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India is a non-industrial nation with a gigantic populace of almost 135.26 centres. It has a
generally associated street network for 5,897,671 km. Because of the thick populace and absence
of mindfulness on traffic rules, the number of accidents are increasing every day. A lot of
individuals are taking their final gasp due to the absence of crisis administration in the pinnacle
time and furthermore because of clog in the street.
If the accident happens in a populated place, by then they will manage emergency vehicles
etc. and envision a situation wherein the mishap spot doesn't have any one bringing this point into
endorsement .As life is the valuable to everybody, to lessen delay in the crisis administrations we
have thought of a venture to caution the relatives at whatever point a accident happens.
With the issue of cars expanding, it has likewise expanded traffic risks and the street mishaps. The
living of individuals is below elevated risk. Deficient accident detecting frameworks execution
and different issues have gotten progressively unmistakable. A programmed notice model is used
for vehicle accidents is presented in this venture. This model shows the plan and usage of the
accident caution framework that is dependent on remote organization interchanges, which depend
on Arduino, GPS and GSM.
We have managed numerous assessment papers from IEEE journals related to our
endeavour and referred to the utilization of the investigation papers under Existing structures and
proposed another system which will robotize the mishap revelation measure and sends the
admonition message to the family members demonstrating the particular territory of the spot of
the mishap. The approach that we have proposed in this paper basically focuses on three modules.
They are
1. Accident Detection
2. Location tracking of the vehicle.
3. Sending the alert messages to the family members.
2.1 Objective
1. To instantly rescue accident victims by sending a message to the rescue team with a Flex sensor,
GSM and GPS location.
2. Designing and implementing the notification mechanism for GSM.
2.2 Motivation
The primary goal of the accident warning system is to save people in crashes. This device helps
the owner to observe and find out vehicle activity and its past vehicle movements, the latest such
as GPS are highly useful now-a-day. Over the past decade, the use of auto mobiles has improved
linearly, which increased the risk of human life. This is because the emergency services are
In order to preserve the life of the driver in all the conditions of the accident, we have
proposed this vehicle alert system project using Arduino Uno. In our model, we have used Arduino
UNO R3 to integrate with a GPS GY6MV2 receiver and GSM module SIM 900A. Flex Sensor
will give the direction depending on which side it is bent and GSM SIM 900A sends a notification
message to the registered contact number of the family members. The latitude and longitude of the
vehicle is captured continuously by GPS module. The block diagram of the proposed system is
as shown in the Figure 1.1
This project refers to the GSM-based SMS warning system of accident detection using
It is possible to fit an accident warning device in the vehicle and they are told on the go about
any such untoward incident.
With the quantity of passing cases expanding There are a few frameworks previously
proposed yet there is no appropriate model which can catch the vehicle's area continually
,persistently and send the alarm messages when accident happens To overcome this kind of
situations we have developed this model to save the lives of the people. Street accidents are not
kidding aim of passing, wounds and loss of lives each year in India.
The current accidents are broadened to a bigger degree. More number of passing during
accidents happens because of absence of salvage in the crisis time. If an accident occurs in a
clamoring spot where there would be various people around, there will be no difficulty since people
around him will manage the driver and do the basic necessities to save the rider.
Regardless, if the mishap occurs in a remote zone there is a lot of delay in getting the
rescue from the people which prompts the death of a person.Varsha has projected a plan which
office on the data dependent on ARM regulator and ultrasonic sensor.
This framework is financially savvy. The presentation of the ARM microcontroller
enormously relies upon execution if the developer doesn't execute as expected then it requires
some investment to work appropriately. M I Ahmed proposed a framework that is upheld on the
control of the sent organizations in Smart Cities through a programming characterized network
Yet, the issue with SDN is with its security and dormancy. It requires a change in the whole
organization foundation to execute SDN convention and SDN regulator. Henceforth it requires a
total reconfiguration of the organization. This expands cost because of reconfiguration.
Harsha vardhan, proposed a framework that recognizes the RFID tag of a vehicle. Which
has a few impediments resembles a RFID perused can check a tag as long all things considered
inside recurrence range. RFID likewise raises some security issues. Yellamma proposed a
framework which is fluffy rationale based shrewd traffic light enhancement is the detriment in this
proposed framework.
4.1Arduino UNO:
Arduino is an ASCII text file prototyping platform supported easy-to-use hardware and
software system. Arduino boards are able to browse inputs like lightweight on a detector, finger
on a button, or Twitter message and switch it into an output activating a motor, turning on a LED,
business enterprise one thing on-line. Computer user will insert program to the board by causing
a collection of directions to the microcontroller on the board. Therefore, it needs the Arduino
programming language (based on Wiring), and therefore the Arduino software system (IDE),
supported process.
science devices. The facility provides is provided DC motor and microcontroller. The DC power
provides with each positive and negative output voltages, a center-tapped electrical device is
employed and Arduino operates at low power.
The L298N is a dual H-Bridge motor driver which allows speed and direction control of
two DC motors at the same time. The module can drive DC motors that have voltages between 5
and 35V, with a peak current up to 2A.Let’s take a closer look at the pinout of L298N module and
explain how it works. The module has two screw terminal blocks for the motor A and B, and
another screw terminal block for the Ground pin, the VCC for motor and a 5V pin which can either
be an input or output
A flex sensor is a low-cost, easy-to-use variable resistor that is designed to measure the
amount of deflection it experiences when bent. The sensor's resistance is lowest when it's flat on
the surface, increases when we bend it slowly and reaches its maximum when it's at a 90-degree
Flex sensors are popular because they are used in many different applications like game
controllers, data gloves, motion trackers, and even in biomedical devices to register static and
dynamic postures. So in today's project, we will learn all about flex sensors, how it works, and
how you can interface them with an Arduino.
5.1 Arduino UNO Microcontroller
Typical structure of Arduino UNO microcontroller is shown in Figure 4.1
Features are:
Microcontroller: ATmega328P
Operating Voltage: 5V
Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins: 6
malformed data (i.e., anything besides an upload of new code), it will intercept the first few bytes
of data sent to the board after a connection is opened.
Lithium-ion battery:
The Fig, 5.2.4 shows the lithium-ion battery. A rechargeable battery, storage battery,
or secondary cell, (or archaically accumulator) is a type of electrical battery which can be charged,
discharged into a load, and recharged many times, as opposed to a disposable or primary battery,
which is supplied fully charged and discarded after use. It is composed of one or
more electrochemical cells. The term "accumulator" is used as it accumulates and stores
energy through a reversible electrochemical reaction. Rechargeable batteries are produced in many
different shapes and sizes, ranging from button cells to megawatt systems connected
to stabilize an electrical distribution network.
Several different combinations of electrode materials and electrolytes areused,including lead–
acid, zinc-air, nickel-cadmium (NiCad), nickel metal hydride (NiMH), lithium-ion (Li-ion),
and lithium-ion polymer (Li-ion polymer).
Rechargeable batteries typically initially cost more than disposable batteries, but have a much
lower total cost of ownership and environmental impact, as they can be recharged inexpensively
many times before they need replacing. Some rechargeable battery types are available in the
same sizes and voltages as disposable types, and can be used interchangeably with them.
It is a space based mostly navigation system that has location and time data altogether
atmospheric condition. The GPS detects the latitude and great circle of the bag position and sends
the info to the microcontroller. The values of great circle and latitude, sent to the authors sim card
range. The values will sign on Google map or any addressing apps. This provides this position of
the bag. A GPS receiver's job is to find four or a lot of those satellites, understand the gap to every,
and use this data to deduce its own location. This operation relies on a straightforward
mathematical principle known as tri-literation.
In order to form this straightforward calculation, then, the GPS receiver should apprehend 2 things
The location of a minimum of 3 satellites on top of you.
The working/operation of world positioning system relies on the 'trilateration' mathematical
principle. The position is decided from the gap measurements to satellites. The GPS receiver takes
the data from the satellite and uses the tactic of triangulation to see a user's precise position.
GSM may be a mobile communication modem; it's stands for international system for
mobile communication (GSM). The thought of GSM was developed at Bell Laboratories in 1970.It
is wide used mobile communication system within the world. GSM is Associate in open and digital
cellular technology used for transmittal mobile voice and knowledge services operates at the
850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz and 1900MHz frequency bands. GSM system was developed as a
digital system victimization time division multiple access (TDMA) technique for communication
purpose. GSM digitizes and reduces the info, then sends it down through a channel with 2 totally
different streams of consumer knowledge, every in its own explicit interval. The digital system has
a capability to hold sixty-four kbps to one hundred twenty Mbps of information rates.
GSM device:
This device is employed to receive the info from the microcontroller that is within the
moving train. The obtained GPRMC knowledge that comprises latitude and great circle knowledge
is send to alternative GSM module that is gift within the station finish by victimization AT
GSM modem:
A GSM modem could be a wireless modem that works with a GSM wireless network.
Computers use AT commands to regulate modems. Each GSM modems and dial-up modems
support a typical set of normal AT commands. Therefore, we are able to use GSM electronic
equipment similar to dial-up electronic equipment. The most distinction between them is that a
dial-up modem sends and receives knowledge through a hard and fast telephone line whereas
wireless electronic equipment sends and receives data through radio waves. GSM is one in all the
foremost very important elements in our got wind of since all the communication between the
users and centralized unit takes place through this electronic equipment. Sort of a GSM mobile, a
GSM modem needs a SIM card from a wireless carrier so as to work. This status of the soil is
going to be sending to the farmer as SMS.
A GSM modem could be a specialized sort of modem that accepts a SIM card, and operates over
a subscription to a mobile operator, similar to a mobile. From the mobile operator perspective, a
GSM modem appearance similar to a mobile. GSM modems are most often accustomed offer
mobile net property, and might even be used for causing and receiving SMS and MMS messages.
It’s an ardent modem device with a serial, USB or Bluetooth affiliation or it may be a mobile that
gives GSM modem capabilities.
This can be a plug and play GSM modem within easy to interface serial interface. Use it to
send SMS, build and receive calls, and do different GSM operations by dominant it through easy
AT commands from small controllers and computers. It uses the extremely standard SIM300
module for all its operations. It comes with a regular RS232 interface which might be accustomed
simply interface the modem to small controllers and computers. This module uses AT Command
to urge data in SIM card. Sim com offers this data as a service to its customers, to support
application and engineering efforts that use the merchandise designed by Sim com. All
specifications equipped herein are subject to vary. Designed for world market, SIM300 could be a
Tri-band GSM/GPRS engine that works on frequencies GSM 900 megacycle, DCS 1800
megacycle and PCS 1900 megacycle. This GSM modem will settle for any GSM network operator
SIM card and act similar to a mobile with its own distinctive signal. Advantage of exploitation this
modem is going to be that you simply will use its RS232 port to speak and develop embedded
applications. Applications like SMS management, data transfer, remote and work may be
developed simply.
The modem will either be connected to computer interface directly or to any microcontroller. It
may be accustomed send and receive SMS or make/receive voice calls. It also can be utilized in
GPRS mode to attach to net and do several applications for data work and management. In GPRS
mode you'll be able to conjointly hook up with any remote FTP server and transfer files for data
Features of GSM Modem are:
Uses the extremely popular SIM300 GSM module
Provides the industry standard serial RS232 interface for easy connection to computers and
other devices.
Provides serial TTL interface for easy and direct interface to microcontrollers
Power, RING and Network LEDs for easy debugging
Onboard 3V Lithium Battery holder with appropriate circuitry for providing backup for the
modules internal RTC
Can be used for GSM based Voice communications, Data/Fax, SMS, GPRS and TCP/IP
Can be controlled through standard AT commands
Comes with an onboard wire antenna for better reception.
Board provides an option for adding an external antenna through an SMA connector
The SIM300 allows an adjustable serial baud rate from 1200 to 115200 bps (9600default)
Modem a low power consumption of 0.25 A during normal operations and around 1A
during transmission
OperatingVoltage:7–15V AC or DC (board has onboard rectifier).
This modem is able send the alert messages to the concerned authority person number
The LiquidCrystal library allows you to control LCD displays that are compatible with the
Hitachi HD44780 driver. There are many of them out there, and you can usually tell them by the
16-pin interface. The LCDs have a parallel interface, meaning that the microcontroller has to
manipulate several interface pins at once to control the display. The interface consists of the
following pins:
A register select (RS) pin that controls where in the LCD's memory you're writing data
to. You can select either the data register, which holds what goes on the screen, or an
instruction register, which is where the LCD's controller looks for instructions on what to
do next.
A Read/Write (R/W) pin that selects reading mode or writing mode
An Enable pin that enables writing to the registers
8 data pins (D0 -D7). The states of these pins (high or low) are the bits that you're writing
to a register when you write, or the values you're reading when you read.
There's also a display contrast pin (Vo), power supply pins (+5V and GND) and LED
Backlight (Bklt+ and BKlt-) pins that you can use to power the LCD, control the display
contrast, and turn on and off the LED backlight, respectively.
The process of controlling the display involves putting the data that form the image of what you
want to display into the data registers, then putting instructions in the instruction register.
The LiquidCrystal Library simplifies this for you so you don't need to know the low-level
6.1 Introduction to C
C was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs and used to re-
implement the Unix operating system. It has since become one of the most widely used
programming languages of all time, with C compilers from various vendors available for the
majority of existing computer architectures and operating systems. C has been standardized by the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) since 1989 (see ANSI C) and subsequently by the
International Organization for Standardization
Advantages of c
Easy to learn
Structured language
It produces efficient programs
It can handle low level activities
It can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms
Features of C
2. It is an official Arduino software, making code compilation too easy that even a common
person with no prior technical knowledge can get their feet wet with the learning process.
3. It is easily available for operating systems like MAC, Windows, Linux and runs on the
Java Platform that comes with inbuilt functions and commands that play a vital role for
debugging, editing and compiling the code in the environment.
5. Each of them contains a microcontroller on the board that is actually programmed and
accepts the information in the form of code.
6. The main code, also known as a sketch, created on the IDE platform will ultimately
generate a HexFile which is then transferred and uploaded in the controller on the board.
7. The IDE environment mainly contains two basic parts: Editor and Compiler where former
is used for writing the required code and later is used for compiling and uploading the
code into the givenArduino Module.
Embedded system. Then, GSM (global system for mobile) is used to provide the
information of the person if he is in danger through a message to the known person. GPS Module
used to trace the location of accident ,accelerometer is also used in the project. Software design is
mainly controlled.
This project primarily has two parts, first one is hardware part, and second one is software part.
Hardware part comprises of three sections: Arduino UNO has a microcontroller which works as
brain of an by using C
The output of the ultrasonic sensor is used as the input to Arduino UNO which is interfaced with
GSM Module. GSM module is used to receive the message. The signal comes from an mems
acclerometer .
This Vehicle Accident alert project can also be used as a Tracking System and much more,
by just making few changes in hardware and software
GSM and GPS device via MAX232 that converts NRZ knowledge to TTL logic and send it to
microcontroller and additionally converts TTL logic to NRZ knowledge and transmit it to GSM.
In this project the police server and database is used as Receiver half is incredibly easy that
consists of GSM module connected to pc via interface. GSM module fully controlled exploitation
Visual basic computer code. Received data is consists of latitude, line of longitude and speed that
is needed to find the position of the train. Visual basic computer code has been programmed in
such the way to choose solely latitude and line of longitude values from received data and send
these values to computer address web site to show the train position on Google map.
In this section, the afterword effects of the project are talked about. The outcomes are tried
and checked keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee the capacity of the venture satisfies the
8.1 Model
The popularity for vehicles has likewise expanded traffic risks and street mishaps. Life of
individuals is at high danger. This is a direct result of the absence of the best crisis offices
accessible in our country. To decrease the number of accidents, we have proposed this system
which will send an alert message to the family members of the person who is met with an accident
by using GSM module and we have setup a GPS modem which will sense the location of the place
continuously and send the latitude and longitude of the accident place.
We have used MEMS Accelerometer ADXL335 to detect the change of axes whenever our
vehicle is hit by another vehicle. By capturing the values of X&Y axes, MEMS Accelerometer
detects the type of accident occurred
A wireless webcam can be added in this for capturing the images which will help in
providing driver`s assistance.
This can also be bettered by locking all the brakes automatically in case of accident. Mostly
in accidents, it becomes serious as the drivers lose control and fail to stop the vehicle.
In such cases, the vibration sensor will be triggered because of the vibrations received and
also processed by the processor.
The processor has to be linked to the devices which can lock the brakes when triggered.
With this improvement, we can stop the vehicle and can weaken the impact of the accident.
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