Travel Policy Wordings 202205C
Travel Policy Wordings 202205C
Travel Policy Wordings 202205C
1 If you or your travelling 2 You must ask for a refund of any 1 Any expenses incurred for
companion are diagnosed prepaid expenses from the mandatory COVID-19 diagnostic
with and tested positive for transport or accommodation tests that you are required to
COVID-19 by a government provider first. We will reduce take for the trip, such as Antigen
approved test provider and your claim by the amount the Rapid Test (ART), Polymerase
are certified unfit to travel by transport or accommodation Chain Reaction (PCR) test,
a medical practitioner. provider has refunded you. rostered routine tests,
Refunds from the transport or pre-departure tests and
2 If your family member in accommodation provider post-arrival tests.
Singapore is suffering from include, but are not limited to,
COVID-19 which is a serious cash, vouchers, credits and 2 Any claims as a result of border
sickness, or dies due to re-booking options. closures, government
COVID-19. advisories, or your disinclination
3 You can only claim under either to travel.
B If you are prevented from section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a,
travelling due to the reasons 27b, 27c or 27d for the same 3 Any claims as a result of
listed below and are forced to event but not under more than COVID-19 diagnosis or possible
cancel your trip, if it coincides one section. exposure which may lead to you
with the start date of your trip. cancelling your trip, the
issuance of Quarantine Order,
1 If you or your travelling Stay-Home Notice or Leave of
companion are denied Absence which you knew about
boarding by the transport at the point of purchase of this
operator on the departure policy or trip.
date of your trip due to a
failed temperature check or 4 Additional costs due to delay in
presence of COVID-19 informing the transport or
symptoms, and are accommodation provider of
subsequently diagnosed with cancellation.
and tested positive for
COVID-19 by a government
approved test provider or a
medical practitioner.
2 If your family member in 2 You must ask for a refund of any 1 Any expenses incurred for
Singapore is suffering from prepaid expenses from the mandatory COVID-19 diagnostic
COVID-19 which is a serious transport or accommodation tests that you are required to
sickness or dies due to provider first. We will reduce take for the trip, such as Antigen
COVID-19. your claim by the amount the Rapid Test (ART), Polymerase
transport or accommodation Chain Reaction (PCR) test,
B If you are prevented from provider has refunded you. rostered routine tests,
travelling due to the reasons Refunds from the transport or pre-departure tests and
listed below and you have to accommodation provider post-arrival tests.
postpone your trip, if it include, but are not limited to,
coincides with the start date of cash, vouchers, credits and 2 Any claims as a result of border
your trip. re-booking options. closures, government
advisories, or your disinclination
1 If you or your travelling 3 You can only claim under either to travel.
companion are denied section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a,
boarding by the transport 27b, 27c or 27d for the same 3 Any claims as a result of
operator on the departure event but not under more than COVID-19 diagnosis or possible
date of your trip due to a one section. exposure which may lead to you
failed temperature check or postponing your trip, the
presence of COVID-19 issuance of Quarantine Order,
symptoms, and are Stay-Home Notice or Leave of
subsequently diagnosed with Absence which you knew about
and tested positive for at the point of purchase of this
COVID-19 by a government policy or trip.
approved test provider.
4 Additional costs due to delay in
2 If you or your travelling informing the transport or
companion are issued an accommodation provider of
order to self-isolate by the postponement.
Singapore government
authorities such as a
Quarantine Order, Stay-Home
Notice or Leave of Absence
which coincides with the start
date of your trip.
3 You must ask for a refund of
prepaid expenses from the 2 Border closures, government
transport or accommodation advisories, or your disinclination
provider first. We will reduce to travel.
your claim by the amount the
transport or accommodation 3 Any claims as a result of
provider has refunded you. COVID-19 diagnosis or possible
Refunds from the transport or exposure which may lead to
accommodation provider issuance of Quarantine Order,
include, but are not limited to, Stay-Home Notice or Leave of
cash, vouchers, credits and Absence which you knew about
re-booking options. at the point of purchase of this
policy or trip.
4 You can only claim under either
section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a, 4 Additional costs due to delay in
27b, 27c or 27d for the same informing the transport or
event but not under more than accommodation provider of
one section. change.
For A1 and A2: 4 Any claims as a result of
1 If you can use your existing COVID-19 diagnosis or possible
return ticket to Singapore, or exposure which may lead to
your existing accommodation issuance of Quarantine Order,
booking, we will only pay for the Stay-Home Notice or Leave of
administrative fees charged by Absence which you knew about
the airline, accommodation at the point of purchase or
provider or travel agent for change of this policy or trip.
changing your travel dates or
destinations. 5 Additional costs due to delay in
informing the transport or
2 You must ask for a refund of accommodation provider of
prepaid expenses from the change.
transport or accommodation
provider first. We will reduce 6 Accommodation expenses
your claim by the amount the incurred by you during the
transport or accommodation period of quarantine if you are
provider has refunded you. placed under mandatory
Refunds from the transport or quarantine in a quarantine
accommodation provider facility and Section 27g
include, but are not limited to, responds.
cash, vouchers, credits and
re-booking options.
3 Following your medical 3 Any medical expenses incurred
treatment, we will pay for the in your home country, if you
reasonable costs of medical can recover the medical
equipment and aids that are expenses from your local
considered medically necessary medical insurance plan or
for your recovery and mobility if national healthcare scheme.
recommended by your medical
practitioner. 4 Any medical expenses incurred
for COVID-19 vaccine
4 If you can recover all or part of complications where the vaccine
the medical expenses from or vaccination is not approved
other sources, we will only pay by the Singapore government
the amount that you cannot authorities at the time of
recover from these other vaccination.
5 Any medical expenses incurred
5 You can only claim under either for COVID-19 vaccine
section 14 or 27e for the same complications where the vaccine
event but not under more than is not taken in Singapore.
one section.
6 Any claims incurred for
quarantine if Section 27g
Section 27f – Emergency medical evacuation and sending you home due to COVID-19
When we will pay What we pay What we do not pay
A If you are in a life-threatening For A and B: Besides the general exclusions listed
condition due to COVID-19 or its 1 We will pay for the necessary in part 4 of the general conditions
vaccine complications (if they expenses our assistance and the specific exclusions listed in
happen within 30 days starting company spends when they use Sections 18 and 19, we will also not
from the date of your last dose) air ambulance, surface pay for the following, or for loss or
while overseas and our ambulance, regular air liability directly or indirectly caused
assistance company believes it transport, railroad, land or sea by the following.
be medically necessary to move transport or any other
you to the nearest medical appropriate method to move 1 Any expenses incurred for
facility for treatment (whether you to the medical facility for mandatory COVID-19 diagnostic
overseas or in Singapore). treatment. tests that you are required to
take for the trip, such as Antigen
B If you need to return to 2 If you can use your existing Rapid Test (ART), Polymerase
Singapore for recuperation or return ticket to Singapore, we Chain Reaction (PCR) test,
continued treatment after you will only pay for the rostered routine tests,
have been moved to an administrative fees charged by pre-departure tests and
overseas medical facility for the airline or travel agent for post-arrival tests.
treatment as in section A above. changing your travel dates or
destinations. 2 Any expenses incurred for
C If you die due to COVID-19 while COVID-19 vaccine complications
overseas. 3 All decisions on the most where the vaccine or
appropriate method of vaccination is not approved by
transport and the destination to the Singapore government
move you to will be made by authorities at the time of
our assistance company. The vaccination.
decision will be based only on
the medical necessity and the 3 Any expenses incurred for
severity of your medical COVID-19 vaccine complications
condition. where the vaccine is not taken
in Singapore.
For C:
1 We will pay for the necessary
expenses our assistance
company spends to return your
body to Singapore or to your
home country.
For A, B and C:
1 You can only claim under either
section 18, 19 or 27f for the
same event but not under more
than one section.
5. There will not be any cover for claims directly or indirectly caused by or arising from COVID-19 for benefits other
than those stated in the COVID-19 benefits above.
6. Unless indicated otherwise under this Part A: Section 27 COVID-19 Coverage Extension, all terms defined in the
policy shall have the same meaning when used in this COVID-19 Coverage Extension.
7. Except as supplemented by this Part A: Section 27 COVID-19 Coverage Extension, the terms and conditions under
the policy shall remain unchanged and shall continue to apply and have full force and effect.
8. In the event of inconsistency between any other terms under the policy and this Part A: Section 27 COVID-19
Coverage Extension, this Part A : Section 27 COVID-19 Coverage Extension shall prevail in respect of the
COVID-19 benefits.
Part B: Section 27 COVID-19 Coverage Extension (applicable only if the date
of issuance or renewal of your policy is between 3 December 2021 and 6 May
The terms, conditions and exclusions under this Part B: Section 27 COVID-19 Coverage Extension shall only apply to
you if the date of issuance or renewal of your policy falls between 3 December 2021 and 6 May 2022 (inclusive of
both dates), they do not apply to you if the date of issuance or renewal of your policy falls on any other date.
Please note that this Part B: Section 27 COVID-19 Coverage Extension forms part of the policy (per-trip policy and
yearly plan) and shall be read, interpreted and construed as one document.
In consideration of additional premiums payable by you, we will include additional benefits listed as in the table below
(hereinafter referred to as COVID-19 benefits).
1 If you or your travelling 2 You must ask for a refund of any 1 Any expenses incurred for
companion are diagnosed prepaid expenses from the mandatory COVID-19 diagnostic
with and tested positive for transport or accommodation tests that you are required to
COVID-19 by a government provider first. We will reduce take for the trip, such as Antigen
approved test provider and your claim by the amount the Rapid Test (ART), Polymerase
are certified unfit to travel by transport or accommodation Chain Reaction (PCR) test,
a medical practitioner. provider has refunded you. rostered routine tests,
Refunds from the transport or pre-departure tests and
2 If your family member in accommodation provider post-arrival tests.
Singapore is suffering from include, but are not limited to,
COVID-19 which is a serious cash, vouchers, credits and 2 Any claims as a result of border
sickness, or dies due to re-booking options. closures, government
COVID-19. advisories, or your disinclination
3 You can only claim under either to travel.
B If you are prevented from section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a,
travelling due to the reasons 27b, 27c or 27d for the same 3 Any claims as a result of
listed below and are forced to event but not under more than COVID-19 diagnosis or possible
cancel your trip, if it coincides one section. exposure which may lead to you
with the start date of your trip. cancelling your trip, the
issuance of Quarantine Order,
1 If you or your travelling Stay-Home Notice or Leave of
companion are denied Absence which you knew about
boarding by the transport at the point of purchase of this
operator on the departure policy or trip.
date of your trip due to a
failed temperature check or 4 Additional costs due to delay in
presence of COVID-19 informing the transport or
symptoms, and are accommodation provider of
subsequently diagnosed with cancellation.
and tested positive for
COVID-19 by a government
approved test provider or a
medical practitioner.
2 If your family member in 2 You must ask for a refund of any 2 Any claims as a result of border
Singapore is suffering from prepaid expenses from the closures, government
COVID-19 which is a serious transport or accommodation advisories, or your disinclination
sickness or dies due to provider first. We will reduce to travel.
COVID-19. your claim by the amount the
transport or accommodation 3 Any claims as a result of
B If you are prevented from provider has refunded you. COVID-19 diagnosis or possible
travelling due to the reasons Refunds from the transport or exposure which may lead to you
listed below and you have to accommodation provider postponing your trip, the
postpone your trip, if it include, but are not limited to, issuance of Quarantine Order,
coincides with the start date of cash, vouchers, credits and Stay-Home Notice or Leave of
your trip. re-booking options. Absence which you knew about
at the point of purchase of this
1 If you or your travelling 3 You can only claim under either policy or trip.
companion are denied section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a,
boarding by the transport 27b, 27c or 27d for the same 4 Additional costs due to delay in
operator on the departure event but not under more than informing the transport or
date of your trip due to a one section. accommodation provider of
failed temperature check or postponement.
presence of COVID-19
symptoms, and are
subsequently diagnosed with
and tested positive for
COVID-19 by a government
approved test provider.
3 You must ask for a refund of 3 Any claims as a result of
prepaid expenses from the COVID-19 diagnosis or possible
transport or accommodation exposure which may lead to
provider first. We will reduce issuance of Quarantine Order,
your claim by the amount the Stay-Home Notice or Leave of
transport or accommodation Absence which you knew about
provider has refunded you. at the point of purchase of this
Refunds from the transport or policy or trip.
accommodation provider
include, but are not limited to, 4 Additional costs due to delay in
cash, vouchers, credits and informing the transport or
re-booking options. accommodation provider of
4 You can only claim under either
section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a,
27b, 27c or 27d for the same
event but not under more than
one section.
4 You can only claim under either 4 Any claims as a result of
section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a, COVID-19 diagnosis or possible
27b, 27c or 27d for the same exposure which may lead to
event but not under more than issuance of Quarantine Order,
one section. Stay-Home Notice or Leave of
Absence which you knew about
5 The most we will pay under this at the point of purchase or
section is the sub-limit and limit change of this policy or trip.
of your plan as shown in the
COVID-19 table of cover. 5 Additional costs due to delay in
informing the transport or
accommodation provider of
6 Accommodation expenses
incurred by you during the
period of quarantine, if Section
27g responds.
6 Any claims incurred for
quarantine if Section 27g
Section 27f – Emergency medical evacuation and sending you home due to COVID-19
When we will pay What we pay What we do not pay
A If you are in a life-threatening For A and B: Besides the general exclusions listed
condition due to COVID-19 or its 1 We will pay for the necessary in part 4 of the general conditions
vaccine complications (if they expenses our assistance and the specific exclusions listed in
happen within 30 days starting company spends when they use Sections 18 and 19, we will also not
from the date of your last dose) air ambulance, surface pay for the following, or for loss or
while overseas and our ambulance, regular air liability directly or indirectly caused
assistance company believes it transport, railroad, land or sea by the following.
be medically necessary to move transport or any other
you to the nearest medical appropriate method to move 1 Any expenses incurred for
facility for treatment (whether you to the medical facility for mandatory COVID-19 diagnostic
overseas or in Singapore). treatment. tests that you are required to
take for the trip, such as Antigen
B If you need to return to 2 If you can use your existing Rapid Test (ART), Polymerase
Singapore for recuperation or return ticket to Singapore, we Chain Reaction (PCR) test,
continued treatment after you will only pay for the rostered routine tests,
have been moved to an administrative fees charged by pre-departure tests and
overseas medical facility for the airline or travel agent for post-arrival tests.
treatment as in section A above. changing your travel dates or
destinations. 2 Any expenses incurred for
C If you die due to COVID-19 while COVID-19 vaccine complications
overseas. 3 All decisions on the most where the vaccine or
appropriate method of vaccination is not approved by
transport and the destination to the Singapore government
move you to will be made by authorities at the time of
our assistance company. The vaccination.
decision will be based only on
the medical necessity and the 3 Any expenses incurred for
severity of your medical COVID-19 vaccine complications
condition. where the vaccine is not taken
in Singapore.
For C:
1 We will pay for the necessary
expenses our assistance
company spends to return your
body to Singapore or to your
home country.
For A, B and C:
1 You can only claim under either
section 18, 19 or 27f for the
same event but not under more
than one section.
Section 27g – Overseas quarantine allowance due to COVID-19
When we will pay What we pay What we do not pay
A If you are diagnosed with and 1 We will pay the benefit for each Besides the general exclusions listed
tested positive for COVID-19 by complete 24-hour period of in part 4 of the general conditions,
an approved test provider or a quarantine, up to the maximum we will also not pay for the
medical practitioner during period of 14 days. following, or for loss or liability
your trip and are placed under directly or indirectly caused by the
mandatory quarantine in any 2 The most we will pay under this following.
quarantine facilities designated section is the sub-limit and limit
by the local authorities while of your plan as shown in the 1 Any claims where the period of
overseas. COVID-19 table of cover. quarantine is not within the
duration of your trip.
You must provide a written 3 You can only claim under either
confirmation from the local section 17 or 27g for the same
authorities on the nature and event but not under more than
period of quarantine. one section.
2 Any claims where quarantine
orders are mandated by the
local authorities for all travellers
arriving in the country or for all
travellers from a particular
country or region of origin.
5. There will not be any cover for claims directly or indirectly caused by or arising from COVID-19 for benefits other
than those stated in the COVID-19 benefits above.
6. Unless indicated otherwise under this Part B: Section 27 COVID-19 Coverage Extension, all terms defined in the
policy shall have the same meaning when used in this Part B: Section 27 COVID-19 Coverage Extension.
7. Except as supplemented by this Part B: Section 27 COVID-19 Coverage Extension, the terms and conditions under
the policy shall remain unchanged and shall continue to apply and have full force and effect.
8. In the event of inconsistency between any other terms under the policy and this Part B: Section 27 COVID-19
Coverage Extension, this Part B: Section 27 COVID-19 Coverage Extension shall prevail in respect of the COVID-19
Table of cover
Maximum benefit (S$) for each trip
Standard Plans Enhanced PreX Plans
(No coverage for pre-existing medical conditions) (Covers pre-existing medical conditions where indicated)
Classic Deluxe Preferred Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX
Basic Superior Prestige
Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family
Travel Inconvenience Benefits person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1
Section 1 Cancelling your trip
Overall section limit 5,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 15,000
15,000 30,000 45,000 30,000 30,000 45,000
Co-payment for claims due to NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 50% 50%
pre-existing medical conditions
Section 2 Postponing your trip
Overall section limit 500 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,000
1,500 3,000 6,000 3,000 3,000 6,000
Co-payment for claims due to NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 50% 50%
pre-existing medical conditions
Section 3 Shortening your trip
Overall section limit 5,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 15,000
Limit for extra expenses to
1,000 15,000 2,000 30,000 3,000 45,000 2,000 30,000 2,000 30,000 3,000 45,000
return to Singapore
Co-payment for claims due to NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 50% 50%
pre-existing medical conditions
Section 4 Trip disruption
Overall section limit 1,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 3,000
Limit for accommodation
400 3,000 400 6,000 400 9,000 400 6,000 400 6,000 400 9,000
expenses per room per night
Co-payment for claims due to NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 50% 50%
pre-existing medical conditions
Family total means the maximum amount we will pay for each benefit section under the family cover during any one trip. Each insured person is only allowed the maximum benefit per insured
person in the table of cover.$)
No coverage for pre-existing medical conditions.
Maximum benefit (S$) for each trip
Standard Plans Enhanced PreX Plans
(No coverage for pre-existing medical conditions) (Covers pre-existing medical conditions where indicated)
Classic Deluxe Preferred Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX
Basic Superior Prestige
Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family
Travel Inconvenience Benefits person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1
Section 5 Travel delay
Overall section limit 1,000 1,500 2,000 1,500 1,500 2,000
For every six hours of delay
while overseas
1 Adult 100 100 100 100 100 100
2,000 3,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 4,000
2 Child 50 50 50 50 50 50
After six hours of delay while in
1 Adult 150 150 150 150 150 150
2 Child 50 50 50 50 50 50
Section 6 Missed connections 100 1,000 200 2,000 500 5,000 200 2,000 200 2,000 500 5,000
Section 7 Overbooked public transport 100 1,000 200 2,000 500 5,000 200 2,000 200 2,000 500 5,000
Section 8 If the travel agency becomes 2,000 10,000 3,000 15,000 5,000 25,000 3,000 15,000 3,000 15,000 5,000 25,000
Section 9 Baggage delay
Overall section limit 1,000 1,200 2,000 1,200 1,200 2,000
For every six hours of delay
while overseas
1 Adult 200 200 200 200 200 200
2,000 2,400 4,000 2,400 2,400 4,000
2 Child 50 50 50 50 50 50
Baggage delay after six hours
when arriving in Singapore
1 Adult 200 200 200 200 200 200
2 Child 50 50 50 50 50 50
Family total means the maximum amount we will pay for each benefit section under the family cover during any one trip. Each insured person is only allowed the maximum benefit per insured
person in the table of cover.$)
Maximum benefit (S$) for each trip
Standard Plans Enhanced PreX Plans
(No coverage for pre-existing medical conditions) (Covers pre-existing medical conditions where indicated)
Classic Deluxe Preferred Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX
Basic Superior Prestige
Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family
Travel Inconvenience Benefits person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1
Section 10 Loss or damage of baggage
and personal belongings
Overall section limit 3,000 5,000 8,000 5,000 5,000 8,000
Limit for laptop 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
7,500 12,500 20,000 12,500 12,500 20,000
Limit for watches, jewellery or 200 500 750 500 500 750
valuables in total
Limit for other items (for each
500 500 500 500 500 500
item, set or pair)
Section 11 Losing money
1 Adult 250 350 500 350 350 500
450 600 800 600 600 800
2 Child 100 125 150 125 125 150
Section 12 Losing travel documents
Overall section limit 3,000 5,000 8,000 5,000 5,000 8,000
7,500 12,500 20,000 12,500 12,500 20,000
Limit for accommodation
400 400 400 400 400 400
expenses per room per night
Family total means the maximum amount we will pay for each benefit section under the family cover during any one trip. Each insured person is only allowed the maximum benefit per insured
person in the table of cover.$)
Maximum benefit (S$) for each trip
Standard Plans Enhanced PreX Plans
(No coverage for pre-existing medical conditions) (Covers pre-existing medical conditions where indicated)
Classic Deluxe Preferred Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX
Basic Superior Prestige
Personal Accident and Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family
Medical Expense Benefits person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1
Section 13 Personal accident
1 Adult 70 years old or over 100,000 125,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 150,000
2 Adult under 70 years old 150,000 600,000 200,000 800,000 500,000 1,500,000 200,000 800,000 200,000 800,000 500,000 1,500,000
3 Child 75,000 100,000 125,000 100,000 100,000 150,000
Public transport double cover
for accidental death
1 Adult 70 years old or over NA 250,000 400,000 200,000 200,000 300,000
2 Adult under 70 years old NA NA 400,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 400,000 1,600,000 400,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 3,000,000
3 Child NA 200,000 250,000 200,000 200,000 300,000
Scale of compensation Percentage of benefit limit
a Accidental death 100%
b Permanent total disability 100%
c Losing two or more limbs 100%
d Losing sight in both eyes 100%
e Losing one limb 50%
f Losing sight in one eye 50%
g Losing speech 50%
h Losing hearing 50%
The total compensation from a to h will not be more than the maximum benefit limit.
Family total means the maximum amount we will pay for each benefit section under the family cover during any one trip. Each insured person is only allowed the maximum benefit per insured
person in the table of cover.$)
Maximum benefit (S$) for each trip
Standard Plans Enhanced PreX Plans
(No coverage for pre-existing medical conditions) (Covers pre-existing medical conditions where indicated)
Classic Deluxe Preferred Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX
Basic Superior Prestige
Personal Accident and Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family
Medical Expense Benefits person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1
Section 14 Medical expenses overseas
Overall section limit
1 Adult 70 years old or over 250,000 300,000 350,000 300,000 300,000 350,000
(combined for sections 14, 18
and 19)
2 Adult under 70 years old 250,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,000,000
3 Child 150,000 200,000 300,000 200,000 200,000 300,000
Limit for medical aids and
500 1,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,500
1,000,000 1,500,000 3,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 3,000,000
Limit for claims due to
pre-existing medical conditions
(combined for sections 14, 18
and 19)
1 Adult 70 years old or over NA2 NA2 NA2 100,000 100,000 200,000
2 Adult under 70 years old NA2 NA2 NA2 150,000 150,000 300,000
3 Child NA2 NA2 NA2 100,000 100,000 200,000
Section 15 Medical expenses in Singapore
Overall section limit
1 Adult 70 years old or over 1,000 60,000 2,000 100,000 5,000 200,000 2,000 100,000 2,000 100,000 5,000 200,000
2 Adult under 70 years old 12,500 25,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 50,000
3 Child 10,000 15,000 25,000 15,000 15,000 25,000
Limit for medical aids and
500 1,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,500
Family total means the maximum amount we will pay for each benefit section under the family cover during any one trip. Each insured person is only allowed the maximum benefit per insured
person in the table of cover.$)
No coverage for pre-existing medical conditions.
Maximum benefit (S$) for each trip
Standard Plans Enhanced PreX Plans
(No coverage for pre-existing medical conditions) (Covers pre-existing medical conditions where indicated)
Classic Deluxe Preferred Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX
Basic Superior Prestige
Personal Accident and Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family
Medical Expense Benefits person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1
Section 16 Treatment by a Chinese
medicine practitioner or a
Overall section limit 300 500 1,000 500 500 1,000
1,000 1,500 3,000 1,500 1,500 3,000
Limit per visit 50 75 100 75 75 100
Limit for claims due to NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 500 500 1,000
pre-existing medical conditions
Limit per visit for claims due to
NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 75 75 100
pre-existing medical conditions
Section 17 Overseas hospital allowance
Overall section limit 10,000 20,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 50,000
Benefit per day 100 200 200 200 200 200
30,000 60,000 150,000 60,000 60,000 150,000
Limit for claims due to NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 3,000 4,500
pre-existing medical conditions
Benefit per day if due to
NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 NA 2 100 100
pre-existing medical conditions
Section 18 Emergency medical evacuation
Overall section limits
1 Adult 70 years old or over See limit See limit See limit See limit See limit See limit
under under under under under under
section 14 section 14 section 14 section 14 section 14 section 14
2 Adult under 70 years old 500,000 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
3 Child 500,000 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
1,250,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 2,000,000
Limit for claims due to
pre-existing medical conditions
1 Adult 70 years old or over See limits See limits See limits
2 Adult under 70 years old 2 2 2 under under under
3 Child NA NA NA section 14 section 14 section 14
Family total means the maximum amount we will pay for each benefit section under the family cover during any one trip. Each insured person is only allowed the maximum benefit per insured
person in the table of cover.$)
No coverage for pre-existing medical conditions.
Maximum benefit (S$) for each trip
Standard Plans Enhanced PreX Plans
(No coverage for pre-existing medical conditions) (Covers pre-existing medical conditions where indicated)
Classic Deluxe Preferred Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX
Basic Superior Prestige
Personal Accident and Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family
Medical Expense Benefits person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1
Section 19 Sending you home
Overall section limits
1 Adult 70 years old or over See limit See limit See limit See limit See limit See limit
under under under under under under
section 14 section 14 section 14 section 14 section 14 section 14
2 Adult under 70 years old 50,000 1,250,000 Unlimited 1,500,000 Unlimited 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 2,000,000
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
3 Child 50,000 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Limit for claims due to
pre-existing medical conditions
1 Adult 70 years old or over See limits See limits See limits
2 Adult under 70 years old under under under
3 Child NA 2 NA 2 NA 2
section 14 section 14 section 14
Section 20 Compassionate visit
Overall section limit 5,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 15,000
Limit for accommodation 400
400 15,000 400 30,000 400 45,000 30,000 400 30,000 400 45,000
expenses per room per night
Limit for claims due to 10,000 15,000
pre-existing medical conditions NA 2 NA 2 NA2 NA 2
Maximum benefit (S$) for each trip
Standard Plans Enhanced PreX Plans
(No coverage for pre-existing medical conditions) (Covers pre-existing medical conditions where indicated)
Classic Deluxe Preferred Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX Enhanced PreX
Basic Superior Prestige
Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family Per insured Family
Other Benefits person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1 person total1
Section 24 Personal liability 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Section 25 Rental vehicle excess cover 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500
Section 26 Full terrorism cover
(for sections 1 to 25)
1 Adult 70 years old or over 100,000 600,000 125,000 800,000 200,000 1,500,000 100,000 800,000 100,000 800,000 150,000 1,500,000
2 Adult under 70 years old 150,000 200,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 500,000
3 Child 75,000 100,000 125,000 100,000 100,000 150,000
Family total means the maximum amount we will pay for each benefit section under the family cover during any one trip. Each insured person is only allowed the maximum benefit per insured
person in the table of cover.$)
No coverage for pre-existing medical conditions.
Travel conditions
This is your travel insurance policy and it contains details • The policyholder or you must reveal all facts the
of benefits, conditions and exclusions relating to each policyholder or you know or ought to know which
insured person. The policy will form the basis on which may affect the insurance cover you are applying for.
we will settle all claims. It is only valid if you have paid If not, your policy may not be valid.
the appropriate premium in full and we have issued you
• We will reject your claims if you are travelling to get
with a certificate of insurance.
medical treatment or travelling against your doctor's
Any statement, information or declaration the
policyholder or you have given on behalf of the insured • We do not cover claims arising from pre-existing
people, including any declaration made over the phone, medical conditions:
or by fax, email or the internet at the time of the i. unless you have bought the Enhanced PreX
application, will form the basis of the contract. plan for your per-trip policy and we pay the
claim under the relevant sections as shown in
The certificate of insurance and any further the table of cover, if cover applies; or
endorsements are all part of the policy. ii. if you have been given a terminal prognosis
with a life expectancy of less than 12 months,
Please keep this document in case you need to refer to it. even if you are insured under an Enhanced
PreX plan.
• We do not cover claims arising from known events.
• Your period of insurance must include the entire
Who is eligible? length of your trip. If not, your policy will not be
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Accident or accidental means a sudden, unexpected Family cover means:
event which happens during the period of insurance a covering one adult or two adults who are husbands,
which must be the only cause of injury or damage to or wives or partners at the time of buying the policy;
loss of property, whichever applies. and
b covering any number of their children under the
Adult means the following.
same policy
a Under an individual or group cover - someone paying
For a yearly plan, the insured people under the family
the adult-rate premium.
cover do not need to travel together.
b Under a family cover - a parent or legal guardian
aged 16 and above named in the certificate of Family member means your husband or wife, children,
insurance. parents, brothers and sisters, parents-in-law,
brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, grandparents,
Assistance company means the company we have grandparents-in-law, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law or
appointed to provide you with various emergency grandchildren.
assistance services.
General practitioner means any person registered and
Business goods means any merchandise or trade item legally qualified by a medical degree in western medicine
you hold or carry to sell. This includes trade or business and authorised by the medical licensing authority of that
exhibits and samples that are not meant for sale or country to provide general medical care. This should
re-sale. cover a variety of medical problems in patients of all
ages. This often includes referring patients to an
Certificate of insurance means the document which appropriate specialist. This person should not be you,
proves that you have insurance cover, listing, among your family member or travelling companion, partner,
other things, details of everyone insured, your plan and business partner, employer, employee or agent.
the period of insurance covered under this policy.
Hijack or hijacked means someone who takes by force,
Child or children means the following. or threat of force or violence, a vehicle in which you are
a Under an individual or group cover - someone less travelling.
than 21 years old paying the child-rate premium.
Home means your home address in Singapore as shown
b Under a family cover - someone less than 21 years
in your Singapore national registration identification card
old and who is the biological or legally adopted child,
or in other official passes and permits.
or a ward, of the adult.
Home contents mean all household furniture and
Chinese medicine practitioner means a legally licensed furnishings and personal belongings inside your home.
herbalist, acupuncturist or bone-setter who is registered This does not include deeds, bonds, bills of exchange,
and can practise within the scope of their licence under promissory notes, cheques, traveller’s cheques, securities
the laws of the country. This cannot be you, your family for money, documents of any kind, cash, currency notes
member or travelling companion, partner, business or any other legal tender.
partner, employer, employee or agent.
Home country means any country of which you are a
Chiropractor means a legally licensed practitioner in citizen.
chiropractic medicine who is registered and can practise
within the scope of their licence under the laws of the Hospital means an establishment which is registered
country. This cannot be you, your family member or under the relevant national laws and regulations to care
travelling companion, partner, business partner, for and treat sick and injured people as bed-paying
employer, employee or agent. patients and which:
a has organised facilities for diagnosis, treatment and
Co-payment means the amount of the claim that you major surgery;
need to pay. b provides nursing services by registered nurses 24
hours a day;
Dental treatment means treatment needed to restore
c is under the supervision of one or more medical
sound and natural teeth which is necessary because of an
practitioners; and
accident during your trip.
d is not mainly a clinic, a secure place to care for
Family total means the maximum amount we will pay for alcoholics or drug addicts, a nursing, rest or
each benefit section under the family cover during any convalescent home or a home for the elderly or a
one trip. Each insured person is only allowed the similar establishment.
maximum benefit per insured person in the table of
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Hostage means being held as security by another person Losing speech means medically certified permanent and
by force or against your will. This does not apply to total loss of the ability to speak and which is beyond cure
children being held hostage by their own parents. either by surgical or other treatment as confirmed by our
medical practitioner.
Injury means damage or harm caused to the body by an
external force suffered during the period of insurance Medical practitioner means any person registered and
and which is caused only by an accident. legally qualified as a doctor by a medical degree in
western medicine and authorised by the medical
Insolvent means the inability of someone to pay their licensing authority of that country to provide medical or
debts when they are due. This happens, in the case of an surgical services within the scope of their licence and
individual, when a bankruptcy petition is presented training. The medical practitioner cannot be you, your
against them. In the case of a company, this happens family member or travelling companion, partner,
when a resolution for winding up is passed by the business partner, employer, employee or agent.
company or a winding-up petition is presented against
them. Money means banknotes, coins and traveller’s cheques.
Insured person means the individual (or individuals) Natural disaster means any event or force of nature such
named in the certificate of insurance as the person (or as earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, flood,
people) who is insured under this policy. typhoon or hurricane that has catastrophic consequences
in terms of financial, environmental or human losses. Bad
Jewellery or valuables means items made of or weather conditions that cause little or no effect on
containing precious metals and semi-precious or precious financial, environmental or human loss will not be
stones, including but not limited to rings, cufflinks, considered as natural disaster.
bracelets, pendants, necklaces, bangles, earrings,
brooches and pens. Outpatient medical treatment means medical treatment
which is needed to treat an injury or sickness, where you
Kidnap means being abducted by force or deception can get treatment from a medical practitioner or a
against your will for the purpose of getting a ransom. specialist and you do not need to stay in hospital. This
This does not apply to children kidnapped by their own includes dental treatment needed to treat an injury.
Overseas means anywhere outside Singapore and
Known event means riot, strike, civil commotion, natural includes your trip to, or in, the countries or region shown
disasters or situations which threaten your health or in the certificate of insurance.
disrupt your trip that were made known to you or the
insured person by the transport or accommodation Period of insurance means the entire length of your
provider, publicised or reported by the media or through per-trip policy or the period shown in the certificate of
travel advice issued by an authority (local or foreign) insurance for your yearly plan.
before the policy was taken up, or changed; such as plan
upgrade or policy extension (in the case of a per-trip Permanently disabled means suffering from one of the
policy); or before you made or changed the booking for items of disability listed in the scale of compensation
your trip (in the case of a yearly plan policy). under Section 13 in the table of cover, and which was
caused only by an accident, as long as:
Laptop means a laptop computer or a tablet computer a the disability lasts for 12 months in a row from the
including the accessories that come as standard date of the accident; and
equipment with it.
b our medical practitioner confirms that it is not going
to improve after 12 months.
Losing hearing means medically certified permanent and
total loss of hearing as confirmed by our medical
Permanent total disability means total disability caused
only by an accident during your trip that:
Losing a limb means permanent and total loss of, or loss a stops you from working in any job for a salary or
of use of, a hand at or above the wrist or a foot at or wage or stops you from carrying out any business
above the ankle. This must be confirmed by our medical whatsoever; and
practitioner. b lasts for 12 months in a row from the date of the
accident; and
Losing sight means medically certified total and c our medical practitioner believes is not going to
permanent loss of use of an eye which means you are improve after 12 months.
absolutely blind in that eye and which is beyond cure
either by surgical or other treatment. This must be
confirmed by our medical practitioner.
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Per-trip policy means a short-term policy to cover a Public transport means any regularly scheduled aircraft,
single trip. For Classic, Deluxe and Preferred plans, each bus, ferry, hovercraft, hydrofoil, ship, train, tram or
trip must not last more than 180 calendar days in a row. underground train which has fixed and established routes
For Enhanced PreX plans, each trip must not last more and is operated by a licensed carrier or operator to
than 30 calendar days in a row. transport fare-paying passengers. This does not include
taxis and all other methods of transport that are
Policy means this document, including any information chartered or arranged as part of a tour even if they are
provided or declaration made by the policyholder for and regularly scheduled.
on behalf of all the insured people, the table of cover,
the certificate of insurance and any endorsement we Public place means a common area or place where
have issued under this policy. anyone has a right to be present or to come and go as
they please.
Policyholder means the person or organisation named
and who has made a declaration on behalf of the insured Related includes relationships such as parent,
person and paid the premium as shown in the certificate step-parent, child, step-child, adopted child, spouse,
of insurance. sibling, step-sibling, adopted sibling, parent-in-law,
child-in-law, sibling-in-law, cousin, uncle, aunt,
Postpone means delaying your trip to a date which is not grandparents, niece, nephew, grandchild, employee,
later than 180 days from the start date of your initial trip. employer, associate, parent company, subsidiary and
Pre-existing medical condition means any injury or
sickness (including any complications which may arise): Relevant person includes persons and entities such as
a which you knew about before the start of your trip; the policyholder, insured person, trustee, settlor,
or beneficiary, assignee, nominee, payee, mortgagee,
financier of the application/policy, and in relation to an
b which you have received diagnosis, consultation,
entity, its director, partner, manager, person having
medical treatment or prescribed drugs for in the 12
executive authority, authorised signatory, shareholder or
months before the start of your trip; or
beneficial owner.
c which you have been asked to get medical treatment
or medical advice for by a medical practitioner Rental vehicle means all motor-driven four-wheeled
within 12 months before the start of your trip. vehicles you may rent from a licensed rental agency for
the purpose of private use, and which are in your care or
The pre-existing medical condition definition also applies custody.
to injury or sickness of your family member or travelling
companion. Sickness means worsening physical health not caused by
an accident, which you, your family member or
If you have a yearly plan, the term pre-existing medical travelling companion suffer from and for which you or
condition also refers to a medical condition which you they need the care or treatment of a medical
have made a claim for on a previous trip. The medical practitioner when you are on a trip.
condition will be considered as a pre-existing medical
condition in future trips unless you have fully recovered Serious injury or serious sickness means the following.
before the start of your trip. a For you – an injury or sickness that needs treatment
from a medical practitioner and which results in you
Prohibited person means a person or entity who is, or being certified by that medical practitioner as being
who is related to a person or entity: unfit to travel or to continue with your trip.
a subject to laws, regulations or sanctions
b For your family member or travelling companion –
administered by any inter-government, government,
an injury or sickness that is life-threatening as
regulatory or law enforcement authorities of any
confirmed by a medical practitioner.
country, which will prohibit or restrict us from
providing insurance or carrying out any transaction
Specialist means a medical practitioner who has the
under this policy, or
necessary qualifications and expertise to practise as a
b who is involved in any terrorist or illegal activities or
recognised specialist of diagnostic techniques, treatment
placed on sanctions listing or issued with freezing
and prevention, in a particular field of medicine like
psychiatry, neurology, paediatrics, endocrinology,
obstetrics, gynaecology, orthopaedics, optometry and
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Table of cover means the separate table showing the list
of benefits we will pay each of you according to your
plan while this policy is in force. It will depend on the What your policy covers
terms, conditions, limits, exclusions and qualifications of
this policy.
This policy will protect you financially when a death,
Travelling companion means a person who has a travel injury, sickness, loss, theft, damage, legal liability or
reservation or confirmation to accompany you on the other specified event happens during the period of
same trip. insurance.
Trip means any journey you carry out from Singapore to The amount we will pay depends on the conditions and
an overseas destination during the period of insurance. maximum benefit limits and sub-limits of your plan as set
out in the table of cover.
Unattended means when you do not watch over, look
after or are not in full view of and not in a position to
prevent unauthorised interference of your belongings.
Your plan means the plan (with specific limits) that you
chose at the time you applied.
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Section 1 – Cancelling your trip
When we will pay What we pay What we do not pay
A If you are prevented from travelling 1 We will pay for the transport Besides the general exclusions listed in
due to the reasons listed below and expenses (air, sea or land travel) and part 4 of the general conditions, we will
are forced to cancel your trip, if they accommodation costs that you have also not pay for the following, or for loss
happen within 30 days before you paid or have agreed to pay under a or liability directly or indirectly caused
are due to leave Singapore. contract and which you cannot get by the following.
back (including the travel agent’s
1 Death, serious sickness or serious cancellation fee). 1 Any costs that result from you not
injury you, your family member telling the travel agent, tour
or travelling companion suffer. 2 If you are insured under the operator, transport or
You must have bought your policy Enhanced PreX Superior or Prestige accommodation providers as soon as
three days (or earlier) from the plan, we will pay the transport you know you have to cancel your
day you leave Singapore unless expenses and accommodation costs trip.
the event is only accidental in that you cannot get back, after taking
nature. off the co-payment amount you will 2 Prepaid or non-refundable expenses
need to pay, for claims arising from for unused local excursions, tours,
2 Government authorities stopping your pre-existing medical seminars, courses, theatre shows,
you from travelling overseas conditions. theme parks, sporting events,
because you are suffering from an concerts and any other charges not
infectious disease. 3 You must ask for a refund of any related to transport or
prepaid expenses from the transport accommodation.
3 A sudden riot, strike or civil or accommodation provider first. We
commotion breakout in Singapore will reduce your claim by the amount 3 Compensation for any air miles,
or at the destination you plan to the transport or accommodation holiday points, membership or
travel to. provider has refunded you. Refunds credit-card redemption you use to
from the transport or pay for the trip in part or in full.
4 Natural disasters which happen in accommodation provider include,
Singapore or at the destination but are not limited to, cash, 4 You choosing not to travel when an
you plan to travel to. vouchers, credits and re-booking event listed in A2 to A4 has not taken
options. place.
5 Serious damage to your home
due to a fire or natural disaster. 4 You can only claim under either 5 If you choose not to travel because
section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a, 27b, of sickness or injury to your family
B If you are prevented from travelling 27c or 27d for the same event but member or travelling companion
due to the reasons listed below and not under more than one section. which is not a serious sickness or
are forced to cancel your trip, if any serious injury.
of the following happens at any time
before you are due to leave. 6 Claims that result from any known
event such as COVID-19.
1 If your flight is cancelled by the
airline due to closing the airport, 7 Claims that result from a pre-existing
runway or airspace, or poor medical condition or any sickness
weather conditions, which forces you knew about, including conditions
airplanes to be grounded. suffered by you, your family
member or travelling companion. If
2 If you have to appear in court as a you are insured under the Enhanced
witness during your trip and you PreX Superior or Prestige plan, the
were not aware of this when you pre-existing medical condition
took up the policy. exclusion will not apply to you, but
will still apply to your family
members and travelling companions
who are not insured under the
Enhanced PreX Superior or Prestige
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3 If you are forced to cancel your 8 Claims that result from flights being
trip because you are a child and cancelled due to any fault on the part
your travelling companion who is of the airline such as aircrew
your guardian has to cancel their rotation, rescheduled flights or
trip due to one of the reasons operational requirements, or
listed in A or B above. mechanical breakdown of the
airplane in which you have a
C If you are forced to cancel your trip pre-booked flight.
due to any of the reasons listed in A
or B above, we will only pay your
claim after you have provided us
with written or documentary proof
that your claim has been denied,
rejected or partially paid by the
transport or accommodation
Section 2 – Postponing your trip
When we will pay What we pay What we do not pay
A If you are prevented from travelling 1 We will pay for: Besides the general exclusions listed in
due to the reasons listed below and a the administrative fees charged part 4 of the general conditions, we will
you have to postpone your trip, if by the travel agent, tour operator, also not pay for the following, or for loss
they happen within 30 days before transport or accommodation or liability directly or indirectly caused
you are due to leave Singapore. providers; by the following.
b extra economy-class transport
1 Death, serious sickness or serious expenses (air, sea or land travel); 1 Any costs that result from you not
injury you, your family member and telling the travel agent, tour
or travelling companion suffer. c extra accommodation expenses of operator, transport or
You must have bought your policy a standard room; accommodation providers as soon as
three days (or earlier) from the when you postpone your trip. you know you have to postpone
day you leave Singapore unless your trip.
the event is only accidental in 2 If you are insured under the
nature. Enhanced PreX Superior or Prestige 2 Extra costs that result from you
plan, we will pay the administrative upgrading to a better class or
2 Government authorities stopping fees and, the extra transport and category of transport or
you from travelling overseas accommodation expenses under accommodation from that in your
because you are suffering from an paragraph 1 above that you cannot original itinerary. For example, extra
infectious disease. get back, after taking off the costs for changing flight from budget
co-payment amount which you will airline to commercial airline.
3 A sudden riot, strike or civil need to pay, for claims arising from
commotion breakout in Singapore your pre-existing medical 3 Prepaid or non-refundable expenses
or at the destination you plan to conditions. which you cannot get back.
travel to.
3 You must ask for a refund of any 4 Compensation for any air miles,
4 Natural disasters which happen in prepaid expenses from the transport holiday points, membership or
Singapore or at the destination or accommodation provider first. We credit-card redemption you use to
you plan to travel to. will reduce your claim by the amount pay for all or part of the trip.
the transport or accommodation
5 Serious damage to your home provider has refunded you. Refunds 5 You choosing not to travel when an
due to a fire or natural disaster. from the transport or event listed in A2 to A4 has not taken
accommodation provider include, place.
but are not limited to, cash,
vouchers, credits and re-booking 6 If you choose to postpone your
options. travel because of sickness or injury
to your family member or travelling
4 You can only claim under either companion which is not a serious
section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a, 27b, sickness or serious injury.
27c or 27d for the same event but
not under more than one section. 7 Claims that result from any known
event such as COVID-19.
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B If you are prevented from travelling 8 Claims that result from a pre-existing
due to the reasons listed below and medical condition or any sickness
are forced to postpone your trip, if you knew about, including conditions
any of the following happens at any suffered by you, your family
time before you are due to leave. member or travelling companion. If
you are insured under the Enhanced
1 If your flight is cancelled by the PreX Superior or Prestige plan, the
airline due to closing of the pre-existing medical condition
airport, runway or airspace, or exclusion will not apply to you, but
poor weather conditions, which will still apply to your family
forces airplanes to be grounded. members and travelling companions
who are not insured under the
2 If you have to appear in court as a Enhanced PreX Superior or Prestige
witness during your trip and you plan.
were not aware of this when you
took up the policy. 9 Claims that result from flights being
cancelled due to any fault on the part
3 If you are forced to postpone your of the airline such as aircrew
trip because you are a child and rotation, rescheduled flights or
your travelling companion who is operational requirements, or
your guardian has to cancel their mechanical breakdown of the
trip due to one of the reasons airplane in which you have a
listed in A or B above. pre-booked flight.
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5 Serious damage to your home 4 You must ask for a refund of prepaid 4 Prepaid or non-refundable expenses
due to a fire or natural disaster. expenses from the transport or for unused local excursions, tours,
accommodation provider first. We seminars, courses, theatre shows,
6 Your trip is disrupted for at least will reduce your claim by the amount theme parks, sporting events,
12 hours in a row because the the transport or accommodation concerts and any other charges not
public transport in which you are provider has refunded you. Refunds related to transport or
travelling as a passenger has been from the transport or accommodation.
hijacked. accommodation provider include,
but are not limited to, cash, 5 The part of the trip before you cut
7 If your flight is cancelled by the vouchers, credits and re-booking short your trip.
airline due to closing the airport, options.
runway or airspace, or poor 6 If you choose to cut short your trip
weather conditions, which forces 5 You can only claim under either because of sickness or injury to your
airplanes to be grounded. section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a, 27b, family member or travelling
27c or 27d for the same event but companion which is not a serious
B If you have to cut short your trip not under more than one section. sickness or serious injury.
because you are a child and your
travelling companion who is your 6 The most we will pay under this 7 Compensation for any air miles,
guardian has to cut short their trip section is the sub-limit and limit of holiday points, membership or
due to one of the reasons above. your plan as shown in the table of credit-card redemption you use to
cover. pay for all or part of the trip.
C If you are forced to shorten your trip
due to any of the reasons listed in A 8 Claims that result from any known
or B above, we will only pay your event such as COVID-19.
claim after you have provided us
with written or documentary proof 9 Claims that result from a pre-existing
that your claim has been denied, medical condition or any sickness
rejected or partially paid by the you knew about, including conditions
transport or accommodation suffered by you, your family
provider. member or travelling companion. If
you are insured under the Enhanced
PreX Superior or Prestige plan, the
pre-existing medical condition
exclusion will not apply to you, but
will still apply to your family
members and travelling companions
who are not insured under the
Enhanced PreX Superior or Prestige
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1 Serious sickness or serious injury 2 If you are insured under the 1 You choosing not to continue with
suffered by you or your travelling Enhanced PreX Superior or Prestige the rest of the trip when an event
companion.You or your travelling plan, we will pay for the extra listed in A2 to A3 has not taken place
companion must provide a transport and accommodation during your trip.
written report of your medical expenses under paragraph 1 above
condition from the general that you cannot get back, after taking 2 Extra expenses to extend your trip
practitioner or medical off the co-payment amount you will beyond what was originally
practitioner confirming the need to pay, for claims arising from scheduled, unless medically
serious sickness or serious injury your pre-existing medical necessary and asked for in writing by
you or your travelling companion conditions. the medical practitioner.
3 You must ask for a refund of prepaid 3 Extra costs that result from you
2 A sudden riot, strike or civil expenses from the transport or upgrading to a better class or
commotion at the destination you accommodation provider first. We category of transport or
are in or plan to travel to. will reduce your claim by the amount accommodation from that in your
the transport or accommodation original itinerary. For example,
3 Natural disasters which happen at provider has refunded you. Refunds changing flight from budget airline to
the destination you are in or plan from the transport or commercial airline.
to travel to. accommodation provider include,
but are not limited to, cash, 4 Any extra costs that result from you
4 If your flight is cancelled by the vouchers, credits and re-booking not telling the travel agent, tour
airline due to closing the airport, options. operator, transport or
runway or airspace, or poor accommodation providers as soon as
weather conditions, which forces 4 You can only claim under either you know you have to change your
airplanes to be grounded. section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a, 27b, trip.
27c or 27d for the same event but
B If you have to change your trip not under more than one section. 5 Prepaid or non-refundable expenses
because you are a child and your for unused transport,
travelling companion who is your 5 The most we will pay under this accommodation, local excursions,
guardian has to change their travel section is the sub-limit and limit of tours, seminars, courses, theatre
due to one of the reasons above. your plan as shown in the table of shows, theme parks, sporting events
cover. or concerts which you have already
C If your trip is disrupted due to any of paid for.
the reasons listed in A or B above, we
will only pay your claim after you 6 The part of the trip before changing
have provided us with written or your trip.
documentary proof that your claim
has been denied, rejected or partially 7 If you choose to change your
paid by the transport or itinerary because of sickness or
accommodation provider. injury to your travelling companion
which is not a serious sickness or
serious injury.
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11 The cost of your unused portion of
the original transport ticket back to
Singapore which you have already
paid for.
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Section 7 – Overbooked public transport
When we will pay What we pay What we do not pay
A If you are not allowed to get on a 1 We will pay you the cash benefit Please read our general exclusions listed
form of public transport for which shown in the table of cover of your in part 4 of the general conditions.
you have previously received plan.
confirmation because it was
overbooked and no compensation or 2 We will only pay this benefit once for
no other transport was made each trip.
available to you within six hours of
the scheduled departure time. 3 You can only claim under either
section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a, 27b,
You must get written proof of being 27c or 27d for the same event but
denied boarding from the transport not under more than one section.
operator of the public transport
(whichever applies) or their handling
Section 8 – If the travel agency becomes insolvent
When we will pay What we pay What we do not pay
A If you are forced to abandon your 1 We will pay for the transport Besides the general exclusions listed in
trip because the travel agency, expenses (air, sea or land travel) and part 4 of the general conditions, we will
transport provider or tour operator is accommodation costs that you have also not pay for the following, or for loss
no longer operating for business and paid and which you cannot get back or liability directly or indirectly caused
they cannot provide part or all of (including the travel agent’s by the following.
your trip. cancellation fee) up to the limit
shown in the table of cover of your 1 Prepaid or non-refundable expenses
You must have bought the policy plan. for unused local excursions, tours,
three days (or earlier) from the day seminars, courses, theatre shows,
you are due to leave. 2 You can only claim under either theme parks, sporting events,
section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 27a, 27b, concerts and any other charges not
27c or 27d for the same event but related to transport and
not under more than one section. accommodation.
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1C We will only pay 1A or 1B but not
both for the same event.
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12 Unexplained and mysterious
disappearance of your baggage or
personal belongings.
2 you have reported the loss to the 2 You failing to take due care and
police where the loss happened, precautions to make sure that your
within 24 hours of discovering it. money is kept in a safe place.
You must send us a copy of the
police report with details of the 3 Any loss due to exchange rate or loss
loss. in value of currencies.
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Section 12 – Losing travel documents
When we will pay What we pay What we do not pay
A If your passport or travel documents 1 We will pay for reasonable Besides the general exclusions listed in
are accidentally lost or stolen while economy-class transport (air, sea or part 4 of the general conditions, we will
you are overseas. land travel) and reasonable also not pay for the following, or for loss
accommodation expenses of a or liability directly or indirectly caused
You must show that you have met standard room which you have to by the following.
the following conditions. pay while overseas to apply to
replace the lost passport or travel 1 Buying travel tickets such as air
1 You have taken all possible steps documents. tickets and train tickets to replace
and been careful to make sure tickets which have been lost or stolen
that your passport and travel 2 We will also pay for the or which cannot be used due to
documents are kept in a secure administrative fee which you have to changing the travel date.
place and they are not left pay to get a replacement passport,
unattended in a public place. passport photograph or travel 2 If you fail to report the loss to the
documents. police or relevant authority within 24
2 You have reported the loss to the hours of the discovery.
police or relevant authority where 3 The most we will pay under this
the loss happened within 24 hours section is the sub-limit and limit of 3 You failing to take due care and
of discovering it. your plan as shown in the table of precautions to make sure that your
cover. passport and travel documents are
You must make claims arising kept in a safe place.
from losing your passport or
travel documents while in the 4 Unexplained and mysterious
custody and care of the transport disappearance of your passport or
or accommodation provider to travel documents.
the service provider first.
5 Any claim resulting from your
We will reduce your claim by the deliberate act, failure to act,
amount the transport or negligence or carelessness.
accommodation provider has
refunded you. 6 Any claim resulting from your item
being lost when left unattended in a
We will only pay your claim after public place and which is not in the
you have provided us with written custody of an authorised party
or documentary proof that your (including but not limited to
claim has been denied, rejected or transport and accommodation
partially paid by the transport or providers such as airline, train, ferry,
accommodation provider. hotels and resorts).
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B If there is an accident involving the 2 Any physical disability which existed
public transport while you are before the trip.
overseas and on board as a
fare-paying passenger, and due only 3 Claims that result from a pre-existing
to this accident you die within 90 medical condition or any sickness
days from the date of the accident, you knew about.
the public transport double cover for
accidental death will apply.
Section 14 – Medical expenses overseas
When we will pay What we pay What we do not pay
A If you unexpectedly suffer an injury 1 We will pay for the necessary and Besides the general exclusions listed in
or sickness during your trip and need reasonable costs of emergency part 4 of the general conditions, we will
to get medical treatment while medical, surgical, hospital, dental also not pay for the following, or for loss
overseas. treatment and ambulance or liability directly or indirectly caused
recommended or requested by a by the following.
You must provide a written report of medical practitioner for you to be
your medical condition from your treated while overseas, up to the 1 Overseas medical treatment which
medical practitioner together with limit shown in the table of cover of has been planned or pre-arranged.
original medical bills and receipts. your plan or up to a period of 45
days from the date of the first 2 Claims for dental treatment as a
treatment, whichever comes first. result of tooth or gum or oral
diseases, or from normal wearing of
2 We will also pay for the necessary your teeth.
and reasonable costs of medical
treatment by a specialist, only if the 3 Claims that result from a pre-existing
specialist medical treatment is medical condition or any sickness
considered necessary and has been you knew about, unless you are
referred by a general practitioner insured under an Enhanced PreX
(apart from dental treatment). plan.
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2 If you did not try to get medical 1 Claims for dental treatment as a
treatment when you were overseas, result of teeth or gum or oral
you must do so in Singapore within diseases or from normal wearing of
three days of your return. From the your teeth.
date of the first treatment in
Singapore, you have up to 30 days to 2 Claims that result from a pre-existing
continue treatment in Singapore or medical condition or any sickness
up to the limit shown in the table of you knew about.
cover, whichever comes first.
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a. If you did not get outpatient b. For outpatient treatment in
treatment while overseas, you must Singapore:
get treatment in Singapore within Claims that result from a
three days of your return. From the pre-existing medical condition or
date of the first treatment in any sickness you knew about.
Singapore, you have up to 30 days to
continue treatment in Singapore or 3 If you are insured under an Enhanced
up to the limit shown in the table of PreX plan, the first $100 for each visit
cover, whichever comes first. for your overseas outpatient
treatment arising from your
b. If you have received outpatient pre-existing medical condition or
treatment while overseas, you have any sickness you knew about.
up to 30 days after your return to
Singapore to continue treatment in
Singapore or up to the limit shown in
the table of cover, whichever comes
2 The most we will pay under this 1 Claims that result from a pre-existing
section is the sub-limit and limit of medical condition or any sickness
your plan as shown in the table of you knew about, unless you are
cover. insured under an Enhanced PreX
Superior or Prestige plan.
3 You can only claim under either
section 17 or 27g for the same event
but not under more than one
Section 18 – Emergency medical evacuation
When we will pay What we pay What we do not pay
A If you are in a life-threatening 1 We will pay for the necessary Besides the general exclusions listed in
condition because of an injury or expenses our assistance company part 4 of the general conditions, we will
sickness while overseas and our spends when they use air ambulance, also not pay for the following, or for loss
assistance company believes it be surface ambulance, regular air or liability directly or indirectly caused
medically necessary to move you to transport, railroad, land or sea by the following.
the nearest medical facility for transport or any other appropriate
treatment (whether overseas or in method to move you to the medical 1 Claims resulting from services not
Singapore). facility for treatment. arranged or approved by our
assistance company or us.
B If you need to return to Singapore for 2 If you can use your existing return
recuperation or continued treatment ticket to Singapore, we will only pay 2 Claims that result from a pre-existing
after you have been moved to an for the administrative fees charged medical condition or any sickness
overseas medical facility for by the airline or travel agent for you knew about, unless you are
treatment as in section A above. changing your travel dates or insured under an Enhanced PreX
destinations. plan.
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3 All decisions on the most appropriate
method of transport and the
destination to move you to will be
made by our assistance company.
The decision will be based only on
the medical necessity and the
severity of your medical condition.
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3 You can only claim under either A or
B for each event but not under both
sections. We will only pay the benefit
which applies to you under section A
or B of your plan as shown in the
table of cover.
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2 Any claim for damage arising from or
caused by repair or restoration.
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4 Any legal responsibility that comes
from an injury or loss or damage to
property that you, your family
member or your employee owns,
cares for or controls.
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1 That the rental vehicle is rented 2 Any claim for loss or damage to the
from a licensed rental agency and vehicle which happens outside the
you were either a named driver or vehicle rental period or outside the
co-driver of the vehicle. You must period of insurance.
provide copies of the vehicle
rental agreement, the receipt 3 Any claim arising from breaking the
showing payment of the rental vehicle rental agreement or laws,
excess or deductible and any rules and regulation of the country
report to do with the accident or where the vehicle is rented or driven.
the lost or damaged rental
vehicle. 4 Any claim for loss or damage to the
vehicle if, at the time of the accident,
2 You must have arranged you were not licensed to drive the
comprehensive motor insurance vehicle or you were taking part in or
when hiring the vehicle so that practising for speed or time trials of
the policy will pay for the loss or any kind.
damage of the vehicle throughout
the rental period. 5 Any claim for loss or damage arising
from wear and tear, gradual
deterioration, and damage suffered
in any repair process.
Section 26 – Full terrorism cover
When we will pay What we pay What we do not pay
A If any of the losses covered under 1 We will pay for benefits up to the Besides the general exclusions listed in
sections 1 to 25 arises from or in limits shown in the relevant section part 4 of the general conditions, we will
relation to an act of terrorism, we of your plan as shown in the table of also not pay under the conditions listed
will still cover the loss but there will cover. However, we will limit the in sections 1 to 25.
be a limit as shown in section 26 of total amount we will pay for
your plan in the table of cover. losses arising from or related to
the act of terrorism as shown in
section 26 of your plan in the
table of cover.
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a the public transport you are travelling on to
General conditions which return to Singapore is delayed and you cannot
apply to the whole policy complete your trip when the policy ends, and
you are not the cause of the delay; or
b due to an injury or sickness (including
contracting COVID-19 if the COVID-19 benefits in
1 Cover Section 27a to 27g apply), you have to stay in
hospital or are quarantined overseas in a
For both per-trip policy and yearly plan, quarantine facility as advised by a medical
the following apply. practitioner or local authorities, and you cannot
a Cover under section 1 (Cancelling your trip) and complete your trip when the policy ends.
section 2 (Postponing your trip) starts: This automatic extension will end when you are able
i. at the time when you book your trip (this only to return to Singapore, or at the end of 14 days,
applies for yearly plan); whichever is earlier.
ii. on the date we issue your policy; or
iii. as shown under the section which applies,
whichever is later. 3 Worldwide 24-hour emergency
b Cover under section 8 (If the travel agency assistance
becomes insolvent) starts:
i. the time when you book your trip (this only We have arranged with our assistance company to
applies for a yearly plan); or give you various 24-hour emergency assistance
ii. on the date we issue your policy; services. The services they provide include medical
whichever is later. advice, referral to doctors, specialists, hospitals,
lawyers and interpreters, arrangement for bail
c Cover under section 13 (Personal accident) starts
bonds, travel help if you have lost your passport,
when you leave the place you usually live or
embassy referral, emergency medical evacuation,
work (whichever is later) to start your trip, or
sending home your body or ashes, providing doctors
three hours before the start date shown on your
and medicine, compassionate visits, accompanying
certificate of insurance, whichever is later.
children and hospital deposit guarantees.
Cover under section 13 (Personal accident) ends,
whichever is earliest:
You must pay for the costs and expenses of these
i. when you arrive at the place that you usually
services except for emergency medical evacuation,
live or work after your trip;
sending a body or ashes home and compassionate
ii. three hours after you return to Singapore; visit which are covered under sections 18, 19 and 20
iii. three hours after the end of the period shown of your plan as shown in the table of cover and
on your certificate of insurance; or section 27f of your plan as shown in the COVID-19
iv. for Classic, Deluxe and Preferred plans (as the table of cover.
case may be):
• three hours after the end of 180 days
from the start of your per-trip policy; or
4 General exclusions
• three hours after the end of 90 days
from the start of your trip under the
yearly plan This policy does not cover claims for loss or liability
directly or indirectly caused by or arising from the
for Enhanced PreX Basic, Superior and following.
Prestige plans (as the case may be):
a You travelling overseas against medical advice or
• three hours after the end of 30 days for the purpose of getting medical treatment.
from the start of your per-trip policy or
your trip under the yearly plan as the b You travelling overseas against a travel advisory
case may be. issued by the Singapore Government.
c You deliberately injuring yourself, committing
suicide or attempted suicide while sane or
insane, your criminal act, provoked assault,
2 Automatically extending cover deliberate acts or putting yourself in danger
(unless you are trying to save human life).
We will automatically extend your period of d The effect or influence of alcohol or drugs.
insurance up to a maximum of 14 days while you are e Pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, miscarriage or all
overseas, under this policy at no extra premium if: complications arising from these conditions.
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f Mental problems or insanity. 30 metres.
g Sexually transmitted infections, human iii. Mountaineering or outdoor rock climbing,
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or any HIV-related except rock climbing on man-made walls.
illness including acquired immunity deficiency
syndrome (AIDS) or any mutant derivatives or
variations of this however they are caused.
h Pre-existing medical conditions iv. Trekking, unless it is done for leisure
i. Unless you are insured under an Enhanced purposes and you are trekking below 4,000
PreX plan and we pay the claim under the metres, and as long as the trekking you are
relevant sections as shown in the table of taking part in is:
cover, if cover applies. - in a place which is open to the general
ii. If you have been given a terminal prognosis public without restriction;
with a life expectancy of less than 12 - organised by a recognised commercial
months, even if you are insured under an local tour operator or activity provider;
Enhanced PreX plan. or
i Your physical disabilities. - under the guidance and supervision of
j Claims for treatment of an optional nature, for licensed guides or instructors of the tour
example, plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery operator or activity provider and you
which is not medically necessary. wear the recommended safety
equipment and follow the safety
k Claims for nursing care that is not provided by
procedures, rules and regulations of the
the hospital.
licensed guides or instructors.
l Claims for routine medical treatment, physical
v. Expeditions (unless on a recreational or
examinations, health check-ups or tests which do
leisure tour organized by a recognized
not form part of the treatment or diagnosis of
commercial tour operator):
the actual injury or sickness.
- to generally inaccessible and remote
m Any treatment which is not considered medically
areas of a country or areas previously
necessary by the medical practitioner.
n Conditions arising from surgical, mechanical or
- carried out for scientific, research or
chemical contraceptive methods of birth control
political purposes to those places; or
or treatments relating to infertility.
- to Antarctica or similar remote places.
o Taking part in flying or other aerial activities
except as a fare-paying passenger in a licensed vi. Extreme sports which involve speed, height,
passenger-carrying aircraft. danger, a high level of physical exertion,
highly specialised gear or spectacular stunts,
p Taking part in any kind of speed contest or racing
whether they are played competitively or
(other than on foot).
non-competitively, in a team or individually.
q An accident while you are driving or riding on a This includes, but is not limited to, hunting,
motor race track. caving, potholing, paragliding or
r Taking part in any professional sports or in any parachuting, hang-gliding, skydiving,
sports which you could receive any form of prize abseiling, aerobatics, BASE jumping, cave
money, donation, sponsorship, award or diving, free flying, ice climbing, wingsuit
certificate of any kind. flying.
s You taking part in the following activities. t Taking part in any naval, military or air forces
i. Any sport or activity which is against the services or training or taking part in operations
advice of a medical practitioner or against of an offensive nature planned or carried out by
the health and safety rules as required by the civil or military authorities.
the activity operator. u The consequences of war, riot (except where the
ii. Scuba diving unless it is for leisure purposes claim for loss or liability is directly or indirectly
and: caused by or arising from a sudden riot, strike or
- you hold a PADI certification (or similar civil commotion at the destination you are in or
recognised qualification) and are diving plan to travel to as described in sections 1, 2, 3,4
with a buddy who holds a PADI certification or 5), revolution or any similar event.
(or similar recognised qualification);or v Radioactivity, or damage from any nuclear fuel,
- you are diving with a qualified instructor. material or waste.
The maximum depth we will cover is as shown w Breaking government regulation or you failing to
under your PADI certification (or similar take reasonable precautions to avoid a claim
recognised qualification) but no deeper than under this policy after receiving a warning
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through the media of any intended strike, riot or from the date you leave Singapore to the date
civil commotion. you arrive back in Singapore
x You failing to take reasonable precautions to We will pay all benefits under this policy to you
protect your property or to avoid injury or unless:
minimise claims under this policy.
y You travelling in, to or through Afghanistan, Iraq, a you die as described in section 13, in which case
Liberia, Sudan or Syria. we will pay the benefits to your estate or your
z Being employed on merchant vessels, taking part legal personal representative;
in manual or dangerous work or using machinery b you are evacuated as the result of a medical
or tools or taking part in any offshore work (for emergency or sent home as described in sections
example on an oil rig), testing of any kind of 18, 19 and 27f, in which case we will pay our
conveyance, mining, aerial photography or assistance company the expenses they pay in
handling explosives, unless we agree in writing. transporting you; or
aa Any known event. c you suffer a claim for personal liability as
bb An item being lost or damaged when left described in section 24, in which case we will pay
unattended in any public place or which is not in the person you are legally responsible to.
the custody of an authorised person including
transport and accommodation providers such as When we pay the benefits as described above, we
the airline, train, ferry, hotel and resort. will have no further legal responsibility to you under
cc Claims which are covered by other insurance or this policy for the claim.
which would be paid for by the carrier, hotel,
tour operator, travel agency or other providers. Despite anything we have said to the contrary, we
dd Your deliberate act, failure to act, negligence or will not pay any claim if the laws of Singapore or of
carelessness. your home country prevent us from doing so.
ee Expenses or charges for food and beverages,
local and international phone calls (apart from
phone charges which are due under section 22), 7 Fraud
laundry and hotel entertainment or pay-per-view
TV programmes. You must not act in a fraudulent way. We will take
the action shown below if you, or anyone acting for
If we refuse to pay a claim as a result of any of the you:
exclusions listed above and you disagree with our a make a claim under the policy knowing the claim
decision, you are responsible for proving that we are to be false or fraudulently exaggerated in any
legally responsible for the claim. If any part of any way;
exclusion is found to be invalid or we cannot enforce
b make a statement to support a claim knowing
it, it will not affect the rest of the exclusions.
the statement to be false in any way;
c send us a document to support a claim knowing
the document to be forged or false in any way;
5 Payment before cover warranty or
We (or our intermediary) must receive the full d make a claim for any loss or damage caused by
premium due on or before the start date of the your deliberate act or with your knowledge.
insurance. If we or the intermediary do not receive
the premium in full on or before the start date of the We may do the following.
insurance, the policy will not be valid and we will not a We will not pay the claim.
pay any benefits. b We will not pay any other claim which has been
or will be made under the policy.
c We may declare the policy invalid.
6 Paying benefits d We can recover from you the amount of any
claim we have already paid under the policy.
We will pay the benefits listed in this policy only if
e We will not refund the premium.
f We may not allow you to buy other policies from
a have met general condition 5; and
b have given us satisfactory proof of the claim; and
g We may report you to the police.
c have fulfilled the condition where the period of
insurance covers the entire length of your trip
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Baggage and Reduction factor to be
personal applied to the value of the
belongings (not item
watches, With receipt Without
8 Reasonable care jewellery or or credit-card receipt or
valuables) which statement credit-card
You must take all reasonable precautions to avoid are lost due to statement
injury, sickness, loss, theft or damage and take all theft or accident
practical steps to protect your property from loss Less than or equal
and damage and to recover the property lost or 0%
to 1 year
stolen. 50% of
More than 1 year same model
and less than or 10% (or closest
equal to 2 years but not
9 Other insurance More than 2 years better)
and less than or 20% available in
If at the time of any incident which results in a claim equal to 3 years the market,
under this policy you have any other insurance More than 3 years up to $100
covering the same loss, damage, expense or liability, and less than or 30% per item for
we will not pay more than our share. (This does not equal to 4 years each set,
apply to section 5 – Travel delay, section 6 – Missed More than 4 years pair and up
connections, section 7 – Overbooked public and less than or 40% to $500 in
transport, section 9 – Baggage delay, section 13 – equal to 5 years total
Personal accident, section 17 – Overseas hospital
More than 5 years 50%
allowance, section 21 – Kidnap and hostage or
section 27g – Overseas quarantine allowance due to Watches, jewellery
0% 50%
COVID-19). or valuables
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f You must keep any property which is damaged, a Per-trip policy
and if we ask, you must send it to us. (You will Premium less $20 (subject to the prevailing GST)
also need to pay any costs involved in doing administrative charge, i.e. $21.40 @ 7% GST
this.) If we pay a claim for the property and it is before 2023, $21.60 @ 8% GST in 2023, $21.80
then recovered or it has a salvage value, it will @ 9% GST from 2024 if the policy is cancelled
become our property. before the start of your trip and as long as there
g If you can recover all or part of the medical has been no claim made under this policy. There
expenses from other sources, we will only pay will be no premium refund if we receive the
you the amount that you cannot recover. notice of cancellation after the start date of the
h We pay all claims in Singapore dollars. If you policy.
suffer a loss which is in a foreign currency, we b Yearly plan
will convert the amount into Singapore dollars at Premium less $20 (subject to the prevailing GST)
the exchange rate which we will decide on the administrative charge, i.e. $21.40 @ 7% GST
date of the loss. before 2023, $21.60 @ 8% GST in 2023, $21.80
@ 9% GST from 2024 if the policy is cancelled
before the start date of the policy and as long as
12 What you need to provide when you there has been no claim made under this policy.
If we receive the notice of cancellation within
send us your claim 180 days after the start date of the policy and as
long as there has been no claim made under this
a You or your legal representatives must supply all policy, we will work out the refund premium as
information, reports, original invoices and follows.
receipts, proof of ownership, evidence, medical
certificates, documents (such as a translation of
a foreign-language document into English), Period of insurance
confirmed by oath if necessary, we may need (in days) still left to run 85% of the
before we assess your claim. We may refuse to divided by the original x premium paid
refund you for any expense which you cannot period of insurance of
the policy
provide original receipts or invoices for.
b You must give us your travel booking form,
invoice, e-ticket confirmation, boarding pass and We will not give any refund of premium if the policy
photocopy of passport as part of your claim to has been in force for more than 180 days or once
prove your travel. there has been a claim made, whichever comes first.
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17 Checking your age 21 Governing law
For the purpose of cover under this policy, we will Singapore law will apply to this policy.
use your age at the start date of the period of
insurance and pay benefits accordingly. Feedback procedure
The information below is not legally binding and is
just for your information.
18 Currency and interest
Making yourself heard
All dollar amounts shown in the policy and certificate We are committed to providing you with an
of insurance are shown in Singapore dollars (S$). We exceptional level of service and customer care.
will not pay interest under this policy.
We realise that things can go wrong and there may
be times when you feel that we have not provided
19 Dealing with disputes the service you expected. When this happens, we
want to hear about it so that we can try to put things
If the policyholder is not satisfied with our final right.
decision on your claim, the policyholder may refer
the case to the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Please send your feedback to:
Centre Ltd (FIDReC), an independent and impartial
institution specializing in solving disputes between
financial institutions and consumers. Their website
address is:
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