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Practical Guide to Using
6 Mo Austenitic Stainless Steels
Ralph M. Davison and James D. Redmond
TechniCill Marketing Resources Inc., 3209 McKnight East Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15237

T his article gives information on the metal-

lurgy, crevice corrosion, and chloride stress
components with larger constructions of conven-
tional grades of stainless steels.
corrosion cracking resistance, design, and fabrica- These trends include: (1) increased production
tion, as well as specifications and commercial prod- efficiency; (2) reduced risk of costly unscheduled ·
uct forms available of alloys 254 SMO ,1M iAl-6X,1M downtime; (3) reduced maintenance costs; and (4)
AL-6XN,1M 1925 hMO (25-6MO), and 20 Mo-6}M increased severe environmental restrictions. Each of
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code design these trends leads to increasingly corrosive operat-
stresses for temperatures up to 800 F (427 C), ing conditions and the conflicting requirement that
ASTM Specifications for product forms, and specific the materials of construction be even more resistant
welding filler metals and heat treatment require- to both design operating conditions and possible
ments are included. excursions of conditions that may be reasonably
A new level of corrosion-resistant austenitic anticipated in practice.
stainless steels, sometimes characterized as the "6 Although there are several austenitic stainless
Mo superaustenitics," has become available over steels with 6% molybdenum, only those offered
the last few years. A distinguishing characteristic of commercially in the United States are discussed.
these highly alloyed grades is that they are The list of grades and suppliers should not be con-
produced for the most part on the same equipment sidered exhaustive. Minor differences exist among
with the same scrap and low-cost alloy charge ma- the 6 Mo austenitics. Each producer approached his
terial used for the common grades such as type grade with a highly independent technical develop-
316L. Although ladle metallurgy and special pro- ment, usually with different production capabilities
cessing may be required, these 6% Mo austenitic and experiences, and frequently with different ap-
stainless steels can be delivered at a much lower plications in mind. While each producer is able to
cost than the nickel-based alloys that have been point to isolated instances where his grade has an
produced for many years. Furthermore, because advantage, very little difference exists among the
nitrogen is used as an alloy addition, the 6 Mo aus- grades for the majority of applications. Commercial
tenitic stainless steels provide increased strength considerations of availability, price, and technical
and substantially better corrosion resistance than support are frequently the decisive criteria for selec-
the common 300 series austenitic stainless steels or tion among the 6 Mo austenitic grades.
some conventional nickel-based corrosion-resistant The leading 6 Mo austenitic stainless steels are
alloys. _ listed in Table 1 with both common names, some of
The availability of the 6 Mo austenitics is timely which are trademarks, corresponding UNS num-
for the operating engineers in the chemical process- bers, and the ASTM composition ranges. ASTM
ing, pulp and paper, food and drug, and power defines a stainless steel as having at least 50% iron.
industries. In these industries, as in others using By this convention, only 254 SM01M is listed
stainless steels, trends in operating conditions lead among the ASTM stainless steel specifications. The
to a need for more corrosion-resistant stainless remaining grades are listed as nickel-based alloys.
steels that can be integrated as critical equipment or But this distinction is purely artificial. These 6 Mo

6 Mo Austenitic Stainless Steels and Other Austenitic Grades
UNS Common C!!~mic!!l Cgmpgsition {wt"/g}*
Number Name Producers Cr Ni Mo Cu N c

$31254 254 SMO<'> Avesta 19.50-20.50 17.5Q-18.50 6.00-6.50 0.50-1.00 0.18-0.22 0.020 max

J93254 Cast 254 SMo<' > Various licencees 19.50-20.50 17.50-18.50 6.00-6.50 0.50-1.00 0.18-0.22 0.020 max

N08366 AL-6X<2 > Allegheny Ludlum 20.00-22.00 23.50-25.50 6.00-7.00 0.035 max

N08367 AL-6XN<2 > Allegheny Ludlum 20.00-22.00 23.50-25.50 6.00-7.00 0.75 max 0.18-.025 0.030 max

N08925 1925 hMo VDM Technologies 19.00-21.00 24.00-26.00 6.0-7.0 0.8-1.5 0.10-Q.20 0.020 max
25-6MO Inca Alloys International

N08026 20Mo-6<3 > Carpenter Technology 22.00-26.00 33.00-37.20 5.00-6.70 2.00-4.00 0.03 max

$30403 Type 304L Many 18.00-20.00 8.00-12.00 0.10 max 0.030 max

$31603 Type 316L Many 16.00-18.00 10.00-14.00 2.00-3.00 0.10 0.030 max

N08904 Alloy 904L Many 19.00-23.00 23.00-28.00 4.0-5.0 1.0-2.0 0.020 max

• ASTM Composition Limits

<'>Registered trademark and patented alloy of Avesta AB.
<2 >Registered trademark and patented alloy of Allegheny Ludlum Corp.
<3 >Registered trademark and patented alloy of Carpenter Technology Corp.

grades are all produced and marketed through densers for power plants. Since 1973, about 24 mil-
stainless steel manufacturers and distribution chan- lion ft (8 million m) of AL-6X condenser tubing has
nels. been placed in service.
254 SMO evolved from the standard austenitic AL-6XN,™ the nitrogen-enhanced version of
grades, .with the addition of nitrogen. Nitrogen is AL-6X, was introduced in 1984. AL-6XN has largely
economical because it decreases the need for nickel replaced AL-6X commercially. The addition of nitro-
to stabilize the austenitic structure. Nitrogen is es- gen allows AL-6XN to be produced over a full
sential to quality in the 6 Mo austenitics because it range of forms and sizes, with all of the benefits of
delays formation of the chromium-molybdenum nitrogen described above. The nickel content is re-
intermetallic sigma phase; provides higher strength; tained at its original high level and provides advan-
and, in particular, improves pitting resistance. The tages in some reducing acids. The high strength
precise control of composition needed for these originally attributed to AL-6XN is being revised to
grades, made possible by modern refining equip- somewhat lower values to reflect production experi-
ment, is demonstrated by the narrow ranges in the ence.
ASTM specifications. For 254 SMO, the producer The grade most commonly designated
has documented an optimal contribution to both 1925 hMo, and more recently offered as 25-6MO, is
sulfuric acid and chloride resistance by the particu- a modification of the lower-molybdenum sulfuric
lar level of copper addition. This grade has pulp acid grade, 904L. Neither 904L nor 1925 hMo-
bleach plant equipment installations dating from 25-6MO-are patented. The nitrogen and copper
1977 still in service for replacement of rapidly failed levels in their specifications are being modified to
type 317L and alloy 904L. In addition, several thou- levels com2arable to 254 SMO.
sand tons o£254 SMO have been used in critical 20Mo-6™ is a 6% molybdenum modification of
piping systems for the North Sea oil production alloy 20. It is significantly higher in chromium and
platforms. nickel than the other 6 Mo grades. Because of its
AL-6X™ evolved from a nickel-based alloy and higher nickel and copper contents, the resistance of
relies on nickel to stabilize the austenitic structure. 20Mo-6 in reducing acids would be expected to be
Without a nitrogen addition, AL-6X could be pro- superior.
duced only as light gage strip and tubing, with a
thickness maximum of about 0.065 in. (1.7 mm), Corrosion Resistance
because of its tendency to form sigma phase rap- The primary corrosion environments for the
idly. It has found wide use in seawater-cooled con- application of the 6 Mo austenitics are chlorides.

2 MP/December 1988
Critical Crevice Temperature (CCT) for Some Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance of the
6 Mo and Other Common Austenitic Stainless Steels 6 Mo Austenitics and Commori Stainless Steels
(P = Pass, F = Fail)
Critical Crevice Corrosion
Temperature in UNS Balling Balling
UNS 10% FeCI 3 ·H3 0 !pH 1) Number Grade 42% MgCI2 Wick Test 25% NaCI
Number Grade (F) (C)

831254 254 8MO F p p

831254 254 SMO 90.5 32.5
N08366 AL-6X F p p
N08366 AL·6X 63.5 17.5
N08026 20Mo-6 F p p
N08367 AL-6XN 90.5 32.5
830403 Type 304L F F F
830403 Type 304L <27.5 <-2.5
831603 Type 316L F F F
831603 Type 316L 27.5 -2.5
N08904 Alloy 904L F P or F P or F
N08904 Alloy 904L 32 0

Many operating engineers think of their chemical to remedy SCC problems. Service experience with
processing environments in terms of the major pro- 6 Mo austenitics confirms these test results. Thou-
cess reaction (or reactions). But for a stainless steel, sands of tons of 254 SMO, AL-6X, and now
more often it is correct to focus on minor constituents AL-6XN, are in service in pulp and paper bleach
and to think of the operating environment in terms plants, seawater applications, and process industry
of a strong chloride solution with varying tempera- equipment, and no sec has been reported after
ture and acidity. more than 10 years' exposure.
Table 2 shows the critical crevice temperature
(CCT) in 10% FeC13 6H2 0 (pH 1) for several of the Design and Fabrication
6 Mo austenitics and some of the more common
stainless steels. For a particular environment and The 6 Mo austenitics have strength levels about
crevice geometry, each stainless steel will have a 50% higher than those of type 316L. As shown in
critical temperature above which crevice corrosion Table 4, these higher strengths are reflected in the
initiates. Comparing the 6 Mo austenitics to some allowable design stresses in the ASME Code tables.
common austenitics, a dramatic improvement of These values have been confirmed by extensive sta-
corrosion resistance is noted by increasing molybde- tistical surveys for commercial production of
num and nitrogen. Among the 6 Mo grades, nitro- 254 SMO product forms over a full range of thick-
gen has a powerful effect, but nickel and copper nesses. The values for AL-6XN were originally
seem to have almost no effect. The ferric chloride based on experience with light gage product forms,
test is effective in ranking materials, but the CCT is and were overstated in the Code for heavier sec-
not necessarily predictive of results in other envi- tions; they are being revised downward. The values
ronments. shown for 1925 hMo/25-6MO are conservative; es-
The 6 Mo austenitics offer a practical engineer- pecially once the nitrogen level is formally
ing solution to chloride stress corrosion cracking increased to be comparable to the level of 254 SMO
(SCC) in sodium chloride environments. The sus- and AL-6XN. There appears to be no basis to sug-
ceptibility of type 316 to sec has many engineers gest that any particular 6 Mo grade has an advan-
concerned about the use of any austenitic stainless tage over the other grades in mechanical strength
steel in heat transfer situations in high-chloride en- properties.
vironments. As shown in Table 3, the 6 Mo austeni- Although of high strength, the 6 Mo austenitics
tics are not resistant to the standard laboratory test exhibit the excellent toughness and ductility charac-
in boiling 42% magnesium chloride, but this test is teristic of the 300 series austenitics. The design en-
far too severe to be representative of practical applications gineer upgrading from types 304/304L and 316/316L
involving environments containing sodium chloride. to the 6 Mo austenitic grades has the opportunity
The "Wick Test" and the boiling 25% sodium for construction economies by down-gaging. The
chloride test correlate well with field experience for 6 Mo austenitics are readily fabricated with stan-
both success and failure of austenitic grades in sec dard equipment once allowances are made for the
applications. All 6% Mo grades resist cracking indef- higher strength levels and the slightly higher
initely in sodium chloride tests. Alloy 20 and also springback.
alloy 2205, a duplex stainless steel, show similar If the 6 Mo austenitics need to be annealed or
laboratory test behavior and are used successfully stress relieved, they must be given a full anneal and

MP/December 1988 3
Design Stress (ksi), ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 for Plate< 1 >
UNS Temperature (F)
Number Grade 100 200 300 400 500 600 650 700 750 BOO

831254 254SMO 23.5 23.5 21.4 19.9 18.5 17.9 17.7 17.5 17.3
254 SM0<2 l 23.5 23.5 22.4 21.3 20.5 20.1 19.9 19.9 19.8

N08366 AL·6X 18.8 18.8 15.6

N08367 AL·6XN<2 l 26.0 24.3 22.7 20.9 19.9 19.3 19.3 18.7 18.4

N08925 1925 hMo 21.7 20.9 19.6 18.3 17.3 16.9 16.9 16.9 16.9

N08026 20Mo-6 20.0 20.0 18.9 17.5 16.3 15.3 14.9 14.6 14.2 13.9
20Mo-6<2 J 20.0 20.0 19.6 19.2 18.5 18.1 17.8 17.5 17.3 17.0

530451 Type 304N 20.0 19.1 16.7 15.0 13.9 13.2 13.0 12.7 12.5 12.3
Type 304N<2 l 20.0 20.0 19.0 18.3 17.8 17.4 17.3 17.1 16.9 16.6

831603 Type 316L 16.7 14.1 12.7 11.7 10.9 10.4 10.2 10.0 9.8 9.6
Type 316L<2 l 16.7 16.7 16.0 15.6 14.8 14.0 13.8 13.5 13.2 13.0

N08904 Alloy 904L 17.8 16.7 15.1 13.8 12.7 12.0 11.7 11.4

<1 lASME Code Tables are published in English units only.

<2 lThe higher stress values (included in entire lines of data) were established at temperatures where the short-time tensile properties govern to permit the
use of these alloys where slightly greater deformation is acceptable due to the relatively low yield strengths of these materials. These higher stress values
exceed 67% but do not exceed 90% of the yield strength at temperature.

water quench. Some disagreement exists among the Welding the 6 Mo austenitics is relatively sim-
producers whether 2050 F (1120 C) or 2150 F (1175 ple: use filler metals that are sufficiently overalloyed
C) is the minimum annealing temperature; the dif- with molybdenum that the weldsare more resistant
ferent positions all are based on sound technical to corrosion than the base metal. The filler metal
reasoning. The fabricator should follow the produ- most frequently used has been alloy 625 with 9%
cer's recommendations for annealing his grade with molybdenum, but some fabricators prefer alloy
special attention to ensure that the workpiece has C-276 or C-22. These filler metals are sufficiently
minimal temperature decrease from the annealing overalloyed to compensate for the lower resistance
temperature to the instant of water quench. Heat of the as-welded structure. Welds made with these
treatments that permit the 6 Mo austenitics to fillers can be used in the as-welded condition. In
spend time in the 1300 to 1900 F (705 to 1040 C) every case, it is essential that the welder follow
range risk extensive sigma phase formation with conscientious practices of cleanliness before and
loss of corrosion resistance and possibly toughness. after welding, and superior gas or slag shielding
during welding. The heat inputs and weldment
There are some important differences between sizes are restricted to avoid hot cracking of these
the 300 series stainless steels and the 6 Mo austeni- high-nickel filler metals.
tics in welding. Because of their high alloy con-
tents, the 6 Mo austenitics are particularly suscepti- Specifications and Availability
ble to molybdenum segregation during solidification Tables 5 and 6 list the available product forms,
of an autogenous weld, or a weld without filler applicable specifications, and common availability
metal. Although a few exceptions relate to high channels of the 6 Mo austenitics. Some producers
speed, automatic welding with low heat input and may argue that various product forms are "avail-
rapid quenching (for example, production of thin able," but the end user usually thinks of availability
wall condenser tubing), autogenous welding with- in terms of timely delivery of required product
out subsequent full annealing reduces the corrosion forms and quantities, not just production capability.
resistance of the 6 Mo austenitic grades. The fabri- Also, availability can change rapidly as producers
cator should never create an autogenous weld on and distributors are increasingly responsive to user
the 6 Mo austenitics unless prepared to perform a sub- needs.
sequent full anneal and quench. This prohibition ap- Since the 6 Mo grades appear both in stainless
plies to both primary welding and to any minor re- steel specifications and in nickel-based alloy
pair and patch welding. specifications the user should be careful to select

6 Mo Austenitics Meet a Variety of
ASTM Specifications and ASME Codes
UNS Section VIII, Section Ill,
Grade ASTM
Number Divison 1 Divison 1

831254 254 SMO A167,A182,A240,A249, Table UHA-23 Code Case N-439,

A267, A269, A312, A358, N-441
A409, A473, A479, A193,< 1 >
A194,< 1 > A403< 1 >

J93254 Cast254 SMO A351,A743,A744 Code Case 2036 Code Case N-440

N08366 AL-6X 8675, 8676, 8688, Table UNF-23.3 Code Case N-304
8690, 8691

N08367 AL-6XN 8366, 8462, 8472, Table UNF-23.3 Code Case N-438
8564, 8675
8676, 8688, 8690, 8691

N08925 1925 hMo 8625, 8649, 8673, 8764, Table UNF-23.3<1 > Code Case N-453,
25-6MO 8677 N-454, N-455

N08026 20Mo-6 8463, 8464, 8468, 8474 Table UNF-23.3 No

<1 > Pending

the specific grade and applicable specifications, not-

ing all options when seeking competitive responses. TABLE 6
Having alternative suppliers of essentially equiva- 6 Mo Austenitic Product Availability
lent grades allows the user to have assurance of
Grade Product Forms Available Distributor Channels
continued supplies at competitive prices.
Applications 254 SMO Plate, sheet, strip, bar, A.M. Castle
billet, wire
The 6 Mo austenitic stainless steels are finding
Pipe, fittings, tubing Tubesales
wide application in process industry environments. Condenser tubing Trent Tube
They have replaced common austenitic stainless
steels that have failed by pitting, crevice corrosion, AL-6X Condenser tubing Allegheny Ludlum-
and chloride stress corrosion cracking. Equipment
AL-6XN Plate sheet, strip, bar, Rolled Alloys
fabricated of 6 Mo austenitics has included crystalli- billet, wire, pipe,
zers, mixing vessels, pressure vessels, tanks, col- fittings, tubing
umns, evaporators, heat exchangers, piping, Pipe, fittings Trent Tube
pumps, and valves. Seawater-cooled condensers, Condenser tubing Allegheny Ludlum
service water piping for nuclear power plants, and
1925 hMo Plate, sheet, strip, pipe, VDM Technologies
flue gas desulfurization (FGD) scrubbers' compo- tubing, bar, billet
nents (including ducting, absorbers, and internals)
have been fabricated from 6 Mo austenitics. 25-6MO Plate Inca Alloys International
This new class of corrosion-resistant austenitic
20Mo-6 Plate, sheet Rolled Alloys
stainless steels has provided the process industries Bar, billet, strip, wire Carpenter Service Centers
with an economical, highly effective class of materi- Tubing, pipe Trent Tube
als to enhance productivity, reduce risks of unsche-
duled downtime, reduce maintenance costs, and
meet the need of mandated restrictions on efflu-

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