Baccalaureate Program
Baccalaureate Program
Baccalaureate Program
Welcome to the Baccalaureate Mass for the Class of 2020 and 2021!
Liturgical Ministers
Master of Ceremonies
Justin Doo* & Scott Guetens*
Mary LaVigne,’20
Mairead James
Josh Fitzgerald
Cross Bearer
Connor Short*
Candle Bearers
Katie Garisto*
Maureen Dormer*
Scripture Readers
Ryan Devillier*
Flor Paniagua-Peart*
* Class of 2021
Brendan Sweeney*
Julianna Bono*
Hannah Christou*
Brittany Bonin*
Cathryn Martinez*
Lily Kase*
Spencer Blair*
Helena Sanders*
Affirmation of Service
Francisco Echaniz*
Hospitality Ministers:
Kristen Glass*
Megan Kaiser*
Chapel Choir:
Luke Alexander*
Brian Chan*
Liz Delfeld*
Dani Dompor *
Brendan Sweeney*
Jaime Wehr*
Emily Zimmerman*
Adric Macsisak – Organ
Peter David – Flute
* Class of 2021
The basic “shape” of the › Introductory Rites
ritual of the Mass is similar
to a festive family dinner:
gathering together, sharing
stories about our family and Processional Hymn
friends, culminating in the “O Spirit, All Embracing”..................................................................................... Thaxted
sharing of food and drink.
Penitential Rite
Presider: You raise the dead to life in the Spirit: Lord, have mercy.
Presider: You bring pardon and peace to the sinner. Christ, have mercy.
Presider: May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
and bring us to everlasting life.
Assembly: AMEN!
When we gather at a friend’s › Liturgy of the Word
home for a meal, we usually
begin with conversation,
sharing and telling our stories.
At Mass, after we have been First Reading
gathered together, we sit Jeremiah 29:11-14
down and listen as readings
from the Word of God are proclaimed by Ryan DeVillier*
proclaimed. We listen to
wisdom from both the
Hebrew and Christian
For surely I know the plans I have for you,
traditions. These are the says the Lord, plans for your welfare and
stories of God’s people not for harm, to give you a future with hope.
down through the ages. Then when you call upon me and come
and pray to me, I will hear you.
When you search for me, you will fnd me;
if you seek me with all your heart,
I will let you fnd me, says the Lord,
and I will restore your fortunes
and gather you from all the nations and
all the places where I have driven you,
says the Lord, and I will bring you back
to the place from which I sent you into exile.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 146: “I Will Praise the Lord” ......................................................... Michael Joncas
* Class of 2021
Second Reading
Romans 8:22-27
proclaimed by Flor Paniagua*
Gospel Acclamation
“Celtic Alleluia” ................................................................................. Christopher Walker
* Class of 2021
After having listened to › Gospel Reading
the proclamation of the
Matthew 5:13-16
scriptures, the assembly is
invited into sit down and proclaimed by Rev. Jack Dennis, S.J.
“break open” this wisdom.
The homilist invites us to
reflect on what we have Jesus told his disciples; “You are the salt of the earth;
just heard and think about but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness
how these ancient readings
be restored? It is no longer good for anything,
speak to us in our own
time and situation. but is thrown out and trampled underfoot.
The Reverend Brian F. Linnane, S.J.
We stand for the Prayer › General Intercessions .............. Brendan Sweeney*, Julianna Bono*, Hannah Christou*,
of the Faithful. Brittany Bonin*, Cathryn Martinez* , Lily Kase*
This is our opportunity to “Te Rogamos” ......................................................................................................Peter Kolar
bring our concerns as a
community of faith to God.
* Class of 2021
Liturgy of the Eucharist ‹ The Liturgy of the Eucharist
is paired with the Liturgy of
the Word as the central focus
of the Mass.
Preparation of the Gifts and the Table
Here we are brought to
“With Great Love”........................................................................................ Chris DeSilva the table, to share bread
and wine, to feast together.
This part of the Mass is
reminiscent of the Jewish
Passover meal; the meal
that Jesus shared with his
followers before his death.
Our prayers over the bread
and wine echo the ancient
blessings over bread and wine
from the Jewish tradition,
blessings that are still spoken
today. We offer up the bread
and wine as a gift to God,
who then transforms that gift
into something more. We are
offering up, symbolically in
the bread and wine, the work
of our human hands. Before
the bread and wine is brought
forward, the altar is prepared;
1. Use us as instruments, simple vessels of your peace. the table must be set. The
Inspire in us pure hearts of understanding, gift-bearers bring them up
to know that in your warm embrace, our beings will find rest. from through midst of the
assembly; showing that
they are representing the
2. Lord, make us instruments, quiet vessels of your love. entire community.
Create in us clean hearts of concentration
to see your face in those we serve, in all who search for you.
* Class of 2021
Memorial Acclamation
Great Amen
Lord’s Prayer
Sign of Peace
Concluding Prayer
Affirmation of Service
introduced by Erin O’Keefe, Director of The Center for Community Service and Justice
I now invite all members of the graduating class to stand and state
together your intent to apply Jesuit values in your personal and
professional lives.
O God of wisdom,
grant to these graduates the gift of your wisdom
as they finish their course of study
and prepare for a new step in their lives.
Help them to know
not only the things that will help them earn a living,
but the things that will lead them to eternal life.
Give them the courage and the love to put this wisdom into action
for the good of other people,
for the welfare of the less fortunate,
and for the building up of your Kingdom on earth.
May their studies at Loyola
and their worship serve as a lasting foundation
as they strive to live a Christian life in the world.
1. I baptize you in the name of the Father. I baptize you in the name of the Son.
I baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Go out and spread Good News! (Refrain)
2. Well, it’s time for us to become people with spirit. It’s time for us to become
people of love. It’s time for us to know that Jesus Christ is risen, forgives our sins,
and brings us new life! (Refrain)
“Nun Danket Alle Gott” ...................................................................................... J.S. Bach
Organizations and Programs
of Service and Engagement
“I am sure of this much: That the one who has begun the good work in you will carry it on
to completion.” (Philippians 1:6)
Many community organizations have invited our students to take part in their
work, and we thank them for being co-educators with us, offering students a
community-based opportunity to extend their education. We recognize all of the
members of the graduating class who have taken time to listen and learn through
work with the following organizations and programs: