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Forced Convection

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Chapter 2

Forced Convection
chapter highlights

☞☞ Introduction ☞☞ Dimensionless Numbers

☞☞ Laminar Flow ☞☞ Nusselt Number
☞☞ Turbulent Flow ☞☞ Reynolds Number
☞☞ Boundary Layer ☞☞ Prandtl Number
☞☞ Boundary Layer Thickness ☞☞ Stanton Number
☞☞ Thermal Boundary Layer ☞☞ Effective Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient

Introduction Fluid Particles

Convection can be categorized in two parts.
1. Forced convection: It is convection heat transfer
where fluid motion is imparted by external means Boundary Layer
like, pump, fan, compressor etc. Consider flow of a fluid over a thin stationary plate at veloc-
2. Natural or free convection: It is the convection ity va as shown in Figure 1 (no slip condition).
heat transfer where the fluid moves due to density
difference caused by the heat transfer between solid Laminar boundary
surface and fluid. In both type of convections (forced layer Turbulent
and free) flow can be either laminar or turbulent. boundary
V = 0.99r∞ e layer
Free d
Laminar Flow stream
It is defined as the type of flow in which the fluid particles b
a Thin
move along a well defined path or streamline. In laminar O Buffer
x laminar Transition Turbulent c plate layer
flow, fluid layers slide smoothly one over the other as shown
flow zone flow
in the figure below. Leading Xo
Fluid particles
Figure 1  Velocity boundary layer growth due to flow over a plate.

When real (viscous) fluid flow over a stationary plate a

layer of fluid which is in contact with the boundary surface,
adheres to it on account of viscosity and condition of no slip
occurs. The velocity of fluid at leading edge relative to plate
becomes zero.
The adjacent layers also slow down to a lower and lower
Turbulent Flow extent from the boundary surface in y-direction and there
If the fluid particles move in a zigzag way having no fixed exist a velocity gradient due to viscous effect of the fluid
direction, then flow is said to be turbulent. In turbulent layers over the surface in which there is a slowing down
flows, the eddies formation takes place which are responsi- is defined as velocity boundary layer or hydro dynamic
ble for high energy loss. boundary layer where viscous shear takes place. In these,
Chapter 2  •  Forced Convection   |  3.559

layers the velocity of flow increases from zero velocity at Ts in case Ts > T as shown in Fguage. The fluid particles at
the surface to the free stream velocity at the edge of the adjacent layer to plate will get the same temperature as of
boundary layer. The thickness of the boundary layer d is plate where the fluid particles have zero velocity. It should
defined as the boundary layer thickness. It is the distance be noted that, at leading edge the temperature of the fluid
from the stationary plate to the layer whose velocity is 0.99x and plate are the same.
free stream velocity. Ts = T
The thickness of the boundary layer increases due to con-
tinuous retardation flow. The flow is laminar initially. The The fluid particles coming in contact with the surface will
velocity variation is parabolic in laminar flow region. In exchange heat energy with the adjacent layers of fluid and
laminar region, viscous forces are larger compared to inertia so on. As a result, a thermal gradient is set up in the fluid
forces. But after a certain distance along the plate layers mix layers, thereby a temperature profile is developed in the
into each other and flow becomes turbulent. In turbulent flow, fluid flow. The heat is transferred by conduction.
the inertia force becomes larger. The region between laminar As the fluid moves along the plate surface the tempera-
and turbulent zones is known as transition zone. ture profile developed as the temperature variations Ts at
the surface to the fluid temperature Ta in Y direction. When
Boundary Layer Thickness (d ) plate is cold in comparison of fluid, then
The distance from the solid surface, to the layer measured Y
in Y direction in which the velocity (n = 0.99 va ) is known
dT a
as boundary layer thickness same as d. Special features of a
boundary layer are as given below
1. As distance from leading edge increases, d increases.
2. d Decreases as velocity of fluid increases. dO 0
3. As kinematic viscosity (n) increases d increases.
4. As shear stress increases d decreases The region over the surface having temperature variation in
⎡ ⎛V ⎞ ⎤ the direction perpendicular to surface is called the thermal
⎢t = m ⎜⎝ d ⎟⎠ ⎥ . boundary layer.
⎣ ⎦ The thickness of thermal boundary layer d1 at any point
5. If Reynolds number > 4000 flow is turbulent. (for pipe). along the flow direction is defined as a distance d from the
6. If Re < 2000, flow is laminar (for pipe). plate surface at which the temperature difference (Ts - T) is
0.99 times (Ts - T∞), mathematically.
Thermal Boundary Layer When Ts > T∞
When a fluid flow over a hot plate surface there will be θ T -T
development of thermal boundary layer like hydrodynamic = s d
θ∞ Ts - T∞
boundary layer
y Relation between thermal and hydrodynamic boundary
V∞ layer can be found by Prandtl number.
T∞ boundary
Dimensionless Numbers
Nusselt Number (Nu)
Ts Nu =
h ⋅ A ⋅ DT
Nu = , where K is the thermal conductivity of the
a A ⋅ DT
Rate of heat transfer by convection
d=0 Rate of heat transfer by conduction
D T is the temperature difference between wall surface and
fluid. This Nu is the measure of energy transfer by convec-
Consider the flow of liquid over a plate, when the free tion occurring at the surface. Larger the value of Nu, larger
stream temperature is Ta and the surface temperature is will be the rate of heat transfer by convection.
3.560  |  Part III  •  Unit 5  •  Heat Transfer

Reynolds Number (Re) Stanton Number (St)

Reynolds number signifies the ratio of inertia force to vis- It is the ratio of heat transfer coefficient to flow of heat per
cous force. unit temperature rise due to the velocity of fluid
rVL VL VL k⎞ m
Also, Re = = = h h ⎛L
m ⎛ m⎞ n St = = ×⎜ × ⎟×
⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ rVC p rVC p ⎝ k L⎠ m

In forced convection, Reynolds number characterizes the h⋅
= k
type of flow. Whether it is laminar or turbulent flow is pro-
⎛ r ⋅ v ⋅ L mC p ⎞
portional to velocity and density of fluid thus, for higher ⎜⎝ m × k ⎟⎠
values of r and V, higher will be the Reynolds number. It  
signifies that the inertia forces are higher. The flow is turbu- Nu
lent. If Reynolds number is low viscous force is higher and = St =
Re × Pr
the flow is laminar.  
Critical Reynolds number (Re)cr. It represents the num-
The temperature of fluid varies from surface up to the ther-
ber where the boundary layer changes from laminar to tur-
mal boundary layer thickness. For convective heat trans-
bulent flow for flat plate
fer analysis the mean temperature of surface and that of
rVL fluid is taken, so that mean heat transfer coefficient can be
Re < 5 × 105 (laminar ) Re =
m calculated
Re > 5 × 105 (turbulent) Ts + T∞
Tmean =
For circular plates 2
Re < 2000 laminar Re =
Dm Effective Convection Heat
 Re > 4000 (turbulent)
Transfer Coefficient
The value of Re in between laminar and turbulent shows a
transition state where laminar boundary changes to turbu- Consider a flow of fluid past a flat plate at velocity, n, the
lent boundary. plate having surface area A and surface temperature Ts and
fluid temperature T∞ .
Prandtl Number (Pr) According to Newton’s law of cooling the heat flux
(heat transfer rate per unit area) is given by equation q = hL
It can be written as
(Ts - T∞),
mC p kinematic viscocity (V )
( Pr ) = =
k Thermal diffusivity V h1 > T ∞
m Fluid TS Q
 TS > T∞

= K
Heat transfer by convection over a plate where hL represents
V Momentum diffusivity through the fluid
Pr = the local heat transfer coefficient. ‘h’ does not depend upon
a Thermal diffusivvity through the fluid the type of fluid flow, thermal properties, and dimensions
of surface but it depend upon density, velocity, viscos-
Prandtl number signifies the ratio of momentum diffusivity
ity length, specific heat and thermal conductivity of fluid.
to the thermal diffusivity. It provides a measure of relative
Since these things vary from point to point on the surface,
effectiveness of momentum and energy transport, by dif-
the rate of heat transfer and convective heat transfer vary
fusion in hydro-dynamic and the thermal boundary layers,
along the surface. Average heat transfer coefficient is
respectively. Higher Pr means higher Nu and it shows higher
heat transfer (as N u ∝ to h ). 1 L
h = ∫ hL ⋅ dx where L is length of plate
Prandtl number for various materials L 0
Liquid metals Pr < 0.01 (Formula used in forced convection)
For air and gases Pr = 1 1. Nux = 0.332 (Rex)0.5 (Pr)0.33 for flat plate
For water Pr = 10 2. Nua = 0.664 (Rea)0.5 (Pr)0.33 for flat plate
For heavy oils and greases Pr > 105. 3. Nua = 0.023 (Re)0.8 (Pr)0.33 for tubes.
Chapter 2  •  Forced Convection   |  3.561

1 1
Solved Examples N ux = 0.332(R e x ) 2 ( Pr ) 3
Example 1:  A metal slab 5 mm thick is exposed to a 1 1
stream of air so that heat transfer by convection occurs from = 0.332(0.15 × 106 ) 2 (0.7) 3
the slab to the air. If the thermal conductivity of the metal  = 114
is 48 W/mK and convective heat transfer coefficient on the h L
slab surface is 32 W/m2K the biot no. is N ux = x = 114
(A) 0.0036 (B) 0.0017
114 × k 114 × 0.03
(C) 0.0012 (D) 0.0008  \ hx = =
L 0.8
Solution:   = 4.275 W/m2 K
\ Average value of convection heat transfer coefficient is
Biot No = h = 2hx = 8.55 W/m2 K
Which ‘h’ is the convective heat transfer coefficient ‘K’ the \ Heat transfer from one side of the plate is Q = hADT
conductivity of the slab and ‘L’ the characteristics length? = 8.55 × 0.8 × 0.4 (100 - 27)
V = 199 W ≈ 200 W.
Characteristic length is .
If  and b are the length and breadth of the slab then Example 3:  A metal plate is exposed to stream of air flow
at temperature 25°C. The temperature of the metal plate is
×b×5 75°C. In order to evaluate the heat loss from the plate, the
L= hL
2( × b) Nusselt No: is evaluated.
5 5 Here ‘K’ represents
= mm = × 10 -3 m
2 2 (A) Thermal conductivity of the metal plate
(B) Thermal conductivity of air
hL (C) Average thermal conductivity of metal and air
Biot no =
K (D) The thermal conductivity lowest between the metal and air
32 × × 10 -3 Solution:
= 2
It is thermal conductivity of the fluid.
5 Example 4:  Air at 20°C and 1 bar flows over a plate 75 cm
× 10 -3 = 1.667 × 10 -3 long at a velocity of 35 m/s. Determine the heat loss per
meter of the plate if it in maintained at 60°C.
= 0.0017.
Use the following equation for finding average heat transfer
Example 2:  A flat plate of dimension 80 × 40 cm2 is exposed
coefficient if the boundary is turbulent
to an air stream at 27°C. The flat plate is maintained at a
(A) 2170 W (B) 2090 W
uniform temperature of 100°C. Velocity of air flow is 3 m/s.
(C) 2260 W (D) 2180 W
The properties of air are r = 1.2 kg/m3, K = 0.03 W/mK
Pr = 0.7; v = 16 × 10 -6 m2/s. If the air is flowing parallel to Solution:
the 80 cm side the heat lost from the plate is
(A) 184 W (B) 250 W N ua = Pr3 [0.037 Re0.8 - 850]
(C) 320 W (D) 200 W Properties of air taken at (60 + 20)/2 = 40°C are listed below
m = 2 × 10-5 kg/ms,
Solution: K = 0.0272 W/m°C
The heat transfer by convection depends on the convective Cp = 1.007 kJ/kg°C, Pr = 0.7.
heat transfer co-efficient which is not given. Since air flows
P 1 × 105
past the plate, it depends on Reynold number. Density of air is given by = r = =
RT 287 × 313
Re N = Reynold No at the end of the plate x = 0.8  = 1.13 kg/cg/m3
r LU 1.13 × 0.75 × 35
(Re)x= L = = = 1.48 × 106
3 × 0.8 m 2 × 10 -5
Rex = = 0.15 × 106
16 × 10 -6 The boundary layer is turbulent as Re > 5 × 105
Since it is less than 109 ha L
Nusselt number at x = 0.8 N ua = = (0.7) 3
3.562  |  Part III  •  Unit 5  •  Heat Transfer

[(0.037 × (1.48 × 106)0.8 - 850] = 2074 4.64 x 4.64 × 0.15

2074 0.0272 = =
ha = × = 75.5 W/m 2   Re x 11.25 × 103
1 0.75
= (x1 = 0.15) = 6.57 mm
 Q = haA (Tw - Ta)
Ux 1.2 × 0.3
 = 75.5 (0.75 × 1) (60 – 20) Re x (at x = .3 m) = =
n 16 × 10 -6
 = 2260 W.
= 22.5 × 103
Example 5:  A flat plate 100 cm wide and 150 cm long is to 4.64 x
be maintained at 90°C in air with a free stream temperature d 2 = (at x = 0.3)
of 10°C. Determine the velocity at which the air must flow   22.5 × 103
over the flat plate along 150 cm side so that the rate of 4.64 × 0.3
energy dissipation from the plate is 3.75 kW. Properties of   22.5 × 103
air at 50°, r = 1.09 kg/m3 d2 = 9.28 mm.
k = 0.02 W/m°C, Cp = 1007 Example 7:  Air at 35°C at atmospheric pressure flow over
J.kgK, Pr = 0.7 m = 2.03 × 10-5 kg/ms a flat plate at speed of 1.2 m/s. For the above boundary layers
thickness at a distance of 15 cm and 30 cm from leading
edge the mass of air flow, when r = 1.16 kg/m3
Heat flow from the plate to air is given by Q = ha A (Tw - Ta)
(A) 8.48 kg/h (B) 6.75 kg/h
 = 3750 = ha × 1 × 1.5 (90 - 10) (C) 7.25 kg/h (D) 5.35 kg/h
3750 Solution:
ha = = 31.25 W/m 2 - c°
1.5 × 80
Considering the flow is turbulent, the average heat transfer d m = rU (d 2 - d1 )
coefficient is given by 5
= × 1.16 × 1.2(9.28 - 6.57) × 10 -3
k 8
ha = [0.036( Re l )0.8 - 836]( Pr )0.33
L  = 2.35 × 10-3 kg/s
0.028 2.35 × 10-3 × 3600 = 8.48 kg/h.
31.25 = [(0.036( Re1 )0.8 - 836)](0.7)0.33
1.5 Direction for questions 8 and 9:
Re = 12.5 × 105 > 5 × 105 Example 8:  Air at 27°C and at atmospheric pressure flows
Therefore assumption of turbulent flow is correct over a flat plat at a speed of 2 m/s. Assuming the length of the
r LU plate along the flow of air is 2 m. Determine Re, Pr and Nu
Re l = number when properties of air at mean temperature of 60°C.
r = 1.06 kg/m3, Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K
Re m (12.5 × 105 ) × 2.03 × 10 -5 K = 0.0285 W m/K, m = 20.03 × 10-6kg/m-5,
U= = n = 18.9 × 10–6 m2/s
rL 1.09 × 1.5
(A) 2.11 × 105, 0.612, 125
 = 15.5 m/s (B) 2.11 × 106, 0706, 165
Direction for questions 6 and 7: (C) 2.11 × 105, 0.612, 142
Example 6:  Air at 35°C at atmospheric pressure of flow (D) 2.11 × 105, 0.706, 135
over a flat plate at a speed of 1.2 m/s. Calculate the boundary Solution:
layer thickness at a distance of 15 cm and 30 cm from the UL
leading edge of the plate Reynolds Number Re =
V = 16 × 10-6 m2s,
m = 18.6 × 10-6 kg/ms =
18.9 × 10 -6
(A) 8.57 mm, 9.28 mm (B) 6.57 mm, 9.28 mm
(C) 6.57 mm, 6.25 mm (D) 8.57 m, 6.25 mm 2.11 × 105
Re = 2.11 × 105
mC p
Prandtl Number Pr =
Ux 1.2 × 0.15 k
Re x (at = 0.15 m) =
n 16 × 10 -6 1005
= 20.03 × 10 -6 ×
= 11.25 × 103 0.0285
d (x = 0.15 m) = 0.706
Chapter 2  •  Forced Convection   |  3.563

hL = 17412
Nusselt No = N u = hL h × 2
k Nu = =
= 0.332 × Re0.5 × Pr.33 = 135. k 0.025
h = 217.65 W/m 2 K.
Example 9:  Find the average heat transfer per unit length
when plate maintained at 93°C.
(A) 506.88 W/m (B) 408 W/m Empirical Correlation for
(C) 380 W/m (D) 560 W/m Forced Convection
Solution: If it is given that forced convection then determine nature of
135 × 0.0285 flow laminar or turbulent by Reynolds number.
h = = 1.92 W/m 2 K
  2 Laminar Flow Over Flat Plate
hav= 2h = 2 × 1.92 = 3.84 W/m2K Vx
Q = A . hav(Tw - Ta) 1. Re x = r
 = 2 × 1 × 3.84 (93 - 27) Where x is the distance from leading edge along the
Q = 506.88 W/m. length of the plate
Direction for questions 10 and 11: Air at 20°C flows over 2. d=
a plate 1 m wide and 2 m long at a velocity of 100 m/s. Re x
1 1
A fan is placed before the plate so that flow of air turbulent 3. N = 0.332( R ) × P 3
ux ex r
upstream an over the plate is,
Example 10:  The thickness of the boundary layer at hx ⋅ x
Nux = (Kf is thermal conductivity of fluid)
trailing edge of the plate Kf
(A) 15.2 × 10-6 (B) 28.9 × 10-3 Here, Nux and hx are Nusselt number and local heat transfer
(C) 15.6 × 106 (D) 14.134 × 106 1 1
co-efficient respectively Nu = hL = 0.664( R ) 2 × P 3
Assume properties of air at 20°C, k = 0.025 w/mk v = 14.15 kf
eL r
×10 -6 m 2 /s Pr = 0.72 take Nu = 0.037 × Re0.8 (Pr)1/3 for Bar ( - ) represents average value
0.39 x
turbulent flow and d = R for turbulent flow Laminar Flow Inside Tubes
Solution: NU =
To calculate mean value of h, we have to put x = L in k
hx For constant heat flux NU = 4.36
equation N u x = For constant wall temperature NU = 3.66
T +T
hL Mean temperature Tm = 1 0
Then  Nu = 2
K 0.37 x
1. d=
vL 100 × 2 1
Re L = = ( Re x ) 5
n 14.15 × 10 -6 1

= 14.134 × 106. 2. NU x = 0.0288( Re ).8 Pr3

Since, ReL > 5 × 10 , flow is turbulent, thickness of boundary
5 1

layer d at x = L = 2 m 3. NU = .036( Re L ).8 Pr3

For turbulent flow 1

0.39 x 0.39 × 2 4. NU = . 8
0.023Re Pr3
d = 0.2 = = 0.02898 m.
Re (14.134 × 106 )0.2 General Notes
Example 11:  Average value of heat transfer coefficient for 1. In laminar flow, Nusselt is not a function of Re0.8.
the entire surface of plate 2. In turbulent flow, Nusselt is proportional to Re0.8.
(A) 315 W/m2K (B) 217.65 W/m2K 3. In turbulent flow the velocity at a point varies about
(C) 407 W/m2K (D) 380 W/m2K an average value.
Solution: 4. The local value of convection co-efficient in laminar
Average value of heat transfer coefficient flow over a flat plate will decrease along the length.
5. In flow over flat plate over length L the average
Nu = 0.037 (Re)0.8 (Pr)1/3 1 4
convection co-efficient will not be equal to hL .
0.037 × (14.134 × 106 ).8 × (.72) 3 3
3.564  |  Part III  •  Unit 5  •  Heat Transfer

6. In convection temperature and velocity gradient vary 30. In flow through non circular sections hydraulic mean
only in the boundary layer. diameter replaces diameter.
7. Along the thickness the boundary layer velocity and 31. In flow through pipes conditions of flow is decided by
temperature gradients decrease. the conditions at entry.
8. The thickness of the hydrodynamic boundary layer is 32. In fully developed flow through pipes the convection
defined as the distance of the layer at which velocity coefficient is constant.
gradient is nearly zero, from the surface of the plate. 33. In the case of liquid metal the flow in pipes can be
9. In a laminar flow, the average convection coefficient considered as slug flow.
along the length will decrease. Example 12:  For fully developed turbulent flow in a pipe
10. In a laminar flow the velocity at a location with with heating, the Nusselt number NU, varies with Reynolds
respect to time is constant. number Re and Prandalt number (Pr) as
11. In turbulent flow the velocity at a point randomly
(A) Re0.5 (Pr)1/2 (B) (Re)0.8 × (Pr)0.2
chosen will be equal to the mean velocity.
12. In laminar flow, momentum and heat transfer is (C) (Re)0.8 (Pr)0.4 (D) (Re)0.8 (Pr)0.3
mainly by molecular diffusion. Solution:
13. In laminar flow there is no macroscopic mixing between
Example 13:  Consider the following statements is respect
14. In turbulent flow momentum and heat transfer is due of automobile engine with thermosyphon coding
to macroscopic mixing between layers. 1. Heat transfer from gases to cylinder walls takes place
15. If thermal diffusivity equals momentum diffusively, by convection and radiation.
then the ratio of thermal and velocity boundary layer 2. Most of the heat transfer from radiator to atmosphere
thickness will be equal to one. takes place by radiation.
16. The ratio of momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity 3. Most amount of heat transfer from radiator to atmos-
is called Prandtl number. phere take place by convection.
17. Flow transition is generally judged by Reynolds number. 4. Heat transfer from cylinder walls takes place conduc-
18. Thickness of hydrodynamic boundary layer in laminar tion, and convection. The correct statements are:
5x (A) 1, 2 and 4 (B) 1, 3 and 4
flow is = . (C) 2, 3 and 4 (D) 1 and 2
19. Thickness of hydrodynamic layer in turbulent flow is Solution:
0.381 × Re -vs. Example 14:  Water is passed through the annulus formed
20. In a liquid metal flow over a flat plate, thermal by the two tubes of 6 cm and 4 cm in diameter at a velocity
boundary layer will be thicker than hydrodynamic of 0.5 m/sec of the inlet temperature of water is 20°C and 4
boundary layer. cm diameter tube temperature is maintained at 80°C.
21. In viscous oil flow over a flat plate the thermal Find the heat transfer coefficient between the water and
boundary layer will be thinner than hydrodynamic small tube surface.
boundary layer, Take following properties of water at 50°C
22. In laminar flow over flat plates the convection
coefficient will be proportional to the distance raised r = 988 kg/m3, CP = 4200 J/kg K
to the power of -0.5. K = 0.557 W/mK,
23. In turbulent flow over flat plates the convection n = 0.55 × 10-6 m2/sec
coefficient will be proportional to the distance raised (A) 2632 W/m2 (B) 3112 W/m2
to the power of -0.2, (C) 2830 W/m2 (D) 3916 W/m2
24. In flow over a flat plate temperature and velocity
gradients above the boundary layer is zero. Solution:
25. In the case of flow over flat plate the Reynolds number ( D - d )Um
along the length will increase continuously, Re =
26. The value of transition Reynolds number in the case
2 0.5
of flow over flat plate is 5 × 105, = × = 1.82 × 10 4
27. In pipe flow the analogy method of convection   100 0.55 × 10 -6
analysis relates Stanton number to friction factor, rnC P
Pr =
28. In flow over bank of tubes effective way to increase K
heat transfer rate is to reduce the pitch. 10 -6 × 4200
29. In flow over spheres and cylinders. The characteristic = 988 × 0.55 × = 4.14
length used in the calculation of dimensionless
number is diameter, Nu = 0.023 (Re).8 Pr0.33
Chapter 2  •  Forced Convection   |  3.565

= 0.023 (1.82 × 104).0.8 (4.14)0.33 Example 15:  Air at 30°C flowing along a heated plate at
= 94.5 144°C with velocity of 3 m/s. The plate is 2 m long. Heat
(D - d) transferred from first 40 cm from leading edge is 2 kw.
h× = 94.5 Determine width of the plate
Properties of air
94.5 × .557
h= = 2632 W/m2 K. r = 0.998 kg/m3, Cp = 1.009 kJ/kg-K
n = 20.76 × 10-6 m2/s,
K = 0.03 W/m-K
Flow Through the Duct Use following correlation
The calculation when flow takes place inside the plate or Nu = 0.332 Re0.5 Pr0.33
duct. For this we use equivalent diameter Solution:
4 Ac Given Ta = 20°C Ts = 134°C V = 3 m/s. L = 40 cm =. 4 m
Dequ =
P (x = L = 0.4 m), Q = 2 kW
πd2 Let b be the width of plate.
4×   To determine width of the plate, we should find the area A of
(a) Dequ = 4 =d
πd heat transfer. Since A = width × length (length is given as .4 m)
  Area can be found out from Q = h A DT = h A (Ts - Ta).
Since Q and DT are known we should find out h which can
d be find out from given NUX relation
VL 3 × 0.4
Re0.4 = =
4 × ab υ 20.76 × 10 -6
(b) Dequ = = 0.57803 × 105
2( a + b)
mC p m
And Pr = since = nm = rn
K r
a Hence
b rV C P .998 × 20.76 × 10 -6 × 1009
Pr = =
K 0.03
2ab = 0.697
Dequ = Also NU = 0.332 Re.5 Pr0.33
( a + b)
= 70.86
π 2
4× (D - d 2 ) h L N m Lk
(c) Dequ = 4 NU L = L ; h =
(π D + π d ) K L
70.86 × 0.03
 Dequ = D - d hL = = 5.313 W/m 2 K
We know that
d hav = 2 hL (only in this case)
= 2 × 5.313
= 10.626 W/m2-K
Have Q = h A (Ts – Ta )
4 × ( LB - Lb) = 2 × 103
(d) Dequ =
2[( L + B) + ( L + b)] = 10.626 (0.4 × b) × (144 - 30)
Width b = 4.12 m

T a = 20°C

b 2m
40 cm T S = 134°C
3.566  |  Part III  •  Unit 5  •  Heat Transfer

Example 16:  For a fluid having Prandtl number equal to ⎛ L⎞

unity the relation between hydrodynamic boundary layer ⎜ ⎟
thickness d1 and thermal boundary layer thickness d1 is i.e., ⎝ K ⎠ = Conductive resistance
1 Convective resistance
(A) d = dt (B) d > dt
1 h
(C) d < et (D) dt = d Biot is very small conductive resistance is very low. This
Solution: case is known as ‘Lumped Heat Transfer’.
dt 1 Conductive resistance with in the body
= as Pr = 1
d 1 Convective resistancee of fluid at surface
( Pr )3
dt = d. Formula Used for Solving
Example 17:  The Nusselt number is related to Reynolds Problems
number in laminar and turbulent flows respectively as Laminar Flow
-1 1
d 4.64 5
(A) Re 2 and Re 0.8 (B)
Re 2 and Re -0.8 1. x = (Vor Karman) = (Blassius)
Re x Re x
(C) Re 2 and Re -0.8 (D) For laminar flow 1
2. d = ( P ) 3
3. mx (mass flow through boundary layer at a section x = x)
NU = .332 Re 2 Pr3 ,  For turbulent flow,
1 4. ∂ m (mass flow between two sections)
NU = 0.0288 Re 0.8 Pr3 5

( )
rU d2 - d1 where d2 > d1
Solution:  (D)
Ctx = 0.664 (Pex)-1/2
Example 18:  Match the following list.
Cf = 1.328 (Re  )-1/2
List-I List-II
rU 2
A.  Nusselt number 1. Convection tx = Cf a
B.  log mean area 2. Conduction -1
8. tx = 0.332 m Re x = 0.332rU 2 × ( Re x ) 2
C. Conduction through a cylindrical wall 3.  Hyperbolic curve L
D. Conduction through a spherical wall 4.  logarithmic curve 1
9. tx = 0.664 m Re  = 0.664 rU 2 ( Re L ) 2
L -1
10. F = taA = 0.664 m U W Re  = 0.664 ArU 2 ( Re l ) 2
a b c d
(A) 1 2 4 3
(B) 2 1 3 4 Turbulent Flow
(C) 1 2 4 3 d 0.39
1. =
(D) 2 1 3 4 x 1
(Re x ) 5
Solution:  (A)
Cf = 0.0576 (Re )-1/5
Example 19:  The value of biot number is very small x x
(<0.01) when Cf = 0.072 (Re )-1/5
a y
(A) Convective resistance of a fluid surface of the body is
negligible U
t a = Cf a r
(B) Conductive resistance with in the body is negligible
(C) Conductive resistance of the fluid is negligible F = taA
(D) None of these Nu = 0.0288 (Re )0.8 (Pr)-1/5
x x
Nu = 0.036 (Re )0.8 Pr1/3
hL a l
Biot number =
Chapter 2  •  Forced Convection   |  3.567


Practice Problems 1 (A) 200 kW (B) 153 kW

(C) 287.2 kW (D) None of these
Direction for questions 1 to 20:  Select the correct alterna-
tive from the given choices. Direction for questions 8 and 9: An electrically heated
1. Engine oil at 80°C flows a over a horizontal flat plate sphere of 1.5 cm diameter is cooled in quiescent medium of
at 40°C for cooling purpose, the flow velocity being air at 320 K. In order to maintain the surface temperature of
2 m/s. Determine at a distance of 0.4 m from the edge the sphere at 385 K
the thermal boundary layer thickness D = 1.5 × 10–2 m
(A) 2 mm (B) 4 mm T∞ = 273 + 20 = 293 K
(C) 3 mm (D) 2.5 mm
The properties of air
The film temperature is (80 + 40)/2 = 60°C, Kinematic
Kinematic viscosity
Viscosity = 83 × 10–6m2/s, Pr = 1050. Thermal conduc-
tivity = 0.1407 W/mK n = 2.076 × 10–5 m2/s
Direction for questions 2 and 3: Air at 20°C flows over a Prandtl number Pr = 0.697
flat plate having a uniform heat flux of 800 W/m2. The flow Thermal conductivity k = 0.03 W/m-K
velocity is 4 m/s and length of the plate is 1.2 m
Coefficient of thermal expansion
2. Determine (a) the value of heat transfer coefficient is
b = 2.86 × 10–3 × K -1
n = 19.42 × 10–6, K = 0.02593 W/mK,
Use of the relationship
Pr = 0.695, Nu = 0.453 [Re Pr]0.5 1
x N = 2 + 0.43R 4
(A) 10.2 (B) 9.16 u aD
(C) 8.9 (D) 12.1 8. Grashof number is
3. The temperature of the plate as the air leaves the plate (A) 14281.3 (B) 19234
(A) 108.54°C (B) 112°C (C) 15379.8 (D) Cannot be determined
(C) 130°C (D) 195°C 9. Amount of heat to be supplied by electrical heater
4. For a flow over a flat plate the hydrodynamic bound- (A) 0.578 W (B) 0.729 W
ary layer thickness is 0.5 mm. The dynamic viscosity (C) 1.034 W (D) 2.32 W
is 30 × 10–6 Pa-s. Specific heat is 2.0 kJ/kg K and ther-
Direction for questions 10 and 11: Consider steady one
mal conductivity is 0.05 W/mK. The thermal boundary
dimensional heat flow in a plate of 20 mm thickness with
layer thickness would be
a uniform heat generation 80 MW/m3. The left and right
(A) 0.1 mm (B) 0.53 mm
faces are kept at constant temperature of 160°C and 120°C
(C) 1 mm (D) 2 mm
respectively. The plate has a constant thermal conductivity
5. A flat plate thickness 5 cm, the thermal conductivity 1 of 200 W/mK.
W/m-k convective heat transfer coefficients on its two
10. The location of maximum temperature within the plate
flat faces of 15 W/m2K and 20 W/m2K. The overall heat
from its left face is
transfer co-efficient for such a flat plate is
(A) 15 mm (B) 10 mm
(A) 6.026 W/m2K (B) 6.33 W/m2K
2 (C) 5 mm (D) Zero
(C) 20 W/m K (D) 30 W/m2K
11. Maximum temperature within the plate in °C is
Direction for questions 6 and 7: A commercial aero plane (A) 160 (B) 165
is modeled as a flat plate which is 1.5 m wide and 8 m long (C) 200 (D) 250
in size. It is maintained at 20°C. The aero plane is flying at a
12. When liquid metal flows through the pipe shown in
speed of 850 km/s air at 0°C and 60 cm of Hg pressure. The
­figure, the details of flows as shown in the given data
properties of air at average temperature 100C K = 2.511 ×
10–2 W/mK. v = 14.16 × 10–6 m2/s Pr = 0.705 TS
TO d
For laminar flow, Nu = 0.64 Nu1/2 Pr1/3, for turbulent flow,
Nu = 0.036 Re0.8 Pr 0.33
6. Heat transfer coefficient is in W/m2K L
(A) 401 (B) 295
(C) 353 (D) 318 Given, properties of liquid metal
7. Heat loss from wing if flow is made to parallel to width m = 1.35 × 10-3 kg/ms
of using is CP = 150 j/kg K
3.568  |  Part III  •  Unit 5  •  Heat Transfer

Pr = 0.011 17.
Liquid mercury flow through a long tube 2.5 cm ID
K = 16 W/mK with a velocity of 0.9 m/s. Calculate Re, Pr and Nu.
m Following properties of mercury are given
= 5 kg/s
r = 12870. kg/m3
d = 6 cm
Cp = 135 J/kg K
T1 = 400°C
K = 12 W/mK
Ts - T∞ = 30°C
m = 0.0016 kg/ms
T0 = 450°C Correlation is
(A) 1.809 × 105, 0.018, 98.15
Nu = 4.82 + 0.0185 × (Re; Pr)0.83 (B) 2 × 105, 0.028, 112.63
Calculate lengths of tube (C) 1 × 105, .028, 110.20
(A) 2.5 m (B) 1 m (D) 2 × 10–5, 0.18, 106.78
(C) 3 m (D) 4 m
18. Liquid Ammonia flows in a duct of section of equilat-
13. 65 kg/mm of water is heated from 20°C to 80°C pass- eral triangle of 1 cm side. The average bulk tempera-
ing through the duct of 3 cm × 2 cm. The duct is heated ture is 25°C and duct wall is at uniform temperature
by condensing the steam on its outer surface. Find out of 55°C. Fully developed laminar flow with Reynolds
the length of duct required. Properties of water number of 1200 is maintained Calculate the average
r = 995 kg/m3 , m = 7.65 × 10 -4 kg/m - s , Cp = 4.174 value of heat transfer for 1 m length. For fully devel-
kJ/kgK, k = 0.623 W/mK, Conductivity of duct material oped flow, the triangular section laminar flow Nu = 2.47
(from tables) and K = 0.521 W/m2K
= 35 W/mK use the following correlations, Nu = .023
(A) 200.6 W/m (B) 280.3 W/m2K
Re 0.8 Pr0.4 for turbulent flow, Nu = 4.36 for laminar flow
(C) 215.3 W/m (D) 256.4 W/m
(A) 5.51 (B) 8 m
(C) 6 m (D) 7.51 m 19.
The velocity of water flowing through the tube 2.2 cm
diameter is 2 m/s .On the steam condensing at 150°C
Direction for questions 14, 15 and 16: Lubricating oil at a the outside surface of tube heats the water from 15°C to
temperature of 60°C enters into a 1 cm diameter tube with 60°C over the length of tube. Determine the mass flow
a velocity of 3 m/s. The tube surface is to maintain at 30°C. rate and heat gained by the water is passing through the
14. Find the heat gained by the oil at 45°C. Take properties tube Properties of water at mean temperature as
of oil r = 990 kg/m3 Cp = 4.2 kJ/kgK
r = 865 kg/m3 (A) 31.3 × 103 W, 0.55 kg
Cp = 1.75 kJ/kgK (B) 41.1 × 103W, 0.49 kg
(C) 51.1 × 103W, 0.43 kg
(A) 5355 W (B) 2257.25 W
(D) 142 × 103W, 0.753 kg
(C) 2257.25 W (D) 4457.25 W
20. The velocity of water flowing through a tube of 2.2 cm
15. Determine the Reynolds number, Prandtl no, and dia is 2 m/s. The outside surface of tube is heated by
Nusselt no for above data. Given K = 0.12 W/mK, n = steam, condensing at 150°C and heat water from 15°C
9 × 10-6m2/s to 60°C over the length of tube. Properties of water at
(A) 62.5, 3333, 113.5 (B) 53.1, 2777, 112.5 mean temperature is r = 990 kg/m3, Cp = 4.2 kJ/kgK.
(C) 52.1, 3333, 105.5 (D) 51.1, 2810, 115.4 Determine Re, Pr and Nu for the following properties of
16. Heat transfer coefficient for which the oil is flowing water is given at mean temperature.
(A) 690.8 W/m2K (B) 649.2 W/m2K K = 0.5418 W/mK, m = 700 × 10–6 kg/ms
(C) 572.23 W/m K (D) 750 W/m2K (A) 7.2 × 104, 6.4,309 (B) 8 × 104, 5.2,309
(C) 4 × 10 , 3.2,309
4 (D) 6.2 × 104, 5.43,308.71

Practice Problems 2
L d
Direction for questions 1 to 30:  Select the correct alterna- ∫o hx dx (B)
( hx )
tive from the given choices.
1. When there is a flow of fluid over a flat plate of length 1 L K L
∫ L ∫o
(C) hx d x (D) N u dx
‘L’ the average heat transfer coefficient is given by L o
(Nux  = local Nusselt number, other symbols have the
usual meaning).
Chapter 2  •  Forced Convection   |  3.569

2. A fluid flowing over a flat plate has the following prop- 13. Two plates spaced 150 mm apart are maintained at
erties Dynamic viscosity 25 × 10–6 kg/ms. Specific heat 1000°C and 70°C. The heat transfer will take place
= 2.0 kJ/kgK Thermal conductivity 0.05 W/mK. mainly by
The hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness is meas- (A) Convection
ured to be 0.6 mm. The thickness of thermal boundary (B) Free convection
layer would be (C) Forced convection
(A) 0.6 mm (B) 0.5 mm (D) Radiation and convection
(C) 1.0 mm (D) None of the above 14. At thermal equilibrium
(A) Absorptivity is greater than emissivity
Direction for questions 3 to 12: Air at 20° and at atmos-
(B) Absorptivity is less than emissivity
pheric pressure is flowing over a flat plate, with a velocity
(C) Absorptivity is equal to emissivity
of 4 m/sec along the length. If the plate is 30 cm wide and
(D) Sum of absorptivity and emissivity is unity
60°C, calculate the following at x = 30 cms along the length.
Data properties of air at mean temperature 40°C Direction for questions 15 and 16: Air at 25°C, flows over
r = 1.128 kg/m3, m = 19.1 × 10-6 kg/ms, Cp = 1007 J/kgK, a thin plate with a velocity of 2.5 m/s. The plate is 2 m long
K = 0.0237 W/mK. and 1 m wide. At 25°C, the density of air is 1.2 kg/m3 and
3. Boundary layer thickness kinematic viscosity is 15 × 10-6 m2/s, Prandtl number for
(A) 5.228 mm (B) 6.35 mm air = 0.69.
(C) 4.88 mm (D) 3.43 mm 15. The thermal boundary layer at the trailing edge of the
4. Local friction coefficient plate along the length
(A) 2.494 × 10–3 (B) 2.894 × 103 (A) 2.5 cm (B) 3.2 cm
(C) 3.22 × 10 –3 (D) 2.483 × 10–3 (C) 2.1 cm (D) 1.96 cm
5. Average friction coefficient 16. Total drag force experienced by the plate
(A) 0.523 (B) 0.004988 (A) 0.0172 N (B) 0.0285
(C) 0.428 (D) 0.00585 (C) 0.0331 (D) Zero
6. Local heat transfer coefficient 17. For flow over a plate the hydrodynamic boundary layer
(A) 6.19 W/m2K (B) 2.8 W/m2K thickness is 0.5 mm. The dynamic viscosity is 25 × 10-6
(C) 7.2 W/m K (D) 4.3 W/m2K kg/ms, specific heat is 2.0 kJ/kgK and thermal conductiv-
ity is 0.05 W/mK. The thermal layer thickness would be
7. Average shear stress (A) .1 mm (B) 0.5 mm
(A) 0.23 N/m2 (B) 0.5 N/m2 (C) 1 mm (D) 2 mm
(C) 0.45 N/m2 (D) 0.3 N/m2
18. A fluid of thermal condutivity 1.0 W/mK flows in
8. Thickness of thermal boundary layer fully developed flow of with Reynolds number 1500.
(A) 8.84 mm (B) 6.19 mm Through a pipe of diameter 10 cm. The heat transfer
(C) 6 mm (D) 9.003 mm coefficient for uniform heat flux and uniform wall tem-
9. Total heat loss for the length of the plate 30 cm along perature boundary conditions are respectively
the flow (A) 36.57 and 43.64 W/m2K
(A) 35.8 W (B) 73 W (B) 43.64 and 36.57 W/m2K
(C) 44.56 W (D) 51.6 W (C) 43.64 W/m2K for both the cases
10. Total drag force on the plate (D) 36.57 W/m2K for both the cases
(A) .011 N (B) 0.210 N 19. Prandtl number of a flowing fluid greater than unity
(C) .021 N (D) 0.25 N indicates that hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness
1 1. Total mass flow through boundary is
(A) .38 kh/h (B) 41.83 kg/h (A) Greater than thermal
(C) 48 kg/h (D) 61.4 kg/h (B) Less than thermal boundary layer
(C) Equal to thermal boundary layer
12. Average heat transfer coefficient
(D) None of the above
The properties of air at mean temperature 40°C are as
below. Direction for questions 20 and 21: Air having tempera-
ture 250°C flows over a plate whose surface temperature is
r = 1.128 kgm3, m = 19.1 × 10–6 kg/m3 Cp = 0.0273 W/ 50°C. For plate L = 10 cm b = 5 cm, t = 2 cm, K = 10 W/mK
mgK, K = 0.0273 W/mK Value of heat transfer coefficient at distance x from leading
(A) 5 W/m2K (B) 13 W/m2K X
(C) 12.38 W/m2K (D) 11.65 W/m2K edge is h(x) = Co e L .Here, Co is a constant
3.570  |  Part III  •  Unit 5  •  Heat Transfer

Air T a 26. What is the surface temperature of out let of the tube
where local convection co-efficient at the tube outlet is
48.7 W/m2K
(A) 121.06°C (B) 101.06°C
TS (C) 81.06°C (D) 61.06°C
Direction for questions 27 and 28: Air at 27°C and pres-
P sure 105 N/m2 flows over a flat plate at a speed of 2 m/s. For
20. Value of average heat transfer coefficient is air m = 19.8 × 10-6 kg/ms at 27°C.
Properties of air at mean temperature of (27 + 60)/2 =
h = 1.71, Co = 2 (B)
(A) h = 0.85, Co = 0.5 43.5°C are listed below
h = 3.43, Co = 1
(C) (D) None of these υ = 17.36 × 10 -6 m 2 /s
21. At steady state, the temperature of point P will be (if Cp = 1006 J/kg
Co = 15) R = 287 Nm/kgK
(A) 5.1°C (B) 45°C K = 0.02749 W/mK
(C) 39.74°C (D) 50°C Pr = 0.7
22. A plate is maintained at 84°C and this surface is facing 27. Find the boundary layer thickness at 40 cm from lead-
air having temperature of 30°C, then what will be the ing edge of the plate.
value of coefficient of volumetric expansion b ? (A) 0.68 cm (B) 0.75 cm
(A) 325 /k (C) 0.27 cm (D) 0.13 cm
(B) 0.0192 k 28. Calculate the heat transfer per hour if the plate is main-
(C) 3.300 × 10–3 k tained at 60°C.
(D) None of these (A) 400 kJ/h (B) 390 kJ/h
(c) 388 kJ/h (D) 1318 kJ/h
Direction for questions 23 and 24: A flat is 2 m long 0.8 m
wide and 3 mm thick. Density of plate is 3000 kg/m3 spe- 29. A thin plate of length 2 m and width 1.2 m is exposed
cific heat of plate material is 700 J/kgK. Its initial tempera- to a flow of air parallel to surface along 2 m side. The
ture is 80°C. A stream of air at 20°C blow over both surfaces velocity and temperature of the free stream flow of air
of the plate along its width at a velocity of 2 m/s are 3 m/s and 20°C respectively. The plate surface tem-
perature is 80°C. The amount of heat transferred is
Properties of air r = 1.09 kg/m2
(Take the following properties of air at 20°c)
K = 0.28 W/m-K Pr = 0.698
v = 15.06 × 10-6 m2/s, K = 2.59 × 10-2 W/m°C, Pr =
m = 2.03 × 10-5kg/m-s 0.703
1 1
(A) 70 W (B) 694 W
N u = 0.664( Re ) 2 ( Pr ) 3 (C) 710 W (D) 650 W
2 3. Rate of heat dissipation from plate 30. A flat plate of length 100 cm is exposed to air flow
(A) 586 W (B) 586 kW parallel to its surface. The velocity and temperature of
(C) 1173 W (D) 1173 kW the free stream air flow are 80 m/s and 10°C. At turbu-
24. Initial rate of cooling is lising grid is placed upstream of the plate resulting in
(A) .0058°C/s that the fluid is in turbulent flow in the boundary layer
(B) 0.01162 over the whole length of the plate. Calculate the mean
(C) 0.0116°C/s heat transfer coefficient and thickness of hydrodynamic
(D) None of these 0.37 x
boundary layer at the end of the plate. d =
5 Re x
Direction for questions 25 and 26: The pressurized water
enters the tube of diameter 50 mm with constant surface Take the following properties of the air at 10°C v =
heat flux of 2000 W/m2 at mass flow rate of 0.01 kg/sec and 14.16 × 10-6 m2/s, K = 2.51 × 10–2 W/m-°C
20°C. (A) 198 W/m2C, 1.66 cm
(B) 280 W/m2 2.1 cm
25. What is the tube length (  ) required to obtain an exit
(C) 311 W/m2C, 3 cm
temperature of 80°C. Cp of Water = 4.187 kJ/kg°K
(D) 4.2 m2C, 1.8 cm
(A) 8 m (B) 11.09 m
(C) .0066 m (D) 3.32 m
Chapter 2  •  Forced Convection   |  3.571

Previous Years’ Questions

Direction for questions 1 and 2: An un-insulated air con- 6. If qw′′ = 2500 x, where x is in m and in the direction of
ditioning duct of rectangular cross section 1 m × 0.5 m, flow (x = 0 at the inlet), the bulk mean temperature of
carrying air at 20°C with a velocity of 10 m/s, is exposed the water leaving the pipe in oC is [2013]
to an ambient of 30°C. Neglect the effect of duct construc- (A) 42 (B) 62
tion material. For air in the range of 20–30°C, data are (C) 74 (D) 104
as follows: thermal conductivity = 0.025 W/mK; viscosity
= 18 mPa.s; Prandtl number = 0.73; density = 1.2 kg/m3. 7. If qw′′ = 5000 and the convection heat transfer coeffi-
The laminar flow Nusselt number is 3.4 for constant wall cient at the pipe outlet is 1000 W/m2K, the temperature
temperature conditions and, for turbulent flow, Nu = 0.023 in °C at the inner surface of the pipe at the outlet is
Re0.8 Pr0.33. [2013]
(A) 71 (B) 76 (C) 79 (D) 81
1. The Reynolds number for the flow is  [2005]
(A) 444 (B) 890 8. The non-dimensional fluid temperature profile near
(C) 4.44 × 105 (D) 5.33 × 105 the surface of a convectively cooled flat plate is given
2. The heat transfer per metre length of the duct, in Tw - T y ⎡ y⎤
by = a + b + c ⎢ ⎥ , where y is measured
watts, is: [2005] Tw - T∞ L ⎣L⎦
(A) 3.8 (B) 5.3 (C) 89 (D) 769 perpendicular to the plate, L is the plate length, and
3. The temperature distribution within the thermal a, b and c are arbitrary constants. TW and T∞ are wall
boundary layer over a heated isothermal flat plate is and ambient temperatures, respectively. If the ther-
3 mal conductivity of the fluid is k and wall heat flux
T - Tw 3⎛ y ⎞ 1⎛ y ⎞
given y = - w
, here Tw and T∞ q ′′ L
T∞ - Tw 2 ⎜⎝ d t ⎟⎠ 2 ⎜⎝ d t ⎟⎠ is q″ the Nusselt number Nu = is equal to
Tw - T∞ k
are the temperatures of plate and free stream respec-  [2014]
tively, and y is the normal distance measured from the
plate. The local Nusselt number based on the thermal (A) a (B) b
boundary layer thickness δt is given by [2007] (C) 2c (D) (b + 2c)
(A) 1.33 (B) 1.50 (C) 2.0 (D) 4.64
9. For laminar forced convection over a flat plate, if the
4. A coolant fluid at 30°C flows over a heated flat plate
free stream velocity increases by a factor of 2, the
maintained at a constant temperature of 100°C. The
average heat transfer coefficient [2014]
boundary layer temperature distribution at a given
(A) Remains same
location on the plate may be approximated as T = 30
(B) Decreases by a factor of 2
+ 70exp(–y), where y (in m) is the distance normal to
(C) Rises by a factor of 2
the plate and T is in °C. If thermal conductivity of the
(D) Rises by a factor 4
fluid is 1.0 W/mK, the local convective heat transfer
coefficient (in W/m2K) at that location will be[2009] 10. Water flows through a tube of diameter 25 mm at an
(A) 0.2 (B) 1 average velocity of 1.0 m/s. The properties of water
(C) 5 (D) 10 arer = 1000 kg/m3, m = 7.25 × 10–4 N.s/m2, K = 0.265
5. The ratios of the laminar hydrodynamic boundary W/mK, Pr = 4.85. Using Nu = 0.023 Re 0.8Pr0.4, the
layer thickness to thermal boundary layer thickness convective heat transfer coefficient (in W/m2.K) is
1 _________. [2014]
of flows of two fluids P and Q on a flat plate are and
2 11. For flow of viscous fluid over a flat plate, if the fluid
2 respectively. The Reynolds number based on the temperature is the same as the plate temperature, the
plate length for both the flows is 104. The Prandtl and
1 thermal boundary layer is [2015]
Nusselt numbers for P are and 35 respectively. The (A) thinner than the velocity boundary layer
Prandtl and Nusselt numbers for Q are respectively. (B) thicker than the velocity boundary layer
 [2011] (C) of the same thickness as the velocity boundary
(A) 8 and 140 (B) 8 and 70 layer
(C) 4 and 70 (D) 4 and 35 (D) not formed at all
12. In the laminar flow of air (Pr = 0.7) over a heated plate,
Direction for questions 6 and 7: Water (specific heat, if δ and δT denote, respectively, the hydrodynamic and
Cp = 4.18 kJ/kgK) enters a pipe at a rate of 0.01 kg/s and thermal boundary layer thickness, then [2015]
a temperature of 20°C. The pipe, of diameter 50 mm and (A) δ = δT (B) δ > δT
length 3 m, is subjected to a wall heat flux qWn in W/m 2 : (C) δ < δT (D) δ = 0 but δT ≠ 0
3.572  |  Part III  •  Unit 5  •  Heat Transfer

13. The ratio of momentum diffusivity (v) to thermal dif- irreversibility (in W) due to heat transfer through the
fusivity (a), is called: [2015] wall is ________. [2015]
(A) Prandtl number (B) Nusselt number 15. A fluid (Prandtl number, Pr = 1) at 500 K flows over
(C) Biot number (D) Lewis number a flat plate of 1.5 m length, maintained at 300 K. The
14. One side of a wall is maintained at 400 K and the other velocity of the fluid is 10 m/s. Assuming kinematic
at 300 K. The rate of heat transfer through the wall viscosity, u = 30 × 10–6 m2/s, the thermal boundary
is 1000 W and the surrounding temperature is 25°C. layer thickness (in mm) at 0.5 m from the leading
Assuming no generation of heat within the wall, the edge is ______. [2016]

Answer Keys
Practice Problems 1
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C
11. B 12. A 13. D 14. A 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. A 19. D 20. D

Practice Problems 2
1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A
11. D 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. B
21. C 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. A 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. B 30. A

Previous Years’ Questions

1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C
10.  4600 to 4625 11. D 12. C 13. A 14.  247 to 249 15.  6 to 6.25

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