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Design and Simulation of A GSM Buzzer and Gps Modulebased Accident Detection System

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ISSN: 2834-7706

Research Article Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational Mathematics

Design and Simulation of a GSM, Buzzer, and GPS Module-Based Accident
Detection System
Muhammad Abubakar Falalu1, Ibrahim Umar2, Amina Ibrahim3, Abdulkadir Shehu Bari4, Naja’atu Kabir Mu-
stapha5, Aminu Ya’u6 and Muhammad Ahmad Baballe7*

1Department of Computer Science, Audu Bako College of

Corresponding Author
Agriculture Danbatta, Nigeria. Muhammad Ahmad Baballe, Department of Computer Engineering
Technology, School of Technology, Kano State Polytechnic, Kano, Nigeria.
2Department of Building Technology, School of Enviro-
mental Studies Gwarzo, Nigeria. Submitted: 2023, Apr 05 ; Accepted: 2023, Apr 17 ; Published: 2023, May 24

3Department of Computer Science, School of Technology,


4Department of Computer Science, Audu Bako College of

Agriculture Danbatta, Nigeria.

5Department of Computer Engineering Technology, School

of Technology, Kano State Polytechnic,Kano, Nigeria.

6Department of Architecture Technology, School of Enviro-

mental Studies Gwarzo, Nigeria.

7*Department of Computer Engineering Technology,

School of Technology, Nigeria.

Citation: Baballe, M. A., Yau, A., Ibrahim, S. F., Imam, B. A., Mustapha, N. K., et al. (2023). Design and Simulation of a
GSM, Buzzer, and GPS Module-Based Accident Detection System. J Math Techniques Comput Math, 2(5), 195-202.

The average number of automobiles on the roads around the world has increased as cars become more and more
accessible. Our lives are now easier because to the technology and infrastructure that are developing quickly. Technology
has also increased the frequency of traffic risks and road accidents, which result in significant loss of life and property
due to inadequate emergency resources. Accidents wreak havoc on victims, costing them valuable time and money.
It has been determined via considerable research that the majority of accidents result in fatalities as a result of poor
communication with the relevant medical authorities and the ensuing dearth of prompt medical assistance. In this
study, an accelerometer can be applied as a rollover or crash detector for the car both during and after a collision.
The vibration sensor can also be employed in research to measure the vibration rates of any vehicle. A serious accident
can be identified by keeping an eye on the information from the accelerometer and vibration sensor. The police control
center, any rescue team, or the owners of the vehicle are then sent the alert message via the GSM module, together with
the latitude and longitude information provided by the GPS module. As a result, as soon as they receive the emergency
notification, the police can locate the accident's site and take the appropriate action. When an accident occurs in a
remote place and no one is available to report it, this technique may prove to be a lifesaver. By responding quickly, the
emergency services can prevent an accident from happening and save a life.

Keywords: Accelerometer Sensor, Vibration Sensor, Arduino Uno, GSM Module, LCD, and Buzzer.

J Math Techniques Comput Math, 2023 Volume 2 | Issue 5 | 195

1. Introduction the vibration sensor notices a significant shift. Once notified,
Today, vehicles play a significant role in our daily lives. They the GSM and GPS modules will further determine the location
help us get to work, communicate with friends and family, and and send a message with information about the accident and its
transport our goods. But it can also result in catastrophe for us exact location. This study assists in offering a workable remedy
or even result in our deaths due to mishaps. One of the most for the dire situation it makes possible. The current approach
significant and fundamental danger factors when driving is primarily prioritizes passenger safety rather than providing
speed. It influences a crash's severity and raises the likelihood emergency assistance in the event of a collision. The system we
of getting into one. Accidents still happen occasionally despite put in place seeks to automatically identify accidents and notify
the numerous efforts made by numerous governmental and non- the closest hospital or medical services of their precise location.
governmental groups throughout the world through various This device delivers essential information to the medical rescue
programs to raise awareness against irresponsible driving. If team seconds after an accident. With the use of this technology,
the emergency services had been able to get the crash data in lives can be saved by quickly detecting accidents and alerting
time, many lives might have been saved. This will help with rescue personnel. The location of the mishap, its timing, and its
accident detection and notification, possibly saving the lives of angle are all listed in the alert message. With the aid of a sensor,
the injured. When an accident occurs in a remote location with the apparatus is activated when an accident is detected. The
no one nearby to report it, this technique could be utilized to microcontroller receives the sensor's output. The alert is sent by
handle it. The risk to human life has grown due to the linear the microcontroller [1]. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are a
rise in vehicle use throughout the previous period. This is popular concept in the aeronautical industry today, which is used
because there aren't enough emergency facilities. We are in practically every industry. Due to their superior performance
therefore using an alert system to help improve the emergency compared to the others, ultra-light UAVs are designed to make
system and accident system in order to resolve this challenge. intricate maneuvers in the combat environment. Because of its
The rescue crew is informed of the accident's coordinates, capacity to do jobs at a reasonable cost, UAVs are becoming
or its longitude and latitude, by the system after it detects its more and more significant in both the commercial and warfare
occurrence. The system will classify something as an accident fields. They can also be used to track automobile accidents [2,3].
if the accelerometer experiences an unusual acceleration and







Figure 1: System Block Diagram

2. Related Works Figure 1: System Blockregulates Diagram traffic at the turn. In this study, an Arduino serves as
The Arduino Uno is utilized in this system as the microcontroller the microcontroller and a vibration sensor to detect an accident.
that oversees the entire undertaking. Additionally, it has parts Additionally, it consists of parts like the GPS and GSM modules.
like LEDs and infrared sensors. On the side of the road, two Together, the GPS module and vibration sensor provide data
2. Related
IR sensors are used. These sensors are mutuallyWorks
exclusive and to the Arduino, which then sends it on to the GSM module. In
are wired to ATmega328P microcontrollers. The position of order to identify drivers through their smartphone application, it
the vehicle is determined basedTheon theArduino
output fromUno is utilized
the sensors, in thisto system
is suggested as the
have Bluetooth microcontroller
or Wi-Fi thatof overse
networks in a series
and this information is input to the microcontroller. The drivers clusters across the street. The GPS module works in conjunction
are then cautioned by LEDs undertaking.
installed on eitherAdditionally,
side, which with it has parts like
the vibration LEDs
sensor andtheinfrared
to offer sensors.
precise latitude and On the

J Math Techniques Comput Math, 2023 two IR sensors are used. These sensors are mutually exclusive
Volume 2 | Issue 5 | 196 and a
ATmega328P microcontrollers. The position of the vehicle is determined b
output from the sensors, and this information is input to the microcontroller.
longitude information of the accident site. When this information location and the area's geographic coordinates, use a tracking
is sent to the GSM module, it is broadcast to all other Wi-Fi- system. A vibration sensor, a significant module in the system,
enabled drivers within a 20-meter radius. The Arduino Uno is capable of detecting an accident [7]. The two parts of our
serves as the system's brain in this study and helps transmit data suggested system are the detection phase, which is utilized to
to the various system components. When an accident occurs, locate car accidents, and the notification phase, which alerts the
the vibration sensor will turn on, and the data will be sent to respondents or the rescue crew. A "Help Me" button will also be
the registered number via the GSM module. The position can included, which will be utilized in emergency situations other
be supplied through a tracking system using GPS to include the than accidents. (Like being stuck in bad circumstances or having
area's coordinates. The system's main part, a vibration sensor, is an attack of a medical disease, etc.). When this button is pressed,
capable of spotting an accident. By giving the accident victims the designated responder will get a predefined message [8].
medicine on the scene, it can be prolonged. By developing An intelligent method for detecting accidents on the road has
alarm systems that can stop the vehicle and prevent accidents, been developed in this research. position tracking and alerting
technical advancements can also help us avoid mishaps. The systems that identify accidents instantly using GPS position are
research's vibration sensor detects the obstruction and notifies both components of intelligent accident detection. In the event of
the Raspberry Pi of the interruption. The GPS unit gets the any accident, the sensor attached to the car is activated. Through
position of the wrecked car and returns the information. This the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), calls and
data will be transmitted via a WhatsApp message to a cellphone alert messages will be made to the neighborhood hospital, police
number. An L293D motor driver connects the Raspberry Pi to station, and family members [9]. The project tries to locate the
the GPS modem through the internet, enabling the electricity to vehicle utilizing a computer inside the vehicle's system that sends
flow in both directions. We are able to track the car's location a message to determine where the vehicle is. Due to the fact that
and speed. The mobile phone received a message with a remote no one can predict where an accident will occur, we frequently
data alert. Anytime can be used to change a mobile number. may not be able to find it. These situations are intended to be
This device can be connected to a car's airbag system, which avoided by our real-time vehicle tracking and accident detection
shields passengers from hitting things within the car like the project with GPS [10]. For immediate attention, which might
window or steering wheel [1]. This technique seeks to notify save their lives, a Vehicle Accident Emergency Alert system is
the neighborhood hospital about the accident so they may offer suggested. The accelerometer or vibration sensor in the system
right away medical attention. The heartbeat sensor on the user's sends signals to the Arduino controller as soon as an accident
body detects an irregular heartbeat and the linked accelerometer happens. Latitude and longitude data are gathered by the GPS
in the vehicle detects the vehicle's tilt to determine how bad the system, transferred to the emergency center via the GSM module,
collision was. As a result, the systems will decide and send the and then texted to everyone on the emergency list. Knowing the
data to the smartphone, which is Bluetooth-enabled and attached precise location would enable the ambulance to travel the fastest
to the accelerometer and heartbeat sensor. Text messages will path and get at its destination. In order to reduce the rate of life
be sent to friends and the closest hospital using the Android losses, the proposed alarm system might soon be implemented
application on the phone. Time can be saved by the application's at a cheaper cost and integrated into all cars [11]. The system
sharing of the accident's precise location [4]. With the use of uses a microprocessor, GPS, and a collection of sensors to
sensors mounted to the car, this application assists in detecting calculate various motion-related physical properties. To find the
the potential for an accident to occur on the road. The affected best accurate classifier for the system, various machine learning
parties will be informed of this incident right away so that swift classifier types were also tested alongside the established
action may be done moving forward [5]. This study suggests a system. The classifiers are the Classification and Regression
smartphone-based real-time accident detection and notification Trees (CRT), the Decision Tree (DT), the Naive Bayes Tree
system. Every smartphone has several sensors built into its (NB), and the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). (CART). The
structure. Several of these widely used sensors are utilized by system's deployment revealed that the GMM and CART models
our system to provide a web application for remote monitoring. had higher precision and recall. Additionally, studies have
The device will enable emergency personnel to locate victims demonstrated that the g-force value and the likelihood of a fire
more quickly and mobilize them. The system notifies the influence how serious an accident is [2,12,13]
closest emergency station, such as the police administration,
medical service, and ambulance operators, of an accident when 3. Analysis and Design
it is detected. Additionally, it offers these emergency care 3.1. Power Supply Unit
providers real-time tracking [6]. Using GSM and GPS modules, In this device, the battery's 12V was used to power the regulator
the proposed system will determine whether an accident has IC 7809, whose output maintained a consistent voltage of 9V for
occurred and alert the closest medical facilities and registered the remainder of the circuit depicted in figure 2.
cell numbers about the location of the accident. To send the

J Math Techniques Comput Math, 2023 Volume 2 | Issue 5 | 197

3.1. Power Supply Unit
In this device, the battery's 12V was used to power the regulator IC 780
maintained a consistent voltage of 9V for the remainder of the circuit depi

Figure 2: Power supply unit circuit

Figure 2: Power supply unit circuit
3.2. Interfacing Arduino to Buzzer
The ground of the buzzer is connected to the ground of the Arduino and the positive terminal of the buzzer is connected to the
Arduino digital pin 4.
3.2. Interfacing Arduino to Buzzer
The ground of the buzzer is connected to the ground of the Arduino a
terminal of the buzzer is connected to the Arduino digital pin 4.

Figure 3: Interfacing of the Buzzer to Arduino

3.3. Interfacing Arduino to LCD connect the register select pin, while PIN 8 is used to connect
By connecting the LCD's four data pins—D4, D5, D6, and D7— the LCD's enable pin. 5 volts power the LCD. Its contrast can
to the Arduino's PINs 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, and 12, respectively, the LCD be changed. PIN 3 controls the LCD's contrast. An adjustable
is linked to the microcontroller. The Arduino's PIN 7 is used to resistor is used to modify the contrast.
Figure 3: Interfacing of the Buzzer to Arduino

3.3. Interfacing Arduino to LCD

By connecting the LCD's four data pins—D4, D5, D6, and D7—to the Arduin
3, 4, 5, 11, and 12, respectively, the LCD is linked to the microcontroller. The
PIN 7 is used to connect the register select pin, while PIN 8 is used to connect
enable pin. 5 volts power the LCD. Its contrast can be changed. PIN 3 controls
J Math Techniques Comput Math, 2023 An adjustable resistor is used to modify the contrast.
Volume 2 | Issue 5 | 198





ARD3 +5V







Reset BT N




Reset BT N

~ PB2/OC1B
12 8

10PD7/AIN1 7

~ PB2/OC1B 6
9~ PD7/AIN1
A0 ~ PB1/OC1A
PC0/ADC0 8
1121 PD4/T0/XCK
PC2/ADC2 7

A3 PD7/AIN1 ~ PD3/INT1/OC2B 2
A0 A4 ~ PD7/AIN1 1
A1 PC5/ADC5/SCL ~ PD5/T1/OC0B 4 PD0/RXD 0
A3 ~ PD3/INT1/OC2B
A4 1
A5 0


4: Arduino to LCD
Arduino to LCD Interfacing

Figure 4: Arduino to LCD Interfacing

Figure 5: The interfacing of the GSM Module to Arduino

Figure 5: The interfacing of the GSM Module to Arduino

Figure 5: The interfacing of the GSM Module to Arduino

J Math Techniques Comput Math, 2023 Volume 2 | Issue 5 | 199

Figure 6(a): Complete circuit diagram
Figure 6(a): Complete circuit diagram
Figure 6(a): Complete circuit diagram

Figure 6(b): Simulation
6(b): Simulation result
result displaying displaying
the research title the research title
J Math Techniques Comput Math, 2023 Volume 2 | Issue 5 | 200
Figure 6(b): Simulation result displaying the research title
Figure 7: Simulation result showing message is sending to the registered mobile number
Figure 7: Simulation result showing message is sending to the registered m

Figure 8:8: Message
Message is sent is sent
to the to themobile
registered registered
phone mobile phone

J Math Techniques Comput Math, 2023 Volume 2 | Issue 5 | 201

Figure 8: Message is sent to the registered mobile phone

Figure 9: Simulation
9: Simulation resultresult
showingshowing accident is detected
accident is detected

Conclusion 4. Conclusion 6. Borikar, D. A., & Chandak, M. B. (2020). Accident

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