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Introduction To Topological Symmetry in QFT

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Abstract. This brief note publicizes the quantum framework for symmetry that is developed in
our joint paper [FMT] with Greg Moore and Constantin Teleman. We include additional motivation
and an application to a selection rule for line defects in 4-dimensional gauge theories.
arXiv:2212.00195v3 [hep-th] 6 Jul 2023

This note1 is a preview (appearing in arrears) of joint work with Greg Moore and Constantin
Teleman [FMT], to which we refer for further exposition, further development, more examples, and
for extensive references to the literature, since we omit citations here.
As a first introduction to our framework for topological symmetries, consider the simpler setting
of isometries in Riemannian geometry. Let M be a Riemannian manifold. In differential geometry
we define the notions of (i) a Lie group G, and (ii) the action of G on M by isometries. These are
both fairly straightforward definitions. What is more difficult (Myers-Steenrod theorem) is to prove
that the group of all isometries of M has a canonical Lie group structure. Our main definitions for
topological symmetries in quantum field theory are analogous to (i) and (ii); we do not attempt to
give structure to the collection of all topological symmetries of a quantum field theory.2
Here are the main points:

(1) We define separately (i) abstract symmetry data, and (ii) a concrete realization of abstract
symmetry data on a quantum field theory. The data (i) is a quiche 3 (σ, ρ) in which σ is a
topological field theory and ρ is a topological boundary theory. The data of the action (ii)
of (σ, ρ) on a quantum field theory F belongs to nontopological field theory if F is not
(2) Topological symmetry is treated as a quantum object: the pair (σ, ρ). This goes beyond the
usual coupling of a theory to a background gauge field, which treats symmetry in a classical
context. We illustrate the power of this perspective by means of an example at the end of
this note.

Date: July 5, 2023.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number DMS-
2005286 and by the Simons Foundation Award 888988 as part of the Simons Collaboration on Global Categorical
Symmetries. It is also based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1440140,
while the author was in residence at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California, during the
fall semester of 2022.
1which will appear in the conference proceedings of String Math 2022
2There are well-developed mathematical foundations for topological field theory, but the geometric development of

general quantum field theories is at a much more nascent phase. So while we treat topological field theories rigorously,
we take a more heuristic approach to nontopological quantum field theories. Therefore, we do not even attempt a
definition of topological symmetries in a nontopological quantum field theory.
3This strange terminology for an object that encodes abstract quantum symmetries evokes a pair (σ, ρ) in which

ρ is the crust and σ the filling; imagine the sandwich on the left of Figure 3 made open-faced by omitting the right
“piece of bread” Fe. One can (and one did!) point out that a quiche is not an open-faced sandwich. (Google ‘tartine’.)

(3) Our definitions are inspired by an analogy that we explicate below:

the pair (A, R) of an algebra A and a right module R ◁∼∼∼▷ a quiche (σ, ρ)
element of A ◁∼∼∼▷ defect in (σ, ρ)

Our framework applies to internal topological symmetries of quantum field theories. It includes
homotopical symmetries: higher groups, 2-groups, etc.
To reinforce the power of separating abstract symmetry from its concrete action, we begin with
an illustration from representation theory. Then we recount the key definitions from [FMT]. We
end with an application of our framework to 4-dimensional gauge theory, or more to properly 4-
dimensional quantum field theories with a certain symmetry: the derivation of a selection rule for
line defects.
I warmly thank Greg Moore and Constantin Teleman for their collaboration and their feedback
on this note.

Motivation: Computations in representations of sl2 R

2-dimensional representation. Set

1 0 0 1 0 0
(2) h= e= f=
0 −1 0 0 1 0

These matrices form a basis of the Lie algebra sl2 R. Straightforward addition and multiplication
of 2 × 2 matrices verifies the identity

1 2 1
(3) h + ef + f e = h2 + h + 2f e
2 2

3/2 0
In fact, both sides equal the scalar matrix 0 3/2

3-dimensional representation. Here the matrices that represent the elements (2) of sl2 R are

     
2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
(4) h′ = 0 0 0  e ′ = 0 0 2  f ′ = 2 0 0
0 0 −2 0 0 0 0 1 0

One can compute—perhaps not quite as easily—that the identity (3) holds:

1 ′ 2 1
(5) (h ) + e′ f ′ + f ′ e′ = (h′ )2 + h′ + 2f ′ e′
2 2

Again both sides are scalar matrices, namely 4 times the identity matrix.

Infinite dimensional representations. The Lie group SL2 R acts on the projective line RP1 as frac-
tional linear transformations, effectively through its quotient PSL2 R. For each complex number
λ ∈ C, there is an induced action on λ-differentials ϕ(x)(dx)λ . The infinitesimal action of the Lie
algebra sl2 R is by the first-order differential operators

h̃ : ϕ 7−→ −2xϕ′ − 2λϕ

(6) ẽ : ϕ 7−→ −ϕ′
f˜: ϕ − 7 → x2 ϕ′ + 2λxϕ

Simple calculus manipulations verify the identity (3), which here says that the ostensibly second-
order differential operator on each side of

1 2 1
(7) h̃ + ẽf˜ + f˜ẽ = h̃2 + h̃ + 2f˜ẽ
2 2

is the scalar operator that multiplies ϕ by 4λ2 − 2λ.

The universal enveloping algebra. Let U(sl2 R) be the unital associative algebra generated by sl2 R
subject to the relation generated by equating commutators in U(sl2 R) with the Lie bracket in sl2 R:

(8) xy − yx = [x, y], x, y ∈ sl2 R.

Any linear representation of the Lie algebra sl2 R extends to a left module for this universal en-
veloping algebra U(sl2 R). A special case of (8) is the relation

(9) ef = f e + h

in U(sl2 R), where e, f, h ∈ sl2 R are the matrices (2). Substitute (9) into the left hand side of (3) to
immediately obtain the right hand side of (3). That’s it! This simple manipulation in the abstract
algebra U(sl2 R) proves that the relation (3) holds in every linear representation of sl2 R, and so
in particular immediately proves (5) and (7). Observe that the expression h2 /2 + ef + f e lies in
the center of U(sl2 R), and therefore necessarily acts as a scalar in every irreducible representation,
as we also saw in the three representations considered above. (However, this centrality is not the
main point we are making here.)

The framework we introduce for symmetry in quantum field theory enables similar universal
computations in an abstract quiche (σ, ρ), and these computations imply relations in every quantum
field theory on which (σ, ρ) acts. Computations are made with defects in the topological field
theory (σ, ρ).

Motivation: Algebras
We first remark that the word ‘symmetry’ is usually used for a transformation of a mathematical
object that preserves structure, so in particular is invertible. But if, say, a finite group G acts
linearly on a complex vector space V , then one can take linear combinations of the linear opera-
tors corresponding to elements of G to endow V with the structure of a module over the group
algebra C[G]. In this way one can talk about an “algebra of symmetries”, though the algebra
contains many non-units (noninvertible elements). As an extreme case, we might now call the
action of 0 ∈ C[G] a “symmetry” of V . Whether or not such “noninvertible symmetries” merit this
nomenclature, it is these algebras of symmetries that motivate our definitions in field theory.
Abstract algebras of symmetries. Let A be an algebra, and for simplicity suppose that the ground
field is C. For our motivational exposition it suffices to assume that A and the modules that follow
are finite dimensional. We do not use a topology on A. Let R be the right regular A-module, i.e.,
the vector space underlying the algebra A together with the right module structure R × A → R
given by multiplication. Then an abstract algebra of symmetries is the pair (A, R).
Concrete algebras of symmetries. Let V be a complex vector space. The action of (A, R) on V is
specified by the data of a pair (L, θ): L is a left A-module and θ is an isomorphism of vector spaces

(10) θ : R ⊗A L −−→ V

Since R is the right regular module, the tensor product in the domain of (10) is A ⊗A L, and there
is a natural isomorphism of this mixing of A and L with the vector space that underlies the left
module L. Passing from a module to its underlying vector space is such a natural process that we
do not usually bother to articulate the isomorphism (10). But in the field theory context there is
no operation analogous to ‘underlying vector space’; Example 17 below suggests such an operation
is not possible. Elements of A = EndA (R) act as linear operators on V via the isomorphism θ.
A generalization. We can relax the condition that R be the regular module and consider (A, R) with
any right module. Then this very general notion of abstract symmetry allows many possibilities.
For example, if A = C is the ground field as an algebra and R is any vector space, then an (A, R)-
action on a vector space V decomposes V as a tensor product R ⊗ L for some vector space L. For
general (A, R), the algebra EndA (R) acts on R ⊗A L and so too on V via the isomorphism θ.

Quiches and their action on quantum field theories

Nomenclature: from algebra to field theory. A Wick-rotated field theory is a linear representation
of a bordism category: this is the elevator speech version of Graeme Segal’s axiom system. In
this sense a Wick-rotated field theory is analogous to a linear representation of a Lie group, or to
a left module over an algebra.4 We adopt terminology from these analogs. A field theory has a
(spacetime) dimension and a collection of background fields that determine the domain bordism
4Suppose A is an algebra and M is a right A-module. Then one can contemplate an algebra A′ that acts on M
on the left and commutes with the A-action. For example, one often considers the commutant A′ = EndA (M ). In
the analogy with field theory, A is the bordism category, the module M is the Wick-rotated field theory, and A′ is
the quiche, defined in the next few sections.

Figure 1. A domain wall, a right boundary theory, and a left boundary theory

category; specifying these is analogous to specifying which Lie group or algebra we are representing.
But in this note we often leave these important specifications implicit. Suppose σ, σ1 , σ2 are field
theories (of the same dimension on the same background fields). We use the following nomenclature
for the domain walls and boundaries in Figure 1:

domain wall δ : σ1 → σ2 ∼∼∼▷ (σ2 , σ1 )-bimodule

(11) right boundary theory ρ : σ → 1 ∼∼∼▷ right σ-module
left boundary theory Fe : 1→σ ∼∼∼▷ left σ-module

Here 1 is the tensor unit theory: 1 ⊗ F ∼

= F for all theories F . Furthermore, we use the notation

(12) ρ ⊗σ Fe

for the dimensional reduction F of σ along the interval pictured in Figure 2, a presentation of F
that we sometimes call a sandwich: the bulk theory σ is sandwiched between the right boundary
theory ρ and the left boundary theory Fe.

Figure 2. The interval used in the dimensional reduction (12)

Abstract field theoretic symmetry data: the quiche. The nonnegative integer n in the following is
the dimension of field theories on which the quiche (σ, ρ) acts.

Definition 13. Fix n ∈ Z≥0 . Then an n-dimensional quiche is a pair (σ, ρ) in which σ is an
(n + 1)-dimensional topological field theory and ρ is a right topological σ-module.

It is the topological nature of the field theory σ and its right boundary theory ρ that make this
definition appropriate for topological symmetries. One can relax the definition and only require
that σ be a once-categorified n-dimensional topological field theory; in its role as symmetries of an
n-dimensional field theory, it is not necessary to evaluate σ on arbitrary (n + 1)-manifolds.

Remark 14. In the motivational case of algebras, there is a distinguished right module: the regular
module. Similarly, there are classes of topological field theories σ for which we can define the notion
of a regular σ-module. The examples in this note are of this type.

The most basic quiche is associated to a finite group G and any nonnegative integer n. Let
σ be free (n + 1)-dimensional gauge theory with gauge group G, and let ρ be the right boundary
theory which sums over sections of the restriction of a principal G-bundle to the boundary. (This
is sometimes called a Dirichlet boundary theory: the fluctuating principal G-bundle is trivialized
on the boundary.) The detailed example at the end of this note is a homotopical variant in which
G is the homotopical abelian group BA, the classifying space of a finite abelian group A.

Action of a quiche on a quantum field theory. The following definition is illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3. (σ, ρ)-module data on a field theory F

Definition 15. Let (σ, ρ) be an n-dimensional quiche, and let F be an n-dimensional field theory.
A (σ, ρ)-module structure on F is a pair (Fe, θ) in which Fe is a left σ-module and θ is an isomorphism

(16) θ : ρ ⊗σ Fe −−→ F

of absolute n-dimensional theories.

Neither F nor Fe is assumed to be topological. (See footnote 2 for the mathematical status that we
adopt in this note and in [FMT] for nontopological field theories.)

Example 17 (center symmetry in gauge theory). Let H be a Lie group and suppose A ⊂ H is
a finite subgroup of the center of H. Then A is abelian. Set H = H/A. (As an example, take
H = SU2 and A = /µ2 = {±1} ⊂ SU2 the center; then H ∼ = SO3 .) Suppose F is an H-gauge theory
in some dimension n, and assume that F carries the homotopical symmetry of the group BA, the
classifying space of A. For example, the theory may have matter fields that are neutral under
the central subgroup A ⊂ H, in which case it has BA-symmetry. A map into BA classifies a
principal A-bundle, and there is a bilinear pairing {principal A-bundles} × {H-connections} →
{H-connections}: multiplication A × H → H is a homomorphism of Lie groups since A is central.
We assume that the quantum field theory F has this action as a symmetry. (For example, this action
does not alter the curvature, so pure Yang-Mills theory has this symmetry.) In the physics literature

this is termed a “1-form symmetry”. It is usually expressed by introducing a new background field—
an A-gerbe5—and extending the theory F to a theory with this background/classical field. In [FMT]
we advocate for the quantum quiche picture: σ is the quantum theory that sums over A-gerbes,
ρ is the boundary theory that trivializes an A-gerbe, and Fe is an H-gauge theory. Observe that no
details about the quantum field theory F are used to describe the symmetry; we only have to know
that it carries a BA-symmetry. In particular, our characterization of F as “an H-gauge theory” is
not necessary, and furthermore this characterization only pertains to the description of the theory,
not to the abstract theory: the possibility of isomorphisms between H-gauge theories and quantum
field theories that lack a fluctuating H-connection obstructs the statement “The theory F is an
H-gauge theory”.

Augmentations of algebras. We begin as before with motivation from algebra.

Definition 18. Let A be an algebra over C. An augmentation of A is an algebra homomorphism

ϵA : A → C from A to the ground field.

An augmentation gives the ground field C the structure of an A-module Cϵ , which we take to be
a right module: set λ · a = λ ϵA (a) for λ ∈ Cϵ , a ∈ A. Let R be the right regular module, and let
V be a vector space equipped with an (A, R)-action, including the structure isomorphism (10) that
recovers the underlying vector space V . Define the vector space

(19) Q := Cϵ ⊗A L

Then Q is by definition the quotient of V by the action of (A, R) using the augmentation ϵA .

Example 20. Let G be a finite group and A = C[G] its complex group algebra. A character χ
of A determines the augmentation that sends g 7→ χ(g), g ∈ G. In particular, there is a canonical
augmentation from the unit character: χ(g) = 1 for all g ∈ G. Let S be a set with a (left) G-action,
and let V = C⟨S⟩ be the free vector space on S. Then for the unit character, Q in (19) can be
identified with C⟨S/G⟩, the free vector space on the quotient of S by the G-action. Any character χ
determines a complex line bundle L → S//G over the groupoid (stack) quotient S//G. In this case
Q can be identified with the vector space of sections of L → S//G. Note that at each s ∈ S the
stabilizer subgroup Gs ⊂ G acts on the fiber Ls by a character. If that character is nontrivial, then
all sections vanish at s.

Augmentations do not always exist and, as in Example 20, they may not be unique.

5An A-gerbe is a geometric representative of a cohomology class in H 2 (−; A); it arises here as the obstruction

to lifting a principal H-bundle to a principal H-bundle. For H = SU2 and A = /µ2 this obstruction is the second
Stiefel-Whitney class.

Quotients in field theory. This often goes under the name ‘gauging a symmetry’. Let (σ, ρ) be an
n-dimensional quiche for some nonnegative integer n. Just as the notion of a regular module only
makes sense in special contexts (Remark 14), so too does the notion of an augmentation of (σ, ρ). In
fully local topological field theory, one special context occurs when the codomain (n + 1)-category
of the theory σ is the Morita category of algebras in some n-category. In that case we have the
notions of both the regular module and augmentations: an augmentation is an algebra map to the
tensor unit. We realize the augmentation ϵ as a right σ-module. Then if ϵL is its left adjoint—a
particular dual left σ-module—the sandwich ρ ⊗σ ϵL is the trivial theory. Augmentations may not
exist, whereas the regular module of an algebra always exists. For the gauge theory of a finite
group G introduced after Remark 14, an augmentation is the right boundary theory ϵ which does
not have any additional fluctuating fields: there is no constraint on the bulk fluctuating G-bundle,
hence the quantization sums over all G-bundles. As mentioned, this is the process of quotienting,
or gauging, (by) the G-symmetry. The quotient theory along the augmentation ϵ is by definition

(21) F σ := ϵ ⊗σ Fe,

as illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4. On the left, the structure isomorphism of the (σ, ρ)-module

 structure on F ;
on the right, the definition of the quotient theory F σ

Line defects in 4-dimensional theories with BA-symmetry

What follows is an extended example to illustrate the power of the quantum quiche framework.
Our exposition is inspired by the papers [GMN, AST]. We first state the result, which is a selection
rule for line6 defects. Then we briefly introduce finite homotopy theories, an important general
class of topological field theories. We conclude with a derivation of the selection rule.
Setup and the selection rule. As in Example 17, let H be a Lie group and suppose A ⊂ H is a finite
subgroup of its center. Suppose F is a 4-dimensional field theory with BA-symmetry; we refer to
it as an H-gauge theory. (But see the comment at the end of Example 17.) For every pair (A′ , q)
consisting of a subgroup A′ ⊂ A and a quadratic function q : A′ → C× there is an associated7
6Affine geometry: point, line, plane. Differential geometry: point, curve, surface. ‘Curve defects’ anyone?
7Below we define the theory FA′ ,q from F using only the BA-symmetry of F ; see (34) and Figure 5. The
descriptions as gauge theories are not only superfluous but also do not have any intrinsic meaning. Furthermore, an
important feature of our approach, as opposed to that in [GMN, AST], is that we give a local construction of FA′ ,q
from F . Characterizing a quantum field theory by cataloging its line defects is not a local procedure. Here we compute
the selection rule on line defects from the local description of the theory, and moreover our computation takes place
entirely in the topological field theory that encodes the BA-symmetry.

H/A′ -gauge theory FA′ ,q . We compute a selection rule for line defects in this theory. As we explain
below, the category of line defects is a sum of categories indexed by

(22) (m, e) ∈ A × A∨ ,

where A∨ = Hom(A, C× ) is the group of characters—the Pontrjagin dual group—to A. Now the
quadratic function q : A′ → C× has an associated bicharacter

(23) bq : A′ × A′ → C× ,

and so by transposition a homomorphism

(24) ϵq : A′ → (A′ )∨ .

The selection rule for line defects in the theory FA′ ,q is:

m ∈ A′
e A′ = ϵq (m)−1

For later use: The quadratic function q gives rise to a Pontrjagin square cohomology operation

(26) Pq : H 2 (X; A′ ) −→ H 4 (X; C× )

on any topological space X, and it too is a quadratic function:

(27) Pq (x1 + x2 ) = Pq (x1 ) · Pq (x2 ) · βq (x1 , x2 ), x1 , x2 ∈ H 2 (X; A′ ),

where βq : H 2 (X; A′ ) × H 2 (X; A′ ) → H 4 (X; C× ) is the symmetric bihomomorphism defined by the

cup product and the bicharacter (23) on coefficients.
Finite homotopy theories. These topological field theories are constructed by a finite, homotopical
version of the Feynman path integral, hence are amenable to computations using techniques from
algebraic topology. Some boundaries and defects in these theories have semiclassical descriptions, so
are similarly susceptible to straightforward computation. The data that defines a finite homotopy
theory is a pair (X, λ) consisting of a π-finite space8 X and a cocycle λ on X; the theory exists in
any dimension. In our example we use cocycles for singular cohomology with coefficients in C× .
Set (X, λ) = (B 2A, 1), where B 2A is an Eilenberg-MacLane space K(A, 2) and 1 is the iden-
tity cocycle that represents the identity element in H 4 (B 2A; C× ). We construct a 5-dimensional
8The π-finiteness condition—X has finitely many path components; there exists Q ∈ Z≥0 such that πq (X, x) = 0
for all q > Q, x ∈ X; and πq (X, x) is a finite group for all q ∈ Z≥0 , x ∈ X—is only needed to define the partition
function in the top dimension. Without that assumption we obtain a once-categorified field theory. Our example
X = B 2A is π-finite, so defines a full topological field theory.
10 D. S. FREED

topological field theory σ. Let M be a closed manifold of dimension ≤ 4; we briefly describe the
quantization σ(M ) for dim M = 4, 3, 2. Consider the mapping space

(28) XM = Map(M, B 2A).

This mapping space is the space of “fluctuating fields” of the theory on M ; its quantizations (30)–
(32) proceed via a homotopical form of integration. Eilenberg-MacLane spaces classify singular
cohomology, from which it follows that

π0 XM = H 2 (M ; A)

π1 XM = H 1 (M ; A)

π2 XM = H 0 (M ; A)

Also, the mapping space XM = Map(M, B 2A) is a product of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces: all k-
invariants vanish. For dim M = 4 the vector space σ(M ) is the space of locally constant complex
functions on XM :

(30) σ(M ) = Funflat (XM ) = Fun(π0 XM ), dim M = 4.

Notice that this quantization only uses the set π0 XM . For dim M = 3 the linear category σ(M ) is
the category of flat complex vector bundles on XM :

(31) σ(M ) = Vectflat (XM ) = Vect(π≤1 XM ), dim M = 3.

Let V denote the linear category of finite dimensional complex vector spaces and linear maps.
Notice that the quantization (31) only uses the fundamental groupoid π≤1 XM ; the category σ(M )
is equivalent to the category of complex vector bundles over that groupoid, i.e., the category of
functors π≤1 XM → V. Now a V-module is a complex linear category, and a flat V-bundle over a
topological space is a local system of V-modules. For dim M = 2 the linear 2-category σ(M ) is the
2-category of flat V-bundles on XM :

(32) σ(M ) = Catflat (XM ) = Cat(π≤2 XM ), dim M = 2.

Let C denote the linear 2-category of suitable complex linear categories. Again the quantization (32)
depends only on a truncation of the mapping space, here the fundamental 2-groupoid π≤2 XM , and
(32) is the 2-category of functors π≤2 XM → C. Thus to each object of π≤2 XM is assigned a linear
category, to each 1-morphism is assigned a linear functor, and to each 2-morphism is assigned a
natural transformation of functors. In particular, an elements of π2 (XM , ϕ) acts as an automorphism
of the identity functor of the category attached to ϕ ∈ XM .
There are semiclassical data that specify some special topological boundary theories and topo-
logical defects in a finite homotopy theory. The semiclassical data of a topological boundary theory
is a (π-finite) map f : Y → X together with a suitable cochain on Y; for a topological defect the
codomain is an iterated free loop space of X. A regular boundary theory has Y = ∗ a point; an
augmentation has f = idX . We defer to [FMT, Appendix A] for details.

Proof of the selection rule. Recall the setup in Example 17. Namely, A is a finite abelian group,
σ is the 5-dimensional finite homotopy theory constructed from (B 2A, 1), and ρ is the right regular
boundary theory that quantizes a basepoint ∗ → B 2A. Furthermore, F is a 4-dimensional quantum
field theory with BA-symmetry, and (Fe, θ) is the data that expresses the BA-symmetry. A special
case already mentioned is gauge theory: H is a Lie group that contains A as a subgroup of its
center, then set H = H/A, and suppose F as an H-gauge theory with BA-symmetry, in which case
Fe is an H-gauge theory (obtained by coupling H-connections to A-gerbes).
As stated in the text following (32), semiclassical data for a right boundary theory is a π-finite
map Y → B 2A together with a cocycle µ on Y for a class in H 4 (Y; C× ). If A′ ⊂ A is a subgroup,
then Y = B 2A′ → B 2A is a π-finite map. There is an isomorphism

(33) H 4 (B 2A′ ; C× ) ∼
= {quadratic functions q : A′ −→ C× }

by a classical computation of Eilenberg-MacLane: the quadratic function q maps to the Pontrjagin

square Pq (ι) ∈ H 4 (B 2A′ ; C× ) of the tautological class ι ∈ H 2 (B 2A′ ; A′ ). Hence a pair (A′ , q)
determines a right topological boundary theory RA′ ,q for σ. Furthermore, the sandwich

(34) FA′ ,q := RA′ ,q ⊗σ Fe

is the 4-dimensional quantum field theory which is a twisted quotient by BA′ , as illustrated in
Figure 5. In the language of gauge theories, RA′ ,q ⊗σ Fe is a theory with gauge group H/A′ ; the
quadratic form determines topological terms in the action of that gauge theory.

Figure 5. The q-twisted quotient of F by BA′

Fix A′ , q. We investigate line defects in the theory RA′ ,q ⊗σ Fe. The computation is local, but
for ease of language assume given a 4-manifold M and a 1-dimensional submanifold C ⊂ M on
which we “wrap” defects. In the sandwich picture, these are defects supported on the 2-dimensional
submanifold [0, 1]×C ⊂ [0, 1]×M ; see Figure 6. The 1-category of line defects9 supported on C ⊂ M

is the inverse limit lim Hom 1, σ(Lϵ ) , where in the sandwich picture Lϵ is the Cartesian product
of [0, 1] and the linking 2-sphere of size ϵ of C ⊂ M at some p ∈ C. To compute σ on Lϵ ≈ [0, 1]×S 2 ,
cut along {1/2} × S 2 and so express σ(Lϵ ) as the 1-category

(35) Hom VA′ ,q , VFe (ϵ)
9The global statement on C is correct if the normal bundle to C ⊂ M is framed. In any case, it is the local
statement at a point of C that is our focus here.
12 D. S. FREED

between objects in the 2-category σ(S 2 ).10 Observe that VA′ ,q is topological—the top half-cylinder Γ
in Figure 6 lies in the domain of the topological field theory (σ, RA′ ,q )—so no lim is required. The
limit is required for VFe (ϵ), but the derivation of the selection rule (25) uses only the top half-
cylinder Γ, so we do not encounter the limit in the sequel.

Figure 6. The 1-category of line defects

Remark 36. This slicing of Lϵ is the maneuver that sequesters the topological computation from the
nontopological part of the theory. Such sequestration maneuvers on defects are what the sandwich
presentation of the theory make possible.

Next, we compute the 2-category σ(S 2 ) along which we factor in (35). From (29) we have

π0 Map(S 2 , B 2A) = H 2 (S 2 ; A) ∼

2 2 1 2

(37) π1 Map(S , B A) = H (S ; A) = 0
π2 Map(S 2 , B 2A) = H 0 (S 2 ; A) ∼


Therefore, according to (32) the quantization σ(S 2 ) of M is the 2-category of flat V-bundles
V → π≤2 M. The computation (37) implies that for each m ∈ π0 M we have a linear category V (m)
equipped with an action of π2 ∼
= A by automorphisms of the identity functor, hence V (m) decom-
poses as

e ∈ H 0 (S 2 ; A)∨ ∼
(38) V (m) = V (m,e) · e, = A∨ .

In the gauge theory context, m and e are called discrete magnetic and electric fluxes.
As preparation for the final step of the computation, fix a cocycle µq that represents the class in
H 4 (B 2A′ ; C× ) that corresponds to q under the isomorphism (33). Suppose f1 , f2 : S 2 → B 2A′ are
maps whose homotopy classes are m1 , m2 ∈ A′ , respectively. Then

(f1 × f2 )∗ (µq ) , [S 2 × S 2 ] = βq (m1 , m2 ),


Figure 7. The map G′ −→ G of 2-groupoids; see (42)

follows from an application of (27) with xi = fi∗ (ι), where ι ∈ H 2 (B 2A′ ; A′ ) is the tautological class.
Finally, we compute the value of (σ, RA′ ,q ) on the half-cylinder Γ in Figure 6; the result is an
L (m,e) 2 2 2
object VA′ ,q = m,e VA′ ,q · e in the 2-category σ(S ). Note that Γ is a morphism ∅ → S in
the bordism category; the RA′ ,q -coloring of the left boundary has the effect of “coning off” that
boundary component. Intuitively, Γ : ∅2 → S 2 is the bordism that computes the value of the
boundary theory RA′ ,q on S 2 . The semiclassical value of this bordism is the correspondence

Map(S 2 , B 2A′ ), τ 2 (µq )

p0 p1
| &
∗ Map(S 2 , B 2A)

in which the cocycle τ 2 (µq ) is the transgression of µq ; its cohomology class lies in H 2 Map(S 2 , B 2A′ ); C× .

Represent τ 2 (µq ) as a flat V-line bundle K → Map(S 2 , B 2A′ ). Formally, the quantization of Γ is

VA′ ,q = (p1 )∗ K ⊗ p∗0 (V) = (p1 )∗ (K),


where V → ∗ is the trivial V-line bundle. We compute (p1 )∗ (K) using the map

(42) G′ := π≤2 Map(S 2 , B 2A′ ) −−→ π≤2 Map(S 2 , B 2A) =: G

of fundamental 2-groupoids, as depicted in Figure 7. (Recall the homotopy groups (37) and the
fact that all k-invariants vanish. Hence we have strict models in which (42) is an inclusion.) Our
task is to compute the pushforward j∗ (K) → G of the V-line bundle K → G′ . First, it follows
from (39) that for m ∈ A′ , the action of π2 (G′ , m) ∼ = A′ on Km is via the character ϵq (m), where
recall the definition (24) of ϵq . Now since j induces an inclusion A′ ,→ A on π0 , it follows that
VA′ ,q = 0 if m ∈/ A′ . This proves the first of the selection rules (25). For the second, observe that
for m ∈ A′ , the pushforward of Km yields a V-module over G supported at m ∈ A′ ⊂ A on which
10To glue we must reverse the depicted arrow of time at the boundary of the top half-cylinder Γ. The finite
semisimplicity of σ(S 2 ) makes this a straightforward operation.
14 D. S. FREED

the action of π2 (G, m) ∼

= A is by the induced representation IndA

A′ ϵq (m) . The latter is the sum of
1-dimensional representations: characters of A that restrict to ϵq (m) on A′ appear with multiplicity
one. Therefore, the V-bundle VA′ ,q → G has support on A′ ⊂ A and the fiber at m ∈ A′ is a sum
of V-lines indexed by characters of A whose restriction to A′ is ϵq (m). It only remains to observe
that the inverse in the second selection rule in (25) is due to the fact that VA′ ,q is in the domain
of (35), so appears dualized.


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Department of Mathematics, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712

Email address: dafr@math.utexas.edu

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