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Smarthome Project

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1 Background of Study

Home automation system is getting popular and widely used in some home.
The home automation using internet of things (IoT), is a process whereby
hardware devices are being controlled using internet. Devices such as TV,
air conditioner, refrigerator, fan, light etc. can be monitor and control using
internet. It has tons of advantages to users even more to the handicapped
and/or elderly users in which it will make it easier for them to control their
home appliances. That is, having machines to accomplish tasks hitherto
performed wholly or partly by humans. Wireless system had been
introduced in order to dispose of wired communication in home appliances.
Internet based, using Arduino Uno technology will be applied.

Nowadays, people spent more time on their smartphones doing one thing
or the other. Five thousand individuals from USA, UK, South Korea, India,
China, South Africa, Nigeria, Indonesia and Brazil were observed in a
survey which was done by Time magazine in 2014 [12]
. The results proved
that most of them are inseparable from their smartphones; eighty four
percent of the total number claimed that they cannot do without their
smartphones. Another publication by Journal of Networks [14]
recently shows
that seventy five percent of the market share is Android and a total of one
hundred and six million android smartphone were shipped in the second
half of 2015. Android smartphone became the top operating system in the
market in the present time worldwide and it became the most popular
operating system known to man. Therefore, android smartphones can be of
great help to automation systems which can easily be connected to an
internet facility. It can also be used to monitor and control our home
appliances anywhere there is internet facility. With the advancement of
wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, cloud networks in the recent past,
wireless systems are used every day and everywhere. [2]

1.2 Statement of Problem

In the present day, home automation is becoming essential for the purpose
of improving our life condition. Convenience and ease of using home
appliances is what home automation is offering. Home automation offers a
futuristic way of life in which an individual gets to control his entire house
using a smart phone with internet facility, from turning on a TV to
locking/unlocking doors; it also offers an efficient use of energy. But to get
or acquire such system installed will cost a lot of money and that is the
major reason of why home automation has not received much demand and
attention, adding to that is the complexity of installing it and configuring it.
Thus it is essential to make it cost effective and easy to configure, if this is
granted to people then they will be willing to acquire it in their homes,
offices and schools. In other words, a system modification for the home
automation is required in order to lower the price of applying it to houses.
Also home automation offers ease of mind and body to handicapped and/or
elders in their houses by just one click to do what they want as stated
above. However, this project after completion will be affordable, reliable
and the new system modification will be efficient.

1.3 Aim

The aim of this project is to design a home automation based on internet

using Arduino uno technology.

1.4 Objectives

The objectives of the project are;

i. To construct a wireless home automation system controlled by

a smartphone specifically an android device or internet enable
personal computer.
ii. To design and implement cost effective home automation
system yet an efficient one.
iii. To design a user friendly and a safe system to control home
appliances through internet of things.

1.5 Scope of the Project

In order to fulfill the stated objectives several steps must be taken. These
steps involve both software programming and hardware implementation.
These steps are as follows:

i. Establishing a wireless network communication between the

android smart phone or internet enable pc and the home
automation system, using a microcontroller.
ii. Create a simple yet reliable home automation system using
Arduino-Uno as a microcontroller that will be the medium
between the internet and the home appliances. iii. To find a
suitable app that will work efficiently with the ArduinoUno board
in order to control the home appliances.

iv. To program the Arduino-Uno board in a way that will let it interact
with the android smart phones or any internet enable devices.

1.6 Significance of the Project

i. This system is designed to assist and provide support for aged people,
disabled or physically challenged people at home. ii. Allow you to control
your home when out of town especially when you forgot to switch off your
devices while leaving home or office.
iii. When the need arises to operate devices at places where we have to
control the ON and OFF switching of the devices but no wired
connection to the place is available.

1.7 Project Report Organization

This project aim at developing a Home Automation System prototype which

focuses on monitor and control household appliances through the Internet.
The system consists of two main parts: A hardware interface module and a
software communication module.

The Hardware interface module consists of Arduino uno microcontroller,

Wi-Fi module and relays. The central device is the microcontroller that
connects to the central server and receives order to monitor and control the
appliances. The communication between the application and
microcontroller is handled by the server, thus managing the users and the
appliances. The software communication module uses an Android
application or any internet enable device as the frontend, which serves as
an interface to the user to communicate with the microcontroller.



2.1 Theoretical background

Home automation is computerization of the home, housework or household

appliances. Home automation may incorporate a control unit for controlling
of lighting, HVAC (warming, ventilation and aerating and cooling),
machines, and different frameworks, to give enhanced accommodation,
solace, better energy saving, productivity and security. The idea of home
Automation has been around for quite a while and items have been
available for a considerable number of years, however nobody’s
arrangement has gotten through to the standard yet. Home computerization
for the elderly and debilitated, and can give expanded personal satisfaction
to people who may generally needed parental figures or institutional
consideration. It can likewise give a remote interface to home apparatuses
or the automation system itself, through phone, remote transmission or the
web, to give control and observe or monitor by means of a smart phones by
log in to a customized website.

Fig 2.1 Home Automation System showing various home appliances
and how they are connected to an internet enabled computer. [3]

2.2 Review of Related Literatures

In this section I reviewed four previous works in relation to this project. The
automation designs, results and recommendations of these projects are
what I will be reviewing.

N. Sriskanthan and Tan Karand, an undergraduate student at
Jordan University of science and technology, in their work have
presented an application of Bluetooth Technology for Home
Automation. The Bluetooth technology which emerged in late
1990's is used for implementing the wireless home automation
system. Various appliances such as air conditioners, home
theatres, cellular phones etc., are interconnected, thus creating
a Personal Area Network in Home Environment. The
communication between several client modules and the host
server takes place through the Bluetooth module. A Home
Automation Protocol has been developed to enhance
communication between the host server and the client
modules. The system also allows integration or removal of
devices to the network which makes the system scalable. The
wireless system aims at reducing the cost of Home
Automation. But the system does not use the trending mobile
technology. The project was carried out in 2013. [4]

Muhammad Izhar Ramli, Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, Nabihah,
student of University of Cairo, Egypt. In June 2013, developed
a prototype electrical device control system using Web. They
have developed a web based controller, for controlling

electrical devices. Whenever the condition of server is down
they also set

their server with auto restart. The system does not use mobile
technology. Being a web based system; this application is less
effective since the use of mobile phones and Smart phones are
increasing rapidly. [5]
Adeyinmika Olawale, Dickson Andrew and Ajagun Jelili, an
undergraduate student of Federal University of Technology
Akure, FUTA. In 2014, presented a GSM based
communication and control for home appliances. Different AT
commands are sent to the Home Mobile for controlling different
appliances. The drawback of this system is that a Graphical
User Interface (GUI) is not provided to the user.
Different AT commands have to be remembered by the users
to control the connected devices. Also, the system supports
Java enabled mobile phones. The system thus becomes less
functional as now-a-days the use of Java enables phones are
reducing and the use of Android phones are increasing
tremendously. [6]
In 2015, Deepali Javale, Shreerang Nandanwar, Mohd. Mohsin
and M. Shingate, from R. H. Sapat College of Engineering,
Management Studies & Research, Nashik, India, have used
Android ADK for implementing a home automation and security
system. It presents a system in which the devices are
connected to a Bluetooth sub-controller physically. It does not
require internet connectivity. The Smart phone is used to

access and control the devices using built-in Bluetooth
connectivity. Communication is established between the
android mobile device and the ADK, by connecting the
appliances to the ADK. However, the system restricts mobility
and can only be controlled within the specified boundary due to
limited range of operation (maximum up to 100 m). Thus the
system does not support remote monitoring and controlling of
appliances. [7]
Benjamin AK and Nwasonum Evelyn, in 2016 presents the
design and implementation of a low cost, compact and secure
Android smart phone based home automation system. A single
chip microcontroller real time operating system is integrated to
the system, to improve the responsiveness of the system and
make it more dynamic. The system uses Bluetooth technology.
The Bluetooth module that is used is based on the Bluetooth
V2.0 protocol and has a range of 10m operating at frequency of
2.4GHz with a maximum data exchange rate of 2.1Mbps.
Similar to most of the existing systems, this system also does
not support remote monitoring and controlling of devices. [8]

2.2.0 Existing System

There are many systems for remote management and control of home
appliances, five (5) of them are reviewed in this report which are the

2.2.1 Bluetooth based home automation system using cell phones:

In Bluetooth based home automation system the home appliances

are connected to the Arduino BT board at input output ports using
relay. The program of Arduino BT board is based on high level
interactive C language of microcontrollers; the connection is made via
Bluetooth. The password protection is provided so only authorized
user is allowed to access the appliances. The Bluetooth connection is
established between Arduino BT board and phone for wireless
communication. In this system the python script is used and it can
install on any of the Symbian OS environment, it is portable. One
circuit is designed and implemented for receiving the feedback from
the phone, which indicate the status of the device.

2.2.2 Wi-Fi based home automation system using cell phones:

Wi-Fi based home automation system mainly consist three modules,

the server, the hardware interface module, and the software package.
The figure shows the system model layout. Wi-Fi technology is used
by server, and hardware Interface module to communicate with each
other. The same technology uses to login to the server web based
application. The server is connected to the internet, so remote users
can access server web based application through the internet using
compatible web browser. Software of the latest home automation
system is split to server application software, and Microcontroller
(Arduino) firmware. The Arduino software, built using C language,
using IDE comes with the microcontroller itself. Arduino software is
culpable for gathering events from connected sensors, then applies
action to actuators and pre-programed in the server. Another job is to
report and record the history in the server DB. The server application
software package for the proposed home automation system is a web
based application built using asp.net. The server application software

can be accessed from internal network or from internet if the server
has real IP on the internet using any internet navigator supports
asp.net technology. Server application software is culpable of
maintain the whole home automation system, setup, configuration.
Server use database to keep log of home automation system
components, we choose to use XML files to save system log.

FIG 2.2 The Proposed Home Automation System Layout showing

various home appliances connected through Wi-Fi.

2.2.3 Home automation using RF module:

The important goal of Home Automation System is to build a home
automation system using a RF controlled remote. Now technology is
accelerating so homes are also getting smarter. Modern homes are
deliberately relocating from current l switches to centralized control
system, containing RF controlled switches. Today traditional wall
switches situated in various parts of the home makes it laborious t for
the end user to go near them to control and operate. Even further it
turns into more problematic for the old persons or physically
handicapped people to do so. Home Automation using remote
implements an easier solution with RF technology. In order to
accomplish this, a RF remote is combined to the microcontroller on
transmitter side that sends ON/OFF signals to the receiver where
devices are connected. By operating the stated remote switch on the
transmitter, the loads can be turned ON/OFF globally using wireless

2.2.4 Cloud Based home automation system:

Home Automation using cloud based system focuses on design and

implementation of home gateway to collect data about data from
home appliances and then send to the cloud-based data server to get
store on Hadoop Distributed File System, it is process using Map
Reduce and use to implement a monitoring tasks to Remote user
Presently home Automation System is persistently developing its
resilience by assimilating the current characteristics which gratify the
rising interest of the people. This paper presents the design and
development of home automation system that use the cloud
computing as service. The current system consists of three important

units: the first part is cloud server, handle and controls the data and
information of client and users and the status of devices. The
hardware interface module is the second part which implemented the
relevant connection to the actuators and sensing devices which give
the physical service. Last part is Home Server, which construct the
hardware device and gives the user interface. This paper focus to
build the web services using cloud which is need for security and
storage and availability of the data. The current system is cost
efficient, reliable and comfortable which also gives a secured home
automation system for entire family. The system is made up of
various client modules for various platforms.

2.2.5 Wireless Home Automation system using IoT:

This system uses mobiles or computers to control basic home control

and function automatically through internet from anywhere around the
world globally, an automated home is sometimes called a smart
home. It is meant to save the electric power and human energy. The
proposed system is a distributed home automation system, consists
of server i.e. Wi-Fi module, sensors. Server controls and monitors the
various sensors, and can be easily configured to handle more
hardware interface module (sensors). The Arduino board, with built in
Wi-Fi module acts as web server. Automation System can be
accessed from the web browser of any local PC using server IP, or
remotely from any PC or mobile handheld device connected to the
internet with appropriate web browser through server real IP (internet
IP). Wi-Fi technology is selected to be the network infrastructure that
connects server and the sensors. Wi-Fi is chosen to improve system
security (by using secure Wi-Fi connection), and to increase system
mobility and scalability.

2.3 Comparative Analysis of the Survey

i. Internet based using Arduino uno through IoT is cost effective

and secured than others.
ii. You can remote controlled your home appliances from
anywhere provided there is internet connection which makes
better than Bluetooth based.
iii. It is energy efficient, task scheduling with power and cost.
iv. It is convenience, low power consumption and requires little or
no computation burden.

2.4 Present Research Work

This project aims at developing a Home Automation System prototype

which mainly focuses on monitoring and controlling household appliances
through the Internet. The system consists of two main parts: A hardware
interface module and a software communication module.

The Hardware interface module consists of Arduino uno microcontroller,

Internet device and relays. The central device is the microcontroller that
connects to the internet device and receives orders to monitor and control
the appliances.

The communication between the application and microcontroller is handled

by the server, thus managing the users and the appliances. The software
communication module uses an Android application or any internet enable

device as the frontend, which serves as an interface to the user to
communicate with the microcontroller.

The system offers switching functionalities to control the appliances

connected to the system, which includes Lights, Fans, Air-conditioners and
various other appliances connected to the system. In Nigeria, the
alternating current supplied to our homes is between the ranges of 220 -
240V. Arduino Board is not capable of withstanding such high Voltages.
Thus, Relays are used to convert this high voltage to low voltage i.e. less
than 12V. The relay switches have capability to carry a maximum load of
10A at 240V.

To enable connectivity with the microcontroller, internet or modem is used.

It provides Internet connectivity, which allows Internet access and control
from the Android Application or any enable internet devices effectively and
efficiently. The Android application is a user friendly interface, which
enables the user to view the status of applications at home and control it as
per his/her requirement

Fig 2.3, showing the interconnection between a server and the
microcontroller to 12volts relays which are connected to electrical
appliances. [8]

2.5 Areas of Application

The proposed home automation system has the capabilities to control the
following components in users home and monitor the following alarms:

i. Temperature and humidity

ii. Motion detection
iii. Fire and smoke detection
iv. Light level

The proposed home automation system can control the following appliance:

i. Lights on/off/dim
ii. Fan on/off
iii. On/off switching of different appliances

This type of project can be used in places like industries, schools, prisons,
homes, hospitals etc.


The literature survey of different home automation system shows that there
are various kinds of technologies used to implement this type of system. All
the proposed systems have been presented and compared in this chapter
which reveals some merits and demerits of the systems. This review
explained different home automation system e.g. Web based,
Bluetoothbased, mobile-based, SMS based, ZigBee-based, Arduino
microcontroller based, Android app based, IOT based and cloud-based.
Android app based and IoT based are preferable due to its performance,
simplicity, low cost and reliability in home automation system is making its

position in global market, that day is not so far when every home will be
smart home.




The system was design to conform to the following specifications;

Supply Voltage of 220-240volts AC

Regulated Voltage of 12v and 5v DC

High speed Internet connectivity Relay

Switches of 12v, 10A.

Table 3.1 Shows Arduino Uno Specification

There are various type of arduino which are arduino nano, uno, and arduino
mega. For this project, arduino uno is used due to the above mentioned

specifications. Arduino uno memory capacity efficiency makes it necessary
for selection for this project.

3.2 Design Analysis

The internet of things design system include the various technology used in
this prototype. The system consists of a computer server with an internet
connection connecting the server to the external network, an Arduino
microcontroller with a hardwired application connected to the devices. The
prototype system supports two-level devices that only need to be switched
on or off.

The system consists of a server, client, and a communication medium. The

part of the system that makes a request for service is called client and the
part of the system that offers requested service from the client is called
server. The communication medium can be wired or wireless network. It
makes use of the services provided by the Transport Layer of the TCP/IP
(Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) stack. [9]

The transport layer comprises two types of protocols: TCP (Transport

Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The most widely
used programming interfaces for these protocols are sockets. TCP is a
connection-oriented protocol that provides a reliable flow of data between
the client and the server. UDP is a protocol which does not guarantee
reliable communication between the client and the server since the data
transmission is in the form of packets. This is better explained in the figure

12V DC


FIG4, Block Diagram of the Home Automation

3.3.1 Design of Power Supply Unit

The power supply is the basic and fundamental part of a system. Its design
is determined by the type of supply requirement of the circuit, AC or DC,
the power requirement or expected consumption of the circuit and the
expected tolerance of the circuit to fluctuations and variations. For an
electronic circuit requiring DC volts of about 6–12 volts and power
consumption of 9 watts max, one of the following could serve as power

a. Regulated or unregulated DC power supply from step down

transformer and rectifier circuit. This is basically made up of a Step
down transformer, a half or full wave rectifier circuit (diodes), filter
circuit (capacitor) and voltage regulator and/or divider (optional). This
circuit normally works on 220 volts AC mains. These power supplies
are not used for portable devices.

b. Rechargeable battery DC power supply. This power supply

comprises mainly wet cell rechargeable batteries connected in series
of parallel depending on the voltage and current required (power).
The batteries could be charged by mains power, in this case a
charger built like the power supply in (a) is used to charge the battery
before taking it away for use. Such devices could also be charged
using solar power. This power supply is used for portable devices.

c. Dry cell battery DC power source. This employs the use of

direct dry cell batteries of D, C, A, AA or AAA size to provide power.
They come in 1.5 volts and 9 Volts packages. The 1.5 volts are used
for general applications, while the 9 volts are used for
communications devices such as cordless microphones and Mobile
walkie-talkies. This type of battery is also called “the transistor
battery”, as it was designed for transistor radios. They are used for
portable devices.

The power supply for the proposed project are 5v and 12v DC which are
tapped from a 15v, 300mA, step-down transformer of 220-240v from the
main power supply unit.

Fig 3.2 Showing Circuit Diagram of Power Supply Unit used in this

Fig 3.3 showing the constructed Power Supply Unit.

3.3.2 Circuit Design

Fig 3.4 The Circuit Diagram of Home Automation

3.4 Component Selection

In designing of Home Automation based on internet using Arduino Uno, the

following components are used which are explained below;

3.4.1 Transistor

Transistors are electronic devices that are used as amplifiers, oscillators, or

switches in control, and computer systems. A transistor consists of small
layers of silicon or germanium that have been doped, or treated with
impurity atoms, to create n-type and p-type semiconductors. The diagram
in fig 7 shows the structure of various kinds of transistors.

Fig 3.5 Classification of Transistors

For an effective home automation system, a 2N2222 transistor is used.

3.4.2 Arduino Uno

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It

has a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6
can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a USB connection, a power
jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. This board is very simple and
can be easily used, everything you need to support the microcontroller is in
this board, just plug it in a computer via USB cable and power using an
ACto-DC adapter or battery to get started. The difference seen in the

Arduino Uno is that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip but, it
has the Atmega16U2 (Atmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed as a
USB-toserial converter. The Fig 8 below shows every part of an Arduino
Uno [10];

Fig 3.6 showing various parts of Arduino uno. [10]

3.4.3 Relay

A relay is a device that operates on electricity. It has a control and

controlled systems. It is mostly used to control circuit automatically.
Basically, it is an automatic switch use to convert a high voltage to a low

voltage in a circuit. In designing the automation system, a 12volts relay is
used to power various home appliances.

Fig 3.7 Pictorial Diagram of Relay Module [11]

3.4.4 Transformer

Fig 3.8 shows a step down center-tapped 12V Transformer

The figure above shows the transformer which transforms 220V AC to

other levels of voltage. Its functions are outlined below:

i. Rectification: Convert the AC voltage to DC voltage.

ii. Filtering: “Eliminate the noise” so that a constant DC voltage is

produced. This filter is just a large capacitor used to minimize
the ripple in the output.

iii. Voltage Regulation: It provides the desired DC voltage.

Moreover, for an ideal transformer the input power is always equal to the
output power but because of losses incurred such as core losses, and eddy
current losses, the input power is higher than the output power.

Mathematically; Pp = Ps..................... (1)

Where P=IV............................. (2)

Thus Vp Ip = VsIs……………. (3)

Or Pp = Losses + Ps

Thus a step down transformer steps the voltage down from 240V to 24V.
Figure 3.9, below shows the transformer and its output;

Fig 3.9 shows circuit symbol of transformer and the output wave shape.

3.4.5 Rectifier

Rectifiers are circuits made up of diodes mainly, which converts ac to dc

signal. Diodes allow current to flow only in one direction. In this project the
rectifier used is made up of four diodes that convert ac to dc signal. Also it
is a full wave bridge rectifier. Figure 3.10, below show circuit diagram of a
full wave rectifier;

Fig 3.10 shows Circuit Diagram of a full wave rectifier.

3.4.6 Regulator

Regulator can be viewed as a dc steady state voltage shaper. Depending

on the value of voltage needed to enter a respective circuit after
rectification and filtration, a regulator is used to reduce the value of the
supply to the needed value. For the 5v dc supply is needed to supply the
microcontroller of this system, the correct size and value of the regulator
needed is 7805. While 12v dc supply is used to power the relay, this is to
avoid damages as a result of excessive voltage. The correct value of the
regulator needed is 7812.

3.5 Description of Circuit Diagram

This project aim is developing Home Automation System prototype which

mainly focuses on monitoring and controlling household appliances through
the Internet. The system consists of two main parts: A hardware interface
module and a software communication module.

The hardware comprises power supply of 220-240v AC which was

regulated into both 5v and 12v DC. The 5v supply the microcontroller while
the 12v power the relay which also connect all the devices to control.

Arduino uno serves as the link that connected both the hardware and


4.1 Construction

This chapter contains the construction work in detail, the precautions taken
before soldering, it also contain the result analysis. The basic materials
needed for this project were bread board, Vero board, and wooden box to
house the electronic circuits and also the entire layout in order to secure
the components.

4.2 Breadboard and Vero board

The construction of this project was done first by assembling the

components on a breadboard. When the system worked as expected after
series of test has been carried out, the components were then transferred
to a Vero board. In this construction, the Vero board was cleaned with an
iron brush to remove dirt from its surface which might affect the soldering

Subsequently, following the circuit diagram, the components were mounted

on the board one after the other and soldered. While the DC power supply
and other components were connected to the board via flexible wires.

Figure 4.1 below shows the layout of the components use for construction.

Fig 4.1 The Layout Components on Vero Board.

4.3 Packaging

This project prototype was package in a painted wooden box with a sliding
cover for easy open and close.

Fig 4.2 Pictorial Diagram of the completed project on off state

Fig 4.2 represents the prototype model of the developed system when the
appliances are in Off State. The bulbs here in this project represent various
lighting points in a particular area. The bulbs can be switching ON when the
user log in to web page via internet.


Testing and Discussion of Result

5.1 Testing

After the program is written, it was tested, this involves executing the
program with selected inputs called test cases, and the result of the test is
used to decide whether or not the program is functioning as desired.

The idea of this project is to control electrical light from anywhere since
there are internet facilities like Wi-Fi, modem connected PC or internet
enabled mobile phones. This is done by log in to the website created for
this purpose, then click on the particular light you want to ON or OFF. After
testing, the project work perfectly and I recommend it to the school
authority to adopt this type of system in controlling security light which will
solve the problem of leaving the security light on during the day, vice versa.
Therefore, it will reduce energy consumption and cost of maintenance.

5.1.1 Power Supply Testing

The electronic devices can be described as low power consuming

appliances, and as a result requires step down transformers and other
power normalizing circuitry to operate. This rationing unit, do the work of
supplying all other sub units the amount of voltages and currents they
needed respectively. This unit is made up of a step down 24volts from
220240volts of mains unit. Although I did not design this transformer, from
the specifications or rating of the transformer, it is a step down type that
steps the voltage down to 24volts.The voltage is then rectified using four
diodes to ensure full wave rectification.

After rectification, the voltage is filtered to remove all the ripples in it before
connecting it to the load. This filtering action is achieved using one,
16v1000uf electrolytic capacitor, while a 5volts regulator (7805) and 12volts
(7812) are used to regulate the voltage down to 5volts and 12volts
respectively for the microcontroller and other subunits.

Fig 5.1 above shows the test result of 5volts power regulated using a

Parameters Values

Transformer 24volts
Current rating 300mA
Operating voltage (OV) Full wave 5volts
Measured voltage value 5.09volts
Rectification type Full wave
Regulator type LM7805
Regulator tolerance +3% or -3%
Filtration 97%
Table 5.1 shows the 5volts power supply parameters after testing.

Fig 5.2 shows the test result of 12volts regulated power supply using

Parameters Values
Transformer 24volts
Current rating 300mA
Operating voltage (OV) 12volts
Measured voltage value 12.15volts
Rectification type Full wave
Regulator type LM7812
Regulator tolerance +3% or -3%
Filtration 95%
Table 5.2 shows 12volts power supply parameter after testing.


Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion

6.1 Summary of Achievements

The home automation using Internet of Things has been experimentally

proven to work satisfactorily by connecting simple appliances to it and the
appliances were successfully controlled remotely through internet. From the
end user’s point of view, Internet is a means of Communication which is
easily available and affordable. Therefore this makes the project
achievable, cost effective and user friendly.

My major achievement is that I have now got good knowledge about how
micro-controller can be used to design a beautiful project of this nature.

6.2 Problems Encountered and Solution

There are both major and minor difficulties encountered during the design
of this project, which are;


a. Non availability factor: I find it very difficult to get the

appropriate micro-controller for this project. This made me to
walk extra mile by making a special order that costs me much
than I estimated
b. The unsteady power supply: there was unsteady power supply
and when supplied, the case of very low voltage. This actually
put some delay in finishing the work within the project duration.

However, I borrowed generator to complete the work thereby

spending more than what i budget to spend in buying fuel.


c. Lack of finance: The basic requirements for designing a project

like this is cost intensive that I could afford presently. To this
effect, the design of this project was limited to what I can
d. Component failure: The LEDs failed most times, including the
capacitors, relays and transistors, this happened during
soldering, because some of these components cannot
withstand very high temperature. Hence I replaced them with
good ones.

6.3 Recommendations

In addition to this project, the system can be expanded to include various

other options which could include home security feature like capturing the
photo of a person moving around the house and storing it onto the cloud.
This will reduce the data storage than using the CCTV camera which will
record all the time and stores it. The system can be expanded for energy
monitoring, or weather stations. This kind of a system with respective
changes can be implemented in the hospitals for disable people or in
industries where human invasion is impossible or dangerous, and it can
also be implemented for environmental monitoring.

6.4 Conclusions

From the end user’s point of view, Internet is a means of Communication

which is easily available and affordable. Android Phones and Android
applications are already a part of human life. Thus, a combination of these
technologies will make life more simple and easy to live.

This project focuses on the monitor and control of home appliances

remotely when the user is at home or away from his or her place. The
system is internet based where user will log in to a special website created
for this purpose of ON and OFF device. This is achieved through a
communication between the serial port of the server computer and the
microcontroller which later send a machine language to the various
appliances. The extensive capabilities of this system are what make it so
interesting. That is, from the convenience of an internet enabled devices, a
user is able to control virtually any electrical appliances he or she wishes.

The potential of the system can be improved to a greater extent by

combining technologies such as cloud computing, big data, robotics etc.
Even though these technologies are not new to the Industry, combination of
these technologies with the Internet of Things (IoT) will do miracles in
human life.


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APPENDIX A: Source code int

hnd1Bulb = 2; int hnd2Bulb = 3;

int nd1Bulb = 4; int nd2Bulb = 5;

int securityBulb = 6; int mainBulb

= 7; int incomingByte; void

setup() { Serial.begin(9600);

pinMode(hnd1Bulb, OUTPUT);

pinMode(hnd2Bulb, OUTPUT);

pinMode(nd1Bulb, OUTPUT);

pinMode(nd2Bulb, OUTPUT);

pinMode(securityBulb, OUTPUT);

pinMode(mainBulb, OUTPUT);

void loop() { if

(Serial.available() > 0)

{ incomingByte =

Serial.read(); if

(incomingByte == '1')
{ digitalWrite(hnd1Bulb,


if (incomingByte == '0')

{ digitalWrite(hnd1Bulb, LOW);

APPENDIX B: Processing Code

import processing.serial; Serial port; void

setup() { port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()

[3], 9600);

void draw() {

String onoroff[] = loadStrings("http://kezyled.me.pn/LEDstate.txt");

print(onoroff[0]); if (onoroff[0].equals("1") == true) { println(" -



if (onoroff[0].equals("1") == true) {println(" - TELLING ARDUINO TO TURN

HND1 bulb OFF"); port.write("hnd1OFF");

if (onoroff[0].equals("1") == true) {


ON"); port.write("hnd2ON"); } if (onoroff[0].equals("1") == true) {

println(" - TELLING ARDUINO TO TURN HND2 bulb OFF");


if (onoroff[0].equals("1") == true) { println(" - TELLING



if (onoroff[0].equals("1") == true) {

println(" - TELLING ARDUINO TO TURN ND1 bulb OFF");



if (onoroff[0].equals("1") == true) { println(" - TELLING

ARDUINO TO TURN Security bulb ON");


if (onoroff[0].equals("1") == true) { println(" - TELLING

ARDUINO TO TURN Security bulb ON");


if (onoroff[0].equals("1") == true) { println(" - TELLING



if (onoroff[0].equals("1") == true) { println(" - TELLING

ARDUINO TO TURN main bulb OFF");



1. Diode (1N4001) 10 10 100
2. Resistor – 1k 8 10 80
3. Transistor – 2N2222 8 50 400
4. Capacitor – 1000uf 2 20 40
5. Relay – 12v 8 150 1200
6. LED 1 50 50
7. LM7805 1 150 150
8. LM7812 1 150 150
9. 24v, 300mA transformer 1 800 800
10. Bulb 8 150 1200
11. Arduino uno 1 5000 5000
12. Vero board 1 500 500
13. Programming Microcontroller 15,000
14. Casing 1 4000 4000
15. Nuts and screws 10 10 100
16. Logistics (transportation) 1500
Grand total 30,270

Table 6.1 Bill of Engineering Materials and Evaluation (BEME)

From the summary of the table, it can be seen that the total cost of the
project implementation is N30,270:00 Thirty Thousand Two Hundred
and Seventy naira only, excluding cost of replacing damage components.


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