Research GRP 4
Research GRP 4
Research GRP 4
Practical Research
Denver L. Tupal
April-July 2023
Time management refers to the process of planning, organizing, and prioritizing time effectively to
maximize productivity and achieve specific goals. It is a crucial skill that is important for students to
develop as it can help them balance their academic, personal, and social life. Effective time management
can have a significant impact on a student's ability to set and achieve their goals. When students manage
their time efficiently, they can create a clear plan of action, set realistic deadlines, and focus on the most
important tasks.
Poor time management can have a significant impact on a student's ability to set and achieve their goals.
When students struggle with managing their time effectively, they may find it challenging to prioritize
their tasks and allocate the necessary time to complete them. As a result, they may feel overwhelmed and
stressed, leading to a lack of motivation and focus. (Faisal, Abulibdeh, & Al-Sobh, 2016) Furthermore,
poor time management can also impact a student's ability to meet deadlines. When students struggle with
managing their time effectively, they may find themselves rushing to complete assignments at the last
minute or missing deadlines altogether. This can lead to lower grades, increased stress levels, and feelings
Therefore, this study aims to explore the relationship between time management and student goal setting,
identify effective strategies for managing time, and examine the impact of time management on academic
performance and personal well-being. The findings from this study could provide valuable insights into
the importance of time management and goal setting in higher education and inform the development of
This study aimed to determine or examine whether time management has a significant impact on
students' goal-setting. The main objective of the current research is to determine to what extent
1. What is the extent to which time management influences goal setting in terms of;
1.2 Achievements?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using time management in goal setting?
3. What are the perception of the students in the Goal setting and Time Management?
4. Does time management has significant impact on the goal setting of students?
The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between time management and students' goal
setting and its impact on academic performance. The study aims to investigate the extent to which
effective time management skills influence students' ability to set and achieve academic goals, and how
these two varies across different academic contexts. By exploring the factors that contribute to successful
time management, the study seeks to identify ways that can help students improve their time management
skills and achieve better academic outcomes. The findings of this research will contribute to the
management practices, ultimately promoting students' academic success and goal attainment.
1. What are the strategies used by Grade 10 Joel students at San Jose Adventist Academy to
2. How do Grade 10 Joel students at San Jose Adventist Academy perceive the relationship
3. What are the challenges faced by Grade 10 Joel students at San Jose Adventist Academy in
The scope of this study is to explore the subjective experiences of the students regarding their time
management and goal-setting practices. The study will use a phenomenological approach to gain insight
into the students' experiences and perceptions. The respondents of this research will be Grade 10 students
of San Jose Adventist Academy, School Year 2022 to 2023. The study will focus on the ways used by
Grade 10 Joel students to manage their time functionally and how they perceive the relationship between
time management and goal setting. The study will also examine the challenges faced by the students in
managing their time and setting goals effectively. Additionally, the study will use qualitative research
methods to investigate the factors that contribute to effective time management and how it affects
students' ability to set and achieve academic goals. The study’s scope is limited to Grade 10 Joel students
Firstly, the limited generalizability, the study is limited to Grade 10 Joel students at San Jose Adventist
Academy, which may limit the generalizability of the findings to other populations. The experiences and
perceptions of students at other schools or in other countries may differ from those of the participants in
this study. Secondly, the social desirability bias, the participants in this study may provide socially
desirable responses, which may impact the validity of the findings. For example, participants may report
using effective time management strategies even if they do not actually use them in practice. Lastly, the
self-reported data, the data collected in this study will be based on self-reported responses from the
participants, which may be subject to biases and inaccuracies. For example, participants may not
accurately recall their time management and goal-setting practices, or they may provide responses that
align with what they believe the researchers want to hear rather than their actual experiences. Overall,
these limitations should be considered when interpreting the findings of the study. The study aims to
provide valuable insights into the experiences of students regarding time management and goal setting,
but further research may be necessary to generalize the findings to other populations and address potential
The study on the impact between time management to goal setting among students is of great
significance to educators, policymakers, and parents. Firstly, the findings of this study can inform the
development of strategies to support students in improving their time management and goal-setting skills,
which can positively impact their academic performance. Secondly, policymakers can use the study's
results to design policies that promote the integration of time management and goal-setting skills in high
school curricula. Thirdly, parents can use the findings to support their children's academic success by
providing them with guidance and resources to develop effective time management and goal-setting
habits. Lastly, the study can contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the importance of time
management and goal setting in academic success, providing a foundation for future research and