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Deciding Factors in Choosing College Courses

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Education is universally recognized as the answer to socio-economic

problems of the world. Nations and individuals look up to education to

provide a cure for poverty, ignorance, drought, excessive rainfall, mental

deficiency, joblessness, bad government,poor communication system,

hunger and inadequate shelter among other things. Thus, every nation of the

world aspires toward quality of life and social status through good decision-

making in selecting career choice especially students who are about to

pursue in college.

Decision-making is the logical way of setting one’s mind to choose

through the possibilities to satisfy man’s ease. This is true as stated that

good decision making is an essential skill for career success generally and

effective leadership particularly. It is true that for n individual to be successful

the person must possess good decision making. Everyday we make decisions,

wether big or small and these decisions can make huge impcts in our lives. As

the person progresses, his or her ability to decide improve allowing the

individual to make the right decision often leads to downfall.

Thus, one wrong decision can change the fate of an individual. It is

difficult for everyone to make a decision regarding their career. This

individual action is manifested on a larger scale in the economic prosperity of

a nation. Individuals who are misfits in their workplace tend to be less

productive and efficient, and therefore are unable to achieve their goals. Kazi

and Akhlaq (2017), in view of the foregoing, the need to equip our students

with appropriate career decision skills becomes highly imperative through

general orientation, seminars into the world of work through the curriculum.

Above all discussions, the researchers have observed that most of

the students are lacking of confidence in one’s abilities, undecided and

uncertain – unsure of their decisions in selecting courses in college having

with them a variety of factors that affects their choices. This prompted the

researchers to conduct this study to investigate the factors that influence the

students’ counselors, parents, and universities in developing the career

counseling and guidance programs for the students to facilitate them in

making the right career choice.

Statement of the Problem

The student's preference for a certain tract was affected by a number

of variables to differing degrees. Factors that have a significant impact on

behavior include work opportunities, family income, aptitude, interest, school

performance, and facilities. Parents and teachers have a moderate impact,

and peers have a minor impact.

1.What aspects influence graduating student's decisions about their college

course selection?

2. Do parents force their kids to make certain decisions?

3. Does a course's availability and duration depend on (or are supported by)
financial ability?

4. Does students consider courses that offers a job after graduation?

5. How does government affect the students’ career choices? Is the support

from the government enough?

Significance of the Study

The choice of courses is important since it can assist students in

narrowing their interests and learning more about a subject they wish to

pursue in college various factors, such as personality, interests, self-concept,

identify, globalization, socialization, role models, social support, and the

availability of resources, like information and money, have an impact on

career choice.

Identify your skills is the first step in selecting a career. Numerous

online assessments are available and evaluating your abilities and self can

also be helpful in providing direction. For instance, if you dislike kids, you

should not pursue a professional in education or child care.

Delimitation and Scope

The study is limited to determine the factors that affect the student’s

decision in choosing their college course. This study includes the Grade 12

HUMSS student’s of Pagbilao National High School. The study was conducted

during academic year 2022-2023. Out of the One hundred forty (151)

candidates for graduation of the Grade 12 HUMSS of Pagbilao National High


The researchers hypothesized that:

H0 1: Students’ future lives will be affected by the career path they choose.

H0 2: Among all the factors that affect students’ decision in choosing their

college courses, parents and financial stability have the most impact on them.

Definition of terms

Ability - possession of the means or skill to do something. Talent, skill or

proficiency in a particular area.

Academic Progress - defined as the comparison of individual students

assessment performance score from one year to the next aggregated to the

school level.

Academic Strand - General Academic strand caters student who are not yet

sure of what course or degree they want to take in college.

College courses decision making - the process of making choices by

identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative


Grade Point Average (GPA) - an indication of a student’s academic

achievement at a college or university, calculated as the total number of grade

point received over a given period divided by the total number of credits


Parent’s responsibilities - Parents have the duty to protect their children’s right

until they are old enough to make their own way in the world. The authority to
make decision concerning and affecting the care ,welfare and proper

development of the child is known as parental responsibility.

Perception - the ability to see, hear or become aware of something through

the senses. The state of being progress of becoming aware of something

through the senses and a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting

something, a mental impression.

Financial stability - can be defined as a condition in which the financial system

-which is comprises financial intermediaries, markets and market

infrastructure is capable of withstanding shock and the unravelling of



Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents a selection of literature and studies that has a

bearing on present study. The researchers have gone through intensive

readings of materials, both printed and online, all of which has a great

significance to the problem during the course of thesis writing. Most of the

literature gathered talks about the factors that affect career preferences/

choices, namely personality, family, interests and job opportunities, which

would be chosen in college.

There has been a lot of talk whether or not passion is the sole way for

choosing an individual's career path. But there are other significant factors

that can influence that career path, not just passion. Several recent studies

shows that understanding the personality the individual's own traits and

characteristics, rather than passion, are a key to career path fulfillment and


Shumba and naong (2012) found out the family is a significant factor in

determining children's career choice, the ability of the learner self to identify

his preferred career choice, and teachers influence career choice of their

learners. These findings are consistent with the findings of other studies that

have examined the influences of each parent on the career choices of their

sons or daughters and have found that mother's tend to have more influence

on the career decision and aspirations of their children than father's. Similarly

Leppel, Williams and Waldauer (2001) revealed that parental education, family

income, and family heads occupational status were found to be positively

associated with offspring educational achievement. Rababah (2016) family

members and peers have an influence in the students choice of the major

including personal interests, gender, career opportunity and availability of jobs

are some of the factors that affect the students decision making in this


Khoo, Ban, Neng, Hooi and Joan (2015) showed that college students

and non- college students who were involved in this study agreed that parents

are the most influential or important person when choosing their choice of

college or university and course of study because parents perceive as their

main source of finance and normally seek advice from them due to the

perception that parents are viewed as a credible source of advice.

In addition, Kaneez and Medha (2018) supported that parental

influence have significant influence on the major selection, siblings and

friends also consider important source to select the major, while teachers and

media are the least among the selected factors.

Umar (2014) showed that although parents have influence on the

choice of career of their children so also other factors such as per group l,

employer and relatives. Identically, Dagang and de Mesa (2017) identified the

results which point to the strong influence of parents on their children choice

of tertiary school. It is deeply rooted in the consciousness if the Filipino

people the respect for elders, hence the strong influence of parents on

children decision. In a Filipino family children are financially dependent on

their parents, hence their submission to their parents decision, thus explaining

the moderate influence of others such as the peers, friends and relatives.

Another factors were affordability of tuition, followed by scholarship.

lbrahim (2017) revealed that family members have the highest contributions

in influencing students to the profession of medical laboratory science due to

the fact that family is usually who provided financial supports to them.

Eremie and Okwulehie (2018) indicated that factors such as

environmental, opportunity and personality can influence the choice of career

among secondary school students. In terms of environmental factors, it

revealed that family socioeconomic status and peer groups have significant

influence of the students choice of career while in opportunity factors such as

education and mentorship also had influence to the choice of career as well

as the personality factors such as the students interest, values and skills in

choosing their courses.

Hoai, Thi and Thanh (2016) in their study factors influencing students

choice of accounting as a major shows that social norm has a great influence

on students choice of major including advice and orientation of

acquaintances, friends, teachers, parents which had a significant influence on

their decision in the selection of specific discipline. It also revealed some

significant differences between average level of male and female students

through perceptions of input scores, major pressure and suitability for ye

people good at math, job availability, average income and advancement

opportunity suitability for the people good at math, job availability average

income and advancement opportunity.

In comparison, study of Kazi and Akhlaq (2017) an individual

environment, talents, skills and academic achievements exert an influence on

career choice. Olaosebikan and Olusakin (2014) indicated that parental

influence will not have significant effect on adolescent's career choice, and

that perception of parental occupational satisfaction will not have effect on

career aspirations of adolescents based on the following intervening variables

such as sex and type of school.

Moreover, Ming (2010) stated that college or university location can be

a major factor for potential students decision to apply and enroll. Some
students maybe looking for a school close to their hometown or place of work

for convenience and accessibility. It is therefore concluded that location

academic programmed college reputation, educational facilities, cost,

availability of financial aid, employment opportunities, advertising are

institutional factors that influence students college choice decision.

Malubay, Mercado and Macasaet (2015) noticed the primary factor

affecting the decision of freshmen students in taking up specified courses or

programs is the economic factors that include economic stable wages and in-

demand jobs.

Uyar, Gungormus and Kurzey (2011) revealed that 12 factors affecting

the decisions of students including career opportunities, interest in the

subject , instructor, money ,parents, enjoyment, previous experience , lifestyle

offered because of the career , challenge , prestige, usefulness in operating a

business , and the other students. It also discover the top 5 reasons for

choosing a major where : interest in a career associated with the major , good

job opportunities , abilities , a desire to run a business someday , and

projected earnings in the related career . The least selected reasons for

choosing a major were the reputation of the major at the university , the

perceived quality of instruction, the parent’s influence of friends. Utilized

factor analysis and determined the following seven main factors in deciding

career choice: high earnings expectations , career expectations, job

experience, knowledge and ability, family environment, social status, and

education environment.

Interest in the subject, guaranteed employment, and expected earnings

after graduation are the most influential factors for college major choice

(Malgwi, Howe, and Burnaby, 2005; Yazici and Yazici,2010) Ahmed, Sharif and

Ahmad (2017) which revealed that interest in the subject has strong and

positive relationship while ease in grades, financial outcomes, and future job

opportunities had minor impact on student’s decision for particular field and

subject. It was also stated that the career choice of the student’s was also

influenced by the level of their social status, financial resources, affordability

and future employability.

Edwards and Quinter (2011) showed that Religion was also mentioned

as one of the factors that influenced student’s career choices. For those with

religious commitment, faith plays a critical role in important life decision such

as career choice.

Okiror and Otabong (2011) revealed that student’s choices ware base

on their perceived availability of career and scholarship opportunities in a

given department and the grade point averages marks earned by the student

at the time selecting options.

Sabir, Ahmad, Sharif and Ahmad (2013) revealed that students rank

university reputation, interest n subject employment prospectus as the most

important determinants, whereas, the factor of course being easy and career

guidance from schools the least important factors in choosing course.

Malgwi, Howe and Burnaby (2005) revealed that the most influential

factor overall was interest in the subject followed by the potential for career

advancement and the major’s potential job opportunities.

Pascual (2014) showed that the student’s first consideration in

choosing a course in college is the availability of possible work.

Su, Chang, Wu and Liao (2016) showed that student’s career decisions-

making is most deeply affected by “personal factor”, next are “group factor”

and “career exploration factor”, and “school factor" has lowest affecting

level to them. Students of large-sized schools with taking household affairs

courses who will be easily affected by personal factor of career decision

making Olamide and Oluwalye (2013) observed that while students aim at

such prestigious occupations when still in secondary school, it has not been

possible for many to achieve their aims for one reason or the other. Such

reasons often include among others; poor academic performance, poor

choice of subjects for the school certificate examination, lack of financial

support to pursue their education which makes it impossible for such boys

and girls to get their required training that would qualify them for the jobs of

their choice.

Ferrer and Dela Cruz (2017) revealed the significant corelations of the

students performance in Science, Mathematics and English which were found

consistent from NCAE to Grades 10 and 11 is indicative of: (1) a proper career

assessment conducted that guide the learners in choosing the academic

track where they have better aptitude or potential; (2) a sensible screening

criteria set in selecting students to be admitted in the STEM track; and (3) an

evidence of quantified judgments on the learners' academic achievements per

grade level as a product of the design of the spiral curriculum

Sidin, Hussin and Soon (2003) revealed the five factors, explaining 61%
of the total variance were identified. Factors were named 'Personal, 'Academic

Quality and Facilities, Factors", "Campus", Socialization, and Financial aid and

procedures. A ranking of means revealed that friends and schoolmates,

parents and relatives were some of the sources of influence on students'

college choice decision making. Gender and ethnicity are proven not likely to

affect students' college choice decision while the income of the student's

immediate family is likely to affect the college choice decision in terms of

public-private institutions. Thus, factors such as facilities, procedures and

policies and entry requirements are some of the significant factors

influencing college choice.

Agarwla (2008) disclosed the means and standard deviations of the

factors that influenced the career choice of Management students in India for

the total sample and by gender. Management students from India rated their

"skills, competencies, and abilities" as the most important career choice

influencing factor, followed by "education and training" and "financial rewards

in this career. In terms of gender showed that male and female indian

management students differed in the factors they rated as the most

important in influencing their career choice. For male students rated "financial

rewards in this career as the most important factor in their career choice

decision followed by "Quality of life associated with this career" and "skills,

competencies, and abilities" while female students, "skills, competencies, and

abilities" and "education and training" were the most important factors.

Soria and Stebleton (2013) studied the relationships between students'

intrinsic and extrinsic motivations with choosing a major, satisfaction with

educational experience, and sense of belonging. Internal extrinsic motivations

positively associated with satisfaction include students' motivation to choose

a major because the selected option allows time for other activities, prepares

students for a fulfilling career, prepares students for graduate/ professional

school, and provides international opportunities. One internal extrinsic

motivation- choosing a major because it complements students desire to

study abroad-was negatively associated with students' satisfaction.

Additionally, students who had external extrinsic motivations for

choosing a major-because of denial of their first choice of college major, easy

requirements, and parental desires for choice of major-are negatively

associated with students' satisfaction. All internal extrinsic motivations for

selecting a major are positively related to sense of belonging, except for

choosing a major because it leads to a high paying job, which is negatively

associated with students' sense of belonging

Therefore, students choose their course in college based on their

perceive exits. Students choose their courses in relation to how productive a

course is and if it needed in the industry. High paying jobs too are also

considered as a factor in choosing courses. On the contrary, students also

have a misconception bout the professions due to lack of information-it

prevents from choosing them.

Chapter III


Research Design
The researchers use descriptive method to identify the Deciding

Factors in choosing College Courses of Grade 12 HUMSS Students of

Pagbilao National High School. In this study, purposive is the sampling choice,

the researchers use survey as a form of data gathering this method help them

attain the data needed and the formula for weighted mean for the statistical


Research Locale

This study was conducted at the Pagbilao National High School

located at Barangay Mapagong, Pagbilao, Quezon. The school accommodates

senior high school students which serve as the respondents mainly grade 12

HUMSS senior high school students to provide the needed data for the study.

Sample and Sampling Technique

The researchers use purposive sampling as sampling technique to

gather data from one hundred-thirty (130) Grade 12 HUMSS of Pagbilao

National High School to determine their deciding factors in choosing college

courses. This sampling showcases the purpose in mind and the sample is

thus selected to include people of interest and exclude those who do not suit

the purpose.
Research Instrument

The instrument of this study is consist of fifteen (15) items, each item

has a category to choose either the respondents Strongly Agree (4), Agree (3),

Disagree (2) or Strongly Disagree (1). The respondents’ profiles including the

name, age and sex is considerably optional to protect their privacy.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers prepare a letter of request to conduct the study from

the chosen respondents. The survey method of gathering data will proceed as

the researchers give instructions and questionnaires will be distributed to

gather the data needed by the researchers to interpret.

Statistical Treatment

The responses made by the respondents about the deciding factors of

grade 12 HUMSS in choosing their college courses were presented. The

researchers apply the formula of weighted mean for them to attain the

summary of data gathered through the data gathering procedure.

Weighted Mean formula:

WM – Weighted mean
Σ – summation
f – frequency
x – weight of each item
n – summary of respondents

Table 1. Distribution of Responses to Deciding Factors in Choosing College

Deciding Factors in Choosing College SA A D SD WM QD
Own choice of career 73 35 20 2 3.38 SA
Financial stability of the family 45 70 14 1 3.27 SA
Interest and capabilities 55 61 10 4 3.29 SA
Potential jobs after graduation 56 62 10 2 3.32 SA
Choice of peers/friends 32 40 44 14 2.69 A
Less expensive course 40 56 31 3 3.02 A
Availability of course in chosen 30 73 24 3 3.00 A
Institutions that offers free tuition free 48 58 18 6 3.14 A
Chosen career is in demand 25 72 30 3 2.92 A
Choice course of parents 25 52 40 13 2.68 A
Parents’ high expectation 25 50 45 10 2.69 A
Course offered in the nearest institution 20 70 38 2 2.83 A
Parents’ pressure to high expectation 28 51 41 10 2.75 A
Government’s educational support is 35 70 23 2 3.06 A
Majority’s chosen career is in demand 30 72 24 4 2.98 A
The table above show the different deciding factors in choosing

college courses. As shown in the table the top 3 statements were “ Own

choice of career” with a weighted mean of 3.38, “ Potential jobs after

graduation with weighted mean of 3.32, and “Interest and capabilities” with

weighted mean of 3.29 and got a quantitative description of strongly agree.

Meanwhile “Choice course of parents” has the lowest weighted mean o 2.68

and got a quantitative description of agree.

When it comes to the deciding factors in choosing college courses

majority strongly agree that students’ choices are based on their interest and

capabilities and potential jobs after graduation. Students who decide for their

own career path are likely to regard the course as their goal to achieve that

will help them to be motivated.

This is supported by the findings of the study made by Malagwi , Howe

and Burnaby (2005), that undergraduates of a northeastern business school

were surveyed concerning influence on their choices of major. Results shows

that interest in the subject, guaranteed employment, and expected earnings

after graduation are the most influential factors for college courses choice.



This study intends to find out the Deciding Factors in Choosing College

Courses of Grade -12 HUMSS Students of Pagbilao National High School. In

this study, the researchers use purposive sampling as sampling technique to

gather data from one hundred-thirty (130) respondents. The descriptive type

of research design was used by the researchers. A self made survey-

questionnaire was used in gathering data. The researchers used the weighted

mean to interpret the data.

Findings of the Study

The following findings are based on the data gathered;

1. The deciding factor in choosing college courses of the respondents

were “Own choice of career” with a weighted mean of 3.38, “ Potential

jobs after graduation with weighted mean of 3.32, and “Interest and

capabilities” with weighted mean of 3.29 and got a quantitative

description of strongly agree. Meanwhile “Choice course of parents”

has the lowest weighted mean o 2.68 and got a quantitative description

of agree.


Based on the finding of the study the following conclusion were drawn;

1. Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the deciding factor in

choosing college courses of the respondents were “own choice of

career”, “ potential jobs after graduation, and “interest and capabilities”

Based from the findings and conclusions the following were recommended;

Students, the researchers would like to recommend to follow your own

choice of career that will help you achieve your goals in life considering your

financial capabilities.

Teachers, the researchers would like to recommend career counseling

of parents and students for them to have a clear view of what to pursue in


Guidance Counselor, the researchers would like to recommend career

guidance for the graduating students for them to be administered regarding

their choice of course.

Implication of the Study

Majority of students depend on their own point of view, capabilities and

interest in deciding what to take for college. It is proven by the data gathered

and the support from the literature review. However there are various result

with high remarks including the financial stability of the student that may also

affects those top results.

Parents do not necessarily play in choosing college courses but their

consent is a must for the students to decide for what to take. They are much

more concerned if they can support the financial needs of their children.

In general, students making their own choice to satisfy their desire in

coordinating with their goals in life did their best to decide for themselves.

However, the survey respondents may not be the representative of all the

students population as a whole in this regard. Also, since students are

mostly with their friends and peers, it is important to look out for each other.

In addition, the development of their decision-making will progress much

more if they learn how to decide wisely for themselves.

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