ANALYTICS scorers, people, measurements, etc.) tobe
Descriptive Analytics • overall numbers
• classification: finite (countable); infinite (we do
• the transformation of raw data into a form that not have control of)
will make them easy to understand and interpret;
rearranging, ordering, and manipulating data to Sample
generate descriptive information
• it will give a single value that will represent the • a portion of a population
set of values • represents the population
• concerned largely with summary calculations and
graphical displays, or simply summarizing or Types of Samples:
describing important features of a set of data
• the root cause of an event 1. Purposive: direct relations and drawn from the
population deliberately
Descriptive Techniques 2. Probability: random and drawn from the
population by following set of rules wherein each
• a matter of getting all the data together unit in the population has an equal chance to be
• include constructing tables of means and chosen as a sample
quantiles, measures of dispersion such as
variance or standard deviation, and cross- Sampling Techniques
tabulations or “crosstabs" that can be used to
examine many disparate hypotheses 1. Simple Random Sampling
• the data which have been collected, organized
and presented need to be given meaning and • random
interpreted properly • commonly used
• interpretation of data using descriptive statistics • population are selected in such a way that each
depends on the purpose or purposes intended by unit in the population has an equal chance of
the investigator being selected
a) Discrete Numerical: represented by whole 1. Interview
numbers (e.g., 1,2,3) • a person-to-person encounter between the
b) Continuous Numerical: can take any value in a interviewer and interviewee.
range (such as heights, weights and • e.g., personal, telephone, or through an Internet
temperatures) access interview
Discrete - data that can only be particular numerical True – ratio scale is effective in SWOT analysis
False - a bar graph is an effective device for showing
Continuous - data that can take any value in a range trends over a period of time
Measurement - defined as the assignment of numbers False – ordinal scale is the highest measurement of
or labels to the observation scale
Graphical - device for showing numerical values or True - beauty pageant is an example of ordinal scale
relationships in a pictorial form
True – gender is an example of nominal scale
Descriptive Analytics - transformation of raw data
into a form that will make them easy to understand and Secondary – magazine
Primary – love letter
Primary – journals <CF= top to bottom
Primary – diaries
Primary - thesis
K= 𝟏 + 𝟑. 𝟑𝟐𝟐 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝑵
C= 𝑹⁄𝑲
Class Boundaries=
Relative Frequency= x 100 (f: frequency, n: