Các Lo I Móng - Technology For Offshore Wind Turbines
Các Lo I Móng - Technology For Offshore Wind Turbines
Các Lo I Móng - Technology For Offshore Wind Turbines
A selective and incomplete review of the status of the development of offshore
wind turbines is given. The main focus is on state of the art and emerging
solutions, and emphasis is on solutions for deep water.
Keywords: offshore wind turbines, deep water, floating wind turbines, truss
1 Introduction
1.1 General
The world consumption of oil and gas is increasing by about 2% each year, in
recent years mainly due to economic growth in Asia, while new hydrocarbon
resources are not found in sufficient quantities to keep up with this apparent
ever-increasing demand. Some experts argue that we are at or close to ‘peak oil’,
i.e. that the all-time maximum production rate has been reached. If that is correct
oil prices will have to rise until oil consumption matches the slowly decreasing
oil availability. The necessary strategy to cope with this new situation should
probably combine energy conservation with increased energy production from
non-petroleum sources. Among the alternative sources are oil tar sands, coal, and
nuclear energy, but the two former would cause severe environmental problems,
while the latter among other factors has security implications. Wind energy is
probably a better alternative, since in good locations energy from wind turbines
can be produced at prices that are competitive in today’s energy market, even
before factoring in their environmental benefits. The problem is that in order to
contribute significantly to the energy balance extensive wind park developments
are required and then public acceptance becomes uncertain. Therefore offshore
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96 Fluid Structure Interaction and Moving Boundary Problems IV
wind turbines built out of sight from land offer a very attractive alternative,
provided the costs are not too high.
As of now the price for energy from offshore turbines is roughly the double of
the price from landbased turbines. However, the developers have up to now just
moved the landbased solutions offshore, even though the conditions differ
considerably. Road transportation imposes severe limitations on the size of
landbased turbines, while no such limits exist under offshore conditions.
Foundation solutions will be different on land and offshore, and installation may
also be done in radically different and possibly less expensive ways. Access for
maintenance and repair will be more costly in an ocean environment, but the
penalty per kWh will be less the larger each turbine is. Offshore hookup to the
electrical net is more costly (per turbine), while visual appearance is nearly
irrelevant, if the site is far enough from shore. Accordingly optimal solutions are
expected to be different from today’s solutions, and the optimal turbine size
would for example probably be larger.
Landbased wind turbine towers usually have conical steel towers, so-called
tubular towers. This shape is chosen mostly for reason of aesthetics, and is not
expected to give minimal tower costs. For moderately large wind turbines the
cost penalty for the use of this type of tower is moderate, since the manufacturers
over time have developed very efficient production apparatuses for them.
However, there is a clear trend toward other solutions for the largest turbines.
Thus Enercon uses prefab concrete for their E-82, which may have a hub height
of up to 108 m, and in-situ cast concrete for their largest turbine, the 4.5 MW
E-112, which has a hub height of 124 m. The company SeeBA claims the tallest
wind turbine tower in the world with their lattice tower of 160 m hub height.
This particular tower is erected on a site which has moderately strong wind, so
the rated power is a modest 2.5 MW. The REpower 5M is at present among the
turbine models with the highest rated power, namely 5 MW. REpower offers the
following tower solutions: (a) steel tubular, (b) concrete and (c) concrete/steel
hybrid towers. The hub heights are 100-120 m for onshore sites, and 90 m for
offshore sites. The Multibrid M5000, which has a rated power of 5 MW, will be
further described under offshore turbines.
Rotors on landbased wind turbines are most often of a three-bladed upwind
configuration in which the blades are of glass fibre reinforced plastics. However,
there has also been interest in use of the stronger and stiffer carbon fibres for
parts of the blades. A three-stage gearbox is used in 80-85% of modern wind
turbines, while so-called direct drive is used for the remainder. Enercon uses
electromagnets while Scanwind has chosen to use permanent magnets. The
durability of the gear boxes is often considered to be problematic, while the
direct drive solutions implemented so far are quite heavy. This is due to the large
diameter required on a slowly rotating rotor to accommodate the large number of
coils required to generate sufficiently high frequency alternating current. (Hybrid
solutions are also possible, as will be seen later in conjunction with Multibrid
M5000). Offshore and onshore wind turbines can use the same solutions for the
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rotor and the unit on top of the tower (‘nacelle’), but as mentioned earlier,
different conditions e.g. as regards accessibility may lead to different choices for
the two cases.
The foundations in soft soil are usually made by excavating a large volume,
and then filling it with reinforced concrete. On solid rock sites e.g. in Norway,
solutions with anchors in holes drilled directly in the rocky subsurface are
There is a penalty by increasing the size of a wind turbine. Simply put, one is
harvesting energy from an area, while building a volume, and if one assumes that
all dimensions increase in the same proportion (‘geometric similarity’) then the
volumes increase as length scale cubed, while the areas increase as length scale
squared. The assumption that all dimensions should increase in the same
proportion is correct as long as the wind loading on the rotor is the dominating
force, but when the dominant loading is self weight the growth of weight as a
function of length scale will be even faster, see e.g. Moe [4]. A mitigating effect
is that the mean wind velocity increases with height, so that a taller wind turbine
will experience stronger wind. The simplest model for wind profiles, which
unfortunately is rather inaccurate, says that the mean wind velocity increases as
height to the power 1/7 = 0.14, so that the increase of power production with
length scale s will be
s 2 ( s 0.14 ) = s 2.42
The wind profiles at the location of the rotor of large wind turbines will usually
be considerably steeper than this, however. Thus data collected by Garrad
Hassan, and published by EWEA (2004) indicate that the average increase of
power production as a function of length scale is proportional to s2.23 for the
larger wind turbines. This means that the weight per kWh depends on the length
scale as
s 3 s 2.23 = s 0.77
i.e. this ratio increases as length scale to the power 0.77. For example by
doubling the turbine height the weight per kWh will increase by a factor of
22.23 = 1.70 . Or, more realistically, if the length scale is increased by 20% then
the turbine weight per kWh will increase by 15%. If focus is shifted to a wind
park, instead of just considering a single wind turbine, then the power production
per unit area is to the first approximation the same: the distances in both
directions in the horizontal plane must increase in proportion to the length scale.
For the Horns Rev wind park a distance of 7 rotor diameters in both directions
has been used, see Soerensen et al. [8]. That resulted in power production of
about 88% of what would be the case if there were no wake effects, i.e. if there
were no reduction of the incoming flow due to upstream turbines. Again, for a
given park area, large wind turbines will produce more, since the rotor will be at
a higher altitude, and according to the above this will amount to s0.23, i.e. by a
doubling of the height the power production will increase by about 17%.
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98 Fluid Structure Interaction and Moving Boundary Problems IV
Or more realistically, a 20% larger length scale yields about 4.3% more power
for a given park area. Thus for a 20% larger length scale the power production
increases by 50%, while the turbine weight increases by 73%. In addition, the
fact that there are fewer turbines for a given park size will diminish the loss due
to park wake effects, but probably only by a small amount, unless the number of
turbines in each row in the wind direction becomes small.
Another negative effect of increasing size is that the angular velocity of the
rotor decreases. To a first approximation the velocity at the tip of the blades will
be the same for all rotors, while the length of the periphery of the rotor disc of
course increases linearly with length scale. Thus the angular velocity of the rotor
and (low-velocity) shaft will be proportional to the inverse of the length scale, so
that the necessary gearing ratio will increase linearly with turbine length scale.
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Fluid Structure Interaction and Moving Boundary Problems IV 99
Offshore wind turbines may be of two kinds, namely based on either floaters
or bottom-fixed units, and the conditions vary considerably between the two.
The foundations for bottom-fixed offshore turbines depend on turbine size, water
depth and soil conditions, to mention what probably are the most important
parameters. In Schaumann et al. [5], as part of a paper on wind turbine structures,
is given a list and a short discussion of foundation alternatives. That paper is
published in German in a well known structures journal. For those who cannot
read German a short résumé of the same can be found in Schaumann et al
(2004b). Both these papers and several others can be downloaded directly from
the internet site www.gigawind.de. In Byrne and Houlsby (2006) a similar list is
given, but the item ‘suction bucket’ is now split in two, namely a ‘suction
caisson’ which represents a single foundation for the entire wind turbine, i.e. an
alternative to monopile or gravity foundations, and ‘suction piles’ which are
buckets installed to support the legs of tripods or jackets (the term ‘suction pile’
is not used by Byrne and Houlsby). A slightly modified combination of the two
lists of foundation solutions is as follows:
• Monopile
• Gravity foundation
• Suction caisson
• Piles
• Suction piles
• Tension piles
The monopile foundation has a slightly smaller diameter than the tubular tower
that it supports, and is therefore quite wide and can be difficult to drive or drill to
a satisfactory depth. After installation the monopile foundation will usually not
be perfectly vertical, but using a pile-sleeve connection with a sufficiently large
annulus, the monotower can be adjusted to a vertical position and then fixed
there by grouting in the annulus. The strength of grouting connections has been
studied extensively and is claimed to be satisfactory for such applications.
The gravity foundations at the shallow water Middelgrunden wind park
consist of a 17 m wide concrete base kept in place by gravitation forces and
protected from scour by extensive rock fill around the periphery. The base and
the lower part of the structure is in one concrete piece, reinforced with tension
cables, and have the form of a candlestick into which the turbine tower is
mounted by grouting. Gravity foundations for large volume offshore oil
structures are equipped with a skirt that may penetrate rather deep into the
seafloor, and penetration is often assisted by underpressure. During installation
this solution may thus be considered as a ‘suction caisson’, in the terminology
introduced herein. In a patented solution for wind turbine offshore foundations
water jets of carefully controlled strength at the pile rim are used to facilitate soil
penetration in hard sediments. Suction caissons are suction buckets representing
a single cylindrical volume to which underpressure is applied. That means that
the moment from the thrust force must be carried by shear stresses along the
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Fluid Structure Interaction and Moving Boundary Problems IV 101
slender members lead to less wave loading. Another advantage is that the tower
substructure unit is somewhat stiffer, so that for this turbine the dynamic
amplification effects were reduced. It is also interesting to see that vibrations at
one of the natural frequencies of the blades excited a group of braces in the
quatropod at resonance, giving large local motions and stresses. The authors
concluded that a detailed integrated dynamic analysis of the full wind turbine
was necessary, in order to find such local dynamic problems and remedy them
by a slight design change. For the Beatrice wind turbines also a specially
designed Emergency Response Intervention Craft (ERIC) has been developed to
transfer people to and from the turbine, see www.beatricewind.co.uk. The
turbines are built adjacent to an oil production platform, which can be used as a
base for maintenance and repair personnel. The owner will run the demonstrator
turbines for a test period of five years. Then an evaluation will be made, which
may lead to a dismantling of the two turbines, or an expansion to a full
commercial park of up to 200 turbines
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102 Fluid Structure Interaction and Moving Boundary Problems IV
One idea that to the authors’ knowledge has not yet been developed fully is the
use of a truss type structure for the entire offshore tower. A student project was
therefore run, in which a truss tower was designed to replace the so-called
NRELOffshrBsline5 MW tubular tower. Its general characteristics are described
in Table 1. Some more information about this tower may be found on
Rating 5 MW
IEC 61400-3 (Offshore) Class 1B / Class 6
Wind Regime
Rotor Orientation Upwind
Control Variable Speed Collective Pitch
Rotor Diameter / Hub Diameter 126m / 3m
Hub Height 90m
Maximum Rotor / Generator Speed 12.1rpm / 1173.7rpm
Maximum Tip Speed 80m/s
Overhang / Shaft Tilt / Precone 5m / 5º / -2.5º
Rotor Mass 110,000kg
Nacelle Mass 240,000kg
Tower Mass 347,460kg
National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) Buoy
Reference Site
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The resulting overall (integrated) tower mass is 347 500 kg and its center of
gravity is on the tower centerline at 38.234 m above the still water level. This
result follows directly from the overall tower height of 87.6 m.
The calculation model for the turbine tower is a cantilever beam clamped at
the sea floor, see Figure 2. The most important loading for turbine towers is the
wind loads, and notably the rotor thrust loading. A maximum value of roughly
700 kN is found in the figure of thrust loads versus wind speed in the above
mentioned NREL report on NRELOffshrBsline5 MW. Considering the
possibility of horizontal loadings from other factors the thrust load has been
increased to 800 kN in the present analysis.
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104 Fluid Structure Interaction and Moving Boundary Problems IV
There are as of now no floating offshore wind turbines that are ready for mass
production, but prototype testing may be getting close.
The purpose of the structure for a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) is
to support the rotor in a position well above the ground, and to resist the loading
that is generated during operation. Therefore turbine structures tend to be
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Fluid Structure Interaction and Moving Boundary Problems IV 105
relatively slender towers. Also, since the wind can come from any direction,
these towers must have no significant protrusions on either side, and guy cables
are usually avoided. The rotor is on the upwind side on most existing HAWTs, to
minimize the influence of the tower on the wind field at the rotor. Then the rotor
blades must be made stiff, to avoid collisions with the tower. To help in this
respect, the rotor is often mounted on an inclined axis so that the lower part of
the rotor slopes away from the tower, and often also the blades are given a
curvature away from the tower. A drawback of this is that the centrifugal forces
then introduce a bending moment at the root of the blade that adds to the moment
from the thrust force. For floaters the problem of keeping the rotor facing the
wind becomes somewhat more difficult, since the mooring lines usually will
provide insufficient stiffness for rotations about a vertical axis. Therefore for
floaters often downwind rotors are considered, since they are stable under
shifting wind, and it is argued that a much smaller yawing mechanism is needed.
However Hywind (see later) uses an upwind rotor and mooring by three lines
that split in two parts near the turbine, so called ‘crow legs’.
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106 Fluid Structure Interaction and Moving Boundary Problems IV
are positioned at least 150 m above the center of buoyancy and in present
designs typically weigh at least 350 tonnes for a 5 MW unit. Reduced top weight
would accordingly be extremely valuable for this type of floaters. One promising
concept for reduction of top weight by roughly 50% is presented by the small
Norwegian firm ChapDrive AS, which uses hydraulic power transmission. Then
the shaft in the nacelle drives a pump, which via a hydraulic line drives a
hydraulic motor at the bottom of the tower. Small scale experiments indicate that
the efficiency for this system is as high as for a mechanical gear box. Patents are
pending and large scale testing is in progress. Also the non-metallic direct drive
generators mentioned before, may be an alternative.
Jonkman and Sclavounos [3] and Wayman et al [10] present 3 types of
floating offshore turbines, see Figure 4. Professor Sclavounos recommends the
second alternative in this figure, the tension leg platform with suction piles, as
the preferable alternative. The company Hydro has studied a version of the first
alternative, the ballast stabilized turbine, see http://www.hydro.com/
en/press_room/news/archive/2005_11/hywind_en.html .
They have conducted tests in the Marintek ocean basin in Trondheim, and are
planning to start a demonstration project in 2007. The lower part of their
structure is planned to be a 120 m tall cylinder in concrete. The wind turbine is
planned to be completed near land and towed to the site where it will be moored
by three sturdy cables. During production active pitch control will be used to
minimize motions, and in the process also to harvest energy from the waves.
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3 Conclusions
[1] B W Byrne, G T Houlsby, ”Assessing novel foundation options for
offshore wind turbines”, World Maritime Technology Conference,
London March 2006, http://www-civil.eng.ox.ac.uk/people/bwb/papers/
[2] EWEA: “The facts”, CD distributed at the EWEC 2004 conference,
London 2004
[3] J M Jonkman, P D Sclavounos, “Development of fully coupled aeroelastic
and hydrodynamic models of offshore wind turbines”, Presented at the
2006 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Reno, Nevada, January 10-12,
2006, also available at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy06osti/39066.pdf
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108 Fluid Structure Interaction and Moving Boundary Problems IV
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