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Acoustics Sem5 PDF

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5 mrks
1. What is Sabines formula ?explain how Sabines formula calculation helps in room/theatre
2.///////// define reverb. And revtime . Explain the significance of revtime.
3. Explain the criteria for design of Partitions w r t noise control.
4. How can you protect a building from external noise ? What is meant by impact sound
5. Design and form of conference hall
7. Designing of a band stand.
8. Open air theatre
9. //Acoustic of any historical struc
10 mrks
1.// / What are the various types of acoustical material ? Explain their app. As per diff uses. / characteristic and classificAtion
pf acoustic material. 5 diff material and their properties and use.
2.// /What type of sound absorption would you use for an audi. ,a generator room and a hotel lobby ? explain their role in
controlling noise in there areas / charecteristics and classification of acoustical material that can be use in auditorium design.
3.// Explain briefly the general acoustic defects and suggest remedial measures.
4. //////Explain design consideration for good acoustical condition of an auditorium. ///discuss in detail with ref. to reflected
sound, acoustical design aspects of any audi./ cenima theatre 15 mrks / defects and give remedies in an audi
5//. What is noise? Explain diff. Method with neat sketches to reduce noise in interior space.
6.///Describe with neat sketches the acoustical planning consideration to reduce noise at urban scale. ///Discus measures
where noise pollution in an open environment can be reduced. How sound is caused In environment
7.////////Explain the neat sketches methods of control air borne and struc. borne noise in an interior space.///large office
8.///// Methods of controlling environmental noise.
9.///// Explain with neat sketches the acoustical design consideration for a multi purpose hall to be used for lectures and
performances also discuss the various acoustical defects and remedies for such spaces./ no of people 600
10. Proposal of medical college on a highway. You are invited to propose a design project. Suggest precations you would take to
reduce environmntal and air borne noise in design of this project.
11.// Explain with detail property of sound. Behaviour in an enclosed space. 15mrks
12. //Phenomena in enclosed space ./ acoustical consideration for room consideration 10 mmrks
13.// Noise created in workshop and jury outside. With sketches suggest 2 alternative for each situation with reasons
Short note 2 3 mrks
1. ///Ehco and flutter echo /method to recftify echo
2. Frequency
3. //Resonance
4. Acoustic plaster
5. // Absoption coef.
6. //////Harmfull effect of noise
7. ////Sound reflection
8. /Variable absorbers
9. ///Thershold of audibility
10. /////DEFECTS IN ENCLOSED Space 10 mrks suggest remedies- ///dead spot and hot spot, whispering gallery and sound
focus, flutter echo and echo/ in room or space acoustics
11. ////Various types of sound absorbers
12. //sound/Acoustical shadow, sound foci
13. Masking of noise
14. Acoustical consideration for committee room/conference room
15. //Classroom planning
16. Sound barriers
17. Struc borne noise
18. creep
• Show diff steps to find revtime for designing aud/video presentation
1.// / What are the various types of acoustical material ? Explain their app. As per diff uses. / characteristic and classificAtion
pf acoustic material. 5 diff material and their properties and use.



Acoustical foam panels

White paintable acoustical wall
Fabric wrapped panels
Acoustical wall coverings
Ceiling tiles
Baffles and banners for ceiling
Fibre glass blankets and roll
Sound Absorbing Material Properties :
It should have high sound absorbing efficiency. It should be easily available , cheap, easy to fix, durable,
Light in weight, good looking etc. It should be water proof and must have good resistance to fire. It should be
efficient over a wide range of frequencies. It should have sufficient structural strength.
• For reverberation control:sound absorbing materials can be used to control reverb. So speech will not be garbled.
• Noise reduction in rooms: in large open plan rooms sound absorbing material to speech privacy by causing sound
energy to decrease due to absorbers.
• Echo control: sound absorbing materials can be used to control echoes.
• Acoustic foam and acoustic ceiling tiles absorb sound so as to minimize echo and reverboration within a room.
Diffusers- absorptive material that have, irregular
surfaces, or angled or curved fronts, so when mounted on
a wall or the ceiling they stop parallel wall interference and
prevent standing waves.
• types of SOUND DIFFUSERS • All this types of diffusers can be available in fabric cover
,wooden and thermal plastic
*Diffusers are used to reduce or eliminate repetitive echoes that occur in rooms having parallel walls and a flat ceiling.
*Diffusion spreads the reverberant sound evenly throughout a room, which not only prevents standing waves but also
eliminates "dead spots".
*Diffusion is often used in addition to absorption. Rather than making the room completely dead by covering all of the
walls with absorbent material. The ideal listening room has a mix of reflective and absorptive surfaces.
properties : Sound energy is captured and reflected in many directions
*Real diffuser designs use an irregular surface having a complex pattern to scatter the sound waves in
different directions based on their frequency, rather than merely redirecting all waves in the same direction.

•Sound barriers : Properties :

•MLV Sound Barrier • . This materials have high sound blocking characteristics.
•Acoustical Barrier Blankets
•Ceiling Barrier
•Acoustical Door Seal Kits
• Uses:
• . BARRIERS Sound barrier materials are used to reduce the
transmission of airborne sound.
• Vibration control products are used to absorb vibration
energy and prevent structural noise transmission.
• these products are used to block and absorb sound for ma- chine
enclosures as well as blocking airborne sound and impact noise.
Acoustic Diffuser and Reflectors for Walls and Ceilings

• Acoustic diffusion or sound reflection helps to provide wider

sound coverage for speech and music and are often used to
improve speech intelligibility and music clarity in theatres,
assembly halls, auditoriums, recording studios and
2.// /What type of sound absorption would you use for an audi. ,a generator room and a hotel lobby ? explain their role in
controlling noise in there areas / charecteristics and classification of acoustical material that can be use in auditorium design.
Hotel lobby:
hotel lobbies can be often be very noisy when there's a crowd, door opening closing and individual voices are overly amplified .
Install absorptive panels on a flat ceiling.
Cover the ceiling with cork or bamboo; float panels of carpet or textured fabric in some areas; use absorbent sheets hung
vertically from the ceiling.
5. Use sound-absorptive materials vs too many hard surfaces.
• Although any fabric is better than hard, slick surfaces, wool will absorb more noise than silk. Soft and thick is generally better
than thin.
• Other materials commonly in use include fiberglass, foam and cotton.
• Natural cork and sustainable bamboo are both naturally sound absorptive.
• To reduce the echo between walls, approach is to add sound absorbing acoustical panels.
• Most sound panels consist of fluffy, porous material that trap sound.
• Apply absorbing material to stage areas, side walls, back walls and balcony faces. This prevents sound from reflecting back
into the room by absorbing the sound’s energy.
• If there is no absorptive material on the back wall, music and sound will simply reflect back into the room. This distracts the
• The most popular are fabric wrapped panels. With a range of sizes, they offer the most versatility when designing the
auditorium’s acoustic treatment.
• A fabric track system provides the flexibility to use different materials behind the fabric, to either increase or decrease
• If the auditorium does not have carpet and padded chairs, there will most likely be issues with floor to ceiling reflections.
And create a flutter echo, Address these concerns by suspending ceiling clouds.
• For spaces looking that only require music clarity, they may use a combination of absorptive panels in conjunction
with sound diffusers.
• Diffusers disperse and scatter the sound to reduce standing waves while maintaining sound clarity.
• Beneficially, a reflective front stage area provides strong early reflections that are integrated with the direct sound and
enhance it. On the contrary, strong late reflections and reverberation, such as from rear walls, would not be integrated and
may produce echoes.
• To accommodate this, the stage area and front of the hall are made reflective and absorption is placed in the seating area
and rear of the hall.
• Generator room :
• When sound waves are produced they are naturally reflected when they hit a hard surface. Installing an
absorption surface over hard surfaces in most generators can reduce some of the reflected sound.
• In a room with hard surfaces, soft materials such as absorbent ceiling panels, floor rugs or carpeting, and blinds
or special absorbent wall coverings, will reduce noise by reflecting sound.
• There are different types of methods to control the noise which is caused due to generator.
• Method – 1 : By surrounding the machine or motor equipment with such material like insulator clothed hood.[
noise reduction barriers ]
• Method – 2 : Providing the sound diffusion rubber insulation wall like substance which acts as a barrier between
the equipment and the receptors , and by also providing a thick layers of carpets which have a uneven surface
grids on it

• Elastomeric vibration mounts, vibration dampers and isolators are all the same thing.
• If you have ever been near a large machine such as a pump, compressor or industrial engine you have probably noticed that
it produced powerful vibrations.
3.// Explain briefly the general acoustic defects and suggest remedial measures.

Refer from my notes

4. //////Explain design consideration for good acoustical condition of an auditorium. ///discuss in detail with ref. to reflected
sound, acoustical design aspects of any audi./ cenima theatre 15 mrks / defects and give remedies in an audi

refer auditorium design consideration ppt - 17sa public

5//. What is noise? Explain diff. Method with neat sketches to reduce noise in interior space.
6.///Describe with neat sketches the acoustical planning consideration to reduce noise at urban scale. ///Discus measures
where noise pollution in an open environment can be reduced. How sound is caused In environment

• Acoustical architectural design incorporates noise reducing concepts in the details of individual
buildings. The areas of architectural concern include building height, room arrangement, window
placement, and balcony and courtyard design.

Acoustical Site Planning

The arrangement of buildings on a site can be used to minimize noise impacts. If incompatible land
uses already exist, or if a noise sensitive activity is planned, acoustical site planning often provides a
successful technique for noise impact reduction.
Many site planning techniques can be employed to shield a residential development from noise. These
can include:
1.increasing the distance between the noise source and the receiver;
2.placing nonresidential land uses such as parking lots, maintenance facilities, and utility areas
between the source and the receiver;
3.locating barrier-type buildings parallel to the noise source or the highway; and
4.orienting the residences away from the noise.

• Distance: Noise can be effectively reduced by increasing the distance between a residential building and a highway.
Distance itself reduces sound
Noise Compatible Land Uses as Buffers: Noise
protection can be achieved by locating noise-
compatible land uses between the highway and
residential units. Whenever possible, compatible
uses should be nearest the noise source.
Buildings as Noise Shields: Additional noise protection can be
achieved by arranging the site plan to use buildings as noise
barriers. Noise barriers can shield only the lowest floors of a building.
• A long building, or a row of buildings parallel to a highway
can shield other more distant structures or open areas from
• The wall/building will contain 387 apartments in which the
kitchens and bathrooms are placed towards the noise, and
the bedrooms and living rooms face away from the highway.
• The wall facing the highway will be soundproofed and
windows, when they exist, are sealed. Substantial noise
reductions are expected.

Orientation: The orientation of buildings or

activities on a site affects the impact of noise, and
the building or activity area may be oriented in
such a way as to reduce this impact. Parking Garage to shield residential area.
Parking spaces, end of buildings, and a baseball diamond are placed near
the highway. A berm is constructed and trees are planted to shield
residences from traffic noise.
Cluster and Planned Unit Development:
• A word of caution is necessary: in a cluster development, the required open
space can be located near the highway to minimize noise to the residences.
• The flexibility of the cluster and planned unit development techniques
allows many of the above site planning techniques to be realized and
effective noise reduction achieved.

One Story Houses: In cases where either the
house or the highway is slightly recessed or a
barrier has been placed in the sound path, the
noise impact may be further reduced if the house
has only one story

Balconies: If balconies are desired they should be

given acoustical consideration. The standard
jutting balcony, facing the road, may reflect traffic Noise impacts can be reduced by use of single story houses.
noise directly into the interior of the building in the
manner illustrated in Figure . This problem is
particularly applicable to high rise apartment
buildings where balconies are common. If
balconies are desired, the architect may avoid
unpleasant noise impacts by placing them on the
shielded side of the buildings.

The standard jutting balcony facing the road may reflect traffic
noise directly into the interior of the building.
Use of courtyard house to obtain quite outdoor
7.////////Explain the neat sketches methods of control air borne and struc. borne noise in an interior space.///large office

struc. borne
sound that is carried via the structure of a building’. Structure-
borne sound results from an impact on, or a vibration against, a
part of a building fabric resulting in sound being radiated from
an adjacent vibrating surface. A typical example of structure-
borne sound is footsteps on a floor which can be heard in a
room below.
Structure-borne sound can be reduced by:
Carpets and pads. Resilient underlay – which can have a similar effect to carpets
and pads.
they are made from recycled rubber, rigid fibreglass, foam or other such
materials. Resilient mounts, sound clips or spring ceiling hangers. Soundproofing
Typically the compound is applied between two rigid materials, such as
The compound dissipates the vibrations caused by sound waves as they move
through the structure.
A suspended ceiling system, raised floor or secondary wall structure. High mass
constructions that include cavities or offset constructions to prevent transmission
of vibrations.
.// Explain with detail property of sound. Behaviour in an enclosed space. 15mrks

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