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3rd Sem MKTG Syllabus

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3rd Semester Course List

IB 301: International Marketing Management IB 302: Global Service Management IBM 303:

IB 301 CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR UNIT - I Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action: An overview - Consumer involvement, decisionmaking processes and purchase behaviour and marketing implications -Consumer Behaviour Models. UNIT - II Environmental influences on consumer behaviour - Cultural influences - Social class, reference groups and family influences - Opinion leadership and the diffusion of innovations - Marketing implications of the above influences. UNIT - III The individual consumer and buying behaviour and marketing implications - Consumer perceptions, learning, attitudes, motivation and personality - psychographics, values and lifestyles. UNIT - IV Strategic marketing applications - Market segmentation strategies - Positioning strategies for existing and new products, Re-positioning, perceptual mapping - Marketing communications Source, message and media effects. Store choice and shopping behaviour - In-Store stilmuli, store image and loyalty - Consumerism - Consumer rights and Marketers' responsibilities. UNIT - V The Borderless Consumer Market and buying behaviour - Consumer buying habits and perceptions of emerging non-store choices Research and applications of consumer responses to direct marketing approaches - Issues of privacy and ethics.Customer Relationship Management: Meaning & Significance of CRM, Types of CRM (Operational, Collaborative, Analytical), Strategies for building relationship marketing, CRM Vs Customer retention, CRM ProcessBenefits, CRM process for marketing organisations, brand switching behaviour, e-CRM, Meaning, Importance of e-CRM, Difference Between CRM & e-CRM

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Consumer Behaviour- Leon Schiffman, Lesslie Lazar Kanuk-Pearson/PHI,8/E 2. Consumer Behaviour- Hawkins, Best, Coney-TMH,9/e,2004 3. Consumer Behaviour in Indian Perspective Suja Nair Himalaya Publishers, 2004 4. Consumer Behaviour- Satish k Batra & S H H Kazmi, Excell Books


UNIT I Introduction to Services: Nature of Services; Characteristics of Services Intangibility, Inconsistency, Inseparability and Inventory; Search, experience and credence attributes, Classification of Services; Services Marketing Mix: Introduction to the 7 Ps of Services Marketing Mix. UNIT II Services Marketing Mix: Augmented Marketing Mix, Developing the Service Product/ Intangible Product, Service Product Planning, Service Pricing Strategy, Services Promotions, Services Distributions. Physical Evidence: Role of Communication in Service Marketing, People and Internal Communication, Process of Operations and Delivery of Services, Role of Technology in Services Marketing. UNIT III Customer Satisfaction & Service Quality: Monitoring and Measuring customer satisfaction, Order taking and fulfillment; Service Guarantee Handling complaints effectively; Defects, Failures and Recovery. Concept and Importance of quality in Services; How customers evaluate service performance, Service Quality Models Parsuraman-Zeithamal-Bitner (PZB) Gaps Model, SERVQUAL. UNIT IV Marketing of Services - Marketing of Insurance & Banking Services, Concepts of Insurance & Banking Services , Marketing mix of Insurance & banking services, Insurance & bank marketing in Indian perspective, Marketing of Hotel & Tourism Services, Concept of Hotel & Tourism Services; Market mix of Hotel & Tourism services, Hotel & Tourism marketing in Indian perspective; Marketing of Transport and Consultancy Marketing- Introduction, Concept, Users, Consumer Profile, Marketing Mix elements for marketing of Transport and Consultancy Marketing. UNIT V Services in Global Perspective: International Marketing of Services Recent Trends, Principal Driving Force in Global Marketing of Services, Key Decisions in Global Marketing, Services Strategy and Organizing for Global Marketing.

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Services Marketing, Valarie A Zeithmal & Mary Jo Bitner-TMH, 3/e,2004 2. Services Marketing, Christopher Lovelock, Pearson Education, 2004 3. Services Marketing, Rajendra Nargundkar- TMH,1/e,2004 4. Services Marketing, Ravi Shankar, Excel Books, 2006

IM 303 KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT UNIT I: Introduction: Account Management- Big Picture Strategy- Targeting your large account Buy Sell Hierarchy (Levels of Business Relationship)-setting your strategy-Basic principles UNIT II: Strategic Analysis: Charter Statements Goals Focus Investments- Stop Investments Revenue targets Pre-Action Overview. UNIT III: Situation Appraisal: Selecting right accounts (Preparing the ground) Account SummaryAccount view Situation Accounts trends & opportunities-Strengths and Vulnerabilities Key account plan Timetable and Performance UNIT IV: Key Account Management & Customer Perspective: Supplier positioning Becoming key supplier Measuring Value Measuring Trust Supplier Power/ Trust Model Understandingbusiness strategy, Culture and Values. UNIT V: Preparing and Entering Key Account Management: Goals and Obstacles- Process and Systems- Organization and Resources- Buying decision process- Decision making units Key account

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Key account management: a complete action kit of tools and techniques By Peter Cheverton 2. Key Account Management and Planning: The Comprehensive Handbook for Managing Your Company's Most Important Strategic Asset by Noel Capon 3. Key Account Management By Peter CHEVERTON

IBM 304:GLOBAL BRAND MANAGEMENT UNIT I Introduction to the concept of Brand Management: Brand Meaning, Definition, Evolution of Brands, Functions of Brand to consumer, Role of Brand- Advantages of Brand, Product Vs Brand, Brand Management-Meaning & Definition, Strategic Brand Management ProcessMeaning, Strong Indian Brands (Case study)

UNIT II Customer Based Brand Equity: Customer Based Brand Equity-Meaning, Model of CBBE, Brand Equity: Meaning, Sources, Steps in Building Brands, Brand building blocks-Resonance, Judgments, Feelings, performance, imagery, salience. Brand Building Implications, David Aakers Brand Equity Model.

UNIT III Brand Identity & Positing: Meaning of Brand identity, Need for Identity & Positioning, Dimensions of brand identity, Brand identity prism, Brand positioning Meaning, Positioning guidelines. Brand Repositioning: Meaning, Types of repositioning strategies. Brand PersonalityMeaning & Definition, Types of Brand personalities,Elements of Brand personality, Brand Image- Meaning & Definition, Brand Image & Celebrity. Brand Value: Definition, Core Brand values, Brand mantras, Internal branding,

UNIT IV Brand Strategies: Brand Extension- Meaning, Types, Needs, Advantages & Disadvantagesof Brand Extension, Brand-Product matrix, Brand Hierarchy-Kapferers,Branding Systems, Building Brand Equity at different hierarchial levels,Brand hierarchy decision-Consumers Evaluation of Brand

Extensions &Opportunities

UNIT V Making Brands go Global: Geographic extension, sources of opportunities for global brand, single name to global brand, consumers & globalization, conditions favoring marketing,barriers to globalization, managerial blockages, organisation for a global brand, pathways to globalization.

IM 304 GLOBAL SALES MANAGEMENT UNIT I Sales Management : Definition and meaning, Objectives, Sales Research, Sales Forecasting, Sales Forecasting methods, Sales Planning and control: Goal setting, Performance measurement, diagnosis and corrective actions. UNIT II Sales Organization : Need for Sales Organizations, their structure, Sales Managers Functions and responsibilities, Planning for major customers and sales Budget, Specific Characteristics of a successful salesman. UNIT III Developing the Sales Force for Industrial Customers and Consumer products : - Recruiting, Selection and Training of Sales force: Procedures and criteria extensively used as selection tools for recruiting and testing sales ability. - Areas of sales Training : Company Specific Knowledge, product knowledge Industry and Market Trend Knowledge, and Customer education. Motivating the Sales Team : Motivation Programs - Sales Meetings, Sales Contests, Sales Compensation, ( Monetary compensation, incentive programs as motivators, Non-Monetary compensation fine tuning of compensation package, Supervising, Evaluating Sales Force Performance and Controlling Sales activities ( Sales Records and Reporting Systems ), Improving Sales Productivity. UNIT IV Personal Selling: Basics, Salesmanship-definition- prospecting, resistance selling process and skills for effective salesmanship, Sales leads, Sales presentations, Types of calls, effective selling techniques, role of relationship marketing in personal selling, tools for personal selling, Value added selling

UNIT V Conceptual foundation of Relationship Marketing, evolution of relationship marketing, its significance in international context. Role of Information Technology in building, maintaining and enhancing relationships RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Sales Management - Richard Rstill Edward W. Cundiff Professional Sales Management Anderson, Hair and Bush Building a Winning Sales Team Gini Graham & Scott Handbook of Relationship Marketing-Jagdish Sheth,Atul Parvatiyar

IM 305 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT UNIT I Introduction to International Marketing: Nature and significance; Complexities in international marketing; Transition from domestic to transnational marketing; International market orientation- EPRG framework; International market entry strategies. UNIT II International Marketing Environment: Internal environment; External environmentgeographical, demographic, economic, socio-cultural, political and legal environment; Impact of environment on international marketing decisions. UNIT III Product Decisions: Product planning for global markets; Standardisation vs Product adaptation; New product development; Management of international brands; Packaging and labeling; Provision of sales related services. UNIT IV Pricing Decisions: Environmental influences on pricing decisions; International pricing policies and strategies. Promotion Decisions: Complexities and issues; International advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations. UNIT V Distribution Channels and Logistics: Functional and types of channels; Channel selection

decisions; Selection of foreign distributors/agents and managing relations with them; International logistics decisions.


1. Czinkota, M.R: International Marketing, Dryden Press, Boston. 2. Fayerweather, John: International Marketing, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 3. Jain, S.C.: International Marketing, CBS Publications, New Delhi 4. Keegan, Warren J.: Global Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 5. Onkvisit, Sak and John J.Shaw: International Marketing: Analysis and Strategy, Prentice Hall, New Delhi. IM 306 ADVERTISEMENT MANAGEMENT UNIT - I Introduction to Advertising: Advertising Definition Importance Classification of advertisements Functions of Advertising Objectives DAGMAR. UNIT - II Role of Creativity: Understanding the concept of creativity Creativity and advertising Elements of creative advertising. Developing a creative strategy: Creative Strategy Challenges Creative process Steps Developing a creative strategy Approaches. UNIT III Advertising copy: Elements and Types Forms of creative execution Copywriting Considerations Elements of advertising copy Effective copy Criteria Types of advertising copy. Developing an Advertising copy: Making an advertising copy Steps Desired Effects Creative strategies Basic appeals Basic tactics Creative mix. UNIT - IV Media Planning: Media planning Functions Objectives Target audience profile Sales geography Timing duration Media environment Staging media plan Determinants of media plan.Print Media: Characteristics different categories of print media Newspaper Magazines Yellow pages Direct mail Outdoor advertising Transit advertising Advantages and disadvantages Evaluation of print media.Radio advertising Advantages and limitations- Television advertising Advantages and disadvantages Media Evaluation. Web Advertising Objectives Importance Types. UNIT - V Social Effects of Advertising: Benefits of Advertising Impact of Advertisements on children Women in Advertising. Ethics in Advertising: Criticism of Advertising RECOMMENDED BOOKS:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Belch & Belch Advertising & Promotion Tata McGraw Hill. Advertising Management Concepts and Cases Manendra Mohan TataMcGraw Hill. Stephen Baker, Systematic Approach to Advertising Creativity John Philip Jones, The Advertising Business: Operations, Creativity, MediaPlanning, Integrated Communications

IM 307 INTERNATIONAL MARKET RESEARCH UNIT I The role of Marketing Research: Introduction, Nature of Marketing Research, Managerial Value of Marketing Research for Strategic Decision Making, Need of Marketing Research. The Marketing Research Process: Introduction, Decision Making, Types of Marketing Research, Stages in Research Process, Research Program Strategy UNIT II Qualitative Research Tools: What is Qualitative Research? Qualitative Research Orientations, Common Techniques used in Qualitative Research, Exploratory Research in Science and in Practice, Secondary Data Research in a Digital Age: Typical Objectives for Secondary Data Research Designs, Sources of Secondary Data, Single-Source Data-Integrated Information, Sources for Global Research UNIT III Descriptive Research: Survey Method, how to choose survey method, observational methods, how to choose between survey and observational, questionnaire design, the concept of sampling, the sampling design process, internet sampling and questionnaire design, data analysis and reporting UNIT IV Developing a Global Vision through Marketing: Breadth and Scope of International Marketing Research, Multicultural Research, Research on the Internet, Identifying of foreign market, Classification of sample on the basis of demand, on the basis of development and on the other basis on the division of world markets Multinational Market Regions and Market Groups:

Patterns of Multinational Cooperation, Global Markets and Multinational Market Groups, Europe, The Americas, Asian-Pacific Rim, Africa, Middle East UNIT V Problems Faced in International Marketing Research: Problem in gathering secondary data for global marketing research, problem in analyzing and interpreting research information, problems in communicating decision makers

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: Beri G.C - Marketing Research (Tata Mc Graw Hill, 4th Edition) Saunders - Research Methods for Business students (Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, 2007) Cooper and Schindler - Business Research Methods (Tata Mc Graw Hill, 9th Edition) Green E. Paul, Tull S.Donald & Albaum, Gerald: Research for Marketing Decisions, 2006, 6th Ed, PHI. Tull and Hawckins, Marketing Research, 2000, 4th Ed. Tata McGraw Hill. Martin callingam, Market intelligence, 2009, Kogan Page Publishers.

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