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Linear Algebra: Assignment I

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Assignment I

陳文漢 | 110006223
1. Run numpy.show config() and scipy.show config()
- First uncomment this part of the given code

- Running the entire code will give us the below result.

These are the BLAS and LAPACK libraries that are used in our python.

2. a.)Namming convention, starting character S, D, C, Z, for
S : Single Precision Real Numbers
D: Double Precision Real Numbers
C: Single Precision Complex Numbers
Z: Double Precision Complex Numbers

b.) Meaning of SSPR2, ZGERC, DGBSVX, and CHEEVR:

➢ SSPR2 performs a symmetric rank 2 operation.
➢ For example, A := alpha*x*y**T + alpha*y*x**T + A. Here,
alpha is a scalar, x and y are the n element vectors and A is an
n by n symmetric matrix.
➢ The subroutine sspr2 has some parameters which is:
▪ character UPLO :
• UPLO has a character data type.
• On input, UPLO indicates whether the upper or lower
triangular part of matrix A is provided in packed array
• The upper triangular part of matrix A will be delivered
by AP, (UPLO = ‘U’ or ‘u’)
• While the lower triangular part of matrix A will be
delivered by AP (UPLO = ‘L’ or ‘l’).
▪ integer N:
• N is integer type.
• N indicates the order of matrix A where N must be
greater than or equal to zero.
▪ real ALPHA:
• ALPHA is a real data type.
• ALPHA indicates a scalar alpha.
▪ real, dimension(*) X:
• X is REAL array, at least dimension at least,
( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
• Before entering, the incremented array X must contain
an n-element vector x.
▪ integer INCX:

• The increment for the elements of X is specified on
entry by INCX.
• INCX cannot equal zero.
▪ real, dimension(*) Y:
• Y is REAL array, dimension at least,
( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
• Before entering, the incremented array Y must contain
an n-element vector y.
▪ integer INCY:
• The increment for the elements of Y is specified on
entry by INCY.
• INCY cannot equal zero.
▪ real, dimension(*) AP:
• AP is a REAL array output with a dimension at least
( ( n*( n + 1 ) )/2 ).
➢ ZGERC do the rank 1 operation
➢ For example, A := alpha*x*y**H + A. Here, alpha is a scalar, x
is an m-element vector, y is a n-element vector and A is an
m x n matrix.
➢ ZGERC has some parameters which is :
▪ integer M:
• M is an integer which indicates the numbers of rows of
the matrix A, and M must be greater than or equal to
▪ integer N:
• N is an integer which indicates the number of columns
of the matrix A and N must be greater than or equal to
▪ complex*16 ALPHA:
• ALPHA is a COMPLEX*16 which indicates the scalar
alpha on input.
▪ complex*16, dimension(*) X:
• X is a COMPLEX*16 array with a dimension at least
( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
• The element vector x must be present in the
incremented array X prior to entry.
▪ integer INCX:
• INCX is an integer.

• The increment for the elements of X is specified on
entry by INCX where INCX cannot equal zero.
▪ complex*16, dimension(*) Y:
• Y is a COMPLEX*16 array with a dimension at least
( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ).
• The element vector Y must be present in the
incremented array Y prior to entry.
▪ integer INCY:
• INCY is an integer.
• The increment for the elements of Y is specified by
INCY upon entry where INCY can't be equal to zero.
▪ complex*16, dimension(lda,*) A:
• A is a COMPLEX*16 array with dimension (LDA, N). →
we will explain LDA on the next point.
• The coefficients matrix must be present in the array A's
leading m by n section before entering.
• A is replaced with the updated matrix upon exit.
▪ integer LDA:
• LDA is an integer.
• Upon entering, LDA defines the first dimension of A as
stated in the calling (sub) program.
• LDA must be at least max( 1, m ).
➢ The solution to the real system of linear equations
A * X = B, A**T * X = B, or A**H * X = B,
where A is a band matrix of order N with KL subdiagonals and
KU superdiagonals, and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices, is
computed by DGBSVX using the LU factorization.
➢ It also includes a condition estimate and error bounds on the
➢ The complex Hermitian matrix A's specified eigenvalues and,
optionally, eigenvectors which are calculated via CHEEVR.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be chosen by giving either a
range of values or a range of indices for the desired
➢ With a call to CHETRD, CHEEVR first converts the matrix A
to the tridiagonal form T.

➢ Then, CHEEVR invokes CSTEMR to compute the
eigenspectrum using Relatively Robust Representations.
➢ The dqds technique is used by CSTEMR to calculate
eigenvalues, and several L D L^T representations are used to
calculate orthogonal eigenvectors (also known as Relatively

3. The subroutine to solve a linear system Ax = b in LAPACK,

where A, b are in double precision.
❖ Among LAPACK subroutines, we can find DGESV is the subroutine
that can computes the solution to system of linear equations Ax = B
for GE(general) matrices, where A, b are in double precision since D
in DGESV is naming for double precision as already stated in
question number 2.
❖ DGESV uses the LU(lower-upper) factorization to compute the
solution to a real system of linear equations Ax = b. Here, A is NxN
matrix, while x and b are N-by-NRHS(the number of right hand
sides, i.e., the number of columns of matrices b and x) matrices.
❖ Code Implementation

• Following the template that was already given, we can modify

and edit the code based on this question.

• First, we want to make the check_equal function that we will
used later to check the correctness of the results.
▪ Iterate n size of the matrix with the for loop and then
compare B(np.random.rand(n)) and
• Then, declare a list to store some value of the sizes of the
• Here we can use for loop to iterate the value of the sizes that
we have already made.
• Here, C[7](C at position 7) is the result that we want from
using the subroutine DGESV in LAPACK to solve Ax = b.

source :

• Then, we can declare D as to store the result of .dot()

• Next, we can just use the function that we have already made
before to compare B and D.
• The final step is to generate our graph and we can try
different matrix sizes.

4. The reason why BLAS/LAPACK can be so effective on
modern CPUs is that they utilize block matrix operation.
(See textbook 1.6.) How to use block matrix operation to
solve a linear system Ax = b? Derive the formula by
partitioning A into a 2 × 2 block matrix. Explain why a good
matrix-matrix multiplication subroutine can accelerate the
computation of solving Ax = b.
❖ Here, we have the linear system Ax = b.
• Block matrices, also known as partitioned matrices, are one
way to represent complex matrices by breaking them up into
smaller submatrices.
• Submatrices can be used to perform block matrix operations,
which can then be transformed into general matrix form.
• In order to solve this linear system by using block matrix
operation first we need to partition the matrix A into a 2 x 2
block matrix.

• Here, we have block matrix b

• A1, A2, A3, A4, are the submatrices that are formed by
partitioning matrix A, B1 and B2 are submatrices that are
formed by partitioning matrix B.
• Ax = b → x = A-1 b

• So we can get x:

• Therefore, block matrix operation can be used to solve linear

system Ax = b and there is the solution of x that is already
been calculated.

❖ Since the final solution needs to performs multiplication of lots of

matrices that is why a good matrix-matrix multiplication subroutine
can help to accelerate the computation of solving Ax = b.

5. Strassen Matrix-Matrix Multiplication algorithm. ? Why it is

faster than the conventional matrix-matrix multiplication
algorithm in theory? Why people usually do not use it in
practice for high performance computation?
❖ Strassen Matrix-Matrix Multiplication is a faster algorithm than the
original Matrix-Matrix Multiplication algorithm.
❖ Strassen algorithm uses a recursive method for matrix multiplication
by dividing the matrix into 4 sub-matrices of size N/2 x N/2 in each
recursive step.
❖ We can first see the simple Divide and Conquer method (a method
of solving a large problem by breaking the problem into smaller sub-
problems )of matrix-matrix multiplication.
➢ First divide the matrix A and B into 4 sub-matrices of size N/2
x N/2.
➢ Then we can calculate ae+bg, af+bh, ce+dg and cf+dh

Source: geeksforgeeks
➢ In this simple method, there are 8 multiplications and 4
additions in total. So the worst case of the time complexity is
8 recursive calls.
❖ The Strassen algorithm could reduce the number of recursive calls to
❖ Strassen algorithm is actually implementing to the above simple
divide and conquer method, but the 4-sub matrices of result are
calculated using a specific formula that is shown on the figure below.

❖ We can see that this method is faster than a conventional matrix-
matrix multiplication for small matrices. However, as the input
become larger and larger, the performance of Strassen method will

have a larger increase compare to the conventional or naïve matrix-
matrix multiplication method. We can see a graph below that show
the performance of each method as the matrices gets larger and

Image taken from https://chart-studio.plotly.com/~tbindi/7.embed

❖ So, the explanations above is the reason why people usually do not
use it in practice for high performance computation.


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