DYNASTYRulebook 2020 V 3
DYNASTYRulebook 2020 V 3
DYNASTYRulebook 2020 V 3
2020 Edition
Michael Cieslinski
ISBN 0-9670323-2-6
Official Rulebook
DYNASTY League Baseball © 2020
DYNASTY Official League Rules.................10 Error ratings: Range from 5 to 100 in increments of 5,
with100 the highest possible fielding percentage.
Draft........................................................10-11 Throwing ratings for outfielders and catchers: Range
from -4 (performance ranking with best of all-time) to
Player Contracts....................................11-12 +4 (rock bottom).
DYNASTY League Baseball Official Rulebook © 2020
DYNASTY League Baseball Official Rulebook © 2020
Endurance: If a pitcher has a numerical Endurance Temperature, Sky and Precipitation: After you've
rating he is eligible to start a game. Pitchers with determined the month and whether the game is a
"Long" or "Short" Endurance ratings are eligible to day or night game, look down the column for the
pitch in relief. region you are playing in to find the number you
rolled and the corresponding Temperature/Sky/
Long relievers Endurance rating: 15 Precipitation results. If you are playing a day game
in Wrigley Field in July and you rolled #44, look under
Short relievers Endurance rating: 7 the GREAT LAKES REGION to find that conditions are
in the 80's with partly cloudy skies.
Designer's Note: After you've finished writing in your
lineup, it’s a strategic help to also write in each Check the Weather effects section at the top of the
teams bench and bullpen. WEATHER chart to see if there are any additional
adjustments or conditions ("Temperature", "Rain?" or
Rolling And Reading The Dice "Snow?").
If you take a look at the dice included with your
game, you'll notice that they are ten-sided percen- Wind Direction/Speed: Roll two dice and look in the
tile dice. The Defensive Manager rolls all three dice wind section of the ball park you are playing in.
to generate a number from 0-999. Read the dice in Checking the wind in Wrigley Field, if the # rolled is 98,
the order red, white and blue with the red die the wind is blowing from right to left at 20-29 mph.
representing the hundreds place, the white die
representing the tens place and the blue die Note weather conditions and adjustments on your
representing the ones place. If you roll a white 2, a scoresheet.
red 4 and a blue 3 the number is read as 423.
Meeting At Home Plate
Designer's Note: You might be asking why the Umpire Crews are rotated from series to series.
Defensive Manager rolls the dice instead of the Assign a different crew to each home team for the
Offensive Manager. One reason is that pitchers have first home series at the start of the season and rotate
the predominant influence on the pace of the game the crew by moving to the next numbered crew (N
— some working fast, others working more slowly #8 crews move to #1). Make sure to include only
and deliberately. The main reason though, is that just umpires from the league you are in when making the
like in real baseball the defense must commit first assignments. Check the UMPIRE CREW chart by
with moves like bringing the infield in, giving the having the home team roll two dice to determine the
offense the final strategic choice. As a general rule home plate umpire before each new series. The
the Offensive Manager should roll only for plays the umpire listed below the home plate umpire is the 1b
offense initiates such as Bunting, Stealing, Baserunner umpire, next is the 2b umpire and then the 3b
advancement when taking the extra base or Deep umpire. For each new game within each series,
Drive results. For plays on the INJURY chart roll for rotate the umpires clockwise. The 1b umpire
your own players and hope you won't do too much becomes the new home plate umpire. Write in the
damage! home plate umpire on your scoresheet.
DYNASTY League Baseball Official Rulebook © 2020
Play Ball Ground Out (?), Hard Ground Out (?), or Soft Ground Out (?):
Hitters cards: Roll all three dice. If the number is 0- indicates you should refer to the GROUND BALL
499, you'll find the result on the hitter's card. You'll BASERUNNER ADVANCEMENT chart. This chart is
need to look down the "vs. left" column if the batter is divided into sections depending on the base
facing a left-handed pitcher or down the "vs. right" situation and also into situations such as "hit and run"
column if the batter is facing a right-handed pitcher. and "infielder playing in". Pitcher and Catcher can’t
be moved in or back so they are always considered
Pitchers cards: The result will always be found on the back.
pitcher's card when the number is 500-999. You'll
need to look down the "vs. left" column if the pitcher Situation Key
is facing a left-handed batter or down the "vs. right" On each player card there is a coded situation key
column if the pitcher is facing a right-handed batter. between green "vs. Left" and "vs. Right" columns.
Situation key is your guide if more than one result
"vs. left" or "vs. right": Once you've located whether appears on a line.
the result is on the hitter's or pitcher's card and
whether to read down the "vs. left" or "vs. right" If more than one situation besides "Norm" applies, the
column you'll be able to read the result of the play situation furthest left in the key has priority.
right from the player card.
NOTE on H&R: When a H&R play is on, that situation
Sometimes more than one result may appear and result has priority over all other situations. In the case
you may need to check the situation to determine of a strikeout on a H&R play, the runner must always
which result to use. Most results are normal situations attempt to steal and incur the -3 steal adjustment on
easily identified by their blue color. all strikeout results in the game.
Off to either side of the result, you may have a There are nine possible situations that may occur:
position listed that corresponds to the fielder the ball
was hit to. For results vs. right-handers, use the Norm: Blue
position listed on the right side. For results vs. left- Occurs during a normal situation, which is any
handers, use the position listed on the left side. situation besides the other eight situations.
Base hits: Are indicated by 1B, 2B, 3B or HOME RUN.
NEW! Clutch: Red
Question marks: If a "?" follows a result, it indicates that
Occurs whenever tying or go-ahead run is on base or
you will need to go to a chart to determine the play result.
at bat from 8th inning on, or at anytime when there
are runners in scoring position with two outs.
Baserunner Advancement (?)
Baserunner advancement is listed after the play Clutch results are for hitters who perform especially
result and is found inside the parenthesis to the right well in clutch situations and are only used if hitter has
of the result. Parentheses always indicate baserun- "clutch" listed after his Situation rating. Situation
ner advancement. Question marks inside a paren- ratings are listed near the top of the left column of
thesis indicate an option to take the extra base. the hitter's and pitcher's cards. If hitter has "clutch"
listed after his Situation rating, you need to check the
For example, if the baserunner advancement was pitcher's Situation rating. If pitcher on mound has a
(2-H,1-3?), a runner on 2nd would come home to “jam” Situation rating listed, it cancels out the hitter's
score and a runner on 1st would advance to 2nd clutch rating and you would use the "Norm" result.
and have the option to try for 3rd by going to the
BASERUNNER ADVANCEMENT chart. To use this chart, NEW! Jam: Orange
make all applicable adjustments listed at the top of Occurs whenever tying or go ahead run is on base or
the BASERUNNER ADVANCEMENT chart to the players at bat from 8th inning on, or at anytime when there
Baserunning rating and roll two dice. are runners in scoring position with two outs.
Cut-off play option: If the defense decides not to Jam results are designed to be used for pitchers who
throw, they can use the cut-off play option found on are able to pitch themselves out of a jam. If the
the BASERUNNER ADVANCEMENT chart. pitcher has "jam" listed after his Situation rating, use
the orange "jam" results. You will need to check the
No parenthesis after hit: Assume a 1 base advance hitter's Situation rating to see if he has a clutch
for 1B and 2 base advance for 2B for all runners. On Situation rating listed. If the hitter has a "clutch"
occasion you may see (1) or (2), which indicates a 1 rating, it cancels out pitcher's “jam” rating and you
or 2 base advance. would use the "Norm" result. Pitchers who become
1B (?): Gives Offensive Manager choice of sending tired lose their “jam” rating for remainder of game.
lead runner two bases, instead of automatic one
base advance, by going to BASERUNNER ADVANCE- NEW! Super Tough JAM + rating
MENT chart. With runners on 1st and 2nd, Offensive JAM+ pitchers have additional situation ability in that
Manager may send both runners. Defensive Man- they use the RR grey situation STRIKEOUTS results
ager would then decide which runner to try to throw instead of blue normal situation 1B and 2B results on
out by going to BASERUNNER ADVANCEMENT chart. those two result lines in jam situations.
DYNASTY League Baseball Official Rulebook © 2020
NEW! Bringing reliever into the game not Infield Range?/Outfield Range?
warmed up injury risk Whenever you roll an Infield Range or Outfield Range
result, go to the RANGE chart to find the result of the
If you bring a reliever into a game who is not warmed
play. Check which direction the hitter tends to hit
up,”tired” situation status will include UMPIRE result the ball by looking at the Bats: section of his card.
injury check up until the pitcher is warmed up Roll two dice on the RANGE POSITION section of the
chart to find out where the ball has been hit. Use the
DYNASTY League Baseball Official Rulebook © 2020
Holding runners: Runners on 1st are always consid- Short relief maximum number of IP: 4 IP
ered to be held unless the Defensive Manager If all other pitchers have been used and you are
indicates otherwise. If a runner is not held, he gets a forced to use a pitcher beyond the maximum
"Good jump — attempts" result. number of IP, the rest requirement is 4 days.
Pitchers Lead rating: Lead rating for pitchers is always 1.
Bullpen Warm-Up Rule
Pitcher Batting Prior to entering the game, relief pitchers must be
On the Bats/Card section of each Pitcher card is the properly warmed up. Pitchers may only warm-up
side the pitcher bats from and if he is a pull or spray twice during a game. If a pitcher is not used during
hitter along with the pitcher batting card # and his second warm-up, he must use the tired situation
Power rating. results if he enters the game. Relief pitchers may not
enter the game unless they have warmed up for two
NEW! Pitchers must have at least 45 AB to be used as batters or the pitcher on the mound is ejected or
a pinch hitter. When facing a pitcher batting, who injured. The break between half innings counts as
has less than 45 ABs, pitcher on mound uses the JAM one batter. Two pitchers may warm up at the same
situation in all situations even if the pitcher on the time. When a pitcher starts warming up the half
mound does not have a JAM situation rating. inning prior to or during the time when his team takes
the field defensively, the duration of his warm-up lasts
Bunting until the side is retired.
If the Offensive Manger decides to bunt, he does so
as the pitcher rolls the dice. This prevents the RR: Grey or Strikethru Optional Player Rest/Rust Rules
Defensive Manager from changing the depth of the Rest/Rust results reflect deterioration of hitting skills
infield (in or back). Roll two dice on the BUNT chart from being tired or rusty. Also used for JAM+ pitchers.
and refer to the result key. You can Bunt for a Hit by
calling out your intentions only when the bases are Offensive Rest
empty. Use the special "Bunt for a Hit results". 1) After 6 innings of catching, with temperatures in the 90's.
2) Catchers who catch more than 12 innings in 1 day.
Injury 3) Day game following night game: Catchers
If you are required to check for injury, go to the playing in a day game if they played more than 5
INJURY chart and roll two dice using the player's innings the previous night.
Durability rating to determine the duration of the injury. 4) Players who've played in the field for 5 consecu-
Designer's Note: DYNASTY League Baseball is designed to tive games without a day off, with temperatures in
reflect both frequency and length of injuries. It's sometimes the 80's or 90's.
thought that if you're not playing a 162 game schedule,
length of injuries should be reduced based on the % of the Offensive Rust
season you're playing. Keep in mind injuries are part of When a player does not make an official plate
baseball. If a line drive off your ace pitcher breaks his leg, appearance for 10 consecutive days he gets rusty at
he's not going to heal any faster because your season is bat. Player loses rust after first game back. This
shorter. Also remember if the length of injury is reduced, a includes players coming back from an injury, but not
short season makes the chance of being injured less likely. players called up from the minors.
In order to balance out the adjustment of decreasing the
length of injury, the frequency of injury must be increased. Defensive Rest: Catcher
That can't be done without changing the playing charts. 1) After 6 defensive innings of catching a game in the 90's.
The bottom line is the most realistic way to play is to not 2) Catchers catching 7 consecutive games must use
the rest adjustments starting with the 8th consecu-
reduce injury length.
tive game played and continue with these playing
reductions until they are rested defensively for a full game.
Required Pitcher Rest 3) Catchers catching more than 12 innings per day.
Starter Short relief Long relief Use the catcher defensive rest adjustments below:
IP Days Rest IP Days Rest IP Days Rest •Catcher's Passed Ball rating is reduced by 2 grades.
0-2 2 0-1 0* 0-2 0** •Catcher's Error rating reduced by 30.
2.1-3.2 3 1.1-2 0** 2.1-3 1 •Catcher's Throwing rating increased by 2.
4-9 3*** 2.1-3 1 3.1-4 2 •Catcher's must use the RR situation results.
>9 4 3.1-4 2 4.1-7 3
>7 4 Defensive Rust
Occurs when a player doesn't play in the field for 15
*Maximum appearances in 4 consecutive days: 3 consecutive games. This includes players coming
Note: Short and Long relief pitcher’s Endurance back from an injury, but not players called up from
rating is reduced to 4 if pitching in 2nd consecutive the minors. Player gets rusty and must reduce E
day and reduced to 1 on 3rd consecutive day of rating by 30 for first game back in the field.
** Maximum appearances in 3 consecutive days: 2
*** Starting Pitchers Endurance ratings are reduced
by 7 if pitching on 3 days rest.
DYNASTY League Baseball Official Rulebook © 2020
DYNASTY League Baseball Official Rulebook © 2020
DYNASTY League Baseball Official Rulebook © 2020
Ex: If you signed Don Mattingly originally for $30, League Secretary responsibilities:
and upon entering the 4th year of his contract, 1) Draft day
you decided to give him a 3 year guaranteed a) Running total of money remaining for each
contract. His salary would be $45 [$30 + (3 yrs. x team
$5)] for years 4, 5 and 6. b) Auctioneer of players
2) Award ceremony
TRADING: 3) Second in line of succession for Commissioner
Trading can occur at anytime except for the
following exceptions: POST SEASON PLAY
Team with best record plays at home for games 1-2
1) Between trade deadline and end of season. and 6-7 if necessary. Two off days are included after
Trading deadline is July 31, 12 Midnight. It's a the end of the Regular season and after the end of
great idea to organize outing and bill it as a the Playoffs (if applicable) prior to the World Series.
trade meeting on July 31. Going to a baseball Each series also includes an off day for travel after
game is ideal - you can talk trade all night. games 2 and 5. Assume 20 game season to deter-
Remember to report trades to Commissioner. mine game availability and usage for 7 game series
and 15 game season for 5 game series.
2) Once draft list of eligible players is submitted
for current draft and continuing through end of PLAYER ETIQUETTE OF LEAGUE MEMBERS
draft. Win or lose, keep things in perspective and be a
good sport. One of the things you should not do is
EXPANSION AND NEW FRANCHISE OWNERS: play for money, it only encourages cheating and
Whenever a new owner takes over a team he has arguments. One of the worst things you can do as a
the choice of taking the team "as is" or releasing his league member, is to fail to contact your opponent
entire team into the free agent pool. The new owner well in advance if you can't make a league series. If
will have $300 to use to bid on free agents in the you have a dispute, try to settle it using the fairest
Regular phase of the draft should he decide to and most realistic solution to actual baseball.
release his entire team.
MOVEMENT OF A FRANCHISE 1) Can't find enough players to get started or
Owners may not move franchises to a new city or replacement players to continue league.
ballpark. The stability of league will be improved by 2) Schedule too demanding and season never
not having franchises pick up and leave every year. finishes
3) Cheating, disputes and arguments.
RAINOUTS 4) Lack of parity- League rules allows best teams
Are considered as an off-day, with a double header to lock away and hoard talent indefinitely.
scheduled the next day.
SECRETARY play a 162 game season over a 6 month period. The
The most important attributes of a Commissioner are DYNASTY League Baseball Online version makes it
the ability to get along with people, flexibility and much easier to run a league especially when it
patience, yet be able to earn the respect of the comes to a 162 game season where the computer
league members. manager profile can take over for series that are not
played when people may get busy during season.
Responsibilities of a Commissioner:
1) League schedule DYNASTY League Baseball schedule format is
2) Recruitment of members designed to simulate a pennant race, but all months
3) Creation and distributionof league reports (1 per are used when setting up schedule.
4) Settling disputes DYNASTY League Baseball Facebook group has
5) Overseeing the operation of the league schedule files in Excel format in FILES section which
can be entered into Commissioner’s schedule builder
Responsibilities of a Co-Commissioner: tool for Private Leagues.
1) Rosters
2) First in line of succession for Commissioner Designer's Note: It's been my philosophy to try to get
3) Draft day duties: as much enjoyment out of process of playing each
a) Creation of list of players available for the and every game and avoid playing the game just to
draft crunch numbers to look at when you are finished.
b) updating of rosters and draft list during the
draft Make up games that you miss ASAP by contacting
your opponent and making arrangements to play.
The schedule runs from Opening Day in March just to
the last day of the regular season in October.
DYNASTY League Baseball Official Rulebook © 2020
SCHEDULE BREAKDOWN BY NUMBER OF TEAMS If injuries or ejections leave you with no players who
Organization Teams per Series in Series out Games per can play a position, the most logical player (players
(# of teams) League League** of League* Team who have played the position before in their careers,
3 (1 League) 8 0 48 infielders playing other infield positions, etc.) is used
4 (1 League) 6 0 54 for the remainder of the series and is assigned the
5 (1 League) 4 0 48 worst possible defensive ratings. This situation must
6 (1 League) 4*** 0 50 be remedied after the series either by a call-up from
8 4 4 2 52 a teams Minor league, trade or acquiring a “scrub”
10 5 2** 2** 54 player left over from the draft.
12 6 2 2 54
16 8**** 2 0 42 In extra innings, a pitcher may play the outfield or
20 10**** 2 0 54 infield for one batter using the worst possible
24 12**** 2***** 0 54 defensive ratings if the manager wants to make a
double switch and bring in a new pitcher for one
* vs. each team out of league, "2 game series" batter and keep the current pitcher in the game.
** vs. each team in league, "3 game series"
*** 2 "3 game series" and 2 "2 game series"
**** 2 Divisions per league
*****"3 game series" in Division, "2 game series"
outside Division
Prior to each game you must determine your 25 man
DYNASTY League Baseball Official Rulebook © 2020
American site: DH National site: pitcher bats Cin 5 at Bos 10 Det 5 at NY 7 Chi A 5 at SD 4 (14)
Cin 2 at Bos 1 Det 0 at NY 7 Chi A 7 at SD 3
Are made out at the end of each month starting at StL 4 at Chi A 2 Chi N 0 at Mil 7
the end of April. These reports will be available StL 6 at Chi A 0 Chi N 3 at Mil 4
through the following month and will be available at
each league meeting. Remember to bring your July 12
scoresheets from at least the two previous series to Bos 2 at NY 11 StL 6 at Det 5 Cin 7 at Min 15
each meeting in order to check on pitcher availabil- Bos 3 at NY 4 StL 3 at Det 5 Cin 6 at Min 5
ity. Report all injuries and the game number that the
player was injured ASAP to the Commissioner's office. SAMPLE EXCEL LEAGUE ROSTER
Board game leagues should make keeping statistics Total $ spent: $291 Team: St. Louis
optional. It is useful for teams to keep statistics, but
requiring them to be kept and turned into the PITCHERS $ Contract Year
League office will be difficult for both league Gibson, Bob 46 2-4
members and the Commissioner to keep up with. Carlton, Steve 37 2-4
Osteen, Claude 29 3-4
DYNASTY League Baseball Online tracks statistics, Hoerner, Joe 10 4-4
leaders, game logs and standings in real time. Raymond, Claude 1 4-4
Grant, Mudcat 1 1-4
Designer's Note: Small leagues of 6 or less may be Arrigo, Jerry 1 1-4
able to make keeping statistics mandatory. Singer, Bill 8 1-4
Abernathy, Ted 1 1-4
PENNANT RACE SCENARIO Thigpen, Bobby 1 1-4
This is a great way to play for one player, two players
and even larger groups. Each player manages his CATCHERS
favorite team down the stretch picking up the McCarver, Tim 2 1-4
season for the final month. This always leads to red- Bocabella, John 1 1-4
hot finishes as you re-live most exciting part of the Didier, Bob 1 1-4
season. If you and a friend played the great 1993 Dyer, Duffy 1 1-4
San Francisco-Atlanta pennant race, one player
would manage Atlanta and the other San Francisco. INFIELDERS
If a series is scheduled that does not include both McCovey, Willie 32 3-4
teams, the manager whose team wasn't included Torre, Joe 20 4-4
takes over for the opposing team. For example, if an Beckert, Glenn 17 3-4
Atlanta vs. Pittsburgh series is scheduled, the San Maxvill, Dal 3 3-4
Francisco Manager would manage as the Pittsburgh Ruiz, Chico 1 3-4
Manager and try to knock off San Francisco to gain Lefebvre, Jim 1 1-4
ground in pennant race for his Atlanta team.
SAMPLE REPORT Aaron, Hank 31 3-4
Brock, Lou 26 4 AR 5 (guaran-
SNBL ’92 REPORT #3 August 28, 1992
teed contract with automatic release in 5th year)
STANDINGS Johnson, Alex 10 3-4
A W L PCT GB Tolan, Bobby 8 3-4
Minnesota 19 13 .594 - Gaston, Cito 2 1-4
Milwaukee 17 13 .567 1
Boston 16 13 .552 1.5 MINORS
Detroit 11 19 .367 7 P Bouton, Jim 0 1-2
Chicago 7 20 .259 9.5 P Mikkelsen, Pete 0 1-2
C Torborg, Jeff 0 1-2
N W L PCT GB IF Davanon, Jerry 0 1-2
New York 26 9 .743 -
Chicago 23 8 .742 1 BUYOUTS
St. Louis 19 13 .594 5.5 None
Cincinnati 13 17 .433 10.5
San Diego 6 30 .167 20.5
MINNESOTA traded Cesar Tovar and Jim Perry to
DETROIT for Bill Freehan and Mickey Stanley
DYNASTY League Baseball Official Rulebook © 2020
Bob Kaplan
Reede Stockton
Jeff (Kamikazee) Moylan
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Jeff and Norman Blumberg
As I reflect on the immense effort of this project, I am Michael Mitrione
reminded that Dynasties are not created with just Jack Aiello
one star. It takes a team effort to win consistently Bill and Dolly Moylan
and perform at the highest level. Truly great perfor- Robert Long
mance is created by truly great teams. Here are Carole Sappington
some of the many contributors: Ted Robinson
Paul Molitor
To Lead Programmer Jamie Hall who never ceases to Julian Chechatka
amaze me with his knowledge, intelligence, work Drew, Justin, Joshua and Jordan Barnard
ethic, ability to get things done and overall brillance. Tom Burke
If there is a Greatest Team of software developers Dan Treuden
you belong on it Jamie. A special thank you for Jamie Hall
making DYNASTY League Baseball Online a reality
and better than I ever could have dreamed. This is the most talented team of people I have ever
worked with and it shows. The design goals for
To Lead Programmer Dan Mintz who has been in the DYNASTY League Baseball were very ambitious.
lineup for all 162 games of the season. Dan, you are These people demonstrated the faith that nothing
the Cal Ripken Jr. of DYNASTY League Baseball. was impossible and rose to the challenge. This is the
Dan's leadership, insight, knowledge and tenacity stuff Dynasties are made of...
have been invaluable.
Enjoy the game!
To Programmer Reede Stockton who is DYNASTY
League Baseball's MVP (Most Valuable Programmer). Michael Cieslinski
Reede's state of the art programming of the player
card generation program still has me buzzing.