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Reviewer in Pr1 Qtr3

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Reviewer in Practical Research 1_Qtr 3 investigation about people’s thoughts, beliefs, feelings,

views, and lifestyles regarding the object of the study.

Characteristics of Research
(Cristobal & Cristobal, 2017) Quantitative research involves measurement of data.
Thus, it presents research findings referring to the
1. Research should be systematic. - The researcher number of frequencies of something in numerical forms
needs to carry out a series of interrelated steps in like using percentages, fractions and numbers.
conducting the study.
2. Research should be objective. - The researcher Types of Qualitative Research
needs to present information that are purely based on
truths. 1. Case Study - This type of qualitative research usually
3. Research should be feasible. - The researcher needs takes place in the field of social care, nursing,
to consider the possibility and practicality of conducting psychology, rehabilitation centers, education, etc. This
the proposed study. involves a long-time study of a person, group,
4. Research should be empirical. - The researcher organization, or situation. It seeks to find answers to
needs to employ appropriate methods, either why such thing occurs to the subject
quantitatively or qualitatively, to produce evidence- 2. Ethnography - Falling in the field of anthropology,
based information. ethnography is the study of a particular cultural group to
5. Research should be clear. - The researcher needs to get a clear understanding of its organizational set-up,
use comprehensible language to present information and internal operation, and lifestyle.
convey explanation throughout the research process. 3. Phenomenology - Coming from the word
“phenomenon,” which means something known through
Characteristics of Research (LAS) sensory experience, phenomenology refers to the study
of how people find their experiences meaningful.
4. Content and Discourse - Analysis Content analysis
1. Accuracy. It must give a precise, exact or accurate
is a method of quantitative research that requires an
data, every entry should honestly, and appropriately
analysis or examination of the substance or content of
documented or acknowledged.
the mode of communication (letters, books, journals,
2. Objectiveness. It must deal with facts, should
photos, video recordings, SMS, online messages, emails,
objectively look at the basis on which the work is
audio-visual materials, etc.) used by a person, group,
organization, or any institution in communicating.
3. Timeliness. It must work on a topic that is fresh, new
5. Historical - Analysis Central to this qualitative
and interesting to the present society.
research method is the examination of primary
4. Clarity. It must succeed in expressing its central
documents to make you understand the connection of
point, by using simple, direct, concise and correct
past events to the present time.
6. Grounded - Theory Grounded theory takes place
5. Relevance. Its topic must be useful in improving our
when you discover a new theory to underlie your study
society or in solving a particular problem that affecting
at the time of data collection and analysis. Through your
the lives of people in the community.
observation on your subjects, you will happen to find a
6. Systematic. It must take a place in an organized or
theory that applies to your current study.
orderly manner.
Advantages or Strengths of Qualitative Research
Types of Research
1. It adopts a naturalistic approach to its subject matter,
1. Descriptive Research- this type of research aims at
which means that those involve in the research
defining or giving a verbal portrayal or picture of a
understand things based on what they find meaningful.
person, thing, event, group, situation, etc.
2. It promotes a full understanding of human behavior or
2. Correlational research- a correlational research
personality traits in their natural setting.
shows relationships or connectedness of two factors,
3. It is instrumental for positive societal changes.
circumstances, or agents called variables that affect the
4. It engenders respect for people’s individuality as it
demands the researcher’s careful and attentive stand
3. Explanatory Research- this type of research
toward people’s world views.
elaborates or explains not just the reasons behind the
5. It is a way of understanding and interpreting social
relationship f two factors, but also the ways by which
such relationship exists.
6. It increases the researcher’s interest in the study as it
4. Exploratory Research- an exploratory research’s
includes the researcher’s experience or background
purpose is to find out how reasonable or possible it is to
knowledge in interpreting verbal and visual data.
conduct a research study on a certain topic.
7. It offers multiple ways of acquiring and examining
5. Action Research- this type of research studies an knowledge about something.
ongoing practice of a school, organization, community,
or institution for the purpose of obtaining results that Disadvantages or Weaknesses of Qualitative
will bring improvements in the system. Research
1. It involves a lot of researcher’s subjectivity in data
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods analysis.
2. It is hard to know the validity or reliability of the data.
Qualitative research requires non-numerical data, 3. Its open-ended questions yield “data overload” that
which means that the research uses words rather than requires long-time analysis.
numbers to express the results, the inquiry, or 4. It is time-consuming.
5. It involves several processes, which results greatly
depend on the researcher’s views or interpretations. 1. Population – According to Majid (2018), this stands
for the entire pool from which the sample is drawn.
CONSIDERATIONS IN FORMULATING THE 2. Research Locale – It refers to the particular location
RESEARCH PROBLEM where the study is conducted.
3. Specific Duration - This stands for the exclusive
External Criteria time frame when the research is conducted.
4. Research Method – This refers to the systematic plan
Novelty – This refers to the practical value of the for conducting research which includes strategies,
problem due to its “newness” in the field of inquiry process, techniques, and procedures for collecting and
Availability of subjects – This refers to the people with analyzing data (MacDonald and Headlam 2008).
the desired capability and willingness to participate in 5. Protocols Followed. This refers to the standard
the study. procedure, system, or rules that you follow in gathering
Support of the academic community – This refers to data. It can be the permission in the conduct of the study,
the assistance given by the members of the institution, communication letter to the respondents, or agreement
like the principal, teachers, staff, students, and the on the conduct of interview.
parents, in the gathering of data and defraying the cost 6. Data Gathering Procedure - This refers to the step-
of the study. by-step procedures that you employ before and during
Availability and adequacy of facilities and equipment the data gathering.
– Devices such as computers, and telephones used in 7. Instrument - These are measurement devices that
undertaking the study must be considered. you use in your research. It can be in a form of test,
Ethical considerations – These include the avoidance survey, questionnaire, and the like.
of research problems that pose unethical demands on the 8. Data Analysis -These are the systematical processes
part of the research participants you employ to describe or interpret your data.

Internal Criteria The Research Phase

Experience, training, and qualifications of the

researcher – These constitute the researcher’s
knowledge and expertise as a result of experience and
Motivation, interest, intellectual curiosity, and
perceptiveness of the researcher – These are essential
attitudes that bring anticipated satisfaction or enjoyment
in the completion of research tasks.
Time factor – This considers the fact that studies must
be pursued within a given time frame.
Costs and returns – These factors matter in choosing a
research problem. Research is an expensive undertaking.
Hazards, penalties, and handicaps – These depend
upon the researcher’s physical and intellectual capacity
and moral judgment

A research title prefaces the study by providing a

summary of the main idea and is usually short and Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background
concise. A. Introduction, Background of the Study
B. Statement of the Problem
Characteristics of a Research Title
1. It should summarize the main idea of the paper. C. Scope and Delimitation
2. It should be a concise statement of the main topic. D. Significance of the Study
3. It should include the major variables of the research Chapter 2: Theoretical Framework
A. Review of Related Literature
4. It should be self-explanatory.
5. It should describe or imply the participants B. Review of Related Studies
of the study C. Conceptual/Theoretical Framework
Five Main Steps in Writing a Research Title D. Definition of Terms

1. Ask yourself a few questions about your research

2. Identify and list keywords and phrases from these
3. Use these keywords to create one long sentence
4. Create a working title
5. Eliminate all extra words or phrases to meet a suitable
word count. (Average length is 16 words)

Fundamental Elements of Scope and Delimitation

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