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Kafka Remanere

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The only metadata retained on a per-consumer basis is the position of th consumer in the log,



Kafka is run as a cluster comprised of one or more servers each of which is called____


Each Kafka partition has one server which acts as the ____


Kafka maintains feeds of messages in categories called


Point out the correct statement

A topic is a category or feed name to which messages are published

Point out the wrong statement

The Kafka cluster does not retain all the published messages

This parameter allows you to set whether compression should be turned on for particular topics.


Which of the following is true in Asynchronous Commit in Kafka?

instead of waiting for the broker to respond to a commit, just request. It’ll be sent and continue on

Which of the following is the feature of Kstream?

append only

Which of the following is true in At-most-once message delivery semantic;?

Message pulled once

Kafka uses key-value pairs in the __________ file format for configura :ion.


Which of the following property can be used to change the time interval in Consumer commit in

auto. commit. interval. ms

In Kafka, the messages with the same key will go to the same ___________


Many people use Kafka as a replacement for a ___________ solution

log aggregation

The action of updating the current offset position in a partition is defined as


Which of the following is the feature of Internal state in Kafka?

Is accessible only by a specific instance of the stream-processing application.

The time at which the event arrived and stored to the Kafka broker is known as

Log append time

The main function of_____ is to validate and direct the destination partition of the message

Partitioning key

Communication between the clients and the servers is done with a simple, high-performance,
language agnostic _________ protocol


The time in which the stream-processing application received the event fl perform some operations
on data

Processing time

The time when the event occurred which we are tracking and the record wai created is known as

Event time

___ has stronger ordering guarantees than a traditional messaging system


Point out the correct statement

All options

Which of the following is the capability of a streaming platform?

all options

Which of the following is the feature of Ktable

continuously updated materialized view

Which of the following is true in Manual Commit in Kafka?

the application is blocked until the broker responds to the commit requc;t.

_________ is the amount of time to keep a log segment before it is delued

If committed offset is larger than the offset of client processed last message, the messages between
committed offset and last processed offset

will be missed

Configure the ____ by which consumer in Kafka will commit the current offset.

enable. auto. commit=false

____ is the amount of time to keep a log segment before it is deleted.


If the committed offset is larger than the offset of client processed last ssage, the messages between
committed offset and last processed offset

will be missed

Configure the _____ by which consumer in Kafka will commit the current offset

enable. auto. commit=false

To commit an offset in Consumer, a message is produced to a special ____________ with the

committed offset for each partition

topic _consumer_offsets

Point out the wrong statem

All options

Which of the following serializer do we need to use, when the object we end to Kafka is a simple
String or Integer?

Default serializer

To distinguish compressed and uncompressed messages in Kafka, introduce new property ____ in the
message header

compression-attribute byte

Which of the following is true in Exactly-once message delivery semantic

Message pulled one or more times processed once

In Kafka, _____ will commit the latest offset returned by poll and return once the offset is committed


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