Vehicle black box system
Vehicle black box system
Vehicle black box system
1.1 Problem Statement A novel concept for the vehicle industry has been
Modern vehicles are increasingly incorporating electrical and introduced, focusing on a Black Box system and Collision
electronic components for enhanced functionality. A recent Avoidance System. This system is designed to prevent vehicle
innovation includes a vehicle equipped with an analog collisions and record essential vehicle details, featuring an
interface that displays vital information such as speed, fuel
ARM microcontroller, GSM Module, and a specialized
level, and engine temperature. Our project advances this
concept by developing and implementing a digital driving Collision Avoidance Unit. It incorporates various sensors for
system for semi-autonomous vehicles, which not only refines proactive accident detection, with data collection commencing
the driver-vehicle interface but also integrates black box at vehicle start-up and storage in EEPROM for post-accident
capabilities for comprehensive vehicle monitoring. access, ensuring privacy. [3]
1.2 Existing System Furthermore, a system for accident detection and
Most of the systems available in the market are application- reporting has been designed, utilizing GPS and GSM modules.
specific, and each has different interfaces that cannot be This system is equipped with a microcontroller, alcohol
integrated into a single system. Adding such systems to sensor, and vibration sensor to determine the vehicle’s precise
vehicles requires constant monitoring and maintenance. We location via GPS and relay this information through GSM. The
plan to design a Vehicle Black Box based on CAN & IoT vibration sensor is configured to activate the processor to
protocols. This will not only be a single system with multiple
engage the brakes upon detecting an accident, thereby
modules (applications) integrated into one, but it will also
mitigating the impact. [4]
. have a common interface that can be monitored and controlled Additionally, an efficient wireless system for vehicle
both remotely and locally. In addition to reducing costs, it also
offers an optimal user experience. Alerts can be adjusted accident detection and reporting has been developed,
according to preferences. incorporating an accelerometer and GPS. This system includes
an ARM microcontroller unit, MEMS accelerometer, GPS
1.3 Objectives
device, GSM module, and a suite of sensors. It is programmed
• To find the exact location of an accident.
• To send an alert message to the pre-coded number. to send an alert to a family member or emergency medical
• To sense the presence of alcohol. service upon accident detection. A manual override is
available to send a safety message in case of minor accidents,
II. LITERATURE SURVEY conserving emergency medical service resources. [5]
Communication between these sensors and the GSM (Global System for Mobile communication):
system’s nerve centre is facilitated by the MCP2515 The Sim800L Module, a compact and cost-effective GSM
modules, which ensure seamless data transmission over the module, is built on the robust SIM800L chipset by Simcom,
CAN protocol. Once the Arduino Nano processes this wealth supporting a quad-band GSM and GPRS network for global
of information, it conveys the data to an I2C LCD, which acts operability. This breakout board is an excellent fit for
as a user-friendly interface, displaying the sensor readings in applications where size and budget constraints are paramount.
a clear and accessible manner. In addition to these The module’s capability extends to enabling users to send text
components, the system is further enhanced by the
messages, make or receive phone calls, connect to the internet
integration of a Neo 6M GPS module, which captures precise
via GPRS, and engage in TCP/IP communications, essentially
locational data. This data is then transmitted via the SIM800L
GSM Module in the form of SMS messages, keeping the user providing the functionalities of a cell phone.
informed of the vehicle’s status and location, even from afar. Despite its versatility, the Sim800L Module does have certain
This comprehensive system not only elevates vehicle safety requirements for operation. It needs a power supply within the
to new heights but also enriches the driving experience by range of 3.7 to 4.2 volts, which means it cannot be directly
ensuring that the user is always connected and in control. powered through standard Arduino or Raspberry Pi boards.
Moreover, it demands up to 2 amperes of current,
3.1 Hardware Requirements necessitating a carefully designed power supply. A 3.7-volt
lipo battery can be used to power the GSM module directly.
Arduino NANO Board: Communication with the Sim800L Module is facilitated
Launched in 2008, the Arduino Nano is a compact, fully- through a UART port, supporting an extensive array of
featured, and breadboard-compatible board that is built on the commands including 3GPP TS 27.007, 27.005, and enhanced
ATmega328P. It provides the same functionality and AT Commands from SIMCOM. This allows for a flexible and
specifications as the larger Arduino Uno board but in a more efficient interface for managing a wide range of
compact size. The Arduino Nano comes with 30 male I/O communications and networking functions, making the
headers arranged in a DIP30-like configuration. These module a cornerstone for wireless communication
headers can be programmed using the Arduino Software
Ultrasonic sensor:
Integrated Development Environment (IDE), a common
The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor is a widely utilized 4-pin
platform for all Arduino boards that operates both online and
module, notable for its Vcc, Trigger, Echo, and Ground pins.
offline. The board can be powered either through a type-B
This sensor has gained popularity across various fields for its
micro-USB cable or from a 9V battery, offering flexibility in
ability to measure distances and detect objects. It features a
its power sources. In terms of specifications, the Arduino
pair of ‘eyes’ on the front side, which act as the Ultrasonic
Nano operates at a logic level voltage of 5V. It features 8
transmitter and receiver. The operational principle of the
analog input ports (A0 to A7) and 14 digital input/output ports
sensor is rooted in the fundamental physics equation:
(TX, RX, D2 to D13). Additionally, it includes a pair of TTL
Distance=Speed × Time
level serial transceiver ports (RX/TX). The board utilizes the
The Ultrasonic transmitter emits a sound wave that travels
Atmel Atmega328P-AU Microcontroller Unit (MCU),
through the air until it encounters an object, at which point it
ensuring reliable and efficient performance.
bounces back towards the sensor. This returning wave is
captured by the Ultrasonic receiver, allowing the sensor to
GPS (Global Positioning System): calculate the distance to the object
This GPS module, grounded in the NEO 6M GPS technology,
encapsulates cutting-edge advancements to deliver superior I2C LCD:
positional accuracy. It boasts a substantial in-built active GPS The I2C_LCD module is a user-friendly display tool designed
antenna, measuring 25 x 25mm, complemented by a UART to simplify the interface for makers, allowing them to devote
TTL socket for enhanced connectivity. An integrated battery more attention to the core aspects of their work. The module’s
expedites the acquisition of a GPS lock, ensuring swift and compatibility with the Arduino library means that complex
reliable location tracking. Optimized for compatibility with graphics and text displays can be achieved with minimal
the ardupilot mega v2, this updated module is engineered to coding. This feature is particularly beneficial as it can replace
provide top-tier positional data, thereby elevating the the serial monitor of Arduino, providing operational
performance of your Ardupilot or other Multirotor control information without the need for a computer. Additionally, the
systems. The module features a serial TTL output and is module supports bitmap conversion software, enabling images
equipped with four essential pins: TX, RX, VCC, and GND, to be displayed on the I2C_LCD without the need for
streamlining the connection process. Enhancing the elaborate programming. With specifications that include a
description further, this GPS module is not only a beacon of blue backlight and white character color on an LCD1602
technological prowess but also a testament to user-centric model, and an easy-to-use I2C interface with an address of
design. It seamlessly integrates into various control platforms, 0x27, the module is a versatile component for any project
offering a reliable and straightforward solution for real-time requiring a display, all while operating on a standard supply
positional tracking. voltage of 5V
Alcohol sensor: CAN TX/RX:
The alcohol sensor in discussion is adept at detecting the The CAN bus module in question is user-friendly and operates
concentration of alcohol in one’s breath, functioning much via an SPI Interface. It incorporates a CAN Controller
like conventional breathalyzers. It stands out due to its high MCP2515 and a high-speed CAN transceiver TJA1050,
sensitivity and swift response time. The sensor’s output is making it versatile for easy interfacing with various
analog resistive, varying in accordance with the detected microcontrollers, including popular platforms like Arduino
alcohol concentration. As for its specifications, it operates on and Raspberry PI. The module adheres to the CAN V2.0B
5 VDC, drawing around 165 mA when the heater is active and technical standard and supports a communication rate of
about 60 mA when it’s not. The sensor’s current consumption 1Mb/S. It is powered by a 5V DC supply and controls
is approximately 150 mA. The DO output lies between 0.1 and protocols through the SPI interface. The data field can vary
5V, while the AO output ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 V, relative to from 0 to 8 bytes, and it includes an 8MHz crystal oscillator
pollution levels, with the maximum concentration and a 120Ω terminal resistance for signal stability. The
corresponding to a voltage of roughly 4V. Impressively, the TJA1050 transceiver ensures impedance matching and robust
sensor can detect alcohol concentrations from as low as 0.05 drive capability for reliable long-distance data transmission
mg/L to as high as 10 mg/L. while preventing signal radiation. The module’s typical
working current is 5mA, with a standby current of 1
microamp, excluding the power indicator. This makes it an
Vibration sensor : efficient solution for projects requiring CAN bus
The SW-420 vibration sensor module, based on the SW-420 communication.
sensor and LM393 Comparator, is engineered to detect
vibrations that exceed a set threshold, which can be adjusted
using the onboard potentiometer. When there’s no vibration, 3.2 Software Requirements:
the module outputs a logic LOW signal, and the LED indicator
lights up to signal this status. In contrast, when a vibration is Arduino IDE:
detected, the vibration switch temporarily opens, resulting in a The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a
high output signal and the green indicator light turning off. versatile, cross-platform tool compatible with Windows,
The module’s output can be interfaced with a microcontroller macOS, and Linux, crafted in the Java programming language.
to discern high and low levels, thereby detecting the presence Its primary function is to craft and transfer programs onto an
of vibration and potentially triggering an alarm function. This Arduino board. The IDE’s source code is openly shared under
module is equipped with a normally closed type vibration the GNU General Public License. It facilitates programming in
sensor and a wide voltage LM393 Comparator, ensuring a C and C++ by providing specific coding conventions. The IDE
clean signal, good waveform, and strong driving ability, comes equipped with a software library from the Wiring
suitable for a range of 3.3V to 5V. project, offering a range of standard procedures for input and
output operations. Coding with the Arduino IDE necessitates
just two fundamental functions: one to initiate the sketch and
Smoke detector: another for the main loop of the program. These are then
A smoke detector is an essential safety device that senses the compiled and linked with a stub main() to form an executable
presence of smoke, often indicating a potential fire. In cyclic executive program, utilizing the GNU toolchain that
commercial environments, these detectors are part of a comes bundled with the IDE. To prepare the code for the
comprehensive fire alarm system, signaling to a central Arduino board, the IDE utilizes ‘avrdude’, which translates the
control panel to initiate emergency protocols. For residential executable code into a hexadecimal text file. This file is then
use, smoke alarms are designed to emit an audible or visual uploaded to the Arduino board through a loader program
alert directly from the unit, with the capability to link multiple embedded in the board’s firmware.
detectors for wider coverage. These devices typically operate
on a standard voltage of +5V and require a brief preheat
duration of 20 seconds before becoming fully operational,
ensuring reliable performance with an analog output voltage Fritzing stands as an open-source endeavor dedicated to
range of 0 to 5V. demystifying electronics, transforming them into a medium of
creativity accessible to all. We provide a suite of offerings: a
software tool, a communal platform, and services that echo the
IR sensor: ethos of Processing and Arduino. This initiative nurtures a
Infrared radiation (IR) sensors detect objects within a certain creative habitat that empowers users to chronicle their
range, with a detection distance of 2 to 30cm and an angle of prototype designs, exchange insights with peers, impart
35°, using an LM393 comparator chip. The NEO6M GPS electronics knowledge within educational settings, and design
module updates position at 5Hz, with quick start times and and produce professional-grade printed circuit boards (PCBs).
configurable baud rates, supporting various augmentation Beyond these, Fritzing actively encourages innovation and
systems and featuring a separate GPS antenna for precise experimentation, providing a sandbox for inventors to tinker
tracking. and iterate on their electronic concepts.
Proteus is a comprehensive software suite used primarily for
electronic design automation. It encompasses tools for
schematic capture, simulation, and PCB layout design, tailored
to meet the needs of both professionals and
hobbyists. Developed by Lab center Electronics Ltd., Proteus
offers support for a wide range of microcontrollers, including
those from Microchip, Atmel, and ARM, among others..
The software is known for its user-friendly interface and
powerful features, such as mixed-mode SPICE simulation,
microcontroller simulation, and a dedicated IDE for
simulation purposes. Proteus is also equipped with features for
high-speed design and has capabilities for 3D board
visualization. Its schematic capture component is essential for
both simulating designs and creating PCB layouts, making it a
versatile tool in the electronic design process. Proteus is
available in various configurations, depending on the size of
the designs and the specific requirements for microcontroller
simulation. It’s praised for its ease of use in educational
settings, making it a valuable tool for teaching and training
purposes as well. Whether you’re designing a simple circuit
for a personal project or a complex system for professional
manufacturing, Proteus provides a robust platform to bring
electronic concepts to fruition. [6] Fig. 3.2.1 : Before simulation
3. Applications
• Used in automotives and transport vehicles- from lighter
vehicles like cars, to heavier automotives like ships and In the future, we can integrate the system with the
aero-planes. vehicle’s airbag system. This integration will maximize the
• Security and remote monitoring of vehicles especially efficiency of the proposed technology and provide an optimal
during military operations. accident detection system. We can enhance the proposed
system by incorporating additional components capable of
• This system is also can be interfaced with Vehicle airbag
gathering various types of information, such as voice
system such that when the sensors detect the accident,
recordings, video recordings, and detecting the specific part of
the air bags get opened
the vehicle that has been impacted.