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Sensory Defects of Virgin Olive Oil From A Microbiological Perspective

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Postprint of Trends in Food Science & Technology Volume 43, Issue 2, June 2015, Pages 227–235

1  Sensory Defects of Virgin Olive Oil from a Microbiological Perspective

2  J.A. Cayuela, R.B. Gómez-Coca, W. Moreda, M.C. Pérez-Camino

3  Instituto de la Grasa, CSIC. Avda. Padre García Tejero, 4, 41012, Sevilla

4  Email: jacayuela@ig.csic.es Phone: +34 954611550 

6  Virgin olive oil is the juice from the olive drupe, a produce that usually features high
7  quality. However, virgin olive oils produced in different regions of the world suffer from
8  defects, most of them of sensory nature. The largest amount of olive oil in which some
9  organoleptic defect is present matches to the Virgin Olive Oil (VOO) class. The causes
10  leading to sensory defects in virgin olive oil, on the different steps of the elaboration, are
11  not well-known sometimes. Important is to note that current legislation allow the
12  classification with sensory defects as VOO and Lampante Olive Oil (LOO). Volatile
13  compounds are important in the sensory perception of the olive oils, for both the positive
14  attributes and the defects. Knowledge on the biogenesis of the volatile compounds involved
15  in the virgin olive oil defects and in its sensory characterisation, is still scarce. There are
16  different causes of defects, depending on the physical, chemical or microbial degradation
17  affecting the product. These join to the positive attributes, leading to an infinite diversity of
18  sensory 'fingerprints'. The microbes cause the most of the defects sensory analysed in olive
19  oils. Despite some interesting studies reported on the biogenesis of the compounds
20  responsible of such defects, microbiological research within the olive oil production,
21  including post-harvest life of olives, is scarce. We should highlight there is a long way to
22  avoid the generation of sensory defects in olive oils within the production process itself and
23  storage. This paper tries to identify significant shortfalls on the knowledge of the causes
24  and circumstances for inducting sensory defects in olive oils, and defining the major
25  aspects which are sufficiently known.

26  Keywords: fermentation, microbes, olive oil, quality, sensory defects.

27  Introduction

28  The mechanical procedures for elaborating oil from olives are different from those usual for
29  preparing natural fruit juices. In fact the chemical constitution of these latter is mostly the
30  watery solution of sugars, organic acids and pigments, whereas olive oil is mainly lipid.
31  Overcoming these differences, the nature of olive oil is also the natural juice of the fruit’s
32  mesocarp, different to that of seed oils (Salas, Harwood & Martínez, 2013). Virgin olive oil
33  is obtained through physical methods where the rules prohibit the use of solvents
34  (International Olive Council, 2009), while it is the major method used for oilseed extraction
35  (Rosenthal, Pyle & Niranjan, 1996). The olive oil which fulfils the conditions for direct
36  marketing is classified as Virgin Olive Oil (VOO) or Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO). Such
37  olive oils must be of high or acceptable quality, both on their sensory and physic-chemical
38  characteristics.

39  Olive oil is composed mainly of a saponifiable fraction accounting for 98.5-99.5% weight.
40  This is formed by a lipid matrix of triglycerides, diglycerides and monoglycerides, these
41  last two with about only 1.5% only of total fatty acids (Civantos, 1999a). Olive oil fatty
42  acid composition is characterized by oleic acid as major part, providing a high
43  monounsaturated-to-polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio, and it’s also the major cause for the
44  oil oxidative stability (Velasco & Dobarganes, 2002). Second, it contains a pool of minor
45  but important compounds among lipids, such as phytosterols, waxes, carotenoids,
46  tocopheroles and other as  pentacyclic triterpenes. Squalene, an aliphatic hydrocarbon, is
47  also in relatively high quantities within the minor component fraction, as well as
48  compounds quite soluble in water like polyphenols, which stand out by its powerful
49  antioxidant activity. Chlorophylls, aliphatic alcohols and terpenic alcohols are also present
50  (Civantos, 1999a). We must remember that olive oil is not free from moisture, which can
51  be up to 0.1%, playing an important role in developing microbial changes.

52  The current standards fixed by the International Olive Council differ slightly from that of
53  the European Union (EU), the largest olive oil producer in the world, accounting for more
54  than 80% (International Olive Council, 2015). In the EU (European Comission, 1991) the
55  Standard needs for EVOO the presence of the fruity attribute and the complete absence of
56  sensory defects, and other physic-chemical characteristics such a free acidity below 0.8%.
57  In contrast, the VOO admits the presence of sensory defects below 3.5 on a scale of 10, and
58  2 % maximum acidity.

59  Those olive oils in which the sensory analysis decides the absence of fruity or/and the
60  presence of sensory defects whose intensities exceed the value 3.5, classifies as Lampante
61  Olive Oil (LOO). Thus, they must undergo refining, getting Refined Olive Oil (ROO).
62  These olive oils are not edible, but only after mixing them with EVOO or VOO and
63  classifies us Olive Oil (OO). OO may be manufactured as specific mixtures or 'coupages',
64  which manufacturers produce according to the market.

65  EVOO is the most reputable olive oil. There is little information on the world production of
66  the different categories of olive oils, especially in the case of LOO. Spain, the most
67  important olive oil producer in the world, yields around 45% according the information
68  available from the International Olive Council (2015). For this, we will use the production
69  of Spanish olive oil as an example. The quantities of LOO and VOO vary over different
70  seasons, as shown in Table 1. The sum of both classes varies in Spain from 45% to 55% of
71  the total olive oil, the same in which sensory defects are present in greater or lesser extent
72  depending on the produce. The data are elaborated from the Statistical Yearbook of the
73  Spanish Ministry of Agriculture during the period 1980-2009 (Ministry of Agriculture,
74  1980-2009). In 2008 LOO represented 12% of the total Spanish olive oil, while in 2011 it
75  was the significant amount of 23.5%. Nevertheless, the sum VOO+LOO was 55% of the
76  total production in both years.

77  Table 1

78  We must highlight that LOO represents cases of very poor quality. The absence of the
79  fruity attribute, the marked sensory defects, and the acidity above 3.3% are overall signs of
80  great fruit or produce damage at any point in the olive oil elaboration. Nevertheless the
81  largest amount of olive oil with some degree of sensory defect, until 3.5 of maximum
82  intensity, matches to the VOO class. For the Spanish production, VOO accounts a yearly
83  average around 40% of the total (Table 1).

84  The current legislation defines the classification and determines the quality of all olive oils
85  commercially available. A part of this shows some intensity of sensory defects, as for
86  VOO. Trading LOO occurs only within the industry, and its intensity of defects is higher
87  than 3.5. The quantities of olive oil of different classes do not belong to the realms of
88  Science but to Statistics. They provide a message of extraordinary importance: an
89  outstanding percentage of the olive oil production has a certain intensity of defects, most of
90  them of sensory nature. This is well known by experts in the olive oil industry, and we
91  believe this data justifies the present work. The implicit message goes further if we try to
92  answer the following question in detail: What are the causes and circumstances leading to
93  sensory defects in olive oil? The answer is sometimes only loosely known. The purpose of
94  this paper is to help defining what are known enough, defining aspects suffering from
95  significant shortfalls, on the knowledge about the causes and events inducting sensory
96  defects in olive oils.

97  Sensory quality of olive oil

98  Olive oil sensory quality is described mainly according to volatile compounds, whose
99  detailed description was reported recently (Aparicio, Morales & García 2012). Around one
100  hundred and eighty compounds, were found to be responsible of virgin olive oil aroma
101  (Olías, Del Barrio & Gutiérrez, 1977; Del Barrio, Gutiérrrez & Gutiérrez, 1981; Morales,
102  Aparicio & Ríos, 1994; Angerosa, 2002; Procida, Giomo, Cichelli & Conte, 2005; Morales,
103  Luna & Aparicio, 2005). Thereby, specific relations between volatile compounds and
104  sensory attributes and defects of olive oils have been established. Volatiles can be formed
105  and then released from the olive oil matrix, but they can be native components too
106  remaining within the product (Schreider, 1984), and participating not only in olive oil
107  odour but also in its flavour.

108  There is also a part on olive oil flavour which is not due to volatile compounds. This is the
109  case of the ‘bitter’ and ‘pungent’ attributes, two components that can clearly emphasise the
110  flavour of many types olive oils which contribute positively to the sensory quality
111  (International Olive Council, 2013a). Oleuropeine and its aglycon form are especially
112  responsible, among the phenolic compounds, for the bitterness of virgin olive oils (Caponio,
113  Gomes, & Pasqualone, 2001). While, oleacein and oleocanthal are responsible for the
114  burning pungent sensation of certain olive oils (Andrewes, Busch, De Joode, Groenewegen,
115  & Alexandre, 2003). These attributes, however, are not of much consideration in the
116  commercial standard, since they are not  decisive in olive oil classification. Many other
117  attributes are named by their likeness to different flavours in which ingredients other than
118  volatile compounds are present. Such are the cases of fresh herb, apple, white fruit, green
119  fruit, nutty, almond, or tomato.

120  The knowledge on the biogenesis of the volatile compounds that participate in olive oil
121  sensory quality is little, despite the existence of important research  (Olías, Del Barrio,
122  Gutiérrez, 1977; Olías, Pérez, Ríos, & Sanz, 1993; Luaces, Pérez, & Sanz, 2003; Angerosa,
123  Servili, Selvaggini, Taticchi, Esposto, & Montedoro, 2004; Sánchez-Ortiz, Pérez, & Sanz,
124  2007; Sánchez-Ortiz, Pérez, & Sanz, 2013; Reboredo, González, Cancho, & Simal, 2013).
125  Green odour biogenesis of some virgin olive oils has been studied, leading to a possible
126  pathway for the C6 polar volatile compounds. According to this route, a lyase would cleave
127  the 13-hydroperoxides (C13-OOH) of linoleic and linolenic acids to form the volatile
128  aldehydes hexanal and cis-3-hexenal, respectively. This pathway involves other enzymes
129  such as acyl hydrolase, lipoxygenase, hydroperoxido lyase, alcohol dehydrogenase and
130  alcohol acetyl transferase (Olías, Pérez, Ríos & Sanz, 1993; Kalua, Allen, Bedgood,
131  Bishop, Prenzler & Robards, 2007).

132  Short chain alcohols present in olive oil aroma are responsible for its characteristic and
133  appreciated ‘green notes’. Salas & Sánchez (1998) suggested that these short chain alcohols
134  are formed from the aldehydes by a NADP-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)
135  present in the mesocarp of developing olives. This points the relation between the alcohol-
136  dehydrogenases of olive fruit and the volatile’s biogenesis.

137  A study on the lipoxygenase activity within the olive fruit development have revealed its
138  significance in the biosynthesis of virgin olive oil aroma. It was reported that olives showed
139  the highest lipoxygenase activity about 15 weeks after anthesis, with a steady fall during
140  the growth and ripening periods (Salas, Williams, Harwood & Sánchez, 1999). From here,
141  those authors proposed that olive lipoxygenase engages in the biogenesis of six-carbon
142  volatile aldehydes. The same authors highlight that six-carbon volatile aldehydes are major
143  constituents of the aroma of virgin olive oil during the extraction. Modulating the aroma’s
144  biogenesis produced from the alcohol- dehydrogenase of Olea europaea in the fruit is other
145  interesting aspect that has been described (Iaria et al. 2012). Characterising the
146  lipoxygenases has been further studied in some olive cultivars, showing again their role in
147  the synthesis of volatile compounds (Ridolfi, Terenziani, Patumi & Fontanazza, 2002). The
148  enzyme alcohol acyltransferase from olive fruit has been characterised too (Salas, 2004).
149  Sánchez-Ortiz, Pérez & Sanz (2007) reported cultivar differences on non-esterified
150  polyunsaturated fatty acids as a limiting factor for the biogenesis of virgin olive oil aroma.
151  Also, Salas & Sánchez (1999) identified the inactivating of hydroperoxide-lyase by
152  malaxation at temperature high as cause of drop of the flavour of virgin olive oil. The role
153  of the olive seed in the biogenesis of virgin olive oil aroma is an interesting issue. Olive
154  seeds would afford an alcohol acyltransferase that might be unspecific for substrate,
155  producing any kind of esters (Luaces, Pérez & Sanz, 2003). Further, the role of the pulp and
156  seed in the biogenesis of extra EVOO aroma through the lipoxygenase (LOX) pathway has
157  been studied in four cultivars (Arbequina, Picual, Local and Manzanilla de Sevilla). C6 and
158  C5 volatile compounds were revealed responsible for EVOO aroma, which were produced
159  by endogenous enzymes in both parts of olive fruits. It was shown that these compounds
160  have mainly their biogenesis in the pulp (80–90%) instead of in the seed (20–10%),
161  independently of the cultivar considered (Reboredo, González, Cancho & Simal, 2013).

162  The second essential part of the sensory quality of olive oil is the sensory defects. The
163  different types of sensory defects of olive oils are in the quality standards of both the EU
164  and the International Olive Council. There are different causes of defects, depending on the
165  physical, chemical or microbial degradation of the product. Such degradations may occur
166  concomitantly, inducing a set of chemical and sensory negative attributes, which together
167  with positive ones leads to an infinite diversity of sensory fingerprints of the virgin olive
168  oils.

169  The main defects that can be detected in certain olive oils, from the highest to the lowest
170  frequency, are the following. Fusty flavour develops when olives are stored in piles,
171  favoring anaerobic fermentation. Mouldy is characteristic of olive oil got from wet olives,
172  stored for days, in which fungi and yeast have developed. Muddy sediment defects appear
173  when the olive oil has been in contact with the sediment in vats or tanks. Winey-vinegary is
174  characteristic of certain olive oils with wine or vinegar flavour, due to the fermentation
175  responsible for producing acetic acid, ethyl acetate and/or ethanol. Rancid flavour is
176  characteristic of olive oil that has undergone oxidation, with full correlation between the
177  intensity of the defect and the degree of oxidation. Metallic comes from prolonged contact
178  with metallic surfaces during crushing, mixing, pressing or storing. Heated or burnt
179  attributes are usually due to excessive and/or prolonged heating during processing,
180  especially in the thermo-mixing of the dough. Alpechin is the olive oil flavour received by
181  prolonged contact with vegetable water. Other defects are hay-wood, due to dry olives and
182  brine, typical of olive oils extracted from olives with brine conservation. Earth, is typical of
183  olive oils got from fruit that have been in contact with the earth or mud or improperly
184  washed. There are also defects that occurs rarely, as the lubricant flavour, reminiscent of
185  diesel, grease or mineral oil and whose origin would likely be the contact with lubricants
186  extraction machinery.

187  One relevant facet on olive oil sensory defects concerns to fatty acid alkyl esters (FAAEs).
188  FAAEs originate by esterification of free fatty acids with short chain (from one to four
189  carbon-atom) alcohols, mainly methanol and ethanol yielding methyl and ethyl esters,
190  respectively (Gómez-Coca, Moreda, & Pérez-Camino, 2012). When FAAEs are present at a
191  certain concentration, the fermentative change becomes clear (Pérez-Camino, Moreda,
192  Mateos & Cert, 2002).  From here, a relationship between FAAEs concentration of olive
193  oils and its fermentative sensory defects have been established, as well as with their sensory
194  classification (Gómez-Coca, Moreda, & Pérez-Camino, 2012). The esterification needs the
195  presence of short chain alcohols produced by fermentation and olive oil free fatty acids,
196  according to the same authors.

197  The adoption of the FAAEs as quality parameter to classify olive oil either as virgin or
198  extra virgin took place some years ago (International Olive Council, 2010; European
199  Commission, 2011). However, today the relationship between FAAEs and some sensory
200  defects, and the convenience of the current limits, are questioned. Therefore, in 2013 new
201  official requirements were established, the FAAEs maximum allowed limit reduced to 40
202  mg.kg-1. Additionally, decreasing such threshold 5 mg.kg-1 by year within the two
203  following, was scheduled (International Olive Council, 2013b; European Commission,
204  2013). Rapid methods for predicting sensory defects have been reported (Sinelli, Cerretani,
205  Egidio, Bendini, & Casiraghi, 2010; Lerma-García, Cerretani, Cevoli, Simó-Alfonso,
206  Bendini, & Toschi, 2010; Cayuela, Peña, & García, 2013). These technologies, different to
207  the insight above, would be useful to prevent mixing batches of defective virgin olive oils
208  with those without specific quality problems.

209  The volatiles involved in the major defects of virgin olive oil have been described by
210  several authors (Del Barrio, Gutiérrez & Gutiérrez, 1981; Procida, Giomo, Cichelli &
211  Conte, 2005; Morales, Luna & Aparicio, 2005; Aparicio, Morales & García 2012). Most of
212  them are due to microbes. The driving force in the research above is revealing the enzymes
213  forming the characteristic volatiles of defective olive oils (Angerosa, Lanza & Marsilio,
214  1996; Angerosa, Lanza, D'Alessandro, Marsilio, & Cumitini, 1999; Olías, Pérez, Ríos, &
215  Sanz, 1993;Sánchez-Ortiz, Pérez, & Sanz, 2007). It is important considering whether they
216  come from the olive or they are produced by microorganisms, which generally has not so
217  far been the main objective in these studies.

218  Each of muddy, mouldy, fusty and vinegary flavours involves many volatile compounds.
219  These are different depending on the produce, according to several authors (Angerosa,
220  Servili, Selvaggini, Taticchi, Esposto, & Montedoro, 2004; Aparicio, Morales, & García-
221  González, 2012; Gutiérrez, Dobarganes, Gutiérrez, & Olías, 1981; Morales, Luna, &
222  Aparicio, 2005; Olías, Del Barrio, & Gutiérrez, 1977). Some of them highlight by their
223  quantitative importance, according a summary (Table 2) of data reported by Procida,
224  Giomo, Cichelli & Conte (2005), referencing to several studies which have been previously
225  reported.

226  The vinegary pattern is a special case since acetic acid and ethylacetate accounts much than
227  70%. Ethanol and methanol, respectively responsible for some 16% and 5% of the total
228  composition of volatile in this olive oil pattern, are also important. The fusty pattern
229  includes mainly ethanol (38%), octane (14%), ethylacetate (12%) and methanol (11%). In
230  the muddy pattern highlights ethanol (30%), and in proportions between 10% and 5%
231  butylformate, ethylacetate, 2-butanol, 1-propanol and ethylpropionate (Procida, Giomo,
232  Cichelli & Conte, 2005).

233  The volatile compounds total in the mouldy pattern is less than in the remaining major
234  defects, according the same data. In this, ethanol and hexanal, represents about 20% of the
235  total, methanol around 12% and in proportions between 4 and 10% propanal, pentanal and
236  propylpropionate. Moreover, in this pattern none volatile represents much more than 20%
237  of total among 38 detected compounds. Important is highlighting that in many cases,
238  compounds of very low concentration are major responsible for the defect, as can be in the
239  mouldy flavour. Thus, compounds with high odour threshold values have less sensory
240  significance than those with low odour thresholds (Luna, Morales & Aparicio, 2006).  The
241  odour activity values (OAVs) of volatile compounds, defined as the ratio of the
242  concentration to the odour threshold, is used to define their sensory significance (Rothe &
243  Thomas, 1963; Aparicio & Morales, 1998; Buettner & Schieberle, 2000). The off-flavour
244  compounds are potentially toxic and have low odour thresholds (Angerosa, 2000).
245  However, we have to underline that beyond its organoleptic significance, the data included
246  in Table 2 signal the origin of the sensory defects that is more important for our current
247  purpose.

248  In this sense, we must highlight the quantitative importance of ethanol in muddy, mouldy,
249  fusty and vinegary flavours. Methanol as well is present in the last three, and it is noticeable
250  that its odour threshold in olive oil has not been reported. Both volatile reveals a
251  remarkable influence of the alcoholic fermentations in the sensory defects most normal in
252  the virgin olive oils. Worth to note this can have a direct relation with yeast fermentations,
253  produced at any point of the manufacturing or storage.

254  Table 2 

255  Sensory defects from microbes

256  One of the facets of olive oils’ sensory defects known worst is what are the circumstances
257  leading to producing undesirable flavours from microbial causes, within the virgin olive oil
258  extraction. The fusty, mouldy, winey-vinegary, and muddy sediment are in fact caused by
259  microbes. Moreover the basic defects mentioned above are recognised as families of
260  defects, which show some overlap. The storage of olives in piles induces fermentation
261  which can carry into dramatic sensory defects. The biogenesis of fusty defect has been
262  studied by chemical and microbial analysis in olives stored in piles and their resulting olive
263  oils (Gutiérrez, R., Dobarganes, M.C., Gutiérrez, F., & Olías, J.M. (1981). The quali-
264  quantitative composition of the olive oil volatile fraction was reported as good marker of
265  some metabolites produced by microorganisms involved during the fruit storage (Angerosa,
266  Lanza & Marsilio, 1996). The above authors indicated that some volatile compounds, such
267  as 2- and 3- methyl butan-1-al, their corresponding alcohols and propionic acid, 2-methyl
268  propionic acid and 3-methyl butanoic acid, are produced. It was observed in the same study
269  a dramatic development of Clostridium sp. and in a lower proportion, of Pseudomonas sp.,
270  which produce branched aldehydes, branched alcohols and their corresponding acids,
271  surpassing in a few days the threshold levels for sensing fusty defect (Angerosa, Lanza &
272  Marsilio, 1996). The possible presence of Acetobacter is responsible, according the same
273  authors, for the vinegary defect because of producing acetic acid. Besides, softening fruits
274  during the storage has been attributed by the same authors to moulds and other
275  microorganisms in rapid growth belonging to Enterobacter sp.

276  Angerosa, Lanza, D'Alessandro, Marsilio, & Cumitini (1999) studied the modifications of
277  volatiles in virgin olive oils by Aspergillus parasiticus and Penicillium nalgioviense,
278  responsible for musty defect. For this purpose, the above authors compared the volatiles of
279  olive oil samples from fresh fruits with those oils extracted from olives inoculated with
280  mould cultures. Their results point out that trans-2-hexenal disappears, as well as the
281  presence of 3-octanol and 1-octen-3-ol, typical metabolites of the inoculated cultures.

282  Meanwhile, yeasts can produce great amounts of ethanol and ethyl acetate, especially with
283  temperature warm, inducing the winey defect (Angerosa et al., 2004). Interesting results
284  were reported by Fakas et al. (2010), which focused on characterising olive fruit microflora
285  and its influence on olive oil volatile compound biogenesis.  Olive fruits of the Greek
286  variety ‘Amfissis’ were stored under industrial conditions, its microflora isolated and
287  identified. The above authors selected moulds, and screened it for production of lipase and
288  lipoxygenase. These last are two enzymes known to act during the biogenesis of olive oil
289  aroma through the lipoxygenase pathway. A Penicillium strain was identified as the most
290  potent enzyme producer, and its production of lipase and lipoxygenase quantified. The
291  authors reported that olive microflora can contribute to the biogenesis of olive oil volatile
292  compounds. Thus, some of its members could potentially be used to increase the olive oil
293  aroma.

294  For understanding why the microorganisms are involved in the olive mill scene, we should
295  point out that a few decades ago it was still frequent storing the olives in large lashings. The
296  cause was they were waiting the moment of grinding, because of the mills’ limits in
297  particular areas (Gutiérrez, R., Dobarganes, M.C., Gutiérrez, F., & Olías, J.M., 1981).
298  Currently the waiting time depends on the extraction method, since the milling rate differs
299  markedly in the methods known as traditional, two-phases, and three phases (Civantos,
300  1999b). When the height of the olive in the pile exceeds certain limits, the lower layers of
301  the product suffer squashing and even crushing. Then, this generates tissue damage, rupture
302  of the fruit’s pericarp and liquid leak, favouring the conditions for acting various
303  microorganisms (Gutiérrez, R., Dobarganes, M.C., Gutiérrez, F., & Olías, J.M., 1981). The
304  circumstances above bound to the presence of the fruit mechanical damage during harvest,
305  formerly performed mostly by shaking the olive trees with chestnut rods, a method
306  increasingly fewer used. The main causes of mechanical damage include unsuitable harvest
307  methods, damage in transport, damage due to singularities in the travel from the receiving
308  hopper to the olive mill, and olive height excess in the piles. However, the compounds
309  produced by microorganisms are not only volatiles, nor only present in the olive piles.

310  Major cause of microbial spoilage, with fruit’s mechanical damage, is the degree of
311  cleaning and the presence of moisture. Contamination with ground or mud is frequent
312  (Alba, 2013). Also olives are normally wet, since the harvest time coincides with the fall, a
313  rainy season in Europe. Therefore, microbes growth in each batch of olives will largely
314  depend on its conditions specific on the above factors.

315  Besides the microbiological contamination after harvesting as well the mechanical damage
316  suffered by the olives before milling, one must see the whole line of olive oil production.
317  After grinding, the master miller, cares on preserving the cleanliness of the different
318  mechanical in contact with the olive paste or the olive oil.

319  One wonders to what extent upgrading the entire production, which is a proven fact from
320  the olive tree flowering to olive oil packaging, has led to improvement of the quality of
321  olive oil. According to data from the Statistical Yearbook (Ministry of Agriculture, 1980-
322  2000) shown in Table 1, the percentage of EVOO from 1980-2000 was relatively stable
323  around 55% of the total. In the middle of the last decade this figure was somehow lower.
324  There are several possible considerations about standards changes, which affect the olive
325  oil quality in the statistics. However, it is objective to say there is a long way to avoid the
326  generation of sensory defects in olive oils within the production itself. We believe that
327  progress in this direction should continue.

328  Critical points in elaborating olive oil

329  It is well known that olive oil free of foreign substances is resistant to microbial spoilage,
330  since it contains polyphenolic compounds with high antimicrobial activity (Cicerale, Lucas
331  & Keast, 2012). Microbial growth is favoured by the presence of other substances in olive
332  oil. These are mainly solid fruit rests and watery fraction, as well any possible
333  contamination from soil that has been able to pass after fruit washing before milling. Then,
334  the chemical changes provide substrate for the microorganism development. These
335  conditions can occur in the following critical points.

336  The mill

337  In the olive mill itself, even after cleaning, traces of moisture, mesocarp, endocarp and
338  seeds may remain. Although the volume inside this is small, this fact may be more common
339  than people thinks, when the cleaning is weak. This waste material affects the next olive
340  batch. An ‘old’ olive paste fraction altered by microorganisms will join the fresh product,
341  with the consequent risk of defect in the final virgin olive oil (Alba, 2013).  Characterising
342  the microorganisms that act at this point and the specific changes they can induce, remains
343  unknown to the best of our knowledge.

344  The beater

345  When the olive paste contains an inoculum microbial, the paste beating is providing the
346  conditions for microbes growth and the related disturbances. Usually the beating
347  temperature recommended is below 30 °C, although depending on the characteristics of the
348  dough this feature can be at higher limits (Civantos, 1999a). Sometimes an excessive
349  temperature of the olive paste beating leads directly to the defect known as burnt or heated,
350  as already mentioned. An olive mass at 30 °C carrying a specific microbial inoculum can
351  remember to wheat flour’s dough voluntarily inoculated with yeast, which kneads in the
352  bread machine. In this case, after 30 minutes fermentation time, the yeast grows and is
353  perceptible. One may think that something similar can happen at a different scale in some
354  fractions of the olive paste. A large gap exists between these two cases, especially for the
355  important capacity of the olive phenolic compounds to inhibit large number of microbial
356  species (Soler-Rivas, Espin & Wichers, 2000). The inoculum necessary can easily come
357  from the mill machine because of the difficulty in cleaning the small areas in the beater.
358  This possible microbial when beating the olive paste remains not described and not
359  quantified, but it is reasonable to think it happens.

360  Trays, sieves and decanter

361  In this case we will focus on the two-phase system, used mainly. Once completed the
362  beaten of olive paste, a pump pushes it into the centrifugation  machinery. The centrifuge
363  must be susceptible of a proper cleaning. However, it is not inconceivable there might be
364  pipe's singularities, difficult to cleaning and potential hot spots prone to microbial growth.

365  After separation of the olive oil from the solid debris and the watery phase within the
366  decanter, the produce passes a series of sieves. Each of these mechanics, the decanter in
367  particular, is susceptible to cleaning defects (Alba, 2013). Worthy is to consider possibility
368  of new machinery designs for an easier cleaning, which could provide valuable
369  improvement. Therefore, foam's appearance in a quantity that depends on the cleanliness is
370  not uncommon, providing a substratum susceptible to alcoholic fermentation. In these
371  circumstances, alcoholic fermentations can produce certain quantities of ethanol or
372  methanol. Thereby providing the necessary substrates to form alkyl esters and for
373  incorporating sensory defects to olive oil (Gómez-Coca, Moreda, & Pérez-Camino, 2012).  
374  As in the precedent mechanic spots, the description and characterisation of the
375  microorganisms acting at these points, and its specific relation with the different olive oil
376  sensory defects remains unreported.
377  Tanks

378  Ideally, the tanks used for olive oil storage from different classes should be free of any
379  material other than olive oil. This means the tanks must be free of contamination from any
380  water fraction or any other matter. However, the olive oil normally has some moisture.
381  Moreover it is usual the condensation of water from the air contained in the tank, due to
382  lowering the environmental temperature, which results in the existence of a watery fraction.
383  This is the ingredient necessary for lipid hydrolysis and free fatty acid (FFA) generation by
384  chemical or enzymatic actions (Alba et al., 1996).  These FFA released can crumble into
385  shorter chain fatty acids, causing bad odours and flavours (Civantos, 1999a). This is the
386  reason it is advisable to replace the air in the empty part of olive oil deposits with nitrogen
387  (Leone, Romaniello, & Tamborrino, 2013).

388  The olive mill’s microbiology

389  The olive pomace and the olive cake has been the subject of intense microbiological
390  research (Maestro, Borja, Martín, Fiestas & Alba, 1991; Borja, Martín, Alonso, García &
391  Banks, 1995; Millán et al., 2000; Borja, Rincon & Raposo, 2006, among many others), thus
392  the existing knowledge is extensive. By contrast, microbiological research within olive oil
393  elaboration, including post-harvest life of olives, is little.

394  Describing the microorganisms involved in inducing olive oil sensory defects within the
395  olive mill, can be useful. Especially about their taxonomic diversity, their specific growth
396  conditions and the sensory defect related. Identifying species affecting each substrate and
397  defining its biology and its final products may be important, as well as the possible specific
398  relation microorganism-defect. It is desirable to increase the awareness on the need of
399  protocols from the perspective of the microbiological hygiene. Ensuring the cleanliness of
400  each mechanic unit in the extraction would allow improving the quality of the olive oil.

401  Can assume that most micro-flora in the mechanic units of the olive mill come from the
402  olive tree. There may be another part from the agro-ecosystem in which the industry is
403  established, soil microorganisms mainly. Olive paste is a medium in which a high number
404  of fungal species is present. An example of this is a recent study in which fifty-three fungi
405  strains were isolated in olive products (Alves, Romo-Sánchez, Úbeda-Iranzo & Briones-
406  Pérez, 2012). The authors found ten different species in the olive paste, followed by the
407  olive fruit and the olive pomace, with five species each. Among all those species, six were
408  typically of olive paste (Penicillium chrysogenum, Rhizopus oryzae, Lichtheimia
409  corymbifera, Penicillium crustosum, Mucor circinelloides and Aspergillus niger), whereas
410  Mucor fragilis was found only in fresh olives and Rhizomucor variabilis var. regularior
411  only in olive pomace. The main objective of such a study was identifying enzymes with
412  potential biotechnological utility, thus no mention olive oil quality.
413  Olives are probably the main vehicle arrival of microbial population to the mill. Yeasts are
414  especially abundant in the olives, with Pseudomonads, lactic acid bacteria and
415  Enterobacteriaceae in a lower account, according to data reported by Tassou, Panagou &
416  Nychas (2010). As well, the microflora of olive fruits of the Greek variety ‘Amfissis’ were
417  studied (Fakas et al., 2010), and a wide number of microbial species reported, as Fusarium
418  spp, Penicillium spp, Aspergillus sp. Rhizopus nigricans, Paecilomyces sp. and Verticillium
419  sp., as well yeasts belonging to the genera of Candida, Cryptococcus, Pichia, Rhodotorula,
420  Debaryomyces, Saccharomycodes and Wickerhamiella. Gram positive bacilli and cocci
421  were also identified, as that from the genera Actinomyces, Corynebacterium, Listeria,
422  Pseudomonas and Vibrio, although only their lipase and lipoxygenase activities were
423  investigated. We must highlight that these data agrees with the importance of ethanol and
424  methanol in muddy, mouldy, fusty and vinegary flavours, before referred (Table 2). It is
425  logical to think there are differences in the microbial population from the olives surface
426  among different geographical origins and varieties. Could be this fact related to some of the
427  sensory characteristics of virgin olive oils?

428  Olive oil contains solid particles and micro-drops of vegetation water which settle during
429  the produce’s storage. Noteworthy is the unfiltered virgin olive oil is found in the market.
430  In fact, avoiding olive oil filtration is reported as desirable for extending olive oil’s shelf
431  life (Frega, Mozzona, & Lercker, 1999). The reason given is the dispersed particles play a
432  double stabilising effect on both oxidative and hydrolytic degradation. However, suspended
433  matter in the olive oil or that deposited on the bottom of the tanks could contribute to
434  fermentation, since the lack of filtering allows moisture to remains in the olive oil, thereby
435  the microbial content can be higher. In fact, Ciafardini & Zullo (2002a) reported that
436  together the suspended material in the olive oil, there are a rich microflora mainly
437  composed of yeasts.  Besides, the same authors shown the partial elimination of the
438  sediments in extra virgin olive oil, carried out with cotton filtration by the bottling
439  companies, allows a significant decrease of the number of micro-organisms.

440  Certain microbial species communicate certain desirable attributes to many foods such as
441  dairy and meat products, bread, wine and other drinks, as well table olives. The question is,
442  could certain virgin olive oils obtain some benefits from microorganisms the way other
443  products do? This sets up a captivating field of research, and there are already some
444  evidences. Some of the virgin olive oil yeast microflora is useful, as they improve the
445  organoleptic characteristics of the olive oil during preservation (Zullo, Cioccia, &
446  Ciafardini, 2010). The same authors point out that other yeasts are harmful, as they can
447  damage the quality of the olive oil through the triglycerides hydrolysis. Yeasts in stored
448  olive oil have been studied (Ciafardini & Zullo, 2002b), showing that oleuropein present in
449  olive oil can be hydrolysed by β-glucosidase from the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and
450  Candida wickerhamii. The authors also noted the absence of lipases in the mentioned
451  yeasts, suggesting their positive contribution to olive oil sensory quality, without altering
452  the triglycerides composition. In the other hand, the influence during olive oil storage on its
453  sensory characteristics of some yeast strains belonging to Candida spp have been recently
454  reported (Zullo, Cioccia, & Ciafardini, 2013). The authors above have shown that all the
455  tested yeasts, used to inoculate EVOO, survived more than four months of storage. In the
456  same work  muddy-sediment, rancid or both defects were found in olive oil samples treated
457  with C. adriatica, C. wickerhamii and C. diddensiae specific strains. In the same study,
458  olive oil samples treated with C. diddensiae strains were defect-free after four months of
459  storage, and still categorized as extra virgin.

460  Therefore it seems obvious that a deeper understanding of the microbiological events which
461  happen in the different steps of the olive oil mills, will be welcome. This would contribute
462  to clarify the influence of microorganisms in shaping the enormous diversity of sensory
463  'fingerprints' of the virgin olive oils.

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% % % %
1980-1985 254,522.33 55.0 191,679.83 41.0 16,284.33 4.0 207,964.17 45.0 462,48
1986-1990 295,103.20 52.4 230,416.00 41.0 37,832.20 7.0 268,248.20 47.6 563,35
1991-1995 310,501.80 58.8 201,188.00 38.0 16,117.80 3.0 217,305.80 41.2 527,80
1996-2000 456,242.00 52.9 345,280.25 40.0 61,482.50 7.0 406,762.75 47.1 863,00
2001-2005 562,518.60 50.3 419,702.80 38.0 136,287.40 12.0 555,990.20 49.7 1118,50
2006-2009 503,936.25 45.4 398,986.50 36.0 207,646.50 19.0 606,633.00 54.6 1110,56
Average 52.5 39.0 8.5 47.5

  Table 1. Virgin olive oil production in Spain (t). EVOO, Extra Virgin Olive Oil; VOO, Virgin Olive
Lampante Olive Oil. All the figures express in yearly averages. (Own data from: Ministry of Agricul
Government of Spain. Olive. In Statistical Yearbook, years 1980-2009 (Chapter 14). Accessed March

Compound OT Muddy Mould Fusty Vinegary

Methanol 33.00a 11.9 11.1 4.7

Ethanol 30.00b,c 29.5 20.1 38.2 16.4
Propanal 0.01d 8.2
1-Propanol 2.60a 5.1
2-Butanol 0.15c 6.9
Ethyl 0.94b 8.4 11.6 73.1
Butyl 0.87a 10.2
Pentanal 0.24e 4.2
Ethylpropio 0.10 b 5.8
Hexanal 0.08 b 19.9
Octane 0.94 b 6.1 13.7
Acetic acid 0.50 b
662  Table 2. Main volatile compounds (%) in olive oil defects patterns due to microbial
663  alteration. Summarized from Procida, Giomo, Cichelli & Conte (2005). OT, odour
664  threshold (mg/Kg). a) Odour thresholds not reported for olive oil, but measured by the
665  triangle odour bag method (Nagata & Takeuchi, 1990). bPurcaro, Cordero, Liberto, Bicchi,

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