Grandrounds Protocol Servando
Grandrounds Protocol Servando
Grandrounds Protocol Servando
General Objectives
1 Day prior to Admission:
To discuss the case of a 78/M who came in due
to generalized body weakness Patient experienced hypo gastric pain that
radiates to the epigastric area, pressing in
Specific Objectives character with a pain scale of 6/10. he was
• To discuss how to approach patient with unable to pass flatus and stool. chills, occasional
Complicated Urinary Tract Infection. difficulty of breathing, and dribbling persisted.
• To discuss the Pathophysiology and the
Symptomatology of UTI On The Day of Admission:
• To discuss the Differential Diagnosis and
complications of UTI. Above signs and symptoms persisted which was
• To discuss the Treatment and now accompanied with bloatedness.
Management of UTI. hypogastric pain radiating to the epigastric area
increased in intensity rated as 9/10, associated
General Data with generalized weakness. patient decided to
• EMJ seek consult. thus, this admission.
• 78/M
• Married Past medical History
• Roman Catholic (+) HCVD
• Molo, Iloilo City
(+) Diabetes mellitus
• Admitted last February 23, 2023
(+) Bronchial asthma (last attack
Chief Complaint
Generalized Body Weakness. (+) COVID infection (2019)
(-) Previous hospitalizations
History of Present Illness
Family History
3 days prior to Admission:
(+) Hypertension and Diabetes both sides of the
The patient's wife noticed him to be pale- family
looking. this was associated with chills and (+) Malignancies (lung cancer) on maternal side
difficulty of breathing. patient self-medicated (-) Bronchial Asthma
with paracetamol 500 mg which offered
temporary relief, but due to persistence of Personal History
symptoms, patient decided to seek consult at • Previously smokes but quitted since 1968
idh-opd. labs were requested but due to influx (0.7 pack years)
of patients in the triage, patient opted to go • Occasional alcoholic beverage drinker
home. no nausea, vomiting, fever or dysuria with preference to beer
noted. • Businessman who owns a machine shop
• Lives with his wife and his only daughter
2 Days Prior to Admission:
Laboratories results came back which revealed
urinary tract infection. He was prescribed with
Iloilo Doctors Hospital Inc.
Department of Internal Medicine – Grand Rounds Conference
March 21, 2023 | 8:00am | IDH Conference Room/Zoom
• Usual diet: Vegetables, pork broth, fish meeting
and fruits • tachypneic
• No history of illicit drug use, risky • Palpation: No palpable masses, equal
sexual behavior, tactile fremitus
• Percussion: No dullness
Physical Examination • Auscultation: Bibasal fine crackles
Patient was seen wheel chair borne, awake,
conversant, coherent, pale looking and in GASTROINTESTINAL:
cardiopulmonary distress • Inspection: flabby abdomen, no striae, no
visible veins, no surgical scars, no
Vital signs bruises/hematomas
Temperature: 36.8⁰C
• Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds
Pulse rate: 89 bpm
on all quadrants, no abdominal bruits
Respiratory rate: 26 cpm
• Percussion: Tympanitic on all quadrants,
Blood pressure: 90/60 mmHg
Height: 163cm liver span 7 cm midclavicular line and 5
Weight: 68kgs cm midsternal line, (-) CVA tenderness
BMI: 25.6 kg/m2; overweight • Palpation: Soft, nontender, (-) Murphy’s
sign, (-) organomegaly
• Inspection: No lesions GENITOURINARY:
• Palpation: Warm to touch, no palpable • Inspection: no discharges, superficial
masses, capillary refill time >2secs scars, vesicles on the genital area.
• Palpation: Non distended bladder, no
HEENT lumps, masses and tenderness on
• Inspection: Normocephalic, pale hypogastric
conjunctiva, anicteric sclerae, non
inflamed and nonhyperemic tonsils, dry Digital Rectal Exam: Skin tag, no external
lips, moist buccal mucosa hemorrhoids and fistulas noted. Admits finger
• Palpation: No palpable masses on the with ease, good sphincter tone, no masses or
scalp and neck, no jugular vein prostatomegaly, no blood on examining finger
distention, no cervical
lymphadenopathies MUSCULOSKELETAL
• Auscultation: No carotid bruits • INSPECTION: No swelling, masses noted;
pale nail beds, no clubbing;
CARDIOVASCULAR: • PALPATION: No peripheral edema with
• Inspection: Adynamic precordium grade 2 peripheral pulses
• Palpation: PMI at 5th ICS no point
tenderness Chest Xray AP view
• Auscultation: regular rate and rhythm, Pulmonary congestive changes
no murmurs. Intercurrent Pneumonia Bilateral
RESPIRATORY: Elevated Right hemi diaphragm
• Inspection: Symmetrical chest Thoracic Hypertrophic degenerative
expansion, no chest wall deformity, osteoarthritic changes
Iloilo Doctors Hospital Inc.
Department of Internal Medicine – Grand Rounds Conference
March 21, 2023 | 8:00am | IDH Conference Room/Zoom