Electric Machine
Electric Machine
Electric Machine
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicote Fall Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessqry.
1. a) State the required conditions for the parallel operation of alternators. Also explain
synchronizing process by three lamp method with neat sketch. L7l
2. a) In what marrter does a synchronous motor adjust itself to an increasing shaft load? t6l
b) A3.3 kV,50 FIz star connected synchronous motor has a synchronous impedance of
(0.S + j 55) O. It is synchronized to 3.3 kV main from which it is drawing 750 kW at
an excitation emf of 4.27 kV (line). Determine the armature current, power factor and
power angle. Also find the mechanical power developed. If the stay load loss is 30
kW, find the efficiency. t8l
a) A 230 V, 50H2, 4pole, class A, Single phase induction motor has the. following
parameters rim:2.51{2,ttz:7.81O, Xr:150.88 f), Xl* :4.62 Q, X2'
Determine the main winding current and power factor when the motor is running at a
slip of 0.05. t6l
b) How does double revolving field theory, describe the operation of single phase
induction motor? Explain with proper diagrams and expressions. t6l
,S neII (EE60l)
v' Caurdidates are reqriired to give iheir answcrs i,i ihcii'own woids as lar as practicabic.
Attempt All questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Assume suiisble data d necessary.
L a) Define the pitch factor and distribution factor and their significance in synchronous
machine. Derive the e.m.f equation of an altemator. t8]
b) Three lamps can be used for synchronization of two altemators. Explain it with proper
justification. t6l
2. a) Explain power angle characteristics of cylindrical rotor machine. t6l
b) A four pole, single phase, 120 Y,50 Hz induction motor gave the following standstill
impedances when tested at rated frequency. Main windtng; Zn : (1.5+j4) ohms.
Auxiliary winding: Za: (3-Fj6) ohms. If an external capacitor of 1000pF is inserted in
series with the auxiliary winding to obtain higher starting torque. Calculate the
percentage increase in starting torque. t6l
a) State and explain the double f,reld revolving theory of single phase induction motor
with detailed diagram [8]
b) "synchronous motor is not self starting" Explain it with proper justification. t6l
Examination Control Division
lo i
1. a) What are the conditions to be fulfilled for operating two 3-phase altemators in
parallel? Explain the process of synchronizing two alternators by three lamp method. l7l
b) A 3-phase, star-connected 3-phase synchronous generator is rated as. 1500 kVA,
llkv. The armature winding resistance is 0.8 ohm per phase and synchronous
reactance is 4 ohms per phase. If the generator is supplying power to a three phase
balanced load of (80+j60) ohm per phase at rated terminal voltage, calculate emf
generated and voltage regulation. Is the generator overloaded OR under-loaded?
Calculate the percentage by which it is overloaded OR under-loaded. t7l
2. a) Explain the effect of varying excitation on armature current and power factor in a
synchronous motor. Draw V curves and state their significance. I7l
b) A 660 V, 3-phase, star-connected synchronous motor draws 50 kW at power factor of
0.8 lagging. Find the new current and power factor when the back e.m.f increases by
25Yo.The machine has svnchronous reactance of 3 C) and effective resistance is
negligible. t7l
3. a) Explain the double revolving field theory for operation of single phase induction
motor. t6l
b) Explain the construction and working principle of stepper motors. Also give some of
its applications. t6l