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ArXiv 9811161

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Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 1999(1999) No. 11, pp. 1–19.

ISSN: 1072-6691. URL: http://ejde.math.swt.edu or http://ejde.math.unt.edu

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arXiv:math/9811161v2 [math.AP] 3 Dec 1999


Stephen Montgomery-Smith

This paper gives another version of results due to Raugel and Sell, and similar
results due to Moise, Temam and Ziane, that state the following: the solution of the
Navier-Stokes equation on a thin three-dimensional domain with periodic boundary
conditions has global regularity, as long as there is some control on the size of the initial
data and the forcing term, where the control is larger than that obtainable via “small
data” estimates. The approach taken is to consider the three-dimensional equation as a
perturbation of the equation when the vector field does not depend upon the coordinate
in the thin direction.

§1. Introduction

The celebrated Navier-Stokes equation is concerned with the velocity vector u

on a domain Ω, describing the flow of an incompressible fluid. A famous unsolved
problem is the following: if Ω is a nice enough 3-dimensional domain, and if the
initial data is smooth, and the forcing term is uniformly smooth in time, then does
it follow that the solution is smooth for all time? What is known is that a weak
solution exists, although it is not known if that solution is unique. For details, we
refer the reader to a number of books and papers, including [CF], [DG] and [T].
For the 2-dimensional problem, the solution is known. A heuristic approach to
solving the 3-dimensional problem is as follows: if the solution becomes less smooth,
then since we are dealing with an incompressible fluid, the complicated activity is
going to get squashed into flat sheets, and one might hope that the solutions on the
flat sheets can be somehow dealt with by the 2-dimensional case. Certainly, this
“flattening” is observed in numerical and physical experiments.
For this reason, it would seem that in order to get some handle on the real
problem, that it might be important to understand what happens to the solution to
the Navier-Stokes equation on thin domains, that is, domains of the form M × [0, ǫ],
where M is some 2-dimensional manifold, and ǫ > 0 is a small number. This is
what Raugel and Sell did in a series of papers [RS1], [RS2], [RS3], as did Avrin [A],
Temam and Ziane [TZ1], [TZ2], Moise, Temam and Ziane [MTZ], and Iftimie [I1],
In this paper, we consider the same situation considered by Raugel and Sell
in [RS2], or by Moise, Temam and Ziane in [MTZ], or by Iftimie in [I1], [I2]. Let
1991 Subject Classification: 35Q30, 76D05, 35B65.
Key words and phrases: Navier-Stokes equation, thin domain.
c 1999 Southwest Texas State University and University of North Texas.
Submitted November 19, 1998. Published April 14, 1999.
Partially supported by grants from the N.S.F. and the Research Board of the
University of Missouri.
2 Stephen Montgomery-Smith EJDE–1999/11

Ωǫ = [0, l1 ] × [0, l2 ] × [0, ǫ], where l1 ≥ l2 are some positive numbers, and ǫ ∈ (0, l2 /4)
is some small number. Let us consider vector fields u : Ωǫ → R3 satisfying the
periodic boundary conditions

u(0, y, z) = u(l1 , y, z), u(x, 0, z) = u(x, l2 , z), u(x, y, 0) = u(x, y, ǫ). (1)

Given any appropriately smooth (where being in L2 is smooth enough) vector field
u satisfying these boundary conditions, we may split it into its divergence-free part
Lu and its gradient part. Thus L is the so called Leray projection.
The Navier-Stokes equation considered in this paper is the equation for a func-
tion u(t), t ≥ 0, taking values in the space of 3-dimensional divergence-free vector
fields on Ωǫ satisfying the boundary conditions (1). The equation is

∂t u = ν∆u − L(u · ∇u) + L(f ), (2)

where ν is a positive constant (the viscosity), and f is a function of t taking values

in the 3-dimensional vector fields satisfying the boundary conditions (the forcing
term). For simplicity let us suppose f = L(f ).

R In fact, to simplifyR our presentation, it will make sense to assume that

Ωǫ R
f dV = 0, and that Ωǫ u(0) dV = 0. In that case it is not hard to see that we have
that Ωǫ u(t) dV = 0 for all t ≥ 0. This assumption does not really affect the solution
very much, for suppose that we do not have R this assumption. Given any R t function g on
Ωǫ , let ḡ denote its mean value (l1 l2 ǫ)−1 Ωǫ g dV . Let (ξt , ηt , ζt ) = 0 ū(0) + f¯(s) ds.
Then replacing u(x, y, z, t) by u(x + ξt , y + ηt , z + ζt , t) − ū gives us a solution to the
Navier-Stokes equation in which f is replaced by f − f¯, and in which ū = 0.
It is known that in order to show global regularity of u that it is sufficient to
show that u stays within the Sobolev space H 1 , that is, the space in which one
derivative is in L2 . Furthermore, once this is established, it also follows that the
solution is unique. (See [CF] or [DG].) We will also include results concerning the
Sobolev space H 2 , the space in which two derivatives are in L2 .
Throughout this paper, we will use the letter c to denote a positive constant
(typically larger than one), whose value will change with each occurrence. Only
in certain places (such as in Lemmas 3 and 5) will we use subscripts on the c’s to
identify them, so as to avoid confusion.

Theorem 1. Let uRsatisfy the Navier-Stokes equation (2) with periodic boundary
conditions (1), and Ωǫ u dV = 0. Let
U = ku(0)kH 1 , F = sup kf (t)k2 , M = max U, F .
t ν
If M ≤ c−1 , then there exists a solution with the following properties. First,
u(t) is in H 1 for all t ≥ 0, with
( )
ku(t)kH 1 ≤ c max M, 1/2 ǫ−1/2 M 2 .
EJDE–1999/11 Navier-Stokes equation 3

If t ≥ c , then
ν ( )
l1 l
ku(t)kH 1 ≤ c max F, 1 1/2 ǫ−1/2 F 2 .
ν ν 3l

Second, u(t) is in H 2 for almost all t ≥ 0, and indeed

Z t
ku(s)k2H 2 ds < ∞

for all 0 ≤ t < ∞.

Using a rescaling argument, it may be shown that is is sufficient to show Theo-

rem 1 in the case that l1 , l2 and ν are of order one, say, that these quantities all lie
between 1/2 and 2. We will demonstrate this at the end of the proof of Theorem 1.
So for the remainder of this discussion, let us focus on this case. Then in effect,
M = max{U, F }, and Theorem 1 gives global regularity in the case that M ≤ c−1 .
This result is not obtainable by the usual “small data” arguments, because
these would only give regularity in the case that M ≤ c−1 ǫ1/2 . (The ǫ1/2 comes
from the fact that we are calculating an L2 norm on a domain whose total measure
is of order ǫ.)
We will obtain Theorem 1 by considering it as a perturbation of the Navier-
Stokes equation in which neither u nor f depend upon the third coordinate of Ωǫ
(the ‘z’ coordinate). This approach was also taken by Iftimie [I1], [I2], and by Moise,
Temam and Ziane [MTZ]. Note that the following result effectively does not depend
upon ǫ, in that if the result is obtained for one value of ǫ, it is then automatically
obtained for all others by a rescaling argument.

Theorem 2. Let u satisfy

R the Navier-Stokes equation (2) with periodic bound-
ary conditions (1), and Ωǫ u dV = 0, and neither u nor f depend upon the third
coordinate of Ωǫ . Let
U = ku(0)kH 1 , F = sup kf (t)k2 , M = max U, F .
t ν

Then there exists a solution with the following properties. First, u(t) is in H 1 for
all t ≥ 0, with ( )
l1 −1/2 2
ku(t)kH 1 ≤ c max M, 1/2 ǫ M .
If t ≥ c , then
ν ( )
l1 l
ku(t)kH 1 ≤ c max F, 1 1/2 ǫ−1/2 F 2 .
ν ν 3l

Second, u(t) is in H 2 for almost all t ≥ 0, and indeed

Z t
ku(s)kH 2 ds < ∞
4 Stephen Montgomery-Smith EJDE–1999/11

for all 0 ≤ t < ∞.

In order to compare Theorem 1 with the results in the literature, let us define
the following projections. Let
Z ǫ
P u(x, y, z) = u(x, y, ζ) dζ,
ǫ 0

and let Qu = u − P u. As we stated above, we will discuss these results only in the
case when l1 , l2 and ν are of order one. Then the result of Raugel and Sell [RS2]
gives global H 1 boundedness of the solution as long as
kP u(0)kH 1 ≤ ǫ 24 +δ1 (log(1/ǫ))δ2
kQu(0)kH 1 ≤ ǫ− 48 +δ3 (log(1/ǫ))δ4
sup kP f (t)k2 ≤ ǫ 24 +δ5 (log(1/ǫ))δ6
sup kQf (t)k2 ≤ ǫ− 2 +δ7 (log(1/ǫ))δ8 ,

where δi (1 ≤ i ≤ 8) are positive numbers.

The result of Moise, Temam and Ziane [MTZ] gives H 1 boundedness for t ∈
[0, T (ǫ)], where limǫ→0 T (ǫ) = ∞, and also an integral condition on the H 2 norm,
as long as
kP u(0)kH 1 ≤ α(ǫ)ǫ 6 +δ
kQu(0)kH 1 ≤ α(ǫ)ǫ− 6 +δ
sup kP f (t)k2 ≤ α(ǫ)ǫ 6 +δ
sup kQf (t)k2 ≤ α(ǫ)ǫ− 6 +δ

where δ is a positive number, and limǫ→0 α(ǫ) = 0.

Iftimie [I1], [I2] gets global existence results under conditions that use certain
‘anisotropic’ Sobolev spaces. For example, one case of his Theorem 4.1 gives global
existence under the condition that the forcing term f is zero, and
kQukH 1/2 exp(cǫ−1 kP uk2 ) ≤ c−1 .

Even though his conclusions are slightly different, it is instructive to see how his
hypothesis relates to that of this paper. Indeed, his condition is true if
kP ukH 1 ≤ c−1
δ ǫ
kQukH 1 ≤ c−1 ǫ−1/2+δ ,

where cδ depends upon δ > 0.

Before proceeding further, let us set our notation, and also state the “tools of
the trade,” that is, the standard results that many people in this area use. (See [CF]
EJDE–1999/11 Navier-Stokes equation 5

or [DG] — in particular [DG] considers the case of periodic boundary conditions,

and many of the following calculations may be found there.)
As well as the operators P and Q given above, let us define the operators R
and S: R((u1 , u2 , u3 )) = (u1 , u2 , 0), and Su = u − Ru = (0, 0, u3 ). Split u = v + w =
r + s + w, where v = P u, w = Qu, r = Rv, s = Sv. Since r and s do not depend
upon z (where we label the coordinates of Ωǫ by x, y and z), it is clear that r, s, v
and w are all divergent free vector fields.
As a notational device, I will write

kD α ukp

for the Sobolev space α derivatives in Lp . (Thus D might represent the operator

−∆.) We have the Sobolev inequalities: if f is a mean zero function on [0, l1 ] ×
[0, l2 ], 1 < p < q < ∞, and α > 0, then

kf kq ≤ ckD α f kp ,

where q1 + α2 = p1 , and c depends upon p and q, as well as l1 and l2 . Thus, if f is a

mean zero function on Ωǫ , then

kP f kq ≤ cǫ−α/2 kD α P f kp .

In fact, the only condition under which we will use this inequality is in the case
p = 4 and q = 2, when α = 1/2. For this case, we will include an elementary proof
in the Appendix.
We have the interpolation inequality: if f is a mean zero function, α0 , α1 are
real numbers, and 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1, then
1−θ θ
kD αθ f k2 ≤ ckD α0 f k2 kD α1 f k2 ,

where αθ = (1 − θ)α0 + θα1 . This inequality is easy to show using Parseval’s

identity and Hölder’s inequality. (See for example the proofs of Lemmas 4 or 6 for
the statement of Parseval’s identity.)
We also have the Poincaré inequalities: if f is a mean zero function on Ωǫ , with
periodic boundary conditions, and α > 0, then

kf k2 ≤ ckD α f k2 ,

where c depends upon α as well as l1 and l2 . Again, this is easy to show using
Parseval’s identity.
If u is a divergence-free vector field on the domain Ωǫ with periodic boundary
conditions, and if f and g are two other functions on Ωǫ with periodic boundary
conditions, sufficiently smooth so that the following integrals make sense, then by
integration by parts we get
f (u · ∇g) dV = − g(u · ∇f ) dV,
Ωǫ Ωǫ
6 Stephen Montgomery-Smith EJDE–1999/11

and so Z
f (u · ∇f ) dV = 0.

If r is a two-dimensional, divergence-free vector field on the domain [0, l1 ]×[0, l2 ]

with periodic boundary conditions that is sufficiently smooth, then we have the
“enstrophy miracle:” Z
∆r · (r · ∇r) dA = 0.
[0,l1 ]×[0,l2 ]

This is obtained as follows. First, integrating by parts, we see that the left hand
side is equal to
− ∂x r · (∂x r · ∇r) dA − ∂x r · (r · ∇∂x r) dA
[0,l1 ]×[0,l2 ] [0,l1 ]×[0,l2 ]
− ∂y r · (∂y r · ∇r) dA − ∂y r · (r · ∇∂y r) dA.
[0,l1 ]×[0,l2 ] [0,l1 ]×[0,l2 ]

(Here, as in the rest of the paper, ∂x , ∂y and ∂z represent partial differentiation with
respect to x, y and z respectively, that is, the first, second and third coordinates
respectively.) We see that the second and fourth terms are zero. Expanding and
collecting the first and third terms, and remembering that r is divergence-free, we
see that they also total to zero.

Navier-Stokes for Flows Independent of z

Let us start with the proof of Theorem 2, the case when w = Qu = 0, that is, when
u = P u = v. We will prove Theorem 2 in the case that the quantities l1 , l2 and ν
all lie between 1/2 and 2. The general result may be obtained as shown at the end
of the proof of Theorem 1.
First we need to find a solution to the Navier-Stokes equation. This is done
using so called Galerkin solutions. Let Sn denote the projection that takes a function
f on Ωǫ onto the nth partial Fourier series. (Quite how we index this sum is not
important, as long as Sn converges formally to the identity.) Then we consider the
solution un to the problem

∂t un = ν∆un − Sn L(un · ∇un ) + Sn L(f ),

with un (0) = Sn u(0) for which u = Sn u. It is a well known argument to show

that this equation, essentially an ODE, has a global solution, and that the solutions
un converge weakly to some function u. This is the so called weak solution to the
Navier-Stokes equation. In that case, for any appropriate norm k·k, we will have
that kuk ≤ lim inf n→∞ kun k.
Thus, in order to prove our theorem, it is sufficient to prove it for the Galerkin
solutions. This is what we shall do. However, carrying the symbol Sn throughout
the proof could be a little cumbersome, and so for this reason, we will replace L by
Sn L, and suppose that both f and u(0) lie in the range of Sn . (We will also suppose
that f lies in the range of L.)
EJDE–1999/11 Navier-Stokes equation 7

So let us proceed. Notice that the Navier-Stokes equation becomes

∂t v = ν∆v − L(r · ∇v) + f,

since v · ∇v = r · ∇v, because ∂z v = 0. If we apply the R and S operator to this, we

get the following pair of equations:

∂t r = ν∆r − L(r · ∇r) + Rf

∂t s = ν∆s − L(r · ∇s) + Sf.

The first equation is merely the 2-dimensional Navier-Stokes for the flow r. The
second equation essentially says that the 1-dimensional quantity s is being pushed
around by the 2-dimensional flow r (and indeed in the second equation, the operator
L acts as the identity).
Let us write

φ = kDrk2 , ψ = kDsk2 , φ̃ = kD 2 rk2 , ψ̃ = kD 2 sk2 , θ = kuk2 .

Poincaré’s inequality tells us immediately that φ ≤ cφ̃, ψ ≤ cψ̃, and θ 2 ≤ c(φ2 + ψ 2 ).

The process for comprehending φ and φ̃ is well known. Start with the first
equation in (3), dot product both sides with −∆r, integrate over Ωǫ , use the self-
adjointness of L, apply some integration by parts, use the Cauchy-Schwartz inequal-
ity, and use the “enstrophy miracle,” to get

1 2 2
∂t kDrk2 ≤ −νkD 2 rk2 + kD 2 rk2 F.

Use the inequality ab ≤ a2 + b2 to get that kD 2 rk2 F ≤ (ν/2)kD 2 rk2 + (2/ν)F 2 .
Thus we have that
∂t φ2 ≤ −c−1 φ̃2 + cF 2 .
This differential inequality is easy to solve, but before we do so, let us first understand
ψ and ψ̃. Take the second equation from (3), dot product both sides with −∆s,
integrate over Ωǫ , and work as before. But in this case, the “enstrophy miracle”
does not work — there is a term:
∆s · (r · ∇s) dV.

To get a grip on this term, see that it splits into

∂x2 s · (r · ∇s) dV

plus another term with ∂y2 in place of ∂x2 . Integrate by parts to get
− ∂x s · (∂x r · ∇s) dV − ∂x s · (r · ∇∂x s) dV.
Ωǫ Ωǫ
8 Stephen Montgomery-Smith EJDE–1999/11

The second term is zero. For the first term, we may use Hölder’s inequality and the
Sobolev inequality to bound it by:
kDrk2 kDsk24 ≤ cǫ−1/2 kDrk2 kD 3/2 sk2
≤ cǫ−1/2 kDrk2 kDsk2 kD 2 sk2
1 2 2 2
≤ kD 2 sk2 + cǫ−1 kDrk2 kDsk2 ,
where in the last step we use the inequality ab ≤ a2 + b2 .
Putting this all together, we get a differential inequality:
∂t ψ 2 ≤ −c−1 ψ̃ 2 + cǫ−1 φ2 ψ 2 + cF 2 .

We will also require a differential equation for θ: take the Navier-Stokes equa-
tion, dot product both sides with u, integrate over Ωǫ , and do the usual stuff, to
∂t kuk22 ≤ −νkDuk22 + kDuk2 F.
Since kDuk2 F ≤ (ν/2)kDuk2 + (2/ν)F 2 , we get
1 2 ν 2 2
∂t kuk2 ≤ − kDuk2 + F 2 ,
2 2 ν
that is
∂t θ 2 ≤ −c−1 (φ2 + ψ 2 ) + cF 2 .

Then Theorem 2 will be established once we have obtained the following result.

Lemma 3. Let U , F and T be positive numbers, where T may be infinity. Let φ,

ψ, φ̃, ψ̃, θ be positive differentiable functions of t. Suppose that for some positive
constants ci (1 ≤ i ≤ 10) we have
φ(0) ≤ U (4.1)
ψ(0) ≤ U (4.2)
θ 2 ≤ c1 (φ2 + ψ 2 ) (4.3)
φ ≤ c2 φ̃ (4.4)
ψ ≤ c3 ψ̃ (4.5)
∂t φ2 ≤ −c−1 2
4 φ̃ + c5 F
∂t ψ 2 ≤ −c−1 2
6 ψ̃ + c7 ǫ
−1 2 2
φ ψ + c8 F 2 (4.7)
∂t θ 2 ≤ −c−1 2 2
9 (φ + ψ ) + c10 F
for 0 ≤ t < T . Let M = max{U, F }. Then there exist positive constants ci
(11 ≤ i ≤ 17), depending only upon ci (1 ≤ i ≤ 10) such that we have the
θ 2 ≤ c11 (F 2 + (U 2 − F 2 )e−c12 t ) (4.9)
φ2 ≤ c13 (F 2 + (U 2 − F 2 )e 14 t ) (4.10)
ψ ≤ c15 max{ǫ−1/2 M 2 , M }, (4.11)

and if t ≥ c16 then

EJDE–1999/11 Navier-Stokes equation 9

ψ ≤ c17 max{ǫ−1/2 F 2 , F }. (4.12)

for 0 ≤ t < T . Furthermore, we have that

Z t
(φ(s)2 + ψ(s)2 ) ds < ∞ (4.13)

for 0 ≤ t < T .

Proof: Inequalities (4.9) and (4.10) are easy to obtain from combining (4.1) and (4.4)
with (4.6), and (4.1), (4.2) and (4.3) with (4.8), by using Gronwall’s inequality.
Let us obtain (4.11). From (4.10), we see that there is a positive number c18
such that φ ≤ c18 M . Combining this with inequalities (4.5), (4.7) and (4.8), we see
that for some positive constants c19 and c20 that

∂t ψ 2 + c19 ψ 2 ≤ c20 ǫ−1 M 2 (F 2 − ∂t θ 2 ) + c20 F 2 .

Multiply both sides by ec19 t and integrate from 0 to t to get that

Z t
c19 t 2 2
e ψ − ψ(0) ≤ c20 ǫ−1 M 2 ec19 s (F 2 − ∂s θ(s)2 ) + F 2 ec19 s ds,

which, by evaluating the integrals, and integrating by parts, is less than or equal to
Z t
c20 c−1
19 e
c19 t −1
(ǫ M 2 F 2 +F 2 )+c20 ǫ−1 M 2 (θ(0)2 −ec19 t θ 2 )+c20 c19 ǫ−1 M 2 ec19 s θ(s)2 ds.

Now, from (4.9), we see that there is a positive constant c21 such that θ ≤ c21 M .
Z t
c19 t
e 2
ψ − ψ(0) ≤ 2
c20 c−1
19 e
c19 t −1
(ǫ M 2 F 2 +F )+2
c20 c221 ǫ−1 M 4 + c20 c19 ǫ −1
M 2 c221 ec19 s ds
≤ c20 c−1
19 e
c19 t −1
(ǫ M 2 F 2 + F 2 ) + c20 c221 ǫ−1 M 4 + c20 ǫ−1 M 2 c221 ec19 t .


ψ 2 ≤ e−c19 t U + c20 c−1

19 (ǫ
M 2 F 2 + F 2 ) + c20 c221 ǫ−1 e−c19 t M 4 + c20 c221 ǫ−1 M 2 ,

and from here it is easy to obtain (4.11).

To obtain (4.12) is similar. We see that there are positive numbers c22 , c23 and
c24 such that if t ≥ c22 then φ ≤ c23 F and θ ≤ c24 F . Apply the above argument,
except integrate from c22 to t instead of from 0 to t.
Finally, (4.13) may be obtained by integrating (4.6) and (4.7), and using (4.9),
(4.10) and (4.11). Q.E.D.
10 Stephen Montgomery-Smith EJDE–1999/11

Proof of Theorem 1
The proof of Theorem 1 will follow the same lines as the proof of Theorem 2, with
some additional work for dealing with the w = Qu part. Let us start by assuming
that the quantities l1 , l2 and ν all lie between 1/2 and 2.
We need a couple of Poincaré/Sobolev type inequalities on Ωǫ .

Lemma 4. Let w = Qu, then

kwk∞ ≤ cǫ1/2 kD 2 wk2
kwk4 ≤ cǫ1/4 kDwk2 .

Proof: Let ŵ denote the Fourier coefficients of w:

ŵ(m, n, p) = (l1 l2 ǫ) w(x, y, z) exp(−2πi(mx/l1 + ny/l2 + pz/ǫ) dx dy dz,

where m, n and p are integers. Then the function w can be reconstructed using the
Fourier series
w(x, y, z) = ŵ(m, n, p) exp(2πi(mx/l1 + ny/l2 + pz/ǫ).

We recall Parseval’s identity:

X 2
kwk2 = l1 l2 ǫ |ŵ(m, n, p)| ,

and the Hausdorff-Young inequality: if 2 ≤ p ≤ ∞, and p′ = p/(p − 1), then

X p′
kwkp ≤ (l1 l2 ǫ) |ŵ(m, n, p)| .

Since w = Qu, we have that ŵ(m, n, p) = 0 if p = 0.

Now for any real number α, we have that
α w(m, n, p) = (−2πi)α (m2 /l 2 + n2 /l 2 + p2 /ǫ2 )α/2 ŵ(m, n, p),
1 2

and thus by Parseval’s identity

X 2
α α 1/2 2
kD wk2 = (2π) (l1 l2 ǫ) (m /l12 +n 2
/l22 2 2 α
+ p /ǫ ) |ŵ(m, n, p)| .

Let us start with showing the first inequality. Apply Cauchy-Schwartz to get
kwk∞ ≤ |ŵ(m, n, p)|
≤ Ip6=0 (m2 /l12 + n2 /l22 + p2 /ǫ2 )−2 ×
X 2
(m /l12 +n 2
/l22 2 2 2
+ p /ǫ ) |ŵ(m, n, p)| .
EJDE–1999/11 Navier-Stokes equation 11

By approximating sums by integrals, and using other elementary inequalities, we see

X X 1
Ip6=0 (m2 /l12 + n2 /l22 + p2 /ǫ2 )−2 ≤ c Ip6=0
m,n,p m,n,p
max{m4 , n4 , p4 /ǫ4 }
X 1
≤c Ip6=0
max{n3 , p3 /ǫ3 }
X 1
≤c Ip6=0
p2 /ǫ2
≤ cǫ .

Hence we obtain the first inequality.

The second inequality has a similar proof: start by using Hölder’s inequality to
X 4/3
kwk4 ≤ (l1 l2 ǫ)1/4 |ŵ(m, n, p)|
1/4 2
≤ (l1 l2 ǫ) Ip6=0 (m /l12 +n 2
/l22 2
+ p /ǫ ) 2 −2
X 2
(m2 /l12 + n2 /l22 + p2 /ǫ2 )|ŵ(m, n, p)| ,

and proceed as with the proof of the first inequality. Q.E.D.

Proof of Theorem 1: As in the proof of Theorem 2, we argue that we work with the
Galerkin approximations. We will obtain differential inequalities for the following
quantities: q q
φ = kDrk22 + kDwk22 , ψ= kDsk22 + kDwk22 ,
q q
2 2 2 2
φ̃ = kD 2 rk2 + kD 2 wk2 , ψ̃ = kD 2 sk2 + kD 2 wk2 ,

χ = kD 2 wk2 , θ = kuk2 .

Poincaré’s inequality tells us immediately that φ ≤ cφ̃, ψ ≤ cψ̃, and θ 2 ≤ c(φ2 + ψ 2 ).

Let us start with the Navier-Stokes equation, and apply the operator P . Note
that if f and g are functions on Ωǫ , then P ((P f )(Qg)) = 0. Thus, we obtain

∂t v = ν∆v − LP (v · ∇v) − LP (w · ∇w) + P f = ν∆v − LP (r · ∇v) − LP (w · ∇w) + P f.

Now apply R to both sides:

∂t r = ν∆r − LP (r · ∇r) − LP (w · ∇Rw) + P Rf.

12 Stephen Montgomery-Smith EJDE–1999/11

Finally, take the dot product of both sides with −∆r, and integrate over Ωǫ , and do
all the usual stuff. A lot of the terms work in exactly the same way that they did
in the previous section. The only term that we did not deal with is the following:
∆r · (w · ∇Rw) dV.

This splits into a term: Z

∂x2 r · (w · ∇Rw) dV,

and a similar one with ∂y2 in place of ∂x2 . The bounds for the second term will be as
for the first, so let us only deal with the first. Integrate by parts to get
− ∂x r · (∂x w · ∇Rw) dV − ∂x r · (w · ∇∂x Rw) dV.
Ωǫ Ωǫ

The first term is bounded by

ckDvk2 kDwk24 ,
and the second by
ckDvk2 kD 2 wk2 kwk∞ ,
Combining all this with Lemma 4, we get

2 2 2
∂t kDrk2 ≤ −c−1 kD 2 rk2 + cǫ1/2 kDvk2 kD 2 wk2 + cF 2 . (5)

The work for s is practically identical, and we get

2 2
∂t kDsk22 ≤ −c−1 kD 2 sk2 + cǫ−1 kDrk22 kDsk22 + cǫ1/2 kDvk2 kD 2 wk2 + cF 2 . (6)

We also need to establish an equation for w. Take the Navier-Stokes equation

and apply Q. Note that if f and g are two functions on Ωǫ , then Q((P f )(P g)) = 0.
Thus we get

∂t w = ν∆w − LQ(w · ∇v) − LQ(v · ∇w) − LQ(w · ∇w) + Qf.

Take the dot product with −∆w, and integrate over Ωǫ , doing all the stuff as before.
Let us see what happens to the non-linear terms, only bothering with the ∂x2 w part
of ∆w, knowing that the other parts will give the same estimates.
First we get
∂x2 w · (w · ∇v) dV = − ∂x w · (∂x w · ∇v) dV − ∂x w · (w · ∇∂x v) dV.
Ωǫ Ωǫ Ωǫ

The first term is bounded in absolute value by

2 2
kDwk4 kDvk2 ≤ cǫ1/2 kD 2 wk2 kDvk2 .
EJDE–1999/11 Navier-Stokes equation 13

The second term is equal to

∂x v · (w · ∇∂x w) dV,

which is bounded in absolute value by

kwk∞ kD 2 wk2 kDvk2 ≤ cǫ1/2 kD 2 wk2 kDvk2 .

Next, we have
∂x2 w · (v · ∇w) dV = − ∂x w · (∂x v · ∇w) dV − ∂x w · (v · ∇∂x w) dV.
Ωǫ Ωǫ Ωǫ

The first term is bounded in absolute value by

2 2
kDwk4 kDvk2 ≤ cǫ1/2 kD 2 wk2 kDvk2 ,

and the second term is zero.

Finally we have
∂x2 w · (w · ∇w) dV = − ∂x w · (∂x w · ∇w) dV − ∂x w · (w · ∇∂x w) dV.
Ωǫ Ωǫ Ωǫ

The first term is bounded in absolute value by

kDwk24 kDwk2 ≤ cǫ1/2 kD 2 wk2 kDwk2 ,

and the second term is zero.

So, doing all the same stuff as above, we get

2 2 2 2
∂t kDwk2 ≤ −kD 2 wk2 + cǫ1/2 kDvk2 kD 2 wk2 + cǫ1/2 kDwk2 kD 2 wk2 + cF 2 . (7)

If we add√ equations (5) and (7),

√ √and also (6) and (7), (and apply liberally the
inequalities a2 + b2 ≤ a + b ≤ 2 a2 + b2 for positive a and b) we get the two
differential inequalities:

∂t φ2 ≤ −c−1 φ̃2 − c−1 χ2 + cǫ1/2 (φ + ψ)χ2 + cF 2

∂t ψ 2 ≤ −c−1 ψ̃ 2 − c−1 χ2 + cǫ−1 φ2 ψ 2 + cǫ1/2 (φ + ψ)χ2 + cF 2 .

In addition, arguing as in the previous section, we get the differential inequality

∂t θ 2 ≤ −c−1 (φ2 + ψ 2 ) + cF 2

Thus the theorem will be established when we have proved the following lemma.
14 Stephen Montgomery-Smith EJDE–1999/11

Lemma 5. Let U and F be positive numbers. Let φ, ψ, φ̃, ψ̃, θ be positive

differentiable functions of t. Suppose that for some positive constants ci (1 ≤ i ≤ 10,
18 ≤ i ≤ 19) we have

φ(0) ≤ U (8.1)
ψ(0) ≤ U (8.2)
θ 2 ≤ c1 (φ2 + ψ 2 ) (8.3)
φ ≤ c2 φ̃ (8.4)
ψ ≤ c3 ψ̃ (8.5)
∂t φ2 ≤ (−c−1 18 + c19 ǫ
(φ + ψ))χ − c−1 2
4 φ̃ + c5 F
∂t ψ 2 ≤ (−c−1
18 + c19 ǫ
(φ + ψ))χ − c−1 2
6 ψ̃ + c7 ǫ
−1 2 2
φ ψ + c8 F 2 (8.7)
∂t θ ≤ −c−1
9 (φ
2 2
+ ψ ) + c10 F 2

for 0 ≤ t < ∞. Let M = max{U, F }. Then there exist positive constants ci

(11 ≤ i ≤ 17, i = 20), depending only upon ci (1 ≤ i ≤ 10) such that if M ≤ c−1
20 ,
then we have the inequalities
θ 2 ≤ c11 (F 2 + (U 2 − F 2 )e−c12 t ) (8.9)
φ2 ≤ c13 (F 2 + (U 2 − F 2 )e 14 t ) (8.10)
ψ ≤ c15 max{ǫ−1/2 M 2 , M }, (8.11)

and if t ≥ c16 then

ψ ≤ c17 max{ǫ−1/2 F 2 , F }. (8.12)

for 0 ≤ t < ∞. Furthermore, we have that

Z t
(φ(s)2 + ψ(s)2 ) ds < ∞ (8.13)

for 0 ≤ t < ∞.

Proof: Let (ci )11≤i≤17 depend upon (ci )1≤i≤10 as in Lemma 3. Let us suppose that
U, F ≤ c−1
20 , where c20 will be chosen momentarily. Let

T = inf{t > 0 : c19 ǫ1/2 (φ + ψ) > c−1

18 }.

Suppose for a contradiction that T < ∞. But then for t ∈ [0, T ], the quantities φ,
ψ, φ̃, ψ̃ and θ satisfy the hypothesis of Lemma 3. But then by the conclusion of
Lemma 3, we know that for some constant c21 > 0 that

φ + ψ ≤ c21 ǫ−1/2 c−2

20 .

Setting c20 small enough, we see then that for t ∈ [0, T ] that we have

c19 ǫ1/2 (φ + ψ) ≤ c−1

18 /2,

and thus that there is a neighborhood of T such that

c19 ǫ1/2 (φ + ψ) ≤ c−1

18 ,
EJDE–1999/11 Navier-Stokes equation 15

contradicting the definition of T .

Thus T = ∞, and thus the functions φ, ψ, φ̃, ψ̃ and θ satisfy the hypothesis of
Lemma 3, and the result follows.

Now let us relax the restriction that l1 , l2 and ν all lie between 1/2 and
 2. Let
l1 ˜ nl2
n be the integer part of , and define new vector fields ũ and f on [0, 1]× 0, ×
  l2 l1
0, according to the formulae
l1 l2
ũ(x1 , x2 , x3 , t) = u l1 x1 , (l1 x2 mod l2 ), l1 x3 , 1 t ,
ν ν

l l
f˜(x1 , x2 , x3 , t) = 2 f l1 x1 , (l1 x2 mod l2 ), l1 x3 , t .
1 1
ν ν

Then it may be easily verified that these satisfy the equation

∂t ũ = ∆ũ − L(ũ · ∇ũ) + L(f˜),

that is, one may apply the version of Theorem 1 that we already have to the func-
tions ũ and f˜. Obtaining the more general version of Theorem 1 is then merely a
question of interpreting what it says about ũ and f˜, taking into account the following

kf k2 = 3/2
kf˜k2 ,
n1/2 l1
kukH 1 = 1/2
kũkH 1 .
n1/2 l1

16 Stephen Montgomery-Smith EJDE–1999/11

Appendix: the Sobolev Inequality

The following result is essentially part of the literature. For example, in [S] this
result is found for functions on Euclidean space. However, for our special case, we
are able to provide an elementary proof (a proof motivated by Littlewood-Paley

Lemma 6. Let f be a function on [0, l1 ] × [0, l2 ] satisfying periodic boundary con-

ditions, that is mean zero. Then there is a positive constant c, depending only upon
l1 and l2 , such that
kf k4 ≤ ckD 1/2 f k2 .
Proof: For each r = (r1 , r2 ) a pair of integers, write |r| = r12 /l12 + r22 /l22 . Define
the Fourier coefficients of f :
Z l1 Z l2
fˆr = (l1 l2 )−1 f (x, y) exp(−2πi(r1 x/l1 + r2 y/l2 )) dy dx.
0 0

The original function can be reconstructed using the Fourier series

f (x, y) = fˆr exp(2πi(r1 x/l1 + r2 y/l2 )),

and we have Parseval’s identity

kf k2 = (l1 l2 ) |fˆr |2 .

We see that √
1/2 f =
r −2πi(r12 /l12 + r22 /l22 )1/4 fˆr ,
and so by Parseval’s equality we see that

2 X 2
kD 1/2 f k2 = 2π(l1 l2 ) (r12 /l12 + r22 /l22 )1/2 |fr | .

For m a non-negative integer, set

 1/2
Am =  |fr |2  .
2m ≤|r|<2m+1

Notice then that

X 2
2m A2m ≤ ckD 1/2 f k2 .

Z l1 Z l2
kf k4 = f (x, y)2 f (x, y)2 dy dx,
0 0
EJDE–1999/11 Navier-Stokes equation 17

and expanding this using the Fourier series, we obtain that

kf k4 = (l1 l2 ) fˆr(1) fˆr(2) fˆr(3) fˆr(4)
r (1) +r (2) −r (3) −r (4) =0
≤ 24(l1 l2 ) |fˆr(1) fˆr(2) fˆr(3) fˆr(4) |
r (1) +r (2) −r (3) −r (4) =0
|r (1) |≤|r (2) |≤|r (3) |≤|r (4) |

which in turn is bounded above by

24(l1 l2 ) |fˆr(1) | |fˆr(2) |
0≤m1 ≤m2 ≤m3 2m1 ≤|r (1) |<2m1 +1 2m2 ≤|r (2) |<2m2 +1
I|r(1) +r(2) −r(3) |≥|r(3) | |fˆr(3) fˆr(1) +r(2) −r(3) |.
2m3 ≤|r (3) |<2m3 +1

In bounding this quantity, let us start by looking at the inner sum:

I|r(1) +r(2) −r(3) |≥|r(3)| |fˆr(3) fˆr(1) +r(2) −r(3) |.
2m3 ≤|r (3) |<2m3 +1

Using the Cauchy-Schwartz formula, this can be bounded above by

X 1/2 X 1/2
|fˆr(3) |2 I|r(1) +r(2) −r(3) |≥|r(3) | |fˆr(1) +r(2) −r(3) |2 .
2m3 ≤|r (3) |<2m3 +1 2m3 ≤|r (3) |<2m3 +1

The first term in this product is Am3 . As for the second term, since m1 ≤ m2 ≤ m3 ,
it follows that |r (1) + r (2) − r (3) | ≤ 3 · 2m3 , and hence the second term is bounded
by (A2m3 + A2m3 +1 + A2m3 +2 )1/2 . Thus, the above quantity can be bounded above by
A2m3 + A2m3 +1 + A2m3 +2 .
 1/2  1/2
|fˆr | ≤  1  |fˆr |2  ≤ c2m Am ,
2m ≤|r|<2m+ 1 2m ≤|r|<2m+ 1 2m ≤|r|<2m+ 1

since the number of points r such that 2m ≤ |r| < 2m+1 is 22m to within a constant

X m3
X m2
kf k4 ≤ c (A2m3 + A2m3 +1 + A2m3 +2 ) 2 m2
Am2 2m1 Am1 .
m3 =0 m2 =0 m1 =0

Now, applying Cauchy-Schwartz, we see that the inner sum obeys the inequalities

m2 m2
!1/2 m2
m1 m1 m1
2 Am1 ≤ 2 2 A2m1 ≤ c2m2 /2 kD 1/2 f k2 .
m1 =0 m1 =0 m1 =0
18 Stephen Montgomery-Smith EJDE–1999/11


X m3
kf k4 ≤ ckD 1/2 f k2 (A2m3 + A2m3 +1 + A2m3 +2 ) 23m2 /3 Am2 .
m3 =0 m2 =0

Applying Cauchy-Schwartz once more in a similar fashion, we get that

23m2 /3 Am2 ≤ c2m3 kD 1/2 f k2 ,
m2 =0

and so ∞
4 2 X
kf k4 ≤ ckD f k2 2m3 (A2m3 + A2m3 +1 + A2m3 +2 ),
m3 =0

4 4
from which we see that kf k4 ≤ ckD 1/2 f k2 as required.

This paper owes a lot to other people who have helped me over the years. I would like
to thank to Joel Avrin and John Gibbon who explained the Navier-Stokes equation
to me three years ago. I would like to thank George Sell, Mohammed Ziane and
Benoit Desjardins for improvements and corrections to this paper.


A Avrin, Joel D. Large-eigenvalue global existence and regularity results for the
Navier-Stokes equation. J. Differential Equations 127 (1996), no. 2, 365–390.
CF Constantin, Peter; Foiaş, Ciprian, Navier-Stokes equations. Chicago Lectures in
Mathematics. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1988.
DG Doering, Charles R.; Gibbon, J. D. Applied analysis of the Navier-Stokes equa-
tions. Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1995.
I1 Iftimie, Dragoş Les équations de Navier-Stokes 3D vues comme une perturbation
des équations de Navier-Stokes 2D. (French) [The 3D Navier-Stokes equations
seen as a perturbation of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations] C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris
Sér. I Math. 324 (1997), no. 3, 271–274.
I2 Iftimie, Dragoş The 3D Navier-Stokes equations seen as a perturbation of the
2D Navier-Stokes equations. preprint, available at
MTZ Moise, I.; Temam, R.; Ziane, M. Asymptotic analysis of the Navier-Stokes equa-
tions in thin domains. Dedicated to Olga Ladyzhenskaya. Topol. Methods Non-
linear Anal. 10 (1997), no. 2, 249–282.
RS1 Raugel, Geneviève; Sell, George R. Navier-Stokes equations on thin 3D domains.
I. Global attractors and global regularity of solutions. J. Amer. Math. Soc. 6
(1993), no. 3, 503–568.
EJDE–1999/11 Navier-Stokes equation 19

RS2 Raugel, G.; Sell, G. R. Navier-Stokes equations on thin 3D domains. II. Global
regularity of spatially periodic solutions. Nonlinear partial differential equations
and their applications. Collège de France Seminar, Vol. XI (Paris, 1989–1991),
205–247, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., 299, Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow, 1994.
RS3 Raugel, Geneviève; Sell, George R. Navier-Stokes equations in thin 3D domains.
III. Existence of a global attractor. Turbulence in fluid flows, 137–163, IMA Vol.
Math. Appl., 55, Springer, New York, 1993.
S Stein, Elias M. Singular integrals and differentiability properties of functions.
Princeton Mathematical Series, No. 30 Princeton University Press, Princeton,
N.J. 1970.
T Temam, Roger Infinite-dimensional dynamical systems in mechanics and physics.
Second edition. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 68. Springer-Verlag, New York,
TZ1 Temam, R.; Ziane, M. Navier-Stokes equations in three-dimensional thin do-
mains with various boundary conditions. Adv. Differential Equations 1 (1996),
no. 4, 499–546.
TZ2 Temam, R.; Ziane, M. Navier-Stokes equations in thin spherical domains. Op-
timization methods in partial differential equations (South Hadley, MA, 1996),
281–314, Contemp. Math., 209, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1997.

Stephen Montgomery-Smith
Math. Dept., University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211, U.S.A.
email: stephen@math.missouri.edu
20 Stephen Montgomery-Smith EJDE–1999/11

Addendum: July 8 1999.

On page 3, in both Theorems 1 and 2, the sentence that begins “If t ≥ c 1 ” should
( )
l1 l
lim sup ku(t)kH 1 ≤ c max F, 1 1/2 ǫ−1/2 F 2 .
t→∞ ν ν3l2

Similarly, for Lemma’s 3 and 5 (pages 8/9 and 14 respectively), the phrase that
begins “and if t ≥ c16 then” and ends “for 0 ≤ t < T ” (respectively “for 0 ≤ t < ∞”)
should be replaced by
lim sup ψ ≤ c17 max{ǫ−1/2 F 2 , F }. (4.12)

For Lemma 5 the corresponding equation number is (8.12).

The second to last paragraph of the proof of Lemma 3 (page 9) should be
changed to

To obtain (4.12) is similar. We see that given ǫ > 0 there are positive
numbers τ , c23 and c24 (where τ depends upon ǫ) such that if t ≥ τ then
φ ≤ c23 F + ǫ and θ ≤ c24 F + ǫ. Apply the above argument, except integrate
from τ to t instead of from 0 to t.

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