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Mech Past Papers

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National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Test- April 2012
Second Semester B.Tech (S1,S2,S3,S4 & 55)
Duration: 60 minutes
Total marks:40

1. Define: (4marks)

a. Compression ratio
b. Brake power
c. Mechanical efficiency.

d. Coefficient of Performance

2. Write any five differences between two stroke and four stroke engines. (Smarks)

3. List the important properties of a good refrigerant. Name the commonly used
refrigerant in Air Conditioners. (5marks)

4. Sketch and explain the construction of Vapour Absorption Refrigerator. (Tmarks)

5. With a neat sketch explain the construction of bench drilling machine. (Smarks)

6. With neat sketch explain the working principle of electric arc welding. (Smarks)

7 . A four cylinder four-stroke engine running at 1000 rpm develops an indicated power

of 15kW. The mean effective pressure is 5 x 1Os N/m2. Find the diameter of the
cylinder and stroke of piston when the ratio of diameter to stroke is 0.8. (6marks)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

i'r.1 ri-r !erirr.s'tcr E.iech '1"'1echi:rrli':li:
r3g' l;<::tl iiti'lion-r' isbruari zciL
[iements of Nlechanical Engineering
5em ts'Tech.,51, 52,5.], 54, S5 Seciiot.ls, ME.100-

Note : Atrswer all Questiors'

separately, leaving one page blank
Answer to the pornt, Answer PART-A an',i PART-B
Diaw sketches'rrherever requireC

Duration : 1 Hr and :0 min

N'l ar-ks : 50


1. Dralv a detarled sketch of a Four Stroke

oetroi Ingine and Iabel the parts'

lC Engine ?
2. What are the functions of following parts of an
ol Piston rings b) FlYwheel c) SPark
plug d) r uel lnjector e) Canrshaft
in a boiler?
4. What are the f unctions of foiiowrng devices
a) Fusible Plug
b) Blow off Valve
c) Feed check Valve
'1i f:, rlrli',; rttse!'
e) Safety valves


5 Wlti-r a neai ske:lch explrln roliing oile ralion'

6. Differentiate between Hct Workirrg an'-l Cold

7. Explain Hydraulic Press Forging

8. Fxr;lain Porverti'an:mlsiion Lrsi'g a) Stepoed

llLrlley b) Worm;nC VJorm Gear

train So aS to obtaln ry]aXlmUm

,.. Usirrg 4 gears rvrih 20,,it,50 a[ril 75 ieetll, ar.anBe Ee.]l
cf the gear train lf the first driver gear
speed reduction. Draw the schernatic diagram
driven gear' 5
rotates at 300 rpm, what is the speed of the final

National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal

Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Second Semester B.Tech
End Semester Examination-May 2012
ME-100: Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Total marks: 100 Duration: 3 hours
Note: Answer all questions, draw neat sketches wherever necessary.

1. Classify the different types of boilers. ri,, t4l

2. Write the functions of the following, t4l
a. Fusible plug
b. Blow off valve
c. Worm gear
d. Fast and Loose pulley
3. Two spur gears A and B connected to two parallel shafts that are 500 mm apart.
Gear A runs at 400 rpm and Gear B at 200 rpm. If the circular pitch is given to be
30 mm, calculate the number of teeth on gears A and B. ' L t5]
4. Draw PV diagrams for impulse and reaction steam turbines and write four
differences for the
5. Sketch and explain Pelton wheel.
6. Deflrne metal casting process and explain the basic steps involved in a casting
process. i5l
7. Write a short note on, t10]
a. Powder metallurgy process
b. Deep drawing process
8. With a PV diagram explain the Otto cycle in IC engines. l5l
9. Derive the equation for Indicated power for a four stroke engine.

10. A two-stroke diesel engine has a piston diameter of 200 mm and a stroke of 300
mm. It has mean effective pressure of 2.8 bar and a speed of 400 rpm. The
diameter of the brake drum is 1 metre and the effective brake load is 64 kg. Find
the indicated power, the brake power, the mechanical efficiency of the engine and
the average piston speed. t8l
11. Briefly explain, [3x4:12]
a. Priming and Cavitation in Centrifugal pumps
b. Carburettor
c. Closed cycle gas turbines

12. With a neat sketch explain the working principle of a Vapour Compression
Refrigerator. [e]
13. Explain the following machining operations, [3+3]
a. Taper tuming by swivelling the compound rest

D. r applng

,14. Draw a neat labelled sketch of radial drilling machine. t6l

15. Explain the working principle of an arc welding process. tsl
16. Write short note on. [3+3]
a. GTAW and GMAW types of arc welding
b. Brazine
National lnstitute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal 575025

Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME110 Elements of Mechanical Engineering

End Semester Examination (1-"semester)- December 2013

Max. Marks: 100 Answerall the questions Duration: 3Hrs


1. Sketch and explain any five operations that can be performed by a lathe machine?
2. a) Sketch and explain radial drilling machine? (4)
b) Explain different types of flames in gas welding and show the region of flames with a
sketch (6)
3. a) Sketch all defects in casting? (3)
b) With the industrial applications explain the role of castin-e process? (4)
c) How does pattern make influence in casting process? (3)
4. a) With a neat sketch erplain press forging? (5)
b) Flor.v does roiler forsing iiffcrent from other forging operations? (5)
5 Dliicrentrate dLrctile and brittle materials r.vith stress strain curve w'ith examples (10)

6. A spherical of 0.9 m3 capacify contains steam at 8 bar and 0.9 dryness fraction. Steam

is blorvn oiT until the prcssure drops to 4 bar. The valve is then closed and the steam is
allowed to cool until the pressure drops to 3 bar. Assuming that the enthalpy of the steam in
the vessel remains constant during blo\,ving off periods, determine:
(i) The mass of sieam blown off; (ii) The dryness fraction of steam in the vessel after cooling
(iii)'Ihe heat lost b1 steam per kg during cooling
At 8 bar, h- 720.9 kJ/kg; fur:2046.5 kJ/kg; v": 0.24 miikg
At 4 bar. h- 604"7 kJ/kg; hr-n: 2133 kJ&g: ve:0.462 mi/kg
At 3 barr, hr 561.4 kJ/kg; hr,:2163.2 kJ,4<g: vr: 0.606 m3lkg (15)

(a) $/hr. compcLrnding of steam turbine is required ? (4)

(b) Dii,.; th3 sclreraatic ct-Pr--ss,,tre-Velociry changes in a.

i i,-:tl i,i ': aii: ll t-,:

,, ,

', l -. 1r- ;'. - i,-1 ,'11i; i.',

..,;;ab1e anC ;idel,v used ioi t.,.,o rvheelers? Give reasons ior
9. An industry uses a generator to meet its electricity demand. During operation, the generator
generates enorrnous heat. Try to design a refrigeration system and explain neatly with a
schematic where in the excess heat is given as input to the system. fHint: Large capacity
refrigeration systeml (10)

10. A gear train has six geam, A,B,C, D, E, F and have 20, 40, 60, 60, 40, 40 teeth respectively.
Gear A and B are keyed to the driving shaft and Gear F is keyed to the driven shaft. If the
driving shaft rotates at 189 rpm, find the velocity ratio and the train value for the gear train
illustrated below: (1 0)
Deoartment of Mechanical Engineering
National lnstitute of Tech nology Ka rnata l<a Su rathka l, Ma nga lore-575025
End Semester Examinations -ll Semester B. Tech [Common to Sections Sl to 56]


Time: 3 Hours Date: 30-04-2014 Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1-) Answer in Brief.
2) Answer all questions'
3) Use of scientific calculator permitted.
4) Missing data, if anY, @

i) What is an absorption refrigeration cycle? How does differ from a vapour

compression cYcle?
Q.l ii)What are the parameters to be considered in the selection of a refrigerant?
iii) What is air-conditioning?
i) How solar energy can be converted into electric power?
ii) List the advantages and limitations of closed cycle gas turbine
it Oit.rrr the various factors for selecting a suitable hydraulic turbine for a hydro plant
ii) How does energy conversion occur in (a) impulse blades (b) reaction blades?
i) fnlt,rt it tf'" frnction of a compressor? What are the different types of compressors?
What are the main applications of compressors?
Q,IV ii) What is priming of a centrifugal pump? Explain clearly why priming is essential
before starting a centrifugal pump?

i) A vessel of 0.4mr capacity contains 2l<gof wet steam at 6 bar pressure. Calculate {a)
i"he volume and mass of water and (b) volume and mass of dry steam I From steam
tables at 6 bar, vr = 0,0011 m3/kg, Vs or s = 0.3L55m'/kg ]
ii) Boiler accessories arelgqulred for efficient op
trl Wtry would machining operations be necessary even on parts made by casting
and metal forming oPerations?
(b) Explain the differences betv;een roughing and finishing operations in machining? 2

(c) Name two functions that the lathe tailstock can perform? 2

(d) How does the purpose of counterboring differ from that of spot facing? 3

(a) What is the difference between threading and tapping?

(b) l-low is the tool-worl< relationship in turning different from that in facing?
(c) Name three functions of the flutes on a twist drill?
(d) What funclion does the compound rest in a lathe serve?
(a) How do brazing and soldering differ from welding? 4
(b) Why is brazing an attractive process for joining dissimilar materials? 2

is soldering unattractive if a high strength join! rs !9!trg4l 4

W''tl-* neat sketch explain the stress strain curve for a ductile material. Mark all the
points on the curve?
I Explain with neat sketches casting of a lathe tailstoci<?
Reg.}*0. . r.),1.'.:.:.9,


Itr Semester (Common for Sections S1, 52, 53, SJ, S5, S6)

Time: t hr 30 min Nlarks:50

Instructions: 1, Nlirriniurn points = 50. Number of Questions : 10.
2. N'Iissing clata. if any, may suit:rbly be assumecl.
3. Thinh plrti:rl creclit. Tr1 to put something fol eirch plrt of cr ert' question/problem.
4.K i\ legible.
Otll l\ Ulrtri ltglUle. JOILItIOnS must be
Solutions mLISI sho*nn ln
De St10\1 in Ileiltr
nerrt, COmpiete ancl Iogicalr ortlei
comr;lete 2In ord
\\'hat itre the tr,ro basic t1'1res of intelnal conbustioi-r engir-res? What are tl-ie fiindamental 3
clitlerence s bctlr eer-i them?

-{ of tbLu'strolie engiucs over t\\o strolie engines

State the':tcliantltses iir-ici clisrclr''antlrgcs 6
hr'ca1-rircil\ of'a rclr'igcluiol is 600 tons rvhen lioiliir-rg betueeii -5oC' ancl +20oC. Finci
the u'eigirt of icc'proclLrcccl w'ithiu 24 houls rvheu riater is sLrppltecl at 10oC. Latent heat
g.l-rce = 335 k.l/h.q. Sltecific l-ieat o['r,vater:4.1868 h.l/liel(

"4. \\'ith a ircaL skctch c'rpliiir-i thc'lvoiLing plincrple o1'a llige carpacity're iirgelatron systen-r 6
l'trl irir ice uraliing ltlunt Lrsrug lcnervable enerq\/ as a heatin-q ntecliLnl.
L\ +*n.-h-t J-tLlrrkr't\.l, .
rttm \\.ts tesLcci ll 1600 t'pLr uncl thc lbllori,iirg lelclings ri,cL'c obtainecl. FLLeI coL-rsr-rmption
:0.21 litres/nrinLtte. Specilic grar iLr, firel :0.14. B.P. = 31.4 h\!'. VlechaLticai eldcier.rcy f,
- 80'4, CaloLitlc vaLLie ol'l'i-rel :11000 kJ/kg. Deternrine . (r) bsfc', (.tt) imep, and (iii)
Bralie themral eillciencr,.
-b.'4Nhl cliesel ensines are callecl CI engines? Diftelentiate the S.l. and C.l. Engine or-r
ibllori iitg lroruts (1 ) Incluctioti ol'fire I (2) Conibustion ltloccss J

.r'7. DisctLss irr cie'titil rvith ncat sliclches r-naur-Lfhctr-rlir-rg ol'bells Lrsccl iu tcr-npLcs usir-t-9 sancl
casIlng pfocess. lrl

Urplain the ltlinciltlc ol'r"oll Lbrging r.r ith a neat ske tch 5

Diit'erentiate betr.veeu open die fbLging ancl closecl clie tbLging -)

What are tl're clitl'erer-rces bc'tr,i,een bLrik defblmation processes anclsheet metal 2

*tfii+ltl-toi.ruh thc uot'lipiecc iu l uir','clrauiuc opelatiou is obr ioLrslr,sLrbjected to 2

tensiie stfesses. hot,r'clo cor-uplessir,e stresses also plaLv rr lole in the process')
*J€iDiscLLSS tire tiurctions ol the ibllori ing: J

(:r) Gates (b) Riser (c) Runner'

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