ [D]

Q.209 A stone of mass 1 kg tied to a light inextensible

string of length 10/3 metre is whirling in a vertical
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 27
circle. If the ratio of maximum tension to minimum where k is a constant, the power delivered to the
tension in the string is 4, then speed of stone particle by the forces acting on it is-
highest point of the circle is- (A) 2  m k2 r2 t (B) m k2 r2 t
[g = 10 m/s2] 4 2 5
(C) (m k r t )/3 (D) 0 [B]
(A) 20 m/s (B) 10 3 m/s Q.214 A particle rests on the top of a hemisphere of radius
(C) 5 2 m/s (D) 10 m/s [D] R. Find the smallest horizontal velocity that must
be imparted to the particle if it is to leave the
hemisphere without sliding down it-
Q.210 Tow moving particles P and Q are 10 m apart at a
certain instant. The velocity of P is 8 m/s making (A) gR (B) 2gR
30º with the line joining P and Q and that of Q is 6
m/s making an angle 30º with PQ as shown in the (C) 3gR (D) 5gR [A]
figure .Then angular velocity of P with respect to
Q is-
6 m/s Q.215 A particle P will be in equilibrium inside a
hemispherical bowl of radius 0.5 m at a height 0.2
10 m 30º
P m from the bottom when the bowl is rotated at an
30º Q
angular speed ( g = 10 m/sec2)

8 m/s
(A) 0 rad/s (B) 0.1 rad/s
(C) 0.4 rad/s (D) 0.7 rad/s [D] 0.5m

Q.211 A racing car is travelling along a track at a constant 0.3m

speed of 40 m/s. A T.V. camera men is recording
the event from a distance of 30 m directly away P
from the track as shown in figure. In order to keep 0.2m
the car under view in the position shown, the
angular speed with which the camera should be
(A) 10 / 3 rad/sec (B) 10 3 rad/sec
rotated, is-
car (C) 10 rad/sec (D) 20 rad/sec [A]

40 m/s Q.216 A pendulum of length = 1 m is released from 0

= 60º. The rate of change of speed of the bob at 
30 m = 30º is: (g = 10 m/s2)


T.V Camera
(A) 4/3 rad/sec (B) 3/4 rad/sec
(C) 8/3 rad/sec (D) 1 rad/sec [D]
Q.212 A particle is moving along a circular path of radius
3 meter in such a way that the distance travelled
measured along the circumference is given by S =
(A) 5 3 m / s 2 (B) 5 m/s2
t2 t3
+ . The acceleration of particle when t = 2
2 3 (C) 10 m/s2 (D) 2.5 m/s2 [B]
sec is-
(A) 1.3 m/s2 (B) 13 m/s2
(C) 3 m/s 2
(D) 10 m/s2 [B] Q.217 A particle moves along a circle of radius
Q.213 A particle of mass m is moving in a circular path R = 1 m so that its radius vector relative to a point
of constant radius r such that its centripetal
on its circumference rotates with the constant
acceleration ac is varying with time t as ac= k2 r t2,
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 28
angular velocity  = 2 rad/s. The linear speed of rim at a point P. It is given a horizontal speed v0
the particle is: tangential to rim. It leaves the lower rim at point
Q, vertically below P. The number of revolutions
(A) 4m/s (B) 2 m/s
made by the particle will be -
(C) 1 m/s (D) 0.5 m/s [A] h v0
(A) (B)
2R 2gh
Q.218 Starting from rest, a particle rotates in a circle of
2R v 0  2h 
radius R = 2 m with an angular acceleration  = (C) (D)
h 2R  g 
/4 rad/s2.The magnitude of average velocity of the
particle over the time it rotates quarter circle is:
(A) 1.5 m/s (B) 2 m/s 105.[D] t=
(C) 1 m/s (D) 1.25 m/s4 [C]
2r 2h
 ×n=
v0 g
Q.219 A ball suspended by a thread swings in a vertical
plane so that its acceleration in the extreme v0 2h
position and lowest position are equal. The angle  2r g
of thread deflection in the extreme position will be

(A) tan–1(2) (B) tan–1( 2 ) Q.223 A stone tied to a string of length L is whirled in a
vertical circle with the other end of the string at the
1 1
(C) tan–1   (D) 2 tan–1   [D] centre. At a certain instant of time, the stone is at
2 2 its lowest position and has a speed u. The
magnitude of the change in its velocity as it reaches
Q.220 A particle suspended from a fixed point, by a light a position where the string is horizontal is :
inextensible thread of length L is projected
(A) u 2 − 2gL (B) 2gL
horizontally from its lowest position with velocity
7gL (C) u2 − g L (D) 2(u 2 − gL) [D]
. The thread will slack after swinging
Q.224 A particle is projected with a speed u at an
through an angle , such that  equal-
angle  with the horizontal. Consider a small part
(A) 30º (B) 135º of its path near the highest position and take it
(C) 120º (D) 150º [C] approximately to be a circular arc. What is the
radius of this circle ? This radius is called the
Q.221 A particle of mass m attached to a string of length radius of curvature of the curve at the point-
is describing circular motion on a smooth plane u 2 sin 2  u 2 cos 2 
(A) (B)
inclined at an angle with the horizontal. For the g g
particle to reach the highest
u 2 tan 2  u2
point, its velocity at the lowest point should (C) (D) [B]
g g
Q.225 A stone of mass m tied to the end of a string
(A) 5g (B) 5g(cos  + 1)
revolves in a vertical circle of radius R. The net
forces at the lowest and highest points of the circle
(C) 5g  tan  (D) 5g  sin  [D]
directed vertically downwards are: [Choose the
Q.222 A hollow vertical cylinder of radius R and height h correct alternative]
has smooth internal surface. A small particle is Lowest point Highest point
placed in contact with the inner side of the upper (A) mg – T1 mg + T2
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 29
(B) mg + T1 mg – T2 the car by a light rigid rod of length 1.0 m. The
(C) mg + T1 – (mv1 )/R mg – T2 + (mv12)/R
2 angle made by the rod with the track is–
(D) mg – T1 – (mv12)/R mg + T2 + (mv12)/R [IIT- 1992]
T1 and v1 denote the tension and speed at the lowest (A) Zero (B) 30º
point. T2 and v2 denote the corresponding values at
the highest point. [A] (C) 45º (D) 60º [C]
Q.226 The coordinates of a moving particle at any time Q.231 A tube of length L is filled completely with an
‘t’ are given by x = t3 and y = t3 . The speed of incompressible liquid of mass M and closed at both
the particle at time ‘t’ is given by – ends. The tube is then rotated in a horizontal plane
[AIEEE-2003] about one of its ends with a uniform angular
velocity .The force exerted by the liquid at the
(A) 3t 2  2 +  2 (B) t 2  2 +  2
other end is – [IIT -1992]
(C)  2 + 2 (D) 3t  2 +  2 (A) ML 2 /2 (B) ML 2
[A] (C) ML 2 /4 (D) ML22 /2 [A]
Q.227 Which of the following statements is FALSE for a
particle moving in a circle with a constant angular Q.232 A stone of mass m, tied to the end of a string, is
speed ? [AIEEE-2004] whirled around in a horizontal circle (neglect the
(A) The velocity vector is tangent to the circle force due to gravity). The length of the string is
(B) The acceleration vector is tangent to the circle reduced gradually keeping the angular momentum
(C) The acceleration vector points to the centre of of the stone about the centre of the circle constant.
the circle Then, the tension in the string is given by T = Arn,
(D) The velocity and acceleration vectors and where A is a constant, r is the instantaneous radius
perpendicular to each other [B] of the circle, and n = ......
[IIT– 1993]
Q.228 A particle is acted upon by a force of constant
magnitude which is always perpendicular to the (A) –3 (B) –5 (C) 3 (D) 5 [B]
velocity of the particle, the motion of the particle
Q.233 A particle of mass m is moving in a circular path
takes place in a plane. It follows that –
of constant radius r such that its centripetal
acceleration ac is varying with time t as ac = k2 rt2
(A) Its velocity is constant
(B) Its acceleration is constant , where k is a constant . The power delivered to the
(C) Its kinetic energy is constant particle by the forces acting on it is –
(D) It moves in a straight line [C] [IIT - 1994]
(A) 2mk2 r2t (B) mk2r2t
Q.229 A rod of length L is hinged from one end. It is
(C) (mk4r2t5) /3 (D) zero [B]
brought to a horizontal position and released. The
angular velocity of the rod when it is in vertical
position is – [IIT- 1990] Q.234 A small block is shot into each of the four tracks as
shown below. Each of the tracks rises to the same
(A) 2g / L (B) 3g / L
height. The speed with which the block enters the
(C) g / 2L (D) g/L [B] track is the same in all cases. At the highest point
of the track, the normal reaction is maximum in –
[IIT - 2001]
Q.230 A car is moving in a circular horizontal track of v
radius 10 m with a constant speed of (A)
10 m/s. A plumb bob is suspended from the roof of
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 30
v 2 1
(A) cos–1   (B) cos–1  
(C) 3 4
v (C) 60° (D) 30°
(D) [A] Sol. [B]

Q.235 An insect crawls up a hemispherical surface very 

slowly (see the figure). The coefficient of friction T
between the insect and the surface is 1/3. If the line
joining the centre of the hemispherical surface to
mg v
the insect makes an angle  with the vertical, the
maximum possible value of  is given by – mv 2
T– mg cos  = ………(i)
[IIT-2001] 

1 1
mg cos  = mv2 – mv02 ………(ii)
2 2
(A) cot  = 3 (B) tan  = 3 T = 2 mg ………(iii)
(D) cosec  = 3 [A] 1
(C) sec = 3  cos  =

Q.236 A bob of mass M is suspended by a massless string

Q.238 A particle moves in a circle of radius 0.25 m at two
of length L. The horizontal velocity V at position
A is just sufficient to make it reach the point B. The revolutions per second. The acceleration of the
angle  at which the speed of the bob is half of that particle in metre second2 is -
at A satisfies – [IIT-2008] (A) 2 (B) 82
B (C) 42 (D) 22
Sol. [C]
ac = 2r = (2 × 2)2 × 0.25 m
L 
V Q.239 The maximum frictional force between the tyres of
A a car and the road is 0.5 mg. The car negotiates a
   curve of radius 10 metre. The velocity is -
(A)  = (B) <<
4 4 2 (A) 10 m s–1 (B) 7 m s–1
 3
(C) 4.9 m s–1 (D) 14.2 m s–1
(C) << (D) << [D] Sol. [B]
2 4
mv 2
Q.237 A small sphere is given vertical velocity of
magnitude v0 = 5m/s and it swings in vertical plane Q.240 The length of the second hand of a watch is 1 cm.
about end of massless string. If max.tension string The velocity vector of the tip of the second hand in
can withstand is equal to twice of weight of sphere, cm per second is -
then angle '' with vertical at which string will 2
(A) 2 (B)
break is - 60
2 2
(C) (D)
12  60 24  60
Sol. [B]

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 31
2  2  Q.244 A particle describes a horizontal circle in a conical
= , v = r =   × 1
60  60  funnel whose inner surface is smooth with speed
of 0.5 m/s. What is the height of the plane of circle
Q.241 A fly wheel rotates about a fixed axis and slows from vertex of the funnel ?
down from 300 r.p.m. to 100 r.p.m. in 2 minutes. (A) 0.25 cm (B) 2 cm
Then its angular retardation in radian/minute2 is - (C) 4 cm (D) 2.5 cm
100 Sol. [D]
(A) (B) 100
 Nsin = mg N Nsin
Ncos mv2/r
(C) 100  (D) 200  Ncos = mv2/r

 tan = rg/v2
Sol. [D] r rg
 =
2 – 1 2(100 – 300) h v2
= = = – 200  rad/m2
t 2 v2
h= = 2.5 cm
Q.242 A stone tied to the end of 20 cm long string is
Q.245 A car starts from rest to cover a distance s. The
whirled in a horizontal circle. If the centripetal
coefficient of friction between the road and the
acceleration is 9.8 ms–2, its angular speed in
tyres is . The minimum time in which the car can
radian/s is -
cover the distance is proportional to -
(A) 22/7 (B) 7
1 1
(C) 14 (D) 20 (A)  (B)  (C) (D)
 
Sol. [B]
Sol. [D]
v2 ac
ac = = 2r, = Max. retardation
r r
a= = g
Q.243 A string of length L is fixed at one end and carries m mg
a mass M at the other end. The string makes 2/ 1 2 2S
S= at  t =
revolutions per second around the vertical axis 2 a
through the fixed end as shown in the figure, then
2S 2S 1
tension in the string is -  tmin = =  tmin 
S a max g 

Q.246 The minimum velocity (in ms–1) with which a car

L driver must traverse a flat curve of radius 150 m
and coefficient of friction 0.6 to avoid skidding is
M (A) 60 (B) 30
R (C) 15 (D) 25
(A) ML (B) 2 ML Sol. [B]
(C) 4 ML (D) 16 ML
v= rg
Sol. [D]
 L
 = 2/ rev/s = 4 rad/s T Q.247 A bob hangs from a rigid support by an
Tsin = m2r r  m2r
inextensible string of length . If it is displaced
 Tsin = m2(Lsin) mg
through a distance (from the lowest position)
 T = m2L = m(4)2L = 16mL
keeping the string straight and then released. The
speed of the bob at the lowest position is
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 32
Sol. [D]
Q.252 A stone tied with a string, is rotated in a vertical
circle. The minimum speed with which the string
(A) g (B) 3g has to be rotated.
(A) is independent of the mass of the stone
(C) 2g (D) 5g (B) is independent of the length of the string
(C) decreases with increasing mass of the stone
Sol. [C]
(D) decreases with increasing in length of the
Q.248 Three identical particles are joined together by a
thread as shown in figure. All the three particles Sol. [A]
are moving on a smooth horizontal plane about
point O. If the speed of the outermost particle is v0, Q.253 A particle is moving in a vertical circle. The
then the ratio of tension in the three sections of the tensions in the string when passing through two
string is : (Assuming that the string remains positions at angles 30° and 60° from vertical
(lowest positions) are T1 and T2 respectively. Then
B (A) T1 = T2
(B) T2 > T1
  
(A) 3 : 5 : 7 (B) 3 : 4 : 5 (C) T1 > T2
(C) 7 : 11 : 6 (D) 3 : 5 : 6 (D) Tension in the string always remains the same
Sol. [D] Sol. [C]
Q.254 A stone is attached to one end of a string and
Q.249 A particle is kept fixed on a turntable rotating rotated in a vertical circle. If string breaks at the
uniformly. As seen from the ground, the particle
position of maximum tension, it will break at:
goes in a circle, its speed is 20 cm/s and
acceleration is 20 cm/s2. The particle is now shifted C
to a new position to make the radius half of the
original value. The new values of the speed and D B
acceleration will be
(A) 10 cm /s, 10 cm/s2 (B) 10 cm /s, 80 cm/s2
(C) 40 cm /s, 10 cm/s2 (D) 40 cm /s, 40 cm/s2 A
Sol. [A] (A) A (B) B
Q.250 A rod of length L is pivoted at one end and is (C) C (D) D
rotated with a uniform angular velocity in a Sol. [A]
horizontal plane. Let T1 and T2 be the tension at the
points L/4 and 3L/4 away from the pivoted ends. Q.255 Water in a bucket is whirled in a vertical circle with
a string attached to it. The water does not fall down
(A) T1 > T2
(B) T2 > T1 even when the bucket is inverted at the top of its
(C) T1 = T2 path. We conclude that in this position.
(D) Relation between T1 & T2 depends on the mv 2
whether the rod rotates clockwise or anticlockwise. (A) mg =
Sol. [A] mv 2
(B) mg is greater than
Q.251 A particle moving along a circular path due to a
mv 2
centripetal force having constant magnitude is an (C) mg is not greater than
example of motion with:
(A) constant speed and velocity mv 2
(D) mg is not less than
(B) variable speed and velocity r
(C) variable speed and constant velocity Sol. [C]
(D) constant speed and variable velocity
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 33
Q.256 A wheel is at rest. Its angular velocity increases
uniformly and becomes 80 radian per second after
5 second. The total angular displacement is :
(A) 800 rad (B) 400 rad
(C) 200 rad (D) 100 rad
(A) (B)
Sol. [C]
(A) The velocity of the particle is constant in both
 20  cases
Q.257 A particle moves along a circle of radius   m
   (B) The acceleration of the particle is constant in
both cases
with constant tangential acceleration. If the
(C) The magnitude of acceleration is constant in
velocity of the particle is 80 m/s at the end of the (A) and decreasing in (B)
second revolution after motion has begun, the (D) The magnitude of acceleration is decreasing
tangential acceleration is – continuously in both the cases
(A) 160  m/s2 (B) 40  m/s2 Sol. [C]
(C) 40 m/s2 (D) 640  m/s2
Sol. [C] Q.262 If the radii of circular paths of two particles of
same masses are in the ratio of 1 : 2, then in order
Q.258 Two particles P and Q are located at distances rP to have same centripetal force, their speeds should
and rQ respectively from the centre of a rotating be in the ratio of
disc such that rP > rQ – (A) 1 : 4 (B) 4 : 1

(A) Both P and Q have the same acceleration (C) 1 : 2 (D) 2 :1

(B) Both P and Q do not have an acceleration Sol. [C]
(C) P has greater acceleration than Q
(D) Q has greater acceleration than P Q.263 The driver of a car traveling at speed suddenly sees
Sol. [C] a wall at a distance r directly in front of him. To
Q.259 For a body in circular motion with a constant avoid collision,
angular velocity, the magnitude of the average (A) he should apply brakes sharply
acceleration over a period of half a revolution is (B) he should turn the car sharply
…… times the magnitude of its instantaneous (C) he should apply brakes and then sharply turn
acceleration. (D) None of these
2  Sol. (A)
(A) (B)
 2
Q.264 A curved section of a road is banked for a speed v.
(C)  (D) 2
If there is no friction between road and tyres of the
Sol. [A] car turn :
Q.260 Let ar and at represent radial and tangential (A) car is more likely to slip at speeds higher than
acceleration. The motion of particle may be v than speeds lower than v
circular if : (B) car cannot remain in static equilibrium on the
(A) ar = 0, at = 0 (B) ar = 0, at  0 curved section
(C) ar  0, at = 0 (D) none of these (C) car will not slip when moving with speed v
(D) none of the above
Sol. [C]
Sol. (C)
Q.261 A particle is going in a uniform helical and spiral
Q.265 A small sphere of mass m suspended by a thread is
path separately as shown in figure with constant
first taken aside so that the thread forms the right
angle with the vertical and then released, then :

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 34
(i) The total acceleration of the sphere and the s2  s2 
thread tension as a function of , the angle of (A) 2a (B) 2as 1 + 2 
R  R 
 
deflection of the thread from the vertical will be -
(A) g 1 + 3 cos 2  , T = 3mg cos  (B) g cos , T (C) 2as (D) 2a
= 3 mg cos  Sol. (B)
(C) g 1 + 3 sin  , T = 5mg cos  (D) g sin , T
Q.268 A simple pendulum of length L and mass (bob) M
= 5mg cos  is oscillating in a plane about a vertical line
(ii) The thread tension at the moment when the
between angular limits – and . For an angular
vertical component of the sphere's velocity is
displacement , [|| < ] the tension in the string
maximum will be -
and velocity of the bob are T and v respectively.
(A) mg (B) mg 2 The following relations hold good under the above
mg conditions :
(C) mg 3 (D)
3 (A) T cos  = Mg
(iii) The angle  between the thread and the vertical Mv 2
(B) T – Mg cos  =
at the moment when the total acceleration vector of L
the sphere is directed horizontally will be - (C) Tangential acc. = g sin 
1 1 (D) T = Mg cos 
(A) cos  = (B) cos  =
3 3 Sol. (C)
1 1
(C) sin  = (D) sin  =
3 2 Q.269 A particle moves along a arc of a circle of radius
Sol. (i) (A) (ii) (C) (iii) (A) R. Its velocity depends on the distance covered s as
v = a s . Where a is a constant then the angle 
Q.266 A particle of mass m is suspended from a fixed point
O by a string of length . At t = 0, It is displaced from between the vector of the total acceleration and the
equilibrium position and released. The graph, which vector of velocity as a function of s will be -
shows the variation of the tension T in the string with R
time 't', may be : (A) tan  = (B) tan  = 2s / R
2R s
(C) tan  = (D) tan  =
s 2R
Sol. (B)

Q.270 A particle A moves along a circle of radius R = 50

T T cm so that its radius vector r relative to the point O
(A) (B)
(fig.) rotates with the constant angular velocity 
t t
= 0.40 rad/s. Then modulus of the velocity of the
T T particle, and the modulus of its total acceleration
(C) (D) will be
t t A
Sol. (D)
r R
Q.267 The kinetic energy k of a particle moving along a
circle of radius R depends on the distance covered O
s as k =as2 where a is a positive constant. The total
force acting on the particle is :
(A) v = 0.4 m/s, a = 0.4 m/s2
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 35
(B) v = 0.32 m/s, a = 0.32 m/s2 3mV 2
2 hence N =
(C) v = 0.32 m/s, a = 0.4 m/s 2R
(D) v = 0.4 m/s, a = 0.32 m/s2 Q.273 A cyclist starts from the centre O of a circular park
Sol. (D)
of radius one kilometer, reaches the edge P of the
Q.271 A 40 kg sphere suspended by a thread of length l is
park, then cycles along the circumference and
oscillating in a vertical plane, the angular
returns to the centre along QO as shown in the
amplitude being 0. What is the tension in the
figure. If the round trip takes ten minute, the net
thread when it makes an angle  with the vertical
displacement and average speed of the cyclist (in
during oscillation ? If the thread can support a
metre and kilometer per hour) is –
maximum tension of 80 kg-f, then what can be the
maximum angular amplitude of oscillation of the
sphere without breaking the rope ?
(A) 3 mg cos  – 2mg cos 0, 0 = 60º O P

(B) 3 mg cos  + 2 mg cos 0, 0 = 60º

(C) 2 mg cos  – 3mg cos 0, 0 = 30º +4

(A) 0, 1 (B) ,0
(D) 2 mg cos  + 3 mg cos 0, 0 = 30º 2

Sol. (A) +4

(C) 21.4, (D) 0, 21.4
Q.272 A heavy particle of mass m, oscillates through 180º
Sol. [D]
inside of a smooth hemisphere of radius R as
Cyclist returns at initial point
shown. If V is speed of particle at any instant, the
normal reaction on it at that instant will be –  Displacement = 0
R R
R+ +R
s 2
vav = = = 6R (2 + /2)
t (1 / 6)

mV 2 3mV 2 = 21.4 km
(A) (B)
R R Q.274 Assume each surface is smooth, pulley light and
2 2
3 mV mV smooth, and string massless. In the given figure,
(C) (D) 2
2 R R acceleration of the pulley is -
Sol. [C]

mg cos 

mg F F
(A) (B)
2M M
mV 2
N = mg cos  + F
R (C) (D) 
By energy conservation 4M
mg R cos  = mV 2 Sol. [C]
2 T
mV 2
mg cos  = T F
2R M
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 36
F = 2T  T = F/2  v2 = v 2A – 2g (1 – cos )
F  0 = g – 2g (1– cos )
T = MaBlock  aBlock =
2M  cos  = 1/2   = 60°
0 + a Block F
apulley = =
2 4M Q.277 A particle crossed the topmost point C of a vertical
circle with critical speed; then the ratio of
velocities at points A, B and C is -
Q.275 A rod of length is clamped to axis of rotation. A C
string of length is tied at one end and a mass m
at the other as shown. Find angular velocity such
that the string makes an angle  with vertical - 90°
(A) 3: 2 : 1 (B) 5 : 3 : 1
 2 2 2
 (C) 5 : 3 : 1 (D) 5 : 3 : 1 [D]
Sol.  K + U = mgH & K = 2U
 2U + U = mgH
 mgH mgH
U=  mgh =  h = H/3
3 3
g tan  g tan  1 2mgH gH
(A) (B)  mv2 = 2U = v= 2
 – sin  +  sin  2 3 3
g tan  g tan 
(C) (D) Q.278 With what minimum speed v must a small ball
 +  cos   –  cos  should be pushed inside a smooth vertical tube
Sol. [B] from a height h so that it may reach the top of the
T T cos  tube ? Radius of the tube is R.

T sin 
  sin 
mg R
h v
(A) 2g (h + 2R ) (B) R
T cos  = mg 2
T sin  = m2 = ( + sin ) (C) g(5R – 2h ) (D) 2g(2R – h ) [D]
 (1 + sin )
 tan  = Sol. To reach at highest point of tube. v=0
g Final velocity , v = 0 O
g tan  1
=  mv2 + mgh = mg (2R)
 + sin 2
 v = 2g(2 R – h ) h v

Q.276 A pendulum consisting of a small sphere of mass Q.279 A simple pendulum is vibrating with an angular
M suspended by an inextensible and massless amplitude of 90° as shown in the adjoining figure.
string of length l is made to swing in a vertical For what value of , is the acceleration directed
plane. If the breaking strength of the string is 2Mg, (i) vertically upwards ?
then the maximum angular amplitude of the (ii) horizontally ?
displacement form the vertical can be - (iii) vertically downwards ?
(A) 0° (B) 30° (C) 60° (D)90° [C] O
mv 2A
Sol.  Tmax = + mg 

mv 2A
 2mg = + mg  vA = g A

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 37
 1  Q.281 The minimum velocity (in m/s) with which a car
(A) 0°, cos–1   , 90° driver must traverse a flat curve of radius 150 m
 3 and coefficient of friction 0.6 to avoid skidding is-
 1  (A) 60 (B) 30 (C) 15 (D) 25 [D]
(B) 90°, cos–1   , 0°
 3 mv 2
Sol. = µ mg  v = µ rg
 1 
(C) cos–1   , 0°, 90°
 3 Q.282 A particle moves in a circle of radius 0.25 m at two
 1  revolutions per second. The acceleration of the
(D) cos–1   , 90°, 0° [A] particle in metre second2 is-
 3 (A) 2 (B) 8 (C) 42 (D) 22 [C]
Sol. Acceleration is downward at  = 90° and it is
Q.283 The maximum frictional force between the tyres of
upward at  = 0° Acceleration is horizontal where, a car and the road is 0.5 mg. The car negotiates a
T cos  = mg curve of radius 10 metre. The velocity is -
mg (A) 10 m/s (B) 7 m/s
T= ... (1)
cos  (C) 4.9 m/s (D) 14.2 m/s [B]

Q.284 A stone of mass 0.5 kg tied with a string of length

B 1 metre is moving in a circular path with a speed
of 4 m/s. The tension acting on the string in

newton is -
A (A) 2 (B) 8 (C) 0.2 (D) 0.8 [B]
mv 2A
T= = 2 mg = 3 mg cos  Q.285 A mass of 2 kg is whirled in a horizontal circle by
r means of a string at an initial speed of 5 r.p.m.
mg m(2gr ) Keeping the radius constant, the tension in the
= – 2mg + 3mg cos 
cos  r string is doubled. The new speed is nearly -
1  1  (A) 14 r.p.m. (B) 10 r.p.m.
 cos2  =   = cos–1   (C) 20 r.p.m. (D) 7 r.p.m. [D]
3  3
Q.280 A particle is given an initial speed u inside a Q.286 A fly wheel rotates about a fixed axis and slows
smooth spherical shell of radius R =1 m that it is down from 300 r.p.m. to 100 r.p.m. in 2 minutes.
just able to complete the circle. Acceleration of the Then its angular retardation in radian/minute2 is-
particle when its velocity is vertical is - (A) 100/ (B) 100
(C) 100 (D) 200 [D]

R Q.287 A stone tied to the end of 20 cm long string is

u whirled in a horizontal circle. If the centripetal
acceleration is 9.8 m/s2, its angular speed in
(A) g 10 (B) g (C) g 2 (D)3g [A] radian/s is -
(A) 22/7 (B) 7
Sol. u= 5gr = g 5 ….. (1)
(C) 14 (D) 20 [B]
 velocity is vertical at point B
 Acceleration is at point B is Q.288 A flywheel gains a speed of 540 r.p.m. in 6 second.
Its angular acceleration is -
(A) 3 rad/s2 (B) 6 rad/s2
B (C) 9 rad/s 2
(D) 12 rad/s2 [A]

u Q.289 A particle of mass m revolves in a circle of radius

r with a uniform speed , then its velocity vector -
 v2  (A) remains constant
a= a 2t a = g + 
+ a c2 2  … (2)
 (B) changes in magnitude
 r  (C) changes in direction
 v2 = u2 – 2gr = 3gr (D) changes both in magnitude and direction
Sol.[C] Changes in direction.
a= g 2 + (3g) 2 = g 10
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Q.290 In Q. no. 53, the angular velocity and angular 1 1
acceleration of the particle are - Sol.[A] Ttopmost = mr2 – mg = (1) (4)2 – (10)
2 2
 2  = 3N
(A) ; zero (B);
r r r
Q.295 A car is travelling along a circular curve that has a
(C) zero ; zero (D) ; zero radius of 8m. If its speed is 8 m/s and is increasing
r uniformly at 8 m/s2, the magnitude of its
v  d  acceleration at this instant is -
Sol.[A]  = and  = 0   =
r  dt  (A) 8 m/s2 (B) 8 2 m/s2
Q.291 A car is moving on an unbanked circular bend of 8
radius 50 m at a speed of 36 km/hr. The angle of (C) m/s2 (D) 16 m/s2
banking required for the safe turning of the car is –
(Take g = 10 m/s2) Sol.[B] a = a 2r + a 2t
(A) tan–1 (0.5) (B) tan–1 (0.2)
v2 82
(C) tan–1 ( 0.2 ) (D) tan–1 ( 0.5 ) ar = = = 8m/s2  at = 8 m/s2
r 8
Sol.[B] tan  =  a = 8 2 m/s2
(10) 2  km m Q.296 A ball from a height h along the slope moves on
 tan  =  36 hr = 10 s  the perfectly frictionless circular track of radius r
(500)  
as shown in the figure. If the ball just moves on the
100 circular track without falling vertically
500 downwards, the minimum height from where the
  = tan–1 (0.2) ball should be released is -
Q.292 A body is moving in a circle at a uniform speed . r
What is the magnitude of the change in velocity h
when the radius vector describes an angle  ?
(A)  cos  (B) 2 cos   A
3 5 7
 (A) r (B) r (C) r (D) r
(C)  sin  (D) 2 sin   2 2 2
Sol.[B] v  5rg or 2hg  5rg
→ → →
Sol.[D]  v = vf – vi 5
 h r
→ 2
|v|= v 2 + v 2 − 2v 2 cos  [ vf = vi]
 Q.297 A simple pendulum of length and mass m is
= 2v sin
2 initially at its lowest position. It is given the
minimum horizontal speed necessary to move in a
Q.293 A half kilogram stone, tied to the end of a string of circular path about the point of suspension. The
length 1.0 m, is whirled in a vertical circle with the tension in the string at the lowest position of the
other end of the string as the centre of the circle. If bob is-
the angular frequency of the stone is 4 rad/s, what (A) 3 mg (B) 4 mg (C) 5 mg (D) 6 mg
is the tension in the string when the stone is at the
Sol. [D]
lowermost position of the circle ? (take g = 10
(A) 3 N (B) 5 N (C) 8 N (D) 13 N 
Sol.[D] Tlowest = mg + mr2
A vmin
1 1
= (10) + (1) (4)2 = 5 + 8 = 13N mg
2 2
To complete the circle vmin = 5g
Q.294 In Q. no. 57, the tension in the string when the
mv 2
stone is at the topmost position of the circle - T – mg = ; T – mg = 5 mg
(A) 3 N (B) 5N (C) 8 N (D) 13 N 
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 39
T = 6mg 1
For first three sec.  = (3)2
Q. 298 A particle of mass m is fixed to one end of a light For total six sec.  = (6)2
rigid rod of length and rotated in a vertical 2
circular path about its other end. The minimum
speed of the particle at its highest point must be- Q.302 A curved section of a road is banked for a speed v
If there is no friction between the road and the tyres
(A) zero (B) g then-
(C) 1.5 g (D) 2 g (A) a car moving with speed v will not slip on the
Sol. [A] To complete the circle by a light rod, velocity at (B) a car is more likely to slip on the road at speeds
highest point is zero. higher than v, than at speed lower than v
(C) a car is more likely to slip on the road at speeds
Q. 299 A string of length 1m is fixed at one end with a bob
lower than v, than at speed higher v
2 (D) a car can remain stationary on the road without
of mass 100 g and the string makes rev/s around
 slipping
a vertical axis through a fixed point. The angle of Sol. [A]
inclination of the string with vertical is-
(A) tan–1 (5/8) (B) tan–1(3/5) Q.303 A small particle of mass 0.36 g rest on a horizontal
(C) cos (8/5) (D) cos–1(5/8) turntable at a distance 25 cm from the axis of
Sol. [D] T cos  spindle. The turntable is accelerated at a rate of 
 
 = 1/3 rad/s–2. The frictional force that the table
r exerts on the particle 2 s after the startup is-
T sin 
(A) 40 N (B) 30 N
T cos  = mg …..(i)
(C) 50 N (D) 60 N
T sin  = m2r …..(ii)
2 r ft f
So tan  = ; Sol. [C]
sin  2  sin  g
 =  cos  =
cos  g 2 
10 5 f : friction force ; f: f c2 + f t2
 cos  = =
16  1 8 2
After 2 sec. :-  = t = rad/sec
Q.300 A body of mass 1 kg starts moving from rest at 1 1
t = 0, in a circular path of radius 8 m. Its kinetic So ft = mat = m  R = 36×10–5 × × N
3 4
energy varies as a function of time as KE = 2t2 J,
4 1
where t is in seconds. Then - Fc = m2R = 36 × 10–5 × × N
(A) tangential acceleration = 4 m/s2 9 4
(B) power of all forces at t = 2 s is 8 W
(C) first round is completed in 2 s Q. 304 A section of fixed smooth circular track of radius
(D) tangential force at t = 2 s is 4 N R in vertical plane is shown in the figure. A block
1 is released from position A and leaves the track at
Sol. [B] mv2 = 2t2  mv2 = 4t2  v = 2t [m = 1kg] B. The radius of curvature of its trajectory when it
just leaves the track at B is-
So power can be calculate.
Q.301 When a ceiling fan is switched on, it makes R
53º 37º
10 rotations in the first 3 second. How many
rotations will it makes in the next 3 seconds? A
(Assume uniform angular acceleration)
(A) 10 (B) 20 B
(C) 30 (D) 40 O
Sol. [C] Apply  = 0t +  t2 (A) R (B) R/4 (C) R/2 (D) none
If 0 = 0

Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 40
O  g  g sin 
(C)  cos  (D)
R 53 37   cos   
 
Sol. [C] A
mr cos 
v 
E  r
D 37
Sol.[A] mr 
In figure
3R 4R 
OC = R cos 53º = ; OE = R cos 37º =
5 5
R m2r cos  = mg sin 
So CE = m2 cos2  = mg sin 
From A to B, g sin  g sin 
w= = sec
1 R  cos 
2 
mv 2 = mg [Energy conservation]
2 5
2gR Q.307 A small block slides with velocity 0.5 gr on the
5 horizontal frictionless surface as shown in the
Let radius of curvature at B is r figure. The block leaves the surface at point C. The
angle  in the figure is-
g cos 37º = 0
r B
2 C
v 2gR R
r= = = r 
g cos 37 º 5  10  4 / 5 2 r
Q. 305 With what minimum speed v must a small ball (A) cos–1(4/9) (B) cos–1(3/5)
should be pushed inside a smooth vertical tube (C) cos–1(1/2) (D) None of the above
from a height h so that it may reach the top of the gR
tube? Radius of the tube is R - 2
 v
R 
h  O

(A) 2g(h + 2R ) (B) R mv 2 mv 2
2 mg cos  – N= ; N = mg cos –
(C) g(5R − 2h ) (D) 2g(2R − 2h ) 2
Sol. [D] N = 0  mg cos  =
Q.306 A block of mass m is placed at the top of a smooth v2
v = gR cos  or cos  = .….(i)
wedge ABC. The wedge is rotated about an axis gR
passing through C as shown in the figure. The From energy conservation
minimum value of angular speed  such that the 1  2 gR 
m v − = mgR(1 – cos )
2  4 
block does not slip on the wedge is-

A m v 2 gR
 – = gR – gR cos  …(ii)
 2 8
 From (i) and (ii)  = cos–1  
B C 5
 g sin    g Q.308 In the track shown in figure, section AB is a
(A)   sec  (B)   cos 
     quadrant of a circle of 1 metre radius in vertical
  
plane. A block is released at A and slides without
friction until it reaches at B. After B it move on a
rough horizontal floor and comes to rest at D,
Corporate Office: CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2434159 CIRCLUAR MOTION 41
3 metres from B. The coefficient of friction Q.311 A small block of mass m slides along a smooth
between floor and the body will be- frictional track as shown in the figure. (i) If it starts
1m from rest at P, what is the resultant force acting on
it at Q? (ii) At what height above the bottom of the
1m loop should the block be released so that the force
it exerts against the track at the top of the loop
B D equals its weight-
(A) 1/3 (B) 2/3 (C) 1/4
(D) 3/8 P
At rest
Q.309 A particle of mass m1 is fastened to one end of a Q
string and one of m2 to the middle point, the other 5R
end of the string being fastened to a fixed point on R R
a smooth horizontal table. The particle are then
projected, so that the two portions of the string are (A) 75 mg, 3R (B) 65 mg, 2R
always in the same straight line and describes
horizontal circles. Find the ratio of tensions in the (C) 75 mg, 2R (D) 65 mg, 3R
two parts of the string- Sol.[D] u=0

v Q
m2 m1
From energy conservation,
m1 m1 + m 2 Mg(4R) = mv2  v = 8Rg
(A) (B) 2
m1 + m 2 m1 mv 2 m
At , N =  N= ×8gR = 8mg
2m1 + m 2 2m1 R R
(C) (D)
2m1 m1 + m 2
So net force at , Fnet= N 2 + (mg) 2 = 65 mg
Sol.[C] Q.312 Which of the following statements about the
T2 T1 rotatory motion along a circular path is true ?
m2 m1 (A) Linear velocity is uniform when angular
velocity is uniform
(B) Magnitude of acceleration is constant
for m1 : - T1= m12(2r) …...(i) (C) Acceleration is directed along the tangent to
for m2 : - T2 – T1 = m22r ….(ii) the circular path
Q.310 A particle is given an initial speed u inside a (D) None of the above statements is correct
smooth spherical shell of radius R = 1 m that it is Sol.[B] Direction of linear velocity change continuously,
just able to complete the circle. Acceleration of the thus linear velocity is not constant but magnitude
particle when its velocity is vertical is - of centripetal acceleration is constant

Q.313 Two particles starting from a point on a circle of

radius 4 m in horizontal plane move along the
circle with constant speeds of 4 ms–1 and
6 ms–1 respectively in opposite directions. The
particles will collide with each other after a time of
(A) g 10 (B) g (C) g 2 (D) g 6
Sol.[A] (A) 3.0 s (B) 2.5 s (C) 2.0 s (D) 1.5 s
ac 4 m/s 6 m/s
v Sol.[B]
u= 5g
 S1 + S2 = 2r
From energy conservation v = 3g 2r 2  3.14  4
 4t + 6t = 2r = t = = = 2.5 s
ac = 3g, at = g 10 10
a= ag 2 + g 2 = 10g

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Q. 314 A non-uniform thin rod of length L is placed along C
x-axis as such its one of ends is at the origin. The
linear mass density of rod is  = 0x. The distance
of centre of mass of rod from the origin is :
L 2L L L 90º
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 3 4 5

 xdx 
 0 x 2dx [ x 3 / 3]L 2 (A) 3 : 2 : 1
(B) 5 : 3 : 1
Sol.[B] xcm = 0
= = 2 0L = L
  xdx
[ x / 2]0 3 2 2
(C) 5 : 3 : 1 2
(D) 5 : 3 : 1
 dx
Sol. [D] v= rg

Q.315 A particle is moving on a circular path with

constant speed v. What is the change in its velocity v= 3rg
after it has described an angle of 60º -
(A) v 2 (B) v 3 (C) v (D) 2v v= 5rg

Sol.[C] Change in velocity = 2V sin
2 Q.319 A person with a mass of M kg stands in contact
Q.316 A cyclist starts from the centre O of a circular track against the wall of a cylindrical drum of radius r
of radius 1 km, reaches the edge A of the track and rotating with an angular velocity . If the
then cycles along the circumference and stops at coefficient of friction between the wall and the
point B as shown in the figure. If the total time clothing is , the minimum rotational speed of the
taken is 10 min, what is the average velocity of the cylinder which enables the person to remain stuck
cyclist ? to the wall when the floor is suddenly removed is-
B g r
(A) min = (B) min =
60° r g
2g rg
(C) min = (D) min =
r 
(A) 3 km/hr (B) 6 km/hr Sol. [A] mr2 = N and f = mg
(C) 9 km/hr (D) 12 lm/hr but f  N  mg  mr2
displacement 1000 18 g
Sol.[B] Vavg = =  2   min =
time 10  60 5 r r

Q.317 An aeroplane is moving in a circular path with a

Q.320 A vector of magnitude a is rotated through an angle
speed 250 km/hr; what is the change in velocity in
. What is the magnitude of the change in the
half revolution -
vector ?
(A) 500 km/hr (B) 250 km/hr
(C) 125 km/hr (D) zero  
(A) 2a sin (B) 2a cos
→ → → 2 2
Sol.[A] V = Vf – Vi (C) 2a sin  (D) 2a cos 
→ → → → → →
| V | = | Vf – Vi | = 500 km/hr Sol. [A] r = r f − r i = 2 a sin (/2) [ rf = ri = a]
[ Vf = Vi = 250 km/hr and  = 180º

Q.318 A particle crosses the topmost point C of a vertical Q.321 A wheel is rolling uniformly along a level road (see
circle with critical speed; then the ratio of figure). The speed of translational motion of the
velocities at points A, B and C is - wheel axis is V. What are the speeds of the points
A and B on the wheel rim relative to the road at the
instant shown in the figure ?

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B work done will be about (diameter of the wheel = 0.05
V 0.1N

A 0.05m
(A) VA = V; VB = 0 (B) VA = 0; VB = V
(C) VA = 0; VB = 0 (D) VA = 0; VB = 2V 0.1N
Sol. [D] (A) 0.062 J (B) 0.031 J
Q.322 In figure (a), a metre stick, half of which is wood (C) 0.015 J (D) 0.057 J
and the other half steel is pivoted at the wooden Sol. [B] W =  .  and  = Force × (⊥r distance)
end at O and a force is applied to the steel end at a.
In figure (b), the stick is pivoted at the steel end at Q.326 A particle is moving on a circular path with
O' and the same force is applied at the wooden end constant speed v. What is the change in its velocity
at a'. The angular acceleration after it has described an angle of 60º ?
Wood Steel Steel Wood (A) v 2 (B) v 3 (C) v (D) 2v
O a O a
F F 
Sol. [C] Change in velocity = 2v sin
(a) (b) 2
(A) in (a) is greater than in (b) Q.327 A 500 kg car takes a round turn of radius 50 m with
(B) in (b) is greater than in (a) a velocity of 36 km/hr. The centripetal force is-
(C) equal in both (a) and (b)
(A) 250 N (B) 750 N (C) 1000 N (D) 1200 N
(D) none of the above
Sol. [B] Torque is same in both cases but M.I. is more in 'a'. Mv 2
Sol[C]. FC =
Now apply  = I r

Q.323 A body of mass m slides down an incline and Q.328 Keeping the banking angle same to increase the
reaches the bottom with a velocity v. If the same maximum speed with which a vehicle can travel on
mass were in the form of a ring which rolls down a curved road, by 10% the radius of curvature of
this incline, the velocity of the ring at the bottom
the road has to be changed from 20 m to-
would have been
(A) 16 m (B) 18 m (C) 24.2 m (D) 30.5 m
v 2
(A) v (B) v 2 (C) (D) ×v v2
2 5 Sol[C]. tan  =
Sol. [C] V sliding = 2gh
If  is constant then r  v2
2gh r  1.1v 
Vrolling = =  
1+ k2 / R2 r  v 

Q.324 A constant torque acting on a uniform circular wheel Q.329 In a simple pendulum, the breaking strength of the
changes its angular momentum from A0 to 4A0 in 4 string is double the weight of the bob. The bob is
seconds. The magnitude of this torque is released from rest when the string is horizontal.
(A) 3A0/4 (B) A0 (C) 4A0 (D) 12A0 The string breaks when it makes an angle  with
dJ J – Ji the vertical-
Sol. [A]  = = f
dt dt (A)  = cos–1 (1/3) (B)  = 60º
(C)  = cos–1 (2/3) (D)  = 0º
Q.325 Part of the tuning arrangement of a radio consists of a Sol.[C] T = 2Mg
wheel which is acted on by two parallel constant forces 
as shown in the fig. If the wheel rotates just once, the

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Mv 2  A 2 2ms 
T – Mg cos  = A2
Then, a = + 2  
r 2 m R A 
m 
where T = 2Mg and Mv2 = Mg (r cos )
2 A2 4A 2 s 2 A 4s 2
= + = 1+ 2
m2 m2R 2 m R
Q.330 A simple pendulum of length and mass m is
initially at its lowest position. It is given the 4s 2
Thus net force on the particle = ma = A 1+
minimum horizontal speed necessary to move in a R2
circular path about the point of suspension. The
tension in the string at the lowest position of the Q.332 A particle moves with a speed v in a circle of radius
bob is- R. The particle reach from A to B as shown in
(A) 3 mg (B) 4 mg (C) 5 mg (D) 6 mg figure.
Sol. [D]

A vmin 30º X
To complete the circle vmin = 5g
The Y component of average velocity is -
mv 2
T – mg = ; T – mg = 5 mg 2v v 2v
 (A) (B) − (C) − (D) zero
  
T = 6mg
Sol.[B] Time taken =
Q.331 The kinetic energy of a particle along a circle of
Displacement in Y direction = – R
radius R is given as K = As where A is a constant
Component of Average velocity
and s is the distance travelled. What is the net force
−R v
acting on the particle - = = −
R / v 
A R2 4s 2
(A) 1+ 2 (B) A 1 +
R s R2 Q.333 A body is moving in x-y plane as shown in a circular
s 2 path of radius 2 m. At a certain instant when the body
(C) 4As 1 + (D) none of the above is crossing the positive y-axis its acceleration is
1 (6î − 8 ĵ) m/s2. Then its angular acceleration and
Sol.[B] K = mv2 = As
2 angular velocity at this instant will be -
dK dv ds dv y
= vm =A m =A
dt dt dt dt

A A a
 dv = dt  v = t O x
m m
A v2 A2t 2
at = , ac = =
m R m2R
2 (A) – 3k̂ rad/s2 and − 2k̂ rad/s respectively
A 2  A2t2 
 a0 = a 2t + a c2 = +   (B) + 3k̂ rad/s2 and + 2k̂ rad/s respectively
m 2  m 2 R 

(C) – 4k̂ rad/s2 and − 3k̂ rad/s respectively
ds A A 2 2ms
Also = ts= t  t2 = (D) + 4k̂ rad/s2 and + 3k̂ rad/s respectively
dt m 2m A

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 Q.337 If the body is moving in a circle of radius r with a
Sol.[A] a = 6î − 8 ĵ
constant speed v, it’s angular velocity is -
 ar = 8 and at = 6
r =  and r =  (1) v2/r (2) vr (3) v/r (4) r/v
Q.334 Consider the following controls in an automobile: Q.338 If a particle moves in a circle describing equal
gas pedal, brake, steering wheel. The controls in angles in equal times, its velocity vector -
this list that cause an acceleration of the car are –
(1) Remains constant
(A) All three controls
(B) The gas pedal and the brake (2) Changes in magnitude
(C) Only the brake (3) Changes in direction
(D) Only the gas pedal (4) Changes both in magnitude and direction
Sol.[A] Because acceleration occurs whenever the velocity
changes in any way – with an increase or decrease
in speed, a change in direction, or both – all three Q.339 Two particles of equal masses are revolving in
controls are accelerators. The gas pedal causes the circular paths of radii r1 and r2 respectively with the
car to speed up; the brake pedal causes the car to same speed. The ratio of their centripetal forces is
slow down. The steering wheel changes the -
direction of the velocity vector. 2 2
r2 r2 r  r 
(1) (2) (3)  1  (4)  2 
Q.335 Which of the following correctly describes the r1 r1  r2   r1 
centripetal acceleration vector for a particle Sol.[1]
moving in a circular path ?
Q.340 A sphere is suspended by a thread of length l. What
(A) Constant and always perpendicular to the
minimum horizontal velocity has to be imparted
velocity vector for the particle
(B) Constant and always parallel to the velocity the ball for it to reach the height of the suspension -
vector for the particle (1) g l (2) 2g l (3) gl (4) 2gl
(C) Of constant magnitude and always
perpendicular to the velocity for the particle
(D) Of constant magnitude and always parallel to
Q.341 The tension in the string revolving in a vertical
the velocity vector for the particle
circle with a mass m at the end which is at the
Sol.[C] We cannot choose (A) or (B) because the
centripetal acceleration vector is not constant it lowest position -
continuously changes in direction. Of the mv 2 mv 2
(1) (2) – mg
remaining choices, only (C) gives the correct r r
perpendicular relationship between ac and v.
mv 2
(3) + mg (4) mg
Q.336 A block is rotating in a circular track and angular r
speed of the block is given by  = at2. Where  is Sol.[3]
in rad/s and t is in seconds, a is a constant and equal
to 2 rad/s3. Mass of the block is 1 kg and radius of Q.342 A fighter plane is moving in a vertical circle of
circular track is 1m. Net force acting on the block radius 'r'. Its minimum velocity at the highest point
at t = 2s is - of the circle will be -
(A) 8 N (B) 8 65 N (1) 3gr (2) 2gr
(C) 32 N (D) None of these
(3) gr (4) gr / 2
Sol.[B] F = m a 2t + a 2r

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Q.343 A particle is moving in a vertical circle. The
tensions in the string when passing through two
positions at angles 30º and 60º from vertical
(lowest position) are T1 and T2 respectively. Then-
(1) T1 = T2
(2) T2 > T1
(3) T1 > T2
(4) Tension in the string always remains the same

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