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TUBERCULOSIS 0272-5231/97 $0.00 + .



Charles A. Peloquin, PharmD

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is the capreomycin are the only drugs approved by
process of adjusting drug doses based on se- the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
rum concentration data? TDM, also known for the treatment of tuberculosis.16Amikacin,
as applied pharmacokinetics, allows the clinician kanamycin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, and clo-
to quantify the relationships among drug fazimine are other drugs that have been used
doses, serum concentrations, and therapeutic successfully for tuberculosis but lack FDA ap-
responses in patients. It also allows the clini- proval for that use. Rifabutin, clarithromycin,
cian to avoid concentration-related toxicities. and azithromycin appear to be better suited
The use of TDM with antimycobacterial for Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) in-
drugs allows for better control of treatment, fection, based on current information. As new
particularly in patients with drug-resistant macrolides, quinolones, and rifamycins are
mycobacterial infections and in those with developed, their potential use for the treat-
comorbid conditions, such as end-stage renal ment of mycobacterial infections should be
disease or acquired immunodeficiency syn- investigated.
drome (AIDS).This article focuses on the clin- Published studies on tuberculosis drugs are
ical aspects of TDM. A companion article not evenly distributed across the list of avail-
published in Clinics in Laboratory M e d i ~ i n e ' ~ able agents. Most were either pharmacokinet-
provides additional details regarding the ics studies in healthy volunteers or treatment
technical aspects of providing a TDM service. studies in patients with drug-susceptible tu-
By necessity, portions of these two manu- berculosis. Few studies were conducted with
scripts are similar. the second-line tuberculosis drugs against
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).
ANTIMYCOBACTERIAL DRUGS As a result, there are significant gaps in our
knowledge, and the optimal use of TDM for
Isoniazid (INH), rifampin, pyrazinamide, mycobacterial infections is currently under
ethionamide, streptomycin, para-aminosali- study. Serum concentrations provide ob-
cylic acid (PAS), cycloserine, ethambutol, and jective information regarding how selected
doses are meeting therapeutic goals. This
Parts of this article have previously appeared in the allows the clinician to make informed deci-
Sept. 1996 (163),Clinics in Laboratory Medicine. sions when individualizing drug doses. Bear

From the Infectious Disease Pharmacokinetics Laboratory, National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory
Medicine; and the Department of Pharmacy and Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver,


VOLUME 18 * NUMBER 1 * MARCH 1997 79


in mind that drug therapy is the only aspect dict, measure, adjust, and control drug ther-
of a mycobacterial infection within our con- apy (Tables 1, 2).19
trol. Everything else is predetermined, includ-
ing the patient's demographic information,
his or her extent and duration of disease, PHARMACODYNAMIC PARAMETERS
the causative organism, its drug-susceptibility
pattern, and so forth. Because infections The interaction of a drug with a microor-
caused by MDR-TB or MAC are so difficult ganism can be described by the minimal in-
to cure, the better we are able to control drug hibitory concentration (MIC), minimal bacte-
therapy, the better our patients should do.8 ricidal concentration (MBC), and the kinetics
of inhibition or killing (time-kill curve^).^ One
can study these in vitro (agar or broth), in
PHARMACOKINETIC PARAMETERS macrophage models, and, potentially, in ani-
mal models or in humans. Pharmacodynam-
The most frequently described pharmacoki- ics ("drug action") relates the achievable se-
netic parameters are the maximum serum rum or tissue concentrations of a drug to the
concentration (C,,,), the time at which it oc- amount needed to inhibit or kill the organism
curs (T,,,), and the speed with which the (MIC or MBC). Pharmacodynamic parame-
drug leaves the body (apparent elimination ters include the C,,, : MIC ratio, the time
half-life). For most orally administered tuber- above the MIC, and the AUC above the MIC
culosis drugs, T, occurs around 2 hours (see Fig. 1).
after the dose, so that generally is when we Verbist and have described the
collect "peak" serum concentrations. Addi- mechanisms of action of the antimycobacte-
tional parameters include the dispersion of rial drugs. Although our knowledge is incom-
the drug in the body (volume of distribution) plete, it does form a basis for understanding
and the removal of the drug from the body the pharmacodynamics of the drugs. In vitro
(clearance). Various methods calculate those studies using bactericidal agents against aero-
parameters from serum-concentration-versus- bic bacteria have suggested optimal dosing
time data. A graph display of the serum- strategies. For cell-wall-active agents (penicil-
concentration-versus-time data reveals a lins, cephalosporins), the duration that con-
curve, and an area under that curve (AUC) centrations remain above the MIC (time >
can be calculated (Fig. l).17 Parameter esti- MIC) should be maximized.'l For agents that
mates summarize the movement of drugs attack intracellular targets (aminoglycosides,
through the body, allowing clinicians to pre- quinolones), the C,,, : MIC ratio or, perhaps,




I \
C max

- - -..,,.

y 0.5

0 4 8 12 16 20 24
TIME (hr)
Figure 1. Hypothetical serum concentration versus time cutve, displaying the maximum serum
concentration (Cm& the area under the curve (AUC), and the relationship of these parameters to
the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). CONC = concentration. (From Peloquin CA: Antimicro-
bial therapy. In Bittar EE (ed): Principles of Medical Biology. Greenwich, CT, Jai Press Inc.,
in press.)

Volume of
Serum Cmax Serum Tmex Normal Serum CSF Distribution
Drug Name (CLs/mL) (hours) Half-life Penetration (%) Protein Binding (ml)
Amikacin (AK) 35-45 0.5-1.5(IM) 2-4h 20-40 est. 040% est. 0.2-0.3
65-80* End infusion (IV)
Aminosalicylic acid (PAS) 20-60 4-8 (granules) 0.5-2 h 10-50 50-73% (15% in 0.8-3.8 est.
(granules) some reports)
Azithromycin (AZI) 0.3-0.5 2 1-5 days Not known 50% 25-1 00
Capreomycin (CM) 35-45 1-2 (IM) 2-4h 20-40 est. Not known 0.2-0.3
End infusion (IV) Est. low
Ciprofloxacin (CIP) 4-6 targeted 1-2 3-5h 4-1 0 20-40Yo 2-3
Clarithromycin (CUR) 2-7 2-3 3-5 h saturable elim. Not known 72% 2.5-4
Clofazimine (CFZ) 0.5-2 2-1 2 Biphasic: Not known Not known Not known
a: 10 days Est. poor Est. very large
b: several weeks
Cycloserine (CSN) 20-35 2-4 10-12 h 50-80 Not known 0.2-0.35est.
0% est.
Ethambutol (EMB) 2-6 2-3 Biphasic: 5-65est. &30% est. 1.6-3.8
a: 4-5 h Variable, also binds RBC
b: 10-15 inflammation
Ethionamide (ETA) 1 -5 1-2.5 2-4 h 20-1 00 est. Not known 30% est. 1.5-4est.
lsoniazid (INH) 3-6 0.75-2 Polymorphic: 20-1 00 10 est. estimated 0.6-1 est.
fast: 1.5-2 h
slow: 3.5-4h
Kanamycin (KM) 35-45 0.5-1.5(IM) 2-4 h 20-40 est. 0 4 0 % est. 0.2-0.3
65-80 End infusion (IV)
Ofloxacin (OFLOX) 6-12 targeted 1 -2 5-8 h 30-90 8-30% 1-2.5
Pyrazinamide (PZA) 20-60 1-2 9-11 h 50-1 00 Not known 0.6-0.7est
Rifabutin (RBN) 0.3-0.9 2-4 20-25 h (steady state) 30-70 70-90 8-9
Rifampin (RIF) 8-24 2 2-4 h 5-20 est. 60-80 est. 0.6-1 est.
Streptomycin (SM) 35-45 0.5-1.5(IM) 2-4 h 20-40 est. 20-57 est. 0.2-0.3
65-80* End infusion (IV)
Thiacetazone (Tbl) 0.9-2.4 2-4 12-20 h Not known Not known 1-2 est.

= High-dose protocol dosing.

,C = Maximum serum concentration; T, = the time at which ,C occurs; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; est. = estimated; IM = intramuscularly; IV = intravenously.
Adapted from Peloquin CA, lseman MD: Antimycobacterial Agents. In Root RK (ed): Clinical Infectious Diseases: A Practical Approach. Oxford: Oxford University Press (in press); with permission


Renal Hepatic Active Metabolite
Drug Name Excretion (“A) Clearance (%) Metabolite Excretion Dose Renal Failure Dose Hepatic dis.
Amikacin (AK) >95 0 None None 12-15 mg/kg 3 x weekly Unchanged
Aminosalicylic acid 10 90 None Renal Unknown; avoid if poss. Not known
Azithromycin (MI) <10 >90 Nonrenal No Not known Unchanged Unchanged
Capreomycin (CM) >95 0 None None 12-15 rng/kg 3 x weekly Unchanged
Ciprofloxacin (CIP) 50-70 30-50 None Primarily renal Unchanged unless severe Unchanged unless
Clarithromycin 20 80 Saturable 14-OH Primarily renal Unchanged Unchanged
(CLAR) clarithromycin
Clofazimine (CFZ) <1 Yes None Fecal Unchanged Unchanged
(% unknown)
Cycloserine (CSN) 70-1 00 Not known Not known Not known 25C-500 rng 3 x weekly Unchanged
Ethambutol (EMB) 80 20 None None 15-25 mg/kg 3 x weekly Unchanged
Ethionamide (ETA) 5 95 Yes: sulfoxide Nonrenal Unchanged Not known
lsoniazid (INH) Polymorphic: Polymorphic: None Renal (50-60%) Unchanged or reduced to Unchanged in most
Fast: 10 Fast: 90 & nonrenal every other day patients
Slow: 30 Slow: 70
Kanamycin (KM) >95 0 None None 12-15 mglkg 3 x weekly Unchanged
Ofloxacin (OFLOX) >90 <lo Not significant Primarily renal -800 mg 3 x weekly Unchanged
Pyrazinarnide (PZA) 5 95 None Renal 15-30 mg/kg 3 x weekly Not known
Rifabutin (RBN) 10 90 Yes: 25-0- Renal (35%) Unchanged in most patients Unchanged in most
deacetyl & nonrenal patients
Rifampin (RIF) 10 90 Yes: deacetyl Renal (20%) Unchanged in most patients Unchanged in most
& nonrenal patients
Streptomycin (SM) >95 0 None None 12-1 5 mg/kg 3 x weekly Unchanged
Thiacetazone (Tbl) <20 280 Not known Not known Not known; avoid if possible Not known; avoid if

Adapted from Peloquin CA, lseman MD: Antirnycobacterial agents. In Root RK (ed): Clinical Infectious Diseases: A Practical Approach. Oxford, Oxford University Press (in press); with permission.

the portion of the AUC above the MIC should netics Laboratory therefore was established
be maximized.” to provide TDM and pharmacologic research
If these relationships hold true for the anti- services to our patients with mycobacterial
mycobacterial drugs, then cell-wall-active infections. Over time, these services have
agents like INH, ethionamide, cycloserine, been made available to clinicians across the
and ethambutol should be given in a way United States and, on occasion, to clinicians
that maintains their concentrations above the around the world.
MIC. The dosing of intracellular poisons like We know that the standard doses of INH,
rifampin, amikacin, kanamycin, ciprofloxacin, rifampin, and pyrazinamide work well for
ofloxacin, and capreomycin may be improved most patients with drug-susceptible tubercu-
by giving large doses intermittently. If these losis. Such patients generally absorb the
relationships are tested prospectively, we can drugs normally, producing good C,,, :MIC
refine our dosing strategies. ratios and prolonged time > MIC, particu-
When selecting a drug’s dose and frequency, larly for INH and rifampin. Most such pa-
one must consider concentration-related tox- tients therefore will not require TDM as long
icities. High doses of rifampin given intermit- as they respond to therapy in the predicted
tently, for instance, are likely to produce a manner. Should they remain acid-fast bacilli-
flu-like syndrome? Furthermore, bacterio- smear positive after 1-2 months of DOT, TDM
static agents (possibly clofazimine, PAS, and should be considered to rule out malabsorp-
pyrazinamide) may require prolonged time tion of the tuberculosis drugs.
> MIC. Finally, not all pharmacodynamically Under the best of circumstances, patients
optimized regimens will be practical in the with MDR-TB and MAC receive drugs with
clinical setting. It may be optimal to give poor C,,, : MIC ratios and time > MIC, even
ethionamide six times daily, for example, but with complete absorption. We simply do not
that probably cannot be done with most pa- have adequately potent drugs to predictably
tients. Compromises in the treatment plan cure these infections. If these patients fail to
therefore may be necessary to meld ”optimal absorb the doses normally, the C, : MIC ra-
doses” with ”practical doses.” tios will be less than 1, which, in vitro, would
be subinhibitory. Because patients with gas-
trointestinal diseases or AIDS have difficulty
WHY TUBERCULOSIS DRUGS absorbing antimycobacterial agents, they are
SHOULD BE MONITORED good candidates for TDM.’9-21Alternatively,
patients with renal or hepatic disease may
At the National Jewish Center for Immu- have difficulty eliminating antimycobacterial
nology and Respiratory Medicine (NJC), we drugs from the body.ls Standard doses may
have been using TDM for patients with myco- produce toxicity in such patients, a problem
bacterial infections since 1989. The impetus that can be avoided by using TDM.
for developing this service was the repeated
observation by our clinicians that certain pa-
tients failed to respond to directly observed PUBLISHED EXPERIENCE
therapy (DOT) that theoretically should have MONITORING THE
been effective. These patients received drugs TUBERCULOSIS DRUGS
selected on the basis of extensive in vitro
susceptibility testing, the patients were well Recent reports suggest that the achieve-
fed and well rested, and their other medical ment of the proposed target serum concentra-
conditions were managed properly. It there- tion is important for clinical efficacy.’,6,9,13, *w3
fore was not clear why these patients were In 1992, we reported a case of a patient with
not responding to therapy. The only aspect of AIDS and tuberculosis who apparently had
their care that was not directly controlled was adequately responded to antituberculosis
the delivery of drugs into their systemic cir- therapy.’ During the course of his treatment,
culation. however, and despite documented compli-
The only assays available at the time were ance with the regimen, the patient experi-
bioassays that required the discontinuation of enced a clinical and bacteriologic relapse. The
all other antibiotic agents for at least 24 hours susceptibility pattern of his tuberculosis iso-
to measure the drug of interest. This made it late had not changed. He was subsequently
very difficult to collect blood samples for shown to have antituberculosis drug serum
assay. The Infectious Diseases Pharmacoki- concentrations well below the proposed effec-

tive ranges. Adjustment of the doses resulted and 14 patients (54% of the total) had very
in serum concentrations within proposed ef- low 2-hour concentrations (<30% of pre-
fective ranges and a lasting improvement in dicted minimum for at least 1 Low
his condition (the patient survived into mid- or very low rifampin and ethambutol 2-hour
1995). We subsequently described 31 patients serum concentrations occurred in most pa-
with AIDS and tuberculosis who failed to tients receiving those drugsz3In contrast, the
achieve effective serum concentrations of an- absorption of INH and pyrazinamide ap-
tituberculosis In many cases, their proached normal in many of the subjects.
physicians had ordered serum concentrations Sahai and colleagues24reported the results
because the patients had failed to respond of a bioavailability study of INH, rifampin,
to what usually should have been adequate, and pyrazinamide in four groups of 12 sub-
observed dosages. Effective serum concentra- jects. Group I subjects were healthy volunteers;
tions of antituberculosis drugs therefore ap- groups 11,111, and IV were human immunode-
pear to be required for clinical efficacy. ficiency virus-positive (HIV+) subjects with-
Although these data showed that below out tuberculosis. Group I1 had CD4 counts
normal serum concentrations occurred with greater than 300/mm3, group I11 had CD4
some frequency in patients with AIDS, it was counts fewer than 200/mm3, and group IV
not possible to calculate the incidence with had CD4 counts fewer than 200/mm3 plus
which that occurred. Our experience in AIDS three or more loose stools per day.22Serum
patients with disseminated MAC infection concentrations were compared with published
showed that all 27 patients had serum con- normal ranges. Group I subjects displayed the
centrations of rifampin, ethambutol, clofazi- predicted serum concentrations (no malab-
mine, or ciprofloxacin well below the pro- sorption), whereas groups I1 through IV dis-
posed effective ranges6 All of these patients played declining serum concentrations that
had CD4 counts of fewer than 50 cells/mm3, paralleled their deteriorating clinical condi-
18 of the 27 had low concentrations for all tions.= Thirty-three percent of group I1 sub-
four drugs, and many of them had serum jects had low serum concentrations for at least
concentrations close to zero for several of the one drug; 50% in group 111 and 67% in group
drugs. Unless these drugs exert a local effect IV had low concentrations for at least one
against MAC along the gut lumen, it is un- drug.22Twenty-five percent of group 111 sub-
likely that such low concentrations are con- jects and 33% of group IV subjects had low
tributing to the care of these patients. Al- serum concentrations for at least two drugs.**
though "good" drug concentrations in the Combining all HIV+ groups and comparing
tissues are advocated when treating MAC, them with healthy volunteers showed a rela-
the drugs cannot get to the tissues unless tive rifampin C,,, of 59% or less and a rela-
they get into the blood stream first. In AIDS tive pyrazinamide C,,, of 76% or lessz2Com-
patients with disseminated MAC, drug mal- paring group IV patients with group I11
absorption appeared to be common, and may patients showed that diarrhea reduced the
compromise therapy. INH C,, an additional 39y0.~'This well-con-
We subsequently conducted a prospective, trolled study therefore confirms and expands
pilot investigation into the incidence of low our results, clearly showing that HIV+ pa-
antituberculosis drug serum concentrations in tients do not absorb tuberculosis drugs nor-
patients with advanced AIDS and tuberculosis. mally.
This study included 26 AIDS patients with The troubling aspect of these findings is
CD4 counts of fewer than 200 c e l l ~ / m m23~ . ~ that
~ ~ patients may absorb only portions of
Lower-than-normal 2-hour serum ("peak") their drug regimen, in effect putting them on
concentrations were common for the antitu- fewer tuberculosis drugs or even monother-
berculosis drugs in this patient sample.23Se- apy. The latter condition may lead to the
rum concentration results were compared selection of drug resistance, as described sub-
with the low end of our published normal sequently. Furthermore, early trials in tuber-
ranges.1517 Twenty-one of 26 patients (81%) culosis chemotherapy showed that patients
had 2-hour concentrations between 60% and can respond temporarily to monotherapy. An
90% of predicted minimum for at least one early response to tuberculosis drug therapy
drug (median, 1.5 drugs per patient).= Seven- therefore should be expected, even in the
teen of these patients (65% of the total) had presence of drug malabsorption. By the time
moderately low 2-hour concentrations (be- the patient shows clinical signs of trouble, it
tween 30% and 60% of predicted minimum), may be too late to prevent drug resistance.

Clinicians therefore must have a high index show linear pharmacokinetics over the doses
of suspicion for drug absorption problems in used in the PHS studies.l8 It therefore is rea-
this population. The specific host response to sonable to conclude that the lower doses of
AIDS responsible for the low drug concentra- those drugs 'resulted in lower serum concen-
tions is not known. A separate issue we do trations, and that the lower serum concentra-
not detail here is the problem of drug interac- tions produced less desirable clinical and bac-
tions. Increased use of the protease inhibitors teriologic outcomes. Given these results with
seriously complicates the treatment of tuber- INH, rifampin, and ethambutol, the most po-
culosis in patients with AIDS. Most of the tent oral agents for tuberculosis, it is very
tuberculosis drugs are cleared hepatically, ri- likely that adequate serum concentrations are
fampin is a well-known hepatic enzyme in- even more important for the much weaker
ducer, and protease inhibitors appear to be "second-line'' agents used to treat MDR-TB.
potent hepatic enzyme inhibitors. These find- The clinical results already presented docu-
ings highlight the need to define drug behav- ment poor clinical and bacteriologic re-
ior on a case-by-case basis in AIDS patients sponses in patients who have antituberculosis
so that proper doses can be given. drug serum concentrations below the pro-
Other investigators have used our assay posed effective ranges. The available data
services to investigate tuberculosis drug be- support the hypothesis that successful tuber-
havior in their patients with tuberculosis. culosis therapy depends upon the achieve-
Turner and colleagues23 reported several ment of effective serum concentrations of an-
cases of non-AIDS patients infected with tu- tituberculosis drugs.
berculosis who failed to respond to therapy.
These patients were subsequently shown to
have low serum concentrations of antituber- PRACTICAL ISSUES AND
culosis drugs. Patel and coworkers13reported ASSAY TECHNOLOGY
two HIV-infected patients who received DOT
who relapsed with drug-resistant isolates. Serum concentrations are usually obtained
When their serum concentrations were deter- using plain red-top vacuum tubes and direct
mined, they were found to be quite low. The venipuncture. Indwelling intravenous devices
authors13 concluded that drug malabsorption may be used to obtain samples, provided the
contributed to the development of drug resis- same device was not used to administer the
tance. The experiences of Turner and Patel are drug. Otherwise, residual drug in the port
consistent with the unpublished experience may falsely elevate the reported serum con-
of clinicians at several tuberculosis treatment centration. Certain catheters have multiple
centers across the United States for whom we ports (Hickman, Groshong, etc.), and one port
have provided clinical assay services. It is can be designated for obtaining blood sam-
also consistent with our experience at NJC. ples once the catheter has been thoroughly
Selected patients, particularly those with con- flushed with a drug-free solution. Regardless
current illnesses, appear to malabsorb their of how the samples are collected, the actual
tuberculosis drugs. These patients may be at time of dose administration and the actual
risk of further drug resistance if they absorb times of the blood collection (not the sched-
only part of their tuberculosis drug regimen. uled times) must be recorded.'O For intrave-
When patients fail to respond to DOT, it is nous infusions, the actual start and finish
reasonable to verify drug absorption. times should be recorded. Otherwise, the
Because patients with MDR-TB often fail to assay results will not be interpretable. Blood
respond to seemingly appropriate treatment, samples should be centrifuged promptly, the
we routinely adjust drug doses to achieve the serum transferred into labeled polypropylene
proposed effective serum concentration^.'^, l6 tubes and frozen promptly in the coldest
Tuberculosis studies conducted by the Public available freezer, preferably - 70°C.
Health Service (PHS) during the 1960s and The assays need to be specific for the drug
1970s showed that lower doses of INH, rifam- of interest. In particular, they must separate
pin, and ethambutol were clearly less effec- the drug of interest from other drugs present
tive than the subsequently defined usually in the patients' blood, and they must separate
effective doses.*,3, 9, l2 Unfortunately, these the parent compound from any metabolites.
studies did not include serum concentration This is true regardless of whether or not the
monitoring. The available data, however, sug- metabolites are microbiologically active. In
gest that INH, rifampin, and ethambutol this regard, bioassays, which are quite useful

for a variety of testing purposes, are inferior centrations above the MIC of the pathogen.
to specific methods, such as radioimmunoas- TDM has become the standard of practice at
says, fluorescence polarization immunoassays the National Jewish Center for Immunology
(TDx, Abbott), high-performance liquid chro- and Respiratory Medicine. By combining spe-
matography, gas chromatography, or capil- cific' and sensitive assays, carefully collected
lary electrophoresis. The latter techniques are samples, and clinical expertise, we are able to
currently used at NJC for measuring the se- control and optimize antimycobacterial drug
rum concentrations of the antimycobacterial therapy. We continue to refine our approach
drugs. with ongoing pharmacokinetic and pharma-
Two-hour post-dose concentrations are codynamic research, including the develop-
used for the normal ranges with oral tubercu- ment of population pharmacokinetic models.
losis drugs, because nearly all such doses We hope that these efforts will provide in-
should have been absorbed by that time.15, sight into the nature of current therapeutic
16, Of course, there are always exceptions, problems. We also hope they will help us
and a few patients appear to have delayed improve the clinical outcomes of our patients.
absorption. Second blood collections 6 hours
after the dose can confirm that occurrence.
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Address reprint requests to

Charles A. Peloquin, PharmD
Director, IDPL
National Jewish Center for Immunology
and Respiratory Medicine
1400 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80206

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