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Assignment 2 Pass Aet

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Tazeen Shafqat

Assignment 2

Assessment front sheet and feedback record AET Level 3

Assignment No: 2

Candidate name Tazeen Shafqat

Enrolment number
Date issued
Date submitted 07.12.2021

I confirm that the evidence for this assessment is authentic and a true representation of my own work.

Signature of candidate ………Tazeen……………………………………..Date ……13/12/21……………

Tazeen,this is a well-written assignment. You provided a lesson plan that includes the aim and
SMART objectives of your lesson, demonstrated a range of appropriate teaching and learning
methods and appropriate resources to support teaching and learning, with sufficient learning
checks. Your rationale elaborates on the above mentioned and how it would engage and
motivate learners in an inclusive learning environment. You also referred to at least one theorist
or text to support your ideas, very well done.

Before I can pass this assignment, please:

 highlight opportunities for functional skills development in your lesson plan- partly met
Tazeen Shafqat
Assignment 2
 Add the plagiarism certificate, word count, date and signature -met
Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
You have mentioned Functional Skills in your rationale, but did not highlight it in your lesson
plan. This is not crucial for the assignment, but you might like to do this in your future lesson
plans. Thank you for adding the plagiarism certificate. This assignment is now a pass.

Marker’s name: Emese Dobszai Grade: resub Date: 08.12.2021.

Resubmission date (if referred): Grade:pass Date:13.12.21

IV’s name (if sampled):

(a separate IV record must be completed for each assessment sampled)

a) Write a lesson plan for at least one hour that covers all stages of the learning
Teacher Tazeen Shafqat Date 13/12/21 Room B111
Course/topic Market research in business Time 10:00 Duration 60 mins
Objectives/learning By the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe different market research in business.
Tazeen Shafqat
Assignment 2
Timing Stages Teacher activities Learner activities Resources Assessment
10 mins Warmer- students will Teacher shows the slide of Students will check their sticky Brainstorm ideas. Q&A as a class
be discussing with different market research in notes with their peers to see if Asking their fellow students. Teacher assessment
their peers and writing business with pictures. they had similar ideas. Teacher – observing and Peer assessment
on sticky notes. sticky notes.

10 mins Stage objectives – Teacher will write the objectives Students suggest objectives. Word document Q&A
students will identify of the topic. web Teacher assessment
Lesson objectives.

10 mins Present – students, Teacher shows the PowerPoint Students will take PowerPoint Self-assessment,
take notes and list with key information. Notes from the point, then Notebook Peer assessment,
Stages of procedure compare those Teacher assessment
from the teachers With peers and have a class Being able to take short form
PowerPoint. discussion with the teacher of notes in their own words.
their understanding.
5 mins Discussion- the Teacher starts off the class Students share their ideas as a Power point. Grammar/punctuation check.
students will discuss discussion. class and apply their Note taking and writing Peer assessment.
their understanding knowledge to their assignment. assignment. Teacher assessment.
from the notes they Time management.
have taken and share
ideas as a class.
15 mins Apply – students will Teacher will give them time to Students will help each other, Notes Q&A
be able to explain and evaluate, observe and facilitates use the web and list the Web Teacher assessment
apply their knowledge to help students understand the different type of market PowerPoint Peer assessment
about the different features of the topic more. research and how they are Group work
market research in useful in business.
business and discuss
with their peers.
10 mins Review - Students Teacher will set the task, give Students will recall their Notes Teacher assessment
recap the different worksheets to help the students knowledge and help eachother Web Peer assessment
market research and complete their assignment, to list as many features of Group work/notes Class discussion and
their features. observes and facilitates their different market research and Looking at the teacher’s corrections
understanding. apply them in their notes/PowerPoint.
Tazeen Shafqat
Assignment 2

A lesson plan is my road map as a teacher of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time. Then, I can
design appropriate learning activities and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning. Having a carefully constructed lesson plan
for each 3-hour lesson allows to enter the classroom with more confidence and maximizes chance of having a meaningful learning experience
with my students.
A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates three key components:

 Learning Objectives
 Learning activities
 Assessment to check for student understanding
To be effective, the lesson plan does not have to be an exhaustive document that describes each and every possible classroom scenario. Nor
does it have to anticipate each and every student’s response or question. Instead, it should provide me with a general outline of my teaching
goals, learning objectives, and means to accomplish them. It is a reminder of what I want to do and how you want to do it. A productive lesson
is not one in which everything goes exactly as planned, but one in which both students and instructors learn from each other. The reference
should be students because the students need to be well engaged and putting it through the whole lesson with excitement of learning.

b) Write a rationale to justify the design of your plan.

• Explain how this plan meets requirements in a) above, and
• How it will engage and motivate learners in an inclusive learning environment.

It is often a part of a bigger task. For example, a part of a lesson plan might be to provide a rationale for why I chose to teach particular content
or use a certain resource or activity because I want to meet the needs of every student in class and make everyone feel engaged in the lesson.
My lesson plan meets the needs of functional skills and SMART objectives because I will be doing range of activities with my students such as
Tazeen Shafqat
Assignment 2
sticky notes activity and PowerPoint activity etc. and range if support provided from me when students do not understand anything I will go
over it again.
I would like all my students to feel important, speaking to them directly, using their name,using eye contact, asking them direct questions.
Initially I will do an open assessment to test their previous knowledge, their preferred learning styles and to assess if any additional support is
needed. I can then make adjustments to the teaching level and pitch it correctly to each individual.
We all learn in different ways, influenced by the combination of our past educational experiences, study practices and personal approach to
specific tasks. This can be described as our learning style, defined as ‘particular ways of gathering, processing and storing information and
experiences ‘It is practical to assume that students will perform better in tasks that reflect their particular style of learning, so knowledge of
students’ learning styles, including a variety of tasks will make teaching more inclusive. A learning style questionnaire could be handed out at
the start of a course which, once completed will inform the teacher about the learning styles of the students. Working in small groups and
pairs means inclusive participation for some students and is a good way to use differentiation.
Functional Skills are practical skills in English, Maths and ICT for all learners aged 16 and above. Functional Skills provide an individual with
essential knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and work.
They are learning tools that enable students to apply their knowledge and understanding to everyday life. Engage competently and confidently
with others, solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations, this enables them to develop personally and professionally as positive
citizens who can actively contribute to society. Functional Skills are important because they provide young people and adults with the skills,
knowledge and understanding that they will need in order to progress and succeed in education, work and life.
Fink, D. L. (2005). Integrated course design. Manhattan, KS: The IDEA Centre.Date of access: 6/12/21
Retrieved from: https://www.ideaedu.org/idea_papers/integrated-course-design/ back to top.
https://crlt.umich.edu/gsis/p2_5Date of access: 6/12/21

I certify that this is my own work (except where I have acknowledged the work of others) and that it does not contain plagiarised, copied or
duplicated material.
Tazeen Shafqat
Assignment 2
Signature:Tazeen Shafqat
Date: 13/12/21
Word count: 1,341

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