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Model SR8000 User Guide

AV Surround Receiver





The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol,

within an equilateral triangle, is intended to
alert the user to the presence of uninsulated
“dangerous voltage” within the product’s
enclosure that may be of suffi-cient magnitude
to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.

The exclamation point within an equilateral

triangle is intended to alert the user to the
presence of important operating and
maintenance (servicing) instructions in the
literature accompanying the appliance.





This reminder is provided to call the CATV (Cable-TV) system installer’s attention to Article 820-40 of the NEC, that provides
guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specified that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the
building, as close to the point of cable entry as practical.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with correct the interference by one or more of the following
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 measures:
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a - Increase the separation between the equipment and
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses receiver.
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, from that to which the receiver is connected.
may cause harmful interference to radio communica-
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for
tions. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment help.
does cause harmful interference to radio or television NOTE:
reception, which can be determined by tuning the Changes or modifications may cause this unit to fail to
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and may void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.

This product was designed and manufactured to meet strict quality and 11. Grounding or Polarization-This video product is equipped with a
safety standards. There are, however, some installation and operation polarized alternating-current line plug (a plug having one blade
precautions which you should be particularly aware of. wider than the other). This plug will fit into the power outlet only
one way. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the
1. Read Instructions - All the safety and operating instructions plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug. If the plug should
should be read before the appliance is operated. still fail to fit, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete
outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized plug.
2. Retain Instructions-The safety and operating instructions should
be retained for future reference.

3. Heed Warnings-All warnings on the appliance and in the

operating instructions should be adhered to.

4. Follow Instructions-All operating and use instructions should be


5. Cleaning-Unplug this video product from the wall outlet before 12. Power-Cord Protection-Power-supply cords should be routed so
cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed
damp cloth for cleaning. upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs,
convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the
6. Attachments-Do not use attachments not recommended by the appliance.
video product manufacturer as they may cause hazards.
13. Protective Attachment Plug - The appliance is equipped with an
7. Water and Moisture-Do not use this video product near water-for attachment plug having overload protection. This is a safety
example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, feature. See Instruction Manual for replacement or resetting of
in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool, and the like. protective device. If replacement of the plug is required, be sure
the service technician has used a replacement plug specified by
8. Accessories-Do not place this video product on an unstable cart, the manufacturer that has the same overload protection as the
stand, tripod, bracket, or table. The video product may fall, original plug.
causing serious injury to a child or adult, and serious damage to
the appliance. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table 14. Outdoor Antenna Grounding-If an outside antenna or cable
recommended by the manufacturer, or sold with the video system is connected to the video product, be sure the antenna or
product. Any mounting of the appliance should follow the cable system is grounded so as to provide some protection
manufacturer’s instructions, and should use a mounting against voltage surges and built up static charges. Section 810 of
accessory recommended by the manufacturer. the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70-1984, provides
information with respect to proper grounding of the mast and
9. Ventilation-Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna
ventilation and to ensure reliable operation of the video product discharge unit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna-
and to protect it from overheating, and these openings must not be discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes, and
blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by requirements for the grounding electrode. See Figure 1.
placing the video product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar
surface. This video product should never be placed near or over a 15. Lightning-For added protection for this video product receiver
radiator or heat register. This video product should not be placed during a lightning storm, or when it is left un-attended and unused
in a built-in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper for long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and
ventilation is provided or the manufacturer’s instructions have disconnect the antenna or cable system. This will prevent damage
been adhered to. to the video product due to lightning and power-line surges.

10. Power Sources-This video product should be operated only from 16. Power Lines-An outside antenna system should not be located in
the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light or power
not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consult your circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. When
appliance dealer or local power company. For video products installing an outside antenna system, extreme care should be
intended to operate from battery power, or other sources, refer to taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits as contact
the operating instructions. with them might be fatal.

17. Overloading-Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords as

this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.

18. Object and Liquid Entry-Never push objects of any kind into this
video product through openings as they may touch dangerous
voltage points or short-out parts that could result in a fire or
electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the video product.
19. Servicing-Do not attempt to service this video product yourself 21. Replacement Parts-When replacement parts are required, be
as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous sure the service technician has used replacement parts specified
voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service by the manufacturer or have the same characteristics as the
personnel. original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric
shock or other hazards.
20. Damage Requiring Service-Unplug this video product from the
wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel 22. Safety Check-Upon completion of any service or repairs to this
under the following conditions: video product, ask the service technician to perform safety checks
to determine that the video product is in proper operating
a. When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged. condition.

b. If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the video 23. Carts and Stands-The appliance should be used only with a cart
product. or stand that is recommended by the manufacturer.

c. If the video product has been exposed to rain or water. 24. An appliance and cart combination should be moved with care.
Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause the
d. If the video product does not operate normally by following the appliance and cart combination to overturn.
operating instructions. Adjust only those controls that are
covered by the operating instructions as an improper
adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often
require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the
video product to its normal operation.

e. If the video product has been dropped or the cabinet has been

f. When the video product exhibits a distinct change in

performance-this indicates a need for service.




(NEC SECTION 810-20)

(NEC SECTION 810-21)




This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Cet appareil numérique de la Classe B respecte toutes les exigences
Interference - Cansing Equipment Regulations. du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.





1 DIG–4
(75Ω) /MD
2  1 2 0 W 1 A
SURR. COAX  1 2 0 W 1 A



Auto (Tuner) FM Stereo

Encoded signal Visual Memory Tuned



Surround mode Test tone Sleep Pre Set Attenuate

timer Scan
Digital copy Night mode Display off

!3 !4 !5 !6 !9 @0 !7
e y u i o !0 !1 !2 r













q w t
!8 @1

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
FEATURES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
FRONT PANEL FEATURES ............................................................................................................................................ 4
REAR PANEL CONNECTIONS....................................................................................................................................... 5
REMOTE CONTROL UNIT RC-18SR ............................................................................................................................ 8
OPERATION OF REMOTE CONTROL UNIT ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
SET-UP .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
ON SCREEN DISPLAY MENU SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
OSD MAIN MENU .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
SYSTEM SETUP .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
SPEAKERS SETUP ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
SURROUND MODE ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
CHANNEL LEVEL CONTROL ................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
MULTI ROOM SETUP ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
BASIC OPERATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
LISTENING TO THE TUNER .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
PLAYBACK OPERATION ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
OTHER FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
SETTING THE SLEEP TIMER (ONLY REMOTE CONTROL UNIT) ....................................................................................................................... 15
TV AUTO ON/OFF FUNCTION .............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
MULTI ROOM SELECTOR ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
ON SCREEN DISPLAY INFOMATION .......................................................................................................................... 16
REMOTE CONTROL UNIT RC-18SR ........................................................................................................................... 18
FUNCTION AND OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................................................... 18
RC-18SR BASIC OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................................................... 21
ADVANCED PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
OTHER FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
DIRECT COMMAND FUNCTIONS LISTING ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
SURROUND MODES .................................................................................................................................................... 32
TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................................................... 34
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 36


Thank you for purchasing the Marantz SR8000 DTS/Dolby Digital • Dolby Digital and DTS surround sound decoding, plus Dolby Pro
Surround receiver. Logic decoding and a variety of additional surround modes.
This remarkable component has been engineered to provide you with • 96 kHz/ 24 bit decoding for highest possible fidelity and
many years of home theater enjoyment. bandwidth, and high-resolution playback of 96 kHz/ 24 bit PCM
Please take a few minutes to read this manual thoroughly before you audio sources.
connect and operate the SR8000. • 100 watts to each of the five main channels; the power amp section
As there are a number of connection and configurations options, you features an advanced, premium high-storage power supply
are encouraged to discuss your own particular home theater setup capacitors, and fully discrete output stages housed in cast
with your Marantz A/V specialist dealer. aluminum heat sinks .
• High Definition Amplifier Module (HDAM) discrete pre-amp output
• 5.1 channel pre-amp outputs for connection to external
components such as a subwoofer and external power amplifiers.
• Six-channel direct inputs accommodate future surround sound
DESCRIPTION formats or an external digital decoder.
• 6 Digital inputs, for connection to other sources, such as DVD,
DSS, CD or LD.
• 2 Digital outputs for connection to CD-R or MD.
• High-quality AM/FM tuner with 50 station presets.
DTS was introduced in 1994 to provide 5.1 channels of discrete • Source Direct switch bypasses, tone controls and bass
digital audio into home theater systems. mangagement for purest audio quality.
The DTS brings you premiumre quality discrete multi-channel digital
• S-video and composite video switching .
sound to both movies and music.
DTS is a multi-channel sound system designed to create full range • On- Screen- Display with both Composite and “S” video.
digital sound reproduction. • Front panel A/V inputs, with S-video .
The no compromise DTS digital process sets the standard of quality • Easy to use, on-screen menu.
for cinema sound by delivering an exact copy of the studio master
• Multi-room capability offers independent control of a second room
recordings to neighborhood and home theaters. audio and video system.
Now, every moviegoer can hear the sound exactly as the moviemaker
intended. • Supplied with RC18SR Programmable Learning Remote Control.
DTS can be enjoyed in the home for either movies or music on of
DVD’s, LD’s, and CD’s.

Dolby Digital lets you enjoy Digital TV, Digital Satellite as well as DVD,
LD software in digital surround, which is the next step above Dolby
Pro Logic.
In comparison with Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby Digital can provide
separate left surround and right surround channels, for more precise
localization of sounds and a more convincing, realistic ambience.
And, with Dolby Digital, all five main channels can be full ranged and
a subwoofer can be added to each channel ,if desired. By providing
up to 5.1channels of digital audio independently, Dolby Digital lets
you enjoy better sound quality and more powerful presence than
conventional Dolby Surround.

“Dolby”, “AC-3”, “Pro Logic” and the double-D symbol are trademarks
of Dolby Laboratories.
“DTS” and “DTS Digital Surround” are trademarks of Digital Theater
Systems, Inc.


Press this button to switch the unit to multi room mode. “MULTI
PAGE 1.) ROOM” appears in the display.

q POWER switch and STANDBY indicator !0 SLEEP button

When this switch is pressed once, the unit turns ON and display Set the sleep timer function with this button .
appears on the display panel. When pressed again, the unit turns
OFF and the STANDBY indicator lights. !1 DISPLAY OFF button
When the STANDBY indicator lights, the unit is NOT disconnected
When this button is pressed, the display is turned off and the display
from the AC power.
off indicator lights up ( DISP ).
Press this button again to turn the display ON again.
w PHONES jack for stereo headphones
Conventional dynamic headphones can be plugged in here. !2 MUTE button
Notes: Press this button to mute the output to the speakers. Press it again to
When using headphones, the surround mode is switched return to the previous volume level.
automatically to STEREO and the sound from the speakers is
The surround mode returns to the previous setting as soon as the !3 CL (Clear) button
plug is removed from the jack. Press this button to cancel the station-memory setting mode or preset
scan tuning.
e SURROUND MODE Selector knob
When this knob is turned, the surround mode is switched in the !4 MEMO (memory) button
following sequence. Press this button to enter the tuner preset memory numbers and
AUTO DTS-cinema DTS-music DOLBY station names.

Note: During reception of AM or FM, you can scan the other frequencies or
Not all modes will be present if an analog input is selected. select another preset station pressing these buttons.

r VOLUME control knob !6 FREQUENCY / PRESET buttons

Adjusts the overall sound level. Turning the control clockwise During reception of AM or FM, you can change the function of the UP/
increases the sound level. DOWN buttons for scanning frequencies or selecting preset stations
by pressing these buttons.
VIDEO) !7 FM MODE button
These buttons are used to select the sources. Press this button to select the auto stereo mode or mono mode when
The video function selector, such as TV , LD, DVD , VCR1 , DSS/ the FM band is selected. The AUTO indicator lights in the auto stereo
VCR2, and AUX, selects video and audio simultaneously. mode.
Audio function sources such as CD, TAPE , CDR/MD ,and TUNER
may be selected in conjunction with a Video source.
This feature (Sound Injection) combines a sound from one source
with a picture from another. This window receives infrared signals from the remote control unit.
Choose the video source first, and then choose a different audio
source to activate this function. !9 ENCODED CHANNEL STATUS indicators
These indicators display the channels that are encoded with a digital
y 6CH INPUT button input signal.
Press this button to select the output of an external multi channel If the selected digital input signal is Dolby Digital 5.1ch or DTS 5.1ch,
decoder. “L”, “C”, “R”, “LS”, “RS” and “LFE” will light up.
If the digital input signal is 2 channel PCM-audio, “L” and “R” will be
u A/D (Analog/Digital) SELECTOR button Note:
This is used to select between the analog and digital inputs. These indicators are only active with a digital input.
This button is not used for an input source that is not connected to a
digital input.
@0 PEAK indicator
This indicator is a monitor for an analog audio input signal.
If the selected analog audio input signal is greater than the capable
i S. ( Source) DIRECT button level of internal processing, will light.
When this button is pressed, the tone control circuitry is bypassed as If this happens, you should press the ATT button.
well as Bass Management.
Notes: @1 AUX input jacks
The surround mode is automatically switched to AUTO when the These auxiliary video/audio input jacks accept the connection of a
source direct function is turned on. camcorder, portable VCR, etc.
Additionally, Speaker Configurations are fixed automatically as
Front SPKR = Large
Center SPKR = Large
Surround SPKR = Large
Sub woofer = On


Connect the TV MONI jack to your TV’s video input (VIDEO IN) jack.
(SEE PAGE 1.) You can connect your video equipment with S-VIDEO jacks if
All connections to the rear panel should be made with the entire possible, or the composite (VIDEO) jacks.
system powered off. You must use the same type of connection from your video player into
To avoid errors, it is advisable to connect one cable at a time between the receiver, and out of the receiver into your TV.
the various components. Both must be composite video or both must be S-Video. You cannot
convert a signal from one type to the other.

A FM antenna terminal (75 ohms)

Connect an external FM antenna with a coaxial cable, or a cable
network FM source. IN : Connect to multi-room remote control device, available from
your Marantz dealer.
AM antenna and ground terminals OUT : Connect to the Marantz component equipped with remote
Connect the supplied AM loop antenna. Use the terminals marked control (RC-5) terminals in another room (Second zone).
“AM” and “GND”.
The supplied AM loop antenna will provide good AM reception in
most areas. L DC LEVEL control 1 & 2
Position the loop antenna until you hear the best reception. This determines the output voltage (5-13 VDC) of the DC trigger

B Three analog audio inputs

M DC control output 1 & 2
Connect the audio outputs of your source components to the input Connect a device that needs to be triggered by DC under certain
jacks on the receiver. conditions (screen, power strip, etc…) Use the system setup menu
(3/3) to determine the conditions by which these jacks will be active.
C Two analog audio outputs for audio This output voltage is for (status) control only, It is not sufficient for
source equipment drive capability.
Connect each output to the audio inputs (REC in) of your recording N REMOTE CONT. IN/OUT terminals
equipment. Connect to a Marantz component equipped with remote control (RC-
5) terminals.
D Five analog audio inputs for video
source equipment O 6 CH INPUT jacks
Connect to the outputs of an external multichannel decoder.
Connect each input to the audio outputs of your video source
equipment. P PRE OUT jacks
Jacks for Front - L/R, Center and Surround.
Use these jacks for connection to an external power amplifier.
E Two analog audio outputs for video
source equipment
Q SUB WOOFER output jack
VCR1, and DSS/VCR2 Connect to the input jack(s) of the power amplifier for subwoofer
Connect each output to the audio inputs (REC in) of your video channel or powered subwoofer.
recording equipment.

R Six DIGITAL inputs

F Five video inputs
Dig.1,2,3 (coaxial) and Dig.4,5,6(Optical)
Ex: TV,LD,DVD, VCR1, and DSS/VCR2 Connect each input to the digital output of your source equipment.
Connect each input to the video outputs of your video source Use the system setup menu to assign digital input to appropriate
equipment. source. (see page. 11)
Note :
G Two video outputs The coaxial connections are not for AC-3 RF from LD, If you want
to decode this type of signal, an external demodulator must be
VCR1, and DSS/VCR2
Connect each output to the video input (REC in) of your video
recording equipment.
S Two DIGITAL outputs
H Five S-video inputs Optical and Coaxial
Connect digital input of your digital recording equipment.
Connect each input to the S-video outputs of your video source
equipment. T MULTI OUT jacks (Audio)
Connect to the input jacks of the amplifier used to drive the speakers
I Two S-video outputs in another room (Second zone).

VCR1, and DSS/VCR2

Connect each output terminals to S-video input (REC in) of your video U MULTI OUT jack (Video)
recording equipment. Connect to the input jacks of the TV monitor in another room (Second

V SPEAKER terminals

FRONT Left & Right speakers output terminals

Connect to the front left & right speakers.
CENTER speaker output terminals
Connect to the center speaker.
SURROUND Left & Right speakers output terminals
Connect to the surround (rear) left & right speakers.

Connect the power cables of components such as a DVD and CD
player to these outlets. Both SWITCHED and UNSWITCHED outlets
are provided.
The one marked SWITCHED provides power only when the SR8000 is
turned on and is useful for components which you use every time you
play your system.
The one marked UNSWITCHED is always live as long as the SR8000
is plugged into a live outlet.
A component connected here may be left on permanently, or may be
switched off with its own power switch.
In order to avoid potential turn-off thumps, anything plugged in here
should be powered up BEFORE the SR8000 is turned on.

X POWER cable
Plug into a household AC power outlet.

REMOTE CONTROL BUS CONNECTIONS Controlling the power ON/OFF of a power amplifier connected to
This unit is equipped with a remote control function. the SR8000 through Marantz remote control

By connecting this unit’s remote control jacks to a Marantz CD player 1. If you connect the MA500 power amplifier to the SR8000, set the
or tape deck equipped with remote control (RC-5) jacks, it allows Bus System Selector switch of the MA500 to “System 2”.
system remote control to operate. Now the MA500 can be turned ON / OFF in synchronism with the
Connect RC-5 OUT jack of SR8000 to REMOTE CONT. IN of other power ON / OFF of the SR8000.
Marantz equipment, i.e. CD player or Cassette deck, by using an RCA
pin cable.
n Be sure to connect the remote control bus before the procedure
Note: above.
If a component equipped with remote control (RC-5) jacks has an
INT/EXT switch on the rear panel, set the switch to EXT when using
the system control function.

(Connection example)

SR8000 rear panel

or MA500 rear panel CD player rear panel Tape deck panel








1 DIG–4
Use this connection when using a sub-woofer speaker.
CENTER WOOFER You can also connect a powered subwoofer.


Powered subwoofer


Other Marantz INVERT

Equipment (RC-5) IN

Set the switch to ”SYSTEM 2”


120V 60 Hz
200 W MAX

Marantz MA500 power amplifier

Subwoofer speaker


This chapter describes the functions which need to control the MODE3 7 LVL+ Increases channel level volume
SR8000. See page 18 and following pages to refer other function of 8 LVL- decreases channel level volume
the RC-18SR. After pressing the CH+ button, use the LVL+
and LVL- buttons to adjust the volume level of
each speaker channel.
v POWER ON and OFF PROCESSOR 1 VOL+ increases external decoder’s volume
These two buttons are use for turning on or off SR8000. This button is not used for SR8000.
2 VOL- decreases external decoder’s volume
m DIRECT button This button is not used for SR8000.
The DIRECT command buttons (4 on each side of the LCD display, 8 3 6-CH 6 channel direct button
total) work with the PAGE buttons (4 pages for each source When the surround processor is connected to
component) to provide up to 32 dedicated specialized functions for the DIRECT IN JACKS, press this button to play
each of the 11 function input selectors. Each DIRECT function may it.
also be provided with an alphanumeric function indicator visible in 4 BYP bypasses external processor’s decoding
the LCD display. Press the AMP or TUNER button . to control the 5 SLEP sleep timer button
receiver. This button is used for setting the sleep timer.
6 DISP display on/off function
Press one of these buttons to select a surround mode for the current When this button is pressed, the display is
listening session. turned on or off.
7 MODE surround mode select button
8 PHNO phono function button
AMP This button is not used for SR8000.
MODE1 1 AUTO Auto select surround modes
2 DOLB Dolby Digital or Pro Logic decoding TUNER
3 THX THX cinema decoding BAND 1 FM FM band button
This button is not used for SR8000. 2 AM AM/MW band button
4 DTS DTS-cinema or DTS-music 3 LW long wave band button
5 HALL Hall surround sound This button is not used for SR8000
6 MTRX Matrix surround sound 4 BAND selects radio band button
7 MOV Movie surround sound 5 MODE mono/stereo/muting mode selector button
8 2-CH Stereo sound (no surround) 6 TIME time display button
MODE2 1 A/D analog / digital select switch This button is not used for SR8000
Switches between the analog input and the 7 F/P frequency or preset channel display select
digital input. button.
2 DIR source direct switch 8 SCAN preset scan button
When this switch is pressed, the signals are
transmitted by bypassing the tone control
circuitry so that they can be reproduced with , PAGE buttons
higher quality. These buttons are used to select any 1 of the 4 pages of 8 functions
3 ATT attenuate for analog input for each DIRECT button, as explained above.
4 OSD on screen display
Once the button is pressed, the on-screen . FUNCTION buttons
display is turned on and each a control button These buttons are used for selecting the input function. Press one of
related to the SR8000 is pressed thereafter, the these buttons twice within 2 seconds.
information will be displayed on the TV screen.
When the button is pressed again to turn the ⁄1 VOLUME UP (+) AND DOWN (-)
on-screen display off, it disappears from the TV These buttons are used to raise and lower the main system volume
screen. (Refer to “ON-SCREEN MENU level.
SYSTEM” on page 8.)
5 MONO monaural decoding ⁄2 TEN KEYPAD
This button is not used for SR8000.
They are useful for tuning a pre-set radio station and setting a station
6 3-D 3-D surround decoding
This button is not used for SR8000.
7 NITE NIGHT mode for Dolby Digital ⁄3 M (MEMO) button
Pressing this button prevents the Dolby Digital This button is used to enter the tuner preset memory numbers and
signal from playback at a loud voice. This station names.
function reduces the voice by 1/3 to 1/4 at
maximum. Thus, it eliminates the occurrence ⁄4 C (Clear) button
of an abruptly loud voice at night. However, the
This button is used to cancel certain memory or programming
function is valid only for the case when the
Dolby Digital signal (AC-3) is entered into
digital Input and data to compress the voice ⁄6 CURSOR, OK buttons
exists in the signal to be played back.
8 MLTI activates multi-room mode The cursor buttons can be used to navigate within on-screen menus.
MODE3 1 TRB+ increases treble These buttons are unavailable when the mode is set to DSS, TV or DVD.
2 TRB- decreases treble
3 BAS+ increases bass
⁄7 MUTE button
4 BAS- decreases bass This button can be used to mute the sound temporarily.
The button 1 to 4 are used to control the tone.
5 R-EQ activates RE-EQ function ⁄9 LIGHTING button
This button is not used for SR8000. This button is used to activate the back-lit LCD screen and back-lit
6 CH+ channel select button keys.
Press this button to adjust the volume levels of
the front, center, surround, subwoofer
channels. Each press of the button changes
the channel which can be adjusted.

3. Receiving the remote control codes
OPERATION OF REMOTE CONTROL UNIT The RC-18SR can learn most of the remote control codes from various

1. Remote control equipment, it learns the full word length of the code it is receiving.
The distance between the transmitter of the remote control unit and Due to the sensitivity of the receiving LED the RC-18SR may also
the IR SENSOR of the SR8000 should be less than about 5 meters. If “learn” noise from fluorescent lights, etc. which can quickly fill up the
the transmitter is pointed to a direction other than the IR SENSOR or if memory of the RC-18SR.
there is an obstacle between them, remote control may not be In order to maximize the memory capacity of the RC-18SR please pay
possible. close attention to the following:
(1) Aim the transmitting remote control at a direct line of sight to
Remote-controllable range the RC-18SR remote receiver eye.

(2) Keep 2 inches between transmitting remote and the RC-18SR
receiving eye.

Top View Top View RC-18SR

LD remote



control unit

LD remote

control unit




























D5 4









4 2
7 5 3
M 8 6
0 9

Side View

Side View

LD remote
Remote control unit (RC-18SR) control unit RC-18SR
LD remote
control unit

2. Loading batteries
2 inch
The life of the batteries used with the remote control unit is about 4 5 cm
months with normal use. Also be sure to replace batteries earlier
when you notice that they are getting weak.
(1) Remove the back cover.

(2) Insert the alkaline batteries (AA type) with correct (+) and (–)

(3) Close until it clicks.


After all components are connected, initial setup must be performed.


The SR8000 incorporates an on-screen menu system,
which makes various operations
possible by using the cursor ( , , , ) and OK
buttons on the remote handset.
The settings made with these buttons are also shown in
the on-screen display.




 HT−EQ         : OFF  SUBWOOFER   : YES

 RETRUN         EXIT  NEXT SETUP      EXIT  NEXT           EXIT



 CD        − −−−−  −  UNIT      :    ft
 FRONT L    :    0 dB  TAPE      −−−−−−    FRONT−L   :  10ft
 FRONT R    :    0 dB  CD−R      −− −−−  −  FRONT−R   :  10ft
 SUBWOOFER  :    0 dB  TV        −−−−−−    CENTER    :  10ft
 CENTER     :    0 dB  LD        −−− −−  −  SURR−L    :  10ft
 SURROUND L :    0 dB  DVD        −−−−−  −  SURR−R    :  10ft
 SURROUND R :    0 dB   VCR1      −−−−−−              ENTER
   DSS       −−−− −  −





INPUT  Dig−123456 Ana 
  OSD MAIN MENU  CD        − −−−−  −
 TAPE      −−−−−−  
 SURROUND MODE  CD−R      −− −−−  −
 CHANNEL LEVEL  TV        −−−−−−  
 MULTI ROOM SETUP  LD        −−− −−  −
 SYSTEM SETUP  DVD        −−−−−  −
 SPEAKER SETUP  VCR1      −−−−−−  
    DSS       −−−− −  −

Six digital inputs can be assigned for the desired source.

1. Press the AMP button. Use this menu to determine which source is connected to which
2. Press any one of the cursor buttons ( , , , and OK buttons) input.
to display the “MAIN MENU” of the on-screen display menu. Example;
Choose a desired item in the contents with or button, and When the digital output of a DVD player is connected to Digital 4
press the OK button to select. (input jack) of the SR8000;
Display will change to menu for each item. 1. Move the cursor on the line of the DVD with cursor buttons or .
2. Move the cursor on “Dig 4” with cursor buttons or .
3. Press the OK button to chose.
SYSTEM SETUP 4. If you desire to continue the next setup, press the OK button on
If you desire to exit from OSD menu system, press the OK button
on EXIT.
 6CH−INPUT   : 6ch
The TUNER and AUX are fixed to the analog input, and are
 TV−AUTO     : ENABLE prevented from selecting any digital input.
 TV−INPUT    : CVBS While the DTS-LD or DTS-CD is playing, this setup is not available,
 DIGITAL OUT : SOURCE this is to avoid noise being generated from the analog input. Stop
the LD or CD playback to setup.
The SR8000 does not switch from digital input to analog input or
vice versa automatically.
 NEXT SETUP      EXIT In the event that both digital and analog inputs are connected to
SR8000, if you desire to switch to an analog input temporarily, you
can switch by pressing the A/D button.
6CH. INPUT : The 6 channel direct input of the SR8000 can be
selected to use a 6channel input or front
2channel input. Select 6channel use or
2channel use by or button.
TV AUTO : This product is equipped with a TV-auto ON/
OFF system, which automatically turns on or off    DC−CONTROL OUTPUT
the power 1 second to 5 minutes after the TV   DC1: MULTI ROOM
video input signal has been sent or has been TV LD DVD VCR1 DSS AUX
stopped. CD−R TAPE  CD  TUNER
Switch the TV AUTO ON/OFF function to enable
or disable with or button.   DC2: MULTI ROOM
To use this function, connect the TV video input
to TV tuner’s video output.
TV INPUT : This allows you to choose between the  NEXT SETUP      EXIT
composite or the S-Video input for use with the
TV auto function.
DIGITAL OUT : This lets you chose which digital input will be
SR8000 has two DC control jacks, each one is selectable to link with
output for digital recording.
input functions for the main room or multi room.
SOURCE DIG.1 DIG.2 DIG.3 DIG.4 You can select MAIN ROOM or MULTI ROOM for DC1 & DC2
OFF DIG.6 DIG.5 independently by , or OK button.
And then move the cursor to select the linked input function you
To determine each source, display the desired
desired by or button and press OK button to chose.
source and press the or button.
NEXT SETUP/EXIT :If you desire to continue the next setup ,press
the OK button on NEXT-SETUP, if you desire to
exit from OSD menu system, press the OK
button on EXIT.

FRONT -L/R : Select the type of front speakers with or button.
SPEAKERS SETUP CENTER : Select the type of center speaker with or button.

The home theater system you already have installed should function SURR-L/R : Select the type of surround speakers with or
provided that there are left, center and right front speakers, left and button.
right rear/surround speakers and a subwoofer. For best results we SUBWOOFER: Select the subwoofer speaker yes or none with or
recommend that all front speakers be of the same type, with identical button.
or similar driver units. This will deliver smooth pans across the front Notes:
sound stage as the action moves from side to side. The SUBWOOFER cannot be set to None when the front speakers are
Your center channel speaker is very important as over 80 % of the set to SMALL.
dialog from a typical motion picture emanates from the center channel. This speaker size setup is not effective when the SOURCE-DIRECT or
It should possess similar sonic characteristics to the main speakers. 6CH. Input is selected.
Rear channel speakers need not be identical to the front channel
speakers, but they should be of high quality.
One of the benefits of both Dolby Digital (AC-3) and DTS is that
surround channels are discreat full range, while they were frequency SPKR SETUP 2/3 (SPKR DISTANCE)
limited in earlier “Pro Logic’ type systems.
Bass effects are an important part of home theater. For optimal SETUP2/3 SPKR DISTANCE
enjoyment a subwoofer should be used as it is optimized for low  UNIT      :    ft
frequency reproduction. If you have full range front speakers,  FRONT−L   :  10ft
however, they may be used in place of a subwoofer with proper  FRONT−R   :  10ft
 CENTER    :  10ft
setting of theswitches in the menu system.
 SURR−L    :  10ft
SUB WOOFER  SURR−R    :  10ft

Use this parameter to specify the distance of the speaker’s position
from the listener.
The delay time is automatically set according to these distances.

UNITS: You can select Meters or Feet.

If you select “FEET”, the setting parameter will change in 1
If you select “METER”, it will change in 0.3 meter steps.
Select speaker with or button, and input each speaker’s
distance with or button.
If possible, mount the surround speakers on the walls to the sides of When the input for each speaker’s distance has been
the viewing area, 2-3 feet above seated viewers, firing straight across finished, move the cursor to ENTER and press the OK button.
at each other. NOTES :
If your are out of range, the OSD text will blink.
SPKR SETUP 1/3 (SPKR SIZE) Placement beyond that distance is beyond the range of the automatic
time delay feature.
The delay feature does not function in the SOURCE-DIRECT ,6 CH-
Input modes and decoding of 96 kHz sources.



SETUP: Select “LOCKED” with or button in order to lock the

contents of the SPKR SET UP MENU.   FORNT−L  :   0dB
Then, when you want to change the contents of this setup,
select “UNLOCKED”.
 RETURN         EXIT
This menu enters the information about which type of speakers will be
used for each channel.
In turn, these settings will determine which speakers receive low SPKR LEVEL
frequency information. TEST MODE: Selects the mode for generating the test tone.
For the purpose of establishing proper bass reproduction, use the If you select AUTO, the test tone will be cycled
LARGE settings if the speaker being used at any position is a through in a circular pattern which is Left → Center →
traditional full-range loudspeaker that is capable of reproducing Right → Surround Right → Surround Left →
sound below 100 Hz and you are not using a subwoofer. Subwoofer → Left → ... 3 seconds for each channel.
Use the SMALL setting for smaller, frequency-limited speakers that are not If you select MANUAL, press the OK or CH+ button to
able to reproduce sounds below 100Hz and you are using a subwoofer. select the test tone channels after the “TEST TONE ON”.
Low frequencies will be diverted from the speaker to the subwoofer. TEST TONE: Press the OK button, ON is indicated and the test
Note that when “small” speakers are used it is advisable to install a tone starts from the front L-CH speaker.
separate subwoofer, especially if you wish to appreciate the full Press the OK button again, OFF is indicated and the
impact of a good home theater soundtrack. output of the test tone will stop.
If the Surround speakers or Center speaker will not be used, set Channel: Adjust the level of test tone for each channel with the
NONE for each speaker. The NONE setting will send the audio for the LVL+, LVL– or , buttons of the RC-18SR. The current
surround channels or Center channel to the front left/right speakers. volume level is shown at the center of the display.


 LFE LEVEL     :  0 dB  VOLUME LEVEL : −15 dB
 HT−EQ         : OFF −−−MAIN−ROOM STATUS−−−
 RETRUN         EXIT  RETURN         EXIT

SOURCE DIRECT : Switch the source direct ON or OFF with or MULTI ROOM : To switch on the Multi-room output.
button. This bypasses the surround processing VIDEO : Select the video source of the Multi-room
and crossover for the main speakers (front left output.
and right will be full range and the subwoofer will AUDIO : Select the audio source of the Multi-room
be ON) output.
Note: Surround mode cannot be changed in VOLUME : Select whether the Multi-room output level
Source Direct mode. is variable or fixed.
SURR-MODE : Select the surround mode with or button. VOLUME LEVEL : Adjust the Multi-room output level.
NIGHT MODE : Switch the NIGHT MODE ON or OFF with or MAIN ROOM STATUS : Selected input source in the main room will
button. be displayed.
Selecting the Night Mode ON is effective in
Dolby Digital only, and it compresses the Notes:
dynamic range. If “VOLUME” is set to “FIXED”, the multi-room output level cannot
This softens loud passages such as sudden be adjusted.
explosions, to help prevent disturbing others late You cannot transmit a digital signal using the multi-room function.
at night. Any source component that is desired to be operated in the
LFE LEVEL : Select the output level of the LFE signal included second zone needs to have the analog outputs connected to
in the Dolby Digital signal or the DTS signal. receiver.
Select 0dB, -10 dB or OFF with or button.
The level is ordinarily set to 0 dB except DTS-
Music mode. In the DTS-Music mode, default
level is set to -10 dB.
HT-EQ: Switch the HT (Home Theater) - EQ on or off with
or button.
This mode compensates for the audio portion of
a movie sounding “bright”.
This equalizer is effective in AUTO, DOLBY,
DTS-cinema, DTS-music and STEREO mode.



 FRONT L    :    0 dB
 FRONT R    :    0 dB
 SUBWOOFER  :    0 dB
 CENTER     :    0 dB
 SURROUND L :    0 dB
 SURROUND R :    0 dB 

 RETRUN         EXIT

Desired channels can be selected by pressing , or CH+ , button.

Each channel level will be adjusted by pressing , , LVL+, or LVL–
Only the usable channels which are determined depending on the
SURROUND mode, and SPEAKER SETTING are displayed.

BASIC OPERATION 5. Each time the tuner finds a station, the scanning will pause and
the station will be played for five seconds. During this time, the

following operations are possible:

LISTENING TO THE TUNER 1) The band can be changed using the BAND button on the
1. To select the tuner as the source, press the TUNER button t on 2) The mode can be changed using the (FM) MODE button !7 .
the front panel or press the TUNER button . on the remote. 6. If no button is pressed during this period, the current frequency is
2. Press the TUNER button t on the front panel or press the preset in location CH-2.
TUNER button . on the remote to select the desired frequency If you wish to skip the current station, press the TUNING/PRESET
band if required. or button !5 during this period, the current frequency is skipped
3. Press the F/P button !6 on the front panel to display the frequency. and auto presetting continues.
4. Press the TUNING/PRESET or button !5 on the front panel or 7. Operation stops automatically when all 50 preset memory
press the 1, ¡ button ⁄5 on the remote. positions are filled or when auto scanning attains the highest end
5. If FM is selected, press the MODE button !7 on the front panel or of all bands.
the MODE button D5 on the remote to select the desired audio To stop the auto preset function at anytime, press the CLEAR
mode. button !3.

3. Recalling a Preset Station

(FM) MODE BUTTON OPERATION 1. Press theF/P button !6 to change the display to preset.
When “AUTO” indicator is on in the display, FM stations that 2. Select the desired preset station by pressing TUNING/PRESET
broadcast in stereo will be received in stereo and the “STEREO” or button !5 on the front panel or press 4 or ¢ button ⁄5
indicator lights. on the remote.
When “AUTO” indicator is off, all the FM stations will be received in Note:
mono regardless of whether or not they are broadcasting in stereo. To directly access the preset stations using the numeric keypad,
select the desired preset station by entering one or two digits
using the numeric keypad ⁄5.
AUTO TUNING (USING THE SR8000) To return to the Manual Tuning mode, press the F/P button !6.
1. Press the F/P button !6 on the front panel to display the frequency.
2. Press the TUNING/PRESET or button !5 on the front panel
for more than 1 second to start the Auto tuning function. 4. Preset Scan Tuning (Using the remote control unit)
1. Press the SCAN (preset scan) button D8 on the remote. “P-
AUTO TUNING (USING THE REMOTE CONTROL UNIT) SCAN” indicator blinks in the display. (The preset station with the
Press 1 or ¡ button for more than 1 second to start the Auto smallest preset number is recalled first. If no stations have been
tuning function. preset, CH “00” blinks in the display and the unit returns to the
previous mode.)
2. Preset stations are recalled in sequence (CH-1 → CH-2, etc.) for
PRESET TUNING 5 seconds each. Preset numbers that do not contain stations are
With this unit you can preset up to 50 FM/AM stations in any order. For skipped.
each station, you can memorize the frequency and reception mode if 3. You can fast forward the preset stations by pressing the ¢
desired. button continuously.
When the desired preset station is received, cancel the preset
1-a. Manual Presetting (Using the SR8000) scan operation by pressing the 4 button or the SCAN button
1. Refer to the “MANUAL TUNING” or “AUTO TUNING” section D8 or CLEAR button !3.
above to tune in a desired station.
2. Press the MEMORY button !4. “MEMO” indicator starts blinking 5. Clearing Preset Stations
on the display. You can remove preset stations from memory using the following
While “MEMO” is still blinking (approx. 5 seconds), select the procedure.
preset number by pressing the TUNING/PRESET or button 1. Recall the preset number to be cleared with the method
!5 then press the MEMORY button !4 again. described in “Recalling” a preset station .
3. When a number has been properly input, “MEMO” indicator 2. Press the MEMORY button !4 on the front panel or M (MEMO)
stops blinking and goes out. button ⁄3 on the remote unit, “MEMO” blinks in the display for 5
The station is now stored in the specified preset memory location. seconds. While “MEMO” is still blinking, press the CLEAR button
!3 on the front panel or C (CLEAR) button ⁄4 on the remote unit.
1-b. Manual Presetting (Using the remote unit) “CLEAR” appears on the display to indicate that the specified
1. Tune in a desired station. preset number has been cleared.
2. Press the M button ⁄3.
3. Enter the desired preset number with ten keypad ⁄2.
* When entering a single digit number (2, for example), either input
“02” or just input “2” and wait for a few seconds.
* If a number other than 1-50 is entered by mistake, that number
flashes in the display to indicate that it is invalid and the display
returns to the original frequency display.

2. Auto Presetting
This function automatically scans the AM and FM band and enters all
stations with sufficient signal strength into the memory.
This function is available only for SR8000.
1. Select the FM band with the BAND button on the remote.
2. Tune in the lowest receivable frequency.
3. While pressing the MEMORY button !4, press the TUNING/PRESET
button !5 . Auto memory starts at this point.
4. “MEMO “ will blink on the display.

The station name preset function allows the name of each preset OTHER FUNCTIONS

channel to be entered using alphanumeric characters. The Station
Name button is valid only in the tuner mode. Before station name SETTING THE SLEEP TIMER
preset operation, store stations with the preset memory operation. Set the sleep timer while the power is turned on.
1. Press the MEMORY button !4 on the front panel or M (MEMO) 1. Turn the power ON and press the SLEEP button !0 or D5 on
button ⁄3 on the remote for more than 3 seconds. page 4 at AMP mode.
2. The left most column of the station name indicator flashes, “SLEEP” blinks on the display.
indicating the character entry ready status. 2. Press the SLEEP button !0 or D5 the number of times to set the
[Operation (Using the SR8000)] desired sleep time in minutes.
3. When you press the TUNING/PRESET or buttons !5 is Each press of the SLEEP button !0 or D5 changes the display in
turned, alphabetic and numeric characters will be displayed in the following order:
the following order:
10 20 30 40 50
A → B → C ...Z → 1 → 2 → 3..... 0 → – → + → / → (Blank) → A
UP →
← DOWN OFF 90 80 70 60
4. After selecting the first character to be entered, press the “SLEEP” stops blinking and lights steadily.
MEMORY button !4. The entry in this column is fixed and the next The unit will shut off in the number of minutes indicated.
column starts to flash. Fill the next column and press the
MEMORY button !4 for more than 1 second to confirm the entry. * While the sleep timer is activated, the remaining time can be
displayed for approximately 2 seconds by pressing the SLEEP
[Operation (Using the remote unit)] button.
First, press the TUNER button on the remote control unit. * To cancel the sleep timer, press the SLEEP button !0 or D5 and
(This operation is not necessary if the remote control unit has then press the CLEAR button !8 or C (CLEAR) button ⁄4.
already been operated in the TUNER mode.)
3. Enter the character using the ten keypad ⁄2 . For example, to
enter “A”:
1) Press the “1” button. “A” appears on the display column.
2) Every time the 1 button is pressed, the displayed character TV AUTO ON/OFF FUNCTION
changes in the order: A → B → C → 1 → A... This function allows the component connected to the TV IN jack to
Pressing buttons other than the “1” button cause different control the power (ON/OFF) to the SR8000.
characters to be displayed in a similar way, so that other AUTO POWER ON
alphanumeric characters can be entered. To enter a blank or 1. Be sure TV auto mode is enable. (Refer page 11 : System Setup 1/3)
space, press the “9” button. 2. Connect your TV TUNER (etc) to the TV IN terminal.
4. When the desired character is displayed, press the M (MEMO) Be sure to connect the of video input.
button ⁄3 to confirm the entry in this column and move to the next 3. Turn OFF the power to the TV TUNER and the SR8000.
column. After having filled all of the 8 columns, press the M 4. Turn ON the TV TUNER and tune in a receivable station.
(MEMO) button ⁄3, for more than 1 second to confirm the entry. 5. When the station is received, the SR8000 turns ON and TV is
selected automatically.


1. In the above situation, turn the TV TUNER OFF or select a channel
that does not contain any broadcast.
PLAYBACK OPERATION 2. The SR8000 switches to STANDBY after approximately 5
1. Press the POWER ON button on the remote.
2. Press the FUNCTION SELECTOR button t on the front panel or Note:
press the FUNCTION button . on the remote unit to select an AUTO POWER OFF is canceled if the FUNCTION SELECTOR
input source. button @1 is set to a source other than TV. The function reactivates
3. Turn the SURROUND MODE SELECTOR knob e on the front when TV is selected again.
panel or Surround mode buttons D1 to D8 on page 1 in the AMP Caution:
MODE on the remote unit to select the desired surround mode. Some TV broadcasts may cause the TV AUTO FUNCTION to be
4. Adjust the volume level using the VOLUME knob r on the front turned enable. To set this function to ENABLE/DISABLE, refer to
panel or press the VOL + / – button ⁄1 on the remote. If the SETUP MENU.
necessary, adjust the tone using the BASS and TREBLE buttons
D1 to D4 on page 3 in the AMP MODE on the remote unit.
In case of remote control operation, press one of the function
buttons twice within 2 seconds to select the function.


WATCHING A VIDEO SOURCE (Using the remote control
1. Select one of the following video sources
2. Next, select one of the following audio sources


The Multi Room Selector is a function which allows you to listen to the
same or a different source in a room other than the room in which the INFOMATION
SR8000 is located. To use this function, a multi room remote unit and The on-screen display, which can be activated by the Main unit or
remote control signal receiver available from your Marantz dealer are remote, appears on the TV screen to show the current setting status
necessary. The operations possible with the multi room function are of the SR8000.
explained briefly below. For details, refer to the instruction manual
supplied with the multi room remote control unit and receiver. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION
When the OSD button is pressed, the current setting are displayed on
1. Press the MULTI button o. The unit enters multi room mode and This display disappears automatically in about 10 seconds after the
the display indicates “SEL SOURCE” and flashes the “MULTI” button is pressed.
indicator for approx. 10 seconds. In this time, you can select the
input source by pressing the FUNCTION SELECTOR button t
and you can set sleep timer for multi room by pressing by the AUDIO SOURCE  : DVD
SLEEP button !0. DIGITAL IN    : DIG−1
2. Then, the display indicates “MULTI VOL” “VOLUME xx dB” for DIGITAL OUT   : DIG−6
approx. 5 seconds. At this time, you can set the volume level of
the multi room by turning the volume control knob. SURR−MODE :  AUTO


ROOM REMOTE CONTROL UNIT) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. If Video output for multi room is connected to the TV in your
second zone, the on screen display for this video signal will be
shown as follow. q VIDEO SOURCE:
Displays the current video source being selected with the function selector


AUDIO        : DVD Displays the current audio source being selected with the function selector
SLEEP TIMER  : 90 min
    VIDEO : LD Displays the digital input that you are using
    AUDIO : LD DIG-1, DIG-2, DIG-3 , DIG-4 , DIG-5, or DIG-6.

2. Press the MULTI button, the POWER ON button, or select the
Displays the digital output that is being used for recording
desired source on multi room remote control unit from the MULTI SOURCE , DIG-1, DIG-2, DIG-3 , DIG-4 , DIG-5, DIG-6 or OFF.
ROOM. Any of these operations will put the SR8000 into multi
room mode and “MULTI” will light in the display and OSD system
for the TV in the multi room will be shown.
Displays the current surround mode
3. Press the VOL.UP or VOL.DOWN button on the multi room
remote control unit to set the desired sound volume.
4. In multi room mode, the multi room remote control unit can be
used in the multi room to operate the following functions.
You can select a tuner preset channel and tuning up or down,
Displays the current status of the Multi Room function.
and direct selection. And you can control the CD player LD
player, DVD player and tape deck connected to the SR8000.
5. Additionally, SLEEP timer function for multi room is available from u MASTER VOLUME
second zone, by the same way as setting the sleep timer for main Displays the current volume level.
room. The volume level is higher at the right of the display, and the pointer
changes to “ ” at 0 dB.
6. The status of the main room setting can be monitored from the
second zone with the OSD.
The On-Screen Display signals for the main room can be output
from the TV MONIcomposite video (RCA) output and the TV MONI,
If the main room and the secondary room are listening to the same
S-Video output jacks.
source, the main room will have priority over controlling that
With some video equipment or software, the On-Screen Display
source. For example, you cannot change the frequency or preset
characters may be distorted due to noise or tracking adjustment
of the Tuner from a remote location if the main room is also
listening to that source.

When a function selector button or surround mode button is pressed When the SLEEP button is pressed, the setting on or off and the

VIDEO: Displays the current video source. When DSS/TV, remaining time of the sleep
LD, DVD, VCR or AUX is selected with the function timer function are displayed.
selector, both AUDIO and VIDEO shows the same You can change the mode between on, off and the amount of time to
name. elapse before the unit
AUDIO: Displays the current analog audio input source. will shut itself off by cycling the sleep button.
DIGITAL: Displays the current digital input source.
SURR-MODE: Displays the current Surround mode as follows;
HT-EQ : Displays the current status of the Home Theater-EQ
function as ON or OFF.

      ON 90 min


AUDIO     : DVD When OSD button is pressed, OSD system will be bypassed after 3
DIGITAL   : DIG−1 seconds.
SURR−MODE :  AUTO Then there is no indication on the TV display.
HT−EQ     :  OFF
Press the OSD button again.


Displayed when the MASTER volume is varied or a button of the
remote handset is pressed.
The box display indicates the 0 dB level with a solid box “ ”.

       - OFF  -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When the MUTE button is pressed on the remote control, “MUTE” will
be shown on screen.
Pressing MUTE button again will clear the display,or adjust the



n The remote control unit provided with the SR8000 is a

“learning”-type, programmable unit capable of controlling
almost any component in your system, as well as the
Marantz D-BUS components (RC-5). The components to be
controlled can be selected with 11 function buttons.

The provided remote control unit (RC-18SR) is a system remote POWER

controller. The POWER button v, 10-key numeric buttons ⁄2 and SOURCE

control buttons ⁄5 are used in common across different input source ON/OFF


The input source system controlled with the RC-18SR changes when L E A R N I N G REMOTE CONTROL
one of the input selector buttons . is pressed. RC-18SR

nExample: To select the LD player as the input source and 1 3

play an LD on it
Press the LD button twice within 2 seconds. 2 4
The input function of the SR8000 is switched to LD LOW USE NAME

and the RC-18SR is set for control of the LD player. D1 D5

Press the PLAY button ⁄5 to play an LD. D2 D6

D3 D7

D4 D8

1 2 3 4


/ MD


1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9
M 0 C

1 2 3 4
z MODE (operating mode)
This button is used to change from normal operation to the learning
mode, and is used when “learning” commands from other brands of
A/V components. Each time this button is pressed (using a small
pointed instrument, such as the tip of a paper clip) the mode changes
as follows: LEARN →USE →NAME. As the mode changes, the LCD
display will show which mode is currently selected.

x MACRO (for multiple step macro functions)

This button is used to memorize a series of functions. When this
button is pressed, the RC-18SR changes to macro programming
mode, and is ready to learn a sequence of remote control commands.

c CLONE Note:

Press a function selector button only once to select the LD player, etc.
The RC-18SR has the ability to “replicate” itself, downloading all of its Remember, when you press a function selector button only once, the
internal pre-programmed and user-programmed commands to another RC-18SR will not send out a remote control code to instruct the
RC-18SR or RC2000MKII. This button is used when you wish to “teach” amplifier or receiver to change to that corresponding input, but the RC-
another RC-18SR or RC2000MKII all of the customized commands 18SR keypad and DIRECT function commands will provide the
you’ve already programmed in this RC-18SR. selected component’s specialized remote control codes. Press a
function selector button twice within 2 seconds to change the function
v POWER ON and OFF of the amplifier or receiver.
These two buttons are used to turn the main component’s (amplifier
or receiver) AC power on and off. We provide both ON and OFF For example, if you press the LD function button twice within 2
commands so that your A/V system is remote compatible with seconds, the amplifier or receiver’s input will immediately be switched
external infrared controllers, such as in-wall key pads, and etc. to the laser disc input, and the keypad and DIRECT function
commands for laser disc operation will be activated. Press the CD
b SOURCE ON/OFF function button only once, the amplifier or receiver’s input will not
This button is used to turn the AC power on and off to any of your A/V switch to the CD input, however the RC-18SR keypad and DIRECT
source components that have their own remote control turn-on and function commands for compact disc operation will be activated.
turn-off commands, such as TV, laser disc player, VCR, etc. We have provided 11 popular function command selector buttons,
based upon the typical input selections available with most quality A/
n MACRO 1-4 V amplifiers (or receivers) including popular Marantz models.
Each of these 4 buttons can be programmed with a “string” of
commands, called a macro, to initiate a sequence of remote codes to The function button DSS/VCR2 is a little different from the others, in
achieve a particular result. For example, a macro button could be that when you press this button, the RC-18SR will send out a
programmed to turn on the main system power, then turn on a particular command to the amplifier or receiver to switch to the DSS input, and
source component (such as a laser disc player), then turn on the TV set, then the RC-18SR keypad and DIRECT function commands will be
set the TV to AUX video input, and then adjust the surround processor to configured for DSS (digital satellite system) control. We have
the home theater surround decoding mode, then activate the laser disc included DSS commands within the RC-18SR’s pre-programmed
player’s PLAY function. This means that by pressing one macro button, memory for RCA brand DSS equipment. If you have another brand of
you can achieve the same result as pushing up to 20 buttons in DSS, you can “teach” the RC-18SR with the remote control codes of
sequence. your equipment.

m DIRECT ⁄0 LCD window

With today’s high performance A/V systems, it is not unusual for each
component in your system to have dozens of specialized command The LCD window provides a wealth of information, including function
functions. If we were to duplicate all of those commands for each selection name, DIRECT function names, learning and programming
component onto the RC-18SR key pad, we could easily exceed 300 steps, as well as useful indicators for battery status, and other helpful
buttons for an entire home theater system, which would result in either indicators. The LCD window features back-lighting, making it easy to
a huge key pad, or buttons of infinitesimal size. The DIRECT command view when the room light is very low.
buttons (4 on each side of the LCD display, 8 total) work with the PAGE
buttons (4 pages for each source component) to provide up to 32
⁄1 Volume up (+) and down (-)
dedicated specialized functions for each of the 11 function input Used to raise and lower the main system volume level. Note that
selectors. Each DIRECT function may also be provided with an alpha- these buttons are clearly the largest size, and are conveniently
numeric function indicator visible in the LCD display. You may even located and contoured for easy operation, even in low lighting.
change the displayed name of each function to another name, if you
wish. ⁄2 Ten keypad
Like a telephone key pad, the ten number buttons (0-9) are used to
, PAGE enter numeric digits. They are useful for finding a specific track on a
Used to select any 1 of the 4 pages of 8 functions for each DIRECT CD, or to tune a pre-set radio station, etc. The “0” button performs the
button, as explained above. same operation as the “CLEAR” button on the SR8000 main unit.

Press one of these buttons once or twice to select a particular source This button is used to program your CD player’s track memory, or to
component. For example, to set the amplifier or receiver to the laser enter a VCR recording program, and can be used to provide the
disc input, press the LD button twice within 2 seconds. Along with the MEMO function included with other components in your system.
source selection, special functions may become available (the
DIRECT keys), as well as activating the transport function keys, so ⁄4 CLEAR
that you can now directly operate the laser disc player from the RC- This button is used to cancel certain memory or programming
18SR. If you wish, you may even re-program the status indicators in operations. It operates differently from the “CLEAR” button on the
the LCD window to reflect your own particular function name SR8000 main unit.
whenever that source (function) button is selected.
Here are the button names and their functions: ⁄5 Transport control functions
LD : Laser disc player These buttons provide transport commands for your source
TV : Television components, such as laser disc player, CD player, VCR, audio tape
VCR1 : Video cassette recorder deck, etc., and are dependent on the function source selected. For
DSS/VCR2 : Digital satellite decoder or second video cassette example, when the RC-18SR is set to LD (laser disc) mode, the
recorder transport keys will operate the laser disc player’s PLAY, STOP,
AUX : Can be used for an auxiliary source component PAUSE, FAST FORWARD, FAST REVERSE, NEXT and PREVIOUS
TUNER : AM/FM tuner, or AM/FM tuner section of a receiver track functions. Change the RC-18SR function selector to VCR, and
CD : Compact disc player or changer these keys will then operate the VCR’s transport command functions,
TAPE : Audio tape deck, or digital audio recorder etc.
AMP : Amplifier or receiver control functions
DVD : Digital video disc player
CD-R/MD : CD-Recorder or mini disc player

d Battery indicator:
⁄6 CURSOR buttons

When the batteries are running low, this indicator will become visible.
Some components feature menus that are navigated with up, down, At this point, it will not be possible to learn any new remote codes, but
left and right direction commands. The cursor buttons can be used to normal remote control operation is still provided (including the use of
navigate within on-screen menus, for components such as amplifier any previously learned codes). At this point, you should consider
or receiver, TV set, DSS/satellite tuner, etc. These buttons are also changing the batteries soon. As time goes on, and the battery power
used for certain RC-18SR programming functions. diminishes further, this indicator will begin blinking. At this point, no
remote commands will be transmitted. This is your signal to replace
⁄7 MUTE the batteries with fresh ones as soon as possible. Eventually, if you
For those components (such as amplifier or receiver, TV, etc.) with a ignore the blinking battery indicator and do not install fresh batteries,
mute function, this button can be used to mute the sound temporarily. then the batteries may eventually be totally exhausted, and the LCD
display window will be completely blank. However, any previously
⁄8 GUIDE learned commands and macros will not be erased from the
This button is intended for owners of DSS (digital satellite system) or microprocessor’s memory.
similar equipment, to activate the on-screen programming guide, The RC-18SR is supplied with a full set of RC-5 remote control codes
used when changing channels, etc. in permanent (non-volatile) memory. Even if the batteries are fully
exhausted, the RC-5 codes (used for Marantz A/V components) and
⁄9 LIGHTING learned codes will never disappear.
Press this button to activate the back-lit LCD screen and back-lit keys We recommend that you use a quality brand of alkaline batteries, for
independently SETUP mode. A quick touch is all that is necessary. best results and longest life. Newly available lithium “AA” batteries
The back-lighting will remain on for 3 seconds. If you wish, you can can even provide longer life than alkaline batteries, and are also
even re-program the RC-18SR to shorten or lengthen the amount of recommended.
time the back-lighting is activated when this button is pressed.
e Transmit indicator:
¤0 Channel up( ), down( ) When a button is pressed, this indicator shows that an infrared code
Press this button to change the tuner, TV, DSS or VCR preset is being transmitted.
channels to upward or downward.
f USE indicator:
¤1 Transmitter window For normal operation, the USE indicator should be visible.
Infrared signals will eminate from behind this window. Simply aim the
RC-18SR towards the component(s) you wish to control. You may g LEARN indicator:
find that the RC-18SR works fine when placed on a coffee table Visible when the RC-18SR is set to LEARN mode.
pointing towards your A/V system components.

¤2 Receiving window h NAME indicator:

Visible when the RC-18SR is in the learning mode, and function
Used when learning commands from other remotes, this window is naming is being changed.
placed at the bottom of the RC-18SR, so that the two remotes are
vertically oriented for easy transfer of remote control information.
Later in this guide we will show you which of the RC-18SR buttons can i PAGE or MACRO indicator:
be “taught” new commands from other components. This indicator usually functions in association with a PAGE button ,,
but also functions as the MACRO indicator when a MACRO button n
is pressed.


Visible when the RC-18SR is set to the beep function.
Within this display, all operating messages (function name, mode
names, etc.) are shown. When a particular button is pressed (such Installing the batteries:
as a transport command, like PLAY), its status will be shown in the The battery compartment is located on the rear panel. Please use
display for 1 minute. The display will continue to show the source only alkaline or lithium batteries, “AA” size. The RC-18SR requires
function selected continuously, however. four AA batteries. There are markings in the battery compartment to
show you the proper battery orientation. If after installing the
a Function indication: batteries, you cannot see any indication in the LCD window when a
The selected source function is displayed, such as LD, TV, etc., up to button is pressed, re-check to ensure that the batteries are properly
6 characters maximum. positioned in the compartment.

b Status indication:
The selected status of the present page, or other items, is displayed,
up to 9 characters maximum.

c Direct commands:
8 DIRECT commands are available in 1 page, up to 4 characters

3. Press the LD function button on the RC-18SR.
RC-18SR BASIC OPERATION Press the play button ⁄5 on the RC-18SR.

5. Press and hold the corresponding PLAY button on the laser disc
USE Mode:
player’s remote transmitter until the “OK” indicator appears in the
As supplied from the factory, the RC-18SR is already permanently
RC-18SR LCD window (see Figure 2) or the beep sounds emit (if
programmed with many pre-set commands common to Marantz and
the beep sound function is set ).
Philips equipment, as well as other brands of components that utilize
the Philips RC-5 remote control language. Figure 2
1. If the RC-18SR is in another mode (LEARN, etc.), press the
operation mode button z with the tip of a paper clip, until the
USE indication appears. USE NAME

2. Press one of the function buttons ., to change to another

component’s commands such as LD (refer to Figure 1).
Figure 1
1 2 3 4

If the “AGAIN” indicator appears in the RC-18SR LCD window, it

means that for some reason the command was not properly
learned. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 above.
In the unlikely event that an infrared command cannot be learned
by the RC-18SR, “NG” (no good) will appear in the LCD window,
1 2 3 4 meaning that the command is not “learnable”. The RC-18SR has
been tested for compatibility with a very wide range of infrared
3. “LD” will be indicated within the LCD window, and the function remote control frequencies and data word lengths, but in some
codes will be set to operate the laser disc player. Press the very rare instances, it may not be possible to learn a particular
function button again within 2 seconds and the amplifier or remote control command.
receiver’s input changes to laser disc. Continue to “teach” the RC-18SR the rest of the source
4. Now you can operate the laser disc player. When a button is transmitter’s transport function commands, such as STOP,
pressed, the symbol indicates that a remote code is being PAUSE, NEXT, PREVIOUS, FAST FORWARD and REWIND, by
transmitted. Note that for a particular source component, not repeating steps 3, 4 and 5 above.
every button may have a command programmed for it. In that 6. Proceed to learn the numeric “10 keys” from the source
case, nothing would be indicated. transmitter to the RC-18SR’s 10 key numeric pad ⁄2 by repeating
5. Using the DIRECT buttons D-1 through D-8 and PAGEs 1 steps 3, 4 and 5 above.
through 4, up to 32 different specialized commands are available 7. For each additional function, such as TV, VCR, etc., repeat steps
for each FUNCTION, up to a total of 352 specialized commands 3, 4 and 5 above. During the LEARN operation, if any button is
(32 direct commands times 11 functions). Note that for any not pressed within 1 minute, the RC-18SR will revert back to the
particular function selector, not all 32 direct commands may be previous operating mode.
provided and/or named as supplied from the factory. n To make a function button learn a code, switch the input
6. For example, the RC-18SR is supplied from the factory with 3 function then press the button again.
pages of DIRECT commands for the LD (laser disc) function. To 8. After memorizing all desired remote codes, press the operation
change pages, press the page direction or buttons ,: mode button z with the tip of a paper clip, and select the USE
Page 1: MODE: Side A/B laser disc playback functions mode. The LCD display window will continue to display the USE
Page 2: L D: Specialized laser disc functions indicator, and all of the newly memorized codes will be available
Page 3: R E C: Recording from laser disc to VCR functions (see Figure 3).
At this point, you may wish to put this guide aside temporarily, and Figure 3
begin using the RC-18SR with your A/V system. If you already
have any Marantz components, or Philips and/or other brands of
components that use the RC-5 remote control language, you can USE NAME

begin controlling those components with the RC-18SR right away.

Take some time to become comfortable with the operation of the
RC-18SR. We think that its intuitive key pad layout and easy to read
1 2 3 4
LCD window will permit you to quickly become familiar with its
operation. For any button for which a new code was not learned, the factory
If you do not have any Marantz or other brands of components programmed RC-5 code will still transmit as usual.
that use the Philips RC-5 remote control language, then you may Note:
wish to proceed to the next section, which will describe the steps POWER ON/OFF v code can be learned regardless of the function
necessary to “teach” your RC-18SR remote codes from other button selection:
components you may have in your system.

LEARN mode: Programming the DIRECT mode buttons m:

The following example will show how to memorize the SIDE-A function
The RC-18SR has the ability to learn remote codes for just about any command of another brand of laser disc player into the D1 direct
component in your A/V system. If the original component was button.
supplied with an infrared remote control, its commands can be
1. Using a sharp point (such as the tip of a paper clip), press the
learned by the RC-18SR. If you have another brand of laser disc
operation MODE button z to switch the RC-18SR to LEARN
player, for example, you can program the RC-18SR with its codes.
For example, we’ll show you how to “teach” the RC-18SR commands
from another brand of laser disc player. 2. Place the laser disc player’s supplied infrared remote controller
1. Using a sharp point (such as the tip of a paper clip), press the so that its transmitter window is facing the receiving infrared
operation MODE button z. Each time you press the button, the sensor window ¤2 of the RC-18SR about 5 cm (2 inches) apart.
mode within the LCD display, the LEARN indicator will begin 3. Press the LD function button . on the RC-18SR.
blinking. 4. Using the direct function page keys and ,, set the direct
2. Place the laser disc player’s supplied infrared remote controller function to Page 1. Press the D-1 button m on the RC-18SR.
so that its transmitter window (usually at the top) is facing the
receiving infrared sensor window ¤2 of the RC-18SR (at the
bottom), about 5 cm (2 inches) apart.

5. Press and hold the corresponding SIDE-A button on the laser 5. Continuing along, re-write the remaining letters “V”, “–”, “5”, “2”,
disc player’s remote transmitter until the head of name blinks in and “0”. By pressing the cursor keys and , each character is

the RC-18SR LCD window or beep sounds emit. The RC-18SR confirmed in place. When you go to other DIRECT function
changes to the RENAME mode automatically as the next step. A pages by using the page function keys ,, characters in the
function name of the DIRECT function button blinks, you can previous page are also confirmed in place.
rename this blinking function name. You input the desired letter The name re-writing operation must be done on a function by
or number with the ten keypad. (See the table in step 3 of the next function basis, that is, re-write the names for all of the LD direct
procedure for referece.) If you need not rename, press the OK functions, then switch to another function such as VCR, and
button or the other buttons except the ten keypad. begin the re-writing process anew to re-name the VCR direct
6. Now, proceed to program the other commands from the laser function commands. After completing all re-writing of any of the
disc player’s remote transmitter to the other DIRECT function names, press the OK button within the cursor keys ⁄6.
buttons (D2-D8). When you have “taught” all 8 direct functions
for Page 1, press the page direction key , to go to Page 2, and
you can program more direct function keys. How to re-write the STATUS name:
Using the same steps as outlined above, you can re-write the 9
7. After memorizing all codes to all DIRECT function buttons, press
character status name. During step 5 above, by pressing the up and
the operation MODE button z with the tip of a paper clip and
down cursor keys ⁄6 the left side of the status indicator begins
return the RC-18SR to the USE mode. Now, the newly memorized
blinking, and you can change its display according to the same
codes are usable from the RC-18SR. method outlined above, using the 10 keypad character generator.
If you wish, you can re-write the names for each function name, status Remember, to confirm each character change, use the cursor keys
name, and the direct function command names as follows: and . As above, when you change the direct function page by
For our example, you can change the LCD display window indication pressing the page direction keys ,, this will confirm the re-written
from “LD” to “LV-520” (which is the model number for a Marantz laser characters in place as well for the page you just finished re-naming.
disc player). Remember, you can re-name a function selector button You have up to 9 letters, numbers or other characters available for
with a new name of up to six characters of letters and numbers in any each status name.
1. Using the tip of a paper clip, press the operation MODE button z
How to re-write the DIRECT function button names:
until the NAME indicator appears and begins to blink in the LCD
You can change the name for each of the 8 direct function buttons by
using the steps described above to change main function name and
2. Choose a button that you wish to re-name, in this case, press the
status name. Remember, each main function has 8 direct function
“LD” function button .. In the LCD window, the first character of buttons on each of the 4 pages, so you have up to 32 direct functions
the six function character display indicators starts blinking “A”, that can be re-named, if you wish, for each of the 11 main function
which is the first letter of the alphabet if you press “1” button selection buttons .. You have up to 4 characters available for each
twice. direct function button name.
3. Choose the desired letter or number by pressing the 10 keypad After completing all re-writing of any of the names, press the OK
buttons ⁄2. Each 10 keypad button has 4 characters attached to button within the cursor keys ⁄6, or switch to another function button
it as follows: (such as CD). If, during re-naming, a button has not been pressed for
10 keypad button Press, press again, press again, etc. 1 minute, the RC-18SR will revert to the prior operating mode (USE)
1 1→A→B→C→1→ ........ automatically.
2 2→D→E→F→2→ ........ If re-writing of all of the desired direct mode functions has been
3 3→G→H→I→3→ ........ completed, use the tip of a paper clip to press the operation MODE
button z, and select the “USE” mode. Now, all of the re-written
4 4→J→K→L→4→ ........
names are available for use.
5 5→M→N→O→5→ ........
6 6→P→Q→R→6→ ........
7 7→S→T→U→7→ ........ How to clear (erase) the memorized codes
8 8→V→W→X→8→ ........ (and any re-written names):
9 9→Y→Z→/→9→ ........ The RC-18SR has a high capacity RAM, which ordinarily will allow the
0 0 → + → — → SPACE → , → ’ → 0 ........ learning of several hundred remote codes (and their associated new
names, if desired). However, due to the fact that some remote codes
So, in the above example, by pressing the 10 keypad number 4 four occupy more memory space than others, it is possible that the
times, you get the letter “L” to appear in the display (see Figure 4). available RAM fills up completely, and the “FULL” indicator appears
in the LCD window. In this case, it will not be possible to learn any
Figure 4
new remote codes without first deleting some or all of the previously
learned remote codes and/or re-written names. There are 4 ways to
erase learned remote codes from memory:
n Erasing by button(s)

n Erasing by DIRECT button(s)

n Erasing by function(s)
n Erasing all memory contents (complete erasure)
1 2 3 4
•• Note that the factory-programmed RC-5 codes are not stored in
4. You use the cursor buttons and ⁄6 to move to the next RAM, and are therefore not erasable.
character in the display. By pressing the right cursor button , For any of these memory erasure options, you must first set the RC-
the letter “L” is confirmed in the first character space in the LCD 18SR to LEARN mode.
window and the next character position begins blinking. If you
wish to erase a previously memorized character, position the Erasing the memory assigned to a particular button:
cursor over the character and put the SPACE character in its Press and hold the CLEAR button ⁄4 and press the button that you
place (the SPACE character is ten keypad number 0 pressed four wish to erase 2 times. The code previously learned by that button will
times, from the above character chart). be erased, and will then be either empty, or the original factory
provided RC-5 code will re-appear in its place.

Erasing the memory assigned to a DIRECT buttons:
All codes and names which were previously memorized for each of the ADVANCED PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES

functions (such as TV, LD, VCR, etc.) in pages can be erased. Press Macro mode:
and hold the CLEAR button ⁄4 and press the < or > button , 2 times. The word “macro” is used to describe a series of specific steps
You will see the “DIR- CLR?” (direct button - clear?) indication in the carried out in sequence. For example, a word processing program
LCD window (see Figure 5). If you wish to go ahead and clear all of the can use macros to carry out common repetitive typing tasks. During
memorized codes for that DIRECT button (8 buttons x 4), press the OK the day to day operation of an A/V system, you might often find
button yourself pressing the same combination of remote control buttons.
Figure 5 The RC-18SR features the ability to “learn” a sequence of infrared
commands, and “assign” that sequence to a single button, called a
MACRO button n. Then, when you want to achieve a specific result,
you can activate a macro button to begin sending out a series of
commands. For example, suppose you wish to activate your A/V
system, and watch a movie on laser disc. A single macro button
could send out the following commands in this suggested sequence:
1 2 3 4
n Turn the main amp power on, then turn the TV power on, then
switch the TV to the AUX video input, then change the amp to the
laser disc (LD) input, then turn the LD player power on, then
Erasing the memory assigned to each function command set: activate the LD play command, then set the amp surround sound
All codes and names which were previously memorized for each of mode to Dolby Pro Logic.
the functions (such as TV, LD, VCR, etc.) can be erased. The above 7 step sequence can be programmed into a single macro
Press and hold the CLEAR button ⁄4, and press the function button button, and can be used anytime you want to watch a LD movie.
that you want to erase 2 times. You will see the “FNC - CLR?” (function Other macro functions could be used for CD listening, or any other
- clear?) indication in the LCD window (see Figure 6). sequence of steps that you regularly perform while controlling your A/
Figure 6 V system.
Macro commands are available when the RC-18SR is set to USE
NAME To program a macro, first identify which commands you wish to
memorize, and note if any commands must be in a specific order (for
example, before you can activate an amplifier’s surround mode, the
amp must first be turned on).
1 2 3 4

1. Press the MACRO x operation mode button with the tip of a

If you wish to go ahead and clear all of the memorized codes for that paper clip. Within the LCD window, the MACRO indication
function button, press the OK button within the cursor keys ⁄6. After appears, then the LEARN indicator starts blinking (see Figure 8).
clearing the memory contents for that function, the RC-18SR will
restore any factory programmed RC-5 codes for the function, if any, Figure 8
or will simply be empty.
If you want to cancel the memory clear operation, do not press the
“OK” button, but instead simply touch any other button. When you USE NAME

clear all the commands associated with a function button, all of the
learned direct function commands (D-1 through D-8, pages 1 through
4) and control buttons, ten keypad, etc are cleared as well.
1 2 3 4

Complete erasure:
If a macro was previously programmed, one or more of the
While holding the CLEAR button ⁄4 depressed, press both of the ON
numeric indicators at the bottom of the LCD window will appear
and OFF POWER buttons v simultaneously; “ALL-CLR?” is
with a box around it.
displayed on the LCD window (see Figure 7).
2. Press the MACRO button 1 n to begin memorizing the various
Figure 7 codes. In the LCD display window the indicator “M1-00” appears
in the status line b (see Figure 9).
Figure 9


1 2 3 4

If you wish to finalize the complete erasure process, press the OK

button within the cursor keys ⁄6. If you do not wish to proceed with the 1 2 3 4

complete erasure process, simply press any key other than OK. The “M1-00” indication signifies Macro number 1, no steps yet
Remember, the RC-5 codes as supplied from the factory cannot be programmed. As each macro step is programmed, the “00” indicator
erased from memory, but they can be replaced with different codes as will advance by one digit-”01”, “02”, etc. After the first macro step is
you wish. programmed, two additional digits (with a decimal in between)
n The all-clear operation takes about 15 seconds after the OK button become visible at the end of the status line, showing the timing value
is pressed. for each step (see Figure 10).
n By now, you have learned how to memorize codes from other Figure 10
brands of components, including changing the various function,
status, and direct function names.
Before continuing on to the more advanced RC-18SR LOW LEARN

programming techniques, you may wish to continue “teaching” the

RC-18SR remote control with any or all other commands for other
components in your system. When you feel you’ve transferred as
many different commands from other components into the RC- 1 2 3 4

18SR as you’d like, and possibly changed some or all of their

names as well, then feel free to proceed to the next section.

3. Press the command buttons in the desired sequence. When you inadvertently changed as well when the macro is played back. The
press a command button to be learned into the macro sequence, RC-18SR has a special feature to prevent this from occurring,

its name will appear within the LCD window. Every time you allowing you to access the special commands available under each
press another remote command, the macro step number RC-18SR function button during a macro playback sequence, while
increases one by one. at the same time preventing the amplifier or receiver from constantly
4. It is possible during macro programming to adjust the timing of the switching its input source back and forth at the same time.
interval between several macro steps. Using the cursor keys ⁄6, the During the programming sequence, just remember that if you wish to
interval between macro playback steps can be increased or activate a specific input selector on your amplifier or receiver, make
sure that you press the desired input selection button FIRST.
decreased in 1/2 second steps, over the range beginning at 1/2
Subsequent function button selections can be incorporated in the
second up to 10 seconds. For example, when the indicator shows
macro sequence, but on playback, the RC-18SR will only send out a
“0.5 SEC”, if you press the direction key, the interval time would
function selection infrared command to the amplifier or receiver
change to 10 seconds, then with another press of the direction based upon the first function command used in the macro sequence.
key, it would change to 9.5 seconds, etc. Use the direction key to For example, you may wish to have a macro sequence which
increase the interval time, and use the direction key to decrease activates the laser disc player input on your amplifier or receiver, and
the interval time. then have additional commands in the sequence to instruct your TV
Some equipment may not be able to receive infrared commands in set to switch to an external video source to receive the laser disc
one-half second steps. If after programming a macro you find that video signal. During the macro programming, make sure that you
the sequence was not properly carried out, you may wish to press the LD function selector button BEFORE you press any of the
experiment with different sequence timings to obtain the correct other function selector buttons in the sequence. You can then
operation results by using the adjustment method described include any of the TV commands by pressing the TV function selector
above. button, later in the sequence. When this macro is next used (played
Within each MACRO button, up to 20 steps can be memorized. back), the RC-18SR will send out the command to change the amplifier
In the event that you wish to memorize more than 20 steps per or receiver’s input selector to laser disc input (since its function
macro, then press another MACRO button n , and follow the selector button was the first one programmed into that macro
above operations. A maximum of 80 steps can be programmed sequence), and will not subsequently change the amplifier or
this way. However, you will probably find that 20 steps is more receiver’s input to TV (but will send out any special TV commands that
than enough to carry out even the most complex macro you included in the macro sequence).
instructions to achieve a specific home theater operating result.
Programming a macro under a function selector key:
To memorize the cursor button ⁄6 except OK button, press and hold
If you wish, you can also program a macro that can be activated by
the LIGHTING button ¤0 before pressing the cursor button.
pressing one of the function selector . keys. The programming
steps are similar to the steps outlined for programming a macro
number button n. The following example shows how to program a
When programming macro steps, note that the following buttons macro under the LD (laser disc) function selector .:
would not normally be included in a macro sequence, and are (activate the main amplifier’s power on, switch the source to laser
therefore not available for inclusion in a macro: disc, switch the amplifier’s surround mode to PRO LOGIC, switch on
MODE z, MACRO x, CLONE c, PAGE ,, VOLUME ⁄1, MEMO ⁄3, the television, switch to the television’s AUX video input, power up the
CLEAR ⁄4 and LIGHTING ¤0. laser disc player, and begin laser disc playback)
To check to see which MACRO buttons n have been programmed 1. Press the MACRO x operation mode button with the tip of a
with macros, at the beginning of the macro learning sequence the paper clip.
four numerical (1 through 4) indicators at the bottom of the LCD 2. Press the LD function button ..
window will show a box around the number for each MACRO button 3. Press the following buttons:
that already has a macro assigned to it (see Figure 11, which shows POWER ON, LD, AMP, direct function D-2 (Dolby mode selector)
that only MACRO button number 1 has a macro assigned to it). in page 1, TV*, SOURCE ON, direct function D-3 (VIDEO input
Figure 11 selector) in page 1, LD*, SOURCE ON, and PLAY.
4. Press the MACRO x button with the tip of a paper clip. The RC-
18SR will revert to the normal mode and save the macro under
the LD function button.
5. To execute the new macro sequence, press and hold the LD
function selector button for 3 seconds.

1 2 3 4

In the event that you wish to revise a programmed macro sequence,

search the step number you wish to change by using the cursor
button and ⁄6 , and then re-enter the new command. If you
memorized different commands than have already been
programmed, then the previous macro sequence will be erased and
re-written over with the new sequence. To add the new command,
press the MEMO button at your desired point. To delete the
sequence, press the CLEAR button at your desired point.
During macro programming, if a button is not pressed within 1
minute, the mode will automatically revert to the original mode (USE).
When you have completed the macro programming sequence, press
the MACRO x operation button with the the tip of a paper clip. The
“END” indication appears in the LCD display window. When you
release the MACRO button, all indications will revert to the initial
There is one more important point to note about programming a
macro sequence. During a macro sequence, you may include more
than one function selection button to access some transport and/or
other commands. Depending on the macro sequence, this might
result in the amplifier or receiver’s function selection to be

Using the macro function(s) you have programmed: 4. Press the MACRO x button with the tip of a paper clip. The RC-
1. Press the desired MACRO n button. The corresponding macro

18SR will revert to the normal mode (see Figure 16).
number will appear at the bottom of the display window, Or if a Figure 16
macro has been programmed under a function button, press and
hold that function button for 3 seconds. The LCD display window
will indicate the macro number in the LCD window (see Figure
12), or if a macro is programmed under a function key, the status
line will display the macro under function buttons as follows:
Figure 12

USE 5. To execute the new macro sequence, press the appropriate

MACRO button (1 through 4) that you chose at the beginning of
the above programming sequence. (see Figures 17, 18, and 19)
Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19

Macro under Status line shows: LOW USE NAME


function button:
LD “LD” as the first 2 characters of the line
TV “TV” as the first 2 characters of the line
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

VCR1 “VC” as the first 2 characters of the line

DSS/VCR2 “DS” as the first 2 characters of the line
AUX “AX” as the first 2 characters of the line If you would like to cancel the MACRO function, press the STOP ⁄5
TUNER “TU” as the first 2 characters of the line button.
CD “CD” as the first 2 characters of the line Now, we’ll show you another macro programming example, with
TAPE “TP” as the first 2 characters of the line a more sophisticated sequence:
(activate the main amplifier’s power on, switch the source to laser
DVD “DV” as the first 2 characters of the line disc, switch the amplifier’s surround mode to PRO LOGIC or Dolby
CD-R/MD “CR” or “MD”as the first 2 characters of the line Digital, switch on the television, switch to the television’s AUX video
AMP “AP” as the first 2 characters of the line input, power on the laser disc player, and begin laser disc playback).
1. Press the MACRO x operation mode button with the tip of a paper
2. The macro sequence will begin, and the remote control codes will 2. Press one of the MACRO buttons (1 through 4).
be sent from the RC-18SR and the display will show the names of 3. Press the following buttons:
the transmitted codes. POWER ON, LD, AMP, direct function D-2 (Dolby mode) on page
3. When the macro transmit sequence has ended, the RC-18SR will 1, TV*, SOURCE ON, direct function D-3 (VIDEO input selector)
return to the same mode as before, then the macro function was on page 1, LD*, SOURCE ON, and PLAY.
initiated. 4. Press the MACRO x button with the tip of a paper clip. The RC-
18SR will revert to the normal mode.
Now that we’ve explained how to program a macro, perhaps the 5. To execute the new macro sequence, press the appropriate
following suggested example can help you become more familiar MACRO button (1 through 4) that you chose at the beginning of
with the process: the above programming sequence.
(to switch the RC-18SR to CD, then initiate CD playback, and go to n Note that the function selector buttons TV and LD marked with an
track 3 on the CD) asterisk (*) in this macro sequence do not actually send out
infrared codes, but simply change over the RC-18SR’s
1. Press the MACRO x operation mode button with the tip of a paper programmed memory code banks for those respective functions.
clip. If you would like to clear the MACRO programmed sequence(s),
2. Press one of the MACRO buttons (1 through 4). press and hold the CLEAR ⁄4 button and simultaneously press the
3. Press the following buttons: appropriate MACRO button (1 through 4) or function button. “MR1-
n CD function selector, then numeric key pad 3, then transport CLR?” (macro 1-clear?) appears in the LCD window. Release the
control key pad PLAY key. (see Figures 13, 14, and 15) buttons, and then press the OK button (within the cursor control
buttons), and the macro is erased. If you do not wish to erase the
Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 macro, simply press any other button (but not the OK button ).

CLONE mode:
Duplicating the memory contents of one RC-18SR to another RC-
18SR or RC2000MKII.
For a complete home theater system, with numerous components
from many different manufacturers, you may find that you have stored
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
dozens, even hundreds of different codes, along with specialized
names, macros, etc. We have provided a very quick and simple
procedure that allows you to download the entire customized memory
Note that this sequence will operate a Marantz CD player (or any
contents of one RC-18SR remote control into another RC-18SR or
other CD player equipped with the RC-5 remote control language). If RC2000MKII.
you have another brand of CD player, you may wish to check its
owner’s manual to see if direct track selection is possible via remote,
or if the macro sequence needs to be adjusted according to the
programming steps required by your CD player.

To “clone” (duplicate) the memory contents of one RC-18SR After all bars are lit up on both displays, “TX OK” (transmission OK)
will appear in the source RC-18SR’s LCD window, and “RX OK”

into another RC-18SR or RC2000MKII, please follow these steps:

1. Place the source RC-18SR (the one with all of the customized (reception OK) will appear in the “cloned” RC-18SR’s LCD window,
commands, names, macros, macro sequences, etc) with its confirming the end of the copying process (see Figures 24 and 25).
infrared transmitter window ¤1 facing the receiving infrared Figure 24 Figure 25
sensor ¤2 of another “fresh” RC-18SR or RC2000MKII (5 cm, or 2
inches apart).
2. Press the CLONE button c of the source RC-18SR or LEARN

RC2000MKII with the tip of a paper clip, and select “CLONE TX”
(clone transmit) mode .
When using RC18SR, “RC2002” is displayed in LCD window. If
the receiving remote control unit is RC2000MKII , then the display
Please be sure that, during the copying process, neither RC-18SR is
does not change. If the receiving remote control unit is RC-18SR, physically disturbed (ideally, they should be placed on a table or
then the display is changed to “RC18SR” by pressing the cursor other surface, and not hand-held during the copying process). If, for
button ⁄6. (see Figure 20) some reason, the copying process was interrupted, the “clone” RC-
Figure 20 18SR’s LCD display window will indicate “RX NG” (reception no
good). Simply begin the clone process anew by repeating the above
Cloning is only available between the same remote control unit series,
therefore the RC-18SR cannot be cloned by the RC2000.

5. If the source RC-18SR’s memory contents are at or near full

3. Press the CLONE button c of the learning (receiving) RC-18SR or capacity, the copying process will take about 3 minutes. After
RC2000MKII with the tip of a paper clip or a similar object, and completion of the copying (cloning) process, press the CLONE
select “CLONE RX” (clone receive mode). button c on both RC-18SR’s with the tip of a paper clip, and
When using RC18SR, “RC2002” is displayed in LCD window. If select the OFF mode.
the transmitting remote control unit is RC2000MKII , then the Then, you’ll have two identically programmed RC-18SR remotes,
display does not change. If the transmitting remote control unit is one of which can again be used as your system’s primary remote
RC-18SR, then the display is changed to “RC18SR” by pressing control, and you’ll have the added confidence of knowing that in
the cursor button ⁄6. Then press the PLAY button ⁄5. the event of inadvertent programming (or memory contents being
Note: cleared somehow), you can simply retrieve the “backup” RC-
When the transmitting remote control unit is RC2000MKII , then 18SR that you’ve safely tucked away, and within minutes restore
All clone does not activate. To clone the Function key, press the the programming contents of the original RC-18SR with your
each Function key except DSS/VCR2 and AMP keys. Eight keys customized configuration.
can be cloned at once. If All clone activates without pressing the
Function button, “N/A” will display and the clone is not perfomed Note:
When the transmitting remote control unit is RC-18SR and Some direct keys are marked “♦” in Direct Command Functions
receiving remote control unit is RC2000MKII, The DSS/VCR2, Listing (page 28 to31). The “♦” mark means as follows;
CD-R/MD and AMP keys cannot be cloned. To clone the When RC-18SR is cloned with RC2000MKII, the name of the direct
Function key, press each Function key except DSS/VCR2, CD-R/ key can be cloned, however the remote control code (the factory
MD and AMP keys. preset code) cannot be cloned. Only learned remote control codes
Figure 21 can be cloned. Then the remote control code is learned by “LEARN
mode”. Refer to page 21.

The table of cloning relations

Receiving RC-18SR RC2000MKII

4. Press the source RC-18SR’s or RC2000MKII’s transport control RC-18SR ALL OK only FUNC.
PLAY ⁄5 button to begin the infrared data transmission sequence.
If you wish to duplicate only 1 to 8 function’s memory, press the
function button(s) you wish before pressing the PLAY button. Now
the “LEARN” indicator of receiving RC-18SR starts to blink. (see ALL OK: All functions can be cloned.
Figure 23) only FUNC.: The following functions cannot be cloned;
Figure 22 Figure 23 RC-18SR: DSS/VCR2, CD-R/MD, AMP


Battery life:
OTHER FUNCTIONS n Battery life will vary from user to user, if the remote is used

The Marantz RC-18SR includes the ability to tailor the lighting constantly or only occasionally, including the amount of
features according to your preferences. As supplied from the backlighting usage. We feel that you can expect the
factory, the RC-18SR has lighting features (and lighting timings): batteries to last about 4 months, based upon 15 remote
The lighting time is set at the factory for a period of 2 seconds control operations per day (every day), and 3 lighting
which you can change if you prefer a different lighting time. If you operations per day (every day). If the remote is used more
wish to maximize battery life, you can de-active the lighting often, and if the lighting times are set to longer times than
function entirely. the factory settings, then the battery life may be shortened
There is also a lighting button ¤0, so that in any light situation, you
can activate the backlighting feature. The lighting time in this case n As explained earlier in the guide, the RC-18SR’s
is set at the factory for a period of 2 seconds, which you can also sophisticated battery conservation system will advise you
change. If you wish to conserve battery power, you can de- long before the battery power is fully exhausted, and will
activate the lighting function entirely. further warn you to replace the batteries by simply
becoming inoperative at a certain point. The customized
memory contents and user-adjusted settings will still be
RC-5 Shipped destination: retained in memory. When you install a fresh set of
As mentioned earlier in this guide, the RC-18SR is provided with batteries, the memory contents are protected always,
many commands from the factory with infrared codes conforming to because the RC-18SR uses the non-volatile memory.
the Philips RC-5 remote control language (used by Marantz, Philips, Alkaline (and the newer lithium) types are recommended for
and some other companies). We have provided two different RC-5 longest battery life.
command code sets in the RC-18SR, dueto the local requirements of As you become more familiar over time with how you are
different markets and the different types of remote control codes using the RC-18SR in your A/V system, you may wish to
used in those markets. One code set is for North American (USA) consider reducing the lighting time(s) if possible, as this
users, while the other code set is for REST users. Your RC-18SR has can help to extend the battery life.
been set at the factory for USA (United States) codes. It can be easily
changed, if you wish.
Adjustment of the LCD contrast
n The LCD contrast can be adjusted as follows;
To change the lighting time(s), or the destination setting, please Enter SETUP mode of the RC-18SR by pressing the MEMO
follow these steps: and OK buttons. Press the VOL+ to increase the LCD
n Select the SETUP mode, by holding the MEMO button ⁄3 and at contrast. Press the VOL - to decrease the LCD contrast.
the same time pressing the OK button within the cursor keys ⁄6. Press the OK button to end this setting and return the
(see Figures 26 and 27)
original operation.
Figure 26 Figure 27


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

LAMP - Lighting function ON or OFF and TIME

Press the D-5 direct function button, and you can then set the
time (in seconds) directly using the numeric key pad ⁄2 buttons.
A time figure consisting of only 1 digit can be input by pressing
the figure then waiting for 2 seconds or input “0” before entering a
desired digit. You can set time in the range from 0 up to 60
seconds (More time would use up more battery life than fewer
seconds). “2” is set when shipped from the factory. To set “OFF”
input “0”.
BEEP sound
The beep sounds when any buttons are pressed except the AMP
The beep sound level can be set by pressing the D-6 button. The
display indicates “+” indication and the beeps are sounded by
pressing the D-6 button. The “+” indication is followed, by
another the “+” indication as the beep sound is increased; + →
++ → +++ → ++++
When the “++++” appears, this is the maximum. If the D-6 button
is pressed once more, it will reset to OFF.
“ ” is indicated in the LCD window when the beep sound is set.
The beep sound is different between the function buttons and
other buttons.
Press the D-7 direct function button to switch between USA and
If you need to change this function, we recommend that you
make the change before you begin “learning” any new infrared
codes for other brands of equipment in your system.
The name of the DIRECT buttons will be erased if the USA/REST
version is pressed.


Within the RC-18SR LCD window, each of the 8 Direct Function buttons
has 4 character labels attached for pre-programmed remote
TUNER 2 REC 1 TP-1 commands for Tape 1 control
commands. These commands can be used with various Marantz A/V
components, or other components using the Philips RC-5 remote (NO output)
control language. 2 REC record
You can easily replace the factory-supplied remote command codes 3 PAUS pause
with different codes from other brands of equipment. Most functions
that are supplied apply to a wide variety of equipment from many 4 STOP stop
companies. The following list shows the remote code assignments 5 TP-2 commands for Tape 2 control
for the direct function buttons, for each of the 11 main function (NO output)
selector buttons, as supplied from the factory. You can add or 6 REC record
replace function commands, including re-naming them if you wish, in
order to customize the RC-18SR for your own particular selection of 7 PAUS pause
A/V components. 8 STOP stop

3 RDS 1 STM selects station mode

(for 2 AF selects AF function
AMP 1 MODE-1 1 AUTO selects Auto select surround modes
REST 3 PTY selects PTY function
2 DOLB selects Dolby Digital or Pro Logic decoding
only) 4 DISP selects display function
⊗ 3 THX selects THX cinema decoding
4 DTS selects DTS decoding
5 HALL Hall surround sound
6 MTRX Matrix surround sound
8 DWR selects DSR wave range
7 MOV Movie surround sound
8 2-CH Stereo sound (no surround)
CD 1 MODE 1 CD+ CD changer next disc
2 CD - CD changer previous disc
2 MODE-2 1 A/D switches analog / digital input
♦ 3 TEXT activates text function
2 DIR switches source direct
4 RNDM random (shuffle) play function
3 ATT switches attenuater for analog input
5 TRAY tray open/close
4 OSD switches on screen display
6 TIME time display elapsed/remaining/total
⊗ 5 MONO monaural decoding
♦ 7 RCL recall program memory
⊗ 6 3-D 3-D surround decoding
8 AMS automatic music scan
7 NITE selects NIGHT mode for Dolby Digital
8 MLTI activates multi-room mode
2 CHANGER1 1 CD1 selects Disc 1
2 CD2 selects Disc 2
3 MODE-3 1 TRB+ increases treble
3 CD3 selects Disc 3
2 TRB- decreases treble
4 CD4 selects Disc 4
3 BAS+ increases bass
5 CD5 selects Disc 5
4 BAS- decreases bass
6 EDIT tape edit function
⊗ 5 R-EQ activates RE-EQ function
♦ 7 REPT repeat function
6 CH+ next channel (up)
8 CNCL cancel track programming
7 LVL+ increases channel level volume
8 LVL- decreases channel level volume
3 CHANGER2 1 UNIT selects unit No.
♦ 2 DISC selects disc No.
4 PROCESSOR ⊗ 1 VOL+ increases external decoder’s volume
3 TR selects track No.
⊗ 2 VOL- decreases external decoder’s volume
4 CATG selects category
3 6-CH activates 6 channel setup
5 MODE selects mode
⊗ 4 BYP bypasses external processor’s decoding
6 TITL selects function title mode
5 SLEP activates sleep timer function
7 T-S selects title search
6 DISP activates display off function
8 ENT selects enter
7 MODE selects surround mode
⊗ 8 PHNO selects phono function
4 REC 1 TAPE commands for Tape control (no output)
2 REC record
3 PAUS pause
2 AM AM/MW band
4 STOP stop
⊗ 3 LW long wave band
5 MD commands for MD control (no output)
4 BAND selects radio band
6 REC record
5 MODE mono/stereo/muting mode selector
7 PAUS pause
⊗ 6 TIME time display
8 STOP stop
7 F/P frequency or preset channel display
8 SCAN programmed preset channel scan
TAPE 1 MODE 1 TP-A selects tape deck A
The marked “⊗” keys are not used for SR8000.
See page 26 to refer the marked “♦” keys.

TAPE 1 MODE 2 TP-B selects tape deck B LD 2 LD 5 MS-F CAV multi-speed forward direction
3 DIR auto-reverse direction 6 MS-R CAV multi-speed reverse direction
4 TIME time display 7 AUD Stereo, left only, right only channel
5 TRAY tray open/close 8 D/CX digital audio, analog audio, CX NR
6 AMS automatic music scan
7 REC record 3 REC 1 VCR1 commands for VCR 1 control
8 PAUS pause (NO output)
2 REC record
DVD 1 MODE1 1 ANGL selects angle 3 PAUS pause
2 TITL selects title menu 4 STOP stop
3 SUBT selects subtitle 5 VCR2 commands for VCR 2 control
4 MENU selects main menu (NO output)
♦ 5 OSD activates on screen display 6 REC record
6 AUD selects audio 7 PAUS pause
7 SET selects setup menu 8 STOP stop
8 RTN returns to menu
4 VCD 1 PBC selects playback control
2 MODE2 1 SLOW slow forward (for 2 KARA selects karaoke
2 LPLY last play function REST 3 IDX+ index up
3 RNDM shuffle play function only) 4 IDX- index down
4 RPT repeat modes 5 SEL play or select audio
5 A/B repeat A to B 6 RTN stop or select return
6 +10 digit entry +10 7 NEXT next track
7 T/C title and chapter 8 PREV previous track
8 ZOOM zoom mode on/off
TV 1 MODE 1 A/CH alternate channel
3 KARAOKE 1 ONOF karaoke on/off (for USA 2 100S 100’s
2 ONCE once more play again only) 3 VID video
3 MELO melody play 4 INFO information
4 VOCL vocal support play 5 VOL+ increases TV volume
5 MODE karaoke modes 6 VOL- decreases TV volume
6 3-D surround processor on/off 7 MUTE mute sound on/off
7 VSLF very slow forward ♦ 8 OSD activates on screen display
8 VSLR very slow reverse
2 MODE/MENU 1 S-PI smart picture
4 REC 1 VCR1 selects VCR1 control (no output) (for USA 2 S-SO smart sound
2 REC record only) 3 S-CH smart channel
3 PAUS pause 4
4 STOP stop 5 MENU menu
5 MD selects MD control (no output) 6 ADV advance
6 REC record 7 STAT status
7 PAUS pause 8
8 STOP stop
3 PIP1 1 PIP PIP on/off
LD 1 MODE 1 SD-A side A (for USA 2 SWAP PIP swap
2 SD-B side B only) 3 FREZ PIP freeze
3 DISP display on/off 4 POSI PIP position
4 AMS automatic music scan 5 SIZE PIP size
5 RPTA Repeat A start point 6 STRO PIP strobe
6 RPTB Repeat B stop point 7 PREV PIP preview
7 CP/F selects chapter or flame 8 RPLY PIP instant replay
8 EDIT activates tape edit function
4 PIP2/REC 1 CLR PIP clear
2 LD 1 MSP+ increases CAV multi-speed (for USA 2 SLOW PIP slow motion
2 MSP- decreasesCAV multi-speed only) 3
3 FRM+ frame advance 4
4 FRM- frame reverse 5 VCR1


TV 4 PIP2/REC 6 REC record VCR1 2 PLAY MODE 8

7 PAUS pause
8 STOP stop 3 MENU 1 MENU activates menu
2 STAT shows current status
TV 1 MODE 1 CH + next channel (up) 3 CLR clear programming
(for 2 CH - previous channel (down) 4 GOTO go to next item
REST 3 CH-C channel call 5 PLUS video PLUS
only) 4 VID external (aux) video input 6
5 VOL+ increases TV volume 7
6 VOL- decreases TV volume 8
7 MUTE mute sound on/off
8 OSD on screen display on/off DSS 1 DSS 1 DISP brings up on screen channel marker
2 PREV goes to previously selected channel
2 MENU/CBL 1 MENU activates menu 3 CH+ next channel
(for 2 SLP activates sleep timer 4 CH- previous channel
REST 3 CBL + cable tuning next channel 5 FAV favorite users and channel lists
only) 4 CBL - cable tuning previous channel 6 ALT alternate audio channel, languages
5 ADV advances to next menu page 7 FTCH brings up on screen channel logos
6 STAT shows current status 8 ANT selects broadcast or cable antenna
7 M-UP Menu up (next)
8 M-DN Menu down (previous) 2 MODE 1 CH+ next channel
2 CH- previous channel
3 REC 1 VCR1 commands for VCR 1 control 3 SLCT selects TV or VCR
(for 2 REC record 4 AUD audio track selector
REST 3 PAUS pause 5 OTR one touch recording
only) 4 STOP stop 6 REC record
5 VCR2 commands for VCR 2 control 7 PAUS pause
(NO output) 8 STOP stop
6 REC record
7 PAUS pause 3 PLAY MODE 1 2XPL two times play speed
8 STOP stop 2 SLOW slow speed play
3 STIL still frame
4 TV TXT 1 T/PG switches time display 4
(for 2 HOLD activates page hold 5 SKIP skip to next program
REST 3 ENLG selects large of text page 6 VIS+ VHS index search next
only) 4 RVL selects display of text page 7 VIS- VHS index search previous
5 CNCL activates cancel picture 8
6 PG+ increases page
7 PG- decreases page 4 MENU 1 MENU activate menu
8 ENT enters the next page 2 STAT show current status
3 CLR clear programming
VCR1 1 MODE 1 CH+ next channel (up) 4 GOTO go to next item
2 CH- previous channel (down) 5
3 SLCT selects TV or VCR 6
4 AUD audio track selector 7
5 OTR one touch recording 8
6 REC record
7 PAUS pause AUX 1 REC 1 VCR1 commands for VCR 1 control
8 STOP stop (NO output)
2 REC record
2 PLAY MODE 1 2XPL twice normal playback speed 3 PAUS pause
2 SLOW slower than normal playback speed 4 STOP stop
3 STIL still frame 5 VCR2 commands for VCR 2 control
4 (NO output)
5 SKIP skip to next program marker 6 REC record
6 VIS+ VHS index search next 7 PAUS pause
7 VIS- VHS index search previous 8 STOP stop

AUX 2 VCD/PHI 1 1 CD+ selects disc up CD-R 1 REC 4 REC records pause
(for 2 CD- selects disc down 5 TRAY opens/closes tray
REST 3 OSD OSD on/off 6 DISP dispaly mode
only) 4 SCAN selects time search 7 FINL finalizes (writes TOC)
5 A/B repeat A to B 8 BLNK records blank
6 SLOW slow forward
7 2 MODE 1 PROG activates program mode
8 2 REPT activates repeat mode
3 FTS activates FTS mode
3 VCD/PHI 2 1 PBC selects playback control 4 FAST searches FAST
(for 2 KARA selects karaoke program 5 VOL+ increases volume
REST 3 IND+ selects video index up 6 VOL- decreases volume
only) 4 IND- selects video index down 7 IDX+ increases index
5 SEL selects in PBC 8 IDX- decreases index
6 RTN returns in PBC
7 NEXT next
8 PREV previous

4 VCD/PHI 3 1 CD+ selects disc up

(for 2 SHUT selects shutter function
REST 3 OVEW selects digest function
only) 4 RESM selects last paly function
5 CHAN selects channel
6 FADR selects MPX/vocal fader

MD 1 MODE 1 1 MD-A selects MD A

(for 2 MD-B selects MD B
REST 3 RPT selects repeat modes
only) 4 DISP selects display modes
5 EJCT eject
6 AMS automatic music scan
7 RNDM randam display
8 LP selects SP/LP mode

2 EDIT 1 EDIT selects edit mode

2 CHAR selects character mode
3 DEL selects delete
4 ENT selects enter
5 AMRK selects auto marker
6 SYNC syncro REC
7 PROG selects program mode

3 REC 1 MD command MD (no output)

2 RECP REC-pause
3 PAUS pause
4 STOP stop
5 TAPE command tape (no output)
6 REC record
7 PAUS pause
8 STOP stop

CD-R 1 REC 1 INPT selects input source

(for USA 2 INCR increments track number
only) 3 SYNC activates SYNCRO. recording


The SR8000 incorporates digital signal processors (DSP) which can reproduce various surround effects you experience in concert halls and movie
theaters, etc. Nine Surround Modes, are provided to reproduce a variety of surround sound effects, according to the content of the source to be played.

Surroud mode FEATURES

1. AUTO When this mode is selected, the receiver determines whether the digital input signal is Dolby Digital, PCM-audio or DTS.
When a Dolby Digital or DTS signal is input, the number of channels for which the corresponding signal is encoded will be
Inputting a Dolby Digital two channel signal with Dolby surround status automatically subjects that signal to Pro-Logic
processing before play.
96 Khz source matirial can be play back in this mode.

2. STEREO This mode bypasses all surround processing.

Stereo program sources the left and right channels play normaly when PCM-audio or analog stereo is input.
With Dolby Digital and DTS sources, the 5.1 multi-channels are converted to two channel stereo. 96 Khz source matirial can
be play back in stereo mode.

3. DOLBY This mode is used with source materials encoded in Dolby Digital and Dolby Surround.
Dolby Pro Logic processing can be used on Dolby Surround encoded two channel source material (Dolby Digital two
channels, PCM-audio and Analog stereo). This allows play of the four discrete channels (left, center, right and surround).
PCM-audio signals can be subjected to Pro Logic processing when the sampling frequency is 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz.
When a signal in another format is input, output will be muted.

4. DTS This mode is for DTS encoded source materials such as LASER DISC, CD, and DVD.
Cinema In the DTS Music mode, the LFE signal is reduced by 10 dB. With DTS music material, you should select the DTS Music
Music mode.
When playing DTS movie discs select DTS cinema mode for proper reproduction of the LFE channel. The DTS mode cannot
be used when an Analog input has been selected. When the signal in another digital format is input, output will be muted.

5. MOVIE These modes provide surround effect processing from each input source material.
HALL They will produce theater, concert hall and stadium like atmospheres. Select as your taste desires.
PCM-audio signals can be processed in this mode when sampling frequency is 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz.
The 96 kHz sampling frequency mutes output.

6. 5-STEREO This mode is used to create a wider, deeper and more natural soundstage from two channel source material.
This is done by feeding the left channel signal to both left front and left surround speaker and the right channel signal to both
right front and right surround speaker. Addtionally, the center channel reproduces a mix of the right and left channel.

7. S-Direct ON In the source direct mode, the tone control circuite and bass management configuration are bypassed for full range
frequeancy responce and the purist audio reproduction.
96 Khz source matirial can be play back in this mode.
Internal speaker size is setup to front L/R = Large, Center = Large, Surround L/R = Large and Subwoofer = yes automatically.
Tone controls are also defeated.

Caution for DTS signal: Caution for 96kHz PCM-audio signal:

This signal can be played when the connected DVD-player, laser- This signal can be played when a DVD-player or DAT-player
disc player or CD-player is capable of DTS-digital output. For connected to the SR8000 is capable of 96 kHz PCM output. For
details, refer to the player's operation manual. details, refer to the player’s operation manual.
The signal can be played when STEREO or AUTO has been selected
Depending on the player used, DTS play may produce noise. If that for the Surround mode.
happens, set the Surround mode to DTS. Some DVD formatted discs featured copy protect. When use such
disc, 96 kHz PCM signal is not output from the DVD player. For
Playing a DTS-CD or DTS laser disc causes the player’s analog details, refer to the player's operation manual.
output terminal to output noise. Before playing DTS sources, be
sure to connect the player’s digital output to the SR8000’s digital
input. Be careful when connecting the output of these players to
analog audio input.
Note that the SR8000 has the following restrictive functions built in
to reduce noise emission as much as possible.
If DTS is selected while in the Surround mode, digital input cannot
be switched to analog input. When the analog input function has
been selected, Surround mode cannot be switched to DTS.
While signals from DTS-laser disc or CD are playing in another
Surround mode, you cannot switch to digital input or from digital
input to analog input.

The relation between the selected surround mode and the input signal

The surround mode is selected with the surround mode buttons of the SR8000 or the remote control unit. However, the sound from the speakers
depend upon the relationship between the selected surround mode and the input signal. They are as follows;
Surround Input Signal Output Fluorescent Indicator LED Indicator
Mode L/R LS/RS C SW Encoded Mode status (14seg) Ch. Status
AUTO Dolby Digital (5.1 ch) Digital, Auto L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
Dolby Digital (2 ch) – – Digital, Auto L, R
Dolby Digital (2 ch: Lt/Rt) Digital, Auto, Pro Logic L, R, S
96kHz PCM – – PCM Stereo, Auto 96 kHz L, R
PCM (audio) – – PCM Stereo, Auto L, R
Analog – – ANALOG Stereo, Auto –
DTS (5.1 ch) DTS dts, Auto L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
STEREO Dolby Digital (5.1 ch) – – STEREO L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
Dolby Digital (2 ch) – – STEREO L, R
Dolby Digital (2 ch: Lt/Rt) – – STEREO L, R, S
96kHz PCM – – – PCM STEREO 96 kHz L, R
PCM (audio) – – PCM STEREO L, R
Analog – – ANALOG STEREO –
DTS (5.1 ch) – – DTS STEREO L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
DOLBY Dolby Digital (5.1 ch) Digital L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
Dolby Digital (2 ch) Digital, Pro Logic L, R
Dolby Digital (2 ch: Lt/Rt) Digital, Pro Logic L, R, S
96kHz PCM – – – – (PCM) Digital 96 kHz –
PCM (audio) PCM Pro Logic L, R
Analog ANALOG Pro Logic –
DTS (5.1 ch) – – – – DTS Digital –
DTS Dolby Digital (5.1 ch) – – – – ( ) dts No data –
Cinema Dolby Digital (2 ch) – – – – ( ) dts No data –
Dolby Digital (2 ch: Lt/Rt) – – – – ( ) dts No data –
96kHz PCM – – – – (PCM) dts 96 kHz –
PCM (audio) – – – – (PCM) dts No data –
Analog – – – – – dts No data –
DTS (5.1 ch) DTS dts – L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
DTS Dolby Digital (5.1 ch) – – – – ( ) dts No data –
Music Dolby Digital (2 ch) – – – – ( ) dts No data –
Dolby Digital (2 ch: Lt/Rt) – – – – ( ) dts No data –
96kHz PCM – – – – (PCM) dts 96 kHz –
PCM (audio) – – – – (PCM) dts No data –
Analog – – – – – dts No data –
DTS (5.1 ch) DTS dts – L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
HALL Dolby Digital (5.1 ch) Movie, Hall or Matrix – L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
MATRIX Dolby Digital (2 ch) Movie, Hall or Matrix – L, R
MOVIE Dolby Digital (2 ch: Lt/Rt) Movie, Hall or Matrix – L, R, S
96kHz PCM – – – – (PCM) Movie, Hall or Matrix 96 kHz –
PCM (audio) PCM Movie, Hall or Matrix – L, R
Analog ANALOG Movie, Hall or Matrix – –
DTS (5.1 ch) DTS Movie, Hall or Matrix – L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
5-STEREO Dolby Digital (5.1 ch) 5 CH L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
Dolby Digital (2 ch) 5 CH L, R
Dolby Digital (2 ch: Lt/Rt) 5 CH L, R, S
96kHz PCM – – – – (PCM) 96 kHz –
PCM (audio) PCM 5 CH L, R
Analog ANALOG 5 CH –
DTS (5.1 ch) DTS 5 CH L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
S-Direct Dolby Digital (5.1 ch) Digital, Auto S-DIRECT L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
Dolby Digital (2 ch) – – – Digital, Auto S-DIRECT L, R
Dolby Digital (2 ch: Lt/Rt) – Digital, Auto, Pro Logic S-DIRECT L, R, S
96kHz PCM – – – PCM Stereo, Auto S-DIRECT L, R
PCM (audio) – – – PCM Stereo, Auto S-DIRECT L, R
Analog – – – ANALOG Stereo, Auto S-DIRECT –
DTS (5.1 ch) DTS dts, Auto S-DIRECT L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
6ch Input – – – 6CH-INPUT –

Note: L/R : Front speaker ( ): The indicator blinks

Dolby Digital (2 ch: Lt/Rt): signal with Dolby Surround flag Speajers are full set. LS/RS : Surround speaker
C : Center speaker
SW : Sub woofer speaker

TROUBLESHOOTING If the unit does not operate properly, check items shown in the following

In case of trouble, check the following before calling for service: If your trouble cannot be recovered with the remedy actions listed in
1. Are the connections made properly ? the following table, malfunction of the internal circuitry is suspected;
2. Are you operating the unit properly following user’s guide ? immediately unplug the power cable and contact your dealer, nearest
3. Are the power amplifiers and speaker working properly ? Marantz distributor or the Marantz Service Center in your country.


SR8000 cannot be turned up. The power plug is not connected. Connect the power plug to the outlet.

No sound and picture are output Mute is on. Cancel mute using the remote control unit.
even when power is on. The input cable is not connected correctly. See the connection diagram and connect the cables correctly.
The master volume control is turned all the way down. Adjust the master volume.
The function selector position is wrong. Select correct position.

Speaker does not outputting any The headphones are connected to the headphone jack. Disconnect the headphones. (Speakers will not output sound when
sound. headphones are connected.)

Sound and pictures from other Input cable connected incorrectly. Connect the cable correctly by referring to the connection
than equipment selected with the diagram.
function selector.

Sound from the wrong channel is Speaker cable connected incorrectly. Connect the cable correctly by referring to the connection
output from the speaker. diagram.

No sound is output from the center The center speaker cable connection is incomplete. Connect the cable correctly.
speaker. STEREO has been selected for Surround mode. When STEREO is selected for Surround mode, no sound will be
output from the center speaker. Set another Surround mode.
Center = NONE has been selected in SETUP mode. Make the correct setting.

No sound is output from the The surround speaker cable connection is incomplete. Connect the cable correctly.
surround speakers. STEREO has been selected for Surround mode. When STEREO has been selected for Surround mode, no sound will
be output from the surround speaker. Set another Surround mode.
Surround = NONE has been selected in SETUP mode. Make the correct setting.

No output to Sub Woofer Out. Sub-woofer = NO has been selected in SETUP mode. Select Sub-woofer = YES.

Surround mode cannot be changed. The headphones are connected to the jack. Disconnect the headphones. (When headphones are connected,
Surround mode will be fixed to STEREO.)

Noise is produced during DTS- Analog has been selected for input. Be sure to perform digital connection, select digital input, then
encoded CD or laser disc play. play.

DTS sources cannot be played. Surround mode is set to DOLBY. Select other mode.
The DVD or LD player is not DTS digital out capable. Use a player which responds to DTS-digital out.

Player skips during play of a DTS Data error occurred during player skip. Set Surround mode to DTS-cinema or DTS-music..
source and produces noise.

A 96kHz PCM signal cannot be The disc player is not 96kHz PCM digital out capable. Use a player that responds to 96kHz PCM digital out.
played. Surround mode is set to other than STEREO and AUTO. Set Surround mode to STEREO or AUTO.

A normal PCM signal (CD or laser Surround mode is set to DTS-cinema or DTS-music. Select other mode.
disc) cannot be played.

A Dolby Digital signal cannot be Surround mode is set to DTS-cinema or DTS-music. Select other mode.

A specific channel does not Nothing recorded on source. Check the encoded channel on the source side.
produce output.

FM or AM reception fails. Antenna connection is incomplete. Correctly connect the indoor FM and AM antennas to FM and AM
antenna outlets.

Noise is heard during AM reception. Reception is affected by other electrical fields. Try changing location where the AM indoor antenna is set up.

Noise is heard during FM reception. The radio waves from the broadcasting station are weak. Install an FM outdoor antenna.

Cannot get programmed station Preset data has been erased. Disconnecting power plug for long periods of time will erase preset
when the PRESET button is data. If that happens, input the preset data again.

Nothing appears on the remote Batteries are consumed. Replace all the batteries with new ones.
commander display.

Control with the remote control unit Batteries are consumed.. Replace all the batteries with new ones..
fails. Remote controller's function-key setting is wrong. Select different position from which equipment will be controlled.
The distance between this SR8000 and the remote Move closer to this SR8000.
commander is too far.
S o m e t h i n g i s b l o c k i n g SR 8 000 a n d t h e r e m o t e Remove offending object.

Should the operation or display seem to be abnormal, reset the unit

If the equipment malfunctions, this may be because an electrostatic
discharge or AC line interference has corrupted the information in with the following procedure.
The SR8000 is turned on, press and hold the CLEAR !3 and DISPLAY
the equipment memory circuits. Therefore:
OFF buttons !1 simultaneously for 3 seconds or more.
- disconnect the plug from the AC line supply
Remember that the procedure will reset the settings of the function
- after waiting at least three minutes, reconnect the plug to the AC
selector, Surround mode, delay time, TUNER PRESET etc., to their
line supply initial settings.
- re-attempt to operate the equipment

When the display indicates some error messages (e.g. ERROR **),
unplug the power cable immediately. Contact your dealer, nearest
Marantz distributor or the Marantz service center in your area.

Memory backup
n In case a power outage occurs or the power cord is
accidentally unplugged, the SR8000 is equipped with a
backup function to prevent memory data such as the preset
memory from being erased.
The memory functions are backed up for up to about one
First of all keep SR8000 Standby or Powered-on more than 6
hours, to sufficient time for memory back up.


Frequency Range ................................................................................................................................................. 87.5 - 108.0 MHz
Usable Sensitivity ............................................................................................................................................. IHF 1.8 µV/16.4 dBf
Signal to Noise Ratio .................................................................................................................................... Mono/Stereo 76/72 dB
Distortion ..................................................................................................................................................... Mono/Stereo 0.2/0.3 %
Stereo Separation ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 kHz 45 dB
Alternate Channel Selectivity ................................................................................................................................ ± 400 kHz 60 dB
Image Rejection ........................................................................................................................................................ 98 MHz 70 dB
Tuner Output Level ............................................................................................................................. 1 kHz, ± 75 kHz Dev 800 mV

Frequency Range .................................................................................................................................................... 520 - 1710 kHz
Signal to Noise Ratio .............................................................................................................................................................. 50 dB
Usable Sensitivity ........................................................................................................................................................ Loop 400 µV
Distortion ................................................................................................................................................... 1 kHz, 30 % Mod. 0.5 %
Selectivity ................................................................................................................................................................ ± 20 kHz 70 dB

Continuous Power Output
FRONT (20 Hz - 20 kHz) .............................................................................................................................. 8 ohms 100W / Ch
Center (20 Hz - 20 kHz) ................................................................................................................................ 8 ohms 100W / Ch
Surround (20 Hz - 20 kHz) ............................................................................................................................ 8 ohms 100W / Ch
THD Front (20 Hz - 20 kHz) ..................................................................................................................................... 8 ohms 0.05 %
Input Sensitivity/Impedance
Linear ........................................................................................................................................................... 316 mV/ 47 Kohms
Signal to Noise Ratio
Linear .............................................................................................................................................................................. 105 dB

Television Format ................................................................................................................................................................... NTSC
Input Level/Impedance .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Vp-p/ 75 ohms
Output Level/Impedance ....................................................................................................................................... 1 Vp-p/ 75 ohms
Video Frequency Response ........................................................................................................................ 5 Hz to 8 MHz (– 1 dB)
S/N .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 60 dB

Power Requirement ............................................................................................................................................... AC 120 V 60 Hz
Power Consumption (STEREO MODE RATED POWER) .................................................................................................... 360 W
Dimension (MAX)
Width ........................................................................................................................................................... 18 inches (458 mm)
Height ..................................................................................................................................................... 6-1/4 inches (159 mm)
Depth .................................................................................................................................................... 18-1/8 inches (460 mm)
Weight ............................................................................................................................................................ 33.1 lbs (15.0 Kg)

Remote Control Unit RC-18SR ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
AA-size batteries ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
FM Feeder Antenna ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
FM Antenna Converter ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
AM Loop Antenna ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Specifications subject to change without prior notice.

AUSTRALIA Scan audio Pty. Ltd. 4 Station Street, Thornleigh NSW 2120, Australia
AUSTRIA Huber & Prohaska GmbH Taborstraße 95 / Ladestraße 1, Gebäude Hangartner, A-1200 Wien, Austria
BELGIUM Van der Heyden Audio N.V. Brusselbaan 278, 9320 Erembodegem, Belgium
BULGARIA Ariescommerce GmbH Makedonia Blvd. 16, 1606 Sofia, Bulgaria
CANADA Lenbrook Industries Limited 633 Granite Court, Pickering, Ontario
CYPRUS Empire Hifi systems Ltd. P.O. Box 5604, Nicosia, Cyprus
CZECH REPUBLIC Audio International Fugnerova 1, 67801 Blansko, Czech Republic
DENMARK Hi-Fi Klubben Denmark Aboulevarden 1, DK-8000 Arhus C., Denmark
DUBAI V.V.& SONS P.O. Box 105, Dubai, U.A.E.
ESTONIA Audio International Baltic Lo Hu 12, EE0026 Tallin, Estonia
F.Y.R.O.M. T.P. KODI ul.Cedomir Kantargiev 21a, Skopje, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonija
FINLAND Hi-Fi Klubi Finland Uudenmaankatu 4-6, SF-00120 Helsinki, Finland
FRANCE Marantz France A division of Marantz Europe B.V., P.O. Box 301, 92 156 Suresnes Cedex, France
GERMANY Marantz Deutschland Hakenbusch 3, 49078 Osnabrück, Germany
GREECE Adamco S.A. 188, Hippocratous Street, 11471 Athens, Greece
HEADQUARTERS EUROPE: Marantz Europe B.V. Building SFF-2, P.O. Box 80002, 5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
HONG KONG Marantz Asia Ltd. Unit 1706, Metroplaza II, 223 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Fong, N.T., Kowloon, Hong Kong
HUNGARY Infovox Ltd. Terez Krt.31, 1067 Budapest, Hungary
ICELAND Radiobudin HF Skipholti 19, P.O. Box 424, 121 Reykjavik, Iceland
INDIA Marantz India c/o Philips India Ltd., Plot 80, Bhosari Industrial Estate Pune - 411026, India
IRAN Home Co. 5th floor no 878 Philips Building Enghelab ave, P.O. 11365/7844 Tehran, Iran
IRELAND Marantz Ireland Clonskeagh, Dublin 14, Ireland
ISRAEL Elmor Ltd. 52 Heh Beiyar Street, Kikar Hamedina, Tel Aviv, Israel
ITALY Marantz Italy Via Casati 23, 20052 Monza (Milano), Italy, Servizio Consumatori 1678-20026, Numero Verde
JAPAN Marantz Japan Inc. 35-1 Sagami Ohno 7-Chome, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa 228-8505, Japan
KOREA Mk Enterprises Ltd. #604 Electro-officetel, 16-58, 3GA Hangang-ro, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 140-013 Korea
KUWAIT alAlamiah Electronics Intl. P.O. Box 8196, Salmiah 22052, Kuwait
LATVIA Ace Ltd. 61, LacPlesa Str., Riga LV 1011, Latvia
LEBANON AZ Electronics S.A., 1, P.O. Box 11 2833, Beirut, Lebanon
LITHUANIA A Accapella Ltd. Ausros, Vartu G5, Pasazo Skg., 2001 Vilnius, Lithuania
MALAYSIA Wo Kee Hong Electronics Sdn. Bhd. 102 Jalan SS 21/35, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangordarul Ehsan, Malaysia
MALTA Doneo Co Ltd. 78 The Strand, Sliema SLM07, Malta
MAURITIUS SKR Electronics Ltd. P.O. Box 685, Bell Village, Port Louis, Mauritius
NETHERLANDS Marantz Trading A division of Marantz Europe B.V., Building SFF-2, P.O. Box 80002, 5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
NEW ZEALAND Scan audio Pty. Ltd. 4 Station Street, Thornleigh NSW 2120, Australia
NORWAY Hi-Fi Klubben Norway Lillegrensen 7, N-0159 Oslo, Norway
OMAN Mustafa & Jawad Trading CO. P.O. Box 1918, Ruwi, Oman
POLAND Marantz Polska Ul. Marszalkowska 45/49, 00-648 Warszawa, Poland
PORTUGAL Corel2 Comércio de Electrónica Lda., Av. Luís Bívar, No 85 A, 1050 Lisboa, Portugal
PROFESSIONAL EUROPE Marantz Professional Products Kingsbridge House, Padbury Oaks, 575-583 Bath Road, Longford, Middlesex UB7 0EH, U.K.
PROFESSIONAL U.S.A. Marantz Professional Products Distributed by: Superscope Technologies Inc., 1000 Corporate Blvd. Ste.D, Aurora, Illino
QATAR Almana & Partners W.W.L. P.O. Box 49, Doha, Qatar
REUNION Vision + 180 Rue du Marechal Leclerc, 97400 Saint Denis, Ile de la Reunion
ROMANIA Alltrom SRL Soseaua Bucuresti, Ploiesti 10, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
RUSSIA Trade Company SV Bld. 2, 7 Montazhnaya Street, 107497 Moscow, Russia
SAUDI ARABIA Ultimate Fidelity Sameria Comm. Center, Roadah Dist., P.O. Box 7760, Jeddah 21472, Saudi Arabia
SINGAPORE Forward Marketing (S) Pte. Ltd. Wo Kee Hong Centre, 29 Leng Kee Road, Singapore 159099, Singapore
SLOVAKIA Audio International Slovakia Nam. SNP 10, 96001 Zvolem, Slovakia
SLOVENIA Bofex Smartinska 152, HALA V/3, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
SOUTH AFRICA Coherent Imports (PTY) Ltd. P.O. Box 1614, Alberton, 1450, South Africa
SPAIN Marantz Spain Martinez Villergas 2, Apartado 2065, Madrid 28027, Spain
SWEDEN Hi-Fi Klubben A.B. Tegnersgatan 21, S-412 52 Gotenborg, Sweden
SWITZERLAND Sound Company AG Postfach, 8010 Zürich, Switzerland
TAHITI Covecolor Av. Prince Hinoi, Cours de l'union sacré, P.O. Box 2334, Papeete, Tahiti
TAIWAN Pai-Yuing Co. Ltd. 6th No 148 Sung Kiang Road, Taipei 10429, Taiwan R.O.C.
THAILAND MRZ Standard Co. Ltd. 746-750 Mahachai Road, Wangburapa, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
TURKEY Penta Elektronic Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti., Selvi Kokak, No. 4/1, Senlikkoy, 34810 Florya, Istanbul, Turkey
U.K. Marantz Hifi UK Ltd. Kingsbridge House, Padbury Oaks, 575-583 Bath Road, Longford, Middlesex UB7 0EH, U.K.
U.S.A. Marantz America Inc. 440 Medinah Road, Roselle, IL 60172, U.S.A.
YUGOSLAVIA ITM Ljutice Bogdana la, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
EXPORT Marantz Trading A division of Marantz Europe B.V., Building SFF-2, P.O. Box 80002, 5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby”, “Pro Logic”, and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby
Laboratories. Confidential Unpublished Works. © 1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
Manufactured under license from Digital Theater Systems, Inc. US Pat. No. 5,451,942 and other worldwide patents issues and
pending. “DTS” and “DTS Digital Surround” are trademarks of Digital Theater Systems, Inc. © 1996 Digital Theater Systems,
Inc. All rights reserved.

is a registered trademark.
Printed in Japan 99/08 MITi 323J851250

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