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Wall Morphology of Buildings in Puducherry by

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Wall Morphology in Historic Buildings in Pondicherry in

TEKTON: A Journal of Architecture, Urban Design and Planning

Article · September 2018

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2 authors:

Hareesh Haridasan Arun Menon

Indian Institute of Technology Madras Indian Institute of Technology Madras


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Urban Heritage, Structural Health, Conservation, La Mairie de Pondicherry, Wall Morphology

Wall Morphology in Historic

Buildings in Pondicherry

Hareesh Haridasan and Arun Menon Tekton

Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018
pp. 34 - 49

Hareesh Haridasan is a Conservation Arun Menon is Associate Professor of

Architect and a senior project officer with Structural Engineering at IIT Madras. He
National Centre for Safety of Heritage holds a bachelor’s degree in architecture
Structures (NCSHS) at IIT Madras. He (2000), masters in civil engineering (2002)
holds a bachelor’s degree in Architecture and earthquake engineering (2003), and
from University of Mumbai (2010) and PhD in earthquake engineering (2007).
Masters in Architecture and Settlement Conservation He has over 15 years of experience in the field of seismic
from CEPT University, Ahmedabad (2012). He has been engineering and historical monuments and has authored over
associated with INTACH Pondicherry Chapter and 60 technical articles. He is a member of ICOMOS, RILEM, ISET
Development and Research Organisation for Nature, Arts and Expert Member of ISCARSAH. He currently coordinates
and Heritage (DRONAH), Gurgaon. He has been involved the activities of National Centre for Safety of Heritage
in several conservation projects in Rajasthan, Madhya Structures (NCSHS), an MHRD-supported research centre
Pradesh, Punjab, Delhi and Punjab. at IIT-Madras. He has been involved in several conservation
hareesh.haridasan@gmail.com projects in India, The Philippines, Bhutan and Myanmar.


The city of Pondicherry located on the Eastern coast of India, is adorned with rich cultural heritage from
the pre-historic to modern colonial era. The monuments built during the French colonial rule still exist and
are in use. A considerable effort in the field of cultural heritage preservation has been undertaken by the
Government of Pondicherry, ably supported by organizations such as INTACH. Programmes such as Asia -Urbs
helped in preserving the architectural heritage of Pondicherry. The collapse of La Mairie de Pondicherry on 29
November 2014 brought forth issues related to previous conservation efforts. An overall understanding of the
structural typology, material deterioration and distress is essential in understanding the reasons for the collapse
of La Mairie de Pondicherry, and is crucial to ensure the structural health of similar structural typologies in
Pondicherry and for developing an appropriate structural conservation protocol for these buildings.

34 TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018

a b c
Figure 1: (a) Architectural Character of Tamil Town; (b) Layout of Boulevard Town of Pondicherry; (c) Architectural Character
of French Town. (Image Credits – INTACH Pondicherry)

Urban Heritage of Pondicherry returned to the French in 1765 after which,

Pondicherry1 is the French interpretation of there was active reconstruction especially on
the original name ‘Puducheri’. The present the old foundations. (Deloche, 2005).
urban form of Pondicherry came into being
during the extensive French colonial rule. The town is divided into French and Tamil
In the old historical accounts, the town is settlements by a Grand Canal which was
mentioned as either ‘Poduke’ or ‘Vedapuri’. completed in 1788 as a storm water drain,
This settlement had good trading relations marking an informal boundary between the
with Rome and Greece as evident in the two (Deloche, 2005). The French settlement has
archaeological excavations at Arikamedu which a distinct European style akin to the Parisian
is about 4km south of Pondicherry (Arunraj T, villas while the Tamil or indigenous settlement
2009). Under the Chola rule, this town came had more of a vernacular character. These two
to be known as ‘Puducheri’ which means new styles define the cross-cultural heritage that
town in Tamil (INTACH, Pondicherry, 2010). The manifests in Pondicherry (Figure 1).
French established it as their trading port and
subsequently fortified the entire settlement. The French town and Tamil town in
The orthogonal layouts of streets were assumed Pondicherry have distinct architectural
to be in similar lines as the French Bastide characteristics. The techniques of construction
Towns. However recent research points to its
2 incorporated were similar in both towns.The
roots in the master plan made by the Dutch French town, which developed along the
for the development of Pondicherry in 1694 coastal zone of Pondicherry, has two major
(Deloche, 2005). After the siege in 1761, the typologies namely the public buildings and
British destroyed this town. It was however residential buildings while the Tamil town

TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018 35

Hareesh Haridasan and Arun Menon

a b
Figure 2: (a) La Mairie de Pondicherry before collapse; (b) Condition of verandah before collapse
(Image Credits – NCSHS, IIT Madras)

was mostly residential. Bricks and timber for preservation of cultural heritage in
were the most preferred building material; Pondicherry. Preservation efforts such as Asia-
whereas stone had limited usage (INTACH, Urbs Programme4 has been able to etch the
Pondicherry, 2010). idea of built and cultural heritage preservation
among the stakeholders. Some notable
The structures in French town have load- outcomes of these efforts were the restoration
bearing walls with lime or mud mortar as of Hotel de L`Orient and Vysial Street
binding agents. The ceiling system comprises restoration – awarded the coveted UNESCO
of steel or timber beams and joists with Madras Asia Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage
Terrace Roofing. Madras Terrace Roofing is Conservation- Outstanding Project in year 2000
a system in which brick on edge with lime and Award for Merit in year 2008, respectively.5
mortar is laid on closely spaced timber joists
(BIS 2119:1980, 1980). This system is popular The collapse of La Mairie de Pondicherry on
and most commonly used roofing system 29 November 2014, a listed heritage structure
here. Arches and pillars are constructed in undergoing restoration (TNN, 2014), brought
brickwork. The use of timber in French town forth issues related to previous conservation
houses is limited to the roofing system. A efforts. An overall understanding of the
similar structural system was incorporated structural typology, material deterioration
in Tamil town but the variation is in the and distress is essential in understanding
composition of spaces. the reasons for the collapse of La Mairie
de Pondicherry, and is crucial to ensure
Heritage Conservation Efforts the structural health of similar structural
The built heritage of Pondicherry is categorized typologies in Pondicherry and for developing
under un-protected monuments. Government 3
an appropriate structural conservation
of Pondicherry along with support from protocol for these buildings.
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such
as Indian National Trust for Art Culture and This paper attempts firstly, to examine
Heritage (INTACH) has taken up the mantle and analyse possible causes of distress

36 TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018

Wall Morphology in Historic
Buildings in Pondicherry

Figure 3: La Mairie de Pondicherry after collapse (Image Credits – NCSHS, IIT Madras)

and collapse of La Mairie de Pondicherry collapsed while the work was in progress
specifically with reference to wall (Figure 3) (TNN, 2014).
morphology and secondly, to put forward
a case for a proper condition assessment of The structure of the La Mairie de Pondicherry
similar heritage structures in Pondicherry. was composed of load-bearing masonry walls.
The floor and roof were made of Madras Terrace
1. The Collapse of La Mairie de construction supported by timber and steel
Pondicherry joists. Steel joists were predominantly used in
Hotel de Ville or La Mairie de Pondicherry larger central rooms while timber joists were
(as it was called) dated back to 1870-71. used in other rooms.
This building was listed as Grade 1 heritage
structure (INTACH, Pondicherry, 2012). This For the masonry work, brickwork in mud mortar
building was located on the Goubert Avenue was interlaced with vertical and horizontal
in the French Town and it was used earlier bands of brickwork in lime mortar. The bands of
as Town Hall and subsequently it housed the brickwork in mud mortar were typically 70-80
Municipality of Pondicherry. The building cm in height, whereas those in lime mortar were
possessed architectural characters akin to 30 cm in height. The brickwork of the arches or
French colonial buildings in the precinct. at positions near floors and at the boundary of
openings was typically in lime mortar as bonding
This 147 years old structure showed distress material. The bands of masonry in lime mortar
due to improper maintenance. Most of the were possibly meant to provide confinement to
structural elements were distressed. The the weaker portion of the wall, i.e. brickwork in
distress was caused due to moisture and mud mortar. The masonry walls were originally
plaster had decayed severely. Cracks were plastered from the exterior and interior in lime.
observed on the masonry as well as on the The structure did not have a damp-proofing
Madras Terrace Floor (Figure 2). The structure course, which meant moisture from the ground
of historical and architectural landmark value would rise up through the masonry walls by
was taken up for repair and restoration but capillary action.

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Hareesh Haridasan and Arun Menon

Figure 4: Load bearing masonry wall portions from the debris showing thick cement plaster.
(Image Credits – NCSHS, IIT Madras)

In past two decades when the structure was The Reasons for the Collapse of La Mairie
in service, renovation works were undertaken The collapse of the La Mairie de Pondicherry
by the Public Works Department (PWD) has been understood to have occurred after the
-Government of Puduchery in which the removal of the cement plaster on the interior
brickwork was plastered from the exterior and face of one of the primary load-bearing walls
interior with a thick layer of cement plaster.
The thick cement plaster was on
Figure 4 illustrates the presence of a thick
one hand trapping the moisture
cement plaster. For a structural masonry wall in
within the walls and on the other
brickwork with mud mortar and lime mortar,
hand, was playing a structural role
with no damp-proofing course and subjected
by confining the weakened walls
to rising dampness by capillary action, the
and sustaining the load-carrying
impervious layer of cement plastering is a
capacity of the wall.
serious hazard as it does not permit the rising
dampness to evaporate through the wall in the north-south axis. The removal of the
plaster. Original plastering in lime or mud cement plaster approximately 4 cm thick lead
would have permitted exit of moisture from to compression failure in the load-bearing
the walls, owing to the porosity of the plaster, walls. This is confirmed by the formation of
thereby keeping the masonry wall in good vertical cracks and bulging of plaster, which is
structural health (Figure 5). Moreover, regular a very rare phenomenon. Cement plastering
refurbishment of the plaster and repointing of being impervious, would trap the moisture,
bed-joint mortar are essential in such walls as and retain it within the masonry walls which
the cyclic process of escape of moisture leads were laid in mud mortar and lime mortar. Wet
to deterioration of plaster and bedding mortar, mud has poor or no compressive strength; wet
the sacrificial layer (NCSHS, 2015). compressive strength of bricks is also lower
than the dry compressive strength.

38 TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018

Wall Morphology in Historic
Buildings in Pondicherry

a b
Figure 5: (a) Illustration showing behavior of moisture in brick masonry with mud/lime plaster;
(b): Illustration showing moisture blocked in brickwork and plaster interface due to cement plaster

The thick cement plaster was on one hand Examination of the base and plinth of the
trapping the moisture within the walls and wall that collapsed first shows no discernible
on the other hand, was playing a structural signs of crushing at the base, implying that
role by confining the weakened walls and the crushing failure of the brick masonry at
sustaining the load-carrying capacity of the approximately one meter above the finished
wall. The use of cement plastering in such a ground level caused the collapse of the wall.
building can be described as the single-most This subsequently triggered the collapse of the
deleterious intervention that gradually led to floor and adjoining walls. The foundation of
the structural failure of the building (NCSHS, the structure in brickwork with lime mortar
2015). Thick rich cement plaster has clearly and random rubble masonry with lime
been observed in the load-bearing walls of the mortar was in excellent condition even after
Mairie building (refer Figure 4). Possibly, the the structural failure.
confinement provided by the cement plaster
layer to a highly deteriorated brick wall in mud Compression tests on brickwork in lime mortar
mortar was so critical as to lead to collapse on extracted from the collapsed structure, carried
de-plastering. out at the Structural Engineering Laboratory
of IIT Madras, showed that the compressive
There is some documentary evidence of 6 strength of the masonry was of the order of 2.0
structural failure of mud walls during removal N/mm2 (20 kg/cm2), which is a lower bound
of rich cement plaster from these walls. It is value for solid clay brickwork with lime mortar.
understood from the adobe structures in the The dry compressive strength of the brickwork
New Mexico region, that cement plastering with mud mortar would have been less than
adopted in these mud constructions (in place of 1.0 N/mm2 (10 kg/cm2); however, this was not
original mud plastering) had detrimental effects tested (NCSHS, 2015).
on the structural health of these walls (D`Ayala
& Benzoni, 2012).

TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018 39

Hareesh Haridasan and Arun Menon

a b
Figure 6:(a) Load bearing walls with partially removed plaster; (b) Delamination and bulging of plaster due to crushing
failure. (Image Credits – INTACH Pondicherry)

a b
Figure 7:(a) Distressed beam in upper floor of Pensionnat de Jeunes Filles; (b) View of Courtyard of Pensionnat de Jeunes Filles
(Image Credits – NCSHS, IIT Madras)

40 TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018

Wall Morphology in Historic
Buildings in Pondicherry

Figure 8:Masonry Core section from the school Pensionnat de Jeunes Filles.

TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018 41

Hareesh Haridasan and Arun Menon

Figure 9:Masonry Core section from the VOC Government High School.

Figure 10: Masonry core section of Calve College

42 TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018

Wall Morphology in Historic
Buildings in Pondicherry

a b
Figure 11:(a) Deterioration due to water seepage; (b) Verandah with later addition of Calve College
(Image Credits – NCSHS, IIT Madras)

2. Condition Assessment in Similar the supervision of experts from National

Historic Buildings Centre for Safety of Heritage Strucutres
The collapse of Le Mairie resulted in a need for (NCSHS) at IIT Madras. The core size and
condition assessment of structures with similar location were selected with focus on for
characters (Figure 7), namely the Pensionnat- understanding the wall morphology rather
De Jeunes Filles Government High School, than determining strength of masonry.
V.O. Chidambaranar Government Higher The locations were chosen to verify if the
Secondary School, Calve College Government masonry were of similar pattern as Le Mairie.
Higher Secondary School, Ecole Francaise Surfaces with varying plaster finish (cement
d`Extreme- Orient (EFEO – Pondicherry Centre) as well as lime) were selected. The purpose
and Old Lighthouse on Goubert Avenue. These of extraction was to study the morphology
structures were in use and categorized under of the walls. Two methods namely wet and
institutional as well as utility typology. These dry core extraction was deployed. The core
structures were undergoing the process of samples were extracted using HILTI Power Core
decay and thus investigation was initiated drilling machines and samples varied from
by custodians of these properties namely 4 cm to 7.5 cm in diameter. The core samples
Directorate of School Education, Government thus extracted were thoroughly documented.
of Puducherry for school buildings, EFEO –
Wet Core Extraction from School
Pondicherry Centre for and Central Excise and
Service Tax, Pondicherry Commissionerate for
The chosen schools – Pensionnat de Jeunes
Old Lighthouse respectively.
Filles Government High school, V.O.C School
Core Extraction to Study Morphology and Calve College are listed as Grade II-A
of Walls heritage structure (INTACH, Pondicherry,
As part of initial investigation, core samples 2012). These structures share similar
were extracted from all these buildings under architectural and structural systems as Le

TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018 43

Hareesh Haridasan and Arun Menon

Figure 12: Masonry core section of Old Lighthouse Building.

Figure 13: Masonry core section of EFEO Building.7

44 TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018

Wall Morphology in Historic
Buildings in Pondicherry

Mairie. Wet coring process was followed for of drill bit. The biggest advantage is that it
these structures (Figures 8, 9 10). The core preserves the core section. The information
samples extracted were of 4 cm and 6.5 of wall morphology helped in analyzing the
cm. Core extraction is a powered process condition of masonry.
in which heat is generated. Wet coring is
preferred in order to keep the machine 2. The purpose of extracting core section
cooled and the blades clean when it is in was to identify wall morphology and not
use. However, the water jet is sufficient to for estimating strength of masonry. It may
wash out the mud mortar and could lead to be noted that for determining compressive
moisture ingress in masonry. This issue of strength of masonry wallettes are typically
binding mortar washing out is not noticed in extracted and not cores as in case of concrete
cement or lime mortar. structures. The extracted core is used to
identify the masonry typology, its constituents
Dry Core Extraction from Other Buildings and condition of unit and binder. Based on
Apart from these school buildings, Ecole Francaise this information on the masonry morphology,
d`Extreme- Orient (EFEO – Pondicherry Centre) correlation with existing databases of masonry
on Dumas Street and Old Lighthouse on Goubert is made to determine possible residual
Avenue were two other buildings whose condition strengths of the masonry for carrying out a
was assessed subsequently. Wet-core technique quantitative assessment of safety.
was employed in the three school buildings
as well as in the Mairie Building. A conscious 3. The information derived from core
approach in examining the wall section of EFEO extraction was helpful in decision making
and Old Lighthouse structures was adopted. A process for conservation of these buildings.
dry core technique was adopted in this case to As far as the three school buildings were
avoid washout of mortar (Figure 12, 13). Dry concerned, condition assessment along with
core technique is a time consuming exercise information of wall morphology helped
and it could result in quicker wear and tear of in deciding whether the schools were in a
machine. A core of diameter 7 cm was extracted serviceable condition or not. As regards to
from the masonry. The quality of masonry bed the EFEO building, based on the identified
joints was assessed thoroughly through this typology (similar to Mairie building) decision
exercise. It was observed that here too similar was taken not to load the structure further
intervention strategies as seen in other buildings with new additions. While in case of the Old
were adopted i.e use of cement plaster as render. Lighthouse this investigation helped us in
understanding different layers which existed
Inference in that building. It helped in clearly identifying
1. Wet coring process resulted in washout the historic layer and later additions.
of all loose materials and lead to moisture
ingress in the masonry. Dry coring process
is an appropriate method except being time
consuming and causing faster wear and tear

TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018 45

Hareesh Haridasan and Arun Menon

Relevance of Knowledge on Wall 3. A cautious approach must be adopted while

Morphology intervening on historic masonry structures.
1. The collapse of La Mairie de Pondicherry Intervention on plaster surfaces should be with
put forth questions regarding the structural extreme care and after thorough examination.
conservation practices adopted by stakeholders
The collapse of La Mairie de
and professionals in conservation projects
Pondicherry and Devaraja Market in
of this magnitude. The assessment of the
Mysuru during conservation work are
structural typology of La Mairie asserts that
a case in point demonstrating the
an inherent weakness existed in the massive
need for more rigorous investigation
masonry walls due to improper care. Such
protocols prior to commencement of a
structural typology if it were to be kept in
conservation project.
good health, regular repointing and plastering/
rendering with compatible materials is Before preparing the Detailed Project Report
essential, particularly not creating impervious (DPR), there is need for an investigative phase
layers. The introduction of cement plaster on with adequate scientific collection of data.
the brick masonry walls had severe impacts This phase has to be formalized prior to
leading to decay and penultimate collapse. The commencement of work.
removal of cement plaster triggered the entire
collapse as it was performing the structural role 4. Removing plaster without assessment must
in the load bearing capacity of the masonry be avoided. Removal if needed should be
walls. These walls did not show any external undertaken with proper guidance and executed
signs of distress during inspections prior to only in segments. Actions due to water ingress
collapse. Only distress that was visible was in masonry walls have been a serious concern.
issue of rising dampness. This entire exercise It has been the cause of maximum decay
has many important lessons for professionals in majority of historic masonry structures.
involved in built heritage preservation. However, it should be emphasized that
the structural health of such typologies
2. The health of such structures should be can be assured with regular maintenance
monitored periodically. A thorough condition and refurbishment of bed-joint mortars by
assessment and documentation of material repointing, and plaster.
extant should lead to the choice of intervention
strategy. The level of decay should be 5. A plaster detail for effective escape of
thoroughly analyzed and documented. The trapped moisture content in masonry should
architectural documentation should have be incorporated in the intervention. In public
clarity in understanding of layers. This clarity buildings in India, a practice is adopted
should reflect in the architectural drawings wherein a 10-15 mm patch of plaster is
with clear distinction between extant of removed and exposed. This uniform patch
materials being documented along with above skirting would serve as an outlet for
importance of cross sections. moisture to evaporate.

46 TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018

Wall Morphology in Historic
Buildings in Pondicherry

6. Developing a maintenance protocol, periodic Notes:

structural health monitoring of distressed zone,
The official name of town and state is now Puduchery.
In this paper the name Pondicherry refers to the
documenting the distress zone, developing
Boulevard Town/ Municipality of Pondicherry (http://
sensitive intervention details should be form a
part of the intervention strategy incorporated
by the stakeholders. 2
Bastide towns refer to the fortified medieval
settlements in France.
A cultural heritage preservation project
In India, built heritage is broadly categorized into
Central protected, State protected and un-protected
should encompass a detailed investigative
monuments. Protected monuments come under the
phase for documenting geometry, structural
purview of Ancient Monuments and Archaeological
typology and distresses. The collapse of La Sites and Remains Act -1958 or similar act by respective
Mairie de Pondicherry and Devaraja Market State governments. Unprotected monuments are
in Mysuru during conservation work are a the ones not coming under the Central or State
case in point demonstrating the need for government`s protection;

more rigorous investigation protocols prior

Conservation initiative supported by European
to commencement of a conservation project.
Commission, “Achieving Economic and Environmental
The investigation should not be limited to goals through Heritage Preservation initiatives (2003).
visual observation only. It should encompass
a complete understanding in typology along 5
Data retrived from - http://www.unescobkk.org/culture/
with morphological composition and it should wh/asia-pacific-heritage-awards/previous-heritage-
adapt a quantitative approach to assessment
and http://www.unescobkk.org/culture/wh/
of safety levels. Without a through diagnostic
assessment, especially on masonry structures awards-2000-2013/2000/award-winners/2000mr1/
the conservation strategy developed could be
piecemeal and can lead to accelerated decay or 6
A similar collapse scenario was identified in adobe
deterioration of cultural heritage properties. structures (mud constructions) in the New Mexico
region of USA and traditional adobe constructions in
The authors wish to place on record their gratitude to
Figure 8, 9,10,12,13 are based on documentation
INTACH Pondicherry for the base drawings of all the
drawings prepared by INTACH, Pondicherry Chapter.
buildings studied. Special thanks to Ecole Francaise
D`Extreme Orient (EFEO) Pondicherry, Central Excise
Wallettes refer to small thin masonry wall which are
and Service Tax, Pondicherry Commissionerate, Public
used for
Works Department, Government of Puducherry and
Directorate of School Education, Government of
Puducherry for their support in the study.
Arunraj T. (2009). Arikamedu and its Satellite
Settlements : A Settlement Pattern Study.
Unpublished PhD Thesis, Karnatak University.
Dharwad, Karnataka, India.

TEKTON: Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2018 47

Hareesh Haridasan and Arun Menon

BIS 2119:1980. (1980). Code of Practice for Construciton of Deloche, J. (2007). Pondicherry: Past and Present.
Brick cum Concrete Composite (Madras Terrace) Roof and Pondicherry: EFEO Pondicherry and Institut Francais
Floor. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards. de Pondichery.

D`Ayala, D., & Benzoni, G. (2012). Historic and Gupta, D. (2007). India, Conservation Briefs : Identification
Traditional Structures during the 2010 Chile and Documentation of Built Heritage in. New Delhi:
Earthquake: Observations, Codes, and Conservation INTACH (UK) Trust.
Strategies. Earthquake Spectra 28(S1), S425-S451.
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. Nair, R. B. (2017). The Mairie: A lost heritage . The
Hindu. May 31, 2017.
Deloche, J. (2005). Le Vieux Pondichery (1673-1824)
Revisite d`Apres les Plans Anciens. Pondicherry: EFEO Philip, A. (2014). Restoring a stately legacy . The Hindu.
Pondicherry and Institut Francais de Pondichery. December 17, 2014.
Philip, A. (2016). Mairie poses challenge and
Express News Service. (2016). Mysuru’s 125-yr-old opportunity. The Hindu. January 27, 2016.
Devaraja market structure collapses, none injured.
The New Indian Express. August 29, 2016. Rajasekaran, S. (2015). Retracing roots of Puducherry
and knowing its culture. The Hindu. August 10, 2015.
INTACH, Pondicherry. (2010). Architectural Heritage of
Pondicherry. Pondicherry: Indian National Trust for Art Special Correspondent. (2016). Devaraja Market
Culture and Heritage (INTACH) Pondicherry Chapter. collapse: authorities prepare for dismantling
structure. The Hindu. August 29, 2016.
INTACH, Pondicherry. (2012). Listed Heritage Buildings
in the Boulevard Town of Pondicherry: French and
Tamil Precinct. Pondicherry: INTACH Pondicherry;

NCSHS. (2015). Report on Structural Safety of Schools in

Heritage Buildings: a) Pensionnat de Jeunes Filles Government
High School, b) Calve College Govt Higher Secondary
School and c) VOC Government Higher Secondary School.
Chennai: National Centre for Safety of Heritage
Structures(NCSHS), IIT Madras.

TNN. (2014). 143-yr-old historic Mairie building

collapses in incessant rain in Puducherry. The Times of
India. November 30, 2014.

TNN. (2016). Part of Devaraja Market collapses. The

Times of India. August 29, 2016.

Additional Sources:
Chawla, N. (2012). A heritage, all at sea . The Hindu.
August 16, 2012.

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