Switchgear and Protection Microproject
Switchgear and Protection Microproject
Switchgear and Protection Microproject
Semester V
Submitted By
Mr. Yogesh S. Khandare
Mr.Himanshu.V Khobragade
Mr. Piyush K.Yeraballi
Project Guide-
Prof. P.G. Bhende
1 Abstract 7
2 Introduction to protection 8
3 Necessity of protection 9
4 Requirements of protection 10
5 Types of faults 11
6 Some other causes of 12
electrical faults
Selectivity: - Selectivity is the ability of the protective system to select correctly the
faulty part of the system and disconnect the faulty part without disturbing rest of the
system. And in order to provide selectivity to the system entire
Speed: - The protective relays must operate at the required speed. There must
be a correct coordination provided in various power system protection relays in
such a way that for fault at one portion of the system should not disturb other
healthy portion. Fault current may flow through a part of healthy portion since
they are electrically connected but relays associated with that healthy portion
should not be operated faster than the relays of faulty portion otherwise
undesired interruption of healthy system may occur. Again if relay associated
with faulty portion is not operated in proper time due to any defect in it or other
reason, then only the next relay associated with the healthy portion of the system
must be operated to isolate the fault. Hence it should neither be too slow which
may result in damage to the equipment nor should it be too fast which may
result in undesired operation.
Weather conditions: It includes lighting strikes, heavy rains, heavy winds, salt
deposition on overhead lines and conductors, snow and ice accumulation on
transmission lines, etc. These environmental conditions interrupt the power supply
and also damage electrical installations.
Equipment failures: Various electrical equipments like generators, motors,
transformers, reactors, switching devices, etc causes short circuit faults due to
malfunctioning, ageing, insulation failure of cables and winding. These failures
result in high current to flow through the devices or equipment which further
damages it.
Human errors: Electrical faults are also caused due to human errors such as
selecting improper rating of equipment or devices, forgetting metallic or electrical
conducting parts after servicing or maintenance, switching the circuit while it is
under servicing, etc.
Smoke of fires: Ionization of air, due to smoke particles, surrounding the overhead
lines results in spark between the lines or between conductors to insulator. This
flashover causes insulators to lose their insulting capacity due to high voltages.
Symmetrical fault
These are very severe faults and occur infrequently in the power systems. These
are also called as balanced faults and are of two types namely line to line to line
to ground (L-L-L-G) and line to line to line (L-L-L). Only 2-5 percent of system
faults are symmetrical faults. If these faults occur, system remains balanced but
results in severe damage to the electrical power system equipments. Above
figure shows two types of three phase symmetrical faults. Analysis of these faults
is easy and usually carried by per phase basis. Three phase fault analysis or
information is required for selecting set-phase relays, rupturing capacity of the
circuit breakers and rating of the protective switchgear.
Unsymmetrical faults
These are very common and less severe than symmetrical faults. There are
mainly three types namely line to ground (L-G), line to line (L-L) and double
line to ground (LL-G) faults Line to ground fault (L-G) is most common fault
and 65-70 percent of faults are of this type.
It causes the conductor to make contact with earth or ground. 15 to 20 percent of
faults are double line to ground and causes the two conductors to make contact
with ground. Line to line faults occur when two conductors make contact with
each other mainly while swinging of lines due to winds and 5- 10 percent of the
faults are of this type.
These are also called unbalanced faults since their occurrence causes unbalance
in the system. Unbalance of the system means that that impedance values are
different in each phase causing unbalance current to flow in the phases. These
are more difficult to analyze and are carried by per phase basis similar to three
phase balanced faults.
Effect of electrical faults
Over current flow: When fault occurs it creates a very low impedance path for
the current flow. This results in a very high current being drawn from the supply,
causing tripping ofrelays, damaging insulation and components of the equipments.
Danger to operating personnel: Fault occurrence can also cause shocks to
individuals. Severity of the shock depends on the current and voltage at fault
location and even may lead to death.
Loss of equipment: Heavy current due to short circuit faults result in the
components being burnt completely which leads to improper working of equipment
or device. Sometimes heavy fire causes complete burnout of the equipments.
Disturbs interconnected active circuits: Faults not only affect the location at
which they occur but also disturbs the active interconnected circuits to the faulted
• Electricalfires: Short circuit causes flashovers and sparks due to the ionization of air
between two conducting paths which further leads to fire as we often observe in news
such as building and shopping complex fires.
Fault statistics
Fault limiting devices
It is possible to minimize causes like human errors, but not environmental changes.
Fault clearing is a crucial task in power system network. If we manage todisrupt or break
the circuit when fault arises, it reduces the considerable damage to the equipments and
also property.
Some of these fault limiting devices include fuses, circuit breakers, relays, etc. and
are discussed below.
It is the primary protecting device. It is a thin wire enclosed in a casing or glasswhich
connects two metal parts. This wire melts when excessive current flows in circuit. Type
of fuse depends on the voltage at which it is to operate. Manual replacement of wire
is necessary once it blowout.
Types of fuse:
DC Fuses.
AC Fuses.
Cartridge Fuses.
D – Type Cartridge Fuse.
HRC (High Rupturing Capacity) Fuse oil Link type Cartridge Fuse.
High Voltage Fuses.
Automotive, Blade type & Bolted type Fuses.
SMD Fuses (Surface Mount Fuse), Chip, Radial, and Lead Fuses.
Circuit breaker:
It makes the circuit at normal as well as breaks at abnormal conditions. It causes
automatic tripping of the circuit when fault occurs. It can be electromechanical
circuit breaker like vacuum / oil circuit breakers etc, or ultrafast electronic circuit
Types of circuit breaker:
It is condition based operating switch. It consists of magnetic coil and normally
opens and closed contacts. Fault occurrence raises the current which energizes
relay coil, resulting in the contacts to operate so the circuit is interrupted from
flowing of current. Protective relays are of different types like impedance relays,
mho relays, etc.
Types of relays:
1. Differential.
2. Unbalance.
3. Neutral displacement.
4. Directional.
5. Restricted earth fault.
6. Over fluxing.
7. Distance schemes.
8. Bus bar protection.
9. Reverse power relays.
10. Loss of excitation.
11. Negative phase sequence relays etc.
1. Current relays.
2. Voltage relays.
3. Frequency relays.
4. Power relays etc
5. Buchholz relay
Lighting power protection devices:
These include lighting arrestors and grounding devices to protect the system against
lighting and surge voltages
Types of lightning protection devices:
Lightning arrestor
Primary protection
The primary protection scheme ensures fast and selective clearing of any
circuit fault within the boundaries of the circuit element, that the zone is required
to protect. Primary Protection as a rule is provided for each section of an
electrical installation. It is a first line of defense for our system, very sensitive,
the fault clearing time and the current setting value is lesser as compared with
back up protection. It is responsible for all system protection. Always the
primary protection is having the relay co-coordination of tripping before the
backup protection. Example: Restricted Earth Fault, Differential protection etc.
Reasons for primary protection failure:
are commonly used for monitoring battery voltage conditions, but can be used in
any application where dc voltage level is critical. Whenever the Battery voltage
reaches abnormal condition the DC tripping relay works in order to protect the
other protective equipment’s relay coil. DC tripping voltage system is mainly
used in sensitive equipment like alternator control circuit and protective circuit,
high voltage Power transformer protective circuit, turbine control panel etc.
3. Protective relays- Relays’ malfunctioning.
Refer above scheme; here the relays C, D, G and H are primary relays
while A, B, I and J are the backup relays. Normally backup relays trips the
circuit breaker, if primary relay fails. So if the primary relay E fails to trip, then
backup relays A and B get tripped. The backup relays and associated backup
relaying equipments are physically apart from the faulty equipment.
The backup relays A and B provide backup protection for fault at station K.
Also the backup relays at A and F provide the backup protection for the faults
in line DB. The backup relaying often provides primary protection when the
primary relays are out of service for repairs. It is obvious that when the backup
relay operates, the larger part of the system is disconnected the important
requirement of backup relaying is that it must operate with sufficient time
delay so that the primary relaying is given a chance to operate. Also the backup
relays should be coordinated with the primary relays. When fault occurs,
both the type of relays starts Relaying operation but primary is expected to
trip first and backup will then reset without having had time to complete its
relaying operation. When the given set of relays provides the backup
protection for several adjacent system elements then the slowest primary
relaying of any of those will determine the necessary time delay of the given
backup relays.
Types of backup protection:
Relays backup protection: Single circuit breaker is used to for both primary
and backup relays.
Breaker Backup protection: Separate circuit breakers are used for both
protections in the same station.
Remote backup protection: one breaker for primary protection in one station
and then another breaker for backup protection in another station.
1. Principles of Power System Mehta V.K; Rohit Mehta . S.Chand and Co.,
New Delhi. 2016 ISBN: 978-81-2192-496-2.
2. Switchgear and Protection Rao.Sunil S. Khanna Publishers, New Delhi,
2015 ISBN: 978-81-7409-232-3.
3. Switchgear and Power System Protection Singh, R. P. PPII Learning,
New Delhi,2015 ISBN: 978-81-203-3660-5.
4. Switchgear and Protection Gupta. J. B. S. K. Kataria and Sons, New
Delhi, 2015ISBN: 978-93-5014-372-8.
5. Switchgear and Protection Veerapan, N., Krishnamurty, S. R. S .Chand
and Co., New Delhi. 2014 ISBN: 978-81-2193-212-7.
6. Power System Protection and Switchgear Ram, Badri Vishwakarma D. N.
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. 2015 ISBN : 978-07-107774-X